One person's definition of reality is another's idea of wild fantasy. You now have some big ideas. There are journeys of discovery that you want to make - and there may also be a journey of escape that you are contemplating. You're not happy with 'reality' as defined by one group of people in your world. It seems to you too much like a fantasy that only works because it involves the denial of certain facts. Others, though, may now be levelling a similar accusation at you. But you are entitled to pursue your vision now.
You're in the mood to upgrade your living and working space. Some of you cultivate cozy environs, while others select ergonomically correct seating. Many of you simply move things around and toss out cobwebby things you never use. As mundane as this sounds, it's symbolic of the deep changes occurring within you emotionally and spiritually.
When you first made certain decisions about two weeks ago, things seemed relatively straightforward. But now both what you've opted for and situations themselves are fraught with drama. Since this means you that, whatever direction you go, somebody's likely to have something to say about it, you may as well do exactly what you like.
Hello! My name is aja. My job is rethring. I'm very happy,because i'm rethrar. Someday, my body will tutch your body. and when,you feei my huart. Have a nice day. Bye!
None of us wants others to think badly of us. We all, therefore, find it tempting to tell folk what they clearly want to hear. We don't, though, want to mislead them. If, therefore, we are really keen for them to think well of us, we may try to persuade ourselves that the image we are presenting is truly genuine. That may seem to comfort our conscience but it can leave us terribly confused or deluded. In one key area now, there can be no real progress until there is honesty. Start by acknowledging the full truth to yourself.
On one hand, you feel reassured by results and others' opinions; but on the other hand, you privately wonder if you're getting the whole truth and nothing but. It appears that some of the information you receive is reconstituted to better suit your palate -- or someone else's agenda. Do a little independent fact checking. You need the full story -- not a buffed up fantasy.
Nobody enjoys letting go of something that's meant a great deal to them. However, the handwriting is on the wall. Situations are changing, and because of that what once would have been simple has become a source of on-going problems. Once you admit this, you'll struggle less with the fact that you must say farewell.
When feelings are running high, we all say things we don't really mean. Our emotions get the better of our intellect. We make impassioned announcements that leave a lasting impression. Sometimes, at such moments, we say things that have long needed to be said. Sometimes too, though, we say things that never needed to be said. Several such comments have been made in your world, lately. Today brings a chance for inappropriate remarks to be withdrawn - and to explore the reasons behind them.
You take a "back to basics" approach today. If you've recently strayed from familiar theories, you begin to ease back into them this afternoon. Almost immediately, you feel secure. People nearby welcome the "old you" back -- as if you'd actually skipped town or were replaced by a clone. Comfy as it may seem, this isn't the smart way to go. Find an acceptable compromise that moves you forward, not backward.
The last thing you want to do is disappoint those you care about. But it would appear that you really have no choice. The fact is, what they want simply isn't practical. Even if you had the time and resources, satisfying their desires won't be easy. And the sooner they realise that, the better.
Don't underestimate your intelligence, ability and talent. Nor, should you dismiss or devalue your power to attract appreciation and admiration from others. You are a very special person. You have a great deal going for you and you will soon have even more to celebrate. Lately, though, you have been dealing with something draining and difficult. This has zapped a lot of your strength and left you feeling inclined to doubt yourself. There is, though, really no need to be so negative, as events this weekend will soon prove.
As has become abundantly clear, this is no time to try to get others to agree to anything but the simplest of arrangements. The fact is, issues are contentious and everybody's priorities are very different. Give it your best effort, but keep in mind that the odds are slim that any accord will be reached.
You keep picking up something that you need to put down. You keep putting down something that you need to pick up. You've got your hands full most of the time... but are you holding the right thing? Partly through force of habit, partly through fear of change, you're still stuck in a situation that has never, really, been very good for you. And it's still spoiling all that could otherwise be so good in your life. You can't this weekend, remove a source of aggravation from your world. You can though, resolve once and for all not to let it bug you ever again.
You don't keep your affections a secret. You so dislike it when others toy with your feelings or tease you that you've careful to ensure that others know where you stand. But somebody is taking advantage of that, to an extent that you're now being forced to question the sincerity of their feelings.
After a lengthy period of reflection, you're beginning to realise that somebody you're rather fond of doesn't return those feelings. In fact, their recent actions and attitude are making you wonder if there hasn't been an element of convenience in their attentiveness. Disappointing as this is, it's better to know now than live a fantasy.
You’ve various problems, but they’re not beyond your powers to resolve. However, you’re also facing another, less easily defined dilemma. This pervades most encounters. This is your tendency to feel that, somehow, you’re responsible for protecting others from life’s challenges. While this capacity to be caring is one of your most admirable traits, you can also end up looking after strays and those who will happily remain dependent on others. And this, when you’ve got intriguing options for your future to investigate. Acknowledging that others don’t really need you won’t be easy. But doing so would be the week’s biggest victory.
Meter reading: 8 September 26-October 2: You feel like tossing caution to the wind and doing whatever you please. This could mean taking a wild chance on love or digging yourself out of a self-imposed emotional rut. Some of you seriously consider getting hitched in Vegas. The only problem is that impulsive urges have been known to get you into trouble. Even so, temptation may be too irresistible to pass up. This week's touchstones: Tigers Eye, Celestite.
Meter reading: 7 September 26-October 2: Don't force anything, particularly late in the week. When you encounter delays or resistance, take a philosophical stance and recognize that obstacles often necessitate positive change. If the old familiar methods aren't working, or producing minimal results at best, it's time to listen to other views. In the past, some applauded when you stubbornly stayed the course, but now things are different. Being willing and able to adapt has never been more crucial. This week's touchstones: Jade, Lapis Lazuli.
We all feel a little better when it seems as if we are in control. We all feel uncomfortable when someone (or something) seems to be in control of us. Control, though, is a funny thing. Sometimes we think we have it when really, we don't. Sometimes we do have it, but it would probably be better if we didn't. Why are you now so keen for things to go 'your way'? Are you sure that your plan is the best? If you are, pursue it and you will succeed. If there is doubt, what harm can it do to let things unfold at their own pace and in their own way for a while?
Most of the morning is spent ministering to others' wide spectrum of needs. You do so without hesitation, and demonstrate how heart-centered you are. Throughout the day, it's important to not sign documents or agree to obligations until you've had adequate time to think things through. Your heart is in the right place, but unfortunately, is easily swayed by a practiced manipulator. Be especially leery of 11th hour demands for action, money or attention.
As a Cancer, you've a tendency to take the uptight mood or difficult attitude of others to heart, sometimes too much. And it would appear that, because of recent developments, you're contending with seriously hurt feelings. Intense as those are, they'll soon pass. And once they do, you'll wonder why you were so upset.
If you are certain of something, stick with it. If you are unsure, don't pretend otherwise. Though others seem to look up to us more when we look as if we know what we are doing, it's a false comfort if secretly we have no clue. Your desire to take charge of a particular situation needs to be carefully examined. It may stem from a genuine understanding of what's involved or it may have its roots in the very opposite. Better, today, to leave a question annoyingly unanswered than to determinedly pursue the wrong plan.
Early today, you tend to compare yourself to others. You wonder whether or not you're meeting their expectations. By mid morning, it's very clear that you're not only meeting their expectations, but also exceeding them. You get a nice bounce from others' approval and gratitude that carries you smoothly into the evening. P.S.: Today's work or housing chats should go quite well.
ケイナー28日 機械翻訳 別訳大歓迎 Jonathan is away. Your forecasts today are written by Eric Francis. You may feel on one level that you have decidedly little impact on the situation, when in fact you are the driving force. I am aware that a real measure of inner conflict may be present with two such totally different interpretations operating at once, and I don't suggest you attempt to reconcile the differences all at once. But, for the sake of practicality, you may want to make your choices as if you really do have the power to respond to your situation. This is true regardless of how daunting or unpredictable the outcome may seem - or how amazing.
By now you must have realised that, during this rather disruptive period, even the simplest of plans must be regarded as tentative. Still, there are one or two situations where you're relying on things to go as expected. While you may be lucky, it would still be wise to ensure that you have a contingency plan.
Early this morning, you worry about a financial matter. You feel somewhat beaten up by it, and may blame yourself. Midday brings a more enlightened, hopeful attitude. If you've overspent money or squandered something of value, you focus on ways to recoup what you've lost. Wallowing in guilt is pointless. You need to clear your head and work on solutions.
Jonathan is away. Your forecasts today are written by Eric Francis. When I was a kid, I knew a businessman named Barry, and he used to say: 'Don't sweat the small stuff. And remember, it's all small stuff.' Well, these days, it's mostly small stuff, and it does add up to a lot. Today, however, you need to sort out what is small from what is large; what is meaningful from what is not. The opinions, intensity and potential stubbornness of others, matters not; what matters is that you keep steady, and respond to things in a realistic way. Keep your sense of scale. Remember, your emotions may exaggerate your perceptions -- so look twice.
You receive very good news regarding a property, loan or family matter today. Something that has been a long time coming finally arrives. A new location or fresh start takes shape, creating a new set of goals and responsibilities. Although there may be a few wrinkles that need to be ironed out, this is, overall, a good thing. You're so ready for this.
# iron out the wrinkles (直訳:アイロンでしわをのばす)で # 「小さな難点を解決する」という意味になるそうです。
One of the strange things about tricky times is that the stress of challenging situations brings people together in a way that calmer times never do. There’s nothing wrong with you taking advantage of this closeness, allowing conversations to veer into subjects that have long been a source of concern, but have never been discussed.
Jonathan is away. Your forecasts today are written by Eric Francis. You may not be able to list all the reasons you feel safe, but beneath your minor worries and annoying concerns, you know your world is stable and secure. So, I want to suggest going for an improvement far beyond the basics, and spending some time this weekend concentrating on your real needs. Identify them and take some tangible action toward fulfilling them. Give the lower-order concerns a rest. Assume you have enough to eat and a roof over your head. Finish breakfast, walk out the door, and experiment with what it might feel like to be free.
