This has left recipients of these emails wondering what's going on with the reporters. It's simple; fiction always outsells non-fiction. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー これは、状況を正しく伝えられないジャーナリストへの嘲笑とも言うべきコメント
I went to an AUSA dinner last night at the Ft. Hood Officers' Club to hear a speech by MG Pete Chiarelli, CG of the 1st Cav Div. He and most of the Div. have just returned from Iraq. Very informative and, surprise, the Mainstream Media (MSM) isn't telling the story. I was not there as a reporter, didn't take notes but I'll make some the points I remember that were interesting, surprising or generally stuff I had not heard before. (中略) 3. He showed a graph of attacks in Sadr City by month. Last Aug-Sep they were getting up to 160 attacks per week. During the last three months, the graph had flatlined at below 5 to zero per week. ・・・ 7. Pointed out that we all heard from the media about the 100 Iraqis killed as they were lined up to enlist in the police and security service. What the media didn't point out was that the next day there 300 lined up in the same place. ・・・ 9. Said the MSM was making a big, and wrong, deal out of the religious sects. Said Iraqis are incredibly nationalistic. They are Iraqis first and then say they are Muslum but the Shi'a - Sunni thing is just not that big a deal to them. ・・・ There was more, lots more, but the idea is that you haven't heard any of this from anyone, at least I hadn't and I pay more attention than most. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー つまり、これはイラクから帰還したばかりのアメリカ軍人が、バクダッドのサドル・シティ (スラム街)の現状などを語っているわけで、ジャーナリズムなどは、そういう実情を報道 しないのだと怒っている。
Most of the last year's msm stories of Iraq should be acknowledged as the finest examples of journalistic malpractice in history. ・・・・ Some will even be true. But it will be increasingly difficult not to tell America the full truth when their sons and daughters, husbands wives and neighbors come marching home.
Frankfurter Allegemeine called the decision “dangerous.” The Berliner Zeitung was dumfounded at the E.U.’s eagerness to sell weapons to Beijing and despaired, “China, China, China … We are watching, flabbergasted, the unanimous motions of the Peoples’ Congress in Beijing” that call for unleashing war against Taiwan. Austria’s influential Die Presse asked, “even if we disregard the U.S. warnings, is it really wise to open the E.U. arms floodgates to China?”
The country's leaders must now harness the unprecedented level of energy on the Lebanese street into something constructive so that the people can begin to trust them and trust their judgement. The time for parading displays of street muscle around the country has passed. It is no longer the time for brawn; it is time for brain.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Fred Kaplan writes that "Wolfowitz is not so bad a choice for World Bank boss." ttp://
YET ANOTHER UPDATE: Eric Pfeiffer says it was Elisabeth Bumiller, not Elizabeth Becker. I guess Becker's just guilty of shoddy pseudo-journalism, not press-conference preening. Or maybe it's her coauthor, David Sanger? Doesn't sound like him, really, but who knows? ttp://
Stephen Hayes also credits (if that's the word) the question to Bumiller, and has some observations on Wolfowitz's surprisingly strong base of Democratic support >>44
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will hold a live online discussion with Internet media here on Sunday ranging over various issues, including North Korea, the U.S. Embassy said yesterday.
エコノミストは以前、ネオコンが政権中枢からは排除されているなどと書いていたけれど、この 記事の冒頭部分は、それを取り消すようなトーンとも読めるような。(FOREIGNERS can be forgiven for not knowing what to make of George Bush in his second term.)
もうすこし広範な見方をすれば、中国の中で最も西欧化している香港に対して、中国政権の定め た基本法がないがしろにされるというのは、中国の「法の支配」への軽視の現われである。中国 の指導者は、「法によって国を治める("ruling the country according to law.")」と言って おり、中国には多くの法律が作られているのだが、George MelloanがWSJのOpEdに書いたとおり、 「(中国の司法の)問題点は政府と共産党が、その適切と思うやり方で最終判断を行うという事」 なのである。
中国の指導者にとっては法の支配は問題外である。法の支配というのはチェック&バランスに関 連しており、西欧諸国では当然のことである司法権の独立を伴う。法の支配(rule of law)と 法による統治(rule by law)というのは文法だけでなくて大きな差がある。
今やアラブの街頭では人々が西欧では当然認められているような権利を求めていて、左翼はそれを 留意する。左翼はまた、お馬鹿な大統領に指導された、残忍なアメリカ人の行為は正しかったかも しれないと認めざるを得なくなっている。それ以外に選択は無い。レバノンでは百万人のレバノン 人の海がデモを行い、プラカードには(Thank you, George W. Bush,")とある。
アメリカ陸軍、副参謀スタッフ長、 Richard A. Codyによれば、06年の初旬にはイラクの米軍は かなりの削減が出来る見通し、とした。彼は特定の数字を示さなかったが、ある高官によれば、 現在の150,000から105,000程度にまで削減できる見通しである。これはイラク軍の訓練などが功 を奏し、米軍の代わりにイラク内安全保障の任につくことの出来るためという。
The Millennium Era: After Iraq, will a bi-partisan foreign policy re-emerge? Charle Krauthammer smacks the Iraq and war-on-terror naysayers. In the wake of the Middle East’s democratic surge. He says all that’s left for them is shame.
Great column but not quite true ? first shame, then change. And don’t smirk? change is an option that’s left for The Left. ttp://
The secretary said the United States should not be creating dependency by providing for other countries' defenses in the long term. He said more than 50 years after the end of the Korean War, it is well past time for the South Koreans to take on the major responsibility for their own defense. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 何となく、韓国政府を脅迫しているようにも聞こえなくも無いような。
"Time and again we have seen that economic and political openness cannot long be separated," Rice said. "Even China must eventually embrace some form of open, genuinely representative government if it's to reap the benefits and meet the challenges of a globalizing world."
China's leaders "will see that democracy works," she predicted. "They will see that freedom of religion and respect for human rights are part of the foundation of decent and successful societies."
>>84 Moscow is "impervious to the logic of reason," Kennan said, but "it is highly sensitive to the logic of force."
"It is clear that the main element of any United States policy toward the Soviet Union must be that of a long-term, patient but firm and vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendencies," he once wrote.
Condoleezza Rice, on her first foray into Asia as secretary of state, outlined on Saturday a new U.S. vision of Japan's increasing importance as a global power and challenged China to open its political system and work harder to " some form of genuinely representative government."
Rice proposed a global development partnership in which the two big aid donors would "regularly and systematically" coordinate aid objectives and goals. And although the United States has supported Japan's interest in a permanent Security Council seat, U.S. officials said this is the first time a secretary of state has embraced it as part of a comprehensive policy statement.
MR. PRASAD: Bilateral trade between India and the U.S. rose 17 percent to $21 billion last year. You've now spoken of a strategic partnership. Can we expect President Bush -- you've come to India for the first time. Can we now expect the American President also to be here in his second term? If so, when? SECRETARY RICE: Well, I'm quite certain that the President looks very much forward to getting here in his second term. He wants to come to India. He's said that to everyone. MR. PRASAD: We've been hearing that for a long time. But when are we actually going to see him? SECRETARY RICE: Well, I don't know an exact date, but I can tell you that the President very much wants to come here and -- MR. PRASAD: Within the next year? Can we expect that? SECRETARY RICE: Well, I certainly hope that it will be relatively soon. I'm going to talk with my Indian counterparts about when we may be able to accomplish that. But you can be sure the President wants to get here.
