His thought extends from basic scientific roots , well beyond science to philosophy , public , religion , and history , into the application of knowledge he helped to creat.
extend from A to Bで 彼の考えは基本的な科学の本質から哲学、政策…にまで及び まではわかるんですが into が どういう役割かかりません。 教えて下さい
school dropout says , ゙I couldn't be a salaried man,getting up early even in winter ,crushing yourself into a commuter train." の1.getting up以下は分詞構文て考えたんですか、役割は何ですか? 2.加えて、分詞構文は、「分詞構文,SV」の形はOKでも、 「SV,分詞構文」の形はNGでしょうか?
>>56 「オレは冬でも早起きし、通勤電車に無理して乗り込むようなサラリーマンにはなれんかったわな」 普通に考えると、もとの文章は以下の通り。 I couldn't be a salaried man, because he(=a salaired man) gets up early even in winter and crushes himself (×yourself) into a commuer train. 分詞構文を作るには、主節と従属節の主語が一致していなくてはならないが、 この場合、一致していないよね。 -ing以下、現在分詞と取って、a salaried man にかかると取る。 物事を列挙するときに「○、○、and ○」となるけど、「,and ○」以下を言いそびれたか。
ちなみに ↓独立分詞構文の大学入試問題↓ This doing, This done, Did this, Done this), we went home. (立命館大99) All other things (are, be, to be, being) equal, a small car will cost less than a large one. (山梨大2006) Other things (to be, be, been, being) equal, this would lead to a price increase of not less than 2%. (広島工業大2000) Other things (are equal, being equal, were equal, having equal), this apartment house is better than the other because it is near the station. (武庫川女子大2003) Such (were, was, had been, being, be) the case, the conference has to be postponed until a later date. (上智大)
Such (be, being, been, was) the case, he is unable to pay. (大阪産業大2001) (Being, Being it, It being, It was) Sunday, the bank was closed. (北海学園大99) (There had, Being, Having there, There being) nothing more to discuss, he said goodbye and left me. (立命館大2000) (There, Having, With, Because) being no bus services in the town, they had to use a taxi. (同志社大) (It, Our, There, With) being nothing more to do, we continued chatting. (京都産業大99) (Being, It being, It having been, There being) no moon that night, it was completely dark in the woods. (専修大)
There (was, were, be, being, been) no taxis available, we walked home. (北陸大99) (Having left, Leaving, My father having left, My father had left) a large sum of money behind him, we were able to continue our own favorite pursuits. (京都女子大89) The sun (being set, had set, has set, having set), we stayed there for the night. (名城大2004) As my grandfather is a well-known mathematician, my friends always expect me to be also good at mathematics. = __________ __________ _________ a well-known mathematician, my friends always expect me to be also good at mathematics. (横浜市立大) 天候が許せば、ピクニックに行こう。 Weather __________, let's go on a picnic. (鹿児島大2000) I will play tennis tomorrow, (weather permitted, weather permitting, weather permit, weather to permit). (福島大2003) If the weather is good enough on Sunday, I'll come to see you. = I'll come to see you on Sunday, weather (permits, permitted, is permitted, to permit, permitting). (亜細亜大2000) 9. All things (consider, considered, considering, to consider), we can say Mary is an excellent nurse. (日本女子大2003) All things (consider, be considering, considered, being considered), Ted did well. (東海大2002) All things (asking, considered, gone, wanted, curious), we cannot say that it is wrong. (早稲田大) All things (considered, to consider, considering, having considered, to be considered), he is a fairly good student. (中央大) All things (considering, consider, considered, to consider), Kyoko is a good wife and mother. (駿河台大)
All things (considering, considered, were considered, being considering), she is still in the wrong. (札幌学院大) All things (go on, to compare, getting difficult, considered), I'm sure we made the right decision. (成蹊大2001) あらゆることを考慮にいれれば、父の人生は幸福なものであった。 All things (taken, took, take, taking) into consideration, my father's life was a happy one. (日本大89) Everything (considered, to consider, having considered, considering), your work is much better than mine. (沖縄国際大2002)
>>87 Such (, being) the case, he is unable to pay. (大阪産業大2001) ( It being) Sunday, the bank was closed. (北海学園大99) (There being) nothing more to discuss, he said goodbye and left me. (立命館大2000) (There) being no bus services in the town, they had to use a taxi. (同志社大) (There) being nothing more to do, we continued chatting. (京都産業大99) (There being) no moon that night, it was completely dark in the woods. (専修大)
>>89 There (being) no taxis available, we walked home. (北陸大99)
(My father having left) a large sum of money behind him, we were able to continue our own favorite pursuits. (京都女子大89)
The sun (having set), we stayed there for the night. (名城大2004)
