I carelessly went passed the station i had to get off at because I was much absorbed in reading a newspaper. I promised you to get in touch with you as soon as I arrived here, but I forgot about it since I was busy meeting a lot of people.
Most governments recognize the (9) work done for society by charities and maintain legal measures to make their work easier. The most important of these is (7) of, or complete (1) from, tax. Since no one likes paying tax, (3) need to be strict to ensure that charitable activities alone can benefit. In England only activity aimed at helping the poor, advancing education or religion, or (5) the community in general, is recognized as charitable. Thus money given to an organization which looks after animals will not be taxed because this is considered for the good of the ( 4 ). On the other hand leaving money to look after your own cat when you die would not be (2). Political activities are also not admitted. In Japan tax-exempt groups are supposed to be for public benefit and not make a ( 8 ). However it is thought that many of the groups which have been registered do not in fact meet either (6).
I am sorry that I had too much absorbed in reading a newspaper, I carelessly passed the station I had to got off. I am also sorry that I have forgot sending a messege I promised because I had been busy seeing with many people.
>>22 ・一行目→that内、前の節のどっかにbecauseとか付けないとまずくない? ・had too much absorbed → 受動態にしないとまずくない? ・the station I had to got off → 関係代名詞は目的格なら省略できるけど、 ここは関係代名詞ならat which、関係副詞ならwhereでない? ・seeing with many people→with不要でない?
Frank Connery could hardly believe it when the television announcer read out his winning number for this month’s $1 million lottery. But when he phoned the lottery company they had no record of the winning number against his name.
父親が娘の家を訪問し、別れるシーン(娘宅を車で出発)で次の記述があります。 But he only waved through the closed window, leaning toward her, looking lost, and a few seconds latter he was gone.
They were sentences her mother would have absorbed in an instant, sentences that proved, with more force than the funeral, more force than all the days since then, that her mother no longer existed.
何か走らせておくのに障害なり禁止なりがある状況で許すのがlet OALD let 1[no passive]to allow sb to do sth or sth to happen without trying to stop it:[vn inf]Let them splash around in the pool for a while.Don’t let her upset you.Let your body relax.[vn]He’d eat chocolate all day long if I let him. 2to give sb permission to do sth:[vn inf]They won’t let him leave the country.[vn]She wanted to lend me some money but I wouldn’t let her. 3[vn+ adv./prep.]to allow sb/sth to go somewhere:to let sb into the houseI’ll give you a key so that you can let yourself in.Please let me past.The cat wants to be let out.
いずれにしても、haveもletも犬に対して普通に使う表現。 /) ///) /,.=゙''"/ / i f ,.r='"-‐'つ____ こまけぇこたぁいいんだよ!! / / _,.-‐'~/⌒ ⌒\ / ,i ,二ニ⊃( ●). (●)\ / ノ il゙フ::::::⌒(__人__)⌒::::: \ ,イ「ト、 ,!,!| |r┬-| | / iトヾヽ_/ィ"\ `ー'´ / Rhode Island General Assembly “It's very dangerous to have a vicious dog running loose in a neighborhood for a whole day. If one gets loose, the owners ought to take action right away to find the dog and prevent it from hurting anyone,” said Representative Kilmartin (D- Dist. 61).
http://www.thecitywire.com/?q=node/4474 Yesterday I was out walking one of our dogs and saw the same guy have his dog running loose in his front yard while he was mowing the lawn.
The driver stopped the pickup truck and Mathewson got out to let a dog run on the beach.
http://www.lsdcondo.info/building.html There is a little fenced beach area north of the harbor called Doggie Beach that is a very popular spot, especially during the summer – a place to let your dog run on the beach.
