America would be in better shape if banks had listened to the killjoys who warned that house prices would not rise for ever. (住宅価格がずっと上昇を続けることなどないと警告する"水差し人"たちに 銀行が耳を傾けていれば、アメリカは今頃より健全な状態にあっただろう。)
>>13 この場合schoolは授業。 Juan has missed so much school that - if he went back - he would have great difficulty catching up with others. so〜that構文 〜だったのでthat以下の状態におちいった。 Juan は残念にも多くの授業受けられなかったので−もし学校に戻っても− 他の生徒について行くには多大な困難をともなうだろう。
1. The wedding ceremony turned into a complete ( ) when the bride suddenly confessed that she was already married. 1. snare 2. coup 3. frazzle 4. fiasco
2. I couldn't follow all of the president's speech, but I understand enough to get the ( ) of what was saying. 1. gist 2. gall 3. drone 4. drawl
3. With more than 60 books to his name, the novelist was one of the most ( ) of the twentieth century. 1. arcane 2. somber 3. erratic 4. prolific
>>41 be famous for 〜 で、「〜で有名」という表現。 itsはここでは「その公園の」。
英作文するときはitsは無くても間違いでは無いだろうけど、forを落としたら正しい英文にならない。 どうしてもforを使いたくなければ、 We visited a park that is famous as a nice place to see cherry blossoms. みたいな、クドくい表現になっちゃう。
Researchers,however,have found differences in the ways male and female athleates respond to losing. これなんですがin the way と maleの間って同格のthatの省略でしょうか? 同格のthatって省略可能なんですか? あとageとbeforeの時制の違いって何でしょうか? 古いノートを見直すと走り書きのようにかいてあったんですが思い出せなくて… よろしくおねがいしますm(_ _)m
>>49 the way thatあるいはthe way in whichの関係代名詞が省略されたと見るべきでしょう。
ランダムハウスでは、 > 【3】(目的達成のための)(…する)方法,手段,方策*to do, of doing*: : > 【語法】1-3について, : > (2)way の次に関係代名詞のない節を伴うことがある: > This is the way (that [or in which])I did it. 私はこれをこうしてやりましたよ > **This is the way how I did it. の形は現在では用いられない.
>>54 They can only do *exactly **[ what humans tell them [ to do ] ]. それらは人間に指示された通りのことしかできない Commputer do what have been programmed. Computers do them *exactly. *は**の後に来る言葉ですが、**が長すぎるので前に出たのです。
It is hundreds of years too early [ to know ]. それを知るにはまだ何百年も早過ぎる この文はhundreds of yearsがearlyにかかり、 to knowが too earlyにかかります。
He is old. He is 50 years old. 50 yearsはoldにかかるでしょう?
以下FORESTの例文から引用しますが、 The dog was obviously hurt. (その犬は明らかにけがをしていた) のように文全体にかかる副詞(他にprobably, possibly, happily, fortunatelyなど) もあるし、節全体にかかる副詞(He wants a computer "only" because you have one)、 句にかかる副詞(My house is "just" behind my school.)、 名詞にかかる副詞("Only" he came here on time.)などがあります。
>>49 Researchers, however, have found differences in the ways [ how male and female athleates respond to [ losing ] ]. これなんですがin the way と maleの間って関係副詞のhowの省略です 関係詞は主格でなければ省略可能なのです
>>90 馬鹿丸出しw ditransitiveはdouble transitiveってこと。notなんかない。 The construction is caused by motion.ではなくて The construction refers to caused motion. 構文が使役的に行為を受けるわけではないからな。 片岡は実に馬鹿だ。
>>126 The town is very large. I live in the town. which使ってこの2つの文章を1つにしたものが The town which I live in is very large.になるんだよね。 作り方としては重複してる部分を関係代名詞で置き換える。 元の文章のI live in the town.のthe townが重複してるから関係代名詞whichに置き換える。 そうするとI live in which.という形になるわけだ。この時点でwhichはinの目的語になってるよね。 で、このままじゃ文章がつながらないからwhichを文頭に出して先行詞the townの後ろにくっつける。 そうするとThe town which I live in very large.のできあがり。 解説文を解説してみたけどまどろっこしいね。 わからないとこあったら指摘してちょ。
>>215 その人のthough の使い方は両方ともそこでピリオド。 (I) try to find a job though. でも仕事探さないとな。 I may need a sponsor (even) if I get lucky (enough to find a job) うまく仕事が見つかっても保証人が必要かもしれない。 ( There are) lotS of hangovers though. でも二日酔いばかりだよ。 So people use s sick day. だからみんな病気欠勤日利用して(休んでばかり)
>>243 neither English is the common language of Europe. でもないし nor English should be the common language of Europe. なるべきでもない。 >>245 全文は Even if we recognize that English brings adavantage and influence to those with a command of it , wether as a first or second langueage, English neither is nor should be the common language of Europe.
>>268 >>269 In a very real sense the normal human being is predestined to walk, not because his elders will assist him to learn the art, but because his organism is prepared from birth, or even from the moment of conception, to take on all those expenditures of nervous energy and all those muscular adaptations that result in walking.
The protracted downturn in share prices since last spring began when foreign investors - who heavily influence the movement of prices on the Tokyo markets - shifted into selling mode, turning other investors off buying.
