Senior Israeli officials, however, said that on Saturday night the Foreign Ministry issued a directive to around a dozen key embassies in the United States, Canada, China, Russia and several European countries. The ambassadors were told to stress to their host countries the importance of Egypt's stability. In a special cable, they were told to get this word out as soon as possible.
EU foreign ministers are to discuss the situation in Egypt at a special session today in Brussels, after which they are expected to issue a statement echoing those issued in recent days by U.S. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
"The Americans and the Europeans are being pulled along by public opinion and aren't considering their genuine interests," one senior Israeli official said. "Even if they are critical of Mubarak they have to make their friends feel that they're not alone. Jordan and Saudi Arabia see the reactions in the West, how everyone is abandoning Mubarak, and this will have very serious implications."
Netanyahu announced at Sunday's weekly cabinet meeting that the security cabinet will convene Monday to discuss the situation in Egypt.
"The peace between Israel and Egypt has lasted for more than three decades and our objective is to ensure that these relations will continue to exist," Netanyahu told his ministers. "We are closely monitoring events in Egypt and the region and are making efforts to preserve its security and stability." The Foreign Ministry has called on Israelis currently in Egypt to consider returning home and for those planning to visit the country to reconsider. It is telling Israelis who have decided to remain in Egypt to obey government directives.
Egypt’s army has an intricate economic portfolio, and thus a strong interest in maintaining the status quo. However it also sees itself as the guardian of the interests of the Egyptian state. It may now be developing a new vision of how the state’s interests ought to be preserved ? one that need not include Mr Mubarak. エジプト国軍は既存経済権益などを有し、現状安定を守る強いインセンティブがあり、国益を守る意図も持ち合わせる。 国軍はニュー・ビジョンの構築中かもしれず、ムバラクがその中に入っていないかもしれない。
The reform movement, meanwhile, knows that the regime has had every chance of engaging in a process of gradual reform. Most Egyptians, including these activists, have been keen to preserve social stability while hoping that change would come with the consent of its leaders. But the government has revealed that it is neither in control, nor willing to cede power. This has created a power vacuum, partially filled on the streets. 殆どの国民は抗議行動者も含めて、穏健な改革を求めている。社会的安定を失うこと無く指導者の交代を望んでいる。
Leaders in Cairo and Washington worry about Islamists taking over. Yet it seems the Brotherhood was as surprised by the uprising as the government and opposition, while its leadership has been slow to read the new politics of Egypt. エジプトと米国の指導者はムスリム同胞団が政権につくことを恐れるが、今回の暴動事件はムスリム同胞団の起こした ものではなく、其の指導者はエジプト政治の流れを読むのが遅い。
Egyptians now expect the announcement of a democratic transition process that will put an end to their political conundrum of having to put up with military rule to prevent the advent of the Muslim Brothers. They have yet to find out whether the voice of the “street” is strong enough to prevent the establishment from successfully concocting a managed scenario. But they will know one thing for certain: the post-Mubarak era has now begun. エジプト国民はムスリム同胞団の支配を防ぐために軍事政権が生まれるのではなく、政治的混乱が民主的プロセスで 処理されることを望む。街頭の抗議行動がエスタブリッシュメント(の談合)による次政権への政治シナリオを否定する程 強いものかどうかは今後のみものであるが、ポスト・ムバラク時代が始まったことは確かだ。
SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--As part of ongoing quality assurance, Intel Corporation has discovered a design issue in a recently released support chip, the IntelR 6 Series, code-named Cougar Point, and has implemented a silicon fix. In some cases, the Serial-ATA (SATA) ports within the chipsets may degrade over time, potentially impacting the performance or functionality of SATA-linked devices such as hard disk drives and DVD-drives. The chipset is utilized in PCs with Intel’s latest Second Generation Intel Core processors, code-named Sandy Bridge. Intel has stopped shipment of the affected support chip from its factories. Intel has corrected the design issue, and has begun manufacturing a new version of the support chip which will resolve the issue. The Sandy Bridge microprocessor is unaffected and no other products are affected by this issue.
The company expects to begin delivering the updated version of the chipset to customers in late February and expects full volume recovery in April. Intel stands behind its products and is committed to product quality. For computer makers and other Intel customers that have bought potentially affected chipsets or systems, Intel will work with its OEM partners to accept the return of the affected chipsets, and plans to support modifications or replacements needed on motherboards or systems. The systems with the affected support chips have only been shipping since January 9th and the company believes that relatively few consumers are impacted by this issue. The only systems sold to an end customer potentially impacted are Second Generation Core i5 and Core i7 quad core based systems. Intel believes that consumers can continue to use their systems with confidence, while working with their computer manufacturer for a permanent solution. For further information consumers should contact Intel at on the support page or contact their OEM manufacturer. For the first quarter of 2011, Intel expects this issue to reduce revenue by approximately $300 million as the company discontinues production of the current version of the chipset and begins manufacturing the new version. Full-year revenue is not expected to be materially affected by the issue.(ry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- インテルの今日の株価チャート ttp://
(Reuters) - A federal judge in Florida struck down President Barack Obama's landmark healthcare overhaul as unconstitutional on Monday in the biggest legal challenge yet to federal authority to enact the law. U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson ruled that the reform law's so-called individual mandate went too far in requiring that Americans start buying health insurance in 2014 or pay a penalty.
"Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire act must be declared void," he wrote, "This has been a difficult decision to reach and I am aware that it will have indeterminable implications."
Referring to a key provision in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Vinson sided with governors and attorneys general from 26 U.S. states, almost all of whom are Republicans, in declaring the Obama healthcare reform unconstitutional.
"Regardless of how laudable its attempts may have been to accomplish these goals in passing the act, Congress must operate within the bounds established by the Constitution," Vinson, who was appointed to the bench by Republican President Ronald Reagan, ruled.
TOKYO?Ichiro Ozawa, a longtime political power broker and former head of Japan's ruling party, was indicted over an alleged political funds law violation Monday, in a move that could further destabilize the nation's leadership. The move risks splitting Japan's ruling party, which could further weaken the already embattled Prime Minister Naoto Kan. Mr. Kan already faces challenges that include Japan's deep debts and lingering deflation. Despite recent setbacks and tensions with Mr. Kan, the party leader, Mr. Ozawa still commands loyalty from a large number of DPJ members in Japan's parliament. If they exacerbate the split, the charges could undermine Mr. Kan's hold on power. 小沢氏の起訴は民主党のリーダーシップの不安定化をもたらす鴨。民主党内の分断は菅首相の政策運営を困難とし、 党の分裂の危険さえ有る(ry
*モスクワ空港爆破事件の背景や、そのインプリケーションの解説。チェチェンやアルカイダとは異なる北コーカサス 地方の反政府運動について解説。書いているのは、シンクタンクCSISのロシア研究者。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// Airport Bombing Serves as Wake-Up Call By Nikolai Petrov 31 January 2011 目覚まし役としてのモスクワ空港爆破事件 By Nikolai Petrov モスクワタイムズ寄稿評論
Undoubtedly, the situation in the North Caucasus both directly and indirectly provoked the attack at Domodedovo. Two wars in the past 16 years created and continue to create conditions for increased terrorism in the region itself and in Moscow. Since 1994, hundreds of thousands of Interior Ministry officers and soldiers from across the country have served in Chechnya. While there, they have learned to hate and managed to sow the seeds of hatred throughout the country. They were taught to belittle the value of other people’s lives, and even their own. The recent senseless mass murders in the Krasnodar and Stavropol regions are chilling examples of the lack of respect for life.
