>>160 TOUA (news4plus) board requires a reporter cap (φ★) to make a thread.
What are you going to do with the New board (news4plus2)?
1) Copy the reporter cap from news4plus to news4plus2 and same reporter will make a thread for news4plus2 2) Assign a new Editor in Chief (a person who can issue a reporter cap) and get some new reporter to make threads in news4plus2. 3) Make news4plus2 board that anybody with Ronin or ● can make a thread. 4) No restriction to make a thread.
East asia is a +board, which means only Caps can make threads. You can't split the Caps, and it's not that those who want to change the LR hate it all, they just want to get rid of a lot of tripfags that have been ignoring the LR and ruining the board. So the reinforced LR might help change the atmosphere, though I doubt it's going to change alot.
203 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/25(火) 23:23:36.72 ID:???0
>>183 Yes, we could make it liberal right wing for a while. Maybe using BE and Ronin to make threads at the start. That way it won't fall so fast. >>194 Don't worry, we will change the rules on your board, but we will make the new board with the old rules that the "trip" people can use. What do you think guys?
214 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/25(火) 23:31:59.41 ID:???0
>>208 The small boards are niches, they have their place. However news4plus is rather large. I personally feel news4plus should be 18+ and on Pink Channel. However I know my personal feelings are not in the rest of the community's feelings. So when I put the new local rule on tomorrow. I will make the other board with the original local rules. No reporters required. Just Be points or Ronin. Tomorrow I will update news4plus local rules, and give an alternative.
>>203 You mean you'll make a new board for the trip people and ones with BE and Ronin that can make threads? I don't know about that. And it's not my board, I just made an quick observation.
218 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/25(火) 23:34:44.24 ID:???0
>>215 I am actually happy if that board does not succeed. I will change the rules though just like you guys voted for. I will make you happy...:)
Now some users ( perhaps users of Kenmo board ) join the discussion of self-government of other board, and I think that , perhaps, they are leading argument by the way of Sockpuppet, for voting. And the result of that vote is accepted by administrator of " 2ch ". by this, default name and local rule of the boards were changed in the most part of "2ch". Some of the proofs of that are the result of "Hissi checker" scan of voting-thread, or log of the thread of vote-maneuvering on Kenmo board.
However, they insist , like this " this is the fair way that Jim-san accepts! ". And they do not listen to the objection in the self-government argument of other boards. Seriously, sometimes, intimidation is carried out for "the person who advocated objection" by them. For example, the survey of " the personal information of the person who advocated objection " and the disclosing that are carried out by the users of " Kenmo board".( I think that this is criminal act in Japanese society. )
I think that " self-government argument thread" on each board is to decide local rule of the board.
Therefore, about the case of this time like the maneuvering ( sockpuppeting ) , or the change of local rule by that non-normalcy way, you ( administrator ) think that is an act of "laying waste", don't you?
In addition, few particular users, except them, force one-sided rule on the whole users, can you say " this is the democracy ( match the democracy Jim-san insist ) "? Many unique users of "2ch"( ordinary 2channelers ) ignore Sockpuppets behavior. One of the reasons " ordinary 2channelers don't want to get involved in troublesome ". Another reason, " Many 2channeler believe the freedom of internet, and they think that even though some people spoofing users of other board and write to 2ch, that is freedom."
However, about the vote that was performed by users of KENMO board and some users who were controlled by KENMO, they report the result of that with saying "This is the completely legitimate vote, according to the democratic principle of the board." And it is the present conditions that the result is uncritically accepted by manager( Owner ) of "2ch".
I think that you can confirm this, even the board with a little number of unique users. I hope to manager(Owner), please confirm this " lay waste " act, and please do a lot of effort to keep good usability of "2ch", for us, or for yourself.
Afikasu draws too many AAs or pictures of "penis". Thats awful and makes me sick. A lady would have disease. Please clean up the monsters, Afikasu and their works.
Best regards
243 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/26(水) 00:03:34.50 ID:???0
244 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/26(水) 00:10:43.06 ID:???0
>>238 You are right, and I have been looking at those threads when I make changes. If the change doesn't make sense to me, then I have not been doing it. I think the news4plus was a real election though. Don't you? I understand both sides of that issue, and can see the pros and the cons. I suspect that the change might be beneficial for that board, but the 41% that didn't agree will need a place to go, and I don't want them to move into other boards if I can help it. I would like them to have their own special board with their old rules.
