The north koreans, as much as they are silly and scary at times, do have lots of guts. They are, in efect, saying..."If you let an idiot like Ishihara say all that crap about "foreigners", then lets have a dish on you....". Of course it's childish... but leave it to the N koreans to have the boldness to do it. I would never expect a docile chinese diplomat, a sleepy, oversexed half intoxicated japanese diplomat, or anyone else to do the same.
Friday, November 7, 2003 at 07:06 JST YOKOHAMA ? Kanagawa Gov Shigefumi Matsuzawa apologized Thursday for calling foreigners "sneaky thieves" while campaigning over the weekend for a candidate running in Sunday's House of Representatives general election. (中略) The Kanagawa prefectural government received more than 100 emails after the speech both criticizing and supporting the remarks, Matsuzawa said. (Kyodo News)
>>51みたいなのは語彙とか表現法とか学べるからいいね。 sneaky thief/こそ泥 sneak thiefでもいいのか。 There are some foreigners who come to Japan with student visas but end up overstaying illegally and commit serious crimes. このセンテンス他の掲示板でそのまま使えるね。 なるほど、end up -ingを使うのか。 俺が書いたなら、end upを使わなかったと思うので、勉強になります。
Such displaced anger...the Chinese students should have beaten the crap out of the students responsible, and then let he matter drop. As for the ODA loans, I dont really think China cares. A loan afterall, isnt even a grant, and the low interest, who cares when you have a 400 billion dollar reserve? China needs only worry about its economic relationship with the US ad EU...they are the big boys with the high tech that China needs...japan will always gravel as it knows that it cannot be shut out of the Chinese market. China has alot more important people to worry about than japan.
Today Vindication! The Future, Prime Minister Tanaka! Whoo Hoooo!! Bring Down the old Cronies Makiko!!!
Pho..... rave (Nov 11 2003 - 05:30)
No. He used her popularity to get elected, gave her the job as a Minister and then, got rid of her when she tried to get that ministry in order. The whole struggle between politicians and ministries has been based on bureaucratic accountability. She lost that battle and then, her enemies got her on staff salary misappropriations. This is money most politicians try to play with or treat as petty cash. Welcome back and....Go Tanaka!
When you are paying fees and working to at least partially support yourself you take your course seriously and don't fool around (much) in class.
I have seen on several Japanese TV shows them wondering why Tokyo daigaku, Japan's top university, is ranked 70th in the world (although rankings vary it is always well down the list, below 5 Australian unis). They attribute it to foreingers not understanding how good it is and lamenting that it is the because they don't understand Japanese.
The Japanese powerhouse is corporations.
Ah JT... Nicely done! 10 (Nov 11 2003 - 15:07)
Beautifully set up I must say!
Get a governor to slag off on Chinese exchange students, get a massive amount of posts slagging off on the racist gov, then get a quote from a Chinese student complaining that Japanese University students waste their time in class and that teachers
After being bombarded with the abduction issue for unending months, don't you think that the people of Japan are getting a little abduction-weary? And also consider the fact that this particular issue only affects a minute fraction of the Japanese population as a whole, it's no wonder that most Japanese people are more concerned with other things in their lives: pensions, jobs, crime etc. The issue is being dealt with even as we speak. Just because the Japanese people don't eat, drink and sleep abduction issue doesn't mean that they don't care. I think that most Japanese are putting the issue in its proper place: an issue of concern, but a relatively minor issue among many on their plate. I think ole Toru-kun needs stop blaming his understandably frustrating problem on the people and come to grips with the true relative importance of his problem
>>82 おはようございます。 Voteの欄に「Should the new Enola Gay exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington mention the consequences of the bombing of Hiroshima, including the number of Japanese casualties?」 と質問がありますが、どういった意味か良くわかりません。 教えて頂けませんか?
that won't go away. Japan has bee trying to take to weasel approach for so long vis a vis China, Korea and other countries it previously committed war crimes against. Why not wipe the slate clean and own up to this disgraceful history and deal with it in a way befitting a international leader. Bite the bullet, accept the humiliation, appologize, pay compensation, don't try to hide the past in history textbook 'revisions', move the war criminals to a separate cemetary and deal with and learn from past mistakes. Sounds so easy. Then Japan can truely takes its place as a world leader. N. Korea will then settle the abduction issue and cease to be that nagging moral thorn in its side. Not to say N. Korea is a moral country, but they do have a valid point. At least, if this is done, Japan will have the upper hand in future negotiations. come they cant be like us chinese? we are obviously smarter than japanese or whites, its in our 500,000 year history. we are genetically smarter and we have a much richer culture than any other nation in the world. i think that all americans and europeans and japaense are jealous of chinese. that is why there is so much negative vibes against us. plus, we are the cleanest of all asian people and we never ever lie or hide the truth, unlike barbaric japanese and americans. our media is the only one that is trustworthy. CNN and other crap news is just brainwashing propaganda
Nationalism : "But North Korea already has pleny of nukes, and the means to deliver them."
HAVE THEY got nukes? Have you ever thought that maybe they haven't? They have never tested one, only very short-range rockets.
They may be enriching unranium....that doesn't mean they have any nukes, let alone "plenty of nukes".
You've got to hand it to Kim Jong-Ill,....I reckon he is taking most of the developed world on a spin-ride rollercoaster.... making threats left right and centre without ever once actually showing or proving he has anything.
The Ultimate Bluff Master.
And no one dares attack because they all 'fear' he has WMD.
You have to love the Japanese ability to lie to themselves and not blink, it's an art the Japanese have perfected. They set a target so they can appear 'international', use highly corrupted public works' funds to create useless colleges out in the middle of no where. When those schools aren't filled the yakuza see a way to bring in cheap labor and sex workers and the government sees a quick way to make it appear like the whole project is working. Immigration happily stamps visas knowing full well what's going on, just like it knows what an ' Entertainment' visa is--sex slavery made to look legitimate.
The result? Just look around you. Useless schools and lots of foreign prostitutes and laborers being used and abused by the same Japanese who then blame foreigners for all their problems, all the while knowing full well they are a vital to keeping this country's economy running and its perverted libido satisfied.
