水瓶デイリーです! ボラさま、宜しくお願いいたします。 Monday It’s been an awkward past few days. Either others were in a difficult mood or circumstances caused serious problems. In any case, they’ve blamed you for everything. This isn’t fair, but there’s little point arguing. Apologise now. Then when others are viewing things more rationally, it’s them who’ll be doing the apologising.
Tuesday The time has come to demand what you deserve. For ages others have been praising your efforts and abilities while promising you that they’d do something about it. Good as their intentions are, nothing has been forthcoming. They only need reminding. And there is no better time than now to do it.
Wednesday Change is in the air, and you’re not entirely sure that you’re happy about it. And there’s very little you can do to slow down developments, which seem to be moving faster with every passing day. What you can do, however, is involve yourself in plans; what you learn might improve your attitude considerably.
獅子座 Monday For ages there’s been talk of shifts in the structure of your domestic or working life. But nothing’s come of it, so when the issue arose again, you didn’t take it particularly seriously. Now you know that you should have. In fact, changes are likely to begin before the week is out.
Tuesday Much as you’d like to keep things on an even keel, it’s becoming increasingly clear that you’re going to have to reorganise things on the domestic front. But you’re uncertain is what’s next. While your concerns about the outcome could justify delays, you’re better off beginning and then taking things in stages.
Wednesday You loathe small-minded people. What’s more, you’re in no mood to argue issues point by point. But if you don’t make it clear to certain individuals that you’re aware of what they’re doing, they’ll either assume that you’re happy with their manoeuvres or think they’re getting away with the unsavoury antics.
獅子座 Things aren’t necessarily going as you planned. But that doesn’t mean they’re not going your way ? at least in the long run. It’s just that changes are both so sudden and so far reaching that you can think about little but disruption. What’s more, these developments influence others, so they’re complaining. Listen sympathetically, but don’t succumb to their demands. Only once you’ve learned more about the changes ushered in by November’s two eclipses, today and on the 23rd, will you know what you’re dealing with. For now, forget about decision-making. Simply regard each day as another adventure and life’s once again a joy.
Monday While under certain circumstances, surprises can add a little spice to romances, that doesn't mean you're happy about what others have been up to. You're being gracious, but their antics have undermined your trust. This may not be the ideal moment to discuss issues, but sooner or later you'll have to talk.
Tuesday You've already invested considerable time in both investigating the facts and thinking through various options, all before coming to a conclusion about certain plans on the business or financial front. Not surprisingly, changes aren't exactly welcome. Worse, you're offended by those who suggest that these unexpected developments constitute an improvement.
Wednesday The time has come to take a tough stance. At one point you would have been happy to take things as they came. But recently you've learned that others are doing far better out of certain situations than you are. Consequently, you must assure that you're looked after just as well.
For some time you've known that, with an ill wind, certain minor issues you've been ignoring could blow up into a storm of some proportion. While you're not thrilled about having to deal with these, decisions weren't yours so at least others can't blame you. Stick to the truth, however unappealing, and by midmonth you'll have conquered dilemmas. Meanwhile, ensure that you don't confuse these rather tricky developments with equally demanding but far more favourable events that appear from out of the blue. These aren't about resolving problems, they're about acquiring a fresh perspective on your life and whatユs possible in your future.
Monday You thought that if you ignored the manipulations of others, they’d give up. On the contrary, this has resulted in them doubling their underhand manoeuvres. Since they’re unlikely to acknowledge what their up to, your only real option is to figure out what they want, then do it - but in your own way.
Tuesday You’re a big believer in others doing what they must and learning from their mistakes. When it comes to money matter, however, you really can’t afford to take quite so philosophical approach. First you must make it uncompromisingly clear where the line is drawn. Only after that can you allow them free rein.
Wednesday Since late October you’ve been prevented from discussing certain matters frankly. Needless to say, this has made life difficult. Now that the planet of communication, Mercury, has moved into Sagittarius, you should at long last be in a position to make it clear to others where you stand and what you expect from them.
<原文> Accept the fact that, no matter what you say, others are going to be disagreeable -if not unreasonable -and you stop fretting. This is particularly important because between the current lunar eclipse and the equally unsettling solar eclipse on the 23rd, on-going and dramatic changes circumstances continue to raise questions about what’s wise. Knowing that things are best kept flexible, you’ll encourage others to adopt the same attitude. Then only worry becomes that the unsettled atmosphere will lead to the discussion of sticky issues you’ve been avoiding. That’s true. But then, the sooner you get these exchanges over with, the better.
While you'd prefer to avoid dramas, you're beginning to realise that certain individuals are unlikely even to acknowledge problems until they're confronted with them. Your challenge, therefore, is to remain close by, but not so close that you're singed by the inevitable fireworks. You'll also need to be patient about worrying developments involving your work, finances or investments. These, which arise either as a result of these crises or completely separate - but equally unsettling - developments, will take several weeks to work themselves out. By then things may have changed considerably, but your perspective is bound to be very different as well.
*英文4文めのThese, which arise either as a result of these crises crises=crisisのタイプミスと思いました^^;
※挑戦中さんが48で翻訳してくださっている分の原文はこちらです…。 Monday By now you've undoubtedly realised that others have no intention of making things trouble-free. Waste no time trying to figure out the motivation behind their difficult attitude. You're far better off busying yourself with other activities. This distracts you and, better yet, makes them realise you're not as easily proved as they'd hoped.
Tuesday The issues involving joint financial or business matters that exploded over the weekend were no surprise. However, the intensity of others' reaction was. This has more to do with the sudden change in mood introduced by the recent lunar eclipse than situations themselves. Once the dust settles their attitude will be more realistic.
Wednesday It's not that you've been keeping things to yourself. It's just that everybody's mood, including yours, has been so unpredictable that all but the most ordinary conversations seemed risky. The mood has improved slightly, which is good timing, since it is becoming increasingly urgent that certain topics be discussed in depth.
For some time you’ve known that you’d either have to reorganise things or shed a few obligations. Since the latter hasn’t been possible, your life’s become a juggling act. Now events force your hand. These come in the form of the changes triggered by this month’s two eclipses. Today’s begins the process. But only after the second of these, the powerful eclipsed Sagittarius New Moon, on the 23rd, can pivotal personal decisions be made. Invest your time in asking questions and experimenting. While others are just as eager as you to make plans, they too will soon realise things just can’t be hurried.
Last weekend’s Taurus lunar eclipse will have had a profound influence on close partners or loved ones. Because of this, they could be in a demanding mood. Do what you can to reassure them. But once you have, turn your full attention to you and the dramatic changes events are ushering into your life.
水瓶ウィークリーです! 今週、オーディションがあります。ドキドキ・・・。 ボラ様よろしくです!!!! The current eclipse promises nothing less than a substantial alteration in your work or domestic set up. While unsettling, within two weeks’ time, changes around you will make it clear that things simply couldn’t have remained as they were. It’s just that with everybody is such a disagreeable mood, you wonder how any decisions can be made. The answer is, don’t bother. In fact, ideally you’ll leave things open-ended until the month’s close. In the meantime you ? and others, hopefully ? will explore everything that arises, knowing that the more prepared you are to consider the unexpected, the more receptive you’ll be to exciting developments.
However well earned your reputation as a trendsetter, in many ways you’re a creature of habit. This particularly applies to the routines involving your work, various obligations or even your health and well-being that are bound to be disrupted by the current lunar eclipse. Your instinct is to put things back as they were. Don’t; instead explore various options. True, this means delving into ideas or activities you consider deeply boring. Ignore these issues now, however, and they’ll only become more tedious. What’s more, what comes to light could help you eliminate certain problems you thought you’d just have to live with.
The last thing you’re in the mood to do is rearrange your schedule or daily routine. But circumstances give you little choice. Annoying as this is, once you begin you’ll realise just how many things you’re doing out of habit, and more important, how much free time you’ll get if you eliminate them.