ビジュアル英文解釈より As cannot be stressed too strongry,a university is for forming broad outlooks,for making whole people. 解説だと「Asは主語→関係代名詞→挿入…」とあるのですが 自分ではこのAsを接続詞と考え、働きとしては「様態」、 主語がないのは主節と一致させて補うことを考えたのですが (As university cannot be too stressed…のように) 解説をお願いいたします。
Just because a company says “we accept no responsibility” does not necessarily mean you cannot sue them if they are careless もし彼等が不注意なら、企業が「私たちは責任を全く認めない」と言っているだけで、 必ずしも彼等を訴えることができないというわけではない。
>>100ダメーッ! Just because a company says “we accept no responsibility” does not necessarily mean you cannot sue them if they are careless 「ある企業が『われわれは責任を取らない』と言ったからといって、 彼ら(=その企業の人たち)が不注意であった場合に、あなたが彼らを訴えられない、 ということにはならない。」
>>91 「He ( ) his dog ( ) on the beach (彼は自分の犬を浜辺で走らせておいた).」 しかない問題に、「let」が入らないよう「出題者の意図」を無理矢理 想定することの方がよっぽど「屁理屈」だと思うけど。こんな短い文に 「ニュアンス」も糞も無い。「学校英語」ならどんなに珍妙な採点基準でも 正当化されるというわけでもなし。そもそも「それが学校英語」ってのも甚だ 疑問だけれど。
# Just because ~ does not mean 〜だというだけで…というわけではない、 〜だからといってまだ…と決まったわけではない
◆【用法】ありがちな誤解を正すときなど。しばしば(特にbecause節が 長いときは)does notの前にカンマを置く ・Just because the police say so doesn't mean it's true. : 警察がそう言っているだけで、まだそれが事実と決まったわけではない。
The 20th century art movement which developed between the two world wars and explored the world of fantasy, dreams and the subconscious. The canvasses employ such illogical and bizarre juxtapositions as a railway engine emerging from a fireplace.
Each of the following sentences contains one error. One of them contains two errors. Identify the errors and rewrite the sentences correctly. 1 Customers are warned always to check up their receipts before leaving the shop. 2 We cannot be responsibility in the case of damage or loss. 3 Although many people enjoy lotteries we must remember it is a form of gamble. 4 I never thought I win so much money. 5 As more people depend on computers, the risk of errors are increasing. という問題なのですが
1 Customers are always warned to check up their receipts before leaving the shop. 2 We cannot take responsibility in the case of damage or loss. 3 Although many people enjoy lotteries we must remember it as a form of gamble. 4 I never thought I won so much money. 5 As more people depend on computers, the risk of error is increasing. こうなったのですが、自信がありません。 よろしくお願いします。m(__)m
Fathers have the function of teaching children and guiding them in their struggle with those problems with which the particular society the children has been born into confronts them .
So why shouldn't taking small steps that may produce such a glow be part of the role of government, in addition to those more orthodox services that we are all used to? という英文を訳したいのですが、beがどこに掛かっているか分かりません。どなたか教えてください。
Man is a creature of feelings. このofは〜から成る、〜の入った、〜で作ったという意味で 人間は感情のある生き物だ。となりますが、では Of course, man is a creature of feelings. のはじめのOf courseはOfだけ取り出すとどういう意味ですか 1. 〜の 2. 〜から成る、〜の入った、〜で作った 3. 〜について 4. 〜から(取ってきた[取り出した])、〜のうちの 5. 〜のための 6. 〜から起算{きさん}して の中のどれかになると思うんですが
>>169の続きの文なんですが、最後の一行だけ訳がおかしくなってしまいます。 It was enacted in Denmark at a time when odd names were in fashion. It had prevented people from naming their child ”Devil”, “Tarzan” or “Parsley” , or giving a boy a girl’s name or vice versa. If the courts rejected every appeal parents had one last chance: to petition the Minister. Compared with some names Aaaaron did not seem so bad. Mrs Anderson thought it would mean her son was always first on class lists and would be easily remembered. It was certainly unusual, but was it strange enough to be unfair to the child? Were the judges going too far in imposing the fines? On the other hand if the Minister allowed it she knew there would be a sudden flood of applications to register Bbbirtes and Zzzazys.
>>202 私が‘彼が傲慢だ’と考えたのも、実際に彼が傲慢だったのも今から考えたら過去の話でしょ。 I thought that he is haughty.はありえない。彼が現在傲慢であるということを過去の私が考えたってことになる。 超能力でもない限りそれはできないからこの表現はありえないことになる。日本語訳で考えすぎると混乱すると思う。
>>205 >>204の言ってること間違えてるから・・。 I thought that he was haughty. 私は彼が傲慢だと思った。 私が過去に思ったこと、だからその場所に"he was haughty"もある。 過去に箱があってその中身を報告しているような文だから、当然中身は 同じ場所にある。つまりは時制の一致がかかる。 きわめてナチュラルで当たり障りのない普通な表現。 英語の時制は遠近法。距離であるという事。 ネイティブは時制に関して遠近法と言う言葉を使うね。
>>235-237 なるほど、勉強になります 回答ありがとうございました My〜など所有格がある場合は My book is〜ですね
テストのときに「机の上に本があります」を英文にしなさいっていう時は A book is on the desk. There is an book on the desk. ←こちらでしょうか?
