Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 148

( ´・ω・)  Let's have Kabunarashi tea and chat!
( つ旦O  ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
と_)_)  旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦

Previous Thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 147

Hey!!! you NEETs, nerds, YouTube-link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboos from all over the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, and cunning
linguists. And let's hope the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!

Here is the place to have a ball!!!!!

2名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 03:27:40
Good job, idiot!

Kabunarashi tea? Google didn't find any search results.
3名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 03:44:10
This tea is produced in Japan.
Thus you can google it by using hiragana character.

They say that this tea has flavor of citrus fruits.
It seems the taste is slightly controversial especially for people who adore traditional tea such as Darjeeling.
4890 in the previous thread:2010/10/12(火) 05:27:29
イギリス人、thanks a lot. King Artur's story is interesting. In Japan too, raven is
both sacred and ominous animal. Japanese mythology says one
god sent yatagarasu(やたがらす and yagagarasu navigated the first emperor
Jinmu during his conquest to the east.
Yatagarasu is the emblem of japan soccer national squad.

Here is a famous children's song 七つの子
カラス何故泣くの カラスは山に かわいい七つの子があるからよ
black crow(raven), why do you cry? black crow to the mountain because
it has a cute seven-year-old chick
(there are two theories. chick would be equivalent to seven years old
if it was a human or just 七つ implies seven chicks. I assumed 七つ meant
seven years old and still think it right)

Raven's image may have been not as bad as today.

And about superstition. I think a raven on top of the roof and starting at us
make most of us feel scary and unlucky. It's superstitious. My knowleadge is
limited, so I can't explain this historically and academically.

In modern life, raven is becoming more more of bad image.
they porch at telegraph lines and scavenge the dust bags and boxes. Sometimes
they attack human's heads from above.
5890 in the previous thread:2010/10/12(火) 05:29:29
And as for hirosue's ex-husband. Bragging may be half-true. It can be said
he only exposed his daily life. He was ex-member of a japanese street gang
and a biker gang alliance. Naturally his friends will be the people associated
with these groups. Still I think he brags about how bad and strong people are
around him though.
How do you think abou his massive body? Even though he is korean,
he shows how big asians can be.Even that murderous body
couldn't supress half a dozen metal bats though..
A copy of the blog of Kosuke Takaoka(husband of Aoi Miyazaki).
You can see okazawa and then-Kanemura(kim)'s pictures and names.
He says "Kanemura is an old partner of Okazawa. Kanemura gives him
good advices. He has to hang in too".
6890 in the previous thread:2010/10/12(火) 06:00:38
" " was not necessary.

>Is this JoJo a member of the working class, or is he an upper-middle class
>modern(ish) gentleman?

JoJo is the man of the end of 19th century when Jack the ripper
shivered England.
JoJo's father is an aristocrat? with huge spacious house and garden.
He employs many servants in his house. He owns carriage and coachman.
JoJo's father is called ジョゼフ卿 which seems to equivalent to Lord Joseph.
I coulnd't find an appropriate image but here is a room of JoJo's house.

JoJo's must be from upper-class or upper-middle class.

I understand JoJo's ways of warding off is not popular in U.K.
I'm not confident with my English. I try to make sure.
JoJo throwed a stone from this kind of posture.
I wonder how and where the author Araki collected the information.

And I have one more thing which haunts me sometimes about JoJo.
JoJo was often bullied by working class kids. Working class kids make fun of
him yelling( like "wimp JoJo") and throwed stones him.
Do you think its possible that working class kids bully a son of
upper class at that time?

I have to make it clear that I'm not JoJo fan. I read both first and second episode.
The first is good and second is not bad but sometimes embarassing.
I read the third half way and don't know much further about JoJo.
7名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 06:17:20
Why are you so stupid?

Previous thread still has enough room to post what you wrote here.
You should have used previous thread.
8名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 06:33:39
We can get the synopsis of zozo's first episode here.
In the first one minute, two working class man beat the shit out of
JoJo trying to help a young lady.
Later he is boxing in the field with working clas thugs.

youtube movie doesn't cover all bullyings by working class thugs.
9名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 06:35:54
Sorry. I'm afrad that the previous thread will be used up halfway
before he replies my questions.
10名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 06:59:33
11名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 07:23:13
Hat tip to your magnificence!
May a squadron of beautiful butts find their way to your crotch by day's end.
12名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 08:55:06
I see. Thanks for your explanation.
13名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 10:02:06
14名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 11:03:36
There are few stores which sell the foreign book. My plan is spoilt.
15名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 11:12:06
japanese young people always develop a demn word such as "池沼", "KY" and so on

they must memorize the english word instead of stupid making word
16名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 11:18:03
I didn't know that, but the virus has the same activities as what you said.
By the way, why did you know the person was female?

She's been around here in English board for one year or more as far as I know.
Judging from what she wrote so far, I think she's a woman who is around 30 years old.
She can be 35 or older. She often wrties about relationship although what
she writes is so random and doesn't make sense almost all the time.
It's very rare but sometimes she posts a relevant post so I don't think it's virus.
17名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 11:31:09
Unfortunately, a virus in these days is sophisticated.
In fact, those viruses can do that.

If you are Japanese, have you ever heard "人工無能"?
They incorporated the technology of "人工無能" into the virus.

Believe it or not, sometime we cannot discern the post by a person from the post by the virus.
18名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 11:34:48
every words are to attacking.
because they know that attacking is evil thing.
so they made another word that people cant understanding to conceal a evil thoughts.
19名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 11:39:28
japanese are evil race as same as another race.
but the concealing is part of japanese culture.
so people barely see the evil part of japanese.
2017:2010/10/12(火) 11:39:40
I have to say that that is not necessarily being virus.
Some script also can do that.

Sometime they create a script or a program for only their pleasure.

So there is another possibility that someone do that on purpose by using such a script.
21名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 11:42:46
and same time.
in japanese culture.
accusing will be banished.
22名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 11:54:01
I can't agree with you.
They always disclose their stupidity as well as the offensive.

If they think they are able to conceal their instinct, I cannot help but laugh.

Japanese is not so beautiful as what people said.
23名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 11:56:02
Maybe you're right. But I think she's a real woman.
24名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 12:09:12
why dont you get a man for that?
25名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 12:19:14
Why don't you propose marriage to her?
26名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 12:26:30
I will wait for it.
27名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 14:03:14
is this about japanese stupid jargon that uses in 2ch ??

they are phimosiser to hide from normal socializer
they cant speak loudly against general people
so they use idiot idiom
28nanashi:2010/10/12(火) 16:07:39
I was talking to a Japanese woman a couple of days ago and she
says that American boy bands from the '90s are still popular
in Japan.
Could this terror be true?
29nanashi:2010/10/12(火) 16:22:54
Also compare:

I think the difference is funny even though it's the same word.
30名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 16:50:55
going to china is like going to taliban stronghold area.
so be careful.
31名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 18:21:52
China=North Korea
32名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 18:43:08
for example?
33名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 19:32:02


Holy shitt!
fujitv seeme another victim of korea.
34名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 19:55:34
korean own 30% of fuji tv capital.
its limit by law
35名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 20:03:16
its like russia own 30% of FOX's capital.
most stupidest country in this world.
36jap:2010/10/12(火) 21:04:04
Are you japanese?
37名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 21:49:43
fucking stupid bastard
38名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 22:35:37
I don't feel so.
But it is said that J-POP is getting less and less popular recently.
So I guess old(and foreign) songs may substitute for it.
39名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/12(火) 23:33:30
kiss my ass little fuck
40名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 00:01:33
Take responsibility for having killed me.
41名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 00:09:41
shut fuck up fuggy pussy
42名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 00:12:20
What band?

Bon Jovi, Backstreet boys are still popular, I guess.
43名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 00:19:11
Bon Jovi is guinzo lol
44jap:2010/10/13(水) 00:32:53
I like American idol!
45名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 00:42:45
fuck you asshole
46名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 00:52:20
suck my dick nigga
47名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 02:19:18
I must confess, I sincerely apologize for dwelling on this planet.
48名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 03:20:58

Are you a extraterrestrial? or do you feel sorry to harm environment of this planet?

49名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 04:18:29
you fucking crazy
why dont you looking for your hell and going
50名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 04:20:23
Back Street Boys appeared in a famous Japanese live entertaiment program.
They put their heads and hands into the holes of human frame.
I think joined quiz about Back Street Boys too.
It shows either how popular they are or they have to do on their own to sell
their concert tickets.
I don't think Back Street Boys for everyone like Bon Jovi
In my opinion they are like bald old buddies. They didn't look like idol
since their debut.
Back Street Boys and Bon Jovi are liked by middle class corny white people
in the suburbs, aren't they?
51名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 05:02:09
huh, no one know what hell is.
if you believe that hell exists, you are addicted to fuckin religion. lol
52名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 06:06:38
he knows the hell because he is the hell.
53名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 06:07:52
demn ass look for pussy lol
54nanashi:2010/10/13(水) 06:20:12
The Backstreet Boys were popular in the 1990s but now they're not so much.
Boy bands were popular then but not anymore.
Bon Jovi is still fairly popular but not as much as he used to be.
55名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 06:40:46
fuck street fucking Boy
suck ya mom's dick asshole
56nanashi:2010/10/13(水) 06:41:56
I don't know about yours, but my mom doesn't have a "dick ass hole".
57名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 06:44:35
maybe its a ironical expression

he said, your mom is fag or something and you are fucking piece of shit
58KG2ch:2010/10/13(水) 06:53:13
Now that I discovered Japanese and Korean boy bands, there is no turning back.

UK/US band members do not look elegant, graceful, agile when they dance.
They look like thick sausages really.

And their music is draining, not energising. They are no fun at all.
59イギリス人:2010/10/13(水) 06:53:34
Impressive tea. Must try and find some someday.

I don't know much about Japanese mythology, but that's very interesting.
The raven has is mentioned so much in so many different cultures. In
Norse mythology, the god of gods, Odin, was known as the Raven God.
Huginn and Muninn were two Norse ravens which flew all over the world
to deliver Odin's messages, as he gave them the power to speak. Viking
sailors took ravens on their voyages as instruments of navigation - they
would throw the ravens up, which would then fly upwards... if the raven
came back to the ship, then there was no land visible, else the raven would
fly to the land and the ship's navigator would follow the direction to land.

They're not much of a pest here. It's usually foxes or cats that break open
rubbish bags, and they're often seen on roads, feeding on dead rabbits and

As for Okazawa, he's clearly just trying to show off. Having a body like
that is by no means ideal, as he's only been concentrating on building up
one place rather than balancing out. Still, I'd not want to meet him on a
dark night.

And as for JoJo, perhaps Araki found a folk tale somewhere involving that
method of warding off curses - it's possible that it happens somewhere in the
country but people just don't know about it because it's a local superstition.
By your description, he sounds like he's supposed to be upper class, but it's
unusual that a member of the upper class would have a chance to mingle with the
lower classes, as they tended to stick to who they thought of as their own kind.
Even in cities, there were rich areas and poor areas and so not much chance of
having constant contact with other classes. There would be some times, of course,
but not on a common basis.
60イギリス人:2010/10/13(水) 06:54:22
Some years ago, I was on a trip to Austria for skiing, and had to visit a local
shop in order to stock up on some food. On the counter at the checkout were some
chocolate bars in the shape of the Backstreet Boys.

Sakamoto Kyū was very popular here...
61名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 07:02:11
i often take a message from foreign people when i play videogame.

foreign people always throw it against enemy player for annoying
mostly curse verb or meaning word

i cant believe it
because japanese player rarely send a male to other one
whatever it is annoying or praising

they are scared of being exposed in 2ch

so let me ask the question to foreign people

is there any scaring major website in foreign Internet suck as japanese 2ch ??

2ch is necessary to watch on immoral people
62nanashi:2010/10/13(水) 07:33:11

It is called "the stinking anus of the internet".
Well, I'm sure it has been called that at some point...
I find it entertaining, myself...
63名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 07:42:26
64名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 08:45:40
>chocolate bars in the shape of the Backstreet Boys.

uhmmmm, sounds very yummy......

>not much chance of
having constant contact with other classes

I wonder if there are people who want to break the boundry of the class and
move up to the higher class by e.g. studying very hard?
Or if one is born in a lower class family, does it mean that it's his/her
fate and need to accept that status?
Or is it so that even if the lower class people make it to the higher
classes, there are explicit/tacit discrimination against them,
so they might as well stick to their own class?

Anyway, UK seems be very different from countries like US or Japan in that
respect, so it's difficult to understand how people feel about the situation.
65名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 09:06:39
how about Sakamoto Ryuichi

i dont know why he is worldwide Ryuichi
66イギリス人:2010/10/13(水) 09:09:34
These days, the class system is very different. The closing of the gap
began in the early 20th century, when the Liberal party had a string of
electoral successes (mainly due to a reform of the voting system some years
previous). The Liberal prime ministers, especially Lloyd-George, were
responsible for the setting up of Britain as a 'welfare state', which did
much to help the poor and lower classes. They drastically improved working
conditions including health and safety, as well as introducing a law to extend
the length of compulsory education to 14 years of age. Hundreds of thousands
of new homes were built under Liberal instruction as a means of housing families
who were otherwise living in terrible conditions in windowless rooms, some
families being up to 10 people living in a single, unlit, unventilated room.
National insurance came into effect, where the worker paid a tiny amount of their
wages, their employer paid a little more, and the government some more on top of that.
This was to ensure that a family whose breadwinner (chief earner) fell ill would
have state provision to live, instead of risking starving to death.

It was this period that built the foundations of the welfare state, which eventually
led to the formation of the NHS in 1948 which provides free essential and beneficial
healthcare to British citizens.

However, many people now believe the government has gone far beyond the call of welfare,
and has turned the country into a 'nanny state', where too many aspects of peoples'
lives are intruded into for the sake of 'public and state security'. Health and safety
has gone overboard now.
67名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 09:12:20
wat ya fucking point
u shuould summarize briefly, fucking idiot
68名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 09:33:05
I'm practicing English listening.
AP news

Chile miners rescue underway 0.08-0.11
The men have been ****** since the mine collapsed August fifth.

What did he say, ******?
69名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 09:46:34
Among other boards in 4chan, why only /b/ ended up being called anus of Internet?

Do you have any favorite Japanese actors other than Jhonny's boys?
I think Korean bands are more great build than Japanese ones probably because
they have to serve military or their mindset to body is closer to western.
Almost no Johnny's boys are eager to develp mustles while Korean actors and
singers are. Just my observation, though.
70名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 09:49:56
****** is fucked
71名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 09:50:40

He said "stuck".
72名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 09:53:25
if he has been raped, it is fucking hell itself i guess
73名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 09:56:20
stop it , ma sides fucking ache
74名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 10:06:27
Thank you very much for the extensive explanation about the big government
situation in the UK.
I've interpreted your interpretation in this way;
the government has pampered the poor too much that those people
have become lazy and less motivated to work hard to move up for
better lives.

Our prim minister is actually aiming for something similar.
He sated one of his slogans as 'Realizing the society with minimal unhappiness',
which, I think, sort of going against capitalizm.
75名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 10:07:21
X interpretation
O explanation
76名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 10:38:11
sex planet of nation
77名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 10:48:52
Do not worry, that sort of things never had gone well.
78名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 11:06:12
stupid cunt. johnnys are korean.
79名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 11:37:16
in japanese culture. people who don't work with own hands are dishonorable.
because people who can make physical things are important in economy.
so. bank, show biz, conmans, servants, religionist, trader are dishonorable job.
usually japanese dont want to do it with life job.
so japan got advanced technology and economy.
most celeblities in japan are low class japanese or korean.
80名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 11:43:08
so British economy was failed because of Bank con.
81名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 12:18:55
in my opinion, suck my dick
82名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 12:30:25
In my opinion, you have a very stupid opinion.
83名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 12:34:10
The chilean miners have started to be rescued!
The first one who got rescued seems to be a very
calm and cool guy.
After being buried 700 deep for 69 days,
I wonder how one can maintain his sanity.

I'm also interested in how the guy with his wilfe and a lover fighting
on the ground will cope with the situation after being saved.
84名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 12:49:50
What a unit of length did you say?
85名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 14:22:33
it is fucking weired faggot
86名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 14:37:25

AP news
Chile miners rescue underway:
In just a few hours a handful of the 33 miners who have been trapped in a Chiliean mine
could get their first taste of freedom in more than two month.
The men have been stucked since the mine collapsed August fifth.
Last weekend a massive blow blasted a hole that is wide enough to pull them through.
The men will come up one by one in a special tube-like capsule.
Many of the men had to lose weight to be able to fit.
[Mining] minister [Larns Goldburn] says the rescue will begin Tuesday night.
And he hopes that by midnight at least one miner will be at the surface.
[Goldburn] says in total it will take 48 hours to get the men out.
And that's assuming that nothing goes wrong.
Upon reaching the surface, the men will be taken by a helicopter to Copiapo,
the nearest town that's about an hour's drive away through the Atacama desert.
The rescuers have gone to great ranks to ensure safety.
They know the operation is ***** with risks.
And there's no gurantee that everything goes smoothly.
The families of these men, [many of whom expend much of the last month camped out.]
[excited about being united with family] and anxious about the next 48 hours.

What is *****?
I am not sure about the bracketed([]) sentenses.
87名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 15:16:01
***** is dickhead
88名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 15:33:13
I'm gonna drink Chilean beaujolais neuvo this year to
celebrate having witnesses the rescue of the 33 heros!
89名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 15:34:54
***** is hibernating.
90nanashi:2010/10/13(水) 15:40:43
I can't find your video.

By the way, what, exactly, does ドキドキ mean in Japanese? I've seen it used to mean almost anything.
91名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 15:54:26
92名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 16:07:26
Heroes? Have they done anything heroic?
9391:2010/10/13(水) 16:16:26
In case you cannot read Japanese well, I write what written in the page in English.

that said :
    situation that your heart throb heavily with exercise, fear, surprise or expectation.

94nanashi:2010/10/13(水) 16:51:59
I see. Although I feel that I've seen it in other forms, but at the moment
I cannot find that example.

Another question then, when is the nakaguro used in Japanese (・)?
Is it like a comma (、)?
95名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 17:03:26
(・)is usually used for foreign words.
for example...アメリカン・カルチャー
96名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 17:58:49
イギリス人-san, could I ask you an additional question?

In the previous thread, we discussed the articles, and you mentioned that
'Dogs are a friendly aminal.' is not grammatically correct because dogs here are
plural and aminal is singluar.
However, I've seen a lot of sentences like the following:
'If science can discover that sunsets are a systematic illusion, it could also discover that conscious states such as pains are delusions too.'
Here, sunsets are plural, but followed by the singular 'a systematic illusion'.
Whereas, in 'pains are delusions' both 'pains' and 'delusions' are plural.
Do you happen to know why this is happening?
97名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 18:10:24
The 33 presumablly very stinky mahco guys withstood the heat and
humidity, without killing each other.
That's considered heroic enough.
98名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 18:15:31

   Good night visionaries.

      <´・\  ::::::::::::::::::ヽ
       l  3 ハ::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ,
   ∫  .<、・_ (         )
   旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
99名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 21:52:04
hey NEET, finish ya tea motherfucker
100名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 22:23:56
Do you know that Hoji-cha + foamed milk is delicious?
101名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/13(水) 23:23:50
it taste like a vomit , fuck
102名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 00:47:26
kidney-napping wwwwwww
103名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 01:25:18
I must confess, I have no choice but to be hagridden tonight.
104名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 01:35:22
yeah yeah, and u fucking sleep forever
105名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 01:41:53
double whammy
106名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 04:13:37

   Good morning visionaries.

         ( ・ω⊂ヽ゛
         /    _ノ⌒⌒ヽ.
      ( ̄⊂人  //⌒   ノ
  旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
107名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 04:15:32
you too
1084 to イギリス人:2010/10/14(木) 06:26:23
Odin's story interests me a lot. I got more interested in mythology than
before. I feel inclined to study mythology when I have time. Thanks.
Raven is absolutely pest here in the developed areas, including urban areas. we can see raven in Shinjuku.
I wonder why british ravens are so gentle men.

Sorry for my poor English to make you misunderstand. The muscle man
is not Okazawa. He is Kanemura Takeyuki(Kim Gang Hong), old partner
of Okazawa. Okazawa and Kanemura started a teamer(a group of japanese street thugs)
callded " Shinjuku JACK'S", then became the member of "kanto alliance" which
is an alliance of japanase style biker gangs.
Then Kanemura became a submember of yamaguchi gumi yakuza and took care
of juniors of kanto alliance.
Kanemura was lynched by half a dozen masked men with metal baseball bats
in the street of nishishinjuku. He was killed. Major news papers
reported this incident.
Okazawa is the man with black cap in the upper left corner. LOL
He says "i met for the first time in the fifth grader. I vied with
him on the way but we can all know now it's impossible by the picutures.
He is a big guy in many ways. I have seen his back more than my
dad's. I realise again that he is big indeed from the picture."

As for jojo, thank you. My question dissolved.
Do you think if a upper-clans child had been bullied and humilated by
lower-class childern, Would they have been punished by custom or law?

109nanashi:2010/10/14(木) 06:29:22
I'm not Igirisujin-san, but I'll try to answer that.
Honestly, I can't think of a firm reason as to why that is. You can say
"Dogs are friendly animals" or "The/A dog is a friendly animal", but
not "Dogs are a friendly animal" (at least not usually). However, you
can say "Sunsets are illusions" or "Sunsets are an illusion" but not
"The sunset is an illusion".
I think maybe it is because, for one, when you say "the dog" you can
mean either a specific dog or the species of animal that is dog.
As for "sunsets are an illusion", I am not entirely sure why that is.
Maybe it is like "The dogs are a family", where the plural "dogs" are units of the singular group "family"; so the "sunsets" are units of a
single "illusion".
That sentence that you are looking at >96 is very advanced. It reminds
me of the Architect from the film series "The Matrix".

Also, one of my friends who is studying Japanese was giving me examples
of kanji that make little sense unless read as a group, like 注文する,
which means "to place an order", but the kanji apart mean something
like "annotation-text". Is this supposed to make more sense?
What other kanji groups are there that are like that?
110名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 06:31:00
111名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 06:33:04
Raven and pegeon are pests!
dust boxes changed into caged ones in my area.
112名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 06:42:21
113名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 07:33:05
what is it with the gaijin groupies in here?
114名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 07:37:48
fuck alien g2 hell
115名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 11:49:31
Chi! Chi! Chi!
Lie! Lie! Lie!
116名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 12:00:30
注文 is called 二字熟語(two-character idiom), which we use them without considering as the kanji apart. There are many compounds(including 三字 and 四字熟語) which are like that.
Especially 二字熟語 is classified detailedly...
117名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 12:09:07
> like 注文する,
which means "to place an order", but the kanji apart mean something
like "annotation-text". mean the kanji themselves, 注 as annotation and
文 as a literature. haha...hummm to my understandings, when you look up the dictionary, 注文 is;
so even in English, it means to place an order but in Japanese, culturally and historically,
in Edo period or even older time Japanese ppl used to place an order by sending handwriting documents
and 注 or 註also means the condition of what you want, therefore the kanji chuumon, 注文
these kanji, "write down the condition of what you need" was created....That's what I imagine.
118名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 13:12:06
Native English speakers often say "you, fuckin mother fucker!" when they curse others.
I know a little of what they intend by saying that.