It’s not that others are telling you what to do that’s annoying. It’s their attitude. As a Gemini you believe in equality, and so are bound to react negatively when somebody’s unnecessarily heavy-handed. Keep in mind, however, that the recent emotionally intense eclipsed Full Moon has put you somewhat on edge.
Life would be far easier if you could get others to agree to plans before you take things to the next stage. But things are moving so swiftly that you may have no choice but to proceed solo, at least for the time being. Be courageous. It will be more than repaid.
Monday 10th You have been misunderstood. This alone would be easy to deal with. But the situation is complicated by the heightened emotional atmosphere triggered by the recent eclipse. Urgent as things seem, you may be better off putting off any serious discussions until everybody’s able to conduct themselves in more rational manner.
Tuesday 11th Only a few days ago you were worried about upsetting others. Now that you’ve realised they have no such concerns about your feelings, you can proceed with frank discussions without the least amount of conscience. In fact, the more blunt you are, the better they’re likely to understand the issues you’re wrestling with.
Wednesday 12th It doesn’t take an astrologer to tell you that the coming week isn’t going to be smooth sailing. But you may not have been aware of the opportunities that are hidden amongst the dilemmas you’re facing. Give equal attention to them and this period will prove far more rewarding than you’d have imagined possible.
Initially, you’re likely to be more conscious of the disruptions that accompany the eclipsed Full Moon in your sign than anything else. Yet ultimately, you’ll recognise the changes you welcomed least as breakthroughs, particularly in situations that seemed hopelessly stuck. True, things are unlikely to progress as you’d imagined. But once you explore your options in situations from the most personal to career or relationships, you begin to realise how changes promise to make your world a much wider place. While some much cherished elements of your life must go, any losses are more than justified by what you get in return.
双子座のWeeklyでつ。 どなたか翻訳オナガイシマス。 However well earned your reputation as a trendsetter, in many ways you’re a creature of habit. This particularly applies to the routines involving your work, various obligations or even your health and well-being that are bound to be disrupted by the current lunar eclipse. Your instinct is to put things back as they were. Don’t; instead explore various options. True, this means delving into ideas or activities you consider deeply boring. Ignore these issues now, however, and they’ll only become more tedious. What’s more, what comes to light could help you eliminate certain problems you thought you’d just have to live with.
双子座の月曜日〜水曜日です。またまた翻訳オネガイシマス。 味このみのご意見−イッパーイワラッタ。モーあかんさん、ちな射手座さん ドーモアリガト。 フワットのエビ味をサガシテミヨー。 Monday The last thing you’re in the mood to do is rearrange your schedule or daily routine. But circumstances give you little choice. Annoying as this is, once you begin you’ll realise just how many things you’re doing out of habit, and more important, how much free time you’ll get if you eliminate them.
Tuesday It’s not that others are telling you what to do that’s annoying. It’s their attitude. As a Gemini you believe in equality, and so are bound to react negatively when somebody’s unnecessarily heavy-handed. Keep in mind, however, that the recent emotionally intense eclipsed Full Moon has put you somewhat on edge.
Wednesday Life would be far easier if you could get others to agree to plans before you take things to the next stage. But things are moving so swiftly that you may have no choice but to proceed solo, at least for the time being. Be courageous. It will be more than repaid.
When you spoke your mind, you thought it was a good idea. Now you’re beginning to wonder whether you’ve done more damage than good. That’s exactly what others want you to think. They’re still doing their best to avoid facing the fact that every single thing you said was absolutely right.
The time has come to put yourself first. For the past several weeks you’ve been juggling a combination of demanding commitments and obligations involving close friends and loved ones. Important as these have been, it’s now time to reconsider your schedule with an eye to looking after your interests ? before everybody else’s.
You’ve just been presented with a rare golden moment. Circumstances have changed at just the right time to turn your hopes and dreams into something of a lasting nature. There are no warnings involved, other than the fact that you must move swiftly, or risk this golden moment vanishing without a trace.
You tend to blame yourself for others’ unhappiness over the developments now taking place. But they’d complain whatever happened. It’s important that you recognise this fact, because between the current lunar eclipse and the solar eclipse on the 23rd, things are bound to remain chaotic. These sudden changes actually serve your best interests. Your only real challenge, in fact, is focusing on your goals - as opposed to the self-interested attitude of those around you. They’re perfectly capable of dealing with problems, but are hoping to shift the responsibly your way. Ignore them. You’ve far more important things of your own to pursue.
It wasn’t that you were ignoring issues involving partners or close emotional ties. It’s just that you saw no point in discussing problems that seemed to be without any potential solution. Now events, in the form of unsettling events triggered by the recent eclipse, have forced these matters out in the open.
Last weekend’s eclipsed Full Moon didn’t just bring issues to an emotional head, it marked the end of a long chapter. At the moment you may be unclear just how far-reaching the changes this ushers in will be. What’s most important is that you finalise no decisions until you know more.
When you care about somebody, it’s hard not to think about them. However, the current tensions between you are such that thinking may be all you’ll be able to do. Dire as the situation seems, by early next week you should be able to sort things out, enough that normal relations can resume.
By now you should already be aware of the potentially rewarding developments taking place on the financial front. Equally, close relationships seem to be thriving. However good your luck seems to be at the moment, that doesn’t mean you can avoid certain tricky issues. Some would involve discussing situations that you’d just as soon keep private. Much as you’re dreading such exchanges, the outcome is extraordinary. You’re touched by others’ support ? and shocked how much they already knew. Continue dealing with developments in this uncharacteristically forthright manner, and by next week, what’s already good could get a whole lot better.
Monday The intensity of the feelings generated by the recent eclipse may have been more than you could easily deal with. But the fact is, they were simmering beneath the surface anyway. Now that they’re out in the open, it’s vital that you discuss them further, with an eye to clearing things up for good.
Tuesday You may adore certain individuals. But that doesn’t mean that you’re not concerned that their almost total lack of common sense wouldn’t lead to problems. Now their actions are showing how justified those worries were. Upsetting as confrontations might be, they’re a better alternative than the more serious problems that are brewing.
Wednesday While you can’t exactly escape certain obligations, you can seek out a distraction exciting enough to compensate for all your efforts. Better yet what you learn or experience promises to add something new to your life - something that will last long after the current struggles that you’re facing are long forgotten.
You’ve finally made progress in matters that are dear to your heart - personal projects, family relationships even in romance. Naturally you’d like to celebrate. But everybody’s having a crisis. This is no surprise, since the current eclipsed Full Moon, which tipped things your way will have caused others considerable disruption. While your instincts say these changes are long overdue, they’re unlikely to agree. On the contrary, they’ll be expecting sympathy. Give it, but in small measures. Judging by the current swift pace - in your life and theirs - commiserations are a waste of time when dazzling opportunities are waiting just around the corner.
You’ve no objection to changes, particularly as what’s taking place is making your life more interesting. However, you’re not nearly as happy about others making decisions on your behalf. True, sometimes they’re better informed than you are, but not always. This both annoys you and, when they’re wrong about financial matters, could prove costly. Ironically, however, what you learn when forced to deal with their mistakes could lead to valuable introductions and fantastic ideas. What’s more, because today’s eclipsed Full Moon triggers serious changes in the world around you, particularly involving finances, the more on top of things you are, the better
続いて牡羊座日報です。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 Monday Clear-cut as the changes triggered by the recent eclipsed Full Moon may seem, you’d regret responding to them with too much haste. Allow yourself a few days to observe whatever aftershocks take place and assess the general reaction. Only then should you rearrange existing plans or make new ones.
Tuesday Judging by your ruler Mars’ fabulous aspect to the practical Saturn later in the week, you should be able to take good advantage of recent sudden changes in circumstances. However, between now and then you’ll have to investigate facts and discuss details in depth. Only after that should you even consider finalising plans.
Wednesday For some time one particular individual has been using guilt or manipulation in an attempt to corner you into doing things their way. Clearly ignoring them hasn’t worked. Since explanations of your feelings will only result in more manoeuvres on their part, a simple but firm no is really your only option.
