I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>15 I have something to report to you, which I had forgotten. あなたに伝え忘れていたことがあります。 I found your one of a pair of chop sticks lost, and I couldn't find it out in spite of my searching for it in all places I could. あなたのお箸、片方が行方不明でした。探せるところは探しましたが見つけることはできなかったです。 I recommend you put them in a refrigerator, instant green tea in the package with a fastener. and green tea in the box. If you do so, you can drink even after an expiration date. Please transfer them to a refrigerator. The instant coffee is the product of the following shop. あと、電子レンジの右側に置いてあるチャック式のインスタント緑茶と箱に入った緑茶は、 冷凍庫で保管すれば賞味期限を過ぎても大丈夫です。それらをぜひ冷凍庫に移動してください。 インスタント緑茶はこちらのものです↓
>>5 あなたのうちにいったん荷物を預けてから出かけたいんだけど、何時に家に帰る予定?学校は何時まで? I wanna go out after once having left my baggage, but, What time are you going to come back home? What time will you finish your school?
These are the domain list I possesses now. 現在私の所有しているドメインリストです。
As for prices, don't you mind determining them, not me but you. 値段についてですが、
What I want to do, is, to have my fiance with different nationality than me return to his country, who have not come back for as much as three years. He have not 私の希望は3年間自分の国に帰ってない 外国人の婚約者を自分の国に帰らせてあげる事です。
He is a person with liveliness and sincerity, but till now he has worked as hard as a slave, and walked a very difficult path in life. 彼はとても明るく誠実な人ですが、今まで毎日奴隷のように働き、とても困難な人生を歩んできました。
Now, both of his parents are lying sick on bed, as they so much worried about him. 今彼の両親は彼を心配する余り二人とも病気です。
But, he can't visit such parents, as he has no job and money. So, he are crying every day these days, unable to come back his home. でも仕事も無く、帰る事も できないので毎日泣いています。 Only if I could have him seen his parents, if I get married with him in his country, and if we have a small home party with friends, I have nothing I hope except for them. 彼を最愛の両親に合わせてあげて、彼の国で入籍して、友人達と小さいホームパーティーを開いて あげられれば私は何も要りません。
At last, I say to you again. Please decide the price as you want. 値段はあなたが決めてください。
Only if I could have him seen his parents, if I get married with him in his country, and if we have a small home party with friends, I have nothing I hope except for them. 彼を最愛の両親に合わせてあげて、彼の国で入籍して、友人達と小さいホームパーティーを開いて あげられれば私は何も要りません。
At last, I say to you again. Please decide the price as you want. 値段はあなたが決めてください。
>>31 >>44 1.はどっちでもいい。 When are you going back home? When are you going to go back home? 違いは習ったような気がするが忘れた。 When are you going to return home? When do you inted ... ? When are you planning ... ? How long will you stay in Japan? いろいろある。
2.はshouldを使った方がいい。 Had betterは「そのほうがお前の身のためだぞ」という意味。 If you don't feel better in a week, you should see a doctor. Five daysのほうが正確な訳だけど、けとうはweekを使う。 日本人ほどには数量的な概念がない。
>>41 Thanks for message and excuse me for the delay of the response. There is a game corresponding to this in Japanese Animation. To my disappointment,I can't show all of this to you. You'd better watch this one because it is an impressive animation movie.
>>32 1. "please" は最後にしましょう。或いは、Will you please 〜でも可です
2. 一般に言う写真はpictureです。Photographだと、証明写真のような印象があります
3. 「映画、とても面白かったです」→「I really enjoyed [loved] the movie!」 「映画、とても感動しました」→「I was totally thrilled!」「I was so touched!」「It was very impressive!」「It grasped my heart!」
>>53 I will wait for the response about the item, and will hold the decision about the expense I have sent until that. いまいち状況がよく分かんないからレスがつかないんだと思う。 もう少し説明したら?
It's time to close 〜 だと、「今から閉めます」という現在形なので We will be closing at 〜 と未来形にしましょう
"serve"は「食べ物を出す(よそってあげる)」ことを言うので、 自分で取りに行く場合は"serve yourself"などとしましょう。ここは、 「We will be closing at ten, so please make sure to finish serving yourselves by then.」 とすると良いでしょう。あ、韻を踏んでるww
>>60 I had been searching at many stores for the "Jolokia" snack that you were interested, but with no luck. I did, however, find the "Habanero" one and the "Wasabi" one! I will keep looking for the jolokia one a bit longer, and if I still couldn't find it, I will send the ones I found. Is there anything else you would like me to get? I'll be waiting for your response!
>>30 I haven't found he ジョロキア snack you were interested in, though I have looked for in several shops. But I've already gotten ハバネロ and wasabi snacks! I will make a search for ジョロキア little more, then send them to you. If you want to have anything else, I can send you together. So please let me know.
>>65 this may help shoplifting か this may help people to shoplift のどちらかですね ただ、この場合の「助長する」は「その気を起こさせる」と言う意味なので This may (only) encourage people to shoplift. などとすると自然です ("only" は「望ましくないのに」、ということをあらわします)
>>66 1. This revolving chair isn't safe to stand on. 2. Some Japanese words are impossible to translate into English. 3. He's now studying ancient Greek to read Homer in the original. 4. I was surprised to hear that my friend Jim was staying in Iraq.
>>29 You, Chinese government, are now executing Tibetan people after some cooling time. I wonder why the people angrily protesting before the Peking Olympic Game are now silent.