He is a man. 彼は人間だ He is very human. 彼はとても人間的だ You are human. あなたは人間的だ I am human.私は人間的である I am a human being.私は人間的な存在である We are human beings. 私達は人間的な存在です
質問が2点あります。 1. Infamous for the flaws in its focal mirror that became apparent in the first week of operation, the life of the Hubble has been filled with undue breakdowns and repairs. (運転の最初の週に明らかになった焦点反射鏡内の欠陥で有名となったハッブル望遠鏡のその一生は、度重なる故障と修理に満ちたものでした。)
という文章があるのですが、infamous〜,までが、the life of the Hubbleを修飾しているのは分かるのですが、形容詞の文、カンマ、文章という流れはどういう構文でしょうか? The life of the Hubble, infamous 〜 , has been 〜というのが普通ではないでしょうか?
2. the building adjacent to the library.(図書館の隣のビル) という句で、adjacentは形容詞とあるのですが、名詞、形容詞という順で、後ろから形容詞が名詞を修飾するというのもどのような構文でしょうか。
>>49の文章なのですが、 Researchers,however,have found differences in the ways male and female athleates respond to losing. これってどう訳すのでしょうか?? respond to losingは、「負けることに返答する」って こと?
Wailing auti-war lyrics is as close as most rock stars will ever get to politics,but in Sweden,where the state has a finger in every pie the vibrant and hip music industry owes everything meddling of graying politicians.
>>354 [ Wailing auti-war lyrics ] is as close [ as most rock stars will ever get to politics ],
but in Sweden, [ where the state has a finger in every pie ] the vibrant and hip music industry owes everything [ meddling of [ graying ] politicians ].
Miss Tanaka: Good morning, everyone. Everyone: Good morning, Miss Tanaka. @【 How are you? 】 Miss Tanaka: Fine, thank you. A【 How are you? 】 Everyone: I'm fine, thank you.
I would like to talk about coffee. I like coffee best of all drink. Most children don’t like it. It tastes too bitter and too sour, to be sure, but good coffee made from fresh beans tastes good bitter and good sour. I think that many children have never drunk and tasted good coffee. I suggest you to try to drink good coffee once. I would often make coffee from beans at home when I was in a junior high school. But now, what with studying and all, I am too busy to make it. If I weren’t so busy, I would make coffee at home every day. I also like black tea second best. It is easier to make black tea than to make coffee. So recently, I make it once two days. By the way, do you know where coffee beans are grown? Coffee beans are grown in hot countries near the equator, for example, Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Ethiopia, and so on. Now, however, Ethiopian coffee beans can’t be imported by Japan because too many agricultural chemicals were found. So we can’t taste coffee made from them. I fell sad. That’s all. Thank you very much for your attention.
>>422 (1)suggest you to try 〜 ⇒ suggest (to you) that you (should) try 〜 (2)once two days ⇒ every two days (3)we can’t taste coffee made from them. ⇒we can’t taste [enjoy] coffee beans grown there ⇒we can’t taste [enjoy] Ethiopian coffee
(1)suggestに「suggest O to do(×)」の用法はないと思う。 (2)「once a week」の場合は、「a 〜」に「〜につき」ということで「一週間に(つき)一度」という意味になる。 したがって、「二日に一度」の場合は「once in two days」のように前置詞が必要だと思う。 (3)make coffeeで「コーヒーを入れる」だから、「made from them」はそぐわない気がする。
2行目 drink はsが要るんでね〜か? オラだったらその2文は接続詞で繋げて I like coffee best of all drinks, though most children don't like it. (大抵の子供はコーヒーが好きでないけど私はすべて飲み物で一番好きです) とかにするズラよ。
確かに、味覚は人それぞれですよね・・・。 ¶2を書き換えてみましたけど、どうでしょう? Although most children don't like coffee, I like it best of all drinks. Bad coffee tastes too bitter and too sour, to be sure, but good one made from fresh beans should taste good bitter and good sour. I think that many children have never drunk and tasted good coffee. I suggest that you try to drink good coffee once.
I like coffee the most out of all the drinks out there, though most young people do not prefer it. It is because it is too bitter or too sour for thoese do not prefer coffee. However, on the other hand, the coffee made from fresh beans should have nice bitter and sour taste to it. Probably people do not like coffee have never had those such a good coffee. I do recommend to try good coffee once if you have chance.
I used to brew coffee from beans at home whenever I had chance when I was in Junior High, but I do not have time for it anymore since I am too busy studying and all that. If I had enough time then I would do that every day.
I also like black tea, which is my second favorite drink. It is also easier to make compare to brewing coffee, so I make it once in two days/twice a day.
By the way, do you know where coffee beans are grown? Coffee beans are grown in hot countries near the equator, for instance, Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Ethiopia, and so on. Nevertheless, Japan cannot import the coffee beans from Ethiopia anymore since too much agricultural chemicals were found. Therefore we can no longer taste Ethiopian coffee. It makes me sad.
