米国の対麻薬作戦はライバルを取り除いており、カルザイ氏弟を利する形となっている ・2005年に米国はタリバン統治時代に麻薬を牛耳っていたHajji Bashir Noorzaiをニューヨークにおびき寄せて逮捕 2009年に終身刑の判決が出た ・2006年にHabibullah Jan(地元軍閥、カンダハル州選出議員)DEA(米国の麻薬取締局)にカルザイ氏弟が Haji Juma Khanと組んでNoorzaiの地盤の一部を引き継いだと語っている
よろしくおねがいします。英語板への投稿なので、英文レスとなっています。 【板名】英語板 【スレ名】Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 138 【スレのURL http://academy6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/english/1256438464/l50 【名前欄】【メール欄】【本文】↓ >>66 "alljapaneseallthetime.com" guy's major doesn't have something to do with language, either if I remember correctly. Typical Japanese people begin to study English when they enter junior high. English is a mandatory subject so everybody studies it for at least 6 years by the time they graduate from high school. Students who want to go to a good university have to study very hard.
English taught at junior high and high school are mainly reading and grammar so even students who go to good university can't speak English well. You have to study Oral English and do listening practices on your own if you want to get to communicate in English. In my case I read English websites to practice reading and I watch videos on YouTube and news sites such as CNN. My English is improved very slowly but that can't be helped.