美しい写真をありがとう。 私は無神論者ですが、こういう芸術に囲まれて、育ちたかったです。 日本にこういうアートセンスは無いですからね。 Thanks for beautiful pictures. Although I am an atheist, I would have been raised surrounded by such arts. There exists no art sense such as this.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>101 この文脈中、「大人は尊敬されるに値しない」というのはハマらないので、 バカっぽい"all adults /grown-ups are assholes" をとることとします
>>100 かなりまちがってるとは思いますが The puberty boys and girls are often apt to be rebellious. Such boys and girls chafing under the "stupid adult"s try drugs that are prohibited with the feeling of curiosity and showing off.
1.私はお金の持ち合わせが無かったので、何も買えなかった I couldn't buy you because I had no money with me. 2.雪に覆われて、その山はとても美しく見えた Your breast covered with white snow looked very beautiful. 3.スティーブは昨晩授業の予習をしていたので、授業が良く分かった(prepare for) I did understand what she taught me, because I took a training on bed last night. 4.彼はパリを何度も訪れたことがあるので、パリを良く知っている He knows Bali, because he has visited the whore house several times.
>>125 No matter how many books you read it will be useless unless you read them carefully. You will not feel like reading books when you get older unless you acquire a habit of reading books when you are young. You shoudn't take the words in this book too literally.
・どんなにたくさん本を読んでも、注意して読まない限り役に立ちません >>125 HOw many books you may have read, it is no use unless you peruse them. ・若いときに、読書の習慣が身についていないと、人は一生読書する気持ちになれない You will never read for life if you do not get a habit of reading while young. この本に書かれている事をあまり字句通りにとってはならない You must not literally accept all written in this book.
>>116 1. With no maney to pay, I could not buy anything. 2. Covered with snow, the mountain seemed especially beautiful. 3. Having prepared for the class late last night, Steve easily understood the lesson. 4. Having visited Paris for many times, he knew well about the place
>>136 The person with the same name as this one is the honoray president of the biggest Japanese religious organization and the founder of a political party, still having huge influence on the Japanese politics, economics, entertainment world and mass media.
結局、 In my opinion, such boys and girls chafing under the "stupid adult"s, saying, "All adults are A- holes!! ", tend to try drugs that are prohibited and hated by the adults with the feeling of curiosity and showing off,sometimes the signs of rebellion against the adults. としました。
>>132 I'm considering to purchase the item, and would like to know details about the sizes. Could you please tell me the shoulder width and the sleeve length? (It would be best for me if the shoulder width was 40cm (15.74in.)) Thank you.
幾つか確認させて下さい 1.→「Will you please take a picture.」 でokってことですよね? これは、「自分と一緒に…」という意味も込められていますよね?
3.→「I was totally thrilled!」「I was so touched!」「It was very impressive!」「It grasped my heart!」の場合は 「the movie」は付けなくても、相手に意味は通じますか? 例えば、監督さんなどに簡単に感想を伝えたい場合です。
1. 「Would you please take a picture with me?」 ・Will を Would に変えることでより丁寧になります。 ・〜with me? をつけてください。スミマセン、前回省いたので混乱させてしまいましたw
3. 「(by) the movie」をつけるかどうかですが、難しいですね・・・・ 直前に「I really enjoyed the movie!」と言っていれば、 「It was very impressive!(他)」と付け加えるだけで「映画」のことだと分かりますが、 単独で言う場合、 「Oh, the movie! It was so impressive!」≒「今回の映画!素晴らしかったです!」 などとしたほうが自然かもしれません
>>149 ちょっと状況が良くつかめないので、訳すのが難しいのですが "We were having a great life, but we couldn't use these up. We can't bring them back either, so please feel free to use them." →「私たちは楽しい生活を送っていましたが、これらを使い切ることが出来ませんでした。 持ち帰ることも出来ないので、どうぞご自由に使ってください。」
>>186 Oh! I'm afraid you may go too far in jeering at him. What! He is so insensitive that he can understand only harsh expressions. I am bewildered, because he is so stupid. Are you foolish?>>181
>>170 I heard the fact of 関守日輪 and かがり's mutual splitting thier groins to compar each other in Japan. As I expected, the article that 関守日輪 had won was true. I wish that it would be improved.
>>157 Could you please contact FedEx, and receive the package (I sent you)? If you need additional documents, I will create them and send them to you by email.
>>158 I've sent you ※※ by EMS. It's a gift from me. Please let me know once you've received it.
>>199 No, it doesn't. 英語に限らずコミュニケーションが下手な人に共通しているんだが、 相手が知りたい情報は何か、ということを意識していない。 電車がどこまで行くかより、どうすれば行けるかだろ。 続けて、 You have to transfer at Ueno station for Ohmiya. あるいは、 You should take the next train. It'll go to Ohmiya.
The xxx realized cannot transfer their abilities(parameters) to their copied ones. Their parameters for abilities are reset to the initial values within copied ones. Is it possible to copy ones with their abilities kept as they are?
>>215 日本語としても変。 何の注文か、いつ送ったかを言うのが普通。 I faxed you an order on Oct. 23rd for ... 確認してください、は日本語の慣用句だが、英語では実際にしてほしいことを言う。 If you received it, please let me know by email.
>>219 What is the reason that even if 水野裕子's slim and soft thigh was hit against bundled huge thighs of 30 voluptuous beauty women, including 江角マキ子, 水野's thigh didn't still break?
>>227 Heyheyhey, fool Arashi, crawl out from your dirty anus immediately!! If you fool are not here, I am lonesome. Then I feel an itch in my brown Windsor.Or have you dead? Have your groin been tore up by 100 voluptuous beauties? And please die. Fool Arashi.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>238 We can't say only my answer is true. We should know there are as many answers as the number of people. We believe you are so wise that you can see the objects at the center, not bounded by the bias due to human races.