>>422 I would like to talk about coffee. I like coffee best of all drinks. Most children don’t like it. It tastes too bitter and too sour, [ to be sure ], but good coffee [ made from fresh beans ] tastes bitter and sour in good ways. I think [ that many children have never drunk really tasty good coffee ]. I suggest [ you to try [ drinking good coffee ] once ]. I used to make coffee from beans at home [ when I was in junior high school ]. But now, what with [ studying ] and all, I am too busy [ to do it ]. [ If I weren’t so busy ], I would make coffee at home every day. Also, I like black tea second best. It is easier [ to make black tea ] than (it is) [ to make coffee ]. So recently, I make it once in two days. By the way, do you know [ where coffee beans are grown ]? Coffee beans are grown in hot countries near the equator, like Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Ethiopia, and so on. Now, however, Ethiopian coffee beans can’t be imported into Japan ] [ because too much agricultural chemicals were found ]. So we can’t taste coffee [ made from their beans ]. I feel sad. This is all (that I want to tell you). Thank you very much for your attentive [ listening ].
So recently, I make it once in two days. By the way, do you know [ where coffee beans are grown ]? Coffee beans are grown in hot countries near the equator, like Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Ethiopia, and so on. Now, however, Ethiopian coffee beans can’t be imported into Japan ] [ because too much agricultural chemicals were found ]. So we can’t taste coffee [ made from their beans ]. I feel sad. This is all (that I want to tell you). Thank you very much for your attentive [ listening ].
>>453 修飾するという行為は、いわば対象を限定する行為ですよね。 The dog is big in the park では 「その犬が大きい」という事実がまず俄然存在し、 次いで「公園にて」と副詞的に修飾したところで in the park は”その犬が大きい”事実とは離れて 存在する場所を限定する意味を持つようになります。 敢えて日本語に訳するなら 「その公園にいる場合、その犬は大きい」
The dog in the park is big なら、 ”大きいという事実”を限定する以前に 「犬・・・公園にいる」 という意味で in the park が dog を修飾する形で成立し、 そしてそれは大きい とつながってスマートな文になりますね。
>>455 @She returned the letter [ as it had not been opened ]. (彼女はその手紙を未開封のまま返送した。) AShe returned the letter [ which had not been opened ]. (彼女はその未開封の手紙を返送した。)
John 10 The Shepherd and His Flock "I tell you the truth, the man [ who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, ] is a thief and a robber. The man [ who enters by the gate ] is the shepherd of his sheep. The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. [ When he has brought out all his own ], he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him [ because they know his voice ].
But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him [ because they do not recognize a stranger's voice. ]" Jesus used this figure of speech, but they did not understand [ what he was telling them ]. Therefore Jesus said again, "I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep. All [ who ever came before me ] were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them.
I am the gate; [ whoever enters through me ] will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come [ that they may have life, and have it to the full ].
It seems to me rather ironic that the generation that fought against the Establishment and cried out for the liberation of universities or whatever should have end up like this. の意味がわかりません。 orが何と何をつないでいるのかがわかりません。 あと、このshould have は「〜すべきだった」で良いのでしょうか?
文脈としては「現代では、教師は熱心に子供に向き合うと親やPTAから苦情が来てしまう」 という文章の後、Those who are the mainstay of this kind of educational interface belong to the so-called 'Baby Boom' generation. という文があり、その直後の文が初めの文です。
>>518 It seems to me rather ironic [ that the generation [ that fought against the Establishment and cried out for the liberation of universities or whatever ] ] should have end up like this.
Those [ who are the mainstay of this kind of educational interface ] belong to the so-[ called ] 'Baby Boom' generation.
It seems to me rather ironic [ that the generation [ that fought against the Establishment and cried out for the liberation of universities or whatever ] ] should have end up like this.
Those [ who are the mainstay of this kind of educational interface ] belong to the so-[ called ] 'Baby Boom' generation.
end up 【句動】 結局[最後には]〜になる、〜で終わる、結局〜と分かる、最後は〜に落ち着く[行き着く] ・My lost luggage ended up in Honolulu Airport. : 行方不明だった私の荷物は最終的にホノルル空港に行き着いた。 《end up doing》結局[最後には]〜すること[羽目]になる、〜するのが落ちだ
>>538 ではその前の should have との関連性について尋ねるが should have ended up だったらありえる。もし質問文がtypoだったら これ以外にありえない。しかしこの場合は意味上そぐわない。 should have とend up はどう結びついているのか説明してもらいたい。 have は助動詞が?
和訳お願いします あと()内の適する語も選んでください。 An executive of an American company may, of course, feel (カ loyalty,royalty) and willingly work overtime when necessary. (キ However,Therefore,Furthermore), he usually insists (ク to,for,on) the opportunity to pursue his own private life away from the company and does not sacrifice that life for the welfare of the company. An unusual feature of the American business executive's relationship with his company is that the higher he rises, the less secure his job becomes. American companies often fire the top executives when the company is performing badly, (コ and,but,so) rarely fire lower level employees.
An important difference between Japanese and American business practices is the Japanese lifetime employment system. In the United States an emproyee usually looks upon his relationship with his company (ウ of,as,with) a kind of contract. The emproyee provides services in return for a salary. (エ As,If,Now that) an employee can find a better position with another company, he feels free to take it. If the company finds the employee's perfirmance unsatisfactory, the company feels free to fire the employee.
