>>10 Hm, well if you want me to nitpick more... "writing English" isn't too bad, although I think "writing in English" comes a little more naturally to me. "writing English" could also mean the physical act of writing English letters, although there's really no ambiguity here.
I don't like the "what I wrote." If you put it in past tense, it ceases to be a general statement. Your sentence just says, it's hard for you to understand this one specific thing that I wrote in the past. So that verb should be in the present. "It's hard for you to understand what I write," is a general statement that applies to everything >>3 writes, not just one thing.
>>13 I'm not very good at writing in English, so I'm sorry if this is hard to understand. I had a lot of fun talking to you today. If you wouldn't mind, I'd love to meet and talk to you again on your day off this week or next. Would that be possible?
Aaand I'm going to catch a few hours of sleep. 'Night guys.
Using the phrases "i LOVE to..." and "i would LOVE to..." by old male person (around 30y/o) is strange to native speakers? Isn't it too pretty or feminine?? XD
>>23 One of the women I met at a matchmaking party the other day was a nightmare. It was OK to be short. But she was pushy and just talking about herself. Then I got perfect understanding of "me person" in English. She was the one. Her huge nose really pissed me off. I could have had a lot of chances to talk with other women, if she hadn't made a move on me.
>>28 I have no way of paying my membership fee because I have not received my bill yet. I would appreciate it if you would send me a bill by mail as soon as possible. Or is it possible to tell me what to do by e-mail? I would like to pay by Paypal. Your quick response will be greatly appreciated.
>>30 Thank you for your reply. I would like to order the item I found in the following URL: ... I have two questions. First, I would like to know the amount of shipping and handling. Second, I would like to know how to complete payment. Would you please Inform me if I mistake the meaning of your e-mail.
>>34 May I have a picture taken with you as a memory? Would you have a picture taken with me as a memory?
>>36 It is difficult to let you know how the items are actually because we have only images on this web site. So you will find that the items are not exactly the same as how you expected before you have them.
Thank you for your reply. I'd like to order this item on the website at the folloing URL. [URL] Please let me know how much shipping will cost and what are the payment options you offer. I'm sorry if I misread your reply.
>>43 > 私の母は私が出演する番組の時間帯が深夜に > 変更されてからは夜更かしをして観ています。 Ever since the TV program I regularly appear in was moved to a late-night slot, she always stays up late to watch it.
In my opinion, this vehicle can help alleviate the above-mentioned problems people in the modern world are facing, and it should be brought to the attention of the general public.
>>30 Hm... First, I think it should be "stays up late to watch." That's closer to the intent of the original Japanese, that she stays up late for the purpose of watching the show (and not just a simple statement that she stays up late and watches TV). I'm assuming the guy's only on one show, so "TV program" (singular). Although no one ever says TV program in America, we say TV show. Having that "which" in there is way too stiff for this sentence. Sounds like it came right out of a textbook. Also, should be "late-night" instead of midnight (unless it's actually airing at midnight). And I think "ever since" is better than "after" in this sentence. So the whole thing would be something like: My mother stays up late to watch the TV show I'm on ever since it was shifted to a late-night slot.
I would say "it got shifted" but that's just a colloquial thing.
As for your other question, I can't give you a definitive answer. It really depends on the person, and what he's saying. There are some cases where it's perfectly natural to use it, and some where it might sound kind of gay...
>>81 XD Oh god, it's so true. Ah well, to be honest I find myself doing it too when I'm over there. Although in my case it's more the, "Oh fuck I don't really understand what you're saying but I'll just smile at you" kind of grin.
>>83 Feel free to tell me I'm full of shit if you think I'm wrong, but I think Japanese has a little more leeway in terms of this. Like you've got a little more room, a slightly larger margin to work in, in terms of how exactly you phrase things (in Japanese). It's not *as* easy to say things that are blatantly awkward or bizarre. English seems to me a lot harder to get a feel for.
>>92 Utah? Have they done something stupid recently? The news has been all over that polygamous sect in Texas that got raided. This country is so fucked up, I swear. So many people who are batshit insane.
>>93 Eh, does 点検号機 mean like... the particular 冷凍機 that's going to be inspected?