>>246 Well, there are some reason for that. Young guy such as me can say loudly to the men of the hight social status that you are fools or lacking common senses. Hai Hage! Are you thrown away from a window, because you are useless on a bed. Or DaiNIHONh raped you, right? Look at me! My phallus is standing hight and strong. LOOK,Look, touch, suck. How could we stop writing those xxxx in this thread? We can't. We are perfectly free and confortable. We are satisfied. Hage! Are you hearing? Are you dead?
>>245 How old are you? Though you talk in the voice like a radio actor and your groin is torn off easily when seeing only in a thumbnail image, your groin is actually strong.
>>254 What is important for life? This is a lesson I wanted to teach him. He is a public nuisance NO.1 in this thread. However I have never expected he goes to another place so early. I bet he has been using his poor brain.
- It is interesting that the newest apparatus is required in order to investigate an ancient tool. - The world has become small more and more by the advancement of the means of communication. - The lifestyle changes as the chemistry advances. - Mostly the audience understands whether the smile of the speaker is genuine. - In order to raise the effect of eye contact, the speaker should do the efforts to be considered as if he was speaking to all the audiences of every one people.
>>256>>257>>258>>262>>263 Groin doesn't mean only genitals. Groin is a word that also means the root of thigh. I'm making remarks that the boyish girl's groin cann't be tore easily, therefore you should read its meaning of the root of thigh from the context. In aword, it's 股裂き.
「注文書をファックスで送ったので確認して下さい。 」 >>220さんの英文は最後に注文した品名を書けばいいのですか? >何の注文か、いつ送ったかを言うのが普通。 >I faxed you an order on Oct. 23rd for ... >確認してください、は日本語の慣用句だが、英語では実際にしてほしいことを言う。 >If you received it, please let me know by email.
>>278 I am so sorry for having got drunk the other day. I want to talk with you before you leave. Can I have an opportunity to see you? Let us have a dinner!
>>291 Would you tell me the date of arrival of my load? Could you arrange the schedule of the delivery so that our load will be accepted by our arrival.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>278 I'm sorry for getting drunk and touching your hip in the other day. I want to meet again before you return. Can I meet you? If it is possible, Let's go to eat the pudding together.
>>303 I will confess my masturbation to you tomorrow. I've masturbated with a firce look so far, while imagining the scene where I dump your thigh against the heavy weight OL's thigh.
Thank you for responce. When last mail was sent, size pulldown was disabled to select so I thought it was one-size only coat. But now I can select other sizes. I'm 162cm(63.8in.) tall, and my best outer shoulder-width is 40cm(15.74in.). If shoulder-width is fit, sleeve length will be ok. Which size is fit for me? (maybe 'S'?) Thank you.
When I sent the previous e-mail, I assumed that there is only one size for this item, because that was the only one available on line. But I realized that there are several sizes.
I am 162cm (5ft 4in) tall and 40cm shoulder width is the best fit to me. I do not worry about leeve length much, as far as shoulder size is right. Do you think S size is the right size for me?
>>345 I've started to learn English recently. I might without notice use fucking rude or strrange English words to you. I'll appreciate it if you kindly correct me on such occasions.
I haven't visited Yoko's house lately. Can I get Yoko's e-mail adress please? Because I would like to go for a drink with everybody before Mr.Lee and Yoko go back to Taiwan.
I'm writing this message to have you know my schedule. I am going to visit Thai, staying there for a while to enjoy such as sight seeing. Then, I will visit some countries including India and a few other countries. After those trips, I'm going to come back though Thai to Japan.
As such a slow trip I will have, I thought of it better to take a tourist visa, so I came here to make this application. As for air ticket, I am going to buy a new ticket again. I am looking forward to my trip, as this is the first my trip to Thai.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
Tokyo is my home town where I was born and raised. >>366 The sky of TOkyo is felt very narrow, being surrounded by inorganic high buildings. People have lost mind and look some kind of robot machines. To tell the truth, I feel I have difficulty in breathing air.
I am wondering whether エグゼクティブコーナースウィート or エグゼクティブスウィート I should take. Because, from the information at ゲッタウェイパッケージ website, non-smoking rooms seem not available, and I do not smoke, I am not sure which one better fits me. To make up my mind, I would like to know the difference between them. If you could send me a floor plan for these rooms, that would be very helpful. And also I worry about how bad the smell is smoking rooms.
Besides, I am not able to speak English at all (I write this e-mail with someone's help), and would there be any problems?
>>372 It seems that size M is the best for me, but it is not available on-line. If you are going to restock them anytime soon, would you tell me the schedule?
>>397 When I took train in Iceland, the train'scoupling came off. Because I was said by clerk, "Tie these vehicles each other by your groin!", when I was doing so, my groin torn off!!
>>397 「違う係員の人が一緒にやってくれたけど、 なぜか出来なかったので、こちらに直接並ぶように言われました。」 Another officer supported me to process it, but didn't. I don't know why. Therefore, he told me to go here directly and wait in this line.
>>402 Mr./Ms. Ochiai complained in his/her blog that he/she suffered from the violation of his/her copyright. I urge you, who I believe are a real fan of him/her, to stop uploading his/her works without his/her permission.
>>394 town が繰り返される必要はないので、your town → yours としましょう 二倍ある、は twice as many などとしましょう Although the population of my town is less than yours, we have twice as many temples.
this summer のときは "in" は必要ありません as many CDs as possible としましょう When I visit the United States this summer, I want to buy as many CDs as possible.