ウイークリー・スタンダード:ブッシュの爆竹の連鎖ーーアフガン、イラクの民主化は アジアの独裁諸国にも影響するか? by Ross Terrill ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー シンクタンクの中国アナリストの書いているもので、ブッシュ・ドクトリンや中東ドミノの 影響がアジア諸国にどの程度の影響があるのか、というのがメイン・テーマである評論。目 の付け所は悪くない。
Japan's experience displays the link between democracy and peace, and between democracy and true stability. Japan's first rise to international power ended in a disastrous fall, as a militaristic regime's adventures in the 1930s and 1940s turned Asia against Tokyo. After an American occupation that wrote a new Japanese constitution, Japan became a democracy and has proved a model international citizen. Generous out of all proportion to the loudness of its voice, Japan has become perhaps the most important security partner of the United States in the world, with a sizable military that nevertheless has not killed a single foreigner in six decades.
Most poignant, the fall of a Middle East dictator embarrassed East Asia dictators. The toppling of Saddam Hussein furrowed brows in Beijing, Pyongyang, and other authoritarian capitals. Kim Jong Il suddenly wanted to do a deal over his nukes--until he detected the chance of a Kerry victory and got tough again until November 2. The surviving Leninist regimes were so aware of the string-of-firecrackers effect on tinder-dry dictatorships that their TV dared not show one picture of Saddam Hussein's statue biting the dust in Baghdad.
It becomes clearer with each lie from Pyongyang that only regime change there will free the Korean peninsula from nukes and grievous tension. ・・・・・ ・・・・・ Bush's words last week at the National Defense University apply with special force to East Asia: Dictatorship is the "last gasp of a discredited past." So do Reagan's words to the British parliament: "Let us tell the world that a new age is not only possible but probable."
Kennan's contribution to American foreign policy in Europe was profound, but no less significant than his impact on American policy in Asia. He played a critical role in crafting the policies of America's occupation of Japan. He lobbied hard for intervention in Korea to be limited to containing the North, rather than eliminating it (a prescient position in comparison to MacArthur's poorly conceived attempt to push American forces all the way to the Chinese border). The election of Eisenhower in 1952 marked the end of the road for Kennan, as he was forced out of the service, returning only for a few rather inconsequential stints over the next decade.
ケナンの欧州政策への貢献は大きいが、アジア政策への影響も少ないものではなかった。ケナンは アメリカの日本占領政策に大きな影響を与え、朝鮮戦争では北朝鮮の封じ込めに留めて、北朝鮮の 撲滅を目的にしないようにと干渉すべく勤めた。(マッカーサーの北朝鮮を中国国境に追い詰める やり方に比べて(中国の参戦を予見した)優れた先見性があった)アイゼンハワーの1952年の大統 領当選がケナンの活躍のおわりで、政府から退任することを強いられた。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ケナンの政策というのは保守にもリベラルにも評価され、また保守にもリベラルにも批判される 面を持つという、ちょっと面白いところが。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー His role in forming America's policy of containment gave him a position of great prominence in the debate over Vietnam. He offered eloquent and reasoned opposition to America's military engagement there, ever insistent that containment needn't prevent America from picking its battles. But ultimately, his ideas were no longer his to interpret.
燃料@ Overwhelmed by fury, protesters have sliced off fingers,set themselves on fire, and in one case committed suicide by jumping off a bridge. 非常に激しい抗議者たちは、指を切り落としたり、自らに火を付けたり、 またある場合には(one case of:意味不明)橋から飛び降りて自殺したりした。
燃料A But South Koreans are caught up in a spasm(←注目) of nationalist rage, triggered by what they see as the chutzpah of a former aggressor. しかし、韓国は激しいナショナリズムの痙攣(spasm:火病の英訳)に熱狂して云々
燃料B "I can't understand why the Japanese are claiming the islands now when they've been controlled by us for so long. It's as if they want to go back in history and re-colonise Korea," said Park Sung-sok, a local councillor, who came with his colleagues to protest outside the Japanese embassy. 「なぜ日本が、我々に長らくコントロールされてきている現在に(when they've been controlled by us for long:本当にそう言ったのか?)あの島を要求して きたのか理解できない。まるで彼らは歴史を遡って『韓国再植民地化』を望んで いるかのようではないか」地方議員のパク・スンホクは言った。かれは日本大使館 の外で抗議するために同僚とやってきた。
Japan’s success during the past half century -- rising from the ashes of a terrible war to global prosperity, responsibility, and status -- has been historic and it's been inspiring. Japan’s accomplishments have been transformational, and not just for Japan. Japan has set the example for political and economic progress in all of East Asia, helping to anchor the successes of the Republic of Korea and Malaysia, of Thailand and the Philippines, of Indonesia, of East Timor and of Mongolia. Japan has truly led the way.
戦争の後の廃墟から立ち上がり、グローバルな繁栄と尊敬を勝ち得た日本の半世紀は感銘させられ るものです。日本のトランスフォーメーションというのは日本のみならず東アジアにとっての、 政治的・経済的な範例となるべきものであり、日本は韓国、マレーシア、タイ、フィリピン、イン ドネシア、東チモール、モンゴリアなどのアジア諸国を支援もしてきました。日本は真に、あるべ き進路を示してきました。 ・・・・ These three goals -- security, opportunity and freedom -- are linked. We know that security shelters the prosperity that opportunity brings. Security and prosperity, in turn, allow human creativity to flourish -- but human creativity can only flourish fully in freedom.
・・・・ China has a particularly important opportunity and responsibility here, and I will soon be discussing with Beijing how the United States and China can advance our common interests on this, as well as on other issues.
We welcome China’s support for the democratic government of Afghanistan. We appreciate China’s efforts to ensure stability in South Asia, and its support in the global war on terrorism -- including joining our Container Security Initiative. And we look forward to working with China on other issues, to see if we can forge a common approach to the challenges of Sudan and Burma and Nepal.
So clearly, America has reason to welcome the rise of a confident, peaceful and prosperous China. We want China as a global partner, able and willing to match its growing capabilities to its international responsibilities.
中国は北朝鮮問題の外交的解決のために重要な機会と責任を有します。だから私はまもなく中国 で、この問題を討議しますが、そこでは米中二国がこの共通する問題を如何に解決に向けて進め られるかを、他の問題と共に話します。 アメリカは中国のアフガニスタン民主政府への支持を歓迎し、南アジアの安定化への努力を歓迎 し、テロとの戦争への支持を歓迎します。それはコンテナの安全保障イニシアティブを含みます アメリカは中国が更に、スーダンやミャンマー,そしてネパールの問題で共通のアプローチを取れ ることを期待しています。そういうわけでアメリカは、明瞭に、平和で繁栄する、自信に満ちた 中国の台頭を歓迎するものです。アメリカは中国が国際社会での増大する能力をその責任と共に もって、グローバルなパートナーとなることを望みます。 ・・・・ America has always answered the call when Asians have needed our help, as we did most recently after the devastating tsunami in the Indian Ocean. But it was not just America that answered the call this time. It was the United States and Japan, together with Australia and India, that rapidly formed the Core Group to mobilize life-saving logistical operations, and to jump start international relief efforts.
アメリカはアジアの危機にあっては何時も、求めに応じて支援を行い、最も最近の例では南アジア のツナミ災害がそうでした。しかし実際は、今回支援の手を差し伸べたのは日米豪印各国であり、 これらの国がコアグループを形成して行動しました。人命救助や物資支援の国際救援活動を起動さ せたわけです。 ・・・・ Yet the ultimate direction of contemporary trends is clear. Openness is the vanguard of success. Time and again we have seen that economic and political openness cannot long be separated. Even China must eventually embrace some form of open, genuinely representative government if it is to reap the benefits and meet the challenges of a globalizing world.