=My grandfather being a well-known mathematician, my friends always expect me to be also good at mathematics.(横浜市立大)
天候が許せば、ピクニックに行こう。 Weather PERMITTING, let's go on a picnic. (鹿児島大2000)
I will play tennis tomorrow, (weather permitting). (福島大2003)
If the weather is good enough on Sunday, I'll come to see you. = I'll come to see you on Sunday, weather (permitting). (亜細亜大2000)
All things (considered), we can say Mary is an excellent nurse. (日本女子大2003) All things (considered), Ted did well. (東海大2002) All things (considered), we cannot say that it is wrong. (早稲田大) All things (considered, to consider, considering, having considered, to be considered), he is a fairly good student. (中央大) All things (considered),Kyoko is a good wife and mother. (駿河台大)
When she came, everything about me breathed of love and joy and was full of meaning. この文の[breathed of]をジーニアスの自動詞の所を見てもbreath ofという表現は見つかりませんでした 訳例は「愛と喜びと息づき」となってますが、なぜこのような訳になるのでしょうか? 熟語なのかofにこういう意味があるのかわかりません。 教えて下さい
>>100 筆者の西きょうじ先生に質問のお手紙でもだしたら? ランダムハウス大辞典での of 3(原因・理由・動機)・・・で、・・・から die of hunger 餓死する I went there of necissity.やむおえずそこへ行った。 She did so of her own will. 自由意志でそうした。 上のofだと思うんだけど。
ええい、分詞構文の問題だ! He was poor and he could not buy it. = _________ poor, he could not buy it. (松坂大93) (Lives, Live, Living, Lived) close by the lake, I went swimming almost every day during the summer. (沖縄国際大2004) (Been coming from, Came from, Coming from, Having been coming from) the south, you turn off the Bruce Highway near Edmonton and continue to Prtland. (神奈川大2007) (Seeing, To see, Seen, See) the train would be delayed, he took a taxi. (桃山学院大2003) (Take, Turning, Turned, Take turns) to the right, you will find the building. (同志社女子大2001) (Go, Going, Gone, Having gone) straight along this street, you'll get to the park. (浜松大2000) (Take, To take, Taken, Taking) off our shoes, we crept cautiously along the passage. (関西外国語大) (Considered, Considering, To consider, In consideration) that John is still working on his project, we'd better get someone else. (南山大2000) 自分を制御できなくなり、彼女はわっと泣き出した。 (Being, Not, Unable, Without) to control herself, she broke into tears. (高崎経済大93) (Being frightened, Frightening, Having frightened, Having been frightening), the cat ran away. (松山大2004) (Don't wish, Not wishing, Not wished, Didn't wish) to continue my studies, I decided to become a dress designer. (福島大2000)
受験生の皆さん、朝鮮してね。 Never (seeing, seen, having seen, having to see) him before, I didn't recognize him. (小樽商科大2000) (Bringing, Having, Taking, Allowing) everything into consideration, the event was remarkably successful. (創価大2000) (To have, Having no, Have not, Not having, Having no) read the book, I cannot tell whether it is worth reading. (文教大99) (Knowing not, Not knowing, Known not, Not known) what to say, I remained silent. (和光大2004) (Not know, Not knowing, Not to know, To know not) what to do, Paul asked Greg for help. (高岡法科大2004) (Not knowing, Not known, Knowing nothing, To know) what to say, I remained silent. (松山大2001) (Not knowing, Not to know, To know not, To not know) what to do, he asked me for help. (大阪電通大99) (Not to knowing, Not knowing, To not knowing, Knowing not to) how to study, the student visited his advisor's office. (東海大2003) (Not knowing, Knowing not to, Not to knowing, To not knowing) how to study, the students decided to visit thier advisor at his office. (関東学院大2007)
(Not knowing, Not known, Not to know, Neither knowing) Mike's plan to go to Italy after graduation, I asked him if he would go to England with me. (北海学園大2001) (Be not knowing, Not knowing, Not known, Unknown) how to write a paper, John sought advice from his teacher. (日本女子大2003) The girl got lost in the forest. (No knowing, Not to know, Not knowing, Having not known) what to do, she just kept crying under a chestnut tree. (広島工業大2004) Because I didn't know what to do, I telephoned the police. = Not __________ what to do, I telephoned the police. (立教大2005) Because I didn't know her phone number, I couldn't call her back. = __________ _________ her phone number, I couldn't call her back. (小樽商科大93) (To read, Having to read, To have read, Having read) all the material that the teacher assigned, he was able to get full marks. (神奈川大2004) Since I didn't have anything to do, I spent the holiday playing golf. = (Having not, Having not had, Not having, Not having had) anything to do, I spent the holiday playing golf. (実践女子大2004)
A reporter posing as a pimp recently filmed staff (since fired) at a radical group called ACORN advising him to claim some of the underage prostitutes working for him as dependants for tax purposes.
