▽ 新聞各社に意見メール - LA Times - NY Times - Economist - CNN http://edition.cnn.com/feedback/ 注意: 採用される条件としては、基本的に短く簡素に要所を纏めて手紙を書かないと、 スペース的に制約の有るセクションなので、採用されません。
犬肉は韓国でも違法、ソウルオリンピックを開催する為に作った装飾法 Despite its allure, dog meat stew is technically *illegal. The Korean government banned its sale and consumption just before the 1988 Seoul Olympics, in hopes of avoiding negative international publicity. Fourteen years after the official prohibition of dog meat in Korea, approximately 4,000 restaurants nationwide still served dog meat in 2002, according to Reuters. http://www.anchoragepress.com/archives-2005/featurevol14ed25.shtml
BBC Regarding an article on the BBC News website dated on July 11, 2005, entitled “Japan racism 'deep and profound',” by Mr. Chris Hogg of the BBC News Tokyo, ...
AP Regarding an article from the Associated Press dated on July 11, 2005, entitled “Japan Discrimination Deemed a Problem,” ... を完了。 あとは、 Nicholas D. Kristof が北朝鮮から心身共無事に帰るのを待つのみ。
記事では >Among tourists from Taiwan, China and Hong Kong, about > 20 percent believed before coming here that > Japanese were kind people, the survey showed.
Police on Tuesday applied for an arrest warrant for six young women and booked two others on charges of confining and robbing a woman they met online and torturing her for a month. The six suspects are in their late teens and early twenties including two college students, police said. Police said the group, who met through a lesbian website, locked up a 21-year-old identified as Cho in a room in Dalseo-gu, Daegu city from June 2 until July 5, reportedly because they were angry that Cho had recently started seeing another woman. They subjected her to regular beatings so severe that her wounds will take up to 12 weeks to heal.
Hong Kong’s Cathay Pacific Airways invited Korean ire on Sunday when it ordered a plane to take off from Chek Lap Kok International Airport on Sunday without 44 Korean passengers on board. The Korean passengers blame the incident on the carrier’s “insincerity” and are demanding damages, but Cathay Pacific says the Koreans were making unreasonable demands.
Drunk Korean caught for unruly behavior July 15, 2005 A Korean was arrested for malicious mischief and direct assault last Monday in barangay Pusok, Lapu-Lapu City. The Lapu-Lapu police Special Weapons and Tactics team led by PO2 Ronan Andales arrested Jik Seong Kim, 41, presently staying as guest at Villa Vista Hotel of the said barangay. After a few minutes, without apparent reason, he allegedly harassing some duty room attendants then went wild inside his occupied room, destroying the room’s glass furniture, two lampshades, a stereo, a closet drawer and some bed linens. Responding policemen arrested Kim, but as they were bringing him in he resisted arrest and fought with them, eventually destroying an ammo pouch of one of the SWAT members until he was subdued.
With the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II approaching, the South Korean TV networks plan Utoro specials, And the plight of Utoro residents has also drawn the attention of The United Nations. Doudou Diene, special rapporteur of the U.N. Commission on Human Rights, spent nearly three hours in Utoro on July 5 hearing the stories of the residents and visiting the rickety homes. Last month, Lee Kwang Chol of the ruling Uri party and Na Kyung Won of the opposition Grand National Party founded a parliamentary study group to explore the possibility of buying the village from its current owner, a Japanese-Korean property developer. Why all the attention for a tiny enclave not much bigger than a football ground, squeezed up against a Self Defense Force base? The story of these settlers resonates strongly in Korea, where anti-Japanese sentiment is again growing amid rekindled disputes over how Japan records and commemorates its war history. "The survivors of Utoro are a symbol of Japanese colonialism," says Bae. "Their story caused me heartache and I thought: It cannot go on like this. Japan has to develop into an open society. That's why Utoro should be saved." Utoro's story begins in the 1930s and 1940s when Kan was among millions who came from the Korean Peninsula -- おい→many of them forcibly made to do so -- to work in Japanese factories, mines and military installations. "While the abduction of a few Japanese to North Korea was a big topic, the kidnapping of thousands of Koreans to Japan was not. Utoro is not in the news either." http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?fl20050712zg.htm
>>60 IMADR、IIJI、FNKの狙いは拉致問題を誤魔化すこと。 While the abduction of a few Japanese to North Korea was a big topic, the kidnapping of thousands of Koreans to Japan was not.
>>66 つーかJapan TimesとDAVID McNEILL and ANDREAS HIPPINむかつくんだけど。 Additional reporting by Eric Johnston Send comments to: [email protected] 日本人の名誉を侮辱したので解雇を要請するかwwwwww http://dentotsu.jp.land.to/irai42.html#42_4 ワールドカップの取材でソウルを初めて訪れたFred Varcoe記者は、売春婦にしつこく付き纏われた 体験談記事を書き、 この記事を見た韓国政府と韓国人ネチネチ粘着ネチズンがジャパンタイムズへ しつこく抗議を繰り返し、これに屈したジャパンタイムズ紙は、Fred Varcoe記者を解雇した。
解雇理由は朝鮮人女の名誉を侮辱した(insulting the honour)と言うとんでも無い理由で有り、 在日本韓国大使館員がジャパンタイムズ社二度も直接訪れるなど、言論の自由や真実の隠蔽に必死であった。
>>67 在米チョソの“Korean Americans have worked hard to build a respectable reputation in American society,” says Gun Bae Yooは、 これ位大規模な手入れが入らないと知らなかったってか? 米国ではもっと小規模だが毎月のようにチョソ系の売春マッサージで逮捕された事件有るのにな、 知らない訳無いよな? 本当は知ってる癖に、今回のは特に大きな事件でチョソの面目丸潰れだから、 体裁を保つ為の見せかけ発言だろ?
HUMAN TRAFFICKING 101 Examples of a Decentralized Sex Trafficking Network in the U.S. The Korean brothels in the United States are set-up and run in an extremely stereotyped manner, but have no overarching coordination or hierarchy. A shared understanding of how to operate the brothels, high degree of rotation through the networks, and informal ties between transporters and owners have all contributed to the relative uniformity of their networks. http://www.humantrafficking.com/humantrafficking/trafficking_ht3/who_traffickers.htm
"This black woman thinks rather a lot of herself."