That is why we believe that when China’s leaders confront the need to align their political institutions with their increased economic openness, they will look around them in Asia and they will see that freedom works. They will see that democracy works. They will see that freedom of religion and respect for human rights are part of the foundation of decent and successful societies.
But that is not what U.S. intelligence reported, according to two officials with detailed knowledge of the transaction. North Korea, according to the intelligence, had supplied uranium hexafluoride -- which can be enriched to weapons-grade uranium -- to Pakistan. It was Pakistan, a key U.S. ally with its own nuclear arsenal, that sold the material to Libya. The U.S. government had no evidence, the officials said, that North Korea knew of the second transaction.
ttp:// Rice calls for end to NK standoff Sunday, March 20, 2005 Posted: 1:21 AM EST (0621 GMT) SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warned Sunday that Washington won't let the international standoff over North Korea's nuclear weapons "go on forever"
"Miss Rice, the North Korean people are dying and they are crying for your help," yelled the activist, German physician and former aid worker Norbert Vollertsen. He held up a poster that read, "Freedom for North Korea: 50 Years Overdue," until an embassy employee ripped it in half.
新政権にスンニ派が参加してシーア派やクルド族と取引できるためにはこのスンニ派の 過去の犯罪が問題になる。そうした過去の犯罪の見逃しの取引のためにスンニ派の内部 派閥や家族が、このために活発にアルカイダと戦い始めている。(Negotiations have been intense, and many of the Sunni Arab clans and families involved have begun to actively battle al Qaeda gangs in their neighborhoods)
イラク内のアルカイダは外国人とイラク人のミックスしたギャング団で。武装した宗教 的に極端な過激派である。スンニ派とアルカイダの戦いが始まっていて、スンニ派はア ルカイダを殺戮したり、追い出そうとしている。(Increasingly, Sunni Arabs are fed up with this, and killing al Qaeda in their vicinity, or driving the fanatics out.)
"The European Union should do nothing to contribute to a circumstance in which Chinese military modernisation draws on European Union technology," she told reporters. "It is the United States, not Europe, that has defended the Pacific."
"We have managed over the last decades to maintain a stable environment" in the Pacific, she said. "And obviously, anything that would appear to try and alter that balance would be a concern to us."
Ms Rice reaffirmed the US had no intention of attacking North Korea and reminded the communist state of the incentives it would get in return for scrapping its nuclear weapons. "There is a lot for North Korea ... if they are prepared to come back to the six-party talks and to do so seriously," she told reporters.
"I don't think North Korea poses a threat to South Korea today," General Myers said. "They know that if they were to start any conflict on that peninsula, that would be the end of their regime." (北朝鮮が韓国に戦争を仕掛ける恐れがあるとは思わない。そんなことを始めたら、北朝鮮の 最後になるわけだ)
The senior State Department official said she had told Mr. Wen and Mr. Hu that she hoped China would step up its efforts to persuade North Korea to return to the nuclear disarmament talks. The official said that she even suggested that they use the formulation she employs on Pyongyang: that, by getting rid of its nuclear weapons program, North Korea can gain the respect it wants and the assistance it needs.
The official said Mr. Hu responded that China wants "a denuclearized Korean peninsula" and "will continue to work to bring North Korea back to the talks." China has suggested that it is unconvinced by American intelligence indicating that that North Korea has as many as eight or nine plutonium-based nuclear bombs and is aggressively pursuing a second method of producing uranium-based nuclear fuel.
Europeans feel that if they protested too vigorously about Wolfowitz, Washington could decide to break with tradition and field its own candidate when next the IMF post became vacant.
Secondly, a well-informed World Bank source in Washington said Saturday that the Bush administration's choice had been "pre-cooked," that is, sold in advance to key European and Asian governments.The source said it was no coincidence that Wolfowitz's name as a possible successor to World Bank president James Wolfensohn first surfaced in late February when Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and then President Bush visited Europe in an effort to improve trans-Atlantic relations damaged by differences over the Iraq.
The issue was raised in high level discussions and U.S. officials may have already won broad acceptance at that time.When the announcement was made by Bush Wednesday, it was quickly endorsed by British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, and by Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.Furthermore, no European government has been publicly hostile to the Wolfowitz nomination.
So you ask me, Husayn, was it worth it. What have you gotten? What has Iraq acheived? These are questions I get a lot. ・・・・・・ ・・・・・・ Now I answer you, I answer you on behalf of myself, and my countrymen. I dont care what your news tells you, what your television and newspapers say, this is how we feel. Despite all that has happened. Despite all the hurt, the pain, blood, sweat and tears. These two years have given us hope we never had.
QUESTION: (in Korean) My name is (inaudible) for Media Daum. It is a great pleasure to meet you. Now, you work in a bureaucracy filled with white majority, which the majority are white men. So what do you think is the ideal female leadership?
SECRETARY RICE: I very often am asked questions about do you act differently because you are a female or do you act differently because you're black. And I always say to people, I'm a package, I'm black and female and me. And so I can't separate out the pieces and say this part of me acts like that and that part of me acts like that.
I'm not sure that women in positions act necessarily different from men in those positions. I think I act as Condi Rice, and that's a person who is female and black and grew up in Alabama and lived in California and was a professor.(後略)
QUESTION: (in Korean) One last question. Now, more than any time, there is a high anti -American sentiment here in Korea. So there is negative views or public opinion about the United States. What led to this negative public opinion is because of the death of the two school girls by a U.S. military armored vehicle.
After this incident, a majority of the Korean people has view that the United States i s not a definite ally of Korea and the soldiers who committed the crime were released. They were not punished. So, such negative sentiments rose here in Korea.
S,o as a religious person, I understand that you are very religious, and as -- if you can put yourself in the shoes of the parents of those children, since this is being br oadcast live through the Internet, could you apologize?
SECRETARY RICE: (inaudible) our deepest regret at what happened because the loss of a child has got to be one of the hardest things that can possibly happen to parents. And we would have never wanted anything like this to happen.
And so I would just, on behalf of the United States and on behalf of the President and on behalf of myself, say to the parents that it is -- it is with deepest regret for t he United States that this happened.
"Then of course we will have to look at other options ... Everybody is aware there are other options in the international system," she said when asked what the US would do if North Korea continued boycotting the six-party talks.
"If they have a problem, if they continue going down this road, not only would the United States, but with Japan, with South Korea, with China and with Russia, not to mention with the rest of world, they're going to have a problem."
"Whether the talks can restart depends on North Korea. Everyone is waiting and is ready to have a constructive discussion," (誰もが北朝鮮が建設的議論に参加するこ とを望む。6者協議の再開が可能かは、北朝鮮にかかっている)
"We have no intention to attack."(アメリカに北朝鮮攻撃の意図は無い)
"prepared to think of their energy needs." (エネルギー支援を考慮しても良い) "We hope North Korea understands that this (six-party talks) is the only way to address their needs," (6者協議だけが北朝鮮の要求を満たせることを理解することを望む)
There may well be an inverse relationship between the suppression of free expression and the proliferation of blogs in the Middle East. Maybe the lesson for heads of state in the region is this: It's far better to increase freedom of speech and reduce the challenge and expense of having to deal with this cyber uproar.
In a telephone interview with The New York Sun last night, Dr. Vollertsen said he was roughed up by American security officers. "They kicked me harder than the North Koreans, even. It was a little bit funny and very ironic," Dr. Vollertsen said. The physician said he incurred minor injuries to his arm and ear. Dr. Vollertsen said he was handed over to South Korean police and released without charge. "I will continue my fight," he said. A spokeswoman for the embassy did not return a call yesterday seeking comment for this story. Yonhap quoted a South Korean police detective as saying that Dr. Vollertsen's claim he was mistreated was exaggerated.