Clearly, the problem cannot be solved through the use of force alone. The trouble is that after every major terrorist attack, officials fall hostage to political clans and intelligence agencies that demand greater funding and authority to avert future attacks when they should instead thoroughly discuss what happened in order to identify exactly what went wrong.
The suspicion is that some of the money came from China, for the Karmapa to use to buy influence in Tibetan monasteries in India, notably in Sikkim?where the 16th Karmapa had his seat at Rumtek monastery. On January 31st India’s home minister, Palaniappan Chidambaram, said no conclusion had been drawn as to whether he was a Chinese agent or not. China’s government, for its part, has felt moved to deny that it sent a living Buddha into India to spy for it, and has lamented the “mistrustful attitude” the Indian suspicions betray.
It does seem incredible that China and the Karmapa are in cahoots, or even that China connived in his escape and has been using him as a stooge. His flight to India was humiliating for China: even a young monk it had feted and nurtured to help bolster its rule in Tibet rejected it in the most dramatic way. But as I suggested in my print column on January 8th, the ructions the Karmapa disputes have caused among exiled Tibetans may have given China the last laugh. カルマパと中国の共謀というのは信じがたい話に見えて、中国が彼のインドへの脱出を黙認し、スパイ役に使うというのも ちょっと在り得なさそうだが、この大騒ぎでインド在住のチベット人の間にカルマパについて混乱が起こることは中国にとって 喜ばしいかもしれない。
They also have implications for another theme of that column?the Dalai Lama’s hints at his own retirement from political involvement. The Karmapa is perhaps the only other exile who could come close to unifying Tibetans. His troubles make the Dalai Lama’s hopes of a retreat into a purely religious role even harder to realise. ダライ・ラマは政治シーンからの引退を暗示していて、そうなればチベット人の統合の象徴になり得るのはカルマパだけで ある。カルマパの騒動はダライラマの引退の希望にも影を投げることになる。
エジプトの野党勢力の現状 ttp:// "Free Egypt" regimes planned alongside March of Millions DEBKAfile Exclusive Report February 1, 2011, 1:31 PM (GMT+02:00) T 一部の野党勢力は、「エジプト解放区"Free Egypt"」とよぶ野党の統治する都市(地域)の設立を計画
opposition groups, backed by retired army and security forces officers are planning to take over a key delta city, proclaim it liberated territory and establish there a "Free Egypt" government, 野党勢力は退役軍人や警備隊の士官らの支持を得て、デルタ地域のキイとなる都市を占拠し、解放区を設立して野党 側の統治を行なう計画を立てている。
Opposition leaders, including the Muslim Brethren, decided to shun the proposed dialogue out of two considerations: 1. The street does not trust Gen. Suleiman. He is seen as part of Mubarak's ruling circle and hated as the enemy of Egyptian democracy. Indeed the rigging of parliamentary vote which only two months ago reduced opposition representation to nil is laid at his door. 2. Some of the factions are already in the process of separate dialogue with army chiefs outside the military and government mechanisms still loyal to Mubarak.
DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources disclose that the generals are informing the president about this separate track but have not asked him to approve its outcome. This outcome is already falling into two sections which he is hardly likely to approve. The army and protesters agreed on a mutual non-violence pact, providing for neither to attack the other. Since Mubarak is standing his ground, the Egyptian crisis continues to be ruled by a standoff between the president, the army and the masses. To break out of this impasse, certain opposition leaders plan to use the momentum of the Tuesday march to seize control of a central Egyptian city and proclaim it the capital of Free Egypt. They will call on other factions to recognizes their administration and establish more Free Egypt regimes in other cities. For now, Mubarak's foes are looking for suitable candidates to fill posts in the administrations they hope to establish. 国軍の将軍たちは、この野党勢力との対話について、ムバラク大統領に報告しているが、其の対話の結果を承認する ように求めているわけではない。軍と野党勢力は、非暴力協定で合意している。エジプトの現状は、大統領と軍と大衆勢力 の三者の交渉と対立の状態にあって、一部野党勢力の指導者は火曜日の大型抗議行動(100万人のマーチ)をブレークス ルーにすべく、中部エジプトの都市を占拠し、それをエジプト解放区の首都(capital of Free Egypt)と呼ぶ計画である。彼ら は他の野党勢力に呼びかけて、そうした野党勢力の支配する解放区(とよぶ都市)を更に追加して設立したい。野党側は、 現在のところ、それらの地域の統治を任せられる人材を探している。
The Beijing animation company Hutoon recently produced a viral video showing the masses, depicted as rabbits, rising up in anger after a string of recent scandals and killing Party cadres. The Party will continue to put out its line that economic growth is resolving social problems caused by one-party rule. But if inflation worsens, history suggests China's stability could prove to be a mirage. 中国の最近のアニメの示すように、大衆の怒りが共産党幹部を殺すようなことが考え得るわけで、共産党は経済成長が 一党独裁の社会的問題を解決するという路線に従っているのだが、インフレが悪化すれば歴史の示すように、中国社会 の安定というのが幻想であったと示すことになり得る。
In Egypt, by contrast, the Obama Administration has been caught on its back foot, scrambling to keep up with events. Some of the same people who reviled Mr. Bush for pushing democracy?Senator John Kerry?are now even saying the U.S. should demand Mr. Mubarak's ouster. Yesterday in advance of Mr. Mubarak's remarks, White House officials leaked that Mr. Obama had urged the Egyptian not to run for re-election?another frantic effort to get some political credit for events that were already inevitable and still may be too little, too late.
Now our policy choices are few and risky. How much better positioned would we be in Egypt today if we were able to take some credit for the calls for freedom and democratic change?
The Egyptian military has told the thousands of anti-govenment protesters occupying central Cairo that their message had been heard and it was time for them to help the country to return to normal. エジプト国軍は、カイロの中央広場の抗議行動の大衆にメッセージを発し、彼らの声は聞き届けられたので、今や 国が正常化するように、抗議行動を解いて日常生活に戻るべきと述べた。
“The army forces are calling on you ... You began by going out to express your demands and you are the ones capable of restoring normal life,” a spokesman said, adding that the message and demands had been heard.
