I am "Army Board" election officials. Exit strategy yesterday "forced ID formality adopted election". We broke through the front line in the bayonet charge. Comrades many voted for the "Force ID". Report below.
Hi,JIM-san. 【newsflash+ board】 We'll deciding by vote,"the book review" thread is on the board accordingly or not. "Hi everyone" is egotistical behavior might be. However, the voting results is the first priority. Best regards.
>>47 398 名前:xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/04(火) 14:52:02.33 ID:??? Even if they vote for it, we won't be displaying IPs there. If you want IP display, I have seen some boards that have that rule. Please tell them to go to Siberia.
Hey Jim. Since I'm in California and u don't let me post at all, I just got Ronin, which works pretty great. But I have a quick question. How many time can I make threads in a day? I tried to make some but I couldn't. It's been refusing me more than hour...
244 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/04/09(水) 22:32:45.29 ID:???0 >>240 No, I don't use the word. However it is ok for people to use the word. It is definitely protected. The culture of KENMO is opposite, satire and parody. In their own way they are showing respect by saying that. Although I don't condone or agree with it.
http://pele.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1393842044/398 > 398 名前:xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/04(火) 14:52:02.33 ID:??? > >>380 > You bring up some valid points. > Even if they vote for it, we won't be > displaying IPs there. If you want IP > display, I have seen some boards that > have that rule. Please tell them to go to > Siberia.
342 :名無し編集部員:2014/03/04(火) 11:47:26.66 ID:SlWPMgJo Jim san
In News sokuho+ board, some people are insisting that the system should be changed to to display each message's IP address openly.
The one who makes a final decision is you, of course.
The only thing what I can say is, if each message's IP address become open compulsory, not a few people will stop writing. It means the depopulation of 2chan will worsen and rapidly. Then 2chan will decline soon.
http://pele.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1393842044/398 > 398 名前:xerxes.maido3.net@Apparently admin ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/04(火) 14:52:02.33 ID:??? > >>380 > You bring up some valid points. > Even if they vote for it, we won't be > displaying IPs there. If you want IP > display, I have seen some boards that > have that rule. Please tell them to go to > Siberia.
94 :Grape Ape ★:2014/04/27(日) 17:21:29.51 ID:???0 BE:771182284-2BP(666)
>>50 Once an hour right now. Don't try to many times. You could end up BBON. Thank you for using Ronin.
95 :Grape Ape ★:2014/04/27(日) 17:24:30.80 ID:???0 BE:771182284-2BP(666)
>>83 I was drunk last night. I prayed the the porcelain god this morning. I am a religious person. Many of the server subdomains we have used have been named after gods, and goddesses in the past.
>>94 Thanks for the quick reply. Now I can make it:) This tool is so cool. Btw what was BBON? Would I possibly be banned to post forever if I tried too many times? Just out of curiosity....
>>100 Not forever, maybe for an hour or a day. If you are causing big trouble. Then some volunteer is likely to put you on the forever list. Probably you are ok.
119 :Grape Ape ★:2014/04/27(日) 18:29:16.84 ID:???0 BE:771182284-2BP(666)
>>118 Pitbull will be a new deletion CAP. I just set it.
Hi, Jim-san I am a reporter of mnewsplus. We are given "2048" in the number of characters. In "2048" However, it is more that must be divided into two or three articles, it is not enough.
So, I feel that there needs to be changed to "4096" to "2048" the BBS_MESSAGE_COUNT. I feel in the same way, that there is a need to change to "30" to "20" the BBS_LINE_NUMBER. http://hayabusa3.2ch.net/mnewsplus/SETTING.TXT
代表者の人選ですが、「 Hi everyone! ★」が適任かと思われます。自治活動に関して、 大変に意欲の高い方ですので。
Jim, hello. There is a proposal regarding "news flash +." Concerning self-government, about the disposal to a journalist, the work of carry [ all the cases / into this thread ] of Jim increases, and I regard it as or very much. Therefore, in the autonomous thread of "news flash +", it is necessary to arrange and sort out a matter. Therefore, I put a representative on "news flash +", and think that Jim's work load will also be reduced if only the matter which that person summarized is carried into this thread. Although it is a representative's appointment "Hi everyone! * " -- it seems whether it is fit. Since it is the one where volition is very higher about autonomous activities. As mentioned above, I am pleased if you can inquire.
