>>43 A small [ gathering ] of neighborhood friends in a typical suburban community are having a small dinner party [ to honor the local Dr. Stockton's birthday at his house ]. Dr. Stockton is well-known and liked by this [ gathering ] [ because he has either administered to the health and well-[ being ] of his guests or has delivered their children ]. Everybody is especially friendly and jovial and mention is made of his late night work on a fallout shelter [ that he has built in the basement ]. Suddenly, a Civil Defense announcement, [ overheard by Dr. Stockton's son ], is made [ that [ unidentified ] objects have been detected [ heading for the United States ] ]. In these times, everybody knows [ what that means ]: nuclear attack. [ As panic ensues ], the doctor locks himself and his family into his basement bomb shelter. The same [ gathering ] of friends becomes hysterical and now wants [ to occupy the shelter ]. All of the previous friendliness has vanished and is now replaced with bitter hate and soaring desperation [ as pent-up hostility and [ suppressed ] emotions boil to the surface ] ]. The end is moments away and everyone's mind is now vehemently poisoned by the [ clawing ] desire to survive, at any cost - the feelings of a neighbor, the sanctity of a friend's home, friendship itself, or the raw submission to violence. The last scene shows [ the once-friendly neighbors breaking down the door to the shelter with an [ [ improvised ] battering ] ram. Just then, a final Civil Defense broadcast announces [ that the objects have been [ identified ] as harmless, [ falling ] satellites, and [ that no danger is at all present ]. The neighbors apologize for their behavior, but Dr. Stockton wonders [ if they had not destroyed themselves, even without a bomb ].
In these times, everybody knows [ what that means ]: nuclear attack. [ As panic ensues ], the doctor locks himself and his family into his basement bomb shelter. The same [ gathering ] of friends becomes hysterical and now wants [ to occupy the shelter ]. All of the previous friendliness has vanished and is now replaced with bitter hate and soaring desperation [ as pent-up hostility and [ suppressed ] emotions boil to the surface ] ]. The end is moments away and everyone's mind is now vehemently poisoned by the [ clawing ] desire to survive, at any cost - the feelings of a neighbor, the sanctity of a friend's home, friendship itself, or the raw submission to violence. The last scene shows [ the once-friendly neighbors breaking down the door to the shelter with an [ [ improvised ] battering ] ram. Just then, a final Civil Defense broadcast announces [ that the objects have been [ identified ] as harmless, [ falling ] satellites, and [ that no danger is at all present ]. The neighbors apologize for their behavior, but Dr. Stockton wonders [ if they had not destroyed themselves, even without a bomb ].
>>64 [ Reading with care ], this manual is sure [ to give you a lot of useful information ]. Most of the people held the opinion [ which the government must spend more money [ to create jobs ] ]. The police is looking into the cause of the accident [ which happened at that corner the day before yesterday ].
こんなふうに見られるのはいやです。 I don't like [ being looked at like this ]. そのような意見を持つ人は大勢いると思う。 I expect [ there are lots of people [ who have such opinions ] ]. その設備は川の汚染を防止するのに役立つかもしれない。 The facility may help [ to stop the river from [ being polluted ] ]. 最近の子は昔の子に比べて気難しい。 Children are more difficult [ to be pleased today than [ they used to be ] ].
>>99 The window *was *broken by a baseball ball. Our meals *are *prepared by our grandmather. English and French *are *spoken in many countries in Africa. Some good weather *is *expected this weekwnd. I *was *born in Japan, but I grew up in the U.S.
>>138 In order [ to go safely [ through this jungle [ of life ] ], you must equip yourself with the proper weapons. この人生のジャングルを安全に通り抜けていくためには、 あなたは有効な武器で身を装わなければならない。
give sth in (to sb) (BrE) (also hand sthin (to sb) BrE, NAmE) : to hand over sth to sb in authority ●Please give your work in before Monday. (OALD)
give something ↔ in [British English]: to give a piece of work or something you have written to someone in authority [= hand in] ●You were supposed to give this work in four days ago. ●All assignments must be given in to your teacher by Friday. (LDOCE)
>>326 Since when have you been studying English? の方が自然な言い方だと思うけれど、 Since when ( ) you ( ) English?と空欄が2つしかないなら、 Since when have you studied English?とするしかない。
語句が指定されていなければ、 How long have you been learning English?と since whenよりもhow longを、studyよりもlearnを用いる方がいいかな。
>>326 @The most interesting movie [ that I have ever seen ] was the Big Cpimtry. AI have seen many *movies. BThe most interesting *movie was the Big Crimpty.
Since when *have you *studied English? いつから*これまで勉強してきましたか
>>336 Don’t push back your plate [ when (it is ) finished ]. It should remain exactly [ where it is [ until [ whoever is waiting on you ] removes it ] ] ]. 皿の料理を食べるのが済んだとき皿を押しやるな。あなたに給仕している人が持って行ってしまうまでそのまま皿がある通りの場所に置いておくべきです。
The scientist will explain the tissue damage that is caused by heat in terms of the excited state of atoms and molecules resulting from increased energy levels leading to the collapse of the intricately balanced and delicate structure of cells.
>>351 The scientist will explain the tissue damage [ that is caused by heat in terms of the [ excited ] state of atoms and molecules [ resulting from [ increased ] energy levels [ leading to the collapse of the intricately [ balanced ] and delicate structure of cells ] ] ] ] ].
The scientist will explain the tissue damage ←[ that is caused by heat in terms of the [ excited ]→ state of atoms and molecules ] ←[ resulting from [ increased ]→ energy levels ] ←[ leading to the collapse of the intricately [ balanced ]→ and delicate structure of cells ].
The scientist will explain the tissue damage ←[ that is caused by heat in terms of the [ excited ]→ state of atoms and molecules ←[ resulting from [ increased ]→ energy levels ] ] ←[ leading to the collapse of the intricately [ balanced ]→ and delicate structure of cells ].
>>351 馬鹿片岡のスレだから片岡の添削的にやってみる。 The scientist will explain the tissue damage ←[ that is caused by heat ] (explainへ)←[ in terms of the excited state of atoms and molecules ] (stateへ)←[ resulting現在分詞 from [ increased ]→ energy levels ] [ leading動名詞(in terms ofの目的語で意味上の主語はstate) to the collapse of the intricately balanced and delicate structure of cells ].