>>96 To be honest I was thinking it'd be really cool to set up a time/place when anyone who was interested could come and chat with me in English for a while, if they wanted... But I guess you never know, some crazy dude might come and stab me. Plus I don't think you folks are too crazy about meeting people from online. Well, there's a lot of people like that in America too, I guess. And I fucking hate the news. I *hate* it. They talk about the stupidest shit, and they don't report on anything that matters. It's not their fault; it's our fault, for not giving a shit in the first place. But still...
>>98 Utah? Georgia?! Even *I* would never go there! Why would you go to the parts of America with the most rednecks... Well, I'm sorry you ran into some assholes. I'll tell you a funny story, I was walking home from high school one day when a decently hot Japanese guy in a convertible who was driving by stops his car next to me. Turns out he needed directions. He was trying to ask how to get to "Laury's Steak House." And well, you can imagine how hard that was for him to pronounce... XD After two or three tries I finally understood what he was trying to say. I didn't know how to get there so I called my friend, then drew him a map with directions in Japanese. When he saw it he went like O_O and said, "You can speak Japanese?" And I was like, "Just a little..." (This was all in English.) I hope he made it to his restaurant... He had a cute accent.
>>84 Feel free to tell me I'm full of shit if you think I'm wrong, but I think Japanese has a little more leeway in terms of this. Like you've got a little more room, a slightly larger margin to work in, in terms of how exactly you phrase things (in Japanese). It's not *as* easy to say things that are blatantly awkward or bizarre. English seems to me a lot harder to get a feel for.
LとRが入ると難しいですね。師匠は東京に来るんですか。 でもアンチとかが張り付くかもしれないし危険そうですね。 日本語も書けるなんてすごいですね。 ユタはバスケット観戦です。GAはアトランタに行った時かな。 ガソリンを入れていたらいきなり fuck you Chinese と言われたw 何かしたか?と思ったけど何もしていないし日本人だしw アメリカにも長く住んでいたしレッドネックとかには慣れた。 Dearborn, MI にアラブ系の友達が沢山いました。
>>101 Fuck, where's めりけん. He could totally do this. えーと、和訳はできそうにないから簡単な英語で説明してみるよ
to be full of shit = でたらめを言う、この場合は「完全に間違っている」ってこと。 I'm basically saying, "Everyone has a different opinion about this, and I know there are a lot of people who don't agree with me (so if you don't agree with me, feel free to say so)."
そのyouは「君」じゃなくて、「一般の人々」という意味でpeople in generalのこと。
>(←つまり、日本語のほうが表現の規則がゆるいってことかな?) そーっす。次の文(Like you've got...)も大体同じ意味。つまり英語より日本語のほうが語感がつかみやすい、自然な言い回しが身につく。 英語を第二言語として話す人たちがネイティブ並の英語感覚を身につけるのはなかなか難しいと思う。もちろんどの言語でも言えることだが。 But English, in particular, is very difficult, and it's easy for non-native speakers to say things that are weird.
>>109 fantard = fan + retard 「アホファン」 It's pretty recent net slang, there's no way it'd be in a dictionary. Check urbandictionary.com for shit like that.
>ChanHoHin (9 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam > im chinese livin in ireland.iv been 2japan/tokyo nd lovd it!! there is no difference >between chinese nd jap"ppl wen ur livin in da western world. we all look afta each other.we all get racially abused. >look afta each other is my msg.dnt take it 4grantd
>shut ur mouth wil u?we r proud of r country cus we'v been through so much. >there r alot of us but wer not dirty.iv been 2tokyo nd lovd it! >but i got 2say ur >streets r full of litter.we r asians >nd we got 2look afta each othr.dats wat we do in western world. >dnt matter if ur chinese or jap cus once ur ther ne asian is a frend
When I see something this shocking, I often find myself saying with a kind of sarcastic awe, "***"
*** = (I think) this is (gonna be) the start/beginning of something special/beautiful. (I think) we're reaching for all new heights (here). (I think) this country's heading into all new territory (here). (I think) Japan's/we're really pushing the envelope on/with this one. (I think) Japan's/we're going somewhere we've never gone before.