Hi everyone!は私たちがニュー速+の自治スレで話し合ってきた暫定ローカルルールを認めていません 暫定ローカルルールについては4月上旬からスレで話し合っている民主的なルールです ニュー速+の自治住民はHi everyone!を西村博之時代の記者が持っていた特権意識をもつ人物とみなしています Hi everyone!に対する自治住民の評価は26日〜27日の自治スレを見ていただければ分かります
Jim-san!! I'm pleased to be able to write by au-smartphone!! Thanks a lot !! Please take good care of yourself :) And please give Code Monkey my best regards :D
Hi, Jim-san I am a reporter of mnewsplus. We are given "2048" in the number of characters. In "2048" However, it is more that must be divided into two or three articles, it is not enough.
So, I feel that there needs to be changed to "4096" to "2048" the BBS_MESSAGE_COUNT. I feel in the same way, that there is a need to change to "30" to "20" the BBS_LINE_NUMBER. http://hayabusa3.2ch.net/mnewsplus/SETTING.TXT
I'm posting this message as the representitive of the English Board.
Yesterday, we had the vote about introducing the compulsory ID system, after a month-long period for discussion and announcement, which was not secret or hurried. We can guess the voting was fair. And it was 24 in favor and 3 opposed. Here is the detail:
Jim-san, as a regular of English board, let me tell you something about >>211. I don't think this result is valid, because only 29 opinions out of hundres or thousands of people's opinions in English Board are reflected in the result. This is nowhere near valid.
>>214 We had been annoucing the vote almost FOR A MONTH, and why DIDN'T you object to it in the period? It's tatally nonsense you raised an objection now after the vote.
>>215 The fact that the vast majority didn't vote shows that the vast majority of people in English board don't think the change to ID is needed. They are very much statisfied with the status quo, so they were indifferent about the voting itself. It's rediculous only 29 people's opinons will lead to the change. >>215 are one of the two persons who are very eager to change the current system but Jim-san, I'd like you to take it into consideration that the vast majority of people in English board want the way it is now.
>>217 Firstly you have to prove "the vast majority of people in English board want the way it is now". They had the right to vote in favor of/against the suggestion, but they didn't.
>>220 The very small vote count shows that they are indifferent to the voting itself and are all satisfied with the status quo. What's called "Golden Week" has started here in Japan, which is a long holidays, so I have to be offline and don't have much time to post anymore. Let me repeat my point: "The voting is never valid." I hope Jim-san won't swallow what >>220 insists, who is one of the two people who are pressing to adopt ID system in English board.
214 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[sage] 投稿日:2014/04/28(月) 02:52:46.80 ID:cyZEhmvf0 [1/4] Jim-san, as a regular of English board, let me tell you something about >>211. I don't think this result is valid, because only 29 opinions out of hundres or thousands of people's opinions in English Board are reflected in the result. This is nowhere near valid.
214 名前:動け動けウゴウゴ2ちゃんねる[sage] 投稿日:2014/04/28(月) 02:52:46.80 ID:cyZEhmvf0 [1/4] Jim-san, as a regular of English board, let me tell you something about >>211. I don't think this result is valid, because only 29 opinions out of hundres or thousands of people's opinions in English Board are reflected in the result. This is nowhere near valid.
I would like to say something about >>214 I would say, the total number of people in the board is, in the first place, quite small. He wrote "only 29 opinions out of hundres or thousands of people" but the fact is there are not that many people in the board. The board is one of the depopulated boards in 2ch.
I'm also a resident of another board and at that board there are more residents there than the English board but we got even fewer votes when we conducted a referendum.
He also wrote that "the majority of the people were indifferent about the voting" but it cannot be a reason to reject the result of the referendum. As you may know, we have a small turnout for general elections, but still the results are regarded as valid as long as the election was conducted properly.
I didn't participate in the referendum in the English board, nor did I cast my vote in it. I just wanted to say that we should respect the result of a referendum even if you are against the result. If someone is opposed to the result, he can conduct another referendum. We all have rights.
>>217 I'm one of those who didn't turn up to cast their ballots, but this is because it makes no difference to me whether the status quo is maintained or whether the ID system is introduced.
