前スレの998です 和訳お願いします Everything will be as you wish and the club will be more thrived. Otherwise, we wish the world will be more peacefuk and abundant under everyone's effort. The globe will be more advence and away violence by more realize and socialize each other. At last,on March 1st 2007,we will hold the 24th anniversary celebration. As discussed, the ceremony will be just small and simple. We would be very happy if you can send us a congratulatory address.
Cubby’s, a barbecue restaurant in Hackensack, New Jersey, is on an undistinguished strip of discount stores and parking lots not far from Costco and the Bergen County Courthouse. It would be within sight of the Bergen County Jail, if the jail had better sight lines. Amid such surroundings, Cubby’s stands out. The parking lot is elaborately landscaped, with thick beds of pink and white impatiens, grassy banks, and well-placed evergreen shrubs, in the manner of a suburban funeral home. Inside, the place is half steak house, half burger joint, with reproduction Tiffany lamps suspended over Formica tables, and gilt-edged mirrors hanging near framed snapshots of sports celebrities and clippings from local newspapers lauding the ribs. On one wall, an enormous mural depicts the skyline of downtown Manhattan with the World Trade Center intact. Customers place orders at the front counter; behind it, on a board, is the menu, which ranges from hot dogs to twenty-seven-dollar T-bone steaks. A hand-painted sign showing a dyspeptic pig in a chef’s hat hangs next to a placard that reads “Where’s the pork?”
At lunchtime, the place is full of regulars: local businessmen and lawyers from the courthouse, all of whom the proprietor, Robert Egan, greets with a clap on the back or a hearty “What’s up, bro?” Egan, who is forty-nine and is known as Bobby, is of Irish descent on his father’s side and Italian on his mother’s. He is more than six feet tall and burly, with a shock of black hair. He has dark eyes, incipient jowls, and a manner that can change in a moment from expansively genial to theatrically menacing. If you were casting a local television commercial for a Union City car dealership and needed someone who could evoke Robert De Niro in his fleshier, mid-career period, Bobby Egan would be your man.
Most items on a balance sheet are summaries of more detailed accounts. For example, the cash is probably located in a number of separate bank accounts, in cash registers, and in petty cash boxes. The total of all the cash is $10000, rounded to the nearest thousand dollars.
お願いします。 New Yorker article points to advanced US preparations for war on Iran
A lengthy article by veteran journalist Seymour Hersh published in the New Yorker on Sunday provides further confirmation of the Bush administration’s well-developed military and political preparations for attacking Iran. According to Hersh, the Pentagon has drawn up new war plans, the CIA has allocated substantial extra resources and the White House has already sounded out US allies, including Israel, Britain and Australia, for support in any military strike.
In two major policy speeches September 18 and 19, French President Nicolas Sarkozy laid out a programme of the most far-reaching attacks on social and democratic rights and the working and living conditions of the working class made by any president of France since the Second World War. If implemented they will destroy gains made in decades of struggles by workers and drive them back to pre-war conditions.
The youth and the working class can only defend themselves from these attacks by building a party completely independent of the “left” and trade union bureaucracies and their petty bourgeois hangers on, based on socialist and internationalist perspectives.
The situation became still complexer, when entered also his safety in the middle, that him covers retirement if it stops prematurely the football. Will be drawn up a private contract in order to we are covered. Mr. Tsak asked assurances from the side of footballer, otherwise as us gives the 100.000 Euros that we gave in the FCS.
どなたか翻訳お願いします。 Otherwise, for the mail, I was here the whole weekend, even though I needed to buy furniture, but I will do that later I guess..I will be home this weekend also, so you can be happy!!
Yes I will scold you for the marriage joke, you know I don't like that dear Ken!!! I know you're kidding, it will be too weird if you were dead serious...
This is the hallway and front desk at Avalon school.When I get to work at 3pm I feel like it is early morning. The weird fluroscent lighting makes me feel awake for the first part of the day at least.It is strange working from 3-10 pm M-F. The best part of the day is hopping onto the subway at night and the smell of soju just leaking out of the men's pores. It is very common for men to work all day and then come home only after hanging out with their buddies drinking, etc. Most of the time they do not spend any time with their wives or children. I have heard of english teachers giving private lessons to korean women but it mainly consists of being paid to have coffee and talk in english--probably b/c the woman is very lonely.
和訳お願いします。 On a recent trip to Hokkaido, I was walking by the shores of Lake Akan talking to two French people I had met there. I thought I was doing quite well speaking French as best I could. But for some reason, a small Japanese boy of about five picked me out as a good person to try out his English on.
“Left” groups such as the LCR (Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire—Revolutionary Communist League) continue to glorify the trade unions and call on workers to rely on them to defend their interests.
和訳おねがいします。製品注文後、早く送れと催促したらきたメールです。 I'm going to send you the tracking number no later than Friday...also, for the trouble im going to send you a B-52 with it.
It is yet to be ascertained what there is in this for France’s small army of trade union bureaucrats and full-time officials. Even now, well over 50 percent of the unions’ finances are not covered by their dwindling membership’s dues but by different government subsidies. 和訳おねがいします。
It is yet to be ascertained what there is in this for France’s small army of trade union bureaucrats and full-time officials. Even now, well over 50 percent of the unions’ finances are not covered by their dwindling membership’s dues but by different government subsidies.
Whoever becomes president will face the increasingly difficult task of imposing an economic and foreign policy agenda dictated by international capital that is inimical to the broad mass of the population, under conditions in which the US is determined to find a pretext for attacking Syria and Iran.
In the two weeks since the US Federal Reserve Board cut interest rates by half a percentage point in response to the crunch in credit markets, stock markets have taken off. On Monday, the Dow Jones index closed at over 14,000 points, a new record. Similar market rises have been registered around the world.
However since banks were often financing the purchasers of the “structured credit products” the result is that “risks that appear to have been distributed may return in various forms to the banks that distributed them.” To what extent remains to be seen, but, together with the fall in the dollar, this could be a significant factor in the creation of instability in financial markets in the coming period. お願いします。
お願いします。 China is targeted with tariffs to reduce its competitiveness and is under growing pressure to revalue it currency, the yuan, particularly from United States. Likewise, other country is experiencing backlashes as developed countries lose more and more jobs to their low-cost rival.
This “originate and distribute” model meant that many institutions “could choose not to hold the credit risk they originated, reducing their incentives to monitor borrowers.” In other words, financial brokers could collect big bonuses on loans of dubious quality knowing that the debt would rapidly be sold off.
We call on all auto workers to denounce the UAW leadership’s attacks, call the officials to order, and defend the right of the SEP to distribute information to union members.
Opposition to UAW-GM deal as workers vote on contract
Because Neff will be reclassified as a “non-core” employee under provisions of the new contract, the company will gain the right to force him to take a more difficult, or even dangerous, job assignment—a move aimed at forcing him out of the plant in order to replace him with a low-wage employee.
The Democratic Party’s pretense of opposing the war in Iraq has largely collapsed following a series of defeats in the US Senate last week of Democratic-sponsored legislation proposing timetables for partial “redeployment” of the more than 160,000 troops currently occupying the country.
“But I wouldn’t give this up,” Egan went on. “I like it where I am. I am an American. I love my country. That is why I am doing all this. There are certain freedoms that I want, and choices I want to be able to make, that I wouldn’t be able to make there.” お願いします。
Maybe I’d be in a little position of power. I wouldn’t take all the power in the world—not to say that I would have much—but I would have more than I have here.
In any case, Egan says, he prefers the American way of life, even if his way of life has been unlike that of any other American. “Certainly, I like where I am, or else I’d move there,” he told me as we drove along the turnpike, past warehouses and swamplands of bulrushes, his radar detector chirping like a demented sparrow. “I’d be somebody in North Korea. お願いします。
The car was making a funny noise, so I got out, opened the bonnet, and took out the dipstick to check the oil level. I heard a noise like a rabbit being killed by a stoat.
Some words can be guessed from looking at their from. For instance, you may never have seen “unforeseeable” before, but the different parts of the world ― un, fore, see, able ― should each tell you something and help you to guess the meaning.
Do not exoect to be able to guess all the new words in a text. There will be some that you can only get a vague idea of, and others will be impossible. Do not waste time worrying about these : the most important thing is to understand the text as a whole as wwll as possible, and one or two unknown words will not make much difference.