Do any of these sound good to you? I can try to come up with some more if you want.
>>113 > But English, in particular, is very difficult, and it's easy for non-native speakers to say things that are weird. Hmm, that's interesting. What makes you say that? I think you can say weird things just as easily in any language if it's not your native language. I do think English is grammatically a more strict language than Japanese, though. I heard German is even more strict.
>>125 Don't worry. Even Japanese don't understand what 「日本、始まったな」 really means without context. If it's what >>118 is tryig to say, how about someting like this? "Hey, Japan is at it again." Or " "Theeeere you go..."
>>120 >合法・違法他国に行って Does this mean "legally or illegally immigrating" ? I'm confused.
>>122,127 Yo. I'll answer you guys in the Chat in English thread in a couple minutes, soon as I can.
>>124 Russia has natural resources and military strength, Brazil has agriculture, India has a well-educated population (especially in IT). It's thanks to the money and technology of Japan and the West that China learned everything it knows about manufacturing, and now they're simply exporting it all back. I'm impressed they've even made it this far, all they do is export cheap junk! Don't go selling cheap knock-offs of Russian weapons, you might piss Russia off. [相手は中国人?] Japan is being held back by the stupidity of politicians and bureaucrats.
>>126 I took today off work, too, to go to the hospital. (病院に行くために〜) I took today off work, too, and went to the hospital.
>>128 What do you think of >>129? There's also "Here we go..." which is kind of like, "Something huge/big is about to happen, we're in for a ride!" (in for a ride = something crazy is going to happen)
>>136 Sorry about leaving the shop to you and everything. Looks like everyone was really sad (about you leaving). I can (really) tell what kind of person you are. / Your personality/character really shows.
>>144 1. Red light has a long wavelength and is not easily scattered, so it passes unhindered through the atmosphere. This is why the sky appears red at sunset. 2. Blue light has a short wavelength and a high refractive index, while red light has a long(er) wavelength and a small refractive index. A prism disperses white light, but not monochromatic light.
>>150 >>124の最後 The development and expansion of technology for environmental preservation and energy conservation will most likely become the basis of Japan's industry in the 21st century.
>>120 The word "jap" doesn't make me particularly angry, but I have nothing but contempt for people like you who actively choose to use it. This will be my one and only reply to you. You say you're in Ireland, but are you there to study or for business? Why do the Chinese always immigrate to other countries (either legally or otherwise) and try to make money *there*, instead of working to better the economy at home? A real patriot would stay and serve his own country, or go study abroad and then return home to work.
China and the Chinese people are dirty. You might be able to rip off ignorant Westerners with your contaminated, disgusting imitation sushi in Europe or America, but in Japan no one eats sushi made by a Chinese. Yokohama is an exception, but almost every other Chinatown in the world reeks of filth and serves as a den to harbor criminals and illegal immigrants. I'll give you that Chinese food does taste good.
As more and more Chinese come to Tokyo, the city's been getting filthier and filthier. In the past twenty years the number of Chinese has been rapidly increasing, and now they account for over 1% of the total population of Tokyo. They litter in the street, spit phlegm on the sidewalk. If you go to Dreamland, you can see them cutting in line or, the worst of it all, pissing in public. But try to criticize them for it, and they immediately start crying, "Discrimination!" They get violent when they're in groups. The Chinese need to do us all a favor and stop coming to Japan. I'm sure even the West isn't appreciating all these Chinese within their borders.
>>159 Ah, you're lucky I checked this one last time. XD Okay, in that case, "That sounds great! I'll (definitely) pick it up (and watch it) (some time)."
>>152 >>172 > あなたは、顔がひろいですね You know a lot of people. You are good at networking. You have an extensive social network. (This could be too formal.) ぐらいでいいんじゃないの?
>>154 Just in case you are a native speaker of English, "顔がひろい" doesn't mean somebody's face is actually wide. In this expression, "顔" refers to one's persona, as in "顔をつぶされた" ("I was really humiliated").
Anyway I'd like you to take a good rest today/tonight. It's all right to see you on the 4th. I'm available on the 4th. You can see me on the 4th. I have free time on the 4th.