@>>355に則して訳してみる The scientist will explain the tissue damage 科学者は組織のダメージを説明するだろう ←[ that is caused by heat in terms of the [ excited ]→ state of atoms and molecules そのダメージとは、原子や分子の活性の高まった 状態という観点から熱によって引き起こされたものである ←[ resulting from [ increased ]→ energy levels ] ] その原子や分子はエネルギー量の増加の結果である ←[ leading to the collapse of the intricately [ balanced ]→ and delicate structure of cells ]. そのエネルギー量は細胞の複雑にバランスされた繊細な構造の破壊につながっている。
A>>359に則して訳してみる The scientist will explain the tissue damage 科学者は組織のダメージを、原子や分子の活性の高まった状態という観点から説明するだろう。 ←[ that is caused by heat ] (explainへ)←[ in terms of the excited state of atoms and molecules ] そのダメージは熱によって引き起こされたものである。 (stateへ)←[ resulting現在分詞 from [ increased ]→ energy levels ] 原子や分子の活性の高まった状態は、エネルギー量の増加の結果である。 [ leading動名詞(in terms ofの目的語で意味上の主語はstate) to the collapse of the intricately balanced and delicate structure of cells ]. 科学者が説明するのは、その原子や分子の活性の高まった状態が、細胞の複雑にバランスされた 繊細な構造の破壊につながっているという観点からである。
The scientist will explain the tissue damage ←[ that is caused by heat ] ←[ in terms of the excited state of atoms and molecules ←[ resulting from [ increased ]→ energy levels ] ←[ leading to the collapse of the intricately balanced and delicate structure of cells ].
The key lesson is that intellectual property rights, as important as they are , only partially solve the market failures associated with the production of knowledge.
Stories are common from one end of the Eurasian continent to the other. 訳 話はユーラシア大陸全体に広がっている となって from A to Bはわかります。 質問は one end of the Eurasian continentのoneは形容詞ですか? また、the otherは the other end of the Eurasian continentの略ですか?
(1) My father had his computer [repair] last week. (2) The boy [play] tennis in the park is my brother. (3) They found a man [sleep] under the table. (4) I saw my sister [scold] by her teacher. (5) His idea sounded really [excite]. (6) I found her [try] to remove a stain from her dress. (7) Now wisely [use], television can do us harm. (8) [lose] in thought, she didn't notice she was being followed. (9) From space the seven continents look like little islands [float] in a giant sea. (10) Please keep me [inform] of any developments in the situation.
>>371 The key lesson is [ that intellectual property rights, as important [ as they are ], only partially solve the market failures [ associated with the production of knowledge ] ].
The key lesson is this. Intellectual property rights only partially solve the market failures. Market failures are associated with the production of knowledge. Intellectual property rights are as important [ as they are (acyually important) ].
だから文の構造がおかしいだろっつーの。 The key lesson is that intellectual property rights, important as they are , … . なんてなったら that節との並列で The key lesson is important as they areという文がでて as they のtheyはなに?? ってことになる
てか何もむずかしいもんでもなんでもなくって、 元の文の The key lesson is that intellectual property rights, as important as they are , … で何も問題ないじゃん。 , as important as they are , はカンマからして唯の挿入だし。
The key lesson is [ that intellectual property rights, [ ( which are as important [ as they are ], only partially solve the market failures [ associated with the production of knowledge ] ]. 学ぶべき大切なことは、 実際に大切なのであるが、知的財産権は、知的産物に関する市場の問題を只部分的にだけ解決するということである。
The key lesson is that intellectual property rights, important as they are , 〜 となると 第一番目のカンマ後のimportant as they are が文法上でひとつの意味的な”固まり”にならないから、「挿入」と思ってもらえない。 つまり主文のS(The key lesson is)につづくSVCのCと見られてしまうんだよ。
The key lesson is [ that intellectual property rights, [ ( which are as important [ as they are ], only partially solve the market failures [ associated with the production of knowledge ] ]. 学ぶべき大切なことは、 実際に大切なのであるが、知的財産権は、知的産物に関する市場の問題を只部分的にだけ解決するということである。
The key lesson is [ that intellectual property rights, [ ( which are as important [ as they are ] ], only partially solve the market failures [ associated with the production of knowledge ] ].
The key lesson is [ that intellectual property rights, [ ( which are as important [ as they are ] ], only partially solve the market failures [ associated with the production of knowledge ] ]. この様にカッコで括った後
The key lesson is this. They are as important [ as they are (actually) ]. Intellectual property rights only partially solve the market failures. They are associated with the production of knowledge. のように 括った物を 主語述語の言い方に戻して考えれば理解できますよ。
>>399 >important as they are が文法上でひとつの意味的な”固まり”にならない 固まりにならないとか勝手に決め付けるなよ。 important as they areで固まりとして認識できるだろうが。
To many of these people, articulate as they were, the great loss was the loss of language--that they could no longer say what was in them to say.
この英文のarticulate as they wereは意味の固まりにならないのか?
Napoleon, it is said, preferred a lucky general to a good one.
One reason why Michael Eisner, the company's former boss, backed him over outside candidates, they suspected, was that he would be a weak successor who would do little to alter his own 20-year legacy.
「挿入」というのは上記英文中のit is saidやthey suspectedであって、 問題文のas important as they areは「挿入」ではない。
>>417 ,important as they are, を(being が省略された形の)副詞句として読むのならThey are important [ as they are (actually) ].と読まないでいいんじゃないか? でも確かに文頭でもないのにbeing important-、 のbeingを省略してもいいかどうかは迷うところだな。 個人的な感覚では紛らわしいことをさけるために省略しないほうがいいとは思うけど、しちゃいけないっていう決まりがあるかどうかは知らんw
>>417 だからNaked as I was, I braved the storm.のような構文は、 though movement(though 移動)、though attraction(though牽引)と呼ばれていて、 譲歩節(或いは、文脈によっては理由や順接を表す節)として機能することが 認められているんだって。
それに>>409で言ったように、 お前の論理に従えば、 To many of these people, articulate as they were, the great loss was the loss of language--that they could no longer say what was in them to say. この英文が成り立たなくなる。
>The key lesson is this. >They are important [ as they are (actually) ]. ↑意味不明。 intellectual property rightsが消えて、何でいきなりtheyが出てきてるの? それに述語動詞はsolveなのに、何でareになってるの?