Yet again, Japan is the laughing stock of the world as they stand around with their 'who farted' faces on, trying to blame anyone but themselves for their own stupidity, greed and ignorance.
Raped or paid for it, either way no foreign woman gives herself to a Japanese man easily.
Projapan is a fine example why. He probably spent a few years in the US studying Engrish, noticed that no American women would touch him and also noticed Japanese women in the US would prefer to be with American men (be they white, black or Asian-american) than some Japanese salaryman.
So he returned to Japan where he sees even more Japanese women running off with foreigners and so becomes a bitter, foreigner-hating, undersized nationalist fool we see today. He's the reason everytime I meet Japanese women all they do is complain about Japanese men, about how insecure, childish, petty and bullying they are. I've had years listening to this sh*t.
I swear, if God had endowed Japanese men with more manhood, half the problems we have had with this nation of chikans would have never happened.
中国人の書き込みは感情的で辟易するけどときどきどこの国だか わからない人が「それだ!」ってな事言うね。 保存させて。 Japan vs Past colonial powers Truthseeker (Nov 13 2003 - 01:45)
Unfortunatly for Japan, they get stuck with the brunt of the colonial backlash. Why? Because.
1) They are the most recent in the history of the world.
2) Unlike the English, Portuguesse, Spanish, and French, Japan did it to pretty much all their naighbours. The others did it in other contenents, far from what was going on in their own back yards.
3) The english and french listened to the outrage, but ignored it for the most part, while Portugal and Spain never bothered to even listen. Japan always gets suckered into the issue and falls for it. The other countries just do not pay attetion so those they wronged have lost thier voices. Some former slaves and natives in South America and Mexico have tried to get compinsation from Spain and Portugal, but those countries just laughed, alot. Without local sympathy, no government will hand over money or appologies. Japan has some local sympathy, the others, None.
4) Other colonial powers killed, raped, and enslaved millions over centuries, not in a matter of a couple of decades. Plus we live in the modern world, the past one hundread years is what matters to us. We tend to forget our history and the victoms of history, so we will repeat it.
続き The only difference now vs then, is that people have access to information, but do most really know or care. When millions die, do we see it as numbers in a history book or news paper, or do we see it as people that matter, really dying and suffering. I think most people just do not care or it just does not matter. We fill the void in our lives with needless things and worthless conversation. People have lost touch in what made life meaningfull, love, friends, family, community, consideration, and compasion for our fellow man. Why bother with that when you have TV, fast food, cell phones, computers, money, cars, and a lot of really useless junk. Next time you buy something, think about what it will do for you and what that money could do for many others if given over for help.
Typical conversation I have with a Japanese student:
'You from American? Sugoooiiiiiii, neeeh! You like rap music, my name DJ Grand Master Waseda! Yo, woooorrrd up, neeeeh!!'
Typical conversation I have with a Chinese student:
"You're from America? I studied there for 4 years in the 1980s and was fascinated by the American political system. I don't like your government, I find it's foreign policy to be far too arrogant, but it fits into the typical role of a leading imperial power. What's your opinion.'
Give me the Chinese student any day. I don't care if they hate America, they can at least separate the person from the State. They also have something interesting to say, aren't afraid to share their opinions (they actually have opinions) and will talk to you as a human being, not as someone from the Mystery Planet Hip Hop who's sole role in life is to be in orbit around Planet Nihonjin for their entertainment.
JR West's new slogan "Come to Japan. We don't like foriegners, but we do like your money!". Wrong maniac RJD (Nov 13 2003 - 11:02)
Umm, slight error. That's the slogan of the JT japan basher, NOT anyone or anything in Japan. Sorry son, nice try at ironic sense of humor, but no cigar.
But isn't this quite glaring in contrasts? The Chinese tourist officials "welcome" japanese tourists and visitors by warning them not to offend and approach pissed off locals.
こんなの見つけた。中国人が書いてると丸分かり。恥ずかしくないのかな。 Another thing Mac Akuma (Nov 15 2003 - 00:57)
Loved your post on some other thread where you were talking about the difference between a conversation with a typical Japanese collage student and a typical Chinese one.
That was great. I had never thought about it before I read your post and when I did I realized that you were exactly right. You CAN have an intelligent, adult conversation with Chinese students and it's much harder to do the same in Japain.
Maybe that's why the Chinese students got so upset when the Japanese students tried to share Japanese humor with them by running around like idiots whith strapped on prosthetic genitalia.
Chinese are a bit more intelligent and sophisticated.
Japanese people do not use the word "race." Although there is nothing like the United States, since it is other nation-states, it does not adhere to a race. 日本人は「民族」という言葉を使わない。アメリカ程では無いが、他民族国家なので民族に拘らない。
25 名前: 投稿日: 03/05/05 02:05 ID:u6zUA7ci *Look Janpanes.... it's not "sea of japan"'s "east see" or "sea of Korea"... i don't like japan. but i don't hate japanes... so japanes also send me mail...^^ 韓国人何年経っても欧米のペンパルサイトで日本人潰しやってるね 日本人が欧米人ペンパル持とうとしてるのを邪魔してるよ 日本人が登録を載せると、速効韓国人も負けじと登録載せる 前に俺が登録載せたら、速効韓国人が日本人は野蛮でたくさんの韓国人を殺しました 1920年に何とかかんとかした韓国は素晴らしい良い国です、って隣に書かれた 次の日も別なサイトに載せたけど、また同じような事書かれて以来登録載せて無い そういう事書いてくる韓国人が来ないサイトって無いのか 俺のとこに来た韓国人のメールは 日本の糞ソニーなんかより韓国のハイテクのほうが素晴らしい日本なんか余裕で追いこす 糞日本人ども韓国をどう思うんだ とかそんなんばっか 返信すると、意味不明の壊れた英語ですぐ昔の戦争とかの事言い出してきてうざい チャットでもそうだ 英語で喋れと言ったら何故か怒り出すしうんざりだ 最悪なのは俺が苦労して取った英検一級で一生懸命書いた英語の自己紹介文を まるごとコピーして欧米ペンパルサイトで自分が書いたかのように使った韓国人達がいたことだ 自分で書けよ英語ぐらい 名誉毀損 海外滞在する前に欧米人から色々情報得ようと思ってだけなんだが 気分悪くなったからペンパル探すのやめる
Bonzai manager Daniel Park, says he doesn't know the cultural roots of "body sushi" but insists it is "performance art." ボンザイのマネージャー、ダニエル朴氏は、女体盛りの起源は知らないが これはパフォーマンスアートであると主張する。
The women, the food and the diners make a "spontaneous piece of art which changes every time a piece of fish is taken," he said. 彼は女体盛りに乗る女性と料理は、一切れの魚がつまみ取られるたびに 変化していく本能的な芸術であるとも言う。
Bonzai chef and owner Jun Hong, a Korean-American, claims he's helping to popularize Japanese and Asian culture to people who may never have been exposed to it. ボンザイのシェフでありオーナーでもある在米韓国人ジュンホンは 今まで知らなかった人々に日本とアジアのカルチャーを社会に広める ためにやっていると主張する。
"We've introduced sushi to many people who have never eaten it before," he says. 彼は、私たちは今まで一度も食べたことがなかった多くの人たちに 寿司を紹介したと言う。
アジアで強い国ベスト10は? インド人→1) China 2) India 3) North Korea… 7) Japan 韓国人→oh my gosh....are you an asian???? how could you say that N.Korea is the third wtf!! japan should be third and S.korea fifth .....i can't believe it!!!! おいおい!北朝鮮が日本、韓国より上の訳ないやん。 インド人→how can Japan be above India. Heard their economy is doing bad, and everything now depends on DragonBallZ. 日本がインドより上のわけないやん。あいつらドラゴンボールだけが頼りですやん。
They killed over 300,000 people in Nanjing alone. Millions of others throughout Asia.
