Updated to 08Q (last beta build before 3.1 for tomorrow, linux build will be with 3.1, tomorrow evening)
- Great news! Global cavity detection in DP done! It works correctly with external normalmap too. So, condition "more/less on cavity" will work work correctly with geometrical details, displaced details and external normalmap. - "Cut through volumes" checker in Merge tool to cut negative volumes through all child volumes. - Bend tool. It allows to bend object very accurately and wrap around circle or segment. It is close to axial symmetry, but it bends objects instead of cloning. This tool is important for hardsurfacing and extremely useful for jewelry. With Bend/wrap tool you will also be able to twist object too. - Older version of Hide is enabled too - it is called Cell hide. - Picking edges in ortho mode fixed (in retopo tool) - fixed: incorrect baking occlusion from voxels->DP on OSX - fixed crash on osx/open GL in merge/spike/snake... tools when panorama background was enabled. It was really hard to find & fix it. - Possibility to create packages on pens for easy redistribution - fixed: rare crash when changing pens folder - fixed: incorrect work with negative volumes in merge tool if mesh is open - fixed deleting material crash
- Doubleclick in Quad tool in Retopo will create triangle. - Better fitting of stroke to surface in Stroke mode in retopo tool - leads to better work of strokes tool on rough surface. Nodes on strokes will be visible much better. - fixed: ESC in quad retopo tool leads to appearing of triangle instead of quad on next stage. - Pose handler rotation handlers will not rotate with viewport, the will remain direction in world space. Up/forward rotation works right too. - fixed: undo and Pose handler issue (was not returning to previous place after undo) - Undo/redo problem in voxel sculpting solved. Adding/subrtracting/deleting objects was sometimes destructive with undo/redo. - Axial symmetry tool will act on child objects too - fixed: invisible preview of spike/curves/merge problem - Stability of surface tools improved - fixed: incorrect work of "Rotate along motion" in voxel mode with symmetry - There is new checker in Retopo menu - Merge/bake only selected faces - Quadrangulate will create new layer in retopo tools. - Add new material improved - like Phil Nolan proposed.
- Rasp-file tool done. It looks closely to 2D-paint nut acts as rasp-file. Inverse action - filling holes under plane. It is extremely useful for hard surface modeling and jewelry. In rasp-file tool you also will be able to cut off voxels with rectangle not through all object but with back plane limitation. Rasp-file tool will respect all combinations - pen/rectangle, positive negative. Nigative rasp-file will produce very interesting results. - Muscles will be thicker in inner direction if muscle is about to be too thin. It will prevent muscles to be too thin. - Stick to ground checker in Muscle tool - Two new checkers in Spikes tool - "Dive into surface" and "Fit object only once" to be able to fit mesh only once along the snake. - Button About->Check for updates will actually work as it should. - fixed: incorrect display of symmetry plane in voxel tools after merging external object in scene. - Problem with Cloth tool <-> Retopo workflow solved. Problems appeared after I made possibility to preserve scale of the merged model. - New button in merge tool - Make mesh closed. It is important if you want to merge unclosed mesh. - Old, forgotted welding of vertices during OBJ import removed. It will help to preserve amount of vertices while OBJ import/export - Selected volume will be visible much better in VoxTree - Opposite point with symmetry enabled will be displayed correctly in voxel sculpting mode even if object is transformed.