>>126 > A reporter posing as a pimp recently filmed staff (since fired) at a radical group > called ACORN advising him to claim some of the underage prostitutes working > for him as dependants for tax purposes. > > どなたか和訳をお願いします。
Jealousy is a poison. It is an acid cloud over the jealous person's life. It is a rusty knife, ready to stab. It is a snake that gnaws at the heart, leaving it maimed and helpless. It is an anonymous letter, a silent phone call in the dead of night.
you are not old enough to smokeみたいにenoughの前に形容詞が来るのはいくらでもみかけるが enoughの前に動詞が来るのは初めて見たけいまいち理解が及ばん ちなみにJack KerouacのOn the Roadから 相当くだけた英語を使うひとたちを扱った小説なんでこれも俗語的用法なのかな
「Prices have come down by quarter」ってどう訳せばいいんでしょうか? 「down by half」は辞書に載ってて「半減した」という意味らしいのですが、「down by quarter」は 載っていません。 でも多分「4分の1になった」か「4分の1減った(つまり4分の3になった)」のどっちかだと思うの ですがどっちなのかわかりません。それとも全く別の意味なのでしょうか? ちなみに「Prices」は「物価」という意味だそうです。
1.They treated me as if I were their own son.(彼らはまるで私を自分の息子のように扱った。) 2.He went on talking as if nothing had happened. 3.I could go skating this weekend if it were not for the exam on Monday.(もし日曜日に試験がなければ、私は週末スケートに行けたのに。)
誰か訳しを…m(__)m The mystery is perhaps in the style which makes the viewer uneasy and sets off a search for secret symbols. 「in the style」が上手く日本語に出来ない……後は簡単なんだが
How long does it take to send this letter to London? →これだと、it→「この手紙をロンドンに送ること」が一般的にどのくらいかかるのかなって聞いてるんだからdoesでも何ら問題ないよ?投函時間って(笑)それこそ英語を誤解した日本人がしそうな勘違い。 「to send this letter to London」…この手紙をロンドンに送ること…=itで、投函時間じゃなくちゃんとロンドンに手紙が到着されるまでのことが含蓄されます。それを聞いたネイティブもその手紙がロンドンの配達先に届いたとこを想像します。 ただこの文だとthis letter が一般的な手紙と比較しても同じ…簡単にいえば一般的な手紙だということ(笑)…っていうニュアンスがある。 How long will it take for this letter to reach London? →間違いではないけど、これはthis letter が普通の一般的手紙とは違ったものだと想像できる。for this letter →この手紙なら……for まで使って主語の手紙を強調してるから。 つまり会話文なんかでで「特にこの手紙だとロンドンまで届くのにどのくらいかかるかなあ」みたいなニュアンスかな
Support programs were established [ for children with [ learning ] difficulties and under-achievers ]. 設立された Support programs have long been established [ for children with [ learning ] difficulties and under-achievers ]. これまで設立されてきた Support programs are established [ for children with [ learning ] difficulties and under-achievers ]. 設立される
The truth of axioms like these is impossible to prove, but one of the objectives of science is, or should be, to keep them under continuous review. The concept of time, for example, was implicitly thought until this century to be the same for any observer. anywhere, but one universally known scientist showed that time was strictly a local matter.
The truth of axioms like these is impossible to prove, but one of the objectives of science is, or should be, to keep them under continuous review. The concept of time, for example, was implicitly thought until this century to be the same for any observer. anywhere, but one universally known scientist showed that time was strictly a local matter.