"She's so ugly she's losing face. Even a dog would be put off its dinner while she's being fed."
The 5000 years of civilisation on which the Chinese pride themselves were not so evident this week in the comments on Condoleezza Rice's visit to Beijing posted on the internet site "New Tide Net".
According to the government, Dae Jung and his wife have been living in the United States illegally since 1996. Mrs. Jung, 46, a long-time volunteer at Emmanuel Baptist Christian School, and her husband, Dae Jung, a sushi chef at downtown's Navy Bistro, have a 15-year-old son, Andrew, who was born in Lucas County. he began working at Kotobuki restaurant, becoming a sushi chef. The restaurant asked the U.S. Department of Labor for permission to hire Mr. Jung. On Aug. 14, 2000, he was issued a certificate allowing him to work - a sort of first step toward a green card, his attorneys said. Dennis Chung, owner of Kotubuki, said he has entrusted Mr. Jung to operate the sushi bar, by himself, at the downtown Navy Bistro's wine bar. The Jungs had been married about a year when they arrived in Toledo in 1984 so Mr. Jung could attend UT. Graduating with average grades 10 years later, he took his family - the Jungs by now had a 4-year-old son, Andrew - back to Korea in 1995. But the return was heart-breaking, he said. The Seoul area was congested and busy and noisy. Young Andrew could not communicate well with other Korean children. The couple, who had spent most of their adult life in Toledo, longed for the greener, more open spaces of the Midwest, Mr. Jung said. They decided to return, and Mr. Jung applied for a second student visa, saying he wanted to study at a language school in Michigan. But when he returned to Toledo, he changed his mind, ultimately deciding to return to UT to study accounting. "The evidence clearly indicates that you did not intend to attend the Michigan Language Center and therefore entered the United States fraudulently," http://toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050715/NEWS02/507150425/-1/NEWS http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?Date=20050326&Category=NEWS08&ArtNo=503260322&SectionCat=&Template=printart
Hello! For those of you who are interested, since we've recently been discussing issues of racism in Japan, I wrote a Letter to the Editor which was published in the Daily Yomiuri yesterday (July 14th). For the sake of comments/discussion, I've re-printed the article here: ---------------- Like many of the foreigners currently living and working in Japan, I do not support Japan's pursuit of a permanent UN Security Council seat. Time and time again, Japan thumbs its nose at the organization they wish to play a greater role in. True, the behavior of the current members falls short of being exemplary, but the last thing needed is another gross violator. UN rapporteur Doudou Diene, appointed by the UN Human Rights Commission recently visited Japan and expressed his concern at Japan's elected officials using racist and nationalist terms, while remaining oblivious to the seriousness and depth of the existing levels of racism and xenophobia in daily society ? a sentiment seemingly echoed by many Japanese citizens, as reported in a BBC News story entitled “Japan mulls multicultural dawn,” (October 5, 2004).
How can a country presume to embrace internationalism and participate in United Nations affairs when the general view of a non-Japanese is mired in stereotypes and educating the nation's children consists of racist literature such as the unfortunate, recent republishing of “Little Black Sambo” and “The Five Chinese Brothers” (Shina no gyo-nin kyoudai); the word “shina” being a highly offensive term to describe a Chinese person ? no different than “sambo” used in reference to someone of African origin. Does anyone protest? Are there boycotts? Hardly. It's on the best-seller lists. Perhaps Mr. Diene, a Senegalese, should have been presented with a copy of “Little Black Sambo” as a memento of his recent trip to Japan, as well as an equally popular “golliwogg hugging doll” (Dakko-chan), which incidentally still exist here, to really exemplify how Japan views him and other international guests.
Indeed, many others have also come to the same conclusion; people like Irene Kahn, Secretary General of Amnesty International, on a recent trip to Tokyo. Her statement, “Japan must start by putting its own house in order” is a wonderful way to sum things up.
Chinese Defector in Belgium Exposes Industrial Spying in Europe
A Chinese defector in Belgium has exposed a long-running, widespread Chinese Communist Party (CCP) industrial spy network operating in Europe. The latest in a growing list of officials defecting from China to Western countries was a member of a Chinese student association in Leuven, Belgium, according to Claude Moniquet, CEO of European Strategic Intelligence Security Center (ESISC), in an interview with The Epoch Times.
Like recent defectors in Australia and Canada, the defector in Belgium has yet to be given political asylum, so his exact identity has not been made public.
Clashes between youths and police in the suburbs of Paris saw police use shoulder-held grenade launchers. One police officer was injured and taken to hospital.
The door of a synagogue in Stains, a suburb north of Paris, was damaged by a Molotov cocktail.
http:/fire disease/www.psychiatrictimes.com/p980145.html Examining Anger in 'Culture-Bound' Syndromes by Sandra L. Somers Psychiatric Times "Hwa-byung" and "ataque de nervios," listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) as culture-bound syndromes, can serve as gateways to understanding anger's role in psychiatric morbidity, according to a panel of experts.
Christopher K. Chung, M.D., assistant professor and director of psychiatric emergency services at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, Calif., who chaired a symposium on hwa-byung and anger syndromes at the American Psychiatric Association last year, described the Korean phenomenon of hwa-byung (literally, fire disease火病) as "more specifically, suppressed anger syndrome." He said there was not a consensus as to whether the syndrome should be classified as culture-bound.
The Korean Perspective Hwa-byung is more frequently found in less-educated people, those of lower socioeconomic status and those from rural areas. Once provoked, they tend to talk long and in detail Min described a study in which he sought to identify the psychological and somatic symptoms related to hwa-byung and to correlate those symptoms with haan, which refers to suppressed anger, hate, despair, the holding of a grudge or feelings of "everlasting woe"; as well as to disorders of anxiety, depression and obsession-compulsion.
In the most homogenous country in the world, where "our" is used in the naming of everything from banks to political parties, to be Korean, even of the Northern variety, is perhaps less threatening in the South than the prospect of foreigners having an enduring stake and voice in the country. Capital and investment are always welcome in South Korea, but input into how these assets may best be used is increasingly unwelcome.