It's rare that a Cancer will go through unexpected changes on the domestic front without struggling with some variety of emotional ups and downs. Still, if you've been listening to your instincts, you must know what for what's going, something else is coming. Keeping this in mind should help you overcome any anxieties developments bring.
Some things are easy to understand. They make perfect sense to us from the moment we first come across them. Others somehow fail to compute, no matter how many textbooks we read or experts we consult. When we find ourselves feeling baffled by some complex conundrum, the tendency is to dismiss it as irrelevant. Often, that's precisely what it is. Every so often though, a mind boggling notion can have merit and value once you find the key with which to crack the code. Expect soon, a triumphant 'Eureka moment' that transforms your home and family life.
As a Cancer and somebody who is ruled by the Moon, you're far more attuned to the lunar cycle than the other signs. This means that you're undoubtedly already have a sense of the developments that will be triggered by October's two eclipses, and the much needed changes that they'll bring with them.
# 水を差していた raining on your parade:rain on one's parade(直訳: # パレードに雨を降らせる)は、誰かが喜んだり楽しんだりすべき時を何か # で台無しにしてしまう、という意味があるそうです。バーブラ・ストライザンド # の往年の名曲 「パレードに雨を降らせないで Don't Rain on My Parade」 # も思い出されるところですね…。
On October 25, Jupiter will move into Scorpio for the first time since 1994, a divine place for Jupiter to be, for this planet of luck and happiness will fill your fifth house of true love! Many members of your sign have been though so much heartache lately that this has to be precisely the news you needed to hear. Jupiter will come in to help you find the kind of romance you've longed to experience - tender, loving, kind, and deeply affectionate. Jupiter will remain at your side for a full year, until November 2006, more than enough time to find true love!
Meter reading: 8 October 3-9: You crave the comfort and company of close friends and loved ones even more than usual this week. You want to have your favorite person or people close by -- and under the same roof, if possible. You always feel more secure in the presence of your nearest and dearest. Saturday launches a spectacularly sexy phase -- all the more reason to have your favorite loved on close at hand. This week's touchstones: Carnelian, Red Jasper.
Jonathan is away. Your forecasts today are written by Eric Francis. Today's eclipse occurs in the home, emotions and security angle of the sign whose natives usually name these matters as their primary concern in life. I trust that by now, you've figured out that you must give up one kind of security to have another. Choose one to offer back to the cosmos; pick something that you always figured would finally be the thing that made you feel safe, but more typically turned out to disappoint you. That's the one you don't need. If you can clear out this closet in your mind, you'll make space for a rather amazing personal development that soon becomes the central focus of your life for the foreseeable future.
Today's Solar Eclipse signals the beginning of an important rebuilding or restructuring phase. In the past, you may have assumed that others knew more than you did, and accepted their interpretation of the facts as truth. You know better now. From this day forward, you aim to be a thorough fact-checker. Even your closest friends and family members will be held to higher standards. Today is Day One of a new improved era.
Keep in mind that there's a difference between disruption, which both this week's eclipse and that in mid-October bring, and serious problems. True, you may experience a few days of anxieties. Still, the changes now coming your way are actually long overdue. Once the dust settles, you'll realise these actually are opportunities in disguise.
Jonathan is away. Your forecasts today are written by Eric Francis. Certain decisions you've made are having an effect on people and situations you may not even realise exist - far from your awareness. But the results will somehow make themselves known to you, and may be doing so even as you read these words. The result will be to demonstrate your impact on the larger world, and on your immediate environment. This will prove that, far from being powerless over your circumstances or destiny, you actually are in a position to influence matters in a way that's good for everyone. The challenge may seem to be about harnessing a power that you don't really understand. In truth, it's simply about trusting yourself.
Upon reflection, you decide to shed a negative attitude that has created personal or social problems. Instead of automatically blaming others for your unhappiness, you recognize that you may have made a situation worse ? one that should've been left alone. You may not feel comfortable admitting this, but you know it. This isn't about blame. It's about power -- your own considerable power. Others are not manufacturing your circumstances. You are.
If ever there was a time to talk about long cherished dreams, however unlikely they seem, it's now. Naturally, you're tempted to dwell on the changes currently swirling around you. But once you've dealt with each day’s tasks, your time's far better spent discussing what you'd like to do, achieve and experience in the future.
With power comes responsibility. You now have a responsibility to acknowledge the full extent of your own power. It is greater than you think. The more you imagine someone else is calling all the shots and holding all the cards, the more you will keep an important opportunity at bay. The more you resent someone else's interference, the more you restrict your own ability to put positive energy into a difficult situation. You can't dictate its outcome but you can help to shape it. Look at what (and who) you can probably influence if you try. Then try! Summon faith, act with dignity and assume that success is possible. Because it IS!
Home expansion, improvement or even moving is on your mind this morning. The environment plays a powerful role in your emotional and physical health. No matter how ideal your living space is, bad neighbors or enviro-hazards can ruin everything. Many of you give more thought to leaving the smog behind and migrating to a pristine locale. And because some of you are expanding your family, clean outdoor space really matters.
It may seem that you've all the time in the world to discuss various minor but persistent issues with those closest. But you don't. These deserve serious attention, and if you put them off, you'll be swept by the events promised by this dramatic month, with its two eclipses. It's a matter of now or never.
Now that you’ve had a few days to think about various offers, some of which seem somewhat outrageous, you’re beginning to warm to them. While it’s important that you are comfortable with what you do, spend too much time evaluating their ups and downs and the moment could pass. Respond before the week is over.
We are now 'betwixt and between' eclipses. The Sun, the Moon and the Earth are aligned in an unusual way. Some say that, at such times, ordinary mortals become blessed with mysterious powers. Others believe that doorways open into other realms -- or even that portals appear in space, enabling beings from distant galaxies to visit us. Who can say how much of this is just fanciful nonsense? One thing is sure, though. The Moon governs your sign and it is now providing you with far more power, strength, influence and energy than you realise. Efforts to work a little positive magic today will be surprisingly well rewarded.
There's almost nothing you wouldn't do for a dear friend or loved one because of your protective, generous heart. But try this on for size: pause long enough to give others a chance to make their own decisions and take charge of their lives. Instead of automatically offering money, time and other resources, step back and give others a shot at taking care of themselves. This is another way of demonstrating love and respect.
Why do people speak about, 'windows of opportunity'? Why not 'doorways' instead? Because doorways are open invitations. They don't need to be pointed out. They are obvious. Windows tend to be smaller. You can't walk through them, you have to climb. You may even have to squeeze yourself into an odd shape. If they look out from a high vantage point, you might have to use a rope or a drainpipe to take advantage of their offering. You are looking at a possibility now. If you really want to, you can make it viable.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that, because things are moving towards certain long cherished dreams becoming reality, and there's a general accord about these plans, there will be no problems. There will be. And while they're a nuisance, they'll also highlight mistakes you might otherwise have been unaware of until it was too late.
You are normally pretty clear about what you do or don't like. And about whom, too. One reason why there's little uncertainty in your world is because you dislike doubt. Thus, when you experience it, you consign both the mood and the apparent cause of the mood to the category marked 'undesirable'. You may now, though, be dismissing a helpful possiblity that actually deserves much further consideration. You've got more power, more potential and more scope for success than you know. Just be a little more open-minded this weekend.
Even the friendliest of Cancerians is cautious about what they reveal to others, and selective about who they trust. At this point in the planning process, however, you really must be more open about your intentions. Others can’t read your mind, and they certainly can’t help you if theyre unaware of your needs and requirements.
This is no ordinary week. We are betwixt and between eclipses. The sun, the moon and the earth are forming rare alignments. These are creating unusual possibilities for us all. Doors that are usually locked, are now open. Don't think that anything has to carry on in the same old way. It can -- and it will -- if you let it. If you try to bring about change, though, you will find it surprisingly easy to attain. You may have to apply a little thought and ingenuity. But if it's what you really want, a way forward will present itself soon enough.
Meter reading: 8 October 10-16: You certainly know how to comfort and be supportive, which is exactly what a dear friend or loved one needs this week. You may open your home and heart to someone that has fallen on hard times, and not be judgmental -- not even once. With compassion to spare, you make another feel wanted and supported without taking away his or her dignity. So, in other words, you're this week's Nancy Nurse -- and none of us can ever get enough Nancy. This week's touchstones: Moonstone, Abalone.
You feel like you're walking a tightrope without a net. If you lean too far in any direction, you could fall. A situation that impacts emotional and material security seems to be beyond your control. In the past, you tried to manage this matter, but grew weary of it. You’ve also tried to ignore certain problems, secretly hoping that they'd rectify themselves. P.S.: Late evening could bring illuminating information.
It never rains but it pours. In times of drought, though, we tend to assume the monsoon season will never come again. And when we're swamped, we can hardly even remember how it feels to be dealing with a shortage of water. If, though, we don't have enough faith to create irrigation channels, even when there's no rain on the horizon, we can't make the most of the downpour when it arrives. And if we don't remember to store water when we have it, we'll regret it when we don't. Make provision now, for a change that you suspect is on the way. Your suspicion is correct.
You feel very obligated and slightly guilty this morning, particularly around friends and family members. No matter what promising development is gradually coming together for you, you have mixed emotions because of others' pressing problems. So it's hard for you to just flat-out enjoy yourself early today. It gets easier as the day progresses, however.
If you stick with what's safe, nothing can harm you. That's the theory. The reality, though, is a little more complex. There's not much adventure in a world full of known quantities. Uncertainty creates stimulation. Stimulation gives rise to growth. Growth produces wisdom. Wisdom is the only true source of strength in this world. The safest option is not always the wisest option. You have an opportunity to experiment now. Taking it up could do you a lot of good. Turning it down could lead to regret.
Very early this morning, you feel fearful about losing someone or something you love. Worst-case scenarios clog your thoughts and temporarily pull down your mood. Early afternoon brings a gradual sense that things are on the mend -- perhaps not the way you'd planned, but healing nonetheless. Before the end of the evening, you may be able to reach a truce or understanding about where to go from here.
If ever there was a time to concentrate on letting go of the past, it’s now. True, your mind’s on certain looming changes. While you can do little to influence these, the more clutter you remove from your life now, the better prepared you’ll be to respond to even the most unexpected of developments.
