という↑ような、批判的な論調が目立ってきて、さらに、 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://ap.tbo.com/ap/breaking/MGBQT9K23FE.html Text of E-Mail Sent to The New York Times Staff by Its Executive Editor The Associated Press Published: Oct 21, 2005 AP:NYTの取締役編集者、Bill Kellerが従業員向けに発信したミラー記者に関する社内メール ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー などという↑ものまで報道される騒ぎになっている。ひとりの有名・わがまま・ベテラン女性 記者がNYTとアメリカのジャ−ナリズムを散々かき回している、と見えなくも無いような。有名 新聞に記事を発表できる記者のモラルやセンスがおかしくなると、ジャーナリズム全体に影響 が及ぶような。
昨晩行われたと言う、学生数千人の反シリアのデモの様子も報告されていて、国連調査官の Mehlisは英雄扱いだという。 But for the most part the mood was jubilant. The truth was out after 250 days. U.N. special prosecutor Detlev Mehlis is a hero in Lebanon.
壁新聞のような落書きをしているベイルートの若い女性の写真もあって: One young woman carried a sign that said Lahoud is a big ugly fat bitch and Bachar [Assad] is fucked by our people. Emile Lahoud is still president of Lebanon. This is not your typical Middle East country. というキャプションをつけている。
ttp://cyber.law.harvard.edu/globalvoices/author/nevin-thompson/ Nevin Thompson Nevin lived in rural Japan between 1994 and 2004, and recently imported a dog into Canada. During his time in Japan, he was exposed to two nuclear accidents, and "officiated" wedding ceremonies for approximately 1000 people before he lost count. Nevin wants to return to Japan.
11月のダライラマのワシントン訪問ではブッシュ大統領やライス国務長官、議会関係者などとの 会談が予想されている。 International Campaign for Tibet has said the 70-year-old Dalai Lama's itinerary during the Washington visit beginning November eight "anticipates likely meetings with US President George W Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and key Congressional leaders."
There I was: an American alone in a dangerous Iraqi city, at the very polling site that soldiers were wagering would be bombed. One after another, Iraqis came and shook my hand, showing me their children, laughing, smiling, saying over and over, Thank you, thank you, thank you. I felt like an honored guest, and I felt a twinge of shame that I'd been less confident in the Iraqis than they were in themselves. The voice of the Iraqi people had risen above the clamor of insurgent violence.
>>43 ttp://search.csmonitor.com/search_content/1021/p01s04-woap.html from the October 21, 2005 edition Koizumi's visits boost controversial version of history By Robert Marquand | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー このRobert MarquandというCSMのアジア担当特派員もちょっと有名な人でグローコムなどがひいき にしているひとなのです。2003年の選挙についてRobert Marquandは:
The Christian Science Monitor's reading of the election is that it signaled a "major change" in Japan's urban politics where the majority voted for the Democratic Party of Japan. Staff writer Robert Marquand concluded that the LDP coalition merely "survived" the vote and described a general consensus among voters that the LDP was an outmoded party.
人権問題に関心の深い記者のようでチベットや中国、北朝鮮の人権にも関心があるようなのですが January 23, 2004 China: Race to the bottom Robert Marquand tells the story of the "reemerging class of entrepreneur[s] on China's east coast," but along the way says something interesting about tough competition and the race to the bottom(ry
共同の記事には例によって悪質な印象操作が。まずこの調査は英国軍が依頼してイラクの大学 が行っている。また調査データ詳細は公表されていない。 The survey was conducted by an Iraqi university research team that, for security reasons, was not told the data it compiled would be used by coalition forces. It reveals:
テレグラフも、この調査が以前の各種の調査と矛盾すると記事のなかで書いている。 The findings differ markedly from a survey carried out by the BBC in March 2004 in which the overwhelming consensus among the 2,500 Iraqis questioned was that life was good. More of those questioned supported the war than opposed it.
October 22, 2005: The United States has blocked a Spanish aircraft company from selling C-295 aircraft to Venezuela. The U.S. can do this because when foreign aircraft makers use certain, militarily significant, American components, they must get U.S. permission to export those components (as part of something built locally). In this case, the C-295 has an American radar system the State Department has decided Venezuela should not have. Such “export control” agreements are becoming more and more common. Earlier this year, Russia blocked the export (to Pakistan) of a fighter that used a Russian engine. The U.S. has also gone after Israel for exporting weapons systems, that contain American technology, to China. As a result of this, the U.S. was also able to block an Israeli deal to install new Israeli electronics in Venezuela's F-16 jet fighters.
Tusk, 48, will take 52 percent of the vote, according to an Oct. 19 survey of 1,234 adults by PBS for Gazeta Wyborcza. Backing for rival candidate, Warsaw Mayor Lech Kaczynski, totaled 48 percent. No margin of error was provided. Tusk beat 11 other candidates in the Oct. 9 first round with 36.3 percent, while Kaczynski, 56, took 33.1 percent.
フォーリン・アフェアーズ:民主主義はテロリズムを止めることが可能か By F. Gregory Gause III ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー これ↑はフォーリンアフェアーズの9.10月号の特集に、ヴァーモント大学・中東研究の準教授 という人の書いている評論なのだけれど、ちょっと極端なアンチ・ブッシュ評論になっていて 民主主義が中東にもたらされてもイスラムテロは止むことはないと主張をしている。そういう 考えの人がいても不思議は無いのだけれど、この評論はちょっとフォーリンアフェアーズにし てはレベル低すぎでまともとも思えない。結局、中東は西欧の基準で測るべきではなく西欧の システムを押し付けるな、という主張にみえる。
Al Qaeda is the product of more than 70 years of ideological development. That ideology grows in fertile soil for many reasons rooted in ancient Arab and Muslim economic and political failures. The ideology of jihadism also succeeds because it competes against, er, nothing. There is no meaningful ideology in the Arab world, which sustains its rulers in the barren soil of monarchy or rank authoritarianism, to compete with radical Islam.
Just as communism's intellectual roots stretched back decades before the establishment of the first communist state, jihadi ideology is a coherent and highly developed political philosophy with origins long ante-dating the state of Israel, Western dependance on Middle Eastern oil, the presence of American soldiers in the region, or the Taliban government of Afghanistan. As was the case with communism, it will take a long time to discredit and destroy this ideology. While widespread political reform would be a wonderful thing, it will have very little impact on al Qaeda.
ストレーツタイムズ:北朝鮮での商売をやるには、注意が必要なのだが By Aidan Foster-carter 2005.10.24 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 韓国政府や財閥、さらに香港やマカオの商人が北朝鮮にビジネス開発の投資を盛んに行っていること を皮肉っぽく描いて、そういう危険な相手に、もっと注意しなくても良いのか、と書いているもの。 筆者は英国の大学の、35年にわたるコリア・オッチャー。
What then is Kim's gameplan? These diverse jigsaw pieces form no obvious single picture. Perhaps there is no overarching strategy, but just tactical shifts to whatever seems best for the supreme goal of regime survival. Or perhaps different units in Pyongyang each do their own opportunistic thing, belying bombastic official boasts of monolithic unity.
For outsiders, the dilemma is familiar to those dealing with Myanmar and other pariah states. Is a boycott the best way to bring down or mollify a foul regime, or will this just harden rulers already isolated and worsen their people's plight? Conversely, will aid and investment ease human suffering and persuade tyrants to change, or just bolster them so they can tighten their grip?
There is no easy answer. But with South Korea and China both propping up North Korea unconditionally - their food aid is what enables Kim to expel the WFP - right now, engagement seems the only game in town. (A mooted oil deal with Venezuela will further buttress Kim against collapse.) Even the Bush administration is showing a new flexibility in six-party talks on the nuclear issue, due to resume early next month. While the hope must be that such efforts pay off, supping with a long spoon remains sound advice. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー (supping with a long spoon)というのは長いスプーンで熱いスープなどを用心してすする、という 意味らすい。
NYT書評:「毛沢東、知られざる生涯」 By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 今日のNYTに掲載された話題の毛沢東本の書評なのだけれど、まことにおかしいことにはNYT のOpEdコラムニスト(看板の一人)であるNICHOLAS D. KRISTOFが、懸命に「毛沢東はそれほ ど一面的な悪ではなかった」と弁護していること。NYTの同省も無いバイアスが如実に現れて いる希ガス(もっともJung Changの本が歴史検証の面でレベルの低いことは事実だけど)
In that regard, I have reservations about the book's judgments, for my own sense is that Mao, however monstrous, also brought useful changes to China. And at times the authors seem so eager to destroy him that I wonder if they exclude exculpatory evidence. But more on those cavils later.