1 A book is on the desk. は本に焦点をおいて 2 There is a book on the desk は机の上に焦点をおいてるわけですね だから、「本が机の上にあります」を英文に って時は1のA book is on the table. 「机の上に本があります」を英文に って時はThere is a book on the desk.といった感じでいいでしょうか?
>>175 On the other hand if the Minister allowed it she knew there would be a sudden flood of applications to register Bbbirtes and Zzzazys. 「他方、もし大臣がそれを許可したら、BbbirtesとZzzazysを登録する申請の 突然の氾濫があるだろうことを彼女は知っていた。」 一方で、大臣がそれを許可したりしたら、「Bbbirtes」だとか「Zzzazys」などと いったおかしな名前をつけるための届出が山のようにあるのだろうということも わかってはいた。
和訳して欲しい文が2個あります。 1 A company can be sued for taking a name already in use, as happened to a small shop in New Zealand called "Harrod's".
2 So it was that one night they decided that the only way to escape was to kill the owner as she slept, take back their passports and unpaid salaries, and return to Thailand.
If somebody talked about a situation that has still not changed - that is to say, if the original speaker's present and future are still present and future - a reporter can often choose whether to keep the original speaker's tenses or change them. Both structures are common. (中略) We do not keep the original speaker's tenses if we do not agree with what he/she said, if we are not certain of its truth, or if we wish to make it clear that the information comes from the original speaker, not from ourselves.
・if the original speaker's present and future are still present and futureの訳をお願いします。
We do not keep the original speaker's tenses「発話者の時制を保たない」とは「過去形にしない(現在形にする)」ということでしょうか?
で質問の回答はその場合"a book"なので、 まだ話題の中には登場していない本のことだと思うから 話題の中にすっと登場させる意味で、下側の There is a book on the desk. で良いと思う。 これが"the book"ならすでに話題の中に登場している 既知の本のことなので初めて登場させる"there be〜"は勿論使えません。
〜に直面するのmeet withは受身不可と辞書にあったのですが、 the inept handling of the crisis has been met with much criticism とゆう文でmeet with が受身になってるんですが、なぜなのか教えてください。 あとmuchは疑問文や否定文でしか使えないとならったんですが肯定文で使われてるのはなぜですか?
>>259 それは君の誤解だと思うけどね。 俺の辞書にも確かに受身不可と載っているがそれはmeet with を受身で使うのが 不可なんじゃなくて meet を(災難やあざけり)を経験する。....に直面する。という意味で 使うときは不可だと俺は理解した。 例にmeet one's end というのが載っている。それを受身にするとone's dead is met by...だが そのような表現が不可だと辞書は言っているんじゃないかな。
<>>264 関係ないということはないでしょう? 辞書にはmeet with O (目的語)とある。つまりその二語で他動詞の働きをしている。 そしてそれが受身として用いられた場合 O (目的語)is met with 〜となる。 文意的に考えても meet A with B じゃないような気がする。 辞書から meet A with B の例文を引用すると meet harsh criticism with a smile というのが あって with は手段のような意味合いになっているから>>259 の文とは相容れないと思う。
>>259 the inept handling of the crisis has been met with much criticism を能動態に直すと They have met the inept handling of the crisis with much criticism meet withじゃないね
私は、Eメールを英語と日本語で書けばお互いの勉強になると思います。 っていう日本語をしたの様な英語にしてみたのですが、ちゃんと英語として成立してますか? I think we can learn for each other that we write a email by English and Japanes.
>>275なってないなあ。 「私は、Eメールを英語と日本語で書けばお互いの勉強になると思います」 Writing e-mails in English and Japanese, I think, we can make progress in the language of each other. ならまし。
>>242 1 A company can be sued for taking a name already in use, as happened to a small shop in New Zealand called "Harrod's".
2 So it was that one night they decided that the only way to escape was to kill the owner as she slept, take back their passports and unpaid salaries, and return to Thailand. asは擬似関係代名詞の継続用法 「ニュージーランドの"Harrod's"と呼ばれていた小さな店に起こったように、会社は既に使用中の名前を使ったら訴えられる可能性がある。」
>>267 So〜の前の文は、こうなってます Whenever they complained about their horrible life the bar-owner reminded them that their work visas were forged. "If you go to the police they will just arrest you as illegal workers," she said. "And there is no point telling anyone about the violence. Who will believe a prostitute?"