Just as Richard Nixon helped to discredit Harry Truman and defeat Democratic presidential nominee Adlai Stevenson in 1952 by trumpeting the question, "Who lost China?" Obama may well have to explain how and why he lost Egypt. If he permits Egypt to slip through our fingers and go over to the Iranian sphere of influence, he will pay for it politically in 2012. 1952年の大統領選挙で、ニクソン(副大統領候補)がトルーマンを「誰のせいで中国を失ったのか?」という台詞で打ちの めしたように、オバマ大統領は、何故、また如何に、エジプトを失ったのか弁解しなければいけないようになるかもしれない。 もしもエジプトがアメリカの同盟国から脱落してイラン側に移るのであれば、オバマ大統領は2012年の再選で不利になる のであろう。 The Muslim Brotherhood is allied closely with Hamas. To the extent that it masquerades as a peaceful body, it is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Any coalition with the Brotherhood is as likely to remain secular as Adolf Hitler's early coalition with Paul von Hindenburg in Germany was likely to stay non-Nazi. The Muslim Brotherhood will take over if it gets its foot in the door. ムスリム同胞団はハマスに親密な関係にあり、外見を平和的な組織に見せかけているとしても、それは羊の皮をかむった 狼である。ムスリム同胞団を含む連立政権というのは、ヒトラーの初期の Paul von Hindenburgとの連立と同じであって、 それが非宗教的だというのは、ヒトラーの連立政権がナチスではないというようなものである。ムスリム同胞団は一旦ドア の内側に足を踏み入れるなら、それを乗っとるであろう。
By failing to back Mubarak, Obama is committing the same sin that Dwight Eisenhower did in Cuba and Jimmy Carter did in Iran. He needs to understand that the radical Islamists mean us ill and that any effort to appease them is bound to fail.If Egypt falls, Obama will have permanently damaged America's vital interests. Look at what Carter's abandonment of the Shah has cost the world and is likely to cost it in the future. We now face the possibility that a radicalized Egypt could be Obama's gift to the globe. ムバラク大統領を支えることをしなかったオバマ大統領は、アイゼンハワーがキューバに、カーターがイランに対してなした 失敗と同じ過ちを犯している。彼はラディカル・イスラムというのは我々にとって病であり、それに対する如何なる譲歩も失 敗に終わることを理解する必要がある。エジプトがラディカル・イスラムの手に落ちるのであれば。オバマ大統領はアメリカ の国益の永続的な毀損をもたらす。カーター大統領がイランのシャーを見捨てた事によって世界がどのくらい高い代価を 支払ったのかを考えてみれば、アメリカの失うかもしれない国益の大きさが解る。今や、ラディカル・イスラムの手に落ちた エジプト、というのが、オバマ大統領の大きな失敗の業績になる可能性がある。(後略)
Once again, Europe's Emissions Trading System has been beset by fraud and theft. The spot-trading market has been closed since January 19, after regulators discovered that hackers had broken into the system's electronic registries and stolen roughly ?30 million worth of carbon allowances. また再び、欧州排出権取引市場(ETS)で詐欺行為があって、1月19日にハッカーが取引システムに侵入して3000万ユーロ 相当の排出権を盗むという事件があった
So, is the ETS just unlucky? EU Climate Action Commissioner Connie Hedegaard defended the system last week, saying that "Just because someone robs a bank, you do not say the whole banking system doesn't work." Perhaps. But we doubt the Deutsche Borse, London Stock Exchange or NYSE wouldn't long survive if they had the kind of history of serial theft and fraud that has bedeviled carbon trading. ETSはアンラッキーであったということだろうか?EUの気候変動コミッショナーのConnie Hedegaard はETSを擁護して、銀行 強盗があったからといって、銀行システムは機能しないということではない、という。まあ、そうであろうけれども、ドイツや ロンドンやニューヨークの証券取引市場が何度も詐欺行為を経験するようなら、それは長くは存続できないだろう。
What makes the ETS different? The simplest explanation is that it isn't a financial exchange at all; it's merely designed to look like one. Its chief function is to serve as a political smokescreen. The trading system was set up to allow Europe's politicians to avoid the messy business of who was going to be allowed to pollute what. To make matters worse, it's in no one's particular interest that it work too well?not the businesses buying credits; not the governments, which would rather take the credit for being green without the economic costs of being too pure; and certainly not the fraudsters, who have used the trading system to reap millions in profits. ETSに何が異なるのかといえば、簡単にいえば、それは金融商品の取引市場ではなく、それっぽく見せかけているけれど、 その機能は政治的なまやかしのためであっって、Co2排出について誰が何処でそれを許されるかを政治家が議論するよう なことを避けるためのものである。
To borrow Ms. Hedegaard's image, if there's one bank in the neighborhood that keeps getting robbed, but has no alarms, locks, or note-tracking devices to keep it secure, you wouldn't ask why it kept being ripped off. You'd wondered whether it was really a bank at all. Hedegaardコミッショナーの論法を借りるならば、近所に銀行があって、しょっちゅう強盗に襲われるのであれば、そして、 それにもかかわらず警鐘を鳴らしていないのであれば、あるいは安全保障措置が十分講じられないのであれば、その 銀行がいつも襲われることに不思議はない。そういうことなら、それは銀行と言えるのか疑問であるが。
What the 470,000-strong army wants is not power, but stability. Senior officers have been telling interlocutors for several years they will uphold any constitutional government, even one headed by the Muslim Brotherhood. 国軍の求めるのは権力でなく安定である。高位の士官は何年にも渡って憲法に沿った政府ならムスリム同胞団も許容 するといっている
The army’s desire for stability has several implications. First, it will prefer the recent democratic advances to continue, albeit in a controlled manner, to ensure an arrangement that will allow it to stay out of politics and off the streets. まず、国軍は秩序有るやり方であれば抗議行動などの民主化運動を支持する
Second, the army will resist radical shifts in foreign policy, especially vis-a-vis Israel, not least because of the risk to US assistance, which is crucial for an army that is heavily dependent on US military hardware and technology and on the assured supply of spares, training and know-how. The behind-the-scenes role that it is no doubt playing cannot but be prompted by a desire to prevent changes that might destabilise the cold peace with Israel and jeopardise the special relationship with the US military. 第二に国軍は外交政策の、特にイスラエル関連政策の、ラディカルなシフトに抵抗する。それはアメリカの軍への支援にも 関係していて、エジプト国軍はアメリカの軍備に依存し、武器やテクノロジー、スペアの供給、教育訓練やノウハウにも関係 する。イスラエルとの和平を脅かす変化には抵抗する。それは国軍とアメリカ軍の特別の関係を脅かす。
Third, the army will seek to preserve its control over its own internal governance and protect its reputed economic “empire”. This is considerably more modest in volume than is commonly believed, and has probably shrunk in proportion to a national economy that has grown by more than 3 per cent annually since 2003. However, although a few generals are rumoured to have become rich, the main purpose of ensuring a separate income stream that is off-limits to government auditors or parliamentary oversight is to ameliorate the impact of a rapidly privatising economy on the living standards of officers. 第三に国軍はその内部統制を失わないように、とくに経済的な独立王国を失わないようにと求める。
The army has a real interest in securing a gradual transition to the post-Mubarak era, and has reacted with remarkable precision and calm to rapidly unfolding events. The coming days will show whether it has read public opinion accurately or not. If the demonstrations prove to have been the start of a swell rather than a crest of popular protest, then it may find its hand is forced. 国軍には、漸進的なポスト・ムバラク体制への移行を保証するべきメリットがあり、急速に展開する事態に対して冷静に 対応してきた。今後の展開の中で国軍が国内の世論を正確に読めるかどうかが解るだろう。抗議行動の増大に依っては 国軍は対応を強いられよう。