>>593 An important difference between Japanese and American business practices is the Japanese lifetime employment system. In the United States, an emproyee usually looks upon his relationship with his company as a kind of contract. The emproyee provides services in return for a salary. [ If an employee can find a better position with another company ], he feels free [ to take it ]. [ If the company finds the employee's performance unsatisfactory ], the company feels free [ to fire the employee ].
Again he took the Twelve aside and told them [ what was going to happen to him ]. "We are going up to Jerusalem," he said, "and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death and will hand him over to the Gentiles, [ who will mock him and spit on him, flog him and kill him ]. Three days later he will rise."
He gave me advice. He advised me. He advised me [ in a useful way ]. He gave me [ a piece of advice ]. He gave me [ a piece of advice ] [ which was useful ]. He gave me a [ useful ] piece of advice.
a piece of red paper と a red piece of paper なら前者が自然。 a slice of thin bread とa thin slice of bread なら後者が自然 two delicious chunks of chocolate と two chunks of delicious chocolate なら後者が自然
>>628 a piece [ of red paper ] 赤い紙の一切れ a thin slice [ of bread ] パンの細い一切れ two chunks [ of delicious chocolate ] 美味しいチョコレートの二欠片 useful advice 役に立つ忠告 a useful piece [ of advice ] 忠告の役に立つ物
Not only do we damage our environment when we use things, but some products or materials damage our environment much later after we have finished using them.
HOW do we judge a decade's worth of dance? If you try political relevance as a creative yardstick, dance looks diminutive. Some choreographers were politically and socially engaged, and some created dances (or multimedia works including dance) that reacted to 9/11 or the war in Iraq, but few, if any, mattered. And that indicates the nature of this art. The most important dance of the 1930s was not Kurt Jooss's "Green Table" (a celebrated satirical comment on the futility of peace negotiations) but Balanchine's "Serenade" (which says much about America, ballet and women but nothing about the political situation of its day). Martha Graham's best dances were seldom her most politically specif
>>634 We do not only damage our environment when we use things, but some products or materials damage our environment much later after we have finished using them.
>>637 How do we judge a decade's worth of dance? [ If you try political relevance as a creative yardstick ], dance looks diminutive. Some choreographers were politically and socially engaged, and some created dances (or multimedia works [ including dance ]) [ that reacted to 9/11 or the war in Iraq ], but few, [ if any, mattered ]. And that indicates the nature of this art. The most important dance of the 1930s was not Kurt Jooss's "Green Table" (a [ celebrated ] satirical comment on the futility of peace negotiations) but Balanchine's "Serenade" ( [ which says much about America, ballet and women but nothing about the political situation of its day ]). Martha Graham's best dances were seldom her most politically specif
>>634 Not only do we damage our environment [ when we use things ], but some products or material (also) damage our environment much later [ after we have finished [ using them ] ].
We damage not only our environment [ when we use things ], but some products or material (also) damage our environment much later [ after we have finished [ using them ] ].
[ When they came to the place [ called the Skull ] ], there they crucified him, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left. Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know [ what they are doing ]." And they divided up his clothes by [ casting lots ]. The people stood [ watching ], and the rulers even sneered at him. They said, "He saved others; let [ him save himself ] [ if he is the Christ of God, the [ Chosen ] One." The soldiers also came up and mocked him.
G[ When they came to the place I[ called the Skull ] ], Athere they crucified him, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left. AJesus said, "Father, Cforgive them, for Cthey do not know G[ what they are doing ]." And Athey divided up his clothes by I[ casting lots ]. AThe people stood I[ watching ], and Athe rulers even sneered at him. AThey said, "AHe saved others; Clet 9[ him save himself ] G[ if he is the Christ of God, the I[ Chosen ] One." AThe soldiers also came up and mocked him.
How do we judge a decade's worth of dance? [ If you try political relevance as a creative yardstick ], dance looks diminutive. Some choreographers were politically and socially engaged, and some created dances (or multimedia works [ including dance ]) [ that reacted to 9/11 or the war in Iraq ], but few, *[ if any ], mattered. And that indicates the nature of this art. The most important dance of the 1930s was not Kurt Jooss's "Green Table" (a [ celebrated ] satirical comment on the futility of peace negotiations) but Balanchine's "Serenade" ( [ which says much about America, ballet and women but nothing about the political situation of its day ]). Martha Graham's best dances were seldom her most politically specif
The medal, which was established in 1933, recognises excellence in poetry published in the last year.
'Beguiling' Previous recipients of the honour have included Sir John Betjeman, Ted Hughes, WH Auden and Stevie Smith.
Duffy added that Paterson's writings were "acutely attuned to the most intimate of human exchanges, rendered with a formal grace, a moving candour and a beguiling cadence.
"These poems are a witness and a guide to our most precious moments, achieving in two decades of work what few manage so well in a lifetime," she added.
Dundee-born Paterson published his first anthology 16 years ago and has gained a reputation as a "must-read" poet.
His previous works have picked up a string of prestigious accolades, including 2003's Landing Light, which won both the TS Eliot and Whitbread prizes for poetry.