On July 4, 2005, mission members hit their mark when the copper-tipped probe collided with Tempel 1 and created a spectacular extraterrestrial explosion million miles from Earth.
1 The state had fewer crime than it it did the previous year. 2 The police is not sure how did the crime occur. 3 The possession of guns should prohibit. 4 Some young people commit crimes just because they are societies. 5 Prevention crime is a concern of all modern societies.
1 the previous year → in the previous year 2 did→× 3 should prohibit→should be prohibited 4they are bored 5 ??? 5は concerned with かと思ったんですが、どうなんでしょう
すいません、宿題ではないのですが Sam CookeのWonderful Worldという歌で Don't know much about history Don't know much biology Don't know much about a science book Don't know much about the french I took という歌詞があります。biologyの前にaboutがないのはなぜですか?
Obviously, other cultures look with amazement on our customs ――― practices that seem as ordinary to us obtaining a driver's license or graduating from high school.
Obviously, other cultures look with amazement on our customs ――― practices that seem as ordinary to us (as) obtaining a driver's license or graduating from high school.
Yet Hack had suggested his ship was dangerous and the holiday a disaster. だと「船が危険な状態にあり、休みが参事になっていることを(その参事が起きる前から)示唆していた。」 というような意味になってhad been suggestedの場合と違ってくると思うのですがどうですか?
一応これが原文ですのでよかったらどうぞ Nikos Onassis gasped when he opened his newspaper, the Perth Times. “LUXURY CRUISE TURNS INTO DISASTER!” screamed the headlines. Underneath was the following article by journalist Helena Hack. “Passengers returned to Australia yesterday shaken but safe after a ten-day Christmas cruise which turned into a disaster. The staff on board Voyager 1, owned by Nikos Onassis, couldn’t even speak English. The food was terrible. It was supposed to be a large luxury cruise ship but turned out to be too small for the stormy weather. Passengers were sick for most of the trip. Mrs Elsie Moaner told us some were terrified. Mr Gordon Grouch added: ‘I’ll certainly never take a trip on this boat again’. Mrs Sally Chang became so ill she left the ship in Singapore and flew directly back to Perth.” Onassis was furious. Despite bad weather most passengers seemed to have enjoyed themselves. Yet Hack had suggested his ship was dangerous and the holiday a disaster. He decided to sue Perth Times for defamation.
In Romania newspapers which print stories about officials who break the law have themselves been accused of the crime of insulting the government, even though they only printed the truth.
この文のhaveは使役動詞ですか? でもそうすると have themselves accused なきがしますけど、使役動詞ではないのですか?
それぞれ間違いがあります。5問中1問が2つ、残りの4問は1つあります。 1 Most people prefer to know the truth about one's medical condition. 2 It is difficult to calculate how much compensation should pay for a lost chance. 3 Although the test was negative she remained worry. 4 All of people are entitled for the best medical treatment. 5 If he had known he had cancer he would give up.
自分でやった場合こうなったのですが 1one's →their 2pay→be paid 3Although→Since + worry→worried 4All of →All /All of the 5would give→would have given
>>378 1 Most people prefer to know the truth about one's medical condition. 2 It is difficult to calculate how much compensation should pay for a lost chance. 3 Although the test was negative she remained worry. 4 All of people are entitled for the best medical treatment. 5 If he had known he had cancer he would give up.
1one's →their 2pay→be paid 3worry→worried 4All of →All、for→to take 5would give→would have given
For one thing, there is the obstacle of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the federal law that makes it illegal for the U.S. government ― as opposed to individual states ― to recognize gay couples as married. http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1890115,00.html
The use of guns in self-defence by merchant ships has always been recognised as justifiable by international law, and the defensive arming of all seagoing merchant ships, together with the training of the crews, formed an integral part of the Admiralty plans, which were at once put into effect. [The Second World War: The Gathering Storm / Winston S. Churchill]
英文に文型をつけて和訳しろという問題なんですが、 I spoke of Mary with him. という文で私はI→S、spoke of→V、Mary→O、with him→Mにして訳は「私は彼とマリーについて話した。」にしたのですが×でした。 どう訳せばいいのでしょうか? 文型がそもそも間違っているのでしょうか?
