For October 25: You're a source of surprise and the object of at least one person's affection today. Don't be shocked if several people compete for your attention - wouldn't be the first time. You've sought guidance from someone you view as an expert or mentor, and may actually hit the jackpot today by getting positive personal and professional feedback. Don't hesitate to ask someone's advice about a financial venture, especially during late afternoon or early evening. That's prime time for receiving illuminating information.
951 名前:マドモアゼル名無しさん[sage] 投稿日:2007/10/21(日) 19:14:27 ID:kHpGYzDj Love
Meter reading: 7 October 22-28: あなたの考えはとても素早く動き同じところを行ったり来たりしています。 ある時は、これから起こる出来事をとっても楽しみにしてたくせに、次の日は幻滅したり。 感情のシーソーに乗って彷徨うのはなかなか戸惑う出来事です。 あなたの友人らはあなたに巻き込まれていると感じていて、あなたの定まらない感情をいらいらして眺めています。 同意を示す前に、本当にそれでいいのかちゃんと考えてください。 PS もしあなたが行動しようと決め、きちんと義務を果たせば、あなたはちゃんと楽しめます。特に週末は。 This week's touchstones: Blue Lace Agate, Chalcedony.
Meter reading: 7 October 22-28: あなたは今週、ちょっと過剰反応しそうです。衝動的になにか決断したり、それを後悔したり。 これは働く人間としては勿論いい事ではありません。あなたが経験不足で決断力のない人間に見えてしまいます。 もし感情的になっていたり、答えに自信がもてなかったりするのなら、 決断を延期しなさい。口約束も同じです。 来週の初めまであなたは意志が強くよい第一印象を与える事が出来ます。 それは将来あなたのパートナーになりえる人に強くインパクトを与える事が出来ると言う事です。 どっちつかずでいるという事は災いを回避する手段でもあります。 来週になり物事がより良い方向に向かうまで静寂を保ち、判断を延期しなさい。 This week's touchstones: Onyx, Pyrite.
シェリーの25日をお手すきボラ様、お願いします。 Obviously, you don’t want to upset anybody. However, certain individuals are causing mayhem because they’re creating their own version of the truth. And if you don’t detail the facts exactly as they are, they’ll continue to do so. They’ve been hoping you’d react just as you have, as they’d continue to have free rein.
更新されました。シェリーの26日をお手すきボラさん、お願いします Ordinarily, you can rely on what others say. There are few who will lie deliberately. But with the retrograde Mercury causing confusion, those who’re usually cautious about their statements could be mistaken in their facts. Certainly if things don’t seem right, before you take another step, you’d be well advised to ask a few questions.
エル週末です。よろしくお願い致します。 Weekend Update: Friday's Full Moon in Taurus turns up the volume in your intuition and truth meter. You can spot a phony a mile away and won't feel obligated to pretend to be amused or impressed. Aside from your gift for being able to separate the wheat from the chaff, you make important headway in a personal and professional matter. One may support the other, as a matter of fact. You should enjoy most of Friday. A number of you fall in love with another's mind. (You've probably already fallen for his or her physical charms.) Friday night is definitely an ideal time to spend with someone you adore. Sparks are likely to light up the night. Saturday should also be a stand out, keeping you happy and amazed at the same time. Saturday night, however, may call for a slight change in plans. You may decide to remain close to home or do something with a family member or friend in need. Sunday requires lots of personal time, space and unhurried activity. Be spontaneous and take your precious time. Later Sunday evening, you might decide that you probably don't have to work so hard to survive after all. There might be a much better solution available to you. Stay tuned.
おはようございます。29日エルです。翻訳お願いします。 For October 29: You need to relax and calm down instead jumping around like a Jack Russell terrier. Your mood goes up and down so fast that it's exhausting you and those nearby. Just slow down self-defeating thoughts and then erase 'em next time they cycle through your head. Once you're able to master your own thoughts (especially those ancient fears, grudges or resentments), you'll be free to live in the present with new friends, a new love and wonderful possibilities. Don't allow the past to crowd out a very appealing present. It's okay and safe to allow yourself to feel joy, trust and love.
ヤスミン29日です。翻訳お願いいたします。 The Venus/Jupiter link today hits you on so many levels. For one thing, Jupiter is your traditional ruler, so if you spent too much on the weekend, or loved someone to the point of smothering them, now you know why! Try not to make the mistake worse today but doing it all the more. At work, while some lucky Pisceans will find their popularity soars ( hurrah) others will need to be careful that they produce results, rather than just relying on their colleagues' trust and goodwill. Be confident without expecting to just cruise…
Love Meter reading: 8 October 29-November 4: Opportunities arrive from afar. Maybe these concern an educational opportunity or a spectacular chance to visit a friend in another country. You also hear the words you've been waiting to hear from someone you've missed. This is your good karma week, Pisces, especially in love. All the wonderful kind things you've done for another finally boomerang, blessing you with well-deserved happiness. Early in the week, things may seem a bit uneven at times, but your prospects and mood improve dramatically by the weekend. This week's touchstones: Rose Quartz, Star Ruby.
Career Meter reading: 8 October 29-November 4: When it rains, it pours - at least this week! Suddenly, your name is at the top of clients' and employers' lists priority lists. You're hotter than a firecracker. Mercury goes direct on the 1st, strongly suggesting that your finances are about to improve mightily - maybe not on the first, but shortly thereafter. Dream big and aim high. Don't hesitate to accept a new, somewhat daunting assignment. Chase your fantasy job this week - you just might get it! This week's touchstones: Rutilated Quartz, Ammonite.
Shelly 週報 Your stars for the week beginning 28 October 2007 小さな災害の一群に足踏みを余儀なくされ、 また不動産に関わる問題と取り組んできたかもしれません。 でもそれらの問題から様々な事を学んだと考えると、気分は悪くないでしょう。あなたは個人的、対人関係の膨大な数の問題を解決してきました。 今週の新しい障害が現れてもあなたは情熱をもって対処できると いうことを忘れないでください。 あなたのストレスの元である水星の逆行が木曜日にようやく終わり、 人生は複雑ではなくなります。 その後は、もしかしたら生活に刺激が足りなさ過ぎて、 なにか挑戦するものを探してるかもしれませんね。
おはようございます。エルです☆翻訳をお願いします。 For October 30: You've got a good thing going right now, so don't blow it. It's one thing to be as tempestuous as an early Sophia Loren flick, but it's another thing to be ornery or glued to the past. Move away from bad memories, Pisces. Let them go - this time, for good. Live in the NOW. What you see, hear and experience right now is your reality. It's what you have. The past is just a lot of disheveled memories that, for the most part, have NOTHING to do with the present. Stop reintroducing the bad old days into the getting better all the time NOW. Please. This is your chance. Go for it.
エルです。翻訳お願いいたします☆ For October 31: Happy Halloween! This morning brings better news in a personal or partnership matter. What may have seemed difficult or impossible before now seems much better. Get off the emotional seesaw and work on emotional balance. This is for your own sake as well as your connections with others. Because you've been hurt and betrayed in the past, it's understandable that you're somewhat defensive; but sometimes defense mechanisms interfere with fulfillment and happiness. As sweet as the morning may be, you might encounter another 'issue' midday. Don't turn this into World War III. Tone down your rhetoric and calm your mind. You have a tendency to withdraw when there is no need. Give things a little more time - even a couple days can make a huge difference. Later this afternoon, your ruling planet Neptune goes direct in your solar 12th house, suggesting that you will gradually begin to find more emotional balance.
エルです。翻訳お願いします For November 1: Mercury goes direct later today, but still doesn't offer the clarity and peace of mind you'd hoped for. That will take another couple days. In the meantime, don't burn bridges down to the ground. Your mind and imagination may play vivid tricks on you, leading you to misinterpret another's intentions or actions. You may view another's good deeds with suspicion. Just batten down the hatches another couple days while you find your center and balance. Sometime between the 4th and 6th, you'll be in a better position to have an important talk with someone you care about. Until then, you might be too volatile or stressed to have a friendly, productive chat.
お時間ありましたら翻訳おねがいします。 Yasmin Boland is on leave. Kelly Surtees writes: Ok so it might seem like everyone around you is involved in Exciting Adventures or Passionate Affairs. However if you look at your life objectively you'll see that you too have something special going on. It's easy to forget how magical your life is when you're super busy or stuck right in the middle of the stuff itself. Today, step back and get a fresh take on where you really are. Remind yourself of how far you've come. The future looks bright, but the present is even brighter. Enjoy it today, without wishing it was something else entirely.
エル週末です。翻訳おねがいします☆さそりさん、翻訳ありがとうございました☆ 穏やかな週末をお過ごしください★ Weekend Update: Friday morning keeps you on an emotional rollercoaster. It's not a rough ride, but may feel out of control - or at least, out of your control. Things begin to improve within an hour or two. Instead of eyeing each bit of good news with a raised eyebrow, take it at face value. Just wait, watch, and see what happens. For your own health and happiness, you need to find some solid, steady middle ground where you feel safe and happy. Emotional extremes take a massive toll on your time, energy and wellness. Saturday focuses almost exclusively on a relationship: the good, the bad and the ugly elements. You might obsess about this relationship, and once again go through extreme highs and lows. Instead of exhausting yourself, detach. You don't necessarily have to ditch a relationship, but you might need to detach until you can find that all-important middle ground. Later Saturday evening, you might say or do something that shuts down communication - maybe permanently. Is that what you really want? Concentrate on eliminating the drama from your life right now - and look inside yourself for the source of the drama. You're attracting it and manufacturing it. You're the potent, powerful force of nature here, not the people that you associate with. Sunday morning is active. Get some vigorous physical exercise before midday. Once midday arrives, things could get a bit odd or frantic. Your phone could ring off the hook. People could seem extremely anxious or needy. Once again, you must learn to detach - for your own wellbeing.
ヤスミンです翻訳お願いします。 Yasmin Boland is on leave. Kelly Surtees writes: Your feelings for that special someone can't be ignored. Your giving nature could go into over drive today so check things out first - are they into you too? If so your gifts will be welcomed. If not, you may need to find someone else with whom to express your desire to give. Relationship themes become your primary focus as startling feelings flood your heart. Go with the crazy energy today; sometimes breaking a habit or trying something new is exactly what's required to keep things interesting. Single? Amazing and unexpected connections are possible. Attached? Forget the routine and spring a surprise on your other half.
今日のエルです。翻訳お願いいたします。 For November 5: You receive a lot of very positive attention from others this morning and early afternoon. You can't even run to the post office without bumping into someone who is sure he or she knows you. You're likely to hear that line several times today. People are willing to do whatever it takes to get five minutes of your time. As always, they're mesmerized by your eyes and smile. They're smitten, as a matter of fact. But do you find these people appealing? That's the universal question, isn't it, Pisces? Sure, you've got throngs of admirers - but are any of them even close to what you want? Later this afternoon, you zero in on a career or reputation issue. You recognize that it's time to draw a deep line in the sand - an unmistakable line between your territory and someone else's.