By David Scofield is a lecturer at the Graduate Institute of Peace Studies, Kyung Hee University, Seoul.
In the United States, everyone gets excited about the font used to type a letter allegedly 30 years old and compares it to documents written by a modern word processor. In Japan, they’re blogging about sex. In the United States, you can pay to watch the NFL and major league baseball in real time as you putz around the computer. In Japan, you can pay to watch everyday people having sex on camera in love hotels in real time as you just putz around.
こちらによるとトルーマン政権は1945-50年の間に朝鮮半島のアメリカ軍を削減した。(a Truman Administration originally did not expect a major military conflict, and it drastically downsized American forces from 1945 to 1950.
1949年の6月には朝鮮半島にアメリカ軍は500人しかいなかった。(b Although it continued to provide modest military aid to the south, the U.S. withdrew its occupation forces, leaving behind a 500-man Military Advisory Group by June 1949.
韓国の共産党がゲリラ活動を済洲島で行っており、住民虐殺を繰り返していた。 The communist South Korean Workers' Party led a partly indigenous guerrilla movement in the south after a major rebellion on Cheju Island in April 1948 that that claimed tens of thousands of lives.
韓国の2部隊等が共産ゲリラの駆逐にあたった。 Two South Korean army divisions and one army brigade were quickly deployed to conduct sweep and destroy missions to eliminate the guerrillas.
1950年の4月には北朝鮮のゲリラは500人までに減った。 By April 1950, less than 500 North Korean guerrillas remained in South Korea.
1950年1月、アメリカの防衛ラインはアラスカ、日本、沖縄、フィリピンだけだと発表 On 12 January 1950, Secretary of State Dean Acheson gave his famous Aleutians speech at the National Press Club, Washington, DC. Acheson said that United States would adhere to the principle of non-interference with respect to the Chinese question and that the American defense line in the Pacific was one that connected Alaska, the Japanese archipelago, Okinawa, and the Philippines.
アメリカの防衛ラインに韓国が入っていないのに勢いづいた金日成は南朝鮮侵略を開始。 Emboldened by the exclusion of South Korea from the American defense line in the Pacific zone in the so-called Acheson Declaration, Kim Il-sung decided to launch an outright invasion of the South.
================================================== >>148の a) と b) の結果になった南朝鮮を防衛ラインから排除する理由が述べられていない。 「なめんな」という理由で南朝鮮排除なら、米軍削減・撤退予定の現在の状況も似たような状態だね。
Japan's National Anthem, Kimigayo The Peaceful Reign
May Thy peaceful reign last long! May it last for thousands of years! Until this tiny stone will grow into a massive rock And the moss will cover it all deep and thick.
"The Star-Spangled Banner" Oh, say! can you see by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming! And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there. Oh say, does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
"God Bless America" Land that I love. Stand beside her, and guide her Thru the night with a light from above. From the mountains, to the prairies, To the oceans, white with foam God bless America, My home sweet home.
"Take me out to the ball game, Take me out with the crowd. Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack, I don't care if I never get back, Let me root, root, root for the (Mariners), If they don't win it's a shame. For it's one, two, three strikes, you're out, At the old ball game."
http://www.womensenews.org/article.cfm/dyn/aid/2378/context/archive Japan Installs Caution Signal for Sex Traffic Run Date: 07/18/05 Last week, Sigma Huda, the special rapporteur on trafficking for the U.N. Commission on Human Rights, came here on an unofficial fact-finding mission with activists, lawyers, lawmakers, academics and others concerned about human trafficking. The visit followed widespread reports--including by Amnesty International Japan--of South Asian women from developing nations being trafficked in this highly developed country. Japanese women have also pressured the government to do something about human trafficking. "Many women were enraged by an article in the Asahi Shimbun, a major daily newspaper in Japan, about the practice," says Sakanaka, the former director of the Immigration Bureau, referring to an investigative article published Oct. 18, 2003. "Until this article came out, Japanese women knew little about the situation. Women's groups mobilized, and called up magazines and newspapers to protest the treatment of the women victims." police dealt with trafficking by arresting the victims as illegal aliens, jailing them and deporting them as soon as they had enough money to fly home. Traffickers received a fine or a short jail sentence. One of the most notorious traffickers, Koichi Hagiwara, known as Sony for his habit of videotaping his victims while he humiliated and tortured them, was sentenced in March 2003 and served less than two years in prison for violating labor laws.
そもそもこの馬鹿をUNに入り込ませたのは誰だよ? Kinhide Mushakoji 5-34-14 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku Tokyo 151-0053, Japan Tel: 81 568 514 485 [o]; 81 3 3460 5018 [h] Fax: 81 568 514 736 [o]; 81 3 3460 5099 [h] E-mail: [email protected] ■主催: 反差別国際運動(IMADR) ■スピーカー(予定・順不同・敬称略): Nimalka Fernando(IMADR理事長)(議長) Kinhide Mushakoji(IMADR副理事長/元国連大学副学長 画像 http://www.unu.edu/history/mushakoji.html) Urgent Statement on the Attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, USA by Kinhide Mushakoji, International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR) (Sep.13) http://www.imadr.org/tokyo/IMADR-Statement.9.11.attacks.html
Fears of a violent clash mounted Friday after progressive civic groups wanting a statue of U.S. General Douglas MacArthur in Incheon pulled down and conservative groups determined to protect it to the very end announced simultaneous Sunday demonstrations in the city’s Freedom Park.
Mon Jul 18 21:21 FATHER LAUNCHES TRUST IN HONOUR OF MURDERED LUCIE An Isle of Wight man, the father of murdered hostess Lucie Blackman, was today launching a charitable trust in honour of his daughter to help protect young people.
The official launch is being backed by Steve Harley, who is staging a charity concert on the Isle of Wight to raise funds for the Trust on July 22.
Ms Blackman was killed during an alleged date rape in Tokyo, Japan, and ★★shortly after the concert Mr Blackman and his daughter Sophie will head for Tokyo to see the man charged in connection with her death questioned in court by public prosecutors.
1. Hyundai Lane Opposite of the "Lexus Lane", which is High Occupancy Toll lanes where the wealthy who can afford to pay high tolls can drive without delay.