My parents lent him some money because my sister said she would pay for all the travel expenses for his return to the United States. We were wondering when we are going to get the money back since we have not heard from him ever since. We are planning on moving soon, so please send us the money as soon as possible.
>>247 Let's say the size of an atom is that of a baseball staduim. Then, the size of 原子核 is just the size of the head of a マッチ placed in the center of the stadium.
原子核's 質量 consititutes most of 原子's 質量.
質量s of 陽子 and 中性子 are almost the same but 質量 of 電子 is just 1/1836ths.
My name is ***. I'm a big fan of you and I root for you all the way from Japan. I'm not good at English but I really wanted to send you my message to you, so I asked someone to translate my email into English.
I don't know if you'll read this email or not, but I would like you to know that you have fans here in Japan. It's not easy for me to watch your games live in a stadium but I hope someday in the future, I can watch your game in a stadium live. Thank you for reading.
>>239 Hello! I'm a big fan of yours and I've always been cheering you on from Japan. I'm not very good at English, so I had someone else translate this letter for me. I'm not sure if you'll ever get this, but if you do I just want you to know that you have a lot of fans in Japan, too. It's a little hard for me to make it to your team's games, but I really hope that one day I'll get to see you play right there in the stadium!
>>247 If an atom were the size of a ballpark, the nucleus would be the head of a match placed in the center. The nucleus contains essentially all of the mass. Protons and neutrons have roughly the same mass, but an electron has only 1/1836th the mass of a proton.
>>255 C. The subject of those sentences is "the number," and thus singular. You might be getting confused with "A number of..." which can be plural. For example, "A number of students are having trouble with their homework." I never hear anyone use a plural verb with "The number of..."
>>234 building from scratchの言っていたとおりだよ! 憎しみとか、戦争や人種差別、そんなのもう止めよう、愛と思いやりに満ちた平和的な社会を作ろうよ 教徒が見捨てられることや追い出されることを恐れずに、お互いを愛し合い、守り合う「世界宗教」を作ろうよ 僕はまだ15歳だから「所詮は世間知らずなガキの戯言」とか思うかもしれないけどさ、若いからこそ前向きに考えることができるわけだし僕の意見にも価値があるはずだ。 みんなの意見が聞きたい!コメントなりvideo responseなりで、感想を聞かせてください!
I can write out what he's saying in English, if you want.
>>264 I'm very sorry about that. I'm very sorry to hear that. It's very disappointing that... It's very unfortunate that... I'm afraid that... I'm sorry that... It's a pity that... I regret that... I wish I could...
Pick whichever you like.
>>265 I don't want to see a wave of red flags in my own country.
>>271 1. Do the emoticons I use look garbled to you? 2. It looks like my emoticons get garbled on your PC. I attached what I wrote as a text file, so please take a look at it.
>>276 the mechanism by which a computer processes data
>>279 Dude! (;_;) My friend called me today and told me he's kind of on bad terms with his dad. But his dad's still paying all his bills, so he has to ask his permission to go to Japan with me. He said there's only a ~10% chance his dad'll say no, but... I'm really kind of depressed now. I've been looking forward to this trip for months, and he's my best friend, I knew we were going to have the fucking best time ever. But if he can't go, I don't think I'll go alone... orz I'm gonna be so fucking sad if this trip falls apart. It's like our last chance to go.
>>282 Unfortunately I'm Japanese and can't speak English very well. If you only want to ask me a couple of simple questions, I can probably use a machine translation to communicate with you. But machine translators aren't very accurate, so it's very likely that it won't translate your English correctly. Please write in the simplest English you can, if possible. It seems it translated it correctly. It seems it didn't translate it quite right.
>>306 Dear *** I sent a message the other day to anounce that I had received the requested item without any problems. Please convey my appreciation to Mr. ***. Best Regards.
>>323 I used to occasionally take in baseball games of Hanshin Tigers when I was in Hyogo Prefecture. Now I take in those of Chunichi Dragons from time to time because I am in Aichi Prefecture.
>>324 I am planning to make public your comment as an opinion from an indian at the bulletin board in Japan within a week.