There is a reason the US dropped the two atomic bombs on Japan. That was it. Pure evil.
Denial only makes the rest of the world *puke* with disgust and yearn for justice. The justice of some kind of revenge.. Its tragic, but its also karma..
The Germans admitted what they had done and closed the wound aeons ago. The Japanese won't and that means that the wound remains open and the perpetrators still beg to be punished. One way or another they will. Japanese women are punishing Japan's denial of their crimes agsinst womenkind, the mothers of us all, by refusing to marry or have Japanese males children.
So, eventually, if unrepentant, the Japanese nation will die out and Japan will become some other nations territory.
Poetic justice, eh?
Every act of denial makes peace loving people everywhere angry. There is no statute of limitations on crimes agsinst humanity. Even after death. Those soldiers are burning in hell
ヤフーも凄いぞ。 China Threatens Taiwan Anew With Force &title=China%20Threatens%20Taiwan%20Anew%20With%20Force%0A&tid=apchinataiwan&date=11-18-2003 & Fchina_taiwan_1&.sig=XLfMAqSxjMxX3WlSVNpm9A--
China rules Asia CHINA PART OF WALMART Chinese Restaurants Threaten Cat World HAS CHINA BECOME ISLAM STOP BULLYING TAIWAN CHINA IS A BIGGER THREAT THAN IRAQ!! China has 5000 years of history <この辺りのメンタリティが某民族にそっくり。
well pro says corea asked for japan?? well in a sense of the age what choice did they have?? similar to france and germany...defence was somewhat futile,,,so surrender was a better choice...what pro ALWAYS forgets is the "SO KIND" japanese had a very common habit of forced slavery murder theft and rape...but yes they BUILT hospitals etc... well we know they love concrete and the construction workers need jobs too!!!
Military info: Approximately 7 years ago, mainland china acquired america's newest nuke the W88. The W88 is a large missle that carries 8 small nuke warheads that fires in 8 different covert directions. There was sensational news here in the states regarding a chinese spy Wen Ho lee and FBI investigations. If anyone thinks that america can fight a war in asia. you are sadly mistaken. America has it hands full in the middle east and is looking at 5 trillion federal deficit and is desperately trying to negociate a treaty with North Korea to remove 37,000 US troops in korea. The smartest thing the japanese government can do is to kiss up to the chinese government.
Japan has committed some of the world's worst atrocities in history (nanking massacre, unit 731, batton death march, comfort women, pearl harbor, ect..) and they still refuse to apologize, compensate, or make an accurate history in there textbooks. Why is Japan so cowardly and instead try to make their amends to their victims of the horrible crimes against humanity. No wonder people call Japan a "devil" race.
Could we allow President Saddam Hussein to stay in power in Iraq? Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda, condemning the Istanbul and Baghdad blasts, and saying the war in Iraq was justified. (Kyodo)
Chinese police in Japan to discuss Hakata Bay murders Hikozaemon (Nov 26 2003 - 00:16)
Here to remind Japan that as bad as they think this is, tourists using Chinese prostitutes the day before a date marking a military humiliation of China is still considered far worse.
Comparing the movie to current society, you will notice that Kashimoto (the japanese hero) can be compared to Bin Laden and Tom Cruise, to John Walker(the poor california kid who fought in Afghanstan)
Indeed, samurai were brave and willing to die for their cause but they would also kill children and women of their enemy.(of course, this aspect of their culture was left out of the movie)
Kashimoto and his samurai followers and Bin Laden are similar in the sense that both are willing to kill innocent people to promulgate their beliefs. Do you consider this heroism?
this year, there were some major movies set in japan(kill bill, lost in translation, last samurai) and i don't know..i am getting kinda sick of seeing japan all the time in movies. since when i was young, i remember watching hollywood movies with lots of japan influence like people wearing kimono in japanese style settings (eg. Demolition Man with sylvester stallone and sandra bullock which was kinda bad) i was young when i lived in KOREA so i remember people being ticked off when subject of japan came up due to bad history between korea and japan... i've been watching the LAst samurai trailer, and keep seeing words like "honor, intergrity.blah blah blah" but there really should be movies about the lack of human decency japanese showed towards other weaker nations..
most people have NO idea how cruel japanese were.. during Japanese invasion of korea, there was an earthquake in japan, and japanese people blamed Koreans FOR THE EARTHQUAKE so they slaughtered thousands of korean people...that was really sad
i don't blame the people of japan right now,(even though i should because japan has NEVER issued an apology to China or Korea) but portraying them as so nicely and beautifully in the past kinda makes me angry.. probably SOny has lots of power i guess..
people should be more brave to take on darker subjects occured around the world that have never been exposed much..