- Massive improvements in curves tool. Curves got 4 modes: extrude, move, rotate, scale to build mesh base rapidly and have very good control over the curve. - Moving points in curve tool improved - if you will click and drag point handler will not appear but point will be moved in screen space. You can constraint movements with keys 'X', 'Y', 'Z' or using combination of them. - New checker in curve tool - "Stick to ground" to fit curve better to the surface if need - Full support of Drag&drop of files from explorer to 3D-Coat done. You can open or merge 3B files, models for painting and voxeling, create pens, assign reference images, create new layers with texture, create materials, masks, fill fields with filenames. You can drop directly to viewport, then you will be asked how to use object or drop image/object to specific place like materials/pens/masks palette to perform action immediately without questions. Drag&drop supports dropping images not only from file explorer but from web too! For example find some image in google images and drop directly to 3DC without saving it to file! - I improved cutting of with lasso in voxel room - use CTRL+SHIFT to cut off what is beyond lasso. - fixed: incorrect preview of fill mode in microvertex painting - fixed: sometimes splitting face in retopo tool resulted with 2 faces in different retopo groups. - fixed incorrect combining retopo layers with Shift+Drag
- fixed most important and BIG Linux bug - point at the beginning of the stroke - Curve tool usability improved essentially taking into account all requests. - Save/Load buttons in curve tool - Bug prevented drag&drop in many cases fixed. - Also the reason will be displayed - why drag and drop failed if it happened. Some recommendations will be given automatically. - fixed: Smoothing speed was working incorrect in muscle/rasp-file tool - fixed: symmetry plane was not updated in primitives and curves tool after merging - fixed: Sphere primitive does not respect symmetry - fixed: crash in "Make symm" that happened if source side was empty (mentioned by haikalle). - symmetry plane shift fixed in clone and degrade - fixed: bug in retopo tool, pints and quads, when you was trying to zoom with RMB over the model. - same navigation bug fixed in curves tool.
- ABF++ implemented - Unwrapping tool are very essentially improved - fixed: after opening saved objects volumes in surface mode was unpickable. - Freeze undo in DP problem fixed. - Fixed several important bugs in baking and retopo.
- Navigation on UV preview window done - UV preview window made dockable - Double click in UV window will select edge loop or island in dependence on mode, Right or middle double click will select edge ring. - If symmetry is enabled in viewport all selection operations in UV preview window will respect this symmetry. - Symmetry in UV tool will work more predictably - Hide/unhide selected faces on the mesh in UV tool implemented. - in UV preview window 'A' will restore default UV layout in window, 'SHIFT-A' will fit selected objects in window. - general retopo fix: invisible retopo layers will not be selectable to avoid possibility to modify them. - fixed: subdividing hidden layer leads to partial opening of faces, looks like mosaic. - fixed: brush, quads, cap, points and faces tools in retopo page was not respecting hidden faces correctly. - fixed: incorrect work of Edge loop command in Retopo->Select->Edges mode - fixed: Transparency on pressure dependence button in top pane was not working in DP mode - fixed: Unwrapping symmetriacal pieces sometimes resulted with unsymmetrical islands. - ApplyUV removed from retopo tool - fixed: curves with spacing was not working when bound points was moved by pen (not mouse).
- Full support of symmetry in all UV operations - brush, tweak, manipulate selected done. - Support of multiple UV - sets in UV tool - Limited edge loop selection between two selected edges (in 3d-window for selecting seams). - Snapping problem in retopo tool solved ( it caused vertex shoot-out in some operations like split ring, relax, subdivide ) - Undo in Voxel primitive tools done - Hide undo will work in UV tools - fixed: non applied UV-s was not storing to 3B file, so unfinished work over UV-s could be lost. - All rectangle selection modes will work in UV preview window - It is possible now to change pen radius or scale in UV window in dependence on where cursor is. This option has sense only in Brush mode.
- Padding after merging retopo->per pixel improved. Sometimes there was problems with dark edges. - Separate retopo groups will be merged to separame materials (surfaces) instead of separate objects(layers) while merging in scene. It works much better with LW. - Fixed edge ring issue in retopo tool with enabled symmetry. - Cap tool improved - with right click or SHIFT+LMB it will close holes without adding central point. - Sometimes if huge ref mesh is imported and UV tab pressed big lag happens. I made prevention of the problem. - Numerical fields in primitives tool was not editable - Cube primitive manipulator improved - Hot key hints (if assigned) on top panel (Verts/Edges/Faces/Islands/...) in UV tool was looking really strange.
- Found and fixed important bug that caused disabling of auto-mapping and importing models without UV in 3.1.10 because of other previous fix. - Barelief tool done - it will do shadow projection of the half-volume along some axis. It is important for jewelry. - fixed: incorrect edge ring split preview in ortho mode.
