天秤座(1月27日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) While Jonathan is away for the week, his colleague Eric Francis writes: The Sun's passage through Aquarius is providing good support. While in one part of your life, you' re sorting out some challenging material, your spirit is reminding you that you can afford to take some greater chances on happiness. You really can trust that the things you've identified as 'issues' are working themselves out. At this point, the solutions have much more momentum than difficulties ever did, and gradually, your strength and motivation will approach an all-time high. The sky's lesson today: focus on what you want to create, rather than what you might leave behind.
牡羊座(1月27日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) While Jonathan is away for the week, his colleague Eric Francis writes: There are so many possibilities in the world; so many places we can go wrong. You're in the process of developing a relationship with an aspect of your inner being who knows about this world better than anyone fully invested in it. This is a step in spiritual growth of the highest order: developing an actual relationship with your soul. You know how long you've worked and struggled to get to this place. Though the hard work is over, you face what may be the most difficult challenge: letting go of what you perceive, and bravely allowing the reality of what you know.
牡羊座(3月21日 - 4月20日) ジョナサンは今週いっぱい不在なので、同僚のエリック・フラン シスが占います:この世界には非常に沢山の可能性があり、私たち が道を誤りかねない場面も数多くあります。あなたは今、自らの内 なる存在との関係性を発展させる途上にあります。内なる存在は、 世界中のどんな人間よりも世界の事を良く知っています。これは、 もっとも高度な使命に向けて精神的な成長を遂げるステップです。 あなたの魂と本当の関係性を確立する為の成長です。ここに辿り着 く為に、どんなに長い間働き、奮闘してきたか、あなたはよくご存 じです。辛い仕事は終わりましたが、あなたはこれからもっとも困 難な挑戦課題に直面するかもしれません。その挑戦課題とは、ご自 分の知覚を手放し、勇気を持ってあなたが知っている現実を受け入 れる、という事です(= letting go of what you perceive, and bravely allowing the reality of what you know:?)。
While Jonathan is away for the week, his colleague Eric Francis writes: We have nothing in this life if we don't take care of ourselves, and much to gain by being the first to respond to our own needs. Cancer is the sign of caring and compassion, and now is the time to become much more assertive about this subject where your own life is concerned. The past few weeks have been an exceptionally busy and complicated time for you. Everything has arrived in the form of obligation or structured activity. Now is the time to focus on your own needs, a commitment which will bring significant rewards. You not only must do it; you actually can.
天秤座(1月28日(金)-30日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) While Jonathan is away for the week, his colleague Eric Francis writes: A friend or partner now may be going through a radical change. It may also be that you're experiencing a shift within your household or work environment. Yet any changes you see around you are dwarfed by the shift happening within. We've all had experience of unusual things happening when we finally change our mind. We've all had some experience of making a decision - perhaps informing nobody - that suddenly changed the face of reality. This is where we find you today. You have no need to focus on the outer effects; just stay tuned to your own inner cause.
牡羊座(1月28日(金)-30日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) While Jonathan is away for the week, his colleague Eric Francis writes: Neither God nor the universe intentionally tests our faith. We are the only ones who test our faith by trying to substitute other possibilities. But there is no substitute for light in the dark. There is nothing that can replace compassion in the face of struggle, nor the deep memory of love in the midst of conflict. You are holding up a torch that can help many people around you find their way through the strange and uncertain times we're now living in. You know something intuitively, and you have begun to feel the gift of that knowledge. Today, put it to work.
天秤座(1月30日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) People think that in order to be enjoyable, life has to be full of all the things that make us feel comfortable, secure and loved. Similarly, they assume, if we are up against a difficult situation, we can't possibly be happy. You are dealing now with some unfair factors. Some issues too, are unnecessarily complicated. That doesn't mean, though, that you can't have a thoroughly splendid week. There's a strong astrological suggestion of satisfaction in store. All you have to do is focus on your desire to feel fine and you'll yet get a tremendous outcome to every task you undertake.
牡羊座(1月30日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You have been watching too much television! Now, you've got a head full of exotic images yet you've got a life full of mundane realities. What's happening in your world though, is wonderful. It just doesn't match the Hollywood dream. Recognise as much and then be less demanding of yourself and your situation. The helpful link from Mars to Jupiter, later this week, is your promise of a new development that helps you to appreciate all that you already have... and to feel far less anxious about whatever it is that you currently seem to lack! You are more blessed than you yet know.
牡羊座(3月21日 - 4月20日) あなたはテレビの見過ぎです! 今やあなたの頭はエキゾチック なイメージでいっぱいですが、同時にあなたの人生は世俗的な現実 で充ち満ちています。とはいうものの、あなたの周囲で起きている 事は素晴らしい事なのです。ただ、それはハリウッドの夢に匹敵す るようなものではありません(= It just doesn't match the Hollywood dream:?)。なるべく多くの事を認識し、そして自分自 身と自分の周囲に対する要求をなるべく少なくして下さい。今週後 半に起きる火星から木星への有益なリンクは、あなたにとって新し い展開の兆しです。そのリンクは、「自分が既に持っているものに 感謝する事」...そして「自分に現在不足しているように思える全て のものに対する不安を大いに和らげる事」のお手伝いをしてくれる のです! あなたは、ご自分が思っているよりもずっと恵まれてい ます。
あのー、ケイナーの月曜の蠍の訳がちょっと違うと思うんですけど。。 最後の文ですが、"For if a part of you seeks trouble, that's what this week's wish-granting sky will help you find!"において、"that's what" のthat=troubleだと思うんですよね。だから蠍スレで書かれていた 「もし、心のどこかでトラブルを選んでしまう自分がいるとしたら、 今週の“願いごとを叶えてくれる空”が、それに気づかせてくれるでしょう。 」 というのはちょっと違うと思います。この場合の「それ」は 「トラブルを選んでしまう自分」ですよね。そうではなくて、正直に ならないと、「今週の"願い事を叶えてくれる空"」がそのトラブルを 叶えてくれてしまう、っていうニュアンスだと思うんですよね…。 どうでしょう? ちなみに英語圏に住んでます。まぁとりあえず。
天秤座(2月1日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) It would be great if you could move a particular mountain. One day, you'll manage this. Now, though, there are certain things which have to be accepted. You don't just have to grin and bear what's going on in your life at the moment, you can find a way to thoroughly, deeply enjoy it. The trick to this, though, involves developing enough clarity to see what's really going on. If you keep trying to kid yourself or if you allow someone else, no matter how well intentioned, into perceiving life from their perspective, you'll lose your greatest asset of all, clarity. Yet if you're clear, you'll soon, also, be successful.
天秤座(9月24日 - 10月23日) もしあなたが、山を動かす(= 不可能と思えることを可能にする) 事が出来たなら、それは素晴らしい事です。いつの日か、あなたは 何としても山を動かす事でしょう。しかし今は、ある事実を受け入 れなければなりません。あなたは、自らの人生に於いて起きている 事を無理に笑って耐えねばならない、なんて事はありません。あな たは、そういった事々を完全かつ十分に楽しみつつ前に進む事が出 来るのです。その秘訣の一つに、「本当に何が起きているのか?」 を明らかにする、という事があります。もしあなたが自分を騙そう とし続けるならば、あるいは他の人が自らの視点から感知できる人 生(= perceiving life from their perspective:独りよがりな人生?) に没入していく事(それがどんなに意図的な行為であれ)を許すな らば、あなたは何にも増して素晴らしい資産である「明晰さ」を失 う事になるでしょう。しかし、もしあなたが明晰であれば、あなた は間もなく成功を手にするでしょう。
牡羊座(2月1日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) What's wrong with you? Nothing! What's wrong with your life? Nothing. What's wrong with this world? Well, actually, nothing - other than the fact that some people in it tend to be too perverse. They want what they can't have. They don't want what they can have. They find fault in perfection and idolise the dubious. I'm not saying you do this, of course. But it is worth remembering today, that all you really want is to feel happy. That's an entirely attainable experience. It is just that you can't quite take the road you think you ought to take towards this destination. But as other road leads there too, why worry?
天秤座(2月2日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Why do some processes take so long? Even simple things, which ought to be swift, can take an apparent eternity. Efficiency experts will tell us that this is because we are not organised enough. We need to get our priorities straight. We need to think more clearly etc. Even if that's true, to some extent, it may also be the case that we have more to learn from a particular situation than we realise. Currently, you are trying to hurry along a project. It isn't shifting. In understanding why, you may also understand a lot more than you think.
牡羊座(2月2日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) What matters more, the journey or the destination? This is not supposed to be one of those trick questions, where the answer turns out to be, 'neither, because the journey IS the destination, man.' I'm simply asking you to consider the difference between a pleasant path that goes nowhere in particular and a dark dank tunnel that eventually brings you out into a wonderful place. I would like you to further contemplate the idea that there's only one way to reach this Utopia. Now, think again about whether or not you are lucky. You are.
Are we all created equal? In some ways, no. But all our bodies breathe, and all our minds think. All our hearts beat and all our spirits hide quietly within us observing every moment of our existence. That 'seat of consciousness' is directly connected to the Creator. The true you (and the true me) belong to a higher plane. Today you can either continue to feel like a football being kicked around the field of daily difficulty or you can pick up your inner hotline to the universal power that connects us all - and get the goalposts moved.
There's always something to worry about. In this regard, at least, the universe is endlessly generous. Happily, this is not the only example of abundance. There's also always something to appreciate. Wherever we are, whatever we face, there's something to be glad of, we just have to look for it. It's not realistic to expect trouble to stand up, apologise for its existence and bow gracefully out of your life this weekend. But, if you can only shine a bright enough light of hope, you will effectively obliterate darkness.
For more than a billion people, the New Moon this week heralds the start of a whole new year. That tells us something about the power of the influence you are under. This new moon will align, exactly with Saturn - creating a 150-degree angle of irritation. Saturn is currently in your sign. The symbolism is clear. You're being obliged to look closely at a policy that somehow keeps going wrong. Why is this and what can be done about it? The discoveries you make soon could liberate you in a most wonderful way.
天秤座(2月7日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Some weeks are more exciting than others. Some are more rewarding, some more exhausting and some just 'more important'. What's happening now is pivotal. It's part of a process that can only make you stronger and happier. When you look back on your life in later years, you'll remember the experience you went through under the New Moon of February 2005 and you'll be grateful for all that it led to. If you can't yet see why that should be, keep your eyes open. The magic has only just begun to unfold.
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Mars, the ruler of your sign, is in a new sector of the sky. Between now and late March, you'll achieve more, acquire more, gain more self-confidence and earn more respect. Watch, though, for a tendency to take missions and responsibilities too seriously. Recent developments have brought a lot of change; some expected and some surprising. You're still coming to terms with this. All will be fine as long as you let something that seems out of control find its own level, without trying to force it back under your control.
There are times when it's appropriate to be humble and times when it's appropriate to be proud. Not a single problem in your world at the moment is the result of excessive arrogance. Rather to the contrary, if you've got trouble, it is being caused at least in part by unnecessary self-doubt. You've been a little too acquiescent. You may have let things go too far in a direction that doesn't suit you. The New Moon heralds your chance to turn this all around, to assert yourself - and to succeed.
天秤座(2月8日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) You can't suddenly walk away from a situation that is tiring you, even if you aren't sure how much longer you can keep being a part of it. You can, though, start taking gentle steps towards future freedom. You once felt far more threatened by a particular situation than you do now. An obligation need no longer be the weight on your shoulders that it has been in the past. A door to a different future is being revealed. Approach it subtly and sensitively. Start gently preparing for a different day after tomorrow.