A de-escalation of the protests clearly serves the army best. Any other scenario will draw it into a more direct political role than it wishes, and may expose the limits of its ability to play such a role. 国軍にとって抗議行動のデエスカレーションが望ましい。それ以外のシナリオなら国軍は、自らは望まないながらより直接 的な政治的関与をもたらすだろう。そうした役割の中で自らの限界を示すかもしれない。
So a prolonged crisis will take the army into territory uncharted since the 1970s, when President Anwar Sadat demilitarised the cabinet and depoliticised the military. The army may yet be pushed on to this terrain, but even then will seek an outcome that will restore stable government and allow it to exit the stage. This conservative inclination, if nothing else, may prove the critical factor that keeps the army in favour of a gradual opening up of Egyptian politics, even if the popular protests recede or are crushed in the meantime. そういうわけで長引く危機は国軍を、海図のない領域にと導く。1970年台にサダト大統領が内閣を非軍人化して国軍を非 政治化して以来のことである。国軍は安定政権を樹立して政治の表舞台から去りたいのだが、其の国軍の態度がエジプト 政治の漸進的開放化に重要な役割を果たすだろう。
The Egyptian army for the first time abandoned its neutrality and let 50,000 Mubarak supporters enter Tahrir Square where the protesters had been gathering without stopping them for inspection at the checkpoints outside. エジプト国軍は、今回はじめて中立の立場を破って、ムバラク派の5万人の支持者をチェックポイントで止めること無く Tahrir 広場に入らせた(ry
Information reached Washington that the first appearance of violent Mubarak loyalists in Tahrir Square was not the Egyptian president's final throw but his first. More are planned for the coming days in other parts of the country too, climaxing on Friday, Feb. 4. The Americans have begun to understand that the 82-year old Egyptian president, although seriously ill, has no plans to go quietly as he promised in his speech to the nation Tuesday night. It is even possible that he may not go voluntarily at all. ワシントンに伝えられた情報では、ムバラク派の暴力行為は大統領の最後の手段ではなくて、最初のものであるという。 更なるムバラク派の暴動が国内の他の場所でも予定され、クライマックスは2月4日の金曜日である。 アメリカ政府は82歳の病身の大統領が静かに退去する意思はないことを理解した。彼は全く退く意思がないかもしれない。
The first fissures appeared Wednesday in opposition ranks. All ten secular parties agreed to respond positively to the Vice President's invitation to dialogue on constitutional reform, excepting the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the largest and best organized of them all. Its leaders refused to have any truck with the regime or any of its leaders and demanded that Mubarak step down without further delay. The Brotherhood also heated up its denunciations of America, Britain and Israel. 野党側の最初の分裂が水曜日に明らかになり、ムスリム同胞団以外の10グループの勢力は副大統領の提案した憲法 改革の対話に前向きに反応した。ムスリム同胞団は断固として、現政権との如何なる交渉も拒否しムバラク大統領の 即時辞任を求めている。ムスリム同胞団はアメリカ、イギリス、イスラエルへの非難を高めている。
ttp:// Obama to Egyptian Army: Remove Mubarak now, start transition DEBKAfile Exclusive Report February 2, 2011, 11:16 PM (GMT+02:00)
*ネタニヤフ首相、エジプト内紛に関して、エジプト・イスラエル和平協定が守られるべきとして “We expect any government of Egypt to honor the peace. Moreover, we expect the international community to expect any government of Egypt to honor the peace. This must be clear, along with the discussions about reform and democracy,” he said.
*シャロン首相のアドバイザー、オバマ政権のエジプト政策を批判して Dov Weissglass, a former advisor to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, wrote, addressing the Obama administration. “It is difficult to think of more serious harm to Israel’s security than the collapse of the peace accord with Egypt.”
*ブレジンスキー、エジプト政策を巡る議論について Zbigniew Brzezinski, said he didn’t care much about the stand they are taking on the unrest in Egypt and the broader region, but he couldn’t resist a quick dig. “I don’t take neocon views very seriously, except when they result in U.S. policy which, in turn, means it turns into a disaster,” he said, a view he’s elsewhere attached to his criticism of the Iraq war. But Brzezinski also said Mubarak deserves some degree of deference from the U.S., and suggested a scenario where Mubarak “ends up in some dignified fashion, which he deserves because of his cooperation with the United States and deserves probably for two-thirds of the 30 years of his rule.” “It probably requires some sort of coalition government in the meantime to reassure the masses that wants democracy and freedom that [his pledge not to run again] is not a trick,” Brzezinski said.
ttp:// Get Ready for the Muslim Brotherhood By Ayaan Hirsi Ali | New York Times Thursday, February 3, 2011 ムスリム同胞団と対峙するために By Ayaan Hirsi Ali
エジプトなどのアラブ諸国で、ムスリム同胞団が強い影響力を持ち、それ以外の世俗的政党が大きな勢力になってい ない理由について: One reason is that they are an amalgam of very diverse elements: There are tribal leaders, free-market liberals, socialists, hard-core Marxists and human rights activists. In other words, they lack common ideological glue comparable to the one that the Brotherhood has. And there is a deep-seated fear that opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood, whose aim is to install Shariah once they come to power, will be seen by the masses as a rejection of Islam.
What the secular groups fail to do is to come up with a message of opposition that says "yes" to Islam, but "no" to Shariah--in other words, a campaign that emphasizes a separation of religion from politics. For Egypt and other Arab nations to escape the tragedy of either tyranny or Shariah, there has to be a third way that separates religion from politics while establishing a representative government, the rule of law, and conditions friendly to trade, investment and employment. ・・・・・ The Obama administration can help the secular groups with the resources and the skills necessary to organize, campaign and to establish competing economic and civil institutions so that they can defeat the Muslim Brotherhood at the ballot box. As I have come to learn over the years, few things in democratic politics are inevitable. But without effective organization, the secular, democratic forces that have swept one tyranny aside could easily succumb to another
ttp:// Obama's Risky Idealism: Reversing the 'Devil's Bargain'? If President Obama backs democracy in Egypt at the expense of stability, he will confront a host of potential dangers. By James Kitfield Thursday, February 3, 2011 | 6:24 a.m. オバマ大統領のリスキーな理想主義:「悪魔のバーゲン」をリバースするのか? オバマ大統領はエジプトの民主主義を、其の安定性と引換にするのなら、潜在的な危険を呼ぶだけだ By James Kitfield ナショナルジャーナル
In scrambling to react to the radically altered landscape in Egypt and the Middle East, the president and his administration have certainly channeled their inner idealist, warning that the current political status quo is unsustainable and arguing for liberalizing reforms throughout the region. If the Obama administration truly breaks with 60 years of U.S. realist tradition and continues to back democracy at the expense of stability in the region, however, it will have to confront a host of potential dangers.