Jim-san These raptores are the ringleaders of madness.
250 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/26(水) 00:29:23.05 ID:???0
>>246 Experimenting is good. Yes they want to argue. I see that...:) I will make their change tomorrow if it doesn't work out, it can be changed again.
251 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/26(水) 00:32:01.98 ID:???0
>>249 They are definite predators. Hunters with blood lust. I have hidden my copy of The Diary of Anne Frank.
Jjimsan. Do not make a new board? KENMO board was created as a board to prohibit the reproduction of only. The role of KENMO board be used to isolate the anti-capitalist. It became the opposite of current. All boards became KENMO. I want to create a new board of anti-KENMOism. Reproduction is permitted only this board. Are many residents that beginning with TOUA people, are dissatisfied. Can be resolved in this way.
>>250 Yep! Old unei volunteers tend to behave as if they were privilege class and did not like application for readjusting setting.txt at all. That is why ppl have concern about the setback. I like your makeove of setting.txt.
This can be printed if there is original, the board also will be the same perhaps. However, if SURETATE author is unknown, You think what guys and show interest?
263 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/26(水) 00:56:21.93 ID:???0
>>259 わかります。 The discussion stopped with a dead thread. What was the result?
Reporting status Operation name : bbs-force-id-Evaluation Problem first confirmed : Feb 22nd 2014 Operation planned : Mar 16th 2014 Operation launched : Mar 19th 2014 Expected length of operation : 1 Month Operation evaluation planned at : Apr 19th 2014 SIGINT report : http://toro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/army/1395286401//82-86
STATUS: Base camp needs support from C2 to collect MIA troops out in the filed for a planned pickup date at Apr 19th 2014. Out conclusion is to place at SETTINGS.TXT BBS_NONAME_NAME=名無し三等兵@ID設定投票日4/19-25自治スレ to indicate pickup point to all field troops. SIGINT will be gathered from returned field troops during Apr 19th 2014 up to Apr 25th 2014 Further action will be planned according to gathered info.
NOTE: Base camp SIGINT under charge of 予備政治士官 ◆MVChfC0L7Y Army Board Liaison officer ◆kHiXISPRyw (425の中身)
295 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/26(水) 10:30:31.70 ID:???0 I have a lot of personal things that need to be done today. Later today I am going to revisit the east asian situation. おいら今日たくさん私用があるのぜ?(´・ω・`) 今日遅い時間に、東亜板いってみるよ
>>292 Last time I checked Tamun-khan has this under control. Is there a problem again? >>292 この前は、たもんくんがちゃんと対処してたけど?なんか再発したの?
Turmoil of this time. Evidence linked references. It was a conspiracy by the "poverty board inhabitant [http://maguro.2ch.net/poverty/]" . Fraudulent election with no notice period is contrary to democracy. Like the election of Crimea, is an invalid election.
It follows that is determined result of these elections is invalid. [Change"default name"],[Change Setting Display "ID" ],[change "Setting Board"],[change "Board Rule"],[Additional rule "All rights reserved"]
It has been modified without permission. Residents of the bulletin board is angry. At the change already, should be restoring to the status quo. Please back to the original of default name . Please return to the default "ID" settings. ↓ http://uni.2ch.net/newsplus/ "名無しさん@13周年@転載禁止" → "名無しさん@13周年" http://awabi.2ch.net/news4plus/ "<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん@転載禁止" → "<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´ )さん" http://toro.2ch.net/tech/ Bulletin board "Computer program" [Change Setting Display "ID" ] http://toro.2ch.net/army/ Bulletin board "Military affairs" [Change Setting Display "ID" ]
302 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/26(水) 11:02:55.31 ID:???0
>>299 It will just take them time to find the way to benefit themselves. There are always new journalism students graduating. New fresh ideas coming from the musty corridors of educational institutions. Someone will step up. I have to go out now. いってきます、またあとで。
I found this message. Is this true? Is Jim-san's Race Queen is nothing more than paper company like Packet Monster. Is Jim-san is just the puppet of somebody else(Hiroyuki?) I hope the person who wrote this message was a liar.