>>323 I sometimes went to the (Hanshin) Tigers' games when I lived in Hyogo (Prefecture). Now I live in Aichi(Prefecture) and someimes go to the (Chunichi) Dragon's games.
>>327 × × Now I live in Aichi(Prefecture) and someimes go to the (Chunichi) Dragon's games. ○ Now I live in Aichi(Prefecture) and someimes go to the (Chunichi) Dragons' games.
Hey, you, Collins! You ain't no fuckin' dictator are you? Shut the fuck up you dipshit! Leave here and go back to your fuckin' country of Michigan! >>333
>>331 2.焦点を通った光線は光軸に平行に進む Light beam through focus point goes parallel to axis of lens. 3.レンズの中心を通った光線はそのまま進む Light beam goes through central axis of lens unchanged.. 4.物体が焦点の外にあるとき、スクリーンに倒立の実像ができる。 An object outside of focus point produces its image upside down on the screen. 5.物体が焦点の内にあるとき、スクリーンに正立の虚像ができる。 An object inside of focus point produces its image straight on the screen.
I have been thinking of talking with you (through MSN), but you have stayed in NY only tonight. I have been hesitant, because I may distract you too much,
>>359 Although part-time job experience here was precious, I quit the job at the end of last month because I found it difficult to juggle it and my study. From now, I can concentrate on my study, so I wil do my best.
>>330>>355 スレ違いの感もあるけど。 coolには意味に幅があって「カッコいい」や「素敵」にもなるし 「すごい」、「賢い」、「冷静」とか、とにかく色々な意味になる。 相手がHe is cute!とか言ったあとに、Yeah, he is very cool!とか言ったら 相手に同意した感じで「カッコいい」的になるけど 素っ気なくVery cool.と一言だけ言ったとしたら「賢い批評だね」みたいな 感じに聞こえる可能性もありで変な空気を流してしまうかも。
>>386 人柱になっちゃる。 (Wow,) you come and check(てかupdateと言いたいのだろうか?) your blog even on your vacation. I think that's one of the reasons (why) all the people here love you (so much). (確実度70%)
Natagora made all the running to win the 1,000 Guineas at Newmarket.
Natagora (right) held on to win by half-a-length from Spacious (left)
The 11-4 favourite, trained in France by Pascal Bary and ridden by Christophe Lemaire, was out of the stalls sharply to set the pace, with Muthabara second.
Muthabara faded but Natagora held on to win by half-a-length from Spacious, with Saoirse Abu finishing third.
Nahoodh was travelling beautifully late on but was trapped behind the leaders and found herself unable to mount a proper challenge.
Winning rider Christophe Lemaire said: "I can't believe it. I had so much confidence, the only thing for me was to try to get a good position without using too much energy. She gave all she had and is a fantastic filly."
Bary suffered heartbreak in the 2003 edition of the race when Six Perfections found all sorts of trouble and covered most of the Rowley Mile before flashing home just too late to collar Russian Rhythm.
But this time Natagora was never headed and an elated Bary said: "She has done something fantastic. They all came to her, but she ran to the end.
"She is a fantastic filly. I have dreamed about this since last October. She is very brave and she moves very well; even when she is in front she doesn't pull or anything like that."
James Fanshawe, trainer of second-placed Spacious, said: "She ran very well, Jamie (Spencer) just thought she could have done with a stronger pace.
"We are not thinking of the Oaks, we'll stick to a mile at the moment."
>>446 what the fuck ru talking about? i'm not talking to u mother fuckier. if u wanna say somethin, u better say somethin fuckin english. did u understand what i said, fuckin jap bitch? lmao i'm waitin 4 ur fuckin comment here in fuckin english, of course.
>>453 You go back to OO tonight, right? Kuma is wondering if he can see you before you go back there. If he misses this chance, he won't be able to see you for a long time so if it's convenient with you, he would like to see you. What do you think?
ABut the processes of checking date is also very important and necessary, so we tried to find another method of checking the date for reducing the burden (extra work) on associate.
You are going to go home tonight, aren't you? Then, We may not see you for a long time. Kuma said"If AAA have some time ,I'd like to see her/him before she/he go." ,and I'd like to do too. Can you meet me today?