“If the United States doesn’t find a way to empower secular leaders in the region, we will create a vacuum that the Islamists like the Muslim Brotherhood will fill, which, given the scars of the Iranian revolution, remains our biggest fear,” he added. “The irony is that if Condi Rice and the Bush administration hadn’t walked away from the 'Arab spring' in 2005 before it had a chance to bloom, we would have a lot more leverage right now to channel these popular protests.”
Our Washington bureau chief and Jerusalem correspondent discuss the nuanced and cautious dance between Israel, America and a new Egypt エコノミストのワシントン特派員、イェルサレム特派員の対談、エジプトの騒乱について(英語)
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) ? The U.S. unemployment rate fell unexpectedly to 9.0% in January, a 21-month low as nonfarm payrolls rose by a surprisingly meager 36,000 jobs, the government reported on Friday. Economists surveyed by MarketWatch had forecast payrolls would rise by 140,000, and they had expected a rise, not a drop, in the unemployment rate. The jobless figure had been forecast to tick higher to 9.5% vs. the 9.4% rate posted in December. 失業率は、予想9.4−9.5%に対して、意外にも9.0%と低下 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// 米失業率9.0%に改善 1月、雇用者数3.6万人増 2011/2/4 22:34
ttp:// 雇用統計へのコメンタリー WSJブログ <Tony Crescenzi, a strategist at Pimco> Few if any market trends are likely to be upended by today’s data; at most it’s a speed bump, because the recovery remains on track in moving toward a self-reinforcing virtuous cycle of increases in production, income, and spending, particularly because the effects of recent tax legislation have not yet hit the tape.
<Dow Jones' John Shipman> US stock futures roughly back to where they sat before theJan jobs report, which showed anemic job growth, but a declining unemploymentrate. Civilian labor force fell by more than 500,000 from Dec, and down morethan 760,000 since November. There's also 2M more people counted as "not in thelabor force" vs year ago. Where did everybody go? Good question. S&P futures up2.50; 10-yr note slides, yield at 3.60%. Civilian labor force fell by more than 500,000 from Dec, and down more than 760,000 since November. There's also 2M more people counted as "not in the labor force" vs year ago. Where did everybody go? Good question. S&P futures up 2.50; 10-yr note slides, yield at 3.60%.
Security forces broke into the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood's official news website, and arrested 12 journalists and technicians inside.
A security force accompanied by some thugs entered the bureau at 7:30AM, seized some equipment and documents and arrested journalists; Ahmed Subei, managing editor of the site, told Al-Masry Al-Youm.
The government earlier blamed the Muslim Brotherhood for the unrest following the 25 January protests, although the group has said it was not involved in planning the initial protests.
Egyptian Defense Minister Hussein Tantawi visited the square Friday morning and talked to protesters, the most prominent government official to do so in more than 10 days of unprecedented demonstrations demanding an end of Mubarak's nearly 30 year rule. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp:// Egypt's army holds the key but plays the sphinx By Christophe de Roquefeuil Agence France-Presse エジプト国軍鍵を握るが、依然としてスフィンクスのような態度 AFP
Field Marshall Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, the defence minister who is also deputy prime minister, personally waded into the unrest at Tahrir square on Friday, saying said he wanted to "inspect the situation" first-hand. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *重要な情報はソースの出所を確認し、更に複数メディアで報道の正確性を検証するのが常識。確認や検証もなく、 いい加減な噂や風説を撒き散らすなら、それは「おQ」;
アルジャジーラのエジプト情勢のライブ・ブログ ttp:// Live blog Feb 4 - Egypt protests By Al Jazeera Staff in Middle East on February 3rd, 2011. 速報系にはこういうものもあるけれど、冷静な分析には欠ける
ttp:// Hizballah team breaks 22 members out of Egyptian jai DEBKAfile Exclusive Report February 4, 2011, 12:32 PM (GMT+02:00) Tags: Egypt Hizballah Hamas ヒズボラのチームは、カイロの刑務所から22人のメンバーを脱走させているが DEBKA
A joint Hizballah-Hamas unit used the havoc in Egypt to storm the Wadi Natrun prison north of Cairo Sunday, Jan. 30, and break out 22 members of the Hizballah's spy-cum-terror network, tried and convicted in Egypt for plotting terrorist attacks in Cairo, the Suez Canal and Suez cities and on Israeli vacationers in Sinai in 2007-2008. This is reported by DEBKAfile's counter-terror sources. ヒズボラとハマスのジョイントチームが1月30日にカイロ北部のWadi Natrun 刑務所を襲い、ヒズボラの22人のメンバーを 脱走させた事が解った。この22人はカイロ市内やスエズでのテロやシナイ半島でのイスラエル観光客の襲撃などを計画 して逮捕されていた。
The second object of the break-in was to release Muslim Brotherhood inmates to boost the anti-Mubarak street protests now in their second week across Egypt. この刑務所襲撃の第二の目標はムスリム同胞団のメンバーを脱走させることであった。それは彼らをカイロ市内に放ち 反ムバラク運動を盛り上げるためである。
In April 2009, Hizballah's leader Hassan Nasrallah admitted he had sent Sami Shehab to Egypt to establish the network. It soon became one of the most dangerous terrorist cells ever to be exposed in the region in recent years. Among its members were also combatants of the radical Palestinian Hamas. 2009年春にヒズボラの首領、Hassan NasrallahはSami Shehabをエジプトに送ってネットワークを構成すると言っている。 このネットワークは今ではもっとも危険なテロリストのネットワークになっている。このネットワークの構成要素の一つが ラディカルなパレスチナのハマスである。
Thursday, Feb. 3, Mahmoud Qmati, Hizballah member of the Lebanese parliament, was glad to announce that all 22 members of the network, including its leader Sami Shehab, had been freed from jail and returned home safely. He provided no information on how this happened. 2月3日にレバノン議会でヒズボラのMahmoud Qmati議員はSami Shehabを含む22人が解放されたことを祝している。
The unit assigned by Nasrallah for the jail-break consisted of 25 trained Hizballah and Hamas gunmen. When the riots erupted in Egypt, they started making their way from Gaza to Egypt via smuggling tunnels. On the way, they picked up weapons and explosives in El Arish, northern Sinai, under cover of an onslaught armed Palestinians and Bedouin had launched against Egyptian security forces - partly for this purpose. この刑務所襲撃は、Nasrallahの指名した訓練を受けた25人のヒズボラ・メンバーとハマスのガンマンが担当した。エジ プトの抗議行動が勃発した後、彼らはガザ地区から密輸用のトンネルでエジプトに向かい、その過程で、北シナイ半島 のEl Arishで武器弾薬を調達した。