Jim-sam. Do you accept it After the changes are passed election to change the direction of the worse the Constitution of the United States in Russia is carried out? Vote this time is a thing like that speaking from an extreme case.
>>352 Where should we discuss what you call Kenmo Cap? I've tried to create a discussion thread in KENMO but some people don't like it, saying this isn't a problem not only for KENMO but also for whole 2ch.
368 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/26(水) 19:31:27.48 ID:???0
>>119 I have thought about this all day. The more I thought about it, the more unreasonable I began to think it is. The current board will not be changed. Instead I made the new board with the new rules. If it is really the majority of the users that want this, then there is the new board with the new rules. It is not fair to make the major change to a board rules, even if there is an election. This basically changes what the board is about. It is better to have the new board with the new rules.
The d added to the end is short for discussion. I read through the Autonomy debate here. http://awabi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news4plus/1395561613/ I was surprised that many people mentioned and agreed the a board split might be a good idea, and I saw many ideas on how it would be used. I am sorry for the English. I will post a simple Japanese message for the News4plus people on their current autonomy thread.
Basically I vetoed this vote, but provided a viable alternative to the people that voted for it.
The circumstances of discussion about force-ID for rcomic board "2". ID:jFh1Gvg+0(ID:C8HdTnAb0) said. Autonomy thread 3 http://nozomi.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/rcomic/1385777191/ was a landfill, but someone guides rcomic people to external Autonomy thread.
388 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/26(水) 20:22:41.26 ID:???0
>>357 They are like herding cats. It is a difficult question. I have seen a discussion thread for this but I already lost the bookmark. Having some focus for the conversation would help. Of course it is a 2ch problem, however the KENMO seem like the activists that could make it happen. If you can focus the conversation, and keep to the topic, then you can get success.
I am a thing of thread which watches the anime sales where the thread stood on KENMOU before. Recently, Troll which sticks on each an anime thread of an anime board the sales data of the anime published at sale thread has increased. Since sale thread stuck data at an anime thread besides before and punishment was received by having damaged, there is no mind that most residents write Troll in other an anime thread now. However, some residents show the intention which damages other an anime thread periodically. Although we cannot see IP of troll, we check IP by an administrator's authority, and is [ whole host ] regulation impossible?
http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/operate/1394953436/909-910 909 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/25(火) 18:53:33.80 ID:???0 >>871 私には考えがあります、そして、あなたは正しいです。 どのように、我々は、私に日本人を教えるために、糸をまわりに作りますか? 私は、そのように糸に続きます。 それは、楽しみです。 Honyaku I have an idea, and you are correct. How about we make a thread to teach me Japanese? I will follow a thread like that. It would be fun.
479 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/27(木) 11:22:46.23 ID:???0 >>478 Please talk to the bureau chief. I have not touched the reporter cap. ↓ どうか、各板の板長(笑。たもんくんとか)と相談してっください おいら、スレ立て記者には関与してないんよ?(´・ω・`)
>>479 Good morning,jim-san. Tamon-kun is idling. For example,He distribution of News_Nigun+ CAP has been delayed since Early February. Maybe,new issuer is need.
483 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/27(木) 11:40:26.57 ID:???0
>>482 Is that so? I have not noticed that. I have heard both good and bad things. It is difficult to make everyone happy all the time.
This is a very famous AFIKASU. He is copy and paste machine, iPhone板, スマートフォン板, etc This site is linked to the Amazon and has acquired the profit. Please search "ketais.info" "fxtec.info" "xperiaz.cswiki.jp" You surely understand his previous offenses. It is foolish not to forbid this person's access.