Now, I know how Native Americans have been lied to, cheated, massacred, deprived of everything they held sacred; how their culture, art, religion have been allowed to become, for all intents and purposes, extinct. And it's still going on. Indians are, bar none, the worst-off minority group in America.
The lad who is taught the few things it is possible to teach him during his brief educational period, but who is not taught how to discover the additional information he is bound to require as he goes through life, is sent out into the world only half equipped.
The frequency with which I hear and similar cases suggests to me that as a society, we are failing in what we psychologists refer to as the process of separation and individuation. While parents today want more than anything else for their children to be happy, the formula by which they raise them is almost certain to produce unhappiness. The children never learn to be self sufficient because they've never been expected to be.
As long as they are alone, there is no way of guessing what they mean, but see what happens
It is not very difficult to guess that a dipstick is the metal rod that is used for measuring the oil level in a car engine, or that a stoat is probably some kind of aggressive animal
Just listen to these statistics(from a recent Seattle Times editorial) ─more than 40% of Indians on reservations and 25% outside live in poverty; they have America's poorest academic records and highest dropout rates; their life expectancy is the lowest and infant mortality the highest in America ─and you'll get an idea of how this shameful situation persists.
Once the depression had begun to bite in 1929, however, there was no question but that it was made very much worse by the peculiar relationship that Germany had established with the world capital market in the years 1925-9. In 1929, both before and after the Great Crash, funds flowed rapidly out of Germany, but were more than made up for by funds flowing in. In 1930 there was a very small balance in Germany's favour.
We call on all auto workers to denounce the UAW leadership’s attacks, call the officials to order, and defend the right of the SEP to distribute information to union members.
Opposition to UAW-GM deal as workers vote on contract
Because Neff will be reclassified as a “non-core” employee under provisions of the new contract, the company will gain the right to force him to take a more difficult, or even dangerous, job assignment—a move aimed at forcing him out of the plant in order to replace him with a low-wage employee. お願いします。
Virtually all of these prisons are horrifically overcrowded. State prisons were operating at 99 to 113 percent of capacity, and the federal prison system was operating at 134 percent of capacity.
This compounds the dangers and brutality of prison life. Inmates are exposed to physical and sexual assault, and put at risk for diseases such as HIV/AIDS or developing mental illness. 翻訳してください。
Earlier this month, the Bush administration announced new standards that will govern the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). The changes, intended to safeguard the profit interests of private insurers and cut a significant government-subsidized healthcare program, will have a devastating effect on children throughout the country.
Still, he acknowledged that Pyongyang and Washington have a series of side understandings that amplify and clarify language in the six-party text. He indicated that one of those understandings encourages North Korea to be more forthcoming with the Japanese about the abductions.
Hill said that the terrorism list is a "delicate issue" and that being "too explicit about when it might happen is not helpful in terms of Japanese-North Korean relations. We are trying to handle it with sensitivity."
106 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/10/05(金) 02:36:49 Opposition to UAW-GM deal as workers vote on contract
Because Neff will be reclassified as a “non-core” employee under provisions of the new contract, the company will gain the right to force him to take a more difficult, or even dangerous, job assignment—a move aimed at forcing him out of the plant in order to replace him with a low-wage employee. お願いします。
105 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/10/05(金) 02:34:13 We call on all auto workers to denounce the UAW leadership’s attacks, call the officials to order, and defend the right of the SEP to distribute information to union members.
“To me this is a Delphi Jr. In the end, GM could just dissolve and we’ll be on the streets in our 50s looking for work. These are the biggest give-backs we’ve ever made. The union has been hostile to the interests of workers for a long time.”
“Fourteen dollars an hour might sound good to someone who doesn’t have a job. But in a few years these younger workers, who have not been getting what we were making, are going to say, ‘Let’s get rid of these retirees, I’m not paying for them anymore.’ That’s what GM wants. 英訳してください。
The number of inmates held in US state and federal prisons in 2006 was more than double the 1990 prison population, according to the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. The research and advocacy group The Sentencing Project estimates that in 2006, one in every 133 Americans was in prison or jail.
The State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) is a national program in the United States which provides health insurance for families who earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid, yet cannot afford to buy private insurance. The program was created to address the growing number of children in the United States without health insurance.
お願いします。 Democratic leaders have delayed a vote to override the veto until October 18, in hopes that grassroots, television, and radio publicity will persuade fifteen Republicans to cross party lines to override the veto.
It is important to recognize that since the sensor is uncalibrated, ratios based on raw voltage values are not necessarily the same as those based on mass-flux values.
>>146 > It is important to recognize that since the sensor is uncalibrated, > ratios based on raw voltage values are not necessarily the same as those > based on mass-flux values.
My answer: If I saw something with my own eyes that I hadn’t seen before — Iraq’s Shiite, Kurdish and Sunni leaders stepping forward, declaring their willingness to work out their differences by a set deadline and publicly asking us to stay until they do. That’s the only thing worth giving more time to develop.
But it may just be too late. Had the surge happened in 2003, when it should have, it might have prevented the kindling of all of Iraq’s sectarian passions. But now that those fires have been set, trying to unify Iraq feels like doing carpentry on a burning house.
I’ve been thinking about Iraq’s multi-religious soccer team, which just won the Asian Cup. The team was assembled from Iraqis who play for other pro teams outside Iraq. In fact, it was reported that the Iraqi soccer team hadn’t played a home game in 17 years because of violence or U.N. sanctions. In short, it’s a real team with a virtual country. That’s what I fear the surge is trying to protect: a unified Iraq that exists only in the imagination and on foreign soccer fields.
Only Iraqis living in Iraq can prove otherwise. So far, I don’t see it.
Opposition to UAW-GM deal as workers vote on contract
Because Neff will be reclassified as a “non-core” employee under provisions of the new contract, the company will gain the right to force him to take a more difficult, or even dangerous, job assignment—a move aimed at forcing him out of the plant in order to replace him with a low-wage employee. お願いします。
The hardships which poverty brought were regarded as a sign that God was in some way displeased,and were very largely accepted as inevitable and,indeed,desirable,since(theoretically) they stimulated men to keep on working. The separation between town and country in the long run all but ruined English agriculture.
Since 2005, the Bush administration has produced at least three secret orders and memoranda justifying extreme interrogation methods banned under international law as forms of torture, according to a newspaper report published on Thursday.
>>132 When is the only time you smile and wink at a nigger? When you are looking through the scope on your rifle. 黒いやつに微笑んで、ウインクする唯一の時はいつか? ライフルのスコープを通して見るときだ。
The fate of the majority of the physicians and surgeons of Hirosima, with their offices and hospitals destroyed, their equipment scattered, their own bodies disabled in varying degrees, explained why so many citizens who were hurt went untended and why so many who might have lived died. Of a hundred and fifty doctors in the city,65 were already dead and most of the rest were wounded. In the biggest hospital,only 6 doctors out of 30 were able to function,and 10 nurses out of more than 200.
The first requirement is that the item must be controlled by the entity. Usually this means that the entity must own the item. If Able Company rents a building owned by Baker Company, this building is an asset of Able Company. The building is not an asset of Baker Company.
In accounting, the employees of an entity are not assets because the entity does not contract them. However, if a baseball club has a contract in which the player agrees to provide his services, the contract is an asset.
「」の部分がうまく訳せないのでお願いします。 Beyond these known facts, the picture becomes murkier. For instance, nobody knows how rapidly emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases will rise in the future. That outcome depends on the pace of global economic growth and on the impact of technology on the ways society generates and deploys useful energy. Equally, it is impossible to determine precisely how the climate will respond as greenhouse gases 「accumulate to ever-higher concentrations」 in the atmosphere. The brightness and altitude of clouds, for example, determine whether warming is amplified or diminished, yet it is not known how exactly climate change will affect cloud patterns.
Do you ship internationally? What about import duties? We are happy to ship internationally! Makeup is very light to ship, and the US dollar is very low right now- so it's a great time for international customers to stock-up. You are responsible for import duties on our products, but because our prices are so low, the packages we send usually are below the import limit for most countries. If you're looking to place a very large order ($100 or more) let me know and I'll check into the local import duties for your country.