>>419 倒置の分詞構文。 それやっていいのは文頭の副詞句だけだろっての。 お前の例の To many of these people, articulate as they were, the great loss was the loss of language--that they could no longer say what was in them to say. がOKなのは、副詞句が二つ(To many of these people, articulate as they were, )なだけで、これは両方とも文頭の副詞句として処理されるから。
> >The key lesson is this. > >They are as important [ as they are (actually) ]. > >Intellectual property rights only partially solve the market failures. > > 2文目のtheyはintellectual property rightsを受けるのに、 > そのintellectual property rightsは3文目に来ている。 > theyがピリオドを越えたところにある語句を受けるなんておかしいだろ。 > > 馬鹿はお前だよw
でないと The key lesson is Intellectual property rights. Intellectual property rights are important as they are (actually). Intellectual property rights only partially solve the market failures. という文構造以外に読めなくなるぞ。
Intellectual property rights are important as they are (actually). なんて文はありえねぇだろうがw
The fees the girls paid, or didn’t pay, were five guineas a term with certain extras, so that, starve and sweat her assistant as she might, she could hardly hope to make more than a hundred and fifty pounds a year clear profit.
すでに挙げた用例でもbeingの省略じゃ説明できない。 意味上の主語が違うんだからな。 Loathsome as Hamas’s ideology is, a movement of this sort cannot be uprooted by an army.
>Intellectual property rights are important as they are (actually). なんて文はありえねぇだろうがw だからこれはお前が勝手に作った文だろうが。 馬鹿か、お前は。
The key lesson is [ that intellectual property rights, [ ( which are as important [ as they are ] ], only partially solve the market failures [ associated with the production of knowledge ] ]. この様にカッコで括った後
The key lesson is this. They are as important [ as they are (actually) ]. Intellectual property rights only partially solve the market failures. They are associated with the production of knowledge. のように 括った物を 主語述語の言い方に戻して考えれば理解できますよ。
おれの愛用の電子辞書が壊れてしまってthrust の語法が調べられないから 確かじゃないが Someone thrust the door open (SVOC)を受動態にするとThe door was thrust open (by someone) になるから もしthrust が第五文型で使えるならopen は目的格補語になる。
I tore the package (so that it was) open. He licked the plate (so that it was) clean. The walls were painted (so that they were) yellow. Three people were shot (so that they were) dead during the robbery.
make O Cという基本形にそれぞれthrust、tear、lick、paint、shootの 意味を加味した、と考えても問題ない。
連投ですいません。あともう1つ。 It( )more than five years since I last saw him. @was Ahas passed Bis Cis past で正解はB で解説に同意表現として It has been[is]…、 More than five years…、I last saw him more…。 とあるのですが、なぜAはダメなのでしょうか。 完了形の使い方としてありそうに思えたのですが…。
The key lesson is that intellectual property rights, as important as they are, only partially solve the market failures associated with the production of knowledge.
(being) as important as they areという分詞構文とも考えられるし、 (which are) as important as they areという関係詞の省略とも考えられるし、 (以上、2つの解釈の場合、as ~ as they areは比較構文)、 或いは、譲歩や理由を表すasの倒置構文とも考えられる。
重要なのは @importantという叙述の意味上の主語がintellectual property rightsであること、 Aimportantとonly partially solveが両立しない内容である故に逆接であること、 Bas ~ as they areが付加されていることで、或いは倒置になっていることで、 though (they are) importantと表現した場合よりも、importantの意味が強くなっていること、 の3点を認識すること。
コンサイス英文法辞典より引用 asの性質. Young as he is, …のasは「@譲歩」とも「A理由」とも解することができる。 ところが、As he is young, …のAsはAにしか解することができないから、Young as he was, … の形をAs he was young, …の形から語順の転倒によって説明することは、Young though he was, … の場合とは異なり、不可能である。 @は、As angry as he was, he gave me money.というような、今日でもアメリカ英語で普通に 使われる接続詞の働きを兼ねる「同程度」を表すas…asの最初のasが落ちてできたものである。 このことは、Rotten a player as I am, you know I'll beat you.(選手としては最低だがお前にゃ負けないぜ) のような語順によって知ることができる。Rotten a player as I amはAs rotten a player as I am から派生したものとしか考えようのない形であるからである。 …中略… Aの意味の時のAngry as he was, …は、もともとAs he was angry as he was(彼はその時怒っていたので) の形があって、これが分詞構文化したBeing angry as he wasのBeingが落ちたものと考えられる。 そうすれば、名詞、形容詞のほかに、なぜ分詞がasの前に来られるのか説明できる。
It is important for you to learn a foreign language. (君が外国語を学ぶことは重要です) という訳ですが、 このfor youはただ単に「君が」という動作主をあらわしているだけか、 それプラス「君にとって」という意味も含まれているのかどちらでしょうか?
>>456-457 @As important as they are to CAD/CAM'S growth, supersophisticated computers and industrial-design equipment are only part of the new technology.
ABut as important as they are, investments in electronic records and preventive care are just preliminary steps.
B"As important as it is," he said, "arms control has not been -- and cannot be -- the dominant subject of our dialogue with the Soviets."
CNew military agreements, as important as they are, would not be a true test of whether Gorbachev's words signify a real transformation of the cold war.
DTemporary employees, as important as they are to businesses emerging from a recession, make up only a small part of the work force, fewer than 2 percent, Mr. Miller said.
EAs with so many Chinese art works collected during the first half of this century, this bronze -- as important as it is -- has no archeological provenance.