Mao is not only a historical figure, of course, but is part of the (tattered) web of legitimacy on which the People's Republic rests. He is part of the founding mythology of the Chinese government, the Romulus and Remus of "People's China," and that's why his portrait hangs in Tiananmen Square. Even among ordinary Chinese, Mao retains a hold on the popular imagination, and some peasants in different parts of China have started traditional religious shrines honoring him. That's the ultimate honor for an atheist - he has become a god.
このバイアスは阿呆らすいと思えるけれど、彼の経歴↓を見れば、こういう発言は不思議ではない。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Mr. Kristof and Ms. WuDunn are authors of "China Wakes: The Struggle for the Soul of a Rising Power" and "Thunder from the East: Portrait of a Rising Asia." Mr. Kristof and Ms. WuDunn are the parents of Gregory, Geoffrey and Caroline. ttp://www.nytimes.com/ref/opinion/KRISTOF-BIO.html
Yet, Kristof does. Why? If I were still a marxist, I would examine it on the level of (most probably unconscious) economic self-interest. Kristof (correctly) accuses Mao of having been a bourgeois, but there is no one more bourgoies than an oped columnist for the NYT. And like any bourgeois (including me), they have a position to preserve. Kristof's paying audience doesn't want to believe that Mao was all bad. After all, many of them marched or chanted in his behalf. I know this full well, because I was one of them. I even went to China in the Seventies and wore, once upon a time, a Mao cap. Of course I was one of Lenin's "useful idiots." So is Kristof.
Warsaw Mayor Lech Kaczynski, the candidate of the Law & Justice party, unexpectedly won the Polish presidential election, exit polls showed, the second time in a month that the group has beaten rival Citizens' Platform. Kaczynski won 53.7 percent of the vote, with Citizens' Platform Chairman Donald Tusk, who had led voter polls since August, garnering 46.3 percent, according to exit polls by TNS OBOP and PBS for public television.
China, which has campaigned against Japan's bid for a Security Council seat, must still share the blame for the resulting tension. Beijing's complaint that Mr Koizumi visited Yasukuni to detract attention from the return to earth of two Chinese astronauts says more about the prickliness of Chinese nationalists than any cunning on the part of Mr Koizumi.
The Japanese people remain deeply divided over whether their country should do more to atone for its wartime record and it was notable that Mr Koizumi - although his annual visit to the shrine is an unnecessary provocation in itself - made an effort this time to diminish its political significance. Among other changes, he went to A?A-Yasukuni in a personal capacity and did not add "prime minister" to his signature in the visitors' book.
Such gestures will not secure Japan a Security Council seat or cut its UN dues but they are the kind of small, conciliatory steps that could undermine the ritualistic posturing on all sides over Yasukuni and so promote lasting peace in north-east Asia
"They ask the question: 'Do you feel protected and do you think the government is protecting you?' and the answer is a violent no," said political scientist David Fleischer of the University of Brasilia. 大学教授で政治学のフィッシャー氏は「政府は国民に質問して、政府が国民を充分保護していると 思うかどうかを聞いたが、答えはNoだった」と述べた。
It would be excellent if the U.N. were to take such a step: Syria has behaved like a rogue state for decades and it's past time it be treated as a pariah. But just as Mafia dons have been able to run their businesses from prison, sanctions and isolation alone aren't likely to stop the Assad family from continuing to support the Iraqi insurgency, harbor Palestinian terrorist leaders and foment havoc in Lebanon while ratcheting up domestic oppression.
What the U.S. and the international community must aim for instead is regime change. Syria may not have as well-developed an opposition movement as Egypt or Iran, but that doesn't mean one doesn't exist: Last week, a dozen secular political parties came together to sign the "Damascus Declaration," which called for "the abrogation of all forms of exceptions in public life and the end of emergency laws and extraordinary judicial courts and the release of all political prisoners." Syrian police broke up the meeting in which the initiative was announced; the very fact it happened at all testifies to the courage of the organizers, who deserve international recognition and support.
JIM HOAGLAND によれば、フランスでサダムフセインの犯罪を詳細に記述した暴露本の決定版 が出たらすい。100万人が殺戮され400万人が難民になった。この本の推薦文は「最強のWMD は、サダムフセインである」というもの。サダムフセインの黒の生涯、とでも訳すのかすらん
A powerful new book published in Paris, "Le Livre Noir de Saddam Hussein," describes in astonishing detail his crimes, which probably took 1 million lives and created 4 million refugees. Iraq's "most important weapon of mass destruction was Saddam Hussein," writes Bernard Kouchner, a leader of France's Socialist Party, in the introduction. Yes, it is worth remembering -- and atoning for -- those who blindly or deliberately helped a monster. ttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB113010147564376933.html?mod=opinion_main_europe_asia
(サンタイムズ記事のコピーを掲載するRCPのURL↓から) October 24, 2005 Koizumi Sees the Bigger Picture By Robert Novak
(小泉首相が靖国神社参拝を決意して、関係方面にあらかじめ連絡したとき) That was the background last week when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs suddenly got word that the prime minister would visit the Yasukuni Shrine that very day. It surprised nobody, including U.S. Ambassador Tom Schieffer. Koizumi paid his last promised annual visit there 22 months ago, and he prides himself on keeping campaign pledges.
In the opinion of U.S. policymakers, it will remain far from reality so long as the United States lines up with Japan against China in Asia. Washington's nightmare is for Tokyo to decide it must rearm for protection because it no longer trusts the Americans. That is reason enough for the Bush administration not to get excited about the visit to the Shinto shrine.
Mr. Bernanke represents both continuity and minimal surprise on monetary policy. He was a Fed governor from 2002 until taking the White House post in June of this year. Since then has been markets' odds-on favorite for the job.
Until he joined the CEA, Mr. Bernanke had little contact with Mr. Bush. Though a Republican, he was decidedly nonpartisan. Somewhat shy and often underdressed, he is the antithesis of the power-suited business executives that Mr. Bush has preferred for top economic policy posts. ブッシュウ大統領とは個人的な付き合いとかのあった人ではなく、いわゆるブッシュのインナー・ サークルとは関係なさそう。共和党員だが非政治的な人だという。見掛けや押し出しで売るような パワー・ビジネスマンの逆のタイプの人だと書いている。
Perhaps perhaps more important than his views on current interest rates is his steadfast advocacy of increased transparency at the central bank. At the Fed he was a strong advocate of giving more information to the public about the central bank's expectations and goals on the economy. The Fed has adopted some of the planks he, and others there, advocated, such as releasing minutes to its policy meetings in just three weeks instead of after the subsequent meeting. It has not followed his most radical recommendation, which is to announce an explicit, numerical goal for inflation to both guide the public's expectations and hold the Fed accountable. Mr. Greenspan has resisted such a step, one that most other major central banks have adopted, for fear it would limit the Fed's flexibility in responding to surprise developments.
To be sure, the two drilling platforms in question appear to lie just within the Chinese side of a dividing line that Japan has already acknowledged as separating the territorial waters of both nations. Japan argues, however, that China is tapping into energy fields that straddle an area claimed by both Japan and China.
Official surveys say the disputed fields contain an estimated 7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and up to 100 billion barrels of oil.
The Japanese also say China's refusal to provide information on its drilling in the area has made it impossible to determine whether its physical operations have in fact crossed into Japanese-claimed waters.
Huang denied that. "They know perfectly well the location of Chinese operations," he said. "And it is not within areas claimed by Japan."
Japan has suggested that the two sides settle the dispute by agreeing to co-develop energy in the East China Sea. China and Japan discussed the proposal in talks earlier this month in Tokyo, but the two sides strongly disagreed on the areas of cooperation.
Now the Chinese are blaming Japan for tensions that cast doubt on further talks. They cite Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's controversial visit Monday to a Tokyo shrine honoring military dead including World War II criminals, which drew outrage and condemnation from Beijing and resulted in China's decision to halt the schedule for planning further bilateral meetings.
Analysts said the nomination could be the fuse that sparks a fourth-quarter rally many investors were betting on. "This is the big catalyst that we've been waiting for," said Jeffrey Kleintop, chief investment strategist at PNC Advisors.
