>>2 If Mary had just listened to what Francis equated with caring and concern, and had spent a fraction of the time helping relieve his work-related stress that she did shopping for flowers and gifts, Francis would have been overwhelmed by her thoughtfulness.
>>3 blah: people say blah, blah, blah, when they do not want to give the exact words that sb has said or written because they think they are not important or are boring
They said, ‘Come in, sit down, blah, blah, blah, sign here’.
>>33 For all its superior brilliancy, その際立ったきらめきにも関わらず it is so far away それはとても遠いところにあるので [ that its light requires 230 years その光は230年かかる [ to reach us ] ]. 私たちの所に届くのに
@so A that B=BになるぐらいA=とてもAなのでB、で強調構文ではありません。 it is A that Bの強調構文は「BなのはAである」の様な意味になります。 Aso〜that〜、の構文と言います。that以下が、so+形容詞、に繋がっているのです。 Bso far=そのように遠い、away=離れて、のように、遠くて離れている、の様に捉えればいいと思います。
>>30 In no other city is the number of traffic accidents so large [ as it is in Tokyo ]. The number of traffic accidents is not so large in any other cities [ as it is in Tokyo ]. のinです
His failure made him all the more intelligent. He became all the more intelligent because of his failure. と言い換えられます。 all the A for B =BのためかえってA です
A marker is sometimes placed in front of the person who is next in line to deal.このnextは形容詞で副詞的用法のto dealがnextの範囲を限定しているという理解でよいでしょうか?意味は目印が次に配る人の前にときどき置かれるとわかるのですが。宜しくお願いします。
>分詞構文の質問なんですが、 >頭がing(現在分詞)、またはed(過去分詞)で始まる文で、 >edの場合は受身の意味になり、 >その場合、頭にBeingが本来あって、それは省略されてる、と参考書に書いてあります。 > >そうなると、受身ではなくingで始まる方の例文にBeing tired, he took a rest(疲れたので彼は一休みした)って文があるんですが、これはedから始まる受身の文とも解釈出来るって事ですか? > >=疲れさせられたので、彼は一休みした > >正しいですか?
They considered more than just the amount of land covered by trees. They also considered forest density, tree size, biomass and the amount of atmospheric carbon captured in forests. The biomass represents all plant and tree growth.
Do you like chocolate? It is made cacao beans, which contain polyphenol. According to some reseach, this chemical substance reduces blood pressure, improves blood flow, and is effective against stress. Why don't you eat chocolates for your health.
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to our concert today. Each member of our school band has practiced very hard for it. In the first part , we will play some pieces by Mozart and Tchaikovsky. After intermission, we will play numbers from Disney movies , jazz and some Japanese popular music. Most of them may be familiar to you. Please relax and enjoy our performance to the full.
和訳の添削をお願いします Clusius fueled their curiosity by being very secretive and protective of his bulds. →クルシウスは彼の球根を隠し、保護することで彼らの好奇心をあおった
Just a short time later, one famous sale is recorded at which a single bulb was sold for the equivalent of US $2,250 plus a horse and carriage. →その少しあとに、ある有名な販売は〜〜だと記録された
He fueled our anger by behaving in a selfish and arrogant manner. →利己的で無礼なふるまいのせいで、彼は私たちの怒りをあおった
A car accident has been reported in which 3 people were severely injured and 3 people were killed. →3人が重傷で、2人が死亡した車の事故はずっと報じられている
>>80 Clusius fueled their curiosity by [ being very secretive and protective of his bulbs. →クルシウスは彼の球根を隠し、保護することで彼らの好奇心をあおった
Just a short time later, one famous sale is recorded [ at which a single bulb was sold for the equivalent of US $2,250 plus a horse and carriage ]. →その少しあとに、1個の球根が米ドル換算で2250ドルと馬一頭馬車一台の代価で売られた有名な販売が記録されている。 その少し後、2250ドルと馬と馬車で1個の球根が売られた有名な販売の話しが会ったことが記録されている
He fueled our anger by [ behaving in a selfish and arrogant manner ]. →利己的で無礼なふるまいのせいで、彼は私たちの怒りをあおった
A car accident has been reported [ in which 3 people were severely injured and 3 people were killed ]. →3人が重傷で、2人が死亡した車の事故がこれまでに報じられている
A marker is sometimes placed in front of the person who is next in line to deal.nextは副詞句in line を修飾する副詞で、to dealはlineにかかる形容詞的用法で、lineは不定詞の意味上の主語で正しいでしょうか?
仮定法過去について質問です。 通常、If+S+Vの過去形,〜なのが仮定法過去ですが、 例文等を見ると、「If I were rich,I could buy that large house.」となっています。 ここでの主語は「T」なので、Xの過去形は「was」になると私は思ってしまっています。 どうして「were」なのかどなたか回答お願いいたします。orz
>>70 Do you like chocolate? It is made from cacao beans, which contain polyphenol. 強調構文ではない。Itはchocolateを指す。 whichはcacao beansを先行詞とする関係代名詞の継続用法。 強調構文でthatやwhichの前にコンマが入ることはない。
>>76 1、私は2時間後に空港に向けて出発します I'll set out for the airport in two minutes.
2、彼がパーティーに着くまでに、ほとんどの客は帰ってしまった Most of the guests had gone out by the time he arrived at the partty.
3、私は先日、子供のころにあそんでいた公園に行った Yesterday, I went to the park where I used to play as a child.
4、喫煙が健康に悪いことは何年も知られていることだ It has been known for years that smoking is bad for health. 5、仕事を全部終えたら、休暇を取ろうと思ってるんだ I'm thinking of taking some day off when I've gone through the work.
6、ごぶさたしております。このあいだまで私は九州にいました Excuse me for my long silence/Excuse me for not writing to you for so long. I was in Kyushu until quite recently.