Mr. Lilley said Pyongyang's unwillingness to return to the talks is not the product of pique over Ms. Rice's statements. "They aren't coming to those talks because they don't want to come," the former ambassador said. "They want to be bribed to come in. They want big piles of money, grain, and oil and they haven't gotten in yet." (北朝鮮が協議に出てこないのはライス発言のためでなくて、賄賂のお金とか食料とか石油とかが まだ不足だといっているだけだよ)
"You've got to look behind the statements," said Michael Horowitz of the Hudson Institute. "She can't say the six-party talks are a charade. ... In the private talks, she's not begging the Chinese to push Kim Jong Il into another framework deal." (表向きの、記者会見や声明の裏を読まないと。6者協議は見せかけだとか、ライスはそうはいえ ない立場にいる。個人的には、ライスは中国人に、北朝鮮を引っ張り出して取引に応じるように、 と物乞いしたりはしていないはずだ)
高官はそれを「イルージョン」と呼んでいる。そのイルージョンが「失われた10年」を支 えたという。現在では、アメリカは北朝鮮との二国間協議に応じる意思は無く、東京での演 説でライス長官は以前の北朝鮮とのジュネーブ合意の過ちを繰り返さないとした。高官は北 朝鮮がライス長官の言葉に耳を傾けなければ、将来が危ういと述べた。 The government official warned the future looked bleak if North Korea remains deaf to Rice's comment that a variety of discussions could take place within the six-party talk framework.
ttp:// A Soldier Comes Home アメリカ兵の中東からの帰還 By Greg Moore ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー AEIがイスラム民主化の勃発を特集して、AEIマガジンの4月号の特集としたもの 幾つかの論文は既出。上のものは無償でサイトにうpされたものを読めるけれど、 それ以外にも中東関係の評論を集めていて、それらは購読契約しないと駄目みたい
"We've taken serious steps of boosting our nuclear arsenal and we are also prepared to mobilize all of our military force against any provocative moves by the enemy,"
Breaking news...ブレーキングニュース March 21, 2005 03:06 PM
Thousands of protesters, some armed with clubs and Molotov cocktails, seized control of key government buildings and the airport in Kyrgyzstan's second-largest city Monday, prompting security officers and local officials to flee and loosening the government's grip over a swath of this former Soviet republic.
I. Review of the Work in 2004 II.The Master Work Plan for 2005 III. Continuing to Ensure Steady and Rapid Economic Development IV. Vigorously Promoting Economic Restructuring and Opening Up V.Vigorously Developing Social Undertakings and Building a Harmonious Society VI. Improving the Government's Administrative Capacity and Style of Work VII. Following the Road of Peaceful Development and an Independent Foreign Policy of Peace ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 中身は、抽象的な書き方になっているので、政策目標としては明確なものになっていない。
"The North Korean nuclear issue has arrived at a very key moment," said Zhang Liangui, a Korea specialist at the Chinese Communist Party's Central Party School. "There is a big choice now: to use peaceful means or non-peaceful means," he said. Zhang said talks would have to take place by June and make progress before September or the United States would take the issue to the U.N. Security Council.
"Europe wants to move forward on the embargo, but the recent actions by China have made things a lot more complex," said a senior European official. "The timeline has become more difficult. The timeline is going to have to slip."
A senior State Department official said European "signals" of a shift in position had been transmitted in the last few days, most notably by Javier Solana, the European Union's foreign policy chief, and by a comment from the British foreign secretary, Jack Straw, over the weekend.
When Stalin's daughter, Svetlana, defected, she went briefly to Princeton, and I arranged to bring Kennan's old Moscow boss, Averell Harriman, to Kennan's house for dinner. We sat, transfixed, as she told us bitterly that she had longed to meet the two great Americans (and their daughters) in wartime Moscow but was forbidden to by her tyrannical father. It was a small footnote to history, but Harriman, Kennan and Stalin's daughter meeting for the first time, 30 years after Stalin had prevented it, gave new layers to the human dimensions of history. ・・・・ ・・・・ He had accurately predicted, at the end of the Cold War, the outbreak of ethnic violence in Yugoslavia, but he did not understand the need for American involvement in the problem, let alone the use of military force to end the Balkan wars. "Why should we try to stop ancient ethnic hatreds?" he asked me one day in the dark-paneled library of his house in Princeton. ・・・・ ・・・・ But, though, as always, he was polite and gracious -- and he loved the intellectual combat -- he was firm in his disagreement. He was our greatest diplomat, and I admired him for his intellectual courage, but there was no bridging the gap. (やはり興味深い人物というべき)
ttp:// In larger freedom: より大きな自由を求めて。 towards development, security and human rights for all 人権と開発に向かって、 Report of the Secretary-General 国連改革提案書、事務総長案
His entire security model is philosophically founded on a kind of blackmail which recognizes that the only thing dysfunctional states have to export is trouble. He then sets up the United Nations as a gendarmarie with 'a human face' delivering payoffs to quell disturbances.
This is the "bargain whereby rich countries help the poor to develop, by promoting the Millennium Development Goals, while poor countries help alleviate rich countries' security concerns."
Second, his model flies in the face of the recent experience in Afghanistan, Iraq and the entire democratizing upheaval in the Middle East. It is by making countries functional that terrorism is quelled and not by any regime of international aid, inspections, nonproliferation treaties, declarations, protocols, conferences; nor by appointing special rapptorteurs, plenipotentiary envoys; nor constituting councils, consultative bodies or anything else in Annan's threadbare cupboard.
Essentially, Kudlow asked if Burns’ report meant that “the tide had turned” in Iraq. My reply? I thought we had the tide turned (had it won, actually) in July 2004, but then I was serving with Multi-National Corps-Iraq.
ttp:// The official said Roh was deeply concerned that Japan is hostile to both China and North Korea and raising the level of tension. These concerns formed part of the background to President Roh’s new doctrine of Korea-Japan relations, he added. President Roh’s address today can be seen as a warning that Seoul cannot be counted on if the U.S. and Japan insist on a strategy of pressure on China and North Korea. It was in an address to another graduation ceremony, of the Air Force Academy on March 8, that the president made clear his opposition to the deployment of the USFK in possible conflicts with China. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 同じ朝鮮日報の記事の、日本語版と英語版、微妙にニュアンスが違ったり、一部の削除があって 日本語版のほうは刺激を弱める工夫が見られる。こういう小細工をするくらいなら日本語版なぞ 止めたら良かろうものを。
"LDP secretary general Shinzo Abe carried a personal letter from the Japanese prime minister to Manmohan Singh, where he (Koizumi) said that he was looking forward to his India visit," a South Block source said.
During his meeting, Abe stressed that countries in the East Asian Summit would discuss India's participation in the grouping. "Abe said India and Japan were two vibrant democracies who could play an important role as stabilising forces in Asia," said an official of the Prime Minister's Office.
ttp:// Protests against Akayev began after the first round of parliamentary elections on Feb. 27 and swelled after the March 13 runoffs that the opposition and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe said were seriously flawed (AP)
中央アジア諸国は内乱や内戦になると大規模の被害者が出るという悪い思い出があるので、筆者 らの最も懸念することは事態の悪化、暴力化、内戦化であって、放置すればその可能性はある。 既に一部の都市で騒乱が起こっているのだが、そうした無政府状態が広がるなら露西亜や米国は 二つの悪魔(政府側と反政府側)のなかでより害の少なそうな政府側を助けて秩序維持に動くこ とさえ考えられる、と書いている。 (its possible that Russia, or even Western powers and international organizations, will throw their support behind Mr. Akayev as a lesser evil to the continued chaos.)
