>>26 SEORITSUHIME NI KANSYA! A.I guessed from weak point of Lean-production-system that Kaizen-keyword. ・Just-in-time Waiting time of consumer and relation-company is minimum of stock and capital investment. (A trailer is storage? This is cause of park illegally?) Trouble of consumer and relation-company is benefit of Lean-company? (Relation company of Lean-company is a moist sponge?) ・Efficient manufacturing process(NAGAREKA流れ化) and canncel inefficient space(MASIME間締め). A workshop is poor surroundings by a worker is jammed? (Worker is a moist sponge?) ・Decreasing employment number by KATSUJIN(≒dismissing). Regular employee: They are repetition in personnel changes(KATUJIN?). As a result , employee is dismiss by repetition of repetition? (Regular employee is a moist sponge?) Employee of a temporary job : They are not dismiss. However Employee of a temporary job an object of indirectly dismiss by KSTUJIN of Decreasing employment number? (Employee of a temporary job is a moist sponge?)
A conclusion is not wring out a dry sponge. Lean-production-system (Toyota KAIZEN system) is wring out moist sponge of not myself?
B.I guessed from weak point of Lean-production-system. A workshop : Down of production efficient in the shift from the lean of line to the lean of handicraft by downhill motivation of employee? (Cause of downhill motivation is poor surroundings of a workshop by KAIZEN?) Consumer : The consumer file a complaint about late of reaching goods? Why necessary that relationing lean company and lean project? Be question five times? We understand not necessary it? We understand wring out moist sponge of the waste?
必要な仕事のみを行う、機械設備費用を削減するカイゼンが、放漫な労務管理によって、 搾取の技法として悪用されている。 Lean system is method of doing only necessary working and cutting capital investment? However lean system abuse exploitation method in careless personnel management?