@BCはTIME。ADEはThe New York Times。 文頭でも文中でも生起できるということは、節として認識されているんだよ。
@彼は目を閉じたまま、いすに座っていた。を英訳すると @´He was sitting in the chair with his eyes closed. A彼はエンジンをかけたまま車から出た。 を英訳すると A´He got out of the car with the engine running. となります。
>>476 外出だけど Democrats are eager to help Mr.obama succeed(helpを受けてto無し不定詞) 民主党員達は熱心にオバマ大統領が成功するように支援してる 以下分詞構文 knowing that their success ride on his. 自分たちが成功するのもオバマが成功するのにかかっている のを知っているから
>>476 Democrats are eager to help Mr.obama succeed knowing that their success ride on his. 民主党員達はオバマ大統領の成功に便乗することに自分たちの成功があると 解っているので彼を成功させるための手助けを強く望んでいる。
>>477 さぁ、形容詞によって決まるなんて考えた事もなかったけど。 単にtoで一般的な動作を指し示しているか、thatで文内容に導いてやるか。 ようはtoの後ろは動詞原形(一般的な事柄)、thatの後ろは文。 後ろに置きたい物によって変わるんじゃないかな。 いずれにしてもIt is {necessary/important/plesent/difficultなどの形容詞}. では文内容が足りて無くて不自然でしょ。 目の前の外人にIt is necessary. It is necessary. It is necessary. 連呼されても何がよって話だから。
>>505 過去形は過去の事実。実際に起こったことだからね。 俺が書いた文章にしてもつもりだった。それは過去の事実なんだよ。 今から未来の予定なんかにはなりようがない。 I was playing tennis. では私はテニスをしていました、だね。
I'm meeting Tim and Sarry tonight, want to come? これはティムとサリーに今夜会うよ、君も来たい?って意味。 現在進行形、今夜の時点でmeetingしていることになるという意味。 Tomorrow is Monday. 感覚のヒントとしてはこの文。 明日は月曜日です。単なる現在形、事実としてそうなると言うこと。
>>521 noについて辞書でも調べてみたら? such a thingってよく聞くからそういう風に思ってるだけじゃない。 no foodsはともかく、no a foodなんていう?言わないでしょ・・。 suchがなければno a thing・・。おかしくないか。。 この場合のnoは名詞の前に置く限定詞。
文法についていくつか質問です。 1、she is ( ) student in our class.の()にはいる選択肢で much the best , very the best があるのですが、どちらが正しいのか 文法書や辞書を見ても根拠がはっきりしません・・・
2、I will tell the professor that ( ) to finish writing the report by Fryday. の選択肢の I will be late , it cannot be done の2つは不可と ある問題集にあったのですが、前者は副詞節とwillの関係でもオッケーだとおもうし、 後者もit 形式主語として これといって謝りは無いと思いました・・・
Are you happy? Are you rich? Do you know 10 fomulas? I believe[ you know 10 commandments ]. 10 formulas are as precious [ as 10 commandments ] [ because it is [ what I got from Jesus the Christ ]. I sought basis of human languages [ asking and praying earnestly to God, Jesus and Holy Spirit ]. I had been a metropolitan and prefectural English teacher for 34 years until March 2009. But I quit [ working as Miyazaki prefectural teacher ] [ because I felt [ I needed [ to tell more people about 10 formulas ] ] ]. Please take a flyer away and use it [ make [ whatever English sentence [ you like ] ] ]. Let us [ make progress for better learning, for truer word, for greater love, for ever-greater salvation and ever greater peace [ which we together with Mr. Obama [ who is the newest peace prize winner ] may would joyfully like [ to walk hand in hand with one another ] ].
At 10 formula juku, Tokyo University student teaches other subjects for 1,000 yen per hour. Please call : 090-1738-2042
But I quit [ working as Miyazaki prefectural teacher ] [ because I felt [ I needed [ to tell more people about 10 formulas ] ] ]. Please take a flyer away and use it [ make [ whatever English sentence [ you like ] ] ]. Let us [ make progress for better learning, for truer word, for greater love, for ever-greater salvation and ever greater peace [ which we together with Mr. Obama [ who is the newest peace prize winner ] may would joyfully like [ to walk hand in hand with one another ] ].
At 10 formula juku, Tokyo University student teaches other subjects for 1,000 yen per hour. Please call : 090-1738-2042
>>479 > >>456-457 > @As important as they are to CAD/CAM'S growth, supersophisticated computers > and industrial-design equipment are only part of the new technology.
> 略
> EAs with so many Chinese art works collected during the first half of this century, > this bronze -- as important as it is -- has no archeological provenance. > > @BCはTIME。ADEはThe New York Times。 > 文頭でも文中でも生起できるということは、節として認識されているんだよ。
ん?w @〜Eは全部 俺が 塊として認識おk っていってる奴と同じ(,as important as the are,)じゃないかw 何がいいたいのん?w
The more mobile people are in moving between different places and occupations, the more will it become possible for manufacturers to expand their output of existing goods or to start producing new kinds of goods.この文の中でitの前に willがくるのは到置ですか?
>>538 @[ The more mobile people are in [ moving between different places and occupations ], the more will it become possible [ for manufacturers to expand their output of [ existing ] goods or to start [ producing new kinds of goods ] ].
AIt will become more possible [ for manufacturers to expand their output of [ existing ] goods or to start [ producing new kinds of goods ] ].
B[ The more mobile people are in [ moving between different places and occupations ], the more it will become possible [ for manufacturers to expand their output of [ existing ] goods or to start [ producing new kinds of goods ] ].
C[ The more mobile people are in [ moving between different places and occupations ], the more possible it will become [ for manufacturers to expand their output of [ existing ] goods or to start [ producing new kinds of goods ] ].
Aが基本としてあります。 the moreを先頭に置くとBになります。 述語中の1語を前に出したのでつられて助動詞も主語の前に出たのが@です。 more possibleでまとめて先頭に出すとCになります。
C[ The more mobile people are in [ moving between different places and occupations ], the more possible it will become [ for manufacturers to expand their output of [ existing ] goods or to start [ producing new kinds of goods ] ].
Aが基本としてあります。 the moreを先頭に置くとBになります。 述語中の1語を前に出したのでつられて助動詞も主語の前に出たのが@です。 more possibleでまとめて先頭に出すとCになります。
>>537 a page [ which is inserted into B ] =Bに挿入されているページ(Bの中にはさまれてるページ)
Tom *inserts his penis *into Bill's asshole. Tom *pushes his penis *to Bill's ass. Tom's penis *goes *into Bill's asshole. Tom's penis is *in Bill's rectum( = back passage = choku-cho ).