これを報じたフィナンシャルタイムズとイタリーのソロ24紙は、その金が"were arranged in ways that obscured where the money came from or whom it went to."(出所のあいまいな 形で、追跡できないような形に準備されていた)と報じた。
“They were in dire straits and in desperate need of new business,” confirms one of the many investigators now delving into allegations of corruption in the UN. “A UN contract would have been a major coup.”
In early 1999, soon after the Sunday Telegraph article, Kojo started receiving payments from another entity owned by the Masseys called Meteor. Cotecna's explanation is that “Kojo preferred to receive his monthly payment from a company that was not directly related to the Cotecna group, and we managed to provide him with this service”. It acknowledged that the Sunday Telegraph article may have had “a link” to the change. In January 2000, Kojo received $8,925.45 from Cofinter, a Swiss company also owned by the Masseys, which they had proposed using for the international lottery. In January 2000, Kojo received $8,925.45 from Cofinter, a Swiss company also owned by the Masseys, which they had proposed using for the international lottery. Cotecna describes this payment as “a mishap”. The following month, instead of going to Kojo, the money started to be paid by Cotecna to Westexim, a company registered in London whose ownership is obscure. In the company's records was found an entry, in French, for a transfer of $4,000 on April 19 2000 to a Ms Ama Annan. The older sister of Kojo Annan is called Ama.
The FT and Il Sole have no evidence that the money was received by Ama or that its source was Cotecna rather than Kojo. Cotecna says “it absolutely never paid or hired” Ama Annan, who lives in Lagos but declined to comment, or any other member of the family.
この記事に対する、アメリカのイパーン人のコメントをみてみれば: ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー I sincerely hope that Miss Rice is not so stupid as to offer the Chinese something as tangible as access to European weapons, in return for something as ethereal as " getting North Korea back to the table." ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー The same Norks who cut deals with Clinton only to cheat like a true fanatic as the ink dried on the agreements? The Norks are expert at exasperation during negoations and the Americans are 100% familiar with their delay tactics. America would be foolish to trade lethal hardware in the here and now for endless Nork BS. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
Were all external myths about Syria and all internal taboos are broken. Be prepared, reality bites. (ここでは、シリア人による、シリアへの神話(誤解)とシリアのタブーについて説明する 事実は神話的思い込みを超える)
Myth No.5: We will slaughter each other Myth No.4: We are Not Pathetic Myth No.3: We believe in Arabism Myth No.2: We have an Identity Myth No. 1: We Belong
"We both have our entrenched positions," the diplomat said. "With the Americans on board, the EU three couldn't move if they wanted to." ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 欧州三国(英仏独)とアメリカのチーム・ワークが、少なくとも今のところは保たれている ような?
Rice's remarks might have been nothing new to Chinese officials, but their hard-edged conservative resonance left many experts flabbergasted. They had expected Rice's trip to be something of an "exploratory" visit to gauge China's views and were unprepared when the US state secretary actually held forth.
Mr. Fassinoは、インタビューの中でジョージ・W・ブッシュ大統領の外交政策がニクソンやフォ ード、パパ・ブッシュなどとは異なる理念で組み立てられている、といっている。パパ・ブッシ ュなどの共和党の大統領はキッシンジャーとかブレント・スコウクロフトの戦略に従っていたの であり、そうした戦略の下では、反共産主義のために、独裁者をも支持するのである。
キルギスタン首都で数千人の抗議集団が大統領辞任を求め政府の中心的なビルを取り囲んでいる すかす、建物は警備隊が警護していて、抗議集団は建物への侵入は果たしていない None of the demonstrators managed to enter the building and they were repelled by massed security forces.
But critics raise concerns that South Korea may be diplomatically isolated in the region as the strained ties with Japan come at a time when Seoul's ties with Washington were also frayed over how to deal with North Korea.
・キルギスタンの首都、Bishkekでは野党側の抗議集団がキルギスタンの「ホワイトハウス」と呼 ばれる官邸などを占拠した。 ・未確認のローカル・ニュースはアカエフ大統領が辞任を申し出たとしている (Unconfirmed reports from local media say President Askar Akaev has offered to step down.) ・野党側指導者達は緊急議会を開いている
ヘリテージ財団:キルギスタンの民主化革命を支援してゆくために by Ariel Cohen, Ph.D.
Quick Solution Needed(緊急の行動が必要)
Three things must happen?and soon?to avoid a catastrophic outcome in the region: この地域のカタストロフィックな事態を避けるために以下の三点が重要である
* Kyrgyzstan’s neighbors, the United States, European Union, OSCE, United Nations, and possibly Russia, must convince Akaev to resign and help the opposition find a quick and bloodless way out of the current crisis. キルギスタンの隣国、アメリカ、露西亜、EU、OSCE、国連はアカエフの辞任と野党の無血 革命を支援すべき
* New parliamentary elections must be held?with a strong presence of international election observers. 新たな議会選挙が国際監視機関の下で行われるべき
* Free, fair, and transparent presidential elections should take place, with international support and supervision. 自由で公正な、透明な大統領選挙が国際監視機関の支援と監視の下で実施されるべき
His recent remarks, made in his capacity of head of state, are astonishing. ・・・ The South Korean president has bitterly criticized Japan for its attitude toward such bilateral issues as the territorial dispute over Takeshima island and history textbooks compiled in this country. ・・・ Remarks verge on paranoiac ・・・ Most disturbingly, it appears that Roh regards the Japanese government's attitude as indicative of a national conspiracy in Japan to invade his country. ・・・ We urge Roh to rethink his attitude. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー こういう主張を、英文でもきちんと出しておくことは言論機関として重要と思われ。
野党指導者のKurmanbek Bakiyevが国家統合・調整評議会のトップとなり、暫定政府を指導するみ こみという。 (will head a coordinating council of national unity, which will act as an interim government.)
CENTRAL ASIA: Rebellion Rumbles Throughout the Stans
March 24, 2005: The unrest in Kyrgyzstan shows that mass opposition to dictatorship can work in the "Stans" (the former provinces of the Soviet Union that became five independent nations; Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan). The Stans had never been democracies. When the Russians conquered them in the 19th century, the local governments were monarchies or tribal forms. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, former Soviet officials held elections and manipulated the vote to get themselves elected "president for life." But many people in the Stans want clean government and democracy. It appears that the same kind of mass, and generally peaceful, protests that liberated Eastern Europe from tyranny in 1989, could work in Central Asia as well. ttp://
"Iran has completed an underground tunnel-like facility in Parchin, which is now engaged in laser enrichment," said Alireza Jafarzadeh "This underground site is camouflaged and built in an area of Parchin that deals with the chemical industry," he told Reuters by telephone from Washington, citing "well-placed sources inside the Iranian regime".
If true, his allegation would be a breach of Iran's promise to halt all activities linked to uranium enrichment while in talks with the European Union about the future of Iran's nuclear programme, a Western diplomat said. Speaking on condition of anonymity, he also said it would be a "clear violation" of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which requires that the construction and operation of such facilities be declared to the U.N. nuclear watchdog.