シェリーの5日をボラ様、お願いします。 Upsetting as sudden changes in plan may be to the schedule of others - and to them - as well, they’re unavoidable. There’s no way you can ignore the extraordinary opportunities that have come your way. You know you’d regret not taking these further, even if it does mean that your decisions cause a certain amount of upheaval.
続いてシェリーの週報をお手すきボラ様、お願いします。 When seriously challenging situations involving those closest in your personal or business life erupted in mid-October you were, of course, there for them. Since then, however, they’ve been increasingly difficult. Now you realise it’s them or you. This is because either projects you’ve been working on come good or unexpected but welcome developments require most of your attention. Bizarrely, they insist that putting these first constitutes a betrayal. Ignore them. This seems cruel. But they’ve some lessons to learn about loyalty themselves and these will take well into November, by which time you’ll have this week’s developments organised just the way you want them.
Love Meter reading: 7 November 5-11: Sometimes you feel out of place, or almost as if you were born too late. Early this week may aggravate your sense of not belonging. But it passes - and fast. By midweek, you feel very confident, ultra attractive and aware of the spell you cast on admirers. Make a point to assume the best about yourself and others instead of giving into fear or dismay. You actually have a lot of power and a lot of say in social and romantic matters. Follow your intuition and conscience, particularly late in the week. Some of you may fall for another's intellect or meet someone online and feel so comfortable and understood. This week's touchstones: Rhodochrosite, Blue Chalcedony.
Career Meter reading: 8 November 5-11: You probably don't recognize your power or advantage over the competition early this week. In fact, you might feel slightly hobbled by others' strength. They, on the other hand, recognize your potency and view you as fierce competition. Try to get onboard with this early in the week so that you can power up your motivation and confidence. Midweek brings what appears to be a financial opportunity, raise or some other benefit. You suddenly feel acknowledged and rewarded for your effort, instead of merely taken for granted. Late week goes even further in terms of raising your profile, desirability and status. Late in the week, someone you trust floats the idea of moving or transferring to something much better. You're all ears and very interested. This week's touchstones: Pyrite, Malachite.
エルです!翻訳お願いします。 少々へこみ長いです☆ For November 6: You have the benefit of a nice grand trine in water signs, so make the most of it! Sure, you have your share of annoying career or school disappointments today and may wonder if you're wasting time or marking time until something better comes along. I suspect you're marking time and that something better will come along. In the meantime, graciously accept the compliments, flirting admiration and positive attention you receive from others. They can't help feeling almost magnetized by you right now. It's not as easy being desirable as some people think - everyone hits on you!
エルです。翻訳お願いします Daily Horoscope: For November 7: You're almost excruciatingly psychic today. You know what someone is going to say, do or think before he or she does. You bring up topics just before a friend or colleague was about to mention them. Others feel somewhat amazed and annoyed because you beat them to the punch every time. On another note, you make excellent use of your prescience by making sure you're in the right place at the right time to see someone who might be in a position to help you. An ongoing water sign trine blesses you throughout the day with energy, charisma and that special appeal that only you possess. As it turns out, you have admirers in high places. Now you can make this all about love and fun - or you can turn this into a career opportunity. It's your call, Pisces.
本日の7日のシェリーをお願いします Welcome as the events streaming through your life and those of others may be, there’s no question but that this means saying farewell to certain other familiar habits. Much as this saddens you at the moment, you’ll soon find different but similar activities that bring you exactly the same variety of satisfying reassurance.
ヤスミンです。翻訳してくださる方がおられましたらお願いいたします。 Kelly Surtees writes: Consider giving a voice to the many unspoken (and often incorrectly assumed) perspectives in modern society. Discussing typically taboo topics like sex, money and politics helps you find out where those around you really stand. You will of course put your diplomatic skills to good use as you make enquiries around such provocative topics. You realise you could air out a few things lurking in the back of your proverbial closest too. Be prepared to reveal as much as you ask of others today. As things come out in the open you'll see nothing is anywhere near as murky as you feared.
おはようございます、昨日のShauna Crowley writes当たっていました。 今日のです。翻訳お願いします。 Yasmin Boland is on leave. Shauna Crowley writes: Unexpected rewards are set for you today and it's all good karma. A mystical line-up of the planets wants you to banish clouds and confusion and let the Sun shine on in. Powerful friends and allies are also making tracks on your personal map. No time to be airy-fairy: a great time to align yourself with power brokers or just even people you've been that tiny little bit scared of before! Mars at the apex of this bubbling heat-wave of energy gives you that extra push to make yourself known. Go for it, Pisces!
For November 8: You have a deeply entrenched sense of what is right and wrong. 翻訳お願いします Others may ask you for advice or guidance today, largely because they see you as a person of principle and enlightenment. You can have a profound impact on another's life today simply by speaking the truth. Agreements can be reached - even with people who seemed extremely resistant in the past. You can move mountains out of your way today, Pisces. Your versatility and ability to bounce back from disappointment make you so strong. Let others know that you're open to suggestions, especially regarding life-enhancing choices, and are ready to welcome opportunity and abundance into your heart.
シェリーの8日です。お手すきボラ様、よろしくお願いします You’re now beginning a lengthy cycle of review. That may sound grim. But actually it will be fun, mostly because it’s also about exploring new ideas and activities that would replace what’s going. Better yet, there’s no rush, as decisions can wait until the end of the month, when the Full Moon brings these to a head.
いつもありがとうございます。シェリーの9日ですが、 お手すきボラ様、よろしくお願いします。 Quick discussions may be good for getting things settled swiftly. But when it comes to knowing what others’ feelings are or being able to tell them about yours, they’re no good at all. Once the dust from recent developments dies down, therefore, you’ll want to conduct longer and considerably more in depth conversations with others.
あと、ヤスミンの代わりの方のもお願いします。 Yasmin Boland is on leave. Shauna Crowley writes: Pisces, combined with tomorrow's New Scorpio Moon, the Destiny Axis in your current chart urges a re-evaluation of who you are compared to everyone else. It's the old "us and them" philosophy wagging it's curly tail. Maybe you need to look at who's pressing your buttons right now. Maybe it's not THEM at all, maybe it's something you're doing to yourself? Doing too much for others leads to anger if you're not appreciated, so be careful how much you give away. Give unconditionally to feel better this New Moon.
最後にエルの週末ですが、どうかお願いします。 Weekend Update: Friday's New Moon in Scorpio is all about making a conscious decision to revise your thought patterns and subsequently your behavior. Each time you simply react, you become a slave to the situation, people or environment you're involved in. You lose power and your judgment is hobbled. Friday urges you to take control, work on detachment and stop falling prey to defensive, automatic response. There is a time and place for hair-trigger reactions. Fighter pilots need them. EMS workers need them. But most of us fare far better by giving people, places and things more time. Do this for your own happiness, Pisces. On Saturday, you think a lot about your future and the way you want it to be. This gets stronger during late afternoon and evening. You may share your thoughts and concerns with another. On Sunday, you definitely discuss your thoughts with a kindred spirit. You and another will not agree on every issue and may even have a moment of wondering whether or not a friendship can survive certain differences. Before the end of Sunday, you both agree that it definitely can survive - and probably thrive
10日のシェリーですが、よろしくお願いします。 Balancing what you must do with what you want to do is more difficult than usual. Tempting as it is to abandon the last shred of your self discipline and indulge yourself in selfish choices, there will be a price to pay. Work closely with others to achieve a compromise and you’ll get most of what you want.
UKの10日をお手すきボラ様、お願いします。 In analysing yesterday's events you could draw the conclusion that a working relationship has changed - as has a power-base. This could give you ideas. It may be that you can now work more closely with someone whose style you admire. At home, the relocation of items might require that you resolve the perennial problem of tidying cables and extending leads.
Friday's New Moon is in another of the Water signs and would seem to highlight the potential to develop relationships with those from other societies or countries and who possibly speak another language (that could be technical!). Perhaps most importantly though, the Sun and passion-associated Pluto have special alignment. For you, this could signal compelling and captivating involvement. Perhaps you're about to 'prove the laws of attraction': ignoring someone could on-so-difficult! Of course, you don't have to get involved: if you're already in a union, then perhaps this development will serve as a timely reminder that though others dreams might crumble, you now how to play the long game and to put sparks of passion back when necessary. In short, a display of Pisces' magic could have others talking about you greatly over the next few days - or weeks!
ヤスミンの10日です。どうかお手すきボラ様宜しくお願いします。 Take a break! The intensity of the past few weeks is about to ease off. You no longer have to have D&Ms (Deep and Meaningful Conversations) every time you open your mouth. If you've spend the past few weeks tackling intense issues until your head hurts, pat yourself on the back and move on. It's time to think about all that you've learned - this is the start of a four week period when exchanging ideas with others will expand your mind and teach you all kinds of amazing things about yourself and The World We Live In. If you're about to head off on a journey, you are in perfect timing with the Cosmos. It could be a trip which really opens your mind to the word beyond your backyard. Ditto if you're about to start a course of study or self-improvement. It's like someone's showing you a new area in your brain which you never used before.
ヤスミンです。翻訳お願いいたします☆ Take a break! The intensity of the past few weeks is about to ease off. You no longer have to have D&Ms (Deep and Meaningful Conversations) every time you open your mouth. If you've spend the past few weeks tackling intense issues until your head hurts, pat yourself on the back and move on. It's time to think about all that you've learned - this is the start of a four week period when exchanging ideas with others will expand your mind and teach you all kinds of amazing things about yourself and The World We Live In. If you're about to head off on a journey, you are in perfect timing with the Cosmos. It could be a trip which really opens your mind to the word beyond your backyard. Ditto if you're about to start a course of study or self-improvement. It's like someone's showing you a new area in your brain which you never used before.
お忙しい中、ボラ様いつもありがとうございます。 シェリーの11日を宜しくお願いします。 If you’ve managed to put you and your interests first as you’ve made decisions during the week just past, then the next few days should be relatively uncomplicated. But if you allowed others to elbow their way in, you’ll have to concentrate on ensuring that arrangements are more equitable, and you’ll need to do it now
続いて、シェリーの週報をお願いします。 Not only are you truly interested in everything around you and what everybody is getting up to, with your acute instincts, you spot important developments before anyone else. But certain recent events have caught you unawares. Now you must make up for lost time. This is no problem, as you’ve a genuine interest in new ideas. However, it may take a little while for you to realise how you’d benefit, personally. Give this serious thought and ask all the questions you can now, since by next week you could easily be turning some of those ideas into a part of your life
Meter reading: 9 November 12-18: You have so many options in the love and lust departments that others are jealous and annoyed with you. Why? Because they want what you have - even for one blissful, fabulous day! Old loves, new loves and very intriguing friends come into your life between now and late January. Some offer big talk and fake promises; a few, however, are real keepers worth taking mega-seriously! The odds are definitely in your favor. Just play the game and don't make any firm commitments or long-term decisions until after late January 2008. Give the people competing for your love and attention all the opportunities they need to earn your affection and respect. Happy hunting, Pisces! This week's touchstones: Red Tigers Eye, Lavender Jade.