"Hyundai Lane" users are those with less money sits in the traffic-jam with frustration and watch the rich passes by them. I wish I could afford the "Lexus Lanes" instead of sitting in the "Hyundai Lanes" watching rich people drive by me.
"This black woman thinks rather a lot of herself."
"She's so ugly she's losing face. Even a dog would be put off its dinner while she's being fed."
The 5000 years of civilisation on which the Chinese pride themselves were not so evident this week in the comments on Condoleezza Rice's visit to Beijing posted on the internet site "New Tide Net".
Disabled people are sometimes expelled from Pyongyang, a green and well-groomed capital that is one of the prettiest in Asia, because they are considered unsightly.
No government in the world today is more brutal or has failed its people more abjectly, yet it appears to be in solid control and may even have substantial popular support.
ttp://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-062305image_lat,0,1476593.story?coll=la-home-headlines Germans were the most self-deprecating of nations, the poll found. Only 51% of Germans said their country was liked and 43% believed that Germany was generally disliked. But in fact, other Western European nations gave Germany very high popularity ratings ? including the French, who gave Germany higher marks than they gave their own nation.
While that last plot point added the chase scenes you'd expect in a Bay movie, the director says he was really drawn to the film's ethical inquiry. "I wanted people to leave the theater saying, 'If I could own a clone, would I?' " Bay says.
URL貼り忘れ http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/19/opinion/19kristof.html?oref=login Many tens of thousands of ethnic Koreans in Japan support North Korea, not because they are Communists but because they are patriots - they see the Dear Leader as an authentic Korean nationalist, in contrast with the American quislings in the South.
Riots in a Village in China as Pollution Protest Heats Up By HOWARD W. FRENCH Published: July 19, 2005 Pollution Protests in China Recent riots in Xinchang are a part of a rising tide of discontent in China, where the number of mass protests is skyrocketing. The riots in Xinchang are a part of a rising tide of discontent in China, with the number of mass protests like these skyrocketing to 74,000 incidents last year from about 10,000 a decade earlier, according to government figures. The details have varied from incident to incident, but the recent protests all share a common foundation of accumulated anger over the failure of China's political system to respond to legitimate grievances and defiance of the local authorities, who are often seen as corrupt. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/19/international/asia/19china.html?hp=&adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1121767676-5CLjKZlkcolP8KZ2yhXosA
http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2002386051_koreanadopt17.html Since the end of the Korean War in the 1950s, South Korea has sent more than 155,000 children abroad for adoption. Some two-thirds of those have gone to the United States, where children of South Korean origin make up the largest group of foreign adoptees at 56,825, according to the latest U.S. census, conducted in 2000.
Korean society typically shuns adoption. The country's Confucian values place high value on blood relations. Some parents who adopt children in Korea even move to different cities to conceal their children's status.
The state has approximately 150,000 residents of Korean descent, according to the Korean consulate in Seattle. Nearly 3,000 are children adopted from Korea.
http://news.google.com/news?q=Half+foreign+wife-Korean+husband+households+live+in+poverty+&btnG=Search+News&hl=en&ned=us&ie=UTF-8 Half foreign wife-Korean husband households live in poverty Korea Herald Jul 14, 2005 More than half the foreign wife-Korean husband households are in absolute poverty, earning below the minimum cost of living, and only 10 percent of them benefit from the state subsidy programs, according to a survey released yesterday. The study, commissioned by the Ministry of Health and Welfare to keep abreast of the burgeoning ranks of female married migrants, was the first nationwide survey on the welfare conditions of foreign wives
http://www.crisscross.com/seminar/ Dates: 29th & 30th July 2005 Location: City Club Of Tokyo, Maple Room Time: 9:00 AM to 05.00 PM Investment: 80,000 yen
Japan's sexual slavery focus of museum Activists aim to remember 'victimizers,' even if new textbooks don't By KEIJI HIRANO The museum, due to open Aug. 1 as Japan's first resource center on the crime, will also provide visitors with information about other wartime atrocities through its collections of books, photo panels and other documents, including court materials, said Rumiko Nishino, chief of the institution. The Women's Fund for Peace and Human Rights, a nonprofit organization that founded the museum, decided to launch it to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II.
For more information Preliminary committee for the Women's Museum for War and Peace Tel/Fax 03-3369-6866 email: [email protected]
>>280 >7. 英語能力資格試験で成績が悪くても雇用を保証しろ! http://www.usatoday.com/news/sept11/2002-08-12-koreanair_x.htm Korean Air jet may have narrowly missed disaster Pilots on Korean Air Flight 85 mistakenly issued a hijack alert at 1:24 p.m. ET as they neared Alaska on the way to Anchorage. Military officials, who had ordered two F-15 fighters to tail the jet, told Anchorage air traffic controllers that they would shoot it down if it did not turn away from populated areas, several sources told USA TODAY. During the next 90 minutes, officials on the ground launched evacuations in Anchorage, at the Trans Alaska Pipeline and in Whitehorse, the capitol of Canada's Yukon Territory. Scanning every communication it transmitted that day, it found something suspicious sent by the Korean jet. The Seoul-to-New York flight was headed for a refueling stop in Anchorage. In a message sent at 11:08 a.m. ET to Korean Air's base, the pilots included the letters "HJK" — a code for hijacked. Instead of reassuring controllers, the Korean pilots declared themselves hijacked at 1:24 p.m. They set their transponder, which transmits information about the flight to radars, to the four-digit universal code for hijacked — 7500. Suddenly, more than an hour after the skies emptied over the lower 48 states, a routine flight became a potential new attacker. With two F-15s tracking Flight 85, NORAD officers told officials at the Anchorage center that they would shoot down the airliner if it continued, the sources said. Air traffic officials ordered the jet to turn wide of Alaska's largest city. Canadian air traffic officials agreed to let the jet land there, but its approach set off a new wave of evacuations.
1. Hyundai Lane Opposite of the "Lexus Lane", which is High Occupancy Toll lanes where the wealthy who can afford to pay high tolls can drive without delay.
"Hyundai Lane" users are those with less money sits in the traffic-jam with frustration and watch the rich passes by them. I wish I could afford the "Lexus Lanes" instead of sitting in the "Hyundai Lanes" watching rich people drive by me.