>>400 What is happiness, really? It doesn't seem to be money, at least, for it almost feels like the men obsessed with money, who were murdered by a woman-like spector, are telling us so.
>>394 ・僕の町の人口は君の町より少ないのに、お寺の数が2倍もある The population of my town is less than your town , but the number of temple is two times.
人口でlessは通じるけど少し変。Lowerがいい。寺は複数。数はlargeで言う。 The population of our town is lower than that of yours, but the number of the temples here is twice as large as that of (the temples in) yours. でも、our townを主語にしたほうがすっきりする。 Our town has lower population than your town has, but has twice as many temples as yours has.
・僕は今年の夏アメリカに行ったとき、できるだけたくさんのCDを買いたい When I go to America in this summer, I want to buy CD as many as possible.
日本語が変。買いたかっただろう。CDも複数ならCDsとする。 When I was in US this summer, I wanted to buy CDs as many as possible. もしも未来なら、 When I will go to US this summer, I plan to buy CDs as many as I can.
>>432 Read a file "abc.txt" at the root of D: and append the present date to it. Then store it on the previous location with the same name and same path.
>>443 Mr. Kim Jon ILL, a student of North Korean University uploaded hilariously the movie, where he jumped over the homeless sleeping on the street, crashing raw eggs on his faces and laughing loudly with his comrades. He showed the movie on his Blog and made some arrogant comments. This ignominious person is now elected as a member of People's Republic diet. How can we allow him to show up innocently in the society?
>>479 Why is the teacher trying to increase the members of XX class. He is now soliciting more students favorable to him. To tell the truth, we are not happy because our class is already crowded and abilities of members are too diverse.
>>483 Excuse me for sending this e-mail. I am 00 who is managing XX website. I happened to know your site where ,by some questioning mail,I got the knowledge on how to make this kind of movement. I implemented a plugin with the performance effect equivalent to yours, in a response to the question of some blog users. (This corresponds the present frame version.)
I want your permission to make public in my blog this plugin and the method of its implementation. Please let me know if you give me a permission.
>>467 Hello. I'm writing to beg you to release 〜〜 again, which used to be out on your label. The CD is so popular among me and my friends that we all crave for it. I sincerely ask you to sell us the CDs in one way or another. I apologize for such an abrupt asking. I would appreciate it if you would kindly grant my request. I'm looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much.
再プレスというか自分たちだけ手に入ればいいんでしょう? 違うならI sincerely ask you to sell us the CDs in one way or another.の部分を削って出して
It's natural that a person gets to become something special for you, even if it happens in a virtual game, if the person has an attractive personality, it happens.
>>486, >>535 We participated in an event named ○○ as dancers today. One of us drove the others to the venue. We danced to two tunes titled △ and □. Three members in our class, a, b and c, performed and the other performers were in Class G and H. We danced to eight tunes in all during the performance.
>>537 ・私は降りる駅を間違えたに違いない。だから迎えが来ていないのだ。 I must have got off at the wrong station. That is why there is no one to meet me.
・インターネット上にさまざまな情報が飛び交う現代において、自らが過去 に体験したことを思い出すことは、ますます大切になってきている In this and age, different kinds of information are available on/through the Internet. So it is getting more and more important to recall our past experience.
in this day and age = now, in the modern world
・しかし教師の行動を調べてみると、5秒も待つことは滅多にないことが分かる But through examining teachers' behavior, we found out that they seldom wait only for five seconds
・教師へ助言したいことは、反応をどのように待つべきかを学ぶことであっ て、答える準備のできた最初の生徒にいつも当てることではない We advise teachers to learn how to wait for their students to response, not to always call on the first students that have the right answers.
I would appreciate it if you could send me the products that I order in their original cases. I do not care if I have to pay the extra postage on them. I would like DVDs in their original cases more than anything else.
・2冊のうちではこの本の方が難しい This book is more difficult among the two. ・久美子は愛子と同じくらい一生懸命に勉強する Kumiko works as hard as Aiko. ・これがその事件に関する最新のニュースです(lateの変化に注意 This is the latest news on that matter. ・三木は少なくとも月に二冊は本を読む Miki reads at least two books a month.
>>557 ヒントだけあげるから自分で解いてみましょう ・harder/more difficult を使う ・as hard as ・latest (最新の、と言う意味) ・more pleasant. なお、than that of 〜 に注意。(例:The color of Mary's eyes is darker THAN THAT OF Kate's (eyes).) ・by far the largest 〜 ・これは・・・・どうしよう?w ・taller than (「建物」はbuilding) ・これは be no match for 〜 (「〜にはかなわない」)という成句 ・as quietly as possible. quietly を gently に、possible を you can にしても可 ・not so much 〜 as 〜. という言い方もありますが、〜 rather than 〜. のほうがいい ・the 比較級, the 比較級 (〜なほど〜である) ・at least (少なくとも)
I support a public school for reasons of the four. First the school expenses of the public school are cheaper than the private school. It is because a public school takes various financial support by the administration. However, the situation is different in the case of the private school. Because not only the tuition but also the institution costs are necessary, the school expenses become large. Second the school regulations of the public school tend not to be severer than the private school. In the environment where some freedom was given, we can develop mind to measure oneself. The environment managed up to a hairstyle and a belonging causes repulsion feeling and loses the opportunity. Third there is the public school at the near position from the home, and attending school is easy. Finally there is not the variety that the general public has so that the people of similar hierarchy gather in the private school.
