(イラクやアフガニスタンでの、西側諸国の頼りない態度について触れた後で、NATOの 危機について) In the early years of World Wars I and II, Europeans implored us to come save them from the Germans. We did. In the early Cold War, Europeans welcomed returning GIs who stood guard in the Fulda Gap.
Now, with the threat gone, the gratitude is gone. Now, with their welfare states eating up their wealth, their peoples aging, their cities filling up with militant migrants, they want America to continue defending them, as they sit in moral judgment on how we go about it.
This isn't an alliance. This isn't a partnership. Time to split the blanket. If they won't defend themselves, let them, as weaker nations have done to stronger states down through the ages, pay tribute
Sixty years after World War II, 15 years after the Cold War, Europe's defense should become Europe's responsibility.
What Geffen did say - and this shouldn't be too ambitious for a nation of 300 million - was that it might be possible to elect someone president who isn't named either Clinton or Bush. He's saying that there's a Democratic Party beyond the Clintons. He thinks the Democrats need someone else to win in 2008, which is how it came to be that Geffen and friends were raising $1.3 million for Barack Obama. Geffenの言ったことは、そしてそのことは3億人の国民にとって、言い過ぎでは無いのだが、 08大統領選挙でクリントン家の人でも、ブッシュ家の人でもない候補者を選ぶことは可能だ という事である。彼はクリントンよりも民主党が大切であるのだと言う。彼は民主党が2008 年に勝利する為に別の人材を必要とするという。そして、Geffenと友人たちはオバマの為に $1.3Mの資金を集めている。
Be honest: Every time you hear Limbaugh or Hannity or the toe-sucking Dick Morris or any other card-carrying member of the vast right-wing conspiracy describe Hillary Clinton as demonic, doesn't it make you want to rush to your nearest polling site and pull the lever? (保守政治評論家の)Rush Limbaughや、Hannityや、(クリントン擁護派の)Dick Morris とか、その手の人たちの話を聞くたびに、保守派のヒラリーを悪魔のように仕立てる陰謀論 にうんざりして、投票で貴方の意思を示したいと思うことでしょうが、
But this is different. This could be the start of a vast left-wing conspiracy. That would be a conspiracy of anti-triangulating, anti-incrementalist Democrats ready for the next new thing (and you can't get any newer than Obama). でも、今回はそういうのとは異なっていて、これはサヨクの陰謀論と言うべきです。つまり それは反三者連帯、反漸進的改革主義、の民主党員が次の来るべき者に備えていると言う事 であるわけです(そして、オバマ以上に新しいものはないのですが)
When Geffen attacked her, Clinton went to an old family standby, lamenting the "politics of personal destruction." But that may not work this time. And, if it doesn't, I've got an idea why. Geffenの攻撃を受けて、クリントンは古臭い防衛手段で、個人攻撃だと批判した。でもその 防御は、今回は有効ではないかもしれない。何故今回は有効ではないのかといえば、
When Geffen was personally trying to push the Democratic Party past the Clintons, you couldn't see Rush Limbaugh anywhere in sight. Geffenが、個人的に、クリントンを超えて民主党を先に進めようとしているとき、そこには (保守派の評論家である)Rush Limbaughなどの影が見えないから。
QUESTION: Kind of adding -- just to be very clear on what you were saying earlier, I mean, if North Korea doesn't declare this on the list, this HEU program, is that going to be a stopping point for this deal? 6者会合の合意事項で定められた、北朝鮮の国内核開発施設の申請・公示に関して、もしも 北朝鮮が,そのリストの中にウラン濃縮施設を含めなかった場合、進行が停止するのか?
MR. MCCORMACK: We will deal with that moment when we come to it. Right now, you have the agreement that was signed. It makes clear that they have to make a full, complete declaration and that is not -- we are not at that point yet in implementing this agreement, so we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. 我々は何かの事態が起きれば、その時点で判断する。現時点では署名された合意事項があって、 その文書は明確に、全ての核施設の申告を言っている。それが満たされないようなことになれば 現在はそこまでいっていないわけだが、そのときの話だ。
QUESTION: So you -- but you -- so then you expect this to be on the list when they do declare it? つまり、国務省は北朝鮮が全ての各施設を申告すると期待している?
MR. MCCORMACK: We would expect a full declaration. 我々は完全な申告を期待している。
All Downhill So Far!Plus--Another mysterious Dem dropout. By Mickey Kaus Updated Saturday, Feb. 24, 2007, at 5:59 AM ET
The truth is Hillary's campaign has been a series of ill-considered moves. Obama panicked her into a way-too-early-announcement. The cause of the panic was fund-raising (poaching of presumed supporters), which is the least vulnerable aspect of her campaign. Basically, if she wins in Iowa and New Hampshire, she wins the nomination. The most she can spend in Iowa and New Hampshire is $20 million, every last dollar counted, including the surrounding states primary television advertising that will be seen in Iowa. So money is not her problem. Imagining that it was and therefore entering the race six-to-eight months before she needed to was a MAJOR mistake. Had she entered in August or September, the surge would have run its course successfully or not. The Iran issue would be that much further along. Pandemic flu would have hit or not hit. Etc. By announcing early, she brought into play a hundred unnecessary variables. ヒラリーの失敗は、オバマの出馬表明にパニックとなって、早期に出馬表明してしまったこと。 彼女はアイオワとニューハンプシャーの予備戦に勝てば大統領候補になれるので$20Mの宣伝 広告費があればそれが果たせるが、それはヒラリーにはたやすい事で、出馬表明は6-8ヶ月早す ぎた。
In a nutshell, her challenge is (a) herself, (b) her vote on the War (and her bizarre accounting for same), (c) her husband (never very popular with the party's left wing and a wild card every day), (d) the whole Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton can-we-ever-get -out-of-this-movie thing, (e) Hillaryland (consultants turning everything to hectoring mush), (f) deep-seated fear among Democrats that she is, in truth, the least electable candidate they have. 彼女の戦略の失敗で、彼女は(a)彼女自身、(b)上院でのイラク戦争賛成投票、 (c)彼女の夫、 (d)ブッシュ家とクリントン家の王朝の支配という批判、(e)ヒラリー流の詭弁術、(f)民主党 の唯一の当選可能な大統領候補という心配、などと戦わなくてはならない。
Geffen, a long-time ally, addressed a, b, c, d, e and f. The Clinton campaign, by responding the way it did, amplified his remarks at least twofold. If that's a win, I'm for the Breck Girl. クリントンの長年の支持者であったGeffenは(a)〜(f)を認知し、クリントン陣営は下手な反撃 をやって、Geffenの言葉の効果を少なくとも倍増させた。
ヒラリーが女性の有権者に、多くの州でジュリアーニに比べて支持されていない・・ First, there's a huge difference between men and women in almost every state. Hillary carried men only in California (48 to 45 percent), which has 55 electoral votes. Rudy carries women in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming: 194 electoral votes. That's a huge advantage for Giuliani, though if we assume his lead over Clinton is not as great today as it was last July, not as huge as the contrast between 194 and 55 suggests.
現時点での票読み、04選挙をベースに計算してみると・・ Then I took the average Republicanward or Democraticward movement. What you'll find is that all 11 eastern states and D.C. move toward Rudy; eight of the 12 midwestern states move toward Hillary; 10 of the 13 western states move toward Rudy; and 12 of the 14 southern states move toward Hillary. More states move toward Hillary than toward Rudy. But the movement overall benefits Rudy.
04大統領選挙に比べて08大統領選挙での共和党の各地での得失予想 EAST Rhode Island +12.5 The biggest move toward Rudy in the most heavily Italian- American states. Puts it in play. Connecticut +10 Big movement toward Rudy in NYC suburbs. Puts it in play. New Jersey +10 Big movement toward Rudy in NYC suburbs. Puts it in play. Vermont +9 Puts the No. 2 Kerry state in play. New York +7.5 Big movement toward Rudy in suburbs, Hillary still carries NYC 2 to 1. Puts it in play. Massachusetts +7 John Kerry's home state, which probably gave him a bit of a premium in '04. New Hampshire +6.5 The one state Bush won in '00 and lost in '04. Puts it in play. Pennsylvania +5.5 Repubs still far down in metro Philly, but state very much in play. Maine +5.5 Puts this state, which dropped off the Bush target list in '04, back into play. Dof Columbia +5 Still far, far out of reach of Republicans. Rudy runs better with Hispanics than with whites. Maryland +4.5 Rudy now competitive in one of six states Jimmy Carter carried in '80. Delaware +3.5 Smaller movement but puts it in play.
MIDWEST Iowa +3.5 Biggest Republican movement in region in state that Bush lost in '00 and won narrowly in '04. Michigan +2 Target state in '00 and '04 a little more favorable for Rudy than W. Minnesota +1 Target state in '00 and '04 a little more favorable for Rudy than W. Ohio +1 No. 1 target state in '04, scene of Republican disaster in '06, a little more favorable to Rudy. Illinois +0.5 Hillary's native state (and Obama's current state), the most Democratic state in region by far. Indiana -0.5 Negligible movement in heavily Republican state. Wisconsin -1 A little more favorable to Hillary than Kerry in state narrowly Democratic '00 and '04. Missouri -1.5 Rudy a little harder to sell in southern-accented territory than Bush. South Dakota -3.5 Still heavily Republican. Kansas -4 Rudy is a hard sell in the Great Plains, but the area is still heavily Republican. Nebraska -4.5 Still very heavily Republican. North Dakota -6 Still very heavily Republican.
Oregon +7 A state that fell off the Republican target list in '04 is back on again. Colorado +6 A state that fell into the Democratic target list in '04 is turning away from the party. Arizona +4.5 A state briefly on the Democratic target list in '04 is turning away from the party. Nevada +3 A state very much on the target list in '00 and '04 moving somewhat toward Rudy. Washington +2 Small movement in state that fell off the Republican target list in '04. California +1.5 Small movement doesn't put it in play yet. Rudy weak in Central Valley. Hawaii +0.5 No significant change in state where Bush's status as commander in chief boosted his vote. Montana +0.5 No significant change in heavily Republican state. Alaska 0 No change in heavily Republican state. Utah 0 No change in the most heavily Republican state. New Mexico -2 Rudy doesn't score well with Hispanics here and is a hard sell to southern-accented Little Texas. Wyoming -6 Wyoming native Cheney probably boosted the Bush-Cheney percentage here.
SOUTH North Carolina +4 This suggests that John Edwards had some home-state strength in '04 that Hillary can't match. Florida +1 The one southern state in play in '04 moves slightly toward Rudy. Kentucky -0.5 Negligible movement in state Bill Clinton carried in '92 but that has been easily Republican since. Virginia -0.5 Negligible movement in state that has become more competitive; could be in play. Tennessee -1.5 Small movement in still heavily Republican state. Georgia -2.5 Movement, but still heavily Republican. Hillary competitive in metro Atlanta but not elsewhere. South Carolina -4.5 Still heavily Republican. Texas -4.5 Still heavily Republican. Rudy matches Bush '04 strong showing among Hispanics. Louisiana -6 Moves toward being in play. But will black Democrats return to New Orleans? West Virginia -6 State Bush easily carried in '04 is very much in play in this matchup. Arkansas -6.5 The state where Hillary was first lady for 12 years still likes her; in play now. Alabama -7 Still heavily Republican. Mississippi -7 Still heavily Republican. Oklahoma -9.5 The biggest Democraticward movement in all 50 states but still heavily Republican.
National upshot: Rudy's electoral vote position against Hillary is much stronger than Bush's against Kerry. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 面白い計算で、04大統領選挙のデータを元に、各地でのジュリアーニとヒラリーの支持率で 損得を計算して、各州のレッド・ブルーを判定しているもの。この計算ではジュリアーニは ヒラリーに、04大統領選挙以上の差をつけて勝つことになる。ジュリアーニは、そのリベラ ルな社会的価値観で、バイブルベルトで支持を落としても、他で得る得点のほうが大きいと いう事になっているような。
Once unleashed, this series of thoughts is subversive. So much of the Hillary Clinton candidacy depends on an aura of inevitability, supported by oodles of money and a fear of retribution if you're not on board. But what if she's not inevitable? And what if the retribution isn't so all-powerful? That's what is now being tested. Now that it has been raised, the thought that Hillary isn't the ideal nominee might spread. Hence Team Clinton's need to enforce omerta.
#前スレ>>344で、Peggy Noonanが指摘していたように、ヒラリー神話の崩壊の兆候は、保守派に #取っては大歓迎でもあるらめ(what if she's not inevitable?)
N. Korean leader Kim considers 'group leadership' system: sources 聯合通信:金正日は集団指導体制を考慮中と外交筋のソースが語る
BEIJING, Feb. 25 (Yonhap) -- North Korean leader Kim Jong-il might consider a "collective" leadership system after he leaves office, a move away from the long -anticipated father-to-son power transfer, diplomatic sources said Sunday. 日曜日に外交筋のソースが明らかにしたところによれば、金正日は彼の後継者として従来 のような世襲ではなく集団指導体制を考慮中であるという。
"Kim did not make an official announcement on the plan, but it is known that the North Korean leader already embarked on the testing of a military-centered leadership system," a source was quoted as saying. 「金正日は、この件で公式声明は出さない。しかしながら北朝鮮では既に、軍部中心の集団 指導体制のテストに着手している」とソースは語った。(後略) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20070225-00000036-jij-int 金総書記、世襲を断念?=集団指導体制導入か−韓国通信社 <時事、2月25日15時0分>
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran has launched a missile capable of reaching space, Iran's state television Web site reported on Sunday, quoting an Iranian aerospace official. 日曜日にイラン国営TVは、イランが最初の宇宙に届くミサイルを発射したと報じ、イランの 航空宇宙当局者の発言をWebサイトに掲載した。
Iran launched its Sina-1 satellite into orbit from a Russian rocket in 2005 and has previously said it planned to modify its Shahab-3 missile to launch satellites. イランは2005年にロシア製ロケットで Sina-1衛星を軌道に乗せている。また、Shahab-3ミサイ ルを改造して衛星を打ち上げる計画であると以前に発表している。
"Iran has successfully launched its first space missile made by Iranian scientists," the head of Iran's aerospace research centre, named only as Dr Bahrami, was quoted as saying. 「イランはイラン人科学者の製造に拠る宇宙ミサイルを成功裏に打ち揚げた」とイラン宇宙航 空局のDr Bahramiが述べている。(後略)
The Iranian Shahab-3 [alternatively designated Zelzal (Earthquake)] missile is said to be a derivative of the 1,000-1,300 kilometer range North Korean Nodong-1. The Nodong missile was developed by North Korea with Iranian financial assistance. The Shahab-3 missile can have a 500kg-650kg warhead. The range is believed to be 1550km -1620km (based on performance data of the No-dong B). More specifically it is believed that with a warhead mass of 760kg the missile will fly 1560km and with a warhead mass of 1158kg the missile will fly 1350km. Although not verified this data would seem to indicate that they are working on the Shahab-4 with a 2000km+ range and would be a derivative of the Taepo-dong 1.
In May 2002, it was reported that Iran had decided to start production of the Shahab-3 missile, according to Turkish intelligence. Iran reportedly planned to produce at least 150 of the missiles, which are capable of delivering a 1,000kg warhead to 1.300 km range. Israeli officials estimated Iran had so far been able to amass an arsenal of at least 20 Shihab-3s.
