I'll tell you what really bothers me (related). I hate it when they ask you "Do you like -----, Can you eat -----, Can you use -----". If you reply with the "non-Japanese" way, they say やっぱり. If you reply with the "Japanese" way, they say "Oh, you are very Japanese!" or "You are more Japanese than the Japanese!". Which bothers me because, for instance, I like anko because it tastes good, not because I am more or less Japanese. I don't like uni because it tastes like shit, not because I am more or less Japanese. A lot of people don't accept that there are individuals with individual tastes. And, everything I can do, eat, etc. is not just because I am gaijin or because I am like the Japanese.
Things don't fall into non-overlapping, well-defined Japanese and gaijin sets.
Koreans in Australia demand release of two child detainees 2005.06.22 More than 1,500 Koreans in Australia signed a petition to release two Korean children of illegal aliens from a detention center in Sydney, a Korean newspaper in the region reported yesterday. Koreans joined the move to set free Ian Whang and Jenny Whang, an 11- and 6-year-old brother and sister who were caught in March during class in violation of immigration law, the Australia Online News said yesterday. http://www.koreaherald.co.kr/SITE/data/html_dir/2005/06/22/200506220007.asp
Ferrago, UK - Jun 20, 2005 Child dies as parents play MMOG in Korea Yet more troubles in an MMOG-obsessed nation today as it is revealed a South Korean couple allow their baby to die, after the child was left alone for five hours while the parents went to a PC Baang (internet cafe to play World of Warcraft. http://www.ferrago.com/story/6121
By JIM BRONSKILL OTTAWA (CP) - A Toronto woman says she was shocked and annoyed to see her personal information in a secret report to Chinese officials.
Jillian Ye, a database consultant in suburban Scarborough, found herself at the centre of a storm Friday over allegations of Chinese espionage in Canada.
”There's a lot more examples of that I could pull out but that would take a couple hours of nitpicking. Basically I just felt some were a little mis-interpreted to make us Koreans look like a hateful bunch of people, when the messages written in Korean weren't TOO insulting. Yes it's all just semantics, but that's part of politics as well. ”
Who said anything about making "us Koreans"? I've stated over and over that it was a single exhibit done by a selection group of people. Unless you were on the team that put this curious project togeher.
これ日本人の we japanese 問題と同じだよね。鮮人もこれやるんだね。 結局、同質民族が固まって暮らしていると、外に対してこういう感覚になっちゃうん だろうか。気をつけないと。