Stephen Sachs, director of trading at Rydex Investments, said the market was poised to rally ahead of the news about Chairman Greenspan's replacement, since stocks have taken a beating in recent weeks. Before Monday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average had declined 353.48 points, or 3.34%, in October. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー マーケットは歓迎という感じのようで、このところ低迷しているアメリカ株式の反発のきっかけに なるのでは、という(都合の良い)期待もあるような。しかしそれは楽観的杉という意見も、当然 ながらある。
42 名無しさん@6周年 New! 2005/10/25(火) 11:17:13 ID:hM5xGmrj0 ノバクはワシントンポストには配信してないと思うが… Koizumi Sees the Bigger Picture By Robert Novak http://realclearpolitics.com/Commentary/com-10_24_05_RN.html ...Washington's nightmare is for Tokyo to decide it must rearm for protection because it no longer trusts the Americans. That is reason enough for the Bush administration not to get excited about the visit to the Shinto shrine.
As for Mr. Bernanke, he supports making the Bush tax cuts permanent as soon as possible. He's an ardent free trader, and we have heard him say favorable things about tax reform. One mystery is where he stands on the global monetary system, and the growth benefits of stable exchange rates. As the world's leading central banker, he will no doubt have to deal with more than one global financial crisis.
The Nikkei gained 1.6% to 13314.73. Asia's other regional exchanges all posted gains with the exception of mainland Chinese indexes. Shanghai "A" shares were down 0.8% to 1190.02 and Shenzhen "A" shares were down 0.4% to 2935.85
BEIJING - China's investment in commercial property witnessed robust growth of 23.8% year- on-year in the first half of 2005, according to the Ministry of Commerce (MOC). 中国の商業用不動産への投資は今年の前半に前年比で23.8%上昇した。
The MOC also revealed that commercial estate investment in some areas posted an excessive increase in the first half of this year. For instance, commercial investments in Beijing grew 34.6% year-on-year, those in Haikou jumped by 67.9%, Shanghai commercial property investments shot up 96.9%, and those in Wuhan rocketed by 218.7%. 商務省に寄れば今年前半の商業用不動産開発への投資は激しすぎで北京で前年比+34.6%、海口で +67.9%、上海で+96.9%、武漢では+218.7%(いずれも前年比)となった。
However, the space of vacant commercial buildings increased by a dramatic 21% nationwide during the same time, much higher than the 7.9% increase for commodity houses and 2.2% rise for residential houses, an MOC official noted. The vacant space for commercial buildings in Beijing shot up at a 133% rate, far higher than the rate of investment growth, suggesting that the current growth rate is unsustainable. しかしながら、建物の空室が増えている。空室のままの商業ビルのスペース比率は21%増加しており、 これは一般住宅の7.9%空室増加や居住用住宅の2.2%空室増加に比べても高い。北京の商業ビルの空 き室比率は+133%となっており、開発投資の増加率よりも高い増加率を示している。これは現在の成 長が不安定であることを示唆する。
Just as significant in his nomination was his close and friendly relationship with Al Hubbard, the head of the National Economic Council (NEC) at the White House. Mr. Hubbard, President Bush's classmate at Harvard Business School, worked with Mr. Cheney on the Fed selection. Mr. Bernanke became CEA head last summer after three years as a Fed governor. His White House stint amounted to one of the longest job interviews in history.
Though the president and Fed chief don't often meet, the former wanted someone with whom he feels personally comfortable. Mr. Bernanke met that criterion. "He doesn't make you feel uncomfortable the way some professors do," said Kevin Hassett, an economist at the American Enterprise Institute. (Mr. Bernanke was chairman of the economics department at Princeton before joining the Fed in 2002.)
It was President Bush's fear of a Fed chair hostile to his policy that doomed Mr. Greenspan's candidates -- Fed vice chairman Roger Ferguson, 54, and Donald Kohn, 62. Once Mr. Greenspan's advice became public, they were criticized as likely to create an awkward situation for President Bush, since both are skeptical of his tax cut policy. Even at the risk of slowing the economy, the White House was told, they would continue raising interest rates so long as the president refused to raise taxes and seriously address the deficit. President Bush, like President Reagan two decades ago, feels economic growth is more important than deficit reduction.
SHANGHAI, Oct. 16 - Move over, New York. This year alone, Shanghai will complete towers with more space for living and working than there is in all the office buildings in New York City.
Milton Friedman, Hoover Institution ミルトン・フリードマン On Bernanke: "It's a very good choice. I think he's an able man who has the right view about monetary policy. The key question is: What is the chief objective of monetary policy? The answer is, or should be, price stability. Everything else is secondary."
Paul Samuelson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology ポール・サムエルソン On Bernanke: "He's the best choice of the many names that were mentioned. I'm kind of surprised they chose him. Generally speaking, they haven't had perfect pitch in their appointments."
Frederic Mishkin, Columbia University フレデリック・ミシュキン On Bernanke: "A spectacular appointment. You're talking about one of the deepest thinkers on monetary economics."
Stephen Cecchetti, Brandeis University ステファン・シェチッティ On Bernanke: "He's one of the best monetary economists of his generation. He's also very effective politically. That combination is just fabulous."
Robert Reich, Brandeis University ロバート・ライヒ On Bernanke: "This is the economic equivalent of nominating John Roberts to the Supreme Court. He has a distinguished record and unassailable credentials.... After Harriet Miers, some worried that Bush would pick an ideologue. But Bernanke is not an ideologue."
Martin Feldstein, Harvard University マーチン・フェルドシュタイン On Bernanke: "Ben Bernanke is a first-rate monetary economist with a personal commitment to low inflation."
N. Gregory Mankiw, Harvard University ジョージ・マンキウ On Bernanke: "Ben Bernanke is a superb choice to follow Alan Greenspan. His credentials are impeccable: His academic work is first-rate, his judgment is rock-solid, and he is experienced as a monetary policymaker. President Bush could not have picked a better person for this important job."
(2005-10-25) -- In yet another setback for the Bush administration, Iraqi electoral officials announced today that voters have approved the new Iraqi Constitution by a margin of 78-to-21 percent.
This new bit of bad news will likely drive President George Bush's popularity ratings into the single digits, according to an unnamed expert from a non-partisan, progressive political think-tank.
"The Bush foreign policy continues to be fatally-wounded by clarity of purpose, dogged persistence and a pathetic failure to capitulate in the face of opposition," the source said. "At a time when a real leader would be paralyzed with self-doubt over the meaningless deaths of 2,000 American troops, Bush continues to act as if freeing 25 million Iraqis from decades of oppression, torture and death is somehow worth the price paid by those who volunteered to fight."
"It's sad to watch our international credibility crumble like this," the anonymous policy expert said. "In 2008, I'm afraid you're going to see voters leaving the Republican party in droves, desperate to find a leader who provides a stronger sense of nuance and ambiguity."
BEIJING, Oct. 25 (Xinhuanet) -- Chinese President Hu Jintao will pay state visits to Britain, Germany and Spain from Nov. 8 to 17, Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan said here Tuesday. (11月18日からは、韓国でAPECがあるので、胡主席やブッシュ大統領などAPEC出席)
NYP:NYTは、がらくた祭りをやっているわけだが By John Podhoretz ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ニューヨークポストに掲載されたNYTの取締役編集長の BILL Kellerと、話題の問題記者の Judith Miller(女性)の泥仕合のような非難応酬を批判しているもので、特に編集長のKeller をけちょんけちょんに腐している。やりすぎと思えるけれど、この事件に対するうんざり感や NYTの唯我独尊スタイルへの反発から、こういう評論は受けるのではないかとも思える。
BILL Keller, editor of the Times, clearly doesn't believe Miller. In fact, he has even intimated that she and Libby had an inappropriate personal relationship. In a memo he sent out last week ? a memo that he surely knew would be leaked ? Keller twice pointedly used the word "entanglement" to describe Miller's relationship with Libby.
That's an extraordinarily charged word to use about a female reporter and a male government official, as Keller ? a fine and careful writer ? surely knew. It was even more charged because both Miller and Libby are married. And it was especially sleazy because Miller has been the subject of gossipy articles over the years about her love life. (Pre-Keller, the gossip at least all dealt with Miller's life before her marriage, 12 years ago.) Libby, meanwhile, has young children with his wife.
ttp://www.csmonitor.com/2005/1025/p01s04-usec.html Greenspan's heir apparent クリスチャン・サイエンス・モニター As Fed chief, Ben Bernanke would guide fragile economy. By Mark Trumbull | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
Carina Perelli, who heads the UN election team providing technical assistance to the Iraqi government, said she was confident the election had not been fixed: "The result is accurate. It has been checked according to the processes that we all follow when we have elections," she said. "Iraq should be proud of the election commission."