Some people work best under pressure. You're one of them, but you also tend to blame yourself for not having dealt with the situations involved earlier. While at other times this criticism might be valid, the circumstances now facing you are so recent that nobody could possibly have anticipated their arrival beforehand.
After months of patient planning, you're finally in a position to make your move. Everything is on your side, yet you're still anxious. As a Capricorn you try to anticipate everything. But when it comes to people and situations you care about, the only thing that will reassure you is a successful outcome.
Thursday You've been backed into a corner. While you understand why others have taken such an underhand approach to situations, you still can't help but wish that they'd spoken to you first. Even if they had, with stakes this high and so many sensitive feelings involved, a certain amount of subterfuge was unavoidable.
Friday Don't make the mistake of assuming that others have the same standards that you do. Thus, when you talk over plans, it's vital that you discuss what each of you intends to do in detail. If this seems excessive at first, it won't once you hear what others considered to be adequate preparation.
Saturday While it's unclear whether you're on the one who's giving the instructions or on the receiving end, what is clear is that things have gotten out of hand. There is nothing more that can be said, which means it's time to take a break. Back off, recommencing communications only after everybody's calmer.
Sunday The time has come to set clear limits in matters involving business or finances. You had rather hoped that others would realise that they couldn't continue as they have. But now it's up to you both to draw the line and to make it clear that until they're more responsible, you'll remain in charge.
水瓶デイリー後半です。日曜日が気になる・・。ボラ様感謝!! Thursday It’s not that you’ve been avoiding financial issues. You simply haven’t known what to do about rather puzzling situations. While it was probably wise to do nothing, things have changed. If you don’t make both your views and your intentions clear, then others will assume that you’re happy with things as they are.
Friday After a week of emotionally intense exchanges, this hardly seems the ideal time to bring up yet another potentially upsetting issue. But if you don’t at least raise these now, others will begin to think that you’ve no interest in discussing them. Conversations need only touch on the points in question, no more.
Saturday It is becoming increasingly clear that you can’t continue plans as you have arranged them and rely on others’ support. They view situations from a very different perspective than you do. Either you’ll have to reorganise your approach or face the fact that, for now anyway, you’ll be doing things on your own.
Sunday You’ve made a strategic mistake. You thought that avoiding conflicts would encourage others to be cooperative. That’s true, to a point. however, they’re far more likely to understand how vital their support is if you allow situations to deteriorate enough that they’re forced to realise just how bad things could get.
No matter how much you care about loved ones, they simply cannot be allowed to get away with the things they’ve been doing. They’re relying on the fact that you’re reluctant to upset them. But that’s exactly what you must do. It’s the only way they’ll realise that your threats are serious.
Some say that living with your sensitive nature and acute intuition is difficult. But there are compensations, particularly your canniness and a creative streak that outstrips the other star signs. Unexpected offers enables you to take advantage of these skills. Say yes now and the results should make up handsomely for recent struggles.
The time has come to stop worrying about keeping others happy. Some people will complain whatever you do, others are simply ungrateful. And some take no notice. Concentrate on those who are both dear to your heart and who appreciate the extraordinary efforts you make on their behalf, and forget about the rest.
Having done everything you could to let others know that things aren’t going according to plan, you’re now facing your own problems. You’ll need to start again from the bottom up. Daunting as this prospect sounds, once you begin you’ll realise that there are numerous ways you can improve on things this time around.
There are few things more tedious than having to state the obvious, particularly when it comes to something as sensitive as money matters. But if you don’t discuss both situations as they stand now and your concerns, misunderstandings are only likely to get worse. The sooner you address these matters frankly, the better.
You’re about to get an unexpected gift, in the form of an insight about somebody you care about. In the past you’ve both worried about them and wondered why they behave in such a worrying manner. Now you’ll realise that, in their world, what they’re doing isn’t just a good idea, it’s uncannily wise.
The time has come to deal with your strange reluctance to accept favours from certain individuals. This hasn’t stopped them from offering, which is becoming increasingly embarrassing. The fact is, you feel that in saying yes, you’d be obliged to them. However difficult, discuss this openly and you’ll be surprised what they say.
It is becoming increasingly clear that you must do something about arrangements on the financial front. It’s not so much that there’s a problem as you can’t keep track of things any more. Invest time in restructuring things now and you’ll know where you stand and, more importantly, what needs to be dealt with.
Thursday There are some issues you’ve been avoiding simply because you knew even mentioning them would so upset certain individuals. Now these can no longer be circumvented. The best approach is to say exactly what’s on your mind. Then leave it to others to react however they must, being sympathetic, but promising nothing.
Friday Usually you’re fearless. And initially you thought you could make your resources stretch far enough to accommodate both practical obligations and exciting opportunities. But now that you’ve done your sums, you realise that if you try to make your finances stretch to cover these, you’ll leaving yourself vulnerable should the unexpected arise.
Saturday It’s not that you’re afraid of disagreeing with partners or close associates. It’s that the resulting debates and analysis of details will be so time consuming. But if you avoid these clashes now, things will only be worse next week, when facts will be even more confused and problems take longer to resolve.
Sunday You’ll always opt for the truth, except when you know that facts could be hurtful. Still, if you don’t at least hint at potential problems, then others could be in for a real shock. Therefore, at least raise delicate issues. And if they’re willing to discuss them, take things as far as you can
11月13日(木) The time has come to put yourself first. You’ve put a great deal of effort into the plans and passions of those closest, so much that your own interests are now languishing. You needn’t explain why you’re suddenly less available. Waste no time explaining things to others. Simply focus on what must be done.
11月14日(金) Whatever you say, you aren’t going to find an approach that everybody’s happy about. Face this fact and you’ve overcome the biggest obstacle to getting your plans on the road. Discuss issues if you must. But having done that, put others’ views behind you and make arrangements based on what you think best.
11月15日(土) You’ve done everything you could to avoid confrontations. But with every passing day it’s becoming increasingly clear that you’ll have to speak far more directly about issues that you’d like. Others know you’ve been putting this off. In fact, it’s your reluctance to speak with uncompromising frankness that they’ve been counting on.
11月16日(日) Initially you thought you’d faced facts. But now that you’ve investigated both the actions of close friends or colleagues and various arrangements more thoroughly, you realise there’s a great deal about which you were unaware. Shocking as some of what you’ve learned is, suddenly the attitude of others makes a lot more sense.
Thursday Others may not understand why certain things are of such significance to you, but that doesn’t matter. All that’s important is that, as you take plans to the next stage, these are included in arrangements. Then, when things are calmer, you do whatever is necessary to win them over to your way of thinking.
Friday No matter how much you dislike witnessing family, loved ones or partners squabbling, you’re better off leaving them to it. There are issues of which you’re unaware that are influencing both their attitude and are behind their stubborn refusal to give up. Even your most modest efforts at peacemaking would be disastrous.
Saturday You know your own mind. Yet partners or loved ones seem determined to sway your opinion. This has nothing to do with what you actually think and everything to do with their need to control you. Since matters are this nature are nearly impossible to discuss, retreat graciously until their mood’s more reasonable.
Sunday It’s difficult for you to admit to yourself, so won’t be easy to discuss with others. But the fact is, you’ve been wrong about certain situations, facts or individuals. Admit is now, openly and honestly, apologising to all concerned and you’ll be instantly forgiven. Say nothing and things will only get worse.
Usually, patience isn’t your strength. But when you care about somebody or something, you can be astonishingly persistent. When others were on the verge of giving up, you where there in the background,encouraging them. Certain recent successes are a tribute to your extraordinary capacity to support those you believe in.
While you may not have gotten into certain arrangements with the specific intention of profiting from them, it would appear that’s exactly what you’re going to do. The fact that you didn’t have this in mind seems to be causing you some embarrassment. That’s unnecessary. You did the work and deserve the rewards.