すいませんがお願いします 例のように2つの文を1つにしなさい The man was helpful. / I talked to him. The man to whom I talked was helpful
1 Jane likes the family. / She is living with them. Jane 2 The woman pays me a fair salary. / I work for me. The woman 3 I want to tell you about the party. / I went to it last night. I 4 The office is on Main Street. / Amy works in it. The office
>>301 The truth of axioms like these is impossible [ to prove ], but one of the objectives of science is, or should be, [ to keep them under continuous review ]. この様な公理の真実性は証明するのが不可能である。 しかし科学の目的の1つは公理を継続的に監視しチェックし続けることである。
The concept of time, for example, was implicitly thought until this century [ to be the same for any observer anywhere ], but one universally [ known ] scientist showed [ that time was strictly a local matter ]. 例えば時間の観念は今世紀まではどこにいる観測者にとっても同じであるように受け取られ考えられていたが、 世界的に知られている1人の科学者は、時間という者ははっきりと地域ごとの問題であることを示した。
>>338 喫煙は飲酒と同様体に良くない →Smoking is bad for your health [ just as drinking is ]. 地球は月の何倍大きいのですか? →How many times is the earth as big [ as the moon (is) ]? 彼は使い切れないほどのお金を持っている →He has so much money [ as he can not sepnd all ]. 急いでミスをするよりも、時間をかけてやるほうが賢明かもしれない →It may be wiser [ to take time ] than [ to hurry and make mistakes ]. 先生はよく、学生に教えることよりも教えられることのほうが多いといいます →Our teacher often say [ that he has more [ to learn from students ] than [ to teach them ] ].
問題おねがいします。 A The ABC Construction Company is building that house B Someone is organizing a student trip to the art museum C A doctor has examined the sick child D The children have eaten the cake
>>370 > 次の各文の誤りを正しくしてください > ・the basketball game was very exciting. > ・Jim seemed surprised at the news > ・I had my passport stolen in Rome.(主語は変えず)
> 同じ意味にしなさい > ・Let's go to the lake and swim there.=Let's go (swimming) (in) the lake > ・Peter had his son paint the fence.=Peter had the fence (painted ) by his son.
>>370 The basketball game was very exciting. The game excited people. People were exited with the game.
Jim seemed surprised at the news. The news surprised Jim. Jim was surprised.
I was robbed of my passport in Rome. Someone stole my passport in Rome.
Let's go to the lake and swim there.=Let's go [ swimming in the lake ]. Peter had [ his son paint the fence ].=Peter had [ the fence painted by his son ].
>>364 the house is being built by the abe construction company a student trip to the art museum is being organized the sick child has been examined the cake has been eaten by the children
>>396の添削 >>364 That house is being built by the ABC Construction Company. A student trip to the art museum is being organized. The sick child has been examined by a doctor. The cake has been eaten by the children.
>>395 A that house is being built by The ABC Construction Company. B a student trip to the art museum is being organized. C the sick child has been examined (by a doctor). D the cake has been eaten by The children
>>456 「SV to do → It V that S do」の書き換えが可能な動詞は数が限られているから、 全部覚えてしまったほうが早い。
〜ようだ:seem, appear 〜と判明する:prove, turn out 偶然〜する:happen, chance
の3種類です。たとえば「He seemed/proved/happened to live in Tokyo.」は、 「It seemed/proved/happened that he lived in Tokyo.」になります。意味は 彼は東京に住んでいるようだった/住んでいることが判明した/偶然住んでいた」 ということです。
文法的には、いずれも「SV to do=SVC」になっています。「try to 〜」の場合は「SVO」ですね。
それから「be said/believed/thought to do」など、「SVO to do」が受動態になったパターンもあります。 たとえば「He was believed to live in Tokyo.=It is believed that he lived in Tokyo.」となります。
もっとも「be said to do」は「受動態はあるが能動態が存在しない」という 珍しいものです。
これって訳すとどうなりますか? There is something comforting about letting nature heal us. Could it be that we are actually uncovering the secrets of ancient Mesopotamia?
>>481 There is something [ comforting ] about [ letting [ nature heal us ] ]. Could it be [ that we are actually uncovering the secrets of ancient Mesopotamia ]? 自然によって癒してもらうことには快適な安らぎがある。 古代メソポタミアの秘技を僕たちは顕わにしていっていると言うことかな?
片岡さん he finds there is a name for the kind of threes from which the-natives make their canoes, a name for the kind of trees whose fruit they eat がわからんよ教えて。
片岡さん he finds there is a name for the kind of threes from which the-natives make their canoes, a name for the kind of trees whose fruit they eat 地元民がそれでカヌーを作り、その実を食べる樹に対しての名称が存在する。
>>488 He finds [ there is a name for the kind of trees [ from which the natives make their canoes, a name for the kind of trees [ whose fruit they eat ].
These financial shockwaves have now triggered a full fledged economic crisis ,with most advanced advanced countries already in recession and the outlook for emerging and other developing economies deteriorating rapidly, including those with a recent history of strong economic performance.
>>564 These financial shockwaves have now triggered a full [ fledged ] economic crisis, with most [ advanced advanced ] countries already in recession and [ the outlook for [ emerging ] and other [ developing ] economies deteriorating rapidly, [ including those with a recent history of strong economic performance ] ] ].