The result gives President Bush a political boost by paving the way for national elections on December 15, the next milestone in his effort to show progress towards democracy in Iraq.
ttp://hurryupharry.bloghouse.net/archives/2005/10/26/jonathan_steeles_horror.php Got that? The adoption of Iraq's democratic constitution is a political boost not for Iraq and it's long suffering people but for George Bush. And the elections will be a milestone not in progress towards democracy in Iraq but in "his effort to show progress".
Its still about Bush isn't it? Millions turn out to vote for a second time in Iraq and choose a democratic constitution but its still all about an American. Just who are the ones trying to impose Western values?
But I'm beginning to wonder. Is this sort of reaction really just resentment at the fact that a right-wing Republican has promoted a war which is leading to the creation of a democratic republic in Iraq?
The relocation talks had been complicated by the reluctance of many Okinawa communities to host US military bases, over concerns about crime, accidents, noise and environmental pollution. (BBCは沖縄基地の近く住民の犯罪や事故、環境問題へのこだわりが問題を複雑化したと報道) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20051026/ts_nm/security_japan_usa_dc Japan, US agree on relocating Marine base: report
The relocation talks have been complicated by reluctance in Japanese communities to host U.S. military bases due to concern about crime, accidents, noise and environmental problems associated with them. ロイターも沖縄住民の心配を書いているのだけれど、その後でグリーンピースの運動に触れて、
Environmental groups oppose any plan involving landfill, citing it would destroy Okinawa's precious ocean, home to endangered wildlife including dugongs, or sea cows. "We're not protesting just because it involves a U.S. base," said Junichi Sato, campaign director for Greenpeace Japan. "We'd be doing the same thing if the plans involved a private airport. The Okinawan ocean is an especially important resource among all the oceans in Japan and it must be preserved. 日本グリーンピース代表、佐藤氏の(能天気な)発言を大きく取り上げている。
TOKYO -- The number of U.S. Marines on the southern island of Okinawa will be reduced by several thousand under the realignment of American forces, Japan's foreign minister said Wednesday 水曜日に日本の外務省は、日米の合意した沖縄基地の再編成計画で、沖縄に駐留する海兵隊員が 数千人削減されると語った。
"I want to show the people in Okinawa what kind of burden reduction there will be. It's going to be a very large-scale reduction," Japanese Foreign Minister Nobutaka Machimura said, adding that the reduction would be "in the thousands."
"The plan we have accepted today ... provides a comprehensive, capable and executable solution for the replacement of Futenma in an expeditious and complete manner," U.S. Deputy Undersecretary of Defense Richard Lawless said at the U.S. Embassy.
"There was a sense of emergency that not reaching agreement on the security issue, a central part of the U.S.-Japan relationship, would seriously damage relations," Mr. Machimura said. Wednesday's deal lifted the main stumbling block to an agreement on the realignment of the 50,000 U.S. troops based in Japan. An interim agreement on realignment is to be released in Washington during U.S.-Japan talks on Saturday
In the face of that opposition, Japan had come up with a proposal to combine the air station's functions with nearby Camp Schwab. Washington initially balked at that plan, in part because the U.S. believed it too would be fought by residents.
It wasn't clear why the U.S. changed position, and Mr. Lawless gave no details of the plan that Washington had accepted. 米国側が最終的に態度を変えて合意に至ったがその理由についてはローレス次官は説明していない。
9:00am-9:30am (Silver Room) Keynote Speech Rep. Seiji Maehara, House of Representatives 前原氏のスピーチ 9:30am-10:00am (Silver Room) Keynote Speech Richard Lawless, U.S. Department of Defense 国防省ローレス次官スピーチ 10:10am-11:20am (Silver Room) Keynote Speaker Rep. Akihisa Nagashima, House of Representatives 長島氏のスピーチ 11:30am-1:00pm (White Pearl Room) Lunch and Keynote Speech Rep. Fukushiro Nukaga, House of Representatives 額賀氏のスピーチ 1:15pm-3:15pm (Silver Room) Keynote Speaker Rep. Shigeru Ishiba, House of Representatives 石破氏のスピーチ 6:00pm-8:30pm Dinner and Keynote Speech Rep. Shinzo Abe, House of Representatives 晩餐会、安倍氏スピーチ
Tarik al-Hashimi and Adnan al-Dulaimi announce the alliance Three Iraqi Sunni parties have announced the formation of an alliance to contest upcoming legislative elections in December.
"The leaders of the following political blocs, the Iraqi Peoples Gathering, the Iraqi Islamic Party and the Iraqi National Dialogue, have agreed to run on one list under the name Iraqi Accord Front," a joint statement said.
Last month the U.S. Treasury Department accused Macau bank Banco Delta Asia of money- laundering on behalf of North Korea, and said the former Portuguese territory needed to improve its money-laundering controls.
The bank denied the accusations and said it would appeal to the U.S. Treasury Department. Levey gave no details on progress on the situation but said he was encouraged by his talks with officials in Macau and moves toward passage of an anti-money-laundering law.
"That (law) is absolutely essential given their financial system and the amount of commerce that goes on in Macau," Levey said. "But it's not just passing laws, it's implementing them and enforcing them."
Mr Ohno said the US and Japan had also compromised on the other main sticking point, that of moving the headquarters of the US 1st Army Corps from Washington State to Camp Zama, near Tokyo. The shift to Zama had raised concern about contravening the existing alliance, which is limited to the Pacific region, because the 1st Army Corps’ strategic role extends to the Middle East.
Contact: Peter Galvin of the Center for Biological Diversity 520-907-1533; Marcello Mollo of Earthjustice, 510-550-6700; Sekine Takamichi (Japan), 078-842-1955; Takuma Higashionna (Japan), 098-055-8587 WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 /U.S. Newswire/ -- A coalition of hundreds of US and international conservation groups, representing over 12 million people, remain opposed to a new US air base in Okinawa, Japan. The coalition will deliver a letter on Thursday to President George Bush and Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi outlining the groups' concerns.
Local residents voted overwhelmingly against the airbase project in a 1997 referendum, but Japanese and US authorities have repeatedly ignored their voices.
A coalition of US and Japanese conservation groups went to court in September 2003 to stop the original project. http://www.earthjustice.org/news/display.html?ID=684. The case is currently being heard in US Federal District Court in San Francisco. The lawsuit asks the US Department of Defense to comply with the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) by publicly assessing the impacts of the proposed project on the Okinawa dugong in consultation with Okinawan communities.
"The Department of Defense has a legal duty to protect the cultural resources and national monuments of other nations," said Marcello Mollo of Earthjustice, who is representing the coalition in the United States. "Now that the most destructive airstrip plan over Henoko's reef is off the table, we see momentum toward an eventual cancellation of this entire air base. The courageous protesters in Okinawa have brought the world's attention to this issue. But the fight goes on."
■中国は脅威である派:31名、代表はJ. Randy Forbes、『China Congressional Caucus』
The 31-member China Congressional Caucus, focusing on the People's Liberation Army's military modernization, is headed by Rep. J. Randy Forbes, a Virginia Republican. When discussing China, he mentions a scene from the movie "Jaws," in which the police chief nonchalantly throws fish bait into waters off the New England coast. A great white shark lunges out of the water, terrifying the audience. "That's kind of what China did to the world," says Mr. Forbes.
■中国とエンゲージメントすべき派:35名、代表はMark Kirk、『U.S.-China Study Group』
Illinois Republican Rep. Mark Kirk heads the 35-member U.S.-China Study Group. He says his group's main goal is to "reduce needless conflict with China based on wrong information." While the congressman says China's military upgrade is "profound and it's worrying," he argues that U.S. trade and diplomatic ties will turn "China into a less-menacing state." Healthy economic ties are also good for his district in Chicago, where three giant U.S. corporate players in China -- Boeing Co., Motorola Inc. and United Airlines parent UAL Corp. -- have their headquarters.
US analysts noted that the president's remarks were not a departure from hardline Iranian rhetoric and did not represent new policy. But they said the rhetoric was aggressive and badly timed and would serve to confirm western suspicions of Iran's 専門家はこの発言は、特に新しい政策を示唆しないという。
"I rule out talks with people who want 100 percent of power. For today, I do not see any possibility to continue talks," Civic Platform leader Donald Tusk told reporters during a break in the parliament session.