Meter reading: 8 November 12-18: Mars goes retro, almost forcing you to explore hidden talent and unfulfilled potential. You're more competitive and loads more impatient for results. If others can't keep up with you (and they can't!), you're onto greener pastures. Repeating the same words, routines and slo-mo lessons are enough to send you into orbit. Let's face it, Pisces: You need a more engaging, fascinating, challenging career that you can actually learn something from. Trained monkey stuff just doesn't fill the bill no matter what it pays - and it doesn't pay enough. You want to branch out and explore your farthest horizons - for more money, of course. Don't hesitate to get the word out that YES, you are very available! This week's touchstones: Citrine, Carnelian.
おはようございます☆エルです。翻訳をお願い致します。 For November 12: Opportunities and suggestions arrive on cat's feet today. That means that you need to be ultra aware of each bit of incoming information. Don't dilute what could be career and/or life enhancing tips with mindless distractions or avoidance tactics. Remain alert. Think about the people you know who are in positions to assist you. Have you already asked them - all of them - for help in your ongoing quest? This isn't something to joke about, apologize for or avoid. If they didn't get the message the first time, ask again - and stay on point. You can reinvent your life and status by going out on a limb today. And, yes - it's worth it!
いつもありがとうございます。 12日のシェリーをお手すきボラ様、お願いします。 又>>187の週報も宜しくお願いします Recent unexpected developments made it clear that your life could be a lot more interesting. These, which would take you in a new direction or involve study or travel, could add much-needed new excitement. While numerous details remain to be worked out, simply knowing these are possible has done wonders for your mood.
続けて、ヤスミンの12日も宜しくお願いします。 Gambling is not usually something you have to be warned about Pisces but today is an exception. Strong urges push your buttons and you might find it hard to resist - going out to dinner with friends is a better way t use this energy. Choose something hot and spicy to harmonise with the powers around you at the moment. Profit from betting is unlikely but profit from sharing with friends is more important and more rewarding. Relationships are still restricted so you might find yourself being cold with friends without meaning to. Channel energy into career today for maximum results.
おはようございます、エルです。 翻訳おねがいします☆ For November 13: Your emotional and security needs are gradually shifting. You have an idea of what you're looking for, but are still reviewing and revising your ultimate goal almost on a daily basis. As long as you're a bit wobbly on what and whom you really want or need, it's not that easy to make a choice and stick with it, is it? Just when you think you've found Avalon, a problem erupts - or something better comes along. Instead of viewing this as a hostile stew of upsetting developments, see it for what it is: an embarrassment of riches. Just for a moment, think about your life. You've had numerous opportunities, socially, sexually and professionally. Most of them haven't worked out - but they continue to stream in. Do you know how fortunate you are to have this influx of opportunities? Change your perspective and count your blessings. Doing so will help you attract even better opportunities.
本日13日のシェリーです。お手すきボラ様お願い致します。 While others are already complaining about the unsettled mood, the dramatic changes that climax in mid-December have only just started. The problem is, you’ve a clear sense of the direction in which things are going, but others don’t. Tempting as it is to reassure them, they’ll only want you to explain what’s behind every single unexpected development.
ヤスミン13日ですが宜しくお願いします。 Things begun, realisations that come from out of the blue or decisions made today could see you moving into a far better future, but you may have to be prepared to step into unknown territory of some kind. You may even need to learn a new language of some kind, perhaps you need to get your paperwork in order, sew up loose ends, say goodbye to someone. Whatever it is, you're embarking on some new journey whether it's physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. It's a good idea to nurture all of these facets of yourself, but first you may have to give some serious time to your job and getting things done.
エルです。翻訳お願いします。 少しでも励みにしたいですね☆ For November 14: You continue to be blessed by a protective, opportunity-rich grand trine. If you don't use the benefits of your grand trine, they'll disappear. Remember that grand trines are celestial gifts that must be exploited, appreciated and passed on. You can't hoard them or put them into cold storage. You can't wait to utilize them when it's convenient. You need to savor them while they're being offered. That time is NOW, Pisces. While you continue to earnestly count your blessings and express your gratitude for others' friendship and love and each bit of beauty that surrounds you, your ability to attract more blessings accelerates. It's not Thanksgiving Day yet for most of us - but it is for you - today and during the days to come. Remember that your thoughts are the seeds of your future.
ヤスミンです。よろしくお願いします☆ Lynda Hill writes: A lot of running around is on the agenda, but not all of it will get you anywhere today. It could be that you get caught in traffic on the way to work, perhaps the trains are late, miss the bus or whatever. The commute is just what gets you from a to b - perhaps it's time you used up this time by learning something that you've been wanting to get your teeth into. After all, a lot of time is spent just getting to and from places. A good book on something you want to learn or audio lessons on your iPod would be just the ticket to expanding your mind while you're getting places. Expanding your mind is what this period is about , but more than that this time is best used also for expanding your world.
エルです。翻訳おねがいします★ For November 15: Mars goes retro in your social and romantic sector today. This retro phase continues to impact your private life until late January or early February. What this suggests is that you give things lots of time. Don't bounce around like a ping-pong ball. You need to slow down your heart and mind and think about why certain relationships seem to follow very similar themes. If these themes make you happy - hurray; but in most cases, they probably don't. You continue to find yourself knee deep in relationships that follow a negative and predictable pattern. The only common denominator in these relationships is you. So what does that tell you?
ヤスミンです。翻訳お願いします。。。 Today and over the next few days, if you need to have a serious conversation with someone (especially a lover, a Mr/Mz Maybe, or an ex) just take a deep breath and launch yourself on in there. Be as truthful and firm as you can be. If you want a straight answer about why they've been acting a certain way of late, ask a straight question. Right now, you are in the absolutely number one position of the zodiac to learn from your partner(s). So what are you waiting for? Get them to ed-chu-cate you.
As a Piscean, you openly admit that you spoil loved ones. But it’s a pleasure doing it, as nothing equals seeing somebody you care about happy. Now, however, circumstances have turned the tables. While they’ll undoubtedly be happy to support you, they’re not nearly as perceptive as you are, so will need a little prompting.
ボラ様 16日のシェリーをお手が空きましたら、宜しくお願いします。 You’re only just beginning a cycle of discussion and exploration that promises to be as exciting as, ultimately, it will be rewarding. However, you’d best be prepared to go through a number of stages. While others are feeling cooperative now, as both circumstances and their mood changes, their attitude is bound to shift as well
UKの16日を宜しくお願いします。 Your signature may be required. It's quite likely that someone needs reassurance that you won't back away from a deal. Someone older might also need to know that you've received a document they've sent: they might also need you to acknowledge that they're in touch with experts who could be of benefit. After all this, you may need to jump the rails and find fun!
UKの週末?も合わせて宜しくお願いします。 You probably know that Venus is the planet associated with love and Jupiter with excess. The aspect between these two could create an 'over the top' quality to the next few days. Indeed, with the Moon, Venus and Mars also moving into a tense triangle early next week, relationships could experience a few turbulent moments - which may be linked to your behaviour over these few days! Ok, you could effect some of your magic: you could sweep someone off their feet. You could look dazzling and charm the birds from the trees. You could overlook a few things in the process! That could be anything from the inconvenient truth that you're already involved elsewhere, to the headaches that could come through over-indulgence! You might need others to be very understanding - or you could do your best to avoid traps. You might do best to stick with those of your own sign - where understanding should be at its best!
ヤスミンの16日を宜しくお願いします。エルはまだ更新していないので・・・ Imagine if you lost 30kgs (I mean, imagine you weighed 90kgs and you lost 30kgs, ie: not that you wasted away to nothing, but that you went from biggish to smallish... got it?) Your life would have to change. For one thing, you would need a new wardrobe. You'd also have to be prepared for the rest of the world to treat you differently. You'd also feel lighter and probably healthier. You would have to make changes to suit your new reality. And guess what? You do have to. Now. Whether you've just lost 30kg or not!
エル更新されました。週末です。どうかお手すきボラ様、 宜しくお願いします。 You stew about issues that are still up for grabs, out of your control, and perhaps, none of your business early Friday morning. Don't do this to yourself. You have real decisions of your own to consider - choices that can make or break your quality of life. Like the old folks say, "Don't borrow trouble." By midmorning, you finally get past a temporary worrywart phase and start enjoying yourself. Others seem to really enjoy you, too. You sparkle and glow like diamonds and naturally attract others' admiration. With the help of a very honest and wise friend, you make smart choices during the course of the day. Go ahead and bounce your options off a trusted pal. Collect a number of opinions and then sort out which ones make the most sense. You work most effectively by blending your energy with that of others throughout Friday and Saturday. Speaking of Saturday, you're very alluring throughout the day. You look sensuous, whether you're in workout sweats or glammed up. No matter what you've got planned, look your best because you will see people you know - or want to know better! You might have one minor issue with someone whose ego perpetually clashes with yours during the afternoon. After that, the rest of the day and evening is superb. Sunday may find you feeling slightly bloated. Whether you've collected another two pounds or more, you really feel it. Your clothes don't fit as well. Your watch or ring may not fit like it should. Even your shoes may feel tight. This will pass, especially if you're able to sneak in some healthy, brisk exercise during the day. FYI: Later in the evening, a heart-to-heart chat may be the precursor to a romantic reunion.
So who exactly made all the rules you are now living by? You can do this, you can't do this, he should do that, it's not for her to do that and so on. And who exactly is benefitting by all the relationship rules you are putting in place? If it's not you, then why are you doing it? As Saturn continues to burrow his way deeper and deeper in your Love Zone, you are going to need to become more and more aware of the pitfalls of making too many rules for yourself and your relationships (romantic or otherwise).
19日のシェリーをお願いします。 Don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because almost everybody is being cooperative, eventually those who are more reluctant will see the light. Not only is that not the case, it will take hard facts and a great deal of persuasion to win over one particularly recalcitrant individual. Assembling those facts now ensures you’re well prepared.
続いて週報をお願いします。 In a week of twists and turns, plans must be discussed and revised regularly if they’re to survive at all. You realise this, but others aren’t as intuitive as you are, so struggle with these frequent changes. Be sympathetic but don’t rearrange things to suit them. Not only would that achieve little, your time’s better spent exploring just exactly how the ideas being discussed would influence your way of living and working and your long term goals. Uncertain as arrangements are now, within only a few weeks’ time they’ll be behind changes more dramatic than even you, at your most intuitive, would have imagined possible.