It's one thing to look both ways before you cross the road. It's another to stand there scanning the horizon, worrying in case a sports car, travelling close to the world land-speed record, suddenly comes out of nowhere. If a problem is foreseeable, it makes sense to avoid it. If it isn't, you are not going to keep it at bay through a combination of anxiety and reticence. You now have as good an opportunity as you are ever likely to get. Be wary but don't be paranoid. Now is the right time for you to make your crossing.
Today offers an excellent forum for getting your thoughts and feelings across to others. You manage to make your point without stepping on others' toes. You encourage friendly debate that doesn't turn mean or rancid. Your approach strengthens preexisting relationships and lays a foundation for new alliances. Push away routines and move into something fresh and expansive.
Grim as certain situations seem, you’re only seeing part of the picture. Keep this in mind now, and you won’t make arrangements or agreements in a panic. While you’re unlikely to learn the full scope of these glorious developments until the Sun’s encounter with Jupiter on the 22nd, they’ll be more than worth waiting for.
We eat the same old food. We travel to the same old places. We argue with the same old people. We dream the same old dreams. Our lives are full of repetition. It's a good job we find this comforting. Ideally, though, we like things to be almost but not quite, exactly the same. Like pepper in a stew, we want just enough change to provide a little challenge, not so much as to produce a panic. You are concerned, this weekend, lest variety makes your life too spicy. Better that, though, than to dwell in the realm of the bland.
Don't apologise. Don't explain. Don't worry, either. Just be aware that a degree of conflict is inevitable at the moment. We're heading towards a lunar eclipse. A passing shadow is about to fall across the Moon. The Moon is the ruler of your sign so you can expect a shadow to fall over a part of your life. It's going to have something to do with a conflict. You're going to be tempted to pour oil on troubled water, just to calm everything down. Wait a while. You may yet find the shadow passes quickly - and that the concessions are made to you, not by you.
Meter reading: 7 October 17-23: You're a caregiver this week, nurturing and looking after someone you love. Protective to the extreme, you won't permit anything negative to happen to a loved one. You may hear something disturbing on Tuesday, and arrive at a way to resolve a problem or misunderstanding between the weekend and early next week. This week's touchstones: Blue Chalcedony, Rutilated Quartz.
The only real challenge you have this week is avoiding the Cancerian tendency to respond to sudden and dramatic changes as a threat to your stability and security. Once Monday's emotionally unsettling eclipsed Full Moon is over, you'll both be calmer and should know more about the nature and reach of changes that will influence your work or lifestyle -- or both. While it's only clear what's going, by now your instincts must have given you glimpses of the exciting things coming your way. Before the week is out, you'll both know what these are and will probably even have said an initial yes.
Your liberty can be taken away from you. Your freedom can't be. Your influence can be restricted. Your power, though, remains your own. Even when circumstances conspire against us, they can do little by comparison to the damage we can do to ourselves. It's only when we imagine that we are small, hopeless and helpless, that we compromise the strength that no external force can ever take away. Today's Lunar Eclipse is showing that you have more choice and control over a certain matter than you think.
Today is a back to basics, wipe the slate clean kind of day. Eliminate distractions and lodestones that pull you under and be very aware of the changes in others' moods and expectations. It may be wise to cut your losses in one specialized area, even if doing so means that you must revamp an understanding or agreement. Flexibility is essential now.
Ever since early October, you've known that you'd have to reorganise elements of your life, if not make serious changes. While whatever initial reservations you had are now long gone, you hadn't expected to make those changes so swiftly. But now events force your hand, which while sudden, is by and large a relief.
Because you and I speak English, we assume that we can understand one another. Actually, though, true communication is rare, in any tongue or dialect. We may use words that we both know the meaning of but we do not always manage to use them in a way that expresses what we really mean. There's a problem of this kind taking place at the moment. That's fine - as long as you acknowledge it. Trouble will come if you kid yourself that you are talking the same language as someone else.
You're tempted to take a chance on something risky. Normally risk-averse, you feel the ends might justify the means -- except that they won't. Pause before signing or agreeing to something that undoubtedly will leave you with the short end of the stick at best. You're a magnet for con artists and sob stories now. They play upon your compassion and desire to acquire quick cash or valuables.
Ordinarily you're the one who's hesitant about committing to unsettling or potentially costly changes. However, not only are you convinced they're necessary, you seem to have the job of persuading others that's the case. This is vital. While you can begin on your own, within a short time you'll need their support.
I could remind you of the need not to cast your pearls before swine... but I don't want to cast aspersions on your contemporaries. So I shall simply point out that some people are not as sensitive or as aware as you are. Some such people hold surprisingly powerful positions. Some give every impression of being tuned in -- yet they cannot recognise certain vital truths. Watch out for an encounter with an individual who fails to appreciate what truly matters. And be careful what you tell them.
You can't wait to get a task, procedure or meeting over with -- especially this morning. Waiting is excruciating. You'd rather fast-forward through this morning. Mostly, you're absorbed in a home or family matter, and would like to shelve everything else and just deal with that. For those of you facing a health-related matter, things should go well.
This is no time to favour tact over accuracy. True, once you actually raise certain sensitive issues, theres no way to avoid tricky discussions. Putting these off won't make them vanish, however much you wish they would. By the week's close they'll need to be discussed anyway, and under even less favourable circumstances.
What's impossible? OK. Don't answer that. You are almost painfully aware of an obstacle that it is seemingly impossible to get around. You feel a little frustrated. You resent the way in which a certain situation has come about. The only 'big solutions' that you can come up with seem wildly far-fetched. Even though, if one goal is impossible, it doesn't follow that all your other plans and ideas are futile. Follow them. They will take you somewhere well worth going, even if they don't lead to a 'perfect destination'.
Now that your mind is clearer and you’ve all the necessary facts to hand, there’s no question that last Monday’s eclipsed Full Moon was a turning point in several situations. While that made it clear what’s going, the events of the next few days will reveal to you what’s coming as a replacement.
Your usually accurate intuition may be less reliable this morning. Fears, rumors and others・ suggestions may affect your clarity. You need some time alone ・time to think and process a truckload of incoming info. Late afternoon and early evening offer enough space and privacy to open the pathway between your conscious mind and intuition.
Your usually accurate intuition may be less reliable this morning. Fears, rumors and others' suggestions may affect your clarity. You need some time alone -- time to think and process a truckload of incoming info. Late afternoon and early evening offer enough space and privacy to open the pathway between your conscious mind and intuition.
Around the world this weekend, athletes will be racing after balls, across fields, following various rules and objectives. In none of these will anyone be actually moving the goalposts randomly throughout the game. Why has no such sport ever been invented? Because we have enough of that in daily life. Part of the pleasure of leisure is a sense of comparative consistency. You're now dealing with arrangements that keep changing. There is, though, one situation that CAN remain straightforward. Don't shake it up.
You’re the last person to say yes to an offer first and ask questions later. But that’s exactly what you’ll have to do if you’re to make the best of the offers triggered by the Sun’s encounter with the mighty Jupiter. Things are too fast-paced to allow for anything but the swiftest of discussions.
Where's your magic wand? Where's your cloak, your cauldron, your book of ancient incantations? Princes into frogs? Mice into horses? Not likely. There is a distinct limit to the number of successful transformative spells you can cast now. Unless, of course, your interest lies not in changing the world around you but in altering the nature of your inner world. If that's the case, miracles truly are feasible. Now the eclipse is over, you can radically adjust ANY aspect of yourself that you wish to - and that will help you change much more than you think.
While some offers come with guarantees, others don’t. Tempting as it is to make no decisions until you know more, that would only lead to problems. Not only can you not go back, what you ignore now is likely to be taken up by somebody else, and they’re unlikely to want your participation.
The changes now being discussed are so far reaching that you need to ensure you’re doing the right thing. These decisions will influence your work and lifestyle for ages. Also, you’re seeking reassurance about your security. But things are moving swiftly, so you’ll have to plunge in, relying on a combination of courage and faith. In fact with Jupiter, the planet behind these opportunities, moving into a new sign on Wednesday, changes in circumstances could mean that certain doors close as suddenly as they opened. Similarly, should others quibble about your choices, just tell them it’s your life, and you’ll do what you want.
Meter reading: 8 October 24-30: Birth control has never been more important -- unless, of course, you're trying to get pregnant. Jupiter enters your hottest most fertile zone this week -- and stays there for a year! That means that love, sex and fertility rule. If expanding your family isn't your objective, better start preparing NOW. If love has been elusive or unsatisfactory, that's about to change in a big, big way…. This week's touchstones: Moonstone, Rose Quartz.
Few of us can solve complicated problems before breakfast. Last thing at night, it can be equally hard to process intricate information. Just as some times of the day are better for this kind of activity than others, some days or weeks can bring a similar increase in our capacity for clarity. Right now, life is blessing you with both emotional insight and intellectual strength. Never mind why or how you can see what you have grown able to see. Just be glad you can see it -- and make it work to your advantage.
You sense that something important is about to change -- something that impacts your home, family or security -- but you can't quite put your finger on what it is. This change doesn't feel threatening. In fact, it feels rather exhilarating and expansive. Pay attention, Cancer -- life as you know it is about to burst into full bloom. No matter how great a secret keeper you are, this news might be difficult to conceal.
シェリー24日 After a lengthy and demanding period you deserve a break. But there’s been little opportunity or inspiration. Now all that changes. By the week’s close both the Sun and the expansive Jupiter will have moved to accent love and life’s pleasures, and you’ll remember what it’s like to wake up looking forward to the day.
Do we have a sixth sense? Absolutely. And a seventh. And an eighth. We have, for example, a sense of timing. When this is working well, we manage to turn up in the right place at the right moment. We have a sense of humour. This helps us see the funny side of difficult situations. And what about our sense of purpose? Or our sense of responsibility? Or our sense of justice? When any of those senses are not functioning, life itself somehow fails to 'make sense'. Events now, are bringing you to your senses... in the nicest possible sense!