As for me, that does not hurt my feeling at all.
Because we Japanese are not used to hearing such expressions.
So, when I heard that, I usually thought "Are you interested in incest?"

To make matters worse, in Japan, some Hentai Geeks (not me!) who adore Hentai games or Hentai books
are interested in such a relationship. Especially, they want to have such a relationship with their sister.

Therefore I don't think such a expression can really hurt or offend their feeling.
From foreigner's point of view, what do you think about my opinion?
Do you still want to use such a expression for us after you heard my view?
119nanashi:2010/10/14(木) 13:24:49
Ahh so there is a reason for it... but I guess I would need to know
some more of Japan's cultural history to really know that. I have much
to learn...

"Motherfucker" has little to do with the meaning of the term- to have
incestuous intercourse with your mother. It's like when I say "Jesus
Christ!" or "Oh my God!", but I am agnostic and do not believe in God
nor the significance of Jesus. It's a cultural thing.
I have noticed that many Japanese hentai otaku are fascinated by
incest- it's a pretty common theme in anime and manga and Japanese
games. So often you hear the female love interest call the main
character "onii-san", or sometimes the main character's sister will
flirt with her brother. (I know onii-san doesn't specifically mean
"brother", but it can and sometimes does.)
That kind of stuff you never ever see in American media; it's
kind of taboo.
I don't mind it but I don't find it fascinating either.
120名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 14:18:08
I see, I know your country has strict rule against child porn or such a relationship.
Those kind of things have became notable subject in Japan these days.

Like other countries people, we don't like being forced to refrain from expressing emotion.
I think freedom of speech and expression is important.
So without actual damage, I agree they express sexual descriptions such as incestuous relationship,
love toward a little girl and so forth in Hentai Games and Books.
They say such games and books encourage a sex crime. By using this theory, they insist on necessity of
the law that prohibit expressing those sexual things.

Yea, I know a sex crime is bad thing. It's fatal wound especially to children.
However no one prove whether those sexual expressions encourage a sex crime.
If such laws are established, I think that rather encourage a sex crime.

121名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 14:26:26
I just wanna r*** little girls! >_<
122名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 14:35:24
You can do that in Hentai game. But don't do that in real world.
123nanashi:2010/10/14(木) 14:39:22
Ah! A startling discovery about 名無しさん!

I completely agree. For example, in the US the legal drinking age (for
alcohol) is 21, but practically everyone younger than 21 drinks. In
fact, there have been arguments that lowering the drinking age would
reduce alcohol-related crime and accidents.
In the 1920's, the US government prohibited alcohol, and the result
was a huge increase in crime, so they had to repeal the law.
Maybe if the Japanese government bans any type of loli/shotacon porn
in both real and animated form, then child sex crimes may increase a lot, because lolicons and shotacons use the fake or animated media
as a way to cope with it.
What if all porn were banned? I think sexual assault and rape would be
everywhere (but the hand cream and tissue companies would be happy!)
124nanashi:2010/10/14(木) 14:41:27
Damn, it's hard to space my lines correctly. I always miss one.
125名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 14:58:49
I'm surprised that you knew the words "lolicons and shotacons".
126名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 15:13:42
so to speak, suck my dick motherfucker
127名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 15:58:55
128nanashi:2010/10/14(木) 16:08:58
I've spoken with Japanese people before about this topic. In the West
"lolicon" and "shotacon" only mean the type of pornography, not the
person. Sometimes on the internet people say "loli" which can mean
Do a Google search for "pedobear" for an example of a loli on western
"Lolita" is more often used for real and not animated porn. I don't
think there's a word for real shotacon, as it is very very rare anyway.
129名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 17:19:07

I cant sleep well because of some question.
what is this damn reddy pu.. beans?
130埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw :2010/10/14(木) 17:50:43
In Tower Record, I was impressed to Linkin Park's new album, A thousand
suns and bought it and all their albums has released before.
But I'm wondering about the new album. There are two editions, ordinary
edition containing "New divide(Live version)" and special edition having a
DVD of meeting of the album, instead of the song.
I do think Warner Music Japan should have added the song in special...
(Anyway, I chosed and bought a former).

Here a unrelated thing is, do you know Yoichi Watanabe?
He is a war cameraman and getting popular more and more
for his unique speaking way and character in Japanese TV
programs.Below are his pictures.

Here my opinion is. I do think he resembles The Edge, U2's member.
How do you think about that?

Finally, thank you, >>1 for making this thread.
131名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 18:53:09

   Good night geezers.

      <´・\  ::::::::::::::::::ヽ
       l  3 ハ::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ,
   ∫  .<、・_ (         )
   旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
132名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 20:01:34
I have some questions.
This is an excerpt where Children's amazing language aquisition skill is discussed.

"By the age of three, the basics of sentence formation are in place and we find many
sentences worthy of an adult - I didn't know that one stands up that way, Does that one get
a button?, and so on. How does a child master the craft of sentence carpentry at such an early point?"

1) What does this "worthy of an adult" mean?

2) What does "- I didn't know that one stands up that way, Does that one get
a button?," mean? Are these two sentenses taken up as two example sentences three year old kids can say?
What does this button mean in this context?

Thank you.
133名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 20:09:55
Do you live in U.S?
134KG2ch:2010/10/14(木) 21:00:14
>>69 I like Nishida Toshiyuki, he is a great actor.

Turtle-pear has a great build:

Fans are not after "big muscles", they love elegance, lack of inhibition,
flexibility and above all an innocent cuteness.

In essence the child-like, energetic, naughty but innocent looking males
seem to attract them. Not enourmous body builders.

135KG2ch:2010/10/14(木) 21:09:54
>>123 But nanashi-san sexual assault and rape IS
already everywhere!
If you think pornography breaks taboos, it is not true.
It establishes taboos in a hierarchical manner, it is more like a struggle
for power between gender, nations and different age groups.
It can condition you to behave toward a certain type of people in a certain sort of way.
It can easily encourage those who have oppressed sexuality to turn into violence.
If you want porn, make your own, and perhaps then you can understand the real function of the industry.
136名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/14(木) 23:31:37
Come on, Nishida Toshiyuki can't be someone you hope you'll go out with.

Kame is less gread build than Korean actors and singer in general, although
I understand yuor point. Kame and Yama-P is in the category who like to
build threir mustles among other Johnney's boys but still Korean singers or actors
are bigger. I'm not saying Korean singer and actors are better. I make it clear I'm just
talking about physical characterisitcs just in case other people here
misunderstand I praise Korean actors or musicians.

I'm not interested in Korean show businees at all.
137名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 00:30:33
I believe Katsu Shintaro is by far the most fabulous actor in the world.
138名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 00:44:01
he is junky
139名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 01:08:47
fucking doper g2 hell
140名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 01:34:51
hill hell holl hall
141名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 01:45:48
though thought through thorough
142名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 01:49:47
143名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 04:18:36

   Good morning geezers.

         ( ・ω⊂ヽ゛
         /    _ノ⌒⌒ヽ.
      ( ̄⊂人  //⌒   ノ
  旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
144名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 05:00:40
You wake up very early regularly. Does it just show your biorhythm
is sliding off normal time?
I'm also the one, who wake up this late and am writeing this message now.

145名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 05:09:01
In Japan, the situation regarding Hentai Geeks is quite different from what you said.
They adore 2-dimension animated characters and hate 3-dimension characters, what is called a ordinary human.
Some of them also like, so to speak, a ordinary human but generally they hate human girls because of their possessing
offensiveness or greediness and so on.
Hentai Geeks have hatred toward real women, so what you said is true in some points.

The point is that they are not interested human girls.
Therefore I don't think Hentai games and books lead to them to violate real girls

You said there is already sexual assault everywhere, yea that is true, but who cause such a crime is
usually different from Hentai geeks.
Even if there are not Hentai games and books, I think they (not hentai geeks) will commit a sex crime.
146イギリス人:2010/10/15(金) 05:09:11
Actually... I got a bit carried away there and forgot what I was trying
to say in that reply, sorry. People here these days are in a position to
try and change their lives for the better, no matter what social class
they belong to. Everyone has the means to have a good education, though
some don't quite have the capacity or motivation to succeed. You're right,
though, part of what I said did imply that those who have a low social standing
have it easy. Thanks to that 'nanny state' system I was talking about, welfare
covers everyone's needs, from government-provided housing through to a bi-weekly
allowance to purchase food, drink, clothes, and whatever else (it's paid directly
into a bank account, so can't be limited to certain products, unfortunately). In doing
so, many people feel that they don't need to work and so leech off the taxpayer.
But to answer your question more directly, I think there's a line between being rich
and being upper-class. Back in the Victorian era when some working-class families
broke through the class barrier and were able to mingle with the 'established' upper-
class families, there was a lot of disdain. Not so much these days. Success is something
looked up at and encouraged, no matter what background one may have.

Having noticed this post yesterday while at work, I've tried to work out why this is.
Initially, I thought the same as nanashi, and it just hurt my head a lot. Then I tried
digging out my copies of Oxford English Grammar and English Usage, and they basically
said that the sentence structure was wrong (for sunsets/illusion), but was used pretty
often anyway. Gave a university level English teacher a call and we had quite a heated discussion
about it, as she initially said the sentence was correct, then when the 'dogs/animal' sentence
was brought up, she sternly said it was incorrect.
147イギリス人:2010/10/15(金) 05:09:58

And then she had doubts about 'sunsets/
illusion' and concluded that that was incorrect too. I'll make sure to ask more people, just
in case.

Saw a crow today from the office window. It was just sitting on a branch about 10 metres from
where we were stood. A former colleague of mine from Poland was there too, and he has some
measure of respect for crows, though should have asked him what his views on them were.

Ah, sorry for misunderstanding! Now I see exactly what the situation was. I did a search on
Google for Okazawa, but the image results seemed to only bring up a lot of Hirosue as well
as a few of Kanemura, but not so many of Okazawa. Thought it was a bit suspicious how such a
small-sounding man could become so large in a pretty small amount of time, but now it's clear -
it wasn't him.

As for your question about JoJo, it all depends on his personality. If an upper-class person had
injured pride, then they might try and get retribution out of spite, or for revenge - so in that
case it would be possible. It's much more possible, too, for an upper-class member of society
at the time to get help from authorities, than it would have been for lower-class members of
society. The justice system was far from fair at the time.

"Worthy of an adult" means a sentence that someone would expect to come from an adult, or for
an adult to use at some point.
And yes, those are two examples of such sentences. As for the button, though, I'm not really
sure. Can't really think of a situation in which someone would give someone or something else
a button...

148名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 08:55:58
Thank you very much for going so far as talking to an English language
expert! An English teacher in the UK says a lot in itself.

Regarding the plural and sigular thing, I've done some investigation myself, too,
and almost concluded that 'Dogs are an animal' is wrong because 'Dogs' are plular and 'animal' is
an concrete object, hence it needs to be plural to match the plurality of the subject (dogs).
Whereas, 'sunsets are a systematic illusion' is correct because 'illusion' is
an abstract concept rather than a concrete object.
But then, the latter part of the sentence says 'pains are delusions', where 'delusions' are
treated as an concrete objects rather than an abstract concept.
So I got really confused and had to go back to square one.

But based on your explanation, I think the best way is to go back to
the basics, that is, to use the 'plural-plural' or 'singular-singular' combinatinos only.
Thank again for taking your time to answer my neurotic question!
149名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 09:19:27
please suck my dick motherfucker
im no joke
150nanashi:2010/10/15(金) 09:23:48
Hey Japanese people...
I need a good Japanese horror story. I need it translated into English though.
Something traditional or popular in Japan.
It's for a project for school.
151名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 09:35:13

traditional japanese horror is maybe "Kindaichi" series

i dont know others in terms of "traditional"

"Ring" or "Rasen" was a little bit popular and it was also produced in Hollywood too
that original book is very good and very scared to read.
but, movie is some cheap comparison to the original
but it is also scared too, and nice vibe
Nanako Matsushima is cool beauty.

please teach me grammary incollect for my english
thank you
152名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 09:43:37
maybe Ranpo Edogawa series is traditional horror
but it is a little bit obsolete and boring to translate
actually it is already transrated
153nanashi:2010/10/15(金) 09:52:10
I need a short story that I can memorise, and that won't take long to tell.
154名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 10:04:34
How about the 'Toire-no Hanako-san' series?
Or, better yet, 'Kuchisake Onna', mayby.
155名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 10:07:05
I think that "traditional" means "fairy tail" thing.
which is called "youkai" in Japan.
its famous as anime named "GeGeGe No Kitarou"
156名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 10:15:14
157名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 10:20:21
Yokai Nine tail is famous in anime Naruto.
its originaly Chinese Yokai.
158名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 10:27:20
Yokai has each story. you can pick some of them for translation.
159名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 10:42:31
Yokai is not scared

Japnese Taxi Horror Story is very scared
i recommend it

taxi driver pick up a woman who pretend to be a ghost
but the end, woman is very scared when she phone to taxi company・・・・・・
and she get to know that taxi driver was ・・・・・・

Ugh! I shudder at the memory.
160名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 10:54:59
Here is a real horror story in various meanings in spite of a very short story.
Let me talk it.

Title : The evil's cross. (In Japanese "Akuno jyuujika")

In the middle of night, a man lost his way and strayed into gloomy town.
Because it was such time, the man couldn't see anyone else in the town.
"What the hell! Where am I?", he was at a loss.
When he was strolling the town in his uneasy feeling, he felt the sense of being observed through the shop's windows.
He showed his courage and approached the windows.
There was the bear doll embracing a plate.
"there are something written with red ink on the plate." he said with his trembling voice.
After he looked closely at what the plate said, He involuntarily said that...
"Oh, Opening is 10 o'clock." (In Japanese "Akuno jyuujika")

How horrible and chilly this is!!
I cannot help chuckling.
161名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 11:12:18
that dosnt work with translation
162名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 11:13:52
Miminashi Hoichi (Hoichi the Earless)
163nanashi:2010/10/15(金) 11:33:37
I get it but it's not very scary to people who don't speak Japanese...

Those stories are pretty scary, but some are legends and I can't really use
them as stories. Miminashi Hoichi is too long.

If you know any other good short stories like >>160 please share them.
164名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 11:35:16
Where do you go to school?
165名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 11:35:31
Including what >162 is recommending,
a novel called "Kaidan" is a very famous and traditional
compilation of short Japanese horror stories, and this novel is
written by a native speaker of English.
So you can pick one of the srotires, summerize it and present in
front of class.
166名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 11:45:34
Oh my... I see.
Let me talk another one.

Title : The startling fact.

There were two junior high school students who love each other.
One day, she said to him with her serious face, "I've been missing my period."

This is a universal horror, isn't it?
167名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 11:50:52
You win me.

You won me.

168nanashi:2010/10/15(金) 11:55:18
To "win" somebody means to make them fall in love with you.
You can say those but it is used rarely.
A better translation is "You beat me", which is both present and past tense.

Is that available on the internet?

I have to tell this to girls too. I don't think they would like that, but it is scary...
169名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 11:55:51
In order to get precise advice, I recommend you to go to following thread.

170名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 12:00:11
dont use japanese motherfucking faggot!!
171名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 12:01:08

172名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 12:01:31
173名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 12:02:20
suck ya mom's dick and g2 hell fucking fuck
174名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 12:06:10

それか学校の先生 これは当てにならんかw


175名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 12:09:28
176名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 12:13:14
177名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 12:15:16
178名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 12:16:22
179名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 12:17:39
180名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 12:19:48
181名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 12:21:28
182名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 12:26:05
183名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 12:32:37
184名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 12:42:23
Oh boy, It's hard to meet your demand.
I arranged the story so that you could tell that in front of your female classmates.

Title : The incredible fact.

There were two junior high school boys who love each other.
One day, One of the boys said to the other with his serious face, "I got pregnant."

Where did their baby come from? How dreadful!!

This kind of subject is touchy in your country, isn't it?
That is the point of this story. very, very serious one.
185名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 12:43:18
186132:2010/10/15(金) 13:00:23
Thank you very much for your explanation!
The fog in my mind is cleared now!

187名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 13:06:48
The point is not that, he should know he has to do that by himself.

Generally, Japanese popular folk tale and scare tale tend to be a long story.
So, it's hard to find a fine one that meet his demand.

Why don't you propose some stories to him?
188名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 13:29:01
I'm free today.
189名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 13:44:20
there is a beautiful castle "Himeji Jyo". another name of it is "Swan castle" because entirely white.
there is a well in that castlle. is called "Okiku No Ido"

Okiku was a maid of rich person. and that rich person had 10 expensive dish plates as family treasure.
the cleaning of those plates were one of her job.
someday. she destroyed one of the plates. then owner gets angry and killed her.
by throwing her into that well.
since then. poeple often hear her voice around that well.
like "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ..... I lost one"
190名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 13:45:25
then let's contribute to nanashi san's homework.
191名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 13:52:05
Let him do his own homework.
192名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 13:57:31
So, in the meantime, shall we have a tea?
193名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 14:18:07

its over 300 year old doll. her hair is growing. old doll used real human hair for its hair.
so its real human hair. and the reason of growing is still unknown. but its growing without doubt.
194名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 14:21:49

this is original hair length. same type doll.
195名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 14:28:13
What what?
196nanashi:2010/10/15(金) 14:29:29
-Hey, it's not homework, really... it's just I want to impress everyone
with a really scary and unique story straight from Japan.
Maybe I'll put a flashlight under my face...

Haha, maybe... but yea, homosexual relationships are pretty touchy.
To me though, I'm more concerned about where the baby came from...

197名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 14:58:39
Your writing in Japanese is really good, even though the sentence contains several Chinese characters.
Every time I see your Japanese sentence, I feel some kind of surprising.

Let me proofread a little bit.

ばかねぇ、、、。 このスレの名前は「英語で雑談」なのだから。
198KG2ch:2010/10/15(金) 15:00:19
>>136 What makes you think that women like actors becuse they hope to go
out with them? That is so wrong.

What is wrong with males who have less build? If you think all women
are after muscles you are mistaken. Those who do should marry bodyguards.
199nanashi:2010/10/15(金) 15:04:34
「なのです」 is something that's been hard for me to understand.
I don't think there's anything similar in English.
Thank you for proofreading.
Do you mean 漢字 when you say Chinese characters? How does that go
against my good Japanese?
My IME converts them automatically when I press space. If you use
Windows you probably have the same IME.
200名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 15:15:21
You sound so much like a fag.
Let me guess, you're learning Japanese from Japanese girls?
201名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 15:42:32
Yea, you are right. that mean "漢字".
I don't think that any "漢字" in your sentences caused damage at all.

I know that is quite difficult to understand. I can't explain that properly, although I am Japanese.
So, Is there anybody who can explain "なのです" in porper way?

By the way, regarding to what >>200 said, I also feel that your Japanese sentences sound like spoken by girls.
Especially at the part of "やめなさいよ" and "ばかねぇ".
If the speaker is a boy, he may say, "やめろよ" and "ばかだな"
If you don't want to imply any gender, you can say "やめなさい" and "ばかだね"

I can't explicate those kind of thing due to having spongy brain as well as lacking writing skill in English.
202名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 15:47:40
Nothing is better than anime.
203KONG:2010/10/15(金) 15:56:38
204nanashi:2010/10/15(金) 16:10:55

It was a combination of translator error and me watching a bit
too much anime.
But don't you know? It's all about the girly 美少年 now!
If there's one thing I learned from anime, it's that the men that get
confused with a girl get all the women.
205名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 16:11:16
you must be a hental otaku.
206名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 16:23:31
Sometimes I doubt your nationality.
In fact you are Japanese who pretend a foreigner, aren't you?
Fess Up!!!
207名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 16:23:49
I'm new here.
Is nanashi a non-japanese?
208名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 16:25:12
who knows.
209名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 16:35:43
A true hentai gentleman never appears to be hentai and bears himself with dignity and grace.
That is, he is real hentai with a conscience void of offence, hence has nothing to fear.
You must keep that in mind.
210nanashi:2010/10/15(金) 16:38:21

My Japanese is awful. But I pick up languages very fast and I like to
watch and listen to Japanese media.

211名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 16:47:46
Then, did you find some stories for your purpose?
212名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 17:02:28
macho = men
213nanashi:2010/10/15(金) 17:19:20
Not really. Still looking.
Even if they are in Japanese I can translate them.
214名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 17:34:51
Here goes a horror story from me...

One day Ken was walking alone in the street in a town far away from his home.
It's getting dark. He felt really lonely and thought he has to go home now.

He saw a woman walking toward him. Even from a distance he could tell
that her face is extremely pale. He can't recognize what exactly it is,
but other than her face, he felt something is wrong with her.

The distance between him and her narrows as they both walk. He was nervous abuot
the distance getting narrow but he can't change his direction because he has to
go to the station to go back home.

The closer they get, the more he gets nervous. He wondered if everybody in the street feels
the same way as him about her, but it seems that nobody cares.
They get closer and closer. He didn't want an eye contact with her.

Riht before they pass each other, something strange came up in his mind.
He thought, "She must be a ghost or something...."

The moment she pass him, she whisperd to him, "Why do you know that?"
215名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 17:43:03
The last line should be "How do you know that?"
I don't know which is better.
216名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 17:59:45
・Four people get lost in the snowy mountain.
・They find a lodge.
・Each man sleep in the four corners but they make it a rule that one goes to the next one to awake him in rotation.
・They all survive.
217名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 18:06:40
・It is completely dark inside the room.
218nanashi:2010/10/15(金) 18:14:42
Pretty good, did you make that yourself?

Wow that's horrifying.

Bed time- will I see more in the morning??
219名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 19:00:53
   Good night critics.

      <´・\  ::::::::::::::::::ヽ
       l  3 ハ::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ,
   ∫  .<、・_ (         )
   旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
220名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 19:15:28
Stop it, you bastard!
You make me sleepy, lol
221KG2ch:2010/10/15(金) 19:41:50
>>136 What makes you think that women like actors becuse they hope to go
out with them? That is so wrong.

What is wrong with males who have less build? If you think all women
are after muscles you are mistaken. Those who do should marry bodyguards.
222名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 19:54:37
What kind of anime do you watch?
223名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 20:15:36

The story gave me a chill. Pretty scary. At first I thought it sounded a little
bit similar to Kuchisake-Onna. The way suspense was gradually building up was
quite good.
224KG2ch:2010/10/15(金) 20:21:17
Cyberpunk anime is the best: Ergo Proxy, Texhnolyze, Serial Experiments Lain.
225名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 20:48:21
why dont u finish ya tea ?
u always sleep without finish drinking
i am concerned about spilling
226名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 21:40:29
Japanese scary short story?
What about 耳なし芳一?
227名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 21:43:16
I don't understand why >>216-217 is scary.