In late July 2005 Iranian Defense Minister Ali Shamkhani said the Shihab-3 contained a range of 1,930 kilometers, a major increase from the previous version of the missile, which had a range of 1,300 kilometers. He said the Shihab-3 developed and tested in 2004 significantly increased the range of the missile. Shamkhani was quoted by Radio Farda as saying that the liquid-fuel Shihab could also be fitted with a nuclear warhead. ttp://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/iran/shahab-3.htm
ttp://www.sltrib.com/opinion/ci_5292495 Clarence Page: Clinton and Obama's Oscar-worthy drama By Clarence Page Tribune Media Services Article Last Updated: 02/23/2007 09:29:15 PM MST
Nichi Bei Times: Why did you decide to pursue this resolution now?
Mike Honda: Well there’s less than 300 of them left, out of 200,000 that were victimized. So every day is a day that we lose an opportunity to get them an apology.
NBT: Ambassador Ryozo Kato has said that the resolution could adversely affect U.S. -Japan relations…
MH: That is hogwash.
NBT: What kind of feedback, if any, have you received directly from the Japanese government?
MH: We told them we were going to do this, so we gave them fair warning. My staff has met with the Embassy, I’ve met with members of the Embassy, I’ve met with their lobbyist, and they’re all good people. But they’re wrong.
NBT: Have they attempted to change your mind in any way?
MH: Yes. They offered to extend the Asian Women’s Fund beyond March 31st if I would do something ? I can’t remember what it was ? but I can’t. I won’t.
NBT: A vote on the last draft was blocked in September by the Republican majority. What assures you that it will pass this time?
MH: Those who are uncomfortable with it, they may need a little time to learn more about the history and the fact that the Japanese government says “we apologized.” ...It is my sense that the prime ministers of the past have expressed a personal regret, but not on behalf of the government. What that means is that the Diet has to make the formal action of apology and then shared by the prime minister on behalf of the government, much like Congress passed H.R. 442 that was signed by the president (which provided for redress and reparations for Japanese Americans). That’s a clear, unequivocal apology.
NBT: During the process of Assembly Joint Resolution 27 (while in the California state Assembly), some Japanese Americans had criticized you for your call for an apology and redress from the Japanese government for victims of its military atrocities during World War II. How have Japanese Americans reacted to this particular resolution?
MH: I think most people who understand the history are supportive of it. I think some who hear the idea that Japan has formally apologized will question whether we need this or not, without understanding the words and the sentiments and the context in which these apologies in the past were made ? they were individual, personal regrets, not formal government process of apologies.
NBT: Have you consulted with any other Japanese American politicians on this?
MH: I brought it before CAPAC (Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus). I didn’t ask for support, as I did for the (Filipino American) veterans. I think it’s a matter of conscience.
NBT: Do you think that they would not support you?
MH: I think some of them would. I don’t know if all of them would.
NBT: You’re pretty confident that it’s going to pass?
MH: It should come to the floor at the minimum, because it came to the floor last time. Once it comes to the floor, we’ll just leave it up to the good will and the conscience of the people who have to make the decision. I think that thoughtful people will support it.
NBT: Why should Japanese American community members support this?
MH: Because it’s the right thing to do. Reconciliation is an action that members of Congress on behalf of countries should urge each other to do. We have issues too, and I acknowledge that… I think Japan’s relationships with other Asian countries will be enhanced.
Obama basically kept his cool while she lost hers, so he gets an "A" on his first big test of the 2008 presidential race. For one week at least, he stood head and shoulders above her. (今週のヒラリーとオバマの舌戦で)オバマは基本的にクールな立場を維持し、ヒラリー は冷静さを失った。だから、オバマは2008年大統領選挙の最初のテストで、A評価を獲得。 少なくとも今週は、オバマがアタマと肩を、ヒラリーよりも上において見せた。
Her bizarre response reminded me of what Clinton did recently in Iowa. Challenged on her 2002 vote to support the Iraq war, she claimed Bush misled her into believing the vote was only to threaten Saddam Hussein. That's a big-time whopper - everyone in America knew the war vote was a war vote, which is why the resolution was titled "Authorization for the Use of Military Force Against Iraq." ヒラリーのみっともない対応は、彼女がアイオワ州で上院のイラク戦争審議に賛成投票 したときの言い訳を思い出させる。彼女はブッシュ大統領がミスリードしたと述べたのだ が、アメリカ国民は誰でも戦争賛成は戦争賛成であることを理解している。その審議は 「イラクに対する軍事力の行使の承認」審議であったのだから。
(略) Whereas the `comfort women' system of forced military prostitution by the Government of Japan, considered unprecedented in its cruelty and magnitude, included gang rape, forced abortions, humiliation, and sexual violence resulting in mutilation, death, or eventual suicide in one of the largest cases of human trafficking in the 20th century; 従軍慰安婦とは日本政府による強制的な軍隊の売春システムであり、前代未聞の残酷さと その規模において特別であり、強姦、強制妊娠中絶、屈辱、性的暴力、殺人、自殺などを 行なわしめた20世紀の最大規模の人身売買の事例である。
Whereas Japanese public and private officials have recently expressed a desire to dilute or rescind the 1993 statement by Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono on the `comfort women', which expressed the Government's sincere apologies and remorse for their ordeal; 日本政府は1993年の内閣官房長官であった河野談話を発表して政府の謝罪と反省を表明して いる。
Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that the Government of Japan-- 日本政府は以下のことを行なうものとする
(1) should formally acknowledge, apologize, and accept historical responsibility in a clear and unequivocal manner for its Imperial Armed Force's coercion of young women into sexual slavery, known to the world as `comfort women', during its colonial and wartime occupation of Asia and the Pacific Islands from the 1930s through the duration of World War II; 1930年代から第二次世界大戦時代の日本帝国軍が若い女性を従軍慰安婦 の性的奴隷状況においたことの歴史的責任を明確に、公的に認め、謝罪を行なう
(2) should have this official apology given as a public statement presented by the Prime Minister of Japan in his official capacity; 日本政府・首相による公的謝罪を行い
(3) should clearly and publicly refute any claims that the sexual enslavement and trafficking of the `comfort women' for the Japanese Imperial Armed Forces never occurred; and 日本帝国軍による従軍慰安婦の強制連行を否定する全ての言論を停止させること
(4) should educate current and future generations about this horrible crime while following the recommendations of the international community with respect to the `comfort women'. 現在および将来の世代に対して、従軍慰安婦の恐ろしい犯罪について教育を行なうこと -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1), (2)も無茶苦茶だけど、(3)は言論の自由の否定、(4)は主権国家の教育への内政干渉
ttp://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kabu2kaiba/44997262.html ここに紹介するのは、アメリカの第110回議会第1会期(2007年)の下院外交委員会 (the Committee on Foreign Affairs)で提案された「反日決議」:「所謂「従軍慰 安婦」を巡る対日非難決議」(House of Representatives, 110th Congress 1st Session, Resolution 121, submitted on January 31, 2007)の全訳である
The Price/Earnings (P/E) ratio for companies listed on the Hong Kong market is close to 18, but the P/E ratio for the same companies in Shanghai is 33. A similar gap between the markets preceded the 2001 collapse of the Shanghai market. 香港株式市場のPERは18、一方上海株式市場のPERは33である。2001年には同じような ギャップが有って、上海市場が崩壊した。
When China's markets reopen on February 26, the bubble is likely to inflate further. (新年あけの)2月26日以降、バブルは更に膨らむだろう。
If the bubble pops before the 17th National Congress scheduled for this fall, it could weaken President Hu Jintao's ability to appoint the successor government he would like. If the burst does not come before the fall, it will likely be a dramatic plunge and could wipe out the savings of many within China's new middle class. If this occurs, then Hu's government would have larger problems to deal with. もしもバブルが秋の17大共産党大会以前に崩壊すれば胡主席の後継者氏名などが影響を受ける かもしれない。崩壊が秋以降になれば、崩壊はドラマティックなものになって、多くの中国の 新たな中間階級の貯蓄を吹き飛ばすかも。それが起きれば胡温政権はより難しい問題を抱え込 む事になろう。
Iraq The Model(http://iraqthemodel.blogspot.com/)を読むと、この2〜3週間バグダットでの治安が 回復していると報道している。イラク警察、軍の治安部隊の最新の作戦がうまくいってるようだ。現地 バグダットのブログだから視野は限られているかも知れないが、バグダットに住んでいる人たちにも 分かる成果が出ているようだ。
メディアも静か。悪い事があると騒ぐメディアが、この2〜3週間はイギリスやデンマークの引き上げ ニュースの報道だけ。Iraq The Modelなどの現地ブログからの情報に注目。
最近の見出し Operation Baghdad: Week II Bombs strike again but hope remains. Attacks in Baghdad down by 80% Operation Baghdad Update. Terrorists resume their attacks on Baghdad's markets. A Sunday Night in Baghdad. Operation Baghdad, Day 2. Operation Baghdad Has Started!
In the past week, though, the men have been unnerved by absence of the sounds of war. "It's been quiet ? really, really, quiet," said Sgt. Sergej Michaud, 24.
Michaud has cropped his dark hair nearly to the scalp, and he has a tattoo of a helmeted skull on his left forearm with TANKER printed below. Like many other soldiers at the COP he relishes the chance to drive towards gunfire and separate the combatants in Iraq's sectarian war.
That was routine for his platoon until a few days ago, when the violence suddenly dropped almost to nothing. One soldier said he used to doze off at night by imagining the gunfire was the sound of rain on a tin roof. Now the nights are virtually silent. That's unusual for any Baghdad neighborhood, and eerie for a notoriously violent place like Ghazaliyah. Gunfights with insurgents and militiamen worry Sgt.
・・but also to open the way to overcome the painful legacies on the peninsula and in the region dating back to World War II, the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05, and even the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95.
The three companies will invest at least $902 million over the next seven years in the factory, which will start operating in 2009 and eventually have the capacity to produce 400,000 units a year. Nissan and Renault, which owns 44% of Nissan, will each hold 25% of the venture, while Mahindra will control 50%.
一方、トヨタ、ホンダは Japan's No. 1 car maker currently has a plant in Bangalore that produces about 44,500. The company says it is evaluating expansion plans in India but has no concrete details about a second plant. And Honda Motor Co. said last month that it will invest $150 million to $200 million to build a second plant in India.
The 19 pictures selected for publication are grouped into five categories: confronting terrorism (3); daily life (7); education goes on (4); modernity and tradition (2); and music and dance (3).
We are at a critical moment in Iraq--at the beginning of a key battle, in the midst of a war that is irretrievably bound up in an even bigger, global struggle against the totalitarian ideology of radical Islamism. However tired, however frustrated, however angry we may feel, we must remember that our forces in Iraq carry America's cause--the cause of freedom--which we abandon at our peril.
ttp://www.slate.com/id/2160585/ Hillary's Doomed TabooHas she ever heard of the Internet? By Mickey Kaus Updated Monday, Feb. 26, 2007, at 5:54 AM ET
Has the Clinton campaign ever heard of, you know, the Internet? Enforcing taboos doesn't work like it used to, back when all you had to do was muzzle a few gatekeepers.** Today, if people have things to say they're going to say them. ヒラリーはインターネットの存在を知らないかのようだ。昔のようにメディア対策して タブー設定をすれば問題がなくなる次代では無いのだ。
If the candidates don't say them, and the MSM doesn't say them, that doesn't mean they won't get said.** Note to Hillary: Your husband cheated on you and was fined $90,000 for lying about it to a federal judge. Everybody thinks he's still cheating on you. Your fellow Democrats are tolerant, but they wonder what the deal is. 候補者や、メインストリーム・メディアが口をつぐんだとしても何かを封じることは出 来ない。ヒラリーの旦那はいまだに嘘を隠していて、民主党がそれを許容してとしても、 噂は消えない。
That isn't the "politics of personal destruction." It's due diligence. Attempting to repress this discussion only assures that it will quickly come to the surface. そういうもの(噂の類)は個人攻撃ではない。それは候補者周辺の適格性チェックなの である。そうしたものを封じようとすれば、余計に噂が広まるのだ。
Summary: Controversies over the war in Iraq and U.S. unilateralism have overshadowed a more pragmatic and multilateral component of the Bush administration's grand strategy: its attempt to reconfigure U.S. foreign policy and international institutions in order to account for shifts in the global distribution of power and the emergence of states such as China and India. This unheralded move is well intentioned and well advised, and Washington should redouble its efforts. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- アメリカのユニラテラルな外交とか、一極的軍事覇権とかいう(メディアの)批判とは別に ブッシュ政権の外交におけるグランド・ストラテジーはマルチラテラルなもので、中国や インドなどの新興国を組み入れて外交関係を再構築する事である。この戦略は良い意図が あり良く考えられているので、この努力を更に増大すべきである。
Damage to the Washington-Tokyo relationship may be no less severe. Japan appears to be the biggest loser in the latest agreement. The question of “abductees”-- Japanese citizens who were kidnapped by North Korea during the 1970s and 1980s--has been shunted to a side working group where it will no longer interfere with the remainder of the agenda.
Tokyo has refused to provide energy assistance until the abductee issue is resolved, a step that will marginalize its role in future negotiations unless Tokyo embarrassingly backs down or Pyongyang makes concessions (though it no longer faces international pressure to do so). American support for an agreement that relegates the interests of a crucial U.S. ally to such a subsidiary role is difficult to explain.
Looking beyond the six-party framework, Washington should consider a policy that leverages U.S. strengths against North Korean weaknesses. As North Korea depends on international extortion to survive, the United States should follow Japan's lead and refuse to support the failed North Korean economy until Pyongyang delivers real progress on denuclearization and other issues.
Cooperation with Tokyo to increase pressure against Pyongyang's proliferation and counterfeiting activities is a vital measure. And pushing Beijing to facilitate the flow of North Korean refugees though its border along the Yalu River would deliver both humanitarian and strategic dividends.