Do you even KNOW what happened in the Rape of Nanking? This wasn't a case of "YAY NIPPON," this was a case of the Japanese, who have always regarded themselves as the racial kings of Asia, going in and torturing, murdering, raping, and just being little more than savages. National pride has nothing to do with it. It's like saying the Stalinist purges had to do with back pains. And national pride doesn't exonerate you from committing crimes against humanity. If anything, the Japanese have the same anger that all people do, it's just alot more open when it's unleashed.
And no, it's far different from China's wonderful human-relations program. China tortures whoever it believes is a member of the revolution, while Japan just killed whoever was in their way. It's just as bad as Japan. Trying to quantify real-life horrors is, in a word, stupid.
ACTUALLY England had nearly collapsed by bankrupcy in 1960's. But Scotish OIL had saved England. HEHEHEHE England had to take long time to revive from IMF control! I know that Koreans are very stupid. BUT England is more stupid than Korea. HEHEHE
are there even attempts at suggestions to improve japan's tourism industries? Let the japanese think all "that" about themselves... it's their loss anyway. China is vast and wonderous...Chinese tourists need to "tour" their own country first and drive their own domestic tourist industries before handing any of their hard earned yuans to some ignorant japanese hoteliers. Stay home and play...or go soemwhere really fun like the US or Australia, where there are real reasons to take a look.
"As an asian living in the United States, i wonder if the asian race will go extinct like the samurai. I mean my brothers all date mostly american caucasians but some asians and my sister dates caucasians. Most of my philipino friends date african-americans or are married to one and I don't see anything 'asian' about them like they're a sellout to another culture, she speaks like she is 'black' and dresses kind of whoreish, it disgusts me. I think their kids are ugly. I know its not very nice but those are my thoughts. "
""There is almost no face like ken watanabe in South Korea." That is very funny! I didn't know you've seen all the faces in South Korea. I have a stepbrother who is FULL-BLOODED korean and he looks almost exactly like Ken and he's also 6'2, actually an inch taller than watanabe. go figure?! "
But when Mo took part in a package tour in Japan, he found that none of the hotels offered Internet access. Even the usual checkout time at Japanese inns ? 10 a.m., instead of the noon deadline common in other countries ? is a bothersome detail for businesspeople hoping to work some tourism into their schedules.
I don't see many Korean TV Channels, programs, music, news programs, on TV (seldom some on NHK)...
The only Korean Channel on Cable TV in Japan is KNTV which you have to pay for separately Yen.3000 a month ..
Japan should also allow more korean tv, satellite channels .. especially considering the large amounts of Koreans living in Japan in Tokyo, Osaka, etc.
imdbのJUDEが新しいスレ始めたらさっそく突っ込まれてる。 "I read a topic comparing the samurai or their way of life to the native americans, that the two worlds or cultures would be identical. This is the most ridiculous, "
Anti-Japanese sentiments is Korean's base of energy
When I talked to a pro-Japanese younger Korean politician,who was a minister before,we talked about the anti-Japanese sentiments in Korea,and about so called "kenkan" sentiments(the feeling to dislike Korean) in Japan. He said "It is true that Korean people have anti-Japanese sentiments. However,it seems the sentiments issue have been reported to Japan in exaggerated way. Please do not write about the issue so much because your report might cause misunderstandings". 略 An officer of Japanese embassy in Korea,recently,gave a speech at a famous university in Seoul. After the speech, a student asked him about the Japanese government's poll result which showed that Japanese people's "kenkan" feelings was getting stronger. The student said" There is no doubt that Koreans dislike Japanese,but I can't understand that Japanese people dislike Koreans. Why?".
>Why do gooks have such large heads, but such small brains? That always puzzled me. おもしろすぎ!
>Personally, I wish that the US dropped the Atomic bombs on >your ugly gookland rather than Japan, and I always wished >that China would have sent in all her forces during the Korean >Gook War and wiped out all of you shitheads once and for all.
在韓米軍の人と思われる。彼らのおかげで本当の韓国人の姿がアメリカで語り継がれるだろう。 Well, Korea. I believe it's time the USA leaves and puts blocks and tariffs on Korean imports until the trade levels are equal. I say, Korea... Whine about anything anti- american. Just keep doing it. Even though your whole way of life is derived from the great evil you hate so much. If it wasn't for the USA, Korea would be as poor as Vietnam, Cambodia, or name whatever asian country besides Japan here...
Koreans are more arrogant than most Americans, as they think it's "korean pride" or "culture" they are so fond of. It's arrogance, my non-friend. Recognize it. You are more evil than the people you are pointing your finger at.
WHOは賛成していない・・ "At this point in time... without seeing that data, there is no conclusive evidence that civets are the animals that carry the Sars virus," WHO Sars team leader Judy Hall told the BBC. "We would call on the government of China to do a risk assessment before slaughtering these animals." ttp://
Unloved and unappreciated, they toil away day and night, amazed at the poor grammar, spelling and punctuation, and wonder if readers will ever be polite to one another.
Combating Prostitution The population of this center of Thai sex tourism virtually doubles during the winter months, when affluent European and American tourists?many of them well past middle age?flee the biting cold back in their own countries to seek the warm weather and sensual pleasures of Pattaya.