Would anyone explain what's so scary about it?
228名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 21:52:58
i dont give a fuck , fucking idiot
229名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 21:57:15
230名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 21:59:21
pussy smells auful but taste delicious
231名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/15(金) 23:15:05
No, I didn't. I heard that it before but I didn't remember it in detail
except what the woman said to him so I have to make the rest of the story.

> The way suspense was gradually building up was
quite good.

Thanks! I think this is what is supposed to be crusial before the woman's line.
To depict how nervous the boy felt is important, too
232名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 00:09:10
Anime is shit.
Fuck you weeaboo.
233名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 00:29:06
Anime is escapism itself
i hate it too

but Stand Alone Complex is fucking cool and artistic peaces
234nanashi:2010/10/16(土) 00:33:56
I'm looking for something short that I can scare people with, like >214.
235名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 00:49:17
OK, Look in the mirror.
You'll see the most horrifying story.

Just kidding. ;)
236名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 01:01:42
It was not until they were rescued that one of them said

“That requires five...”
237名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 01:30:47
fuck the horror fucking tale, demn it!!

just fucking think yourself, fucking nanashi
g2 hell motherfucker!!
238名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 01:52:40

A   B
D   C

A awakens B and sleeps there.
B awakens C and sleeps there.
C awakens D and sleeps there.
Who do D awaken? By whom is A awoken?

They do that every ten minutes for fear that they would freeze.
239KG2ch:2010/10/16(土) 01:57:58
>>238 Silly men. They should have all cuddled together to minimise
area and preserve heat.
240KG2ch:2010/10/16(土) 02:03:03
Paranoia Agent was also good, I am suprised noone likes the Cyberpunk anime
genre. But Ergo Proxy and Lain (with a killer ost by Boa) were superior in the plot sense.
241名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 02:04:26
i am in mcdonald now so for preparing to take a test in ten days.
242名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 02:12:12
>>236 >>238
Ah.... Thanks. Now I understand what it means.

But All D has to do is just walk to the corner where A was sleeping
and then turn right and go to the corner where A is now sleeping.
Even if it's dark, you can walk touching the wall so D can go to the
place A is sleeping. Maybe I'm a wetblanket.

But this story means even if D and the rest didn't walk that way,
they all surived so the story means another person (ghost) was in the lodge...

Did you recognize that there's another person(ghost or something) in the lodge first time
you read the story?
243名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 02:13:43
DO you live in America now?

McDonald is open 24 hours? Never heard of it.
244名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 02:48:29
thank you for responding.
maybe as you know, i am in japan.
so mcdonald has shops opened for 24 hours.
i am surprised to know that there is no shop all-hours in america.
245名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 02:54:35
I'm Japanese and live in Japan.

>so mcdonald has shops opened for 24 hours.

I didn't know that.
Study hard.
246名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 02:56:35
all of member in here,
Why can you speak(or write)English well?
247名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 04:12:14
i dont give a fuck
maybe you see in fucking hell, so g2 there
248名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 04:15:48
nanashi is just demn ass
i recommend to go through this asshole
249名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 05:30:04

   Good morning critics.

         ( ・ω⊂ヽ゛
         /    _ノ⌒⌒ヽ.
      ( ̄⊂人  //⌒   ノ
  旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
250KG2ch:2010/10/16(土) 06:15:08
It is very cold in my room despite the central heating.
It has been raining cats and dogs outside.
English weather is so humid, it makes you rot like a vegetable.
251名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 07:04:45
No problem at all. you are already rotten.
252KG2ch:2010/10/16(土) 07:11:58
>>251 I think it is your perception that is rotten. Let me throw you in the
green recyclables bin.
253名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 07:17:44
I'm glad to hear that.
Shall we get in the bin together? and let's have a good time.
254KG2ch:2010/10/16(土) 07:35:09
>>253 You get in first. I will wheel you down the street and dump you in the river.
You will be food for eels.
255名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 07:51:59
No, no, no. that's impossible.
Because I and eels are good friends.

So, come on! join us. our river party.
Don't forget to bring your swim suits or you will definitely introduce your body into the community of the fishes.
256KG2ch:2010/10/16(土) 07:56:41
>>255 You must be joking. It is 8 degrees Celsius outside.
The river might freeze overnight.
You can go in and catch pneumonia.
I will not be held responsible if you do.
257名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 08:08:23
just kidding...
258KG2ch:2010/10/16(土) 08:17:56
If we can instantly transport ourselves to Australia,
we can all go surfing. I think I will imagine that as I
drift to sleep.
259名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 09:41:38
At first they tried that, but they got drowsy. So they started to dread that all of them fell asleep.
260埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw :2010/10/16(土) 09:43:32
Although I'll take an exam of EIKEN of pre1 grade tomorrow,
I'm not enough to study hard for it...(Sigh)
261名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 09:49:11
At least you are trying to write something everyday here on this thread,
which means something. If you try to improve and do something, then
you do improve. You will be fine with Pre-Grade 1.
262名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 10:18:12
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried.
263名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 10:26:36
thats it!
264nanashi:2010/10/16(土) 10:45:32
So no more scary stories?
I'll take anything that I can say in public, and takes less than 5
minutes to say. It can be 2 lines if it's scary.
I want as many as possible.
265名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 10:53:35

266埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw :2010/10/16(土) 10:55:19
>>261 and >>262
Thank you for encouraging me! I'll do my best.

By the way, one thing I wanna say. That is about
Japan Democratic Party's politician, Ryoko Tani's
retirement from Judo world.
I do wanna say to her" Why didn't you notice that
it must be so hard, if you take 3 parts, caring for
your child, politician, and Judo expert before you
stand for the election?"
267名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 11:12:04
just try be honest?
268名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 12:07:08
Tani's father was Yakuza. he quit because she got enough money to feed the family.
269名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 12:23:11
are you sure?
270名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 12:23:56
I bet you will pass EIKEN.
Because your English is better than mine(I have EIKEN pre-first grade).
271名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 12:37:53
Why do many people want to pass or obtain Eiken 1st grade?
Eiken is valid only in Japan.
272名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 12:45:51
Is TOEIC international?
273名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 13:09:29
usualy Yakuza can't quit. if the one tried it, the one will be killed. or lost his finger.
but Tani was famous already. so he paid 2 million yen to Yakuza. then quit.
274名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 13:31:39
Too little money even for a finger...
275名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 13:55:40
I'm practicing English listening.
I'm not sure about bracketed words.
Could you enlighten me?

This is All Things Considered from NPR news.
I'm Lisa Bloc.
and I'm Mary *******.
The fedreal government has lifted a moratorium on offshore drilling in the gulf of Mexico.
Under pressure from the oil industry and its allies along the gulf coast,
the Obama administration says it will end the ban seven weeks early.
The moratorium is put in place after BP's deep water horizon drilling rig exploded this past April,
killing 11 people and creating a massive oil spill.
As NPR Jeff Breedy reports, the White House insists new rules have been put in place to
prevent a similar accident in the future.
The decision to end the moratorium was at the secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar
during the conference call today.
He said those rules designed to improve safety and protecting environment made it possible
to end the ban.

We are building [the goal] standard for offshore oil and gas regulation.
with the goal of ensuring our nations energy is produced as safely and environmentally responsible as possible.

The new rules were announced last month, one sets new standards for equipment
saying it must be inspected and certified by an independent engineer [that] include standards
for blowout preventors like the one that failed on BP's well.
A second rule requires companies to develop comprehensive workplace safety plans.
The goal is to reduce human errors that were the cause of many accidents and spills.
Salazar says that new requirements also place more resposibility on an oil company's leader. (cont.)
276275:2010/10/16(土) 13:57:10
Before the operator can begin the drilling deep water,
its CEO must certify that the rig has complied with all new and existing rules.

The oil industry responded to the news today just as you might expected.
**** Dewer as a senior economic advisor with the American petroleum institute.

[--- do what it takes --- follow papers --- inspections already.]

There are still concerns within the oil industries
that may take months for any new drilling to actually take place.
That's because the bureau of ocean energy management
the agency created in recent months to regulate drillers is still hiring more inspectors.
Oil industry advisor Dewer says it's disappointing to hear that
the government predicts it could take another month or more to issue new drilling permits.

Because the last thing we want is [defact] the moratoria
while you have backlog of proccesing [in] proof or permits.
So we are concerned about that. That [will] be able to move forward as fast as possible.

Environmental groups were quick to critisize the decision to lift the moratorium.
Sara Chases with the natural resources defence counsel says that
the new rules the Obama administration is putting in place are [] improvement
but she says more work needs to be done.

The better course would be to maintain the moratorium
until the coast guard and the interor investgations are complete.
The president and [comissioned] had issued its report
and also the natonal academy of engineering report
which I understand is due by the end of October.
277275:2010/10/16(土) 13:57:53

The administration says its overhaul of offshore drilling regulations is not completed.
and that those forthcoming reports could lead to more changes.
but it was clear the white house faced plenty of pressure to lift the ban,
even from within the president's own party.
The Louisianna senator Mary Andrew has placed a hold on president Obama's nomination
of Jack Loo to head the white house budget offce.
Today the senator Andrew says she would not lift that hold until she sees evidence
that the drilling has actually resumed in the Gulf of Mexico.
278名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 14:17:58
What the heck are you doing here?
Who is responsible for having fed responses to this jerk for several times?
279nanashi:2010/10/16(土) 14:35:47
I'd help you but I am way too tired.

So no more scary stories? I only have like 2 or so, and they're short...
280275:2010/10/16(土) 15:18:02
Nobody is responsible, you dork.
281名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 15:18:56
Your scary story begging is getting annoying.
282名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 15:34:12
283nanashi:2010/10/16(土) 16:05:56
Clearly you all are unable to meet my demands... how culturally depraved...

Ah well. On another note, how do I view old archived threads on here?
284名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 16:15:45
no need to answer guys, he clearly is a condescending asshole.
285名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 16:28:39
286nanashi:2010/10/16(土) 17:07:00
I'm joking! Don't think I'd be that condescending...
If you give me a scary story and your alias, I'll credit you if
I tell it. How's that?
287名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 17:15:34
Are you not going to use someone here's idea and pretend that it is your own, are you?
288nanashi:2010/10/16(土) 17:23:50
Well this is an anonymous board, so I couldn't credit somebody. But
I will say that "X-san" told me the story when I tell it, where X is
whatever name you give yourself.
Then I can tell everyone here how it went. And if your name is
an innuendo, the Japanese people there will probably get angry at
me and I know you'd all like to hear about that.
289名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 17:42:34
I cannot imagine you could do that.
You would be identified by 2ちゃん.

What a shame!
290名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 17:48:23
Or, no shame to it?
291名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 18:10:50
Shut your stinkin' mouth and post some scary story, you buttcuddlers.
292名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 19:07:39
You are so vile and impudent.
How dare do such impertinent things?

This thread is not your refugee temple.
Shave off and never come here.
293名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 19:10:09
This thread itself is getting scary...
294名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 19:27:28
>>292 he is nothing more than a spammer.
295名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 19:36:36
You had better throw your dependence away.
Your persistence make us sick.
296名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 19:41:57
it seems Kame girl is far more decent than those guys.
297名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 20:09:57
Suddenly, she looks Kawaii.
298名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 20:21:45
Did you guys see the news about McDonald's Happy Meal? That is scary.
299名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 20:42:25
jien sunna boke
300名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 21:23:22
fuck all you hoes
301名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 21:41:35
Chinese bosses shoot protesting Zambian miners: police
302名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 22:28:26
I bet Yoshito Sengoku will be the next PM.
303名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 22:39:17
holy crap!
304名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 22:41:33
   Good night nymphets.

      <´・\  ::::::::::::::::::ヽ
       l  3 ハ::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ,
   ∫  .<、・_ (         )
   旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
305名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 22:54:42
306名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 23:38:53
get a grip motherfucker
307名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/16(土) 23:47:30
Are they just condescending or trying to be polite?
I cannot even close to the level they can understand me without any
difficulties. It's their mother tongue, while it's not. I started
learning it way after I passed the critical time. They should know
I gave up lots of time in order to learn the language when they didn't
have to do it at all and enjoy their youth!
I resent it when they don't appreciate their luck that they don't
have to do this trouble and say, 'sorry?' smiling, when they don't
understand what I'm talking about in THEIR language!
308名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 00:00:33
shut fuck up demn ass
309名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 00:01:16
You die, and are the garbage.
310埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw :2010/10/17(日) 01:27:22
Well, I can't sleep at all because of EIKEN of pre1-grade...
So, I came to this thread to write this nonsence post.

Anyway, I'll try hard to fall asleep. Goodnight everyone!

      <´・\  ::::::::::::::::::ヽ    ←This AA borrowed from >>304.
       l  3 ハ::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ,
   ∫  .<、・_ (         )
   旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
311名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 03:03:26
i can assure u that everything will turn out fine.
312nihon-jin:2010/10/17(日) 09:15:40
A boy was running in a street. He passed by a crumbling house.
He sensed the smell of a pie. He turned around. The house was covered with vines, was long abandaned.
The boy looked into the house. Suddenly, he remembered hunger, hurried again toward the home.

In the past day, the house was inhabited by a couple.
One stormy night, they met in a street. In the storm, they have lost their houses.
Through the night they kept walking, finally they found a vacant small house.
The house was wild, the roof was leaky, but they smiled each other.
Inside of the house was strangely warm. Soon they started to live in the house.
In the first year, they patched the house every week. They started to bake a pie every sunday.
He keeps commenting on the taste of the pie durind the week, and always smiled in the end.
They didn't know each other a lot, have talked few, but the house was warm. Years went by.

Neighboring their house, there were a large house.
The house was covered with vines. In its yard, there were a tree bearing many pears.
When autumn came, their sunday pie became savory.
The back door of the house was always opened. They never saw lights lit in the next house.
Oddly enough, soon after their small house became shiny.

One another stormy night, the couple was in their house, squated down at the fireplace,
They remembered the day they first met.
Suddenly the door opened. All lights in the room went off.
Lights in the next house illuminated the house.
Robed visitors came into the house.
A visitor stroked a sheet, it read his signiture on it.
He looked back to her, and said. "My dear, if I didn't first, how can I believe you didn't instead? look how we lived so far!"

Sunday came again. In the kitchen, there were lumps of dried meat hanged from the ceiling, removed all blood.
He started to bake a meat pie.
313nihon-jin:2010/10/17(日) 09:16:31
I have tried... What a difficult.
It is something biased too, I wanted to express that life like that likely to ends up like that.
The woman must be morally suspicious too, but I think most people has own code or at least a line. They couldn't share or even understand their line each other.
314nihon-jin:2010/10/17(日) 09:58:31
I'm sorry,
I wondered if it is she who is going to eat a last pie now, no matter what cause I may insist. Scary story.
315名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 10:07:16

   Good morning nymphets.

         ( ・ω⊂ヽ゛
         /    _ノ⌒⌒ヽ.
      ( ̄⊂人  //⌒   ノ
  旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
316名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 10:44:40
I suppose 埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw-kun is now taking the exam.
Gook luck for him:)
317名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 12:31:25
shut the fuck up fucking social losers
318名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 12:49:36
He is a college student, from my shaky memory.
319埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw :2010/10/17(日) 13:01:53
A short time ago, the test of EIKEN of pre1-grade is over.
I hope I will pass it...

>>316 Thank you.
>>318 Yes, you're right. I'm a college student.
320名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 13:19:27
I have two questions.
The questions below is something you have to answer when you apply for
funding of venture capital company. (It's not I'm applying for it.)

Regarding the first sentense, what does "it" in the first sentense mean? Does it mean "your business"?
What does the sentense mean? I don't understand what "get" means in this

Regarding the second sentense, is it a joke or something?
Would you explain what it mean? I think I know what "hack" means
in computer related term but here, it says "(non-computer)" so
I'm wondering what the sentense means. Thank you.

・What do you understand about your business that other companies in it just don't get?

・Please tell us about the time you most successfully hacked some (non-computer) system to your advantage.
321名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 13:20:19
its like a jungle sometimes it make me wonder how keep from going under
322名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 15:11:41
This is not a Q-and-A board.
If you want to, find another appropriate site.
323名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 15:15:39
Q&A is a part of chatting, and I want to ask this question
to native English speakers. There used to be a thread where you can
ask a question to native English speakers but it's gone now. So let me
ask a question to them here.

Thank you.
324名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 15:22:22
How KY are you?
Take the appropriate time to ask for...not now.
325nanashi:2010/10/17(日) 15:47:23
KY or not...

Yes, "it" means your business. To "get" in that sentence means to understand or to know.
The second sentence is vague. It most likely means to tell about
some time when you were able to bend the rules of something or find
a "loophole" in order to do something more easily.
I don't know why they would ask you #2, it's a strange question.

Thanks! But I had a few questions...
>>Oddly enough, soon after their small house became shiny.
What does "shiny" mean there?
>>A visitor stroked a sheet, it read his signature on it.
>>He looked back to her, and said. "My dear, if I didn't first, how can I believe you didn't instead? look how we lived so far!"
Could you explain these lines to me?

Looks like a great story! Please answer those for me and I'll surely
tell it.
326名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 15:53:32
You can create new thread for that sort of things.
Why don't you do that?
As >>322 said, here is not a place to ask.
This place is full of beggars.

You are absolutely "kuuki yomenai".
327名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 16:27:02
Is this your first time to take the test?
328名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 18:53:23

The venture capital funds IT related companies. I think sometimes it's good
to be away from computer-reated things to ask.
Maybe they want to fund self starters or go-getters.
I don't know but their point might be, to accomplish your goal sometimes you have to bend rules or something...

>>323 is my opinon.
329名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 19:52:50
How selfish you are.
330名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 19:55:33
kiss my ass
331名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 19:56:57
take my shit and die in pain.
332名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 20:06:30
>>330 >>331
I bet you two Japanese can be friends in real life:)
333名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 20:26:29
fuck all u faggot lol
334名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 20:27:44
suck your mom's dick and g2 hell demn ass
335名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 21:12:59
Badmouthing is not chatting, right?
336名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 21:24:22
Then, let's start goodmouthing!
337名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 21:31:57
be careful
goodmouth means good pussy
goodmouthing means "sticking pussy"
338名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 22:02:45
The word "goodmouth" is not in my dictionary.
Maybe it's only in your エロ jargon dictionary.
339名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 23:02:25
you always say same thing. how pitiful. lol
340名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 23:25:44
suck your mom's dick and g2 hell demn ass
341名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 23:53:06
You are lonely, aren't you? Good-night.
342名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/17(日) 23:57:53
suck your mom's dick アスハマンデー →Yes!
343名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 00:52:30
3point in 100
344名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 00:52:42
   Good night protestants.

      <´・\  ::::::::::::::::::ヽ
       l  3 ハ::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ,
   ∫  .<、・_ (         )
   旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
345名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 00:53:55
oh, NEET
you come back to normal life
346イギリス人:2010/10/18(月) 06:18:55

The result of a couple hours of boredom. Not really very useful, and the
stats at the bottom aren't very interesting, but oh well.

Works with any 2ch thread, just need to paste the URL in here...
347イギリス人:2010/10/18(月) 07:03:29
Actually, "any" seems to be a huge lie. Any Kamome thread seems to
work, but no others. Back to the drawing board...
348名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 07:04:19
Mission Impossible 
349名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 07:48:06
>Not really very useful

Thanks for reminding me that "Noriaki" "COOL TAKU" and "Slim Shady" hasn't been mentioned here.
Or maybe they were because words mentioned less than 10 times aren't listed there.
I don't know how much time and efforts it took to make that, but
I'll say Good Job to you.

If everybody used handle name here, the list would be more fun.
Who posts how many times would be interesting to see if everybody used
handle name.
350KG2ch:2010/10/18(月) 07:58:16
>>349 I wouldn't encourage it. Otherwise
Slim Shady in all of us would make us use others' handles.
This thread would not qualify as a 2ch thread.
We must have some sort of pure anonymity.
351nanashi:2010/10/18(月) 08:05:29
lol i'm 8% of the thread... sad
352名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 08:11:58
>Slim Shady in all of us would make us use others' handles.
haha! Maybe you're right. Slim Shady in all of us never stops us from doing evil things.
That's enevitable part of us human being.

This thread is kind of special and being able to distinguish Japanse English learners
and people from overseas(Native English speakers and very fluent speakers of
English as a second language) benefits us English learners.

Some 2ch threads in other boards require you to use fixed handle name,
so using a handle name doesn't necessarily mean lacks of 2ch flavor.
353名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 08:13:47
Why sad?
Does that because the more you post, more it goes to show that you are wasting time in your life? w
354名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 08:59:08
Actually, you eat my pussy
355名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 10:24:57
Same thing goes to you and me. But in my case, I want to visit here sometimes
to study English. So each person's motive is different.
356名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 10:27:44
kiss my dickhead
357名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 10:32:54

   Good morning protestants.

         ( ・ω⊂ヽ゛
         /    _ノ⌒⌒ヽ.
      ( ̄⊂人  //⌒   ノ
  旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
358名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 11:00:16
NEET can sleep long time, i envy u
359名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 11:54:10
Some Japanese in this thread have good writing skill.
So they can disguise themselves as some of you.
Even if you use trip code, it cannot prevent them from doing that.
Because this server hasn't ID system while other 2ch servers have it.

On the other hand, fortunately, their English writing skill and knowledge are not equivalent to those of native speakers.
In addition to that, you can still reduce possibility of those unpleasant situations by using trip code.

Therefore I strongly recommend you to use trip code if you want to keep your identity.
360名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 12:07:56
I have to say that using trip code is quite common to the people who has own handle.
Even if you use trip code with your handle, we cannot know who you are in real world.

Or, do you still want to keep loophole in your making a slip of the tongue, Huh?
361nanashi:2010/10/18(月) 12:12:10
I can identify anyone here who isn't a native English speaker if they
say a few sentences.
Most of you speak very well and are understandable but make a lot of
similar errors. That's how I can tell.
But I hope you can all improve! That's what you're here for, and I'm
here for.
362名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 12:34:47
ass of a bitch
363名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 12:46:53
You are right.

However some Japanese can't distinguish native English speakers from others.
What is more, it's hard to distinguish when there are only a few sentences without error.

When someone who is disguised as you say something bad with malice in such a situation, what do you do?
364名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 13:36:49
lick my anus
365名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 14:36:34
If you don't like that, don't browse 2ch.
366名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 14:43:14
It seems you misunderstood my intention.
Personally, I don't mind at all.
Can you figure out what I want to say?
367nanashi:2010/10/18(月) 15:10:36
I don't care if someone impersonates me, I'm not trying to make a name
for myself (I am nanashi, after all). The only reason I go by a name
is, again, so people know I speak English natively, which is something
people here might want to know.
If a Japanese person impersonates me and says something silly like
>362 then I don't think that would be a problem. If a Japanese person
tries erroneously to correct English grammar under my name, well, I
would find that funny, and then correct them.
368名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 15:30:41
go to hell fucking asshole lol
369nanashi:2010/10/18(月) 15:43:22
So you don't mind at all even if I impersonate you, like this
"I have to go, I can't come here any longer."