Analysts said the two parties, heirs of the pro-democracy Solidarity movement which toppled communism in 1989, were just bargaining hard for more influence over economic policy -- an area where they have sharply contrasting views. アナリストの意見は禿げしいバーゲニング合戦だろう、というもの。
My first degree was an AA from the Colorado Institute of Art, and I have been using Photoshop for 10 years. That photo of Condi was deliberately manipulated. One of your readers (Pete) suggested that it may have been the result of misuse of the Unsharp Mask filter. Not so. I copied the real photo of Condi to my desktop and put it through several iterations of the Unsharp Mask filter in Photoshop 5.5. No matter how absurd I made the settings (300%, 7 pixel radius, 1 pixel threshold), I could not duplicate what was done.
2 points: (1) Any filter in Photoshop would apply to the whole image. The absurd sharpening would bring out her necklines, the stripes in her shirt, her lips, her nostrils, her earrings, etc. So the image was deliberately manipulated around the eyes.
(2) Notice how the pupils have been narrowed, like a cat's eyes. Sharpening would not alter the roundness of her pupils, only accentuate them. Another paint or erase tool is required to achieve that effect.
JERUSALEM (Reuters) Israel's Vice Prime Minister Shimon Peres said Iran should be expelled from the United Nations after its president called for the Jewish state to be "wiped off the map." President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's comments at a conference called the "The World without Zionism," reported by the official Iranian news agency, drew condemnation from Western countries.
"I don't see such a crazy declaration being done by a head of state, a member of the United Nations, it is unbearable. He cannot remain a member," Peres told a news conference.
SUZHOU, Oct. 27 (Xinhuanet) -- Vice Health Minister Wang Longde said Thursday that China's 2005 financial input in the fight against HIV/AIDS will be no less than last year's 830 million yuan (103.75 million US dollars) and the figure is expected to be higher next year.
So, let’s say it was about Iraq after all. Let’s say the murdering terrorists who killed London commuters did it because Iraq was invaded. Still, the relationship between cause and effect is far from obvious or clear.
Tibetans are Buddhists and their country is occupied by China. Countries that keep normal diplomatic relations with China or sell China goods and weapons are, thus, responsible for the Tibetan genocide. That is also a Buddhist genocide, I mean, directed against Buddhists. Does this mean that, say, a Balinese or Thai Buddhist is thus justified in bombing the Parisian subway?
The British bombers weren’t Iraqi, they weren’t even, as far as I know, ethnically or linguistically Arab. Besides, even among Iraqi Arabs there are those who have backed the war against Saddam. Whom were those guys avenging and in whose name?
"It is clear that senators would not be satisfied until they gained access to internal documents concerning advice provided during her tenure at the White House ? disclosures that would undermine a president's ability to receive candid counsel," Bush said. "Harriet Miers' decision demonstrates her deep respect for this essential aspect of the constitutional separation of powers ? and confirms my deep respect and admiration for her." ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー まあ、このしとは、保守派からも反発が強く議会で承認を得るのは至難の業と見られていたので 引っ込めて正解なのだろうと思われ。辞退が最長の処理との意見は保守派のブログなどにあふれ ていた。
インスタプンディット ttp://www.instapundit.com/ She's to be commended for doing this. The White House made a dreadful error in nominating her, which it compounded by its ham-handed efforts in support of her candidacy, and this was perhaps the only way to ensure that it wouldn't be a complete 、for the Bush Administration. Let's hope that they'll do better the next time around. I'm not hoping for Alex Kozinski or anything -- okay, well,
The post office can play a key role in mobilizing Japan’s substantial pool of savings into market-driven rather than government-directed utilization of the funds. The result will be improved resource allocation and faster growth in Japan.
If American military deterrence is less vital now than it was several decades ago, the issue primarily becomes one of politics. Is the continued presence of American ground forces vital to the interests of the U.S.? Of South Korea? To both questions, the short answer is yes?but not at their current levels or configurations. The methodology can be worked out to suit both nations, but there are still issues?some rational, others quite emotional?that will influence decision makers.
So when we decrease the U.S. troop presence, it is vital that the action isn’t perceived as one of weakening resolve or commitment. That point made, we must recognize that the strategic paradigm has changed, and we must adjust our resources accordingly.
And that’s exactly what we’re doing. Forecasts on how that residual force might be configured?and why?will be topics for upcoming discussion.
Here we are, living in the twenty first century, and these stupid people are hanging the bell on their necks. They expect the whole world to remain still, without the blaze emitted by the gleams of their opinions and their agressive thoughts.
Should we wait until all Arab human bodies become terrorists? Should each one of us carry an explosive belt that wraps us up and shreds our guts and remains before claiming the lives of hundreds? Isn't there a serious political will to shave the heads of the instigators, planners, and concealers, who have become nearly known to the Arab governments from the ocean to the Gulf?
Table I - Oil Allocations and Sales Summary by Contracting Company (115KB) Table II - Oil Sales Summary by Contracting Company and Contract (115KB) Table II - Oil Sales Summary by Contracting Company and Contract (200KB) Table III - Summary of Oil Sales by Non-Contractual Beneficiary (220KB) Table IV - Known Underlying Oil Financiers (160KB) Table V - Surcharge Payments Associated with a Contracting Company (739KB) Table VI - Humanitarian Goods Purchased by the Government of Iraq by Supplier (895KB) Table VII - Actual and Projected Illicit Payments on Contracts for Humanitarian Goods-Summary by Supplier (847KB) Table VIII - Actual and Projected Illicit Payments on Contracts for Humanitarian Goods - Summary by Supplier and Contract (2.2MB)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 - Associates of I. Lewis Libby Jr., Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, expected an indictment on Friday charging him with making false statements to the grand jury in the C.I.A. leak inquiry, lawyers in the case said Thursday. チェイニー副大統領の主任スタッフ、ルイス・リビー氏は金曜日に起訴される見込みという。
Karl Rove, President Bush's senior adviser and deputy chief of staff, will not be charged on Friday, but will remain under investigation, people briefed officially about the case said. As a result, they said, the special counsel in the case, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, was likely to extend the term of the federal grand jury beyond its scheduled expiration on Friday. カール・ローブ大統領アドバイザーは金曜日に起訴されない見込みだが、継続して調査対象になり 特別検察官の調査は金曜日の期限を越えて延長されることになる見込みと言う。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 関係者のリークで書いている記事だけれど、このとおりになるのかどうか米国時間の金曜日に 解る事になる。
The Navy said in a statement released by the Pentagon that one of its nine Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers will replace the conventionally powered Kitty Hawk in 2008. The Kitty Hawk is based in Yokosuka, south of Tokyo. キティホークの退役により2008年から横須賀にニミッツ級原子力空母を配備すると海軍が発表
The move was part of the Navy's long-term effort to routinely replace older ships deployed around the world with newer or more-capable ones, the Navy said. The Kitty Hawk was commissioned in 1961. キティホークは1961年から就航していた Lt. Herb Josey, a Navy spokesman, said the decision was a mutual agreement between the United States and Japan. 海軍スポークスマンは日米両国が了解済みと発表
The Navy said that since 1964, U.S. nuclear-powered warships have visited Japanese ports more than 1,200 times. 原子力空母は今まで日本の港を1200回くらい訪問している
ttp://www.news.navy.mil/search/display.asp?story_id=20812 U.S. Navy Announces CVN to Replace USS Kitty Hawk in 2008 Story Number: NNS051027-19 Release Date: 10/27/2005 10:41:00 PM Top News Story - Editors should consider using these stories first in local publications.
The security environment in the Western Pacific region increasingly requires that the U.S. Navy station the most capable ships forward, from established forward-deployed positions. This posture allows the most rapid response times possible for maritime and joint forces, and brings our most capable ships with the greatest amount of striking power and operational capability to bear in the timeliest manner. 西太平洋地域の安全保障状況は、海軍に対して最も能力ある艦船の配備を要請するものであり 最大限の攻撃能力を配備することが求められている。
This ship rotation will not necessitate a change in the assigned air wing, nor in the compostion of the airwing. Carrier Air Wing 5 will remain the forward-deployed air wing. 空母に配備される航空機チームの編成などには変化は無い
The New York Times is reporting that Patrick Fitzgerald intends to indict Scooter Libby for making false statements to his grand jury. The Times says that Fitzgerald will not indict Karl Rove, but will keep that part of the investigation open. Great: maybe Fitzgerald can keep this going for another couple of years.
If the Times' sources are correct, it will be a major disappointment for the Democrats. What seems most notable is that there apparently will be no indictment on the original "offense," the supposed "outing" of Valerie Plame. I have said for a long time that this was a bogus allegation, and it will be an embarrassment to the left if, after two years of huffing and puffing, the Plame angle goes up in smoke. (Of course, if the Times is correct, there may still be an ongoing investigation of Karl Rove that potentially could go back to the original allegation.)