>>394 >だから文の構造がおかしいだろっつーの。 >The key lesson is that intellectual property rights, important as they are , … . >なんてなったら that節との並列で >The key lesson is important as they areという文がでて as they のtheyはなに?? ってことになる
何このアホな読み方w 「that節との並列で」って、 important as they areが出てきた時点では that節はまだ完成してねーだろーがw
完成していないthat節が他の要素と並列になるなんて、 中学生レベルだなw
important as they areはintellectual property rights(S)とonly partially solve(V)の間に 挟まれているのだから、that節の内部で作用するしかないだろw
>だから文の構造がおかしいだろっつーの。 >The key lesson is that intellectual property rights, important as they are , … . >なんてなったら that節との並列で >The key lesson is important as they areという文がでて as they のtheyはなに?? ってことになる しかし何度見てもこれは笑えるなw おかしいのは文の構造じゃないくて、お前の頭の構造だろ、馬鹿w
>その例のどこが「主語、述語の後」なんだーーーーーー?www しかも(as) important as they areはthat節の内部で主語と述語の「間に」挟まれているのに、 「主語、述語の後」とか言ってるしw 片岡でもこんな愚かな発言はしないよw
>ん?w @〜Eは全部 俺が 塊として認識おk っていってる奴と同じ(,as important as the are,)じゃないかw as important as they areが主語の前にも主語の直後にも来られるなら important as they areについても同様のことが言えるだろw
Hector Sierra, a native of Colombia, is talking with a group of news reporters about his organization, Artists Without Borders. One reporter asks, "What exactly is AWB?" Sierra thinks for a moment, and then says, "I guess Artists Without Borders is a Colombian guy teaching Japanese culture to kids around the world..."
The story of Artists Without Borders begins in Tokyo in the mid-1990s. At the time, Sierra was a graduate student in film at Nihon University. As a student, Sierra visited Kosovo. He wanted to make a movie about the war there. The war made Sierra very sad. He wanted to help the people-especially the children of the area.
Sierra returned to Japan and started Artists Without Borders. He wanted to bring some happiness to the children of Kosovo, using art. Three months later, Sierra was back in Kosovo with crayons, origami paper, and paint. He started working with the children.
Since then, Artists Without Borders has visited other troubled places, including Chechnya and Afghanistan. In each place, Sierra works with children on two main projects-drawing and origami. With drawing, the kids can show their hopes and fears. With origami, the children learn to make their own toys.
Sierra wants all of the projects to be fun. But he also hopes the children learn about another culture. This, he believes, is a first step toward world peace.
1.If you got up earlier, you (will have/would have/would have had) enough time to eat breakfast. 2.If his uncle hadn't advised him, he (will fail/would fail/would have failed) in business. 3.If I were you, I (will marry/will be married/would marry) her. 4.If you (might/should/would) fail, your mother would be very sad. 5.She (asked/would ask/would have asked) me to work with her, if I had been cleverer.
1.would have 2.would have failed 3.would marry 4.should 5.would have asked で合っていますか?お願いします。
>>536 >おおーーーーーーーーーい >その例のどこが「主語、述語の後」なんだーーーーーー?www The key lesson is that intellectual property rights, as important as they are , only partially solve the market failures associated with the production of knowledge. ↑ どう見ても主語と述語の間だろ。 お前の目は節穴か。
>ん?w @〜Eは全部 俺が 塊として認識おk っていってる奴と同じ(,as important as the are,)じゃないかw >何がいいたいのん?w お前が「挿入」とか訳の分からないことを言っていたから、 副詞節として機能している用例を示しただけ。
>>536 @That is why President Clinton's visit, important as it is, is a missed opportunity.
AHowever, this question -- important as it is -- is not immediately relevant to the S.A.T. issue.
BBut of course, all of these problems, important as they are individually, are really symptoms of a much larger problem.
COur wealth creation, important as it is, must be trammelled and, indeed, upheld by values that arise in the context of relationship to other humans.
DI tell this conference, for me, for this party and for this country, our achievements of the last seven years, important as they are, are not enough.
EThe discipline of the mind, important as it is, is not the only object in education, any more than is the production of athletic champions the chief purpose of physical training.
@〜BはThe New York Times、CDはThe Guardian、EはNature、がそれぞれ出典。
>569 ありがとうございました! こちらも訳わかるかたお願いします(>_<) Not everyone can afford to live in a home like this, nor can they live in a neighborhood filled with homes like these.
>>536 >>>394 >The key lesson is important as they areという文がでて as they のtheyはなに?? ってことになる
>>>417 >The key lesson is this. >They are important [ as they are (actually) ]. > >という風になっちまうだろうが。 Asが省略されてるなんていきなり思うはずも無い品
>>>431 >The key lesson is Intellectual property rights. >Intellectual property rights are important as they are (actually). >Intellectual property rights only partially solve the market failures. >という文構造以外に読めなくなるぞ。
何で>>394ではThe key lesson is ~ だったのが、 >>417、>>431ではそれぞれThey are ~ 、Intellectual property rights areに変わっているのw
Quite a few elderly women look down on their husband, who cannot do anything by themselves and ask too much of them.
Hamamatsu is located east of Lake Hamana, which is famous for its beautiful scenery and delicious fish. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
この英作文の模範英文なんですけど「,+関係代名詞〜」は曖昧性が残るから作文で用いるな! と指導を受けたので、それを用いずに下のようにしてみたのですが問題ないでしょうか? なんとなく代名詞がわかりにくいしit is 〜itsとかつながるので決まりが悪い気がします・・・
1 Quite a few elderly women look down on their husband because they cannot do anything by themselves and ask too much of them.
2. Hamamatsu is located east of Lake Hamana and it is famous for its beautiful scenery and delicious fish.
Names are far less complicated, and in fact much easier to recall, than faces are. ( ) we rarely do recall a face. この空欄に一語いれる問題です。 a Indeed b Nevertheless c On the other hand d Subsequently
訳お願いします。 あと、( )内の適する語を選んでください>< The last reason (スwhy,which,what) so much can be done by the home owner to make his house better and more beautiful is the amount of information that he can get to help him. There are monthly magazines for the home handyman and the part-time gardener. All kinds of "How to do it" books are also (ソreceivable,available,usable) in bookstores. For more technical help the libraries are a valuable place to get information. Using the methods listed (タover,above,on) many Americans have not only learned to keep their houses and yards beautiful, but have become good enough(チat,for,of) the work to build their own dream homes!