Think twice before you discuss sensitive issues with loved ones. It may seem that solutions are clear cut. But there is more to their battles than can be perceived from appearances. Allow yourself to get involved in their dramas and you’ll soon realise why others should have been left to their own devices.
You may know how you feel. But others aren’t ready to talk about such matters yet. Waiting, saying nothing, is one of the most difficult things in the world to do. But it’s vital that you allow others to feel that it’s their decision to take the plans being discussed to the next stage.
Thursday When it comes to matters of the heart, timing is everything. Naturally you’d like to deal with tensions involving loved ones. But addressing issues before the moment is right is as bad as saying nothing at all. Since they want things settled too, your best bet is to leave the timing to them.
As much as you respect others' freedom, you simply can’t let certain individuals continue as they have. Not only are they causing potential problems for themselves, their arrogant and impractical attitude could cost you dearly too. You’ve no choice but to set clear limits. And the sooner you do it, the better.
Saturday It's not that you’ve been putting off decisions. It’s just that getting everybody to agree on any one plan has been far more complicated than you’d have imagined achievable. So much so, in fact, that you’re now considering the possibly of ignoring them all and opting for what you think is right.
Sunday Disheartening as tensions with loved ones are, it’s all part of caring about somebody. What you find most difficult is that they’re less prepared to discuss issues openly than you are. Give them the space they need. The less pressurised they feel, the more swiftly they’ll be ready to talk things over.
You have been misunderstood. This alone would be easy to deal with. But the situation is complicated by the heightened emotional atmosphere triggered by the recent eclipse. Urgent as things seem, you may be better off putting off any serious discussions until everybody’s able to conduct themselves in more rational manner.
Only a few days ago you were worried about upsetting others. Now that you’ve realised they have no such concerns about your feelings, you can proceed with frank discussions without the least amount of conscience. In fact, the more blunt you are, the better they’re likely to understand the issues you’re wrestling with.
It doesn’t take an astrologer to tell you that the coming week isn’t going to be smooth sailing. But you may not have been aware of the opportunities that are hidden amongst the dilemmas you’re facing. Give equal attention to them and this period will prove far more rewarding than you’d have imagined possible.
Monday You're under considerable pressure. But nothing is important enough to take priority over the matters of the heart accented by Venus' encounter with your ruler Pluto. This could mean important developments in existing relationships or an exciting encounter. Whatever the case, what takes place is likely to restore your faith in life.
Tuesday Even the most easy-going of Scorpios has an instinct for worrying people and suspicious developments. And you firmly believe that what seems too good to be true probably is exactly that. At the moment, however, what you're being offered isn't only good, it could be even better than it seemed at first.
Wednesday While there's little you can do about the argumentative mood that everybody, including you, seems to be in at the moment, you can navigate around potentially upsetting situations. The secret is to take things easy. Ignore others' irritating comments and avoid potentially upsetting topics and there will be nothing to rile you.
While nothing could overshadow the happy events taking place in several areas of your life, the array unsettling events you're facing are bound to be distracting. Of perhaps greatest importance is the understanding that, because these are unlikely to be settled until the month's close, forcing issues achieves nothing. Do what you can in response to each day's events, then focus on the far more welcome developments involving finances, romance and business partnerships. Here, too, patience is vital. But when it comes to finalising these, you won't be in nearly such a hurry. In fact, getting there will be half the fun.
Monday You'd rather hoped that certain troublesome issues would resolve themselves. But now it's clear that you'll not only have to talk things over, those exchanges will have to delve into exactly the problems you'd hoped to avoid. Difficult as this is, having everything out in the open will be a real relief.
Tuesday Being both intuitive by nature and clever about understanding the needs and priorities of others, you're usually able to devise a compromise that will suit everybody. Now things aren't quite so easy. Prepare yourself to battle, point by point, and you might even be able to clear up other issues in the process.
Wednesday Over the past week or so you've been juggling your own plans with a variety of changes, most unexpected and some very inconvenient indeed. While it' important that you respond to these, keep arrangements loose until after Sunday's potent solar eclipse, which brings developments that could entirely transform the situations you're dealing with.
As a Pisces, you've been struggling with the issue of standing up for yourself. Now events seem almost determined to test you. Some involve alluring offers, others conflicts with those closest, yet others turning good ideas into realistic plans. In every case you must be tough, both about your own needs and the practical side of things. This is complicated by the fact that next Sunday's solar eclipse will be triggering changes between now and the month's close. Others want guarantees. Usually you'd make promises then worry. Now you tell them that they're lucky to have your help and leave it at that.
You could either say that you’ve been thinking positively, so have put certain potential problems firmly out of your mind. Or it may just be that you’re ignoring them. Whatever the case, you must now not only face these yourself, it appears that you’ll both have to discuss and do something about them.
It is becoming increasingly clear that financial limitations or the objections of others could prevent you from pursuing matters that are dear to your heart. Take time to investigate these issues now, however, and while you may still encounter delays, the resulting exchanges could lead to improvements that wouldn’t otherwise have been made.
You may be in no mood to reorganise your life now. But by the time that the events triggered by this weekend’s potent solar eclipse have taken place, you’re likely to feel differently about things. In fact, you’ll be considering ideas or options that at the moment would be completely out of place.
Both events and the attitude of others are likely to try even your considerable tact. In fact you may have no choice but to be exceedingly blunt. While this is the last thing you want to do, once you actually confront others, you’ll realise that it’s this tougher approach that’s been needed all along.
Somebody’s been happily taking your time or stealing your ideas and giving you no credit. This has gone on for too long . But it’s up to you to put it a stop to it. Others already realise hey’ve been naughty, and they’ll have been expecting you to tell them to cool it.
Having spent hours discussing various ideas and options, you’re no closer to an agreement with others. In fact they seem almost determined to cause problems. That’s probably the case. For their own reasons they’d prefer not to proceed with arrangements as planned. Back off, say nothing and s ee what they do next.
If life were perfect, the exciting developments that involve people or activities that are dear to your heart would be taking place in a more serene environment. However, it’s anything but that. While you can’t ignore the unsettling developments that will inevitably lead to changes in your daily routine or various obligations, you can refuse to let them undermine your enthusiasm. In both cases swift decisions would relieve your anxieties. Hurrying things will only boost your stress level. Instead, keep arrangements loose. Between next Sunday’s pivotal solar eclipse and frequent unsettling developments, plans are best organised once ? and at the month’s close.
天秤座週報お願いします。 11月16日〜 After numerous unrewarding attempts to convey your views about certain issues, you’ve reached crunch point. In fact between your own increasing frustration and the sudden changes in circumstances ushered in by next Sunday’s solar eclipse, confrontations are inevitable. These would be worrying, were it not for the fact that everybody about you seems to be experiencing similar situations, resulting in similarly direct exchanges. This both encourages and inspires you. So much, in fact, that once you begin, you don’t just deal with the issues at hand but also tackle various unresolved matters, all with the intention of saying exactly what’s on your mind.
For ages you’ve avoided even dealing with potentially troublesome obligations. They either made you feel guilty or trapped by the manipulative attitude of certain individuals. However, recent developments have shed new light on the situations in question. Now that you’ve realised how badly they need your support, your attitude about them as completely changed.
You were in good spirits until you realised that, while certain individuals had promised you one thing, they’ve said something else to others. In fact they’ve created a calculated deception. Disillusioning as this is, it’s better to know the truth about them now than build on plans, only to learn the truth later.
What others are planning not only makes no sense to you, it’s impossible not to be concerned about the potentially undermining influence of these arrangements. You may not be able to convince others you’re right. But you can do everything possible to protect your assets, both financially and in terms of your reputation.
Nobody would blame you for complaining that life isn’t fair. Having only just heard about certain life-changing developments last week, you must now make decisions about what can stay and what should go. Similarly, financial or business matters require fast action based on limited information. However, since changes affect everybody else, other won’t be showing it, but they’ll be as confused as you are. Take the lead, discussing your intentions with them. If you can achieve a balance between making solid arrangements yet keeping things flexible, they’re not only likely to go along with you, they’ll regard you as a hero.