I meant to ask: When I was in Kyoto, I went to a hiking store. I did not see any water purifiers at all there.When people hike or camp in Japan, do they always bring bottled water? In America, it's common to use a water purifier when you go hiking for several days at a time.
>>184 Equally, it is impossible to determine precisely how the climate will respond as greenhouse gases 「accumulate to ever-higher concentrations」 in the atmosphere.
Parker J.Palmer, teacher, activist,and author of The Courage to Teach, concurs:"Education bears a terrific responsibility for cultivating wide seeing or narrow seeing.It's not an unfair generalization that our colleges and universities turn out way too many people who have power in the world, but no insight or vision, no cultivated way of seeing its possibilities,or what it is that's driving them."Sound Shadows prepared the students at Governor Morehead for just this kind of inquiry by helping them explore their own identities. One photograph in Deifell's Seeing Beyond Sight shows Merlett,who is black, holding hands with her best friend Reba, who is white. Merlett had previously claimed to dislike white people, so,in discussing the photograph,Deifell broached the subject."Tell me about Reba,"he said. "Reba is white,isn't she?" Merlett said she didn't know.All she knew was that Reba had long hair."She doesn't act white?"ventured Deifell. "How does she act?""Like us,"answered Merlett."All media create reality,"says Elana Yonah Rosen,cofounder and executive director of the nonprofit organization Just Think,which teaches media literacy through habits of inquiry and skills of expression.the San Francisco- based group's curricula and innovative programs strive to keep student on their toes in a culture highly impacted by media.
"What you get with Sound Shadows is the vantage point of someone who you think cannot see,"says Rosen."But we find the exact same identity issues as a sighted person."The camera served the school's students inside the classroom too. "You don't need vision to have a learning disability," says Governor Morehead teacher Shirley Hand. "Dyslexia in Braille is the same as dyslexia in print." Linking photography with creative writing assignments about dreams,fears,and vocations was a way for Hand and others to increase literacy and draw students closer to the dreaded Braille writer, which is complicated to learn.What can children who are blind show us about the world once they learn to take pictures? Above all,Rosen says,"The photos insist on leaving behind preconceived ideas about people without sight, and seeing how enlightened they are, and how they shed light on our world."
“What is your hometown like?” “ Oh, it's a beautiful city and has lots of parks.” What did you go to such a dangerous place for? Needless to say, hunger is the best sauce. Whenever I see this old picture, I think of my mother.
ドラマで、ロックスターがファンにi love you と言われ ロックスターはお返しに thanksと言いました。 隣にいたロックスターの妹はI love you と言った女の子に対して it helps not to know him と言いました。 この意味合いは何でしょうか? 直訳するとどういう意味ですか?
Hi ! I have sometimes seen you waiting for bus here. But maybe you haven't seen me because you were always looking down to your cellphone everytime I passed by you.
In some of the East Indian islands they think that epilepsy can be cured by striking the patient on the face with the leaves of certain trees and then throwing them away. The disease is belived to have passed into the leaves,and to have been thrown away with them. To cure toothache some of the Australian blacks apply a heated spear-thrower to the cheek. The spear-thrower is then cast away,and the toothache goes with it in the shape of a black stone called karriitch. Stones of this kind are found in old mounds and sandhills.
She noted how,while those less accustomed to mobile phones used one or several fingers to access the keypad,younger people used both thumbs,barely looking at the keys as they made rapid entries.
Life has been busy for me this year. I had a pretty bad skydiving accident last October and am just now recovering, I do NOT recommend hitting anything, especially the ground, at 150 MPH!! All is well now though and it’s a miracle I am able to walk so I am looking to come back to Japan soon … I still need a few months to get strong enough to walk for entire days at a time, but it’s coming along well.
Jane went over to Germany to study music. M<y brother got up early so as to be in time for first train. He drew the whole amount out of the bank at one time so he could go sightseeing in Europe. Bill is studying heard for fear that he may fail. Tom my great surprise, it seems the man lives beyond his income. He did his best only to fail in business again. She is such a kind girl that everybody likes her.
the conclusion of my first week in Seoul Don't forget to double click on the photos so you can blow them up and get a better view. Love ya mom!S am with some kimbap(korean sushi-- usually with no meat or cooked meat) and various kimchis.i think this was Tuesday, before our first day of work in a nearby restaurant.This was the food we ordered on our first night--we went to a drinking establishment on the first floor of our apartment that the local foreingers call the 'elephant bar' b/c there is a cartoon elephant on the window. we ended up paying about 10-15 USD a dish and we got two dishes.this is really ridiculous but it was our first night,we didn't know that you can get a decent meal for about 4-6 USD. whooops.The view on our first night from the taxi van ride from Incheon airport to Bundang.
Abe, a relative novice by Japanese political standards, faces the challenges of repairing ties with China-frayed by predecessor Junichiro Koizumi's visits to Tokyo's Yasukuni war shrine-and keeping economic reforms on track while addressing voter concerns about widening social gaps.
>>264 If I were given a choice between having wealth and no love at home or having love at home and no wealth, I would want it just the way I had it. もし私が富はあるが家庭の愛はないか、家庭の愛はあるが富はないか、 どちら選ぶ選択を与えられたら、今現在のほうを選ぶだけである。
hamilton we do not go already to be east champion year the sides, even has left to an opportunity, sifinally hamilton wins i congratulate it but, no has known to gain it, it does not have champion class
He blundered so without his glasses that he took a pair off the face of a wounded nurse, and although they only approximately compensated for the errors of his vision, they were better than nothing. He was to depend on them for more than a month.
Dreams. In Japan the word carries with it the nuance of illusion. To admit something is your dream is almost to admit it is unattainable... Dreams deferred. One of the Japanese ideals is self sacrifice, and the first thing sacrificed is usually one's half-secret, intensely personal, unattainable dream.
Multiple events can be packed into a single packet if and only if the events are consecutive and contiguous, i.e., occur without overlap and without pause between them, and if the last event packed into a packet occurs quickly enough to avoid excessive delays at the receiver.
Benjamin Franklin(1706-1790), one of America's founding fathers and great Renaissance men, was deeply impressed with the political beliefs and practices of the Iroquois. The Iroquois Confederacy, made up of six nations, was noted for its fair system of government. On June 11,1776, Iroquois chiefs made a speech to U.S. delegates at the Continental Congress. Their talk was filled with warm expressions of humanity.
この文章をお願いいたします。 They were granted itemizations of what supplies their labor had earned and a small amount of spending money, because he had found that any financial latitude prompted the women to run away.
This is the 37th time I have spoken to you from this office, where so many decisions have been made that shape the history of this nation. Each time I have done so to discuss with you some matter that I believe affected the national interest. In all the decisions I have made in my public life I have always tried to do what was best for the nation.
I did some book reports in school on the subject. Everything from thier dealings with other men, to when they are presented with a new sword. It's all pretty fascinating.
The novel described a world where people were made, not born, on production lines, and modified so that their bodies, minds, and desires matched their given role in life. A simirally chilling view of the future was presented in the movie Gattaca, where the wealthy and privileged are those with perfect genes - netural or modified - and everybody else is a second-class citizen, with no legal way to change their status.
please get on my mailing list if u havent already, to stay informed of when my album drops. i will definitely have an international shipping option for my ALBUM (when it comes out) to cater to my overseas fans.
“We hope the friendship that is between us and you will be firm,” they said, “and continue as long as the sun shall shine, and the waters run; that we and you may be as one people, and have but one heart, and be kind to one another like brethren.” It is said that Benjamin Franklin then used an Iroquois example to inspire his fellow statesmen to band together in the fight for independence.
よろしくお願いします。C++の本の前書きからです。 Learning the fundamentals of a programming language is one thing; learning how to design and implement effective programs in that language is something else entirely. (**ここから下がわかりません**) This is especially true of C++, a language boasting an uncommon range of power and expressiveness.
Man, though his body is insignificant and powerless in comparison with the great bodies of the astronomer's world, is yet able to mirror that world, is able to travel in imagination and scientific knowledge through enormous abysses of space and time. [Bertrand Russell - Prologue or Epilogue] おねがいします。
So much evil use has been made of knowledge that our imagination does not readily rise to the thought of the good uses that are possible in the raising of the level of excellence in the population at large to that which is now only achieved by men of genius. おねがいします
Once the block is near the railing of the balcony those chests are over break the platform on this block if you haven't done so already and then jump up onto this block.