牡羊座(2月8日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You're still not sure how you feel about recent changes. Should you be celebrating or steeling yourself for a demanding new phase? There is, though, nothing to worry about. An alignment between Mars and Uranus will soon help to put you in a position where suddenly you see a glorious opportunity which previously you'd never envisaged. Just make sure you are open to inspiration - and not so busy wrestling with a fixed idea about how things should be that you can't appreciate how they actually are.
Every day brings something new. That's exciting and inspiring, unless you happen to be trying hard to cling to something old. People with a passion for the past tend to find the future threatening. Things won't ever again be quite the way they used to be. That's neither a bad thing nor a mixed blessing - it's a blessed relief. If you don't yet understand what you have been set free from, and why your outlook is now so special, you will soon find out.
天秤座(2月9日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) We learn more from our failures than we do from our successes. Even if we are actively pursuing an intense education, we find it tiresome to keep making mistakes simply so that we can achieve plenty of progress. That's why other people's errors are so interesting. These can teach us almost as much, yet cost us a whole lot less. If you can really, honestly, see where someone is going wrong now, don' t you think you ought to say something?
牡羊座(2月9日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Are you sure you want to read your forecast? If I give you advice will you really take it? And if I make a prediction, will you truly believe it? You are quite sure that you won't argue? You seem to be arguing quite a lot at the moment: disputes and disagreements with people and/or situations keep on cropping up. Try, today, to pour oil on troubled waters. If you can't quite bring yourself to do that, at least avoid sailing straight for the choppiest part of the sea.
You work very hard and you worry almost as energetically. It's in your nature to be both disciplined and delicate. Yet at the moment, you do not need to fret so fervently. The easy option you dream of and the source of reassurance you deserve, are by your side as we speak, like some invisible (and silent) assistants. You won't notice what's on offer. You'll ignore it. Or you will tell yourself that any simple solution to your problem is sure to be flawed.
天秤座(2月10日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) All food, no matter how organically grown or carefully prepared, contains a mixture of chemicals that are good for us and chemicals that are technically-speaking, bad - or slightly poisonous. So what is a health-conscious person to do? Live on nothing but air? Even the freshest air has impurities! Of course, we need to watch what we eat - just as we need to watch what we do and say. But we must also take care not to watch too closely. Be realistic today.
牡羊座(2月10日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You are not at all sure if you are doing the right thing. Through a combination of circumstances, some enticing and some oppressive, you have found yourself making a big change in an old habit pattern. You mainly think this is all for the good but then you keep wondering whether you are making some dreadful mistake. Yet you can't really undo what you have done - and nor should you. But despite temporary tension, everything really IS just fine.
The best is yet to come. Really and truly. To imagine otherwise is to be like a member of the audience as the curtain finally falls on a glorious stage production. You have been enjoying every moment. You are naturally sad to think the show is over. But there's now a glorious meal to be enjoyed in the company of friends who also loved the performance. You cannot recreate something that is part of the past. But you can expect a future full of magic and deep joy.
天秤座(2月11日(金)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Now there is time to be wasted! Or rather, there is a pressing need to live life at a slightly more leisurely pace. Honestly. I am not just trying to be clever. Despite the seeming urgency of a particular situation - or the intensity of a particular desire that you have, there's a really good reason why you should not strive too hard to chase after too much. And that is? ...The fact that what you are so keen to go and look for, is now out looking for you. Give it a chance to arrive in its own time.
牡羊座(2月11日(金)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) None of us enjoys being told the score or having the law laid down for us. Or hearing about some development over which we have no choice. Even if all we do, when we encounter one, is shrug our shoulders, we harm our posture when we make this gesture. You are now listening to what you think is a speech of explanation and justification. Actually though, it is a cry for help. It will only be a statement of finality if that's what you choose to hear it as.
Some folk say that mutual attraction between two people is merely animal instinct. Whilst Cancerians can be very sensual and physical in their celebration of a close bond, there's nothing 'basic' about your partnership preferences. Mental compatibility is important to you - as is the ability to establish clear, honest lines of communication. It is via a shared interest or project that cupid is most likely to get an arrow into your life today.
天秤座(2月14日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Librans, of course, are absolutely not romantic types. Never. Not in a month of Sundays. Not even in a year of blue moons. Oh dear me, no. Sensible. Realistic. Level headed. Down to earth. That's you. Er... isn't it? There is, of course, another side to the sign of Libra. It surfaces every so often and, when it does, florists flourish the world over. Venus is forming an inspiring conjunction to Neptune. Here comes a happy Valentine's Day.
天秤座(9月24日 - 14月23日) もちろん、天秤座生まれの方は絶対にロマンティックなタイプで はありません。まったくもって、決して、全然、そんなタイプでは ありません。いやいや、本当に。良識があります。現実的です。分 別があります。地に足がついています。それがあなたです。えーと …違いますか? もちろん、天秤座にはもう一つ別の側面がありま す。その「別の側面」は、時折表面化します。そして、それが表面 化する時、世界中の花屋さんが大繁盛するのです(= florists flourish the world over:世界中に花が咲き乱れるのです?)。金 星は、海王星を活性化するような"合"を形成しています。さあ、幸 せなバレンタインデーがやってきます。
牡羊座(2月14日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Your problem is a necessary problem. Your future involves a delightful date with destiny. You are on your way towards it. That's what all the trouble and the tension is in aid of. Something has to shift. Something has to be different from now on. Change though, is easy to promise and hard to deliver. We never fully prepare ourselves for it. We can't do that - or we would never embark on any adventure. Trust that what's inevitable is also positive.
天秤座(2月15日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) You are doing well yet you are uncomfortable. You don't quite know how to respond to a piece of information that you have recently received. You feel surprised or put out. You detect an undercurrent to a certain situation or a secret subtext to someone's stated position. You are right to read more into what's happening than immediately meets the eye, but you are wrong to fear that this somehow threatens you. You can only benefit from what you are learning.
牡羊座(2月15日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) As Valentine's Day has now passed us by, let us think about the three little words that can make such an enormous difference. People rarely say them to one another even when it is all but imperative that they do so. We feel ashamed and naked if we ever have to utter them. Yet actually, we get the sweetest feeling when we let them spring from your lips. Those little words are, of course, 'I don't know'. You may owe it to yourself and your future to give them an airing today.
Be an angel of mercy. Be generous, be tolerant, be sympathetic and be wise. Manifest more of all these qualities, even, than you think you are capable of manifesting! You are surrounded, now, by people whose actions and attitudes are unreasonable to say the least. You can let this annoy or exasperate you or you can be patient. Try to understand how much stress and anxiety secretly lies behind it all. Forgive it and somehow, you will bring forth amazing changes.
The Moon is growing bigger and brighter with each passing day. So too is the light at the end of your tunnel. The trouble is, when we are in darkness we can't see what we are surrounded by. Illumination doesn't just show us a solution; it shows us the full extent of a problem we are trying to solve. That's why it takes such courage. We go through life with open eyes. You now need to have faith, and to be brave.
天秤座(2月16日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Criticisms are contagious. You only need to introduce one to a seemingly satisfactory situation and suddenly, you'll find you have a hundred. Doubts and misgivings breed like rabbits - or perhaps, not so much like rabbits but like single-cell amoebas. You don't need a pair to create a colony; you can do it with just one. Happily, positive thoughts can be just as powerful. Be careful what you spark off today.
牡羊座(2月16日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) There are some things we think we know. Actually, though, we don't know them at all. They are simply the assumptions and beliefs that have yet to be successfully challenged. There are other things that we think we don't know. Actually, though, we do. We just don't know that we know them. What can you now say you know for sure? Just one thing; you know who you can trust today. That's the only thing you need to know!
When one door opens, another door opens too. Opportunities are rather like buses. You wait around for ages, hoping that one will turn up and then suddenly, three arrive at once. Doors close, too, of course. But only doors that lead to rooms that we will never need to re-enter. Don't look at what can't be done now, look at what's possible. That policy will yet lead you comfortably, towards everything you need.
天秤座(2月17日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Jupiter, the planet of amplification, now forms a harmonious alignment to your ruler. That's positive. But watch for the way in which this influence operates rather like a telescope. It makes far away things seem much nearer. When you train it on some bright distant object, you can feel much more closely connected to it. If, though, you inadvertently focus it on a small spider nearby it will appear to be a terrible monster. Look only at that which inspires you.
牡羊座(2月17日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) The world is full of things we already know, even though we think we don't. It is also full of things we don't know, even though we think we do. How, then can we ever know whether we are doing the right thing? If we trust our judgement, we may be making a mistake. If we don't, we may be doing ourselves a great disservice. You are not so sure about something as once you were. Trust that misgiving. It will lead you to the correct answer.
Life doesn't allow any of us to rest on our laurels. We have to keep on achieving, just as we have to keep on eating and sleeping. We also, though, have to keep on enjoying ourselves. We can't feel happy today just because we felt happy last month. It is important to renew our connections with the things that make us feel better. In allowing yourself to relax this weekend, you are not being self-indulgent, you are being very wise.
天秤座(2月18日(金)-20日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Saturn and Venus are now engaged in a heavenly wrestling match. Saturn has the advantage of weight; Venus, though, has much more speed. Libra is ruled by Venus. That's why you now feel so confounded and confronted. It is as if you keep having to dodge some lumbering mess. Worse still, there's a problem with the project you have lately been most inspired by. Let this get to you and you'll lose. The trick is to stay light.
牡羊座(2月18日(金)-20日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) It isn't easy to plan for the next five years when you are really not sure what the next five minutes will bring. There 's never going to come a time when we have got it all sorted. There's always going to be a drama, a challenge or a point of confusion. For that, we should be grateful. Otherwise, we would have nothing to look forward to but boredom. You don't need answers this weekend; you just need a few less questions. Relax.
Six billion people live on this planet. How many of them, though, know what they are really doing here? How amazing that we all arrive on this earth without a map, a plan or a book of instructions. No wonder we try so hard to forge an identity. No wonder, too, that we feel so resentful when others suggest we have made the wrong choice. Stick with the plan you have started to follow. It IS right for you.
There are lots of things that you just can't beat. A broken drum is one; a hard-boiled egg is another. Really though, many of the things we think just can't be beaten are not so supreme. We like them, not because of what they are but because of how they make us feel. Nothing that's happening now is putting your future ability to be happy at risk. You are learning something and changing something. That really can't be bad. I have just recorded your in-depth forecast for the week.
天秤座(2月21日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) There are lots of things that you just can't beat. A broken drum is one; a hard-boiled egg is another. Really though, many of the things we think just can't be beaten are not so supreme. We like them, not because of what they are but because of how they make us feel. Nothing that's happening now is putting your future ability to be happy at risk. You are learning something and changing something. That really can't be bad.
天秤座(9月24日 - 12月23日) あなたが追い払う(= beat)事の出来ないモノ、というのは沢山あ ります。例えば壊れた太鼓(※beat a drum:太鼓を叩く)、あるいは ゆで卵(※beat an egg:卵をかき混ぜる)。実際の話、私たちが「 beat する事が出来ない」と思っているモノの多くは、大して素晴ら しいものではありません。私たちが「beat 出来ないモノ」を好むの は、「ソレそのものが好き」なのではなく、「ソレによってもたら される感覚が好き」だからなのです。今起きている事の中に、あな たの「未来に於いて幸福を感じる能力」を危険に晒すものなど一つ もありません。あなたは今、何事かを学び、そして何かを変革しつ つあるのです。それが悪い事である筈がありません。 (※ beat という単語の多義性に引っかけた文章だと思うのですが、 中盤よく意味が分かりませんでした...beaten には「ありふれてい る」という意味もあるので、「We like them」の「them」は「あり ふれてないもの」という意味かも?)