- Tighten/expand with CTRL and CTRL+SHIFT in UV preview window in Brush mode done. - Invert selection in UV tools - Fixed instability in UV tool while marking seams over big meshes. - Viewport navigation speed in UV tool improved essentially, especially for big meshes. - Incorrect "Equidistant" command in UV tools fixed. - Fixed instability while deleting sub-object in objects panel.
- Voxel move tool will respect both - falloff and focal shift. - Smoothing voxels in surface mode will respect symmetry correctly. - Algorithm for relaxing UV-s with SHIFT in Brush mode improved very essentially. - Undo after "Del" in per-pixel painting restored. (there was no Undo after deleting layer's pixels) - Fixed memory corruption that can happen when new voxel session is started. It could produce instability during second voxel session. - Baking in microverts improved - Topology cleanup improved in retopo tool. It was possible before to create invalid polygons that leads to problems in painting and UV-ing - Possibility to save-load freeze state for DP done (it was missed, was working only for microverts) - Instability in UI mentioned by Akira fixed.
- Splines in "E" panel got very serious improvement - you can edit them, operate, save, load, transform as you wish, apply multiple times. They can be edit numerically. B-Splines can be used there instead of default splines for all spline or separate points. - I made support of voxel volumes intersections using CTRL+SHIFT everywhere - while merging model, dragging layers. - Universal shader was constructed to simplify custructing complex shaders with cavity, bump, environment map, diffuse and specular. - Newely constructed shaders parameters will be stored properly, all chnged parameters will be stored, not only textures as it was before. - Problem with lasso on OSX resolved - Z-Bias in retopo tool will affect not only visibility of back faces but picking faces/edges/vertices. It gives much better control over the scene. - I have fixed baking & snap problem on voxel objects with deep subtree with partially visible, partially hidden objects (reported by jacobo). - Fixed collapse edge issue in retopo. - Smoothing in UV strengthened much. - Fixed incorrect axial & wrap tools work on transformed volumes. - Every volume in vox tree will store own center of transform gizmo. - fixed crash mentioned by cakeller related to reference images panel.
- possibility to save all information about layers (depth+color+specular) over some UV-set without saving mesh to be able to transfer all info from one model to other with different topology but same uv-set. In so way even DP->MV and MV->DP transfers are possible. - Displacement of all layers can be exported as a EXR file with one layer in EXR file per layer in scene. In so way displacement can be easily transferred to other mesh preserving layers. - It is possible now to export specular in PSD file and edit all specular layers in external editor. - New pen parameter introduced in "Pen opt" page - "Zero pressure radius" - relative pen radius when pen pressure is zero. - possibility to change shaders properties permanently, not just change properties of shader for current object. - Fixed problem in UV tool - it was impossible to select faces /edges/vertices in uv plane if there was >2 uv-sets - Curves will be stored in 3B file too - Materials/masks will be scaled/moved together with navigation in UV preview window in the same way as in main viewport. - Important fix: all scrollers positions will be preserved during resizig or any other operations. It is especially important for VoxTree. - Primitives preview will be shown dotted for convenience. - Primitives tool will respect intersection with CTRL+SHIFT - fixed: lasso tool was in contradiction with navigation in some cases
- New major feature! I made possibility to reduce polycount in voxel scene during export. It is very helpful for printing, exporting just for render, exporting objects to be curve profiles, exporting for game-engines for static objects. - Manual updated. - Sketch tool improved - there is now way to easy deactivate intersection planes (visibility eyes like in layers). - Curves tool in paint mode will work more predictable with back faces, snap to surface improved. It worked badly on the edge of thin surface.
- Reduction tool speed up essentially, it produces much better quality of output mesh. - Curve manipulation bug mentioned by Jacobo fixed. - All operations in retopo tool will not destroy existing UV set. It opens good workflow - make coarse mesh, uv it, then add detials to retopo mesh subrividing it or splitting individual edges or faces.