A Message to the Nation Concerning Korea-Japan Relations [March 23,2005]
・・・ The Russo-Japanese War was not a conflict between the two countries over territory, as the name implies, but one of aggression into the Korean Peninsula that Japan started for the complete dominance of Korea. In fact, a victorious Japan immediately stripped Korea of its diplomatic authority and began de facto colonial rule. ・・・ The same goes with the textbook issue. In the past, when distorted textbooks were adopted by only a few Japanese schools, we placed high expectations on the conscience of Japan and had an optimistic outlook for the future of Northeast Asia. But now, those distorted textbooks are about to be revived. That, too, is an attempt to justify Japan’s history of aggression. ・・・ Now, the Korean Government has no choice but to respond sternly. We can no longer stand by and watch Japan’s attempts to justify its history of aggression and occupation and its intention to achieve hegemony again, because this is a matter that will determine the future of the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia.
The American Prospect's Matthew Yglesias notes, "[I]f these goings on in Bishkek meet a happy ending, it will be woven into the 'Bush doctrine' mythos, so it's worth giving early notice that this is wrong." He claims that the Bush administration "has never taken an especially pro-democracy line in Central Asia, where our main ally is Uzbekistan's Islam Karimov, a leader featuring one of the worst human-rights records in the world."
Bandow, who holds a B.S. in economics from Florida State University and a J.D. from Stanford, worked in the Reagan administration as special assistant to the president and has also served as editor of the political magazine Inquiry.
著書に: Korean Conundrum (2004), by Ted Galen Carpenter and Doug Bandow. Tripwire: Korea and U.S. Foreign Policy in a Changed World (1996)
An advisor to the U.S. Congress said Friday a resolution drafted in 2003 to commemorate 50 years of the Korea-U.S. alliance died a quiet death in the House over anger in Congress at anti-American demonstrations in Korea.
“That which is must always be” was for decades the policy in both Seoul and Washington. Alliances exist to serve a purpose. Yet in Korea the means has become an end. America pays the bill but gains little benefit from doing so. Indeed, ingratitude is replacing appreciation.
Washington’s military presence is not necessary to protect the South. The US troops there play no role in constraining China or preventing war elsewhere in the region. America’s forces should be brought home and the misnamed mutual defense treaty should be terminated. ・・・ ・・・ Washington tends to think only of itself. President Roh’s election is “a big headache,” complained one US official to the Economist.34 But the ROK is entitled to elect its own leaders, assess its own interests, and chart its own course. America and South Korea have grown apart. It’s time for an amicable divorce rather than a much more bitter parting in the near future.
ttp:// The new conspiracy: Hariri assassinated to make way for US airbase in Lebanon By Wayne Madsen* Mar 19, 2005 - Vol.VIII Issue 11
(Tehran, Esfhan, Tabriz, Abadan, and others) against the regime, using the soccer victory over Japan as an excuse to go into the streets. The victory is an excuse for people to go into the streets. The people can claim the are celebrating their victory while those in their midst demonstrate against the regime.
The reports say that the demonstrations are dispersed in neighborhoods all across Iran. The streets are being jammed with traffic and thousands are gathering in the center of each of these demonstrations. These traffics jams are apparently protecting the demonstrators. The reports further state that those in the center of these demonstrations can be heard making statements against the regime. In a new development, there are calls for "armed resistance" and some are raising guns (a capitall offense against the regime).
Due to the extremely high volume of traffic in the streets, the regime’s security forces are unable to send reinforcements to those areas where the demonstrations are getting more out the regime's control. Some are reporting that the security forces in many areas are frightened by the increasing size of the crowds.
It is now midnight in Iran. I have been told that people are continuing to go into the streets. It is my sense that this is not the event we are all waiting for but one more step in that direction. Still, I will continue to report these events as they unfold. I will begin cataloguing these reports here.
"to use this important game which will be broadcasted to many countries and, especially, to Japan, to show the deep rejection of the regime and the Iranians quest for Freedom".
ttp:// Taiwan Should Exercise Restraint in Reacting to the Challenge of China's Anti-Secession Law China Times (Taiwan), March 24, 2005 Richard C. Bush III, Director, Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies
ブルッキングス研:台湾は中国の、反国家分裂法に過剰反応するな By Richard C. Bush III ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 反国家分裂法に対するWSJやヘリテージ財団系の論評を幾つか紹介したので、リベラル系のシンク タンクであるブルッキングス研究所の北東アジア・スタディの論評を比較のために挙げておきたい。
FoAff:台湾海峡での戦争を防止するために By Kenneth G. Lieberthal ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー リベラル派の台湾問題への政策提言の例として、フォーリン・アフェアーズ3・4月号掲載の 論評。これはブルッキングス研究所のサイトに概要がうpされている。台湾が独立を放棄し 北京が台湾攻撃をしない約束をするような中台合意をアメリカが仲介してまとめるべき、と いうもので、まことにごもっともなのだけれど、実現可能性は疑問;
(編集者への手紙欄に投書された、在米日本大使館、広報担当官の論評) Regarding the term "East Sea": Japan believes it is essential to refer to this body of water as the "Sea of Japan," a name used widely by the global community since the early 19th century. Although South Korea asserts that the name "Sea of Japan" came into general use as a consequence of Japan's colonial past, the name was common long before colonization in the 20th century. Therefore, Korea's attempt to change the name to "East Sea" is without merit. ・・・・ Regarding the term "Dokdo" appearing on the same map: These islands are an integral part of Japan, and thus they should be referred to as "Takeshima."
ttp:// Panel to Criticize Annan for Lapses In U.N.'s Oil-for-Food Program By YOCHI J. DREAZEN Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL March 25, 2005; Page A1
An investigative panel probing the United Nations' oil-for-food program in Iraq will for the first time directly fault Secretary-General Kofi Annan for management lapses involving his son and a controversial contractor, according to people who have seen the contents of the panel's report.
Moreover, the panel, appointed by Mr. Annan and headed by former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, will criticize Mr. Annan for failing to spot or take action to correct systemic failures in the U.N.'s internal bureaucracy that allowed problems inside the program to continue until 2003, these people said. The report is set to be released Tuesday.
Mr. Annan is particularly criticized for failing to pay enough attention to conflicts of interest involving his son, Kojo, who worked as a consultant for a Swiss company, Cotecna Inspection Services SA, that was seeking lucrative U.N. contracts, these people said. At the same time, the panel has concluded that there is no evidence Mr. Annan rigged the U.N.'s procurement system in the oil-for-food program, exerted undue influence over contractors or ever sought or received improper financial benefits, these people said.
The Taiwanese seem completely familiar with "the blueprint." They have the color, green. They have the slogans down. They have the babes. They have the cute kids. They have the street theater. They have the branding. They have the marketing. They have the moral cause.
The latest democratic uprising to claim a former Soviet republic had Moscow buzzing with trepidation: How many more dominoes can fall? On Thursday, Kyrgyzstan's regime toppled. Could Kazakhstan be next? Uzbekistan? Belarus?
He had accurately predicted, at the end of the Cold War, the outbreak of ethnic violence in Yugoslavia, but he did not understand the need for American involvement in the problem, let alone the use of military force to end the Balkan wars. "Why should we try to stop ancient ethnic hatreds?" he asked me one day in the dark-paneled library of his house in Princeton.