牡羊座(2月21日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) What turns something reasonable into something wonderful? Understanding, insight, background knowledge plus, of course, a sense of choice. The more you know about something or someone, the easier it is to be forgiving or even appreciative. If you have that information you can also satisfy yourself that you are in a situation that you are quite free to stay in... or to walk away from.
Rigid rules dictate the boundaries you must work within. But you do have some leeway. It's not the kind of freedom you want but it really is freedom of a kind and that's better than none. Make the most of it. Forget the infuriating factor that you can't alter or adjust. Think only about what's is genuinely possible. The Full Moon urges you to play your hand confidently and act as if it contains nothing but aces.
Rigid rules dictate the boundaries you must work within. But you do have some leeway. It's not the kind of freedom you want but it really is freedom of a kind and that's better than none. Make the most of it. Forget the infuriating factor that you can't alter or adjust. Think only about what's is genuinely possible. The Full Moon urges you to play your hand confidently and act as if it contains nothing but aces.
天秤座(2月22日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) You have impressive reserves now of strength and energy. Your ability to get what you want is still enviably high. It is, traditionally, about now in the zodiac forecast that I begin carefully to discuss the drawbacks to this celestial situation. If you want me to, I will issue those warnings. But frankly, you CAN allow yourself to go a little crazy. Indeed, Pluto rather suggests that you ought to.
牡羊座(2月22日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Pick yourself up off the floor. Stop steeling yourself for more trouble. Recent events have not been easy. Some have been very intense. Your mood of apprehension is quite understandable. But the storm, for now, has passed. The umbrella is no longer necessary. The defence system can be dismantled, for you are starting, at last, to enter territory where all is safe, calm and constructive once more.
There are some things you just can't bluff. There are others that you can fake. Between these two extremes are both the pleasures and the problems. Here, for example, we find the pretences that you can keep up convincingly for a while, but which will eventually catch you out. Here too, though, are the activities in which, if we begin by feigning an air of enthusiasm, we can end up genuinely enjoying ourselves. Thus, today, if you begin by acting a role, you will end up living it.
天秤座(2月23日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Some people say that Librans don't ever really know their own minds. Nothing could be further from the truth. You know your own mind exceedingly well. That's precisely why you are so careful about the decisions you allow yourself to make. You know how likely you are to question these on some future occasions. You know that you are able to identify options and alternatives that others are either too blind or blase to see. Your current caution is admirable and appropriate.
牡羊座(2月23日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) 'Who dares, wins.' That's the great military motto. It makes us think of uniformed soldiers, scaling the sides of buildings or leaping from helicopters into boats. Sometimes, though, true bravery results, not in action, but in inaction. When all around us are screaming, 'Do something,' it takes real courage to decide that you are better off doing nothing at all. Recently, you have been restraining yourself admirably. You are about to see why this has been so wise.
Some people imagine themselves to have made a mistake even when they have acted with impunity. Others are too keen to defend themselves. Even when they have made a glaring error they refuse to concede as much. Ideally, of course, there needs to be a balance. Whenever the Moon is full, though, things rapidly tend to swing to one extreme or another. Much will be said today. For any of it to be truly meaningful or constructive, there must be some moderation.
天秤座(2月24日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Not only are you being urged to answer a particular question or solve a tricky puzzle, you are being expected to act out a role. Someone wants you to do something for them: to be somewhere - or to be someone - that suit their needs, rather than your own. If you can pay lip-service to this requirement without compromising your own sense of identity and autonomy, fair enough. Bend by all means today, but under no circumstances must you allow anything to break.
牡羊座(2月24日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Explanations are rather like items on a menu. These often bear very little resemblance to the realities they are supposed to be describing. When well phrased, though, they can make ordinary dishes seem exceptionally palatable. We fancy the food more after we have been told what's so special about it. We can even forgive strange tastes if they have been 'sold' to us as exciting adventures. A little explanation in your life now, could change difficulty into delight.
天秤座(2月25日(金)-27日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 25 - Oct 23) You are now half tempted to aspire to insensitivity. You could cope much more easily with a stressful situation if you cared a little less about it. Someone is now being decidedly difficult. You very much want to do your best to solve a problem, but you only have a limited number of options. And if you are going to keep encountering awkwardness and obstruction, even these may diminish. Don't worry. Meet coldness with warmth and fear with faith.
牡羊座(2月25日(金)-27日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You have plenty of get-up-and-go. That's why you find it so hard to stay standing still. Activity, though, is not always preferable to passivity. Sometimes, when we try to make a move too quickly, we just end up going around in circles. This weekend, you are being confronted by a complication. Keen though you may be to simplify it by making a series of snap decisions, it may be much wiser to wait awhile and see what happens naturally.
Do you think it is just possible that somewhere on this planet someone is doing everything in exactly the right way? There are after all, several billion of us. We are all different. Perhaps the law of averages comes into play. Perhaps, by sheer fluke of chance, one individual with impeccable wisdom exists. Er... or then again... perhaps not. All that any of us can do is our best. Your best, this weekend, will yet prove more than good enough.
How difficult does your life need to be? How many complicated ideas do you have to take on board? How many awkward factors must you try to take into account? The short answer is: 'More than you would like but less than you can consider to constitute a reason to give up.' At the heart of a seemingly convoluted scenario, there's a simple principle at work. Focus only on the essence of what's going on (and of what needs to happen) and you will be fine.
天秤座(2月28日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Put aside your plans to take over the earth, the moon and the rest of the galaxy! You can always pick them up again at the end of the week. By then, you may find that, somehow, the rest of the universe has made itself more amenable. Meanwhile, you need to remember who you really are when you are not urgently trying to get something sorted out. For now, at least, let others have their say - and try to make it look as if you are listening.
天秤座(9月24日 - 12月23日) 「地球と月と、それ以外の銀河系すべてを支配下に置く」という あなたの計画(= your plans to take over the earth, the moon and the rest of the galaxy:壮大な計画の一例??)を一旦横に置 いて下さい! 週末になれば、あなたはその計画を再び拾い上げる 事が出来ます。何はともあれ、その時までに、あなたは「世界が今 までよりもずっと扱いやすくなっている」という事に気付かれるか もしれません。その一方であなたは、「物事を急いで整理しようと していない時の自分って、本当はどんな風な人間だったろう?」と いう事を思い出す必要があります。少なくともしばらくの間は、他 人に言いたいように言わせて――そして、自分はちゃんと彼らの言 い分を聞いている、という風に思わせるべく努力してみて下さい。
牡羊座(2月28日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) This week's right-angle between Mars and Jupiter will shed much welcome light on corners of your world, which have remained dismal and dark for far too long. Meanwhile, though, you have to get along as best you can in an area where you sorely need more help than is being offered. But, at least, if you know that things are not going to stay as they are forever, you can relax and stop feeling quite so anxious. Big change is on the way.
The bad news is that there is no perfect solution to the current problem. There isn't even, really, an imperfect one. You just can't accomplish what you want to accomplish. You can't alter what you feel you need to alter. Not at least, without creating far more trouble than can possibly be wise. And the good news? N one of this matters. In spite of all that's so aggravating, something glorious is about to happen. That's no less than you deserve.
天秤座(3月1日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) When something has been around us for a long time, we develop a sentimental attachment. Regardless of how useless it is to us, we know it. It reminds us of our past. It gives us a sense of identity. What if, though, that thing is acting as an obstacle to progress? What if it is taking up space where something more appropriate ought to go? What if a new chance cannot come till room has been made for it? It' s a point worth pondering now.
牡羊座(3月1日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Risky situations are almost invariably the ones that offer the greatest potential for sudden profit. You are smart enough to know that every so often, a calculated gamble has to be taken. Of course you want to minimise the danger in your current situation yet the only way to do that is to minimise too, the amount of magical possibility that could be open to you. Think about all you have learned in recent months and trust that, implicitly.
天秤座(3月2日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Necessity is the mother of invention. Ingenuity is the father. The two must meet, however briefly, in order to produce positive progeny. Right now, in your life, the mother is much in evidence. Saturn is making you keenly conscious of a particular pressing problem. You feel thwarted and frustrated. But somewhere, in the back of your mind, there's a tiny spark of inspiration. All you now need to do is trust this and then fan it into a flame.
牡羊座(3月2日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Where should you draw the line? It's a bit too late to ask that question now. You have already gone a long way past the cut-off point that most people would see as sensible. This was not because you were being rash. You had your reasons. They were (and still are) good ones. To stop now would be like trying to brake at high speed. Jupiter's sharp link to Mars suggests it is better to carry on but to steer very carefully.
Judgement is like a sharp blade. You can use it to dissect any situation, attitude or development. You have to be very careful, though, not to let it cut you. Compassion can seem, by comparison, like a much less effective tool. There is, though, no way in which it can ever harm you - or anyone else. Applied often enough, and sincerely enough, it can actually achieve far more than any amount of analysis. Summon kindness, not disapproval, today.
あなたにとって、魚座は秘密ゾーンに当たります。これは「今月、 牡羊座生まれの人が恋愛に関して多くの希望的観測を抱くかもしれ ない」という事を意味します。希望的観測を抱く時は、恐らく過去 の事を思い出したりするでしょうが、その時に「未来の事を考える」 というのがより賢明な考え方であるのは間違いありません! 後に なって後悔するような秘密の関係に関わらないようご注意下さい。 そして「今月、見返りを求めることなく愛の為に何事かを犠牲にす るならば、それは間違いなくあなたのハートに対して有益なものと なるだろう」という事を覚えておいて下さい(= remember that any sacrifices you make for love in March should be done for the heart, and not because you want something in return:?)。
天秤座(3月3日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) You are not where you expected to be. A surprising development has either changed your situation or altered your understanding. You are starting to see life from a different point of view. But because this perspective is so fresh, you have no real way to tell whether this is positive or problematic. It's actually a bit of both - but then so is everything in this world! As you now adapt to a new priority, you will see that it is immensely constructive.
牡羊座(3月3日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Sometimes, frugality can be a gesture of extravagance! It can also be a false economy. Jupiter is now making you keenly conscious of the need to cut back. You feel that in one area of life, at least, you have gone too far. You won't fix this, though, by making a ritual sacrifice to the god of penury. What's required is a wise choice - and a carefully calculated plan of action. Save, where you can afford a reduction. Protect what you have already invested in.
We all like to be approved of. We like to know that our contribution is being appreciated. Sometimes, though, we can care too much about our popularity. Then we can end up agreeing to propositions that we really ought to turn down, or turning a blind eye to problems that we should be noticing. There's an easy way to respond to the pressure you face now? And there's a more demanding way. Consider the long-term before you choose your route.
天秤座(3月4日(金)-6日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) The relentless march of technology threatens to leave us all trailing in its wake. Seemingly, not a month goes by without some new invention being announced. We can do things now that, as children, we never dreamed of. But can we think different thoughts? Are our attitudes, our beliefs, our values or our philosophies any more advanced or evolved? This weekend brings a chance to start seeing your own life very differently.
牡羊座(3月4日(金)-6日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Are you paying the price for recent indulgence? Have you dug yourself a hole you can't get out of? Should you have been more restrained? Perhaps, but it's no use crying over spilt milk. Especially when you've got a mop and bucket handy. Besides which, the milk needed spilling. The jug was too full. You are not to punish yourself this weekend. Nor are you to worry. Nor are you to let others tell you what to do. Er - that's an order!