The break-out team was met at the Suez Canal by Muslim Brotherhood activists who ferried them across to Ismailia on the western bank by Egyptian smuggling boats. From there, they were driven to the Wadi Natrun prison, one of the largest in Egypt, to be briefed outside by former MB inmates on the guard and security arrangements in the jail and the locations of the cells holding the Hizballah, Hamas and Brotherhood convicts. ヒズボラ・ハマス・チームはスエズ運河でムスリム同胞団の活動家と合流し、Wadi Natrun刑務所に向かった(後略)
Those who say that our relationship with Mubarak was a misguided compromise are wrong. We cannot be fooled by commentators who will now tell us that they were right all along about Egypt and realpolitik, or Egypt and the freedom agenda. These commentators have little understanding of the reality of what the United States has had to balance over the past three decades. For a relationship between a superpower with global interests, interests that drive it in different directions from its counterpart -- a regional power with a far narrower agenda -- to last and prosper over the course of 30 years, is no small achievement. アメリカとムバラク大統領との関係は誤った妥協の産物、とかいうようなことを言っているコメンテーターは誤っていて、今に なって、私は昔からずっと、エジプトとリアルポリティークについて正しかったなどというコメンテーターに惑わされるべきでは ない。エジプトと自由のアジェンダについても同じである。此れ等のこメンデーターはエジプトとアメリカとの、過去30年間に 渡るバランス維持のリアリティについて、ほとんど何も解っていない。グローバルな国益を維持するスーパーパワーと、地域 的な遥かに狭い、異なった国益を追求するカウンターパートとの間で維持してきた、30年に及ぶ安定と繁栄の実績という のは小さなことではない。
Every administration since President Ronald Reagan was in office has had to strike a balance between protecting U.S. interests and dealing with a government whose values often contradicted our own. And as we evaluate the situation on the ground in Egypt today, I would argue that the most important goal for the Obama administration should be to maintain this relationship -- for U.S. interests, peace in the Middle East, and the prosperity of our ally. レーガン以降のアメリカ政府はアメリカの国益の維持と、我々自身の(自由と民主主義の)価値観とは屡々異なる政権との 間でバランスを維持することに努めざるを得なかった。今日のエジプトの状況を見るに、オバマ政権の最重要の目標は関係 の維持、つまりアメリカの国益、中東の平和と安定、そして我々の同盟国の繁栄であるべきだ。
There are two possible scenarios for Egypt right now: total collapse of the entire Egyptian system, or more moderate change that leaves the army in control. Despite our democracy-loving inclination to root for the first, we desperately need the second solution. エジプトの今後には二つの可能なシナリオがあって、(1)全体的なエジプト・システムの完全な崩壊、あるいは(2)より穏健 なへんかで、そこでは軍が管理を握る。我々の民主主義を愛する傾向にもかかわらず、我々は後者を望んでやまない。
If the entire Egyptian system collapses, it would likely pave the way for the Muslim Brotherhood to rise to prominence and transform the country to an Islamist state. Some have argued that this would not be so terrible -- that the Brotherhood is a relatively benign Islamist movement that is focused on social issues and religious piety. Nothing could be further from the truth. Since its founding in 1928, the Brotherhood has had the single goal of establishing an Islamist state and society in Egypt and throughout the Muslim world. It has been flexible tactically, but that should not be confused with the idea that the Brotherhood has abandoned its ultimate goal. 全体的なエジプト・システムの崩壊というのはムスリム同胞団が顕著な役割を占め、エジプトをイスラミスト国へと導く。 一部には、これはそれほど悪いことでもないという人がいるが、つまりムスリム同胞団は比較的に穏和なイスラミスト運動 であって、宗教的な敬虔さと社会問題にフォーカスしているのだという。これは真実から程遠い。1028年の創立以来、 ムスリム同胞団の唯一の目標はイスラミストの国と社会を創立することである。彼らは戦術的に柔軟であるけれども、それ はムスリム同胞団が究極の目的を諦めたということを意味しない。
Fortunately, this is an unlikely scenario. The Egyptian army, which is still the ultimate arbiter of power in Egypt, is largely committed to ideals of the 1952 revolution, which would not support a totally Islamist state. Having spent the years since the 1981 assassination of Anwar Sadat -- who was killed by Muslim extremists from inside the army -- rooting out extremists from its ranks, the military would likely counter the installment of a Muslim Brotherhood regime. 幸いにもムスリム同胞団の目指すイスラミスト国としてのエジプト、というのは実現しそうにない。エジプト国内で根本的な 権力を握るのは国軍で、彼らは1952年の革命の理想に大きくコミットしてきた。その理想はイスラミスト共和国と相容れ ない。1981年の(軍内部のムスリム過激派に殺された)サダト大統領殺害以降、軍は其の内部からムスリム過激派を一 掃している。国軍はムスリム同胞団の政権には反対するであろう。
A more likely -- and desirable -- scenario is a mildly reformist government that operates within somewhat flexible parameters established by the military. But the military needs to make concessions if it is to maintain its power and do so peacefully. The current unrest in Egypt should teach the military that business as usual will not work. It will need to allow the next government to campaign against corruption, and in favor of expanded freedoms, increased political participation, and a more transparent political system. To be sure, the military will ensure that any liberalization proceeds cautiously so that events do not spiral out of control. But that doesn't mean it has to oppose these reforms. より望ましいのは穏健な改革派の政権で、軍の受け入れられる、幾分が柔軟なパラメーターの範囲内で運営されるもの である。国軍は権力を維持し平和裏にそれを行使するには譲歩が必要でもあろう。今のカイロ市内の紛争は、軍に対して 今まで通りというのが通用しないことを教えている。次期政権が汚職反対の、自由と人権の拡大、政治的参加者の拡大、 そしてより高い透明性を求めるものであるというキャンペーンが必要である。
In this more likely (and in my view, more hopeful) scenario, there will be time and reason to repair the U.S.-Egyptian relationship. Both sides will approach the post-Mubarak period somewhat warily, as trust has been stretched thin. Words and signals will continue to be parsed carefully, and suspicions will linger. But because the fundamental interests that have kept us together for more than three decades have not changed, even as a result of this crisis, it is likely that the relationship can continue and be repaired. この、私がより望ましく希望の持てる方であると思うシナリオではエジプトとアメリカの関係修復を計る時も訪れよう。ポスト ムバラク時代の両国関係は相互信頼が弱められたので用心深いものになろうが、両国が過去30年間に維持してきた基 本的な国益というのは変わらずに存在するのであって、その理由に依って両国関係は継続し、修復されるであろう。
The Egyptian situation seems to have been the straw that broke the camel’s back for jittery retail investors who piled into emerging markets funds last year. Dow Jones Newswires’ Anjali Cordeiro notes: EPFR data show the rotation out of emerging markets that started in 4Q, driven by concerns about valuations and the implications of higher inflation, has really picked up steam in recent weeks. The fund tracker notes that against the backdrop of unrest in the Middle East, investors pulled $7.02B out of EPFR-tracked emerging-markets equity funds in the week ended Wednesday. エジプトの状況はらくだを這わせる、背中の荷物への最後の藁の一筋であったかのように見える。昨年、投資家はエマー ジング・マーケットのファンドに資金を投入してきたが、ダウ・ジョーンズのニュースワイアーでAnjali Cordeiro の書いている 報告によれば、バリュエーションや高いインフレ率のインプリケーションを憂えて、エマージング・マーケットは4Qから資金 流出に転じていて、最近ではその流出が加速しているという。中東の不安定な状況の報じられる中でEPPRの追跡してい る株式ファンドでは水曜〆の週間データでエマージング・マーケット・ファンドから$7.02Bの資金流出があった。