You’ve been cornered. Certain individuals’ manoeuvres have seriously hampered your options. Waste no time figuring out what they were thinking. Equally, there’s little point in plotting revenge. With circumstances changes nearly every day, you’ll have numerous opportunities to put things right, and should be able to show your displease in the bargain.
The time has come to speak frankly. You’ve been detouring around potentially troubling issues for fear of upsetting others. However, the way things are, you’re beginning to protect them at considerable cost to yourself. Address issues head on and if they don’t like it, they’ll just have cope with the resulting difficulties themselves.
Having done so much for friends or loved ones over the past few weeks, you would have thought they’d be grateful. But the reverse is the case. In fact, they now want more of the same. Doing as they demand may keep the peace, but sooner or later you’ll blow up.
Others are looking for somebody to blame, and if you’re not careful that somebody will be you. Difficult as it is discussing sensitive issues, getting everything out in the open now prevents later problems. What’s more, frank exchanges now ensure that others won’t try to play the same games with you again.
If you’re feeling defensive, if not just plain prickly, it’s no surprise. The nature of the situations between now and the month’s close may vary, but in every case you’re wrestling with feelings of powerless. Some involve obligations, from those of a practical and financial nature to issues about which you feel guilty. Others have to do with close relationships in which you’re uniquely vulnerable. Usually you’d devise a plan, then execute it. But now you must sit tight, which is as embarrassing as it’s uncomfortable. Only by early December, when things finally settle, will you realise how wise this strategy was.
獅子座 Monday After having reorganised elements of your life only recently, you’re not going to welcome yet another round of shifts. Disruptive as developments seem at the outset, they’re far more about dealing with existing issues frankly than changes. All you need do is make it crystal clear what you’re happy with and what you’re not.
Tuesday Difficult as it is to stay out of battles between those closest, family and loved ones, the less you say the better. However clear cut the reason others are at odds with each other appears to be, issues of which you’re entirely unaware make this a real minefield. Leave them to it.
Wednesday There’s no way to measure the amount of time, thought and effort that you put into plans that involve partners, at home or work. Consequently you’re unlikely to be thrilled when they make the unceremonious decision to rearrange everything. Upsetting as this is, once you learn more you’ll realise that they had little choice.
獅子座ウイクリー It’s not the battles that are taking place in various areas of your life that are upsetting; it’s that others’ unbelievable stubbornness. Some involve personal, family or romantic matters, others business or finances. Whatever the case, ordinarily you’d employ a combination of charm and determination to make them see reason. Try that now, however, and you’ll only run into difficulties. What you settle one day will only need to be altered the next. In fact, developments are so dramatic that they’re likely to influence your perspective ? if not prove others right. Discuss plans, therefore, but commit to nothing that you can’t change.
水瓶デイリーです。ボラ様宜しく!お願いいたします。 月曜日 While you recognise the importance of the changes you’re now being forced to make, you’re not happy about the timing or the way things are being handled. Plus, decisions seem impractical. That may be true. Discuss the situation with those in charge and you’ll realise that they, too, had no choice in the matter.
When making plans, it seems to be a matter of two steps forward and one back. While hugely frustrating, at least this means you’ll have time to investigate important facts. Still, you’re unlikely to know everything you need to and could find yourself making decisions based as much on intuition as on fact.
The last thing you feel like doing is reorganising plans you made long ago. However, between now and Sunday’s potent lunar eclipse a combination of events and provocative conversations are going to make you think about doing exactly that. At least consider whatever options arise, since by Sunday changes may have become inevitable.
Ordinarily you manage to take care of your own needs and interests while tending to obligations to others. But now things have gotten out of control; various personal commitments clash with those others insist you made, all while changing circumstances demand you be in two places at once. Initially you try juggling everything, then call a halt, but that doesn’t work either. Finally you realise that you’ve got to reconsider your priorities. This means eliminating some activities ? and possibly relationships ? and giving others more time. This so revolutionises your perspective that suddenly you’re recognising solutions that previously you hadn’t even spotted.
Monday It’s bad enough that others are beings so stubborn. But your mind’s already made about certain situations, and those plans clash with what others intend to do. Since further discussion is unlikely to get anywhere, you’re better off doing what you can, with the intention of finalising things when the mood’s more agreeable.
Tuesday Making promises is one thing, keeping them quite another. You’re on the verge of making a commitment that could prove unexpectedly demanding. True, others are using everything they have to get you to go along with their plans. Say yes now, however, and you could soon find that you’re beyond your depth.
Wednesday When you said yes to others’ requests, you didn’t realise how complicated what they were asking would be. Now that you have, you’re beginning to wonder whether you should withdraw. Much as that runs counter to your instincts as an Aries, there’s a great deal to be said for cutting your losses now.
One of your greatest strengths is your confidence. However, since things aren’t necessarily what they seem, you could easily force issues, then regret it. The trick is to ensure others know where you stand, yet leave arrangements flexible. This gives you time to gather facts and, more importantly, allows for the array of unexpected twists that climax around next Sunday’s unsettling solar eclipse. After that you’ll need to move swiftly, probably in the midst of uncertainty - if not conflicting views. The more time you invest in familiarising yourself with the options and people involved now, the more intelligently you can act then.
This is a time of bridging. Structures, methods and values from the old, waning era are going, yet the shape of the future remains unclear. What we once did, unthinkingly, out of habit, now demands time and thought.
It’s like moving house. However exciting the idea seems, there’s no escaping the chaos that comes with taking apart one’s life and reassembling anew, in another environment.
Keep this in mind as we walk between November’s two powerful eclipses, on the 9th and 23rd, and instead of being annoyed or upset when you encounter confusion or disarray, you’ll recognise it as a sign of progress
The time has come to pause and consider why you’re living and working the way you are. This may seem a rather profound matter to discuss. But with so much around you in transition, it may be the ideal time to make changes. And the more open-minded you are about your options, the better.
You may enjoy a spirited debate, but arguing is quite another matter. Yet it would appear that it won’t be until others are truly upset that they’ll express their true feelings about certain important matters. For this reason, instead of calming others down, it’s actually in your interests to encourage a serious blow up.
It isn’t exactly that you’d been lying to others. There are just certain facts that you’ve avoided discussing. Now this comes back to you, and in a potentially troublesome way. Consequently, once things arise you’re better off telling them all that you know, ensuring that you don’t leave a single important detail out.
You are universally envied for your charm and ability to talk to almost anybody about anything. At the moment, however, those easy-going exchanges could lead to serious confusion. You could even unwittingly commit to plans that you want nothing to do with. So watch what you say or risk paying a high price later.
Thursday The last thing you have on your mind at the moment are changes on the domestic front. But you may not be able to do anything about these. Unsettling as these are, they provide a much needed opportunity to discuss and improve on problems that you thought you'd just have to live with.
Friday You've done everything you can to avoid clashes with certain rather tricky individuals. But you're beginning to realise that they cultivate their reputation as a trouble-maker because it allows them to dominate both situations and people around them. Knowing this, the first time they try anything, they'll get a piece of your mind.
Saturday You can explain the reasoning behind certain decisions until you're blue in the face, but others still won't understand. The fact is, they're living in their own world at the moment. This continues until the end of the month. Leave them to it, postponing all but the most essential of discussions until early December.
Sunday Certain individuals may be dear to your heart. But that doesn't give them a right to take advantage of your time, your money or your affections. Yet you're shy about addressing these issues, for fear of upsetting them. The sooner you discuss these frankly, however, the more healthy the relationship will be.
Thursday You've every reason to be upset about the behind the scenes manoeuvres of others. Either they're making decisions on your behalf or reversing what you've already planned. Annoying as this is, you'll gradually realise that they know more than you do, and by early next week you'll have exchanged your irritation for gratitude.