- Speed up of voxel sculpting in surface mode. - At least we got rid of pose/move tool artifacts (sometimes long lines and dots appeared). - Freeze tool in voxel surface mode, full support of rectangular selection mode in surface tools, all works very fast. - I improved Flatten and Clay in surface tools, surface Fill done too. It makes set of surface tools much more full. - I changed paradigm of surface tools (to test )- will it be better? Surface will be transformed to voxels not after stroke, but by request.It will give more predictable and less buggy result. - Rapid brush has become much faster and gives smoother result. - "Textures->Export depth layers" will work in microvertices too. It allows to transfer all layers structure between per-pixel and microverts. - Fixed navigation problem in UV room when UV preview window is closed. - I fixed crash in reduction tool that was mentioned in forum. It was not easy... - Bug in Logo tool fixed - missing some vertical lines. - Negative extrusion in VoxTree->Extrude tool is supported too. - Separate qudrangulated objects will be merged as separate retopo layers. - Also very useful feature for shadermakers - Options->Debug shader mode. It allows to see shader's errors in realtime. - simple feature for shadermakers: bool and #define can be determined using Variables.xml. Look comments for shader TestBool.
Update postponed at least to Monday. I am slightly stunned. While moving to other flat thief stolen around 6k$... and clothes of smallest one. Slightly hard time to work.
Wow! Do you believe in impossible things? God is live! Peoples called us and returned everything - money, clothes and all. They found them not far away from the place where car was standing. I have no rational explanation for that, really.
- Retopo tool, all baking operations, decimation tool, direct export and quadrangulation will support volumes in surface mode. - Speed of tranferring surface->voxels improved essentially, especially for big surfaces. - Normalmap baking improved - the reason of possible stretching on hardsurface models fixed. - Possibiity to smooth freeze with SHIFT done. - All problems with pen selection mode in Pose toll resolved. - Freeze in surface mode may work in "Airbrush mode" too. - Fixed issue mentioned in forum about 3.1.18 - strange quads around small brush - possibility to extend trial period on demand - academic license introduced (will be announced later). In short - 3D-Coat will be free for colleges.
- Retopo tool improvement - 2 tools in "Select" mode - (1) possibility to select sharp[ edges, (2) possibility to make bevel on selected edges. But in current implementation bevel will not preserve UV-set. - "E" Panel improved. All rectangular and other effects cam be limited by depth and act until some limit - see http://bit.ly/5D0pUW It acts in all tools - paint tools, hide, cell hide, retopology, everywhere. It gives much more control over all rectangular tools - to avoid actions through all volume. - Extrude-based voxel tools (increase, airbrish, ...) got good extension in rect selection mode - they extrude surface on the depth value - New button in transform tool - Center in local space - undo problem in surface tools solved. - baking improvement - if there are no volumes in surface mode baking will be faster (especially for microverts) - fixed: png files was not properly accepted as masks. - Fixed bug in 'E" panel splines - sometimes edges of shape was too rough and was cut by vertical or horizontal lines (in paint mode) - Rect selection in pose tool recovered. - Baking bug fixed (voxels->paint) - black points over the model. - At least all symmetry issues fixed. Symmetry will work correctly in all modes with transformed volumes too.
Making of voxel modeling. node (Or, layer) Two or more objects can be treated with the node or the layer, the boolean node is placed between nodes, and it is made becoming familiar the joint part by "Familiar condition node".
Just for extreme enthusiasts who can't wait - very preliminary 3.21 is already on server. I plan to release it soon, it is just preliminary one (I was sending exe for support purposes, so uploaded build anyway).
It is beta x 2, so ONLY for test purposes. Changes are in Twitter, offiucial announce will be later.
Changes: - Rich set of free-form primitives introduced. Examples - cube, cylinder, Besier plane, blob - all controlled by control points or transformed as a whole. Users can easily add own primitives. - Chisel brush introduced. - Chisel brush got good counter - action (with CTRL). - Interface visualization scheme improved. During brush stroke interface processing will not take time. So, brushing speed in all modes (paint and voxels) was improved. It appeals only to Windows build. - Surface Flatten brush improved - got several parameters: Smoothness, Normals sampling, Don't lift edges. Smoothness allows to control hardness of edges, Normals sampling - variate radius to calculate average normals. Don't lift edges allows to avoid (if need) lifting of edges at the outer boundary of the brush. - I made possibility to export curves directly from Curve tool as polygonal object to be easily used in other applications. - Polish - like tool (Chisel) got good counter - action (with CTRL). - Eraser is using its own selected brush, not the one selected for pen. - Algorithm for islands padding during texture export improved. - Problem with dropdown menus under Load/Save buttins in most of paint tools resolved. Thanks to Taros for deep testing all paint issues. - Load/Save will work correctly in Transform/Copy tool in Paint room.