Recently there have been several outbreaks of disease, and the health profession doesn't know ( ). ( )に入るのはどれか? 1:what is the cause 2:what the cause is
>>625 Next, the president stayed silent as Congress shut down a project that was meant to lead to the opening of the border to Mexican trucks, something promised in the NAFTA agreement of 1994.
Two years ago the world’s main international economic institution was heading for irrelevance, its homilies ignored by rich countries, its advice despised in poorer ones and its lending unnecessary in a world flush with private capital.
The Golden Rule 12 “Do to others [ whatever you would like [ them to do to you ] ]. This is the essence of all [ that is taught in the law and the prophets ].
The Narrow Gate 13 “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many [ who choose that way ]. 14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.
>Also a cheque for him came in the mail would you like me to send it to you if so please give me your address in Japan.
これって、以下の条件を満たしてればまだマトモかなと 思ったんですが、この認識で合ってますかね? ・came in the mailの前に関係代名詞主格のwhich またはthatを入れる ・would you like me to send it の it を削除する。 ・できるなら、if soの前にカンマを入れて一呼吸入れる。
再度知恵をお貸しください…日本文と同じ意味になるように英文を書けと言う問題で Q:英語を話すときには、間違えることを恐れてはなりません。 A:Don't be afraid of mistakes in speaking English. と書いたのですが一語足りないらしくこの英文の場合何を一語加えれば良いのでしょうか?
>>628 Next, the president stayed silent [ as Congress shut down a project [ that was meant [ to lead to the [ opening ] of the border to Mexican trucks, something [ promised in the NAFTA agreement of 1994 ] ] ] ].
Two years ago, the world’s main international economic institution was heading for irrelevance, [ its homilies ignored by rich countries ], [ its advice despised in poorer ones ] and [ its [ lending ] unnecessary in a world flush with private capital ] ].
>>743 1.あなたが悩みを話してくれていたら、あなたの力になれたのに。 If you had explained your problem to me, I could have helped you.
2.彼女の病気が重いということにもっと早く気づいていたらなあ。 I wish I had realized earlier how ill she was. 3.ブライアンの運転は、まるで道路上に自分の車しかいないかのようだ。 Brian drives as if (he were the only driver on the road.
4.あなたが注意してくれていなかったら、私は車を衝突させていたでしょう。 I'd have crashed the car if it had not been for your warning.
The president stayed silent [ as Congress shut down a project [ that was meant [ to lead to the [ opening ] of the border to Mexican trucks, something [ promised in the NAFTA agreement of 1994 ] ] ] ]. 1994年ナフタ合意で約束された物であるメキシコ交通路の境界線を開く意味を持つプロジェクトを 議会が否決したとき、大統領は黙ったままだった。 @the [ opening ], Asomething B[ promised in the NAFTA agreement of 1994 ] ] ] ].
ABは@に対する言い換えです。@とAは同格です。BはAに対する説明です。形容詞句です。 something [ which was promised in the NAFTA agreement of 1994 ] と、形容詞節で言い換えることが出来ます。 副詞句になるときが分詞構文です。
話しが事実を離れた*の部分について 1.あなたが悩みを話してくれていたら、あなたの力になれたのに。 [ If you *had *explained your problem to me ], I *could *have *helped you. 過去のことを過去完了形で、また、過去形助動詞+完了形、で 2.彼女の病気が重いということにもっと早く気づいていたらなあ。 I wish [ I *had *realized earlier [ how ill she was ] ]. 過去のことを過去完了形で 3.ブライアンの運転は、まるで道路上に自分の車しかいないかのようだ。 Brian drives [ as if he *were the only driver on the road ]. 現在のことを過去形で 4.あなたが注意してくれていなかったら、私は車を衝突させていたでしょう。 [ I *would *have *crashed the car [ if it *had not *been for your [ warning ] ]. 過去のことを、過去形助動詞+完了形で、また、過去完了形で
(2)前置詞句の前にasを添えると「…のような」「…のように」の意を表す: as at the wave of a wand 魔法の杖の一振りにあったみたいに He heard a big rolling sound in the distance as of thunder. 遠くで雷のようなゴロゴロという大きな音が聞こえた. (Yahoo!辞書)
As in eastern Canada, one of the most serous effects of spraying was the severe reduction of food organisms. (Silent Spring)
It gave off a sickly, oily smell, as of Chinese rice-spirit. (1984)
As with many gifted people, a moment came when Fanshawe was no longer satisfied with doing what came easily to him. (The Locked Room)
2009年度の早大の国際教養学部のTの英文では、 次の文のas withのところが空所補充の対象だった。 As with the special theory, his thinking had evolved through thought experiments.