エルの19日もお手すきボラ様お願いします。 You're like cured kindling, ready to catch fire at any moment. Instead of jumping to conclusions or making decisions based on sudden moods, slow down and think things through. Scrape off that old anger and fear of being embarrassed, rejected or hurt. It's no longer enhancing your life - and may actually be clouding your clarity. Just for today, don't project a thing. Live in the present. Take a 'what I see is what I get' approach. Don't compare others to someone you used to know. And stop mulling over the past. Today is ideal for breaking out of a rut that once served a purpose but is no longer necessary. Climb out of the old way of living. Don't anticipate that certain people will create havoc or mess up your life. Since when do they have any kind of power over your life? That's the point, you know: You have the final say.
ヤスミンの翻訳を出来ましたらお願いいたします。 As you consider and contemplate all your most important one-to-one relationships, bare in mind the biggest factor of all; you have the planet Saturn in your love zone now and for the next two years. You are bound by your astrology to be learning some lessons from other people, even if it's just that they're teaching you how NOT to act by acting that way themselves! But before you come over all sanctimonious and agree that that is your lesson, pause. Are you sure there's not some more insight in recent events for you that that?
エルの翻訳、お願いいたします☆ For November 20: You can break through a personal barrier faster than light pours through a stained glass window. It becomes crystal clear to you that no one else has the kind of power over your mood or choices that you do. Once you really 'get' this and it sinks into every fiber and synapse, you'll liberate yourself from disappointing people who sadly have almost nothing to give. Yes - you've given way past the point of hurt, and are now a bit gun shy about being in that kind of misery again. Well, you don't ever have to feel that way again! Your relationships are your decisions and reflect YOUR priorities, Pisces. You rule!
Remember to feed your dreams and ideals today. Don't give into another's negativity or confidence-crippling commentary. Remain heart-centered and you won't slip off the tracks. As long as you continue to do what you know is right, not just for now but also for the future, you'll be able to sleep like a baby at night. It's only when you cut corners or make excuses that sound pretty good at the time but never quite 'feel' right that you get into trouble. A bountiful Grand Trine in Water Signs strongly urges you to embrace a new outlook. Make a point to periodically check your attitude and mood and make sure they're where you want them to be. Others will notice a positive difference in you. They'll feel it and see it. Don't be surprised if others comment on how refreshed and good you look today.
ヤスミンの翻訳おねがいします Whatever you do, don't become complacent. That would never do. Sure, there are people who seem to be wanting to stick a rocket up your bum, when you would rather just cruise along and see where the whole thing takes you. But this is not the time for that. This is Serious Time. And so will next year be. You are shaping yourself and your future - and the future of your children and your children's children! So don't take the backseat now. That will never do and you know it. Be responsible and admit it if you need to try harder to achieve those amazing goals you set for yourself.
人生が空回り、人間関係が・・・・最悪。 と言う所でお手すきボラ様、シェリーさんをお願いしたいのですが 宜しくお願いします。 Naturally you’d prefer to avoid disruptive changes altogether. But as will become increasingly clear over the coming days, these aren’t just unavoidable, they’re wise. True, they’ll create a little bit of chaos. But it’s a small price to pay for the fresh perspective on various plans for the future that you get in return.
ヤスミンの翻訳お願いします The Sun today moves into your 10th house - that's the part of your chart connected to your career and reputation. You can expect to start feeling a whole lot more ambitious - at the very least, you need to use the coming four weeks to think about the direction your career and/or life is headed in and if you're happy with that. If not, then the next New Moon brings your chance for change. If you know you're being asked to do more than you can manage at the moment, don't be afraid to speak up. You'll be glad you did later. Assuming you are not feeling overwhelmed, this could be the time when you get some kind of recognition or award for your hard work - lap it up!
エルです翻訳お願いします For November 22: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! You're very emotional, funny and responsive most of the day. Sometimes, you're moody, thanks to the Moon cruising through your attitude sector. This also makes you ultra sensitive toward others. You pick up their feelings - and in some cases, their physical or emotional pain. Because many of you have a gift for healing, project healing energy through your touch. Send healing thoughts to people across a crowded room. And remember that each time you project healing, peace and harmony, those wonderful vibes travel through you first - and then out to others.
明日のヤスミンです。翻訳お願いします★ Chances are there'll be no rest for you over the next few days, as the Moon moves through your Third House of Busy-ness. Expect to have a constantly ringing or beeping phone, emails galore to contend with and plenty of errands to run, today and tomorrow. Your neighbours could also be either demanding your time or perhaps just wanting to invite you over for a cuppa. Ditto your siblings. If you're exhausted, you just have to last for the next 60 hours or so, then you can expect to get a let up. Meanwhile, talking about how you're FEELING to anyone and everyone is a lot easier.
24日のシェリーです。お手すきボラ様、宜しくお願いします。 Being frank with others isn’t just vital, it’s kind. True, you’ve been trying to sidestep issues you’ve known would upset them. But the fact is, neither they nor you can continue to pretend that things are proceeding as they should. The sooner you acknowledge these problems, the more swiftly you can put them right.
UKの週末です。エルの代わりに、宜しくお願い致します。 Now this could be an amazing few days! For a start, Saturday's Full Moon accents the back-bone of your solar chart (and so brings emotional issues to the surface). That event coincides with Uranus (still in your sign), apparently standing still in the sky. So, it could be your antics that have others amazed and amused. And yes, you could either be hit by one of Cupid's arrows, or borrow his bow for a moment, and let fly an arrow of your own! Either way, romantic hi-jinx seem more likely than not. Much depends on how you handle a tricky situation on Friday when the past could catch up with you - or you might need to make clear to someone special that however many times you're reminded, you won't be going back from where you are now. Quietly making that clear on Sunday is probable and could endear you to a Capricorn friend who's been watching from the wings and wondering you were going to hurt or be hurt.
Meter reading: 7 November 26-December 2: Someone you see almost daily or on your commute finds you very appealing - and mysterious. You may not even be aware that you have a new admirer, mostly because you've been deep in thought and often seem a million miles away. Others want more attention from you and want to think that you're listening to them, but you seem slightly distant or distracted. That 'far away' quality changes radically over the weekend. Suddenly, you snap out of it and focus on the here and now. You even notice that lovesick admirer who's been watching you for weeks. This week's touchstones: Rhodonite, Watermelon Tourmaline.
Meter reading: 8 November 26-December 2: Be cautious about a 'something for nothing' (or next to nothing) deal early this week. (When have you ever acquired something of value without effort, investment or sacrifice?) It may be a ruse to get you in the door or collect your financial data. Be very careful about whom you disclose financial information to. Midweek is stronger. Your powers of observation are amazing and protective - nothing gets past you. With the exception of a few fibs or exaggerations on Thursday, the rest of the week looks great. Friday is spectacular. You take the attitude of 'take it or leave it, ' which paradoxically accelerates demand for whatever you're selling or promoting. The more you play hard to get, the more everyone wants - needs - what you've got. You are so clever, Pisces. You wrote the book on 'How to get whatever you want. ' This week's touchstones: Green Tourmaline, Onyx.
Your stars for the week beginning 25 November 2007 Because the recent Full Moon, which began the cycle of change that climaxes in mid-December, had a powerful influence on both your domestic life and activities out in the world, you’ve no illusions about things remaining as they are. While, there’s not much clarity about what’s coming, you’re reassured by your instincts. But not everybody benefits from these insights, which means you need to assess how you’ll deal with others’ anxieties. Focus on them now, and they’ll only want more of your attention. Uncaring as keeping your support to a minimum seems, it’s the only way you’ll avoid others taking over your life.
LOVEとシェリーの翻訳ありがとう。 ヤスミンをお願いします。 Whatever you do, don't put one important relationship or plan in the "too hard basket" now. Yes, the past year has been an amazing roller coaster ride with all kinds of unexpected twists and turns. And perhaps you're finding it hard to feel secure, when so much is still unclear and undecided. But as that wonderful quote from André Gide (which I often quote! says "In order to discover new lands, you have to be prepared to lose sight of the shore". Have faith you're sailing in the right direction, and don't reset your course now!
エルです。翻訳おねがいします★ For November 26: Cast a discerning, critical eye on so-called 'miracle cures' and 'rare opportunities' today. There's a lot of breathless, exaggerated hype swirling around you. It seems as if everyone has a story, angle or can't-miss deal to present to you. Unfortunately, almost all of it is fake and of no use. Steer clear of emails or advertising claims that promise something for nothing. When you see the word 'free,' make sure to either toss it in the trash or read the fine print. There are no unpaid for, unearned gifts arriving today. You can generate gifts and pleasures for yourself, but you'll have to work for each one of them. Things take on a rosier glow later this week.
エルです。翻訳、よろしくお願いいたします。 For November 27: You're supercharged this morning and aim to get specific things accomplished. So whether you're training for a marathon or doing your best to outperform your colleagues, you're determined to distinguish yourself. You won't be happy leaving things as they are. You're compelled to improve what's merely okay or functional. You're shooting for something spectacular for yourself and a few others. Mediocre just doesn't do a thing for you; so if you're locked in a boring job or dreary relationship, you're already feeling trapped and restless. Even if you've got a dream mate and an ideal job, you still find elements that could use a little extra polish. You might encounter a temporary disappointment during late afternoon. Don't overreact. Just let it pass and stop thinking about it. Don't allow a brief, clumsy mistake to burn a hole in your heart or stomach. Later this evening, everything should settle down very nicely.
mystic starsです翻訳お願いできますでしょうか。 11月26日〜12月2日 Friends and close relatives may be strongly attracted by fresh romantic options this week: social creativity and sensuality may now be a compelling influence in new relationships. For the next 7 to 8 days expect romantic and social politics to be unusually complicated. Silently observe: even though loved ones may ask for your opinion, tempers and sensitivities are now unpredictable. Late Monday afternoon minor home or machinery repairs may be necessary: expect ongoing expenses and odd duties. For many Pisceans this brief period of scattered practical decisions or minor expenses will usher in a 4 month period of serious home evaluation. Remain open to all subtle instincts: a new vision of home duties or key renovations may be almost unavoidable in the coming months. A passionate and emotionally involved week: react quickly to new proposals and suggestions.
エルです 翻訳お願いいたします For November 28: You throw most of your energy into any one of the following areas: health (including mental health and lifestyle choices), housing, or career pursuits. If you're not happy with any of these areas, today encourages you to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and make a few smart choices. If you're not unhappy enough to change, you won't. It appears that truly impressive opportunities to make your mark on the world and enlist the help of influential people are available. The tricky part is whether or not you're willing to relentlessly pursue certain leads. In the past, you've gotten sidetracked by lesser things that seemed appealing at the time but never really panned out. Now, it's dawning on you that the one thing you need to protect more than anything else is your self-respect. For some of you, that means getting proper payment for a job well done. For others, it means receiving the respect you've earned in a relationship. It may be too large a task to win at both love and career success right now. Prepare yourself to make a choice.
ヤスミンです翻訳お願いします So do you feel enlightened yet? You can't hurry these things, you know. Just be aware that that is unfolding now (and over the next few days, weeks and even months) is all part of a Great Cosmic Plot to pull you kicking and screaming out of your comfort zone into the life that you said you wanted to live. Don't give up on your dreams, even if they are going to take a little more effort than you realised. That's the whole point. They're fab because they're not something you can just make happen by snapping your fingers!