Seoul heeding advice to cut troops in Iraq ttp:// "The United States has chosen Japan as its proxy to control the growing Chinese influence in the region," a top Uri Party official said. "The United States has given full support to Japan, including Tokyo's bid to become a UN Security Council member. That is the background of why Tokyo is pushing its territorial claims over Dokdo against Seoul, and why Washington is silent about it." Uri representative Woo Won-shik said, "We have nothing to gain by deploying the troops in Iraq for a long time. I support the reduction." アメリカは日本を選んだ。日本の国連常任理事国入りを指示し、東京が竹島について、 ソウルに苦情を言っても、ワシントンは沈黙したままだ。我々はイラクに長くいても得るもの はない。私は削減を指示する。
"The bird flu has recently broken out at two to three chicken farms, including Hadang farm," the agency reported in a Korean-language dispatch monitored by Yonhap news agency in Seoul.
同団幹部が同日、本紙の電話取材に答えた。同幹部によると、同胞団はこの日、カイロ中心部タ ハリール広場で、1981年以来継続中の非常事態宣言の廃止など一層の政治改革を求めるデモ を計画していたといい、当局側はこれを未然防止するため大量逮捕に踏み切ったとみられる。 ttp:// ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー The Muslim Brotherhood calls for replacing Egypt's secular government with an Islamic state. The group was formally banned in 1954,(VOA) 朝日新聞が、この団体がイスラム 原理主義団体であることを伝えないのは意図的とみえるけれど。
Aiyar said:” India has played its part in listening to what the US had to say. “ Beyond this, he emphatically said: “We have heard the objections. There is no alterative to our pipeline policy. There is no change in our position.”
Zhongguo zhengfu ruhe kongzhi meiti (How the Chinese Government Controls the Media) a report by He Qinglian Human Rights in China, 152 pp., $20.00
Somehow poison got into the food at a snack shop in Nanjing, China, on September 14, 2002, and more than four hundred people fell ill. After forty-one of them died, the official Xinhua News Agency posted a notice warning of contaminated food in Nanjing, but this was quickly withdrawn and the government imposed a black-out on all such stories. Word of the poisoning spread by people telephoning overseas, however, and after thirty-six hours, publication of the news abroad forced an end to the domestic ban. By then about one hundred people had died.
すかす、何よりも今問題になっているのは、大統領が忠実な側近を頭として、自分のため に新しい軍組織を作ろうとしていることで、大統領の計画はBolivarian Circles of Venezuela Frontline Defense for National Democratic Revolution." (国民民主革命のためのボリ ビア人サークルのベネズエラ防衛前線)と呼ばれるものである。
ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Now we know why Kofi is depressed! ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Ooooh! Kofi's cup runneth over ... with oil! Greaser! ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー boy i am shocked, shocked to find out old kofi was involved. Almost as shocked as step in a puddle my shoe gets wet. Who knew ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー So we have Koffi, Kojo, Iraqi Ambassadors, Nigeria, Marc Rich, Bill Clinton, and Joseph Wilson stomping the same vat? Perhaps the whole Joe Wilson thing was a set-up? ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー When Kofi leaves ? hopefully soon ? he can always supplement his pension by running email Nigerian-style 419 scams. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
アラブ世界の若者達は、女性が、限られた社会的役割から乗り出して、自由な感性を表現すること を、そうしたイメージにひきつけられているように見える。もし、時が来たっているのであれば、 アラブの若者達が自然な直感によって、SEXと自由を片手に、もう一方にはテロリズムと懲罰的・ 禁欲的イスラムをもって、ルソー主義的な結合をなすことであろう。 (It's only a matter of time ? if that time has not already arrived ? before young people will make the Rousseauian connection between natural instinct, sex and freedom on one hand, and terrorism, sterility, and puritanical Islam on the other)
何時もクールな、ベルモントクラブ氏が評して: Terri Schiavo the myth was just beginning its unpredictable course through the culture wars. 日本から見ていると、とても解りつらいのだけれど、現在のアメリカの政治的状況を理解する 為には、そういう事件を理解できないと駄目なのだろうと思われ。ベルモント・クラブにかな り鋭い評論が;
行政府長官によれば、市当局はWHOからの文書を、中国政府経由で受け取って、直ちに調査を行った が、その結果そうした事件は無く、報道されたような税関管理と密輸賤船員の接触事件などは存在し なかった。 An investigation was timely conducted by the local government after it received the relative document from the China Office of World Health Organization (WHO) via the Ministry of Health, said Tang. The investigation showed there had not been such an alleged contact between Chinese staffs and foreign smugglers. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー この報道からみて、WHOが中国政府に問い合わせを行ったようで、中国はそれを調査してデマと 結論付けたことになる。
Conclusion. Syria's Assad regime must be firmly pressured to halt interference in Lebanese, Iraqi, Palestinian, and Israeli affairs. If it fails to do so, the Bush Administration should lead an international effort to impose higher economic, diplomatic, and political costs on Damascus. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー まあこれは、アメリカの保守派の標準回答のような政策提言で、あたらしみは無い;
NYP:欧州の、中国向け武器禁輸解除は混乱状態だが By PETER BROOKES ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ヘリテージ財団の「ネオコン」論者、ピーター・ブルックスが最近足並みの乱れてきた欧州の 中国向け武器禁輸解除の現状を展望して、独仏中軸の欧州政策を変えさせるチャンスという。
Even though Korea and Japan has marked this year as the ``Year of Friendship,’’ it seems painfully clear that past resentment and cultural insecurities still control the minds and hearts of the Korean people.
Under the guidance of the Park Chung-hee government in the 1960s, Korea quickly introduced swift and far-reaching political and economic reforms to help counter the political unrest and high unemployment that was plaguing the country. The government’s goal was to increase trade and decrease dependence on foreign assistance, but to do so it needed to rebuild relations with its former suppressor.
Even though the Park Chung-hee government had made the decision to forego any future reparations, the people in Korea still demanded compensation for the past evils of colonial rule and most of all, an apology. It should be noted that the Korean government did receive capital investment to help in the rebuilding of the nation from Japan. Recent figures speculate the amount to be somewhere near 3.2 billion U.S. dollars.
Instead of diplomacy, we are faced with a media circus of flag burning, political backstabbing and self-mutilation. Similar to An Jung-Guen, the Korean hero who assassinated Ito Hirobumi and later cut off his fingers so he could write freedom messages in blood on the Korean Taegukki, two Koreans have recently cut off their fingers in a symbolic gesture against the Japanese claim to the Tokto Islets. With the current media frenzy, the fight for these small islands has come to the political forefront in Asia, carrying more precedence then the revelation that North Korea has nuclear weapons, or the recent execution video smuggled out of that country.
6か国協議が再開されない場合、北朝鮮が今年核兵器実験に踏み切る可能性が大きいと、米国の パウエル前国務長官の秘書室長を歴任したラリー・ウィルカーソン氏が主張した。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp:// Nuclear forecast Amid the Bush administration's tough talk toward North Korea, a new fear is emerging: Could Pyongyang test a nuclear weapon this year? Some insiders think so. "Knowing Kim Jong Il 's track record for brinksmanship, I'd bet on it," says Larry Wilkerson , who worked the North Korea issue as former Secretary of State Colin Powell 's chief of staff. "If we don't resume negotiations, I'd give it a 70-30 chance." The CIA is not predicting anything imminent. But then again, it missed India's nuke test in 1998. "The only thing that would preclude this," says Wilkerson, "is if they don't have a bomb."
(部分抜粋) What South Korean leaders said in closed meetings about differences with the US was not disclosed but Rice got an earful of South Korean thinking in questions from the South Korean press.
South Korean reporters asserted that many South Koreans do not consider the US an ally, that many thought the US should make concessions to North Korea, and many wanted Rice to retract the accusation that North Korea is an "outpost of tyranny."