One of the boys says that his mother, who he characterizes as "more to the left," became very upset when he and a group of friends tied the German flag to their tent during a summer camping trip. "Hey guys," she said, angrily, "you must be nuts, where do you think you are?" But what the boy's mother didn't seem to notice was that the surrounding tents were all flying flags -- Dutch, British and Hungarian -- and that no one seemed to care about that.
"We're not allowed to be patriots. We're not allowed to be proud of our country, but they are. Why? It's really annoying," they say.
国連とチョソの癒着 Federal authorities indicted a Texas oil executive, a South Korean businessman and two others Thursday as part of a U.S. probe of the United Nations' Iraq oil-for-food program. http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/04/14/oilfood.indictment/
As preparations are under way for another round of six-nation talks on North Korea's nuclear program, activists held a one-day conference in Washington Tuesday to highlight what they say is North Korea's abysmal human rights record. Senator Sam Brownback said the issue of human rights should also be on the table. "It's important that we confront this issue, and that it not be set to the side, that the discussion of human rights for North Koreans is a front and center issue, not a sidebar issue, that it's one that should be part of the six party talks," said Mr. Brownback.
Tensions are evident in relations with Japan, because Japanese schoolbooks persist in minimising the cruelties inflicted on the Koreans during the Japanese occupation (1905-1945), and because of the row over the Dokdo islands, to which both sides have territorial claims.
日本で、黄色い猿の癖に白人差別をするな、銭湯に入れさせろと騒いで金を稼ぐ、北海道情報大助教授で米国出身の帰化日本人、有道出人(あるどうでびと)の 出身地(Geneva, NY)エリアで起きた日本人襲撃事件、この件について聞いても知りません、私は日本人と言う答えしか返って来ません。 last April 11, a group of mostly Japanese and Asian American Syracuse University students went to eat in the early morning hours at the Denny's restaurant on Erie Boulevard East just outside of campus. The students charge that they were denied seating, asked to leave the restaurant, and then were attacked by a gang of white patrons shouting anti-Asian epithets in the restaurant's parking lot. According to the students, the incident began when their group was forced to wait for nearly a half-hour. After watching white patrons who arrived after them be seated first, one of the students, Li Chiu, went to complain to the hostess about the discriminatory treatment. She replied, "Don't even go there!" A manager then asked the students to leave, and they were escorted outside by two armed security guards who were also off-duty deputy sheriffs, pushing and shoving two of the students, Derrick Lizardo and his white friend Sean Dugan, in the process. Outside the restaurant as they were approaching their cars to leave, the students say a group of white men who had been eating inside the restaurant came outside yelling racial slurs and, without provocation, attacked Yuya Hasegawa. As Lizardo and Dugan tried to come to their friend's aid, they too were attacked. Meanwhile, they charge, the two security guards watched without intervening as the attack continued. They also charge that one of the guards used pepper spray against Lizardo during the attack and threatened to use it against some of the others as well. "I stood by and watched as two armed and uniformed security guards began shoving my friends for no apparent reason
↑の続 But what was even worse, when we were attacked by a large group of white males, clearly outnumbered and out-muscled, the security guards did absolutely nothing to stop the attack," Yoshika Kusada tearfully told reporters at a press conference last month at the offices of the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the New York-based advocacy group that is representing the students. "I begged the security guards for help--'Do something, why aren't you doing anything?'--over and over." Kusada said she was knocked unconscious after trying to pull an attacker off of one of her friends. She said the fight only stopped when two black students, who were in a separate party, intervened to end the fight. Kyoko Hiraoka, one of the Japanese students, said, "I think that in this country there is no justice. I'm so disappointed that this report didn't tell the truth. I now have to live in fear of being attacked again because they're free." The district attorney's report contradicted the findings of a report by a federal Civil Rights Monitor who recommended that the manager who ordered the students to leave the restaurant be fired and the hostess be suspended without pay. The monitor also recommended that the deputies, who are no longer Denny's employees, not be rehired. The monitor found that the employees had not received necessary nondiscrimination training and recommended that Denny's develop a new video-based training program. http://www.asianweek.com/091997/dennys.html http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=2nd&navby=case&no=009015v2&exact=1 http://www.expressindia.com/ie/daily/19970606/15750843.html http://maps.yahoo.com/dd_result?ed=xTowJeV.wimQQVd6MsEKU7USFw--&csz=Geneva%2C+NY&country=us&tcsz=Syracuse%2C+NY&tcountry=us
" The angst comes pouring out in places like the Japan Today message boards, where they share all their rants about the craziness, stupidity, or whatever negative quality they can find in Japanese people. Sometimes, they make it sound as if the people here are inhuman. It's an easy practice to fall into, but it's dangerous; it's no different than all the nasty racist things people say in America, or Europe or Asia or anywhere else, when it comes to people who look different and act differently. "
Tuesday, 8 February, 2000, 15:30 GMT Riot police in Spain have again clashed with hundreds of protesters on the third consecutive day of violence directed against immigrants from North Africa
The violence erupted on Saturday when a Moroccan man was arrested on suspicion of stabbing to death a Spanish woman in a local market.
A passenger has told how he saw armed police officers shoot a man dead on a Tube train at Stockwell. Mark Whitby said: "I was sitting on the train... I heard a load of noise, people saying, 'Get out, get down'. "I saw an Asian guy<丶`∀´>. He ran on to the train, he was hotly pursued by three plain clothes officers, one of them was wielding a black handgun.
Korean man expelled from Vietnam for pandering A Korean national working as a hotel manager in Ho Chi Minh City will be expelled from Vietnam for acting as a go-between for foreign tourists and local prostitutes, according to the local court July 22. Hwang Kyung Soon, 49, and Vietnamese tour guides had jointly set up a so-called “sex tour” to supply prostitutes for foreign tourists.
Some 80 prostitutes in the ring worked as waitresses at a karaoke bar in the Oscar Hotel on Nguyen Hue Boulevard in the city’s downtown district. Soon was hired to manage the karaoke bar and waitresses.
Right-wing groups in the US, and opposition parties in Australia, Canada and elsewhere , are warning that Western countries may one day regret allowing China to take advantage of their openness and tolerance.