翻訳していただいてる方ありがとうございました★ 明日29日のヤスミンです。宜しくお願いいたします。 You are about to start of a very important process, a journey which could lead you somewhere amazing. However, to make the most of it, you will have to somehow disconnect from normal everyday life. Don't worry, we will all still be here when you've done your thing, so throw yourself with abandon into where the Universe is taking you. If you feel like you're sort of on a mission, guess what? You are! And as Captain of your own ship, your crew will have to accept your temporary absence from their lives and their needs.
エルです。翻訳お願いします For November 29: You've still got opportunities to surge ahead that you're probably not taking full advantage of. Today, however, isn't really an ideal day to charge ahead with ambitious plans. Instead, step back and think about untapped potential, contacts and options you once pursued but discontinued. Don't make calls or force issues today. Get your own mind prepared by figuring out which path is the best one for you and how you intend to make this work. On another note, be watchful about 'married singles' that find you utterly ravishing. The last thing you need right now is an unavailable Lothario trying to drag you back to his cave. And besides, you already know that you're very sexually attractive to others - that's no big news. Don't even look up when someone speaks to you unless he or she is single.
シェリー11/29です。ボラ様よろしくお願いします。 Few things are more difficult for you to watch than those you care about struggling over issues that really aren’t that complicated. Tempting as it is to step in and play the peacemaker, you’d regret it. There’s a great deal more to their conflicts than it seems, as you’ll discover if you’re unwise enough to get involved.
yasuminです。翻訳お願いします★ As wealth-planet Venus passes over the super-auspicious fixed star Spica today, in theory your finances are looking good. Now don't worry if you're actually in the middle of a spending up big cycle. Think about what you're currently outlaying your cash on. Is it possible that what you are spending up on now could bring you a very good financial return in the future? If that's the case, you should take today as a very good sign that what you're doing is very much Meant To Be. Because it is.
Weekend Update: Friday morning is optimistic. You sense that you're on the right path. You avoid people and circumstances that consistently cloud your judgment and drag you off course. (Note to Monica: You're far more resilient and strong than the golem pestering you. And take a wild guess which one of you will continue to look good and live longer - tee hee! Pisces are notoriously long-lived.) At any rate, get as much accomplished in the morning as possible because the afternoon has a few 'friend emergencies' for you to sort through. Just when you get on a roll, someone you know pulls you off the life raft and into the water with 'em. They don't call you a water sign for nothing! On Saturday, it could be all about others, but doesn't have to be. This time, it's your decision to set priorities instead of leaving it up to others. If you want to give others the final say, so be it. Chances are, you're ready to take command and stop being railroaded by a bossy or sneaky fool. You really hit your stride and feel pretty confident during late morning. Saturday evening could be the scene of another flirt attack from someone you may or may not find desirable. Brace yourself to be fawned over. On Sunday, Venus and Jupiter remind you to scroll through your contact list. There are golden opportunities stashed in among some of the dead weight. Think about who might have the resources to help you achieve a dream.
シェリーです。翻訳お願いします★ Yet again you face a conflict between what you feel, deep down, is right and what logic says you should do. Obviously, discussing that more intuitive approach to making decisions will get you nowhere with almost everybody. However, there are a few who respect your instincts. Talk over your ideas with them, and them alone.
You may already have noticed cracks appearing in arrangements around you, and in elements of your domestic or working life. If so, you’ll be expecting the dramatic changes triggered by Jupiter’s encounter with Pluto, on the 11th, which speeds up this process of transformation and also forces those who’ve refused to consider a fresh approach to life, or a new way of looking at themselves. Letting go may be challenging until, during December’s second half, you begin to spot thrilling, if surprising, opportunities beginning to take form.
For December 3: Make some calls and get in touch with people who have the will, resources and power to help you. Get this done this morning. Don't hesitate to call people that you've spoken with in the past. You are not being a pest. Chances are, some of these individuals have wondered how you are, so get in touch. This morning is also supreme for identifying what you want out of life and where you'd like to be a year or two from now. Discuss your thoughts with someone who can help you. Don't waste time talking to people who can barely understand their own circumstances, let alone yours. Raise the bar and get support from someone who is influential and capable. Later this evening, stay off the phone. Just turn it off and don't check messages. And lay off the texting, too. You need to unwind, relax and stop obsessing about another's issues.
Love December 3-9: If you play your cards right, you can come out ahead of the competition this week - especially early in the week. You're as strong as your alliances and connections, so select friends with great care. Think about your future as well as your immediate desires and goals. Consider the choices that are likely to support a better future. A number of you seriously think about the pros and cons of moving, going overseas for further education or taking a sabbatical in another country. For a while, you've felt slightly let down by others' lackluster loyalty and sincerity. At this point, you see no reason to settle for staying put. Distant locales beckon you to come and explore - and maybe even meet Mr. or Ms. Right. This week's touchstones: Ammonite, Rose Quartz.
Career December 3-9: Your best strategy is to surround yourself with the best, most successful people you know. Learn from experts and allow others' success to rub off on you. Once others recognize how sincere and dedicated you are, they'll bring you into the fold and share contacts and opportunities with you. Now is an excellent time to improve your skills, re-educate yourself and upgrade your attitude toward success. You can achieve your wildest dreams, especially if you surround yourself with motivated, ambitious friends, teachers and allies. This week's touchstones: Green Garnet, Blue Sapphire
>>515 Love December 3-9: 今週、特に始めのほうであなたは他の誰よりも優勢であるようです。 あなたは協力者やコネクションと同様にとても強いのですから、 注意して友人を選んでください。 また今、目の前にある夢や希望と同時にもっと未来の事も考えてみてください。 そしてどの選択がよりよい将来のためになるのか吟味しましょう。 たくさんの魚座の人達が引越しや海外留学・長期休暇に関して、 真剣にどのようなメリットとデメリットが生まれるのか考えています。 少し前から、あなたは他人のいい加減な態度や責任感の無さに ちょっとがっかりさせられているかもしれません。 でもこれ、あなたの計画を遅らせる理由にはなりません。 遠い場所があなたに「来てほしい!見つけてほしい!」と呼んでますよ! もしかしたらあなたの「たった一人の人」に会うためなのかも。 This week's touchstones: Ammonite, Rose Quartz.
Career December 3-9: あなたの一番の戦略は、社会的に成功している人達の中に入っていくことです。 エキスパートから学び、他人の成功に影響を受けなさい。 一度他の人達があなたを誠実で献身的だと思えば、 彼らはいろんな契約やチャンスをあなたに与えてくれるでしょう。 現在はあなたのスキル、(再)勉強、そして成功への姿勢を より強力なものにする絶好の時です。 特にやる気や上昇志向が強い友人や先生、支持者たちの中に自分の身をおけば、 あなたはその野性的な夢を実現できますよ。 This week's touchstones: Green Garnet, Blue Sapphire
For December 4: Nagging worries may inhibit your expression or confidence early this afternoon. You may wonder how much a person knows about you. You may question his or her truthfulness. You may also suspect that you're being taken advantage of in some way - but are you? If you suspect that someone is harmful in any way, why even have a conversation with him or her? Why waste a minute of your valuable time? Continue to clear the decks of people that take instead of give and leave you feeling worse off. You have a strong say in the relationships you form. Your attitude and expectations determine the type of people you attract. Keep aiming for the twinkling stars instead of the pebbles beneath your feet.
ヤスミンです。翻訳できましたらお願いします。 You need to be extra careful not to going trying to do more than anyone could feasibly handle right now. You've probably already had some indications that you need to slow down a little. It really won't hurt, to proceed at a reasonable pace. Contrariwise, going helter skelter at your ever-growing list of Things To Do will not help. Apart from anything else, the nervous tension you give off will drive other people away, rather than magnetise them in to help you. It's all about The Law Of Attraction.
me da tte ha i ke ma sen. na ni ka ga ki ki wo ti ka du ke te i ma su. ko no ki ki ha "a na ta no kyo u ryo ku sya" mo " to u za ke te shi ma i ma su" de ki ru ko to wo su be te ya ri ki ro u to syu ji nn ko u ni na te ha i ke ma se nn ko no u ra na i ha kei ko ku wo a ra wa shi te i ma su.
jeff prince 12/4 暗闇から明るいところに出た時に焦点を合わせるのと同じように、 あなたは家族や家に関する変化に目を向ける事になるでしょう。 空はこのプロセスを達成させようと出来る限りの力を注いでくれますが、 それでもひとつふたつ避けて通れない困難が現れます。 間違いを犯しているような気がしても心配しないでください。 あなたはいるべき場所に立っています。
エルです よろしくお願いします For December 5: Discussions with those in a position to assist you should go well today. Drop a line to influential friends or contacts. Keep things professional, yet relaxed. Remind others that you're still interested in bettering yourself and achieving more - and let them know that you'd appreciate their help. Settlements or judgments begin to go in your favor. If you've waited for ages to get some sort of satisfaction in an ongoing dispute, today starts a very positive trend. Today also underlines the value of preparation, education and stellar contacts. Work on your communication skills. Before sending out any sort of correspondence, make sure everything is spelled correctly and looks presentable. Contracts and negotiations begin to go in your favor, also helping today feel like a fresh start.
For December 6: You recognize reluctantly that your goals and aspirations probably don't mesh well with those of a friend or partner. You wish that things were different, but they're not. As much as you'd like things to be friendly, happy and easy, you realize that things have shifted. More to the point, you have evolved faster than some of those you've called friends or allies. They no longer understand you or your situation. When you've tried to explain yourself to them, you feel as if you're thudding against a brick wall. The good news is that you are finally ready to accept that you are different now and have unique priorities and needs. Knowing this helps liberate you from old habits and connections you've outgrown. FYI: Although this afternoon may be a bit tedious, tonight should be Pisces-perfect!
Weekend Update: You might not agree with another's opinion, rules or attitude on Friday. In fact, it might be nearly impossible for you to keep your disgust for this person hidden from view. Maybe you'll roll your eyes when he or she says something repetitive or insulting. Maybe you'll imitate his or her walk, voice or mannerisms. Just be careful, Pisces. As long as another person has authority or seniority over you, you need to make this situation work until you can find something better. As tempting as it is to tell this idiot off, you're advised to stand down and shut up - for your own protection. Saturday morning and afternoon are a multitasking three-ring circus. You attempt to reinvent your career, reputation, image, relationships and priorities all at once. I salute your courage and chutzpah, but strongly urge you to work on one big challenge at a time. Saturday night is playful and fun - just perfect for mixing a little business with pleasure. Sunday's New Moon may begin on a slightly tense note but gradually refine itself to something pleasant, achievable and realistic. You dig deep down and relocate your deeply held values and truth. Nothing else is more important.