>>353 > /Once the block is near the railing of the balcony those chests > are over/ //break the platform on this block, if you haven't done > so already// ///and then jump up onto this block///.
>>353 Once the block is near the railing of the balcony, those chests are over. break the platform on this block if you haven't done so already, and then jump up onto this block.
By contrast,if Baker Company has built up an excellent reputation because of the consistently high quality of its products, this reputation would not count as an asset in accounting. 和訳お願いします。
Philip Morris Inc. purchased the Seven-Up Company, and included in the purchase was an item called “Trademarks, patents, and goodwill,”valued at $390 million.
Two punctures within ten minutes of each other, and here he was,stranded,miles from anywhere, in the midst of bare downs with night coming on and no prospect of shelter.
Like returning to the scene of one's childhood and discovering that what used to seem so big now appears so small, it is a very special kind of observation. IT is different from being surprised by seeing something totally new to the observer.
To be poor is believed by many who are, and most who are not, to be anunpleasant thing. If there is a difference of opinion here between the rich and the poor, it is in the depth of feeling on the subject, something on which practical experience will be thought to heighten sensitivity, although this is not wholly certain. [Progress in English; book 6] おねがいします。
>>378ありがとうございます。 少し質問 To be poor is believed by many who are, and most who are not, to be anunpleasant thing. If there is a difference of opinion here between the rich and the poor, it is in the depth of feeling on the subject, something on which practical experience will be thought to heighten sensitivity, although this is not wholly certain. hereここで とは どこで なのでしょうか。今この話の場で ということか それともhereの具体的言い換えはbetween the rich and the poorか? practical experience will be thought to heighten sensitivity 実際的経験が感受性を高めると思われている。とは何を言っているのでしょうか 抽象的ですね。よくわかりません。
We don't know for sure when a series of weights and measures based on accurrate units appeared instead on the rough measurements of the earlist times. We know that the ancient Egyptians had such a system and that similar systems were used in other ancient countries. Unfortunately, different regions adopted different measures. When the Romans established their empire, they decied to set up a seriesof units that would be the same all over the empire. As a result, many features of customary systems in use in modern times reflect the Roman system. For axamole, “lb” is short for the Latin libra or pound.
So, too, we smile at the explanation of fossils as the early and clumsier attempts of God to produce the more perfect beings that we know ourselves to be. Yet such conceptions were legitimate stages in the development of modern geological theory, just as the scientific views of our own time are but stages in an age-long process that is leading to wider and more comprehensive conceptions of the nature of our world.
You use your language so instinctively that it is difficult to stand outside yourself and think of it as something that is independent of you,something which you know and which can be described. You may even feel inclined to say that your language is not something you know, you just speak it, and that's all there is to it. But as the native speaker of a language, there is an important sense in which you do know all that there is to know about that language.
Which of the following items of Homes Incorporated, a builder of houses, are its assets? A. Telephones it rents from the telephone company, worth $5000. B. Lumber in good condition purchased for $50000. C. Its reputation for building fine houses, said to be worth $100000.
This is the main road near our house with the subway entrances on it. Many buses go by here everyday. I have bought tomatoes from a vendor on this street and twice I have seen the banana man. Today he was on the bed of his truck in a yellow slicker peddling the small remainder of his week's bananas in the pouring rain around 8 pm on Monday night. Kimbap close up with side dishes. On our street is TGIFridays as well as Outback Steak House and other fast food joints. As you can see, the many businesses advertise on the outside and unless they are on the street level you have to go up in these office-like buildings and find the barbers, the restaurants, the skin care places, etc. Undies and pads for sale in the local Quickie mart. This is the view you get upon directly exiting our apartment building and walking out of the parking garage with a glace to the left. This is the view to the right. It's almost like you live there, hey?
@Thanks to the Roman ampire, they had a more standaedized system than bofore. AFrench scientists proposed a rational and uniform system of measures. BPeople faced the confusion of units again after tha fall of the empire. CThey may have measured the body parts of a king and se them as units. DThey used units based on body maesurements of ardinary people.
Communicating is not only a social activity , it is a mental activity and we can learn a great deal about how we organize our knowledge of the world by examining how our languages classify the things that we talk about . とあるんですが始めのCommunicatingをなんと訳したらいいのかわからないので教えてください。
I do not doubt but that you are surprised at my saying the arts can in their second function only be directed to the perfecting of ethical state, it being our usual impression that they are often destructive of morality.
DAKAR, Senegal_Senegal, Africa's westernmost country, has become a major new departure point for thousands of mainly young West Africans seeking a better life in Europe, an official oh the International Organization for Migration said Friday. The migrants are living from various points among Senegal's coast, crowed into wwoden fishing boats in groups of up to 60, for a perilous sea jurney to Spain's Canary Islands, about 1350km, or 840 miles, to the north, said Vijaya Souri, program officer in the organization's office here.
Miku can only sing in Japanese. And vowel and consonant of English is very different from that of English. Then you have English vocaloid, you may need English lylic and You have Miku hatune:p then you may need lylics in Japanese.
The migrants are living from various points among Senegal's coast, crowed into wwoden fishing boats in groups of up to 60, for a perilous sea jurney to Spain's Canary Islands, about 1350km, or 840 miles, to the north, said Vijaya Souri, program officer in the organization's office here.
It is not to deny that there are almost certainly words with which you are not familiar. If so, your ignorance of this is more medical ignorance than ignorance about the English language, and is anyway quickly remedied with the help of a dictionary. And this is knowledge of a more fundamental kind than knowledge of the meanings of individual words.
Anxiety arises bacause of the perception and expectation that each gift, regardless of how voluntary or unnecessary, must be responded to at some point. Indeed, that expectation is again conferred with every new presentation, readily creating a vicious circle that can be difficult to escape ― except, perhaps, at the cost of the relationship.
Though there observations seem appartment, many people do not freely admit how much the value of a gift influences them. We discovered this tendency during a recent study of adults. They admitted only reluctantly taht they dig deeper into their pockets as they become closer to a particular individual. The level of generosity can serve as a measuring tool.
Boat ride in flood, Mayapur, October 2007 this is a video of my short trip from Gosala side to the central area of ISKCON compound on October 1, 2007 - flood waters were hight at this point and boat had holes... Hare Krishna.
@When we speak about people's linguistic abilities,we normally say that this or that person knows such-and-such language. AWe might say that I know English ,and that you know Japanese. BAnd the American linguist,Noam Chomsky,argued that linguists should study what the native speakers of the language know about their language. CSuch a study will tell us a great deal about the nature of the human mind.We discuss this issue in chapters two through four. 翻訳お願いします。
お願いします。農学系です。 It certainly makes this product one that should be looked at closely when a farmer is approaching bud break and can no longer use another insecticide.
I recieved your packet yesterday. but I couldnŽt look into it because my mom has confiscated it. she said she would give it to me on wednesday, because itŽs my birthday. I will write to you again, when I received it the second time. but for now. thank you very much,for the present. お願いします。
A tile design on the subway wall.This is the path I take from the subway to my school.There is a spongy running path on the right and a gazebo type thang on the left.And lastly, another item for sale at the Quickiemart--what is beer without a drunken game of soccer???? This weekend we headed to Seoul in the rain and checked out a temple as well as TechnoMart which is 8 floors of everything electronic you could have ever dreamed of or never knew was even invented. I am finding that Seoul is the place of information overload.Too many Asian milling around assulting your senses, about a billion cellphones on display,and too many types of detergent with Korean phrases that you cannot read,much less choose which one you want! Stay posted for more photos, of course.
But you can scarcely have at once felt all that I intended in saying so; you cannot but be still partly under the impression that the so-called fine arts are merely modes of graceful recreation, and a new resource for your times of rest. Let me ask you, forthwith, so far as you can trust me, to change your thoughts in this matter.
@But it wasn't John wanted to buy something for his wife.