Fear, is rather like pepper. We need just a little if we are to avoid a bland, dull, experience. Too much, though, makes everything indigestible. Now, of course, just as there are curry addicts, there are adrenalin junkies. Some of us don't feel happy unless our lives are full of challenge. You, though, need to stay within your tolerance level, this weekend. If a certain situation is starting to feel uncomfortable, don't feel obliged to accept it.
The beaten track always seems more viable than the unploughed furrow. That's why so many travellers prefer to stick to the routes they know. The shortest distance from A to B, though, isn't always the most obvious. Sometimes, indeed, you can hardly see it for all the old, familiar signposts. This week, if you are willing to learn, you'll make a valuable discovery that not only saves time, but also brings inspiring new insight.
天秤座(3月7日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) You like to think of yourself as a reasonable sort of a soul. I'm not suggesting that this isn't so. Sometimes, though, your actions are slightly less reasonable than your words. You are very good at explanations. You can make almost any wild course of action, sound sensible and well thought-through. But, just between you and me, I have to ask... Is your current strategy in danger of causing you to go just a little too far?
牡羊座(3月7日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You can't judge a book by looking at its cover, and you can't judge a week by the way you feel on Monday morning. The story of your life is due to take several interesting twists and turns soon, which is just as well because you'll need to twist and turn a bit if you are going to find a way to feel comfortable with an awkward situation. Right now, you suspect that no matter how you twist or where you turn, things won't improve. But they will, dramatically.
天秤座(3月8日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) You are a bit stuck. Understandably, you want to get free. How, though, are you intending to do this? Be careful not to say one thing when you mean another. Be careful, too, not to agree to solutions that don't really appeal to you, just for the sake of some temporary respite. Guard, too, against appealing distractions that actually just create more problems. Do what you know you have to do. Don't do what you really don't want to. And be strong.
牡羊座(3月8日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Malfunctioning mechanical devices can sometimes respond very well to a carefully aimed blow. It can save hours of fiddling with a screwdriver or an instruction manual. But there's also a risk that this may make the temporary problem permanent. Right now, regardless of whether you are wrestling with a machine, a situation or a relationship, there's a strong temptation to try something direct and dramatic. Resist this. Use your wits and be delicate.
You know that a certain situation is unsatisfactory. You know, too, that it needs to change. So far, so good. You suspect, though, that this is going to require much effort on your part, which could lead to controversial consequences. Here, you are wrong. In fact, you need to do less, not more. You are overlooking the easy option, yet there's absolutely no reason why you should not take this. If you can't see it yet, just keep looking.
People often talk about going from the sublime to the ridiculous. This phrase implies, though, that the two things exist in different places. Actually, they are joined at the hip. They are two-sides of one coin. Wherever you find the mundane, the divine will be hiding within it somewhere. And vice-versa! What's happening in your life now may seem ludicrous or it may just seem very 'ordinary'. It is, though, supremely special.
天秤座(3月9日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Are you sure you ought to be reading this? Do you have permission? Do you have time? Aren't there other things you ought to be getting on with? Won't somebody disapprove if they find you doing this? Surely, you ought to stop reading and start working. Somewhere in your world there's a floor that needs scrubbing. Or a dirty job that somebody has to do. Er... act out of inspiration by all means, today, but please do nothing out of guilt.
牡羊座(3月9日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) "Blessed are they who have no expectations, for they shall not be disappointed." This old saying reminds us all of the trouble we can get into when our hopes grow out of sync with reality. Some people, though, turn this advice into a philosophy. They become so nervous about feeling let down that they never look forward to anything. Don't give up on your great desire, but don't imagine it will be fulfilled in exactly the way you want it to be.
Your expectations and beliefs are being challenged. The New Moon is taking place in the part of your chart that governs your relationship with 'the world beyond'. Effectively, you are going through a spiritual transformation. You may be preoccupied with some very mundane matters but the issues arising from these, touch on the deepest part of you. If you now feel confused, you will soon feel enlightened. Soon, you will learn even more.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. You can, though, put salt in its food! Ultimately, a big decision is not yours alone to make. You may want to help someone but they have to want to help themselves. Your sincerity, though, is not misplaced. The New Moon requires you to make every effort that you can in order to help ease a difficult situation. It does not, though, require you to damage yourself in the process.
牡羊座(3月10日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) When things start spiralling out of control, you can either fight with all your might to regain power or you can decide to just spiral along with it and see where you end up. Some think that you should assert yourself first and then give up if it really isn't working. Others believe that it is often wiser to spiral for a while first. Try it in whichever order you like, today, it doesn't much matter so long as you remember not to worry.
天秤座(3月10日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. You can, though, put salt in its food! Ultimately, a big decision is not yours alone to make. You may want to help someone but they have to want to help themselves. Your sincerity, though, is not misplaced. The New Moon requires you to make every effort that you can in order to help ease a difficult situation. It does not, though, require you to damage yourself in the process.
天秤座(3月11日(金)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Librans are not, actually, fascinated by relationships. They are just magnetically drawn towards all issues that involve a delicate, complicated balancing act. Few systems require quite so much constant calibration as the human communication process. You think you have already had a crucial conversation. This weekend, you may need to hold it again. It could be about to produce a different, much better result.
牡羊座(3月11日(金)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Fires and knives have the power to harm us. Without them, though, how can we ever cut or cook our food. The world is full of risky propositions and double-edged opportunities. All powers have the capacity to create problems. All positives hide a hidden negative. There's nothing wrong with what's happening in your life now. It is, though, crucial that you respond to your current challenge in a wise, conscious way.
There are some people on this planet who have never heard of 'honey nut' cornflakes. And, amazingly, their lives are none the poorer for it. This may be a source of great concern for the manufacturers of breakfast cereals but to the rest of us, it should be an inspiration. We think we need so much. In fact, all we ever need is to feel comfortable and content. You may not have all you want this weekend, but you have all you need.
天秤座(3月14日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) When is a burden not a burden? When it's a blessing. When the task that you have to carry out is one you are glad to have been given. Or when it is being done on behalf of someone that you love and respect. Don't feel constrained or imposed upon by the request that is being made of you. Look at why it's so important... or at who will benefit from your diligence. Then throw yourself wholeheartedly into the job that must be done.
牡羊座(3月14日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Would you like to know how you can improve your relationship with someone else? Just improve your relationship with yourself! If you're feeling good about who you are and what you have to offer, others can't help but instinctively recognise and respond to this. And, if you're not? Then it's no use hoping that someone will sweep you up in their arms and take you under their wing. The bad news is, you have to fix things for yourself. The good news is - you can!
How do you distinguish an oak tree from an oak leaf lettuce? Once both are fully-grown, it's easy to tell. But if you happen to be looking at two tiny shoots, just poking out of the ground, it's not so simple. Which will become stronger, year after year? Which will be a tiny plant that soon disappears. You don't yet know what kind of seed you are tending. Time will tell you. Meanwhile, have faith. Whatever it turns out to be, it will benefit you. I have just recorded your new in-depth weekly forecast. It is full of important and inspiring news. To hear it click here for a month's free trial of the weekly audio service.
Inspiration does not always bring comfort. Sometimes, it triggers trouble. It can cause you to get up to mischief or to say things that are likely to create controversy. If you merely want a quiet life, you ought to avoid having too many exciting thoughts or interesting ideas. So be careful. You may not be able to resist risking the potentially dramatic consequences of a particular choice but you, at least, ought to think about them.
Be as nice as you can, even if you don't feel like being nice. Indeed, especially if that's the case. Disguise your animosity towards a certain person. Hide your resentment of a particular situation. Be big, generous and tolerant; be as forgiving and as generally cheerful as you can. Don't ignore anything that needs to be noticed. Don't forget anything that should be remembered. But do use your skills as a communicator. A friendly approach can work miracles.
天秤座(3月16日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) They say, we should always look before we leap. What though, are we supposed to do when we have already leapt? Or when we have been pushed, so hard, by sudden circumstances that there is no chance to consider our situation objectively? You could do things very differently now if you had the luxury of time. Right now, though, you have no choice. You have to trust that you have made the right leap - and proceed with maximum confidence.
牡羊座(3月16日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Mercury is the speediest planet in the solar system. Usually. Right now, though, the planet of communication and information is proceeding at the pace of a snail on Valium. It's only an optical illusion, of course. Planets, in reality, never stop moving. The apparent lack of progress, though, is symbolic - especially as it is happening (or rather, not happening) in your zodiac sign. You feel stuck. But you may yet soon see a shift.
You are extremely smart and exceptionally sensitive. That's not an easy combination. Had you been born blessed with only one of these qualities, you would experience far less turmoil. You could either wallow in your emotions without challenge, or revel in the cold comfort of a relentlessly intellectual approach to life. Right now, though, your head and your heart have differing views. One way or another, you have to get them to strike a deal.
Are you thinking what you feel you ought to think? Or are you feeling what you think you ought to feel? Your head and your heart are now engaged in an intense debate. They are (or, at least, they ought to be) negotiating a compromise. You can't do that by trying to pretend that you don't have certain strong emotions? Or opinions. Factor them all in honestly, weight them all up carefully and you'll find a real way through.
天秤座(3月17日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) You are now being led into territory that you don't particularly want to travel through. It's all very well to say you have free choice and can resist being dragged along if you wish. Complicated consequences, though, could ensue from such a gesture. If that's true, it's all the more reason not to sit on the fence. Either be wholehearted about saying 'no', or give a complete, enthusiastic commitment to your 'yes'.
牡羊座(3月17日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Very little seems to be moving at the moment. That's awkward, because there's a lot that you sorely yearn to shift. Try not to feel too frustrated. Things are a lot better than they seem. You don't actually have to change as much as you fear or imagine. One small, but carefully targeted adjustment, could yet make a world of difference. If you don't already know what that is and how to make it happen, you'll soon find out.
天秤座(3月18日(金)-20日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Only the most fastidious people live in a state of total tidiness. Most of us let the mess build up until it impinges on our personal tolerance level. What if, when we were finally to take action, the clutter was to complain? Would it have a right to say, 'You have ignored me up until now, so what have I suddenly done wrong?' Of course, not: as with dust, so with all forms of nuisance. This weekend, you are reaching your limit.
牡羊座(3月18日(金)-20日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) They say that if a wall is starting to fall apart, we shouldn't try to paper over the cracks. If, though, we are only intending to live with that wall for a short while, it makes no sense to start knocking it down and rebuilding it. Likewise, if we are sure those cracks are the result of old plaster crumbling and not serious subsidence. You, though, are now performing very important repair work. It is taking longer than you want, but it is working.
Some emotions are forceful but fleeting. Others appear to be paying us a brief visit - yet like unwanted, intrusive guests, they outstay their welcome and ignore all requests to leave. Eventually, though, all moods move. Try to shift an uncomfortable feeling this weekend. You may have surprising success. Even if you don't get an immediate result, you will set in motion a process that leads to the right kind of change.
天秤座(3月21日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) At the end of the week, the Moon will be full in your sign. That's why you need to think so carefully about what you want to do and how you want to do it. You are about to be blessed with a lot of strength and energy. That's rather like saying that you will soon have a much faster engine in your car. It may just give you the ability to drive around in circles or to race wildly ahead to the wrong destination. It is time to take a good long look at the map.
牡羊座(3月21日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Have you ever tried walking backwards? You can't see where you are going; you can only see where you are not going! You have to take small steps and concentrate hard. It is almost easier to make progress if you close your eyes completely - then, at least, you will not be distracted by the sight of the route that you would far rather be taking, and you can tune in your other senses to compensate. To make an awkward situation less awkward, relax into it.