逆に言えばat any timeの意味を前面に出したいときは入れればいいんだよ the 最上級+名詞+S+have-ever+Vpp構文でeverが入ってるのは 「人生何十年か生きてきたけど、そのいかなる時間軸の1点をとっても」 という感覚を前面に出して「一番〜だ」ということを強調したいのだから ever入れればいい。
One type, called financial fraud, occurs when someone steals your ID to charge your bank account for things you did not buy, or tricks you into buying something you don't want, or fails to deliver something you ordered and paid for.
>>622 One type, [ called financial fraud ], occurs [ when someone steals your ID [ to charge your bank account for things [ you did not buy ] ], or tricks you into [ buying something [ you don't want ] ], or fails [ to deliver something [ you ordered and paid for ] ] ].
One type, [ called financial fraud ], occurs [ when someone steals your ID [ to *charge your bank account *for things [ you did not buy ] ], or tricks you into [ buying something [ you don't want ] ], or fails [ to deliver something [ you ordered and paid for ] ] ].
@He massaged me for 20 minutes. AHe *charged me 1,000 yen *for it( = massaging me).
One type occurs at these times. This type is called financial fraud. Someone steals your ID [ to *charge your bank account *for things [ you did not buy ] ]. Someone tricks you into [ buying something [ you don't want ] ]. Someone fails [ to deliver something [ you ordered and paid for ] ] ].
You should visit Kyoto,() has a lot of shrines and temples. Kinkakuji Temple was built in 1397 by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, () was the third Muromachi shogun. Kyoto used to be called Heiankyo, () means "the peaceful city."
>>640 彼にはたくさんの子供がいるので、いっそう一生懸命働かなければならない →He must more hard works because he has many children. mustの後は必ず原形の動詞をいれる。 He must work harder because he has many children. など。
彼女よりも1日にかける電話の回数が多い人を私はしらない →No other people (1日にかける電話の数が多い、がよくわかりません) 〜 as far as I know. No other people make a phone call as frequently as her in a day.
子供は英語の勉強を早くから始めれば始めるほど、英語を話すのが成就になると信じている人がいる →Some people believe that the earlier start to learn English, the more 〜からよくわかりませんでした the 比較級, the 比較級の場合、この2つは同じような表現にする。 (たとえば、どちらも文にする、どちらも句にする、など) Some people believe that the earlier children start to learn English, the better they speak English.
>>570 > >>536 > >おおーーーーーーーーーい > >その例のどこが「主語、述語の後」なんだーーーーーー?www > The key lesson is that intellectual property rights, > as important as they are , > only partially solve the market failures associated with the production of knowledge. > ↑ > どう見ても主語と述語の間だろ。 > お前の目は節穴か。
「.as important as they are ,」はそれでいいだろw 元の文、および俺がいっている塊はそれなんだから。 で「.as important as they are ,」じゃなくって「,important as they are ,」のようなやつが主語と述語の間の文中ケースもってこいよw > > >ん?w @〜Eは全部 俺が 塊として認識おk っていってる奴と同じ(,as important as the are,)じゃないかw > >何がいいたいのん?w > お前が「挿入」とか訳の分からないことを言っていたから、 > 副詞節として機能している用例を示しただけ。
>>394 >だから文の構造がおかしいだろっつーの。 >The key lesson is that intellectual property rights, important as they are , … . >なんてなったら that節との並列で >The key lesson is important as they areという文がでて as they のtheyはなに?? ってことになる
何このアホな読み方w 「that節との並列で」って、 important as they areが出てきた時点では that節はまだ完成してねーだろーがw
完成していないthat節が他の要素と並列になるなんて、 中学生レベルだなw
important as they areはintellectual property rights(S)とonly partially solve(V)の間に 挟まれているのだから、that節の内部で作用するしかないだろw
>>669 571 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/10/11(日) 20:45:10 >>536 @That is why President Clinton's visit, important as it is, is a missed opportunity.
AHowever, this question -- important as it is -- is not immediately relevant to the S.A.T. issue.
BBut of course, all of these problems, important as they are individually, are really symptoms of a much larger problem.
COur wealth creation, important as it is, must be trammelled and, indeed, upheld by values that arise in the context of relationship to other humans.
DI tell this conference, for me, for this party and for this country, our achievements of the last seven years, important as they are, are not enough.
EThe discipline of the mind, important as it is, is not the only object in education, any more than is the production of athletic champions the chief purpose of physical training.
@〜BはThe New York Times、CDはThe Guardian、EはNature、がそれぞれ出典。
>>669 575 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2009/10/11(日) 21:08:11 >>536 >>>394 >The key lesson is important as they areという文がでて as they のtheyはなに?? ってことになる
>>>417 >The key lesson is this. >They are important [ as they are (actually) ]. > >という風になっちまうだろうが。 Asが省略されてるなんていきなり思うはずも無い品
>>>431 >The key lesson is Intellectual property rights. >Intellectual property rights are important as they are (actually). >Intellectual property rights only partially solve the market failures. >という文構造以外に読めなくなるぞ。
何で>>394ではThe key lesson is ~ だったのが、 >>417、>>431ではそれぞれThey are ~ 、Intellectual property rights areに変わっているのw
His name was Terry, the man beside him was Paul, and the two blokes in the other truck were Mick and Thommo. As ice-cold beers were eagerly passed round, I learned that Mick, a policeman, was getting married in a fortnight. With his single days running out, he and Thommo, his best man, and his two uncles had decided to go fishing and shoot pigs in the wild country around the Gulf of Caroentaria. "Why don't you come along?" Mick said. "We're going places you'll never be able to reach on that bike of yours. Chuck it in the back."