Friday While you've suspected that you couldn't avoid discussing differences or others' tricky manoeuvres, you've been hoping that these issues could be handled in stages. However, recent events make it clear that's simply not possible. In fact the more swiftly you begin to talk things over, and in detail, the better off you'll be.
Saturday Others, including those whose judgement you value, are encouraging you to take decisive action. But not only do you not know what to do, your instincts tell you that you'd regret it. You're right. And others will know just how right you were once the changes triggered by this weekend's eclipse have taken place.
Sunday Usually it wouldn't be your style to walk away from others angry. But it is becoming increasingly clear that, whatever you say, they are only going to find fault. In fact, discussions would only escalate problems. This has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the current rather uptight emotional atmosphere.
Thursday The only thing worse than having to deal with complex changes on the financial front is having to make decisions without adequate time for thought and investigation. But if you don't do something, others will make decisions for you. That being the case, do what you must but ensure all arrangements are flexible.
Friday After having relied on certain friends or colleagues for a long time and in many ways, suddenly they're making changes. This is as upsetting as it is inconvenient. What's more, you think that their plans are unwise. Express your concerns if you must. Still, keep in mind that it's their life to live.
Saturday The last thing you feel like doing is reorganising things on the domestic or career front. But decisions have been made for you. Unwelcome as these changes are, within a very short time you'll realise not only that they were long overdue, but they'll open the door to intriguing ideas, offers or opportunities.
Sunday After lots of thought and investigation, you've finally found a way to deal with certain enforced changes. While you're happy about this, others won't be. Listen to their complaints but take little notice. Judging by the current difficult planetary set-up, they wouldnユt be happy about anything you arranged, however good it is.
Thursday Sudden changes in plan aren’t just disappointing, they’re disillusioning. You’d expected others to wage a more enthusiastic battle to keep things are you’d discussed. But they didn’t do half of what you’d have done. This leaves you with the option of either going along with setbacks or standing up for yourself.
Friday You’re clear in your own mind about your goals, both of a short-term nature and those involving the distant future. Still, it’s vital that you review these now. The issues raised by this weekend’s potent solar eclipse could lead to a change in your perspective, if not in your priorities.
Saturday You don’t feel the compelling need to keep everybody happy that your opposite sign of Libra has. But you still to avoid pointless conflicts. However, you’re better off letting others know exactly how you feel, even if it causes a certain amount of upset, than to going along with things for harmony’s sake.
Sunday You’re about to experience a real turnaround in dilemmas that you thought you’d just have to live with. While the solution isn’t exactly what you’d hoped, at this point you welcome progress of any kind. After that you’ll find that as you take each step forward, it becomes progressively easier.
There’s no way to measure the amount of time, thought and effort that you put into plans that involve partners, at home or work. Consequently you’re unlikely to be thrilled when they make the unceremonious decision to rearrange everything. Upsetting as this is, once you learn more you’ll realise that they had little choice.
Nobody’s more affectionate than a Leo. Some would say that you spoil those you love. That may well be the case. But at the moment you’re going to need to adopt the reverse tactics. In fact if you don’t draw the line now, they’ll begin to take serious advantage of your generosity.
After a week of tricky situations and others’ moods, you need a break. While you’re not going to get it, life is about to become far more interesting. In fact what arises over the next few days could be so exciting that you’ll regard developments as compensation for the past few days’ suffering.
Having devoted far more time than you expected to issues involving family or your domestic life, you’re feeling virtuous, but you’re also more exhausted than you realise. Make no mistake, these experiences have taken their toll. Back off for now, allowing time itself to restore both your strength and your sense of humour.
Naturally you’d prefer to sail though discussions without a hitch. But this is no time to be polite. Not only is that impossible, disagreements are an important part of the process. The more willing you are to state the differences in your viewpoint, the more these exchanges are likely to accomplish.
It isn’t that you’ve been waiting for others to raise potentially troublesome issues. Rather, you assumed that if they’d bring them up if problems appeared to be serious. But now it’s becoming increasingly clear that the only way anything is going to be discussed is if you take the initiative.
The time has come to take a stand. You’ve been hoping that others would realise how difficult they’ve been or how much their attitude’s been causing problems. But they haven’t a clue and they won’t until you tell them. Beginning will be the most difficult part. After that, it will be surprisingly easy.
Withdrawing from difficult situations discreetly is one of your specialties. You can leave others loving you, even as you absent yourself from their plans. But now you’re going to have to be far more forthright. First, make it clear how you feel, then be equally direct about your intention to spend your time elsewhere.
Everybody, even the most dependable of individuals, has a right to be irrational from time to time. This is your chance. In fact, judging by the situations triggered by the current solar eclipse, the only way you’ll be able to deal with sudden changes is by being brusque, if not actually abrupt.
For some time certain issues have been on your mind, but you really haven't known what to do about them. Now those questions are answered, but in quite an unexpected form. The events triggered by this weekend's eclipsed New Moon should put these and numerous other situations in a completely different light.
If you didn't take a stand when others first made outrageous statements, you're about to get another chance. You've tried to convince yourself it doesn't matter. And while it's important that everybody's right to express themselves is respected, what others are saying crosses the limits in terms of propriety, appropriateness and, most importantly, truth.
For ages you've avoiding discussing certain rather unsettling topics. You've felt embarrassed even thinking about these and so had no intention of talking them over with anybody. Now circumstances force your hand. Much as you dread these exchanges, they'll result in a kind of freedom you'd previously considered beyond your reach.
One of the most difficult things for you to do is watch in silence while others make potentially costly mistakes. Yet they haven't listened to your advice, so there's little more you can say. But you can remain there on the sidelines, ensuring that they know you're there when you're needed.
Having invested considerable time in organising plans with others, backing out would make you feel very guilty indeed. But recen t developments aren’t just important, they involve your work or other obligations. Tell others about your situation and they’ll understand. And if they don’t, then it shows how little they care about your welfare.
As somebody who’s ruled by the planet of balance, Venus, you’re always aware of the impact of your actions on others. Clearly, however, certain individuals aren’t nearly as conscientious as you are. In fact they’ ll merrily take advantage of your generosity until you make it clear where the line is drawn.
The last thing you’re in the mood to do is rearrange your life. However , with the Sun now in the inquisitive Sagittarius, it’s almost impossible to avoid various intriguing ideas. While you may not actually pursue these, half the fun comes in exploring what they are and where they’d take you.
Judging by the current rather tricky planetary set up, even those who are usually easy to get along with could be in a difficult mood. Discuss what you must, therefore, but leave less pressing matters for later. The longer you put off exchanges, the more likely others are to return to their senses.
水瓶座原文 木曜日 The only thing worse than having to deal with complex changes on the financial front is having to make decisions without adequate time for thought and investigation. But if you don’t do something, others will make decisions for you. That being the case, do what you must but ensure all arrangements are flexible. 金曜日 After having relied on certain friends or colleagues for a long time and in many ways, suddenly they’re making changes. This is as upsetting as it is inconvenient. What’s more, you think that their plans are unwise. Express your concerns if you must. Still, keep in mind that it’s their life to live. 土曜日 The last thing you feel like doing is reorganising things on the domestic or career front. But decisions have been made for you. Unwelcome as these changes are, within a very short time you’ll realise not only that they were long overdue, but they’ll open the door to intriguing ideas, offers or opportunities. 日曜日 After lots of thought and investigation, you’ve finally found a way to deal with certain enforced changes. While you’re happy about this, others won’t be. Listen to their complaints but take little notice. Judging by the current difficult planetary set-up, they wouldn’t be happy about anything you arranged, however good it is.
Monday You've got plenty to think about, particularly on the business or financial front. But it's vital that you also invest some time in certain as yet unresolved issues. First, consider your views carefully. Then begin the process of discussing them with others, this promises to be as time consuming as it is important.
Tuesday As much as you'd like to encourage loved ones to do what they want, it's simply not realistic. In fact, you fear that pursuing their goals could prove as worrying as it would be costly. Valid as your concerns may be, that doesn't mean that your warnings will influence their plans in the least.