Of course, this imply that The person who has name "nanashi" is not me (I mean not you) from now on.
Some people will begin to think that someone else impersonated you after I said that.
Needless to say that there are many other possibilities.

However If you don't think those kind of things are problems, it's no problem at all.
Enjoy yourself.
370名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 15:50:03
shut fuck up nigga
371名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 15:54:53
I'm Japanese, thus you are completely wrong. lol
372名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 15:55:57
suck your poppa's pussy asshole
373359:2010/10/18(月) 17:05:16
In case you don't know about trip code, I explain what trip code is and how to use trip code, especially for foreigners.

What is the trip?
  The trip code system is simplified system to identify your identity.
  The trip code is encrypted character string that is generated from the password that you input.

How to use the trip?
  1. You must decide your own password. (e.g. 0123456789AB) *1 *2 *3
  2. Put your name in name column as usual, then put "#" after your name. (e.g. Jone Doe#) This is crucial. *4
  3. Put your password after "#". (e.g. Jone Doe#0123456789AB)
  4. Post your message as usual.

If you did those procedures correctly, your name is displayed with your trip code after posting.
  (When you used example password, The name is displayed as "Jone Doe◆tqoLqtqG1LLg".)
The "◆" is mark of trip code. We can identify you by looking at your trip.

This explanation is facilitated to understand easily. For further details, please refer to related web site.

  *1 To avoid being cracked, I strongly recommend you to use long password that has 12 bytes length at least.
  *2 The password should be unpredictable. In other cases, the password will be easily cracked.
  *3 You can use 2 byte characters as well as alphabet and number for your password.
  *4 If you forget to put "#", you will disclose your password to everyone. It means you can't use the password any longer.
374nanashi:2010/10/18(月) 17:05:31
Wow, that one sparks the imagination.

Hey, anyone know where the phrase 『マイペース』came from? I hear it
a lot in Japanese.
375名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 17:12:51
at one's(MY) own PACE, I think.
376nanashi ◆tr.t4dJfuU :2010/10/18(月) 17:19:12
like this?

I know what it means, but where did it come from?
377nanashi ◆U7xH6c7Pis :2010/10/18(月) 17:20:13
by the way,
this will be my actual tripcode.
there! now no more impersonation troubles.
378373:2010/10/18(月) 17:41:05
>like this?
However I can't identify whether >>377 is >>376 or not.
This server has not another ID system as I mentioned before, so it's hard to know you are >>377 or not.
Therefore you should not change your password unless you met the situation that oblige you to do that.

Regarding your question...
Because the Japanese are full of stupidity in using English words, they tend to use word "マイ" to describe their own things.
There are some similar things, like "My car".
379nanashi ◆U7xH6c7Pis :2010/10/18(月) 17:46:14
I've heard 『マイペース』to describe people lol. Like, "that person
is very 『マイペース』." How odd.

You want me to prove that I am me? Hm...
Did you know subjunctive exists in English? It's in words like "I wish
I were..." or "If only he were..." instead of "I wish I am..." or "If
only he is..."
It's been almost totally lost though, and many natives now say "I wish
I was..." or "If only he was..." instead, equating the subjunctive
with the past tense. How sad.
380378:2010/10/18(月) 18:01:20
I don't want you to prove that.
It's a mere piece of advice.

I know subjunctive sentence but have difficulty using subjunctive.
Because there are few opportunity to use subjunctive sentence in everyday conversation.

If I were wealthy, I could invite you to Japan.
381378:2010/10/18(月) 18:04:36
Ahhhh, I should have said "I don't demand to prove that".
382nanashi ◆U7xH6c7Pis :2010/10/18(月) 18:20:21
Nah, "I don't want you to prove that" works better.

Heh, if you win the lottery, send me an e-mail!
Unfortunately because of anonymity, you must address it to "sage".

I might come to Japan this summer. I hope so. I've never been there.

Question for you all before I go to bed:
I have a friend whose surname is German and likes to write it
『暗いの変ぞ』. In katakana it's 『クラインヘンズ』. Does his version
work? Or is there a better way to write his name in kanji?
I know the reading is different but he likes to be liberal.
I am eager to share with him my findings.
383埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw :2010/10/18(月) 19:14:31
No, I've taken the test twice. In first time, I couldn't
pass it because of my non-enough study English.
But, I do think this test's score of mine can be enough
to pass. Yes, I do...
384名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 19:25:39
Then, when do you receive the result?
I suppose you will pass the test as you do have such confidence.
385イギリス人:2010/10/18(月) 19:43:12
Good luck (if you need it, anyway).
What do you hope to do with your qualification once you achieve it?
386埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw :2010/10/18(月) 19:44:59
According to the official website of EIKEN, it is after about 2weeks.

Next Monday, I'll do a presentation of storytelling to class
in university.
So, here my original story will be shown in the day is.

This is a story about the truth of an insect freak boy, Tsuyoshi's
pet, crickets.
One autumn day, an insect freak boy, Tsuyoshi found two insects.
These were crickets. At sight of him, they were so cute and lovely.
So, he decided to caught and keep them in an insect cage. He gave
some food to them and was pleased with their growing day by day.

However, he realized the terrible truth of them when his friend, Kenji
came to his house. Tsuyoshi told him about his lovely crickets. And
then Kenji asked him a question,"Where did you get the crickets?",
"Ah, I found them at kitchen in my house." he replyed, "Ki-, kitchen?
Well..., I do think they aren't crickets, just cockroaches..." Kenji said,
suddenly his face became so blue and he looked at the insect cage
and screamed. Because there were full of cockroaches, so ugly and
disgusting. In result of that, he died of shock.

The moral of this story is "At first, confirm and notice what it is".

That's all(haha). What do you think about my original(nonsense)story?
Please give me a comment, if you wanna write it.
387埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw :2010/10/18(月) 19:47:49
I hope to be a translator with it in the future. I have
the dream since I was a junior-high scool student.
Thank you.
388名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 20:08:12
389名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 21:24:50
kiss my dickhead
390名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 21:53:50
i am very sleepy
391イギリス人 ◆enGLiShM.E :2010/10/18(月) 21:55:27
Hmm... guess if I ever use a tripcode, it'd be something like this one.

I have a relative who has a phobia of cockroaches, so can sort of understand
that story. I've only ever seen one cockroach in real life though, the last
time I visited southern USA. Perhaps the story could also be used as an
analogy for love and relationships. Ones that don't turn out right, anyway...

I have a friend who's a translator and he finds it pretty rewarding and
enjoyable, as he gets to work with all sorts of people. I hope your plans
work out.
392名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/18(月) 22:27:27
>as he gets to work with all sorts of people.

Is that really the case? In case of freelance, a translator' job is very
loney confined to your own room, tapping keyborad, which some people like
working in such a working condition. All they do is just waiting for email
from translation agency asking them to do a job. If you decided to take the job,
all youd do is just doing what I mentioned above.

Maybe he's a in-house interpreter? If that's the case, though, translator's
job is basically very lonely, tapping keyborad, watching the monitor, doing
researches on their own.

Well, but, say, translation of a video game or something by multiple in-house translaters,
that could be fun, exchanging opinions with other translaters about which
terms or expressions would be appropriate or not in this contexr and what not....
393359:2010/10/18(月) 23:49:23
In addition to >>373, I also explain how to change your password without any problem.

Notice : This method is valid only when no one knows your old password.

How to change passwoad?
  1. Create your new password as you did before.
  2. Post the message that is like a following one by using new password.
    "I want to change my trip code."
  3. Post the message that is like a following one by using old password.
    "My new trip code is ************." ("************" is new trip code displayed in previous post.)

Following this procedure, we can confirm that the person who posted those messages is the same person.

There are some tools to create your favorite trip code. For further details, please refer to related web site.
However, it will take a huge amount of time until you obtain favorite one.

You have a good trip code. You used some tools to obtain that, didn't you?
I don't think you can get your trip code unless you depend on trip code tools.
394名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/19(火) 00:02:29
gaijin groupie much?
395名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/19(火) 00:12:22
If you want to say I'm a gaijin groupie, I have to say "No".
396名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/19(火) 01:27:39
shut fuck up, fucking fag
397名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/19(火) 02:21:20
   Good night plebs.

      <´・\  ::::::::::::::::::ヽ
       l  3 ハ::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ,
   ∫  .<、・_ (         )
   旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
398nihon-jin:2010/10/19(火) 06:41:05
I'm planning to make a trip code. I hope the trip tool running background doesn't make my PC slower.

I couldn't understand what hacking meant.
My father was looking for general system hacker for a long time.
His hackers always suffer some neurosis and resigns in several years.
Once he found a hacker gifted for mathmatics. They also said he was reliable and nice person.
About 5 years later the hacker converted company's property on illegal gambling and committed suicide.
I imegene it is exhausting work.
Father's company is not big and they use same language, still I never thought I could do hacking.
399名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/19(火) 07:35:56
Thanks for sharing the story.
400名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/19(火) 08:19:59
You don't seem like living an aristocratic life, though.
401nihon-jin:2010/10/19(火) 08:24:07
I'm sorry for it is not good story.
To say quite honestly father thought I should be otherwise.
He keeps me live and when he feels tired he comes to his daughter, and feels tired more.
I'm not sure it worked well but I could imagene the way.
402名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/19(火) 08:36:23
shut fuck up fucking dyke
403nihon-jin:2010/10/19(火) 08:57:44
Thank you for reading. I'm sorry for being late.
It must be shameful story, please don't be bothered to tell.

>>>Oddly enough, soon after their small house became shiny.
>What does "shiny" mean there?

I thought shining house could be both embarrassing or fun to live. I imagened the roguish couple would spend like that.

>>>A visitor stroked a sheet, it read his signature on it.
>>>He looked back to her, and said. "My dear, if I didn't first, how can I believe you didn't instead? look how we lived so far!"
>Could you explain these lines to me?

First someone entered the yard and stole fruits.
Next someone trespassed into the house.
At last someone was cought in the house or just agreed the contract.
They might have done it without ill intentions first and results was not serious.
This time the contract was about their life.
If he didn't agree first, they could go to his lover, then if she agreed it, he loses blood.
There could have been ways to avoid the fatal choice if they have lived trustworthy.
At last he said their life was not trustworthy but they could have cherished it too.
I couldn't discribe it in the story. Also it is biased. It is shameful.
404イギリス人:2010/10/19(火) 08:59:11
Another hour wasted. More statistics, if anyone's interested. This time
it's thread activity by posts per hour for this thread.
405nihon-jin:2010/10/19(火) 09:23:15
Isn't it too beautiful design for thread activity?
406スパーキー4:2010/10/19(火) 09:25:53
I am uber lonely

I must be .... the biggest gaijin in North Louisiana

407名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/19(火) 09:30:06
This data is more interesting than the others as for me.

Never imagined 12:00pm is the busiest time of this thread.
Maybe peolple who work on weekdays post during luch breaK...
408nanashi ◆U7xH6c7Pis :2010/10/19(火) 09:57:26
OK- this is my final trip key I swear.
Next post...
409nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/19(火) 09:59:13
OK this is my final trip.
I like this one.
410nihon-jin:2010/10/19(火) 10:19:27
I see trip users are always like that...
I didn't use trip at all.
411名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/19(火) 11:01:39
Why do you put in a name?
You are a nobody.
If you want to be acknowledged so badly, why don't you put in your real name.
412名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/19(火) 11:08:08
Hi everyone
413nihon-jin:2010/10/19(火) 11:10:47
I thought your real name was 名無しさん@英語勉強中 first.
There were many things I don't know in internet.
414nihon-jin:2010/10/19(火) 11:52:50
If you care names, you should live in real.
I understand people like to forget real in 2ch. I hope it was worth your recreation.
415名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/19(火) 12:58:31
Hello, Japan!
I want to welcome you to a new website called!
It is just like World2Ch. It is very new, so there is only two boards.
English is encouraged, but Japanese accepted, too.
Thanks and have fun at the site!
416名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/19(火) 13:30:45

   Good morning plebs.

         ( ・ω⊂ヽ゛
         /    _ノ⌒⌒ヽ.
      ( ̄⊂人  //⌒   ノ
  旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
417名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/19(火) 13:46:49
Nah, you must follow >>393's procedure otherwise we can't confirm you.

In this case we can still assume who you are but it dosen't work at another thread.
So, Please keep in mind >>393's procedure if you don't want to ask for trouble.

However I don't care whether you are real nanashi san.
That's not my business.
418名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/19(火) 14:20:05
You should scratch your right eye for a change.
419nanashi ◆U7xH6c7Pis :2010/10/19(火) 14:27:07
My new trip is NANaShiTfI.

I understand much better now, but I would still like to know why they
had to sign the contract. What does this have to do with them being
Thanks. I'm putting together a list of everyone's stories and hopefully
I can tell a bunch of them! I need them all by Wednesday night though,
so if you have any more, I need them now!
420名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/19(火) 17:03:29
die in pain, selfish fuck
421 ◆HHP7aaLwNI :2010/10/19(火) 17:40:31
422埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw :2010/10/19(火) 17:48:36
Hi, everyone. I'm gonna write a nonsense post again(self-scorn).

I've got an original nonsense gag lately. That is a parody song of
"Ore wa Gyaian-sama da!(in Eng, I am the king of kids,Gyaian!)",
used in Japan's popular and famous animation program, Doraemon
a long time ago(the song isn't used in Doraemon today). And here
the information of the character for foreigners don't know the ani-
mation is. Gyaian is nickname of Takeshi Gouda, the nickname is
derived from his young sister, Gyaiko's brother. Namely, his"Gyai"
is Gyai of her and his"an" is an of ancyan(it means old brother in
Japanse slag), not from the English word"Giant".
Below the movie he sings the song is.
The gag uses the one phrase,"Ore wa Gaian gaki-daisyo〜♪
(in English, I am Gaian, king of kids)".

Now, I'm gonna show you the gag used the song.

"Ore wa Janis Ian Love is blind〜♪"

Not so good? if so, I'll be so blue...orz

Oh, one more movie I wanna show you. it's a related movie with
her. Nana Hoshi, Japanese female impressionist, imitating of her
in a TV program. I think her imitation is so good. So, let's watch
and enjoy!
423nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/19(火) 18:44:26

The first time I saw this I was amazed.
424名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/19(火) 21:20:27
Huh? Such things often happen in Japan.
What did you expect? Pussy talks?
Then, I would be amazed.
425名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/19(火) 22:50:27
A voice actor is well known occupation in Japan, because of popularity of animation.
There are many geeks in Japan who love voice actor.
We call them "seiyuu otaku". Seiyuu means a voice actor in English, and "Otaku" means, as you know, Geek.
Due to the popularity of voice actor, especially, of voice actress, animation industry of Japan has been idolizing them.
As a result of that, We have several occasions of seeing them in books, TV and so on.

Recently, in addition to the voice, the appearance came to be evaluated too as well as an idol.
So, they sing a song, sell their own music CD, publish photograph collection, etc.
What I really disgust is that they sing a song even though they are not good at singing.
This is what is called shitty commercialism.
However, while most of them don't have capability to sing well, some of them have brilliant skill
as much as professional singer.
If you are interested in those things, you can check it at Youtube.

Although I know a little bit about them, I am still amazed by the gap between their voice and their appearance.
426名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/19(火) 22:58:14
Oops, the part of "as well as" and "as much as" are quite odd.
How awful my writing skill is.... ('A`)
427名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/19(火) 23:05:41
salary of talented people in japan is cheapest in this world.
one of most famous voice actor said that she can't live with present salary.
japanese high tech is same. salary of engeener in japanese company is cheaper
than other job in same company.
there are many boring TV shows. no talent. even they are not japanese.
they would get millions of yen per month? rediculaus.
428名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 00:29:41
429名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 01:25:11
Gian is the character of comic "Doraemon"
Doraemon is the most popular comin in japan

what is popular comic in US or Europe like Doraemon in Japan ??
430名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 02:04:02
I hate Doraemon. He is definitely hypocrite.
431名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 02:16:21
I'm boread.
Since I finished American McGee's Alice a few days ago, I don't have a game to play.
432名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 02:49:28
    I'm full of boredom. So I'll drink tea.
      ∧_∧   /__ o、 |、
     ( ´・ω・)   | ・ \ノ
     旦  o)    | ・  |
     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
433名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 03:33:38
   Good night ordinary people.

      <´・\  ::::::::::::::::::ヽ
       l  3 ハ::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ,
   ∫  .<、・_ (         )
   旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
434nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/20(水) 04:02:46
Why is there suddenly tea again!?
435KG2ch:2010/10/20(水) 07:49:42
Please, make the next thread tea "Lady Gray", it is truly refreshing.
436名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 07:50:06
when he get up, tea is empty
it is fucking mysterious
437名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 07:50:58
it is fucking boaring
fucking piece of shit itself
438nihon-jin:2010/10/20(水) 08:21:38
I thought basically, as long as they continue such roguish life they had to pay for that shining house ultimately.
Or they were roguish they could have dodged, but they couldn't for their roguish life.
So I understood the end as it is.
But I couldn't understand one thing, too.
It seems she is sipping a tea after that.
439イギリス人:2010/10/20(水) 09:48:38
Thanks, but I'd say it's simple rather than pretty. It has to be easy
to read in order to test its functionality. Making it look nicer comes
later in the workflow.

Argh... Sanma... what amazes me the most are people who can put up with him
for more than a minute.

He does freelance, but in all sorts of translation jobs. It's true that
most of the time it's a case of translating in court cases, which he
doesn't find that interesting, but sometimes he has to act as an interpreter
if foreigners who aren't comfortable with the language come to visit other
companies. Sometimes it's a case of actually translating speech on the go,
sometimes he just has to translate notes and paperwork. I suppose if you
enjoy the challenge of languages, it's a good calling.

Aaand... finally added some more functionality to the thread activity charts.
Now it lists all threads on this board and displays very basic stats for any
which are clicked. It takes a couple seconds for the data to connect, so please
be patient. I'll add some more functions to it tomorrow, such as average posts
per day, as that gives better context to the speed at which a thread moves.
440nihon-jin:2010/10/20(水) 10:11:21
I see. It is sad simple designs are often mistaken for other similar designs.
But I think I understand the beauty in a simple design.
441名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 10:42:23
Hi guys! testing my english and japanese knowledge at the same time...
Im from Chile by the way... yeah, the country of the 33 miners www
442名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 10:56:12
You must be fluent in Japanese, because you used www.
443名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 11:03:45

Im studying Japanese in my country, im at third grade right now... but im still need a lot of practice.

I can read hiragana and katakana perfectly, but Kanji is another thing... i guess im know like, 60?

www is like "LOL" and is pretty popular in Nico Douga who i watch some videos, but oh well, i guess im your average gaijin who wants to know more.
444名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 11:06:14
I have a question. What does "pay-for-print" mean? The context is below.
Thank you.

”What's the journal's acceptance rate?:
Can you afford rejection?
Are pay-for-print journals an options?”
445名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 11:11:03
world wide web
446名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 11:11:10
The miners must have smelled badly when they came back to the ground
after spending two months withiut taking a bath.
Any news reports about their smell?

I heard after they came back, they were all hospitalized and got medical check.
Until they get out of hospital, they don't take a bath, do they?
Nurses and doctors must be really annoyed by their smell.
447名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 11:15:45

As far as i know, everyone take a bath and they even get some showers inside the mine.

When they were contacted they got water from a new external tube.

So, i never head of bad smells... even when they were rescued.
448名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 11:18:14
Ah, never heard about "pay-for-print" by the way, sounds like a library service.
449名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 11:21:52
maybe. pay for print means "costs for paper"
we often talk about money of printing when we may choose printer for PC.
450名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 11:24:59
Oh, really? I didn't know that they could take a shower 700m under the ground.
I thought they can't take a bath until they get medical check so
at least they can't take a bath a few days after they were hospitalized.

Some wives and kids asked President to send back their husband/father
to deep underground because they hate him? Any news report about that?
451名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 11:39:38

The miners always have water in the emergency bunker of the mine
it was the real reason why they survived.

About your second question, funny enough there is one of the miners who got 3 lovers
one of them is even pregnant... and its now the most talked thing on TV gossip shows.
452名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 11:55:47
hi nice to meet you

im mika.
i want to talk with many people who are able to be speak english by chat.
and im usually go to this chat room.
i want to make friend and learn english while enjoying.

453名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 11:57:33
The 25-year-old one?

I wonder why that guy is that popular.
454名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 12:03:02
>The miners always have water in the emergency bunker of the mine

Oh, is that right? I didn't know that.

Oh, yeah, I think I've heard of the guy. His lovers and wife are quarreling
on the gorund or something. The number of miners were more than 30 so
one or a few of them must have an intersting story/background...
455名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 12:11:14

The name of that guy is Yonni Barrios, who is a veeeery strange name here.

And yeah... some one them are making noise from really stupid things
like Mario (the first miner who was rescued) who swimming naked in a beach
when he was interviewed by ABC News.

His nickname is "Super Mario", like the Nintendo character.
456名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 12:18:46
You must be super elite in Chile, being able to speak English.

Not so many househoulds have internet connection in your country, right?
Like people in Andes mountains. Living with Alpaka.
457名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 12:22:31
thats stereotype
458名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 12:25:13
459名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 12:38:54

Honestly here in Santiago (our capital) 80% of the population got broadband internet
The problem is outside this region... Chile is a very "central" country, sadly
at least we are an stable and prosperous nation, like Argentina and Brazil.

Alpakas are found more easily in Argentina, i guess... very funny CM by the way!

I live just a few kilometers of the Andes mountains by the way, is very beautiful here!
460名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 12:57:43
Thanks for sharing the information.
Your capital's broadband rate is a lot higher than I imagined.

You live in good environment.

461名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 13:02:19

"You live in good environment."

Well, thats depends of the side you can view that, a lot of poor people got things
like broadband internet, HDTV, good PCs , and things like that because there is a
lot of black marketfor those things... but still.
462名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 13:10:47
At least you live in a place rich in nature.
Do indigenous people live in your neighborhood?
463名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 13:15:16

No, is very hard to find indigenous people here, you can find Mapuche people
in the south of the country, but in Santiago is hard.

Does Japan have mountains? sorry for my stupid question but i always heard about
mount Fuji and thats it, nothing more, and to my eyes mount Fuji is very small (but pretty).
464名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 13:27:08
You said you live only a few kilometers away from Andes, so I thought
indigenous people live in your neighborhood.

If I remember correctly, 70% of total Japanese land is mountains.
Mt. Fuji stands alone so that's why it look small to your eyes, maybe.

There're high mountain rainges, series of mountain in Japan, too.

Probably they are much smaller scale compare to Andes, though.
465名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 13:33:06

If you click the images you can watch movies.
If you're interested, check them out.

I said 70% of Japanese land is mountain but not so high mountains as
shown in >>464 and in the the movies. >>464 and these movies are the
very high mountain ranges in Japan. They are kind of exceptions.
466名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 13:36:25
Gotta go now. See you later, adios amigo.
467名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 13:52:22
Thanks a lot for your information!! maybe i make my question bad, i already know
that Japan is mostly "mountains" but i count those mountains as "hills" because of
his size, i guess living in the Andes has affected me www

And no, Andes doesnt always means that there is indigenous people, there is a large
space who is just mountains... and not more than that.