"We remain concerned about the deteriorating top line at all three of the company's newspaper divisions," the broker said. It told clients that the Boston Globe newspaper continues to struggle, with January advertising revenue down 10%. Meanwhile advertising revenue at the New York Times has been weak since 2001, Lehman noted. Overall, Lehman said it believes consensus forecasts for the company's earnings are too high. End of Story ------------------------------------------------------------------------- リーマンブラザーズが言っているのは、NYTやボストングローブなどが購読者や広告 掲載主を失っていて、現在のNYTの業績見通しも甘すぎる、というもの。アメリカの 新聞業界の厳しさが伺える記事。
The Feb. 9-11 poll puts Bush's job approval at 37%, but among people who identify themselves as Republican or leaning Republican, his approval rating is 76%. The poll also shows that rank-and-file Republicans have higher regard for the president than they do Republicans in Congress. They gave GOP lawmakers a 63% job-approval rating, 13 points below Bush's. And 72% of Republicans do not think Bush made a mistake sending U.S. troops to Iraq. ギャラップとUSAトディの2月9-11日に行なった世論調査に拠れば、ブッシュ大統領の支持率 は37%であるが、共和党支持者あるいは共和党に傾く見解の持ち主に限ってみれば、ブッシュ 大統領の支持率は76%である。この世論調査では一般の共和党員は、共和党議員よりもブッシ ュ大統領をより高く評価している。共和党議員への支持率は63%であリ、ブッシュ大統領への 支持率を13%下回る。
そして72%の共和党員は、ブッシュ大統領がイラクにアメリカ兵士を送った事を失敗とは見て いない。
So if congressional Republicans figure the key to re-election in 2008 is taking a hard line against Bush on Iraq, they could be dead wrong. They might lure some independents, but they risk alienating their GOP base. To win, you need solid support from your base plus independents, not independents alone. そういうわけであるから、共和党の議員らが2008年に勝利する為の鍵はブッシュ大統領のイラ ク政策に強く反対することであると考えるならば、かれらはトンでもなく間違っている。それ は独立派の有権者の一部の支持を得るかもしれないが、共和党の支持基盤を失う危険がある。
勝利の為には、支持基盤の強固な支持と、独立派の支持が必要であって、独立派だけでは駄目 である。
What does this high approval among Republicans mean for Bush? It means that as long as his party support remains that strong, he won't fall below 30% approval, a depth that would virtually extinguish his political power. The lowest Bush has fallen is 31%, still enough to make him a significant, although wounded, force in legislative battles with the Democratic-controlled Congress. この共和党員の高いブッシュ支持率は何を意味するのであろうか? それは共和党がブッシュ 大統領支持を続ける限り、大統領の支持率は30%を下回らないことを意味する。ブッシュ大統 領の支持率の最低値は31%で、これは傷ついているとはいえ、民主党支配の議会と戦うには充 分といえる。(後略) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 良い分析で、アメリカ保守派のサイレント・マジョリティの意向を読み違えてはいけないと示 唆する。この指摘は、保守派のブログなどを見ていれば、今更というか、当然のことなのだ けれど、アメリカのリベラル・メディアのプロパガンダ記事の劣化コピーを書いている国内 メディアや、国内の所謂「アメリカ政治の専門家」が読み違えていると思われる事項。
(イランの民族問題) Kurds account for some 7% of the population, and their nationalism is Kurdish and not Persian, having been much strengthened by the successful example of virtual Kurdish independence in Iraq. Their demands for autonomy have become sufficiently forceful to start an insurgency. The same is true of two smaller nationalities that are even more violently disaffected with frequent fire-fights and bombings: the Arabs and the Baluch, which account for another 3% of the population. But the largest of Iran's subject nationalities are the Azeris. While many have been assimilated, at least 20 million still speak an entirely different Turkic language, and increasingly form the core of a united Azeri nation that extends beyond western Iran to include the former Soviet republic of Azerbaijan. イランの人口の7%を占めるクルド族はペルシャ人と異なりイラクと同じように独立志向が強い。 アラブ人とバルチ人はそれぞれ3%で、それ以外に2000万人のアゼリ人がいて、全く異なるトル コ語系の言語を使う。アゼリ人はイラン西部からアゼルバイジャンにかけてアゼリ人の統合体 を作りつつある。
(イランの宗教的多様性) The religious extremism of Iran's regime creates its own divisions. The bloody persecution of the Bahais, the new persecution of the Sufis and the institutional subjection of Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians have attracted greater attention, but the ill-treatment of the 9% of the population that is Sunni is more important politically: In Tehran where more than a million Sunnis live, there is no Sunni mosque as there is in Rome, Tel Aviv and Washington, D.C. イランの宗教的過激主義が国内で分裂を生んでいる。バハイ宗教、スーフィの新たな迫害、 キリスト教、ユダヤ教、ゾロアスター教などがあり、更に人口の9%はスンニ派である。ス ンニ派は政治的に重要で、テヘランには100万人以上のスンニ派が住んでいる。しかし、 テヘランにはローマ、テルアビブ、ワシントンDCにあるようなスンニ派のモスクは無い。
Viewed from the inside, Iran is hardly the formidable power that some see on the outside. The natural outcome of increasing popular opposition to extremist rulers, of widening ethnic divisions and bitter Sunni resentment of Shia oppression is a breakup. Certainly there is no reason why Iran should be the only multinational state to resist the nationalist separatism that destroyed the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, divided Belgium in all but name and decentralized Spain and even the United Kingdom, along with other states large and small. Once again, there is a better alternative to detente with a repulsive regime, and that is to be true to the Wilsonian tradition of American foreign policy by encouraging the forces of national liberation within Iran. イランを内側から見ると、イランは恐るべき大国とはいえない。過激派の支配への自然な 反対運動として、民族対立の深刻化やスンニ派のシーア派の圧制に対する苦い思いがあり 国内の分裂を誘う。ソビエトやユーゴを破壊し、ベルギーを分裂させ、スペインを非中央 集権的とし、英国でさえ国内に亀裂を生むような民族主義の対立、分離主義から、イラン が無縁でいられるという理由はない。愉快ではないイラン政権への、デタント以外の対応 方法というのは存在するのであって、それはアメリカの外交政策のウィルソニアンの伝統 に従うものでもあるのだが、イラン国内の民族自立、開放を促すことである。 (筆者はCSISのフェロー)
All Ordinaries 5,977.60 12:10AM ET Down 44.30 (0.74%)↓オーストラリア Shanghai Composite 2,771.79 2:00AM ET Down 268.81 (8.84%)↓上海 Hang Seng 20,115.65 1:52AM ET Down 392.30 (1.91%)↓香港 BSE 30 13,493.82 2:52AM ET Down 155.70 (1.14%)↓インド Jakarta Composite 1,766.17 2:52AM ET Down 17.78 (1.00%)↓インドネシア KLSE Composite 1,232.79 2:52AM ET Down 40.08 (3.15%)↓マレーシア Nikkei 225 18,119.92 2:00AM ET Down 95.43 (0.52%)↓東京 NZSE 50 4,099.43 Feb 26 Down 11.19 (0.27%)ニュージーランド Straits Times 3,228.11 2:52AM ET Down 79.81 (2.41%)↓シンガポール Seoul Composite 1,454.60 1:02AM ET Down 15.43 (1.05%)↓韓国 Taiwan Weighted 7,901.96 12:46AM ET Up 1.76 (0.02%)↑台湾
``The market's very sensitive as it's been trading at record levels and some stocks are considered overvalued,'' said Fan Dizhao, who helps manage about $1.8 billion with Guotai Asset Management Co. in Shanghai. ``Investors are nervous about recent rapid gains and aren't convinced further share-price increases can be sustained.'' 上海のGuotai Asset Management CoのファンドマネージャーのFan Dizhaoは「市場は大変セン シティブになっており、最高値にあるので、幾つかの株価はオーバーバリューと見られている」 という「投資家は最近の急激な値上がりに神経質になっており、上昇した株価を維持できると 確信が持てない」と述べた。
Among banks, China Minsheng Banking Corp. lost its 10% daily limit, followed by Huaxia Bank Co. and Industrial Bank Co. Shanghai Pudong Development Bank plummeted 9.9% and China Merchants Bank Co. tumbled 9%. In the steel sector, Wuhan Steel Processing Co. lost its 10% daily limit, with Jinan Iron & Steel Co. and Gan Su Jiu Steel Group Hongxing Iron & Steel Co. at its heel. Shanghai Automotive Co., FAW Car Co., and Tianjin Faw Xiali Automotive Co. all declined to their 10% limit.
27 Feb 2007 10:46:01 GMT Source: Reuters By Mariam Karouny
BEIRUT, Feb 27 (Reuters) - Officials from states bordering Iraq will join U.S. and British envoys at a meeting in Baghdad next month to discuss how they can help stem the violence afflicting the country, Iraq's foreign minister said on Tuesday.
“This kind of terrifying fall means the market has become abnormal,” said analyst Chen Huiqin at Huatai Securities, adding that shares could take a while to stabilise even if negative rumours proved false. Huatai Securitiesのアナリスト、Chen Huiqinは「この種の酷い下落は、市場がアブノーマル になったことを示すものだ」という。彼はネガティブな噂が否定されても安定化に暫く時間が かかるだろうという。
The market was hit by several negative rumours in late trade, including talk of an imminent interest rate hike after poor inflation data in the past two months. The central bank raised bank reserve requirements on Sunday. 後場の市場には幾つかのネガティブな噂が流れ、先月のインフレデータの為に引き締めが避 けられないとか、そうした類である。中央銀行は先月、預金準備率を引き上げている。
Investors were also unsettled by a rumour that Shang Fulin, chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, might resign to take a political post. A senior CSRC official, contacted by Reuters, denied this. 中国証券規制コミッションの議長、Shang Fulinが政治的なポストを求めて辞任するという 噂も流された。ロイターの問いあわせに CSRCの高官がこれを否定している。
Industrial & Commercial Bank of China <601398.SS><1398.HK>, the country’s biggest bank, sank 8.04 percent to 4.69 yuan. Blue chip Baoshan Iron & Steel <600019.SS>, which jumped 7.97 percent on Monday, fell its 10 percent daily limit to 9.03 yuan. 中国最大の銀行、ICBCの株価は8.04%下落し、優良企業のBaoshan製鉄は月曜日に7.97% 上昇した後火曜日に10%下落した。
But there were signs that speculative interest in the market remained. Liuzhou Steel <601003.SS>, a medium-sized steel maker which listed on Tuesday, soared to a high of 17.50 yuan before ending at 16.46 yuan, up 64 percent from its IPO price. That was in line with market forecasts of a debut in a 15-17 yuan range. しかし、市場には投機的な興味が依然残っていて、火曜日に上場した中規模の製鉄会社である Liuzhou SteelはIPO価格から64%上昇し、市場の期待通りの値をつけている。
The most effective way for Washington to resolve this uncertainty in its favor would be to practice more imaginative diplomacy. That would require more than a policy shift; it would require a paradigm shift. Guided by the notion of containment, U.S. policymakers have long seen the normalization of relations as the end result of a long process of negotiations. But with a new policy of engagement, normalization would have to be the starting point of talks; it would then facilitate discussions on issues such as nuclear weapons and terrorism. A strategy that seeks to create a web of mutually reinforcing security and economic arrangements has the best chance of tying Iran to the status quo in the region. In essence, a new situation would be created in which Tehran's relationship with Washington would be more valuable to the regime than either its ties to Hezbollah or its pursuit of nuclear arms. ----------------------------------------------------------- #なんとなく、飴のレストランのチョコレートケーキの味・・
ttp://www.opinionjournal.com/diary/?id=110009717 JOHN FUND ON THE TRAIL God Save the Queen? Mrs. Clinton's biggest problem may be voters' unease with dynastic politics. Tuesday, February 27, 2007 12:01 a.m. EST
<中国の株価下落が、外国市場に長期に、大きく影響するとは思わない・・> “In our opinion, the market downturn in China is primarily a local event, and we do not expect that this decline will have a widespread, long-term impact across the globe,” says Bob Doll, global chief investment officer of equities at BlackRock.
<中国株式は、ここ数日の動きを注視すべき> “I’d study carefully the next few days ? my guess is that the correction in most markets is going to be contained,”
“A 10% to 20% pullback is very normal, and not at all unexpected. The fear and anticipation of any real change in China is going to be worse than the reality.”
<しかし中国政府が資金流入を抑えるようなら・・> But therein lies the rub. If any proposals by the Chinese government do curb capital flows, that, along with the world-wide tightening of targeted interest rates, could further the decline in money supply that has helped fuel markets. That’s what concerns people ? that this is the start of the “big big thing” that most of the investing community has been alternately biting nails or dismissing in the past several months.
Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act provides that "[no] provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider," and that "[n]o cause of action may be brought and no liability may be imposed under any State or local law that is inconsistent with this section." A recent decision of the First Circuit has reaffirmed the broad protection this statute provides to bloggers and message board administrators. BBSやブログ主催者を保護する判決が出された。通信品位維持法230章による「プロバイダー などのサービス提供者は、他の情報提供者による情報の出版者あるいは発表者として扱われる べきであり、ローカル、あるいは州により、その内容責任を問うことは出来ない」としていて、 この判断が確認された。
In Universal Communication Systems v. Lycos, a company who had allegedly been victimized by defamatory statements on a message board regarding the value of its stock sued Lycos, which operated the board. The message board allowed users to post comments with minimal moderation, and no one from Lycos was responsible for the allegedly defamatory statements. ライコスとUCSの訴訟事件で、BBSに掲載された会社の株価に対する中傷的なメッセージ により損害を受けたとの申し立てのあった事件で、BBSは最小限のモデレーションがなされ 使用者が勝手に書き込めるので、ライコスは中傷メッセージに責任を負うものではないとした。
Examining the impact of Sec. 230 on this case, the court noted that "Congress intended that, within broad limits, message board operators would not be held responsible for the postings made by others on that board," adding that allowing bloggers and message board operators to be sued for the statements of commenters on their sites would have an "obvious chilling effect" on speech. Accordingly, the court dismissed the complaint against Lycos. 判決はこの事件で「法律はBBSのオペレーターが他者によってBBSに書き込まれた内容に 責任を負う事とはないことを意図している」とし、ブロガーやBBSオペレーターがそのサイ トに書き込まれた(他者による)コメントなどの内容で訴訟されるなら言論の自由に悪影響が あるとした。この理由により、法廷はライコスへの訴訟を却下した。
>>135 Democratic lawmakers also pressed the officials on U.S. claims of a North Korean program to produce highly enriched uranium that could be used to make nuclear bombs. The National Intelligence Director's mission manager for North Korea, Joseph DeTrani, said the United States continues to insist that North Korea declare all its nuclear programs, including the uranium program. "We have never walked away from that issue," DeTrani said, indicating confidence it still exists. Last week, however, the chief U.S. negotiator at the North Korean disarmament talks, Christopher Hill, added a note of uncertainty to U.S. claims of a secret uranium program. Hill said such a program would "require a lot more equipment than we know that they have actually purchased" and "production techniques that we are not sure whether they have mastered." ttp://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/02/27/america/NA-GEN-US-NKorea.php
All Ordinaries 5,815.90 10:53PM ET Down 161.70 (2.71%)↓オーストラリア Shanghai Composite 2,776.34 8:40PM ET Up 4.55 (0.16%)↑上海 Hang Seng 19,554.62 4:59AM ET Down 593.25 (2.94%)↓香港 BSE 30 13,478.83 5:28AM ET 0.00 (0.00%) Jakarta Composite 1,705.75 9:46PM ET Down 58.26 (3.30%)↓インドネシア KLSE Composite 1,163.79 9:47PM ET Down 73.29 (5.92%)↓マレーシア Nikkei 225 17,570.82 9:00PM ET Down 549.10 (3.03%)↓東京 NZSE 50 4,034.95 10:53PM ET Down 64.47 (1.57%)↓ニュージーランド Straits Times 3,040.93 9:47PM ET Down 191.09 (5.91%)↓シンガポール Seoul Composite 1,405.95 9:47PM ET Down 48.65 (3.34%)↓韓国 Taiwan Weighted 7,901.96 12:46AM ET Up 1.76 (0.02%)↑台湾
After today's sell-off in China's stock market, how does the chart for the iShares FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index Fund look now?
On a purely technical basis, we have broken below the 50-day exponential moving average [a price average that smoothes the regular average by giving more weight to recent data] and we have also broken key chart support [the price where most investors feel that it will move higher] at 102. We have dropped to a couple of pieces of support that are somewhat significant. The first one is a trend line drawn off the July and September lows. And we have also retraced about 38.2% of the 70% rise that we saw in the ETF from June 13 until Jan. 3, and both of those pieces of support come in around the 97 area. The ETF is at 96.6 right now.
