英作文のチェックをお願いします 「私たちは自分に身近な人々をあるがままの姿でながめることはめったにない これらの人々の短所はあまり気にせず、長所のみを見る傾向があるからだ」 →We seldom see the familiar person on plain. Because we always ignore their weak point and only see their good point.
they were contemptuous of the manners of the time. に続けて「そのようなエチケットの背景に実は私利私欲と不誠実な態度があるのです」と続けるにはどちらが正しいのでしょうか? 1:Only self-interest and dishonesty is behind all the politeness.
2:Behind all the politeness is only self-interest and dishonesty.
>>947 Children, [ who may well be sucked into a program almost by hypnosis [ when they would have been very happy [ to undertake constructive play ] ].
<1>We double-check every order and product.But sometimes, something goes wrong, and (when/even brighter/than/we shine/that's)usual.
<2>Welcome to the highest mountain in our country. Please climb safely so that your (as a/stay/happy memory/with you/experience will)of the summer.
<3>On the first day of our English class, I had to stay at home because I had a terrible cold. At night I e-mailed a friend in my class (I'd/what/ask/missed/to).
>>979 <1>We double-check every order and product.But sometimes, something goes wrong, and (2when/4even brighter/5than/3we shine/1that's)usual.
<2>Welcome to the highest mountain in our country. Please climb safely so that your (4as a/2stay/5happy memory/3with you/1experience will)of the summer.
<3>On the first day of our English class, I had to stay at home because I had a terrible cold. At night I e-mailed a friend in my class (4I'd/3what/2ask/5missed/1to).
>>979>>981 We double-check every order and product.But sometimes, something goes wrong, and that's when we shine even brigher than usual 注文と製品全部2度確認しています。でも時々なんかおかしくなって、そんなときに限って 私達はいつも以上に輝いたりするんです。 cf. that's when I love you.そんな時のあなたが好き。 than usualいつもより <2>Welcome to the highest mountain in our country. Please climb safely so that your experience will stay with you as a happy memory of the summer. わが国で一番高い山へようこそ。この経験が夏のいい思い出としておつきあいいただくように安全にのぼってください。 cf. Stay with meついてこい。最後までお付き合いくださいませ。 Are you with me?おい、聞いてたか?(ちょっと答えてみろ) SV so that S will V 結果として[後ろの文]のとうになるように〜だ。 <3>On the first day of our English class, I had to stay at home because I had a terrible cold. At night I e-mailed a friend in my class to ask what I'd(had) missed. 英語の授業初日に酷い熱で家にいなきゃなんなかった。夜にクラスの友達にメールして自分が聞き逃した事を尋ねた。
>>964the familiar person身近な人は1人なのかここは複数。peopleだと個々がぼやけるからpersonはいい選択。 あるがままは as they areとかにしたほうがいい。 becauseは文と文をつなげる接続詞、ピリオドじゃなくコンマ。 ignoreは無視する。気にしないと違う。don't mind
We seldom see our familiar persons as they are, because we tend not to mind what's their disadvantages and only to look at their advantages when we know them. とか?