Muchas gracias!
468nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/20(水) 14:20:00
Ah ¡bienvenidos Sr. Chileno! Me pregunto si hay mucha gente en Japón
que quiere hablar en español. Sé que es bastante fácil aprender
español en los EEUU gracias a los numerosos inmigrantes (y es por
eso que hablo español ahora) pero en Japón es casi totalmente Japoneses.
Los inmigrantes son solamente coreanos, o americanos o algo así.
Es verdad que japonés es muchííííísimo más difícil que inglés. Pero,
sospecho que esto es obvio, ¿no?

I watched the miners as they were pulled out. I was happy for them.
469名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 14:26:31
Hello nanashi (nanashi is "no name" right?)

Yes, Japanese is pretty much hard than English, but also i find Spanish a very
hard language... dont you think?

(Sorry if i didnt respond in Spanish, but this is the "english chat" 2ch room...
gracias por tu bienvenida!)
470名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 14:27:50
I need to sleep by the way, thanks a lot for the good time guys! (*≧▽≦)オハツでっす
471nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/20(水) 14:32:31
Yes, nanashi is the romanisation of 名無し.

Spanish is pretty easy to me, being a native English speaker. The only
difficult parts were the genders (sometimes) and the huge number of
verb conjugations.
If you want a hard language to master- English. It's not -that- bad
learning to speak it, but being as fluent as a native is extremely
difficult, because the language is constantly changing. Also the
vocabulary of English is (I believe) bigger than that of any other
472名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 16:29:52
   Good morning ordinary people.

         ( ・ω⊂ヽ゛
         /    _ノ⌒⌒ヽ.
      ( ̄⊂人  //⌒   ノ
  旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
473名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 17:04:25
I suggest writing your name from now on.
Your name is 塵. It's a deal!!
474nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/20(水) 17:12:12
May as well be うんこ。
475埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw :2010/10/20(水) 17:20:00
Oh, sorry. I've made a mistake of spelling.
The correct spelling of the character is "Jaian".
It's very shameful to me...orz
476名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 18:03:54
Why do they drop shitty advertisement bombs these days?

Why don't you join us at here if you want to have a chat in English, Huh?
Or if you want to have a real time chat, you should join in some IRC channels.

Speaking of IRC, There are some 2ch IRC servers, if my memory is correct.
Does anyone know if there is the channel that is like this thread in those 2ch servers?
Well, I'm not eligible to join in IRC because it takes a lot of time for me to write English sentence
but I know this is the one of ways to improve writing skill.
When we have a conversation in some games or chat, we are called for quick response.

Then that bring up a question to me.
Which is the better way to improve writing skill? - to write quickly even though some collocation errors
exist or to write carefully to reduce those errors.
What do you think?
477名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 21:24:55
Don't think. Feel!
478名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 21:42:51
No, no, no I recommended 塵 because it sounds like Chile in Japanese. ^^
479チリ人:2010/10/20(水) 21:50:34
Good morning everyone!


English is "evolving" because is pretty easy to make slangs... i think, but yeah,
learning English for use fluently is pretty hard and i still need more training.


So my name in Chile can be "basura" and "mierda" www
480名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 21:57:51
You must be diehard fan of Bruce Lee.

I don't think "塵" is a good Chinese character to describe it.
As you know, we usually use "塵" for describing dust.
481チリ人:2010/10/20(水) 22:02:19

I used my Japanese kanji dictionary to understand that! www
Is a grade 9 Kanji... seems too advanced too me (for now), but thanks anyway
considering that 塵 can be read as ちり i guess he is not lying ww
482チリ人:2010/10/20(水) 22:20:40

Last time i checked 2ch IRC servers i haven't found any English channel
483名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/20(水) 22:31:35
What a active person you are!
Thank you for checking that.

I suppose you have good English skill, so I wonder why you are interested in learning Japanese.
In view of international communication, English is a must, but Japanese is less important.
Is there any reason or purpose to learn Japanese?
484チリ人:2010/10/20(水) 23:08:06

Because Japanese culture is part of my life since i was born.

Culturally speaking, Japanese is a must now: I love arts in all his forms, i
like movies, music, painting, books, etc and Japan is one of the most
interesting cultures in the arts, at least for me, when i was young i watched
a lot of Japanese animation and playing Japanese video games, then i watch a lot
of Asian movies, from Hong Kong and Japan, and i was instantly in love with the culture.

Im at third grade in my Japanese institute, but there is a long way to go...
485名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/21(木) 00:16:35
Thank you for your reply.

Every time I hear that you guys watch Japanese animation or play Japanese game,
it makes me wondering.
How popular is that in the world.

nanashi san also said that he was watching Japanese animation and
that fact made him somewhat girlish in writing Japanese. lol
I wonder what animation he is watching.
486名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/21(木) 00:44:45
I am the one who mentioned 塵 but I am relieved that you understood my stupid joke. ^^;
The right kanji for Chile is 智利 although it is 当て字(phonetic equivalent). you already know it?
487nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/21(木) 00:59:18
>nanashi san also said that he was watching Japanese animation and
>that fact made him somewhat girlish in writing Japanese. lol

Yea that's a problem...

>Every time I hear that you guys watch Japanese animation or play Japanese game,
>it makes me wondering.
>How popular is that in the world.

It's very popular in certain countries, but only in niche markets.
I know in Spain and Brazil for some reason anime is very popular.
The UK and other European countries are similar.
In the US, anime is very popular among people who, for one, are antisocial,
because it is a way of escapism (as was mentioned before), but it is
popular with some regular people too (such as myself). If I had to
generalise, I'd say anime is usually more popular with intelligent
people, but that would be hard to confirm.
A lot of Americans do not know what anime is. American cartoons are
almost always only for children, and if not then they are sitcoms
(such as Family Guy or The Simpsons etc.), so many people do not
take anything animated seriously. That has been a major reason why
anime is not more popular here.
We have many anime/manga conventions throughout the year as well, but they
rarely go above 30,000 attendees each, as opposed to Comiket, which
was 560,000 last year.

That sounds like me. Start with the anime and then over time grow to
become fascinated with the rest of the culture. I wouldn't be here
if I only had interest in the anime.
488名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/21(木) 01:43:20
I see. But I feel you seldom talk about anime so I only know you really like Pokemon.
Anything else you like? I know Naruto was extremely popular among American for some time.
489名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/21(木) 02:10:06
At first I thought United States also have Comiket then I realized you mean
"Comic market" of Japan.
I'm not enthusiastic about animation, so I've never been to Comiket.
However I often heard horrible stories about Comiket.
For example, someone couldn't hold out against their desire to evacuate....

By the way, does the Japanese animation you are watching have a subtitle or a English voice?

I've never watched those animation even though I'm living in Japan.
Why is Pokemon popular even among adult?
490チリ人:2010/10/21(木) 02:22:53
>Every time I hear that you guys watch Japanese animation or play Japanese game,
>it makes me wondering.
>How popular is that in the world.

It is indeed very popular here! i watched a lot of classic when i was young (im 26 years now)
like Gatchaman, Candy Candy, Versailles no Bara, Captain Future, Time Boukan, Mazinger Z and
other good old Anime, its pretty incredible!! now Anime is not the same as before, but there is
still some things that i like.

>I am the one who mentioned 塵 but I am relieved that you understood my stupid joke. ^^;

Yeah! 大丈夫 ww

>The right kanji for Chile is 智利 although it is 当て字(phonetic equivalent). you already know it?

No! i always read Chile as チリ in Katakana, i never heard about that, thanks a lot!
491チリ人:2010/10/21(木) 02:24:14
Here in my country is exactly the same, animation is watched always as "kid stuff", but there are
still some people who watch Japanese animation and things like The Simpsons, who is popular in Chile anyway.

>By the way, does the Japanese animation you are watching have a subtitle or a English voice?

I watched Japanese anime and movies with English subtitles, but im now understanding more Japanese so im happy with that!

>Why is Pokemon popular even among adult?

I think that is because the video game was a cult hit for a whole generation, so they grown up and still loves Pokemon.
I never played Pokemon seriously, but even to this day sounds a fun game, i haven't saw the Anime in years.

The last Anime that was showed in Chilean TV is Inazuma Eleven (who is called "Los Super 11" here), is for kids, but seems pretty
intense! like Captain Tsubasa... but even more www
492名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/21(木) 02:47:38
>animation is watched always as "kid stuff"
That is true of Japanese.
As a matter of fact, some animations contain an idea or a lesson that is hard to understand to kids
although appearance of the animation is childish.

>but im now understanding more Japanese so im happy with that!
Be careful not to become girlish. lol

>I think that is because the video game was a cult hit for a whole generation,
> so they grown up and still loves Pokemon.
I think your speculation is to the point.
493nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/21(木) 03:00:07
Like Chirijin-san, I prefer subtitles, because I have the belief that
shows should be voiced based on where they take place.
For example, since most anime take place in Japan, I expect them to be
in Japanese. But if one takes place in England, I prefer to watch it
in English. I'm weird that way though, most anime fans prefer to
watch it in Japanese with subtitles either to learn more Japanese,
because they prefer the better voice acting, or because it's more
And again I agree with Chirijin-san that I like Pokemon because it was
an integral part of my youth. And it's fun seeing all the new
Pokemon, even though at this point they're getting very strange.
494名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/21(木) 03:29:03
>most anime fans prefer to watch it in Japanese with subtitles either to learn more Japanese,
>because they prefer the better voice acting, or because it's more "authentic".

I have to say that I'm one of them.
I prefer US or UK version game to localized one when I play the game produced by other countries.
More authentic is important to me.
Some games are translated into Japanese badly and losing it's nuance of atmosphere
and nuance of the lines.
495nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/21(木) 03:37:57
It makes sense, yea? The games/shows/films are made from the perspective
of the culture that made them. Also, there is usually a smaller
budget for translations so they can have lower quality.
And aside from that, a lot can be lost in translation when translated
by companies; fansubs (subtitles written by a fan group) will give
more accurate translations and explain cultural differences.
496名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/21(木) 04:34:51
Yea, I really think so.

I have watched the animation with fansubs several times and
I felt their translation was trying to retain original taste.
As you said, there were some annotations to explain cultural difference.
I was impressed by their enthusiasm and knowledge of second language.
497名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/21(木) 05:30:10
   Good night servants.

      <´・\  ::::::::::::::::::ヽ
       l  3 ハ::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ,
   ∫  .<、・_ (         )
   旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
498nihon-jin:2010/10/21(木) 11:01:23
The star dazzles me from the first time I saw the sky.
It was always my star. However heavy it rains, clouded, sunny.
I'm sure I could quit traveling, do you think it is better?
499nihon-jin:2010/10/21(木) 11:09:10
There must be many misunderstangings in internet relationships.
Generally people seemes optimistic.
I didn't want a person to risk many or to be flamed just because taking the risk.
I have avoided but it was not because I had nothing to say how fregrant the tea is.
And I wonder who else could take that risk.
500名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/21(木) 11:58:34
501チリ人:2010/10/21(木) 12:22:35
>I have watched the animation with fansubs several times and
>I felt their translation was trying to retain original taste.
>As you said, there were some annotations to explain cultural difference.
>I was impressed by their enthusiasm and knowledge of second language.

Here in Latin America if you want to saw Anime outside from local TV you must need to saw fansubs.
There are no Anime business here, so you must pirate... its sad but there is no choice from us, the
only real option is to import, but it's not a easy option.
502名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/21(木) 12:24:51
There are many translators in Japan. I know a lot of English-Japanese translators..
I wonder if they can be paid enough for their bread. Some even support a family.
I wonder if their wage is more than 300,000Yen.
503名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/21(木) 14:37:26
   Good morning servants.

         ( ・ω⊂ヽ゛
         /    _ノ⌒⌒ヽ.
      ( ̄⊂人  //⌒   ノ
  旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
504名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/21(木) 14:49:20
dont worry there is rice
505名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/21(木) 16:18:47
May peace prevail on earth.
506名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/21(木) 17:37:12
I'm Jack the Ripper coming from the hell!!!!!!
507名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/21(木) 18:48:50
Me, too.
508名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/21(木) 20:28:52
hello stupid pokemons
509名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/21(木) 21:04:29
hello smart pokemons
510名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/21(木) 21:56:35
Most of Japanese quit playing Pokemon games by the time they leave elementary school.
So I'm little dubious about the existence of the foreign adult fans.
511名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/21(木) 22:32:17
ach so
512名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 00:12:19
Why could you say "most"?
513名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 00:17:40
you mean how could you say or why were you able to?
514名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 01:36:18

     I cannot help drinking tea when no one is here. 
      ∧_∧   /__ o、 |、
     ( ´・ω・)ノ .ii | ・ \ノ
     ( o     旦| ・  |
     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
515名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 03:00:57
I don't know why, but Japanese junior high school students tend to begin to feel ashamed to play
such Pokemon game or something like that, don't they?

Why'd the students feel so?
Plz tell me why :)
516イギリス人:2010/10/22(金) 03:11:20
The last time I visited my nephews, they made me play this Pokemon card
game. At the time, they were aged 7 and 12, and it was like living a
nightmare. Since I see them so rarely, it felt like I couldn't just
say "no", so it was four hours later that my brother-in-law saved me.

After some research, I've come to the conclusion that Pokemon is partially
based on the 19th century French book, the 'Dictionnaire Infernal'.地獄の辞典
517名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 04:25:10
Hello everyone. Based on an article I've read in the New York Times about the current situation in Japan, I wanted to ask a couple of questions:
1. Is it true that the unemployment rate is still going up, and there's too much competition?
2. Do the College graduates go back to their parents until they find a job( it's the same situation in America right now, I'm a graduate without a job too) or do they move in those tiny apartments?
3. Are the Japanese not spending money and not going overseas by saving money?

518名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 06:47:17
hi stranger. id like to tell u what i know.
hope this could help.

1. yes. according to the Sankei News (an online news web site)
the unemployment rate is still going up and there's always competition.
but it doesnt mean you cant get a job at all.if u stop being crazy about
"i only wanna do what i want" u could get paid.
and during the "not so willing job but still a job" time,
some ppl start to study something that could be usefull for the near future.

2. diffenrence between JP and the US.
here in japan living by yourself right after graduate school
is not something everyone does or should. some does and some dosnt.
theres no "youre such a looser living with your mo" public criticism.
(but if u keep living with your parents till 30 just bcz ur lazy, there is)
it depends on them or their family rules. some companies requires
at least a year to live at your parent's. generally they leave home
after they earn enough to live. If you r from the country
and got a job in the city then you might get somewhere to live by yourself.
most rent a studio, or something similar they can efford.
so, what i mean is even if u got a job or not, u can stay or leave by choice.

3. this could be yes and no.
80 yen per a dollar is a great rate than ever if u just want to travel.
most japanese really like traveling. even the present economic situation
is not just fine in japan, they still r enough welthy when they go abroad.
let me say they spend and save money at the same time.

let me know if u dont understand my english.
519名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 08:06:03
   Good night entourages.

      <´・\  ::::::::::::::::::ヽ
       l  3 ハ::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ,
   ∫  .<、・_ (         )
   旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
520KG2ch:2010/10/22(金) 08:06:45
We understand your English. Thanks for explaining the situation in Japan.
521名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 08:56:11
I understand perfectly. Thank you very much for your response.
522名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 10:00:49
You forgot another interesting issue: The rapid aging of Japanese and why young couples do not want to have kids.
523名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 14:12:54
As to the issue, there are many problem such as how much money the parents have to pay to
grow up their children. The gap between older generation and younger one concerning a pension is another problem.
524nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/22(金) 14:48:51
I do not want to have kids while I'm young.
It's best to wait until you are mature and make enough money, and are
in a stable relationship. A lot of Americans have kids too young...
525名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 17:22:55
I love my wife. But we have no kids at all.
526名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 17:52:36
   Good morning entourages.

         ( ・ω⊂ヽ゛
         /    _ノ⌒⌒ヽ.
      ( ̄⊂人  //⌒   ノ
  旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
527名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 18:12:23
I want to be pregnant soon. >_<
528名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 18:25:26
I knew you had done.
529名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 19:12:27
The fact. Kame-girl has got pregnant with Kamenashi's baby.
530名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 19:18:13
I'm so interested in making my penis more big.
Anyone who know the method, please tell me how it is.
531名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 19:43:46
>>517 >>518
The Q&A reminds me of the writing section of EIKEN pre1 grade.
532名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 19:57:58
What do you do if your partner feel a pain caused by yours?
I don't think that's a good idea unless yours is far small than the average one.
533名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 20:29:46
Mine is 6 cm at a maximum.
But, it is said that the Japanese average size is 12-13 cm.
534KG2ch:2010/10/22(金) 20:35:12
>>532 if it is painful, she might have internal
problems that needs to be seen by a doctor.
It can be psychological too.
Both can be resolved.

>>530 Don't worry about it. Concentrate on the love and affection
you can give. That is much more important.

>>529 KyonKyon has a better chance.
535名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 20:35:47
Don't mind even if your size is so small, as if you scrabbled it, it will become bigger than usual.
536KG2ch:2010/10/22(金) 20:54:31
537名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 20:54:50
Ahh..., What should I say...,
I apologize to you for my question in advance.

You mean a woman usually don't feel a pain at all even though he has the incredibly big one?
Of course, I don't think there is a man who has big thing exceeding the size of baby...
538名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 21:00:57
I heard that the size of the vagina would be flexible in response to the size of the partner's one.
539KG2ch:2010/10/22(金) 21:11:32
>>537 No problem. Every man and woman have different builds, have
different mechanics, so a specialist in the field should be better
qualified to answer that question. My answer is, I don't know.
You are talking about muscles and nerves that expand and
contract with hormones. You have to treat human beings as a whole entity,
because psychology is involved in it too.
It is far too complicated to pinpoint things because of that.
If there are problems, then don't be afraid or shy to see
a doctor to alleviate the pain.
Because pain is usually an indication of a mechanical problem,
the woman must definitely see a doctor, it can be more serious
if not examined. For her own health's sake.
540名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 21:14:36
It is sure that the afection is more important than the size.
But, this is also fact that if the size isn't big enough, it couldn't reach down into the mouth of the uterus.
541KG2ch:2010/10/22(金) 21:35:11
You shouldnt be worried because it is not a Frormula 1 race.
It is something between you and your partner, how you communicate
and interact. If it is fertility you are worried about, then you
would benefit from specialist advice. But anxiety is the biggest problem.
Because when anxious, problems look more serious than they really are.
If you relax and communicate, you will overcome hurdles eventually.
Just do not worry so much.
542名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 22:03:44
>>541 I have a question. Are you a Native English speaker?
543名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 22:16:00
I suppose many men can't get to such a point and there is no problem with that as to pregnancy.
Therefore I don't think that's a important thing.
544名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 22:17:27
shut fuck up and go away you fucking fat ass drama shit ass fucking bitch demn ass niggas.
fuck your mom's dick and poppa's pussy asshole.
545名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 22:20:14
pikachu pika pee!
how taste my pee pee
546名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 22:24:04
so, is this chirijin the same chilean guy who usd to come here a year or two ago?
547名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/22(金) 22:28:48
Um, Judging from the taste, You have diabetes.
I recommend you to be seen by a specialist in the field.
Take care. lol
548名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 00:59:56
The only person who used to be here and whom I remember is Yukorin guy.
549名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 01:19:50
What do you think of moe-buta, people like pigs who are fond of only moe anime?
550名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 01:23:59
After a while winter will come and oden will appear in the convenience stores.
551名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 01:29:59
Excuse me, I'm looking for the other lively English chat site like this thread.
Could you please tell me if you know?
552KG2ch:2010/10/23(土) 02:19:32
>>542 I am not. You can tell from my mistakes, and from the way I use English.
I try to correct them but sometimes I forget.
553名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 02:29:01
im a japanese married woman myself in my late 20s.
generally i dont talk much about this
because it could be offensive to some ppl.
but to tell the the truth "i hate kids". thats it.
well,im not evil. i do like cute and plump babies.
but being a mother, another story.
554イギリス人:2010/10/23(土) 02:51:25
Don't worry, I'm sure many people share your feelings but just
keep it to themselves. I don't like children much either, especially

The problem in this part of the UK is that too many teenagers are becoming
pregnant at too early an age, at around 14 or 15 years old. They drop out of
education, leech benefits from the state, and then their children grow
into obnoxious teenagers themselves and the cycle starts all over again.
555名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 03:44:38
I didn't realize such things.
So I thought you are a native English speaker.
In addition to that, the reason why I thought that is I always felt you said
what you want to say clearly and concisely.
What is more, you know a lot of words that I don't know.
I cannot help feeling the huge gap between you and me in writing English.

Concerning second paragraph, Yea, I see what you want to say.
I also think that they are liable to become such person, but not always.
The reason why I did say "not always" is I felt you are obsessed with
some stereotypes about that sort of thing.

Don't misunderstand me. I don't mean to hurt you and I don't dislike you.
I just hate and despise those stereotypes.
556イギリス人:2010/10/23(土) 04:04:32
Sorry, I should have said a little more on the subject, because you are
correct. In many cases, I suppose it's because of the environment in
which these children grow up that they emulate their parents and grow
into what society sees as a burden or a liability. It doesn't help when
such children live on council estates, where what they see in everyday
life is taken to be the normal way to behave and to do things.

It's always possible to go against the grain and to realise that there's
a wider world with many possibilities and that living the same daily routine
with the eventual goal of having children at an early age isn't the only
option society has to offer. I'm not trying to directly compare them, but
the same applies to convicts who may come from such a background. Just a couple
weeks ago, a man came to the door with a rucksack full of household products.
He introduced himself as "a criminal", and explained he understood if the door
was shut on him, but then went on to explain that while serving his sentence in
prison, he was able to associate with many other people of different backgrounds
and had a better view of the world after his release. He began purchasing household
goods from a wholesale magazine and was going from door to door seeing if people
wished to buy such products, though they were clearly at a higher than usual markup
price. Similarly, you do do see teenagers from council estates trying to make more
of their life, and such people are admirable. I suppose that the negative generalisation
exists because, unfortunately, there are more people willing to leech off the state
than those who attempt to form or reform their lives into helpful members of society.
557名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 05:05:07
"We support more than 90,000 brands and agencies across a wide range of verticals and sizes."

I understand "size" but what does verticals here mean.
Size can be measured by a number of employees or revenues but all I know
about vertical is something that's at 90 degrees angle at something.

Looking up the word in a few dictionaries didn't help.
558名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 05:18:10
I hate long sentences
559名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 05:39:55
I hate to slice onion
560イギリス人:2010/10/23(土) 06:16:11
A 'vertical' is short for a 'vertical market', which is a group of
businesses and clients who share a specific type of trade - kind of
a niche market, and are generally quite competitive. I suppose businesses
groups such as banks, energy suppliers, insurance and real estate count as

Woodworking goggles are good protection when cutting onions.
561名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 06:19:15
are you really british?
562名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 06:36:00
Oh, that was a short from of a vertical market, which I think I've heard
of somewhere. Maybe I'm wrong but it can be replacfed by "industries" or
something in the sentense above.