>>695 His name was Terry, the man beside him was Paul, and the two blokes in the other truck were Mick and Thommo. [ As ice-cold beers were eagerly passed round ], I learned [ that Mick, a policeman, was getting married in a fortnight ]. With [ his single days running out ], he and Thommo, his best man, and his two uncles had decided [ to go fishing and shoot pigs in the wild country around the Gulf of Caroentaria ] ]. "Why don't you come along?" Mick said. "We're going places [ you'll never be able [ to reach ] ] on that bike of yours. Chuck it in the back."
In 1989, when the Berlin Wall came down, there were 12 members of the European Community, as the E.U was then known. Now there are 27. Inevitably, institutional reform of this metastasizing body has dominated debate for years, as its members have tried to figure how to make the damn thing work.
Waiting for Ichiro's record-breaking hit, I looked forward to his comments afterward even more than the hit itself. "I feel liberated. I put an end to the race against someone else's record," he said. The implication that he felt considerable pressure gave me a sense of relief.
おはようございます。見物するという言い方は三つ程習いましたが、 do the sights や go sightseeingを使って Have you done the sights in Tokyo? Have you gone sightseeing in kobe? って使ってもいいんですか?なんか違和感を感じるのですが・・。
>>706 [ Waiting for Ichiro's record-[ breaking ] hit ], I looked forward to his comments afterward even more [ than (I looked forward to) the hit itself ]. "I feel liberated. I put an end to the race against someone else's record," he said. The implication [ that he felt considerable pressure ] gave me a sense of relief.
>>667 ・東北地方で最も大きな都市ですが、 ・七夕祭りが行われる時期なので、 ・それは1602年に伊達政宗が建設したのものです It is the biggest city in the Tohoku Distric. This is the season [ when the Tanabata Festival will be held ]. It was built in 1602 by Masamune Date.
>>648 今日は日曜日だったが、どこへも行かなかった [ Though this was Sunday ], I didn't go anywhere. 私はまだ外国へ行ったことがない I have never beeb to any foregin countries. 通りを横断するとき、どんなに注意してもしすぎることはない You can't be too careful [ to cross the street ].
中2のOne Worldからです。 @You made a nice jack-o’-latern from that pumpkin. Aそれはあなた自身で作ったのですか? Bありがとう。はい、私が作りました。自分の机にカボチャちょうちんを飾りたいです。 Cそれはだめです。カボチャちょうちん外に置かなければなりません。 Dなぜそうしなければならないのですか? E悪霊を遠ざけるためです。 FYou don’t have to worry about that. I can keep them away for you.
1.It's time you (start/started/has started) for school, isn't it? started 2.I wish there (is/were/will be) no such things as exams. were 3.I wish I (studied/would study/had studied) harder while I was young. had studied 4.Our plan to travel through China was very interesting. We wish you (would join/had joined/joined) us. had joined 5.Without his uncle's help, he (can't have/can't have had/could not have) graduated from college. could not have
1.Do you know who won the prize? No, I wish I know. I know→I knew 2.She told me about the picture as if she herself painted it. painted→had painted 3.If he were more careful, he would not have been dismissed. were→had been 4.If I were in your place, I won't do such a thing. won't→would not 5.Even if I live to be 100 years old, I can't speak English well. can't→will not be able to(これは自信無いのですが…) 訳は「たとえ100歳まで生きても、英語がうまく話せないだろう。」みたいな感じでしょうか?
>>760 ついでに他もやっとく 1.Do you know who won the prize? No, I wish I know. I know→I knew○ 2.She told me about the picture as if she herself painted it. it→them 3.If he were more careful, he would not have been dismissed. were→had been○ 4.If I were in your place, I won't do such a thing. won't→would not○ 5.Even if I live to be 100 years old, I can't speak English well. live→should live (can'tは未来も表すから変える必要は無い)
また、間違いを直す問題なのですが…これらは、合っていますでしょうか? お願いします。 1.He acts as if he had been a teacher. had been→were 2.If I studied harder, I should have entered that college. studied→had studied 3.Get up at once. It's time you go to school. go→went 4.If you had stayed longer, you would be involved in the accident. had stayed→had not stayed , would be involved→would not have been involved(自信無いです…) 5.If I would have had enough money, I would have gotten a personal computer. would have had→had had
>>772 すまん、2はおもいっきり見間違い。itはit、paintedをhad paintedにが正解だった。 1.He acts as if he had been a teacher. had been→were○ 2.If I studied harder, I should have entered that college. studied→had studied○ 3.Get up at once. It's time you go to school. go→went○ 4.If you had stayed longer, you would be involved in the accident. would be→would have been 5.If I would have had enough money, I would have gotten a personal computer. would have had→had had○
The circulatory system carries materials to places inside a large animal that cannot otherwise be reached from the outside surface of the animal. to places 以下のinsideの役割、otherwiseをどう訳に取り込むかなど 特にthat節以降があやふやです。解説お願いします。
>>791 The circulatory system carries materials to places [ inside a large animal ] [ that cannot otherwise be reached [ from the outside surface of the animal ] ]. 循環器は大きい動物の内部の色々な場所に物質を運ぶ役割をします。 それ無しにはその動物の表面からそれらの場所に物質を運ぶことは出来ません。
すみません、質問が大量にあるので、わかるものだけでも全然構いませんので回答お願いします ・「いくら言ってもお父さんがタバコをやめないんだったら、お医者さんに言ってやめさせてもらえばいい」 の英訳が「(前略)、you'll just have to get the doctor to make him stop」とあるのですが、これはgetじゃなくてhaveではないのでしょうか? haveは金銭の授受または上下関係に基づく使役と習い、この文脈の場合前者に合致していると思うのですが・・・ ・「風邪をひいているような声だね」は英訳が You sound as if you have a cold 模範解答がありますが、as ifをlikeにそのまま置き換えても大丈夫でしょうか? ・「何故彼女がそんなにお金を使うのかわからない」の英訳が I cannot understand why she spends so much moneyですが、ここはsoはsuchではないでしょうか? 不可算名詞を形容するときはsuchだと思いますし、例えばweather等はsuchで形容しますよね? ・「近頃は、本当に読む価値のある本を見つけることがますます難しくなっている」の英訳が Nowadays it is getting more and more difficult to find a book really worth reading. とあります ここはthe books ではないでしょうか?読む価値がある本と限定しているので定冠詞をつけ、the bookだと、そんな本が一冊しかないことになるから the books だと思うのですが・・・ ・「彼が医者にかかったとき、すでに発病してひと月も経っていた」の英訳が He had been sick for a month when hi finally consulted a doctorなのですが、finallyではなく ended up finishingではないでしょうか? finally だと達成感を伴い、ended up 〜ingでは「〜するハメになる」と習ったので、この文脈では後者しか合致しないと思うのですが・・・
Going out of the station, she began to walk away without talking about where she is going to go. Feeling I don't know what to ask, I just followed her. One meter distance was always there between Naoko and mi. Of course, I could short the distance if I intended to do so. But, I can't do it, wondering whether I should do it or not.