Korean Test your mother has a short-haired, curly perm your parents still try to get you into places half-price saying you were 12 when you were really 15 you ask your parents help on one math problem and 2 hours later, they're still lecturing you have a 40 lb. bag of rice in your pantry everyone thinks you're CHINESE no matter what part of Asia your ancestors were from you've had a bowl haircut at one point in your life your parents enjoy comparing you to their friend's kids friends...(but when you compare them to other parents, they say, "DON'T COMPARE!") your parents say, "don't forget your heritage." you drive mostly Japanese cars you've learned to keep bargaining even if the prices are rock bottom you've had to eat parts of animals they don't even put in hot dogs piles of shoes tend to make it hard to open the front, back and closet doors you hear (your name + ee (optional)+yah!) every time someone calls you.(e.g.,Jean-ee-yah! or Mary-yah!) you have NO eyelashes idiot people try to impress you with pathetic imitation Asian languages, like the every-so-popular: ching chong woo bok chi, etc. your parents say leaving rice in your bowl is a sin the bio lectures on marine life (seaweed, sea cucumbers, octopii) was last night's dinner at least one family member wears black wire/plastic frame glasses your parents hover over your tired, caffeine-drugged body at 12 midnight to say, "In korea, we studied even more." your parents expect you'll be friends with any one off the street in any given area as long as they are Asian an asian woman comes on campus and people ask, "Is that your mother? Well then, is it your sister?" your parents say, "Calculus? I took calculus in the 8th grade!" everyone thinks you're good at math you like $1.75 movies you like $1.50 moves even more
your aunts and uncles bring you back adorable clothing from Korea, with fuzzy bunnies, vinyl ducks and English words that make no sense, in great colors like yellow, pink, magenta, orange, and the ever-so-popular lime green your parents insist you marry a Korean you either really, really, want to go to UCI or really, really want to stay away from it your parents have never kissed you your parents have never kissed each other you learned about the birds and the bees from someone other than your parents your parents say, "you want a stereo?!? When i was your age, I didn't even have shoes!" you have 12+ aunts and uncles at expensive restaurants, you order a delicious glass of water for your breverage and NEVER order dessert your parents simply cut off the green/black part off the bread and say, "Eat it anyway; it's still good." you will most likely be taller than your parents your parents have either made you play the piano, the violin, or both you get nothing if you do well in school, but crapped on if you don't when going to other peoples' houses, you always have to bring a gift your dad still pulls his socks up to his knees, you know, the ones with the blue and pink stripes at the top your family owns a tennis racquet, golf clubs, or both your family always cheers for the Asian athlete on TV (i.e., Michael Chang) the furniture in your house never matches the wallpaper, the carpet, the decorations or any of the rest of the furniture you have rocks, sticks, leaves, deer antlers, and strange smelling, unkown substances in your pantry for use in medicine
A Japanese once told me, "why is that one Korean is dangerous, and together they are weak?" I hate to say it but he/she is right. Korean people only drink, fantasize (dream), and talk, talk, talk. That's why they always hang in groups, because by themselves they have no one to talk with and reassure they numerous faults. (complexes). If you stick to the facts, Korea as a nation is in the top 2 for drinking, top 1 and 2 in car accidents, 1 in energy waste, top 2 in lung, throat, and liver cancer. add-bad manners (u can tell a fob by the way they eat). It seems that if a Korean just say a stupid remark or comment, everything becomes all good again (game reconignizes game) but to the rest of the educated world, koreans only reassure all of us of there invunerabilty and naiveness with a large amount of self- conciousness.
In Korea, people are so joyous saying that the world now knows them, and are expecting other countries to buy their products. Then how come in Korea town, white people are hardly seem compared to Little Tokyo and Chinatown in Frisco? (In US of multi ethinic backgrounds and still Koreans are in the dark) Koreas can only make money by exploiting each other at the same time reassuring each other everything is all right. It's like a love-hate relationship. Even this year only 1 person showed up in L.A.'s town meeting, and yet Koreans still complain to the city council. By nature it seems like Koreans only Work hard to receive PERSONAL GAIN (cash) and when it comes to giving back-silence. Not only giving back to their communty, but to each other. (comeonnow- youse all know what I'm talkin 'bout-keep it real).
Taekwondo Tournament-Fixing Scandal Canadian Press
SEOUL (AP) - The son of a South Korean IOC member reprimanded in the Salt Lake City bribery case faces questioning by prosecutors in a taekwondo tournament-fixing scandal, it was reported Thursday. John Kim, the son of International Olympic Committee member Kim Un-yong, will be questioned next week about whether he received money from a jailed former taekwondo official, the national news agency Yonhap reported Thursday. Kim Un-yong was reprimanded in 2000 for his alleged role in helping his son get a sham job funded by the Salt Lake City`s Olympic bid committee. John Kim was indicted in the U.S. on charges of immigration, fraud and lying to the FBI. He fled to South Korea before charges were filed.
Yonhap quoted an unidentified prosecution source as saying that a "large amount of money" was deposited in the younger Kim`s bank account around the time when Lim was given the job.
why is it that so much of korean music is a copy of other people's work????? like for example HOT copied " yul mah chuh" from rage against the machine.....they didn't even use it as a refrence but they had the nerve to flat out copy the whole damn song...are they fuckin stupid???? and they copied their dance moves from some japanese dance group...i saw it and it was all the same....oh country kko kko totally copied one of their slow songs dont remember the title but i remember thinking wow this song's good and going to my friends house and hearing the exact same song in english by Diana King " tenderness". Also seo taiji copied cypress Hill insane in the membrane for comeback home and that new yang hyun sok's song sounds an awful lot like usher....they are just few of the examples of korean singers just copying everyone!! what is their problem??? is it really that difficult to come up with their own ideas??? i mean when they copy...they copy like the whole damn song they dont even try to cover the fact they copied!! its soooo stupid!!! i almost feel that if i listen to a korean song and i like it, i will just assume that they copied it!! anyways those are my thoughts...reply back with yours!
HEY WHO DA FUCK R U BITCH, u aint Korean u fuckin disgrace. Korean Music is da best. yea some songs copy other songs but most of the songs r originals. HEy I just wanna say this. I Hate two types of people in the world; i hate non proud Koreans, that are Americanized and i hate Flips. I just wanna kill all the Fuckin FLips and go to Korea and send all the Flips, Niggas, Beaners, Crackers, back to their land. Cuz Korea is da land of Koreans!!!!!!AND I'm gonna kil all the non Korean proud people. I'm gonna track ur ass down and kill ur family one by one and then kill u, u FUCKIN BITCH!!!