It was when they were the long holidays called a Golden Week, that we met like knowing. My companies are also consecutive holidays of 8 days, I went to a company for 4 days. When I'm usually in the inside of the company, paperwork isn't done by the telephone and a meeting, so this time, using this period, paperwork could be done slowly. There were some colleagues who were going to work on a holiday like me on the same floor. When I asked them, it was quiet, so I was saying that you could work slowly with one voice.
>>458 As you know, we met during the long "Golden Week" holidays. My company gives its employees eight days off, but I went to work for four of those days. Usually I'm so busy in the office with phone calls and meetings that I can never take care of any of my paperwork, so this vacation was an opportunity to sit down and really catch up. Several of my coworkers on the same floor were also working during the holidays, and they all agreed that, with the office so quiet, it was much easier to get work done.
>>455 1. Visual checks take quite a long time, making them very demanding/tedious for the person responsible. 2. Because it is crucial that these checks be performed, we are developing a more efficient method that will reduce the time burden on workers.
The visual check is very important and necessary ,but it takes a long time. To minimize time for the visual check , We attempt to improve the current method. For example ,We have employees of ours learn how to effectively use Excel.
This(500kg) is the weight manually handled a day by an average worker in the *** task. We work for the purpose of alleviation of the load of workers and improvement of product qualities.
>>489 I thank you for sparing your time to notice me of my wrong e-mail. I have just confirmed I made mistakes in the addressing. I am really sorry for detracting you and grateful to you for your kind care notice.
>>473の日本語 英語としては、やや変だけど直訳すると、こうかな。 I thought what was/were inside the red packe was/were a chewing gum/chewing gums but when I opened it, there were/was some tablets/tablet inside(not a chewing gum/chewing gums).
>>494 I can imagine you are having a hard time faced with two big incidents in your life, divorce and quitting your job. I'm sure you will be able to get over these things. I root for you all the way from Japan. Enjoy your travel with your Dad.
>>506 まだ会って間もなく、相手が自分の趣味に会わせてくれるかどうかという場合なら I would like to have a chance to go watching baseball game with you some day.っていうふうに 「自分があなたと一緒に行けたらいいな」っていう感じで言えばいいと思う。
>>505 I thought you like working. That's why I was surprised a lot. I had an impression you work too much. So you might be transfered to Japan? I was really surprised to hear that because I had been thinking you would be transfered here.
These days I was doing house choirs, doing barbeque, busy with taking care of my kids. I spent my free time talking with my close friend.
>>510 > 明日からは学校が始まるのできっと今までみたいに話せないと思います。 > でもメールなら大丈夫です We cannot talk to each other as often as before since the new semester starts tomorrow. We can still email each other though.
>>507 > 彼女と初めて会った日から2年が過ぎました。いまだに何もする気がおこらない。 It has been two years since I met her. I still don't feel like doing anything ever since I broke up with her/she passed away etc.
>>534 > 海外旅行するときは、皆「親善大使」なのだから、 > その言動にはいくら気をつけても気をつけすぎることはないんだよ We are all unofficial ambassadors, so to speak, when we travel abroad, We need to be very careful as to what we say and do because local people make judgments about the country of our origin based on our behavior.
>>506 I love basball. So if anyone loves it, too, let's go to the Yankees' games together.とか言うのはあり。 let'sは使用範囲が広く色々な場面で使える。 shall weはもっと使用範囲が狭い。 >>531が少し触れてるけど上品な言い方だし、どっちかと言うと1人の相手に向って「どうですか?」と誘うのに適してる。 逆に言うと、1人の相手にちょっと上品に、ちょっと控えめに言いたいときにピッタリ。女性に言うときとかね。
>>540 > 生産台数は立ち上がり依頼ずっと増加しており、その業務を > 手作業(肉体労働的な作業)で行うには、作業時間も増加し、 > 作業者の負荷は限界に達しようとしていました。 Ever since we started this product line, the number of the products we produced kept increasing, and it had become almost impossible to meet the demands with manual labor with the increased hours and workload of our workers.
The production has been increasing since we started. However the total production is now getting almost saturated if we stick to the manual labors with limited time.