483 名前:Grape Ape ★[] 投稿日:2014/03/27(木) 11:40:26.57 ID:???0 >>482 Is that so? I have not noticed that. I have heard both good and bad things. It is difficult to make everyone happy all the time. ↓ それは本当かい? たもんくんの消息については良い噂も悪い噂もどっちも聞いてないなぁ・・・・ ま、みんなが同時に幸せになることはとっても難しいんだけどね?(´・ω・`)
490 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/27(木) 12:28:53.60 ID:???0
>>489 I would like to get to the point I can turn off the spambot on Pink Channel. Rock54 is superior and working correctly now. I hope people will start updating at this URL. http://qb5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/sec2chd/1391868218/
491 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/27(木) 12:30:37.14 ID:???0
>>488 I have only had one incident, and it was probably just a misunderstanding. When someone asked me to make the next thread because their thread had gone to 1000. This is not enough reason to make serious changes to a system that is working.
497 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/27(木) 13:31:56.76 ID:???0
>>496 Snake woman declared that when I said hello. I have no intention of making a CAP for her. I hope she can take care of her health. It is very sad when people lose control of their mind.
>>490 The spambot on bbspink was not a bad idea. One bad point was Jim-san is the only one person to register the NG word. It is too bad to hear you decided you would turn off the spambot at bbspink. In that case, I would hope that you will pass the current NG word list to AirRock-san to register them to Rock list, so we do not have to report all over again to Ad reporting thread. There are at least 50 different kinds of spams are still posted actively in the list to bbspink.
jim-san Although opinion is divided whether to introduce a reporter system in the new East Asia News board, I heard the opinion that a reporter lacked several times here. On the other hand, Editor-in-Chief has the negative comments on it Is not the problem by introducing a reporter system in the new board?
We discuss about Affinia report volunteer(KENMO CAP) now. Jack-san said us that " Please clarify the criteria " . So , we try to make Fair-Use Guide We request the deletion to Affinia site in accordance with these rule. We do NOT want to delete Fair-Use sites. If you can , could you please tell your opinion for us.
Fair-Use Guide (A) Don't get profit through the web site that use 2ch contents. (A)2ちゃんねるのコンテンツを利用したサイト運営による利益を得ていないこと (B) Keep to use the 2ch contents to the minimum . (B)2ちゃんねるのコンテンツ利用は目的に応じて必要最低限にとどめること (C) Don't tamper. (C)内容の改ざんを行わないこと (D) Don't sift that malicious and intentional . (D)悪意のある意図的な取捨選択を行わないこと (E) Please write the original source page URL , "This is the 2ch contents" and create backlink in the prominent place. (E)目立つ位置にソースURL、リンク、2chのコンテンツであることを明記すること (F) Don't infringe the interests of the 2ch. (F)2ちゃんねるの利益を侵害しない範囲での利用であること (G) Don't infringe the interests of the original source's community . (G)オリジナルコンテンツのコミュニティ関係者の利益を侵害しないこと (H) Please according to remove as soon as possible when we request the deletion. (H)2ちゃんねる及びその利用者から削除要請があった場合すみやかに削除に応じること
562 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/27(木) 21:11:57.36 ID:???0
>>556 It is as I suspected. Nobody really wanted that change they requested of me. It was just a change request to cause trouble. I surprised them by making the new board with the rule they requested. Now we have a new board, it does not have a name yet, that is being discussed. This doppelgänger board could be used for many things. Let's see if the reporters from news4plus use it. If it goes unused, then I will repurpose it. When it has a name, we can put it on the menu, then people will know about it.
563 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/27(木) 21:14:58.36 ID:???0
>>559 Jack-san is a wise man. Please consider his words. He wants you to discuss more so that you really know what you can do and how you can help 2ch.
>>563 Thank you , Jim-san. So , we will submit our discuss result to Jack-san . We really want to help 2ch and you . We are hoping that your job goes well .
通報ボランティアの議論はここで行われました discussion of the report volunteer took place here http://toro.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/siberia/1395490238/ ある程度意見が纏まったので To some extent, opinion was gathered jackさんをそこに呼んでください Please call there, the jack-san
568 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/27(木) 21:28:39.03 ID:???0
>>565 頑張ってください I know you guys want to help. I appreciate it.
