Salaryman (サラリーマン, Sarar?man?, salaried man) refers to someone whose income is salary based; particularly those working for corporations. Its frequent use by Japanese corporations, and its prevalence in Japanese manga and anime has gradually led to its acceptance in English-speaking countries as a noun for a Japanese white-collar businessman.[citation needed] The word can be found in many books and articles pertaining to Japanese culture. Immediately following World War II, becoming a salaryman was viewed as a gateway to a stable, middle-class lifestyle. In modern use, the term carries associations of long working hours, low prestige in the corporate hierarchy, absence of significant sources of income other than salary, wage slavery, and kar?shi. The term salaryman refers exclusively to men, and for women the term career woman is used. An office lady, often abbreviated OL (Japanese: オーエル ?eru), is a female office worker in Japan who performs generally pink collar tasks such as serving tea and secretarial or clerical work. OLs are often unmarried and live with their parents well into early adulthood. Office ladies are usually full-time permanent staff, although the jobs they do usually have little opportunity for promotion, and there is usually the tacit expectation that they leave their jobs once they get married.
>its prevalence in Japanese manga and anime has gradually led to its acceptance in English-speaking countries >には、 >「漫画とアニメで「サラリーマン」という言葉が普及したのに伴い、英語圏にも「サラリーマン」という言葉が徐々に認知された」 >と書いてあるんだよw
⇒Its frequent use by Japanese corporations, and its prevalence in Japanese manga and anime has gradually led to its acceptance in English-speaking countries as a noun for a Japanese white-collar businessman
>The term salaryman refers exclusively to men >(訳)「サラリーマン」という用語は男性に限定して使われる >と明確に英語で書いてあるのに、都合良くこの部分を見ないふりをしている低脳馬鹿アミw >しかも、馬鹿アミの>>324の引用部分の英文にも >(訳)日本企業での「サラリーマン」という用語の頻用と日本漫画、アニメ内でのその普及が >徐々に英語圏での認知の一助となった >と明確に書いてあるのに、この引用部分もないことにしたいらしいw
⇒Its frequent use by Japanese corporations, and its prevalence in Japanese manga and anime has gradually led to its acceptance in English-speaking countries as a noun for a Japanese white-collar businessman ⇒The term salaryman refers exclusively to men
>「Its frequent use by Japanese corporations」 >(×)「日本企業で頻繁に使用される言い回し、用語であり」 >よく見たらww >「Its」を「It's」と読んでたのかww >中学英語すら理解していない馬鹿アミw >意訳もよく見ると主語がすり変わっていたり、英語の基本が出来ていないのが丸分かりw
>「直訳!直訳!」と戯言吐いて、 >「Its frequent use by Japanese corporations」を >「日本企業で頻繁に使用される言い回し、用語であり」 >とかw >「has gradually led to its acceptance」で >「led to」の意味や含みを完全省略w >さらに >「The term salaryman refers exclusively to men」に >「これに伴い」 >と”文脈にも全く含まれていない意味”を捻じ曲げて恣意的かつ余分に追加ww
>★<馬鹿アミ、”Its”を明らかに”It's”と読んでいたことが判明ww>★ >(Salaryman (サラリーマン, Sarar?man?, salaried man) refers to someone whose income is salary based; >particularly those working for corporations.) >「Its frequent use by Japanese corporations」 >(×)「日本企業で頻繁に使用される言い回し、用語であり」 >中学レベルの文法すら理解できていないとはww >余りの馬鹿っぷりに失笑を通り越して、呆れたww >自称”意訳”も文法的に見ると酷いw
「Its frequent use by Japanese corporations」 このItsをIt'sにしたら、It isになるよな。 てことはだな、「It is frequent use by Japanese corporations」にはならないわけよ。 It'sにしたいなら、「It's frequently used by Japanese corporations」になる。 それ以外にも、「It's a frequently used term」や「It's a term most commonly used」のような言い方にもなる。
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