>>474 I stayed up all of last night studying for this test. I'm so exhausted right now I can barely keep my eyes open. I'm not sure I'll be able to do my best.
>>489 Thank you for being kind enough to let me know. It turns out I had read the email address wrong. I apologize for the mistake.
>>552 > 日本では北枕と言って亡くなった人の頭を北に向けて寝かせます > 神経質な子は修学旅行や何かで慣れない部屋に泊まるとき > 「北はどっちだ!?」と言って笑いの種にされるのです In Japan, the dead body is always laid down with its head facing the north. This custom is called kitamakura, which literally means "north pillow." Some students get really nervous on their school trips because they don't know which direction they are facing in their hotel rooms. They keep asking other students which direction is north and make themselves laughing stocks.
>>562 >Some students get really nervous on their school trips >because they don't know which direction they are facing >in their hotel rooms. They keep asking other students >which direction is north and make themselves laughing stocks. ???
>>573 We say "friends with benefits" when we're making a joke out of it. Otherwise the term we usually use is "fuck buddy." If you want to avoid saying fuck, you can just say "sex-only relationship" or something. Even "sex friend/partner" would probably be okay, the other person will understand what you mean.
>>438 One day, when I was a high school student, I saw a mentally retarded man on the my way home form school. Having a limp,he said "Wooowow ". That needled me, so I imitated his action. Having a limp,I said "Wooowow". Then suddenly ,A gentleman appeared. In his anger,He said "Don't imitate the retarded man" ,and strike the retarded man.
大まかな内容は伝わると思いますが、ジョークになるかは不明です。 貼るときは、気をつけてください。
以下の部位を重点的に添削お願いします。 ウーウー →"Wooowow" よくわからないので適当です。 正義感の強そうなおっさん → A gentleman ごちゃごちゃ修飾するよりかいいと思ってこうしました。ニュアンスが違うかも。
For ***** information, please see my profile . In my profile ,you can find all the updated information including my new item and the progress of my work. To access my profile, click any one of items created by me,then a window pop up. you can find my profile URL in the window. Also,you can access my profile with the user search.
>>582 You can check our shop information from the profile section. We constantly update the information on addition of new items there. You can also check our progress report on our upcoming products. You can reach our profile by simply click on the item you like and select "property" or search our name in the user search.
Thank you for your quick replay. I would like to order by e-mail and pay by Paypal. I would appreciate it if you would tell me how to complete my order.
>>597 This job/work is a lot harder than you (think it is)/(might imagine). More people speak Spanish than English in that country. / Spanish is spoken more widely (in that country)/there than English. The weather forecast/report says it should be around three degrees warmer tomorrow.
>>597 This job is more difficult than you expect. Spanish is spken by more people than English in the country. The forecast told that it would be warmer by 3 degrees tomorrow than today.
>>601 1. Western clothes are easier to work in than Japanese ones/clothes. 2. University is a lot more expensive than I'd thought it'd be, especially the textbooks. 3. The surface of the Earth is actually covered by more water than land. 4. Compared to ten years ago the city seems to have more greenery, and the river looks much cleaner. 5. It took longer than expected, but we managed to reach an agreement.
>>602 No. "it is seems" is incorrect. You can say something like, "it seems that tomorrow will be two degrees warmer than today."
>>592 You told me you'd CC'd him, but I actually can't check the CC field. You can just tell him to email me, I don't mind. I saw on the news once that Hamasaki Ayumi is very popular in China. She has an almost cult-like following among young Japanese (late teens to early twenties), but my generation doesn't really care for her.
Come on in! We've got yakisoba, takoyaki, and yaki-onigiri, all hot and fresh off the grill! How about some yakisoba, takoyaki, or yaki-onigiri? Get it here, fresh off the grill! Hello! Would you like to try some of our fresh yakisoba, takoyaki or yaki-onigiri?
>>622 If you shrank all the pages to 1/25000th of their original size, you could write the contents of all 25 volumes of this encyclopedia on the head of a pin. Using this method, you could fit all of the information that mankind has so painstakingly recorded in books around the world into a cube only 1/200th of an inch on a side.