Wednesday It's not that you've been secretive. It's just that you've seen no reason to discuss certain issues you consider to be entirely private. However, recent changes in circumstances have so altered both situations and your position that you've no choice but to complexly open about what you feel and where you stand.
You've already wrestled with issues about your right to keep things to yourself versus others' right to ask questions. Now the unexpected twists introduced by today's solar eclipse force everybody to be frank about both their position and their needs. This isn't what you'd wanted. But as you begin to talk things over openly, perhaps more than ever before, you feel unexpectedly free. This is particularly surprising, because circumstances are tricky and frequent changes unsettling. Yet, the more open you are, the more support you get. While unsure you'll adopt this frankness as a lifestyle, for now it's working fantastically well.
Monday For ages you've had the feeling that when changes took place, they'd be far more dramatic than anyone would have anticipated. Now that things are beginning to unfold, it's clear that everybody's going to have to view situations from an entirely different perspective. While you'll find his easy, others may find it a struggle.
Tuesday Discussions that you expected would be a breeze have turned into something more like a tornado. Both the views of others and situations themselves are bound to be changing on almost an hourly basis. Disconcerting as this can be at the time, developments give you a rare opportunity to make long-needed changes.
Wednesday The time has come to be frank. You've been worried that if you told others both what you think and what your intentions are, it would upset them. But with so many changes and resulting chaos, there's little point holding back. On the contrary, developments offer you a rare opportunity to clear the air.
You've already noticed that everybody's expecting the worst. While it's true that changes are bound to be disruptive, your instincts correctly tell you that they are not only long overdue, they'll eliminate certain arrangements that have been holding things back. Discuss this with others, however, and they'll hotly disagree. So keep mum about your views and instead busy yourself learning as much as you can about what's taking place. While there may be no simple way to transform existing arrangements into ones more suitable for the future, the more aware you are of what's needed, the better off you'll be.
Others are in an irritable mood and you’re not exactly at your most charming. That being the case, you’d be well advised to put off serious discussions until the atmosphere improves. That may not seem likely now. But finding ways around what currently seem insurmountable obstacles will give a boost to everybody’s spirits.
Now that the dust is settling from the unexpected developments triggered by last weekend’s eclipsed New Moon, you’re viewing even unsettling changes in a far more positive light. True, a certain amount of disruption is inevitable. However, now that you’re beginning to recognise the breakthroughs this could lead to, your optimism has returned.
Few things anger you more than dealing with those who have a closed mind. But for now, you’ve no choice. True, winning them over is going to force you to delve into facts you usually wouldn’t bother with. Ironically, what you learn from these will prove extraordinarily handy, now and in the
Suddenly you’re restless. However ferocious your need to escape from restrictive patterns or obligations, you know that breaking certain commitments would cause serious problems. Either you’d feel guilty or others wouldn’t let you forget that you’d disappointed them. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to broaden your horizons soon. The real issue is that for nearly six months you’ve been hemmed in by situations which proved far more demanding than you first imagined. Not only are these are due to end in mid-December, when your ruler Mars moves out of the compassionate Pisces, you’ll realise how much you’ve learned in the process.
A combination of unfair situations and unexpected developments has made what should have been relatively straightforward very confused indeed. Much as you’d like to straighten things out swiftly, circumstances dictate that you move slowly and deliberately. While frustrating, this gives you a chance to analyse why problems occurred in the first place.
You’ve been tiptoeing around certain subjects for fear of upsetting others. Now that recent developments have forced these out in the open, however, there’s little point in avoiding them. In fact the sooner you bring them up, the better. Say nothing and you risk allowing various discussions to result in yet further misunderstanding
The time has come to say no. While you by no means spoil those you love, friends, family or children, there’s nothing like the pleasure you get from seeing them happy. However, allowing them to do what they want could mean undermining your own position. The faster you speak up, the better.
Last week’s wasn’t a picnic, so you’re already wary. Consequently you’re not surprised when you’re faced with yet more difficult people and tricky situations. What’s most important is not what you do, but that first you discriminate carefully between those you can help and those who should deal with things on their own. This process of evaluation is illuminating, since you find yourself posing questions you’d never previously asked others. In some cases you’re impressed by what you learn. But in a few you wonder why you ever found certain individuals interesting, much less worth bothering with when more noble souls are struggling.
This is a time of bridging. Structures, methods and values from the old, waning era are going, yet the shape of the future remains unclear. What we once did, unthinkingly, out of habit, now demands time and thought.
It’s like moving house. However exciting the idea seems, there’s no escaping the chaos that comes with taking apart one’s life and reassembling anew, in another environment.
Keep this in mind as we walk between November’s two powerful eclipses, on the 9th and 23rd, and instead of being annoyed or upset when you encounter confusion or disarray, you’ll recognise it as a sign of progress
Events have turned your day-to-day life into chaos and you’re not happy about it. But deep down you know that these dramas are the best way to break habits that you’ve been pretending to deal with for ages. While tackling them won’t be easy, there’s no better time to start than now.
You’re becoming increasingly excited about certain plans for the future. In fact they’ve given life a new glow. Yet you’re now realising that you can’t continue with existing commitments and carry out plans as they are now. Worrying as rearranging things seems, it’s the only way you’ll get things to the next stage.
The last thing you want to do is upset loved ones. Yet if you don’t make your feelings about their plans, ideas or actions clear now, it could lead to serious conflicts later. Once you begin to discuss your views, you’re likely to discover that they were aware of your misgivings all along.
This week’s developments are no surprise. In fact for ages you’ve been telling yourself that you’d have to do something about the situations in question. It’s just that now you’re either being forced to make changes faster than you’d intended or have been faced with somewhat alarming facts. Initially you aren’t best pleased. But gradually you realise that you’ve a superb excuse for demanding as much from others as circumstances are requiring of you. Knowing that you finally have good reason to tackle various obligations and confront certain tricky individuals casts all that’s going on in a far more favourable light.
The time has come to tell the truth, however unhappy certain individuals are about it. Keep in mind that, whatever you say, somebody’s going to be upset. So you may as well find the line between what’s right and what’s in your best interest and stick to it. Those closest won’t be much help; this isn’t because they don’t care. They’re wrestling with even more complex situations than you are. There may be moments when you question whether you’ll still be together when all this is over. While the odds are good that you will be, things will never be the same again.
This week’s first half won’t be easy. Not only will others be in an unreasonable mood, you won’t exactly a portrait of congeniality yourself. For this reason you’re better off ignoring statements that would ordinary upset you. If they’re still bothering you by the week’s close, you can discuss them then.
The time has come to be clear and precise, if not blunt. Others seem to be ready to believe what anybody says about situations. And what they’re saying just isn’t what you know to true. The only problem is, if you’re to refute others’ inaccuracies, you’ll have to do some serious research yourself.
You’ve always been a team player, ready to consider whatever others have to say. But at the moment certain individuals are being a bit heavy-handed about decisions. There’s no question the importance of expressing your concerns. Still, keep in mind that they’re unlikely to take any notice of what you say.
Dealing with sudden changes that you’re not happy about is one thing. But being forced to reconcile others’ views, every one of which seems to be different, really is too much to ask. The only thing is, if you don’t do it, then situations will deteriorate into total disarray. Frankly, you’d let them if it were only others’ egos at stake. However, a misstep now could undermine business or financial arrangements, which are at a turning point. What’s more, the time you invest delving into these matters now will means that, when sudden decisions must be made, you’ll be superbly informed.
Nobody would blame you for being concerned about unsettling developments on the financial or business front. What’s more, things are complicated by others’ rather peculiar mood. Much as you’d like to discuss problems now, take it slowly. The more pressure you put on others, the less likely they are to be cooperative.
You’d think that, after last week’s frank exchanges, everything would be settled. But if anything, there’s even more confusion. Unsettling as this disarray is, it’s the only way that you’ll ever have a chance to raise issues or confront others about matters that, under normal circumstances, they would be completely unwilling to discuss.