Crops that are genetically modified have genes artificially この時点で使役はないでしょ、artificiallyで後ろから修飾しているんだから・・。 themはこの文単体だとCrops that are genetically modifiedの事だろう。
@Two police[= Two policemen] are working in the police boxes. なぜboxesと複数形なんでしょうか? AThe police are searching a body. この例文は間違いですか?searchは辞書では、捜し求めるものは目的語に ならない。探す場所が目的語になる。と載っています 例) I've searched all the drawers.(私は引き出しを残らず捜した)
[類語] searchは人や物を求めて「<場所など>を捜す」「捜索する」などを意味し,目的語は「場所」である We searched the whole house for the keys. 我々はそのかぎを求めて家中を捜した. search forは「…を捜す」の意味でlook forとほぼ同意だが,後者のほうがふつう I'm looking for Simon--have you seen him? サイモンを探しているんだけど,見かけなかった? seekは「…を捜す」「探す」の意味のフォーマルな語 The new graduates are seeking employment. 新卒者は職を捜し求めている.
>>823 I saw lots of people "angry". I saw Peter "get on the train". I saw some boys "bullying the little girl". I saw a knife "in his hand". I saw my life's work "ruined".
>>838 Approaching your life as other people do /(他人と同じことをする人生に近づけることは) is thought /(考えである) to be necessary to get important information./(重要な情報を得るために必要な) (ちょっと意訳を交えて) ”他人と同じ行動をしようとすることは、重要な情報を得るために必要な考えである。”
>>838 [ Approaching your life [ as other people do ] ] is thought [ to be necessary [ to get important information ] ]. 他の人がするように自分の人生を見つめることは、」大切な知識を得るために必要なことだと考えられているよ。
>>782 The president stayed silent [ as Congress shut down a project [ that was meant [ to lead to the [ opening ] of the border to Mexican trucks, something [ promised in the NAFTA agreement of 1994 ] ] ] ]. 1994年ナフタ合意で約束された物である*メキシコのトラックに国境を開く意味を持つプロジェクトを 議会が否決したとき、大統領は黙ったままだった。 @the [ opening ], Asomething B[ promised in the NAFTA agreement of 1994 ] ] ] ].
ABは@に対する言い換えです。@とAは同格です。BはAに対する説明です。形容詞句です。 something [ which was promised in the NAFTA agreement of 1994 ] と、形容詞節で言い換えることが出来ます。 副詞句になるときが分詞構文です。
The president stayed silent [ as Congress shut down a project [ that was meant [ to lead to the [ opening ] of the border to Mexican trucks, something [ promised in the NAFTA agreement of 1994 ] ] ] ].
@the [ opening ], A[ which is something B[ promised in the NAFTA agreement of 1994 ] ] ] ].
ってことかと思うけど、単純に「今p.pされてる真っ最中」という 強調をしたいだけ。 He is satisfied with the dinner. っていうと、「彼はディナーに満足してる。」一方 He is being satisfied with the dinner. って言うと、今まさにお腹のあたりを さするジェスチャーをしながら、満面の笑みで「いや〜最高でした」みたいな顔を している、その真っ最中。そんな感じ。
were usedの形は受け身を表します。 are beingの形は進行中を表し、being usedの形は受け身を表します。 動詞の形が数個並んでいるとき最後の語が述語の動詞です。 英語の動詞の後には動詞に対する修飾語が来る(後置修飾)ために、助動詞を置く場所は動詞の前になってしまうのです。 日本語では動詞に対する修飾語は動詞の前(前置修飾)になりますので助動詞は動詞の後になるのです。
1.I ought to (write/have written) to you yesterday, but I was too dusy. 私は昨日あなたに手紙を書くべきだった、しかし私は忙しすぎた。have written
2.It is not proper that you (should/would/could) visit such a place after dark. 暗くなってからそんな場所を訪れるのは適切ではない。should
3.You (can/may/must) well be sleepy, for you haven't slept well for two days. あなたはとても眠いに違いない、二日間寝ていないから。must
4.He (dare not/ought to/used to) be a member of this society, but he is not any longer. 彼はこの社会の一員だったが、今はもはや一員ではない。used to
5.I (can see/can't have seen/may have seen) the man before, but I hardly remember I have. 私はその男性を以前見たかもしれない、しかしほとんど覚えていない。may have seen
6.Something was wrong with the door; it (will/would/should) not open. ドアが故障していた。それは開かなかった。would?