"Just as Japan used to effectively steal a few tricks when it was learning from the West, I would be enormously surprised if China wasn't involved in some sort of technical espionage... and no doubt some of this is backed by the Chinese military," he sa この言い方はムカツクな
The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries held an information session with the local Korean-American community. Organized by several Korean-American groups, the event happened because of the enforcement of laws related to black bears.
The dried pieces of the gallbladders of black bears are used for medicinal purposes in Korea and this cultural practice has been brought to America. Unfortunately, it is illegal in Virginia to sell body parts of black bears and poaching for such parts has reduced their populations. Over the past three years, the Game Department, along with the federal government, set up sting operations to catch those who sell bear gallbladders. They placed ads in Korean language magazines about bear gallbladders being sold at an emporium in the Shenandoah Valley. The sting resulted in the arrests of 30 Korean-Americans who did not know they were breaking the law. http://www.fcnp.com/520/hull.htm
Quote from an American author named Angus Hamilton who visited korean in 1904.(His book is titled Korea pub in 1904) “The streets of Seoul are magnificent, spacious, clean, admirably made and well-drained. The narrow, dirty lanes have been widened, gutters have been covered, roadways broadened. Seoul is within measurable distance of becoming the highest, most interesting and cleanest city in the East.”
“Seoul was the first city in East Asia to have electricity, trolley cars, water, telephone and telegraph systems all at the same time.” Much of this was thanks to trade with the United States. Seoul Electric Company, Seoul Electric Trolley Company and Seoul Fresh Spring Water Company were all US owned.
Unknown Illness Kills Nine Chinese Farmers Deaths Could Be Linked to Outbreaks of Bird Flu in Nine Asian Countries By Philip P. Pan Washington Post Foreign Service Sunday, July 24, 2005; Page A18 また変な病気キターーー
A state-run newspaper in western China, the Huaxi Metropolitan Daily, reported that the sickened farmers suffered flu-like symptoms in the early stages of the disease, including fever, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. Later, the farmers suffered bleeding under the skin, shock and other symptoms, the newspaper said.
U.N. officials and independent researchers have complained that the Chinese government has not fully responded to urgent requests by the World Health Organization and other international health groups for information about the three outbreaks, including samples of the virus found, analyses of its genetic makeup and details about the extent of the infection and efforts to contain it.
http://aog.2y.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=1688&st=20 Esbeemer> Let's say, for the sake of argument, that Japan bankrupts itself in order to seed the clouds > with gold coins to rain on South Korea. Call me silly, but I'd bet my life that, were that to happen, > that the Korean government would demand repairations for the people who were injured > by the falling money.
http://forums.nytimes.com/top/opinion/readersopinions/forums/editorialsoped/opedcolumnists/kristofresponds/index.html nicholaskristof - 12:01 PM ET July 21, 2005 (#858 of 858) My Japan-based friend Mark Schreiber, a master of Japanese, Mandarin and Taiwanese, sent in this tidbit of news. It underscores the way China is turning its antipathy toward Japan into virulent racism: BEIJING ・A hospital in southern China has hung a sign outside its entrance forbidding Japanese people from entering unless they apologize for the Japanese army's World War II-era use of "comfort women," two of whom were treated there, a local paper reported Thursday.
nicholaskristof - 11:59 AM ET July 21, 2005 (#857 of 858) But another consequence has been the growing rift between Washington and Seoul. Increasingly, South Korea is moving out of the US orbit and into China's. It's also clear that South Korea is planning to play a greater role vis-à-vis North Korea, partly because it thinks the US is paralyzed. Napsnet, a list-serve about Korean security issues distributed by http://www.nautilus.org (I highly recommend Napsnet), just released an analysis that makes this point
http://edition.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/asiapcf/07/24/skorea.royal.burial.ap/ SEOUL, South Korea (AP) Sunday, July 24, 2005 Posted: 0755 GMT (1555 HKT) Japan forced Yi's grandfather from power in 1907 and annexed Korea in 1910, ending the Chosun Dynasty that had ruled the peninsula since 1392.
Monday, 25 July, 2005 Lucie's father goes back to Japan Businessman Joji Abara, 52, went on trial in November 2003 but denies having any involvement in the killing. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/4714321.stm
こっちは日本人ビジネスマン扱いだぞ、Ethnic KoreanでNaturalized Japanese Citizenだときちんと伝えましょう。 Mon 25 Jul 2005 Lucie murder: Father faces accused The father of hostess Lucie Blackman is to fly out to Japan this week to face the man accused of her murder as he gives evidence for the first time in the four-year trial. Tim Blackman, 52, from the Isle of Wight, said that Japanese businessman Joji Obara was expected to attend two hearings in Tokyo this week as he begins his defence case. http://news.scotsman.com/latest.cfm?id=1680122005 Contacting The Scotsman Publications Ltd http://members.scotsman.com/contact.cfm
Two military contractors pleaded guilty Monday to conflict of interest charges for trying to hire the Army’s former head of contracting in South Korea, who was later sacked for bribing Korean companies. Young Y. Lee, 46, of Rockville, Maryland, and Lorn J. MacUmber, 67, of Gypsum, Colo., face a possible sentence of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine for pleading guilty to one count each of aiding and abetting a conflict of interest. Lee was president and CEO of Information Systems Support Inc. of Gaithersburg, Md., and MacUmber was a senior vice president of the company that worked on information technology for the military, including at installations in South Korea. In December 2000, Lee met Col. Richard J. Moran in Seoul. At the time, Moran had oversight of roughly 17,000 contracts in Korea worth about $310 million. The two initially discussed ISS’s business in Korea, but later spoke of the possibility that Moran would join ISS after he retired. http://www.armytimes.com/story.php?f=1-292925-994990.php
*A language school head who killed his domineering wife with a single punch to her jaw and then cut up her body with an electric saw was jailed for a total of five years yesterday. Paul Dalton, from Kingston, Surrey, was cleared of murdering Tae Hui but was convicted of manslaughter at the Old Bailey on Friday.
During the trial, the jury heard he had chopped his wife's body into nine pieces, which he stored in a kitchen freezer *before fleeing to Japan.