>>678 The medal, [ which was established in 1933 ], recognises excellence in poetry [ published in the last year ]. 'Beguiling' Previous recipients of the honour have included Sir John Betjeman, Ted Hughes, WH Auden and Stevie Smith. Duffy added that Paterson's [ writings ] were "acutely attuned to the most intimate of human exchanges, [ rendered with a formal grace, a [ moving ] candour and a [ beguiling ] cadence. "These poems are a witness and a guide to our most precious moments, [ achieving in two decades of work [ what few manage so well in a lifetime ] ]," she added. Dundee-born Paterson published his first anthology 16 years ago and has gained a reputation as a "must-read" poet. His previous works have picked up a string of prestigious accolades, [ including 2003's [ Landing ] Light, [ which won both the TS Eliot and Whitbread prizes for poetry ] ] ].
Again he took the Twelve aside and told them [ what was going to happen to him ]. "We are going up to Jerusalem," he said, "and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death and will hand him over to the Gentiles, [ who will mock him and spit on him, flog him and kill him ]. Three days later he will rise." 10公式で全てOKです 成績2倍 ランク2段階アップです 偉ぶっていたバカ 10公式で2倍を見て大慌てですねえ 節分後 皆びっくりする カズヨシ 坂本竜馬かあ いいなあ 10公式は 文法革命です
現在高1なんですが、英語がハッキリ言って基本から全然分かりません。無論「This is 〇.」とかなら分かります。 しかし「次の中から()に入る適切なものを選べ」のような問題で自分の分かる範囲で例を挙げると This tower was built ( ) 1990. この塔は1990年に建てられました。 ア.of イ.in ウ.from エ.since
G[ When they came to the place I[ called the Skull ] ], Athere they crucified him, along with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left. AJesus said, "Father, Cforgive them, for Cthey do not know G[ what they are doing ]." And Athey divided up his clothes by I[ casting lots ]. AThe people stood I[ watching ], and Athe rulers even sneered at him. AThey said, "AHe saved others; Clet 9[ him save himself ] G[ if he is the Christ of God, the I[ Chosen ] One." AThe soldiers also came up and mocked him.
They came to aplace. It was called the Skull, There, they crucified him along with the criminals— one on his right, the other on his left. Jesus said, Father, forgive them. They do not know. What are they doing? They divided up his clothes. They castedlots. The people stood. They were watching. The rulers even sneered at him. They said, He saved others; Let. He must save himself. He is the Christ of God, He has been chosen. The soldiers also came up and mocked him.
〜らしい、っぽい って英語でどう表したら良いのでしょうか? 例えば、彼は最近喧嘩ばっかしているらしい あっ!友達が来たっぽいからまたあとでね〜 みたいな文です It seems to や would seem that みたいな文法というのは知ってい るんですが使い分けが分かりません。wouldの性質と一緒に教えてください
When fish come up to the warm surface,after being in freezing bottom temperature they die. One reason is the change in temperature.Antoher reason is the drop in pressure a change of several hundred atmoshpheres.
これの訳をお願いできませんか? やはり、not but の構文を見つけて、鬼の首を取ったように喜んでるレベルのアホよりも片岡数吉先生にお願いしたい。
Mr Charlesworth, 76, said: "I was resigned to going. [The landslip] happened in April 2008 and little bits have been falling off ever since.
"I was quite happy for him to have it. I know it sounds silly, you pay £150,000 for a bungalow and sell it for £3,000 but it's just the way things have happened. "He's a very enterprising chap, I hope it works out for him."
Mr Cunningham, 48, lives in Scarborough and is a lecturer in fine art.
He said: "I'm going to rig the house with cameras and film the last sunrise before nature claims its bounty.
"It's the perfect site-specific installation - a stark reminder of lost dreams, financial disaster and threatening sea levels.
"It's global recession and global warming encapsulated. "This little house is feet away from the edge of the cliff - it can go at any moment."
Mr Cunningham is using the house as a studio until it collapses so he can paint the views over Cayton Bay.
>>733 When fish come up to the warm surface,after being in freezing bottom temperature / they die. ・・・、凍るばかりの温度の底にいた後で(あるので)、魚どもはくたばっちまう。 Another reason is the drop in pressure / a change of several hundred atmoshpheres. a change of several hundred atmoshpheresであるところのpressureのdropってことでしょ
>>734 Mr Charlesworth, 76, said: "I was resigned to [ going ]. The landslip happened in April 2008 and little bits have been falling off ever since (that time). "I was quite happy [ for him to have it ]. I know it sounds silly, you pay £150,000 for a bungalow and sell it for £3,000 but it's just the way [ things have happened ]. "He's a very enterprising chap, I hope [ it works out for him ]." Mr Cunningham, 48, lives in Scarborough and is a lecturer in fine art. He said: "I'm going to rig the house with cameras and film the last sunrise [ before nature claims its bounty ]. "It's the perfect site-specific installation - a stark reminder of lost dreams, financial disaster and [ threatening ] sea levels. "It's global recession and [ global [ warming ] encapsulated ]. "This little house is feet away from the edge of the cliff - it can go at any moment." Mr Cunningham is using the house as a studio [ until it collapses [ so he can paint the views over Cayton Bay ] ].
When fish come up to the warm surface, after being in freezing bottom temperature, they die. One reason is the change in temperature. Antoher reason is the drop in pressure; a change of several hundred atmoshpheres.