He is.
563イギリス人:2010/10/23(土) 06:48:47
That's very close, but I think my definition was a bit too general, sorry.
A vertical is usually a subsection of an industry that supplies its goods
to other companies rather than the general public - such as although a
company which manufactures televisions is part of the consumer industry,
it would be the companies that manufacture the semiconductors or
transistors - and supply them to the TV manufacturer - which belong to a

I hold dual nationality, and British is the one I identify with the most.
564名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 07:31:34
I was reassured that you didn't have blindness.

Unfortunately, what you said holds true for our society.
Some people try to get some pensions or welfare benefit to make their everyday lives
easy even though they are not eligible for that. Our society is full of corruption.
As you said, those vile people give rise to such a negative generalization.

I suppose this kind of thing exists all over the world.

565名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 08:04:33
Thanks for the detailed explanation.
I think I understand it better now.
566nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/23(土) 08:21:41
Even I didn't know what a "vertical" was. That better not be on the EIKEN...

If you make any mistakes, I don't notice them. To me you look like a native speaker.
Are you Japanese?
567名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 08:37:11
suck my dick, asshole
568名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 09:07:32
Too many doubters.
569名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 09:15:00
   Good night deviants.

      <´・\  ::::::::::::::::::ヽ
       l  3 ハ::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ,
   ∫  .<、・_ (         )
   旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
570Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/23(土) 09:30:18
What are you people talking about?

Babies suck mother's nipple, don't they?

Mothers do suck babies' ass hole or nasal holes [ to clean them ].

But I know [ that some gays suck male's penis [ like they suck sweet candy bars ],
[ which I'm not very fond of [ doing ] ],
[ though I like to touch hot hard large rod ].
Do you like [ to suck penises ]?

571名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 09:36:25
From what I gather, she's Portugese working in UK.
She never said she's from Portugal but from what she said before,
one time I thought she is from there. I forgot what the evidence was.
Maybe when she mentioned time difference between UK and her country and
I thought she's from Portugal. But maybe I'm wrong, maybe not...
I'm under the impression that she doesn't want to say where she's from,
so I'd better stop here. Curiosity kill the cat as they say...
572名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 10:17:16
just as i suspected, igirisujin is korean-english. i knew it and only i knew it demn ass. suck my poppa's popsicle ass hole.
573名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 11:15:56
Is there time difference between UK and Portugal?
What difference is it?
574名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 12:09:11
just google it moron
575名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 15:40:07
The only certain thing is that she is not a virgin girl.
You don't know whether I am a virgin or not.
576名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 16:00:01
I bet the KAME GIRL will be a great mother.
She is mature enough to be one.
577名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 16:16:43
I think I know you're virgin.
Do you know why? Because it's just a virgin person who cares about who
is virgin or not.

Along the same line, it's only a vergin boy who cares too much about the size of
his penis. I used to care about my little penis but now I don't.
Because I know even my little dick is good enough to make a woman cum.
Size might be matter for some woman but quite a lot of woman don't care penis size.

My penis size? Just 11cm or so (4.5 inches) when erected.
I wish I had a bigger one enough for it to be called "Asian canon" but
I care less about it now compared to when I was virgin.
578名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 16:33:06
Your cock is much smaller than mine(I'm Japanese).
But...don't worry about it.
How hard and how long staying power it is more important.
579nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/23(土) 17:05:12
Ah... I see, you are the "Asian Cannon" then!  orz
580名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 17:09:07
I agree with you to some extent...but,
Don't you think you are liable to exaggerate things?
>Our society is full of corruption.
581名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 18:27:39
   Good morning deviants.

         ( ・ω⊂ヽ゛
         /    _ノ⌒⌒ヽ.
      ( ̄⊂人  //⌒   ノ
  旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
582名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 19:04:50
I have to admit a little bit having exaggerated but to be honest, I don't have
unreasonable feeling about that expression.
Yea, Yea, I can understand what your feeling is.
I suppose many people are the same as you.

Sometimes staying ignorance is better than knowing.

If you want to keep being what you are now and are content with current
everyday life, don't think of this kind of things profoundly.

Huh? The reason why?
Because I'm a freak.
583名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 19:12:09
shut up and go hang yourself then
584名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 19:18:36
Many Japanese people wanted to change their everyday lives and left their future to the politicians(DPJ).
585名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 19:29:47
it's none of your business. lol
586KG2ch:2010/10/23(土) 21:06:48
All your deductions are wrong, wrong wrong.
You don't know a thing about me.
That sort of info is written on any women's health's forums.
If you look on the net, you will find it.

>>553 In that case you need to leave the decision to your later
years. Unfortunately if you leave it too late it gets compliated or impossible.
It is great to hear from a woman who speaks her mind, despite the
social pressure.

Raising a child is detrimental to career development of women.
The economy is built for men by men. That is why we are forced
to make really tough choices.
Men only have that problem if they are committed and suddenly their
partner gets pregnant.
Whereas women have to worry about it for half of their lives.

Conclusion: This is not a women friendly life at all.
587名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 21:19:33
Conclusion: Go fuck yourself since noone would fuck you.
588KG2ch:2010/10/23(土) 21:24:49
You have fear of castration.
589名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 21:33:03
it seems somewhat you are a sexist
590KG2ch:2010/10/23(土) 21:45:35
What makes you think that way? Explain please.
591名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 22:06:29
it seems you wanna say man is to blame for whatever you dont like
592KG2ch:2010/10/23(土) 22:13:27
You are exaggerating. The economy is built that way.
If things don't work out for women, they should do their
part and change it so that it works for everyone.
593名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 22:26:59
their part? why? you think woman cant do and change?
594名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 22:43:49
lets talk about pokemon or germany's future
595名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 23:00:48
you know German culture?
596名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 23:22:13
not at all
597名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 23:26:54
so talk about pokemon
do you have any opinion?
598名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 23:32:14
is it true he has diabetes?
599名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 23:53:34
diabetes who?
600名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 23:55:04
it is Kataoka suukichi, who are diabetes
601名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 23:56:33
wait, this diabetes nigga is an impostor. i know german suplex
602名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/23(土) 23:59:34
you grab your pop's crotch, lift him up and then slam him on hard surface and kill him.
thats the rigorous ritual those alpha males of master race must go through.
but ok, lets talk about pokemon.
603名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 00:01:59
my favourite pokemon is the cicada ninja one. forgot his name
but ninjas are always cool, and cicadas are very japanese so its very fitting.
whats your favourite pokkemon?
604名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 00:13:47
I am lesbian, and I love big dildo.
605名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 00:15:56
I know only 151 pokemon.
my favorite is Starmie of those.
606名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 00:28:55
Excuse me, I thought lesbian loves beloved partner but not dildo itself.

How old are you?
607名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 00:33:27
you dumbass please explain why you like Starmie.
this is what irritates me when reading one of those "whats your favourite _______?" threads.
dumbasses just list up their favourite things without stating why they like them.
they just leave the list there and disappear. fucking dumbasses.
608名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 00:37:34
the same is true of >>604, isn't it"
609名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 00:49:44
I loved Pokemon so much when I was a child.
btw, サイコキネシス and ねんりき are just the same meaning.
Anyone know what they are put into English? though it's nearly meaningless to know that...
610名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 00:50:55
Are you a true native speaker of English?
611名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 00:53:12
kill yourself
612名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 00:58:46
suck my shit
613名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 01:01:32
Obviously, I'm non native speaker. As you can see, I made a grammatical error.
614名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 01:03:46
Are you a Japanese?>>613
615名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 01:04:48
Yes, I am.
616名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 01:10:29
Have you been in other countries where English is spoken?>>615
617名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 01:10:33
>In that case you need to leave the decision to your later years.
Unfortunately if you leave it too late it gets compliated or impossible.

in that case, she still have options.
adoption could be one of those.
im not a great fan of the idea of surrogacy,
but this could be another.
not everyone must have kids from their bellies.
anyway, i dont think she doesnt have and she might doesnt
without thinking about the consequences.
618名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 01:20:38
No, I haven't.
Why do you ask me such a question?
Are you looking for some foreigners to have a chat?
or is my English quite odd?
619名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 01:27:42
Sorry,but have you learned to use English only by studying in Japan?
It's great.
620名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 01:41:51
I should have written "my writing in English"...

No problem.
Yea, Actually, I have learned English in that way.
Thanks to Internet, these days we can choose a lot of ways to learn English,
even if we don't go out of our own house.
621名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 01:47:06
merkel of germany says multiculturalism (i.e. the concept of living happily with immigrants side by side) has utterly failed and
thats what i was going to talk about initially.
so what do you think?
622名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 02:23:26
Even though I don't know well such political or racial things, I can easily imagine
it's hard to adopt those policies in simple way.
Even America has struggled with those issues for a long time.
In addition to that, generally the people are worried about losing
the characteristics of their nation.
So I think it doesn't work out well.
623622:2010/10/24(日) 02:38:08
Sorry, I should have said "So I don't think it works out well"...

624名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 02:51:01
Come to think of it,why can only America get on well with such various races?
625名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 02:53:25
America doesn't.
626イギリス人:2010/10/24(日) 02:55:15
Culture is still a large barrier for many people. Though the UK has many
immigrants, most of whom actually try to integrate with society, there
are still many who keep to their own communities and refuse to integrate.
Many of these people expect the country's laws to adapt to their own
culture, and that is where most of the tension begins.
627名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 03:13:54
Well,why has the UK accepted so many immigrants?
Lack of labour?
628KG2ch:2010/10/24(日) 03:24:20
We have to ask the following question: Can Europeans easily assimilate into the culture they
migrate to? If they cannot, and they adhere to the European way of life wherever they go,
then they should not be expecting the same from other cultures.
However for harmony. "When in Rome..." should be the motto of every person considering
living in another country.
629名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 03:29:37
you should write those things in some bulletin boards in korea or china.
630名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 03:44:32
It is Sunday today....but I have nothing to do,
and I don't have much money because I have no job...
I feel very painful...
631名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 03:47:00
Then, you can have a chat with us.
632イギリス人:2010/10/24(日) 03:50:15
Agree completely. But it doesn't just apply to Europeans.

I'll have to read more about this topic, because I honestly
don't really know. Perhaps it's just a remnant of the days when
there was much more freedom in the ability to travel.
633名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 04:44:29
Why have Jews been hated in Europe?
634名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 04:58:58
I love this tin pole♪
This tin pole was imported♪
I love this tin pole♪
This tin pole is important♪

I heard this song somewhere in internet a few months ago.
This song was made especially for a Japanese woman.
Somehow I'm being obsessed with this song.
Once I sing this song in my head, it is difficult to stop it.
So over and over again...
635名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 07:01:05
I have completely forgotten today is the day of BlizzCon 2010.
I have just read the article in Japanese gaming news site.
Needless to say, The most notable thing is Diablo 3.
As we expected, The last character was revealed. That is DemonHunter.
I'm not sure, but I suppose this character is consist of amazon's traits and
assassin's traits.

Unfortunately, the release date is still veiled for now.
They say Bllizard plan to release Star Craft 2 expansion package in late 2011.
So it seems The release date of Diablo 3 is after that, in other words,
we can't play D3 at least until 2012.
It's a bummer.
636名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 07:10:13
I am going to sing that addictive song as a requiem so that my disappointment can rest in peace.

I love this tin po..... (Ghaa!!)
637名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 07:48:44
The fact that you aren't from Europe is deducted from your post?
You happened to be from South East Asia, or Russia even South America?

I guess you are not from Africa.
638KG2ch:2010/10/24(日) 07:57:39
>>637 I told you I am from Venus.

there aren't any earthlings on Venus. Just Venusians.

639名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 08:02:13
Some questions to ask.

How fast is Venus's internet connection?

How do you cope with acid rain? How is you skin different from ours?
640KG2ch:2010/10/24(日) 08:07:52
We live underground. It is cooler.
641nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/24(日) 08:15:38
I would beg to differ. It is only 460 C on the surface, you should try
it out. But be careful with the volcanoes.

Does Venus have anything like 2ch?
642名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 08:31:26
Venus? Hah, such well known planet is not a big deal.
You know, Yukorin came from the Korin planet.
No one knows where The Korin planet is.
and what is more, You are inferior to even Sailor Venus.
643名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 08:37:33
In this thread there become more peole from various countries ?
644名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 08:41:34
no, verious planets.
645KG2ch:2010/10/24(日) 08:57:03
Venusians do not bother with the internet. They are too busy living.

Me, I am now watching a dorama, so I am kind of not motivated
to answer right now, gomen ne.
646名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 09:37:34
I suppose you are a Greek.
I like you. you have a sexy sound. >gomen ne.
647名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 09:40:55
It's not subbed, yet as it's a brand new drama series.

It's an illegal site, I suppose. I don't mean to be a wetblanket, though.
648名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 09:46:06
If you want to know what a character in the drama are saying in a particular part of
the drama, I'll translate for you.
But it has to be less than 30 seconds or so. For longer translation,
you gotta pay me.
649名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 10:24:59
   Good night cosmopolitans.

      <´・\  ::::::::::::::::::ヽ
       l  3 ハ::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ,
   ∫  .<、・_ (         )
   旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
650名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 11:44:21
Well, it is not whether it works or it doesn't. It has already failed, utterly. (according to the chancellor)
And further, she said that the Christian concept of mankind is what defines Germans, and that anyone
who doesn't accept that is "in the wrong place." So I think she basically said that the Muslim immigrants
who don't accept and adopt Christian values are not welcome in Germany.
651名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 11:57:26
Diablo was good back in 1997, but it is a thing of the past.
Only Koreans would play such shit in 2012.
652jaim reans jonsom:2010/10/24(日) 12:12:50
its funny chat

fuck up
653名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 12:25:00
Your handle seems funny to me.
What does that mean?
654名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 13:16:37
Jinsei Owata \(^o^)/
Ottawa in Canada \(^o^)/
655nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/24(日) 14:10:53
this thread is becoming more confusing. i think i will eat now.
oh: to japanese people, for kanji with little marks on the top like
鳥 and 文 and 自 how do you know which direction to make the mark?
It appears to usually be ? but sometimes it's ´.
656nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/24(日) 14:37:55
The ? is a ` mark.
657名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 15:25:42
I don't really undertand your question, but the mark on 文 and the one on 自 are two different things,
so I think you have to just memorise each kanji.
658名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 15:55:33
Interesting question. Never thought about it.
I think it's easy to explain except that I have to explain in English.

This confusion of you comes from typed kanji. If they are typed, both ´and `
look as if they were almost in the middle of the horizontal line it is
on. But Actually, in case of ´, it isn't in the middle of the horizontal line when
kanji is hand written.

When you see handwritten 鳥 and 自, ´is on top of│.
If ´were ` in 鳥 and 自, it couldn't be contacted with the top of │.

In case of ` plus horizontal line, ` is always (almost) in the middle of the horizontal line
in handwritten version. But in case of typed 文, ` and the horizontal line
looks like contacted at 90 degrees angle but actually it has to be `
This is another odd thing about typed kanji.
659名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 16:09:28
And if typed, ´and ` look like the same length, but actually when handwritten,
´is a lot longer than `.

Plus, when hand written, you follow through ´stroke, while you stop
` stroke at the end, if you know what I mean.

Maybe when you remeber kanji, it's better to remember them based on
hand-written ones.
660名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 16:27:14
I've never written 令 心 etc
661名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 17:00:04
Do "To my knowledge" and "To my information" at the top of a sentense
mean the same thing?

Any differences?
662nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/24(日) 17:02:59
"To my information" is used less and they mean a very similar thing.
I would generally use "To my knowledge".
663名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 17:12:01
All right. Thank you.
Somehow To my information isn't listed in online dinctionries I tried looking the
expression up in.
That's because it's used less.
664名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 17:25:11
I think some Europeans are very flexible and creative when it comes to adopting foreign cultures to their own style.
Though, sometimes they go a bit too far on the queer side, well, at least by Japanese standards...
665名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 17:51:31
Japanese standards?
Watch this till the end
666名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 18:22:42
Obviously, those outfits are not for sale but just for the show.
667nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/24(日) 18:28:28
I agree with this post.
668名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 19:14:48
   Good morning cosmopolitans.

         ( ・ω⊂ヽ゛
         /    _ノ⌒⌒ヽ.
      ( ̄⊂人  //⌒   ノ
  旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
669名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 19:32:33
( ^ω^)
670名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 19:38:22
Yea, I know you said It has already failed.
Come to think of it ,I should have explained more clearly.

What I wanted to say is
   "I don't think that kind of policies work out well. "

Actually, D3 is being developed in Blizzard Korea office.
Its graphical flavor is quite Asian taste compared with D2 and D1.
I really hate those facts. Quite disgusting.
On the other hand, I have also expectations, because I used to play D1 and D2.
In addition to that, it seems that a good multi-player RPG (not MMO) is not put on
the market for a while.
Now, I only hope that D3 isn't similar to shitty Korean MMO.
671名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 19:43:55
However, Amrican values still have the largest influence on today's Japanese internet culture.
672名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 19:58:03
I wanna grow up to be just like Billy Herrington.
673名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 20:24:12
Whoa...What did I just watch?
My life will never be the same lol
674名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 20:33:59
Southampton was nice.
675名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 20:40:30
( ^ω^)
676名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 20:44:55
It doesn't look like Asian design at all to me. It is more like "WoWified". Especially the Demon Hunter looks right out of WoW.
Anyway, this game looks good unlike Diablo 2 which I only played the beginning of the demo and decided it was garbage.
677名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 20:56:46
London was nice.
678674:2010/10/24(日) 21:00:10
I ate pike in southampton it was nice.
679674 :2010/10/24(日) 21:14:44
but CA of jal at flight to england was kusobaba.
680nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/24(日) 21:25:39
But yet, why can't I stop watching...
681名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 21:43:14
As compared with a week ago, now, your writing sounds like rough.
I imagine a little bit naughty boy.

Thus I prefer the previous one to what you are now.
In a word, I like girlish atmosphere.
682名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 21:46:09
So please keep being girlish for me. lol
683名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 22:32:56
684名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 22:33:05
china is going to crumble
685名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 22:36:59
currency matter?
686名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 22:41:23
facial matter
687名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 22:46:16
fatal matter?
688名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 22:47:43
fecal matter
689名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 22:48:27
( ´ω`)Keep the change.
690名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 22:50:57
does it have any relation to that there's no partition in toilet?
691名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 22:55:14
I hope Chink will be destroyed by all over the world.
692名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 23:00:47
sink down to the underground!
693名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 23:09:55
they are so arroagnt.
694名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 23:10:55
i am going to eat kevin bacon egg tommorrow morning
695682:2010/10/24(日) 23:13:51
Hi mate!!
696名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 23:14:55
crack open kevin's skull and put eggs in, fry it
697名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/24(日) 23:31:07
why is God Save the Queen britian's anthem? we never hear that song around here.
we haer france anthem, russian anthem, and of course america anthem all the time,
but I never heard God Save the Queen. it is unknown.
why is Rule! Britannia not their anthem? its a much better song for Great Britain. and it is very well known.
698イギリス人:2010/10/24(日) 23:54:07
Perhaps we're just not as patriotic as those other countries. Many people
here don't feel any allegiance to the royal family, as the Queen may be
the official head of state, but she holds very little power, making many
lines of the anthem obsolete.

Государственный гимн Российской Федерации, La Marseillaise, and The Star
Spangled Banner are all about the country and the identity of the people,
which God Save the Queen/King is kind of lacking. Rule! Britannia would be
a better choice of anthem, though gone are the days when the British fleet
was the greatest in the world. Many people believe that we should adopt
'I Vow to Thee, My Country' by Holst and Spring-Rice as our anthem; originally
it was a Christian hymn, but there are members of the Church of England who
want to ban it from religious services as it places national loyalty above religion.
I'm sure you might recognise that music too.
699名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 00:30:37
“If I were a bird, I could fly to you.”
This is an example sentence written in some English textbooks of Japanese high school.
Do you foreigners always say such a genteel thing?
700イギリス人:2010/10/25(月) 00:58:38
It's not something we would say regularly, and it depends on the speaker.
Most people here would say "If I was a bird...", which does carry the same
meaning, but using "were" sort of alters the mood of the sentence, making
it more rhetorical or even wistful, depending on the context.

If you're asking if we use such phrases, well, it all depends on who we
are talking to...
701名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 01:52:54
It's cool enough to make me puke.
702名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 02:56:38
Please someone wipe the floor with a mop.
703名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 03:24:06

This is Yakuza short comedy from 20 or 30 years ago.
Now and even back then, people who have tatooed aren't allowed to
use publick bath, sauna and swimming pool etc. because tatoo resembles yakuza and so
704nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/25(月) 07:09:49
It sounds romantic to me...
I prefer the "were" because that's correct usage of the subjunctive.
"Was" also works though. They don't sound any different to me but
I don't know how it might sound in England.
705名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 08:01:57
If I were you, I would keep being >>682's only girl.
706KG2ch:2010/10/25(月) 08:57:48
>>648 I have a couple of short clips I would like for translation;
however WAT takes too long to load the clip to those specific scenes and
I cannot find them unless I watch the clip again. Thank you for your kind offer.
If I find the clip on a faster loading site I will make a request.

>>646 Do you feel sexy and likeable too? That is more important.
707nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/25(月) 12:52:24
>682 さまが大好きだわ! (^ω^)
708名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 15:01:00
   Good night metropolitans.

      <´・\  ::::::::::::::::::ヽ
       l  3 ハ::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ,
   ∫  .<、・_ (         )
   旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
709nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/25(月) 16:15:50
It was 午後3時 when you posted that... where do you live?
710名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 16:20:57
He is NEET. He can sleep whenever he wants to
711名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 17:25:14
He must be an international NEET.
But his skill is totally in vain.
712名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 19:11:33
suck my dick
713名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 19:28:41
Waiting for the result from company that I submitted CV.
714名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 21:02:28
ごめんね sounds likable and charming if a girl says.
If a boy does, it sounds a bite sissy.
715名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 21:19:29
if a fat ass drama queen does, it makes you eat a frisbee.
716名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 21:34:57
Yeah, she made dramatic progress in English. She is my queen and my destination.
717名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 21:48:16
ach so
718名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 22:09:57

OK, If I happen to see your post, I'll give them a shot.
719名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 22:17:50
shoot yourself
720名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 22:19:53
demn ass
721イギリス人:2010/10/25(月) 22:32:27
The stats thing now works for most (but not all) boards on 2ch. Still
need to add some more information to make it more interesting and
informative, but it's mostly working now, at least... enjoy.
722名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 23:13:12
I Vow to Thee, My Country
Checked it on youtube, and yes it was more than just recognizable.
This song feels like I'm watching the finale of some war movie or something. A great patriotic song nonetheless.
And while reading the comments on youtube, I found another great song, Land of Hope and Glory.
Your country has many incredible awe-inspiring patriotic anthems (all of which are better than most other
countries anthems), yet becoming unpatriotic? It is sad.
723名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 23:21:40
feel like I'm watching is correct ?
724名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/25(月) 23:36:07
don't know. ask igirisu-jin or nanashi
725Cat:2010/10/26(火) 00:23:49

Psychic and Confusion respectively.
726イギリス人:2010/10/26(火) 00:27:21
Ah, yes, there's Elgar's 'Land of Hope and Glory' too, more about the
country than the apparent sovereign, so another good contender. But yes,
I think that many countries - not just Britain - are losing their national
identities through attempting to cater for the cultures of ethnic
minorities, and through fear of causing offence.