>>565 In the environment where some freedom was given, we can develop mind to measure oneself. The environment managed up to a hairstyle and a belonging causes repulsion feeling and loses the opportunity. だいたい通じるけど、ここだけは意味不明。 Under the environment where some freedom is given, we can learn how to discipline yourself. Excess regulations just raise resentment. とか? あと最後のはso that の使い方が間違ってるよ。
>>571 今現在、クレジットカードの利用限度額が超えてしまっていて、 クレジットカード情報を登録する事が出来ないようです。 10日に支払いが済むので、申し訳ないのですがそれまで注文を維持していて下さい。 I have already maxed out on my credit card. This seems to be the reason (why) I cannot send my credit card information. The payment is due on the 10th of this month. I am afraid you cannot charge on my credit card until that day. But I would appreciate it if you might not cancel my order.
>>565 I support a public school for (reasons of the four)->four reasons. First(+,) the school expenses of the public school are (cheaper)->lower than (+those of) the private school. It is because a public school takes various financial support by the administration. However, the situation is different in the case of the private school.(下記語義参照 the case) Because not only the tuition but also (the institution costs)->試訳参照 are necessary, the school expenses become large(+r). Second(+,) the school regulations of the public school tend (not to be severer)->to be less strict (下記語義参照 severe) than (+those of) the private school. In the environment where some freedom was given, we can develop mind to measure oneself. The environment (managed) manageするのは人・組織では? up to a hairstyle(+s) and (a belonging)->belongings/things causes repulsion (feeling)->トル and loses the opportunity. Third(+,) (there is the public school at the near position from the home, and attending school is easy.)-> most public schools are so close to our homes that we can easily attend. Finally(+,) there is not the variety that the general public has so that the people of similar hierarchy(下記語 義参照 hierachy は a system) gather in the private school.
>>565 the case [sing.] ~ (that ... ) the true situation: If that is the case (= if the situation described is true), we need more staff. It is simply not the case that prison conditions are improving.
severe VERY BAD 1 extremely bad or serious: a severe handicap His injuries are severe. severe weather conditions a severe winter (= one during which the weather conditions are extremely bad)
PUNISHMENT 2 ~ (on / with sb) punishing sb in an extreme way when they break a particular set of rules harsh: The courts are becoming more severe on young offenders. a severe punishment / sentence
NOT KIND 3 not kind or sympathetic and showing disapproval of sb/sth stern: a severe expression She was a severe woman who seldom smiled.
VERY DIFFICULT 4 extremely difficult and requiring a lot of skill or ability stiff: The marathon is a severe test of stamina
hierarchy noun (pl. -ies) [C, U] a system, especially in a society or an organization, in which people are organized into different levels of importance from highest to lowest: the social / political hierarchy She’s quite high up in the management hierarchy.
>>565 [試訳] I support for public schools for four reasons. First, the expenses of public schools are lower than those of private schools. This is because public schools receive different subsidies from the govenment. But this is not the case with private schools. We have to pay not only tuitions but also the expenses for facilities and equipment to private schools. The total school expenses are higher. Second, the regulations of public schools tend to be less strict than those of private schools. In the environment where we have some freedom, we have to discipline ourselves to develop. But this opportunity is lost under the regulation of even our hairstyles and belongings, which only invites our repulsion. Third, most public schools are accessible in our neighborhood. Finally, people of similar social classes send their children to private schools, where there is no variety that the world outside has.
>>583 I was drunk that much for the first time in eight years. People in the U.S. dilute alcoholic drinks with much less water or soft drinks than Japanese people do.
>>590 I did not participate in the event but I strolled in my neighborhood with a friend/some friends of mine. There were many people dressed up there. A helicopter, probably shooting, was hovering above us in the sky. Just looking at them was a lot of fun. I think that we should take part in this event next year. I am sure that it will give us much more fun.
>>594 Halloween is a festival celebrated by people, dressed as ghosts and witches, parading through streets. Children visit their neighbors' houses, knock on their front doors and ask for sweets, saying: "Trick or treat!" This custom originated from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain.
>>595 It is regrettable that the album of this wonderful artist is getting so early out of production. Everybody including me has desired this CD. If you decide the reproduction, I will immediately order them to your RIGESHOP. Yes I am absolutely determined to get them.
>>595 What a shame such an excellent artist's CD album has become unavailable so soon. Everyone I know do want this CD. Of course, so do I. If you make it obtainable once again, I will definitely place an order for a copy at your (online) shop RIGESHOP (.com).
>>602 How are you? We have been in no contacts for a long period. I am xx who stayed at your home a decade ago. Do you remember me? I have written several letters to you for those years, but all letters were returned with tags of no recipient. I was worried that you had already moved to somewhere. If you receive this letter, please give me e-mail. This is my e-mail address
>>602 Dear @@@, It's been a while since I contacted you. I hope this letter finds you well. I'm XX, I stayed at your home ten years ago. Do you remember me? I sent letters to you during the last couple of years, but they were returned as address unknown. I was worried that you may have moved. If you received this letter, please send an email to my email address abc@abcdefg. I really wish to contact you again and look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Yours sincerely, #### 新しい住所がわかったということ??でも引越してなかったんだよね
>>602 How have you been? I am sorry I have been out of touch for many years. I am ○○. I stayed with your family on a homestay program ten years ago. Do you remember me? I have been sending letters to you but they were returned "Address Unknown." I have been worried that you moved somewhere else. If you receive this letter, please send me e-mail at ○○. This is my e-mail address.
>>610 ASP.NET is a script that runs on the Web server. Thus, a special technique is required to send data to the Web client (browser). ASP.NET uses a Response object to transmit data to the Web client. Response is an object that handles output to the client. A Write method provided by the Response object is used to deliver a text string to the browser.