Hey fool, i don't give a shit if u know history about Korea and stuff, cuz i do to. I Can speak Korean well too. I don't give a fuckin shit, if people think Koreans are wuteevr and shit, cuz theres many ppl who say shit and stuff. I just wanna say, I'm proud to be Korean, and that Koreans are da bomb. I think somebody should teach u a lesson about saying stuff like this about Koreans, wut I say is true and u know it too. You're just to scared to say anything about it or u have Fuckin Flips friends. Right?? Am i right?? yup , don't deny it. those Fuckin FLips are brainwashing u. People like u fuckin piss me off. People like u, flips, Americanized Koreans, And Koreans that like Flips piss me offf. U all better think about KOrea and Flips. KOreans and Flips don't even belong in the same category. It's like saying, fish and rats are in the same category. Trust me on this, i don't care wut u think about Koreans and if ur scared to say something, or if u like Flips and have flips friends, but very soon, i'll be on the news and shit, cuz I'm gonna deplete Korea from Flips, and u bess be watching ur ass, I know some peeps that are in the Korean Mafia, and if they get a hold of u, u will never wish u said shit. Korean Mafia is the fuckin true Koreans. U see, Koreans gangs like "Korean Pide" and stuff, have Japanese, Viets, Chinese etc. in their gang. Those gangs are sorry, and arent for the true Koreans, they have Fuckin other Asians in them too. But the Korean Mafia is stictly for Koreans and they are the biggest Korean gang. And u dont ever have to worry about being in the Mafia, cuz no way will they accept ur sorry wannabe Korean ass. Just sayin watch ur asss. Koreans r da bomb, and u should start losing those Flips friends and stuff. laterz Korean Pride!!!!!!
Most of those who appear to be right-wingers, she says, are just frustrated people feeling the same sense of isolation that minorities such as herself feel. Many, in fact, are Koreans, she said.
While I don't mind people expressing their ideas and preseting Japanese views and facts on matters that Japanese care. However I don't want Japanese idiots screaming and running English BBS with racial slurs and ideas. I have always been asamed of well-spread-fact that many Japanese are racist. When you post your opinions, please remember that you are expressing or preseting an argument on things, not people!
P.S. we all should be glad that idiots like >>614 can not speak English!
>>666 Maybe it's time for you to study Japanese. Koreans were Japanese then, hence they were not illigal immigrants. Is it illegal for you to move to Hokkaido? Of couse, not!
BTW, if you are serious about Chinese insults against Japanese, why not post you opinions here instead of stinky JT. It's much more efficient for you to post something there, since there are many Japanese-haters and propagandists.
They propaganda these things, so it would be easier for you to jump in Some Japanese soldiers took scores of refugees to a pond, forced them to take off their clothes and broke the ice to "catch fish", they froze to death immediately. Some resisted and were shot right at the spot, and then thrown into the pond. Japanese soldiers hang a young man for no reason at all with wire, and put dry wood below them, bake him slowly. After half of his body burned black, the Japanese soldiers left, shouting wild.
>>670 Well, I am sorry that you have no knowldge of mathematics. Korean living in Japan is around a half million and what you just presented is a few dozen thousands. Please don't post anything in English BBS or CMF. You will just ruin the image of Japanese.
>>671 No I am not, but if you know the board, you must know these things, right? "In another occasion, several Japanese soldiers broke into a store and captured a young man, they forced him to take off his clothes. Then they poured nitric acid down from the top of his head, his body eroded right away. The young man shouted curses in anger in order to die fast. Japanese soldiers then followed him, shouting and making fun of him, until he died." Please post something there. It would be fun to watch. Posting stupid things in JT is too small voice that none of Chinese other than Chinese troll will notice.
On the night of March 17, 1959, the Dalai Lama escaped from Lhasa under cover of night. On March 28, while still on Tibetan soil, he formally repudiated China's infamous "17 Point Agreement for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet," upon which consenting Tibetan seals had been forged in 1951. On March 31, exhausted and seriously ill, the Dalai Lama set foot on Indian soil. While this history is affectingly dramatized in Scorsese's film, this is where the film ends and the ICJ reports begin.
After the flight of the Dalai Lama, Mao crushed Tibet with a vengeance. Institutions of government and education were systematically destroyed; the Buddhist religion was labeled a "disease to be eradicated"; nearly 1.2 million out of about 6 million died through armed conflict and famine; large numbers of Tibetan children were forcibly taken from their families and sent to Chinese orphanages for "reeducation." Research suggests that close to 1 million Tibetans tried to escape to India, Nepal, Bhutan or other regions of their country, but given the vast distances, lack of food in mountainous terrain and military invasion, most either surrendered to the Chinese or died in flight. In the end, only 110,000 Tibetans survived the journey over the Himalayas to join the Dalai Lama in India. The testimony of many of these refugees was gathered by the ICJ and presented in its 1959 report "The question of Tibet and the Rule of Law."
>>674 Err, aren't you the one who showed >>666 link? You need to read it twice and understand it! It is important for morons like you to not only read, but understand what is written. OK? So go read it and post here again. I am waiting for you!!!!
These are homework for you. What years were Koreans banned to move to Japan? How many Korean live in Japan at 1945 and 1980's?
And don't post those crapps here. I am Japanese, not Chinese and none of Chinese will notice those craps you pasted here. Post or paste, as you obviously lack English skill lol, those in CMF!!!!!!!
Most of Korean residents in Japan are the posterity of Korean illegal immigrants. The exposure number of cases of the Korean illegal immigrants. (Actuall number would be 5 to 8 times more) 1946 17733 1947 6010 1948 7978 1949 8302 1950 2434 1951 3503 1952 2628 1953 2244 1954 1721 1955 1395 1956 1117 1957 2060 1958 1438 1959 1033 1960 1852 1961 1753 1962 1418 no record 1966 699 no record 1976 935 1977 767 1978 627 1979 601 1980 569 and still going on
>>686 Again, those figures are already shown at 670, and comparing the figure to >>666's shows that rather small % of alll Korean residents are illegal immigrants.
>>686>>687 so what? What's to do with the argument going on in this thread? Are you trying to say that the stupid author speculated that Korean who came after the WW II could be illegal immigrants, so all Koreans live in Japan must be illegal immigrants?
>>690 The article is trying to mislead us. According to the web site 666 gave us, There were time when Koreans were allowed to move to Japan freely. Even in banning period, I imigine that there were exceptions to the law.
>>696 If you were forcibly brought to Japan, don't you wanna go back to home after the war? Yes they did! Those Koreans went back to home by GHQ's free ships.