7.You are very lazy. This work (had to be finished/must have been finished/ought to have been finished) hours ago. あなたはとても怠惰だ。この仕事は一時間前に終わらされるべきだった。ought to have been finished
>>903 1.I ought to *have *written to you yesterday, but I was too busy. 私は昨日あなたに手紙を書くべきだった、しかし私は忙しすぎた。 *の完了形は過去を表す 2.It is not proper [ that you *should visit such a place after dark ]. 暗くなってからそんな場所を訪れるのは適切ではない。 *は、〜するものと考えるのは 3.You *may *well be sleepy, for you haven't slept well for two days. あなたはとても眠いに違いない、二日間寝ていないから。 **は、〜と十分に言えるだろう 4.He used to be a member of this society, but he is not any longer. 彼はこの社会の一員だったが、今はもはや一員ではない。 usedは、過去の持続的事項 5.I may *have *seen the man before, but I hardly remember [ I have ]. 私はその男性を以前見たかもしれない、しかしほとんど覚えていない。 助動詞の後の完了形は過去を表す 6.Something was wrong with the door; it *would not open. ドアが故障していた。それは開かなかった。 *は、過去の傾向 7.You are very lazy. This work ought to *have *been *finished hours ago. あなたはとても怠惰だ。 この仕事は一時間前に終わらされるべきだった。 *は、過去+受け身、を表す
1. Should English be taught in primary school? 2. Should mothers stay at home until their children go to school? 3. Should the marriage system be abolished? 4. Should children leave home after they reach the age of twenty? 5. Should university entrance examinations be abolished?
8.My grandmother (should/would/might) often tell interesting stories in my childhood. 子供の頃、祖母はよく面白い物語を聞かせてくれた。would
9.I (shall/will) be an unwelcome guest there, but I (shall/will) go, whatever happens. 私はそこへ歓迎されない客だ、しかし行くだろう、何が起こっても。shall,will
10.Please pass me the salt, (shall/will/do) you? 塩を取ってくれませんか?will
11.Let's go to a disco tonight, (shall/will/do) we? 今夜ディスコに行きませんか?shall
12.She doesn't talk much, but once she (will/shall/does) speak she is eloquent. 彼女は話さない、しかし彼女は自分は雄弁だと言う。shall?
13.Considering his age, he (won't have climbed/wouldn't have climbed/shouldn't have climbed) the mountain. 彼の年齢を考えると、山に登るべきではなかった。shouldn't have climbed
14.You (shall/will) have a new bicycle, for I (shall/will) give it to you for a birthday present. あなたは新しい自転車を持つだろう、私が誕生日プレゼントにそれをあげるから。shall,will
15.Last night my brother had a high fever, so I (must take/had to take/must have taken) him to a hospital. 昨夜弟はひどい熱だった、だから私は彼を病院に連れて行かなければならなかった。must have taken
>>928 8.My grandmother *would often tell interesting stories in my childhood. 子供の頃、祖母はよく面白い物語を聞かせてくれた。*は、過去の傾向 9.I *shall be an unwelcome guest there, but I **will go [ whatever happens ]. 私はそこへ歓迎されない客だ、しかし行くだろう、何が起こっても。shall,will *は、行けば必ず歓迎されない。**は、行くぞという意志。 10.Please pass me the salt, *will you? 塩を取ってくれませんか?*は、そうしてくれるでしょうか 11.Let's go to a disco tonight, *shall we? 今夜ディスコに行きませんか?*は、そうすることに決めますか 12.She doesn't talk much, but once [ she *does speak ] she is eloquent. 彼女は話さない、しかし彼女が実際に話せば彼女は雄弁だ。*は実際に〜する 13.[ Considering his age ], he *shouldn't have climbed the mountain. 彼の年齢を考えると、山に登るべきではなかった。 *は、道理的に考えると〜は妥当でない 14.You *shall have a new bicycle, for I **will give it to you for a birthday present. あなたは新しい自転車を持つだろう、私が誕生日プレゼントにそれをあげるから。shall,will *は、必ず〜する。**は、〜しようという意志を表す 15.Last night my brother had a high fever, so I *had to take him to a hospital. 昨夜弟はひどい熱だった、だから私は彼を病院に連れて行かなければならなかった。must have taken *は、〜をもった、〜しなければならなかった
13.[ Considering his age ], he *shouldn't have climbed the mountain. 彼の年齢を考えると、山に登るべきではなかった。 *は、道理的に考えると〜は妥当でない 14.You *shall have a new bicycle, for I **will give it to you for a birthday present. あなたは新しい自転車を持つだろう、私が誕生日プレゼントにそれをあげるから。shall,will *は、必ず〜する。**は、〜しようという意志を表す 15.Last night my brother had a high fever, so I *had to take him to a hospital. 昨夜弟はひどい熱だった、だから私は彼を病院に連れて行かなければならなかった。must have taken *は、〜をもった、〜しなければならなかった
>>951 a village on Long Island っていうと、単にロングアイランドにある村、って意味。 far outがあると、Long Island が遠く離れたところにある、というニュアンス が加わる。Long Islandへの距離感が出る。
far out はロングアイランドの「中心部から離れたところ」という意味ではなく、 ロングアイランド自体が「離れたところ」にあるという意味だ。 だから、village far out on Long Island と発言した人がいる場所から Long Island が離れたところにあるということ。その人がいる場所が 都会なら「都会から遠く離れた」という解釈は可能だ。つまり、先生の 解釈は可能。