I have no complaint whatsoever about things as they stand, but that doesn't mean I'm opposed to the introduction of the ID system. ID system or no ID system, I'm equally happy (or unhappy).
Don't count me among your adherents: not voting doesn't necessarily make one a dissentient against the motion proposed.
Today, regulation of "au-net.ne.jp" has been released. However, troll happens frequently ID change for their ease of this provider. This is the airplane mode smartphone. Is there a workaround for this ?
Hi Jim-san I'm from Maru thread. Thanks for your decision to carry out a large-scale migration from Maru to Ronin. Many of Maru users are glad to get new Ronin account.
However, we can't understand why the extension to the Maru expiration date has so much difference among us.
Four kinds of cases are reported.
1. haven't got the reply to their request emails. (desperate) 2. got a Ronin account with no extension to the Maru expiration date. (irritated) 3. got a Ronin account with the extension less than 6 months. (unsatisfactory) 4. got a Ronin account with the extension more than 6 months. (some reported more than 1 year.) (lucky)
Why are there such many different cases? Pls show us a clear standard, possibly extension of 6 months at least. Because Maru had been stopped for about 6 months.
If I met an American in another forum, I'll post ''Fuking American! You killed my ancestors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki! Notice yourselves! And, do your job in Senkaku Island!''
If I met a Chinese in another forum, I'll post ''Your true enemy is your goverment, not us. Your goverment makes company in China to pollute enviroment.''
If I met a Germany in another forum, I'll post ''Damn, you're son of a genocide! Aporogize for Jew! And, fuck off!''
If I met a Korean in another forum, I'll post ''To say the truth, the women that you've believed confort women is bitches. They weren't forced. They were just volunteers. So, you're groundchild of a bitch. We won't pay money. Aporogizing? No way.''
If I met a Japanese in another forum, I'll post ''Fuking Jap! You bastard! Remember Pearl Parbor! And, don't eat Whale!''
If I met an American, I'll fuck an Amrican up. If I met an English, I'll fuck an English up. If I met a French, I'll fuck a French up. If I met a Chinese, I'll fuck a Chinese and their goverment up. If I met a Germany, I'll fuck a Germany up. If I met a Korean, I'll fuck a Korean and thier old crazy bitches up. If I met a Japanese, I'll fuck my brotherfood up.
Generally, most people say that trollers in online forum are just idiots. But, I'm not just an idiot. A troller with extraordinary intelligence is the most trouble for other users.
Hi, Jim-san I am a reporter of mnewsplus. We are given "2048" in the number of characters. In "2048" However, it is more that must be divided into two or three articles, it is not enough.
So, I feel that there needs to be changed to "4096" to "2048" the BBS_MESSAGE_COUNT. I feel in the same way, that there is a need to change to "30" to "20" the BBS_LINE_NUMBER. http://hayabusa3.2ch.net/mnewsplus/SETTING.TXT
Jim-san パラダイムシフト ★ makes the thread that is not entertainment sports, news to an entertainment sports board. There is originally the rule that you must not make when the entertainment sports board is not the article that I quoted from the news site. The thread that he made is a mere chat thread totally irrelevant to the entertainment sports.
Jim You ought to regulate the smartphone ID by switching smartphone is easy Many threads have been ravaged by it Order has been maintained by regulation You are offset referred to as thread creation without BE in Ronin Better to regulate the smartphone will sell the ronin
517 :Grape Ape ★:2014/04/30(水) 13:53:46.15 ID:???0 BE:771182284-2BP(666)
>>508 I am here. I just had man visitors these last few days. It is Golden Week time. I have been checking things, but have not had time to post and read all of the gossip.
>>517 Jim You ought to regulate the smartphone ID by switching smartphone is easy Many threads have been ravaged by it Order has been maintained by regulation You are offset referred to as thread creation without BE in Ronin Better to regulate the smartphone will sell the ronin
Jim-san パラダイムシフト ★ makes the thread that is not entertainment sports, news to an entertainment sports board. There is originally the rule that you must not make when the entertainment sports board is not the article that I quoted from the news site. The thread that he made is a mere chat thread totally irrelevant to the entertainment sports.
I can constantly see the IP from Kansas City and North Kansas City in BBon list. EMW Partners is located at Kansas city too. I just wanted to point it out.
