101 :
04/01/14 02:47 ID:Rw+gC2SU
102 :
:04/01/14 02:47 ID:6pd4uAao
103 :
:04/01/14 02:47 ID:U03/DNNU
>>87 Many Japanese can talk German.
104 :
:04/01/14 02:47 ID:GtSP6P2W
閑話休題、請聞我的話。先日我去了近在吉野家、吉野家。 座席満席、我不可能座。我凝視垂幕 「一五〇円値引」 我思、嗚呼馬鹿、嗚呼阿呆。 御前等、無意味来通常不来吉野屋為壱百五拾円引、阿呆。 壱百五拾円、只壱百五拾円。親子連来店。一家四人来吉野屋。目出鯛。 「好!父、注文特盛!」的発言、我不可視。我謹呈壱百五拾円、為御前等開放席。 吉野屋本来要殺伐雰囲気。機会多々有喧嘩上等共奴反対座食卓。 雰囲気最高、我刺御前、御前刺我。女子供不要干渉。 長時間後、我可能着座、隣男注文「大盛、汁沢山」我再度激切了。 聴、「汁沢山」是不流行現在、阿呆。我呆、御前注文得意顔「汁沢山」 我欲問「御前本当不本当欲食『汁沢山』?」我欲問詰。小一時間我欲問詰。 我欲問「御前只欲発言『汁沢山』」我是吉野屋通。最新流行間吉野家通是「葱沢山」 大盛葱沢山玉。是注文方法為吉野家通。葱沢山是、多々葱少々肉。是。 要注意是注文即店員警戒危険、是諸刃的剣。不可推奨素人。 御前等超素人、推奨食牛鮭定食。
105 :
65 :04/01/14 02:47 ID:tzq7IxCw
106 :
:04/01/14 02:47 ID:RDMRVMio
krははじく設定にしてんじゃないの? たぶん日本人しかいない
107 :
_ :04/01/14 02:48 ID:9RmnDNj0
>>67 文字化け翻訳
108 :
:04/01/14 02:48 ID:qpRC8PK5
109 :
:04/01/14 02:48 ID:t58w/C5x
110 :
:04/01/14 02:48 ID:U03/DNNU
111 :
- :04/01/14 02:48 ID:EEDQ9Och
112 :
:04/01/14 02:48 ID:kq820TQ/
>>103 Oh! It's Great!
113 :
:04/01/14 02:48 ID:Rw+gC2SU
>>102 >>83 is about yoshinoya :)
114 :
NO NAME :04/01/14 02:48 ID:2FxBIyic
This a pen
115 :
:04/01/14 02:48 ID:UFwEMl3k
116 :
:04/01/14 02:48 ID:6pd4uAao
>>99 It is not "your" site, because it is opened to the public (of course, here 2ch is the same),
and it is the so-called "translating bullet-in board". It is designed both for Koreans and Japanese.
118 :
:04/01/14 02:48 ID:UcR24WzY
119 :
we :04/01/14 02:49 ID:pNxIq8A6
If you are Korean, write down "Kimchee" plz!!
121 :
:04/01/14 02:49 ID:zV6B1HZv
>>104 >「御前本当不本当欲食『汁沢山』?」我欲問詰
122 :
:04/01/14 02:49 ID:RDMRVMio
123 :
:04/01/14 02:49 ID:oC4DYLNe
124 :
:04/01/14 02:49 ID:uyTH2azK
125 :
:04/01/14 02:49 ID:6pd4uAao
126 :
:04/01/14 02:49 ID:8njQZRrQ
The South Korean mass communications should also investigate the fact very. It is foolish to have reported the fake homepage as a fact.
>>106 それを解除したから来週中ということです。
South Koreans are in the mail column. Please put in fusianasan
130 :
:04/01/14 02:50 ID:sQTRFQYX
131 :
:04/01/14 02:50 ID:H0qQKcSc
>>106 えー、じゃあ、ひろゆこは設定戻しちゃったのか・・・。
>>99 no offence. but which side of people attacked first?
according to them, they got ungry with the japanese
website insulting korea.
but it is no excuse for attacking illgally and not
good enough to justify their behaviour.