子供は早く寝なければならない [Children / early / go to bed / must]. それをしなくてもいいですよ [have to / don't / You / do it]. マリはすぐにドイツ語が話せるようになるだろう [Mari / soon / German / speak / be able to / will]. 食事の準備をしましょうか [the meal / cook / Shall / we]? まさお君はもっと多くの本を読まなければいけないようになるだろう [Masao / more / books / have / to / will / read].
103 :the eternal salave to Mr. K.K.:2009/07/02(木) 23:40:11
>>84 We conducted a survey, which was intended to find out whther the respondents had ever eaten A. The result of the survey was that, of all 10 respondents, five answered yes and five not.
和訳せよ In English there are many sayings the meanings of which I can't understand. 答え:英語には、私には意味が理解できない諺がたくさんある。
【質問】 関係代名詞of whichのかかり方がよくわかりません(自信がありません)。
自分なりに予想で上の英文を書き換えると In English there are many sayings which I can't understand the meanings of. つまり、 I can't understand the meanings of many sayings. という、関係代名詞のかかり方をしている?
It is dark. It is night. I am in my bed. I was asleep. Now my mind is awake. My eyes are closed. It becames light. It is morning. I had many mornings. I had 365 times 59 mornings. Which morning did I like best? Mmmmmmmmmmmm. That summer morning in summer vacation! I was an elemetary school boy. It was very light. It was full of sunlight. I opened the windows. Plants were wet and green. The morning air smelt of plants. I was happy. Plants were happy. Insects were happy. I was so free. I could do what I like. I went to the radio body exercise meeting. I sang the song of radio body exercise. I did body exercise. I came home. Mother cooked breaklfast. Miso soup was good. I talked with Mother and Father. I swept the floor with a bloom. The floor was dustless. I studied with the summer vacation workbook friend. I studied Japanese, arithmetics, natural science and social science. It was 10 o'clock. I stopped studdying. I went outdoors. Other children of other houses came outdoors. I played with other children. I was very happy.
>>100 Children must go to bederaly. You don't have to do it. Mari will soon be able to spek English/Mari will be able to speak English soon. Shall we cook the meal? Masao will have to read more boks.
ずいぶんタイポが多いな >>100 Children must go to bederaly. You don't have to do it. Mari will be able to speak English soon. Shall we cook the meal? Masao will have to read more books.
Japan then being under the occupation of the Allied Forces, it was a time when books translated from English were very popular among the public who had just been liberated form a second period of national isolation
>>113 In English there are many sayings. I can't understand the meanings of them.
In English there are many sayings the meanings of which I can't understand. In English there are many sayings of which the meanings I can't understand. In English there are many sayings which I can't understand the meanings of.
In English there are many sayings. I can't understand their meanings.
In English there are many sayings whose meanings I can't understand.
>198 1. Some of my friends devote themselves wholly to having a part-time job and to club activities, so they hardly attend a class, but I think studying is a student's duty.
>198 2. It seems that students not only satisfy the number of credits but also try to get a standing of A desperately because nowadays finding good job is very hard for them.
But recent chatter on various internet sites has health officials worried that parents are planning similar events for swine flu in order to make their children immune to the virus should it mutate into a more lethal form.
compriseという動詞についての質問です。 この動詞を辞書で引くと、以下の3つの文型が全て同義であるとしています。 a. This book comprises ten chapters. b. Ten chapters comprise this book. c. This book is comprised of ten chapters. 上のbとcは態を置き換えただけで動詞の意味は本質的には同じと言えます。しかし問題なのはaとの相違です。 他動詞が直接目的語に及ぼす作用を≪→≫と抽象化して示すと、辞書の説明では 【N1→N2】と【N2→N1】論理的に等価(一方からもう一方を自動的に導ける)としているわけです。 いったい何故この動詞に限ってこのような現象が生じるのでしょうか? 同様の性質(V=be p.p.of this V )が成り立つ動詞は他にもありますか?お教え下さい。
There are some measures to take for preventing food poisoning. Clean your hands and cooking utensils before cooking. Keep raw and cooked foods separate. Cook food thoroughly. If you need to store cooked food, keep it in a refrigerator, but consume it as soon as possible.
2点、とてもわかりません。 まず、to takeの役割。 there are some measuresいくつかの対策がある for preventing food poisoning食中毒を防ぐ為に つまり、to takeがなくても、 There are some measures for preventing food poisoning. これで、「食中毒を防ぐ為にいくつかの対策がある。」が出来ていると思うのです。 to take獲得の為に forが〜為にって意味を持ってると思うのでたぶってると思うのです。
もう一点、 Keep raw and cooked foods separate. これがぜんぜんわかりません。 keep raw鮮度を保て keep cooked foods separate調理された食品を別々にして保存する 不自然なんですよね。「生の食材と、調理済みの料理は別々に保存しろ」みたいな事だと内容的には納得できますが、 rawはand以降にまで影響しないとルールじゃないのですか?
>>229 > There are some measures to take for preventing food poisoning. > Clean your hands and cooking utensils before cooking. > Keep raw and cooked foods separate. > Cook food thoroughly. > If you need to store cooked food, keep it in a refrigerator, but consume it as soon as possible. 食中毒を防ぐ為に取るべき手段はいくつかある。 料理の前には手と調理器具を清潔にする事。 生の食品と加熱調理済みのものはわけて置いておく事。 完全に火を通す事。 貯蔵したいなら冷蔵庫に入れるといいが、なるべく早く食べきる事。 there are some measures to takeいくつかの取るべき対策がある for preventing food poisoning食中毒を防ぐ為にtake some measures for preventing〜がベースにあり、ダブってはいない。
keep raw and cooked foods separate生の食品と加熱調理された食品を別々にして置いておく 別にand越しに修飾できる。
>>224 無能はテメエだよカス。 私がコテハンを変えてする回答は大抵褒められている。例えば私が片岡ブログに書いた、 Among the problems with portable phones is the possibility of their interference with hearing aids .に対する、
C(Among the problems with portable phones ) V(is) S(the possibility of their interference with hearing aids) という、倒置型の第2構文である、とする分析と 「携帯電話の抱える問題の一つに、携帯電話(の電波)と補聴器との(電波)干渉の問題がある」 という訳は、“非常に分かりやすい”と言われている。 Londonその他の名を使うと内容に関わらずけなす。ゴミクズどもが! お前は低学歴のいけぬまだと判明しました。申し訳ありません。
現代英語では S(Among the problems with portable phones ) V(is) C(the possibility of their interference with hearing aids)が適切という意見に対して 「携帯電話の抱える問題の一つに、携帯電話(の電波)と補聴器との(電波)干渉の問題がある」 俺はthema-rhema (主題 - 述定)の配列に関しては論文も書いてるんだよ。だからこそ和訳の方でそのニュアンスを完璧に訳出してるだろうが、クズ。 全然和訳もニュアンスを出せてないんだがw 後ろが主語の訳し方になってるw 学識なんかゼロだよ、甜菜っ子Londonは。
>>279 「私の名前には明るく美しいって意味が込められてるの」 「あなたに似合ってない名前だね」 「よく言われる」 My name is intended to mean "bright and beautiful". A name which doesn't go with you at all. People often say that.
He looked hard into the mirror to see if this made his nose look any smaller. 初心者用の本の中のですが、この英文の訳し方を教えてください 特に ”He looked hard into”の部分、〜のよう見えるって言う文の形容詞の後にも何か続く文を見たことがないので分かりません
穴埋めです 彼は子供たちに英語を教えることに慣れている He is used ( )teaching children English. 明日について知ることはできない There is( )knowing about tomorrow. 泣いても無駄だ It is no use( ). ジムは箸を使うのに慣れている Jim is accustomed( )using chopstics. フランス語が理解できればなあ I wish I( )French. あなたがここにいればなあ I wish you( )here. テレビの天気予報を見ておけばよかったなあ I wish I( )watched the weather report on TV. あんなに退屈な本を読まなければよかった I wish I hadn't( )such a boring book. 彼はまるで宇宙に行ってきたかのように話す He talks as if he( )been to space. 私は前に彼に会ったことがあるかのように感じた I felt as if I had( )him before. もし無人島に行くようなことがあればあなたは何を持っていきますか? If you were( )go to a desert island,what would you bring? その少年はまるで大人であるかのようにふるまっている The boy is acting as( )he was an adult. よろしくおねがいします。
>>279 「私の名前には明るく美しいって意味が込められてるの」 「あなたに似合ってない名前だね」 「よく言われる」 'My parents gave me my first name with a heart "Be cheerful and beautiful!"' 'Oh, you don't come up to their expectations.' 'People often say that.'
>>283 > 彼は子供たちに英語を教えることに慣れている > He is used (to) teaching children English. > 明日について知ることはできない > There is (no) knowing about tomorrow. > 泣いても無駄だ > It is no use (crying). > ジムは箸を使うのに慣れている > Jim is accustomed(to)using chopstics. > フランス語が理解できればなあ > I wish I (could understand、一語ならunderstoond) French. > あなたがここにいればなあ > I wish you (were) here. > テレビの天気予報を見ておけばよかったなあ > I wish I (had) watched the weather report on TV. > あんなに退屈な本を読まなければよかった > I wish I hadn't (read) such a boring book. > 彼はまるで宇宙に行ってきたかのように話す > He talks as if he (had) been to space. > 私は前に彼に会ったことがあるかのように感じた > I felt as if I had (seen) him before. > もし無人島に行くようなことがあればあなたは何を持っていきますか? > If you were (to) go to a desert island,what would you bring? > その少年はまるで大人であるかのようにふるまっている > The boy is acting as(ifかthough) he was an adult.
>>282 He looked hard into the mirror to see if this made his nose look any smaller. 彼は、そうすれば自分の鼻がいくらかでも短く見えるだろうか(と思って)じっと鏡を覗きこんだ。 >>283 He is used (to)teaching children English. There is(no)knowing about tomorrow. It is no use(crying/weeping). Jim is accustomed(to)using chopstics. I wish I(understood/knew)French. I wish you(were)here. I wish I(had)watched the weather report on TV. I wish I hadn't(read)such a boring book. He talks as if he(had)been to space. I felt as if I had(seen)him before. If you were(to)go to a desert island,what would you bring? The boy is acting as(if)he was an adult.
>>281は無茶苦茶ですね。 My name is intended to mean "bright and beautiful". A name which doesn't go with you at all. People often say that. A nameは論外、whichは不要、人に似合う意味でgo withは使わない。
3問目 Alex dind't like his boss at but after they'd worked on a few project together,he ( )respect her. 1、came to 2、became 3、had become to 4、started 5、became to
>>294 > 先日、不定詞の問題を学校で答え合わせをして、 > 今、復習しているのですがいくつかわからない問題があります。 > 手伝ってやって頂ければありがたいです。 > > 1問目 > "Did not "Kiyoshi buy a new car?" > "No,he fina"lly decided ( )." > > 1、not now 2、not to 3、not way4、no money > > 答えは2のnot to なのですが、なぜnot toなのでしょうか? > 理由がわかりません、、、 Noで始まってるってことは答えは買わなかったってこと。買わない決心をした。 he fina"lly decided not to buy oneの代不定詞。 > 2問目 > I've never seen him ( ) so excited. > > 1、to get 2、gets 3、get 4、have got 5、to have got > > 答えは3のgetなのえですが、私は1番のto getと回答しました。 > なぜgetなのでしょうか?教えていただきたいです。 seeという知覚動詞はsee O 原形の語法。 > 3問目 > Alex dind't like his boss at but after they'd worked on a few project together,he ( )respect her. > 1、came to 2、became 3、had become to 4、started 5、became to > > 答えは1なのですが、私は2か4だと考えていました。 > どうして1なのでしょうか? 〜するようになるという言い方ではcome to doが用いられ、becomeは用いられない。
In Tokyo, it's an envelope with $850,000 in cash. At Florida's Disney World, it's a glass eye. At a hotel in England, it's goat and a false leg. How are of these things similar? They are unusual things that people leave in hotel rooms, in airports, and on city streets.