> I'm posting this message as the representative of the English Board. > > Yesterday, we had the vote about introducing the compulsory ID system, > after a month-long period for discussion and announcement, which was not > secret or hurried.
> 【Final Result】 > > Valid : 29 > In favor : 26 > Opposed : 3 > Need more discussion : 0 > Invalid : 9
332 :名無し編集部員:2014/04/08(火) 23:48:58.62 ID:tWjuX80e >>328>>330 looks ok but it seems to be old. FreeBSD 9.0 is already EOL and FreeBSD 8.3 will be EOL in April 30, 2014. http://www.freebsd.org/security/
722 :Code Monkey ★:2014/04/25(金) 14:28:32.18 ID:??? [...] Mango Mangue and myself are setting up a new third-generation 2ch server built on freebsd10. This server still has a lot of bugs. As soon as it is ready, then we will test Morning Coffee on it. If the Morning Coffee test is successful, then we will migrate all the old 2ch servers to the new machines.
Hi, Jim-san I am a reporter of mnewsplus. We are given "2048" in the number of characters. In "2048" However, it is more that must be divided into two or three articles, it is not enough.
So, I feel that there needs to be changed to "4096" to "2048" the BBS_MESSAGE_COUNT. I feel in the same way, that there is a need to change to "30" to "20" the BBS_LINE_NUMBER. http://hayabusa3.2ch.net/mnewsplus/SETTING.TXT
パラダイムシフト ★ makes the thread that is not entertainment sports, news to an entertainment sports board. There is originally the rule that you must not make when the entertainment sports board is not the article that I quoted from the news site. The thread that he made is a mere chat thread totally irrelevant to the entertainment sports.
I reported to ISP and organization holding the IP listed on bbon and got a response. They said they called a administrator and told the situation. I'll keep reporting to admins of ISP and organizations.
> I'm posting this message as the representative of the English Board. > > Yesterday, we had the vote about introducing the compulsory ID system, > after a month-long period for discussion and announcement, which was not > secret or hurried.
> 【Final Result】 > > Valid : 29 > In favor : 26 > Opposed : 3 > Need more discussion : 0 > Invalid : 9
IP address list of SAKURA Internet Inc Prefix Description (JP flag) SAKURA Internet Inc. (JP flag) Knowledge Database Inc (JP flag) SAKURA Internet Inc. (JP flag) SAKURA Internet Inc. (JP flag) XSERVER Inc. (JP flag) XSERVER Inc. (JP flag) XSERVER Inc. (JP flag) SAKURA Internet Inc. (JP flag) XSERVER Inc. (JP flag) SAKURA Internet Inc. (JP flag) Japan Network Information Center (JP flag) Japan Network Information Center (JP flag) Japan Network Information Center (JP flag) SAKURA Internet Inc. (JP flag) XSERVER Inc. (JP flag) XSERVER Inc. (JP flag) SAKURA Internet Inc. (JP flag) SAKURA Internet Inc. (JP flag) SAKURA Internet Inc. (JP flag) SAKURA Internet Inc. (JP flag) SAKURA Internet Inc. (JP flag) Japan Network Information Center (JP flag) SystemSoft Corporation (JP flag) SAKURA Internet Inc. (JP flag) SAKURA Internet Inc. (JP flag) HyperSystems Co., Ltd. (JP flag) SAKURA Internet Inc. (JP flag) Japan Network Information Center (JP flag) Japan Network Information Center (JP flag) Japan Network Information Center (JP flag) SAKURA Internet Inc. (JP flag) SAKURA Internet Inc. (JP flag) SAKURA Internet Inc. (JP flag) Japan Network Information Center
We are from the English board and we are wondering when you change the ID settings for the board. Details about the referendum are here >>202 Some people are considering to leave 2ch and move to another forum.
He hope you take a look at it at your earliest convenience.
When you have solved the problem, please take a glance at >>202-204 and give us comment. Thank you.
680 :Grape Ape ★:2014/05/01(木) 09:28:20.47 ID:???0 BE:771182284-2BP(666)
>>679 I am sorry I have not done much with these types of requests lately. It seems my time has been taken from me. I will get to looking at that stuff soon. Sorry for delays.
Thank you for your kindness and I hope you will get sufficient your staffs. But I want to say one, the one of the biggest advantage of 2ch.net is your fair and flexible decisiveness. We welcome it.