あと I spoke to Mary when she entered the room. の文はI→S、spoke to→V、Mary→O、when〜最後まで→Mにして訳は「彼女が部屋に入った時私はマリーと話していた。」としたのですが、×でした。 こちらも宜しければ教えて下さい。
If someone were offered two dollars if the coin falls heads, on the condition that he pay one dollar otherwise. コインの裏が出れば1ドル支払うという条件で、コインの表が出れば2ドルもらえるという申し出を仮に誰かが受けたとする。
この英文の訳が下の日本語なのですが、英語と日本語訳の対比が出来ません。 were offeredをするのはsomeoneで目的語はtwo dollars以下の全文章、ということなのでしょうか? そうすると、two dollarsとそのすぐ後のif〜の関係がよくわかりません。
>>423 For example, if someone were offered two dollars if the coin falls heads, on the condition that he pay one dollar otherwise, he would be inclined to accept the offer since he "knows" that heads is as likely to fall as tails.
彼がトムといっしょにアパートに住んでいる人です (an apartment/he/is/Tom/shares/the man/who/with) →He is the man who shares an apartment with Tom.
今日にできることを明日まで伸ばすな Never (be/can/done/put/off/till/tomorrow/what/)today. →Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today.
これは私が5歳の時に話の筋を知っていた有名な芝居です This is (a famous play/I/I was/knew/story/when/whose) five. →This is a famous play whose I knew story when I was five.
ジェーンは、皆がメアリーノボーイフレンドだと思っていた男性と結婚した Jane married (a man/everybody/mary's boyfriend/thought/was/who) →Jane married a man who everybody was thought Mary's boyfriend.
私の助言を理解していただけると気がいずれ来るでしょう (my/the/you/come/time/when/will/appreciate/will) advice. →The time will come when you will appreciate my advice.
>>484 試しにやったけど、これで大丈夫かなぁ?あんまり自信ないなぁ。採用しないでね! 1 Mathematical test exists at the 4th hour. 2 This is the end of the world, said the master. 13 Mixed meat is run out now.
>>517 My haircut was laughed at by them. っていう受動態が成立するんだから、何らかの作用を受けてる。 単に2つの固まりが並んで説明関係が生まれている形ではない。 前の説明を後ろがしているリズムでもない。 Peter "hit→randy". と同じように They laughed at→my haircut. でなければ受動態が成立しない。
we can bank on the team winning the championship そのチームがチャンピオンオンシップをかちとることをあてにできるという訳らしいですが 訳しかたがわかりません チャンピオンシップに勝っているチームと訳してました onから後ろは、そのチームのチャンピオンシップに勝つこと みたい訳なんでしょうか?
>>539 We can bank on the team winning the championship. 後ろに分詞が並んでるけど、まずは"We can bank on the team"で "the team winning the championship"ってこと。 the teamの所で前と後ろが繋がっているような感じ。
他動性(transitivity)は、参与者(の数)(participant)、動性(kinesis)、 相(aspect)、瞬時性(punctuality)、有意志性(volitiomality)、肯定(affirmation) 法(mood)、動作主性(agency)、目的語の変容性(affectedness of O)、 目的語の個体性(indivisuation of O)によって左右されまつ。 動詞句が一語であるかどうかは関係ありません。
>>604 いや、だからw そのキチンとした説明の仕方による文法理解の本質の問題なの。 簡単な例を出すとすると、 I stoped smoke. I stoped smoked. I stoped to smoke. I stoped smoking. の正誤を問われたときに、どういう説明のしかたをするか? って事。
伝統文法では、例えばBolingerが、to不定詞には「仮定性・仮想性」(hypothesis)を認め、 動名詞には「具象性・現実性」の相を認めるとしている。 したがって、stopは「止める」という意味上、現実性を伴う事象を、その対象とする。 そのため、stop to smokeのto不定詞は目的語とは捉えられず、stopという行為の時点での 仮想性を表す。すなわち、stop(立ち止まる)の行為に引き続きなされる行為という読みが 与えられる。 to不定詞と動名詞の意味の対照性はstartの目的語になる際に顕著となる。 He started to get mean. He started getting mean. 後者にはbut thought better of it(思い直してやめた)を続けることができない。 すなわち、上は、「彼は意地悪をし始めようとした」startの時点ではまだ意地悪は仮想性を持つ。 下は「彼は意地悪をし始めた」意地悪は具象化されている。
1 He looks young (for) his age. 2 He was at a loss (for) words. 3 What's the French word (for) "rose"? 4 What language is it (in)? 5 He had a great foudness (for) sweet.