Ordinarily you’d listen to others’ ideas, retreat to investigate the facts and reflect on your feelings, and only then come to a decision. But now things are moving too swiftly for any but the most fleeting of exchanges. Talk things over with the awareness that you’ll need to say yes or no right away.
Some people invest in expensive burglar alarms. These cost them so much, that they then have to sell all their other possessions in order to pay for them. Others deliberately decide never to own anything. That way, they figure, they won't ever be in danger of incurring a loss. As with physical security, so with emotional self-protection. There comes a point when it all becomes counter-productive. It's better to live with the risk. Safety should not be your primary concern today. It's more important to be adventurous.
Neptune goes direct today, clearing the air in an ongoing financial or power fuss. Issues are brought out into the open, and can be dealt with instead of shoved under the rug. First thing this morning, you may feel ill at ease, but this passes and things finally begin to fall into place. Late this evening, don't allow others to pull you into their dark mood.
'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. So said the poet, Tennyson. But is it? We spend a lot of our time and energy looking back on things that we wish had happened differently - or people that we miss. It often seems as if there is a lot to be said for keeping our shutters down, our eyes blinkered, our hopes harnessed and our emotions kept carefully in check. Sometimes, this is possible. Right now, for you, it just isn't. There is now a risk that you simply have to take.
You're finally able to see the bright side of a situation that has taken a toll and felt very worrying. You're emotional today, but feel more upbeat than beat up. The sound of freedom, change, growth and expansion is a siren song to your sensitive, receptive ears. You're not afraid to spend a little extra money to ensure that a transition is seamless. Later this evening, an interesting curveball may temporarily slow things down.
If you have 'nothing to lose' you can't possibly have 'everything to gain'. There has to be something that you can risk letting go of -- some chip that you can place on the great roulette table of existence. Even if it is the last remaining shred of your dignity or the secret hope that you can hardly bear to expose to potential disappointment. In a material world, we should always live within our means. In the emotional world, though, we either gamble wildly or we slowly stagnate. Be brave this weekend.
For ages you've been aware of tensions with certain individuals, issues that you could neither address nor resolve. Obviously this hasn't made life easy. Now, if you have the courage to address these, circumstances force issues. This not only plays into your hands, it means they can't blame you for bringing matters to a head.
It’s taken ages. But you’ve now fully realised just how demanding the period during which Saturn was in your sign, from mid 2003 until July of last year, was for you. Since then you’ve been putting your life back together, although it’s assuming a very different shape from before. Now that things are beginning to get more settled, you feel safe taking a break. Not only should you, with Jupiter now accenting love and life’s pleasures, what arises could be the beginning of a cycle that reminds you what it’s like to wake up in the morning happy, and expecting a glorious day.
At Hallowe'en many of us enjoy dressing up as ghouls, ghosts and creepy figures of the night. In donning their guise, are we deepening our fear? Of course, not. Rather to the contrary. We are shining a light on the darker recesses of our own imagination. With that in mind, let us look together now at something that generally, you far prefer not to think about. The more intelligent attention you give it, the less it will be able to hide in shadow and create unnecessary worry. Get your anxiety out into the open, today.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Today is a magical dreamtime between two worlds. As a sensitive, receptive person, you may find it easier to commune with the spirit world between now and next spring. You're particularly talented at sensing developing health issues in people and animals. Follow your instincts, and work your practical magic. As vulnerable as you sometimes feel, you remain a pillar of strength for someone who loves you.
When they arose, surprise offers and complex dilemmas both demanded time and thought. Now that you’re in a position to view what's taken place with greater clarity, you're beginning to realise that what seemed most disruptive may actually have been in your best interests. Certainly, it's made it easier to say yes to opportunities.
Meter reading: 8 October 31-November 6: You put everything you’ve got into an important relationship. Some may say that you’re doing too much or trying too hard; but this is one time when you’re willing to do whatever it takes to hang onto the person you love. You also feel personally responsible for some of the problems your loved one has struggled with. Saturday begins a relationship-centered phase for you. In fact, a number of you may finally tie the knot. This week's touchstones: Moonstone, Lepidolite.
You think things are supposed to be a certain way. They clearly aren't, so therefore, you think something must be wrong. Perhaps, though, what's wrong is that you are thinking too much, expecting more than you should, upholding an ideal that can never be fulfilled. Our fantasies make a great source of secret inspiration. When we confuse them with obtainable objectives, though, we risk frustration and disappointment. Ask yourself what's really possible now. Then aim for that. You will need nothing else.
Today regenerates your strength, passion and connection with others. You actually feel this as it happens. Suddenly, instead of feeling as if you're on the outside looking in, you feel more attached and engaged. This is exactly what you need right now, particularly since you've just passed a major milestone. Late today, curb the urge to take a risk that might undermine your security or relationship.
Distracting as developments involving your daily regime, work or other obligations may be, you must now allow them to take centre stage. Welcome changes or even unexpected offers that accent matters of the heart will also need attention. Combining the two may require some juggling, but it will be more than justify the effort.
There is a lot going on in your life these days, but sorting it all out will take time. Finances appear to be a major source of concern because this month, Saturn, now in your earned income sector, will be at odds with Mars, Neptune, and the new moon.
That is a lot of planetary energy to handle, so if you have a good support system from friends and family, let them into your life and listen to any advice or emotional support they can offer. As a Cancer you often retreat into your shell when you are tense, but this month there is no reason to isolate yourself.
There appear to be many people around you who love you and who want to see you do well. Surround yourself with the most positive, encouraging people in your circle. You will need to sort out all the options you have to solve your financial situation, and the last thing you need is anyone nearby who drains you. How tough a financial problem you face depends a great deal on the assumptions you made some time ago about how you would earn and manage your money. Those assumptions are now yielding certain results. It appears you will want to change some part of your master plan now. Tough aspects bring things to a head, but they also yield an enormous amount of energy, so you will have the strength to make your decisions.
It appears you will make up your mind about this financial situation at the full moon, November 15. This full moon does not fall in a financial house, but it will bring things to a point, and you will be ready to act. Uranus, the planet that rules your eighth house of credit, will turn to direct motion on November 15, so in the days surrounding the full moon, which has a plus or minus of four days of influence, things will become crystallized.
In early October, you had an eclipse in your career sector, so in early November you may now be considering a complete career switch or you may look for a new and better paying job in your present industry.
Last month's eclipse was, thankfully, the last in a long series of eclipses that touched your career sector every six months since April 2003. Your future professional life should become more stable from now on, and that's good news. Still, you will have to get a grip on finances this month, as the problem appears to be a pressing one. It appears by your chart that your financial situation and career are strongly linked, and that your financial situation is not a matter of simply spending too much. I could be wrong about that, but that's what I see from where I sit, looking at your solar chart. (Your career sector is ruled by Mars in your solar chart, and Mars is one of the gang of four you are trying to fend off this month.)
The part to remember about Saturn, now based in your financial sector, is that it is the teacher planet that wants us to continually learn and grow. I have come to realize that when dealing with a Saturn challenge it is best to try new methods and to let go of old formulas. It appears that conditions surrounding your career or money have changed, and that old tried and true methods of dealing with this situation won't work any more - it's time to experiment with an untried method. As soon as you try something new - and admittedly, this is easier said than done - the sooner Saturn's sting will end.
Financial problems can make you feel a bit helpless because it shakes your very security. Still, be thankful if you have your health and the love of family. Money can be replaced or rebuilt. I know what you are thinking, yes, but being thankful doesn't stop the financial pain you feel right now. OK - I have some ideas.
One of the key areas of gain in your chart stems from a lovely collaboration between Jupiter and Uranus, which will link travel, relationships abroad, and various "ninth house" activities to your fifth house of creative ideas. There are several ways this could work out, so bear with me.
You may have a good deal that's cooking on foreign shores, which could turn out to be an excellent opportunity - and profitable, too. It is also possible that you may travel to develop business for your job, and again, you'd come back with the goods, especially if you do so near November 27. (More later about what is happening then.)
Note: If you were born in one country, say, Canada, but live in another country now, such as the USA, the place you're living is considered "foreign" to you. In your case, you would not have to travel or deal with others abroad to feel the benefit of this trend. You ALREADY live in a foreign country and deal with those who are foreign to your background, even if your friends and associates in your new country of residence (USA) don't really feel very foreign to you!
As another way this trend may work out, you may decide to go back to the classroom for more training. Whether you take a quick weekend seminar or matriculate at an established university, study will translate into more income to you down the line. You may also benefit quite a bit from a publishing, broadcasting, or Internet opportunity, or through your work as a teacher / professor.
This expansive area, ruling thinking, studying, teaching, publishing, broadcasting, travel, and expanding horizons, truly sparkles in November. If you can find a link between one of the areas mentioned and your own private life, desires, and experience, you may find the key to your financial dilemma. Think broadly. For example, if you are a marketer, you can think of the college market as a source of luck, too - you don't have to be IN college to benefit from this area. Or, an import-export idea of goods or services may be lucrative, and you need not do it on a grand scale. If you are a commercial photographer, for example, you might go to London to show your portfolio to create work.
Your creativity is working at high levels too, so if you work in a creative field, your artistic or creative ideas could translate into a thick wad of cash. Present your ideas with confidence.
Mercury will retrograde from November 14 to December 3. You will want to get as much done as you can early in the month, for delays will crop up and cause frustrations later. Mercury is extra troublesome on the day it retrogrades (November 14) and the day it goes direct (December 3), so don't plan to have any of your key initiations on or near those days. Leave a space of at least two days - more if you can - to get away from the static that will be in the air on those days. Of course, ALL of Mercury retrograde has most of us pulling out our hair, so holiday shopping during this time is not a good idea. Make your list and check it twice, but shop on or after December 5!
For those not familiar with Mercury retrograde, Mercury rules shopping, thinking, negotiating, perception, and other objective functions. All sorts of problems surface when Mercury is out of phase, and those difficulties center on these areas. Stores are often out of stock, or if you do find what you want, the item may arrive broken or the wrong size, or your recipient may have already bought the item for himself! Electronics are particularly susceptible to Mercury retrograde phases, so you simply cannot buy those under this trend. Do yourself a favor and wait until December 5 at the very earliest!