569 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/27(木) 21:29:04.10 ID:???0
>>564 頑張ってください I know you guys want to help. I appreciate it. This was for 564
570 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/27(木) 21:29:39.73 ID:???0
>>553 Hey Jim-san. As well as a non-achiever of two military apprenticeship era, パリダカ is a non-achiever minimum fuel the thread residents by exploiting the two military cap. Deprivation final reason is that it leaked many times the password of the cap, it bothered Tumon you. Being existence not to give the cap to snake or more, it is a malicious liar full of going to betray the unabashedly Jim. ● It is about was delighted that it was good to not have to buy in because they can not be trusted is also operated. It does not like that he buy a ronin without any cap right but, oh the right and wound up only gold.
576 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/27(木) 21:40:30.18 ID:???0
>>574 I have no problem with Tamun-kun. I don't think Tamun-kun has a problem with me. I have never heard of the snake woman until today, and I don't plan to issue any press caps at all in the near future. There are already alternative news boards that don't require a press cap. Please put up a thread there, and see if you can get some interest.
>>575 It's just the criteria. If the site keep fair-use , it don't have to delete its site. This volunteer banish ONLY unfair sites . We never banish fair-use sites. Jack-san maybe select the proper person.
>>576 Tamon-kun does not have a problem at all, there is a problem of course is パリダカ筆頭固定 ◆ERINGI/fj/KL. Not that make a news thread, want パリダカ can only privilege that it is possible to make a thread. It's just want a sense of superiority. I think reporter cap and not something to be given to human beings of such thought. If you give about the cap to パリダカ, the person who has been decline positively, but are listed in Ahiru-chan is a million times better.
I strongly hope that パリダカ remarks be completely ignored
589 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/27(木) 22:19:08.73 ID:???0
>>583 I have no news. There are tickets at AU. Maybe if the AU users call and ask. There can be movement. regulation is waiting on the ISP always. We move pretty fast.
in TOUA , KOTEHAN problem was discussed long long time. TOUA KOTEHAN are no principals. They talk about random stuff in news tred endlessly. So some people who want to talk about main issue in tred feel frustrated.
I sustain your decision but I do not suttain your suspect. If you can , please try to read TOUA tred that built three mount ago you could understand my opinion.
best regard
591 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/27(木) 22:20:54.00 ID:???0
>>587 がんばります がんばって It is a glorious addiction...:)
592 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/27(木) 22:24:44.95 ID:???0
>>590 I understand your opinion. I hope things work out there. I want you all to be happy and stay in your news4plus board. I made a decision. It might not be the right decision, but let's give it a chance. If it doesn't work, then we can try something else. Did you join the no kotehan discussion on news4plusd? I think it will become quite lively once a name is decided on.
Jack-san requested us further clarification. He is very careful person. But , we NEVER attack him.It's the work of Affinia. So, we'll continue the discussion and create clear rule. I guess that you would not like to publish clear Fair-use rule. Because , its rule may inhibit the freedom and creative things. We'll try to create optimum process. We'll do our best . Thank you .
These are the exact settings in ns1,ns2.nttec.com bbx.2ch.net. 259200 IN NS a.ns.bbx.2ch.net. a.ns.bbx.2ch.net. 259200 IN A I have made 1 change a previous entry with an IP that was commented out line was deleted. That could be the only problem I see. Please check it after DNS has migrated.
622 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/27(木) 23:36:09.37 ID:???0
>>618 It is the 21st century, shift_jis is retro, and cool.
623 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/27(木) 23:39:11.01 ID:???0
>>616 It is possible, but it will have to wait until we are not busy. It is better to just use that name. It is gives honor to the news board that gave birth to it.
624 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/27(木) 23:41:19.60 ID:???0
636 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/28(金) 00:05:35.82 ID:???0
>>633 let me connect again and see what I can do. Please post the correct information, don't put a ttl.