>>648 1 He looks young (for) his age. 彼は年に割りに若く見える。 2 He was at a loss (for) words. 彼は言葉に詰まった。 3 What's the French word (for) "rose"? バラ、あらわすフランス単語はなんぞや? 4 What language is it (in)? それは何語でかかれてるの? 5 He had a great fondness (for) sweet. 彼は甘い物が大好きだった。
>>645 第1文型+to不定詞〜 The executive officer confined to be laid off in a white room the people . その会社役員は無菌室の中に寝かされて何かを限定されているのは解るんだけど、 さいごのthe peopleってのがねぇ。なんか抜けてないこの文。 面会を限定されたって事か?なんかよくわからん。
"Grammatcal (Re-)Contructualization of all the languages" INTRODUCTION
This paper tries to reorganize all the traditional grammars, which have been, it seems to me, tortured by pretentions and dogma of achadenic elite. This reorganization must be based on my theory concerning the birth of the proto-human language, which can be reasonably thought to have turned into all the human languages spoken on the earth. The people who invented the First Language must have achieved their feast by the following process. 1) They were pleased, moved, frightend by their surroundings, and they felt the need of communicate their feeligs to their fellows. For example, they heard the thunder, they told their surprise by imitating the sound they had heard, like "Goooon, Goooon!". Also, the howling of dogs was expressed like BOWWOW, BOWWOW!
I have very little money leftのleftは後ろからmoneyを修飾してるんですが? surrounded house がhouse surrounded by forestみたいになるのがわかるんですがleftの後ろに何もないのになぜmoneyの後ろにleftがつくんでしょうか?
Eve if I carry a letter in my hand I am always past the first pillar box before I remember that I ought to have posted it. のpastのについてですが、これは前置詞ですか? すると「最初の郵便ポストをいつも通りすぎた所にいた」ぐらいの 意味で、このbe動詞はある、いるなどの存在として 考えたのですが、解説お願いします。
[ When through the woods, and forest glades I wander, And hear [ the birds sing sweetly in the trees ] ] [ When I look down, from lofty mountain grandeur And see the brook, and feel the gentle breeze ]
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee, "How great Thou art, How great Thou art." Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee, "How great Thou art, How great Thou art!"
And [ when I think, [ that God, His Son not sparing; Sent Him [ to die ] ] ], I scarce can take it in; [ That [ on the Cross, my burden gladly bearing ], He bled and died [ to take away my sin ] ].
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee, "How great Thou art, How great Thou art." Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee, "How great Thou art, How great Thou art!"
長文の一文で、 one could hardly think of anything less Japanese than being no fun. というものがあり、このように否定や比較が使われている分は、算数みたいに プラスマイナスの考え方で順々に意味をとることができるのですが どうもこれはわかりません 解釈の課程を教えてください!お願いします この文について、
>>765 1 Six months have passed since I came here. It (is) (six) (months) since I came here. 2 I am sorry I bought such an expenssive watch. I wish I (had) (not) (bought) such an expenssive watch. 3 The boy was kind enough to show me the way to the station. The boy had (the) (kindness) (to) show me the way to the station. 4 As a football player, he is the best. As a football player, he is second (to) (none).
To be, or not to be, that is the question. We are all one. There's enough. There's nothing we ( ) have to do. Lovefulness is not in word, but if it is being so good. Love, truth, joy, there are exchange by itself.
>>755 Do you know any good geography book? I am going to hand in a report on geography ,but I have not read it. Please tell me a good one. If not a suitable one ,then tell me a book of reportage on geography. 添削お願いします。
Do you know any good books about geography? の方が良いな。aboutならルポ系とかイロイロ含まれる。onなら専門書だけど。 でレポート書くって言ってるんだから相手もそれに関して答えてくれる。 やっぱり最後の1文が日本語的で無理矢理感があるので不要かと。 このあと何か言うにしても相手の意見聞いてからだろう・・。
各組の文を( )内に適語を入れてほぼ同じ意味の文に 1 It seems that he was wealthy when he was young. He seems ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) when he was young. 2 Mother said to her son, "Don't do such a thing again." Mother told her son ( ) ( ) do such a thing again." 3 They expected that he would succeed in the business. They expected him ( ) ( ) in the business. 4 Such a thing cannot be done by her. She is incapable ( ) ( ) such a thing. 5 She insisted that I should see the doctor. She insisted ( ) ( ) seeing the doctor. 6 It is pity that you cannot stay here with us. I ( ) you ( ) stay here with us. 各組の( )に適語を入れなさい 8 He was born ( ) the morning of the tenth of July. 9 I will carry ( ) this plan by all means. 10 In ( ) of his effort, he failed again. 11 If you don't go, I won't go, ( ). 12 He really meant ( ) he said. 13 What does "UFO" stand ( ) ?