Dalton maintained he accidentally killed his Korean-born wife after suffering years of torment and provocation. She had treated him like a slave, the court heard. "She always got what she wanted. I was scared of her. Everyone was scared of her," he said. She was just saying she married me for the visa," he said.
The prosecution alleged that Dalton meant to dump the body parts in the sea or river Thames, * but lost his nerve and fled to Japan.
Dalton, a teetotal computer specialist, met his wife in 1994. He told the court she was domineering and controlling. "She always wanted to be in control," he said, adding that she once stole his passport to stop him getting away from her. They married in 1997. Over time, she bullied him at work, and denied him a wage from a business he had set up, he claimed. He and his wife ran a language school in Kingston.
>>482>>485 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/4714321.stm Last Updated: Monday, 25 July, 2005, 10:57 GMT 11:57 UK 下記の2ヶ所の名前が訂正されましたが、朝鮮名Kim Sung Jongなどの併記を要求は却下の模様… 1) Businessman Joji Obara, 52, went on trial in November 2003 but denies abduction, rape and manslaughter. 2) The location was just 100 yards from Mr Obara's apartment.
Iran acquiring nuclear parts from Europe - report Tue. 26 Jul 2005 The paper said that it had seen secret documents showing that Iran was secretly buying European-made sophisticated nuclear parts via South Korea According to the financial records for the deal, Tehran was busy buying 300 units of Nickel 63 (98.720 dollars) from the South Korean Kyung-Do Enterprises through an Iranian company called Partoris. http://www.iranfocus.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=2980
THE father of a Briton allegedly murdered while working as a Tokyo bar hostess has dismissed as ludicrous claims that she was a habitual drug user who died accidentally of an overdose. In a document obtained by The Times, Mr Obara asserts that it was Ms Blackman who gave drugs to him and implies that she died of an overdose exacerbated by chronic health problems. According to sources close to the case, the claims will form the basis of his defence, which will begin in the Tokyo District Court this afternoon. In his opening defence statement, Mr Obara will claim that a witness can provide him with an alibi. He will refer to a third person, Mr A, whom he asked to take Lucie back to Tokyo while he himself was “tripping” on the unspecified drugs she had allegedly given him. According to those close to the case, the implication will be that it must be Mr A who is responsible for her death.
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-1710631,00.html From Richard Lloyd Parry in Tokyo Joji Obara, the Japanese man accused of killing Lucie Blackman, read aloud from her diaries in a Tokyo courtroom today, and described her as a manic depressive drug user who died of an overdose.
Toll rises as pig disease spreads and China scrambles to reassure public
BEIJING (AFP) - A mysterious pig-borne disease has spread to six more towns in southwest China, with the number of people killed rising to 27, the government said, as it scrambled to reassure the public it is on top of the situation.
The ministry of health said the total number of people affected increased to 131 by noon Wednesday -- three more deaths and 14 more cases than the day before.
Chinese Hotel Workers in S.F. Claim They Were Not Allowed To Speak Cantonese on the Job
SAN FRANCISCO -- A manager at the Intercontinental Mark Hopkins hotel told Chinese employees that they cannot speak Cantonese at work, according to union representatives of the workers. San Francisco’s Local 2 representatives said that this action is illegal and clearly discriminates Chinese employees. The union is bringing the case to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission, and the San Francisco Human Rights Commission.
Foreign affairs 'ignored' Chinese spies July 28, 2005
A man convicted by Chinese authorities of spying for Canberra says the foreign affairs department did not seem concerned about Beijing's spy network.
Wang Jianping said in a written submission into a Senate inquiry into the treatment of Chinese defector Chen Yonglin he had identified Chinese spies in Australia for ASIO for almost five years.
Mr Chen, who was granted a protection visa earlier this month, has claimed there is a network of about 1,000 Chinese spies and informants in Australia and some are engaged in kidnappings.
Mr Wang, who was arrested in China in 1982 and given 10 years' jail for passing secrets to Australia, said in his statement there was tension between ASIO and the Department of Foreign Affairs over the scale of Chinese surveillance.
He said foreign affairs did not share ASIO's concern about Chinese activity in Australia.
"I was told by the ASIO officer (he was passing secrets to) that I had a significant influence in altering ASIO policy on issues relating to China," Mr Wang said.
From what I've gathered: Contains racist info and propaganda to make Korea look bad and Japan look good. The manga calls Korea a thief of Japanese culture, says that Hangul (Korean alphabet) was stolen from Japan, and other crap. CRAZY.
>>585>>602 北の偽札、麻薬、その他の悪徳アクティビティーは、政府関係者なら何処の国の人でも皆知ってるよ。 ただ六カ国協議の場合、中国、南朝鮮、ロシアは、北を批判できる立場に無い程自分達もやってます。 何とかミサイルの届くアジアの国として、オーストラリアも入れれば、日米豪で組める。 U.S. News & World Report 7/27/05 Bush administration officials to consider trying to move the issue to the United Nations Security Council for possible sanctions and a de facto quarantine. The administration also revved up efforts to deny the North Korean regime proceeds from its reported trafficking in drugs, cigarettes, and counterfeit currency. http://www.usnews.com/usnews/news/articles/050727/27world.htm the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo North Korean Officials Have Long History in Crime, U.S. Official Says "More recently, there have been very clear indications, especially from a series of methamphetamine seizures in Japan, that North Koreans traffic in, and probably manufacture, methamphetamine drugs," he said. North Korea, Bach said, is also involved in counterfeiting, smuggling, and trade in endangered species. http://japan.usembassy.gov/e/p/tp-20030522a9.html "The second . . . is the sale of illegal drugs. And third is a combination of remittances from illegal and quasi-illegal activity outside the country from, basically, organized criminal networks in Japan and elsewhere." John Bolton said the U.S. has focused on all three categories to prevent North Korea's "dictatorship" from getting its hands on funds. http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?nn20030606a1.htm Japan has long been North Korea's shopping mall of choice when it comes to military components. It has the advantages of proximity, advanced technology and a large population of ethnic Koreans, many with family ties to the North or to the pro-Pyongyang General Assn. of Korean Residents in Japan. http://news4.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news/1077694358/
Japan is now assessed for more than 19 percent of the U.N. administrative budget of $1.2 billion a year and contributes to other agencies and programs. Only the United States is higher at 22 percent. ボルトンが行くまで待ってろって事かな? The United States, which backs Japan, believes all proposals on the table for council expansion add too many members. Washington also thinks the debate in the United Nations should be delayed because it detracts from more ambitious U.N. reform proposals. http://today.reuters.co.uk/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=worldNews&storyID=2005-07-28T001050Z_01_MCC800634_RTRUKOC_0_UN-COUNCIL-REFORM.xml
SOUTH KOREA: ENVOY TO U.S. STEPS DOWN IN SCANDAL South Korea's ambassador to the United States, Hong Seok Hyun, resigned following allegations that he was involved in channeling illegal campaign contributions in the country's election for president in 1997. Norimitsu Onishi (NYT July 27, 2005 http://www.nytimes.com/2005/07/27/international/27briefs.html?oref=login
Hey soudenjapan,I noticed that some pictures drawn by Korean Children are somewhat extreme toward Japan. But, you wouldn't feel bad about Korea teachers or children after you know about our history and relationship with Japan.In addition,you should study(or learn)about our(Korea)history. Japan was like Nazi to Korea. They have done the most infernal deeds to Koreans.They have banned our language,threaten us to change our last name,killed people who are still live and so on.I can't write all because they have done so many brutal things to Korea. Korean teachers are not teaching only bad things about Japan,the children are just thinking on their own because even now Japan is doing some nasty things. Japan is trying to steel our territory and don't even apologize to our country. http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/soudenjapan/diary/?