ELLE週報です。ボラ様よろしくお願いします。 Love December 10-16: Early this week, you might have concerns about what others really think of you. You feel as if you're on the outside looking in. Within a day or two, everything changes for the better. Your mood brightens and others once again seem responsive and friendly. Instead of feeling isolated or uncomfortable, you feel needed and necessary. You also sense that someone you admire is beginning to admire you back! How great is that? This week's touchstones: Celestite, Blue Moonstone.
Career December 10-16: Monday might not be your favorite day this week. You could feel that you're being singled out or blamed for something that isn't your fault. From Tuesday onward, however, most things improve. You also stop worrying about certain things that are beyond your control - like another's opinion of you, for example. Do what you love and focus on the project at hand. Don't allow personality issues to scatter your energy or deflect your attention from what is really important. Even the most boring job has merit. Remember why you're working. Honor the people that you care about, whether they're clients, management or colleagues. All the rest can fade to black. This week's touchstones: Smoky Quartz, Ammonite.
Jeff prince 12/10 あなたは見捨てられてなどいません。 あなたがある種類の対面を望めば望むほど、遅れてしまうようですよ。 あの方はあなたの誘いを断ったつもりもないし、 反発しているわけでもありません。 全てタイミングが合っているかどうかということであり、 他人にも都合があってその中であなたがどうしたいかによるのです。 だから笑って。辛抱強くなってください。
シェリーの週間ですが、どうかお願いします。 Because Tuesday’s aspect between the expansive Jupiter and Pluto accents your way of living and working, changes may already be underway. However, you should expect a twist, which will be revealed this week. This is where you’ll be ahead of others. Aspects this powerful influence everybody. While many will be taken by surprise, you’ll already be aware that for whatever is coming, something else must go. Your good deed for the week ? and one that will prove useful as well ? is to convince others that instead of battling to keep things as they are, change isn’t just wise, they’ve have no choice.
10日のシェリーですがどうか宜しくお願いします Because the recent New Moon ushered in changes in circumstances around you that will influence elements of your work or lifestyle, you’ve some decisions to make. Begin this process, but commit to nothing just yet, since however dramatic recent developments were, there are yet more of the same coming your way this week.
続けて、10日のエルですが、宜しくお願いします。 A career, status or reputation matter seems to improve this morning. Suddenly, you're back on the radar - and looking good. Others appear to take notice and like what they see. Just moments later, you detect a potential problem - probably jealousy or a power struggle just beneath the smiling surface. Midday reminds you what actually matters to you. You detach from what others think is fabulous and worth having, and remember what has real value for you. Just a bit later, you discover that someone who had pretended to be an ally may not be helping you after all. For the time being, just keep this awareness to yourself. Further developments occur tomorrow and during the remainder of the week. This is not over yet.
お手すきボラ様いつもありがとうございます。 贅沢にヤスミンの11日の翻訳をお願いできますでしょうか。 Surprise someone today, or expect the be surprised! The planet of chaos and all the things you never expected is in your sign now and for the foreseeable future (so to speak). Today he is getting a kick up the butt from Mercury, the zodiac trickster. On the one hand, you might find that life does a sort of sideways swerve that you're not sure how to manage - and if it does, don't worry, it's temporary. On the other, it could also be that a tricky situation pressurises you into delivering your best.
次はエルの11日をお願いします。 You might not agree with another's methods or behavior, but you're able to understand and forgive him or her, just the same. Today is a watershed moment that replaces anger or fear with peace. You stop building a case against someone who has done you wrong, and erase the negativity that had harmed you more than anyone else. You feel as if you've lost weight, simply by letting go of emotional burdens. Why should you carry around the weight of the world? What good does it do - and what change does it bring? So today is your private Independence Day. Declare your freedom from sadness, darkness and obsession. Once you've successfully tossed away your briefcase of blues, you automatically make extra room for love, adventure and great opportunities.
ヤスミンです。翻訳お願いします Whatever you do, don't burst a boiler today! Jupiter, the planet of excess, is meeting power-crazed Pluto today and they're both making a hard angle to your sign. If you hear yourself starting to sound like an ego-maniacal dictator, have a word with yourself and take yourself off for some calming tea. If someone else seems to be bullying you either at work or at home, avoid the temptation to lash out and back at them. Used positively, this link can see you on a wonderful and explosive rocket launch to success - so be it! Just detox your situation first.
エルです★翻訳お願いします For December 12: You know exactly how to talk to a difficult person today. You have a soothing, healing effect on him or her, no matter how fractious and anxious things seem. Others know that you're telling the truth and are there to help. Like wounded animals, they surrender to your kindness. Your leadership and ability to channel inspiration under all sorts of circumstances make you the best person to talk sense into another. The fact that you do it with love and not a speck of judgment also goes a long way. No wonder your friends call you an earth angel.
こんばんは。ヤスミンの明日です。翻訳お願いします★ If you've been mentally stuck in the past where one important one-to-one relationship is concerned, you're going to find it a lot easier to just let go and move on, in the quite near future. This is because the South Node is about to leave your Love Zone, making it easier to give up on a friendship or romance which just didn't work out. Get ready to make the leap into your future! And if you're in love and happy about it? You and your partner are about to get a chance to leave a past upset behind.
エルです、翻訳お願いします★ For December 13: You're very hopeful, yet feel slightly vulnerable, about a career matter. You want to be bold and expect a miracle, but are so afraid of somehow missing the boat and being left behind. It's time for you to stop getting bogged down by fear. It takes up too much time and energy and doesn't really deserve a thought. Instead, concentrate on the potential of a new project, one that is about to see the light of day. Nurture it like a newborn baby and watch it grow into something breathtakingly beautiful. You've already paid plenty of dues and it's time to start collecting a few dividends. Think positively. When you're afraid or start pounding yourself with negative mantras, stop - and then rewire your thought process to prosperity, abundance and love. Remember: What you send out always comes back.
ヤスミンです。翻訳お願いします。 Running around at full pelt might make you feel like you're getting somewhere and doing something, it might even mean that you manage to tick lots and lots off your considerable To Do lists. But remember we are now entering the Official Silly Season of 2007. It's a time when it's quite permissible to let your hair down and have some fun. Yes, yes, we know you're busy. But the sooner you stop stressing, the sooner you'll manage to sort your schedule out so it's more reasonable. Wood for the trees, Pisces, wood for the trees!
elleです。翻訳お願いいたします★ Weekend Update: Once again, your subconscious plays a starring role in this weekend's developments. Your dreams hold a lot of sway over your moods and feelings about others. This may start as early as the wee hours of Friday morning and affect the way you feel about various people you meet or unexpectedly encounter. You feel good overall, especially about yourself, so it hardly matters how others behave. You're basically happy with yourself and are finally starting to believe in your gifts, value and wisdom. So at this point, another's approval or disapproval is little more than a big snore. You know you've got it going on! This is such an important step toward your new life! Freeing yourself from others' fickle opinions and moods helps you feel much stronger and more confident. You have every reason to be proud, Pisces, and are wise to shut out anyone who attempts to diminish you in any way. Saturday strengthens your self-confidence even more. Not surprisingly, the higher you hold your head and the more you throw back your shoulders, the more others find you too charming and disarming to pass up. But hang on: It's likely that you still haven't met the one who deserves you. Don't settle for cat food when you can have lobster. Take your time and acknowledge your power. Your growing confidence and self-assurance is your best selling point right now. FYI: Something superb could surprise and amaze you on Sunday.
Love Meter reading: 9 December 17-23: You are so appealing and fun to be with. You light up a room with your hilarious sense of humor and amazing eyes. This week is perfect for wearing new clothes and exhibiting your more style-conscious side. You adore this time of year because it's full of surprises and loads of anticipation - and maybe even new love! Others compete for your attention and time, especially during the weekend. You're so in demand, Pisces! This week's touchstones: Pink Agate, Rubellite.
Career Meter reading: 7 December 17-23: You establish new goals that set the stage for a new career. There may be some overlap between your current occupation and the career you're prepping for - but you already know that. The point is that you're ready to start taking real, live action toward a better future. You're not waiting for a miracle or some beneficent act by a friend or ally: You're determined to take care of whatever needs to be done on your own. Until now, it seemed as if too many people had a hand in every decision you made - which might account for some of the lost causes you got involved in. This is no longer the case. You've given a knight in shining armor all the time necessary to come and sweep you off your feet, but have yet to see any lasting, measurable results. It's time for you to take command of your own future. This week's touchstones: Carnelian, Tigers Eye.
お時間ありましたら、シェリーのWeeklyもお願いします。 Your stars for the week beginning 16 December 2007 You’ve long suspected that the changes that everybody was trying to downplay would be more extensive, and arrive more suddenly, than they said. Your instincts have been proved right. Still, having had a sense of what’s coming hasn’t kept you from being swept along with those changes. It’s just that in many of the situations involved, you’re relieved to have been released from arrangements that you felt were on their way out anyway. Now that there’s talk of new ideas or replacements, take it slowly. Tempting as it is to sample these rather intriguing options, this is only just the beginning of a cycle that will lead to much more than what’s on offer this week.
明日のヤスミンです。翻訳お願い致します★ You are most likely finding other people totally exhausting now, as Saturn prepares to reverse through your Zone of Other People. However, before you go losing your tempter, or worse, before you just give up and leave them to their own devices, remember you are being tested by the heavens. Your mission, should you chose to accept it, is to muster all the patience you can with the most annoying people in your sphere, and thus improve all your relationships and your karma. Yes they are being demanding to the point of ridiculousness, but that's just part of the process.
エルです、翻訳お願いいたします☆ For December 17: You might wish for a day off early this morning. If you're not feeling well, you may need to take some time off. A number of you have felt trapped or overwhelmed by matters beyond your control. This sense of being stuck or powerless has undermined your self-esteem. The best way to counteract this trend is to find solutions that you can manifest, with or without others' cooperation, support or approval. Do something that boosts your morale - and ultimately, your position in the world. Today will test your courage and confidence, particularly this morning. Things may go wrong or prove to be very inconvenient. Don't be a hero, Pisces. If things are miserable, take a mental health break and give yourself a little time to get your bearings. It's very important that you don't engage in debates or arguments with bossy authoritarian types at any point today. The fallout just isn't worth it.
エルです。翻訳お願いします。 December 18: The word is out about you - and it's definitely positive. You can breeze through airports without worrying about inconvenience or rudeness, zip through long lines without a struggle, and make an exceptionally memorable impression on decision makers. You've made a concerted effort to assist and nurture others - and today is payback time! Jupiter moves into your goals and affiliations sector, strongly indicating that what you aspire to and whom you associate with are bound to evolve during the next year. This is good news for you and the new people you'll merge with. Tonight elevates your psychic awareness and healing skills.
ヤスミンです。翻訳お願いいたします。 The focus is now very much on what you DO. If you work, that most likely means your career, what you do for a living. If you don't work, it's about what you're known for. And what are you supposed to do with this focus? Talk about it. Think about it. Look at how confident you are about it. How do you feel about doing it throughout 2008? If you're working towards changing your work or your reputation, how well are your plans proceeding? Do you need to try harder?
