おはようございます。 ELLEの日報をお願いします。 For May 5: Today’s New Moon emphasizes your ability to see through others’ disguises with amazing clarity. Many people assume that they’ve convinced you of some ruse. They underestimate your intelligence and experience. Naturally, their arrogance and ignorance give you a supreme advantage throughout the day. You run circles around dimwits that can’t keep up with you in the wisdom department. While they honk on and on, louder and louder, you pick up all the chips they drop and cash them in. By the end of today, you’ll walk away with money in your pocket and they’ll walk off in a big snit.
Eager as you are to ensure others are happy about arrangements, enough that they won't make objections later, you also need to ensure that you've happy as well. If this means they won't get everything they want, so be it. Keep in mind that joint ventures of any kind are a compromise, and that includes these.
おはようございます。 お願いします。 本日のシェリーです。 When you first organised certain plans or arrangements, they not only excited you, but promised to give others a boost too. However, they just haven't worked out. Now you really must recognise that. Struggling to keep them afloat won't just be futile, it will distract you from the far better options that emerge over the coming days.
For May 8: What makes you truly happy? Are you waist deep in joy or are you struggling? Today brings up the ‘happiness’ question over and over, but most intensely during the morning. A good friend or advisor is a great source of strength and wisdom for you. You benefit from another’s clear vision, unaffected by personal agenda or prejudice. By mid morning, you begin to come out of the protective cocoon you’ve wrapped around yourself. You feel strong enough to handle whatever the world dishes out. Just don’t go looking for trouble today; it can find you easily enough.
Weekend Update: Jupiter goes retro on Friday, indicating that you have other options not yet fully explored, especially when it comes to lifestyle and career improvements or opportunities. You may think you’ve done everything you can and have now hit a kind of wall of resistance, but it’s simply not true. Go back and make a few calls. If an existing contact isn’t especially helpful or enthused, ask him or her for a referral. Take charge instead of waiting for someone to ride in on a white horse. It appears that a number of you have literally given up on certain dreams. Please don’t. It’s fine to revise a dream, but far too soon to give up on one ? especially during a time of unexpected miracles between now and the end of the year. Mars enters your solar house of work and health, suggesting that you’re willing or compelled to spend more money on things that improve your on-the-job opportunities, physical appearance and wellbeing. Many of you are also in the market for a better, more fuel-efficient car. Saturday makes these goals easier to reach. Friends bring information to you that gives you an advantage in your quest for a better life. Mother’s Day is best celebrated early in the day as opposed to late afternoon or evening. Take your mom or wise woman friend to brunch, lunch or breakfast. Afterward, turn your attention to upgrading your own life.
When you first began to talk about new ideas, they seemed so promising. But with every passing day there are complications, both of a practical nature and involving differing views. Not only is this normal, it’s part of the process of turning those ideas into an arrangement that everybody is happy about and can live with.
Jupiter (think Bacchus) stations this weekend and party-time could follow. There's excess in the air - especially over Friday and Saturday. Indeed, Saturday's tricky aspects might manifest as tetchiness following a period of 'over doing it'! That said, these same conditions might offer an excellent opportunity to breakthrough someone's shell. If music ids the food of love, that gambit could work well. It's as likely though that it will be well-chosen, literal food that causes someone to look at you differently. Perhaps even unconsciously you could offer the dish or taste that someone really needs.
By Sunday then, you - and your actions - may be much appreciated. Indeed, given that it's actions and not words that count in the long-run, it could be your behaviour that gives others much to talk about on Monday.