"I'm going to rig the house with cameras and film the last sunrise [ before nature claims its bounty ]. "It's the perfect site-specific installation - a stark reminder of lost dreams, financial disaster and [ threatening ] sea levels. "It's global recession and [ global [ warming ] encapsulated ]. "This little house is feet away from the edge of the cliff - it can go at any moment." Mr Cunningham is using the house as a studio [ until it collapses [ so he can paint the views over Cayton Bay ] ].
Happy new yearは、「あけましておめでとう」のように年始の挨拶としてつかわないのですか? 日本語学校の外人生徒に「あけましておめでとう」といったら、きょとんとしているので happy new yearといったら、「あけましておめでとう」と happy new yearは違うよといわれた。そりゃ、厳密な意味は違うだろうけど 年始の挨拶として、使う言葉という意味では同じじゃないの?海外では、 happy new yearは日本での「あけましておめでとう」のように年始に人に出会ったら、 発する言葉じゃないの?
ある新聞のミレニアム以降のデザイン史に関する記述です。 自演してる人は高校一年程度の読解力しかないみたいですので、英検一級もっている片岡数吉先生 に構文構造分析をお願いします。 2000s really started in the late 1990s. In the early years of that decade the American economy was in woeful shape, the art market a shambles. AIDS and the culture wars raged. At the same time multiculturalism and a budding globalism were opening doors. Not only were we seeing African-American, Latino and Asian-American artists stepping onto the stage in New York in unprecedented numbers,
but we were getting news from art centers in Africa, Latin America and Asia.
Art reflected the realities of the day, good and bad, with a new kind of content: politically informed, activist in spirit, often self-consciously ethnic in reference. Some of the work was polished, some scrappy. That it was happening at all was intensely interesting. Some work you liked, some you didn't; this, as always, came down to personal taste. History moved ahead a step.
By 2000 the economy was a few years on the rebound. Chelsea had happened. Sales were going great. Politics, viewed by the New York market as yesterday's news, seemed distanced, or disguised or put on the shelf. The words "beauty" and "pleasure" were on insider lips. Painting was embraced like a monarch returned from exile - at last the uprising was over - and just in time to meet the retail demands of that most characteristically 2000s phenomena: the art fair.
>>783 2000s really started in the late 1990s. In the early years of that decade, the American economy was in woeful shape, the art market a shambles. AIDS and the culture wars raged. At the same time, multiculturalism and a [ budding ] globalism were opening doors. Not only were we seeing [ African-American, Latino and Asian-American artists stepping onto the stage in New York in [ unprecedented ] numbers, but we were getting news from art centers in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Art reflected the realities of the day, good and bad, with a new kind of content: politically informed, activist in spirit, often self-consciously ethnic in reference. Some of the work was polished, some scrappy. That it was happening at all was intensely interesting. Some work you liked, some you didn't; this, as always, came down to personal taste. History moved ahead a step. By 2000, the economy was a few years on the rebound. Chelsea had happened. Sales were going great. Politics, [ viewed by the New York market as yesterday's news ], seemed [ distanced ], or [ disguised ] or [ put on the shelf ]. The words "beauty" and "pleasure" were on insider lips. [ Painting ] was embraced like a monarch [ returned from exile ] - at last, [ the uprising ] was over - and just in time [ to meet the retail demands of that most characteristically 2000s phenomena ]: the art fair.
President Obama summoned 20 of his top national security aides for (a) White House meeting Tuesday afternoon, after which he is expected to announce (a) series of steps to improve () airline safety, according to administration officials.
>>801 President Obama summoned 20 of his top national security aides for a White House [ meeting ] Tuesday afternoon, [ after which he is expected [ to announce a series of steps [ to improve airline safety ] ] ], [ according to administration officials ].
From where I stand - which is very often in some sort of New York art gallery - the decade had a high yield of impressive debuts, along with some debutlike second shows, stirring game changers (Carroll Dunham's latest show at Gladstone) and comebacks (Nicole Eisenman's at Leo Koenig). And since I didn't see every show that occurred on the planet, I can only think that nearly as many good artists made their presences felt elsewhere and have not yet passed through the New York portion of the art-world pipeline.
時制が省略されているので正確な意味が掴めない時が良くあります。 例えば this book( which is) written by a famous writer this book ( which was) written by a famous writer this book ( which will be ) written by a famous writer これらはカッコ内を省略すれば全部同じになりますから区別がつかないことに なります。 参考例文 Cost of travel by car can only be claimed if the car used is insured for business use.
the car used は「使われる車」と訳すべきなのか「使われた車」と訳すべきなのか 判然としません。 名目だけの英検一級の方の回答は謹んでお断りします。
最近亡くなった俳優の記事です。 寝ないで英語板で自演してる人は、英検準一級しか持ってないのでイマイチ信用できません。したがって、英検一級に合格されている片岡先生にお得意の英文構造分析をお願いします。宜しくお願いします。 A veteran of stages in Dublin and the West End of London, he made his first impression on American audiences in an antic 1965 British film comedy, "The Knack...and How to Get It." The following year he came to Broadway in Mr. Friel's "Philadelphia, Here I Come!," in which
he earned a Tony Award nomination playing the private self of the protagonist, a young man who is about to cast off his rural Irish upbringing and move across the ocean to the title city. Thus began a career of regular appearances on Broadway, usually as an Irishman, though his next play was about an English family, "A Day in the Death of Joe Egg," in which he replaced Albert Finney in the role of Bri, a father undone by his severely handicapped child. The character "retreats from the situation and takes shelter behind a cover of antic humor masking despair," the critic Clive Barnes wrote in The New York Times.