How do the Japanese people feel about 君が代? To us, it's very laid-back for
a national anthem, without much of the pomp and arrogance that we're used to.

Many native speakers would use "feels like", but "makes me feel like" is
more correct, structurally, I'd say.
727名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 01:01:01
↑how to SEX
728名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 01:45:06
   Good morning metropolitans.

         ( ・ω⊂ヽ゛
         /    _ノ⌒⌒ヽ.
      ( ̄⊂人  //⌒   ノ
  旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
729名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 03:03:00
Quick feedback. Don't take it seriously.

IE8 ---> The letters are garbled. I changed "Encode" and set it "automatic
setting" but still they are shown garbled.

FF--->Garbled, too. Didn'T change letters setting because don't know
where to tweak on the browser.

Chrome---->Finally, for some reason it works!
Interesting to see every thread's busy time of a day.

Don't take this post a complain. Just a feedback as I said earlier.
I could see the link only with Chrome.
730名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 03:07:01
I said they are garbled but the left side column showing the names of
boards are shown properly. Only the thread names of English board are garbled.
731名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 03:18:15
What's he doing?
He wrote script or program to take statistics of thread activities?
732nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/26(火) 03:28:15
You must be a NEET to be waking up at 午前1時45分。
I agree with Igirisujin.

What's funny about the American national anthem (The Star-Spangled Banner)
is that almost nobody knows the full lyrics (many people know the first verse but not a lot). In fact a lot of people don't even know
that it's our anthem... I had to look it up to make sure lol
733nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/26(火) 03:35:30
to change the encoding in Firefox go to View -> Character Encoding
(or the Japanese equivalent).
However, while I can get the leftmost list to work, the Javascript
part is encoded improperly (it should be Shift_JIS, but
it appears to be displaying in ISO-2022-JP instead.)
734イギリス人:2010/10/26(火) 04:18:33
Thanks for the feedback! Was thinking the FF problem was due to caching,
but since it's not just me, guess it's not... seems to work fine in both
Chrome and Safari. Opera works when the page is custom-set to Shift_JIS.
Using encoding with Javascript is always a pain... it's set to receive the
page data in Shift_JIS, but is using, as nanashi said, ISO-2022 for the

And as for our national anthem, I'll admit I can only pick out random words
now and again and, of course, the "God save the Queen" line, but don't really
know the rest.
735KG2ch:2010/10/26(火) 05:50:49
736Cat:2010/10/26(火) 06:15:41

I wasn't alive at that time, but I'm sure my dad told me that version was banned here in England.

Can somebody confirm?
737KG2ch:2010/10/26(火) 06:23:38
I do not know.

But you don't need to be born in the year a song is made to
listen to it really.
738名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 06:30:11
This is such a great thread! I learned so many interesting things. And laughed a lot! 4chan doesn't give me the same satisfaction.
739イギリス人:2010/10/26(火) 07:18:35
It was banned by the BBC and Independent Broadcasting Authority, which
regulates radio stations. Some shops also banned sales, but despite this,
it still reached number 2 on the charts - though many people believe this
was fixed. Rod Stewart was at number one instead.

Encoding problem is now fixed, so threads display properly in the
remaining browsers. Had to force Shift_JIS into the headers of the pages
740名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 07:53:05
suck my dickhead
741名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 08:01:11
I went to England just this summer. London's a great place. But the weather. It's kind of depressing.
742イギリス人:2010/10/26(火) 08:05:57
I guess you caught most of the rain when it was around - a shame, really,
though most people expect that of England. Once the rain had cleared, we
had a pretty good late summer which extended further into the year than usual.
Did you travel outside of London, or stick to the city? There's way too much
to see and do for just one trip.
743名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 08:52:13
kiss my ass, niggaz
744名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 10:33:18
Yeah, he said he made it for the fun of it.

Thanks for the input.

No problem. Garbled letters are fixed. GJ. The way the stat of threads
is desplayed defferently between IE8 and FF. In case of the former,
it's shown at the bottom of the page while in case of the latter and Chrome it's shown
on the top left.

In case of IE when you want to see the stats of threads listed higher, you have to
scrool down all the way to the bottom, while in case of FF and chrome, when you
want to see the stats of threads listed lower, you have to scroll all the
way up to the top of the page. It would be more user friendly if the stats of
each thread is right next to each thread. For the sake of feedback...

What post do you think is interesting and what post made you laugh most?
Just curious.
745名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 10:40:14
shut the fuck up, fucking fag
746名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 13:27:13
>>742 i was also staying in swindon. Its a small town but it had lots of shops. I went to Bath, man thats such a pretty place. Went Oxford and looked around there and some other cities that i dont know the names of.
>>744 i only read the beginning of this thread so far but i am ashamed to say that the immature posts are quite funny. Even funnier when they are gramatically incorrect.
But reading about cultural differences among different countries is always interesting for me.
747名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 13:44:34
What do you mean by immature in this case, I wonder.
If you find any post that you find interesting, please let us know when you have time.
As a Japanese, I'm curius to know what post is funny/interesting form your/overseas people's

I totally understand how funny it is to read posts of foreign language
learners with lots of mistakes. I for one never mind making mistakes when
I post in English. Actually, if you are afraid of making mistakes, you can't write
even one sentense.
748nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/26(火) 13:50:41
The majority of the posts here that are supposed to be offensive are
either spelled wrong, incorrectly formed, or make no sense in the
Because of this, they sound like the rantings of a child who just
learned how to say bad words. Maybe that is what >746 means.
749名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 14:10:47
No no i am not laughing at your english at all. If anything, i praise you for writing so well. It's posts like >>745 that are funny when he uses wromg english. You guys have good english in my opinion. Keep up the good work!
750名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 14:18:20
I also think Tea NEET(i will call him this name) is a funny guy. Oh yeah, afternoon tea is a great invention btw. Good job England.
751名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 15:35:19
I see. Good description about such one line cussing posts!
Your explanation really makes sense.

Thanks. Looking at things from a different angle of people in other cultures
is interesting.
752名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 15:59:09
Hi, are you still there?
Ive been in the us for years now, but ilove uk more than anywhere. ive been to london long
time ago, and im thinking about going there again right after my tasks start settling down.
london had actually been on the top of my wanna-live-in list before i finally dropped anchor in the us.
so im thrilled to visit there again, but there is one little thing that casts a shadow over my exciting plan.
the thing is that i have such a hard time understanding british accent. i have
a traumatic experience of conversing with brit people.
when i was working at a small firm, i picked up one of the clients' call,
the lady started talking. what a nightmare that was, i didnt understand any single word
she uttered. now that i know she must have been a scottish whose sound was totally unfamiliar
for me, but how was i supposed to know how they speak english back then? she blamed on me not
understood her at all, and i had to put her through to my scary boss.
she got upset with me, because it turned out that the lady was one of the most important ones,
so she took me off the project i was working on that time.
well, that couldve happened to anyone, so im not being pathetic.
rather, ive just started to wonder if the opposit thing could happen
to brit people. you guys have your own accent, so i guess american
english sounds unnatural for you, doesnt it? id like to know
how hard for you guys to understand american accent completely.
please tell me if youre still on.
753イギリス人:2010/10/26(火) 16:12:23
Just about to leave and see a client, but will answer some, for now.
It's true that the UK has such a wide variety of accents - there are even
some regions I've been where I've thought, "are they actually speaking
English?" and then, five minutes later, realising they were. So it does
happen to us all, even British people in Britain. However, generally, American
accents are pretty effortless to understand.
754nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/26(火) 16:36:07
Accents! I love them. American (usually) tends to be enunciated pretty
clearly, and RP is generally easy to understand too. But I agree with
Igirisujin-san, some UK accents are crazy! But that's what makes me
love them more.
In America, if someone's speaking so weirdly that you can't understand
them, it may be better to avoid them...
755名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 16:49:39
OMG! My favorite Mitsushima Hikari got married to a film director Ishii Yuya! All the beatuful
actresses are taken by Japanese strange guys><
756名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 16:58:30
Oh no, it's such a catastrophe!
757名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 17:07:27
its 752.
well, i love british people and the culture, but i just cant understand
british(i mean, all of uk people's) accents.
honestly, ive always started not being able to speak whenever i faced them.
the most recent thing that i can tell you is my failure in a movie theater.
i usually avoid watching british-spoken movies without subtitles, but i just
happened to watch sharlock holms with my boyfriend. i actually didnt even think
the whole story would be spoken in british english. that was foolish of me.
you know, it was "sharlock holms," who'd expect american accent other than me?
guess what, i didnt understand more than half of the lines.
maybe my listening skill is kinda poor, so i cant pick up the accents easily...
although id love to be able to understand them.
im going back to london with my mom and little sister this time, so
im a bit nervous.
758nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/26(火) 17:15:29
Sherlock Holmes, with the protagonist played by an American? You do
need to work on your British.
Learn the phonological rules for words in British and soon you'll be
able to figure out what they mean. For example, of you hear "caa",
you know that the British accent drops r's at the end of words,
so you can determine that it means "car".
I never thought there were Americans that actually couldn't understand
British... no offence.
Listen to British radio and watch the BBC. Then try speaking with
the accent. You'll get it in no time.
759名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 17:18:46
Never heard of her and don't know how popular she is.
The news means nothing to me.

The fact that Haruna Hana turned to AV actress was more shocking to me,
although even when she was a bikini model, she had an ambiance of AV actress.

I think it's her agancy's strategy. They had planned to make her debut as a
AV idol but to add premium to her, they first made her debut as a bikini model.
This is a new strategy to sell an idol. Debuting as a AV actress from the beginning
doesn't add values to her.

It's October but Haruna Hana turned AV actress in June or July.
Didn't know that. When I had seen her as a bikini idol before, I
deginately wanted to see her naked so this is my dream come true.
Her body is far away from that of average Japanese women.
Her face? Not so good but her body is exceptional.

Her Acting as an AV actoress is horrible, but still it was good to see
her naked. So gorgeous body she has.
760名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 17:19:43
g2 hell fucking faggot!!
761nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/26(火) 17:20:15
Or for that matter, talk to Igirisujin a lot.
Igirisujin, talk like a real Briton! Pip pip and cheerio eh wot?
762名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 17:26:27
I bet your vagina has been expanded as wide as a volcano crater
because you fuck with your American boyfriend with huge cock 10 times a week .
763名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 17:29:57
shut the fuck up, fucking dyke
764名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 17:39:40
Which of the three versions, A, B and C is the best, second best and the thrid best(or worst)?
It may be hard to decide but I'd like you to choose best, second best and
the third best. Also, anyfeedback for them is appreciated. Thank you.

A) Thank you for replying to me till late at night all the time.
I am trying to use one card to evaluate usability by activating right
now. I am willing to do business to sell cards to Japanese who desires
to have one, but it won't last for a long time as a business because
I will not be able to make enough profit only from cards sales.
Is there any way for me to have continuous income such as monthly fee?
Also, would it be possible for you to send all cards to me instead of sending
them directly to customers? I would like to enclose direction written in Japanese
before you send cards to customers.
765名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 17:40:09
I like American's“Saturday”especially.
it sounds like サラディ
766名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 17:40:21
B) Thank you for the contacts until midnight everytime. Now, I have tried to check
the convenience of one of the cards which has been activated. I have
a plan of the business which I sell the card to prospective Japanese
customers. However, it would not work as the business that makes
profits solely from selling of the cards in short-period. Is there
any way to earn profits consistently such as monthly fee? Also, is it
possible that all the cards once can be sent to me not to the customers?
I would prefer to enclose the manual in Japanese before sending the card
to the customers.

C)Thank you for writing back to me even when it's late at night in your country.
I've just activated one card and am currently trying using it to see how it works.
I'm thinking about starting a business by selling the cards to Japanese customers,
but the business won't last long just by selling them. Is there any ways such as
receiving monthly fees I can try to earn a steady revenue? Also, is it possible for
you to send each cards to me first instead of sending them out to Japanese customers directly?
I'd like to add an instruction to a card for Japanese customers before sending it to them.
767名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 17:53:57
oh, thats just because im japanese, i guess. though my roomy (she's texan) told me
her mom doesnt really understand british accent,either. my boyfriend whos from LA says
he understands every words of british english.
i'll try to get the sense of british accent by next summer at which im planning to
go visit london. maybe will start with bbc.
thanks for the advice!
768nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/26(火) 17:58:40
C is my favourite.
Going to bed so no time to explain. Oyasuminasai!
769名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 18:02:33
Thanks for the comment.
Sweet dreams!
770名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 19:55:03
   Good night expatriates.

      <´・\  ::::::::::::::::::ヽ
       l  3 ハ::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ,
   ∫  .<、・_ (         )
   旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
771名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 20:06:25
fucking assholes taking up space
772名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 20:47:04
kiss my ass, motherfucker
773名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 21:05:55
nighty night
774名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 21:25:29
go 2 773H, U muthafucka.
775名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 22:15:30
You are a muchakucha-man.
I would like to see what your real life looks like.
776名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 22:38:59
i love you.
777名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 22:49:54
fucking skunk, suck your mom's dick
778名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/26(火) 22:54:19
your mom has a dck?
779埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw :2010/10/26(火) 23:47:45
Hello everyone. One troubled thing I wanna say. I've lost my contact lens...
So, I must go to eye doctor to check my eyesight for buying new contact
lens this weekend. In tomorrow, day after tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday,
I have no time to go to there because of classes of my university and part
time job. And I must wear glasses in some class until the day.
780名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 00:08:23
Nice to meet you, I'm a student of a university in Japan.
I want to learn English such as chatting not online chat.
So I will write in English with non-perfect grammer, it called "Speaking English".
Can I participate in this thread?
781名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 00:13:27
782名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 00:45:12
Welcome to the elite fagland. You've got to speak like one here just like the rest do.
783名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 00:47:28
>>780 of course!
>>781 finish your tea and go to sleep!
784名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 00:52:22
>>767 if you cant understand the british accent, the cockney accent would kill you.
785名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 01:33:37
>>751 its not that Americans would find one line posts full of swear words funny, it's just that i have a bad sense of humor. Sorry.
786名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 01:35:44
My life.
'its like a cloud drifting across the sky.
Just wasting my time.
Ergo, I am tired of life.
787Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/27(水) 02:28:51
The Music of Romeo and Juliet 1968 Lyrics "What is a Youth"  by Nino Rota, words by Eugene Walter

What is a youth? Impetuous fire.
What is a maid? Ice and desire
[ The world wags on ]
A rose will bloom....
It then will fade:
so does a youth,
so does the fairest maid.

Comes a time [ when one sweet smile
has a season for a while....]
Then love's in love with me.
Some they think only [ to marry ],
others will tease and tarry.
Mine is the very best parry.
Cupid he rules us all.
Caper the cape, but sing me the song,
Death will come soon [ to hush us along ].
Sweeter than honey... and bitter as gall,
Love is a task and it never will pall.
Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall.
Cupid rules us all."

788Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/27(水) 02:30:03
Mine is the very best parry.
Cupid he rules us all.
Caper the cape, but sing me the song,
Death will come soon [ to hush us along ].
Sweeter than honey... and bitter as gall,
Love is a task and it never will pall.
Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall.
Cupid rules us all."

How beautiful this song is!
789nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/27(水) 04:08:14
What are the brackets for again?
790名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 04:14:31
   Good morning expatriates.

         ( ・ω⊂ヽ゛
         /    _ノ⌒⌒ヽ.
      ( ̄⊂人  //⌒   ノ
  旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
791名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 04:34:02
Good morning tea neet. Isnt it 4am over there? You should sleep like a normal person. I am concerned about your health .
792名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 04:37:23
just arrived pa, no prob
793名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 04:50:09
You must be kidding. >>634 is far more beautiful than that.
794Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/27(水) 05:07:26
The brackets are for structure.
795Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/27(水) 05:12:46
I love this tin pole♪
This tin pole was imported♪
I love this tin pole♪
This tin pole is important♪

I love his pole like penis♪
His penis was the largest♪
I love his terriblly big penis♪
His penis is important to me♪
796名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 05:18:42

797名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 05:19:33
>>795 but you are a boy
798Tokyo city boy KazuKata ◆DnH0jkg8I2 :2010/10/27(水) 05:23:45
I'm going to be 61 years old next month.
799名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 11:28:55
happy birthday ossan.
800名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 11:57:22
shut up, motherfucking fag
801名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 12:01:05
>>800 I love you.
802名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 12:49:57
It's so cold today. I went to police
to get my 1 man Yen note back. Actually a month ago, a couple of note of 1万円were stolen while
I was working out at the gym, putting my bag in the rocker. Well, but the gym manager called a police and
they started to investigate inside the place. They have gone thru the practice exactly as the detective dramas
we usually watch on TV; checking the fingerprints on the surface of the rocker by some cottony things. Overall it took quite a long time
and then my remained 1manen note was hold at the police in case there were some fingerprints of a robbery
other than mine. In the result, there were one but that was not related to any one with the
criminal records. So I was informed to get that note back. Case closed. It's all my fault...because at the first place,
I didn't really shut the lock stupid of me.
some cottony things.
803802:2010/10/27(水) 12:54:01
Oh no....terrible sorry
rocker = rock'n roll or just a stone
Locker= the place where we usually put the things in
804802:2010/10/27(水) 12:56:13
On another note, I usually keep a few note of 1000Yen only but at that time
I had to go to +buy something after that and that time was a I
brought about 30,000 Yen in my wallet....
805802:2010/10/27(水) 13:02:12
I learned something on that day;

It is too late to lock the stable when the horse has been stolen
806名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 13:10:34
I don't know.
What are you doing here ?
807802:2010/10/27(水) 13:23:27
>>806 Are u talking to me?
808名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 13:25:29
g2 hell, asshole
809名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 13:26:01
Is that what happened in Japan?
810802:2010/10/27(水) 13:32:05
Yep. said a good point. Actually this kind of robbery won't happen in Japan.
Later I found out that my little bro...(13 yo) picked up 2 man Yen from my wallet on the
day before the day.
811802:2010/10/27(水) 13:34:29
Later, I found out that my little bro had taken 2 pieces of note from my wallet on
that day before.
812802:2010/10/27(水) 13:36:24
I felt so guilty but haven't informed police until today and today I went to
the police. The police guy said oh sorry that I couldn't find the culprit.
813名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 13:45:49
shut the fuck up, fucking bitch
814名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 13:53:20
Why did you apologize to the police for that?

You forgot to put quotation marks or used a wrong pronoun, didn't you?
815802:2010/10/27(水) 13:58:08
humm....yes. well, I had believed that the money was stolen when police was
investigated, but later it was found that my bro was the culprit. So you know,
I should have apologized to the police, shouldn't I?
816名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 14:03:42
You must be confusing.
Why was the police investigated?
Calm down.

817802:2010/10/27(水) 14:06:32
No not that a big deal. well prob my passage was not well written. My money was
stolen first and the police came. But later my little bro was the culprit that was what I
found out later. In that case I should have apologize or informed to the police if I were a
honest person. That was what I wanted to say.
818名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 14:17:16
Well, I suppose you should learn English grammar before using such abbreviations.
819802:2010/10/27(水) 14:25:28
well, for example tell me which part were wrong and also please rewrite them in a right way
820名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 14:31:56
That's not my business.
821名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 14:40:14
That's not my business or It's none of my business
Probably none of my business is more often said?
822名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 14:41:28
You can google it.
823名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 14:45:08
I think 820 is not good at English that's why he said he cannot do it. Also that's not my business
is less natural than none of my business. It also shows his incapability.
824名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 14:47:55
So what if?
825名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 14:51:59
Well, always...if you denigrate someone, you should always be someone better than that person.
In your case, it seems that you are not better than me. So you don't have a right to say anything negative
to me.
826名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 14:55:11
I don't care at all whatever you say.
827名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 14:57:52
puwahahaha...I guess you are a loser, a complete loser. Anyway, hopefully
you'll find something fun in your life. ^^
828名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 15:48:04
His English was enough for me to understand despite the grammatical errors. Just keep working on the grammar and you'll be fine.
829nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/27(水) 16:10:08
>802, your grammar looks pretty good to me!
Too many people troll these boards and try to scare away the people
who are actually trying to practice English, huh?
Oh and, today I saw a cat who was named after me. "Nanashi"... but
apparently that just meant he hadn't been named yet...
830名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 16:44:28
I don't know if this anology is right, but English to Japanese people is like French to American people.
Japanese people who speak English well is considered kind of snobby and
A kind of jeolous makes people become harsh on Japanese people who speak English well.
It's not let's-become-fluent-together attitude. Instead of praising
someone's English, we tend to look for mistakes (Even if it's just a
small mistake) in someone's English and are desperate to feel better.
831nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/27(水) 17:15:34
Maybe people have an inferiority complex when they see that someone
can speak English well? They feel like they are not as good as the
person who is fluent so they try to make that person feel bad in order
to make themselves feel better.
People do not generally make fun of people who speak French unless
the person brags about it. I've been made fun of for speaking
French before (the person shouted "Baguette baguette baguette! over everything
I said), but I don't care.
I think you just need to ignore those people. Not to sound
narcissistic, but English is an extremely useful international
language and is very good to know. And if you don't know it and go
to an English-speaking country, you won't be treated as well.
(Unfortunately, in America especially, people are very prejudiced
towards foreigners that don't speak English. It is completely
hypocritical but it's true.)
I'm trying to learn Japanese so that when I go to Japan I can say
"Hey, I'm an American that actually speaks Japanese!"
Either way maybe my response taught someone some new vocabulary.
832nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/27(水) 17:17:19
Anyway who wants to play a game?
Whoever can give me the longest Japanese word (written in hiragana)
wins. No foreign words, and no phrases.
Bonus points if it does not have particles (like XのY).
833名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 17:21:48
i dont give a fuck, fucking fag
834埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw :2010/10/27(水) 17:44:38
I think almost of Japanese men aren't manly. In restroom of university
or station, I often see the man who push a button on a toilet for pissing
before pissing.
Everytime I see such people, I can't stop thinking them as an unmanly man...
All I wanna say to such people loudly is "Other don't (rather, never) pay
attention to your sound of excretion!".