What's next?
I don't think the worst is over for this particular ETF. I think there's a good possibility that the ultimate low will be around the 85 level, which would represent a 27% decline from the all-time closing high on Jan. 3 of 116.4.
What do you see further down the road for China's market?
That's a difficult question. If we get down to the 85 level, the Chinese market could go sideways for an extended period of three to six months. The reason for that is anytime a market falls dramatically, it's very rare that it turns around quickly. What's much more common after a dramatic drop is an index or individual stock will move sideways for a number of months and put in a basing formation, or sideways action.
What does this decline signal for U.S. stocks?
I think what this says about the U.S. market is it has been somewhat clear that there has been a high degree of speculation in global stock markets, and that a fast and quick and dirty correction could take global markets down 5% to 10%. That would include the U.S market. I don't think this will lead to a bear market for the U.S. This is just a much needed correction in an extremely overbought market. And once it's over, we will probably move to new highs for the U.S market. I'm still positive on U.S. stocks for the longer term, looking out to the end of the year.
All Ordinaries 5,816.50 9:10PM ET Down 161.10 (2.70%)↓オーストラリア Shanghai Composite 2,881.07 8:40PM ET Up 109.28 (3.94%)↑上海 Hang Seng 19,651.51 4:59AM ET Down 496.36 (2.46%)↓香港 BSE 30 12,938.09 5:28AM ET Down 540.74 (4.01%)↓インド Jakarta Composite 1,740.97 5:39AM ET Down 23.04 (1.31%)↓インドネシア KLSE Composite 1,196.45 9:10PM ET Down 40.63 (3.28%)↓マレーシア Nikkei 225 17,604.12 8:50PM ET Down 515.80 (2.85%)↓東京 NZSE 50 4,037.13 9:09PM ET Down 62.30 (1.52%)↓ニュージーランド Straits Times 3,111.94 9:10PM ET Down 120.08 (3.72%)↓シンガポール Seoul Composite 1,417.34 9:10PM ET Down 37.26 (2.56%)↓韓国 TaiwanWeighted 7,901.96 12:46AM ET Up 1.76 (0.02%)↑台湾
China's stocks climbed, paring some of yesterday's losses, after official media reports said the government won't impose capital gains taxes on stocks and will allow overseas investors to buy more domestic equities. 中国は国営放送が、キャピタルゲイン課税は行なわず、海外投資家に国内株式の売買を さらに許可するなどの方針を伝え、昨日の損失を切りつめるように上昇した。
政府は噂の流れていたキャピタルゲイン課税の導入を否定し、さらに外国人投資家に対す る国内株式取得の制限を緩和し、$120 billion間で、つまり中国株式の市場総額の10%ま での売買を認めるとの情報が流れている。 Meanwhile, China may allow qualified foreign investors to buy as much as $120 billion of domestic equities, an equivalent to 10 percent the value of China's stock market, the Oriental Morning Post reported, citing unidentified regulatory officials.
Notice I say the Shanghai market and not the Chinese stock market. Not all of China's stock markets panicked. On the same day that the Shanghai Composite Index fell 9%, Hong Kong's blue-chip Hang Seng Stock Index lost just 1.8%. 上海市場が中国株式を代表するわけではない。上海の株式指標が9%下落した日に香港のハン セン指標は1.8%下がっただけである。
This isn't a one-time differential, either. On Jan. 12, the Shanghai index fell almost 4% while the Hang Seng actually climbed by more than 1%. 以前にも1月12日に上海株式が4%下がって、香港のハンセンが1%上がったことがあった。
Think the difference might have something to do with the peculiar nature of the Shanghai (and the smaller Shenzhen) stock markets? The Shanghai stock market is essentially a domestic market for the A shares of China's publicly traded companies: Overseas investors are by and large not allowed to buy and sell A shares (although the rules have been relaxed a bit lately). 上海と香港の市場に差があるのは、上海市場が中国国内市場であるためである。海外投資家 は中国のA株の取引が大きく制約されている。
Who makes up this domestic stock market? By numbers at least, individual Chinese investors. About 82 million Chinese now have stock trading accounts -- that's about 1 out of every 20 Chinese -- and the numbers of individual traders have been growing at an ever-accelerating rate. Last year, 2.4 million investors opened new accounts and began trading on the Shanghai stock exchange. In January, 1.3 million Chinese opened new accounts. This influx of new domestic investors -- and new domestic money -- has been a key to pushing domestic stock prices higher and higher. 中国国内には8200万人の個人投資家がいて、20人に一人の中国人は株式投資の口座を持って いる。昨年は240万人の個人投資家が上海市場の株式投資口座を作っている。1月には130万人 が新たに口座を作った。これらの新しい投資家が中国の上海株式市場を押し上げてきたのだ。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ こういう上海市場にグローバル・マーケットが撹乱されるのも困ったことと思える。実際には 上海などの中国市場規模は、それほど大きくはないので(120兆円くらい)ダウや日経がここま で大きく反応するのは心理的要因というべきではないかしらん。ダウが一時500ポイント下落 するほどの大きな意味が(実体経済に)あるのか否かは、良くわからない。
The Chinese government is also a major factor here. The government closely monitors the stock market. A large majority of the listed companies are state-owned. The state also controls the brokerages and the biggest institutional investors. So naturally, the government has an incentive to prop up the market, and to prevent steep sell offs.
“The government doesn’t want to see this go up or down too quickly,” says Frank M. Song, director of the Centre for China Financial Research at Hong Kong University. “Their goal is to try to maintain stable growth.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 乱高下する株式に熱狂する中国の投資家とは別に、中国政府が市場に干渉して、その方向を 決めている、と示唆している。中国政府は証券会社や機関投資家を通じて市場に影響力を与 えることが出来るという。ジェットコースターのようなうp&ダウンも京劇の派手な立ち回 りを見るよなものなのかも。
QUESTION: So that means it's conceivable Secretary Rice could meet with her Iranian counterpart about Iraq? Is that what you're saying, if you're not -- I mean, you're not saying it wouldn't happen? ライス国務長官がシリア、イランとの会合に出る可能性?
MR. MCCORMACK: What I'm saying is there are two stages to this. There is an envoy level meeting in Baghdad that we know will happen in the first half of March. 2段階の計画で、まず、大使レベルの会合がバクダッドで3月中に実施される
MR. MCCORMACK: In as early as April, there is a commitment on our part to attend a ministerial level meeting, again with the Iraqis serving as hosts. And we shall see what other states take up that invitation. Our intention is that should the meeting be held in April or some time thereafter at the ministerial level that we'll be there and that it's another opportunity for all the states to attend, including Iraq's neighbors, Syria, Iran and others to play a positive role in Iraq's future. 4月初めに閣僚級の会合が予定されていて、イラクが会議のホストになる。
QUESTION: So just to clarify, I mean, you wouldn't rule out a meeting if that topic were to come up in (inaudible) Iran's involvement in Iraq -- イランが招待されてアメリカとイラク安定化の会議を行なう可能性があると言う事か
MR. MCCORMACK: Again, we're getting ahead of ourselves here. Let's -- the first meeting is a -- the envoy level meeting. And we hope that all the states take the opportunity at this meeting to play a positive role and be responsible neighbors and assist Iraq as they move forward on their economic pathway to development, political pathway to development and to improving the security situation. まず大使レベルの会合があり、それがポジティブに進めば、先に進むことになろう。
QUESTION: Where might that second meeting take place -- the ministerial? 閣僚級会談の場所は?
MR. MCCORMACK: It hasn't been set yet. There are some ideas, but it has not been fully agreed upon yet. 未定である。
ttp://www.nysun.com/article/49483 The Three China Cards Books By GORDON G. CHANG February 28, 2007 James Mann's "The China Fantasy: How Our Leaders Explain Away Chinese Repression" (Viking, 127 pages, $19.95)
NYサン:書評:James Mann著「チャイナ・ファンタジー」 "The China Fantasy: How Our Leaders Explain Away Chinese Repression" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (部分抜粋) これは中国についての本、というよりは中国についてのアメリカ人の考え方についての批判 や評論と言うべきものである。著者はそれ(The China Fantasy)を西欧人の中国に対する 楽観主義、うぶさ、金儲け主義、そして何よりも自己欺瞞(self-delusion)であるとする。
著者の批判は、中国は民主主義に向かってはおらず、この数十年間の西欧の指導者の言って きた事は完全に誤っている、ということにつきる。 ( His thesis is simple: China is not democratizing, and for decades our leaders' pronouncements have been dead wrong about the nation ruled from Beijing.)
著者の論点は: And there is this: "If China's political system stays a permanently repressive one-party state, that will mean that American policy toward China since 1989 has been sold to the American people on the basis of a fraud ? that is, on the false premise that trade and ‘engagement' with China would change China's political system." 「もしも中国の政治システムが、今後とも永久に、圧制的な一党独裁のものであるのであれば それはアメリカの1989年以降の対中国政策は贋物であったことになる。つまりそれはエンゲー ジメントによる通商が中国の政治システムを変えるという嘘の約束であった」 (後略)
ttp://online.wsj.com/home/us WSJ:BREAKING NEWS: Commerce Department reports new-home sales plunged 16.6% in January. Full story to follow shortly. 商務省は1月の新規住宅販売が16.6%低下と発表 ---------------------------------------------------------------- FOURTH-QUARTER GDP WAS REVISED sharply lower, partly because of lower business inventory investment. Separately, new-home sales plunged 17% in January, falling to the lowest level in nearly four years. 10:03 a.m. アメリカの4QのGDPは2.2%と低い値に ---------------------------------------------------------------- ttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB117266818833921929.html?mod=home_whats_news_us GDP Revised Down to 2.2% Growth In 4th Quarter on Lower Inventories
Finally, the net roots liberal activists have gravitated to Obama as their candidate. It took Howard Dean until the beginning of the summer to ride the wave of their support, but Obama has it now.
There seems to be a major political clash developing in Iran. The religious leadership seems to want to avoid an outright clash with the UN/U.S. over the nuclear issue, and appears to prefer not having nukes. Apparently, they believe having nukes makes them more vulnerable to attack than not having them. イラン国内で主要な政治的衝突が起きようとしているようだ。宗教権威等は国連や米国との 核問題での正面衝突を避けたい。彼らは核武装は国が攻撃を受けやすくすると憂慮している。
This is not as unreasonable as it may seem at first ? after all, they'll never be able to have enough nukes to deter the US, and so their nuclear "threat" will have little impact on American policy. Worse, even if they have just one or two nukes, it will be enough to seriously threaten Israel, which they believe would have no compunctions in taking preemptive action. これは理由のあることで、(ロシア程の)アメリカを抑止できる程度の核をイランンが保有 することは不可能であり、イランの核保有がアメリカの政策を変えることも出来ない。ひと つか二つの核爆弾を持っても、それはイスラエルへの深刻な脅威なので、イスラエルは先制 攻撃することをためらわない。
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, on the other hand, appears to ignore this calculus. He keeps saying the country has a right to do anything it wants in the nuclear field. This is part of the growing power struggle between the more radical Ahmadinejad and the more conservative clergy. The religious leadership has already several times told Ahmadinejad that the country's nuclear program is their responsibility, not his. アハマディネジャドにはそういう考えが無くて核保有を推進する。これはイランの政治闘争 を激化させ、過激派のアハマディネジャドと保守派の聖職者との対立のネタになる。宗教権 威等は既にアハマディネジャドに何度も警告してイランの核開発は彼らの責任でありアハマ ディネジャドのものではないといってきた。
That's because the powers of the Iranian president are restricted to domestic issues, and do not cover the armed forces or foreign policy. Ahmadinejad does have a lot of support among the rural peasantry and national militia. But in a clash with the clerics he'll almost certainly lose, mainly because the religious conservatives and the social liberals in the country would unite behind the mullahs. イランの大統領の権限は国内問題に制限されており、軍事・外交問題に及ばない。アハマディ ネジャドは農民層や軍に支持者が多いが、聖職者との衝突では彼には勝ち目がない。何故なら ば宗教的保守派と社会的リベラルが宗教権威の下に連帯するであろう為である。
In 2006, Quinlan said, U.S. purchases of emerging-market equities totaled a record $52.7 billion. That followed a stock- buying record of nearly $39 billion in 2005. In 2006 alone, U.S. purchases of Chinese equities jumped to $5.2 billion from $4.9 billion in 2005. All this means that on a relative basis, China has become the key emerging market for the U.S. ``To a significant degree, as China goes, so go the emerging-market returns of U.S. investors,'' Quinlan said.
Meanwhile, Japan is still essentially offering free money to any investor who wants to borrow in yen and put that money in riskier assets overseas. Much of the panic selling that followed Tuesday's meltdown involved the unwinding of these carry trades. After all, lots of yen borrowings have made their way into Shanghai real estate and Chinese stocks.
ペシクは歴史的に見て、1)も2)も、危ない橋を渡っているので、何かのきっかけでその 問題点が露呈して被害の拡大する可能性がある、と指摘している。 History shows carry trades can go wrong -- very wrong.
Following the equity market reforms of 2005, these previously unlisted shares have since been classified as market tradable shares ? thereby opening the door for actions such as those which became evident on 27 February. The 9% one-day plunge in Chinese A-shares could certainly be interpreted as a sign that “inside sellers” played a key role in sparking the decline ? either acting at the explicit request of the government or out of fiduciary conviction that the end was close at hand.