For December 19: Saturn's retro turn in your partnership sector starts today and continues until early May 2008. This is a powerful reminder to not rush into new arrangements, relationships or partnerships. Use this time to carefully get the lay of the land. Observe how another behaves in good times and bad, and keep your options open. You've been supreme at looking out for others' best interests, but are strongly urged to take care of your own priorities during this time. No matter how persuasive another may be, never lose sight of your commitment to your own goals and dreams. They must come first. If you're able to do this, you'll get stronger and progress faster. Today brings lots of energy in your career, image and reputation sector. Focus on the impression you're creating. Work on it until you're satisfied with it. Later this afternoon and on into the evening, someone will almost tempt you (but not quite) to leave your priorities behind in favor of his or hers.
20日のヤスミンです。翻訳おねがいします。 People! Can't live them and - well, you might think you can live without them but can you really? Saturn in your opposite sign stationing retrograde today (fancy talk to explain he's about to start a reverse cycle) means that you well be feeling a lot less sociable, compassionate, caring and gentle than you might hope to, in the lead up to Christmas. However, if you give yourself some time out today, you may well find that by the time Santa's here, you'll be feeling a lot less "Bah! Humbug!" You might even be feeling happier, warmer and fuzzier
エルです、翻訳をお願いします。 For December 20: You find the perfect solution to what initially seemed like a problem. So-called problems melt away like snowflakes on a warm windowpane. Friends offer support, humor and welcome insight. You also feel better about your career prospects and upcoming opportunities. No matter how busy you are, you manage to gracefully multitask and actually enjoy yourself while doing it - and your sense of humor never abandons you. Toward late afternoon and evening, you might strike certain people as 'opinionated' or 'pushy' - but that's their problem, not yours.
ぼらさんいつもありがとう★21日ヤスミンです。翻訳お願いします★ Your dreams and goals, what you wish for yourself and your goals - all of these are to be highlighted from today onwards for the next few weeks. Now is the time to think about your expectations. Are you hoping and wishing for something which is starting to seem like it's really never going to happen? Is there anything you can do, a last ditch effort, to try to turn things around your way? And if not, is there any point clinging on to this dream or is there perhaps some other channel you can put your energies into? Or perhaps all is not lost and there is someone you know - socially, or through another network - who can help you? Think about it. This is most definitely the time to be considering the people around you that you're somehow hooked up to. It's also a good time to be assessing if your dreams and goals are your own or the result of peer pressure.
if you give yourself some time out today, you may well find that by the time Santa's here,you'll be feeling a lot less "Bah! Humbug!" You might even be feeling happier, warmer and fuzzier. 今日はちょっと余裕を持って小休止を取ってみたら、 サンタがやって来るまでには「フン!阿呆らしい!」 なんて気分は激減しているでしょう。 それどころか満足して暖かな 羽毛のようなフワフワ気分になっているかも。
エルです、翻訳お願いします。 Weekend Update: You begin your weekend thinking mainly about family and security/stability matters, so you get in touch with close friends and family members and make sure that they're doing okay. Saturday is a different kettle of fish. It seems that your expectations or plans may run counter to what another has in mind. The best way to handle this potential war zone is to let go of the control panel. Instead of attempting to organize things (no matter how fabulous your ideas), just let go and permit others to do things their way. It's not your responsibility to create a memory for them - especially if they seem to reject your offer. Don't take another's apparent lack of appreciation personally, either. Chalk it up to disorganization on his or her part - and then detach. The good news is that you're no longer in charge of another's good or bad time. It's up to him or her now - so go ahead and enjoy your day YOUR way. There's no need to obsess about what was supposed to happen. Accept things as they are and practice detachment for your own happiness and wellness. There will be several episodes throughout the day and evening when you'll have the choice of reacting to another's faux pas or social clumsiness - or letting the whole mess go. You know what the right answer is, Pisces. Sunday is better. You play more of an observer role and don't try to manage, entertain or organize things. This takes a huge load off your back and allows you to have a few moments of serenity and peace.
Meter reading: 8 December 24-30: You're so full of energy, desire and fire early this week. Others find you fascinating and mysterious and aren't quite sure how to categorize you. While you're busy keeping others guessing, you're also making inroads in your steady climb up the social ladder. You understand what matters and what creates an extraordinary, lasting impression. You were born to enchant, dramatize and entertain, which is one of the many reasons why so many of you are involved in acting, music, dance or art. Don't allow a minor disagreement to cut short a very promising romance or collaboration midweek - no matter how convinced you are that your view is the correct one. Sometimes, it's better to cultivate happiness than win an argument. This is one of those times. This week's touchstones: Yellow Opal, Ammonite.
Meter reading: 7 December 24-30: You're so ready to take a chance on a new future that you feel like a racehorse waiting for the gate and starting pistol to send you charging down the track. You're tired of marking time and being calm and cooperative, even when you feel anxious enough to jump out of your skin. You're also sick and tired of holding your tongue, particularly because you've got a host of strong opinions or gripes stacking up. You know that things are shifting and you also know that a situation that has held you down is likely to improve. Liberation is just a matter of time, especially because you've already set the wheels in motion. Be strong and hopeful - and ready for a miracle. This week's touchstones: Citrine, Hiddenite.
jeff prince とshellyの訳を読めて嬉しいです。 ありがとうございました。 ヤスミン25日です、翻訳お願いします☆
You might end up feeling even more popular than usual today - fingers crossed! The Moon is making a harmonious link to Uranus in your sign suggesting that even if you go into the day with about as much enthusiasm as a turkey giblet headed for the rubbish bin, you could end up feeling like a Christmas angel at the top of the tree! OK, so that's a bit of a silly season analogy but astro-truly, expect the best today and you could end up feeling warm, fuzzy and happy (and not just because of all the eggnog in your tummy!)
今日のラブスコープです。翻訳お願いします。 You are most affected by today's powerful Saturn/Moon/Uranus combination, Pisces, as it falls across your relationship line. It's time to reevaluate who gets the best of you. You can't give all your love and energy away to work or family. Your love life will only get stronger by devoting time to your heart and sharing love with someone special. Use the Saturn vibe to create healthy boundaries around your time now.
今日のラブスコープです、翻訳お願いします☆ The Moon is still in your relationship zone, Pisces, and someone else's needs take priority. You're a giving kind of soul and this shouldn't be too much trouble, just remember that this all-giving, all-caring vibe lasts for one day only! Spoil your lover or go out of your way to spend time with your crush. Nothing beats quality time on the togetherness scale
今日のラブスコープです、翻訳お願いします☆ 2007年の間、翻訳して頂きましてありがとうございました。 魚の皆様、良い年をお迎えください★ そして、来年も宜しくお願いします★ The Moon/Jupiter link today makes you prone to emotional excess, Pisces. While you love sharing your love, others don't necessarily want to receive it. Be aware of how and when you connect with others; nobody likes to smothered. There's a time and a place for everything and if you pick your moments you'll get the romantic response you so deeply crave. Relationship growth is a matter of timing today.
エルです、翻訳お願いします。 Love Meter reading: 7 December 31-January 6: Happy New Year! You might have an easier time getting along with strangers or mere acquaintances than with some of the people you live with - especially early this week. Pressures and criticism converge creating a powerful desire to escape a 'too close for comfort' situation that diminishes you. Because you tend to tolerate a considerable amount of coldness or rudeness from others, you might have accidentally telegraphed that certain behaviors are okay with you. Well, they're not - and there's no hiding your weariness of another's rough or rude treatment this week. This 'treatment' runs the gamut from snappish, unnecessary comments all the way to deception or even dangerous behavior. If you've outgrown a relationship and your familiarity has degraded into contempt, this week drives home how sick and tired of it you are. Of course, it doesn't hurt to know that someone else (probably an acquaintance) finds you absolutely flawless. This week's touchstones: Tanzanite, Pink Opal.
Career Meter reading: 7 December 31-January 6: You arrive at the brilliant conclusion that no one else is likely to do things the way you want them done - so you decide to take charge. Throughout most of the week, you won't have much patience for predictable lazy behavior from friends or colleagues and may be happier working apart from them. You're bothered by another's annoying personal habits, such as the sound of his or her chair squeaking or habitual coughing and throat clearing. There's no need to climb the walls like a nervous cat. Just work offsite whenever possible. You'll get more accomplished without all the clatter and aggravation. This week's touchstones: Pietersite, Blue Jade.
For January 2: Keep your chin up and your nose out of others' business today. Focus on your work and priorities and give others all the room they require to work their own karma. This is not the day to save others from themselves. This is the day to carefully, persistently tend to your own needs. There are times in life when the kindest thing to do is to release others so that they can experience real life and grow through the process. There are also moments, such as today, when the smartest, healthiest thing to do is to eliminate stress and block problems before they get too close.
おはようございます。 3日分ELLEの訳をお願いいたします。 For January 3: You're concerned that there might be a glitch in some paperwork that directly affects your education, travel plans, loans or employability. You do your best to get answers this morning and afternoon, but may face a yawning black hole of hear-no-evil/see-no-evil. Instead of getting helpful information or even an intelligent response, you get passed from one person to the next until the phone finally goes dead. Don't even bother trying to unravel a mess you didn't create during the daytime. Later this evening, you get a brilliant idea or tip from a friend that could solve everything - and quickly, too!
ELLE週末です。 お手すきのぼら様、よろしくおねがいします。 Weekend Update: You make a stunning impression no matter what you do or where you go on Friday. Everyone wants to know who you are and what your story is. You look like someone's romantic fantasy. You also extend great kindness and warmth to others, which further boosts your desirability factor. Wear your favorite clothes and look your best because you will be noticed. Saturday afternoon may include a tussle with an authority figure that goes out of his or her way to boss you around or interfere with your happiness. Luckily, this interlude doesn't last long. Sunday is refreshing, positive and energizing. You also get a very firm idea of whom you can rely on. The people that are unconditional supporters and friends stand out like unexpected early spring flowers in a thawing field. You feel both humbled and warmed by another's loyalty and obvious caring. To make things even better, you receive very practical, helpful guidance from a friend (probably in a career or complicated social matter) later in the evening.
スーザンサマリー 1月 よろしくお願いします。 >1 A very important social influence is about to blow into your life, and it will transform your lifestyle in a very appreciable way. Ever since Neptune entered your behind-the-scenes sector several years ago, you've been keeping more to yourself - but the social side of you is about to reemerge, with gusto. This is no small trend - with Jupiter set to stay twelve months, and Pluto due to stay until 2024, nearly sixteen years, this is a trend you will notice, absolutely! Pluto will have you mixing with very powerful, successful people who can help you accomplish your aims. Increasingly, in years to come, it won't be WHAT you know, but WHO - you've done your homework, so now you won't need to work as hard all by yourself. You'll have help! Keep your eye on January 8, the critically important new moon that will roll all this energy into motion. We can have great aspects, but if we don't have a new moon to set it off, those good aspects can languish a while. You HAVE what you need at this new moon to see lots of excitement. You may be invited to parties and club events, and you may even be drawing up plans to lead an online virtual community or one in real life. You may run for office, or you may start an organization. Charity work and humanitarian concerns will interest you very much in 2008 and will be an area where you make your mark.