Mike decides that he needs to( @ )his style. First he's going to( A )a haircut. Then he's going to( B )some of his bad habits and travel more. Mike then tells Roberto and Takeshi that he's going to be( C )and famous. They ask if he's going to become a rock and roll star or maybe a( D )star. Mike says "no"and explains that he's going to( E )a book that( F )a million copies. What's the book about? Mike's not sure...but it all( G )with a haircut!
>>871 Mike decides that he needs to( change )his style. First he's going to( get )a haircut. Then he's going to( quit )some of his bad habits and travel more. Mike then tells Roberto and Takeshi that he's going to be( rich )and famous. They ask if he's going to become a rock and roll star or maybe a( movie )star. Mike says "no"and explains that he's going to( write )a book that( sells )a million copies. What's the book about? Mike's not sure...but it all( starts )with a haircut!
>>879 すみません、回答ありがとうございます 間違えましたwwwそういう本は1冊ではないことが自明なので、 the books と複数形になると思ったのです 面白い という限定で the そんな本がたくさんあるから the books だと思ったのです
soとsuchの違いについては It will be so terryble weather と書いた文を添削してもらい、上のような説明を受けてsuchに直されました
回答してくださって中でまた質問があるのですが・・・ These are pictures he painted yesterday These are the pictures ・・・ とは何が違うのでしょうか?説明してくださった考え方ではどちらも文として成立していますが、限定、非限定についてわからなくなりました・・・
(1) No matter how often we ask Suekittie not to come here, he will. → ( ) is sticky and crazy.
(2) Never does he admit his mistakes even when pointed out cleary. → ( ) used to disclose his sex with his boyfriend. We can't help saying ( ) is a kind of kittie; note that kittie is no kitty.
空白を埋めよという意味なら 1) No matter how often we ask Suekittie not to come here, he will. He is so bothering for me. From the bottom of my heart, I hope he doesn't come here.
2) Never does he admit his mistakes even when pointed out clearly. I can't help but say he is too obstinate a person, saying a lie even after being pointed it out .
out of orderについて質問します。 out of orderは公共のものが壊れたときに使う (例えば、公衆電話や公衆トイレに「故障中」って紙を張るよう に「out of order」と書かれている)と書かれてたテキストもある一方 腕時計が壊れたという意味で「out of order」が使われているテキストもあります。 一般的に「out of order」はどのように使うのですか?
今のところ英作文では、腕時計やドライヤーなどは、be something wrong with〜または go wrongを使ってます。
(1) No matter how often we ask Suekittie not to come here, he will. → ( ) is sticky and crazy.
(2) Never does he admit his mistakes even when pointed out cleary. → ( ) used to disclose his sex with his boyfriend. We can't help saying ( ) is a kind of kittie; note that kittie is no kitty.
長文問題の中の一つの問題について質問させてください。 内容は世界の食物移動についてです。次の問題文のなかにある two worldsとは ヨーロッパと中南米アメリカを指しています。
It was the meeting of those two worlds that brought about food migration,changing and enriching the world's menu forever.
この文頭のItの用法と同じItを持つ文を下のア〜エの中から選びなさい。 ア、It was natural that your friend should get angry. イ、It was my cousin who won the first prize in the contest. ウ、It was so dark in the room that I could not see his face. エ、It was long believed that there were some living creatures on Mars.
共に主語部分を強調している強調構文だから The meeting of those two worlds brought about food migration, changing.... これら二つの世界の邂逅が......をもたらした My cousin won the first prize in the contest. 私のいとこはそのコンテストで一等賞を勝ち得た。 the meeting of those two worldとmy cousin はともに主語にでありその部分を 強調しているのは強調構文といわれる。
@Hey, do you know this song? It reminds me of our senior year. It was really popular then. AHi, Sherry. Do you remember me? Yes, I know your fact, but I forgot your name. Is it Bill? I'm sorry, I have a bad memory. BIn my junior year, I studied in Vienna. I have great memories of that time. I did so many fun things. CIn Professor Smith's class, we memorized a lpt of poems. I still know them. DIs that Jared Grant? I don't believe it! He was so thin in college!
各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、( )に当てはまる語を書きなさい。 1.Can you tell me something interesting about your trip in Africa. Can you tell me something,( ) to your trip in Africa. 2.It seems that he can swim very fast. He ( ) to ( ) ( ) to swim very fast. 3.It seems that his brother lived in London. His brother ( ) to ( ) ( ) in London.
Can you tell me something interesting,( as ) to your trip in Africa. He ( seems ) to ( be ) ( able ) to swim very fast. His brother ( seems ) to ( have ) ( lived ) in London.
>>934 Can you tell me something interesting about your trip in Africa. Can you tell me something [ which happened to your trip in Africa ]. It seems [ that he can swim very fast ]. He seems [ to be able [ to swim very fast ] ]. It seems [ that his brother lived in London ]. His brother seems [ to have lived in London ]. 君のアフリカ旅行で面白かったことを話して。 彼は速く泳ぐことが出来るようだ。 彼の弟はロンドンに住んでいたようだ。
わかっていることかも知れませんがついでに一応言うと A. I heard that he painted some pictures yesterday. B. Yes, look at the wall. These are the pictures. こういう会話があったとしたら、最後のpicturesには必ずtheがつきます。 前の文章のpicturesのことを言っているのだと、相手に示すためです。 ここでもし、描いた絵のいくつかだと言いたいときは、some of the picturesという形になります。