133 :
:04/01/14 02:50 ID:RDMRVMio
134 :
:04/01/14 02:50 ID:mAwHCKOa
うううううう、英語がひどすぎるよ、みんな・・・・・・・ じゃ、おまいが英語で書けと言われそうだけど(w 正直、自分はイギリスに4年住んでいたバイリンガルwです。
135 :
sage :04/01/14 02:51 ID:xvjKPO0A
>>91 >>65 Do not say such a thing
let us enjoy fake and interesting 漢文
136 :
jasmine :04/01/14 02:51 ID:FfGtTQGV
>>43 fortunately I didnt do it. I guessed it's gonna be browser
does north korean eat any dogs as well?
137 :
VivaCorea :04/01/14 02:51 ID:9g+lh3yC
우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세! 우리나라 만세!
>>59 Let's look for the way which can live together together.
Let's make it only UD program to emulate each other.
>>127 otherwize they are going to destroy them
140 :
:04/01/14 02:51 ID:z9ZI7wZf
141 :
:04/01/14 02:51 ID:U03/DNNU
142 :
:04/01/14 02:51 ID:6rv7vDVb
143 :
:04/01/14 02:52 ID:RDMRVMio
Hey, guys!! Could you please write down where you are living?
144 :
:04/01/14 02:52 ID:z9ZI7wZf
145 :
:04/01/14 02:52 ID:GtSP6P2W
146 :
:04/01/14 02:52 ID:FMJWTppv
147 :
:04/01/14 02:52 ID:Rds5uwCr
>>134 sorry...
please Engelish
149 :
:04/01/14 02:52 ID:Rw+gC2SU
>>134 書いておくれよ〜
can you please write your opinion?
150 :
:04/01/14 02:52 ID:t58w/C5x
>>134 そんな事言うな。俺だって後から突っ込まれまくるの
152 :
aris :04/01/14 02:52 ID:EIDEEkSP
>117 no, thats our korean site ok? that site is to be friendly and calm.
>>127 ...what?
I guess you mean the site "K's country", right?
I am not sure but I have heard that these contents were all truth,
though they all could be extreme examples...
154 :
:04/01/14 02:53 ID:+GzYoblV
155 :
:04/01/14 02:53 ID:z9ZI7wZf
156 :
:04/01/14 02:53 ID:Rds5uwCr
157 :
:04/01/14 02:54 ID:Eqatbjgj
ミミミミミミミミ ミミミ ミ .________ ミミミ ∧ ∧ ミ / ミミ─●ヘ●─| < ファッキンジャップくらい分かるよ、バカヤロ! (61 < └┘ | \ || ( ー |  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | \___ノ
158 :
:04/01/14 02:54 ID:+GzYoblV
159 :
:04/01/14 02:54 ID:qpRC8PK5
160 :
琥珀さんスマトリプタソ ◆f3XNUgjBpE :04/01/14 02:54 ID:KobXT7kf
161 :
:04/01/14 02:54 ID:uyTH2azK
I have been using UD for some time. What is it?
163 :
:04/01/14 02:54 ID:e8s6Cgvb
164 :
:04/01/14 02:54 ID:K89S0eLv
165 :
omanko :04/01/14 02:54 ID:jF2X0tqD
>>134 Everybody will be saved if you do simultaneous interpretation.
>>152 ok, so you are here to be friendly to us, right?
but NAVER is full of insulting and swearing to
each other. im sorry but we all know what the NAVER
is like.
167 :
_ :04/01/14 02:55 ID:9RmnDNj0
168 :
… :04/01/14 02:55 ID:o7Z1TyZi
>>137 D・V・D!