>>699 & 700 Again, what are you pasting the articles for? Do you see the argument going on in this thread? I guess not. You are posting clueless articles about the argument. What are you trying to argue with me?
>>701 Does it matter? As I already said that I am Japanese, whereelse other than Japan, am I from? I, of course, live in Japan.
>>707 I don't get what you mean. Are you trying to say that your paste has no "such", which I don't know what you mean by that, description or 666's site has no such descrption?
>>706 Does it matter? I can write Japanese, but I am posting the article via VNC server, so it is pain for me to change to Japanese input.
>>720 As I have already said many times, I am Japanese. I may be left wing to your eyes, but I am also a paid right wing Japanese activist to Chinese people's eyes. ROFL
>>752 And you think that the thread is good. Hmm most of them are annonymous cowards and posts are rather short. You think that is a good thread. Maybe it's time for you to find a better BBS.
Which post did I say 在日の大半は強制連行? Please find one. I did not say it. The argument going on in this thread was whether most Koreans were illegal immigrants or not. Read the thread, before jumping into one.
>>774 >不法移民と言われているのは戦後密航してきた人たちの事ではないか? Yes. >で、現在の在日のほとんどがこの密航者か戦前仕事を求めてやって >来た人たちのいずれであると上のほうのリンク先にも書いてある。 Again, that is correct, >日本に併合中「合法的」に渡って来た人々は不法移民では無いと言いたいんだろ? >違う? That is correct. >日本に併合中「合法的」に渡って来た人々は不法移民では無いと言いたいんだろ? >違う? Again and again that is correct.
I do not know much history about Korean premanent residents in Japan, so the above is correct as long as >>666's link's facts are correct. The thing debated here is whether "Posterity of korean illegal immigrants" is fair to say or not. I do not think so as I already stated in >>658.
>>780>>781 Why don't you do it yourself? Put your own definition there, if there isn't any good definition to the word. That is the spirit of urban dictionary. It's not the place to propaganda your nation.
>>773 >人殺しはどんな場合にも許されないんだよ。 >ヴァーーーカ!!! Yes I agree with you here. That is why people criticise atrocities commited by Japan. Even murderer's son is not allowed to be murdered, hence they have rights to criticize it.
>それに「人殺しだけの社会」なんてばかみたいな極論持ち出すな! And example of innocent country is? "Murderer can't criticize another "murderer" is almost same meaning as "don't criticize murdering coz you all are murderer" in world politics. What special quality does innocent country's people possess compared to "murderer's son"?
Around 80 million people are online in China There has been a dramatic rise in the number of people detained or sentenced for internet-related offences in China, according to the London-based rights group Amnesty International. There are now at least 54 people who have been imprisoned for emailing, setting up websites or exchanging pro-democracy messages online - a 60% increase from a year ago - the group said in its latest report on the repression of internet users by the Chinese authorities. In addition, an unknown number of people remained in detention for disseminating information over the internet about the spread of the Sars virus. Many of the individuals cited in the report have been denied due process of law and some have been tortured or ill-treated in custody, says Amnesty. The report detailed a 35% expansion in internet access in China in the past year, with the number of users rising by from 59 million in December 2002 to almost 80 million by the end of 2003. "As use of the internet grows, so the Chinese authorities have introduced further measures to control access to it," said the report's author, Louise Vischer. China is believed to extend greater censorship over the internet than any other country in the world. New legislation means that all 110,000 internet cafes must now use a particular form of software that will control access to websites considered harmful or subversive - including those of Amnesty itself, the BBC, and other international human rights groups, news and non-governmental organisations.
Thousands of special police are also employed to patrol the cafes and to monitor websites and email exchanges, Amnesty's Louise Vischer told BBC News Online.
She believed the large number of people signing petitions and joining forums on the internet was a reflection of the growing need felt by the young in China to express themselves.
"And there seems to be a strong sense of solidarity among them," she said. "For instance a woman called Liu Di was detained for a year for discussing issues such as political reform and for calling for the release of a fellow internet dissident. "Her detention in turn resulted in many more petitions and more arrests. "But whether the government will win the battle in the end is anyone's guess," she said.
There has been a dramatic rise in the number of people detained or sentenced for internet-related offences in China, according to the London-based rights group Amnesty International. 略
Chinese man jailed for life for murder-robbery as juvenile Monday, January 26, 2004 at 13:04 JST YAMAGATA ? A 21-year-old Chinese man indicted for crimes he committed as a minor was sentenced Monday to life in prison for killing a woman and injuring her daughter in conspiracy with others in Yamagata Prefecture in 2001.
The ruling said four men broke into a home in the town of Haguro for the purpose of robbery and that the defendant bound the daughter with adhesive tape, while another man fatally stabbed the mother, Kayoko Sato, 51. The other three have been tried and sentenced to prison terms. (Kyodo News)
South Korean's racism person caused Hate Crime. Six years old boy injured by axe. It intrudes into Japanese kindergarten in Seoul. South Korea Japanese school attacked by armed man and six years old kindergartener serious injury. And six years old girl light injury.
username kiwiness ) lynching was not what happened to the koreans after the kanto earthquake, it was a massacre of 6,000. and yes, ishihara has commented for it to be repeated in the event of a second massive earthquake in the kanto region (which is 8 years overdue).
>>852 When Genesis. God: I shall create Japan. She has loveliest scenery, best food and finest weather in the world. There, most deligent and polite people shall live. Archangel: My Father, Japan is too blessed. God: My son, don't mind. I have created Korea next to her. てのはどうでしょう
You don't want to admit that Japan has apologised and paid reparations (both proved above, and you haven't offered anything to counter the merits of any of the information I have offered) because face it, Chinese nationalism is based on a sense of being a victim of Japan. Chinese don't care how many times Japan apologises, or how much aid it continues to give China's space program in consolation for its former conduct - Chinese just want to use Japan's guilt as leverage.
Why don't you just admit that you don't want to hear the apologies?