Inside selling or not, the bottom line is that China’s macro control imperatives are a critical ingredient of its overall stability objectives. And in recent years, risks have been multiplying on the control front. Just as China cannot afford an overhang of excess capacity, it cannot afford a major equity bubble. Lacking in market-based mechanisms to address these problems, the administrative option remains a very important tool in the Chinese policy arsenal. So far, that’s mainly been true on the real side of the economy. The near-parabolic increase in the Chinese equity market over the past six months is good reason to believe this strategy is about to be tested on the financial side of the economy.
ttp://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601039&refer=columnist_wilson&sid=a9zaDm1hGdkY The surge lifted the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300, introduced in April 2005 to track yuan-denominated shares on the mainland's two exchanges, to a record 42 times earnings. The ratio was more than double the 20 times for the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index, composed of Chinese companies listed in Hong Kong. 上海と深センの株式の高騰は、PERで42という記録的な値になり、それは香港のハンセン 中国株インデックスのPERの20の倍以上である。ハンセンのインデックスは香港市場に上 場された中国企業の株式についてのものである。
That's when the government stepped in, creating the task force to address unauthorized share sales and other unspecified activities. The decision followed an order last month that banks prevent the illegal use of personal loans for stock purchases. そういう極端な事態が起こったために中国政府はタスクフォースを構成して、認められてい ないの株式売買や株式投資金融の行為を取り締まり始めた。それは先月に出された銀行への 通達で、個人向け融資で株式を購入することを違法とするものに続く措置である。
ブルームバーグ、2、28 China's Bad News, Questar's Good Timing: David Wilson (Correct) By David Wilson この記事に拠れば、中国株式の時価総額は$1.16T(137兆円)程度であるという。
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sen. John McCain made it official on Wednesday that he is seeking the 2008 Republican presidential nomination and said he plans a formal announcement in April. 水曜日にマケイン上院議員は08大統領選挙への出馬意思を表明、正式の宣言は4月に行う と述べた。
The Arizona Republican, surprising few Americans, made the announcement during an interview on CBS's "Late Show with David Letterman," which was taped for broadcast late on Wednesday. CBSのディビッド・レターマンのTV番組の中でこれを述べた。
For the second time in 10 years, all of the magazine's top-10 picks are Japanese nameplates. This year's list includes five new models: the Toyota RAV4, Infiniti G35, Toyota Sienna, Mazda MX-5 Miata and the Honda Fit. この10年間で2回目のことだが、雑誌コンシューマーレポート、トップ10の車すべてが日本車 で占められた。
今日のアジア市場のスナップショット ttp://finance.yahoo.com/intlindices?e=asia All Ordinaries 5,798.30 12:35AM ET Down 18.20 (0.31%)↓オーストラリア Shanghai Composite 2,797.19 2:00AM ET Down 83.88 (2.91%)↓上海 Hang Seng 19,346.60 3:52AM ET Down 304.91 (1.55%)↓香港 BSE 30 13,166.83 4:52AM ET Up 228.74 (1.77%)↑インド Jakarta Composite 1,759.49 4:53AM ET Up 18.52 (1.06%)↑インドネシア KLSE Composite 1,180.91 4:02AM ET Down 15.54 (1.30%)↓マレーシア Nikkei 225 17,453.51 2:00AM ET Down 150.61 (0.86%)↓東京 NZSE 50 4,048.83 Feb 28 Up 11.71 (0.29%) Straits Times 3,092.58 4:06AM ET Down 11.57 (0.37%) ↓シンガポール Seoul Composite 1,417.34 Feb 28 Down 37.26 (2.56%) Taiwan Weighted 7,678.67 12:46AM ET Down 223.29 (2.83%)↓台湾
円のキャリー・トレードは今やリスキー、WSJのブログ ttp://blogs.wsj.com/marketbeat/ March 1, 2007, 9:47 am No Longer Carrying the Yen Posted by David Gaffen
In the past few years this trade, in which investors borrow in the low-yielding currency (the yen) and use the borrowed money to buy assets in higher-yielding currencies, has become popular. With volatility and Japanese interest rates low and the yen extremely weak, it was a no-brainer. Today, the dollar is trading at 117.10 yen, down from 118.41 yesterday and from 122 a few days ago ? suggesting that some of the short-term speculative activity is indeed reversing, in part because when markets become more volatile, trades like this become riskier.
ヘリテージ財団:そろそろ中国経済の減速が始まりそうなのだが・・ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Turbulent Rise? So will China's double-digit growth boom last? There are many signs that an abrupt slowdown is coming.
The Chinese ship of state has brilliant sails but a paper hull, and its weaknesses will be invisible until crosswinds blow. In short, the fragile financial system is unlikely to sail through even a mild national cyclical recession. Such an event could easily cascade into a severe recession. Indeed, the consensus on the Great Depression of the 1930s is a story of a mild downturn in the U.S. that produced a crisis when the banking system cracked under a mass panic (and bad monetary policy by the Federal Reserve).
The principles of central bank policy are much better understood today, but even if the Chinese government pushes liquidity in the face of a downturn, there is no telling how China's opaque financial structure will hold up. The implications of a Chinese depression are much darker than contemporary American concerns regarding China's trade imbalance. Financial markets are the foundation for goods markets, and a meltdown of both in China will hit America's economy hard. 中央銀行の行動原則といったものは今日ではより良く理解されているが、たとえ中国政府が 不景気に際して(マネーの)流動性を高めようとしても、中国の不透明な金融構造がそれを 可能にするか確かではない。中国の景気後退のインプリケーションは現在のアメリカ人の 考える中国への貿易インバランスの問題よりはるかに暗いものである。金融市場はモノの市 場の基礎であり、それら双方が中国でメルトダウンすればアメリカ経済は大きな影響を受け る。(後略)
In a delicious irony, Foreign Policy magazine editor Mike Boyer reports at the magazine's blog FP Passport that SEC documents reveal that George Soros bought 1.9 million shares of Halliburton stock in the fourth quarter of 2006. FPマガジンに拠れば2006年4Qに、ジョージ・ソロスがハリバートン社の株式、190万株を 取得していることが、SECの書類で確認された。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ハリバートンはチェイニー副大統領が前役員であったことでも有名、イラク復興事業に深く 関わる。ソロスは民主党のスポーンサーとして著名で、面白いコントラスト。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- インスタプンディットのレイノルズ教授は、このニュースを評して: ttp://instapundit.com/archives2/002968.php SO IS THIS A SIGN OF OPTIMISM ABOUT IRAQ? Soros buys 1.9 million shares in Halliburton. ソロスがハリバートン株式を190万株買ったというのは、イラクの将来を楽観しているとい う事なのか知らん?
ttp://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/03/01/ap/world/mainD8NJI9G84.shtml Japan's Abe: No Proof of WWII Sex Slaves TOKYO, Mar. 1, 2007 By KOZO MIZOGUCHI Associated Press Writer AP:日本の安倍首相「第二次大戦の性奴隷といわれるものには根拠がない」 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- このニュースでAP記事が幾つかのバージョンで流されているのだけれど、この 溝口記者のものが酷い表現で、
Japan's nationalist prime minister denied Thursday that と、いきなりナショナリスト決めつけという乱暴なことをやっている。さらに
Historians say some 200,000 women _ mostly from Korea and China _ served in the Japanese military brothels throughout Asia in the 1930s and 1940s. Many victims say they were kidnapped and forced into sexual slavery by Japanese troops. と、ソースを示さずに「日本の軍人によって強制されて」売春宿に拉致された、と書いている。 この記事は、明らかな事実誤認があるので、それこそ世耕さんらが抗議すべきものと思われ。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- このAP記事がCBSやFOX、WaPoやフォーブズに流れているのだから、酷いもので、 日本政府は対外広報について徹底的な見直しが必要なのではないか知らん。
Operation “Imposing Law” continues in Baghdad. In contrast with previous operations to secure the city, this one is managing to not only keep the initial momentum, but the operation’s effects seem to be growing as well. バクダッドに法と秩序の回復を目指す作戦が始まって第3週にはいり、その効果が明確に現れ てる。自殺爆弾攻撃などがなくなったわけではないが、大幅に減少し治安が改善された。 事故や犯罪を避けてバクダッドから逃避していた家族らが市内に戻りつつあると新聞が書い ている。昨日発見して、驚いたことに、閉鎖していた二つの酒屋がオープンしていた。 ttp://bp3.blogger.com/_QuHiN6TEo4M/RedK0JnurwI/AAAAAAAAAAk/izysDvvFA7o/s400/liquorStore.jpg
The results of Operation “Imposing Law” are not magical. We didn’t expect them to be magical. The commanders didn’t claim they’d be when the Operation began. Still these latest developments are certainly promising. And let’s not forget that what has been achieved so far was achieved while many thousands of the new troops assigned to Baghdad are yet to arrive. この作戦は魔術ではないし、そういう事を期待もしないし、指揮官も約束しない。それでも 現在の状況は良く、将来を感じさせ、これが実現できたのだから軍事力を増やせば治安は改 善され得ると考えられる。
The decline ``may indicate a downturn in the economy, but it will not be large,'' said Zhang Liqun, a senior research fellow at the State Council's Development Research Center. 株式の下落は「経済の後退を示唆するかもしれないが、それは大きなものにならない だろう」と国務院のSCDRCの研究者、Zhang Liqunが述べている。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 強気論の根拠は、実体経済が成長を続けているので、今回の株式の下落は行き過ぎだ、 というもの(1990年頃、どこかの国で聞いたような?)
Lawrence Kudlowがこれを書いている理由は、おそらくはグリーンスパンのいった2007 念後半の景気後退論への反論と、住宅ブームの終焉、最近の株式市場の上海ショック、 ダウの調製などによって不安になっているアメリカ人へのアドバイスをしたいためと思ふ。
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan this week even predicted a recession, naming the budget deficit as the cause. Huh? The deficit is evaporating as record tax revenues are being generated by a solid economy, itself a function of the low marginal tax rates put in place by President Bush. Current Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is looking for a soft economic landing, and I agree.
Negroponte refused to comment directly about Abe‘s words, but he said he hoped disagreements between Japan and its neighbors would not interfere with regional cooperation on other important issues. ネグロポンテ国務副長官は安倍首相の(慰安婦問題への)発言へのコメントは避けた が、この問題は日本とその隣国の諍いが、重要な問題である地域の協力関係に悪影響 を及ぼさないよう希望するとした。
Up to 200,000 women served in Japanese frontline brothels known as "comfort stations" during the war. His remarks contradicted evidence in Japanese documents unearthed in 1992 that historians said showed military authorities had a direct role in working with contractors to forcibly procure women for the brothels. 第二次世界大戦中に20万人までの女性が慰安所として知られる売春宿で働いた。首相の 言葉は1992年に明らかにされた日本の書類の示す証拠と矛盾する。歴史家は証拠文書が 業者を介して女性を強制して売春宿に調達した直接的役割を示すという。
"We are enraged," said Rechilda Extremadura, executive director of Lila Pilipina, an organization of activists and former Filipino wartime sex slaves. "We will not allow them to deny it just like that," Extremadura said. "For us, good or bad, it is your history. If you are a responsible government, you are responsible enough to accept, acknowledge and be accountable." フィリピン人の従軍慰安婦の問題を扱う組織、Lila Pilipinaの理事で活動家のRechilda Extremaduraは「我々は怒っている」という。「我々はそういう否定を許容できない」 「良かれ悪しかれ、それは日本の歴史なので政府の責任者はそれを受け入れ認める責任 がある」(以下に活動家からの、延々たるアジ発言の紹介、後略) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rechilda Extremaduraなどというのは、慰安婦問題で常に出て来る有名人で、それが何を 意味するのかAPの記者にわかっているのかしらん?この記事も活動団体のアジビラ風味 で、不愉快と言うしかない。APが完全に活動団体に取り込まれている感じを受ける。
Historians say that about 200,000 women -- mostly from Korea and China -- served in Japanese military brothels throughout Asia in the 1930s and 1940s. Many women say they were kidnapped and forced into sexual slavery by Japanese troops.
But Abe, who since taking office in September has promoted patriotism in Japan's schools and a more assertive foreign policy, told reporters that "there is no evidence to prove there was coercion"
His remarks contradicted evidence in Japanese documents unearthed in 1992 that historians said showed that military authorities had a direct role in working with contractors to forcibly procure women for the brothels.
The documents, which are backed up by accounts from soldiers and victims, said Japanese authorities set up the brothels in response to uncontrolled rape sprees by invading Japanese soldiers in East Asia. --------------------------------------------------------------------- これもAPの記事で、記者が違うけれど内容は他の記事と同工異曲。1992年発見の証拠云々 と言う部分がまったく同じで、活動団体の入れ知恵ではないかと思われる歪曲。活動団体 の宣伝記事になっている。
http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2007/03/02/2003350599 US offers Taiwan huge missile package US$500 MILLION DEAL: The sale, requested by Taiwan, involves the purchase of almost 600 sophisticated weapons to arm the military's fleet of F-16 fighter jets By Charles Snyder STAFF REPORTER IN WASHINGTON Friday, Mar 02, 2007, Page 1
It would consist of 218 AIM-120C-7 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAMs), 235 AGM-65G2 Maverick Missiles, test missiles, 48 missile launchers, training missiles and various support systems and assistance programs.
The sophisticated AIM-120s are a new generation of medium-range air-to-air missile, that has an all-weather capacity to see over the horizon, which began to be used early this century. It can reach speeds of up four times the speed of sound, and has a range of more than 48km, according to US Navy and Raytheon Web sites.
It also has advanced capabilities against low altitude targets of the type that would likely be used in any Chinese military attack.
Three YouTube channels - one for news and two for entertainment - will showcase short clips of BBC content. BBCとようつべの業務提携が決まり、ようつべの「ユーチューブ・チャネル」が誕生する。 BBCは、この新たなチャネルのコンテンツを提供する。ニュースが1チャネル、エンター ティメントが2チャンネル。
Three deals in one The deal with Google - non-exclusive and set to run for several years - will establish three different YouTube services:
BBC: One of the BBC's two entertainment channels will be a "public service" proposition, featuring no advertising.
BBC Worldwide: The second entertainment channel will feature self-contained clips - about three to six minutes long - mining popular programmes in the BBC's archive.
BBC News: The news channel, which will be launched later this year, will show about 30 news clips per day. --------------------------- これはなかなか面白そうな。
Most historians and Japan's own government inquiries have concluded that the military worked with private contractors to force about 200,000 women from across Asia to provide sex to its troops. Many of the surviving victims have said that the 1993 apology did not go far enough, and some have continued to seek compensation in Japanese courts.
Meanwhile, nationalist politicians and academics have continued to press their claim that the women were professional prostitutes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- このLAタイムズ記事は比較的に客観的な報告になっているものの、日本政府自身の公示 しているメッセージが従軍慰安婦を認め強制性を否定していないことを挙げて、安倍首相 の発言を疑問視する記事になっていると思ふ。
Baghdad, Iraq | The Baghdad security operation has been under way less than three weeks, but it has already registered a success: a sharp drop in the number of bullet -riddled bodies found in the streets - victims of sectarian death squads. バクダッドの治安回復作戦は3週間目にあるが、成功しているように見える。街中で被害 にあって死傷する人の数が減っている。宗教対立の武装派の闘争の被害者が減少している。 (イラクブログなどの伝える状況に符合する。国内では報道されないが)(後略)
ttp://www.state.gov/s/d/2007/81304.htm QUESTION: Some congressmen in the States lately were pushing a statement on Japan saying that there's overwhelming historical record of the Japanese usage of "comfort women" in the Second World War. And the Japanese ambassador said that it could harm the otherwise sound US-Japan relationship. And Taro Aso, foreign minister of Japan, said that this is extremely regrettable and definitely not based on facts. How does this affect the relationship between the US and Japan?
DEPUTY SECRETARY NEGROPONTE: Well, maybe a couple of points here. First, my understanding is that in the past - I think in 1993 and again in 2001 - prime ministers of Japan have expressed apologies for what happened with respect to "comfort women" during the Second World War. I think our view is that what happened during the war was most deplorable but that as far as some kind of resolution of this issue, that this is something that must be dealt with between Japan and the countries that were affected. This is something - it's a historic issue that needs to become the subject of some kind of understanding between the affected countries and Japan itself.
I think what we would express is the hope that, notwithstanding this issue, that it not detract from the ability of these countries to move forward on the very, very important agenda that is before us here in this part of the world. There are many, many very important opportunities and challenges that need to be dealt with by Japan, other countries in the region, ourselves, China, South Korea, and so forth, and we want to move forward in a positive manner on these agendas. So to the extent that this issue disrupts our ability to do that, that's a cause for concern.
I think that - if there's one more question, that's fine.
QUESTION: John Brinsley, Bloomberg News. When you say that what happened during the war was deplorable, are you specifically referring to the forcing of women in Asia into sexual slavery by the Japanese army?
DEPUTY SECRETARY NEGROPONTE: I think I'm just going to stick to - I'm going to stick by what I said, and I don't think I'm amplify it or elaborate on it.
Again, I want to thank you all for the opportunity to be with you this afternoon. I appreciate it very, very much indeed. Thank you.