It would not be wise to sign a contract either until next month, from December 5 and beyond. You can, if you are ready, sign in the first five days of November, but I haven't given you very much notice! As said, I want to keep you as far away from the retrograde period as possible.
Now let's turn to romance, which is also surfacing as a big trend this month for you!
A romantic new moon will occur in your fifth house of true love on November 1, which is wonderful news. New moons open a window of two weeks of opportunity, but the actions you take at this new moon will have the power to change your whole year ahead. That's why it will be important to circulate if you are single!
If you were born on or within five days of July 1, you will benefit from this new moon more than most Cancers.
Still, no matter when your birthday happens to fall, you will be able to partake of this romantic new moon's benefits. This new moon will partner with Jupiter, the planet of gifts and luck, which just moved into this part of your chart late last month. Because Jupiter is orbiting so close to the new moon, it will give your romantic outlook real sparkle. You will have Jupiter at your side for a full year, but to get the best out of this planet, you need an aspect to unlock Jupiter's powers. You have that now!
Uranus will be fabulously friendly too, which is still another reason this new moon will be so special. It suggests that a meeting with someone new and intriguing could come out of the blue, when you least expect it to happen!
If you have not been dating anyone, accept every invitation you get to mix and mingle. This is will be one of the most likely months of the YEAR to meet a new person who could change your life in the future. You won't have to wait either - as said, this magical trend starts November 1.
How much of a risk should you take? That rather depends on what you truly understand. If you are dealing with the random roulette of fluctuating fortune, you had best gamble for modest stakes or better yet, place no bet at all. You need to put all you've got into the one near certainty that you can see. It's not a matter of faith or luck, but of information that you suspect you can trust. Check its source. Experiment with its accuracy and then take a brave step forward into the (not so very) unknown.
If you are married, this will be an ideal time to try to conceive a baby, as the fifth house also rules pregnancy and birth. Try any time during the month that works for you, although I will admit that the astrological cycle will be strongest at the start of the month, near the new moon, November 1. If you have had problems with conception, then see a specialist this month, or try a new specialist if you feel you would like a second opinion. If you want to try in vitro fertilization, try as early in the month as is reasonably possible.
Some readers ask, "Is it all right to try to conceive a baby when Mercury is retrograde?" Yes, of course! How about giving birth to a baby when Mercury is retrograde? Again, it's always good to be born! Many babies are born with Mercury retrograde and I was one of them! Having Mercury retrograde in the natal chart is said to yield a philosophical, reflective personality, for natal Mercury retrograde will encourage the child (and later, the grown up) to look back and think about things in depth.
Mercury tends to focus us on buying and selling, thinking, analyzing, speaking, doing research, and getting involved in other communicative activities, but is not in charge of highly emotional events, like love and giving birth to children!
This month you have Venus moving through your relationship house from November 5 to December 14, so you should that find your relationship will go smoothly and with true affection evident.
Venus will be highly active this month too, contacting Jupiter (November 8), Uranus (November 12), and Mars (November 17), all fantastic days for your love life.
Also, there will be a full moon on November 15, operative plus or minus four days, and due to fall in your most social sector - the one ruling parties and fun. Lets look more closely at those key dates for a second. If you are attached to someone special, the sensational cooperation between Venus and Jupiter will help you bond on a deeper emotional level than you ever have before on Tuesday, November 8.
If you are single, watch Saturday, November 12, a day that is sure to bring all sorts of sweet surprises in matters of the heart, thanks to Uranus' plan to get into the act. The full moon November 15 could affect you as early as November 12 or as late as November 19, and it appears you've got a gathering to go to that will be lots of fun. You may be attending a wedding or a reunion, or other sort of gathering that will bring lots of people together. This is not one to miss! With Mercury retrograde, you may have a chance to mix with many old pals you haven't seen in a long time. If you were born on or within five days of July 16, this full moon will call out to you.
Your popularity won't be over as you reach month's end. In fact, you'll only be cranking up! Over Thanksgiving weekend, November 27, love could come rushing through your window like a big meteorite! (If it were possible, in my mind, this meteorite would be glittering and beautiful!) Wow, this should be exciting! It looks like next month you'll be all set for holiday parties.
The reason November 27 and the days surrounding it should be so remarkable is that Jupiter will make an exact alignment to Uranus, the planet of surprise. This is a very rare aspect, so you will really feel it - you've had nothing like this in years. Actually, this is the first time in your LIFE that Uranus has been based in your travel sector, while at the same time Jupiter will fill your true love sector. Since Uranus takes 84 years to circle the Sun, the houses that are linked here are a first in your lifetime. I give this time of the month five stars! If you were born on June 28 or within five days, you will feel this aspect very powerfully. Since June 2003, you have had Saturn on your Sun, so in the past two years you probably experienced some tough times. If your confidence was shaken, that would have been understandable - nothing about that experience was typical for you, so you had many things to learn and adjust to. That's all history now that Saturn finally left Cancer last July, thank goodness. It may have taken you a while to come out from under Saturn's oppression, but now, by November, you appear to be ready to give love a try. This is your month, dear Cancer, and I am so happy for you!
To sum up, your best nights to enjoy love are the following dates: November 1, 2, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, and 19, and the best weekend for romance, November 26 - 27. As said, you may decide to travel to distant ports over the weekend of November 24 - 27. This is Thanksgiving in the USA, so you may go across country or travel to a country new to you! You will love the experiences you have on this trip, too.
What a month of contrasts! While you seem to have some difficulties with money that will somehow get resolved, you have some of the best aspects you've seen in a long time for love. Try to enjoy the tender, romantic side of this month, dear Cancer.
Summary As the month opens, you may be centered on a difficult financial jam that will require a solution soon. You seem to be strapped for cash, and your usual methods for solving this type of problem seem not to be working. Once you attempt a new solution you will see movement and possible relief, at least on a gradual, long-range basis. Admittedly, moving away from methods that used to work is never easy. Saturn's presence suggests that times have changed and you need to build a new foundation to support yourself in the future. Certainly Cancers have not had it easy, so having this financial problem on your desk now may seem unfair. I am so sorry, dear Cancer.
When it comes to romance, having had so much to handle in life, if single, you may have felt you didn't have the energy to devote to finding new love. Indeed, when you are walking a high-tension wire, it is not conducive to thoughts of love. It was probably too hard to relax! Your self-confidence may have been at low ebb too, mainly because so many parts of life proved so difficult to navigate. The more you needed love and a feeling of lightness to envelop you, the more it seemed to elude you. Now, with the advent of the new moon, November 1, you have the ability to make a dramatic change. This new moon is like no other you've seen in ages, because this one will partner with Jupiter, now ensconced in your fifth house of true love.
No matter what your situation, that new moon, which will act as a portal, will put back the silly fun and joyous attitude that used to be a mainstay of your life. This month will also show you that changing your attitude will also change your opportunities. Your loving feelings never left you - it's just been hard to access them while you were dealing with so much else. If you have a partner, you may now see a resurgence of interest and feeling. Help things along between you by planning things to look forward to as a couple.
Attached Cancers have Venus in just the right place to jump-start renewed feelings and appreciation for the one you are with now. Venus in Capricorn will also help single Cancers experience the kind of magical interlude that you began to fear would not be part of your life any time soon.
If you have no partner in life, your open state of mind will now allow you to welcome the right type of person for you. (In the past, had the precisely right person galloped up to your door, you would have dismissed the pass with a weary, "Let's reschedule.") Now, thanks to rare and sparkling aspects, your eyes are open, and you know better the person who would be right for you.
Near November 15 it appears that a swinging social event will dot your calendar, one sure to give you ample reason to be excited. Travel may trigger romance, too, so if you CAN take a cruise or trip near Thanksgiving, November 17, it may turn out to be an amazing journey of the heart.
This morning is a little rocky. A recent hurt or disappointment may fester and actually cause physical discomfort. You can't run away from this. What might work is contact comfort from someone you trust and love. Although you may fight against another’s offers of love or help this morning, you warm to the idea this afternoon and evening. There are times to be alone and times to be enveloped in love. Today is about love.
You really must not undervalue yourself or allow others to get away with giving you less than you deserve. True, taking a tough line could mean that you risk rejection. But others are all too aware that they're taking advantage of you, and are probably already expecting you to stand up to them.
After what’s seemed years of unrelenting responsibilities, your self-esteem is at a high. Still, life doesn’t seem to be much fun. What takes place in November takes care of that. At first things seem the same, especially as you must deal with numerous demanding changes, some personal, others involving work or obligations of various kinds. Tackle these with zest, knowing that you’re making time for late November’s amazing developments. These involve who or what you love most, and remind you why life is worth living.
Now the Dark of the Moon has passed, there's less to worry about and more to do. There is also, potentially, something to earn or acquire. Try now not to dwell too long on unresolved issues. There are practical steps that need to be taken, regardless of how a certain drama pans out. The opportunity before you is a good one and it deserves your attention. It may not help you solve a particular, ongoing problem but it will certainly allow you, if you take it, to deal with the difficulty from a more comfortable position.
Some truths hurt. Others create a lot of concern. That's why some people subscribe to the idea that 'what folk can't see, folk can't be harmed by'. Lots of us keep controversial information to ourselves and seem to prefer it if others are similarly circumspect. You need, now, to decide if it's better to tell a little white lie and keep someone in a state of blissful ignorance - or tell the truth and set a cat among the pigeons. If you truly care, though, you'll be candid even if it stirs up temporary trouble.
How much of your current discomfort is connected to your concern for the well-being of another individual - and how much of it is linked to a fear for your own stability? Gestures motivated by genuine compassion will produce positive results. Actions led by an instinct for self-preservation may not have such fruitful consequences. You may feel exposed or vulnerable, yet you are surprisingly safe. Acknowledge and nurture your own strength and then employ this generously on behalf of those who need protection. A brave step, this weekend, will not cause you to fall. It will lead you to much more solid ground.
Problems haven’t just been a source of concern, they’ve been preying on your mind. The real issue is that because you’ve nothing to suggest, you’ve said nothing. Don’t let this stop you. It’s vital that you keep on talking. Those ideas you regard as going nowhere could actually become the foundation for exceptionally rewarding discussions.