637 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/28(金) 00:08:16.41 ID:???0
>>633 This may be a typing error. bbm.2ch.net. 259200 IN NS a.ns.bbm.2ch.net. bbm.2ch.net. 259200 IN NS b.ns.bbm.2ch.net. a.ns.bbm.2ch.net. IN A b.ns.bbm.2ch.net. IN A There is no BBN
; <<>> DiG 9.6.-ESV-R5-P1 <<>> ns bbx.2ch.net. +trace ;; global options: +cmd . 12356 IN NS f.root-servers.net. . 12356 IN NS m.root-servers.net. . 12356 IN NS a.root-servers.net. . 12356 IN NS j.root-servers.net. . 12356 IN NS l.root-servers.net. . 12356 IN NS g.root-servers.net. . 12356 IN NS k.root-servers.net. . 12356 IN NS c.root-servers.net. . 12356 IN NS d.root-servers.net. . 12356 IN NS b.root-servers.net. . 12356 IN NS h.root-servers.net. . 12356 IN NS i.root-servers.net. . 12356 IN NS e.root-servers.net. ;; Received 228 bytes from in 3 ms
net. 172800 IN NS h.gtld-servers.net. net. 172800 IN NS i.gtld-servers.net. net. 172800 IN NS f.gtld-servers.net. net. 172800 IN NS b.gtld-servers.net. net. 172800 IN NS d.gtld-servers.net. net. 172800 IN NS k.gtld-servers.net. net. 172800 IN NS e.gtld-servers.net. net. 172800 IN NS g.gtld-servers.net. net. 172800 IN NS j.gtld-servers.net. net. 172800 IN NS l.gtld-servers.net. net. 172800 IN NS a.gtld-servers.net. net. 172800 IN NS m.gtld-servers.net. net. 172800 IN NS c.gtld-servers.net. ;; Received 498 bytes from in 158 ms
2ch.net. 172800 IN NS ns1.nttec.com. 2ch.net. 172800 IN NS ns2.nttec.com. ;; Received 106 bytes from in 73 ms
bbx.2ch.net. 300 IN NS a.ns.bbx.2ch.net. ;; Received 64 bytes from in 15134 ms
;; Received 29 bytes from in 0 ms
>>648 Okay! Since IP address still remains in cobra2245.
653 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/28(金) 00:38:05.90 ID:???0
>>650 If that can run on a VPS machine, I can make a new one tomorrow. If it needs a physical machine then tell me the specs. Probably it does not need to be a huge machine just for dns.
657 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/28(金) 00:44:10.76 ID:???0
>>654 I don't manage those two dns servers sets. I only manage ns1,ns2 nttec.com easier to update the resolve.conf and change the dns server on that machine.
658 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/28(金) 00:50:41.11 ID:???0
>>656 I have to get some sleep, send me a message if you need anything later. Thank you for your help. I am very happy you are here.
Now some people started claiming; "Kotehans" have no rights to post in the Kenmo Cap discussion thread because Kotehans tend to bring over trolls. and trying to make "Banning of Kotehan (and BE)" into the rule of future Kenmo Cap discussion thread.
Some people have been opposed to that rule because it's strongly against principle of democracy, like the extermination of Jewry. But it'll be decided by majority voting.
Do you think Kotehans should be excluded from the discussion?
I'm sorry for asking such a little thing during server issues, but I hope you give us an advice in a spare time.
Hallo Jim I am http://toro.2ch.net/sake/ user. We want to change the form of ID on お酒・Bar board. We have discussed ID Display. Please change the form of ID.
Hello Mr.Jim A man named "noko",who is a vocalist of a band named "Shinsei-Kamattechan" have abused KENMO for years. He have made many threads for plain advertisement in KENMOU and NYU-SOKU. KENMOU is more and more abused because he advertises it for twitter. Also,I suspect that he make shitty threads except not just KENMOU and NYU-SOKU. Would you regulate his access?
Good morning Jim-san It is a request from the new East Asia News board. I would like to register with the bulletins headlines (http://headline.2ch.net/bbynews/) About the change of the URL, can I ask for a change after the administration system was stable?
Hello, Jim-san. Please return this board setting into unforced ID. Board url:http://anago.2ch.net/tv2/
We cannot help saying it is hard to go on discussion. Because there are a lot of trolls using the ID system. ・They stick hissi whenever negative are written. ・They say if we can use several IDs or not. ・They copied negative opinion about ID, and wrote racist opinion by the same ID to mock. ・Finally they made another thread, and they declared the exit.
They are useing IDs as attack tool. Many people kept away, and we don't have any hope except that you make a decision.
Hi Jim. Please do not leave old subject.txt for an old server when you move the board to another server. Some browsers cannot search for the move place of the board.