If Libby or anyone else is indicted for perjury, that would be, in my view, a much more serious charge than the original theory, but one that has little significance to the administration. It is hard to believe that either Libby or Rove would be dumb enough to lie to the grand jury, but then, things that are hard to believe happen in Washington pretty often. It sounds as though the issue would come down to whether Libby's failure to disclose a particular conversation to the grand jury was deliberate or inadvertent. This would be a question of great moment to the defendant, but, most likely, one of little political consequence. And, at least as described by the Times, it is questionable how strong any case against Libby will be.
So, if the Times is right, it's good news for the administration and a disappointment for the Democrats, who have staked so much on Fitzgerald's investigation. Then again, the Times could be enirely wrong. We'll know, one way or the other, very soon. Posted by John at 09:41 PM
The three-hour drill was to test the hospital’s capacity to respond to a terrorist attack on the base, said Lt. Robert Windom, U.S. Naval Hospital’s emergency manager.
“If your clinic is used to one patient an hour, having three in an hour is taxing. We wanted to see how we function when we exceed our operating capacity,” Windom said. “We had 30 victims today, 18 on the U.S. side, 12 on the Japanese side. That’s pretty big for us.”
Tasked with a multi-mission attack/ASW role, the first of class, USS Nimitz, was commissioned in 1975. The latest, USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), was commissioned in July 2003. Other hulls are: USS Dwight D Eisenhower (CVN 69), Oct 1977; USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70), Mar 1982; USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71), Oct 1986; USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72), Nov 1989; USS George Washington (CVN 73), Jul 1992; USS John C Stennis (CVN 74), Dec 1995; USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) July 1998.
The keel for the tenth and last Nimitz Class, USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77), was laid in September 2003 and the carrier will enter service in 2009. The vessel will have a modernised island house with new radar tower and transparent armour windows as well as upgraded navigation and communications systems. It will also have a new aircraft launch and recovery system and JP-5 fuel system for improved storage and handling of aircraft fuel. This will be the first transition ship to a new class of carriers, CVN 78 (formerly known as CVN 21 and CVNX), planned for construction start in 2007 and delivery in 2014. Northrop Grumman Newport News will be the prime contractor for the program and Raytheon will be responsible for weapons system integration. CVN 78 will incorporate new technologies including a new multi-function radar system, volume search radar and open architecture information network, providing a significantly reduced crew requirement, and a new nuclear power plant. ttp://www.naval-technology.com/projects/nimitz/
ニミッツ級空母の原子力エンジンは: The nuclear-powered carrier has two General Electric pressurised water reactors driving four turbines of 260,000hp (194MW) and four shafts. 北朝鮮のヨンビョンの実験用原子炉が5MW、建設すると騒いでいるほうが50MWだった はずなので空母の原子炉のほうがスゴス
The only other conventionally powered aircraft carrier in the US fleet, the USS John F Kennedy, was slated for elimination in the Pentagon's proposed 2006 budget but received a temporary reprieve from Congress. キティホークは現役運用中最古の空母、もうひとつの非原子力空母JFKは、2006軍事予算で 廃棄の計画になっている。
No decision has been made on which Nimitz class nuclear powered aircraft carrier will r eplace it, the navy official said. 横須賀を母港にする原子力空母をどれにするかは、まだ決定していないと海軍は言っている。 ttp://www9.sbs.com.au/theworldnews/region.php?id=124031®ion=2 オーストラリアABC ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Over time, and in the name of national security, the Japanese public has accepted infractions of both the spirit and letter of the “Peace Clause” of its constitution, but the decision to allow a nuclear- powered battleship marks a particularly significant milestone. 戦後日本になじんできた憲法の平和主義にもかかわらず、今回、原子力空母を受け入れたことは 大きなマイルストーンといえる(ロンドンタイムズ) ttp://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-1847514,00.html
"They were extorting us [for money], threatening to opt for China if we didn't give them the amount of money they need," Lu said. 外交部スポークスマンの呂慶龍は、セネガルは中国の札束攻勢で台湾と断行し中国になびいたとした。
According to the National Security Bureau's calculation, China has promised at least US$600 million in aid to Senegal and infrastructure projects worth billions of dollars, including the construction of a tunnel across the river on the border with Gambia and the development of local mining resources.
Taiwan had refused to invest in Senegal's mining industry because an evaluation showed a lack of local infrastructure, such as railway and port facilities, and the extent of mining resources was unclear.
Luk Van Parijs, 35, who was considered a rising star in the field of immunology research, admitted to the wrongdoing, said Alice Gast, associate provost and vice president for research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
免疫研究のスターとみなされていたLuk Van Parijsは容疑を認めたとMITのAlice Gastが語った。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー このしとはベルギー国籍の研究者とか。理科系のサイエンスには、こうした厳しい規律が要求され 尊重されるので良いのだけれど、社会科学系はそういうものがあいまいなのでミイラ化したような 骨董経済学でも学問として通用するような・・
Lessons of Katrina America's Major Racial and Ethnic Groups Find Common Ground after the Storm New America Media, Multilingual Poll, Oct 27, 2005
Bendixen & Associates conducted the study for New California Media (NCM) and interviewed 1,035 respondents in Spanish, English, Korean, Vietnamese, Cantonese and Mandarin from October 14th to 21st of this year.
マイノリティに特に焦点を当てた調査になっていてアメリカ全体の意見を代表するとはとても思 われない調査。さらに問題であるのは、この「New America Media」というのは物凄い極左サイト で、 ttp://news.newamericamedia.org/news/ をみればわかるように、
Despite Leader's Harsh Words, Iran Is No Danger to Israel だとか Korea Keeps Ties with Japan Despite Controversial Shrine Visit だの、 バランスを欠くと思われるような記事ばかり並んでいる。
A FEW DAYS AGO, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) made a speech urging the U.S., in effect, to get out of Iraq the way we got out of Vietnam.
Leahy told the Senate that we cannot win in Iraq. "It has become increasingly apparent that the most powerful army in the world cannot stop a determined insurgency." (U.S. troops, Iraqi troops, long-suffering Iraqi civilians to Leahy: Thanks, senator, we needed that.) And Leahy announced that the president must lay out a public formula to tell the world just when U.S. troops will leave Iraq. Otherwise, Leahy said, he will urge the Senate to choke off the war by refusing to fund it. That's how the U.S. finally lost Vietnam: Congress snuffed out the money.
Be warned, senator: If Democrats become the "let's treat Iraq as we treated Vietnam" party, the public will turn away in revulsion, and the Democratic Party will die. It's not in such great shape anyhow.(ry
October 28, 2005: In early October, the American carrier USS Enterprise got stopped cold by sand. No, not a sand bar, but sand that got sucked into its condensers, which jammed them up and crippled the ships power system. This has happened before, and is one reason ships with condensers stay out of shallow, or “sandy” water. The navy has been developing a “sand weapon” for use against ships that refuse to be boarded, or are otherwise giving you a hard time, but not so much that a missile or torpedo is required.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, Lewis Libby, was indicted on Friday on five criminal counts of obstruction of justice, perjury and making false statements after a two-year investigation into the leak of a covert CIA operative's identity. チェイニー副大統領の主任スタッフ、ルイス・リビーが偽証などの罪で起訴された。 (この後午後2時から記者会見で詳細発表予定)
Democrats used the indictments to launch a broader assault on White House credibility. "This case is bigger than the leak of highly classified information," said Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada ・・・ Despite that rhetoric, few people in those early days expected the case to escalate to this level. But congressional Democrats and even news organizations pushed for an independent prosecutor to investigate the matter(ry と書いていて、この事件は実際の違法行為云々というより、政治闘争で民主・共和の宣伝合戦 のようなものになっていてメディアを含めて大騒ぎになってしまっている事を示唆している。
THE MOUNTAIN HAS LABORED AND BROUGHT FORTH A MOUSE: At least if this report from the Post is true: No Rove indictment, and only a lame False Statements Act charge against Libby, which wouldn't even relate to the underlying issue. This will be a blue Fitzmas for some people if it works out that way, but it's too early to be sure that these reports are correct.
Investors also seemed to shrug off news that I. Lewis Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, was indicted on charges related to the CIA leak investigation. Libby subsequently resigned from his post.
looks strong on its face, and the offenses alleged are serious ones. However, Libby is innocent until Fitzgerald proves otherwise, and we've yet to hear Libby's side of the story.
The impression one gets from reading the indictment is that there was massive cooperation on the part of administration employees and officials. This looks like the anti-Watergate -- a president ordering everyone to cooperate and the absence of any organized cover-up.