There’s no denying that recent developments could be regarded as dreams come true. Thrilling as what’s taking place may be, the rest of your life hasn’t changed. This means you’ve the same obligations in terms of time, plans and existing arrangements, personal and otherwise. Reorganising things won’t just require thought, you’re still feeling cautious about trusting your good fortune. You’re wise to take things slowly. It’s not that you’ve reason to worry. Rather, over the coming weeks the odds are good that you’ll discover that what’s seems so exciting now could, once you’ve given more serious reflection to your dreams, be substantially improved upon.
Meter reading: 8 November 7-13: Keep pinching yourself and repeating "you can't hurry love." As eager as you are to move forward with the beginning (or end) of a relationship, mitigating circumstances may drag things out a bit longer than expected. Tuesday and Saturday are amazing in your amour zone, btw. Clear your calendar and buff up your seduction techniques. Chances are, you won't be disappointed…. This week's touchstones: Watermelon Tourmaline, Carnelian.
Imagine you are standing on a low step. Below you, there's a small drop. Only you don't know this. Your eyes are shut. You were persuaded to close them some while ago... after which you were led to this position via a convoluted route. All the way, someone has been whispering in your ear. They have been talking about canyons and chasms. Towering skyscrapers. Parachute drops and bungee jumps. So now, you're nervous. The idea of a leap of faith seems terrifying. Open your eyes and be brave.
You feel anxious and eager to push forward with a creative project. You're also impatient to move ahead with personal plans. At times, your head is so full of ideas that you feel overwhelmed. Try to keep things simple, steady and basic. Be careful with money and other valuables, too. People may want to borrow things from you, but not return them in good condition. Even a close friend could be careless with your belongings.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that just because you've dealt with complex dilemmas honourably, others will. They're pretending to have your best interests at heart. It's not that they're being dishonest. It's just that what they consider to be generosity is very different from your idea of what the word means.
There's really just one question to ask now. What are you worth? By this, I don't mean how much wealth are you capable of acquiring. We are all worth something, much more than money. Money can't buy us love, integrity, intelligence, wisdom - or the genuine respect of others. It has, then, very limited value and we do ourselves a great disservice when we allow it to become too much of a priority. As you now weigh up options and needs, remember that your true power stems from your ability to see through illusions.
You have several opportunities to mend fences with people you care about. Don't let these wonderful healing moments slip through your fingers. If you permit fear of rejection (or any other fear, for that matter) to determine your behavior, you’ll miss out on a wondrous second chance. Today calls for faith in yourself, faith in others and faith in the future. You can do this.
There's a difference between loving and trusting somebody, which you do, and having a similar approach to tricky situations. In fact, the odds are good that you'll view recent issues from completely diverging perspectives. Don't mistake this disparity as disloyalty. It isn't. They simply see things from another perspective than you do.
Other people's perspectives can be very difficult to see. We don't really know how the world looks through their eyes. We can't be sure what's going on in the back of their minds. That's why we place such close attention to things they say. The trouble is, we all say things that we don't really mean. We ask for things we don't want. We complain about situations that we are really quite happy with. In trying to be too helpful today, you could do yourself (or someone else) a disservice.
You remain expectantly on pause until this evening when an important piece of information arrives. A pleasurable sense of anticipation keeps you slightly on edge much of the day. Although you appear to be interested in others' remarks, you're actually a few thousand miles away, happily sifting through your own private thoughts. Some heartening improvements are likely to arrive, giving you more to be hopeful about.
You can afford to be generous with your time, your ideas and even your affections. But think twice when others come to you about money matters. While you'd imagine that taking care of their obligations would be the most straightforward solution, that would only create more problems. Encourage them, but stop short of cash hand-outs.
Once you start reading between the lines, you risk losing all sight of the text. That's why many people prefer to take everything and everyone at face value. They argue that it's arrogant to assume an intention that isn't clearly stated. Though you now need to be careful about not putting two and two together and making five, you also have to recognise that the numbers you are currently being presented with don't add up. There's a missing piece of information somewhere. Your challenge today, is to find it.
An unexpected development may occur this morning that changes the terms of an agreement or alters travel plans. This development may have certain inconvenient elements, but also represents a bodacious opportunity. Midday activates your linear thinking and pulls you back from the edge of Eden and closer to mundane reality. The good news is that you feel much better about your situation during the evening.
One of the most difficult things in the world is for you to say no to somebody who needs you. All too often you've sidelined your own plans to rush to the side of another. Think twice about this, especially since one particular individual seems to think that you're at their beck and call.
As we were saying yesterday, there are times when we should take whatever people are doing or saying at face value. If we look for a hidden agenda, all we will discover is how powerful our own imagination can be. When, then, should we read between the lines? Well, we should definitely do it when we come across lines that say, 'These lines have something hidden between them'! Someone or something is dropping you a pretty big hint this weekend. Investigate it carefully and thoroughly.
Sooner or later you're going to have to unravel problems involving various obligations. Although you've been concerned about them for some time, others have completely ignored your warnings. Forget about trying to get them to take them seriously. The events triggered by next week’s retrograde Mercury should more than do the job for you.
Habits, like mantraps, are easy to fall into but hard to get out of. There's a way of being which has become, over a period of time, almost second nature to you. It is not, though, having an entirely positive impact on your life. You have tried to change it before now, with only partial success. You can produce many reasonable explanations and justifications for this. It remains, though, in need of adjustment. There's a chance this weekend, to make yet another attempt and to be successful this time. Don't grab it or seize it. Just accept it gently and steadily.
You're able to kick back and savour life's pleasures with those whose company you really enjoy. True, certain issues remain a source of concern. But this is no time to discuss these. For now, banish them from your mind. That way, when you return to them, it will be from a fresh perspective.
As usual, you’re experiencing the unsettled feelings that are so common in the run up to the Full Moon, early next week. Not only does this raise the emotional temperature, it means you tend to turn minor issues into major dramas. If they’re not urgent, do nothing. By late next week, they’ll no longer matter.
Thrilling as recent developments have been, before you take things further, you’d like some form of reassurance. But this is in short supply. This is partly because the situations you’re dealing with involve creative or emotional matters. But also, between Mercury going retrograde on Monday and on-going changes in circumstances, even modest guarantees simply aren’t possible. This requires that you face up to your Cancerian need for security, and realise that sometimes what’s best in life requires taking a chance. Daunting as the leap you’d make seems from this perspective, once you’ve done it, you’ll wonder why you were so worried.
Meter reading: 8 November 14-20: Monday and Tuesday encourage honest conversation that comes directly from the heart. Difficult but necessary issues must be discussed. Tuesday's bodacious Full Moon is as glitzy and shameless as Paris Hilton and her, um, fianc? du jour (cough). You feel like taking a chance on love, lust or whatever turns you on, and emanate an amazing "touch me" vibe. Getting manhandled has never felt so good. This week's touchstones: Sunstone, Carnelian.
You know some interesting people. Your social life is far from dull or uneventful. There are times when you wonder whether it is wise to be involved with such eccentric individuals. In fairness, though, you are not exactly ordinary yourself! A certain person's drama is not dominating their life, your life and the lives of many in your vicinity. This isn't necessarily such a bad thing. It's helping you to move on from a situation you have been stuck in for too long. Let things move on a little further before you decide you've got a real problem.
Mercury's retro phase gives you a three-week window to carefully consider how to handle a difficult situation that has begun to affect your home, family and work. This morning is pretty touch and go, but afternoon and most of the evening look a lot more fun. Late this evening, you may receive news that sounds discouraging, but are advised to sit tight and remain calm for the time being.
Much as you'd like to avoid certain sensitive issues, you're also aware that if you say nothing, misunderstandings could grow worse. You'd best get your thoughts in order now. With tensions building in the run up to Wednesday's Full Moon, the odds are good that you'll have no choice but to conduct frank discussions.
Where should you draw the line? When do you have to say, 'Enough is enough?' Or, 'Up with this, I will no longer put?' The full moon is causing you to contemplate carefully. Think, by all means, but don't act. You don't need to. The line will draw itself. The decision will make itself. Conserve your energy and avoid taking an active role in a situation that will resolve itself naturally, even if you do little or nothing. Remember, if you assert yourself and take control... you'll be held responsible for whatever happens next!
You feel free to try something new, and much less attached to the past or negative habits. Today encourages freedom, travel, experimentation and friendly debate. Move away from limitation in any form and move toward people and activities that are positive and expansive. Rigid thinking seems so crusty and dusty now. Changing your mind will feel fabulous.
Mercury's just turned retrograde and is accenting your work and daily routine. Not only will you be contending with here and now confusion, that disarray is likely to uncover various obligations from the past that were never dealt with. Tedious as this is, ultimately, having them out of the way will be a relief.
If you urgently need to reach the top of a building and you can see a flight of stairs, surely you should start climbing them? Perhaps. But perhaps, too, you ought to wait and take stock of the situation. Is there an elevator nearby? Might it make more sense to use that, instead? Why, in any case, do you want to go all the way up? Is it to meet someone? If they happen to be coming down in the lift, while you are ascending those steps, you won't be pleased. Check for easy options today, before you pursue difficult ones.
You feel pretty good about yourself today, particularly since friends and colleagues have been so supportive of late. Still smiling on the inside due to a recent coup, you feel almost invincible. The only thing that could get under your skin is travel or other transportation issues. You’re not in the mood to change a flat tire or wait for a plane to take off. If possible, reschedule significant travel for another day.
Recent events have you convinced you've reason to worry about situations involving loved ones. However, during a week as complex as this one, even simple issues could be blown out of proportion. Instead of brooding on these concerns, talk things over right away. You'll discover that issues aren't nearly as bad as you thought.
What use is the icing if you haven't got a cake to put it on? Why choose wrapping paper when you haven't yet decided what present to give? This weekend's key concerns may not seem especially glamorous or exciting. They represent, though, your opportunity to put something useful and constructive in place. Once an agreement has been reached and a plan has been formed, you can add many additional ingredients to your recipe. First, though, you have to meet an immediate need. Till you do, the rest is a distraction.