"It is a weak man's defense, and it is just this frantic, almost hysterical weakness that Mr. Donnelly so skillfully exploits." Mr. Donnelly also took replacement roles in the plays "Sleuth" and "The Elephant Man," but he became known mainly as a regular member of Mr. Friel's casts, appearing in "Faith Healer" (1979), "Dancing at Lughnasa" (1991) and "Translations" (1995).
>>821 A veteran of stages in Dublin and the West End of London, he made his first impression on American audiences in an antic 1965 British film comedy, "The Knack...and How to Get It." The [ following ] year, he came to Broadway in Mr. Friel's "Philadelphia, Here I Come!," [ in which he earned a Tony Award nomination [ playing the private self of the protagonist, a young man [ who is about to cast off his rural Irish [ upbringing ] and move across the ocean to the title city ] ]. Thus began a career of regular appearances on Broadway, usually as an Irishman, [ though his next play was about an English family, "A Day in the Death of Joe Egg," [ in which he replaced Albert Finney in the role of Bri, a father [ undone by his severely [ handicapped ] child ] ] ]. The character "retreats from the situation and takes shelter behind a cover of antic humor [ masking ] despair," the critic Clive Barnes wrote in The New York Times. "It is a weak man's defense, and it is just this frantic, almost hysterical weakness [ that Mr. Donnelly so skillfully exploits ]." Mr. Donnelly also took replacement roles in the plays "Sleuth" and "The Elephant Man," but he became known mainly as a regular member of Mr. Friel's casts, [ appearing in "Faith Healer" (1979), "Dancing at Lughnasa" (1991) and "Translations" (1995) ].
それじゃ別の例で尋ねるけど 例えば one of children killed in the accident これは普通「事故でなくなった子供たちのひとり」だけど 直訳すると「殺された」であって「殺される」ではない。 「殺された」が過去を表すのか完了を表すのか定かでないけど 明らかに one of children ( who are) killed を意味していない。 これはどう捉えたらいいんでしょうか? まさか過去分詞が出てくる 度に常識で判断しろ!などと言わないで頂戴ね
>>826 One of children [ killed in the accident ] had had a very sad life. One of children [ who were killed in the accident ] had had a very sad life. 事故で死んだ 事実
>>854 ものごとを原因と結果からみた場合 that's why以下は結果を述べる that's because 以下は原因を述べる
I was late for school (私は学校に遅れた) 結果 I missed the train I usually get on (いつもの電車に乗りそこなった) 原因
Imissed the train I usually get on. That's why I was late for school. いつもの電車に乗り遅れた。そういうわけで学校に遅れた。 Iwas late for school. That's because I missed the train I usually get on. 学校に遅れた。 それはいつもの電車に乗り遅れたからです。
it is they who teach us to see new beauties in nature of whose existence we had never dreamt. 訳(彼らこそ、我々がその存在を夢にも考えたことのない新しい美を 自然の中にみることを、我々に教えてくれるのである)
星は星の形をしており、空は青いと考えるのは既成観念である っていう感じの長文の中で出てきた一節なんですけど どんな構文をしているのかよくわかりません それと何故of whose existence がof the existence of whichと 書き変えれるのかもわかりません どうかよろしければ教えて下さい
>>872 It is they who teach us to see new beauties in nature. We had never dreamt <of their existence>. We had never dreamt <of the existence of them>. ↓ theirとthemをそれぞれwhoseとwhichにして、前に移動。 ↓ new beauties in nature (<of whose existence> we had never dreamt φ) new beauties in nature (<of the existence of which> we had never dreamt φ)
>>900 Dring her visit to Japan, *Maathai *:saw [ Japanese **people **try [ to use [ limited ] resources efficiently ] ] ]. Also, *:he **heard [ many *Japanese **say [ that *[ using things once and then throwing them away ] **is mottainai ]. *She **said, "[ When *I **learned the concept of mottainai ], *I immediately **knew [ *it would **be an important element of my message to the world ]. *I **liked the spiritual roots of mottainai." *Mottainai originally **meant "[ to lose the essence of things ]." [ When *we **say mottainai now ], *it **expresses regret [ that *things are **wasted without [ being fully used ] ]. This *expression **links up with the "3Rs" [ *Maathai has been **promoting ]. The *3Rs **mean [ that *we should **reduce waste by [ using resources carefully ] ]. **Reuse everything [ *we **can ], and **recycle [ what *we cannot **reuse ].
>>908 制限用法は先行詞を「絞り込む」目的で使います。 よく出てくる例ですが、 He has daughters who are university students. これは彼の娘の中から「大学へ行っている娘」だけをクローズアップする文です。 だから単純に接続詞を使って書き換えると少しニュアンスがずれてしまいます。
一方で非制限用法を使って He has daughters, who are university students. と書いた場合は、 He has daughters and they are university students. に近い意味になるのではないでしょうか。
When the suit was filed at his court, the judge had to forget his own feelings that the claim was difficult to prove. That would be a problem for Anwar. The question was whether FIFA had a prima facie case to answer. Or was the suit frivolous? If so it could be considered a waste of the court's time and rejected right from the start.