And I have never seen a volunteer who has such a character without you and codemonkey-san.
707 :Grape Ape ★:2014/05/01(木) 13:42:06.16 ID:???0 BE:771182284-2BP(666)
>>701 I am reading about 50% with translation software. That is true. I have not been so responsive on this thread because there have been a lot of trolls lately, and there were other issues that I had to work on.
719 :Grape Ape ★:2014/05/01(木) 13:55:51.71 ID:???0 BE:771182284-2BP(666)
>>716 I don't think Japan was necessarily defeated. I think that a good decision was made in the face of extraordinary circumstances in order to save the majority of the population. If there had been no big bomb, then Japanese defeat would have been at a price that would have made the pacific ocean red with blood.
727 :Grape Ape ★:2014/05/01(木) 14:07:59.99 ID:???0 BE:771182284-2BP(666)
>>723 My father had radiation poisoning as well. All his hair fell out. He got that when he worked at Hanford. I was born near there. That suffering is horrible for anyone, and it is sad, so sad.
728 :Grape Ape ★:2014/05/01(木) 14:08:56.00 ID:???0 BE:771182284-2BP(666)
730 :Grape Ape ★:2014/05/01(木) 14:10:19.22 ID:???0 BE:771182284-2BP(666)
There were some things to do that I have forgotten about. The Army board had a big election. I don't remember the results, there were some others. Maybe I can change some settings now, and put some emoticons where people would like them.
731 :Grape Ape ★:2014/05/01(木) 14:11:05.62 ID:???0 BE:771182284-2BP(666)
Hi Jim-san Is an affiliate blog "痛いニュース"(http://blog.livedoor.jp/dqnplus/) is starting to reprint of 2ch. Will ask you to report a copyright infringement to Google and Livedoor. You can not only you as the right person こんにちは Jim-san アフィリエイトブログである"痛いニュース"が2chの転載を開始しています。 ライブドアやグーグルに著作権侵害で通報をするようお願いします。 権利者であるあなたにしかできません
I interim report from election officials of "army-board". Operation in progress. Do not cavalry to us. But there is no problem. We break through the front in the bayonet charge. I final report to the 26th.
By the way. General How is struggling in? Please refer to the "Battle of Cannae". Are you "Army of the Roman Republic"? Or "Hannibal"? The General as soon as all.
I am "Army Board" election officials. Exit strategy yesterday "forced ID formality adopted election". We broke through the front line in the bayonet charge. Comrades many voted for the "Force ID". Report below.
Jim san thanks for the ID in English board your prompt act is greatly appreciated
750 :Grape Ape ★:2014/05/01(木) 14:36:41.41 ID:???0 BE:771182284-2BP(666)
>>739 I have heard you can be legally married in one country, but it does not count in Japan unless you register the marriage. That is very interesting. Does it cause a lot of bigamy?
> I'm posting this message as the representative of the English Board. > > Yesterday, we had the vote about introducing the compulsory ID system, > after a month-long period for discussion and announcement, which was not > secret or hurried.
> 【Final Result】 > > Valid : 29 > In favor : 26 > Opposed : 3 > Need more discussion : 0 > Invalid : 9
754 :Grape Ape ★:2014/05/01(木) 15:02:36.30 ID:???0 BE:771182284-2BP(666)
>>746 Force ID is already checked so. This is just a confirmation. It should work very well. Carry on.
I am "Army Board" election officials. Thank you for me to receive the report, Sir!
I've been analyzing the "Force ID usage of Army Board". I will collect data for a while. We will do a re-discussion of them. After one year or a few months.
Autonomy thread of "Army Board" has made a new discussion.
It is a rule making for the discussion and vote. We will endeavor to enhance the combat capability.
Would you remember the bellow, you said? > 115 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/29(土) 20:20:04.95 ID:???0 > >>113 > Forced ID makes sense for that board. I am going to put it back. I see lots of people > asking for it on the autonomy thread. I am not going to change it again for 1 month. > 1 month later come back and ask me. > By the way. I like that board. I start reading, and can't stop reading there. > 終わりまして。
It shows nothing good and less people. It has passed 1 month, please put it back again.
Regarding last ddos, I reported to so-net and they responded that they need information about the details of attack to take an action. -Phenomenon occurred in 2ch server -The url of the service attacked. The depertment who contact to them. -Access log: Port numbers, time and host(or IP)
You have to tell above infomation to info[at]so-net.ne.jp . I hope this will help.