天秤座(3月22日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) In one way, you feel re-assured by recent developments. In another, you feel concerned. It is as if you have a shelter from the rain - but the more you look at it, the more you can see cracks in the walls and gaps in the roof. What if these widen over time? You ought to be glad of what you have but you don't feel it is enough. Things might prove stressful... or they might not. Don't worry about something that hasn't yet happened, and may never happen.
牡羊座(3月22日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) The more you think, the more you realise what you have to think about. The less you think, the more you end up doing thoughtless things! Right at the moment, you really do not know quite what to think. You are not sure what to do, either. At the risk of sounding annoying, I have to tell you that this is appropriate. You are digesting a development that requires careful consideration. Mull it over gently and take your time.
Before you can enjoy the satisfaction of getting what you want, you have to become clear about what it is that you truly do want. Otherwise, you will allow yourself to want something that really, you do not want. Worse, when you get it, you will celebrate an inappropriate achievement! Right now, you think you want something that you're not getting. You also think that you don't want something that you are getting. Before you complain, think again.
天秤座(3月23日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) By the time the Moon is full, it will be in your sign. Already, you can feel the influence. You are growing restless and agitated. You may not be quite ready to turn into a bat and fly off into the night, but you can, at least, understand why some people allegedly do this. The hidden powers within you, though, are more positive than the ones we normally associate with this time of month. You are about to unleash an awesome ability to get things done.
牡羊座(3月23日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Without 'other people' we would have a lot less trouble. There would be nobody to wind us up, nobody to let us down, nobody to stand in our way and nobody to argue with. There would also, though, be nobody to blame. When we are on our own, it is easier to remember that we are the ones who must take responsibility for our own actions. Even though a certain person is now behaving badly, there is no need for you to do the same.
Sometimes, things have to get worse before they can get better. Or they have to go wrong before we can see how to make them right. That's small consolation when we are in the midst of a tough time. But when we look back, we often realise why we simply had to go for a particular experience in order to reach a life-changing conclusion. Soon, you'll feel much happier about something that has lately been making you sad.
天秤座(3月24日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) There may be no vampires in your world, but there certainly seem to be plenty of people who are willing to drain you of energy. There may be no werewolves but you are conscious of certain individuals who seem to be on a very short fuse. As the Moon now grows full in your sign, we find you needing to guard against invasions and intrusions. We also find you, though, in a position of surprising strength. Don't be intimidated... just be determined.
牡羊座(3月24日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) As the Moon now grows full in your opposite sign, you are becoming increasingly uncomfortable about an important relationship. It doesn't seem to be going the way you think it ought to be going. The other person isn't doing whatever you feel they really should be doing. Conversations seem to be going round in circles if, or when, they are happening at all. Try to be patient. Try not to judge. Things will improve sooner than you think.
3月24日 CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 20) Why do some people seem to get so far with so little talent, sensitivity or experience? Perhaps it is because the folk, who really do have something constructive to contribute, are not foolish enough to push themselves forward. You are now watching a display of amazing incompetence. Even if it involves a risk or a compromise, you owe it to yourself to step forward with a more sensible suggestion.
We often say 'enough is enough'. We don't always mean it, though. Later, we find ourselves back-pedalling. We have only had 'nearly enough'. We seem to be willing to give something (or someone) one last try - or perhaps it is yet 'another' last try. Our reluctance to draw a final line is not necessarily a sign of weakness. It actually suggests persistence and faith. Every so often, though, things really do move on for us. They are moving on for you, now.
天秤座(3月25日(金)-27日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) This has the potential to be a rather amazing weekend. Something very significant is starting to shift in your world. You are finally becoming able to see through a pretence that has been mystifying and, to some extent, disempowering you. You are daring to question a supposedly sacred assumption. You can expect some controversy, but you can also look forward to an experience of mental and emotional liberation - and inspiration.
牡羊座(3月25日(金)-27日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) All over the world now, people are celebrating a time of rebirth and renewal. You, though, feel more concerned about the past than the future. There is something you need to clear up or to set yourself free from. An intense drama has taken the wind out of your sails. Don't, though, take your sails down. Keep them up and you will soon catch a fresh breeze that blows you across the ocean of exasperation to the shining shore of a new hope.
天秤座(3月28日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Draw up three columns on a piece of paper. On the left, mark your essential commitments. On the right, identify the wild indulgences. The crazy dreams, the strange fascinations and the things you are being pressured into by others. And in the middle? Well, that's where it gets tricky. Ultimately, you want an empty middle column. The items you feel inclined to put there now either need to move left or right. Then you 'll have clarity.
牡羊座(3月28日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You are on a quest. It is an idealistic, romantic, ambitious one. It involves a desire to do something very special and to share that experience (or at least the fruits of it) with someone who means a lot to you. Sadly, out there in the rest of the world, there are people who do not share your enthusiasm of your sense of priority. They have their own ideas about what you ought to be doing. Don't let this worry you.
Expect the worst. That way, you can feel relieved when it doesn't happen. Whereas, if you psych yourself up for the very, very best, you are far more likely to feel disappointed. You are being given some misleading information. Someone is painting a picture that is fanciful - and which doesn't take a key aspect of reality into account. None of this is disastrous. It may, eventually, work in your favour. But you ought to be aware.
What is a certain person really up to? You have your suspicions... but you have no proof. You need, though, to trust your own intuition at least far enough to test it. You are on to something. Your hunch may not be completely correct in every detail but it is pointing you in the right direction. There's an 'official story' which is now being told... and then there's a less obvious explanation. That's the one you need to find.
天秤座(3月29日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Some compromises simply must be made now. You understand this yet a part of you still wonders if you are giving up more than you ought to. In some ways, you are right. The arrangement you are reaching is not ideal. It is, though, the best way to put yourself into a position from which a better, permanent solution can be found. See yourself as working your way systematically over a series of stepping-stones.
牡羊座(3月29日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Today, some obstacles will prove too big to conquer. Some difficulties will prove too intense to resolve. You will find it hard to muster all the patience you need. Sorry to sound negative but actually I am being very positive here. If you take all this as read before you even start, you will then have two choices. To give up in despair or to decide to try your best and hope it proves just about good enough. If you do, it will.
天秤座(3月30日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 30) We live on a tiny ball of rock that has been hurtling through space for millions of years. We humans, who see ourselves as so important, are but a passing feature on the landscape. Soon, you will come under a lot of emotional and material pressure. Many things will seem urgent, pressing and crucial. Do what you can to do what's needed. But try not to let any of it get to you. In the overall scheme of things, it's all laughably ephemeral.
牡羊座(3月30日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) It's easy to talk. It's difficult to listen. That's why there are so many misunderstandings. We can all hear what we want to hear, but few of us seem able to recognise what the people around us are really trying to say. This is made harder by the fact that so few of us ever state quite what we mean. You sorely need better communication in your life right now. Your ears will help you achieve this more than your mouth will.
How do you intend to spend your day? Answer please. Then apologise. You know, don't you, that you are doing the wrong thing. You ought to be doing something else instead. Cook up another plan. Then read this forecast, again. It, like your own negativity, will be equally scathing of whatever idea you put forward. Today, you will feel as though you are not doing enough no matter what you do. So you may as well relax!
天秤座(3月31日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) A conjunction of Mercury, Venus and the Sun, entitle you to a double dose of reassurance. A strong quantity of promise. An arguably excessive amount of encouragement. This is potent stuff. Don't take it on an empty stomach. But don' t take it with a pinch of salt either. It is possible now to go further than you thought you could. You now have a chance to break several rules that have been restricting you unfairly.
天秤座(9月24日 - 10月23日) 水星と金星及び太陽が形成する“合”は、服用量の二倍もの安心 感を、大量の明るい展望を、そして“途方もない”と言っても過言 ではないほどの励ましをあなたに与えてくれます。これは、とても よく効くシロモノです。胃が空っぽの時には服用なさらないで下さ い。かといって、一つまみの塩と一緒に飲み込む(=take it with a pinch of salt:話半分に聞く)事も避けて下さい。今、あなたが可 能だと思っていたのより、もっと遠くまで進む事ができます。今こ そ、不公正な制限をあなたに課していた幾つかの規則を打ち破るチ ャンスなのです。
牡羊座(3月31日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Sometimes, we find ourselves in the right place at the wrong time. Sometimes, we find ourselves in the right place at the right time. And sometimes, we can't be quite sure what's right or wrong. We think we've hit the jackpot when, actually, we have just hit trouble. We can't always rely on our ability to tell how good or bad something is. But regardless of what you think, what's happening now is right.
We persuade ourselves that life ought to be 'ideal' and we then spend a great deal of time wondering why it isn't. We blame ourselves. We resent our situation. That all seems very understandable until we remember that we are people, not machines. Sometimes, we have to follow whims and fancies. Sometimes too, we have to make 'errors'. They can turn out, in the long run, to be much better for us than we think.
天秤座(4月1日(金)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Where should you draw the line this weekend? Or should you just go along with most of what seems to be happening? It's tempting, when planetary alignments are powerful, as they are now, to just float like a raft on a strong current. But if you now summon discrimination and determination, you can be like the captain of a large liner. The ship of your life has a full set of controls. Use them to override or compensate for developments that seem to be leading into dangerous waters.
牡羊座(4月1日(金)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Little things can make a big difference. You don't really need much now. When, though, we are aware that something is lacking from our lives, our tiniest needs become like insects under a microscope. Just as baby beetles can look like monsters from another world when we subject them to such close attention, so sources of strife and stress can seem similarly scary. One small, inspiring change, this weekend, though, will help get it all back in proportion. And then you'll feel fine.
'Information is not knowledge; knowledge is not wisdom; wisdom is not truth; truth is not beauty; beauty is not love; love is not music... music is the best.' Frank Zappa loved to challenge conventional ideas. Supposedly, Cancerians don't. Yet, somehow, you always seem to be doing something comparatively controversial. Music, this weekend, may or not be 'the best' for you... but it is only through changing your tune that you will become able to dance to a more uplifting beat.
天秤座(4月4日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Drama does not accompany the start of every new era. Some begin with fanfares and fireworks but others just slowly, steadily come into being, like sunrises - or like tides. The change is too subtle, at first, to warrant more than a passing comment. Only after a while does it start to become ever more obvious. Do current developments represent blessings or are they just more problems for you to deal with? The more you let time pass, the more reassured you will feel.
牡羊座(4月4日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) It's easy to accuse others of not being able to see the wood for the trees, but that accusation could equally be levelled at you at the moment. There are people in your life now who are offering you both love and friendship. Don't ignore them or send them away with a flea in their ear, they truly do care for you. Try to be similarly receptive to the opportunities in front of you. They may not seem like exactly what you need, but actually - they are.
What seems like a very big deal to you is actually, to someone else, a very minor matter. And vice versa. In order for the two of you to enjoy constructive communication, there must be some acknowledgement of this. Without pretending that you feel what you don't, you need to show some respect for another individual's priorities. Then, if the favour is not automatically returned, you need to explain what it is that you are so concerned about.
天秤座(4月5日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) People have some funny ideas about reasonable discussion. They think that if they shout loudly enough or keep repeating the same old point, they will be victorious. Yet the last thing you want right now, is a polarised scenario. There has to be some real negotiation, some actual communication and some true give and take. No matter what you are up against (or who) the only way to achieve this is to be mild, mellow and demonstrably willing to listen.
牡羊座(4月5日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Every day has the potential to be magical. Some days, though, are easier to enjoy than others. There are times when we forget all about the joy, excitement and fulfilment that life is supposed to offer. All we want is a break from chaos or a sense of certainty in some stressful, precarious situation. Your current hunger for reassurance needs to be watched. You don't need to force anything to happen or to sort anything out. You simply need to relax.