スーザンサマリー 1月 よろしくお願いします。 >2 You will have a lot going on at home, too, with your actual space, or in terms of family developments. It's a perfect time to spiff up your space to make it look more current. White sales will be going on in January, as well as bargain deals for furniture, so if you've been musing about things you want to do to your home, start putting those stylish ideas into action. Mars has moved back to Gemini and all month will allow you to make your home a true reflection of "you." Mars is currently retrograde all month so your progress may be slow (mainly because money will be tight) but you should be drawing up blueprints to put into action either in early March or early June. At the full moon, January 22, you seem to realize that to accomplish fitness goals, you'll have to work a little harder and be consistent. This full moon will be your friend, so get some new sneakers and workout gear to jumpstart your plan. If you can begin your reasonable diet plan four days later,
スーザンサマリー 1月 よろしくお願いします。 >3 on January 26, you should find that you can more easily lose any extra pounds you may have gained over the holidays. This same full moon will bring lots of busy work to your days that week, so you may need to stay a bit later to get it all done. You may want to schedule a spa message or facial by the end of the week as a treat for having worked so hard. Romantically, Jupiter and Pluto will help you by having friends introduce you to many types of interesting potential partners from all walks of life - all quite successful and substantial. Both planets, working together, as they will be throughout 2008, will show you that you have grown in an impressive way, and others will want to know more about you. Your cheery optimism and compassionate nature and imaginative style will be an irresistible package. A whole new picture of life is forming, dear Pisces, and it's a much more colorful one than the one you are about to leave. You won't miss your old life - this one is better!
Weekly Horoscope beginning Sunday 6th January 2008
Mercury arrives in Aquarius and, until mid March you may not be entirely sure where you stand: ideas could come at you form so many quarters. What's promised on Monday is worth noting. Though it could be early February before there's real action, a discussion held then could have great merit later. Whereas over the last eighteen months or so you've been called upon to 'save the day' several times over, it's probable that attention will now move to those born under one of the Air signs (Gemini, Libra or Aquarius). Your role should then change. At some point on Thursday you may discover that you're no longer 'in the firing line' and that you can relax and let others make some decisions. Though you may not follow their reasoning (especially on Thursday!), by Friday it should be clear that there is a game-plan - and that it could work. All that may be required is for you to 'learn the script'. Expect to be tested sooner rather than later and for a new partnership or rapport to be born.
Love Meter reading: 7 January 7-13: There's a lot more going on in your love life than you're revealing. Some of you are only vaguely aware of another's fascination with you. It appears that a number of you are involved with someone who isn't really available - either married, dating someone else or unwilling to commit. This week calls for some soul-searching. Don't you deserve better? What's so bad about being alone for a while, especially if you're working on making better choices? Early this week, you decide to set a few new goals. You understand that these goals will take time, but are well worth the effort. Don't settle for less than you deserve, Pisces. That old phrase, "Something is better than nothing," does not apply to relationships. This week's touchstones: Red Spotted Larimar, Carnelian.
Career Meter reading: 7 January 7-13: It appears that you're in a preparatory phase, getting ready for an exam, audition, interview, etc. Take all the time and training you need to be competitive and successful. This is not the time to rush through anything, but is a superb time to bring your main goal or goals into sharp focus. You cannot afford to dilute your energy with lesser things. Remember your dream and relentlessly pursue it.
For January 7: Remain staunchly focused on your top goal this morning and afternoon. Sure, it's difficult and tiring to be 'on call' and so busy from sunrise to sunset - but the achievement of a key goal is worth the sacrifice. You've learned via experience that miracles don't just randomly occur - you attract them. Right now, your effort, sacrifice and careful planning is paving the way for new miracles to flow your way. A loyal friend or partner will assist you in reaching your goals.
エルです★翻訳お願いいたします。 For January 8: Today's New Moon urges you to clearly define your goal and be fastidious about the friends and allies you select. It's better to thin the herd to the most loyal, helpful, hardworking support structure. Go for quality over quantity. If things haven't happened as quickly as you'd hoped, it may be that you've aligned yourself with people who've drained some of your energy or who are unable to keep the promises they'd made to you. You also need to stop spreading yourself so thin. You're trying to fix your private life as well as your professional life - and unless you're a wizard, this cannot be done at the same time. Choose one premier goal and hunt it down like a bloodhound. At this point, I suggest that you focus on a financial and/or professional objective.
Everybody has a change of heart from time to time. It is just that one particular individual does it so often that you now regard them as so unreliable that you are steering clear of any plans. Avoiding them accomplishes nothing. If you want to help them, then sooner or later, you will have to tell them what is what.
ヤスミンです、翻訳おねがいします。 Over the next few weeks, if you feel the urge to play your cards a little closer to your chest than usual, go with it. Mercury, the planet of the mind, is going through your secret 12th house. You may decide you want to stay schtum, even if you're usually the type to be an open book. And guess what? Keeping your ideas to yourself could be the best thing you can do - so that when you do decide to talk eventually, your opinions will be fully formulated. The other possible effect of this transit of Mercury is that you are going to get the chance to see how your secret fears and unconscious beliefs are somehow sabotaging you. If you know you've been the source of your own undoing lately, have a think about what's driving you. You might be amazed at how a little quite contemplating reveals to you parts of your personality which you usually keep hidden. And then you might be even more amazed at what you can do with this information, as you Get To Know Thyself. PS Going on some kind of retreat is an excellent idea now, the quieter the better. PPS If you have a secret you're very keen to keep quiet, good luck! It might be possible for only a few more weeks, so be prepared!
エルです、翻訳お願い致します。 For January 9: You're very single-minded today and will not permit anyone or anything to come between you and your goal or magnificent obsession. Normally, you're like a sieve - everything flows in and out of you, no matter what your stated intention might be. But today is different. You're in a kickass mood that says, "Trespass at your own risk, Stupid." You don't even have to say a word. People see it in your eyes. Instead of looking like two open, glowing orbs, your eyes warn others off. Some may think that your eyes actually look darker than usual. You are committed to preventing things from running off the rails and you will succeed. Keep in mind that you are one of the longest-lived (if not THE longest-lived) signs in the zodiac, so you might as well make the most of your lengthy time on the planet. P.S.: You're not required to curtsy or defer to anyone. If they choose to defer to you, fine.
9日のエル翻訳ありがとう。 本日のエルです、翻訳できましたらお願いいたします。 For January 10: Something is occurring behind the scenes. Are your ears buzzing? This bodes well for a career opportunity. Make sure you look your absolute best today. Walk with confidence. Act like an executive. Make it easy for others to identify you as a competent, charismatic success. Today is one of those times when projecting power and abundance creates an enormous boomerang effect. Just try it, Pisces. Visualize running things and enjoying every moment. See yourself as the success story you know you are. Dreams have come true for you in the past and are likely to again. Something fortunate, well timed, protective and beneficial is on the way.
Pisces February 19? March 20 Daily stars for today 10 January 2008
One of life is greatest skills is being able to find joy in even the most perplexing of times. While what you are facing is by no means tragic, you could easily let it overshadow everything else. Keep a balanced view and you will get through this tricky period with your sense of humour and your optimism intact.
エルの週末です、翻訳をお願いできますでしょうか。 Weekend Update: You've got so much going for you on Friday. The only thing you're short on is patience. Actually, that might be to your advantage. You're so eager to get the show on the road, shake things up and make something happen that you try harder than ever to succeed and regain your independence and self-respect. Think of Friday as a well-orchestrated prison break. You're able to bash down barriers and liberate yourself from all the nonsense that has kept you feeling trapped for ages! You get a big taste of freedom - and you love it! Saturday demands more sacrifice, patience and self-control. Boring - yes, but also necessary. In order to create a better situation for yourself, you will have to occasionally bite the bullet and gnash your teeth. Sunday begins on a deceptively pleasant note. In short order a friend, neighbor or loved one converges upon you, making demands, asking for help, and if you allow it, draining your time and energy. Stick up for yourself, Pisces. There are some people who will always cry 'wolf' because they're bored, lonely or scared. If you don't rescue these people, someone else will. Later in the evening, you decide to put more energy into your own quality of life - as well as your financial security.
One very unscrupulous individual is holding you to ransom. It is not what they are saying, as much as they are implying that they could cause you considerable discomfort. You are a choice. You can either ignore them or play the same game. Either way, it is vital that you realise it is all talk, and they have absolutely no power over you.
Do you best not to allow others moaning to draw you into their dramas. In most cases they are going through exactly the same changes as everybody else, but are simply refusing to recognise that progress requires letting go of the past. Be firm with them and, in certain situations as tough with yourself about saying the necessary farewells, and you will have your mind on the future, where it should be. While the exact nature of changes and the opportunities they will bring with them remain obscure until next week, once you able to concentrate, your instincts should make it clear where the action will be.
エルの本日です。翻訳お願いいたします。 For January 14: Early this morning, you focus almost solely on a financial issue. It becomes the main story in your life and the reason for doing or not doing something. But hang on a minute - could you be searching for a legitimate-sounding excuse to avoid something that intimidates you? You're up to the challenge, Pisces. In fact, you're more up to it than most people. Don't get in your own way or forsake a goal because you've allowed fear to short circuit a dream. Early afternoon brings better times and a return to your comfort zone. You feel at home and able to talk honestly and openly with others. Your situation, as it turns out, is very similar to that of another's. This could be the beginning of a beautiful, supportive friendship.
エル週報です。宜しくお願いいたします☆ Love Meter reading: 7 January 14-20: You're wishing and hoping for a miraculous love that anticipates your every need and has the commonsense to get lost when you need space. It's good that you're setting the bar higher than usual because this week brings others your way, but they may not be who they claim to be. For example, they may not be available - even though they say they are. Take every comment with a grain of salt and don't get caught up in dreamy, steamy moments. If you'll permit your intuition to step in and educate you about the truth of a situation, you be able to avoid unfortunate, deceptive encounters. This week's touchstones: Smoky Quartz, Onyx. Career Meter reading: 8 January 14-20: You need more than compliments and promises or encouragement that 'might' lead to something. You need something tangible and real. It appears that another's intentions are good but his or her ability to deliver the goods is less than sturdy. This week backs up the importance of taking care of yourself instead of waiting for someone to rescue you. This doesn't mean you need to shut others out; it means that you are the captain of your own ship and will determine what direction to go in. The Sun moves into your solar 12th house on Sunday, indicating that the next 30 days are very busy preparation days. Some of you are preparing for a test, interview or presentation. Give this everything you've got, Pisces! This week's touchstones: Green Tourmaline, Carnelian.
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