AAdele went into town. She looked at the store windows. There were many beautiful things in the windows. In the window of a music store, she saw some CDs. There was a new CD by Pavarotti. John loved music, and he loved Pavarotti. Adele wanted to buy that CD for John, but she didn't have the money.
BThen she remembered her hair. Adele had very long, beautiful red hair. Her hirdresser wanted to cut it and buy it from her. Adele always said no. But now she went to hairdresser and said yes.
CShe want back to the music store with the money, and she bought the Pavarotti CD.
The material and awful colors make it look as if she had torn up the cover of an old sofa and sewed togethre a dress just for the sake of looking ugly.
Not only is having more things unsatisfying, but people for whom affluence is a priority in life tend to wxperience an unusual degree of anexiety and depression.
@Killing in the name of honour is often considered to be a private matter for the affected family. の『the affected family.』の部分 ASo-called honour killing is usually committed by male family members against a female relative. の『a female relative.』の部分 BSome of the most common reasons for murdering a family member include: refusal to enter an arranged marriage, seeking a divorce - even from an abusive husband - or committing adultery. の全文
It therefore behoves the historian of science to be very charitable, very forbearing, very humble, in his judgements and presentations of those who have gone before him. He needs to remember that he is dealing with the work of erring and imperfect human beings, each of whom had, like himself, at best but a partial view of truth, but many of whom had a sweep of genius far beyond his own.
Too Much Ginseng Can Equal Death These are photos of last weekend's excursion to Seoul! Intersperced are photos of a temple as well as Techno Mart. Hopefully you can figure out which is which. We basically were required to go to the temple later in the day after visiting Techno Mart (8 floors of flea mart-esque electronics) so our souls would not suffer. At the bottom level of the Techno Mart was a HUGE food court with bowls of food as big as your shoulders are wide! (Please see the fake replicas of ice cream with ice cream peddling women in the background).
HAPPY 29TH BIRTHDAY TO OUR FRIEND JOE!he was on our flight from chicago to narita and narita to incheon, s. korea. he works at sam's school and i worked with those two jokers for most of this last week. i had a blast.this was the best part of my day:"Recently, we can see the cars or trucks everytime we walk through the street, and now for me these automobiles looks like a black bug. However it's true that automobile is greatly needed for us, for example, without it we can not go fast to the place where we have to,and this is not all.""When there was only black cars moving fast on the hot black road, it will make me very sad, old people said the green nature is like a air for ever people living,and as fast as automobile run,as many as children die."
"Even ginseng is good for our health,when we eat too much of them,it can be bad for us.Same as this happen, too many automobile is bad but not any of them is not great either." "For all these reason, every thing has to be enough no more no lesser."this is probably illegal but i've decided to post some parts of my student's essay on my blog. pure and utter genius. what great ideas for a pre-teen!i must go to bed because tomorrow we are going to hike up Bukansan,it is a mountain near Seoul. You can take a bus right up to the approach and there probably will be quickie marts there so there will be no need to pack a day's worth of food.this hike is a six hour hike and maybe a two hour ride to get there.sam and myself are going.and probably our friends joe, isaac, and stephanie. maybe even don if we can pry himself away from watching the 'game' channel. for those of you that do not know--there are channels on t.v. where you can watch people play video games.
Using e-mail is far easier than you might think. That computer is newer of the two. She is more charming than beautiful. The more you read book, the more you'll know. Whe she was told not to look at it, she became all the more eager to do so. Even the brightest of chimpanzees can no more spreak than they can fly. You ought to know better than to go to such a dangerous place.
Before this day ends, the last of some 45 kinds of plants and animals will die. A month from now, 1400 more species will be gone. Within a year, the number of vanished species will total about 17500. Scientists provide these estimates, which represent the most hopeful case. The acutual numbers may prove to be much higher.
Meanwhile, high on a cliff in the New World, stood a young Indian girl called Pocahontas, meaning “Little Mischief”. As always, Meeko, an inquisitive raccoon, and Flit, a tiny humming bird, were nearby. “Hurry! Your father is waiting,”called Pocahontas' friend, Nakoma, from her canoe in the river below. Pocahontas dived into the deep blue water and the two friends paddled homewards. Back at the Indian village, Pocahontas' father, Chief Powhatan, had some wonderful news for his daughter.
お願いします。オスロのオサーンからメール貰いました。 "land of smile"とか"end me"とかってなんでしょう?スペルミスなのでしょうか?
Dear New friend, Hope you are a nice and kind person who can inform me abouth Japan and the people of the land of Smile. I am from Norway and is a mature guy. But can be funny and careful Hope you will end me some word.
あと、よくPROFILEにI am Simple personって書いている人を見かけますが "Simple"ってどう訳すのでしょうか?
翻訳お願いします。 For example, a friend was talking with a japanese at lunch, and I wanted to ask in Japanese "From which city do you come from in Japan??" I know all the words, but it was impossible to know the order...
Pocahontas leapt down ran over to a rocky ledge to get a closer look. She saw that the ship had dropped anchor and that men were coming ashore. One was tall and handsome ─and he was heading straight towards her! It was John Smith. As Pocahontas watched, the stranger climbed onto the rocky ledge and looked out across the beautiful landscape.
Hi. This is the qmail-send program at yahoo.co.jp. I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
どなたか翻訳お願いします。 How come you didn't receive the one I send before?? And I wrote you a message yesterday and today, did you receive it?? Because I'm afraid it might not work every time because of the time difference, the distance and the differencies between the phone... Anyway, it's no big deal, it's not like we are unable to communicate.
I never read a patent medicine advertisement without being impelled to the conclusion that I am suffering from the particular disease therein dealt with in its most dangerous form.
We actually met some nice people there! There was this one guy with his husband and two female friends. He’s originally from England, but after going back and forth to Japan a bunch of times over the course of three years, he eventually moved to Japan and has been teaching here for eight years. It was really cool talking to him, because there’s a part of me that wants to move here eventually (now that I’ve visited here, it’s going from “want to live here for awhile” to “move here for good eventually”). He seems to have adjusted to living in Japan and is fluent in Japanese (I would hope so, after being there for eight years!).
Dear Seller, Im dlinda mike presently in Canada. Im highly interested in purchasing your item placed on YAHOO AUCTION for my son in Nigeria. I will offer 8,000USD for 12 pics of items plus shipment by EMS SPEED POST. Payment will be made through Bank To Bank Transfer (Direct transfer to your bank account). I want you to reply me to my personal E-mail for further conversation via:-(@yahoo.com) or you can chat with me on @hotmail.com thanks
>>583 売主へ。今カナダに住んでるdlinda mikeだけど、ナイジェリアの息子のために買おうと思ってるんだが、 あんたの商品はけっこうよかった。EMS SPEED POSTであんたの商品の12映画、発送費込みを8000ドルで買いたい。 銀行を通じて払うよ(あんたの銀行口座に直接振り込むよ。) あんた個人のEメールでワカンネ→further conversation via:-(@yahoo.com)か、chat with me on @hotmail.com(チャット?)で返事くれよ んじゃ。
why is it that she has such a bad singing voice yet its so good at the same time i mean by allrights i schould not like the song but for some reason i just cant seme to not lisen to anything she does why is that
At the other end of the scale there are the particle feeders, static animals such as burrowing marine worms and other bottom-dwelling aquatic creatures that simply sit and sift the plentiful detritus that sinks to the bed of seas and lakes.
Among the vanishing species are African elephants. Ivory hunters kill the elephants illegally at the rate of about 200 a day. Farmers in overcrowded countries squeezeelephant herds into spaces too small to support them. Ten years ago 1.5 million alephants roamed the African countryside. Now perhaps 400000remain. Loss of the elephant, nearly everyone agrees, would be tragic.
This Agreement shall be renewed for successive periods of one year each unless terminated pursuant to the following provisions of this Article or unless either party here to gives the other party here to written notice, not less than 60 days prior to December 31st, 2012.
not less than 60 days prior to December 31st,2012 or the end of an annual renewal period, of the intention of the party hereto giving notice as aforesaid not to renew the term of this Agreement.
No doubt this will not be the whole story because there are things about what we do that are unavailable to us, but that is no reason for ignoring what is available.
翻訳お願いします。 Well,I'm answering your email righ now(I like doing many thing at a time hahaha),so if I'm fast enough, you should have it in 20 minutes or maybe more,Well let's say you'll have it before lunch for you!!!!