Your deep desire to make more progress in a key area is starting to manifest as restlessness. Until or unless you get past a certain obstacle, you don't feel entitled to relax. I would love to predict such a breakthrough now. You may, though, have to wait a bit longer for this. If though, you can only bring yourself to trust that it IS coming you can allow yourself to feel more relaxed about what you now face. Try it. You are worrying more than you need to.
天秤座(4月6日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) So here it comes. Just what you've always wanted, just when you're no longer so sure that you really want it anymore. How ironic. What should you do? Revise your opinion in the light of the newly emerging option? Or stick steadfastly to the lesson that it has taken you so long to learn? You won't be able to do either, decisively, for a little while yet. You've got to think you are entitled to take your time. Don't let anyone hurry you.
牡羊座(4月6日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) What are you capable of doing, being and experiencing? How far can you go, how much can you accomplish, how high can you reach? Maybe you are afraid of trying for something too ambitious. Maybe you fear failure or maybe you fear success. Perhaps you are worried that too much will change and spiral out of control if you get closer to the fulfilment of your dream. Even if so, you will be hard pressed to avoid moving one big step closer to that now!
There are lots of things you have not got. The list may not grow now, but it probably won't shrink much either. That's OK, there's only one thing you truly need: a more confident, relaxed frame of mind. Something is bothering you now. You are experiencing an irrelevant, unnecessary anxiety. Lose your fascination with a fear. Make it one more thing that you have not got. And then, you really won't need much else.
天秤座(4月7日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Who do you love? And why? And do they love you? And, if so, why? Sorry to throw so many probing questions at you but somewhere, in the answers that come most clearly to your mind, is the information you need. You are engaged in a labour of love. If that's truly what it is, it must come from the heart and it must be entered into in a spirit of generosity. Never mind the result, you are doing it because it is your way of expressing something you feel.
天秤座(9月24日 - 12月23日) あなたは誰を愛していますか? そして、それは何故ですか? その人たちはあなたを愛していますか? そしてもしそうなら、そ の理由は何なのでしょう? 矢継ぎ早に試すような質問を投げかけ て申し訳ありません。しかし、あなたの心にパッと浮かぶその答え の中の何処かに、あなたが必要としている情報があるのです。あな たは「愛の務め」に従事なさっています。もしそれが本当に「愛の 務め(= a labour of love:?)」であれば、それは心の底からのも のであるに違いありません。また、それは寛大な精神から始まるも のでなければなりません。結果を気になさらないで下さい。あなた が「愛の務め」を行っているのは、それが「あなたが感じている事」 を形にする為の、あなたなりのやり方だからなのです。
牡羊座(4月7日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) No phoenix can emerge, gloriously and inspiringly from the ashes of a ruined city till there has first been an awful lot of smoke. You need to see nothing less than a total transformation in one key area of your life. Attempts to compromise are failing. So, too, are your efforts to make progress by taking modest steps. You don't really want the upheaval that major change is bound to cause - yet you do want the result that nothing less than a complete revolution can bring about.
Can you change the habit of a lifetime or break away from some old pattern of behaviour which is sorely restricting your chance to enjoy life? The short answer is yes. The long answer is that to do this, you have to start thinking along more adventurous lines. You can't afford to keep seeing yourself as small, insignificant or powerless. The world won't become your oyster unless you start seeing it as such. But if you do now start sincerely fishing for pearls... you will find them.
# oyster はこの場合「真珠貝」という意味。したがって pearl とは縁語。 # "The world is one's oyster." 「世界は〜の真珠貝だ。」で # 「世界は〜の思うがままだ。」という意味(原典はシェークスピア)。 # pearl には「真珠」の他に「貴重なもの、逸品、精華」という意味あり。
天秤座(4月8日(金)-10日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) The solar eclipse in your opposite sign suggests that an existing arrangement is unsatisfactory. An agreement is not working. A relationship has become unbalanced. You may feel, though, that there is very little you can do about any of this. That's OK. You don't actually have to do very much at all. You just have to make up your mind. As long as you are determined, a certain someone will sense this and will begin to make a series of surprising concessions.
牡羊座(4月8日(金)-10日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) You feel trapped. You don't really believe that you will ever get away from whatever - or whoever - is hemming you in. Still, though, you keep making plans. You are not just going to 'give in'. The solar eclipse in your sign is increasing the amount of pressure that you face. Yet it is also deepening your determination. Life may get more demanding before it gets easier this weekend. You will, though, end up making a real breakthrough.
Don't keep inventing new reasons to worry. Don't keep respecting the old, existing reasons either. Many of these are not as valid as you imagine. Those that do deserve consideration can be fixed if you apply a little self-discipline. The eclipse suggests you are, it would seem, attracted to a dubious idea - or situation - or person. You thus keep walking towards a source of trouble rather than away from it. Tackle your own fascination with frustration. And then set yourself gloriously free.
Several events have recently caused you to doubt yourself. You are no longer quite so sure that you are doing the right thing. Others can sense this and they are starting to offer alternative suggestions. People always do this when they detect uncertainty in someone. It's an instinctive 'reflex' action; usually well meant but not always appropriate. The eclipse insists you don't need criticism or advice now. You just need more strength of will!
天秤座(4月11日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) I need to alert you to an imminent dramatic development. It will soon seem, for a while, as if things are going crazy. Plans will fall apart. Surprises will throw you off track. Chaos will reign. This much, it's easy to say. But how should I advise you with regard to all this? A more cautious astrologer would probably say, 'beware making wild moves in the heat of the moment'. Maybe, though, a wild move is now precisely what you need to make!
牡羊座(4月11日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Ask a silly question... and you may not, after all, get such a silly answer in reply. People, all too often, do things the way that they have always been done. They follow tradition for no better reason than that it saves them from having to think. Incredible quantities of money, time and effort are wasted, every day, all over this world - due to lack of imagination. The question that you now feel tempted to ask is not so silly. The answer could yet change everything.
One person's ceiling is another's floor. One person's hilarious development is another's deeply serious concern. One person's gain is another's loss. A capacity to see all sides to every story can be both a blessing and a curse. Right now, as you contemplate a series of choices, you are aware of many potential repercussions. It's fine to be sensitive but unrealistic to hope for a solution that appeals to everyone on the planet!
天秤座(4月12日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) You are a sucker for a sob story. You are also easily placed under pressure. People somehow know that, if they approach you for help or sympathy, they are likely to get it - regardless of whether or not they deserve it. You will give it, even when you know that the case for offering support is debatable. You enjoy being generous with the benefit of the doubt. That's fine, but make sure now, that you're doing what you WANT to do, not what you feel you should.
牡羊座(4月12日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) If you view the world through rose-tinted spectacles, everything will look good to you... apart, that is, from a genuine rose. You may miss the subtle colouring of such a flower or fail to spot what makes it so special and unique. Then again, if you criticise all you see, you will find little that stands up to scrutiny. You need those spectacles in order to survive. You also need the ability to take them off every so often. Today, no glasses are needed.
A situation is not making any sense. An arrangement just isn't working. If you are adaptable, you are not allowing this to faze you too badly. You have ways to cope and compensate. There are adjustments you can make, alternatives you can explore and techniques you can employ to ensure some kind of progress even if things are less than ideal. But is this really necessary? Find and fix a fundamental problem, and everything will get easier.
天秤座(4月13日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) To be a Libran is to be born blessed with an impressive imagination. Most of your creativity, though, ends up being absorbed by the need to make difficult situations bearable. You have to keep seeking ways to enjoy tedious chores. Understandably enough, you forget that it is sometimes possible to go beyond the humdrum and the mundane and achieve something truly satisfying. Your current celestial outlook suggests the ability to work a minor miracle.
牡羊座(4月13日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Everything, these days, comes with a health warning. Even chocolate bars have to alert us to the slight risk of 'contamination' from nuts. Weirdly, though, there are no signs or signals reminding us that it can be hazardous to cross the road. Nor do tax demands come with letters advising us that financial anxiety can be stressful and may be bad for us. The big issue in your life now contains a real hidden danger. But be aware... and you'll be fine.
How much power do you have? That's never an easy question to answer. The only thing you can say for sure is that you've got more than you think, but less than you would like! As for precisely how much? Well, only a process of trial and error is going to show you that. You owe it to yourself to experiment. If it turns out that you can't now do what you'd like to be able to do, you will be no worse off than you already are. But what if it turns out that you can?
天秤座(4月14日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) When we turn to our forecast, we always secretly hope that it will say, 'Today's the day...' We know that sometimes, the universe forgets to put its guard up. Our problems oversleep. Our difficulties take the day off. Suddenly, we get a clear run towards an easy objective. We know such experiences are possible but we also know they don't happen very often. Still, we live in hope. This weekend, you really do have a chance to feel that good and be that successful.
牡羊座(4月14日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Climb a mountain? No problem, why not climb two? Juggle new-laid eggs at the same time? Why, of course. In fact, bring on the hens and you'll juggle them too. Ride a unicycle whilst attempting to cope with all of the above? Well, you could give it a go. You are certainly not even daunted. This weekend, though, you may finally have found a challenge that you can't rise to. Or so you suspect. Give it your best shot, you may just find you can do the impossible after all.
If we don't push ourselves, we never learn anything. If we don't learn anything, life soon starts to seem very dull. Try to remember all this as you strive to tackle a tricky situation this weekend. You are doing something demanding. It is taking a lot out of you. It is also, though, giving a lot back. You will be wiser, stronger and much happier once you have completed the process you recently started. It's not going to take as long - and it's not going to be as difficult - as you fear.
Don't be anxious, and don't be afraid. You've got every reason to feel confident about your prospects. Your apprehension is understandable but it is irrelevant. As long as you override it, you will thrive. The more you give in to a sense of fear, though, the more you will find things to be fearful of. All this, I know, is advice that is easy to give and hard to take. Really, though, it is the only thing that you need to keep in mind today.
What's far more disruptive and destructive than an argument? An artificial agreement! People, sometimes, pretend to be happy within a situation that they find unacceptable. They may do this because they are too afraid to tell the truth? Or because they are too lazy. Arrangements based on pretence, though, invariably end in disappointment and recrimination. This week, what you need is the truth. Be prepared to speak it, and hear it, and you can't go wrong.
天秤座(4月18日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Some things are worth making a fuss about. Others, frankly are not. We all know this - and we also know that we sometimes put the dividing line in the wrong place. We regret making some complaints - yet we also regret not making others. So how do you look at a situation and decide whether it really merits action or dismissal? By remembering this. NOTHING is worth getting wound up about if it compromises your ability to think clearly.
牡羊座(4月18日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) They say, 'If it ain't broken, don't fix it.' It sounds like terribly sensible advice. Often, though, it is used as an excuse for apathy and laziness. Many things in this world may not be exactly 'broken' but they are certainly very inefficient and unsatisfactory. If we leave them alone, just because they seem better than nothing, we make a very poor choice. You are now bringing about a much-needed, highly worthwhile change. It's well worth all the hassle.
'Smile and the world smiles with you. Cry and you cry alone.' The old saying has lost none of its meaning with the passing of the years. Yet it is not completely true to say that when we cry, we cry alone. Others do listen and they do care. There are some lovely sympathetic people in your life now - and you are one of them! It now falls to you to offer support to someone who feels that they may be starting to cry alone. Give all you can. And expect a surprisingly rewarding time.
Why should you do your best? No one else seems to be interested in upholding a high standard. You can cut corners and compromise principles today, if you wish. Why on earth, though, would you ever wish to do such a thing? You don't want to stoop to the level of the lowest common denominator. You want to be proud of every choice that you have made. Follow your conscience. It won't show you a shortcut but it will deliver you safely to your destination.