By the way, in 31 October, it's Heroin! Will almost of you hold a Heroin party
in your or your friend's house? If so, don't forget to say your neighbors"Trick
or trade!" when you visit their house to get some snack. Of course, don't for-
get to make a Junk o' luncheon, a symbol of Heroin party!
835名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 17:45:55
fuck you asshole
836名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 18:21:54
A heroin party doesn't even exist.
It only exists in fictions, I believe.
837名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 18:54:12
your face is fiction
838名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 19:01:40
kiss my ass, demnass
839名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 19:04:00
My face is nonfiction!
840名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 19:37:27
suck my dong
841名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 19:39:36
I wrote business letter today.
Due to my poor vocabulary and writing skill, the letter became was terrible.
I hope it will be understanding correctly.
842名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 19:53:50
843KG2ch:2010/10/27(水) 19:56:36
>>817 I admire your honest behaviour. I wish the rest of the world
would learn and adapt your values.
844名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 20:04:34
no one admires your bitchy behaviour.
845KG2ch:2010/10/27(水) 20:05:31
no one admires your foul mouth either.
846名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 20:18:36
please take me along when you slide on down ♪
847名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 20:32:09
but i fucking reject it
848名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 20:34:09
its like a jungle sometimes that makes me wander how it keeps from going under
849名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 20:36:07
im the boss, that's why !!
850名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 20:37:07
Ask not what your country can do for you.
Ask what you can do for your country.
851名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 21:01:47
No, we can't dance together. No, we can't talk at all ♪
852名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 21:04:12
demn assholes shut fuck up n go cocksuckin
853名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 21:07:42
I have finally found a older man than me in this thread.
So you lived in the middle of the Showa period? Sensei.
Yeah, you(your sentences) smell the Showa era.
854名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 21:09:22
I'm just growing old ♪
855名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 21:18:39
Hey Nineteen That's 'Retha Franklin ♪
856名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 21:26:05
so how old are you?
857名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 21:27:06
and where did the chilean guy go?
858名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 21:48:02
Well, let's just say I'm not a sprig chicken like you.
859名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 22:17:48
What time does naitive appear?
860名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 22:20:08
A native Otaku is here.
861名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 22:26:57
Are you nerd?
862名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 22:48:33
   Good night bigheads.

      <´・\  ::::::::::::::::::ヽ
       l  3 ハ::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ,
   ∫  .<、・_ (         )
   旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
863名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 22:54:21
china is fucking ridiculous
864名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/27(水) 23:39:36
I think Kimigayo repersents Japan's spirit well, and most people probably feel that way.
Little kids may think it's boring or dark, but I think mosst people would agee that upbeat
or pomp stuff don't suit us.
Thanks to the short lyrics, 99% of people know the full lyrics.
865埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw :2010/10/28(木) 00:05:41
Oh, what a cool tsukkomi to >>834.
866864:2010/10/28(木) 00:14:04
x agee -> o agree
867名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 01:10:34
May you have a wet dream!
868名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 01:49:32
good morning! Now I get up after a short sleep. I can't sleep well for these days.
869名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 07:17:34
   Good morning bigheads.

         ( ・ω⊂ヽ゛
         /    _ノ⌒⌒ヽ.
      ( ̄⊂人  //⌒   ノ
  旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
870817:2010/10/28(木) 08:36:00
Thanks a lot. hehe but it proves that I was not an honest person at the end of the day ^^;;
871名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 08:51:49
I agree with you. Kimigayo and Japanese flag both have a perfect sense of simplicity
and sophistication. Very solemnly and short. We should learn more about lyric in
primary school, just to learn and love our country more, not on the purpose of
increasing the nationalism in a bad way. Also the design of the Hinomaru, the Japanese
flag looks beautiful. The circle inside is red and rest are all white. It represents the sun.
From a perspective of design, it is a perfect flag, I think.
872名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 09:16:35
Gotta remind you once in every thread that...

....Slim Shady is in All of us and Noriaki is da real and nobody is
as cool as COOL TAKU....
873名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 09:24:03

How To Sex!
Do Girlfriend play Sex
874名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 09:33:24
Gay? Sexual?
875名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 09:49:31
>>870 don't worry, we all know the person whose immediate family is a stupid theft is also a dumbass. lol
876名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 10:26:46

Yes will I KISS
877名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 10:27:43
......I've forgot that part. I mean that had been long staying in my mind but
recently I've been trying hard to get off from that thoughts. He is still little and
did not ware enough about value of the money, of course together with the
prohibit acts such as theft...our family members are all educating him nowadays..My mom
took his Nintendo and other soft away from him and no longer gets any pocket money.
He's been spending most of the time playing piano these days. I think he is now much more
healthier than before.
878名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 10:29:13
Well I forgot 877 was me. And needless to say I am 870.
879nihon-jin:2010/10/28(木) 11:15:57
Ill health reminds me of my childhood.
There was a tutor.
He taught me for entrance examination of a select school.
I didn't like studying but to see him is another.
We studied every day, sometimes until midnight, for years.
They said he was intelligent though I'm not sure if a child could understand it.
He was gentle. I imagened it was because his view for the world was most pessimistic and cruel, so he had pity on a most pathetic child. The child became unhealthy.
One day he silently held my hands. I was frozen for a moment.
He asked me if I wanted to meet him after the examination. I was completely upset and said something rude by habit.
He sighed as always and never mentioned it again.
It went tragic. Eventually I went the school where gifted children gathers. Still I was always looking for something I had lost instead, at last in stones.
He was originally studying for something important examination and a part-time teacher.
After that they said he was an earnest and excellent teacher and I doubt his sanity he became a teacher.
Last year I heard that teaching was not his calling.
And now how I am.

I thought we did our best, and life should be so.
Or we could do our best because of each other. Without realizing it, our life became such futile.
880名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 11:27:44
↑oh wow...but I don't really get the point of this mean you and he
were homosexually attached?
881nihon-jin:2010/10/28(木) 11:42:08
I was twelve. I think there must have been more actual problems even if I was not attached homosexually.
882名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 11:44:47
Your comment makes me wonder even more...the facts are; 1) you were not attached,
2) there had been more problems if you were close to him?
then what the point?
883名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 11:46:43
I ‘ve been listening to the News and transcribing them. But in some part, I hardly can hear some words.
Please help with it somebody! Thanks in advance!


Old people are literally invisible in our culture. The media just really [Pexxxxx] on their only in the pharmaceutical
ads and even then they are on the beach, having fun.

this is what I can hear from the CD...could somebody tell me the right answer?
884名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 12:04:06
here we go again...
this thread is not the place to do such things
fuck off
885名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 12:17:14
Can you upload the audio file?
That will make things easier.
I'm Japanese, by the way.
886nihon-jin:2010/10/28(木) 12:22:00
I was attached completely that time, still I think the child had no other way.
Admitting attachment was inappropriate.
I thought I have learned more, but now far more problems.
887名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 12:27:04
do you realize what you are doing?
you recommend him to violate copyright and japanese laws.
you must be brother of the thief.
888882:2010/10/28(木) 13:00:31
Ahhhh now I understand, thanks for your confess even though
you must have wanted to keep that part blurred...^^;; I understand clearly now.
So are you gay now?
889883:2010/10/28(木) 13:05:54
well, I better not as 887 said. Hum that part in Japanese must be

I guess that word should be something starting with P and means use
890883:2010/10/28(木) 13:09:25
it sound like "patrade"....can anybody think of the words which sounds like
that and means similar to use...
891nihon-jin:2010/10/28(木) 13:28:37
I can't see how I could be responsible for copied materials under unknown cercumstances.
I don't think not being too optimistic about copyright is that wrong.
892名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 13:38:27
You shouldn't listen to the trolls in this thread. They are just trying to scare you.
893nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/28(木) 13:47:30
No idea. Upload the audio. Screw copyright.
894neil:2010/10/28(木) 14:10:44
The media just really [Pexxxxx] on their only in the pharmaceutical
ads and even then they are on the beach, having fun.

Maybe you should upload the audio clip because what you have written here does't make sense no matter what word you insert.
895名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 14:12:11
Penis, maybe?
Rather, Pokemon?
896名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 14:17:39
shut the fuck up, fucking pussy
897名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 16:17:29
may i ask native english speaker ??

unit word 'Wagamama' means what ??

restaurant or some metaphor ??
898名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 16:19:05
it comes from this article

"Nothing will convince you more quickly that you're not in Kansas (or Hampstead) any more, and the sushi you can try nearby will tell you you're not at Wagamama either."

what does it mean 'Wagamama' ??
899名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 16:41:25
those beggars are tearing down this thread
900nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/28(木) 17:00:31

I live in the US though so I've never heard of it.
Supposedly there's one in Boston though! I should find it...
901埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw :2010/10/28(木) 18:13:36
In my high school period, I've been in UK for about 2weeks as school's study and training
abroad(By the way, after spending time in there, we went to German for about 1 week).
So, I'm interested in the restaurant! If I have time and enough money to go to UK and
eat food of there, I'll go to there. And I'll buy some River island's clothes again(I have 2T-
shirts and a damaged jeans of the store).

Now, I'm watching the movie, Tower bridge live in Ustream, thinking such thing.
If you wanna do too, let's click this below URL!
902名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 19:15:50
'wagamama' means 'selfish fuck' in japanese

it is fucking funny that restaurant's name, i guess lol
903名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 19:50:27
I saw a news that Johnny Depp used wagamama while he worked at Britain.
he said that British foods are disgusting. so he asked to help to japanese food.
but most japanese who ate at wagamama said that it was disgusted.
so I researched the food menu of wagamama. then there is no japanese food.
904名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 20:04:54
905名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 20:19:48
suck my ballz
906名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 22:57:09
Is there anyone who tasted Pepsi Montblanc?
How was that?
907neil:2010/10/28(木) 23:28:27
What you've got to remember@904 is different countries take dishes and change them to suit their palettes. A case in point Japanese curry.
908名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 23:40:49
   Good night plumbers.

      <´・\  ::::::::::::::::::ヽ
       l  3 ハ::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ,
   ∫  .<、・_ (         )
   旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
909名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/28(木) 23:58:28
but japanese do not call japanese curry a indian curry.
910名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/29(金) 02:35:54
Yes Yes!
Iand U How
911イギリス人:2010/10/29(金) 03:06:13
It's surprising to hear that as, to me at least, many borrowed Japanese
words sound more like their English-English pronunciation than that of
American. Of course, there are plenty in the way of hard to understand
accents in the UK.

>>864, >>871
At least somewhere, there are people happy with their own anthem. I
wouldn't say it's simple, but it stands out in its own way. Even though
I'm not too fond of our anthem, I quite like the flag.

That's the case with most 'ethnic' restaurants in the UK. They only serve
food adapted to British expectations. Though there are thousands of Indian
and Chinese restaurants and takeaways, they generally all serve the same
kind of food. No regional diversity at all. Most Japanese restaurants and
sushi establishments here are run by Thai families.

On a slightly different topic, even though the Kit-Kat is a British
confection, Japan has an incredibly large variety of them.
912名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/29(金) 10:06:22
Indian food was good in the uk because its quite authentic. I tried thai too and that was good. Stop talking about the UK, you make me wanna go back.
I also have to say that the Dorchester hotel, even though I didn't stay there, had wonderful afternoon tea! I tried english and japanese tea there. Some guy said it took him 7 interviews to get a job as a server!
But for the winter holidays, I plan to go to Japan and stay with my friend over there who's studying abroad in Japan. So any advice on where to go and what's fun in Japan is welcome.
913名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/29(金) 11:00:23
   Good morning plumbers.

         ( ・ω⊂ヽ゛
         /    _ノ⌒⌒ヽ.
      ( ̄⊂人  //⌒   ノ
  旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
914名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/29(金) 11:29:49
I'm not a plumber!
915名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/29(金) 11:32:38
go to eat. and getting fat.
916名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/29(金) 17:31:44
I'm not a plumber too!
I'm a bakar.
917名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/29(金) 17:38:16
Me either.
I am a slumber.
918名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/29(金) 17:52:38
Then, I'll be a policeman.
919名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/29(金) 22:56:42
Hi guys!
I want you to tell me some movies suited for English learner to improve English skill!
As far as I know,“I am sam” is the best material to learn English because the English in the film is very easy to understand!!

How about you, guys!?
920名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/29(金) 23:48:27
Dr Parnassus
921名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/29(金) 23:56:42

this was very hard for me. in fact. I was failed.
becuase it contains many idiom of Britain and even some french.
922名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 02:27:23
Have you guys been to Hooters?

The first in Japan has just opened today. Look at this photo waiting
in line. Men are the same wherever you live?
923名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 03:35:19
924名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 04:04:34
original hooters cheese burger $5.99
japanese hooters burger \1.480 + cheese \150

must be premium price for the first shop in japan.
925nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/30(土) 06:42:03
Hooters must be pretty popular in Japan...

That film looks very difficult! I wouldn't recommend it.
926埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw :2010/10/30(土) 08:22:37
Today is the day that I see whether I pass or not the test of EIKEN.
I'm wainting for a postcard shows I pass or not it.
927名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 08:37:17
Good luck!
928名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 09:14:48

You can check it online.

It was the opening day. Funny thing is they launched their business in
other Asian countries such as China and Korea earlier than Japan.
929名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 09:22:09
   Good night electricians.

      <´・\  ::::::::::::::::::ヽ
       l  3 ハ::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ,
   ∫  .<、・_ (         )
   旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
930名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 09:36:31
which mean they are korean who pretends japanese.
931名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 09:46:10
i've just looked at the web. concerning the web, that's totally shit.
why do they use shitty pdf to show their menu.
932KG2ch:2010/10/30(土) 09:52:11
Just arrived from my college Halloween Party. It was so good
to meet friends and we danced like it was our last party ever.
I only had three pints and had to walk my bike home, because it wouldn't go in a straight line,
while giggling to myself.
Then I thought I would ask you people on the other side of the world: do you
celebrate Halloween or any other traditional autumn partie s in Japanland?
I would like to say I love you all while I am tipsy but you just don't deserve it.
In fact I dn't like you at all. I only like the cutest Kame-chan.
So there.
933イギリス人:2010/10/30(土) 09:56:39
It's interesting that they have the small print and warnings in Portuguese,
Spanish and English, and not Japanese.

Is a compulsory service charge commonplace?
934名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 10:06:05
What grade examination have you had?
935名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 10:07:37
All I can do is to eat rice,baybe...
936名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 10:14:40
we usually don't have halloween party.
however some greedy fuckin confection companies have done massive advertisements recent years.
as a result, people are beginning to be conscious of halloween.
but it's completely commercial bases.
there arent cultural aspect at all.

R.I.P drunken girl.
937名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 10:24:13!

This can be next Noriaki, COOL TAK or whatever. Music starts at around 0:40 on the video.

Did you dance with the Japaense boy? What music did they play? Trance?
You don't want to dance with any other songs oyther than Kame songs.
Holloween has been getting popular in uraban areas because of evil commercialization.
Far less popular than Christmas, though. No thank you to more cultural invasion.
>In fact I dn't like you at all.
The pints of beer seems to let your Slim Shady inside pop out. Shut up.

At some fancy resturants, I guess, and at "kyabakura" type place, too.
Common restaurants never charge that kind of fees.

Hamburgers are rediculously expensive. You need to glance at the Hooters
girls million times to make the experience there pay off.
938KG2ch:2010/10/30(土) 10:45:04
>>937 what are you talking about. I am Slim Shady's daughter.
No the gorgeous Todai boy was unfortunately not there.
There was a Japanese guy with make-up but he was taken.I pulled
a lonely chap on to the dance floor and ended up with four more...
Then more friends and colleagues joined in. It was too much fun.
The DJ was playing currently popular UK club pieces...
I am deaf now.
I am glad that you adhere to your own traditions.
I would like to celebrate each nation's traditions in their unique way.
I will stick to mine too.

In the meantime, tell me why some people have the most beautiful eyes in the world.
Is it something you eat?

939名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 10:58:28
I think this is the first time you mentioned that he's from Todai.
You sound like an aggresive women to take the men to the dance floor.
940名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 11:05:24
Slim Shady doesn't mean Eminem himself. It means the dark side of you.
So, claming you're a Slim Shady's daughter is impossible, because it means
you are a daughter of your dark side of you.
941名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 11:29:36
it seems you're ordinary people who is obsessed with stereotype.
what if enigmatic thing, so to speak dark side of her in this case is the master of her?
942名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 11:31:35
fuck off luigi
943名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 12:13:23
You are being Slim shady.
944名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 12:37:25
Why? I was being nice enough to get things straight and help her understand the notion
of Slim Shady correctly. I understand what she meant though.
945名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 12:38:00
              ,/ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
              | (L)     \   >>942 i can't hear you
            ( ̄二二二二ヽ、  ト、
            \| ⌒  ⌒ `l\__ソ  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
              |( ●)( ●) し´6 |   (M)     \_
              ,ー(___)―,  i´ ̄ ニ二二二二二二ヽ、  `l   
              l`ー^ー´  \/´  ⌒    ⌒   l\__/
              {         | |  ( ●)  ( ●)  し´6)   
               {       / |  ー―(__)――,    ,/
          ,-、   ヽ     ノ、 \ `ー^ー^ー^ー´  ,/__
         / ノ/ ̄/ ` ー ─ '/>´ /^ー─ '/┌、 ヽ  ヽ,
        /  L_ ∠___/ ,/  ∠___/ _l__( { r-、 .ト
        |   _,,二)   〇 /  〇      〇 〔― ‐} Ll  | l) )
946名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 12:47:44
>>943 hey, what does noko mean? is it cutting saw?
947埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw :2010/10/30(土) 13:45:52
According to the website, I don't pass it...
Oh my god...orz
948名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 13:54:08
;_; next time. you will pass!
949名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 13:57:55
So difficult to pass EIKEN pre1 grade?
950名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 14:06:00
Tell me your score and the borderline score.

Even if you didn't pass it, I think your writing skill is good enough
to pass pre-1 level test. Maybe listening or reading is what you have
to improve.

Keep studying and you'll pass it in the near future.
951名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 14:11:10
>>948 i can never say such a irresponsible thing
>>949 that depend on the person. at least we can't say a piece of cake
>>950 are you eiken holder?
952名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 14:12:40
Hey, get your chin up! I'm sure you'll get it eventually.
Just keep on working hard. What I recommend is going over
one of those thick grammer books that you might have studied with
when you were at high school. It'll best help you recomprehend
the basic structures of English. I think that'll be more than enough
to get ready for the exam. Making sure of your grammer skill helps
your speaking skil as well. It sounds like too good to be true, but
It really works. If you fully understood the grammer, It'd be much
easier for you to convert the ideas that you come up with into English
sentences without putting them down on paper. And you'll be able to
even build up phrases that you've never heard of by useing your grammer

Good luck!
953名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 14:23:36
g2 hell fucking nigga
954名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 14:38:14
Watch or listen to more media and entertainment in English.
955名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 14:43:38
i dont think youre superior to him
956名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 14:45:12
Sounds like EIKEN administrator...
957名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 15:10:30
   Good morning electricians.

         ( ・ω⊂ヽ゛
         /    _ノ⌒⌒ヽ.
      ( ̄⊂人  //⌒   ノ
  旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
958名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 15:16:45
  (´・ω・`) >>947 I'll give you my tea.
  ( o旦o)
959名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 15:28:39
fuck you, cat
960名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 15:29:52
suck my dick, fucking fag lol
961名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 15:30:59
962nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/30(土) 15:35:51
Want me to take it for you?
963名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 16:06:19
964埋地 ◆eMTYZaOJDw :2010/10/30(土) 16:33:46
OK. My score is 53 and the borderline score is 56.
I have to study harder English...orz So, I won't take
the next test of EIKEN.
The time is when I have enough skill to pass it.
Sigh, I must buy new book related to EIKEN again...
In my opinion, it's so difficult to me.
Especially, hearing test.

Thank you for encouraging me! I keep it in my mind.
965名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 16:36:54
It's about time to create the new thread.
Does anyone have your favorite tea that we have never introduced before?
966nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/30(土) 16:43:33
How do Japanese people understand that video? He talks pretty slow though.

There's been 148 threads; is there a list of teas that have been used?
967名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 16:46:24
who knows.
968名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 17:01:16
i saw him befoere he became famous.
there were some japanese who attached subtitles for his video.
and still you can see subbed version of his videos on youtube.
969名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 17:01:18
It's no doubt that all of famous teas have already been used.
So we need a unfamiliar one.
If you can find that, no one would complain to you even if it was used before.
Because nobody has such a list.
970nanashi ◆NANaShiTfI :2010/10/30(土) 17:26:59
971名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 17:34:08
I have a gripping pain in the stomach.
972イギリス人:2010/10/30(土) 18:41:11
Hmm... after finishing my catch-up on this thread, had a quick look
at the BBC News website to see what was going on. One of the headlines
was "Japan and China 'to improve ties'", but at first glance it looked
like "Japan and China to improve teas".
973名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 18:53:52

TEL me
974名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 19:02:07
though I dont call Kan a leader of Japan
975名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 19:34:48
Coffee is good too.
976名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 21:02:52
Hi, you guys, what does it exsit for??
977名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 21:08:29
shut the fuck up shitnugget
978名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 21:11:16
I found the article regarding Hooters by accident.
I felt that is readable for English learner who is interested in Hooters.

979名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 21:55:29
suck my dick, asshole
980名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 22:02:14
Shut the hell up and sip your gay tea, you flamin' homo
981名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 22:05:55
I wanna move to Okinawa and live in there forever.
Osaka is too cold for me, I can't stand it any more.
982名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 22:12:55
Okinawa will be China
983名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 22:25:44
If China attacks Okinawa, U.S.and UN will save Okinawa.
984名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 22:37:05
I think japan can't defeat china.
We should learn chinese instead of English.
985名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 22:39:52
Who said this planet was peaceful?
Nobody can dry their tears for wars.
986名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 22:44:16
If China attacks Osaka, we'll be all happy and smiley. =)
987名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 22:45:36
Huh? Nobody said such a thing.
988名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 22:54:22
Have you listend the song "Heiwa no ryuka(平和の琉歌)" by Southern All Stars?
989名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 23:00:34
No. If they sang such a thing, they must be lame.
990名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 23:17:12
That song is really fantastic.
Heiwa no ryuka is not very famous but it is more effective than Shima-Uta I think.
991名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 23:28:22
   Good night paramedics.

      <´・\  ::::::::::::::::::ヽ
       l  3 ハ::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ,
   ∫  .<、・_ (         )
   旦 (⌒ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄⌒)
992名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 23:33:36
I'm not a paramedic!
993名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/30(土) 23:37:39
I'm a neat person.
994名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/31(日) 01:07:38
Hasta la vista baby!
995イギリス人:2010/10/31(日) 01:34:00
Another five posts and we'll be orphaned...
996名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/31(日) 04:54:42
Regarding the man in >>963's video, what impression did you get?
I have just watched only a few videos of him so far on YouTube.

The topic he deals with poilitival or ecomical things that requires
some intelligence but he's just the owner of Steak house or something.

Maybe Americans are raised to speak their own opininons in public so
it's not the matter of intelligence or academic record? He doesn't look
like white collar, which he's not. What kind impression did you get from him?
997名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/31(日) 05:06:43

Made another playground for you morons.

>>970 Thanks!
998名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/31(日) 07:23:30
999名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/31(日) 08:53:49
1000名無しさん@英語勉強中:2010/10/31(日) 08:56:31
if 1000, i become pussy crasher lol