Now that you’ve beginning to talk things over in depth, it’s becoming apparent that others haven’t been expressing their true feelings. While they haven’t exactly been lying, they’ve been saying what they thought you wanted to hear. Only when they let you know where they stand can you seriously discuss future plans.
It’s come as a surprise, both not only are others not interested in supporting the plans you’ve been discussing, but they’ve changed their minds. Once the initial disappointment fades, you’ll find yourself feeling thankful. Now you can pursue certain intriguing ideas that you thought you’d have no choice but to put to the side.
最後の一文、 Annoying as exchanges with them are now, view dealing with them - and anybody else who’s being inappropriately nosy - as an investment in your future harmony. は全然わからなかったので取り合えず上みたいにしていますが。 訳してみたらみるほど、今までのボラ様たちの偉大さを知るなり〜
日曜日 乙女座タンとしてのあなたは、まさに彼らがあなたを尊重することを求めるように 他の人たちが自分達で結論をくだす権利を尊重します。 けれども最近、とある誰かさんがこのやり方を行おうと思わないのは明らかでした。 彼らの行動があなたを動揺させるのを認めるのではなく、 あなたの気持ちについて議論してください。 彼らはあなたが予想していたよりもはるかに理解力がありそうです。 ---------------------------------------------- 土曜:勝負デーのようです。 金曜:自分の気持ちを打ち明ければ受け入れてもらえるかも。 土曜日の最後の方が微妙です。原文は This doesn’t just involve games. It also applies to matters of the heart. ですが、面白半分はいけませんよって感じでよいのでしょうか?
Nobody would argue that financial or business situations have reached a turning point. While you’re fairly confident things will go well, you’re in no mood to take chances. Consequently your initial reaction to this week’s appealing offers may not be positive. True, they seem a dream come true. Yet they seem worryingly costly, unsettling or time-consuming. While they may, indeed, be any one of those, the obligations involved are unlikely to be overwhelming. More important, once things are more settled, by the week’s close, you’re far more likely to regret what you didn’t take a chance on than what you did.
You seem to be in the unique position of being able to turn what were only recently good ideas into something of a more substantial nature. True, initially this may mean going along others’ plans unquestioningly. But their intentions are good ? so good that you can safely leave things in their hands.
Initially you let others think what they wanted because their seemed little reason to argue minor points. But now you realise that, in the future, even seemingly unimportant details could turn into stumbling blocks. For this reason, you can’t afford to waste any time. The sooner you clear things up, the better.
You’re not stubborn. It’s just that when you’ve worked long and hard on hopes or plans, you’re not going to let go without a fight. Still, ever since certain facts came to light, it’s been clear that, at minimum, you’d either have to consider various other approaches or risk things falling apart entirely.
This hardly seems the ideal time to begin considering a new strategy. But as one thing leads to another, you realise that too much has changed for plans to remain as they were. In fact the more prepared you are to reorganise things from the bottom up, the better off you’ll be.
もしよろしかったら、サソリザ前半なにとぞお願いします。 Monday For ages you’ve been concerned that certain individuals weren’t taking their obligations seriously enough. You’ve warned them, but to no avail. Over the coming week events are likely to prove you right. Tempting as it is to say I told you so, instead focus on finding swift and constructive solutions for the problems in question. Tuesday Even at your most creative, you’ll still have trouble resolving the complex issues you’re currently facing on your own. This requires teamwork, which means that you must first outline dilemmas so that others can understand them. Only once they know what’s what can you realistically discuss ways you’ll approach overcoming these problems together. Wednesday Just when you were beginning to despair of ever achieving an accord with others, suddenly their attitude changes for the better. While this optimism may have been inspired by matters completely out of your control, that shouldn’t keep you from taking advantage of it. Waste no time raising and discussing the issues in question.
蠍座の後半もお願いしてみたり。。できればでいいです。ペコリ Thursday You thought that those closest understood who and what’s most important to you. However, recent comments have made you wonder. Much as you dread discussing this, once you begin you’ll find that exchanges not only ensure others know exactly where you stand, in the process you’ll clarify certain matters for yourself as well. Friday Going over plans, issues or even misunderstandings point by point is not your idea of fun. But if you don’t talk things through now, things will only become more confused. The trick is to give everybody enough time to express their views, encouraging those who are reticent, and only then discuss the future. Saturday While you haven’t exactly been secretive, there are certain matters that you’ve always carefully avoided. You’ve either felt that they weren’t others’ business or that discussing them would reveal more than you cared to. However, only when others know about these will they understand why particular issues are of such importance to you. Sunday For you, as a Scorpio, you regard making compromises as a kind of giving up. Having carefully thought through your views or plans, you see no reason to change them. But times are moving swiftly, enough that you might soon find yourself feeling grateful that circumstances forced you to review your position.
私的に一番当たっているシェリーの占い。蠍座前半です。お手すきの時にでもボラ様お願いします。ペコリ Monday When certain individuals gave you guidance recently, you were a bit huffy. This was particularly the case in matters involving finances. You felt they were overstepping the line. But now that you’ve had a chance to reflect on what they had to say, you’re beginning to realise just how worthwhile their advice was. Tuesday While you’d have every right to complain that you’ve been cornered by unfair circumstances, that’s unlikely to achieve much. However, it’s well worth asking others what was behind their decisions. They may not be able ? or willing ? to change them. But what you learn could make situations far easier to live with. Wednesday If changes were up to you, they’d have been dealt with long ago. But however clearly you’ve described concerns, others simply haven’t understood how urgent they were. And no amount of persuasion convinced them. Now circumstances do the job for you, forcing them to undertake a reorganisation more far-reaching than anything you’d suggested.
蠍座週報も良かったら。。。お願いします。 After recent frank discussions about a range of issues, from practicalities to emotional matters, you’d think things would be settled. But judging by the changes others are making, they obviously didn’t view plans as final. However things look on the surface, there’s more to it than that. Ordinarily you wouldn’t be privy to their more clandestine agendas. But with Mercury retrograde from Wednesday until 6 January, surprise twists and errors force them to discuss these aims. Similarly, you’ll need to talk over goals you’d no intention of revealing. However uncomfortable the resulting exchanges are initially, they do everybody a wonder of good.
Naturally it’s disappointing to learn that certain ventures you’d been excited about won’t be proceeding. But since you first started discussing these, numerous other options have appeared, many of which existing arrangements would have prevented you from pursuing. Now suddenly things are looking very different. While you’ll need to make some decisions, with Mercury retrograde from Wednesday until early in the new year and accenting such arrangements, misunderstandings and unexpected twists bring yet more changes, influencing the outcome. Knowing that, you’ve nothing to lose by pursuing even seemingly unrealistic options. What appears least likely now could be easily achieved by then.
どなたか蠍座後半をお願いします。なんだか切実な状況になってきたので。。ペコリ Thursday You’ll all too aware that, straightforward as plans seem, great caution must be exercised in dealing with details. Alas, others don’t agree and are taking worrying liberties. Between that and the mistakes that inevitably accompany the retrograde Mercury, you’d best be prepared for last minute changes, some of which could have happy surprises. Friday You’ve been acutely aware that, when it comes to certain potentially sensitive exchanges, timing is everything. For this reason you’ve been avoiding discussions until the moment was right. By early next week it will be. This means that those who’ve been avoiding reality will be forced by circumstances to deal with the cold hard facts. Saturday There’s no use arguing with those who won’t listen. Yet you, as a Scorpio, are unlikely to allow the stubborn attitude of anybody to stop you. However, it would be worth your while is to back off from tricky situations, enough to get a clearer perspective on who and what it is you’re dealing with. Sunday You see no reason why you should discuss intensely personal matters with certain individuals. While that’s true, if you leave them in the dark about your views or plans, they’ll simply begin to make things up. And however wrong they are, the odds are good that their words will considerably influence others’ thinking.