>>783 >>755 Is there any good geography books? I am going to hand in a report on geography , but I do not have good materials. Please tell me. Even if there's no suitable one, I would appreciate if you could just tell me a book of reportage on geography.
>>797 各組の文を( )内に適語を入れてほぼ同じ意味の文に 1 It seems that he was wealthy when he was young. He seems (to) (have) (been) (wealty) when he was young. 2 Mother said to her son, "Don't do such a thing again." Mother told her son (not) (to) do such a thing again." 3 They expected that he would succeed in the business. They expected him (to) (succeed) in the business. 4 Such a thing cannot be done by her. She is incapable (of) (doing) such a thing. 5 She insisted that I should see the doctor. She insisted (on) (my) seeing the doctor. 6 It is pity that you cannot stay here with us. I (wish) you (could) stay here with us. 各組の( )に適語を入れなさい 8 He was born (on) the morning of the tenth of July. 9 I will carry (out) this plan by all means. 10 In (spite) of his effort, he failed again. 11 If you don't go, I won't go, (either). 12 He really meant (what) he said. 13 What does "UFO" stand (for) ?
1 彼のような正直者が、そのスキャンダルに関係あるはずがない Such an honest fellow as he cannot have ( ) to do with the scandal. 2 「気をつけろ!車が来るぞ!」 "Look ( )! There's a car coming!" 3 私は飛行機にやっと間に合った。 I arrived just ( ) time for the plane. 4 タクシーは5分以内に来ます。 The taxi will be here ( ) five minites. 5 彼は決して臆病者ではない。 He is the ( ) man to be called a coward. 6 若いが、彼は経験が豊富です。 Young ( ) he is, he has much experience. 7 これが私の両親が住んでいた家です。 This is the house ( ) my parents used to live in. 各文の( )に、発音が同じでつづりが違う一語を入れなさい 1 This book is written in ( A ) English. The ( B ) took off from Narita at 3 p.m. 2 The boy ( A ) a stone into the pond. The train ran ( B ) a tunnel. 3 His ( A ) fell from 60 kilograms to 55. You must ( B ) for a better chance.
>>802 日本文の意味を表すように( )に適語を入れなさい 1 彼のような正直者が、そのスキャンダルに関係あるはずがない Such an honest fellow as he cannot have (something) to do with the scandal. 2 「気をつけろ!車が来るぞ!」 "Look (out)! There's a car coming!" 3 私は飛行機にやっと間に合った。 I arrived just (in) time for the plane. 4 タクシーは5分以内に来ます。 The taxi will be here (within) five minites. 5 彼は決して臆病者ではない。 He is the (last) man to be called a coward. 6 若いが、彼は経験が豊富です。 Young (as(though)) he is, he has much experience. 7 これが私の両親が住んでいた家です。 This is the house (which) my parents used to live in. 各文の( )に、発音が同じでつづりが違う一語を入れなさい 1 This book is written in ( plain ) English. The ( plane ) took off from Narita at 3 p.m. 2 The boy ( threw ) a stone into the pond. The train ran ( through ) a tunnel. 3 His ( weight ) fell from 60 kilograms to 55. You must ( wait ) for a better chance.
1 英語を勉強すればするほど、ますますむずかしくなるように思われます。 The harder _______________________________________________________ 2 今朝になって初めて、出発することに決めた It was not _______________________________________________________ 3 どちらの道をとっても君は目的地に行けないだろう。 Neither road _____________________________________________________
>>804 1 英語を勉強すればするほど、ますますむずかしくなるように思われます。 The harder I study English, the more difficult it seems to me. 2 今朝になって初めて、出発することに決めた It was not until this morning that I decided to set out. 3 どちらの道をとっても君は目的地に行けないだろう。 Neither road will lead you to your〔the〕 destination.