Unless Karl Rove is indicted later on, the political fall-out is likely to be almost non existent.
UPDATE: The sense I got from the portions of Fitzgerald's press conference I saw is that, more likely than not, there will be no additional indictments. Posted by Paul at 02:15 PM ttp://powerlineblog.com/archives/012086.php
Mr. Fitzgerald has been dogged in pursuing his investigation, and he gave every appearance of being a reasonable and tough prosecutor in laying out the charges yesterday. But he has thrust himself into what was, at bottom, a policy dispute between an elected administration and critics of the president's approach to the war on terror, who included parts of the permanent bureaucracy of the State Department and CIA. Unless Mr. Fitzgerald can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Libby was lying, and doing so for some nefarious purpose, this indictment looks like a case of criminalizing politics.
"This is critical to China's image as a rising power and its credibility and ability in delivering results," said Yuan Jing-dong, an expert on Asian non-proliferation at California's Monterey Institute of International Studies. "But most important, failure would completely rupture the six-party process, which in turn could lead to further deterioration of the peninsular and indeed Northeast Asian security situation," he said.
"The North Koreans have been trying to get Hu to make a reciprocal visit for over a year but he had held off until the six-party talks were resumed," said Ralph Cossa, president of Honolulu-based think tank Pacific Forum CSIS. "I assume this was part of the `incentives' that got Pyongyang back to the table and then got them to sign the statement in September."
"China's patience is running thin," Cossa said. "The risk to Hu in going is that if North Korea plays games at the next round in early November, it also discredits China's and Hu's personal diplomacy skills."
"Kim is paranoid on potential threats to his own legitimacy and the regime's, so he will try to fend off the idea even though he will try not to offend Hu," Yuan said. "In the longer term, a reforming North Korea, even if with ginger steps initially, will work to China's interests."
"Japan and the United States share the same goal on this issue," Mr. Kato told reporters. "This problem should be solved as soon as possible on the basis of science."
John Snow, US Treasury secretary, has told China’s leaders that the US wants to see another revaluation of the renminbi before the visit to China by George W. Bush, US president, next month.
The message was delivered in meetings with Hu Jintao, China’s president, Wen Jiabao, the premier, Zhou Xiaochuan, the governor of the People’s Bank of China, and Jin Renqing, finance minister, two people familiar with the talks said.
The North Korean Holocaust. Yes. Holocaust. By Judith Apter Klinghoffer Ms. Klinghoffer is senior associate scholar at the Political Science department at Rutgers University
Did you know that the South Korean government is involved in a willful cover-up of evidence both of the true extent of the atrocities perpetrated in North Korea’s Gulag and also of any signs of internal opposition to its Stalinist government?
The South Korean authorities were quick to cast aspersions upon the film's authenticity. After all, the video seemed to be depicting some sort of organized opposition to the Dear Leader's rule, assertions his supporters in South Korea's Blue House refuse to acknowledge because they are seeking entente and eventual reunification with their misunderstood and much-maligned brethren to the North.
WASHINGTON - The United States and Japan agreed Saturday to step up military cooperation and substantially reduce the number of Marines on the strategically important southern island of Okinawa. The agreement calls for the phased withdrawal of 7,000 Marines from Okinawa to the Pacific island of Guam, a move that is expected to take six years.
The 14-page agreement said the measures Japan and the United States agreed on are "designed to enhance the alliance's capability to meet new threats and diverse contingencies and, as a whole, will reduce burdens on local communities thereby strengthening security and ensuring the alliance remains the anchor of regional stability."
It says Japan will defend itself and respond to situations in areas surrounding Japan, including addressing new threats and diverse contingencies "such as ballistic missile attacks, attacks by guerrilla and special forces and invasion of remote islands."
The two sides said they will increase military planning and hold training exercises together. This is expected to become easier next year when Japanese forces adopt a joint command structure.
A senior defense official, who spoke to reporters on condition of anonymity because he helped negotiate the agreement, said the United States was prepared to discuss more troop movements from southern Okinawa to the northern part of the island.
The agreement says the realignment of forces in Okinawa "will include the transfer of approximately 7,000 Marine officers and enlisted personnel plus dependents out of Okinawa" to Guam, a U.S. Pacific territory seven hours by plane west of Hawaii.
It said Japan, recognizing the strong desire of Okinawa residents for a rapid force reduction, will work with the U.S. government to examine what financial and other measures it can take to help facilitate the Marine movement to Guam.
The U.S. will maintain forward-deployed forces, and augment them as needed, for the defense of Japan as well as to deter and respond to situations in areas surrounding Japan. The U.S. will provide all necessary support for the defense of Japan.
U.S. and Japanese operations in the defense of Japan and responses to situations in areas surrounding Japan must be consistent so that appropriate responses will be ensured when a situation in areas surrounding Japan threatens to develop into an armed attack against Japan or when such a situation and an armed attack against Japan occur simultaneously.
Libby's debut has distilled his diplomatic experiences in Japan with the U.S. State and Defense Departments into a subtle, if sometimes attenuated, story of innocence and temptation halfway across the world and a century ago.
新華社の記事 ttp://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2005-10/30/content_3701799.htm Currently there are 14,460 US Marines in Japan, the largest Marine contingent based overseas. Nearly all are located on Okinawa, where residents have long complained of crime, crowding and noise associated with the Marine bases. APの記事 ttp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/10/29/AR2005102900356.html There are 14,460 Marines in Japan, the largest Marine contingent based overseas. Nearly all are located on Okinawa, ideally situated for dealing with potential problems in the Pacific, such as a possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Okinawans have long complained of crime ,crowding and noise associated with the Marine bases.
ttp://powerlineblog.com/archives/012096.php Having now read fifteen or twenty news stories about what a devastating blow the Lewis Libby indictment was to the administration, about how President Bush is "reeling" and the administration is "in turmoil," even "in crisis," and how Libby was a key and irreplaceable figure in the administration, whose departure is a serious blow because he played such a vital role, I couldn't help wondering: does anyone remember who Al Gore's chief of staff was when he was vice-president?
これはWSJの社説>>257が But he has thrust himself into what was, at bottom, a policy dispute between an elected administration and critics of the president's approach to the war on terror, who included parts of the permanent bureaucracy of the State Department and CIA
Many White House officials suspected that the leaks were condoned by Agency leadership and designed as a preemptive "CIA-CYA"--a contingency plan to shift the blame from the Agency in the event some of the intelligence was bad. These suspicions grew when Joseph Wilson began telling his story, first anonymously, then as a would-be whistle-blower. As some Bush administration officials quietly tried to correct Wilson's misrepresentations, others contemplated a bold move that would undercut the leaks from the Agency.
If Karl Rove, Bush's top adviser, had been indicted, that would have produced a crisis. Rove is the most important presidential adviser, the "glue," as a Republican senator said, that holds the White House together on politics and policy. He would have been forced to resign, leaving a huge vacuum on Bush's staff and hampering Bush's effort to recover.
In the dramatis personae of America’s political soap opera, the Chief of Staff to the Vice-President does not rank very high. It is doubtful that one American in a hundred could name any of Mr Libby’s predecessors in the last 50 years. Mr Rove would have been a much bigger loss; if he is finally cleared of wrongdoing, he will presumably go back to being a powerful force at the President’s side.
Officials avoided pointing fingers, but a leading anti-terrorism expert said the timing and nature of the blasts appeared to indicate they were the work of Pakistan-based Lashkar- e-Tayyaba, the most feared militant group in Kashmir. 政府は犯行グループについて、今のところ沈黙しているが専門家はタイミングと手法などからみて パキスタン系のカシーミール武装闘争派、Lashkar-e-Tayyaba(ラシュカーイタヤバ)の疑いがある という。
"It looks like Lashkar. They are the most active group here," said Vikram Sood, the former head of the Research and Analysis Wing, India's external intelligence agency. インドの対外諜報の分析部の前部長Vikram Sood、は「Lashkarの仕業に見える。彼等は最も活発な テログループ」という。
"These are not entirely unexpected. It is a wake up call for all those who think of open borders" between India and Pakistan. 「インド・パキスタンの(カシミール)国境開放の動きがあるので、それに対抗したのだろう」
Hu takes the opportunity to reiterate China's stance on the issue, stressing that China would stick to the objective of a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula and the direction of resolving problems through peaceful dialogues so as to safeguard peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula, Wang said. Hu expressed that China will work together with the DPRK and all other parties concerned to implement the general objective stated in the Joint Statement and help achieve new progress in the fifth round of the six-party talks, Wang said.