Japan Today's Takanori Kobayashi dropped into Shibuya to ask: How do you feel about the murder of bar hostess Lucie Blackman?
"It seems that recently, the number of Japanese committing horrible crimes is increasing.
"I think that if the police hadn't delayed their search for so long, Lucie would've been found alive."
"I'm worried that foreigners now have a bad impression of Japanese men but it's fact that some Japanese men think they can do what they like with the foreign women working as hostesses."
JULY 30, 2005 Korean Takes Hostages in Hamburg Bank A Korean broke into a bank in Hamburg, Germany and held hostages for three hours before he was arrested by German special police on July 28, according to the internet edition of a German daily paper, Build. The Korean, identified only as K, entered the Sparkasse bank in Alsdorf, Hamburg at 7:50 a.m. and confronted police, taking two female hostages, before he was arrested by police MEK (Mobiles Einsatzkommando), the newspaper said. http://english.donga.com/srv/service.php3?bicode=060000&biid=2005073003608
Tuesday, July 26, 2005 A large Korean wedding was held at the Ypsilanti Marriott at Eagle Crest in Ypsilanti Township, and after dinner, guests left their tables to attend a ceremony on the other side of the banquet hall, Washtenaw County Sheriff's Cmdr. Dave Egeler said. When they returned to their tables, many guests discovered their purses had been rifled, and cash was missing, Egeler said. http://www.mlive.com/news/aanews/index.ssf?/base/news-13/1122387168226071.xml&coll=2
BEIJING (Reuters) - A basketball game between China and visiting Puerto Rico deteriorated into a mass brawl that state media denounced as a "night of shame," saying it set a bad example for the 2008 Olympic hosts.
The fighting erupted at Beijing Capital Gymnasium on Friday night after two Chinese players charged off the bench to fight Puerto Rican players in the dying moments of a game in which China was leading comfortably.
The bad feeling spilled into the stands where 3,000 home fans hurled insults and missiles, the China Daily reported on Saturday. Officials abandoned the game as the visitors fled to the locker room, one shielding his head with a plastic chair.
Chinese players Li Nan and Mo Ke had reacted after seeing teammate Yi Jianlian fouled hard by Puerto Rican center Manuel Narvaez, the newspaper said.
"Fists, plastic cups, water bottles and even a fan's shoe went flying during the fracas with China's Yi Jianlian, Tang Zhengdong, Mo Ke and Li Nan right in the middle of it," the official China Daily reported on Saturday.
This is a very shocking anti-American propoganda video which is said to have been made by North Koreans and previously broadcast on South Korean television and Japanese TV. Used by legal permission. English translation by Rob Pongi. This video is featured on INTERNET VIDEO MAGAZINE
It's Koreatown, Jake By MIREYA NAVARRO (NYT) The district, which encompasses roughly a 20-by-20-block area, has the feel of a mini-Seoul: it is dotted with all-Korean signs and menus with no translations; smoking is tolerated everywhere — outdoors, indoors, sometimes right under the "No Smoking" sign. Though it is against the law, a sizable number of businesses serve liquor after 2 a.m. A visitor gets the impression that in Koreatown, after dark, different rules apply. Indeed, the commercial district has become a magnet for the Korean-American population of Los Angeles County, which has grown to nearly 200,000, the largest concentration outside South Korea. "I've seen more people smoke indoors than I've seen in Vegas." Smoking indoors is illegal in California, but a sizable minority of Koreatown businesses flout the law either because "they don't care" or do not know what the law is because of a language barrier, said Officer Jason Lee, a spokesman for the Los Angeles Police Department. alcohol violations are a big problem, particularly sales after hours, to minors or in clubs where hostesses ask patrons to buy them drinks. "That's a style of drinking that may be legal in Korea but here it's illegal," said Officer Lee, a Korean-American http://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/08/fashion/08KORE.html?ex=1249704000&en=944602edb11bd111&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland
Why Did the Japanese Delay Surrendering? August 1, 2005 By Herbert P. Bix History News Network 119 South Main Street Suite 220 Seattle, WA 98104 Mr. Bix, author of Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan (HarperCollins, 2000), writes on problems of war and empire and is a Japan Focus associate.
A producer for the Korean Broadcasting System, which is doing a special program commemorating August 15, 1945, recently asked me why Japan's ruling elites rejected the Potsdam Declaration. "What issue most impeded their decision to surrender?" he inquired. "Shouldn't they have cared more for the safety of their own people after the war had long been irrevocably lost? Wasn't the U.S. nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki the real reason they finally surrendered?" Post a Comment http://hnn.us/articles/12947.html