YO BABIES live it up. I'm tired but here are some photos of last weekend.I headed to another electronics market.I know,S. Korea is turning me into a techie.not really... two weekends ago i went for my friend andrew and then this weekend i went to get an MP3 player.it is fun--i am a bonefide korean commuter. i rock out on my subway commute every morning.and let me tell you,this morning i stopped by the bakery in the subway station where the guy that owns it always tries to teach me new korean words and got a little apple treat. then i rushed down to the platform and it was about 9:30 am--rush hour.i tried to hop on the subway last minute behind all the commuters and almost got crushed in the door! i yelped and then rambled off some obsenities and ended up getting part of my backpack stuck in the door. i was just stading there like a little kid who was hung on a coat rack by some bullies. except, my feet were touching the ground.so i took my arms out of my pack and it just hung there. i grabbed it before it thudded to the ground and got trampled by all the people who wanted off at jeonga yok (jeonga station).i was considering walking to the next car b/c i felt like an ass standing by people who saw that all paly out, but luckily most of them left. some had a look of mild terror throughout the whole experience!let me also tell you that yesterday i sent four kids to detention for rough housing in my classroom.one of them,after he heard that he had to go to detention, started crying and bowing profusely while rubbing his hands together and saying over and over and over and over "I'm so sorry teacher. Teacher, I'm so sorry."
There was something else i felt i should tell you but now i am so tired it has escaped me.Ahhh,yes,last night I went running on the river trail that is nearby my house.I had to run off the negativity i gathered from six straight classes(8 hours of teaching,ten hours at the school).we have started the intensive month of our school--some kids elect to come 5 days a week(i'm sure many of the kid's parents elect for them with $$$).this means i have to come early to teach more classes in the morning. i was really enjoying working from 3-10.now that i have to wake up at 8 i am a bit more cranky with life.it is probably also just setting into actually working.sooooooo... i was running on this river path and man,it was like a game of dodge the koreans. it was 10pm at night and everyone's grandmother and kids were out on this trail.and the thing is,when ppl walk here,they weave so it was v.difficult and frustrating,but after an hour and half i was like brand new.a side note--i keep forgetting to say that the first thing i saw when i landed in s.korea...as i was de- planeing.i was walking up the ramp from the plane,and i look down and on the metal ramp i see a little OTIS emblem.i just cannot get away from those guys.additionally:let me tell you about some of the characters i have come into contact with:
additionally: let me tell you about some of the characters i have come into contact with: a) one english teacher asked me, "Have you teached English before?" b) another teacher said, "the thing that gets me is the kid's pronounciation." c) the third teacher said, "you should have came last night (to the dojo)." not that i'm perfect,... b/c i'm sure i use tons of improper grammer both on my blog and everyday life. it's just that it's hilarious. d) another teacher stayed after class to write 100X "I will not use profanity in class." he said he wants to set a good example for his kids. e) another teacher refuses to eat korean food and is trying to subsist off of mainly McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Sochu (liquor).
me and nic have both been busy searching for jobs.Luckily for nic she has found a job as a graphic designer! Unfortunately i haven't been having the same amount of luck,i've been doing temporary jobs,working on building sites during the day and applying for jobs in the automotive industry. Ideally i'd like to work for a big company like Honda designer motorcycles! Just recently i have got a more permanent job for a train company called GNER, it's not very exciting and can't wait to find a new job.
In Exhibit 1, note that on the marketable securities line the market value is given in parentheses as $248. The amount of $246,000 listed as the asset amount must therefore be the cost.
An account receivable is an amount that is owed to the business, usually by one of its customers, as a result of the ordinary extension of a credit. A customer's monthly bill from the electric company would be an account receivable of the electric company until the customer paid the bill.
I first fell in love with social justice organizing in the summer of 1968. During the Democratic presidental convention that year,I was among thousands of college students who flocked to Chicago to protest U.S.involvement in the Vietnam War. We believe that America did not have a good reason to be fighting that war,and that many innocent people were losing their lives. While the protesters were mostly peaceful,the police rioted,chasing the demonstrators with tears gas and night sticks. When I got back home,I had trouble seeing,and I went to the eye doctor. "What have you done to these contact lenses?"he asked me. The tear gas had completely ruined them. But although my lenses were destroyed,my world vision had sharpened. I was committed to creating a fairer and more peaceful society,at home and around the world. The experience caused me to redirect my life.
In any case, can you say something about how Novu's mental image of him being 'interrogated' by Pitou seems so unlike Togashi? Very childish. Was this a something his editor/Jump made him do?
His daughter must be by far the best singer in this village. The closer the relationship, the greater the chance for the expression of true feelings. Of the two painters, he is the most famous. That boy is more kind than good. We cannot afford to rent a house like that, still less buy it. A bat is not a bird any more than a fish is. Solve as many problems as you can by yourself.
From that time on her front door closed,save for a period of six or seven years, when she was about forty, during which she gave lessons is china-painting.
It is really fantastiC! It is toooo expencive for me to buy 'shoei' G43 and i decided to make it by my own. I have already ordered the whole stock of wallnut in Poland and now thinking about! Maybe you could be so kind to say some words about your work? I appreciate any help! Best regards from Russia!
The brain interprets the image on the retina in the light of all sorts of other "information" it receives. Perception, in fact, is by no means a simple recording of the details of the world seen outside. It is a selection of those features with which we are familiar.
I hear more than my share of pain of AIDS, because so meny ppl write to me, their isolatio broken at last by a chance encounter with something I have written. In return I scribble a line or two when I can.
Living beings of all kinds are known organisms. What is true for human beings also applies to other species. Evolution is the process of gradual change that living beings on earth have undergone since life first began
Walt Disneyの話 Admist a vast stretch of orange groves, a man set out to create a world, separating the waters and dry lands by mountains, rivers, forests, and jungles. おねがいします
どなたか翻訳おねがいします。 I met great people, which I can't meet everyday, and keeping contact by MSN and phones is hard..You're the only person with who I do it regularly!! One more reason to be lucky to have a lot of news from me lol No I'm just kidding
I don't know what do you do to get me to talk so much (or write so much, in the context)!!No, don't be sad for that I won't admit it, be a man Ken!!!!! I'm kidding And in your sentences (I won't take notice about the last one),
Fortunately, we took your advice and witnessed the Jidai Matsuri - it was amazing to say the least. I think probably the best festival I have seen all year thus far. We both really enjoyed the intricacy of the costumes which added to the pageantry I think. A bit of a history lesson for the both of us.Kyoto is a very beautiful city,as is Tokyo. Obviously less crowded here, which can be nice at times, but I really enjoy cities and the energy that they give off, does this make sense? Japan is a beautiful place overall, I really wish we could spend more of our time here but unfortunately, we have plans to visit Australia and New Zealand before going home on Dec. 15th. I have a strong urge to come back to Tokyo for at least a year to live though, and I may just do it.I am very admirable of the Japanese culture from what I have noticed to this point, particularly the respect that is given to older people. Unlike where I am from,elders in Japan seem to be taken quite seriously and are looked up to very much. It seems as if they play a very important role in the society as a whole and are NOT taken for granted.What do you think about this?
The role of any hot water storage device is to contain water that can be delivered at some temperature above the surroundings.
We can think of each ‘layer’ of water as going through a process by which it exchanges heat with the environment until it is at the delivery temperature, T (Fig.1).
It reaches that temperature by exchanging heat with the surrounding air, or by mixing with cold water, both being at the environment temperature.
Once the water has reached the delivery temperature, the hot water storage device has fulfilled its requirements.
Hence we restrict our analysis to the process between the storage and delivery states.
It also would be inappropriate to conclude that the social structural approach is incompatible with the general perspective of evolutionary theorizing. Social structural analyses suggest an evolved organism, but one in which evolutionary pressures yielded a variety of dispositions, such as the capacity for group living and for culture. These analyses do not imply that people’s minds are blank slates, because humans possess facilities, such as for language, that develop in certain ways, given appropriate environments. Moreover, our critique of theorizing in evolutionary psychology is not meant to apply to evolutionary principles in general. Evolutionary reasoning pertaining to humans is diverse (Smith, 2000) and provides the basis, not only of evolutionary psychology, but also of models of the relation between biology and culture (Janicki and Krebs 1998 ) and human behavioral ecology approaches that emphasize behavioral variability in response to socioecological conditions (Cronk 1991).The implications of these other evolutionary theories for psychological processes have yet to be fully developed and are not discussed in this article.