I am continuing to work over fixing all bugs from "support" section to make 3.2 rock solid.
I plan to introduce multiresolution in surface mode too. So full pipeline will be (as I suppose):
- voxels until 5-8M (or even 1M if someone likes) - surface + subdiv levels until very high limit - painting over surface vertices, painting with not only color but with shaders too to achieve "faked" resolution up to many billions of polygons - because shaders can give bigger resolution. For example there is no need to paint every pore on skin, it is enough to paint with different types of shader over different areas, mixing them together.
- Every volume will be merged to the separate layer while merging from voxels to pier-pixel. It gives much better control over baked color. - Primitives cage can be tweaked using not only points but edges and faces too. - CTRL can be used to move primitive face along it's normal. I have also add detailed description how to use primitives tool. - fixed possible normalmap corruption during export if there are several normalmap layers or depth+normalmap on the object (Tinker's issue). - Buttons "Material" and "Object" will work properly in Fill by Freeze mode in Fill tool (Paint tab) - Muscle tools problems solved - (1) it was making thing before releasing the pen, (2) - jerky motion at low pen pressure - All clutters in Pict tool (paint tab) fixed - upside-down picture, absent save. - All picking layer/color/specularity/depth promlems mentioned by Taros solved ( http://bit.ly/8ER8xo )
- Render room was essentially improved - realtime render on the fly while tweaking render params + multiple colored light sources. - Possibility to export normalmap texture in world space from per-pixel painting mode. - I have add new checker in UV room - Islands preview to be able to turn off realtime islands preview when it is no longer need. - fixed: freeze tool in paint tab had several redundant parameters that contradict to "conditions" droplist. - fixed: incorrect rendering in render room of the model in microvertex mode with subpatching. - fixed: incorrect work of environmemntal shader in per-pixel mode - fixed: it was impossible to use 'F' + SHIFT or CTRL or ALT keys combo as a hotkey for some command. - fixed: baking voxel volumes to per pixel painting may produce wrong result if volume is transformed - problem in UV tools solved - if cluster was too irregular uv preview may disappear or look strange. - Fixed big load of bugs from forum. Special thank to Taros for digging them. I marked fixed bugs as [SOLVED] on the forum.
- Selection opacity slider was add to pose tool. - Eraser will lower normalmap strength when applied over the normalmap layer. - Rectangle selecton with depth limitation will work in ortho mode too. - fixed important linux/mac issue - adding multiple layers while exporting vector displacement. Sometimes adding layers can happen on Win too. - Missing bronze shaders recovered
- First version of Ptex implemented. Supports export/import in standard formats, ptex files export/import is not supported - possibility to change local resolution with Ptex. - support of big 3B files to open (>4GB) - Normalmap strength in per-pixel mode can be corrected with Depth modulator slider in layer blending panel
- I made much much better algorithm for limit subdivision surface directly after importing model for microvrtex painting and Ptex. Model after import will look much closer to the limit subdivision surface. - Increase resolution in Ptex improved - faster and more efficient. Expand/contract selection is add to this tool. - Many small improvements inside Ptex - displaying textels count, better management of local subdivision. - better padding for PSD files export - Fade on edges in pen options will act on all pens simultaneously
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Updated to 3.2.04 (Win+Mac, Linux comes today or tomorrow)
- Ptex export/import done in beta stage. You will be able to export/import color/specular/displacement separately. Ptex files are much closer to textures so I placed export/import ptx files in Texture menu - Merging retopo room with reference mesh/painted mesh -> per pixel painting will respect color of the reference/painted mesh. In previous builds normalmap was baked correctly but color was not baked t per pixel painting if reference mesh was used. - In Retopo->select tool Relax will act only on vertices selected in Retopo->Select->Verices. Snap button will work in the same way. - Fixed render problem when rendering custom size frame was not properly centered. - I fixed multiple problems with snapping in retopo tool. Problems was especially visible on the "creature" model. - I fixed issue with crash in Linux while using 'V' key. - I improved cylinder-like manipulator to avoid controls squashing. - Fixed PSD export issue - incorrect (dotted) padding.