おい、アクマはダイビングやってるらしいぞ。 Hey friend. I've been diving for many many years and if all you want is a quick open water licence then your best bet is to go to Okinawa or Hawaii. 罵詈雑言も忘れてないけどな。
Welcome to Chinaman community projapan (Feb 10 2004 - 01:35)
チャイナマンが発狂中 Welcome to Chinaman community Most of the J-bashers here are Chinaman. They should have a lot before bashing Japan. China has a lot of trouble with human right in China.
Many Chinaman insist Japan has to study from Germany. But if Japan study from Germany, Japan need not compensate to Chinaman. Germany didn’t compensated enough to Russia, Poland, Austria, and so on although Germany compensate well to Jew.
Chinaman here are ignorant.
projapan Lafcadio (Feb 10 2004 - 01:50)
You are obviously an ass.
JT Mod: "Chinaman" is listed in the Oxford as a derogatory term, just like "Jap"
Why the double standards, permitting "Frog," "Yank," and "Chinaman," but censoring "Jap"?
You are just supporting and even encouraging asses like projapan.
Maybe we might explore the tomb of ancient japanese Emperor and make a DNA test, we should be suprised to find that the emperor was mixed blood with Korean or Chinese.
So basically I can just buy an air ticket, go to Japan, take a gun and kill as many people as I can. Then I will just have to make sure that I leave the last bullet for myself. Therefore, people will not hold grudge against me after I die.
I'm in Japan. I arrived at Tokyo. In Tokyo, I stayed at Ookubo. In Ookubo, I saw a lot of people wearing the red T-shirt at a sports bar. In the sports bar, I met a pretty girl at a table, she is a waitress.
I'm in Japan. I arrived at Tokyo. In Tokyo, I stayed at Ookubo. In Ookubo, I saw a lot of people wearing the red T-shirt at a sports bar. In the sports bar, I met a pretty girl at a table, she is a waitress.
下の文には「Where did you eat?」と聞けて、「AT」で答えが返ってきますの 駅のホームでもいいですし、ホームに止まっている電車の中でもいいですし、駅と同じ建物のマックでもいいの それで場所を聞いて、「AT stationだったら、寒くて食べれないよね」と返せますの 基本的には、2つを比べることができたら、大きいほうを「IN」、小さいほうを「AT」で表現すれば、間違いないですの >>28のさらに小さいほうに走った文ですので、自分で訳してみてくださいですの
In a conversation with her, I noticed at time, she seemed to be deeply thinking about something.
I'm totally shocked you bunch of shit talking crap on Korea rather than being sorry for what japan did in the past against Korean ppl. if you have time for bumming around and talk crap here, show your sincerity to them. OK?? Got it, suckers!?
I'm totally shocked you bunch of shit talking crap on Korea rather than being sorry for what japan did in the past against Korean ppl. if you have time for bumming around and talk crap here, show your sincerity to them. OK?? Got it, suckers!?
132 :怪鳥音 ◆K1z/mB9tDA :04/01/14 02:50 ID:7LuQrKTt >>99 no offence. but which side of people attacked first? according to them, they got ungry with the japanese website insulting korea.
139 :怪鳥音 ◆K1z/mB9tDA :04/01/14 02:51 ID:7LuQrKTt >>127 otherwize they are going to destroy them
760 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :04/02/21 12:43 I'm totally shocked you bunch of shit talking crap on Korea rather than being sorry for what japan did in the past against Korean ppl. if you have time for bumming around and talk crap here, show your sincerity to them. OK?? Got it, suckers!?
The IMF and World Bank urged nations to liberalize their capital accounts, Williamson told NEWSWEEK, which ushered in a flood of outside money that raised exchange rates to uncompetitive levels, stifling exports.
When I was 4th grade in elementary school, firecracker was all the rage. We used to test each brabeness by fireing them on each one's palm, or exploding within one's fingers. On such days, #2 tested it. Exploded it on his pennins. And it sucseeded. Seeing that, #1 tryed fireing two firecrackers within his pennis's skin. With big exploding sound, some red pieces splashed... And we found #1's groaning, sitting on the ground. Everybody gathered to him what's happened, to look at where #1 was covering with his hands, fastner of pants was smeared with blood, and we could see something like #1's former-pennis, which streaming his blood. Everyone fritened, and run away, leaving #1 there.
Yesterday I went to Yoshinoya, which is the most famous rice ball chain in Japan. There are so many people that I can't sit in the counter. Then, I happened to see the billboard that said,"Discount \150" Are the Yoshinoya staff fool or crazy? Hey, you, the not so frequent comers in Yoshinoya, don't come to Yoshinoya attracted by the "discount \150"! It seems that the four people are a family. The family in Yoshinoya! Are they serious? The father said I will order Tokumori, the biggest size in the shop. I was embarrassed to see you! Make room for me. I will give you \150.
Yoshinoya should be barbarous. It should have the situation in which quarrels with the person across the U-designed table, killing with knives. I like the situations. Women and children, don't come there!
I could sit at last! Hearing what the person next to me, he or she said, "Oomori-tuyu-daku please", which means a large serving and a large amount of sauce, please. What? This went out of fashion now. Be careful, a fool! You ordered Oomori-tuyu-daku proudly, did you? I continue to discuss that you really want to eat Oomori-tuyu-daku, well, for one hour! Do you want ONLY to say Tuyu-daku ? From the Yoshinoya expert's point, the more fashionable order between Yoshinoya experts is Negi-daku, which means a large amount of leeks. Oomori-negi-daku is most fashionable. If you order this, you can eat many Negi and a little beef.
The most powerful order is Oomori-Gyoku-daku. Gyoku-daku means a large amount of eggs. I don't want to persuade this to amatuers because you would be watched since the next visit to Yoshinoya. In short, because you will be in a double-edged situation. You had better eat a set lunch of Gyu-zyake, which means a set lunch of beef and a part of salmon.
This thread is an archive of communications between nursing care staff and senior citizens suffering from dementia. The main purpose here is to maintain and activate patients' brain activities by giving them a chance to practice keyboard typing. General public are strictly prohibited to access this thread.
How are you? What's new? Now we live in the 21st century, the only thing you do is starting this rotten thread. Why don't you begin something new?
I am so shy that I will say you this just once.
Just imagine you can change yourself, aren't you exited? Changing yourself is very exiting. How about trying it? This is the age when Corolla can show us her big change as this. How about you?