To illustrate the contrasting approaches of evolutionary psychology and social structural theory, we first present and discuss each theory. Then we examine their predictions concerning the criteria men and women use in selecting mates. This domain of behavior has been central to evolutionary theorizing about human sex differences (e.g., Buss and Schmitt 1993; Kenrick and Keefe 1992), and the cross- cultural findings available in this area provide an opportunity to examine empirically some of the predictions of evolutionary and social structural analyses.
To illustrate the contrasting approaches of evolutionary psychology and social structural theory, we first present and discuss each theory. Then we examine their predictions concerning the criteria men and women use in selecting mates. This domain of behavior has been central to evolutionary theorizing about human sex differences (e.g., Buss and Schmitt 1993; Kenrick and Keefe 1992), and the cross- cultural findings available in this area provide an opportunity to examine empirically some of the predictions of evolutionary and social structural analyses.
>>710 社会構造アプローチが、 進化理論の一般的な方法と両立しないと結論づけるのは不適切であるかもしれない。 社会構造分析は、進化を完了した組織、しかしながら進化への圧力が さまざまな特徴を生み出したような組織を想定する。たとえば、 集団生活や文化の能力といったような。 これらの分析は、人々の思考が白紙であることを示唆しない、というのも、 人は環境に応じて特定の方法で進歩する道具、例えば言語などの、 を持っているからである。 さらにいえば、我々の進化心理学に対する批判は、進化の原理そのものを 対象とはしていない。 Evolutionary reasoning pertaining to humans is diverse (Smith, 2000) and provides the basis, not only of evolutionary psychology, but also of models of the relation between biology and culture (Janicki and Krebs 1998 ) and human behavioral ecology approaches that emphasize behavioral variability in response to socioecological conditions (Cronk 1991). (上はめんどくさいから略、進化理論もいろんなバリエーションがあるよねという話) これらの、心理プロセスの他の進化理論はまだ発展途上であり、 この論文では扱わない。
Your credit card will be charged at the time of shipment for the items shipped plus a pro rata portion of the shipping costs. The balance of the amount you authorized will be charged to your card when the remaining items are shipped.
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing Watch you smile while you are sleeping While you far away and dreaming I could spend my life in this sweet surrender I could stay lost in this moment forever Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure
* I don't wanna close my eyes I don't wanna fall asleep 'Coz I'd miss you baby And I don't wanna miss a thing 'Coz even when I dream of you The sweetest dream would never do I'd still miss you baby And I don't wanna miss a thing
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing Watch you smile while you are sleeping While you far away and dreaming
↓ I could spend my life in this sweet surrender ↑
I could stay lost in this moment forever Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure
* I don't wanna close my eyes I don't wanna fall asleep 'Coz I'd miss you baby And I don't wanna miss a thing 'Coz even when I dream of you The sweetest dream would never do I'd still miss you baby And I don't wanna miss a thing
There are people who have green thumbs. And then there's me. I didn't think anyone else noticed until the day my sister visited. "I found this in the garden," she said,handing me a potted-plant as she came in the door. "I think the wind blew it off your deck." " It wasn't the wind," my husband joked."It jumped."
Jean Valjean was in prison for 19 years. When he finally got out of prison, people treated him like a wicked criminal. So he had no place to go. A kind woman told him to go to a church where the door was never closed. Jean Valjean knocks at the church's door. Yes, my son. My name is Jean Valjean. I need help. I haven't eaten for three days. (To the Bishop in a low voice) Oh, this must be the man they were talking about in the town. Do come in. Let me introduce myself. My name is Myriel, the Bishop of this town. Will you stay at my house and have dinner with us? As the Bishop let Jean Valjean sit down before the fire, something touched Jean Valjean's heart. The Bishop's kindness brought tears to Jean Valjean's eyes, but he quickly turned away as the Bishop watched him calmly. 訳お願いします
>>750 検索したらこうなっている There are people who have green thumbs. And then there's me, Ms. Black Thumb.
black thumb は green thumb の反対で園芸が苦手の意味。 世の中には園芸の得意な人がいます。ところが私は園芸がからきし苦手。 姉が訪ねてきたあの日までこのことは誰にも気づかれてないと思ってました。 ところが夫に(その鉢植えは妻の手入れが余りにひどいので)「自分で飛び降りたんだ」 と言われる。別に面白くないけど意味はわかるだろ。
Yet signs of a breakthrough in the coalition talks emerged tuesday moning when the christian democrats and liberals temporarily put aside their differences and agreed on a tough new aproach to asylum policy and economic migration.
I visited the Meiji shrine with Karl and a friend of ours who is living in Japan. We went on Sunday. I attached a photo of the traditionally dressed woman we saw. We were wondering if this was for a wedding or for a baptism? Someone commented that they may dress this way for a baptism as well.
A bit more about me- I am 27 years old and originally from Lansing, MI, U.S.A.. I lived in Lansing for 22 years, and attended University nearby at Michigan State.After completing my degree in Marketing and Supply Chain Management/ Logistics, I headed to Chicago to work as a freight broker (sales) which I did until Jan. 2007. My girlfriend, Brooke (whom you met), and I decided to leave our company to pursue world travel.The timing could not of been better and with the little vacation time we were given (10 days / yr.), quitting was the only option.So now I am jobless and semi-homeless and have been traveling throughout Asia since late January.Its really been great and I have learned and experienced so much. Like you, I also enjoy playing and watching sports(playing tennis and watching American football,mainly) and taking long walks.I really love to eat and try new foods as well.
the totality of socially transmitted conduct patterns, artes, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought まずこれを訳していただいて、この定義に合う単語を下記から選んでもらえますでしょうか? ideology, principle, culture, identity, psychology, religion, belief お願いします。
you made me thought って、「あなたは私にそう思わせる」って感じでよろしいですか? それと文末の lol .are they ? の部分は、「彼らがまた戻ってくるということ"なんですね?”」という 確認の意志表示みたいな風に考ればいいですか? それと、この場合の「lol」の使い方は小馬鹿にしたニュアンスなのか、 単に親しみを表す笑みなのか、どう捉えればいいですか。
和訳お願いします。 Well if you want to have other French friends, I don't care, it's not my role to decide ^^ But like you said, don't abandon me in the spring for your other French friends, because I would feel a bit stupid :)
和訳お願いします。 The aim of using cloning for healing is to be able to recreate organs and other replacement parts for sick people. Reproductive cloning involves the recreation of an individual. Surveys show that most people support the idea of therapeutic cloning and reject idea of reproductive cloning. However, the fundamental processes involved in both are the same.
There was a new PV shoot in Tokyo on 22 October 2007. On that day YOSHIKI announced "We're going to give you a concert in Tokyo next spring." This preview pubic is not out publicly but please enjoy the wank feel of it.
長い文章なんですが、和訳お願い出来ますでしょうか? When a new medical technology is introduced, society must consider the medical ethics - does the procedure bring more benefits than risks - and the social implications of the technology. In the case of IVF(体外受精), there is a slightly higher risk of health problems for the so-called "test-tube babies," but the greatest objections to the technology were socail in nature. Specifically, society had to decide if it was ethical to offer an expensive treatment with a low success rate (about 25 percent) to childless couples, especially when there were already many children who did not have a family. Society eventually decided that it was ethical.