Well, I want to ask you some. I'll get straight to the point. How much money do your servers will need to fill a chunk of the deficit? And, Could you please open your company's balance sheet and 2ch servers profit-and-loss statement?
We really need more specific information about paucity of money.
We'll help your work. We want to keep 2ch servers work. Would you take our partnership? We need your partnership.
Thank you,
722 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/28(金) 16:35:49.29 ID:???0
>>733 ゆきぺ is not a bureau chief of the East Asia News board. Bureau chief of the East Asia News board is named ロップイヤー. I'm sorry If I had mistaken the meaning.
I think I did not apply to Mr. Tamon addressed at the time of cap password leakage incidents in August last year is bad, but did not apply for consent because had skepticism.
Hi Jim-san There is no cap configuration rights Mr. Tamon was that the length edit current true?
jim-san I apologize for that explanation was not good. jim had told reporter CAP of East Asia News board is available on the new East Asia News board, but the reporter is saying that it can not be used in practice. In this state, the absence of a thread, even if news occurs.
786 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/28(金) 19:40:04.76 ID:???0
>>783 We have to survive until next week. I have only an emergency replacement server available. If we have a machine failure then we would have a hard time.
However, violators of this discussion appeared alone. To the thread for discussion, he was writing more than 50 a day. http://hissi.org/read.php/army/20140328/aC9DSUlBUjg.html Therefore, discussion is difficult. Serious trouble has occurred in the experiment. Is there a good idea to you? Please give me advice.
>>801 It will become slightly good by replacing the setting of consecutive contributions of "NANJ(なんでも実況J)" with "NANV(なんでも実況V)". These set the present by misunderstanding. Please fix these.
>>797 There was also frequently until now these things. The results,livejupiter and news4vip have been on bad terms for many years.
814 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/28(金) 20:42:01.03 ID:???0
>>813 We are going to move baseball off of hayabusa5. Hayabusa5 is hitting the physical cap of IO speed. It is not crashing though. That is really cool. Livejupiter and livebase can move to the new orpheus server. If I can get another server we will do it tomorrow. If not Monday.
>>807 A 固定ハンドル of なんJ live in chiba. Writing his address become regulation of 2ch. I think the regulation is right, but too many. Because they are be at play to write his personal data. Airrock knows well.
>>807 Live Jupiter residents have written personal information of a person who lives in CHIBA too many times for just fun. As the result, it have caused lots of restriction.
jim-san Sorry to keep pestering you. It is a request from the new East Asia News board. If a Jim is in a calm condition, can I ask for the change of the URL? I continue using the current URL till then.
I agree with your idea that regulation/restriction for smartphone is an urgent issue.
Although, Code Monkey wrote, > I want to release these restrictions for all boards, but I must wait until some more deleters are volunteering. > After more deleters are volunteering, then we can begin releasing more restrictions. http://pele.bbspink.com/test/read.cgi/erobbs/1394106710/48 There are not enough deleters to release the regulation for smartphone users now.
hi Jim-san Ronin decreases a samba to half. However, I cannot be satisfied I want to write more more very more. can you decrease samba24? can you get rid of a limit of the ボボンハウス in Ronin?
871 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/28(金) 22:01:27.12 ID:???0
Regulations can not be helped. I want you to somehow collateral. I think that it would be contrary to the interests of 2ch penetration of smartphone do it, great.
881 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/28(金) 22:20:07.14 ID:???0
>>870 This would probably be ok, if I make the for the setting txt. bbs_ronin=checked
552 Jack ★ 2014/03/28(金) 22:26:50.14 ID:???0 >>547 About that, it is good to see a situation for a while. We are doing that problem solving by another method. Please trust us.
894 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/28(金) 23:23:30.83 ID:???0
>>892 The selfishness is gone. We are working on a smart phone solution. Until that time. please do your best. I understand your concern. I am sorry it takes so long.
895 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/28(金) 23:24:42.12 ID:???0
>>893 Are you a deletion volunteer? I am sorry I don't know you. What thread are you referring to, or are you just here to make trouble.
>>895 I appreciate that you are working required deletions by police, but how about those by court?
905 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/28(金) 23:32:23.82 ID:???0
>>900 It will remain karaoke tub until you come up with something more creative and more important that I am not embarrassed to put on the menu of 2ch.