He said Kim highly appreciated China's positive stance on dedicating to promoting peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula and its major contributions to this effect. Kim also said that the DPRK sticks to its stance on denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and its position of peacefully resolving the nuclear issue through dialogue, according to Wang.
Islami Inqilabi Mahaz (Islamic Revolutionary Group、イスラム革命グループ)は日曜日に 地元の新聞社に電話で、ニューデリーのマーケット爆破テロの犯行を認めるとともに、さらな る攻撃を予告した。
"This is a Pakistani group and is a front organization of Lashkar," said Ajai Sahni of New Delhi's Institute for Conflict Management. These front organisations are often used to muddy the waters and deflect blame from their parent groups, especially when civilian casualties are high, he said. "One way or the other, Lashkar is behind it," he added.
The Japanese central bankers didn't take the advice?and paid for it with years of listless economic performance. It seemed all too characteristic of a central bank whose international reputation had already been tarnished by its dismal record during the economic slump of the 1990s. Richard Jerram, chief economist of Macquarie Securities in Tokyo, says that the BOJ's position was essentially " 'We don't know if this will work so we're not going to try it.' " Adds Jerram: "It's quite inexcusable to let an economy remain in a state of deflation for over a decade and do nothing about it. Ten years of deflation can only be explained by policy failure." ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 日銀批判の記事になっているけれど、こういうものはここ何年かの間、大変多く見かける。
http://frum.nationalreview.com/ 10月30日の日記から Nobody would describe John Snow as an effective secretary. But if at this nervous moment he is to be replaced, he should be replaced with a figure who can truly command confidence. If the dollar suddenly slides or GM goes bankrupt or something bad happens in China, every investor will look to the US Treasury for leadership and reassurance. And if the only leader they see is Andy Card, nervousness could well transform itself in an instant to panic.
Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi named a new cabinet on Monday, putting outspoken conservatives -- and potential successors -- in top positions and retaining his economic team. 小泉首相は新内閣の閣僚名簿を発表した。保守的発言の目立つ人材を起用すると共に、次期首班 への可能性のある人材を示唆するものとなった。安倍氏を官房長官に、麻生氏を外相に指名した。
The cabinet lineup reflected the prime minister's aims: a conservative, more assertive foreign policy, and a steady financial policy as the economy is making a firm recovery from more than a decade of sluggish performance.
This is a winning political move. Alito is at least as qualified as Roberts, and his Casey opinion will not sustain a convincing filibuster. The Democrats seem trapped here. Reid has warned the president not to nominate Alito. And despite the narrow and non- substantive character of Alito’s dissent in Casey, the Dems will be forced by their groups to make abortion the issue. So if there is no filibuster, this is going to come off as a huge victory for the president.
On the other hand, a failed filibuster against this qualified a nominee will be an even bigger victory. A filibuster will inundate us with repetitive analyses of the Casey decision. But there is nothing in that decision that will carry a majority of the public against Alito.
Senate Majority leader Bill Frist called him an "outstanding nominee." 上院の共和党リーダー、ビル・ファストは「卓越した指名」と述べた
"President Bush would leave the Supreme Court looking less like America and more like an old boys' club," said Mr. Reid in a statement. 民主党のハリー・ライド上院議員は「ブッシュ大統領はアメリカ最高裁をアメリカ的なものでなく オールド・ボーイズ・クラブのようなものにしてしまった」と批判した。
But an early signal of conservative approval came from Gary Bauer, a prominent social conservative, who called the choice of Judge Alito a "grand slam home run." Mr. Bauer, interviewed on CNN, called the judge a "mainstream conservative" and predicted that while there would be a battle from Democrats, Judge Alito would ultimately be confirmed. "They'll try to label him as extreme, but when you get into the hearings, you'll get into specifics," he said.
ALITO UPDATE: Orin Kerr looks at an Alito abortion decision that's getting less attention. I spoke to a colleague in the hallway a few minutes ago who has argued before Alito and likes him. He said Alito was way too conservative for his taste (not surprising), but that Alito is fair and smart. He thinks Alito is a lot like John Roberts as a pick. Ann Althouse, meanwhile, thinks he's a stronger choice than John Roberts. More here from Julian Sanchez. ttp://instapundit.com/archives/026528.php
In one respect, Samuel Alito is a more reassuring nominee even than John Roberts was. ある意味では、この指名は先のロバート最高裁判事指名以上に元気付けられるものだ
The world has changed since 1987, when Robert Bork's last name became a verb. The Republicans hold the Senate. We do not have to rely on the diligence and fastidiousness of the Washington Post and New York Times to clear up disinformation about the nominee. (この文章はおもすろすぎて翻訳できない。 fastidiousness【名】潔癖さ) We suspect that liberals are going to discover to their chagrin that they have been right all along: You can't turn back the clock.( chagrin【名】悔しさ【他動】悔しがらせる)
1 Meg Whitman eBay Chairman and CEO 49 2 Anne Mulcahy Xerox Chairman and CEO 52 3 Brenda Barnes Sara Lee President and CEO 51 4 Oprah Winfrey Harpo Chairman 51 5 Andrea Jung Avon Chairman and CEO 47 (後略、最後の数字は昨年順位)
Another hard-liner, Taro Aso, 65, was named foreign minister, at a time when Japan has solidified its security alliance with the United States while growing diplomatically isolated in this region. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー お約束の、オーニシNYT記者の。「日本極度右傾化・強度民族主義論」
・・・・ But what if the pessimists turn out to be wrong in the long run?
Nearly half a million American soldiers died in World War II. Today, we see these losses as tragic but justified, since our victory ensured the survival of freedom. Could it be that some day, history will pass similar judgment on the war in Iraq? Surely, all men and women of good will should hope that it does. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー おもしろいことに、この評論は東海岸リベラルの牙城のひとつ、ボストン・グローブに掲載されている
President Bush has made a perfect pick for the Supreme Court in Samuel Alito. There may be a fight over this nomination, but it is a fight that will unite conservatives in support of the president and his fine choice. And in the end, it is a fight that conservatives will win. A great day. ブッシュ大統領のサミエル・アリート最高裁判事の選択は完璧だ。この指名の承認をめぐって 議会では激しい論争があろうが、そうした論戦は保守派を団結させ大統領と良い決定を支持す ることとなろう。其の議会での戦争は、最後には保守派の勝つものになる。素晴らすい。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 日本のメディアはさほど注目していないけれど、最高裁判事の指名は大統領の行う決定として、 戦争の可否と同じくらい重要視されかねないもので、ここでブッシュが失敗していれば完全に レイムダック化したはず。そうならなかったのは、フルムの言うように、素晴らすい。
Tensions continued to run high between officers and gangs of youths in the poor, high immigration district of Clichy-sous-Bois, northeast of the capital, following the accidental death by electrocution Thursday of two teenagers. パリ郊外北部のClichy-sous-Bois地区での若者と警官隊の衝突で緊張が高まっている。この地区は 貧しい移民の多くすむところでイスラムの若者も多い。
The situation was exacerbated late Sunday by the firing of a teargas grenade in the direction of a mosque which provoked widespread anger among the large Muslim community. 日曜日にモスクにむけた催涙弾の発射の後に事態が悪化しイスラムのコミニティに怒りが広がっている ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 日本語記事は、なぜかムスリムの若者の暴動であることやモスクへの立てこもりを報道しない。
I haven't seen this noted anywhere, but President Bush's approval ratings are on the rise again. These numbers from the Rasmussen poll are interesting. Bush bottomed out at 40% on Friday, after sliding steadily downhill through the month of October. Since then, however, he has bounced back to 45%, as of today.
Finally, a word about Mr. Bush: He deserves credit for quickly putting the Miers defeat behind him and returning to his campaign promise to nominate conservatives even at the risk of a political fight. If liberal Democrats want a battle over judicial philosophy, so be it. This is a rumble worth having.
"The new cabinet enforces the reform idea that Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has been pursuing. This will be a cabinet which actually gets things done and it's positive," said Masaaki Higashida, deputy general manager at the investment information and services department at Nomura Securities.
SEOUL, Nov. 1 (Yonhap) -- A military freight truck carrying missile parts caught fire and exploded Tuesday afternoon inside a tunnel on an expressway linking Daegu and Masan in southern South Korea, the National Emergency Management Agency said.
At the time of the explosion, scores of vehicles were inside the tunnel, the agency said. There were no immediate reports of any casualties. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 韓国でミサイル部品積んだ軍トラック爆発、死者なし=聯合通信TV (ロイター、1日16時21分)