Updated to 3.2.05 (but Linux build - it comes tomorrow)
- Ptex import when sepearate textures are assigned to initial faces before subdivision (not to subdivided faces). - Ptex files export/import in new Ptex representation (texture per non-subdivided face) - Dynamic Ptex resolution is done in new approach - one texture per non-subdivided face. - support of merging multiple objects/deleting part of objects in Ptex representation. - I checked that ptx files exported from 3D-Coat are correctly rendered in external renderer. Of course I made only simplest tests. - Splines/Lines in E panel will not dive into surface in paint room. In so way you can easily draw over curved surfaces. - solved longstanding problem with licensing when license file gets corrupted randomly (and rarely) in the middle of the work.
- Lines/curves in 'E' panew will not dive into surface in Voxel mode too (in the same way as in Paint tab now) - I (and webmaster) made useful feature for 3d-coat experience exchange-quick making of screenshots from 3dc shell and hosting on our server. In so way it will be possible to post screenshots with text very quickly. It was relatively easy to do on my side. - Merging voxels->ptex fixed. - I have add metedata record from http://bit.ly/aN7nVX for compatibility with Renderman. - I improved 3DConnexion support, I hope drifting issue will be fixed. 3DC will perform calibration during start. But 3D mouse should be untouched during 3D-Coat's start, othervice drifting will appear.
Updated to 3.2.07 [beta] (Win+Mac, Linux - tomorrow)
- Solved most longstanding problem - jagged strokes in paint modes (see http://bit.ly/aiw8u8 for reference). - Fixed incorrect work of ApplyUV command over some models especially in microvertex mode problem referred there - http://bit.ly/cylc4A ). - Upload screenshot bugs fixed
- Much much better correspondence between Voxel room and baked color in Paint room. - Problem with incorrect "Framing" work in voxel tools solved. - Framing improved - you can focus on object or on pen position (scaling depends on radius in this case) - I have made command that is very useful when you have very many objects in scene - combine current layer with all children layers. - Pick tool for voxels. It is very helpful if you have many layers and want to select current object visually without VoxTree - Fixed Voxels->Ptex merging, multiple ptex objects merging. - I have done very longstanding request from SL community - support of multiple SL objects in scene.
- I made possibility to measure and define everything in Voxels using physical units like inches or meters. It was longstanding request, at least I done it. It is extremely useful for real production and prototyping. - I hope that I succeed with exporting Ptex to Renderman. At least Renderman's utility ptxview displays 3D-Coat's ptx files correctly. - I made special simple method for external programmers to make connector between 3D - application and 3D-Coat. I hope many connectors between 3D-Coat and different applications will be developed soon. I will post full description of the pipeline in a couple of days. - Quadrangulation quiality and speed improved. Don't expect edgeloops but it is better then it was. - I fixed several problems with STL export/import - I resolved object/materials palette constant duplication problem if it is not docked. - I restored checkbox "Use source positions" in export dialog for perpixel painting. It is necessary if you want to export model that was subdivided, painted and uv was changed. In this case it was impossible to export coarse (unsmoothed) low-poly object. - I made possibility to create/install 3d-coat extensions from File menu. Extension may contain any sort of files - shaders, pens, strips, materials, masks etc. It is just image of additional files in coat's folder. It is good method to share 3D-Coat's content. - At least I made expansion pack using Oliver Thornton's textures and pens in new format (3dcpack) that is cross platform and easy to use. He sent me tons of really cool stuff (great masks and skin textures, pens) and at least it will be published to community. Thank to Oliver! There is the link to package: