>>19 The product was sent out but the report I got indicates it is temporally out of stock on day 10, so I'm ordering a replacement of it. Please confirm that and send me a reply to resolve this case.
>>9 That BGM is really cool but I hope you speak something to describe it. Or could you shoot with (your) friend(s)? It would be perfect like the last one if you could.
u can upload this video to viikii cuz Iv got many request to translate them to English, and also,the japanese translated video is encoded by myself so I'll uploade korean video soon.
ご案内頂いたトラッキングナンバーをWebで追跡した結果、記録無しと表示されました。 恐れ入りますが、再度確認の上、新しいトラッキングナンバーを知らせて貰えないでしょうか? It was displayed with a no record as a result that Web chased the tracking number that had you guide you.
Excuse me, Could you tell me about the new tracking number after confirmation again?
>>61 I tried a tracking number I received but I found no record of the item. I would appreciate it if you would look into this and send me a right tracking number.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
I'm writing this note because I'd like to tell you that I find your paper very intriguing. I've been working on replicating the model you created in your paper but I am facing a problem. I have difficulty understanding oo. Is there any chance that I could have your explanation on what the oo is if that is not too much to ask.
Thank you for taking your precious time to read this note. I would appreciate it very much if I could hear from you.
All the best,
>>140 X and Y suit our schedule at the moment. Could it be possible for you take two hours either in X or Y? If either day is all right with you, would you please tell us when is a good time for you. We are planning to give a 30 minute interview for each. We are looking forward to hearing from you about this.
>>137 I don't have all videos copyright of *.com at all, which I got them from various websites. Thus I will never accept any requests(for instance, about uploading or downloading etc.).
Thank you for inviting us to the splendid lunch last Friday. We were delighted because you invited all of us, which allowed us to see you again after such a long time, and have honor to meet those respectable people. It would be our pleasure if you come to Japan in the near future. Or when I visit Chicago next time, I would like to see you again.
With all my best wishes, xoxo とりあえず訳たけど、これだけでいいのかな
>>103>>167 This story is from the book I read long time ago. It comes to my mind from time to time even now. Does anyone hear about this story? This book is more or less for kids. And a story is straightforward and simple. So I decided to read this book again.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>197 While watching Prison Break I ran into a lot of scenes that imply man-to-man sex. Is it common in America? Or is it just a common practice in prisons?
>>205>>207 I cannot join conversations among the locals because I'm not from here.
>>209 Stage lights automatically switch most of the time when scenes change. That's how we programmed them. A gaffer takes care of them occasionally by the way.
>>213 Ticket prices are high around the August 15th. Booking is difficult due to the bon holiday. When you cancel your ticket, you will receive only 20,000 yen because a cancellation fee will be 50% of the ticket price.
>>215 This song sounds swell when you hear it after watching time movie.
>>217 Take it easy. You cannot keep running forever. It is wise to take a break from time to time. It's a time for taking a seat on a nearby bench and having some snacks. I believe stop running from time to time is a key to running further and further.
if there is a next timeって何か消極的な感じがするな。訂正。 Thank you very much for your many kind and useful explanations. I would appriciate it if you could help me again another time.
I hit a bee flying straight to me, while I was swinging my bat.. After some seconds, the bee regained his strength and flied to me, so I knocked it again.
>>257 >>262 こんな感じかなぁ〜 As one of Japanese female, I am very angre with this indecent tasteless clothing. This dress is totally unacceptable for the representative from Japan.
Please excuse me if you have felt I pushed too far. My elder brother is studying at the preparatory school. He failed the entrance examination of his first target university for there were many competitive applicants. He must have studied harder and he needs luck to pass exam. Would you please see him sometimes?
>>286 I would appreciate it if you would fill in this form and send it back to me via email. I will apply for xxx on behalf of you as soon as I check it out. All you need to bring is an ID photo.
>>289 Is it all right with you to show you what I have done in the past some other time? Quite frankly I'd like to stay away from the movies for a while.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>318 I'm glad to learn that you had a great time while you were in Japan. It's just a mere exchange of ideas over email but that makes no difference. I'm really happy for you. Life overseas somehow attracts me. Especially that in Spain, the country of passion, the home of famous artists of all forms. Maybe this is because I live in one of small islands in the very far east.
>>319 Then Paul had Terry for his new pet. One day he ran into Mick while he was walking Terry. Mick was really a messy dog. Mick ran away when Paul made an approach because he cared this miserable dog. Maybe Mick was so proud that he couldn't take any sympathy from anybody.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
I want to interview Mr. A and B with no break. May I home both of you, Mr. A and B, to decide the time for interview? Incidentally, X is convenient to me. Can you do it?
>>385 I've been not in the mood of love for the last two years.
>>386 I would appreciate it if you would tell me your detailed schedule whenever it becomes final. In passing, you have any free time while you are in Japan?
All coals has already been shipped. I sit idly around the table of middle class cabin illuminated by kerosine lamp. All members who have enjoyed the card game every night have stayed at hotels tonight, I am the only one who remains in the ship. >>394
>>402 I relish your music when I'm at my workstation. It even lifts me up and accelerate my working speed. Thank you. >>403 Please call us ○○ at extention if you need anything.
I have appeared in some of the videos you have uploaded to the youtube. I have never give you any permission to take a video of me or broadcast my image. The movie break my privacy and expose what I will refuse to be seem by other people. I request you to remove the part referring me. I expect you behave according to my request. >>412
>>411 So, you used to shy away from eating raw fish but found it good when you had a chance to eat sashimi. I'm confident that real sashimi at some Japanese restaurants is marvelous.
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>445 確かに>>444は忠実に訳せてない。 (You must) Put the rubbish into the bin! (You must) Do something about the plastic bottles scattered around here! or Tidy/clear up those plastic bottles scattered around here.
>>450 You've got the wrong email address! You've sent me an email that should have been sent somewhere else.
>>451 I am so troubled that I have to email you with my poor English. Come on, do realize that you are being such a nuisance to me! Please go to hell, and don't come back!
>>455 1. quiet -> quite youth自体はは人じゃないから、politicianとyouthを比較できない。 That politician is quite different from what he used to be. 2. My son is still too young to leave alone. これだとmy sonがleave aloneの意味上の主語で、my sonが何かを leave aloneするのはtoo youngの意味になる。 My son is still too young to be left alone.
>>463 Are you coming to Japan alone? Any of your family or your girlfriend/boyfriend comes along with you? I just hope I can take a vacation while you are in Japan.
I believe that everybody can get along with others irrespective of the differences such as races and nationalities. I have enjoyed drinking sake talking with everybody. I may not speak well in English, but that does not hider my hope to be one of your friends. >>468
Anyone who has voluntarily translated is a good Samaritan. However we need someone who makes the translation complete. Unfortunately we have no one who can pinpoint where the translation is wrong.
(これの直前の文:そして彼は2008年、全日本選手権で優勝した) ジュニアとシニア選手権を連覇するのは19xx年のyyyy以来である。 To win the junior and senior championship in consecutive seasons has been since 19xx, yyyy.
>>498 OALDより bin /b{I}n/ noun, verb > noun 1 (BrE) a container that you put waste in: a rubbish bin?see also dustbin, waste bin イギリス英語しか知りませんが、binはゴミ箱で通じます。
すみません。恥ずかしいんですが、お助けください。 君になかなか会うことができなくてさみしい、 というようなことを述べた後、 「君に会う前の自分がどんなだったか(どんなふうに毎日を過ごしていたか) 思い出せないよ」というようなことを言いたいのですが、 どう書いたらよいでしょうか? You fill my heart でもいいかなと思ったのですが、やはり あなたに出会って自分が変わったというニュアンスを伝えたいのです。 よろしくお願いします。
I met your music two weeks after my mother passed away. I am invigorated and reciedve much energy. Excuse me for distrubing you by telling this kindo story. >>513
>>492 John, I must admit I'm in dismay at you gone back to Australia. That six month period you were home-staying with us was downright exciting. Well, I am writing this letter because I try to answer that question which you said was bothering you while you were staying in Japan. You might wonder why I didn't told you in person when you were here. One could say that's because I'm one of the modest Japanese. I shied away from speaking my piece for fear of offending you. Perhaps it's a better bit to convey my opinion in writing, with careful word choices. You mentioned that you don't understand why Japanese insist on whaling while the general citizens don't particularly want to eat them. I'd like you to have second thought, about how many of whales whalers need to kill in one voyage, if the purpose is just to eat them. Western whale vessels used to hunt them just for their oil and hair. They didn't need to take the other parts to shore ― just dump them in the ocean. So they could capture so many whales at one time. That indiscriminate fishing is the main reason why the number of whales has plummeted. That view is the norm here.
>>492 You think, however, whales are now at stake because Japanese have been consuming them, don't you? Japanese keep decimating the brightest animal all over the world to fill their stomachs. I think that is the problem. I don't necessarily crave for eating whales, either. But if Japan admitted its fault at this point, they would blame all the causes of whale's decreasing on Japan for eternity, wouldn't they? In court, there is someone who thinks he is the victim, but is really accused as the culprit, figuratively speaking. Will you break down then?
I suppose that's best done by the way nations which were on top of such silly massive hunts are bound to apologize first, then ask Japan with "I'm sorry to place this burden on you, but please keep a tight cap on whale hunting for the conservation of whales". I reckon the Japanese government wouldn't ignore it. Don’t you think that's the "spirit of harmony", which you said you were impressed by?
That gift you gave me was reminded me of that one time you ate "mentaiko" for the first time. I'm sure now you're feeling the same thing. I'm really looking forward to your visiting Japan again in the future.
>>511 誰とも恋愛する気になれなかった。 I was not in the mood to love anybody. この訳、特にin the moodの使い方はこの場合,的を得てないと思います。 例えば、 I am not in the mood of talking to you (right now).の時はいいですが。 多分、以下の方が状況を汲み取ってる思う。 I (became uninterested in making) a new relationship with anyone at that time. ()の中は、色々な言い方がある。 lost interest in ... was disenchanted with... was not keen on... etc, etc, etc
>>508 Before I met you, my life had been empty, dry and desolate. It must have been so, I can't remember how it was now. You've changed my life. You've filled my heart with your passion and kindness. You've filled my pussy with your hard throbbing dick. What a change. You've resurrected me. Oh, I want to see you more. Oh, I want you more. I miss you. I miss you so much. 参考までに
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>547 この間違いだらけの翻訳スレはいったい何なんでしょうか。 What the hell is this translation thread! It's full of mistakes!
>>548 夢じゃ夢じゃ、夢でござぁる。 It's only a dream, a bad dream, sire!
>>549 そ、ネーティブが決していいそうもない翻訳が多いです。 Yeah, many translations are terrible, natives would never talk or write this way! All translators are idiots and they should have their asses drilled.
(1) till and until can be used both as preposition and conjuncitons mean exactly the same. Till is informal. (2) until and before not until == not before Both until and before can be used to say how far away a future event is.
>>551 I am not sure why you translate ones that nobody asked you to translate. (but I think I know why) Probably you also need your head examined to see if it's empty, like in airhead. Hahaha.
>>547 この間違いだらけの翻訳スレはいったい何なんでしょうか。 What a wonderful thread is this! There are so rich expressions. >>548 夢じゃ夢じゃ、夢でござぁる。 It's only a finger in anus, a bad dream, sire!