Trish Martino works in the Lost and Found Center at an airport in a US city. "Sure, we find the usual stuff−cell phones, keys, sunglasses, and wallets," she says. "But people also forget some weird things at the airport, too." What does Ms. Martino find? A woman's false teeth in the bathroom. A mannequin in an airport waiting area. "How do you forget those things?" Martino wonders.
Nobuo Hasuda works for the Lost and Found Center in downtown Tokyo. The Center has almost 800,000 items. Three hundred thousand of them are umbrellas! There are also many other things−jewelry and briefcases, snow-shoes and musical instruments.
Mr. Hasuda keeps the lost items for six months and two weeks. After this time, the finder can take the item. This is good luck for some people. Remember the envelope in Tokyo with $850,000? The owner did not claim it. Now the money belongs to the finder!
>>290は>>281の真ん中の行が理解できなのか? おまえA name がおかしいとか、whichは付けないとかいってるけど馬鹿じゃないの? これは所謂“名詞的提示”で動詞が省略されてるんだよ? つまり(It is) a name ... ってことなのに読み取れないのか?お前は教科書しか読んだことないんじゃない? お前にアドバイスしておくと、私の回答を見て「間違ってるんじゃないか?」と思ったら先ずはお前自身を疑いなさい。 なぜなら俺は文法が体に完全に染み込んでしまってるので非文は書きたくても書けないんだよ。。 あと、go withはmathchの意味で使ったんだけど,普段フランス語でしか読み書きしないもので、 ついフランス語のCa va bien avec toi.を英語に直訳しちゃったよ。 唯そこだけわびましょう。
仮定法過去の文になるように( )の語句を適当な形に直せ 1:If I(be)you,I would not give up. 2:If you(have)a car, where would you go? 3:If we had enough medicine,we(can save)many children. 4:If I knew her address,I(will write)to her.
>>325 1.He was able to swim to the island in spite of the bad weather. 2.He was able to swim to the island in his youth. 3.You need not have bothered to come to my house. 4.You should not (do such things as) hurt her. 5.Many kinds of work that was done by men are now done by machinery. Machinery has supplanted men in doing many kinds of work.
>>325 He managed to swim over to the island despite the bad weather. He could swim over to the island in his youth. You would not have had to bother to come to my house. You should know better than to hurt her heart. Machines are now doing much of the work formerly done by human beings.
>>338 The whole thing becomes somewhat of a scary concept to think about 普通のSVCだけどsomewhatの用法がわからないんでしょ? somewhat はよく“いくぶん、少々”の意味の副詞として用いられるけど 不定代名詞としての用法もある(ex. He is somewhat of a dreamer「彼は少し夢想家のところがある」)。 この文も不定代名詞の方で、名詞句somewhat of a scary concept を形容詞的用法のto think about が修飾している。 >>338のような人間は常に後出しで人に文句つけることしか能が無い人間だから気にしなくていいよ。
長文の一段落が訳せません。お願いします。 we'll mark places where friends outside Eyam can leave food,and we' ll leave payment in a well or a stream. the water will wash the plague from the coins. in other places,we'll cover the money in vinegar to cleanse the plague.
Besides this,from now on,the church services will be held in the open air,for it is safer than sitting close together in the church.also,we ask each family to bury their own dead, he concluded,getting the nod from the villagers.
>>346 we'll mark places [ where friends outside Eyam can leave food, and we'll leave payment in a well or a stream and the water will wash the plague from the coins ]. 私達は、イヤムの外の友達が食べ物を置けるようにして私達が井戸か川にお金を置いてそこの水が硬貨から疫病を洗い流すようにする場所に印を付けましょう。
In other places, we'll cover the money in vinegar [ to cleanse the plague ]. 他の場支所では、疫病を落とすためにお金を酢に浸すことにしましょう。
It's hard [ to imagine [ that the quiet village of Eyam, off the A623 in Derbyshire, could have such a fascinating, yet tragic story [ to tell ] ] ]. But .... at the end of August 1665 bubonic plague arrived at the house of the village tailor George Vicars, via a parcel of cloth from London. The cloth was damp and was hung out in front of the fire [ to dry, thus [ releasing the plague [ infested ] fleas ] ]. On 7th September 1665, George Vicars, the first plague victim, died of a [ raging ] fever. [ As the plague took hold and decimated the villagers ] it was decided [ to hold the church services outdoors at nearby Cucklett Delf ] and, on the advice of rector William Mompesson and the previous incumbent Thomas Stanley, villagers stayed within the confines of the village [ to minimize the spread of the disease ]. Cucklett Delf was also the secret [ meeting ] place of sweethearts Emmott Sydall, from Eyam, and Rowland Torre, [ who was from a neighbouring village ]. They would call to each other across the rocks, [ until Emmott Sydall herself became a victim of the plague ]. Six of the eight Sydall family died, and their neighbours lost nine family members.