>>252 ttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB117283866460824729.html?mod=home_whats_news_us Outlook Darkens As Selling Accelerates By JOANNA L. OSSINGER ------------------------------------------------------------------- WSJの集めているアナリストのコメントに拠れば、今日の下げは直接的にはミシガン 大学の消費者信頼感指数の低下(96.6→91.3)であろうけれど、高い値になっていた 相場の、上海ショックに拠る調整がまだ終わっていないのではないか、といった見方 が強いような。ただし、景気全体の後退を予想する声は少ないようで、問題は調整がど の程度続くのか、というあたりにあるような。
"I'm not sure we can finish the correction in as few days as we have had…we're looking for things to get frantic and extreme" said Charles Blood, director of strategy research at Brown Brothers Harriman. But "the bigger picture is still bullish," he asserted. "We're looking for an opportunity to do some upgrades."
逆の表現で言えば、ショックで低下した相場に、いきなり買いに入るのではなく、調製 の終了を待って、そこから買おうという態度なので、"the bigger picture is still bullish,"という事になるような。(勿論、弱気論を言う向きはあろうけれど)
How it Happened:This was an engineered drop. The Chinese government has become increasingly concerned about levels of investment in its economy or, more accurately, the sheer amount of money that is chasing projects(ry 過熱化する株式投資と、経済(国内投資、海外からの投資資金流入)に対して、中国政府 がそれを冷やす為にやったのだ、と言う論法。その意味では、STRATFORに拠れば これは中国政府による、国内投資家と海外企業、金融機関への警告である、
Follow-on crashes can come from one of three places.
First, the Chinese believe their exchanges are massively overvalued (hence the engineered crash). They will do this again, and are not (yet) particularly concerned with the international consequences. China planned to dampen its own stock market, not the world's markets. Along with the rest of the world, Beijing did not expect the contagion effect to be so extreme. Yet, for now at least, China's own exchanges are its primary concern, and it will act according to that belief. (為替レートの変更についてもショック療法がある鴨)
Second, everyone else now is going to chew on the fact that Beijing did this intentionally.
Third, trading in 800 of the 1,400 stocks on the Shanghai exchange was suspended during the sudden drops Feb. 27; they have a lot farther to fall, even without any engineered drops caused by panicky selling.
South Korean Foreign Minister Song Min-Soon has criticized remarks by Japan's prime minister questioning Tokyo's enslavement of Asian women during World War II as "not helpful."
Historians say at least 200-thousand young women, mostly from Korea but also from China, Indonesia, the Philippines and Taiwan, were forced to serve as sex slaves in Japanese army brothels.
ttp://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17403964/ Clinton sounds the China alarm as ’08 issue By Tom Curry National affairs writer MSNBC Updated: 8:19 a.m. ET March 2, 2007
Clinton is making America’s dependence on Chinese investors a central theme of her 2008 message. She took to the CNBC airwaves Thursday to declare that America was undergoing “a slow erosion of our own economic sovereignty.” ヒラリーは08大統領選挙のキャンペーン・メッセージにアメリカの中国経済への依存 の問題を取り上げるとした。木曜日のCNBCの番組で、ヒラリー候補はアメリカが 「ゆっくりと経済的な主権を侵食されている」と述べた。
Time to 'get tough' on China? In her recent speech to the Democratic National Committee Clinton told the story of one of her New York constituents who approached her complaining of loss of manufacturing jobs and asked, “Why can't we get tough on China?” Clinton’s reply: “How do you get tough on your banker?" ヒラリー候補は最近の民主党委員会で、ニューヨーク州の製造業の喪失について触れ、 「どうして私たちは、中国にタフになれないのか?」と問うた。そして「自分の銀行 にタフになれるものだろうか?」と答えた。
She argued in her letter to Paulson and Bernanke that Congress and the president had to “ensure foreign governments don't own too much of our public debt." She warned in her letter to Paulson and Bernanke that “if China or Japan made a decision to decrease their massive holdings of U.S. dollars, there could be a currency crisis and the U.S. would have to raise interest rates and invite conditions for a recession.” ヒラリー候補はポールセン財務長官とバーナンキへFRB議長への書簡で、議会と 大統領は「外国政府が、我々の国債を余りに多く持ちすぎないようにすべき」とした。 その書簡で、ヒラリーは「中国や日本が、その膨大な保有する(国債の)ドル資産を減 らすなら、通貨危機が起こり金利上昇や景気後退が起こる」と述べている。
A Democratic strategist not currently working for any of the presidential contenders said he expects one 2008 theme to be “economic populism that reflects the overall anxiety the American people have over the economy and that their children’s future is being traded and sold to countries, like China.” He said, “The reality is that one-sided trade agreements with China have led to millions of good paying manufacturing jobs lost to benefit a few companies, like Wal-Mart, all the while America has gotten weaker.” This strategist argued that Clinton has a problem when it comes to China. 民主党のストラテジストは08大統領選挙のキャンペーンとして「アメリカの経済が、子供た ちの時代には中国のような国に売り渡されているのではと言う一般的な心配に対する経済 ポピュリズム」を予想しているという。「一方的な中国との通商条約により何百万もの 賃金の良い製造業が失われて、ウオルマートのような(中国からの輸入品を扱う)少数の 企業だけが利益を得て、アメリカが弱体化した」という。
“Arguably, no candidate may be more vulnerable on China, and Wal-Mart than Senator Clinton,” he said. Why? Because she once served as a member of Wal-Mart’s board of directors and because, as president, her husband persuaded Congress in 2000 to award China with permanent normal trade relations status and smooth the accession of China to the World Trade Organization. 「ヒラリーの夫のクリントン大統領は2000年に中国に恒久の正常通商国としての地位を与え WTO加盟を後押しした。彼女は一時期、ウオルマートの取締役会に属していた。だからヒ ラリーは中国問題に対して傷つきやすいといえる」
Among actual or potential 2008 Democratic contenders, there are only two who voted “no” on the China trade deal and whose “no” vote might now look attractively prescient to voters in anti-China frame of mind: Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold, who has taken himself out of the presidential fray, and Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio who is very much in it. 08大統領候補の中で中国の通商審議の投票にNOを投じたのはウイスコンシン州上院議員 のRuss Feingold(すでに大統領候補を辞退しているが)とオハイオ州共和党のDennis Kucinich 上院議員だけである。
Many victims say they were kidnapped and forced into sexual slavery by Japanese troops. Abe's statement contradicted evidence in Japanese documents, unearthed in 1992, that historians said showed that military authorities had a direct role in working with contractors to forcibly procure women for the brothels.
Renewed international efforts to ban cluster bombs was welcomed by Chinese arms manufacturers. When landmines were banned by international treaty, a document China did not sign, China instantly got a much larger share of the landmine market. They expect the same thing to happen if the cluster bomb treaty is signed.
Honda said he has broad support for the resolution, which was passed by the House Foreign Relations Committee last year but died after the Japanese government hired top Washington lobbyists -- including former House Minority Leader Bob Michel -- to block it. ホンダ議員は決議案への広範な支持があるといっている。同じような決議案は昨年も提出 されたが、日本政府の雇ったロビースト、前共和党代表のボブ・ミッチェル氏などの活動 の為に妨害されたという。
Honda said Abe was planning to visit the United States soon, and that Rep. Tom Lantos, a San Mateo Democrat and chairman of the committee, would probably listen to Japanese officials and then take up the resolution after Abe's visit. ホンダ議員は、安倍首相がまもなくアメリカを訪問する為、下院外交委員会の委員長である トム・ラントス議員が日本の政府高官に聞き取りを行い、安倍首相の訪米の後に決議案の採 択を行なうだろうと述べた。
State Department spokesman Sean McCormack would not comment on Abe's statement. ``I'll let the Japanese political system deal with that,'' he said. 国務省広報官のシーン・マコーマックは記者会見で安倍首相の従軍慰安婦コメントについて コメントせず「それは日本の政治の対処する問題」と述べた。 ttp://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/world/16817621.htm Posted on Fri, Mar. 02, 2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ホンダ議員が、決議案採択を「安倍首相の訪米後」といっているのは興味深い点で、ホンダ 議員も、安倍首相訪米に向けて決議案をぶつける方法では成功しないと思っているようにみ える。
In his meetings with Chinese officials, "the Chinese side expressed that it is firmly opposed to the export and sale of weapons to Taiwan and the United States maintaining official relations with Taiwan," said Qin Gang, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman. ネグロポンテ国務副長官の会談に関して、中国外交部・広報官のQin Gangは「中国側はアメリ カの台湾へのミサイル売却に関して強力な反対の意思を表明した」と述べた。
Taiwan is trying to buy 218 Amraam medium-range air-to-air missiles and another 235 Maverick missiles at an estimated cost of $421 million. 台湾に対して総額$421Mのミサイルの商談、218個のAMRAAM空対空ミサイルや、235個の マーベリック・ミサイルの売却が検討中である。
WASHINGTON -- Greg Craig, a Washington super-lawyer with close ties to the Clintons, is supporting Sen. Barack Obama for president. Craig was a White House special counsel defending President Bill Clinton in the Senate impeachment trial. A partner in the Williams & Connolly law firm founded by the legendary Edward Bennett Williams, Craig served as an adviser to Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. ワシントンで超有名な弁護士であリ、旧クリントン政権に大変近しい間柄であったGreg Craig が(ヒラリーを裏切って)、バラク・オバマ支持を明確にした。Greg Craigはクリントン大 統領の上院での罷免審査で、弁護に当たった中心的人物である。彼はWilliams & Connolly法律 事務所のパートナーであり、オルブライト前国務長官やエドワード・ケベディ上院議員のアドバ イザーでもあった。
In confirming to this column his presidential preference, Craig called Obama unique and added: "I've never seen anyone who has made the impact on people and on me." He said he was impressed with Obama when he first met him at the home of investment banker Vernon Jordan, an intimate friend and supporter of the Clintons. 彼は筆者、ノヴァクに対してオバマ支持を明言し、オバマのユニークであり「私は、私や他の人 に対してインパクトを与える(オバマのような)人を見たことがない」と述べ、彼はオバマに投 資銀行家でクリントンの親しい友人であるVernon Jordanの家で最初に出会ったと述べた。
(大幅に前半部を省略) The world economy is growing fast and, on the data we have so far, a US recession in 2007 looks unlikely. Profits are taking a record share of output in many countries, which supports share valuations. The markets that do look frothy are corporate debt, especially that of highly leveraged companies, emerging market bonds, and property in countries like the UK and Spain. 世界経済は早い速度で成長しており、我々の現在までに知るデータに拠れば、2007年のア メリカの景気後退は起こりそうに無い。多くの国で株価の評価を高める企業利潤の上昇が ある。市場にバブルがあるのは、企業の負債、特にレバレッジの多い企業であり、新興国 の国債市場であり、イギリスやスペインの不動産市場である。
Investors have been buying some of these assets at prices that leave almost no premium for risk. If the events of this week encourage greater circumspection then this will have been a bout of market turmoil well worth enduring. As with avian flu, it is better to slaughter a farm-full of chickens now than to risk an epidemic later. それらの市場の金融商品に投資している人は、リスク・プレミアを考慮しないで買っている。 もしも今週の事件がリスクに対する関心をより高めることになれば、そうしたバブルっぽい 市場は困難に見舞われるだろう。鶏インフルエンザの事件では、鶏舎の鶏の全てを直ちに処分 することが正しい措置であろうし、それは大規模感染のリスクを考えれば合理的なことなので ある。
CNN: http://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiapcf/03/03/japan.sexslaves.ap/ Lee Yong-soo, 78, a South Korean who was interviewed during a recent trip to Tokyo, said she was 14 when Japanese soldiers took her from her home in 1944 to work as a sex slave in Taiwan. Lee Yong-soo(78歳韓国)は東京でのインタビューで、 彼女は1944年、14才のとき日本の兵隊に家から連れ出され、台湾で性奴隷として働かされた、 と述べました。
U.S. House of Representatives: Statement of Lee Yong-soo http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/lee021507.htm In the autumn of 1944, when I was 16 years old, my friend, Kim Punsun, and I were collecting shellfish at the riverside when we noticed an elderly man and a Japanese man looking down at us form the hillside...... A few days later, Punsun knocked on my window early in the morning, and whispered to me to follow her quietly. I tip-toed out of the house after her. 1944年の秋、私は16歳で、友達のキムプンスンと私が川のそばでエビを捕っていたとき、 年老いた男と日本人が丘の方から私たちを見てるのに気づきました。…(中略)… 数日後の早朝、プンスンは私の部屋の窓をノックして、静かに私の後についてくるようにとささやきました。 私はこっそりと家を出て、彼女について行きました。
"They cried out, but it didn't matter to us whether the women lived or died," Kaneko said in an interview at his Tokyo home. "We were the Emperor's soldiers. Whether in military brothels or in the villages, we raped without reluctance." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 金子安次さん、 2000年12月に開かれた女性国際戦犯法廷で、慰安婦問題に関する加害者として証言台に立っ た人物です。 ttp://www.littlemore.co.jp/book/kobetsu/nonfiction/kanekosan.html 金子安次は、中国抑留者(中国戦犯)で、「中帰連」の活動家の一人といって差し支えあり ません。すでに、別項「731部隊とコレラ作戦」に登場しました。 ttp://home.att.ne.jp/blue/gendai-shi/others/japan-times-kaneko.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- APは中帰連の金子安次を写真つきで引っ張り出していい加減な「証言」をさせて安倍首相 コメントを非難する記事に仕立てている。
ADELPHI, Md. - Police are investigating a shooting that wounded a prominent intelligence expert. Fifty-three-year-old Paul Joyal was shot Thursday night outside his house in the 2300 block of Lackawanna Street in Adelphi. Joyal is known for his expertise on intelligence and terrorism and his contacts in the former Soviet Union. He has also been a long-time critic of the the government of Russian President Vladimir Putin. ロシアの諜報情報の専門家で著名なPaul Joyalが木曜日の夜、自宅の外で狙撃され負傷した。 Paul Joyalはロシアの諜報機関の専門家でテロリズムの専門家であるが、プーチン大統領に 批判的なことでも有名である。
The shooting came four days after he told "Dateline NBC" that he believes the Russian government was involved in the fatal poisoning of former KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko in London. Paul Joyalの狙撃は、彼が「デートラインNBC」TV番組の中でロンドンのリトビネンコ 毒殺事件にロシア政府が関与していると述べた4日後に起こった。
A recent poll by East China Normal University estimated that 31.4 percent of Chinese 16 or older are religious, putting the number of believers at roughly 400 million. 最近の東中国普通大学の世論調査では、15歳以上の中国人の31.4%が宗教を信仰しており それは4億人の信者を意味する。
In recent years, official estimates have placed the number of believers at around 100 million, but the fact that the new survey’s results were not only made public but were also reported by the government-controlled Chinese news media suggests that the survey has been given at least some official credence. 近年政府は、宗教を信仰するものを1億人と見ていたが、新たな調査は単に公表されただけ でなく政府のメディアで報道されているので、その事実からみて調査結果を政府がある程度 信頼を置いていると推測される(後略) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 中国で宗教がブームという報道は数年前からあって、その解釈として共産主義が精神的支柱 でも指針でもなくなった、というのが代表的なもの。このNYTの記事では汚職の広がりや 格差の増大などの社会的背景を説明材料にしているような。
Chinese experts say the growing popularity of religious belief has been driven by social crises involving corruption and the expanding gap between rich and poor. “People feel troubled as they ponder these issues and wonder how they’ll be resolved,” said Liu Zhongyu, a professor of philosophy at East China Normal University and the principal author of the new religion survey. “People think, I don’t care what others do or what their results are, but I want something to rely upon.”
Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stands by a government apology for forcing Asian women to have sex with Japanese soldiers during World War Two, an aide said on Sunday, after the leader's comments questioning the use of force angered the region. 日本の安倍首相が、従軍慰安婦問題で強制は無かったとするコメントを行い近隣諸国で非難 が起こっている問題で、世耕首相補佐官は安倍首相が第二次世界大戦当時の日本軍のアジア 諸国の女性への慰安婦の強制について謝罪する立場を取っていると述べた。
"The Prime Minister has said that coercion can be defined in many ways, such as broadly or narrowly, but that he will stand firmly by the Kono statement," Hiroshige Seko, Abe's special adviser in charge of public relations, said on a TV Asahi programme. "There is no change to that." 世耕補佐官はTV朝日の番組で「首相は強制性というのは多くの定義があり、広義と狭義があ るといっている。しかし、首相は河野談話を堅固に支持する立場にある」とのべた。世耕補佐 官は首相の広報担当アドバイザーである。
The aide was referring to the 1993 apology -- dubbed the "Kono statement" after the chief cabinet secretary at the time, Yohei Kono, acknowledged that the military played a role in managing the wartime brothels. 世耕補佐官は1993年の謝罪にふれており、それは内閣官房長官であった河野氏が日本軍が戦時 の慰安婦の管理について大きな役割を占めたと認めている。 (中略) Abe's comment came as a group of Japanese ruling party lawmakers prepared to urge the government to water down parts of the Kono statement apology. The statement, issued after a year and a half of research, acknowledged that "comfort stations", or brothels, were set up at the request of military authorities at the time. "The then Japanese miliary was, directly or indirectly, involved in the establishment and management of the comfort stations and the transfer of comfort women," the statement reads. The statement also said that the women "lived in misery at comfort stations under a coercive atmosphere". 安倍首相のコメントは自民党の議員グループが河野談話の謝罪を見直すための準備のあとで 出されたものである。1年半の調査の後で出された河野談話では、慰安所が当時の日本軍の要 請で準備されたとし、「日本軍は直接あるいは間接に慰安所の設立と管理に関わっており、慰 安婦の移送にも関与した」としている。またこの声明では慰安婦が「慰安所での惨めな強制さ れた雰囲気の中で生活をおくった」としている。
このサドル・シティでの治安教化作戦の成否は、バクダッドの治安改善作戦の成否を占う テストになるかもしれない。サドル・シティのクリーン・アップは重要なイベントで、国 内の宗教対立の闘争の沈静化が出来なければ、現政権の将来は危ういと見なされている。 (後略) Shi'ite officials have said the government could collapse if the crackdown fails to restrain sectarian violence.
In crowded trading rooms across China, there's a gold-rush atmosphere. 中国全土のトレーディングルームは込み合っていて、ゴールドラッシュの雰囲気がある。
Even though the volatility of Shanghai's stock market was enough to trigger a global share sell-off last week, it does not seem to have discouraged Chinese investors. 先週、上海株式市場の不安定性が世界の株式市場の株価の下落を引き起こしたのだが、中国 人の投資家のヤル気をそいでいることは無いようである。証券会社のオフィスは人で込み合 っていて、専門家ではないような投資家が集まっている(後略)
The Mehdi army is not responding to the raids with fire, but they are trying to undermine the security plan by spreading rumors about alleged crimes committed by US soldiers, specifically against the Shia. The latest of these rumors was a ridiculous one I heard yesterday from a taxi driver from Sadr city. His story, quite similar to one told by a Sadr city council member, is that US soldiers are raiding Shia homes, arresting innocent civilians, and then dumping them at night near strongholds of Sunni insurgents, blindfolded and handcuffed so that the insurgents would find them defenseless and slaughter them! マハディ軍の武装派は潜伏していてアメリカ軍などと交戦していない。その代わりアメリカ軍 が民間人に暴虐を働いているなどのデマを流す作戦に出ている・・・
This is an indication that Imposing Law does not mean only sending soldiers to kill terrorists. It is reaching out to deal with other aspects of mess and to counter relatively “benign” violations-like breaking the “odd and even” traffic rule, defensive irregular roadblocks and unlicensed kiosks and stalls-by providing protection for the personnel of civilian departments while they do their job. この作戦はテロリストの殺戮などのみならず、市内に法と秩序を回復することが狙いである。
``GDP will be revised'' to show annualized fourth-quarter growth of 5.1 percent from the preliminary estimate of 4.8 percent, said Jesper Koll, chief economist at Merrill Lynch & Co. ``It is a trigger point for the Bank of Japan to normalize interest rates a little more aggressively.'' メリルリンチのジョスパー・コール氏は「4QのGDPが先の推定値4.8%から5.1%に改定 され、日銀の金利正常化にむけての動きが幾分か加速されよう」と述べた。
``The resolution is not based on objective facts,'' said Abe in a budgetary meeting in Tokyo today. He didn't elaborate on the statement, adding that Japan is trying to explain its position to the U.S. 5日、予算委員会で安倍首相はアメリカ下院の「従軍慰安婦決議案は客観的事実に基づいてい ない」と述べた。また日本政府はアメリカにポジションを説明したいと付け加えた。(後略) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- このブルームバーグ記事も Japanese historian Yoshimi Yoshiaki, in his 1995 book `Comfort Women,' estimates as many as 200,000 women from Korea, the Philippines(ry などと吉見教授の従軍慰安婦本を事実であるかの如くに書いていて、20万人の慰安婦とか、 ナンセンスなのだけれど、政府側のメディア対策が全くなされていないように思える。
今日のアジア株式スナップショット ttp://finance.yahoo.com/intlindices?e=asia All Ordinaries 5,683.50 10:39PM ET Down 91.70 (1.59%)↓オーストラリア Shanghai Composite 2,846.32 9:09PM ET Up 14.80 (0.52%)↑上海 Hang Seng 19,116.67 9:40PM ET Down 325.34 (1.67%)↓香港 BSE 30 12,886.13 Mar 2 0.00 (0.00%) Jakarta Composite 1,730.72 10:39PM ET Down 29.30 (1.66%)↓インドネシア KLSE Composite 1,120.54 10:40PM ET Down 44.14 (3.79%)↓マレーシア Nikkei 225 16,842.32 9:30PM ET Down 375.61 (2.18%)↓東京 NZSE 50 4,029.45 10:39PM ET Down 69.24 (1.69%)↓ニュージーランド Straits Times 2,979.39 10:40PM ET Down 99.35 (3.23%)↓シンガポール Seoul Composite 1,391.54 10:40PM ET Down 22.93 (1.62%)↓韓国 Taiwan Weighted 7,432.95 10:40PM ET Down 197.20 (2.58%)↓台湾
Historians say that up to 200,000 women - mostly from Korea and China - served in Japanese military brothels throughout Asia during the war and in the years leading up to it. 歴史家に拠れば20万人までの女性、殆どが中国人と韓国人、が日本の軍部の慰安所に 第二次大戦とそれに至る時期に働いたとされる。
Accounts of abuse by the military - including kidnapping of women and girls for use in the brothels - have been backed up by witnesses, victims and even former Japanese soldiers. 軍部の関与は、女性の拉致などが証人によって確認されてオリ、それは被害者のみなら ず日本兵によっても確認されている。
But right-wing Japanese scholars and politicians routinely deny direct military involvement or the use of force in rounding up the women, blaming private contractors for any abuses. しかし日本の右翼の学者や政治家は、軍部の女性の連行などへの直接関与をたびたび否定 してきた。(後略) ----------------------------------------------------------------- APの記事なので例によってプロパガンダの酷いものになっている・・
APほどではないけれど、それでも "Comfort women" is a Japanese euphemism for the estimated 200,000 mostly Asian women forced to provide sex for Japan's soldiers at battle-zone brothels during the war という説明をしている
All Ordinaries 5,642.40 12:11AM ET Down 132.80 (2.30%)↓オーストラリア Shanghai Composite 2,780.19 12:00AM ET Down 51.33 (1.81%)↓上海 Hang Seng 18,860.66 11:32PM ET Down 581.35 (2.99%)↓香港 BSE 30 12,443.86 12:32AM ET Down 442.27 (3.43%)↓インド Jakarta Composite 1,711.73 12:31AM ET Down 48.29 (2.74%)↓インドネシア KLSE Composite 1,110.77 Mar 4 Down 53.91 (4.63%) Nikkei 225 16,730.38 12:12AM ET Down 487.55 (2.83%)↓東京 NZSE 50 4,035.33 Mar 4 Down 63.36 (1.55%) Straits Times 2,954.46 Mar 4 Down 124.28 (4.04%) Seoul Composite 1,378.15 12:32AM ET Down 36.32 (2.57%)↓韓国 Taiwan Weighted 7,344.56 12:32AM ET Down 285.59 (3.74%)↓台湾
Low commission rates in the previous bear market are expected to give way to higher rates starting this year, as the market is expected to keep booming in the following years, according to a report in China Securities Journal. 今年から、市場の活況の為に、証券会社の手数料が値上げになる模様。証券市場の活況は今後 とも継続するものと見られている。
The newspaper report also said that the commission rates for the online trading, warrant trading and closed-ended fund units trading were raised from 1.5% to 1.8%, then from 1.8% to 2%, and the commission rate charged for over-the-counter trading reached the upper limit of the mandated rate of 3%. オンライントレード、ワラント・トレード、クローズエンドのファンドのトレードについて 手数料は1.5%から1,8%になリ、ついで2%になる。OTCの手数料は3%になる。
``Anything that's risky is getting sold while the world's favorite funding currency is strengthening,'' Marcus Hettinger, a currency strategist at Credit Suisse Group, said in Zurich. ``The yen will continue to strengthen over the next few days.'' クレディ・スイス・グループの通貨ストラテジストMarcus Hettingerは「投資の為の借り入 れの(低金利)通貨として好まれていた円が高くなる一方で、リスクの高い資産が値下がり している」という。「今後数日間、円は高くなり続けるだろう」
``Given how nervous the market is, investors are going to be fairly reluctant to once gain re-enter the carry-trade on any significant scale,'' said Michael Klawitter, a currency analyst at Dresdner Kleinwort in Frankfurt. ``The yen is benefiting.'' 「現在、市場は神経質になっていて、投資家がかってのような規模でキャリー・トレードに 復帰することには、まったく気が進まないだろう」とドレスナー・クライオートの通貨アナ リストであるMichael Klawitterが述べている。「円は、そのため強くなっている」
``Japanese money is definitely going home,'' said Singapore- based Callum Henderson, head of currency strategy at Standard Chartered. ``The spike in short-term Japanese rates will exacerbate the rally in the yen.'' シンガポールのスタンダード・チャータードの通貨ストラテジスト、Callum Hendersonによれ ば「日本の投資資金が、日本に帰りつつある」という。「日本の短期金利の変動が、円のラリー をあおっている」
The dollar may rise to 117.20 yen this week, Soma said. しかし、アナリストの中には、円は今週中に、117.2に戻るのでは、と見る向きもある
Volatility on one-month yen options rose to 10.15 percent, the highest since June 5. Traders quote implied volatility, a gauge of expected exchange-rate swings, as part of pricing options. 1ヶ月もの円オプションのボラタリティは10.15となり6月5日以来の高い値になった。インプ ライド・ボラタリティは将来予想される通貨の変動の程度を推測するものになる。(後略)
AP(WSJ):安倍首相は従軍慰安婦問題で、1993年の河野談話を継承と述べる --------------------------------------------------------------------------- これまで従軍慰安婦問題をスルーしてきたWSJに掲載されたAPの配信記事。ただし 同じAP記事でも>>331のCHISAKI WATANABEの記事と、かなりニュアンスもイメージも 異なるものになっている。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (タイトル) Japan PM: No More WWII Brothel Apologies 渡辺千咲の記事 Abe Will Stand By 1993 Statement Over Sex Slavery WSJ掲載のAP記事
(歴史家は・・云々の部分) Historians say that up to 200,000 women - mostly from Korea and China - served in Japanese military brothels throughout Asia during the war and in the years leading up to it. Accounts of abuse by the military - including kidnapping of women and girls for use in the brothels - have been backed up by witnesses, victims and even former Japanese soldiers. 渡辺千咲の記事
Historians say that about 200,000 women -- mostly from Korea and China -- served in Japanese military brothels throughout Asia in the 1930s and '40s. Accounts of abuse by the military have been backed up by witnesses and even former Japanese soldiers. WSJ掲載のAP記事(including kidnapping of women・・が削除されている)
(右翼の学者云々と書いていた部分) But right-wing Japanese scholars and politicians routinely deny direct military involvement or the use of force in rounding up the women, blaming private contractors for any abuses. 渡辺千咲の記事 (右翼の日本の学者と政治家は・・否定している)
Prominent Japanese scholars and politicians routinely deny direct military involvement or the use of force in rounding up the women, blaming private contractors for any abuses. WSJ掲載のAP配信記事、(著名な日本の学者と政治家は・・否定している) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 同じAP通信の配信記事で、これだけ差があるのも問題と思えるのだけれど。この記事は オリジナルのAP記事を、特に問題のありそうなところを修正して作ったように見える。
North Korea's aggressive mendacity puts it near the top of the list, perhaps tied with Iran for the lead, of countries that need the most transparent, most intrusive, most pervasive verification systems. For America to agree to anything less would be to make our national security, and that of close friends and allies like Japan, dependent on North Korea's word--never a safe bet. And yet, it is precisely this extensive verification system that the North cannot accept, because the transparency we must require would threaten the very rock of domestic oppression on which the North Korean regime rests. North Korea's negotiators understand this contradiction. So do ours.
ttp://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110009747 Kim Jong Il's Word A U.N. agency yanks its cash and people from North Korea. Monday, March 5, 2007 12:01 a.m. EST -------------------------------------------------------------------------- これもWSJの今日の社説をOPJに転載してあるもので、購読契約フリーで読める。 UNDPと北朝鮮とのごたごたについて書いている。
We'd argue that international focus on these issues is an essential part of keeping up the pressure on Kim's regime. But even if you buy the argument that these are ancillary issues, there's still an important lesson here: If Kim won't abide by the pledges he made regarding UNDP aid to his country, how can he be expected to keep his promises on nuclear disarmament?
The overall implication is to buy equities on dips, but not too quickly. If my optimism on most of these points is justified, Japan will bounce well after its fall. But the bounce may take time, because the evidence will take time.
China is at a critical juncture. Over the past 15 years, its powerful investment- and export-led growth model has been driven by bank-directed recycling of its massive pool of domestic saving. Coupled with aggressive and unprecedented reforms of its state- owned enterprises, China’s transition to “market-based socialism” has been nothing short of spectacular. But this model is now in danger of outliving its usefulness.
The investment sector has gone to excess and the export dynamic is in danger of triggering a protectionist backlash. The lack of a vibrant consumer sector, in conjunction with the legacy effects of state- and bank-directed capital allocation, are critical obstacles that must be overcome if the Chinese economy is to move to the next level.