>>616 I developed genital herpes this August and I am being treated now. I would like to try to use NB001. Do you have a clinical trial plan for it in Japan?
>>628 It would be helpful if you could take off the price tag of the product I bought before sending it. Also, any receipt or invoice for it that shows its price is unnecessary.
>>627 Therefore, we should prohibit smoking in public places, considering that smoking is harmful to our health and that lighted cigarettes are dangerous.
【補足】 普通に直訳すると「What are you talking about?」となりますが、どうやらこの言い方だと 「(゚Д゚)ハァ? 喪前何言ってんの?」という感じの、かなり感じの悪い敵対的な表現になる らしいです。では、ごくごく普通に「ねえねえ、何の話してんの?」と尋ねるノリで聞くには、 なんと言えばいいのでしょうか?
>>636 It is kind of you that you have accepted my demanding requests. I thank you so much for your generous response. I look forward to receiving those items. (あの品物(複数)を受け取るのを楽しみにしています)
>>641 両文の決定的な違いは、否定文か肯定文かです。仮に同じ考え方で訳そうとすると A Not only can she play the piano, but also a violin. @ Not only does he not have a girlfriend, but also a friend. となってしまい@の文中に否定が続いてしまいます。これではダメ
上はAの訳し方と同じやり方で@を訳したわけですが、逆に@を先に訳してみると @ He doesn't even have a friend, much less a girlfriend. A She can play the violin, much more (can she play) a piano. となりますが、はっきり言ってこのAはかなり異様ですw。普通は使いません
よって、否定か肯定かに分けて、別のやり方で訳すのが良いでしょう @ He doesn't even have a friend, much less a girlfriend. (否定) A Not only can she play the piano, but also a violin. (肯定)
>>647 The product that I ordered has not yet arrive.
I place an order for a product at your online shop. The confirmation e-mail that I received in respose to my order was garbled, so that I could not almost read it. A whole month has passed since I orderd but the product has not yet reached me. Do I have to order the product once again?
>>651 ありがとうございます。 ちなみに権利の社会権的側面のみの場合は以下のようでいいのでしょうか。 the aspects of right in view of the social right さらに権利の自由権的側面については the aspects of right in view of freedom ではおかしいでしょうか。 何卒ご教授ください。
>>653 ありがとうございます。 自由権的側面の方は in view of を使い社会権的側面の方にはrelated to を使って いることに何か意味はあるのでしょうか。(権利の自由権的側面についてthe aspects of right related to (the right to )freedom という言い回しも可能なのでしょうか)
>>659 a diary that two people share to alternately write down their respective experiences and private thoughts, etc. so that one may let the other read them afer writing.
>>704 I found the company witch built the pipeline that you had told me the other day. The company is near my house. It is a private company. Please contact me when you come back to Japan. >>705 Though I have not meet her for a long time, How is she spending now ? >>707 I like winter. The reason is that I feel comfortable when warming myself in kotatsu on a cold day.
>>709 Please stop off at my house on your way home. If nature is destroyed, the human must not live either. It is an age when each one should think how he lives together with nature. >>710 Get out from this thread. Yucky faggot!
My girlfriend/boyfriend and I shared and kept the same diary, in which we wrote our respective daily experiences and private thoughts*: how we had been since we saw last, how we spent our school lives, what we were going to do the next time we met, what we were dreaming of and what we were thinking of each other, etc.
I would like to share and keep the same diary with you, in which we write our respective daily experiences and private thoughts*: how we have been since we see last, how we spend our free time, what we experience daily, what we are going to do the next time we meet, what we are dreaming of and what we are thinking of each other, etc.
>>719 I should have tried to gather more extensive information.
>>721 御社ですねよ? I placed an order on a product to your company on November 11th but I have not yet any confirmation e-mail from you. It would be helpful if you could check it and reply to me.
>>719 I think I should have kept paying attention to 〜 >>720 I realized common sense of daily expenre once I have lost. >>721 I still have'nt gotthe e-mail for confirmation about the order I made since I ordered some itemon November the first. I would like you tomake sure and let me know.
>>727 My dream is to become a person who can world-class jobs.
world-class adj. as good as the best in the world: a world-class athlete
>>731 Thank you for sending me a DVD containing footage of our/your having a barbecue the other day. I played it back immediately after receiving it but I could not see anything on it. Its recording surface shows that it has never been burned. Will you send me a new copy, please?
>>732 I ordered the product ○○ with your company on June 6th, 2009. As many as five months have passed but the product has not arrived yet. I have already paid for it. The number of the receipt fot it ○○。
>>737 I think that you have time to respond to my e-mail(s) however busy you are. Do you always ingnore e-mails sent from other friends of yours like this?
>>739 as a means for convenient conversation -> as a useful means of communication.
I have never suffered from insomnia; on the contrary, the trouble is I can go to sleep so easily. Once I lie in my bed, I immediately fall asleep unless I am firmly determined to stay awake. I always begin to feel so sleepy in my bed before I finish only the first few lines on a page of my book. In a while, I wake up, feeling something heavy on my face as if someone were sitting there, then I find my book is over my face.
I meet (→met) you, (+and) two years (+have) passed. 私はあなたに会った、そして二年経った。 ただこれだとちょっと不自然なので、"two years" を先に持ってきましょう Two years have passed since I met you.