天秤座(4月20日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) There's all the difference in the world between running towards something - and running away. You now have to be clear about your motivation. If all you want is change, and you hardly care what form it takes, you are probably better off staying right where you are. There's a lesson that you need to learn or a fear that you need to face. Deal with it before you move on, or it will follow you. If, though, you are sure that you are acting out of inspiration not fear, carry on.
牡羊座(4月20日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Are you looking through a microscope or a telescope? You are so keenly focused on a particular matter now, that you have lost all perspective. It deserves your concentration. But to tackle it properly you must know what you are dealing with. Is it something remote, that you are trying to bring nearer, or is it something close by that you are trying to understand? First, get a sense of proportion, then, and only then, choose your course of action.
天秤座(4月14日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) There's always a carrot... and there's always a stick. There isn't, though, always a donkey! You are not obliged to spend your life trying to dodge daunting difficulties and pursue tempting offers. You can stop and think. You can stand up for yourself. You can refuse to be pushed and you can also refuse to be pulled. You can gain power over a situation that somehow makes you feel helpless or small. Act out of strength, not weakness today.
牡羊座(4月14日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) It is easy to make a grand announcement or an extravagant gesture. It is not so easy to make a constant, steady, subtle, effort to do the right thing. If, though, you really want the result that you now claim to be so desirous of, you will avoid impressive, but ultimately empty, demonstrations. Success requires wisdom and dedication. Neither of these two essential ingredients can be forged or falsified. Do not make a promise today; just make a move.
The world, as Andy Warhol predicted, is now full of people who are famous for 15 minutes. We love our celebrities... until we get bored of them. Stars who pass the test of time, though, have to have true integrity. Power is like fame in this respect. Plenty of folk rise briefly to positions of authority. The only ones who remain successful, though, are those who care more about getting it right than they do about flaunting their status. Consider the long-term, today.
# アンディ・ウォーホルは「ポップ・アート」という分野を代表する20世紀の # アメリカの芸術家。興味のある人はWebや書籍等で。 # "In the future, everybody will be famous for 15 minutes." # 「将来、誰もが15分だけは有名になれる(ような時代が来る)だろう。」は # 彼の有名な言葉。 # ロバート・デ・ニーロ出演の映画『15ミニッツ』のタイトルの由来にも。
天秤座(4月22日(金)-24日(日)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) You may not yet be able to change what you've got but you can at least begin to change what you wish you had. Needs and desires shape the kind of world we end up living in. Even if we don't manage to fulfil them, we make our choices on the basis of the priorities that these give rise to within us. You now need to start making different choices for different reasons. That may not cause much to alter this weekend. But before long, it will change everything for the better.
牡羊座(4月22日(金)-24日(日)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Adventure, awaits this weekend. 'Adventure' though, like ' challenge' is a word with more than one meaning. It can suggest stress as well as success. A degree of struggle is inevitable, but, clearly, you want to keep trouble to a minimum if you can. Don't, then, jump wildly into some course of action that you can't easily get yourself out of. Keep your eyes - and your options - open. It's one thing to experiment with an opportunity, and another to push your luck too far.
We all have moments when we find ourselves doing or saying things that seem strange. Are they moments of madness or moments of genius? We can never be sure. We can end up regretting decisions we have every right to be proud of, or justifying actions that we have every reason to apologise for. So we have to be careful. You have been through a lot this week. You are still not sure what it all means. This weekend, you'll find out and you'll feel much better.
If you have a dream about some glorious possibility and you wake up only to realise that it doesn't exist, should you feel frustrated or inspired? It depends how willing you are to trust the universe. You can treat it as a distracting vision, sent to torture and tantalise you or you can decide it is a reassuring glimpse of what will one day come to pass. On the far horizon now, there's something remote but attractive. Don't ignore it, work to bring it closer.
天秤座(4月25日(月)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Creativity is a polite visitor. It may knock timidly on our door from time to time. But at the first suggestion that we are too busy to let it in, it will humbly back away. If we want it to stick around, we have to offer it encouragement. We also have to demonstrate that we are willing to take advantage of what it has to offer. If it is being ignored it will soon go in search of a more receptive host. This week, more than anything else, you need your imagination.
牡羊座(4月25日(月)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Is anything better than nothing? The answer rather depends on the particular kind of 'nothing' we are talking about. Nothing can, sometimes, be the best thing to have. When nothing is happening, there's always a chance that something will occur. Once something has begun, it's a lot harder to turn it back into a 'nothing'. Don't worry about what seems to be missing from your life at the moment, whatever you really need, will turn up.
If you manage to take one step forward but then take two steps back, how should you feel? A lot depends on how big those steps actually are. We tend to overestimate the importance of our mistakes. We dwell on them and let them upset us. In doing so, we allow them to do us more damage than they need to. None of us is perfect. None of us gets it right all the time. The winners in this world, are the people who pick themselves up and make another attempt.
天秤座(4月26日(火)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) We may not all be great artists, designers, writers or musicians but we are all born blessed with creative talent of some kind. The ability to invent is as natural as the ability to think. Sometimes, we put our imagination to use in the wrong way; we think up new things to be afraid of or worried about. Sometimes too, though, we have moments of sheer genius; we suddenly see how to turn an apparent problem into a great advantage. Get ready to be brilliant.
牡羊座(4月26日(火)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Yesterday, in your forecast, we made 'much ado about nothing'. Nothing, undoubtedly, remains the best thing that you can do at the moment. If there's an option for inaction, take it. If there's a chance to avoid any kind of decision, take it. Though the urge to get busy or to expend a lot of energy may be strong, you are wise to resist it. Sooner or later, events will force your hand. You will profit most, if you wait until this actually happens.
牡羊座(3月21日 - 4月20日) 昨日のあなたの占いにおいて、私たちは「何もしない事に関する 大騒ぎ(= much ado about nothing:空騒ぎ)」をしました。「何も しない事」が、今も引き続き、あなたに出来る最上の事であるのは 間違いありません。もし「無為を選ぶ選択肢」があるのなら、それ を選んで下さい。もし「何かを決定する事を避けるチャンス」があ るのなら、そのチャンスを掴んで下さい。「仕事に取りかかったり、 エネルギーを消費したりしたい」という衝動は強いかもしれません が、その衝動に対して抵抗するのが賢明です。遅かれ早かれ、出来 事があなたを行動へと導くでしょう。そんな出来事が本当に起きる まで待っているならば、あなたは最も多くの利益を得る事になるで しょう。
We are not obliged to think about things that make us uncomfortable. We can block them from our minds with impunity if they are none of our business - or if they are hypothetical. When, though, we face something that could have a real impact, we have to give it attention. Today's most crucial question is: why do I feel so awkward about a certain situation? Ignore the superficial answer. Dig deeper and you will understand something that alters everything.
天秤座(4月27日(水)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Have you gone too far? Are you being too extreme? Must you now back-pedal or compensate, in some way, for a recent excessive gesture? The evidence may appear to point in this direction but to draw such a conclusion would be like chopping an onion, then discovering that it brings tears to the eyes of people in your vicinity and deciding to omit it from the meal that you are cooking. Coming events will mellow a situation that now seems too sharp or too strong.
牡羊座(4月27日(水)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) If you don't care, you won't seize an opportunity, even when it arises. If you care too much, you will start imagining that you can see a chance, even when one doesn't exists. We all understand why that it's a good idea to strike a balance. Our passions, though, tend to overwhelm us. Like light switches, they either tend to be 'on' or 'off'. Can you now install an inner-dimmer? You can if you want to. So begin, today, by deciding what you want.
What are you good at? The answer to that should inspire you. It is something you can say about yourself with pride and certainty. What are you not very good at? Be careful how you reply! Too often, we identify ourselves by our weaknesses. Thus, we consolidate an unfortunate, and often inaccurate, idea. What you are good at, you can only get better at. What you are not so good at, you can learn to be good at. Today brings a real, rare chance to overcome a difficulty.
天秤座(4月28日(木)の運勢) Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Recent events have been intense and dramatic. Now, you are wondering why things had to get so silly. It was, though, the only way to set an important process in motion. Now that much-needed movement has begun to occur, you can modify your approach and restore a note of sanity to the situation. It may seem as if the right things are happening for the wrong reasons. But if they are really right, those reasons will yet begin to seem a lot more acceptable.
牡羊座(4月28日(木)の運勢) Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 20) Politicians are a bit like pantomime performers. Somehow, they manage to reduce even the most complex, delicate, issue to a childish argument. 'Oh yes it is.' Says one. 'Oh no it isn't.' Says another. In speaking with such imbecilic zeal, they provide the rest of us with a wonderful example of exactly how not to behave. It is through listening, sharing, cooperating and communicating that you will achieve progress today. Don't get entrenched in an opinion.
If you want to feel better, you can. You don't have to do anything difficult or complicated. You don't have to wave a magic wand or take a happy pill. You don't even have to wear blinkers or fool yourself in some way. You just have to ask for help. Ask someone you trust. Or ask the 'universe'. Ask your 'higher' self. It doesn't much matter where you direct the question. It's the sincerity of the request that counts. That, and the willingness to receive an answer.
天秤座週末 There's an invitation you ought to accept. It involves a small amount of risk. But then there's a risk attached to everything. Indeed, one of the most dangerous things you can ever do is try to remain completely safe. You will drive yourself into a frenzy of defensive, narrow-minded, anxiety. Your quality of life will suffer dramatically. The adventure that you now have a chance to undertake will do you the power of good, regardless of the actual outcome.
If someone asks you nicely to do them a favour, you will probably feel only too pleased to help out. You will actively enjoy going out of your way to help further their cause. If, though, they demand your assistance in an imperious tone of voice, you will feel very differently - especially if you are in no position to refuse. Why should any of this matter? You are performing the same action in both instances, aren't you? Attitude is everything. Remember that this week.
It's not that there's anything really wrong with the situation you face, it's the expectation behind it that's bothering you. Someone seems to think that you are obliged to do their bidding. Or perhaps they actually have no such idea, but you somehow feel so beholden towards them that you are imagining such an attitude. Whether it's true, or whether it's fantasy, you will grow much happier about your lot in life as soon as you put an uncomfortable notion aside.
You are a sensitive soul. You take other people's observations and comments very seriously. You worry, much more than you ought to, about how you are being judged. The only safe way that you know to protect yourself from this tendency, is to pull down a shutter, retreat inside a shell and pay no attention whatsoever to the rest of the world. Right now, that's not an option. You have to hear what's being said and respond, without becoming overly emotional.
'Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely'. So observed the famous historian, John Acton. He did not, though, go on to suggest that the opposite is also true. Absolute powerlessness is no guarantee of absolute impeccability. You don't have as much power as you want, but you do have some. To make the most of it, you now need to act with immense sincerity and sensitivity. Do the right thing and you'll get the right result.
In some lands elections are never held. The same people hold the same positions of power for decades. Are the citizens any worse off? They may or may not be. We can't ask them because they are not allowed to comment! Democracy is not about efficiency. It's about respecting the right to disagree. In your life now, there's a dispute. What matters is not who is right and who is wrong, but who is being heard and who is being ignored.
天秤座9日 'Welcome to planet Earth. It's an odd place, full of things that don't make sense - some of which are deeply unfair. There's misery, suffering and selfishness here, but there's also a vast amount of kindness, hope and inspiration. Whichever you choose to focus on will become the reality for you.' Sorry about the delay in getting this message to you. It really should have been delivered on the day you were born. Oh well, better late than never. Cheer up.