ケイナー 18日(金) 原文 What use is the icing if you haven’t got a cake to put it on? Why choose wrapping paper when you haven’t yet decided what present to give? This weekend’s key concerns may not seem especially glamorous or exciting. They represent, though, your opportunity to put something useful and constructive in place. Once an agreement has been reached and a plan has been formed, you can add many additional ingredients to your recipe. First, though, you have to meet an immediate need. Till you do, the rest is a distraction.
You've had to be exceedingly disciplined in certain areas of your life recently. Still, there's one particular indulgence that you've simply refused to give up. Now you're feeling guilty about it. Consider carefully the pleasure you get versus the cost. If the former outweighs the latter, then continue, and without those feelings of guilt.
Before we judge a person, we should first walk a mile in their shoes. We know this... but, for all that we strive to be wise and sympathetic, to show intelligence and understanding, we find it easy to take one look at someone and say 'Honestly! What a fool.' Of course, sometimes, the assessment is appropriate. But a little extra tolerance this weekend, will help to heal a counter-productive rift. Be flexible in your dealings with others. But be determined in sticking to your own plans and beliefs. You have already made a decision that's worth staying with.
As the week begins you’ve no hint that thrilling events are coming your way. If anything, you’ll be struggling with minor problems of your own and misunderstandings with others. These quibbles are worth the bother, however, simply because each in its own way enables you to eliminate potential obstacles. While this is important now, it will be vital later in the week, when developments involving individuals or matters dear to your heart suddenly turn your existing plans and priorities upside down. These events, indicated by the expansive Jupiter’s superb aspect to Uranus, on the 27th, fulfil dreams you didn’t even knew you had.
You have extremely high standards. Usually, these ensure that you achieve a great deal and can be proud of all you do. Sometimes, though, that desire to reach for the best can work against you. It can cause frustration. It can cause you, too, to get overly involved in situations that you might be far wiser to stand back from. An arrangement is less than perfect. It may not be possible, though, to improve it immediately, no matter how hard you try. Stick to your ambition, but try being a little less bothered about how quickly you fulfil it.
You feel somehow responsible for others' behavior -- acutely so. A number of you may step up and claim full responsibility for another's mistakes or bad acts. But more of you are likely to privately scold friends or colleagues that have let you down, or in your mind, made you look bad. Unfortunately, others will not be receptive to your commentary. They may appear to be midday, but are likely to complain bitterly later on.
Meter reading: 8 November 21-27: You're more receptive to love and lust during the weekend than you are on the weekdays. Too many pesky little interruptions and minor league emergencies (not to mention intrusive phone calls) put your libido to sleep until a weekend kiss finally wakes you up -- and how…. This week’s touchstones: Sunstone, Jet.
Of course you'd like to discuss persistent concerns involving others. But this is not the time to try. Do so much as bring them up and you'll discover why you're better off side-stepping these or any other potentially contentious matters for now. Equally, if others force issues, find a diplomatic reason for putting off discussions.
There is light at the end of the tunnel. You can see it and you are heading, slowly towards it. Unfortunately, the tunnel floor is slippery. It is also beginning to look as though there is something unpleasant on the path between you and that light. The further you head in what surely must be the right direction, the more you begin to worry if you are doing the wrong thing. Yet you must go on and you must trust that, if or when you do encounter that problematic situation, it will somehow sort itself out. Because it will!
The next 30 days focus almost exclusively on practical realities such as your employment, residence and health. The quality of each of these concerns is affected by the amount of money you can dedicate to it. You may think about moving money from one priority over to another and rethink your saving or investment habits. Since things seem hazy and unclear this morning, don't go forward with a financial decision...yet.
The planets are dangling a carrot before you. You can see that something attractive is attainable and you are keen to get it. That carrot is real - and juicy too. It is, though, due to stay just out of reach for a while. There's a lot of donkey-work to be done before you can connect with it. What you are seeing now is a sensible, practical way to move ahead... not a wave-of-a-magic-wand solution to your problems. Recognise it for what it is and then proceed at a steady pace. Oh, and don't become too concerned about the stick, either!
You're very sensitive and receptive -- and maybe a bit moody from midday on. Little things get on your nerves -- particularly at work. You fixate on a colleague's hygiene, gum chewing or eccentricities. Once you arrive home, you're less than thrilled with your kitchen or bathroom. This, too, shall pass. The best advice is to not lash out at others during this moody period. Remember: this is more about your state of mind than others' behavior.
There's a fine line between unexpected developments that are exciting and those that cause anxieties, particularly for a cautious Cancer. Keep this in mind in the run up to this weekend's extraordinary alliance between Jupiter and the disruptive Uranus. What seems most worrying initially could, when you learn more, be in your best interests.
To get what you are after, you are going to have to 'engineer' an opportunity. There's a point past which you cannot and must not manipulate a certain situation. You have to accept that if something doesn't want to happen it won't. You are, though, entitled to work on the assumption that if it does want to happen, it may need just a little help. There are some obstacles that you can clear away and some possibilities that you can open up. It would be wise to attend to these.
Happy Thanksgiving! You're just stubborn enough to stick to a routine that is cozy and sentimental but no longer very good for your health. Breaking with tradition is tougher for you than most folks, but if your health dictates it, you must do it. For starters, you need to take an active role in creating a newer, healthier set of traditions -- starting now. Don't leave this to others' discretion. You do it.
Where does a policy of non-intervention become an attitude of callous indifference? When does a passive approach become a submissive stance? When does reluctant acceptance become implied endorsement? Sorry to throw all these tricky questions at you, but they aren't half as tricky as the ones that life now wants you to consider. You may once have drawn the line in a particular place, but you now need to redraw it in a different position. If that creates controversy or even conflict, it's a small price to pay for doing what's right.
Where does a policy of non-intervention become an attitude of callous indifference? When does a passive approach become a submissive stance? When does reluctant acceptance become implied endorsement? Sorry to throw all these tricky questions at you, but they aren't half as tricky as the ones that life now wants you to consider. You may once have drawn the line in a particular place, but you now need to redraw it in a different position. If that creates controversy or even conflict, it's a small price to pay for doing what's right.
As a Cancer you've a unique ability to examine things from a practical angle, yet you put your intuition to good use as well. Over the coming week or so, with its blend of unexpected opportunities and surprise twists combined with the need to make swift decisions, these skills will come in especially handy.
Potential is not much use unless we can make it manifest. Even with a car in our drive, fuel in its tank, a route worth taking and the time to travel along it, we are still stuck without a key for the ignition. You have a lot to be grateful for at the moment. Wonderful possibilities exist. Ninety per cent of what you need to get things moving is already within reach. Your outlook is extremely encouraging for creative pursuits. Pay more attention, this weekend, to your imagination and your opportunity, less to your arrangements for the forthcoming festive season.
Eric writes: This week's New Moon will help you get your work-life back on track, which has been through more than a few shake-ups in recent weeks. What you need to bear in mind is that for the foreseeable future, you're living with some extraordinarily powerful influences in this aspect of your life, and the choices you make have both impact and influence. Where you see problems arising, it's necessary to nip them early, and when you have a solid idea, it's worth giving it a try without a delay. But your real project is mastering the feeling that you really can make decisions that work for you.
Eric writes: Most of the time, you're accustomed to exerting a large effort to get a small result. I suggest you begin a long-term study in how little energy you can exert in order to get exactly the result you want. I recognise that school, bosses, dieting and the force of gravity have all conspired to teach you that the law of life is 'no pain, no gain'. It's time, however, to reverse that equation, and strive for working with such focus and efficiency that you accomplish every goal with the least possible output of energy - including thinking. You'll be surprised how much you can accomplish.
You're fiercely protective of your closest friend or loved one today -- probably over-protective. No one is asking you to fight his or her battles, Cancer. It's okay; just calm yourself and allow your friend to make his or her own decisions. If your help is needed, you'll be asked. Your loyalty and protective nature is legendary, but might feel a bit stifling to some people today.
Meter reading: 7 November 28-December 4: A confusing, confounding situation that has kept a relationship on pause finally begins to make sense during the weekend. Instead of hesitating and peering over your shoulder, you gradually feel better about choices that directly affect a relationship. In some cases, a difficult decision that you've struggled with for years finally moves toward resolution. And in other cases, you're able to face the unvarnished truth about a friend or partner. This week's touchstones: Jade, Malachite.
Those who live with, love or work with Cancers are frequently spoiled. This means that when you begin to focus on certain plans or projects of your own, while most will support you to the hilt, others may complain. If so, discuss the situation frankly. They must understand that it's your turn to come first.
There may already have been hints of the thrilling developments promised by today's superb aspect between Jupiter, which is accenting who and what you love, and the innovative Uranus -- or events may come as a complete surprise. What is clear is that you'll have no time for reflection, but must respond swiftly to what arises. True, you may be short of reliable facts and, should you take things further, be facing dramatic changes. While you can consult those whose judgement you trust, because what's taking place has as much to do with your feelings as with life's practicalities, you alone know what's right.
Eric writes: Tomorrow's New Moon occurs in the work and well-being angle of your solar chart. You have Sagittarius on this angle, which means that all matters of health, productivity and daily life are one and the same as your spiritual existence. You're not someone who has to have any form of religion or spirituality apart from your normal routine, ethics or sense of service. Your great gift in this lifetime is to live your beliefs truly. Remember this when you're making adjustments or working on solving any kind of health problem. Faith can indeed move mountains; fortunately, you don't need quite that much help.
You're so close to a personal situation that you're getting a bit myopic. It's crucial that you listen to opposing views -- not just those that parrot your own. For your own sake -- and the sake of the truth -- you must get the best, most accurate info available. Your friends are protective toward you, just as you are toward them, but may be shielding you from the truth. Without all the facts, you could face unnecessary risk.
The problem isn't the ideas you're now discussing. They're thrilling. The problem is that, whatever you do, others will have to cope with certain changes. Don't waste a minute worrying about these. For long enough you've accommodated others' needs. Now they've an opportunity to return the favour, and should do so with grace.