A big mistake many of us make, Isaacs says, is we prepare too well before starting our dialogue. We know exactly waht we're going to say, leaving no room for surprises. "Most often we know what we want to say and wait for our turn to say it. We are closed to hearing the unexpected from others, cutting ourselves off from honest exchanges thet give us new knowledge and ideas and make us want to take action. This is the opposite af dialogue." In carrying out dialogue, we are more like jazz musicians making up ideas on the spot in a group than like a pianist playing by himself or herself. Dialogue is a kind of action done together. According to Isaacs, people who think and talk together effectively have the following abilities: Listening- We must listen not only to others but to ourselves, dropping our assumptions, resistance, and reactions. Respecting- We must allow rather than try to change people with a different opinion. Voicing- We must speak our own voice. Find our own authority, giving up the need to dominate. Not simply mere talk, dialogue is also about shifting the relationship of power. As long as there's a power difference in your roles- like a conversation between a boss and employee or a professor and student- dialogue is very difficult. Regarding thi point, Isaacs gives us a suggestion: "We must look beyond our differences to get new information, so the professor can learn from the student and the boss from the employee. All good bosses know that when you're really acting as a good leader, it's not clear who's leading and it doesn't matter. If the boss sees you as a partner, rather than an employee, suddenly it becomes possible to be creative."
和訳お願いします。 With the introduction of genetic treatments, soceity also had to decide if it was ethical to allow parents to specify characteristics of their children, such as blonde hair and blue eyes, to make "designer babies." This was emphatically rejected by society until 2003 when, in England, parents won the right to create a child with a specific genetic profile in order to provide bone marrow that would save the life of their first child.
>>822 早っ;神業やw wankって本当にその意味だけ?なんてこった・・・。 801は一体何をry。 今日本語→英語スレ飛んでたら、12が wank it off 'til it jerks the cum out ...とかって 書いてたから、本当にオナニな意味で使ってるとたまたま知ってしまったが
Sorry about the previous post. To write it, I utilized a help from a japanese message board for studying English, but an idiot at the board gave me a complete crap as an translation for the Japanese sentense which I asked them to translate.
What I meant was this: "Though this video is not official, I hope you guys enjoy the atomosphere"
Schumann's passionate work reached a pinnacle in 1840 when, his spirits cherred by marriage, the composer wrote 138 lieder in what he called a single "year of song". Some of these titles "You Are Like a Flower," "Poet'sLove," "In the Beautiful Month of May," and "Woman's Life and Love," demonstrate the composer's contented mental state at the time. For the next several years Schumann specialized in specific forms. For instance, in 1841 he wrote only orchestral music, specifically four symphonies; in 1842 it was chamber music that included three string quartets, a piano quartet, and a piano quintet.
The changes brought on by the end of the Cold War are so many and so complex that no one can really know for sure just what they all will be yet. It were about different beliefs that people had about how society should be organized or about religion.
ErewhonというSamuel Butlerの小説です。Erewhonはnowhereを逆につづったもの。 Erewhonという国がどのような国か知識がなければ訳しにくいかもしれませんが、 (長文禁止なので)、「 」の部分だけお願いします。 Even in England a man on board a ship with yellow fever is held responsible for his mischance, no matter what his being kept in quarantine may cost him. He may catch the fever and die; we cannot help it; he must take his chance as other people do; 「but surely it would be desperate unkindness to add contumely to our self-protection, unless, indeed, we believe that contumely is one of our best means of self-protection.」 Again, take the case of maniacs. We say that they are irresponsible for their actions, but we take good care, or ought to take good care, that they shall answer to us for their insanity, and we imprison them in what we call an asylum (that modern sanctuary!) if we do not like their answers. This is a strange kind of irresponsibility. What we ought to say is that we can afford to be satisfied with a less satisfactory answer from a lunatic than from one who is not mad because lunacy is less infectious than crime.
カルフォルニアでの火事に関するニュースの一部なんですが、 The president was given a Republican governor there, whom he'd never been particularly close with, but they could be in mutual admiration. という部分の意味が分かりません。よろしくお願いします。
「but surely it would be desperate unkindness to add contumely to our self-protection, unless, indeed, we believe that contumely is one of our best means of self-protection.」 「しかし自分たちの自己防衛に傲慢さを加えるということは確かに絶望的な無慈悲だろう、本当のところ、傲慢さというのが自己防衛の主要な財産の一つだと我々が信じていない限り。」
(添付でイラストを送ってもらってます) I have sent a drawing I did some years ago. I thought you might like the concept. I just want you know what I like to do with my creativity. I'm hoping to have a show next year, but I don't know when or where, yet? -still looking into it.
お願いします Venus is making her gracious way through your sign so you may already have noticed a more upbeat quality to life and that your charm is working like, well, a charm! And if not, you may have reason to believe in your good fortune this week. Certainly, this is the moment to make your loving intentions known and to set out your market stall, whether for work or romance. There may have been some misunderstandings recently or other people may not have responded to your ideas or your pleas but you should drop the fear of rejection and expect to be treated as you deserve. As you may know by now, beautiful alignments like these are an oasis in a desert.
The present study builds on previous work with the early life linguistic ability measure of idea density. We examined the extent to which idea density, a measure of linguistic ability, was related to the late life expression of cognitive function in participants, longitudinal study of aging and Alzheimer's disease.
the space shuttle burns more than half a million gallons of fuel blasting into orbit, making every pound of payload cost $10,000.
Now the nonprofit Spaceward Foundation, with the $400,000 grant from NASA, hopes to fast-track the technology to reach space on the cheap, without rockets.
We used six discrete categories of cognitive function to examine the full range of cognition ranging from intact status to dementia. We examined the relationships among idea density and late life neuropathology, including the Braak method of staging neurofibrillary pathology of Alzheimer's disease as well as diffuse and neuritic plaques.
Thousands of kind of tripical plants could help feed a growing world population. About four out of every ten prescription medicines come from ingredients found in plants. Some animals also provide medicines.
In all cultures men learn to speak at roughly the same age, starting in the first or second year of life, mastering most of the grammar of their language by the age of six, but increasing their vocabulary all through their lives. This means that we learn to speak long before we are able consciously to reflect on language. よろしくお願いします。
“It's natural for species to become extinct over millions of years,”says Dr.Lovejoy. “What's unnatural is that humans are speeding up the process many times over.” People are doing this in four main ways: destroying wildlife, and polluting the environment. These activities asffect all species in one way or another. “All life is interconnected,” cautions Dr.Lovejoy.
I wish to offer a simple but crucial analogy between the study of the brain and the study of the heart. In our day,we all take for granted that bodies and their organs are made of cells. Thus a heart is made of many billions of cells.
The endlessly repetitive cropping and grinding becomes a whole way of life, dominating the daily routine of such animals as rabbits and hares, some rodents, marsupials such as kangaroos and wallabies, many ungulates and, among invertebrates, the grasshoppers and locusts.
Inventories are goods being held for sale, as well as supplies, raw materials, and partially finished products that will be sold upon completion. For example, a truck owned by an automobile dealer for resale to its customers is not inventory. A truck owned by an entity and used to transport its own goods is inventory.
Centuries before this, classical Greek culture, although the power of the Gods always hovered in the back ground, was fundamentally humanistic in outlook. That is to say, it placed special emphasis on the importance of human affairs in the world. It glorified the heroic spirit and deeds of man, as seen in The Iliad and The Odyssey of Homer (8th Century, B.C.); it praised the beauty of the human bodyー as numerous sculptures, reliefs and paintings testify; it had profound respect for the wisdom and imagination of man's mindーas revealed in the words and works of Spcrates (469-399 B.C.), Plato (427-347 B.C.) and Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), the last of whom, incidentally, was the private tutor of Alexander the Great, the most cultured of all great military leaders.
The gnats didn't bite,but human beings found them annoying because of their great numbers. Efforts were made to control them,but they were useless until in the late 1940s,DDD,a close relative of DDT,was chosen for a fresh attack.
Entities buy insurance protection ahead of the period that the insurance policy covers. When they buy the insurance policy, they have acquired an asset. Since the policy covers only a short period of time, the asset is a current asset. Insurance protection can't be seen or touched. It is an intangible asset.
And thus,to close out my heart―brain analogy,the bottom line is simply that the microscopic level may well be ―― or rather,almost certainly is ―― the wrong level in the brain on which to look, if we are seeking to explain such enormously abstract phenomena as concepts,ideas,prototypes,stereotypes,analogies, abstraction,remembering,forgetting,confusing,comparing,creativity,consciousness,sympathy,empathy,and the like.
Discovering that the younger generation has taken to using thumbs in a completely different way and are doing so instinctively where the use our index fingers is particularly interesting.
She noted how, while those less accustomed to mobile phones used one or several fingers to access the keypad, younger people used both thumbs, barely looking at the keys as they made rapid entries.