>>392 Today children even don't learn Japanese as properly as required. It makes no difference if we start learning English in junior high school. Actually, there are still many districts where you cannot make yourself understood in English are not understood.
A new launch-pad being prepared in the west of North Korea would allow testing of intercontinental-range rockets to the south, instead of as now across the Pacific towards America, which has threatened to shoot down any that appear threatening.
have been done という形になりますが、これは完了形の have + 過去分詞 と 受動態の be + 過去分詞が合わさって、 have + be + 過去分詞 となるところを 完了形の have + 過去分詞 の形に合わせるために、受動態の助動詞 be が過去完了形に なったと考えて間違いないですか?
Recently I read a story about Abraham Lincoln. I had known that a he was the 16th American president, who abolished the slave system in the US. This time I learned that he had gone through many hardships in his life. He lost eight elections and failed in business twice. He lost his fiance'e. Despite his difficulties, he never gave up his dream to be a politician. Now I respect him for his courage and strength to carry on.
@Men are much more emotionally stable than women. AThey're also more disagreeable and more disorganized. Btheir counterparts in more traditional societies resemble women more closely. CBut it's not the gender equality that drives a wedge between men's and wemen's traits in enlightened countries;it's the resources.
Recently I read a story about Abraham Lincoln. I had known that a he was the 16th American president, who abolished the slave system in the US. This time I learned that he had gone through many hardships in his life. He lost eight elections and failed in business twice. He lost his fiance'e. Despite his difficulties, he never gave up his dream to be a politician. Now I respect him for his courage and strength to carry on.
716 名前: & ◆mJp96Ua7Vc 投稿日: 09/07/06 23:09 ID:evNQwsow 【依頼に関してのコメントなど】 先ほどは大変失礼しました。またよろしくお願いします。 【板名】English 【スレ名】スレッド立てるまでもない質問スレッド part207 【スレのURL】http://academy6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/english/1246397653/401-500 【名前】Coo へ from 甜菜っ子 【本文】 >>716 @Men are much more emotionally stable than women. 男性は女性よりずうっと情緒的に安定している。 AThey're also more disagreeable and more disorganized. 彼ら(=男ども)はまた(女性たちより)見苦しく格好悪い。 Btheir counterparts in more traditional societies resemble women more closely. もっと伝統的な社会の男性たち(←彼らの同格者、すなわち男性)は(非伝統的な社会の男性比べて)もっと女性に似ている。 CBut it's not the gender equality that drives a wedge between men's and wemen's traits in enlightened countries;it's the resources. しかしながら文明国における男女の格差を駆逐するのは性差の平等ではない。(格差を駆逐するのは)財産である。
>>716 @Men are much more emotionally stable than women. 男性は女性よりずうっと情緒的に安定している。 AThey're also more disagreeable and more disorganized. 彼ら(=男ども)はまた(女性たちより)見苦しく格好悪い。 Btheir counterparts in more traditional societies resemble women more closely. もっと伝統的な社会の男性たち(←彼らの同格者、すなわち男性)は(非伝統的な社会の男性比べて)もっと女性に似ている。 CBut it's not the gender equality that drives a wedge between men's and wemen's traits in enlightened countries;it's the resources. しかしながら文明国における男女の格差を駆逐するのは性差の平等ではない。(格差を駆逐するのは)財産である。
But a study suggests the opposite―the more egalitarian a country, the greater the differences between men's and women's personalities.
Head researcher David Schmitt of Bradley University in Illinois notes that many biological sex differences, such as height and blood pressure, flourish in resource-rich environments.
【依頼に関してのコメントなど】 先ほどは大変失礼しました。またよろしくお願いします。 【板名】English 【スレ名】スレッド立てるまでもない質問スレッド part207 【スレのURL】http://academy6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/english/1246397653/401-500 【名前】Coo へ from 甜菜っ子 【本文】 >>716 @Men are much more emotionally stable than women. 男性は女性よりずうっと情緒的に安定している。 AThey're also more disagreeable and more disorganized. 彼ら(=男ども)はまた(女性たちより)見苦しく格好悪い。 Btheir counterparts in more traditional societies resemble women more closely. もっと伝統的な社会の男性たち(←彼らの同格者、すなわち男性)は(非伝統的な社会の男性比べて)もっと女性に似ている。 CBut it's not the gender equality that drives a wedge between men's and wemen's traits in enlightened countries;it's the resources. しかしながら文明国における男女の格差を駆逐するのは性差の平等ではない。(格差を駆逐するのは)財産である。
integrated income taxとはどう訳せばいいですか? あと、 Would many people on a Transitional Citizen's Income not have enough to live on? はどういう意味でしょうか?ちなみに。Citizen's Incomeは訳出しなくて結構です。
最近まで高校生だった私は高校でall the more for + noun./because S+V. 「〜/〜ゆえにより一層」という熟語を習いました。 ex. I love him all the more because he is dull.「私は、彼が凡庸であるのでより一層彼が好きだ。」 わたしは何故この構文でそのような意味になるのか不思議に思い先生に質問すると 「theが副詞なのだ。」 とおっしゃいました。 私は“theが副詞ってどういうことだろう”と疑問でした... (...) 数年を経てラテン語を極めた私は、この問題に関して自分なりの結論を得ましたが、 念のため皆さんの考えもお聞きしたいと思っています。 我こそは、と思う方は「theが副詞」と言う言葉の意味を御述べ下さい。
Because, in fact, he was her whom he should have thrown over three years ago, the President who ran his favorite vegetable store wept in sympathy and died
However, neither the then wolf nor the flamingo was able to use an electronic dictionary and the chopstick because I was dragged to 1,000 hula-hoops and passed in front of female high school student at awful slow speed
we saw the movie yesterday that was interesting,wasn't it?