Can you set traps to these unique HOST name? I think they are maybe crawler from SC.
I think, they are maybe proxy, but I can't burn them by Boo80. http://boo.2ch.net/
2ch has regulation system for writing, but perhaps don't have it for reading. Can you enlarge regulation system for not only writing, but also reading?
Hi, Jim-san. I will excuse me late at night. There is a bulletin board ask for the following. Cap holder of all should be enabled to make a thread. Thanks in advance.
I am newsplus reporter. We newsplus, are given 2048 also, and we feel the same them. We would like to enlarge the number of characters and LINE NUMBER.
Please change BBS_MESSAGE_COUNT from 2048 to 3072, and change BBS_LINE_NUMBER from 16 to 24.
830 :Grape Ape ★:2014/05/01(木) 23:21:06.59 ID:???0 BE:771182284-2BP(666)
>>828 When we get the bugs out of the new servers, and move newsplus. This is a good idea. Ai is a little busy now. Let's wait until newsplus is moved.
I'm sorry for my bad English and I'm not >>826 himself. There are some bulettin boards requiring reporter-CAP to make a thread easily. However we have not a chance to get a CAP for these boards.
Since we are sure that you are too busy to accept new applications for each board, then >>826 propose that it could be expanded current PLUS-reporters' ability to these boards temporary.
Dear Jim I'm a one of News+ person. Very thanks for your daily maintenance of 2ch. BTW > 694 名前:Hi everyone! ★@転載禁止[sage] 投稿日:2014/05/02(金) 01:46:52.94 ID:???0 > >> 680 > じゃあ、SCに行って、「それらの良記者さんがNETで立てるスレで、いっぱいレスがつくのを見たいんです。どうかNETに戻って」と > 切々と訴えてくればいい。
How do you think about this cap?, agitate the thread-person to unnecessary conflict. Always he waist the discussion. His too much. Such a vandal, lack of human dignity Cap should be dismiss from the board., I think. Please concider it. Sorry for my poor engrish. thanks.
Hi Jim-san,and Code Monkey-san. Our browser shated out,and we get blood bucket. REMOTE_HOST:re0212.pfst.jig.jp REMOTE_ADDR: (and others) “pfst.jig.jp” This is called “Jig browser”, Japanese browser for mobile. http://br.jig.jp/ Please cut off this regulation.We want to access.
Jim-san Delete request has accumulated many. Order of court has also accumulated many. Please resolve these problems. Do you not think about the measures?
Hi Jim-san. please look at it >>743 He is infringing on copyrights. Please report it by a copyright infringement. You should do the things that only you can do.
873 :Grape Ape ★:2014/05/02(金) 14:42:27.89 ID:???0 BE:771182284-2BP(666)
>>870 Why would you want to attack. Nobody likes you if you are an attacker. It is not a good way to make friends. Please go to the temple and meditate on your actions.
874 :Grape Ape ★:2014/05/02(金) 14:43:15.99 ID:???0 BE:771182284-2BP(666)
Nishimura admitted that he was involved with the plan of reload attack. Satoru(the admin of open 2ch) is pretending he is victim but Nishimura revealed the attacker was Satoru. Nishimura said he was doing stress test with Satoru.
>投稿確認 >・投稿者は、投稿に関して… >・投稿者は、話題と無関係な… >・投稿者は、投稿された内容… ┌→ >頒布及び翻訳する権利を… │ >・投稿者は、掲示板運営者(Race Queen Inc.)あるいは… │ │ A part of agreement text is missing. There is no subject.
Isn't it like this from the first? >・掲示板運営者(Race Queen Inc.)は、投稿者に対して日本国内外において無償で非独占的に複製、公衆送信、頒布及び翻訳する権利を… ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
He always changes his ID once or twice, and pastes it about 10-15 times. In AA saloon, so many people have been unpleasant for long times. He is worthy of resident of Nishimura's imitation BBS.
So now I want you to delete it and prohibit him writing permanetly. It is also important for you and 2ch.net, because if you allow him writing, many people may disappoint 2ch.net and go Nishimura's imitation BBS.
I'm very sorry to asu you though you'll be busy, and my English isn't good.