And over at Bloomberg, reporters Michael Patterson and Jason Webb note: Investors pulled $4.6 billion from ETFs that track developing-nation stocks during the week ended Feb. 2, Bank of America Merrill Lynch wrote in a note today, citing data compiled by research firm EPFR Global. ブルームバーグの報道では発展途上国のETFから、2月2日〆の週に$4.6 billionの資金流出があったとBoAメリルリンチが 報告している。
ttp:// Hamas blows up Egypt-Israel-Jordan gas pipeline. Supply cutoff indefinite DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis February 5, 2011, 2:19 PM (GMT+02:00) ハマスが、エジプトからの、イスラエル&ヨルダン向け天然ガス・パイプラインを爆破 DEBKA
The pipeline supplying Egyptian gas to Israel and Jordan was blown up near the North Sinai town of El Arish early Saturday Feb. 5. Egyptian state TV reported "terrorists" had carried out the attack which caused a huge explosion and fire. Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu conferred urgently with Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau and energy firms over the abrupt cutoff of 25 percent of Israel's gas needs and ordered security beefed up at energy installations. 2月5日土曜日に、エジプトからイスラエルとヨルダンに天然ガスを供給するパイプラインが北シナイ半島のEl Arish で爆破 された。エジプトのTVは「テロリストの仕業」と報じている。ネタニヤフ首相はインフラ担当の大臣、Uzi Landauおよびエネル ギー会社と協議している。パイプラインはイスラエルの天然ガス需要の25%を供給する。首相はエネルhギー施設の警備強 化を命じている。
The Egyptian and Israeli accounts are contradictory. An Israeli official spokesman said the explosion was nowhere near the Israeli section of the pipeline and closer to the Jordanian branch. The Egyptian spokesman spoke only of supplies to Israel which he said had been suspended as a precaution because there had been several smaller explosions along the pipe. The Israeli Infrastructure Ministry spokesman reported that Egyptian gas, which covers 25 percent of Israel's needs, had been cut off at 0900 Saturday morning. He did not foresee regular power supplies being disrupted. DEBKAfile's counter-terror sources report that the attack on the El Arish gas facility was planned on military lines by a special Hamas team which infiltrated Sinai from Gaza last week. It was a major Hamas operation against on Israel (which incidentally supplies most of the Gaza Strip's power), and blatant Palestinian interference in Egypt's domestic unrest. It was also a fiasco for the joint IDF-and Egyptian military effort to police Sinai during the turbulence in Egypt and secure this strategic peninsula against destabilization by terrorists. エジプトの発表とイスラエル当局の発表は爆破地点などで矛盾している。イスラエルのインフラ担当庁の広報官は天然ガス 供給が土曜日朝9時から停止しているという。DEBKAのソースによればこの事件はハマスの特別部隊によるもので先週、 ガザ地区からシナイ半島に移動している。これはハマスによる主要なイスラエル攻撃で、パレスチナ勢力のエジプト紛争へ の干渉である。イスラエル軍とエジプト軍は共同でシナイ半島の警備に当たっており、テロ行為を警戒していたやさきの事件 である。
Muslim Brotherhood spokesmen in Cairo were quick to attach responsibility for the pipeline attack on disaffected Bedouin ? a clumsy attempt, say DEBKAfile's sources, to clear their offshoot, Hamas, of blame for a well-planned act of which they must have had prior knowledge. カイロのムスリム同胞団は、このテロ事件をべドウインの不満分子によると述べているが、EBKAのソースはハマスがその 事件を起こしたことに疑問はなく、事件は事前によく計画されたもので、この件に情報をもつ者の仕業であるという。
Jordan is badly hit by the loss of Egyptian gas which covers 80 percent of its energy consumption. The Hashemite kingdom will have to resort to the far more expensive heavy oil and diesel to keep its power supply running and raise fuel prices after the king yielded to Islamist-back protesters' demands to reduce prices. ヨルダンはエネルギー需要の80%を占めるエジプトの天然ガス供給停止で大きな痛手を受ける。ヨルダンは、より高価な 重油やディーゼル油に発電のソースを頼らざるをえない。
The close rapport between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Palestinian and Lebanese terrorist organizations came to light earlier in the Hizballah-led operation to release Lebanese Hizballah, Palestinian Hamas and Egyptian Brotherhood convicts from Wadi Natrun jail north of Cairo Sunday, Jan. 30, first revealed by DEBKAfile. ムスリム同胞団とパレスチナのハマス、レバノンのヒズボラの間には協力体制があって先にエジプトのv刑務所の襲撃 脱獄事件でそれが明瞭になっている。
While the Hamas and Hizballah escapees headed for Sinai and Gaza, the MB activists made straight for the hubs of disturbance in Egypt. (Click here for this story.) The embattled Mubarak administration in Cairo may well find it politic to indefinitely put off repairing the pipe and restoring supplies to Israel for two reasons: 刑務所から脱走したハマスとヒズボラのメンバーはシナイ半島とガザに向かい、一方ムスリム同胞団の脱獄メンバー はエジプト国内の抗議行動に参加している。ムバラク政権はパイプラインの復旧を(政治的に)遅らせると見られるが、 それは以下の2つの理由による。
1. The incident will support Mubarak's argument that his immediate departure as demanded by Obama would throw Egypt into chaos ? and not only Egypt, but resonate devastatingly across the entire region. Not just Israel, but its second peace partner, Jordan, is badly hit too by the loss of Egyptian gas which covers 80 percent of its energy consumption. Amman will have to convert to the far more expensive heavy oil and diesel to keep its power supply running. Fuel prices will have to be raised shortly after the king dropped them to quell the Islamist-back protests shaking the kingdom. この事件はムバラク大統領がオバマ大統領に言った、彼が去ればカオスが見舞うという言辞を証するものであり、其の カオスはエジプトに留まらず中東全域に及ぶ。イスラエルのみならずヨルダンの受けた被害は大きい。
2. Some of the opposition factions backed by the US for a role in future government, such as the Muslim Brother hood, are fiercely opposed to Egypt's peace relations with Israel which he has promoted for 32 years. The sale of Egyptian gas to Israel has come under constant attack in the street, which has accused the government of undercutting world prices and defrauding the Egyptian treasury. 将来のエジプトの政権としてアメリカの支持する野党勢力、特にムスリム同胞団はエジプトとイスラエルの和平状態に 強く反対している。その和平はムバラクの支持で32年間続いてきてエジプトからイスラエル向けのガスパイプラインは 常に攻撃の対象であった。
The Mubarak regime and Egyptian army may want to show they respect popular opinion and are not American or Israeli pawns by not repairing the pipeline and keeping the gas supply to Israel cut off. DEBKAfile reports that the Israeli Infrastructure Ministry's assurance that no power disruptions were foreseen glosses over the serious repercussions of the loss overnight of a quarter of Israel's gas consumption for manufacturing electricity and its lack of gas reserves. ムバラク政権と国軍は、イスラエル向けパイプラインの復旧を急がないことで、アメリカやイスラエルの手先ではないと 示すことができる。この天然ガスはイスラエルの発電用に使われている。