Yes! It was much interesting than the movie we saw last month. than we saw the movie last month. どっちかあってますか?見るはseeでいいですか? あと面白いはfunnyのほうが合いますか? 宜しくお願いします。 のかな・・・。
>>466 しつこいようですが、ちょっと調べたところ、やっぱliveは状態動詞という扱いではないようですよ、 現代では。例えば、I had been knowing him for ten years before he betrayed meというのは絶対言わない。 knowは状態動詞だから、でもliveは違う。 I had been living in Marlboro for ten years before moving to xx in 1987はまあ言ってもいいみたいですよ。 I had lived in のほうが正しいけどね。ほとんど意味は変わらない。
He also said that livers which are defective, possibly because of a faulty gene, could one day be repaired using stem cells that have been given a working gene.
訳は分かるのですが、using stem cells that have been given a working geneという部分の掛り方(?)がよく分りません
>>459の答えをお教えします。ラテン語のeo magis quod...の意味です。 ex. Eum amo eo magis quod stultus est. ≪I love him all the more because he is dull.≫ ラテン語のeo(中性指示代名詞単数奪格)とtheが対応しています。 英語のtheがなにゆえeoの意味を表し得るのかって?それは英語のtheがもともと
「どうぞ、その辞書を私の机の上に置いてください」の英訳問題を、 Please put on the dictionary on the my desk.としたのですが、問題集の解答は Please put the dictionary on the my desk. でした。 この場合、putにonをつけてはいけないのでしょうか。理由なども説明していただけると助かります。
>>506 i'm sorry but i won't be able to get in touch with you for a while. since i couldn't afford the phone bill, my mobile phone will be turned off for a certain period of time.
492に書いたことを訂正。 アメ人に聞いたところ、 For me, "he had been living" emphasises that the move to Marlboro immediately follows those ten years, whereas with "had lived", they might've occurred at any time during his entire life up to that point. The meaning of "lived" is closer to "had been living" than "had lived" although less definitively. 参考まで。
He hopes 彼は望む [ that readers 読者達が [ as they read his stories in interesting but easy English ], 彼の物語を面白くて易しい英語で読む中で will be able 出来るように [ to laugh along with him too ] ]. 彼と一緒に笑うことも
He hopes @彼は、E望む [ that readers A読者達が [ as they read his stories in interesting but easy English ], B彼の物語を面白くて易しい英語で読む中で will be able D出来るように [ to laugh along with him too ] ]. C彼と一緒に笑うことが
He hopes @彼は、E望む [ that readers A読者達が [ as they read his stories in interesting but easy English ], B彼の物語を面白くて易しい英語で読む中で will be able D出来るように [ to laugh along with him too ] ]. C彼とも一緒に笑うことが
>>522 He hopes that readers as they read his stories in interesting but easy English, will be able to laugh along with him too. 彼は自分が面白くて易しい英語で書いた物語を読者が読んでくれる時、 読者も自分(の物語)と一緒に楽しいひと時を過ごせればなあと願っている
>>541 > 彼女から買ってほしいと頼まれたものが見つからなかったらどうしますか? What if you can't find what she asked you to buy? > あなたがそういうのをお父さんが聞いたらどうするだろうか What would your father do if he heard you say that? > その仕事の適任者を選んでいたならば、きっと成功していただろう They would have been successful if they had selected the right person for the job. > 彼はまるで死んだように身動き一つしなかった He stood still as if he were a dead man. > 私たちが来週学校を休んだら、先生はなんて言うだろう Suppose we are absent from school next week. what will our teacher say?
>>544 > 私の両親は、私が子供のころよく一緒に公園へ散歩に連れて行ってくれました →My parents would often take me for a walk to the park in my childhood. > その医者は、私にもっと野菜を食べるようにといった →The doctor advised me that I eat more vegetables. > 妻がまだ帰宅していない。きっと、残業しなければならなかったのだろう →My wife has not got home yet. Certainly she had to work overtime. > 明日のセールできっと掘り出し物を見つけることができるでしょう →I'm sure we will be able to make a lucky find in tomorrow's sale. > 君と一緒に行けないことが分かったとき、すぐに君に話しておくべきだった →I should have said so to you as soon as I noticed I wouldn't be able to go with you.