"In Iran I gathered information by reading various books and magazines. For the sake of my own future, I thought there would be more opportunities if I went to abroad." 「イランでは、いろんな本や雑誌を読んで情報を得ていました。 自分の将来をのばすためには、外国へ行く方がチャンスがあると思ったのです」
NY times紙上でNY州にあるSoutholdのことをthis sleepy bayside hamlet far out on Long Islandと言ってて、確かにSoutholdはlong islandの外れに位置してる。つーことで、文脈から考えると予備校 のセンセーの方が正しい。反論は認める。
NEWS FROM A SMALL PLANET A lifetime dream This week, Jennifer Reece profiles the dreams of a Chinese professor and a Moroccan high school student.
"At the moment, I'm teaching chemistry at a university in Beijing. It's a good job, but my dream is to make films," says 29-year-old Yi Wang. "In China, young artists move to Beijing from all over the country. Many of them are painters, writers, and actors. I'd like to make a film about their lives and their work."
Wang is writing the film now with help from her friends. But it isn't easy. "At the moment, the biggest problem is money," explains Wang. "We don't have much."
But this isn't going to stop Wang and her partners. "First, we're going to make this movie. Then, we'd like to show it in China, and maybe someday, at film festivals around the world."
16-year-old hicham Nassir is getting ready for a soccer match with his teammates. Hicham, the team's star player, is a native of Morocco. He now lives in London with his family.
"My parents want me to go to college, and major in business or law," he explains. "They want me to become a lawyer or a successful businessman. I understand them, but I want to be a pro soccer player. And my coach thinks I can do it."
And what about his parents? "I hope they change their minds," says Hicham. "I want to play soccer professionally. It's my dream."
>>977 @far out=on Long Islandという、抽象→具体の言い換え表現。 Afar outの後にon Long Islandを付け足してfar outの的を絞った表現 (つまり、on Long Islandの範囲内でのfar out)。
@村落、遠くにある、つまりロングアイランド上にある。 A村落、遠くにある、ロングアイランド上で。
@this sleepy bayside hamlet←(far out=on Long Island) Athis sleepy bayside hamlet←(far out←<on Long Island>)
Word had already spread across this sleepy bayside hamlet far out on Long Island that the strange, shaggy genius fancied himself a sailor and had rented a summer cottage overlooking Cutchogue Harbor.
A small gathering of neighborhood friends in a typical suburban community are having a small dinner party to honor the local Dr. Stockton's birthday at his house. Dr. Stockton is well-known and liked by this gathering because he has either administered to the health and well-being of his guests or has delivered their children. Everybody is especially friendly and jovial and mention is made of his late night work on a fallout shelter that he has built in the basement. Suddenly, a Civil Defense announcement, overheard by Dr. Stockton's son, is made that unidentified objects have been detected heading for the United States. In these times, everybody knows what that means: nuclear attack.
As panic ensues, the doctor locks himself and his family into his basement bomb shelter. The same gathering of friends becomes hysterical and now wants to occupy the shelter. All of the previous friendliness has vanished and is now replaced with bitter hate and soaring desperation as pent-up hostility and suppressed emotions boil to the surface. The end is moments away and everyone's mind is now vehemently poisoned by the clawing desire to survive, at any cost - the feelings of a neighbor, the sanctity of a friend's home, friendship itself, or the raw submission to violence. The last scene shows the once-friendly neighbors breaking down the door to the shelter with an improvised battering ram. Just then, a final Civil Defense broadcast announces that the objects have been identified as harmless, falling satellites, and that no danger is at all present. The neighbors apologize for their behavior, but Dr. Stockton wonders if they had not destroyed themselves, even without a bomb.