Several South Korean reporters asserted that the US was encouraging Japanese military expansion, that the US should not support Japan's petition for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, and that anti-American and anti-Japanese feelings among Koreans were connected. Rice reiterated her praise for the US-Japan alliance.
ttp:// Impact of report on Annan still uncertain By Carl Quintanilla Correspondent NBC News Updated: 3:43 p.m. ET March 29, 2005
The Volcker report clears Kofi Annan for blame for any personal wrongdoing and clears him of blame for his sons actions. But, what will the fallout be for Annan?
It is important to remember that it clears him only to the extent that it says there is no evidence that he influenced the contracts. Volcker was adamant in saying that this is all they could find. No one is giving him complete absolution, but the report simply said there is no evidence to suggest that he did anything wrong.
Politically the fallout for Annan really depends on which side you are on. All of his supporters say that it backs up his claim that he was involved in no wrongdoing. His critics however continue to call out for his resignation. They say that anyone who failed to properly follow-up on an inquiry is not the person you want reforming the U.N. in the wake of their human rights scandals and other scandals.
ttp:// Published online: 29 March 2005; | doi:10.1038/news050328-2 Gossip mongers push for national networks Helen Pearson Surveillance of disease rumours looks set to expand.
Grein, Samaan and others now want individual countries to set up rumour surveillance systems that would run alongside the WHO's international one. These could filter reports according to different criteria that might be better at unearthing local incidents and diseases that are important to a particular country. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 流言飛語の監視機構がもっとも必要なのは、中国に対してだろうと思われ。この「監視機構」 の調査対象は: 'rumour surveillance' to monitor online media for early signs of epidemics, including ebola, cholera and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). インフルエンザに加えて、エボラ、コレラ、そしてSARS;
Will he (Putin) be able to understand that if President Murat Zyazikov, who is hated by the people, continues to stay in power, this can blow up the situation in Ingushetia? Ingushetia is on the brink of revolution. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 穏やかならぬ記事だけれど、そういうことはあちこちの旧ソヴィエトの共和国で起こっても 不思議ではないような。
"not only on the Korean peninsula but also in Northeast Asia." "Depending on what choice we will make in future, the power structure in Northeast Asia will change."
What we have summarized here provides merely a taste of the full report, which can be found at the Volcker Committee's Web site: Anyone who still thinks Mr. Annan has been acquitted of "wrongdoing" would do well to read it, as would anyone who still believes Mr. Annan is fit to lead the United Nations.
If that is indeed the background to the presidential remarks, their repercussions would be far greater even than [Mr.] Roh's opposition to recasting the USFK as a rapid deployment force in Northeast Asia -- what they call the "Roh Moo-hyun doctrine" at Cheong Wa Dae.
It means also that South Korea will in effect break away from the tripartite security alliance with the U.S. and Japan which has been the basis of its survival for over five decades.
But, of course, if Mr. Roh is no longer satisfied with the status quo, he can choose to abandon an alliance that has kept the peace on the Korean peninsula for half a century.
"It is possible to expect Kim Jong-il's arrival in Moscow for this event," Konstantin Pulikovsky, Putin's envoy in the Far Eastern Russian region that shares a border with the communist state, told Interfax news agency.
Robert Gallucci, a key figure in the Geneva Accords of 1994, said Wednesday if North Korea exported nuclear materials abroad, it could be the last straw prompting the U.S. to attack the country.
国連改革案を提案しているアナン事務総長は、その内容の個々の事項ではなく、全体を一括の パッケージとして(受諾か拒否か)扱われるべき、と警告した。 (warned they would work only if countries accepted his ideas as a comprehensive package)
ttp:// The Belmont Club ベルモント・クラブ ブログ Appointment in Ontario 国連改革案について 3、30 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ベルモントクラブは、コフィ・アナンのO-f-F疑惑やS-f-Fスキャンダルで、国連に批判的で アナン事務総長の国連改革パッケージは実現可能性がない、とみる。その理由:
Worst of all, the project of UN reform is essentially separable from the tenure of Kofi Annan. There is no compelling reason why he should preside over any 'reform' effort and much to be said for undertaking it without him. In the end, he is the most dispensable item on the reform agenda.
According to Uighur activists in Bishkek, in the past Kyrgyz authorities cooperated with China, in essence allowing Beijing to strengthen its control over the activities of Uighurs in Kyrgyzstan and the other Central Asian republics. The Sino-Kyrgyz alliance stood in the path of the Uighur movement, casting a dark shadow not only over its the future, but also the future of the whole of the Uighur people in Kyrgyzstan and East Turkestan, which is perhaps better known by its official Chinese name, the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region.
# The nature of the new Sino-Russian relations had yet to be clearly defined. # The Chinese government was pressing the Kyrgyz government to resolve border issues. # The Chinese government did not really take these newly independent countries seriously, believing that they would eventually become dependent on China because of their weak economies. # China mistakenly believed that none of these countries, including Russia, would play their "Uighur card" as the Soviet Union had in the past.
It is very clear that the Chinese campaign against ethnic separatism and terrorism is aimed at eliminating the Uighur national independence movement. The Kyrgyz government took advantage of this issue to acquire desperately needed Chinese economic aid.
ttp:// Gateway Pundit Wednesday, March 30, 2005 An Iraqi View of the UN Report 国連のO-f-F調査報告書への、イラク人、マホメッドの反応
I have decided to write the following on my wall: The UN has always been a corrupt organization and the oil for food program was a disastrous organized robbery; it wasn't the first scandal and not going to be the last as long the UN keeps existing in its current form. The father knows what his son had done. And we all know this, so where's the surprize!?
> SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA -- > The Republic of Korea is one of America's most important allies. But South Koreans aren't sure they want > Americans to stick around, even as North Korea continues to compete with Iran for the title of most > dangerous nation. Washington's best policy to deter the DPRK from developing nuclear weapons isn't > obvious. What is certain is that the U.S. should pull its troops out of the South, turning Korea's problems > over to nations in the region.
> The U.S. and South Korea have begun talks under the Security Policy Initiative to chart the future > of the alliance. But Seoul's cooperative vision is almost entirely one-sided. The much-delayed > deployment of 3,000 ROK soldiers to Iraq -- to a peaceful Kurdish region not even requiring a foreign troop > Presence -- was intended to help counteract American plans to withdraw troops for deployment in Iraq. > As for the future, Seoul reacted negatively to the suggestion of Lt. Gen. Charles C. Campbell, commande >r of the 8th Army in Korea, that the alliance could eventually evolve into joint humanitarian and peacekeeping > operations in Asia.
> Moreover, South Korea, with the world's 12th largest economy, and not America, facing a bill in Iraq that > might eventually hit $300 billion, should be paying for its conventional defense. After all, it is Seoul, > not Washington, D.C., that is being defended. > > Thus, the U.S. should plan on withdrawing all 37,000 troops. Of the planned 12,500 reduction, complained > one South Korean official, "the realignment should not undermine our national security." But why, then, > is the South planning to cut its own forces? > > Prosperous and populous, the South is fully capable of defending itself. In today's world it is irresponsible > for the U.S. to maintain an international dole for self-indulgent client states.
> But America can no longer afford to be a captive of the status quo. It doesn't have enough soldiers to go around > the world. It's time to bring America's military forces home from Korea. All of them.
PYONGYANG, May 13 (KCNA-Yonhap) -- North Korea said Thursday that the stalled six-way talks aimed at ending its nuclear weapons program should be transformed into arms reduction talks as it has already produced nuclear weapons.
In a statement reported by the (North) Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), North Korea's Foreign Ministry said that Pyongyang has become a nuclear power and all participants in the six-party dialogue should be equally treated at any arms reduction talks.