The Case of the Soccer-Crazy Lawyer With only a few weeks to wait, soccer-mad people all over the world were looking forward to the World Cup. Millions of people in Bangladesh followed the sport, even though their national team had never qualified for the finals. So when FIFA, the institution which regulates international soccer, banned Argentinian superstar Maradona from taking part the reaction was as great in Dhaka as in Buenos Aires. Thousands of Bangladeshi fans marched through the streets demanding that the president of FIFA reinstate Maradona. They couldn’t believe the allegation that their hero had taken drug. They didn’t feel his private life was relevant to the World Cup anyway. But most of all they just wanted to see him play. Lawyer Anwar Abdul was as disappointed as everyone else by the ban. In deed he was so angry he couldn’t concentrate on his work. As of yet there was no proof Maradona had taken drugs: it was just an accusation. How dare FIFA ban him! He decided to do something with his anger by filing a lawsuit against the president of FIFA. He claimed that the ban was illegal, had caused him mental harm, and more importantly had caused him to lose money because he was so upset he couldn’t do his job properly. The judge in charge of the court where the suit was filed had a problem. He didn’t think that Anwar could win such a case. How could the lawyer possibly prove that FIFA was responsible for his problems? But should the application be rejected right at the start as frivolous? Or should he at least summon FIFA to answer the charges?
>>947の判決は次のように続くんですが、 In Anwar's favour was the fact that he was a lawyer and had prepared all the documents necessary for a suit. Furthermore there was no evidence that he was joking. Against was the lack of close connection between the Maradona ban and his mental and financial worries. Of course it was unlikely FIFA would be willing to appear in Dhaka, although a suit can still be successful even if the defendant fails to respond. Finaly the judge decided to leave matters to judicial process. The suit was accepted and FIFA's President summoned to appear. The court is still waiting for a response from FIFA.
>>966 That's not exactly on my immediate agenda right now. 今のところ、それはわたしにとっては差し迫った問題というわけではない。 What exactly are you interested in? 具体的にはどういったことに興味を持っていますか。
S の 省略じゃないの。 The number of non-smokers in developed countries has increased sharply over last 15 years, as ( developed countries) have legal measures to protect them (=non-smokers) from smoke. だと思うんだけど、こんなとこ省略できるのかな? そこをthey にするとあとにthem が出てきて紛らわしいから省略したのかもね、そうかもね。
>>971 The number of non-smokers in developed countries has increased sharply over last 15 years, and legal measures to protect them from smoke have also increased.
A judge stopped the sale after Professor Schoeps, an heir to Berlin banker Paul von Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, claimed his ancestor had to sell the Picasso at a low price after being forced to flee his mansion.
At the time, the Andrew Lloyd Webber Art Foundation said the claims were "utterly spurious". Settlement Mr von Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, whose family had converted from Judaism to Christianity, died in 1935.
In a statement on Thursday, his heirs announced they had reached a settlement agreement with the trustees of The Andrew Lloyd Webber Art Foundation, relinquishing all claims of title to the painting.
The foundation said it was "pleased" by the annoucement. It is not known what will happen to the painting now.
Lord Lloyd-Webber bought the painting in 1995 for £18m. At the time he said the artwork was "mesmeric".
The musician's foundation had planned to donate the money raised from the auction to a variety of arts charities.
>>977 A judge stopped the sale [ after Professor Schoeps, an heir to Berlin banker Paul von Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, claimed [ his ancestor had to sell the Picasso at a low price after [ being forced [ to flee his mansion ] ] ]. At the time, the Andrew Lloyd Webber Art Foundation said [ the claims were "utterly spurious" ]:.
Settlement Mr von Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, [ whose family had converted from Judaism to Christianity, ] died in 1935.
In a statement on Thursday, his heirs announced [ they had reached a settlement agreement with the trustees of The Andrew Lloyd Webber Art Foundation, [ relinquishing all claims of title to [ the painting ] ] ].
The foundation said [ it was "pleased" by the annoucement ]. It is not known [ what will happen to the painting now ].
Lord Lloyd-Webber bought the painting in 1995 for £18m. At the time, he said [ the artwork was "mesmeric" ].
The musician's foundation had planned [ to donate the money [ raised from the auction to a variety of arts charities ].
In a statement on Thursday, his heirs announced [ they had reached a settlement agreement with the trustees of The Andrew Lloyd Webber Art Foundation, [ relinquishing all claims of title to [ the painting ] ] ].
The foundation said [ it was "pleased" by the annoucement ]. It is not known [ what will happen to the painting now ].
Lord Lloyd-Webber bought the painting in 1995 for £18m. At the time, he said [ the artwork was "mesmeric" ].
The musician's foundation had planned [ to donate the money [ raised from the auction to a variety of arts charities ].
【比較のas+have(現在完了の助動詞)+S】 According to economists here, German consumers have been one of the few pillars of strength for the global economy, not having felt the effects of the recession as directly as have Americans.
【問題のas+have(現在完了の助動詞)+S】 Other American banks have offered bonus guarantees to poach talent, as have companies elsewhere like Nomura of Japan, Credit Suisse of Switzerland and Barclays Capital of Britain.