Eric writes: You would do well to adapt an entirely different approach to wellbeing. Small changes can have a significant effect on both your body and your psychic outlook. The thing you really need to remember is that both the body and the mind are flexible, adaptable entities, not the fixed and stagnant systems that low-brow science often makes them out to be. A simple change in your attitude can bring forth genuine miracles; right now, following your curiosity will lead you to the kinds of developments you've been trying to provoke for years.
You might decide to initiate a new life-changing project today. This includes everything from a healthier lifestyle to a job or residence change. Today is just the beginning, Cancer. There is plenty more to follow. Just making a commitment to move forward with ambitious plans is a huge step forward. This afternoon and evening leave you with no regrets -- just positive vibes and renewed confidence.
You don't usually complain about change. In fact, when others are moaning about the disruption that progress brings with it, you'll often encourage them to be more flexible. But now you're hesitant. This isn't because of change itself, but the fact that events involved mark the ending of one cycle and beginning of another.
For ages you’ve been juggling elements of your working life or various obligations. While December’s changes force you to rethink many of your plans, they also allow you to make certain arrangements. This is a relief, as it frees you to dwell on happy, if distracting, developments involving romance, children or projects you’re passionate about. True, this could mean reorganising things all over again. But what you get more than justifies the effort. Still, keep things loose, as your priorities remain unclear until mid-January’s Cancer Full Moon.
Eric writes: Work is potentially one of the most satisfying aspects of your life. This is a real blessing, because there's a lot of work to do on the planet. For any Cancerian who sees room for improvement, the recent New Moon in the most productive and service-oriented angle of your chart is a bold reminder that you do have the ability to make lasting, long-term changes in your day-to-day work life. In true Sagittarius style, keep the compromises down to a minimum. Make sure you're seeking your real desires from your heart. Then, do what you feel called upon to do. The chances are, before long, you'll wind up happier, healthier and wealthier.
Life would be a lot easier if it came with guarantees. But it doesn't. Not only that, thrilling as the ideas or opportunities that have just come your way may have been, you'd like some reassurance. Not only is that in short supply, with Mercury retrograde until Sunday, even seemingly solid facts must be questioned.
It is easier to ascend a mountain than to walk away from a tiny hill that you have set your heart on climbing. With effort, willpower and positive thought, we can accomplish any task - no matter how daunting. When, though, life effectively asks us to leave something be, to let something go, to accept what we do not feel inclined to accept, we discover what true strength is really all about. It's not 'conquering power' that you now require. It's the ability to trust, grow and to become serenely wise. But you CAN start to do that this weekend.
It's no secret that you can be sentimental. In fact, in times of change such as this, you'll sometimes cling to the familiar until you're sure about what's next. This seems reassuring but actually complicates things. The sooner you let go, the more swiftly you'll gain confidence in what's currently coming your way.
For weeks you’ve been flirting with various exciting ideas that involve people or activities that renew your zest for life. While you’re wary, the only real problems have been various mix-ups. With Mercury ending its retrograde cycle today, even these should clear up. This leaves you short of excuses for not taking things further. True, this means moving into what you regard as risky territory. But opportunities like this don’t crop up with regularity. It’s understandable that you’d like reassurance. However, life will be easier if you’ll simply accept the fact that, in matters of this nature, guarantees aren’t part of the package.
We have a choice, every moment. We can think kind thoughts about others or we can indulge a desire to attribute blame. We can feel grateful for all that we have or we can feel bitterly disappointed about all we lack. We can trust that the universe will support us if we make an honest endeavour to do what's good -- or we can cower in fear of forces that seem to be threatening our wellbeing. If ever you were entitled to adopt a positive attitude and hope, with justification, for the best... it's this week.
You feel a bit squeezed between what you'd like to do for another and what's actually possible. This feeling continues until late afternoon, leaving you wondering if you've done enough on another's behalf. You have -- so relax. Financial concerns may appear worse than they actually are. Again, you're stirring up trouble where none exists. Late this evening, you're receptive to music, art and the power of suggestion, so invite good things into your aura.
Others seem to be determined to find somebody who they can blame for recent difficulties. You’re more interested in achieving a workable solution. The only problem is, if you don't get involved in their witch hunt, you're worried they'll regard you as disloyal. Instead, politely sidestep their dramas. They'll soon lose interest themselves.
Others seem to be oblivious to certain problems that are brewing at work or in other practical arrangements. Naturally, you've mentioned this, but the pressing nature of situations simply hasn't registered. Back off for now. By next week things will have developed to the point at which there's no denying the wisdom of your concerns.
If you want to win the lottery, you need to buy a ticket. This won't guarantee you a gain, but it will at least ensure that you are in with some very slight chance. This is not a literal recommendation, I am just trying to draw an important analogy. Lotteries, are notoriously difficult to win no matter what we do. Elsewhere in your world, though, there are options and possibilities that offer you greater odds of success. Look at what you might realistically accomplish - and then give that a fair try.
Your mind wanders down creative, mystical pathways, making you ultra receptive to new thought and even a personal epiphany. Some of you take physical journeys, but most of you explore the intricate landscape of your own imagination. You're quick to grasp the fullness of a situation, intuitively and intellectually. Trust your instincts. They're faultless.
Meter reading: 7 December 5-11: Your goals and dreams come into sharper focus this weekend, probably helped along by another's announcement or suggestion. At first, you may object to another's somewhat surprising comment, although you have considered the possibility that this might occur. Once you get over your initial upset, you’ll realize that this is for the best, and the only rational thing to do is to accept it. Admit it: you've become inordinately dependent on someone or something that you've gradually lost confidence in. It's time to take more responsibility for your own happiness and security. This week's touchstones: Smokey Quartz, Iolite.
You can't force luck to do your bidding. But you can at least put yourself in a position where luck can help you if it feels so inclined. If you don't do anything, if you don't try anything, if you just keep a low profile and follow the same old predictable pathways, how can change make its way into your world? There are places you can go to, people you can reach out to, opportunities you can explore. Identify some of these and then take some constructive action. You may yet get a pleasant surprise.
Your creativity is impressive and seemingly endless today. Everything inspires you -- even the most mundane occurrences. Later this afternoon, a call or message may initially seem troubling, but should resolve itself before the end of the evening. You have a choice each step of the way: you can focus on the worst-case scenario or a more likely positive development.
The rather chaotic events of the past few days illustrate well how the period after Mercury ends its retrograde cycle, as it did on Sunday, can be more challenging than when it actually appears to be moving backwards in the heavens. In fact, you've probably finally gotten around to untangling the trickiest of misunderstandings.
If you don't plant a seed, you can't reap a harvest. If you don't set out on a journey, you can't reach a destination. Whilst it's true that if you take a risk you may fail, that's better than playing too safe. Go where you don't usually go. Do what you don't normally do. If an offer is being extended, accept it. If there's no opportunity, create one. Luck won't come and seek you out this weekend. If you stand by the roadside with your thumb out, in a place where it is likely to come trundling by, it may just stop and give you a ride.
You say you've no objection to altering your work or lifestyle. Yet on several recent occasions you did all you could to keep things as they were. Now that it's becoming increasingly clear that changes are inevitable, you’d be well advised to explore your options, in preparation for that moment when you must chose one.
You have to put something down before you can pick something up. If you are somehow filling a 'gap' with some less than satisfactory substitute, you may never get a chance to replace it with the real McCoy. Sometimes, it's better to have the right kind of nothing than the wrong kind of something. Create a suitable space in your life and you will prove the old adage that 'Nature abhors a vacuum.' As soon as there's an absence, something positive will come rushing in to fill the void.
Although goals seem a bit hazy during the first part of the afternoon and plans are subject to change without warning, clarity and direction can strengthen as the day wears on. You are able to make plans, adjustments and decisions later today without looking over your shoulder or feeling crippled by doubt. In fact, you make an important choice that has been delayed long enough. You're more resilient than you give yourself credit for.
Being a Cancer and somebody who's ruled by the Moon, you generally sense when issues are reaching boiling point long before others do. Not only is that the case now, if dilemmas aren't discussed and tackle now, problems will worsen. If others try to sidestep these, you'll soon convince them how pressing things are.
Is it possible to feel lonely in a room full of people? Of course. True communication is rare. We can have lots of colleagues and companions, yet if there's no one who really understands us, our conversations will all seem empty and meaningless. It's not quantity you need now, it's quality. Deep down within you suspect that a certain person will empathise with you if you share what's really in your heart. Overcome your fear of seeming foolish and open a dialogue that could actually lead to a much-needed change.
You're very good at working out agreements with colleagues, customers and pals today. You identify the shared goal or interest that binds you and another, and can develop ways to achieve it. As always, your intuition is in excellent form, enabling you to read another's true desires and offer support, solace and sublime healing. No wonder others feel better when they're near you.
We all want to feel that we are 'in the right place at the right time'. Every so often, though, we can't help but conclude that we are in the wrong position, at the wrong moment. It's natural to feel that way for a while, from time to time. When, though, you start wondering whether you are even on the right planet, it's time for some serious reappraisal. Something in your world is now a lot more 'right' than you realise. As a difficult issue now comes to a head, a delightful solution will reveal itself.
Early today, you feel free-floating anxiety about a trip or visit. Because it feels so real, you assume that it's an incoming psychic message. It's almost certainly fear-generated and has no bearing on upcoming travel or safety issues. Don't allow worrywart thinking to ruin your day. P.S.: This afternoon and evening look very positive. Your conversations should be semi-flirtatious and memorable.
The time has come to be frank. For some reason you've felt that, in avoiding certain sensitive subjects, you've been protecting others. The fact is, however, they’re better off knowing exactly what the problem is, and about the worst case scenario. The more frankly you discuss these, the better it is for everybody, including you.
Where do you belong? Where do you fit in? Why do you keep on feeling as if you are a square peg in a round hole? Do you need to make some dramatic change in order to find comfort, strength and support? Not necessarily. Try just deciding that things are neither as wrong nor as bad as you fear. You are wanted and needed. There's a clear, crucial role for you to play in an important situation. Believe this and you will rapidly find that it's undeniably true. Very soon, you'll feel much more at home.