Whether or not you currently have big travel plans, you can expect to see a lot of new horizons soon. Most probably, these will be physical, actual sights; visions of landscapes that you have not visited before, or at least not for a long while. Just possibly, they may be 'inner horizons'; realisations about the scope of your own personal potential. You are about to broaden your mind and develop much more power and strength.
You are now caught up in a drama that is not of your own creation. It may or may not be a drama that you are obliged to play a part in, but it certainly feels to you as if it is one that you absolutely must care about. Try to be detached if you can. The best contribution you can make now involves your ability to see a wider perspective. You'll see it more easily if you stop trying so hard to understand and explain what's happening. Shut down you mind, open up your heart.
Instead of a forecast, here is a list of things that are not allowed. Here are some crucial rules and restrictions. These comprise the orders you simply must obey. Once you've read them, let's discuss the heavy-handed people whose power you dare not challenge. What? You don't want to read about this? Why? Don't you enjoy being told what to do? Accept what you absolutely cannot alter, then give all your spare energy to that which you do have some influence over.
We live on a planet that never stops turning. As it spins, it travels around the Sun. All the while, though, we imagine we are standing perfectly still. Space is deceptive and so is time. We think of the past, the present and the future as destination points along a straight train track. Our physicists insist, though, that time is not linear. It, too, describes a circle - or, at least, a spiral. Your life now, is taking you back to where you have been before. That's not a mistake, it's a blessing.
Things are not entirely as they should be. So, no change there then. You can relax safe in the knowledge that you have not been magically transported, overnight, to some spooky alternate universe where everything is uncomfortably 'perfect'. Think how dreadful such a place would be. No challenge, no interest, no drama, no colour. Just endless normality. You'd quite like a bit of that? Well, here's how to get some. Learn to love whatever it is that you now most dislike.
What is deja vu? A moment when we feel as if we have been somewhere before, even though we have no conscious memory of the place - or situation. Some say, that these are marker points on the video of our lives. When, as angels, we watch the whole thing back on some heavenly TV screen, we 'pause the tape' at key moments and rerun the show from there. We may never know. You, though, now 'recognise' something. You will soon discover what it means!
Thank heavens for the weather. Without it what would we have to talk to each other about? I am only half joking here. The communication process is surprisingly subtle. Our conversations don't have to be deep and complicated in order to have meaning. They merely need to take place! As long as we are talking, we are relating to one another. As long as we are relating, we have the ability to broaden the subject of our dialogue. Keep a channel open any way you can, today.
Several things are in short supply for you now. Money, for instance. Time, by way of another example. Certain social and emotional resources are also at a premium. You are surrounded by people who ought to be supporting your great endeavour yet who seem more inclined to criticise it or to get in the way. It's all beginning to look a little daunting. But this Friday the thirteenth will yet prove deeply memorable. It will restore your faith and your sense of strength.
You are wrestling with various moral and ethical dilemmas. At the heart of the problem is a doubt about what truly constitutes right or wrong. Your usual ability to detect the difference without hesitation is no longer so keen. Struck by the thought that you could be inadvertently acting out of selfish motives, you have lost some of your momentum and your equilibrium. It's Friday the thirteenth, though, the rules are different today. You are doing what's right, even if you fear it's wrong.
Imagine hiring some great concert pianist to play at a party, but then insisting that your great virtuoso performs only a series of bubble gum pop hits. Now imagine requesting the help of the cosmos, but then refusing to accept any assistance that doesn't match your own idea of an appropriate solution. You are being helped, supported, protected and looked after now. That's precisely why you find yourself in such unfamiliar territory. You are being taken beyond the world you know.
Time is like a train. It takes all its passengers along at the same speed. Some run up and down the corridors in an attempt to reach the future first. Others head for the rear carriage and peer out of the back window. It makes no difference. We can't control the speed of the journey. We can, though, have an influence over the extent to which we enjoy it. You have good reason to look forward to your destination. Stop worrying about whether you should be travelling along another set of tracks.
What would you do if you won the lottery? What would you walk away from? Who would you leave behind? Given all the freedom you could ever get, what would you voluntarily retain? I'm not asking this because it's likely. I'm suggesting that you now ask the same questions about a certain other person. What would they do? It may not be what you would do, but whatever it is - or isn't - you need to know. That will tell you all you need to know about what they really feel.
Is it possible to have a conversation with a person who is no longer on this planet? Absolutely - and you don't need a medium to facilitate it. Nor, does it need to be one-sided. The departed may not watch our every move and listen to our every word. Even if they live nowhere else, they live forever in our hearts and can be reached just as surely as all 'closed books' from the past can be reopened and rewritten, if there is enough sincere desire. Yesterday is now nearer than you think.
Can you travel in time? Can you go back into the past and change it? Can you meet up with your former self and pass on vital information about the future? According to conventional wisdom, the answer to everyone of these questions is a resounding 'no'. But then we have to ask, how much wisdom there ever is in trying to be conventional? Your current exceptional circumstances demand an unconventional approach. Try, today, for the seemingly impossible and you may just achieve some of it.
We assume that others can see what we see. We expect them to think what we think, believe what we believe and value what we value. Usually we find that it is easy to surround ourselves with like-minded people. All we have to do is keep well away from the folk who clearly disagree with us. Then, as long as we don't ask the rest too many questions we, can comfortably uphold the pretence. It is now growing clear that your view differs from a companion's. This really need not be a problem.
Believe and you will succeed. Focus your mind and you can do the most amazing things. You were blessed at birth with easy access to an enormous psychic storehouse. If anyone can summon sufficient energy and strength to achieve the impossible, you can. Eventually, if all else fails, you may have to do so. But first, try a few easier things. Like looking for a tap before you go digging a well. Or seeking a ladder before you get out your mountaineering gear.
Imagine going to see a comedian with a script in one hand and a pen in the other, ticking off the jokes as they are told. You are not likely to do much laughing. If you form too many opinions about what's supposed to be going on, you will scupper your chance to be pleasantly surprised. Here comes a set of developments that you hadn't planned for but which you clearly need. Welcome them for, if you can only drop your desire to be in control, you will gain all the control you require.
What really matters? What's truly crucial? What deserves your time, effort and energy? What constitutes a diversion you can ill afford to take? Be careful how you answer! The full moon speaks of the need to re-evaluate your priorities. You are currently trying very hard to do what other people seem to think you ought to be doing. Are they right, though? You need to have more faith in your own assessment of a sensitive situation. It is your instinct that you need to trust now, not your sense of obligation.
How far should you push your luck? As far as you really feel the need to push it. If you are happy enough with your circumstances, you may as well leave things much as they are. After all, 'if it ain't broken' there's a risk that if you try to fix it, you may make matters worse. But if it really is broken? Then you should feel perfectly entitled to give your luck a little nudge in the right direction. Look for a solution that stands a chance of working, then put all your effort into this endeavour.
There's a difference between honesty and disclosure. Some people, though, seem to think that if they reveal every detail, they are somehow being candid. True confession, though, is not so much about 'the where and the when' as 'the why'. If we hide our motives, we make ourselves impossible to understand. You don't need to know very much about what has happened, you just need to know what is likely to happen next. Keep this in mind as you formulate your questions.
Peace, love and understanding? What about jealousy, vengeance and retribution? Where's all that going to go if the dewy-eyed idealists have their way? Just imagine a world with no hard edges. Without negative emotions, rotten relationships, petty conflicts and ugly prejudices, we'd all be bored. Er... wouldn't we? Don't worry, I'm not predicting any such developments in the world or in your life. I do, though, foresee a small shift in this direction soon, for you. So you'd best be ready for it.
You are finally making a break with a part of the past that you thought would hang over you forever like some dark, depressing cloud. Why then, are you loath to celebrate? Because you remain unsure about the permanence of that progress. What if things slip back to the way they used to be? Continue, by all means, to be cautious about eggs that have so far failed to hatch. But be aware that there are some actual chickens. These need feeding.
The tunnel is long and dark. You have been edging your way through it for some while. Ahead of you, there's now a light. It is not, though, a shaft of sunshine. It is fire from the mouth of a dragon that you must confront and conquer before you can arrive at the exit. And that's good news because...? Because you have a dragon-defeating sword at your side and a monster banishing spell in your pocket. Prepare for an encounter that will prove every bit as liberating and inspiring, as it is stressful.
You can only give your attention to the matter in hand. It is so intense, so demanding and so difficult, that you dare not let your concentration wander. That's as it should be. You need to put all your energy into the challenge that you face. I would like to remind you, though, that it is a task you are perfectly well equipped to succeed with. Venus and Pluto speak of a testing time followed by a moment of immense satisfaction and relief. Stride forward with care... and confidence.
Distances never look daunting when you measure them on a map. The further the space between two places, the more likely it is that the cartographers will simply reduce the scale of their drawings. Why, in some publications, Sydney and New York are just a few inches apart! Once we start travelling, though, it's a different story. You once expected a particular journey to be easy, but it has almost exhausted you. Even so, you are now nearly, really, there.
You have made your mark and won at least some substantial part of your battle. Why then, aren't you celebrating? Because you can now see that you have not reached the end of a journey at all. There's further to go. It is also beginning to dawn on you that in order to reach the next stage you may first have to retreat a little. That seems silly. Why give up ground that you have fought so hard to gain? But you are not giving up, you are letting it go. There's a big difference.
What is a certain person really trying to say? What are they getting at? What should you read into their comments and their actions? The trouble with trying to read between the lines is that you can end up with a bad case of diplopia. Venus and Pluto suggest, though, that you are quite right to feel that a certain situation cannot be taken at face value. There's not a lot to think about. Your suspicion is almost certainly correct. Focus your eyes accordingly and take appropriate action. I have just recorded your in-depth forecast for the week ahead.
Think of the way a ball bounces. One moment it finds itself hurtling down at great speed. Moments later, though, it is going up again, just as fast. It can't stop in mid-air. Nor can it change direction until it has completed its current course. Now think of what seems to be going the wrong way for you. Maybe things have to get a bit worse, before they start to get a whole lot better. Even if so, it really won't be long before they do start to improve surprisingly swiftly.
30日 天秤座 Imagine trying to pour a fresh pot of tea into a cup containing an old brew. Really, you need to get rid of the old before you can embark on the new. It's not so easy to do this, though, when you can't even be sure that the kettle has boiled. We all feel tempted to hang on to what we've got when we don't know what's likely to replace it. You, though, can now rest assured that a refreshing change is on the way. Have faith and courage. Make some room for it in your world.
Oil burns a lot more brightly than wood. That doesn't mean, though, that you should pour it on your fire. What is fuelling you? Are you being gently nourished by a wise ambition? Or are you being worked into a frenzy by an intense reaction? We should never act out of anger or fear. We should always be led by faith and inspiration. If you are used to the heat of an unsuitable energy source, you may find a switch to a more constructive supply seems strange. But you won't regret making it.
You are beginning to suspect that almost everyone else in your world seems happy to mislead you about something. Even those you normally feel able to trust appear to be editing the information they have access to. Making statements that omit crucial facts. Painting pictures from carefully-chosen perspectives that happen to disguise vital details. I put it to you, humbly but bravely, that you are being similarly selective in some of your remarks. What's needed now is true candour. All round.
It's not quite the development you had been hoping for but it is a development - and a good one too. Indeed, if you look at it closely, you will see it is a better development than the one you had your heart set on. The only trouble is, once we have our hearts set on something specific, we become narrow minded. We want what we want, regardless of how unreasonable it may be - or even how ultimately counter-productive. The universe is about to take good care of your true need. Trust it.