169 :
:04/01/14 02:55 ID:Rds5uwCr
Naver is heavy.
170 :
sage :04/01/14 02:55 ID:xvjKPO0A
>>145 How about your fishing?
171 :
:04/01/14 02:55 ID:U03/DNNU
>>152 ...have you really visited the site?????
SO many rude Koreans were !!
I just tried to discuss, only to find they did not know how to discuss...(sad
173 :
:04/01/14 02:56 ID:w8h0XMHf
Someday we would know better way to communicate with each other more than such charges against each other. Anyway, still Team 2ch is best. :) Next round should be there, I hope. Sincerely, Hiroyuki. とりあえずUD案内 ひろゆきのこぴぺだけど
174 :
:04/01/14 02:56 ID:U03/DNNU
>>170 How about your fishing?
175 :
:04/01/14 02:56 ID:mAwHCKOa
>>165 って言われると思ったけど、ここに韓国人はいないってば(w
>>132 u said true
almost poeple will be call and acknowledge that korean's act TERORISM
177 :
NO NAME :04/01/14 02:56 ID:2FxBIyic
178 :
:04/01/14 02:57 ID:+GzYoblV
179 :
:04/01/14 02:57 ID:kq820TQ/
>>152 And, the URL is naver.CO.JP
Please check it again, though we do NOT say that the site is ours...
IT is for the public.
181 :
○ :04/01/14 02:58 ID:WGgBlBtN
我不出来睡眠。 早急必要布団。
182 :
:04/01/14 02:58 ID:6pd4uAao
>>127 yes.2ch is not the places in which only the Japanese who dislikes South Korea gathers.
Do you know the fact that 2ch have not attacked to South Korea?
183 :
:04/01/14 02:58 ID:pHhuVgAW
>>145 アフォめ。
184 :
170 :04/01/14 02:58 ID:xvjKPO0A
185 :
:04/01/14 02:58 ID:RDMRVMio
No Korean still visit here? We want to talk
186 :
:04/01/14 02:58 ID:Rw+gC2SU
arent you all sleepy?
187 :
:04/01/14 02:58 ID:X5Xf/M5b
>>178 (@∀@)<…新たな韓日友好の架け橋として(ry
188 :
:04/01/14 02:59 ID:U03/DNNU
Is aris a Korean?
189 :
:04/01/14 02:59 ID:5v8U0IXf
ニポーン人は日本語で書いて、翻訳で読んでもらう、 韓国人は英語で書き込む、 補助に英語、でよさそうだが・・・・
191 :
:04/01/14 02:59 ID:FvXWJ+QE
ここからフシアナさん必須で書き込めば、韓国人がいるか わかっていいような。 ヌムアケタホタコ タフクァカ。 fusianasan。。ー? ア簑ヤヌリ コチ チヨシシソ?.
>>186 im off today sacked in all!
193 :
:04/01/14 02:59 ID:/GzrV4Eg
당신은 한국인입니까?
195 :
:04/01/14 02:59 ID:U03/DNNU
>>184 No no.
I fished up you.
>>153 K's country ← warota
so u Corean talking here is how are u chatting here
with us? did u get a special of 2ch browser for chatting
instead IE?
>>191 前にフシアナ産したら長過ぎって言われた(´・ω・`)ショボーン
198 :
:04/01/14 03:00 ID:ia19DCcH
199 :
aris :04/01/14 03:00 ID:EIDEEkSP
>>180 naver is korean corporation.
200 :
:04/01/14 03:00 ID:Cs95P/9T
---ATTENTION for new New-entry person--- "2ch"is Anonymity bulletin board. There are both gentle person and insensible person. ・Howeverthis board's Input form has "mail", it is only attached as usual, It may become, if it does not write in. Looking out Mail of troublesome and harassment , you should not opens a mail address to the public. ・There are also many people who are going to induce argument uselessly here. They are going to have in a simple utterance and are going to argue. To such , You should not response.