という文章なのですが、どうも S + V + 助 + V + ... に見えて仕方ありません ひとつの文に動詞は一つなので、denies と having の間に that などの接続詞があるのか、 過去分詞の written を動詞以外の何かと捕らえるべきなのか、"having written" を そのまままとめて動名詞と同じ役割の代わりと捉えたとしても、 一体それではこの having と written が文の要素として何に属するのかがさっぱりわかりません
最近まで高校生だった私は高校時代all the more for + noun./because S+V. 「〜/〜ゆえにより一層」という熟語を習いました。 ex. I love him all the more because he is dull.「私は、彼が凡庸であるのでより一層彼が好きだ。」 私はこの熟語のメカニズムはどうなっているのだろう、と疑問に思ったものでした。 数年後ラテン語を極めた私は、この問題に関して自分なりの結論を得ましたが、皆さんの考えもお聞きしたいと思っています。 我こそは、と思う方はこの構文が「〜ゆえにより一層」という意味を持つ仕組みをお教えください。 禁止ワード:「ともかくそうなってるからそうなんだ」etc. ヒント:定冠詞・指示代名詞・格
>>571 (S)〜 illustlate the extent to which the status of a language depends on extralinguistic factors. whichやthe extent を先行詞としています。 「S は(ある)言語の状態がどれほど(=to which extent)言語外的要素に依存しているのかを明示する。」
>>572訂正。 (S)〜 illustlate the extent to which the status of a language depends on extralinguistic factors. which“は”the extent を先行詞としています。 「S は(ある)言語の状態がどの程度まで(=to which extent)言語外的要素に依存しているのかを明示する。」
>>572訂正。 (S)〜 illustlate the extent to which the status of a language depends on extralinguistic factors. which“は”the extent を先行詞としています。 「S は(ある)言語の状態がどの程度まで(=to which extent)言語外的要素に依存しているのかを明示する。」
「私は、カナダにいる私のおばに手紙を書いているところです」という英訳の問題で、 自分の答えは「I am writing to my aumt in canada」としたのですが、解答の答えは 「I am writing a letter to my aumt in canada」と letter のあとの to がありませんでした。 自分の答えは間違っているのでしょうか。間違っていた場合説明があると助かります。
「私は、カナダにいる私のおばに手紙を書いているところです」という英訳の問題で、 自分の答えは「I am writing to my aumt in Canada」としたのですが、解答の答えは 「I am writing a letter to my aumt in Canada」と 。writing と to の間に a letter が入っていました。 write to 〜 で、〜に手紙をかく、という意味だと思うので a letter は必用ないような気がするのですが、どうなのでしょうか。 また、解答の writing a letter to my aumt の to は writing to の to なのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。
People say that it's just an idiom, from a contemporary, descriptive point of view, absolutely right. However, if you want to look at it from a historical perspective, then the person who told you it was an Ablative is almost right: it's actually a relic of an old Instrumental case. Basically, it seems that the parent Indo-European language had more cases than the six that are familiar to English from Latin or the four that we know from Modern German (I think it's reckoned to have had eight cases). Any daughter language that has reduced the number of different cases must be expressing the same logical or syntactic relationships in a different way — say, by using word order or prepositions (like Modern English mostly does), or by some of the surviving cases taking on the functions of the ones that have been lost, based on similarities of sound and/or meaning. The Latin Ablative case is partly an old Ablative (which tends to mean 'off' or 'from' somewhere, or something — hence the name) and partly an old Instrumental — which is used to mean 'by' or 'with' something (hence the name). So Latin teachers and Latin textbooks will tell you that the Ablative case means 'by, with, or from'.
In Old English the Instrumental had also pretty much disappeared, and they either used the Dative or just used prepositions instead. However, the words for 'this' and for 'the/that' still had a special Instrumental form, which was used in certain set phrases and constructions. For example, "in the same year" could be on þæm ilcan geare (actually þǣm, with a long 'æ', if your browser displays that correctly) — which is all in the Dative. Or it could be þy ilcan geare (þȳ, if that displays OK) — where the rest of it is still in the Dative, but þy (sometimes spelt þē) is actually an Instrumental.
Now, as a synonym for on þæm, the Instrumental is pretty much redundant, and it did indeed disappear in Middle English. But there's another usage: on its own, it means 'by that much' or 'in that respect' or 'for that reason'. So, in The Battle of Maldon it says that mōd sceal þē māre þē ūre mægen lytlað (mod sceal þe mare þe ure mægen lytlað) — "courage shall be the greater (= by that much greater) as (= at the same time that, by the same amount that) our strength lessens." And that's exactly the same in Modern English: the 'the' of 'the greater' is the Modern English outcome of Old English þy. So is 'the more, the merrier' (by so much more, by that much merrier), and 'the sooner, the better'. And so is 'nonetheless', from Old English naþylæs (not + 'for that reason' + less). And so is 'all the more'.
So, yes: in Modern English, it's an idiom that doesn't need any further analysis. But from a historical perspective it's an Instrumental, not an
>>590 合格。だがなぜそれほどbanalな内容を長々と書くんですか? 凡庸な概論以外の何ものでもないじゃないですか。 ラテン語の例文 eo magis quod ... ≪(all)the more because...≫ を一つ挙げれば充分。 ただし古英語の例は良うございました。今後は簡素さをお学びなさい。
>>443 had とhaveの違いを完全に失念してました。 courage and strength to carry on はてっきりto句がcourageにも作用してるのかと思いましたが、そうではなかったのですね。 ここらへんは文脈依存なのですかね。 確かに「勇気と粘り強さ」とした方がすんなり聞こえてきます。
この文章の上方には円グラフがあります。 Automobiles have enabled us to lead an easy and convenient life. There were about 815 million cars in the world as for 2002. The pie graph above shows the perecentage of cars owned by each country. America has the highest number of cars at 28 perecent of the total number of cars in the world, followed by Japan at 9 perecent, Germany at 6 perecent, and Italy at 5 perecent. 自動車は我々に楽で便利な生活を可能に導いた。 2002年の時点で世界の自動車台数は815万台あった。 上記の円グラフは国別の所有台数を示す。 アメリカは世界の自動車総台数の28%で最も高く、続いて日本の9%、ドイツの6%、イタリアの5%となります。
>[1](a)(順序として)の次に来る, に続く; の後に続かせる〈with, by ..を〉. と辞書にありまして、もしかしたらwithやbyを使う事により、順序が間逆になるのでしょうか? A, followed B,C,D これだと1位D2位C3位B4位Aで A,followed by(or with) B,C,D これだと1位A2位B3位C4位Dになるとかでしょうか?