次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適語を入れなさい 1 He is a man of his word. He never ( ) his word. 2 It will take you a long time to master English. It will be a long time ( ) you master English. 3 He cannot have said so. It is ( ) that he said so. 4 I make it a rule toread in bed. I am in the ( ) of reading in bed. 6 We should do away with such a bad rule. Such a bad rule should be ( ) away with. 7 She is two years younger than I. She is two years my ( ). 8 His father has been dead for ten years. It is ten years since the ( ) of his father. 9 He was filled with ambition to become famous. He was very ( ) to become famous. 10 Suddenly a good idea occured to me. Suddenly I hit ( ) a good idea. 各文の意味が通るように( )内の語を並び替えなさい 11Many people think (the,the,of,season,spring,year,best). 12(for,it,the,not,sun,were), every living thing would die. 13I like music, (does,and,my,so,sister). 14There's (on,a,its,house,lights,all,with). 次の( )に適語を入れなさい 15What he said is considered to be ( ) no importance. 16I prefer going on foot ( ) going by bus. 17He may not be clever indeed, ( ) he is certainly honest. 18What he said turned ( ) to be false. 19Mr. Smith, ( ) car I borrowed for this journey, is a rich lawyer. お願いします
>>811 1〜10 breaks, before, impossible, habit, done, junior, death, ambitious, upon 11 think of spring the best season of the year 12 Were it not for sun 13 and so does my sister 14 a house with all its lights on 15〜19 of, to, but, to, whose
>>820です 連レスすみません 2つ目の方を変に改行してしまいました。こちらが訂正版です How many more deaths will it take to convince the authorities of the need to test drugs more thoroughly? よろしくお願いしますm(__)m
Sarah stared at the photograph with an amazed expression on her face 皿は驚いた表情を浮かべてその写真を見た。 How many more deaths will it take to convince the authorities of the need to test drugs more thoroughly? 当局がに薬物をもっと徹底的に調べるよう説得するのに あと何人死ねばいいのだろうか?
↑再修正 How many more deaths will it take to convince the authorities of the need to test drugs more thoroughly? 薬物をもっと徹底的に調べる必要性を当局に納得せしめるのに あと何人死ねばいいのだろうか?
次の( )に適語を入れなさい 15What he said is considered to be (of ) no importance. 16I prefer going on foot (to ) going by bus. 17He may not be clever indeed, (but ) he is certainly honest. 18What he said turned (out ) to be false. 19Mr. Smith, ( whose) car I borrowed for this journey, is a rich lawyer.
各文の意味が通るように( )内の語を並び替えなさい 11Many people think (spiring the best season of the year). 12(If it were not for the sun), every living thing would die. 13I like music, (and so does my sister ).
>>859 I didn't know why he was home instead of Mom, but I was young and the only one of my friends who had their dad around. ぼくは、なぜママの代わりに彼が家にいるのかわからなかった。 でも僕は若くて、友人仲間の中で父親が生きているただ独りだった。
>>915 @ I often think of my boyhood when we were poor but happy. A Call on me in Kanazawa where I will be in May. B The time must come when he will understand you.
ありえないミスをしたorz >>915 @ I often think of my boyhood when we were poor but happy. A Call on me in Kanazawa, where I will be in May. B The time must come when he will understand you.
>>952 Aren't you the same kind as he(London) who has nothing to do all day long every day? As the proverb says, " Birds of a feather flock together." As for me, I'm a regular employee at a leading company and today is a regular holiday. So I'm going to stick to this thread from morning to the time I get bored. lol
()内の分を、should,ought(not) toを使って書き換える問題と (1) We're going to take off. (You are not wearing your seat belt.) (2) Why did you say a thing like that to her? (You are not sorry.) (3) My father is a heavy smoker. (He smokes too much.)
各組の分の意味が等しくなるように、()内の助動詞を使って文を完成させる問題です (1) It is not necessary for us to hurry. We ______________. (need) (2) He is late. It's strange. It is ______________. (should) (3) She said so. And I was surprised. I was surprised ________________. (should)
[]の中を、had better , used to を使い書きかえる問題です お願いします 1."I have a bad headache." "You [must go] to the doctor." 2.Yoko [wore glasses], but now she is wearing contact lenses. 3.There [was a convenience store] here, but now it's gone.