China’s unbalanced macro structure is also presenting its leadership with major cyclical control problems. Lacking in well-developed market-based systems, China recently upped the ante in opting for “administrative controls” to cope with its mounting imbalances (see “China Squeeze” cited above).
In my view, the only viable answer is an acceleration of reforms ? focusing both on the nascent consumer as well as on an embryonic financial system. A successful rebalancing of the Chinese economy is essential to avoid the boom-bust cycles that were so prevalent in the past. Yet until the obstacles to rebalancing are removed, China’s overheated investment sector and over-extended exports pose increasingly serious risks to sustainable and stable growth.
Brilliant as its success has been since the early 1990s, China can no longer afford to stay the same course. A new direction is essential ? and the sooner the better. As the National People’s Congress now meets in Beijing, the obstacles to Chinese rebalancing ? and the tactics to overcome these obstacles ? could well be at the top of its agenda.
"There's a long list of issues that have to be resolved and I don't think anyone is expecting this set of talks will lead to a breakthrough," said Bruce Klingner, a former CIA Korea expert now at the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank. Klingner said he expected the two-day session in New York to lay he groundwork for future meetings. "They certainly will have to tell Hill what are they doing, what is the timetable, and the results of that will indicate how far and how fast this process is going to move," said Don Oberdorfer, a Korea expert at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies. "There's nothing to wait for here," Kim told reporters as he entered the Korea Society in New York for the five-hour informal meeting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ttp://www.iht.com/articles/2007/03/05/news/north.php U.S. offering North Korea a mutual backdown By David E. Sanger Published: March 5, 2007 NYT/IHT:アメリカは北朝鮮に、相互譲歩を提案する ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ttp://www.mainichi-msn.co.jp/today/news/20070306k0000m030124000c.html <テロ支援国家>指定解除…米政府、拉致問題解決前提にせず (毎日新聞、6日3時2分)
“It just looks bad for the prime minister to be getting involved in these sorts of historical details,” said Minoru Morita, a political analyst who runs an independent research consultancy in Tokyo.
Anticipation of changes in interest rates were responsible for some of the unwinding at the outset, but it doesn't account for the ongoing movement in flows. Leveraged investors, when seeing a trade move against them, have to respond by reversing their positions, that is, buy back yen and sell the other currency. In addition, speculators were large short-sellers of the yen in recent weeks. They had built a record short position of 173,000 contracts in February, according to Merrill Lynch, and as that trade turned against them, they were forced to cover their shorts. As of last week, the short position was reduced to nearly 115,000 contracts, still the 10th-highest reading on record. 日米の金利差には依然大きなものがあるが、それでもキャリー・トレードの解消の流れは変わ らず、市場の動向が投資に不利になったと見て、キャーリー・トレードのポジション解消に動 いている。つまり、円の買い戻し、ドルなど円以外の通貨の売却である。これに加えて最近の 思惑でメリルリンチに拠れば、円のショート(売りポジション)が金曜日現在で、173000契約 に積みあがっている。このポジションが不利になった為に、投資家はショートをカバーする 必要があり、先週末のショート・ポジションは115000契約にまで減少した。それでもトレード の歴史の10番目に多いショート・ポジションが残っている。
These occurrences have exacerbated the moves seen in the currency markets -- as a result, dollar/yen has dropped to 116.10 from 121.60 in seven trading days. "At first, [the selling was driven by] the expectations for the central bank, but at one point, it became a mass liquidation," says Ms. Lien. これらの要素が働いて円ドル相場は7日間のトレードで121.60から116.10に変わった。「最初は 中央銀行の動きを予想する向きがあったが、ある時点で、大きな流動化が起こった」とMs. Lien がいっている。
We've heard the gloom and doom about this trade sinking markets before -- how do we know it's for real this time? 巨額の円キャリー・トレードが解消するときにトラブルが起こるという声は以前にも聞かれたが? 今回は本当に(解消が起こって、状況は)ヤバイのか?
As mentioned above, quantifying the size of the carry trade or the real-time movement of such funds is difficult. But the recent strength in the yen, along with the decline in global assets, suggests that the unwinding of such trades is definitely having an impact on the markets. Because investors had been using leverage in borrowing yen and buying other assets, more selling in U.S. stocks, foreign stocks and other assets may continue. Bianco Research estimated this week that short-covering in the yen could continue until dollar/yen reaches 110. 既に説明したとおり、キャリートレードの規模の数量的把握は困難で、あるいはキャリー トレードをしているファンドのリアルタイムの把握も困難である。しかし最近の円の高騰は グローバル市場の資産減少と連動しているように見え、キャリー・トレード解消が市場に影 響を与えている事は確実である。投資家が円を借り入れて他の通貨の資産を買っていたので 米国株や他の外国株、金融資産などが更に売却されるのであろう。ビアンコ研究所は円のシ ョート・カバーは、円相場が110円に達するまで続くと予想している。
All Ordinaries 5,689.50 8:41PM ET Up 47.10 (0.83%)↑オーストラリア Shanghai Composite 2,785.31 2:00AM ET Down 46.22 (1.63%) Hang Seng 18,664.88 4:59AM ET 0.00 (0.00%) BSE 30 12,415.04 5:59AM ET 0.00 (0.00%) Jakarta Composite 1,698.82 8:39PM ET 0.00 (0.00%) KLSE Composite 1,122.29 8:41PM ET Up 11.60 (1.04%)↑マレーシア Nikkei 225 16,726.79 8:21PM ET Up 84.54 (0.51%)↑東京 NZSE 50 4,031.42 8:40PM ET Down 3.91 (0.10%)↓ニュージーランド Straits Times 3,016.33 8:41PM ET Up 34.04 (1.14%)↑シンガポール Seoul Composite 1,395.18 8:41PM ET Up 19.03 (1.38%)↑韓国 Taiwan Weighted 7,385.77 8:41PM ET Up 41.21 (0.56%)↑台湾
I assume people know where most of the footage here comes from; the only thing that’s new is the A/V of the Glacier herself. The ad’s obviously trying to present Hillary as a monolith who’s nomination is all but assured until the plucky upstart comes along and shatters the paradigm, but presenting her as Big Brother in an Orwellian fever dream is nasty, heavy handed, and off-putting.
Asian stocks rallied for the first time in five days, stemming an equities slump that eroded $1.9 trillion from the value of global markets. Toyota Motor Corp. and BHP Billiton led gains by the region's biggest companies. 5日間で始めて、アジア株式がラリーになっている。グローバル・マーケットから1.9兆ドル を損失せしめた株式のスランプをせき止める形になった。トヨタやBHPが上げを主導して いる。
``You're going to get more investors buying stocks once they're confident that the slump was a temporary event,'' said Michael Birch, who manages about $120 million in equities at Wallace Funds Management in Sydney. シドニーのワラス・ファンドのマネージャーMichael Birchは「スランプが一時的だと人々が 自信を回復すれば、株式を買う人が増えることになろう」という。
The Morgan Stanley Capital International Asia-Pacific Index advanced 1.4 percent to 140.23 at 12:48 p.m. in Tokyo, its first gain since Feb. 27 when the stocks rout began. モルガンスタンレーのアジア・パシフィック・インデックスは12:48pmに1.4%あげて 140.23となった。(後略)
2007年か2008年には、中国がアメリカを抜いて世界で最大の温暖化ガスの排出国になると 研究レポートが報告した。 According to David Fridley, leader of the China Energy Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory:"The magnitude of what's happening in China threatens to wipe out what's happening internationally. Today's global warming problem has been caused mainly by us in the West, with the cumulative [carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases] in the atmosphere, but China is contributing to the global warming problem of tomorrow." ローレンス・バークレー国立研究所の中国エネルギー研究チームのリーダーDavid Fridleyは 「中国で起こっていることの規模は、他の国で起こっていることを消し去る程度に大きく、 現在の地球温暖化は先進国のせいで起こっているのだが、明日の地球温暖化の大きな問題は 中国である」という。
China's fossil fuel consumption rose by 9.3 percent in 2006. That's about eight times higher than the U.S. increase of 1.2 percent. In 2001, China's greenhouse gas emissions were 42 percent of what the U.S. was spewing out. In 2006, China had reached 97 percent of the U.S. emissions level. 2006年に中国の化石燃料消費は9,3%増加し、アメリカの増加率1.2%の8倍である。2001年に は中国の温暖化ガス排出量はアメリカの42%であったが、2006年にはそれが97%に達した(後略)
>>396 The underlying facts have long been beyond serious dispute. During World War II, Japan’s Army set up sites where women rounded up from Japanese colonies like Korea were expected to deliver sexual services to Japan’s soldiers.
ttp://www.comfort-women.org/coomaras.htm Report of the Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamv, in accordance with Commission on Human Rights resolution 1994/45 Addendum Report on the mission to the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea and Japan on the issue of military sexual slavery in wartime Corrigendum Paragraph 98, third sentence ------------------------------------------------------- 23. The most problematic aspect of attempting to write an account of the recruitment of military sexual slaves during the period leading up to the Second World War and during the war itself is the lack of remaining or disclosed official documentation concerning the actual recruitment process. Nearly all evidence concerning the recruitment of "comfort women" comes from the oral testimony of the victims themselves.
24. The first comfort stations under direct Japanese control were those in Shanghai in 1932, and there is first-hand evidence of official involvement in their establishment. One of the commanders of the Shanghai campaign, Lieutenant?General Okamura Yasuji, confessed in his memoirs to have been the original proponent of comfort stations for the military.
5/ There had been a very high incidence of rape by Japanese troops and, in response, a number of Korean women from a Korean community in Japan were sent to the province by the Governor of Nagasaki Prefecture.
The fact that they were sent from Japan implicates not only the military but also the Home Ministry, which controlled the governors and the police who were later to play a significant role in collaborating with the army in forcibly recruiting women.
* Offer people throughout the world a positive vision of hope and opportunity that is rooted in America's belief in freedom, justice, opportunity and respect for all; 世界の人々にアメリカの信念である、自由、公正、万人への機会均等と尊敬といった 考えをもとに、ポジティブなビジョンや希望、機会を提示すること。
* Isolate and marginalize the violent extremists; confront their ideology of tyranny and hate. Undermine their efforts to portray the west as in conflict with Islam by empowering mainstream voices and demonstrating respect for Muslim cultures and contributions; and 暴力的な過激主義を孤立化させること。憎しみや独裁のイデオロギーに対抗すること。 彼らの西欧世界をイスラム世界との対決で捉えようとするような努力に対抗すること。 我々のイスラム文化への尊敬を示し、そうした主流派の考えをデモンストレートし、
* Foster a sense of common interests and common values between Americans and people of different countries, cultures and faiths throughout the world. 文化や宗教を異にする世界のほかの国の人々とアメリカ人との共有する価値観や判断基準 を育成強化してゆくこと。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #まあ、これ(公的な目標)とは別に、諜報やアンチデマゴーグ戦略といったものも必要なの #でしょうが。情報戦争を戦う、基地のひとつはパブリックディプロマシー局でしょう。 #アメリカもそうですが、対国内、対国外の、反政府宣伝活動に対抗する必要があるでしょう。
(ウラン濃縮) The uranium enrichment effort, while not specifically dealt with in last month's accord, is an area of U.S. concern. Hill said North Korea has made ``massive purchases of expensive equipment'' to enrich uranium and that the U.S. was ``owed a pretty clear answer why all these purchases were made and how far they have gotten into the process.''
Abductions at Issue(拉致問題)
The U.S. will raise the issue today of North Korean abductions of Japanese citizens and other human rights issues dating back more than 25 years, Hill said. He said the two sides also agreed to discuss a ``mechanism'' to produce an accord that would replace the armistice that ended the Korean War.
``We want to move quickly to the next stage,'' Hill said, referring to North Korea's pledge to dismantle its nuclear reactor at Yongbyon, the process of identifying how much plutonium the reactor has produced and the status of its uranium enrichment program.
QUESTION: Did you -- just a last one on this real quickly. Did you get an answer to my question about whether you have actually formally begun the process on taking them off -- of considering whether to take them off the state sponsors of terrorism list?
MR. MCCORMACK: I think that bureaucratically there is a -- there was an initial discussion in preparation for Chris' meeting today and tomorrow in the North Korean working group, only to understand what it is -- what is involved in the process of potentially de-listing North Korea from the state sponsor of terrorism list. I don't think it's gone any further than that at this point. 3月5日、国務省ファイル ttp://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2007/mar/81396.htm
The nub of the issue of the so-called comfort women is whether there were instances of their being forced into sexual servitude by the Japanese authorities.
The Foreign Affairs Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives is deliberating a resolution against Japan in connection with this issue. The resolution calls on the Japanese government to acknowledge historical responsibility for the Imperial Japanese Army's coercion of young women into sexual slavery during Japan's occupation of Asia until the end of World War II and urges the prime minister to apologize for the crime.
The resolution says the Japanese military commissioned the acquisition of comfort women. However, no documents have been found to support this assertion. Historians also accept that no such orchestrated action was undertaken by the Japanese military.
We wonder whether the U.S. lawmakers who sponsored the resolution have evidence to back their claims.
At a Diet committee session, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the resolution was "not based on objective facts." Foreign Minister Taro Aso has expressed a similar view, calling the resolution "extremely regrettable."
Since the resolution is filled with distortions, the government must properly explain the facts and do everything to prevent it being adopted.
オリエントコーポレーションの赤字転落の背景にあるのが、信販会社の収益構造のもろさ だ。信販各社は高コスト・低採算の信販事業を補うため、個人ローンに過度に依存してき た。ここを金利規制が直撃する。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WSJも、日本の個人ローン業界の変化に注目していて・・ http://online.wsj.com/article/SB117321094296928592.html?mod=rss_whats_news_asia Japan Lender to Post Loss As It Seeks Aid of Mizuho By HIROYUKI KACHI and ATSUKO FUKASE March 7, 2007
Orient said last month that huge losses were unavoidable this fiscal year, as consumer-finance firms are bleeding losses on intense pressure to pay back excessive interest to borrowers. It had previously forecast a net profit of 39.2 billion yen.
However, compared with other consumer-credit firms, Orient's projected loss is even deeper than the 333.8 billion yen loss that Takefuji Corp. expects or the 257.3 billion yen loss that Acom Co. projects for the same business year.
勿論、この業界の問題は: Until earlier this year, lenders had been able to charge borrowers "gray zone" rates in the gap between the 29.2% maximum interest rate stipulated in the Investment Law and the 15%-to-20% ceiling set under the Law Concerning the Restriction of Interest.
The sectarian conflict in Iraq is now threatening the interests of both Saudi Arabia and Iran, and leaders in both countries know they cannot afford a broader Sunni-Shiite war in the region. Therefore, the rival neighbors have been trying to reach some sort of a geopolitical understanding. イラク(とレバノン)の宗教対立の沈静化:その点では両国はある程度の了解に達すること は出来るが、
The Saudis are concerned about the Iranian/Shiite challenge to their position in the region and Tehran's bid for regional hegemony. And the Iranians worry about the close relationship between Riyadh and Washington, as well as emerging Saudi-Israeli dealings. Moreover, the Iranians do not like what they are seeing in Saudi efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 両国の利益の対立は少なからぬものがあるので、そんなに簡単に協調が行なえるわけでもない、 という。特にパレスチナ問題が難しい。(まあそれはSTRATFORならずとも予想できるこ となわけで)
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