But, I looking a roof is not change. でも、天井を見ている私は変化じゃない(??) これは主語が "roof
have が入るのは、have+過去分詞 で、「〜したことがある」という「経験」を表すからです (「完了」「結果」の意味になる場合もあります) 例: We said goodbye さようならと言った We have said goodbye さようならと言ったことがある
難しいのは「天井が変った」ですね(先程は roof としましたが、roof は「屋根」なので、ceiling にしましょう) The ceiling changed The ceiling has changed どちらも日本語にすれば同じですが、後者は「経験」を表しています。否定文にすると The ceiling did not change The ceiling has not changed となり、「天井は変らなかった」「天井は変っていない」という違いが出てきます
英;But,today on open tha brand new door. Lean on stop one another
Two years have passed since I met you. Tha present situation is consistent. and money has not leave I'm uneventful day at lean You ask for me. Open one's mouth so much as nothing days.
In tha same way has failure So my times is stops tha 4 years ago. Already up tha lower back. Down a gentle hill with you the end.
>>781 Secondly, there is a possibility that a pedestrian might get burned by lighted cigarettes. Especially this is true for kids whose faces are of almost same heights as lit cigarettes at the streets.
>>802 Lindsay was killed, I suppose, probably for her offensive words to Ichihashi.
>>803 I was very shocked by the citizens' pride and passion to become at a loss for words. Never so strongly as then have I felt the importance of saving tradition.
まず該当ショップが日本の個人への発送をうけているのか不明なので [ショップ向け]に[日本への発送の可否]を質問する内容のメールを送ろうと考えています。 この場合、 「こんにちは。はじめまして。貴方達のバッグを購入したいのですが、日本への発送はして貰えますか?」 は 「Hello.nice to meet you.I purchase your made bags. Do you send to Japan?」 で宜しいのでしょうか? 翻訳お願いします。
>>809 nice to meet youは普通直接会った時に言う言葉。品物を送る場合はsendよりshipの方がいい。
Hello. I want to buy your bags, but I live in Japan. Can you ship them to Japan? And if so, how much will it cost? 「こんにちは。貴方達のバッグを買いたいのですが、私は日本に住んでいます。日本に送ってもらうことは出来ますか。その場合費用はいくらになりますか。」
>>808 ・日本人の3人に1人が定期的に医者にかかるか、体の不調を訴えている One out of three Japanese are periodically consulting doctors or have some complaints on his health.
・人は言われなくても、ものを食べる。食品会社が広告に多額の金をかけるのは何故だろうか? We eat food with no enforcements by others. I wonder why a food company spends so much money for advertisement.
>>798 The merchandise of my order has arrived, but we find that two items A and B out of my ordered 6 items are not includeded. We confirm the invoice explicitely shows 6 items have been ordered. Therefore we believe some mistakes happened in the delivery. We hope you send the missing items immediately. We thank you in advance and are looking forward to seeing those items soon.
I was strongly moved and silenced by the prides and passions of the citizens. This is the moment I so seriously realized the meanings of the protections and maintenance of the traditions.
>>803 I was too deeply impressed by the pride and passion of the people to describe it in words. I had not yet felt more strongly the importance of maintaining the tradition.
I may not be a suitable person who translated, but I must say the murder is very tragic and cruel. We have a deep sympathy with her family and should not disturb them. We should be gentleman with sincere respect for others.
>>844 Everytime I make some speeches on the impression of foreign countries, the faces of people I have talked with have surfaced in my mind, not the foods nor architectures.
The deeper I touched the people, the more intimate their countries are felt to me.
>>860 I regret to inform you that I cancel this the order. For more than a week, I have been waiting for your explanation about the current situation, but you have never made any response to me. Can you refund my $** payment for ▲▲?
こんばんわ。以前お世話になった>>809です。 今回は相手側に対して「返事ありがとう。注文はホームページからで大丈夫ですか?」と「custom artをするとしたらいくらかかりますか?」 と言う事を尋ねたい内容で作成をしました。 後者の質問の意図は「Submit custom art for quote」とあるものの、料金に対する記述が無かった為です。
「Thanks for the answer John! Have a little question.Should I order from home page? and How much to doing the custom art.」
>>867 Dear John, Thanks for the answer. I have a couple of questions. Can I order the item through your webpage? How much will it cost if I add the custom art?
>>872 I realize how deeply I missed you after you were back, although I believe that I had been undisturbed by your absence. I have had no idea of the severeness of living alone.
I realize how deeply I missed you after you were back, although I believe that I had been undisturbed by your absence. あなたが引っ込んだ後で、どれ程しっかりあなたを失ったかを実感しています。でも、あなたが居ないので邪魔されずにいられたと信じています。
>>803 I was so impressed with the citizens' pride and ardor that I was unable to express my feeling. I had never realized the significance of upholding our tradition before.
>>800 Twenty percent of the mistakes in translating Japanese into English stem from the misunderstanding of the original text and the translator's poor command of Japanese. However, only surprisingly few learners of English realize/are aware of it.
>>843 When I tell my impressions of the foreign countires I have visited, I first recall the faces of the people I talked with there and their ways of thinking, not their local cuisine/food or buildings. The closer relationships I established with them, the more I like their countries.
>>879 I stayed in the city only for half a day. I had not at all known about it before I went to France but immediately after I arrived in the city, I liked it.
>>781 Second, lighted cigarettes can burn other pedestrians. Burning cigarettes that smoking pedestrians are holding in their hands are very dangerous since they are almost as high as children's faces.
>>798 The products that we ordered have reached us. After inspecting them, we found out that you had not sent two of our ordered products, A and B. The invoice enclosed is for the six products we ordered, including A and B. We are therefore writing to ask you to send A and B immediately.
