I was too busy to spare time for trying tenho last week. So I tried it just now. Then I wondered whether we can chat during playing game. I suppose we can chat only at the lobby. If so, that's really bummer.
Anyway I made a test room. So, if you interested in mahjong or having conversation, please feel free to come. I don't have intention to play mahjong especially. It's just test room. What is more I can't do real time chat in English. So don't hesitate to come.
I'm becoming sleepy gradually. However they say the room exists for 24 hours at least without any player. Therefore if I'm not there, you can still play with other people.
there are full of chinese and korean con mans on internet auction in Japan. according to my experience. 1/2 of people are them. especialy. chinese do it with organized. chinese communist party supports managing of cheat servers. to attack market in japan and steal money illegaly. there are even cheated auction sites by them. internet look for japanese is like a hell.
>>960 150th thread should be celebrated with high end alchol drinks maybe? Or we should stick to non-alchol drink not to get drunk or tipsy on weekdays, some are under legal drinking age to boot...
Slim Shady appears out of nowhere, all of a sudden, without advance notice, because he lives inside of you. Your mood, what happens to you in any given day are one of the factors that decides if he'll make appearance in this/the next thread.
When your boss or supervisor is being mean to you on one day, then you could abuse somebody here to release the stress you suffered from after work. You could say that's the moment when your darkside is expanding its share in you, ie, when Slim Shady in you are taking control of you. But if you abuse or troll someone here in this thread, I never blame you.
Even in prince William, of course, although it's widely known that Slim Shady takes control of prince Henry more often. It's just that prince William knows how to manage his Slim Shady in him. That doesn't mean Slim Shady doesn't live inside of him. He DOES.
Again, regardless of age, sex, where you live, what culture you're in, what you ate for breakfast today, how many times you poo in a week, how many times you blink in a day,
...and Noriaki is da real and no one is as cool as Cool TAK.
As I supposed, tenho don't allow us to have a chat during game. That's a problem. If you don't want to have a chat during play, tenho has no problem.
Is there another good place to play mahjong with resident of this thread? I used to play at "東風荘". It's one of oldest Japanese online mahjong sites. They allow to chat during game, however they require email address in registration and do not offer private room. So, it's difficult for us to be together at the same playing room. In addition to that, they may or may not reject connection from oversea.
>>976 That's a poopy idea, but anything written in 'English' would be far better than this thread and in fact so many have already left. So yea, why not.
Might help us foreigners to understand the names of hands. Though, I'm still a little puzzled as to the significance of the centre tiles, as well as why, sometimes, when I would be able to call 'Ron', it won't let me...
Anyway, would join in the real games, but have had a little too much work on my hands these past few weeks. I'll give it a go next week sometime...
>>981 This confused me for a while too - You need at least one yaku to be able to ron, and dora doesn't count. If that error message pops up when you click ron, then it means you've got a hand full of sets/runs and a pair, but your hand wouldn't be worth points. I've found it's easier to avoid this if you keep your hand concealed so that you can riichi or get pinfu/menzen tsumo
The tile in the middle that is flipped up is the dora indicator - if you have a hand with the next tile in sequence after that (so, 4p if 3p is shown, south if east is shown...) then you get extra points. In certain conditions, such as if someone declares riichi, more tiles from that pile get turned over at the end of the round and serve as additional dora for scoring. So, I think those center tiles are just there to serve as potential dora.
>>981 I didn't realize they have English version of the Mahjong flash. That can be great help to foreigner who want to play Mahjong.
In addition to what >>985 said, I suppose there are several possibility of what you said. First, They may not have all combination of tiles that we can call Ron or Tsumo.
Second, You threw away the tile that you need for Ron at the round. We call it "Furiten". for example, when the tiles for Ron are 1bamboo and 4bamboo, if you threw away either of them until then at the round, you can't call Ron. "Furiten" is one of difficult things for beginner to understand but I suppose you knew it already. Anyway, even in this case, you can still call tsumo. in other words, you can't win by the tile other player throw away but you can win by the tile you get yourself from stack of tiles.
>>985 From my point of view, your writing skill is great. I can rely on you for those detailed explanations, can't I?
>>985 Ahh... I suppose you are Japanese from the first, but judging from using that reference site, Do you happen to be a foreigner? If so, no wonder your writing is great. How embarrassing... w I am surprised by your understanding to Mahjhong.
>>985-986 Thanks very much for that information, it's really cleared up a couple aspects that were a bit muddled in my mind. That link's also a great reference. Usually I like to have references in the form of a book, but there's surprisingly little published on the topic of Japanese Mahjong, so will probably just print out what's useful on that page...
>>987 Yeah, I'm from the USA. My understanding of mahjong is pretty shallow, I only started learning about it a week or two ago. I forgot all about furiten, heh. I'm idling in tenhou 6705 right now.