>>549 そ、ネーティブが決していいそうもない翻訳が多いです。 Yeah, many translations are creative, natives would never talk or write this way! All translators are genius and they should have their asses drilled up through to head.
>>559 There are some techniques to memorize Chinese Characters. We should not memorize Chinese Characters as the independently related symbols. Fundamentally we make complex Chinese characters by the combinations of several parts or other characters. Therefore you must keep these relations in mind常用漢字は1800字ほどでFundamental group of Kanji has a size of 1800, 1000 of which are memorized while primary school days and the remnant in junior and senior high school days. Those are more than 95 % of daily used characters. Anyway you must make 1000 a first target to remember.
>>559 There are effective ways to learn kanji. It's not that you have to memorize 2000 characters that have no relations to each other. A kanji is usually made up of parts that are common to other kanji characters. You should pay attention to this fact, which will facilitate your study.
Joyo kanji, a list of kanji that are often used, comprises about 1800 characters. About 1000 of them are taught at elementary school, and the rest at junior and high school. Though I mentioned 1800, the number of the kanji that are most often used is probably less than 1000, which will constitute more than 95 percents of the kanji used every day. So I can safely say that you should first aim at 1000 characters.
>>566 What is the meaning of life of this fool? He is ignorant and rude, full of inferiority complex. He must be jeered at his country dialect and iron face which has no feeling of shame. This kind of dirty castrated swine, shit worm should be eliminated from the earth. It is better to cut him slices. We are bewildered at him. NO way to help him.
>>592 体調が悪くて一週間働いていませんでした。明日から7連勤なのでゾッとします。 I haven't worked for a week, because I was sick. Thinking that I have to work for seven consecutive days from tomorrow makes me feel horrible.
>>600 This is an uneducated dwarf exposing foolishness when he speaks. He is always horribly disgusting nuisance, because he is a born liar and inferior to everybody in every points and jealous of everybody superior to him. He is a rotten pig, dirty hentai. Thai is xx>>599 Anybody with reasonable thinking can see what kind of pig he is!
>>606 X>>604-605 Hey! You! Don't you have no pride? You should be ashamed, because you are called ugly dirty hentai with 30% human face and 70% insect face.
>>617 直訳じゃないけど Hey! You! Korean! Don't you have no pride? You should be ashamed, because you are called ugly dirty hentai with 30% human and 70% insect face. You are an uneducated dwarf exposing foolishness when you speak. You are always a horribly disgusting nuisance, because you are a born liar and inferior to everybody in every point and jealous of anybody superior to you. You are a rotten pig, dirty hentai. That is you. Anybody with reasonable thinking can see what kind of pig you are.
I must agree with the guy with "x>>". His judgement is correct. Especially X>>608 X>>618 And I would add this X>>591 ← this guy is complete knob. WTF is the point in translating someone's comments. Silly boy, yes it's you.
>>632 Just putting X is completely meaningless. The guy with "x>>" is the worst shit in the entire thread. You aren't much better either, even if you aren't the the guy with "x>>".
>>634 I need to go to the bathroom now! で通じる。 あと、ダイソーで100円で使い捨てパンツ(5枚組)売ってるから買っとけ。 さらに言えば、タオルをたたんでケツとパンツの間にはさんどけ。
>>650 Let me now what sort of @@ you can get. I'm planning a big deal in the end of this summer.
>>648 You are so professional that you keep a fire work in a mouth even if firework shoots fire on you in the face. >>685 You can dress up nicely like this. You can be an inhabitant of another world like this.
I am grateful to you for uploading various movies. However I still believe that Ste and JACKASSPWNED owning ***」is the best of the movies you previously uploaded. >>687 Well, that is one ste uploaded. I hope you will upload similar movie with panned objects changed. Oh! I am not asking right now, I will wait your work on your schedule. Excuse me for my asking you too much.
>>707 The rain, which kept falling since yesterday, did not seem to stop at all. Never have I seen such a beautiful sunrise as that I saw on that Christmas day. morningはsunriseで自明なので省略
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>722 This woman copied my picture without my permission and used it as her own picture. I consider it a clear violation of the terms and conditions of our site. I would like you to take an appropriate measure against the person.
She stole my photo and put it up as her own work in the website without my knowledge.
This conduct clearly violates the code of conduct for the usage of the products with copyrigh. I request some appropriate procedures to be taken against her.
I do not intend to be rude, but I do not want to be classified in the class of other Japanese rock band groups. I can speak native English, and I feel excited higher in English than Japanese. I do not want to be viewed an actor. I am creating my product, thinking that there are no artists equivalent to me.
>>732 is foolish. He failed the third rate university examinations and was forced to go abroad to study at language school, where he was found inferior and so give up the qualification.
People in English sphere can say sweet words easily. I envy you, because Japanese are not accustomed to such conversation, even if they are in steady relation. It is very good for you to respect the private time for everyone. Everyone who have some relation with you wants to stay with you. >>755
>>755 I'm impressed that native English speakers can smoothly speak sweet words to their lovers. Actually, those words are not likely to be erupted from Japanese mouths, even if they are very intimate, so I'm slightly jealous of you haha. And they have the emortional leeway to cater to their lovers' needs to spend time in solitude, which is awesome, too. All my old boyfriends used to hate to give me a private time.
I can pass the entrance exam of Tokyo University, but it is weary. So I come home and take the licence of Eiken first degree, but I was questiioned on the woman who was dead in nude and later arrested. I was fired. I was boring of processing ligal matters on divorce, so I called the manger to take care of them.
I can pass the entrance exam of Tokyo University, but it is weary. So I come home and take the license of Eiken first degree, but I was questioned on the woman who was dead in nude and later arrested. I was fired. I was boring of processing legal matters on divorce, so I called the manger to take care of them.
fabricate 【他動】 1. 〜を組み立てる、作る、加工{かこう}する 2. 〜をでっち上げる、捏造{ねつぞう}する、偽造{ぎぞう}する、改ざんする ・She fabricated the attack. : 彼女はその暴行事件をでっち上げた。 # fabricate a document 文書{ぶんしょ}を偽造{ぎぞう}する # fabricate a story 話をでっち上げる # fabricate a story about 〜に関する話をでっち上げる
>>801 君の判断はほぼあってると思う、が、 もういい加減にしたほうがいいな。 Everyone here seems fedup with your silly antics now. So please leave. Or hopefully you can still contribute. (But if you are korean, don't be despair. You are still human being, but only just)
that is not a problem. Cliant will take such a risk. And it is good for him to search and solve problems. The problem is a guy such as X who has not his own opinion and only jealously commented.
その研究によるとビデオゲームのうまい子供たちのほうが橋の使い方も上手で正しい持ち方ができたそうだ The research claims kids with high score of video games can use bridge in better and correct way. >>960
I have very good friends all over the world and family as well. I am trying to keep up with most of them and it is very demanding as much as it is rewarding but this means it is harder for me to try to keep in touch with people I almost don't know because we did not have time to establish a solid friendship.I hope you can understand my words and believe that they are not in any way negative but this is my reality so you cannot expect too much from me..If this is a disappointment I do apologize. 【和訳の要約】忙しい生活のなか、大事な家族や友達とメールで連絡をとる時間を作るのは 大変だが、それなりに楽しい。でも、見ず知らずのあなたから一方的にメールを出され ても困る。返信している暇などない。
>>978 A fool with incomplete skill of English introduces the culture of Japan as if he were the representative . He tries to comment superficially on the mails of other people arrogantly.
>>988 Japan is the most advanced country in the field of science and technology in Eastern Asia. The temperature of atmosphere decrease as the height increase. >>991 According the unauthorized record of Japan, a fish with length of 2.1 m was captured the Tokachi River, Hokkaido.