>>884, >>887 I am afraid I will probably make some awkward English expressions in writing to you. But I am glad if you will keep in touch with me, putting up with those mistakes.
I am afraid I will probably make some awkward English expressions in writing to Mansou. But I am glad if you will keep in touch with me, putting up with those mistakes.
>>896 I went screening for cancer, and it was rather painful.... It will be two weeks before I learn whether it's malicious or not. But I was told I had to undergo surgery in either case because of the severe inflamation of my ovary.
I realize how deeply I missed you after you were back, although I believe that I had been undisturbed by your absence. I have had no idea of the severeness of living alone.
I realize how deeply I missed you after you were back, although I believe that I had been undisturbed by your absence. あなたが引っ込んだ後で、どれ程しっかりあなたを失ったかを実感しています。でも、あなたが居ないので邪魔されずにいられたと信じています。
641 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2009/11/14(土) 00:47:16 和訳お願いします。 I realize how deeply I missed you after you were back, although I believe that I had been undisturbed by your absence. I have had no idea of the severeness of living alone.
881 :万草粥 ◆y9FWSyUe8Q :2009/11/13(金) 23:24:45 >>875 こら、金玉儿! 訳すの止めろ。こんなメール貰ったら怒るぞ。 I realize how deeply I missed you after you were back, although I believe that I had been undisturbed by your absence. あなたが引っ込んだ後で、どれ程しっかりあなたを失ったかを実感しています。でも、あなたが居ないので邪魔されずにいられたと信じています。
>>913 I am scared when a U.S. police offcer talks to me, because I somehow feel he may point his gun at me. Speaking of guns, are you good at shooting? Do you have shooting training in case a burglar breaks into your house?
>>919 I am the one XX who asked you for permission and help on a plug-in. We are reporting to you that we have completed public opening of the plugin with your permission and help. URL We are now making tutorials for them.
We are very happy for you to give us permission and your high evaluation is very encouraging to us. We are ready to update as soon as you notice us of new problems or innovations.
>>927 詳細が不足してました。 申し訳ありません。 肝心のメールには、 「I'll reach at home another one hour」 と書いてあり、疑問に思った次第でした。 anotherを使うのは、正解とわかってすっきりしました。 本人に聞いてもスッキリする説明をもらえなかったので、 >>927さんのレスを一緒に見てもらうことにします。 どうもありがとうございました!
>>929 I am sorry for interrupting you by this unexpected mail. You may forget me, but we met before. And I want to meet you once more. I know I am very selfish to ask you. I can't resist my desire to see you while you are in Japan. I know your answer is negative. I hope you to consider about me during August. I have plenty of time.
I am selfish to expect only a positive answer from you. If your answer is negative, please don't response and ignore me. I will reconcile myself to the negative reality if you would not answer in August. I know I may sound a baby, and this mail has consumed my energy and bravery. My mind has been clouded and despondent. I can't say well, but I hate me.
Therefore I decide to do my best even if this might be a disgrace to me. Please spare time to think of me, and ignore me if you don't like me.
>>934 The idea that the beauty of a flower comes to naught once we scrutinize its structure under a microscope -- that's an outrageous prejudice. Conversely, we would appreciate its inherent beauty all the more.
Japanese are told to be notoriously poor for enjoying time off. For example, their summer vacations are too short as compared with the ones of European people. Japanese has believed from the ancient times that working diligently is top evaluated morale for human being, while non-productive playing is evil.
>>934ですが 自分では When we closely examite the structure of the flower using a microscope , it is an abusurd prejudice to think that the beauty of the flower would disapper . On the contray , we deeply feel the beauty of the flower all the more.
radical new, different and likely to have a great effect: radical ideas a radical solution to the problem radical proposals
prejudice a victim of racial prejudice
on the contray の使い方が違う。前が否定文になる。セミコロンにも注意。 EX. It does not seem ugly to me; on the contray, I think it is rather beautiful. in (actual) fact used to emphasize a statement, especially one that is the opposite of what has just been mentioned: I thought the work would be difficult. In actual fact, it’s very easy.
試訳 It would be radical prejudice to think that the beauty of the flower disappears in the close examination of its structure under a microscope. In actual fact, we can appreciate its true beauty.
Thinking that examining closely the structure of flowers under a microscope undermines their beauty would radically prejudice us. In actual fact, we can appreciate their true beauty.
>>962 添削すると It is an absurd prejudice that the beauty of the flower would disappear, if we closely observe the micro-structure of the flower using a microscope , On the contray , we will be deeply impressed by the new beauty of the flower all the more.
Thank you for giving me e-mail and excuse me for my delayed response. I am very much interested in French although I am poor in French. Would you teach me French?
Merci de me donner l'email. Excusez-moi pour ma réponse retardée. Je suis beaucoup intéressé par français, mais je suis pauvre en français. Svp, enseignez-moi le français.
Hello, everyone. Today I will talk about my dream. I want to become a professional baseball player in the future. I have two reasons. One is that I saw my favorite player hit a homerun when I was watching a game in a ballpark when I was an elementary school boy. The homerun decided the game. Since then, baseball has been everything to me. I want to become a baseball player who gives his fans some dreams as my favorite did. The other reason is that top ranking baseball players can receive huge paychecks. Their annual incomes often go well over 100 million yen. Some of them make a donation to charity every time they make a hit, they steal a base and they get a strikeout. But becoming a professional baseball player is not easy. It takes very hard training that most people cannot stand. Still, I have a dream of becoming a professional baseball player.
>>986 This time being my first time to take part in the competition, I experienced many difficulties but I am very happy now having done it! I truly respect how you guys participate in the competition every year!