>>897 Jim-san Currently, anarchy plate, has become a meaningless message board name "カラオケ桶". I think that is a suggestion from me, but a good or way of naming rights to people who have taken the post # 371 again on the thread over there. I am sorry in clumsy sentence
907 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/28(金) 23:34:41.84 ID:???0
>>902 I am not going to look at that crap. Please post a proper url from this website.
910 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/28(金) 23:40:58.29 ID:???0
>>909 I thought it was just another copy site url. I have deletion court judgements for them too. Here on paper. I wish I had a delete button for them...;)
Jim-san. Name board of Anarchy board is not determined. Board the demand is greatest in 2ch is anti-KENMO. Board name "ニュース速報(anti-KENMO)" Please change to the name board.
>>915 Jim-san. here is a good suggestion from me. The proposal Post # 913 thought, because it is carried by a site called two-channel open, and considered to be incorrect. I think "素心若雪" is best. How about?
I'm sorry for the repetition . I guess that you would not like to publish clear Fair-use rule. Because , its rule may inhibit the freedom and creative things. But Jack-san requested the clear rule to us . If he want to do so, may we make and the clear Fair-use rule and publish it ?
If response is difficult , please skip this post . Thank you.
>>929 And rebuttal. I see from the Chinese book called "張猛龍碑", I decided to name this. Tend to take from the book of China era in Japan. To say Karasawa lawyer because you use once, what am I doing wrong?
On behalf of news4plusd ,I give a message fou you.
We decided board name of news4plusd. The name is "アジアニュース速報+”.Abbreviated name is "アジア速報+". And we want to put "アジアニュース速報+” in "ニュース” category. Please reflect two demands.
>>937 And rebuttal. Why be exploited I do not know. In anarchy bulletin board, the name has been changed many times in the past. There is also a name clearly malicious, such as "尊師", "恒心綜合KRSW" in the but, "素心若雪" is a sound basis. I want to press the "素心若雪".
>>928 I agree this opinion. anarchy board is lawless area of ????anything goes. I felt a anarchic spirits from this opinion than any more. anarchy board needs more chaotic.
946 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/29(土) 00:12:19.88 ID:???0
>>935 That is an excellent name. I updated the SETTING.TXT already. I will request a menu update.
I don't want to get involved in any troubles in relation to the lawyer.
951 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/29(土) 00:18:50.53 ID:???0
>>947 Good idea. You guys made me angry tonight. I am sorry I lost my temper at someone I thought was a troll from the Karaoke Tub board. I think they should get a better name too. I don't know how to update the NG word list. If I touch it. There is a good chance I will break it. I have made a request for that.
>>949 Unfortunately, I wonder if the words malicious users to exploit the "素心若雪" ?. I think it does not seem so to me, but to discuss it after renamed once, and also look at the effect is good. I expect that the discussion lively manner occurs.
Think, when reckless children had been banned to do something, They will look for loophole and do more of it than before. That is the reason AirRock-san always refuses when asked to register words such as personal infos (address or name). ROCK is only suited for URLs.
If new words are added NG list , I want to add discriminatory terms . JAP , CHON(means Korea) , TONKIN(means TOKYO) etc... These words are over freedom of speech.
967 :Grape Ape ★:2014/03/29(土) 00:51:33.60 ID:???0
>>958 I don't think that is a good idea. Lots of people use those words. They need the place to say them. The lawyer uses up a lot of staff time. That is why I want his name NG.
>>897 Hello, Jim-san Thank you for taking your time. As you saw, the discussion haven't been held.
We are confused by having changed the ID before discussion. But they are asking unreasonable process.
Recently, they did NOT such a thing when ID is changed. No vote, No Discussion. They asked you to change ID behind us, with NO consensus.
Why do you ask more discussion? They never listen to unfavorite opinions. But they REQUIRE their agreement. WHY? Have they required us at the change? NOTHING.
They will not release attack tools. It is impossible to do. They are glad to take your commitment that you have no will to change.
>>987 Good night. Thank you for reply. I wish Japanese police don't blame 2ch for empty criminal declaration by even combination of some images' link...