Israel's power stations will have to switch immediately from gas to heavy oil or coal, a complicated technical process that will have a bad effect on the environment. Energy officials told DEBKAfile Saturday that the power stations affected are Hadera, Haifa (which is partly gas-fueled) and the Tel Aviv Reading facility which was only recently converted to gas. All Israel's emergency electricity stations are also powered by gas. Therefore, the Infrastructure Ministry's assurance may have been premature. イスラエルの発電所は重油や石炭への切り替えを余儀なくされる。
First, most of the American talkocracy is now so utterly intoxicated with protestocracy, which they call democracy, that they outright neglect the enormous trials of getting from the streets to a real democracy. It's hard as hell, and the process lends itself to hijacking by extremists. アメリカのメディア御用達の先生方は、今ではとても酷く「抗議行動(至上)主義」に汚染されていて、彼らはそれを「民主 主義」と呼んでいるのだけれど、街頭抗議行動からリアル民主主義の実現に至るまでには途方も無い距離のあることを 無視している。そのプロセスは地獄並みのキツイもので、過激派にハイジャックされる危険が・・・
I'd like to believe that, if I were an Egyptian, I would be in the streets with the protesters. I'd be mad as hell with Mubarak and would want to get rid of him as quickly as possible. But that wouldn't make me or my fellow mobsters democrats. Generally, one cannot count on mobs, no matter how nice or liberal or unfilled with hatred, to produce democracies. 私がエジプト国民ならば、街頭に抗議行動に出てムバラク即時退陣を求めることでもあろうけれど、そうすることで私や 私の仲間が民主主義になるわけではない。一般的に言って集団行動の大衆を信用することは出来ず、それが如何に 心から民主主義を望む素敵な、リベラルの、あるいは統一的なものであったとしても、そうである。
The policy trick for the U.S. and others is to try to "praise" Mubarak into saving his nation once again by turning over power to his subordinates, calling for an assembly to fix the worst parts of the present constitution, and holding supervised elections in, say, three months' time. To my friends in the talkocracy, I have to say that trying this approach is far better than pretending that the protestocracy can somehow magically transform itself into a democratic government. They have no organized political parties and, alas, no experience with governing. むしろアメリカは、ムバラク大統領を賞賛し、彼が部下に権力を移譲することで、再び国を救うという論法で行くべきだ。 議会で憲法の最悪部分の改正を議論し、例えば3ヶ月で選挙を行う。こういうやり方のほうが良さげであって、抗議行動 至上主義が何かの魔術で、それ自体が民主主義政権にと変わるというかのような言辞よりはマシだ。大衆抗議行動の 人たちには組織化された政党をもたず、統治の経験もない(ry
But at one level, Mr Cameron is right. The state should never turn a blind eye to cruelty and crime out of some misguided sense of cultural sensitivity. That is as true in cases of female genital mutilation, forced marriage and "honour killing" as it is in the case of jihadi preaching.
Police, social workers and teachers have all sometimes been guilty of excusing appalling or dangerous behaviour instead of confronting it. Meanwhile, the government has often failed to make the right partnerships with the Muslim community. That is generally because there is no such thing as "the Muslim community", but, rather, a patchwork of communities, with their distinct traditions and beliefs. That is one reason why the Home Office and local government have struggled effectively to manage funds that are meant to promote social cohesion. Misallocated grants can end up in the hands of groups that foster division.
In fairness to Mr Cameron, these problems can reasonably be seen as unintended consequences of multiculturalism. But it is some extrapolation to then say the whole concept has failed.
英国のインテリ・リベラルは多文化主義を断念するつもりまなさそうで、当面、批判の対象になりそうな行き過ぎやナンセンス (unintended consequences of multiculturalism)を改めて、多分化主義を擁護する戦術のようにみえる。
ノースロップのニュースリリース ttp:// Northrop Grumman-built U.S. Navy X-47B Unmanned Combat Aircraft Completes Historic First Flight First-of-its-Kind, Tailless Aircraft Moves Closer to Carrier Trials in 2013 EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif., Feb. 4, 2011
Egypt's most influential opposition group, the Muslim Brotherhood, says it will enter talks with officials on ending the country's political crisis. The group said the talks would begin on Sunday and would assess how far the government was "ready to accept the demands of the people". The negotiations would be the first ever to be held between the government and the officially banned Brotherhood.
He says that although the Brotherhood has indicated it will only talk about Mr Mubarak's departure, the talks are still a gamble - its prestige has been damaged by its slowness to endorse the past two weeks of demonstrations and there is deep scepticism about the talks in the ranks of the protesters. Our correspondent says the government would like to see the protesters isolated by those who simply want to get back to work, but with what the demonstrators have been subjected to, there is no sign of them giving up.
Social Affairs Ministry examines government's decision to implement 3.3% subsidized bread price hike as welfare services warns thousands of households could join poor
Instead, the Bureau of Labour Statistics has dropped a puzzler of an employment report in our laps?one which points in many directions but not, decidedly, toward strong job growth. In the month of January, total nonfarm employment grew by a very disappointing 39,000 jobs. This was not at all what forecasters were expecting. Earlier this week, an ADP report indicated that private sector employment rose by 187,000 in January; the BLS pegged the figure at just 50,000. There were some compensating shifts. December's employment gain was revised upward from 103,000 to 121,000. November's employment rise, which was originally reported at 39,000, has been revised to a total gain of 93,000. ・・・ But there is bad news, as well. The BLS included its annual revision of the previous year's data in this report, and while job growth over the year looks stronger than before, the level of employment looks worse. In March of last year, 411,000 fewer Americans were working than originally reported. And thanks to a weaker employment performance in April through October, 483,000 fewer Americans were on the job in December than was originally believed to be the case. For now, the economy remains 7.7m jobs short of its previous employment peak. 新規雇用は生まれているものの、悪いニュースがあって、労働省のデータによれば、前年比での雇用増加は大きいのだが 雇用のレベルはそうではない。昨年3月の総雇用はオリジナルのレポートよりも41.1万人少ない方向に更新された。12月に はオリジナルの想定よりも48.3万人少ないレベルにある。現時点では総雇用はピーク時に比べて770万人少ない。
(経済成長回復のデータがある中で、2ヶ月連続で雇用統計が弱い値で出たので) So for another month, Americans will wait, frustrated and uncertain, to see when growth will once again mean new employment opportunities. 経済成長が雇用増大に結びつくのか、アメリカ人は更に1ヶ月、フラストレーとし、不確定性の中で次のデータを待つことに なる。