>>600 > Automobiles have enabled us to lead an easy and convenient life. > There were about 815 million cars in the world as for 2002. > The pie graph above shows the perecentage of cars owned by each country. > America has the highest number of cars at 28 perecent of the total number of cars in the world, > followed by Japan at 9 perecent, Germany at 6 perecent, and Italy at 5 perecent. 自動車は我々に楽で便利な生活を送ることを可能にした。 2002年の時点で世界の自動車台数は8億1500万台あった。 上記の円グラフは国別の所有台数を示す。 アメリカは世界の自動車総台数の28%で最も高く、続いて日本の9%、ドイツの6%、イタリアの5%となります。
1. aboveは名詞としての用法で正しいですか? 違う。名詞を修飾する副詞。 2. highestなので「大きい」「高い」という表現の方がいいかと思いました。 > つまり、台数へのげんきゅうではなくて、占有率への言及ということでいいですか? 違う。台数がhighest。 > 3. followedがわかりません。 > 1位、followed by 2位、3位、and 4位 A follows B. AがBの後に続く。 B is followed by A. つまり、2位〜4位が後に続くという意味の受動態。それの分詞構文。
>>600 Automobiles have enabled [ us to lead an easy and convenient life ]. There were about 815 million cars in the world as for 2002. The pie graph [ (which is) above (here) ] shows the perecentage of cars [ owned by each country ]. America has *the highest number of cars at 28 perecent of the total number of cars in the world, [ *followed by Japan at 9 perecent, Germany at 6 perecent, and Italy at 5 perecent ].
1. aboveはabove hereを省略したaboveで前置詞です 2. the highest numberは、一番高い数字です。 3. Monday follows Sunday. 月曜が日曜の後をつける。 Sunday is followed by Monday. 日曜は月曜によって後をつけられる
America is followed by Japan. アメリカは日本によって後をつけられる=後に続くのは日本である
>>621 the clouds [ above (us) ] 頭上の雲 My brother lives in the apartment [ above (mine) ]. 兄は上の部屋に住んでいる A flock of birds circled [ above (us) ]. 鳥の群れが上空で輪を描いた.
withoutは〜無しにって意味で、不自然な気がする。 〜でなければ、という意味にはunlessが使われるぞ。 例えば Unless I have to work, I'll go for a drink.とか Unless the storm came suddenly,I would do some fishing. もしくは素直に仮定法として If the storm didnt come suddenly,I would do some fishing. と俺は思う。
>>655 激しくスレチだが、 Would you please transfer this calling to Mr.Suzuki who is Japanese and stayng there. でいかがだろう。 そのまえに、May I speak だれだれ. Are there Mr.Suzuki?など 情報確認を忘れずに。
>>674 すまん if 〜過去形 , 〜would/could/might + 動詞原形 は現在の事柄に「反する」仮定法。 if 〜had + 過去分詞,〜would/could/might + have + 過去分詞 は過去の事柄に「反する」仮定法。 だったorz なので If the storm hadn't come suddenly, I would be fishing この後半はI would have been fishing にならないと文法上あきらかな誤り。 これじゃ文全体の時制があってないのだよ。 ちなにみこの場合は願望だから If the storm didn't come,I would be fishing.が正解。
>>695 ロイヤル英文法より 一般に条件節の動詞と帰結節の動詞は259と260の例文のようになるが、 意味によって次のような場合もある。 (1)過去→現在 条件節→仮定法過去完了 帰結節→過去形助動詞+原形不定詞 If Jane had not broken her leg, she would be skiing here now. ジェーンが足を骨折しなかったら、今ごろここでスキーをしているだろう
>>694 Will it be ethically and financially necessary (そのことは)、B倫理的に又財政的に必要なことであるであろうか [ to establish standards for quality of life A命の質の基準を設けることは in order [ to prolong or to terminate life ] ]? @命を延ばすか又は終わらせるための
>>737 commands a fine view of the park it is a long way to the station continues to live with our parents even after she got married conveniently situated but it is a little too small for
Science is a good thing,but it is not an end in itself;it is a means towards an end and that end is human betterment. As scientists keep insisting,there is neither good nor bad in any scientific discovery;it is the use to which it is put which makes it beneficial or dangerous.
現在完了形になるように〔 〕の語句を直しなさい。 1 He 〔reach〕the top of the mountain. 2 She 〔already,spend〕all my money. 3 He 〔just,finish〕his homework. 〔〕を日本語にあうように並び替えなさい 1 私は彼と知り合って10年になる。 I 〔known/have/him/for〕ten years. 2 彼らは今朝からずっと部屋の片づけをしている。 They 〔been/have/cleaning up their room/since〕this morning.
>>750 Science is a good thing, but it is not an end in itself; it is a means towards an end and that end is human betterment. [ As scientists keep [ insisting ] ], there is neither good nor bad in any scientific discovery;
@it is *the *use [ to which it is put ] [ which makes it beneficial or dangerous ]. 科学が有益であるか危険であるかを決めるのは、それが実用化される使われ方である
AScience is put to use. B*The *use makes science beneficial or dangerous.
>>750 科学は善きものである。しかしながらそれ自体が目的なのではない。 科学は或る目的のための手段なのであって、その目的とは人間生活の改善である。 科学者たちが主張をし続けてるように、いかなる科学的発見の中にも、善も悪も存在しない。 科学を有益にするのも危険にするのも、それが持ちられる用途にあるのである。 >>753 1 He 〔has reached〕the top of the mountain. 2 She 〔has already spent〕all my money. 3 He 〔has just finished〕his homework. 1 I 〔have known him for〕ten years. 2They 〔have beencleaning up their room since〕this morning. >>754 (1)I(have)not(written)my Christmas cards yet. (2)I(have)(got/received)an e-mail from him. (3)(Have)you(ever)been abrord? (4)How(long)have you (lived/been)in Japan?
それも選択の1つですが、商社に入って世界を相手に取引するのも いいなと思っています that's one option,but I also think(might,to,join,a,good,it, trading,company,and,be)do business with partners all over the warld.
予算をオーバーしてしまったので、少し値引きしてくれませんか? It's a little over my budget. (would,it,be,possible,a,to,get)?
仕上げるのに何日かかりますか? How long(will,ready,it,take,is,it,before)?
>>794 Ana (meaning "hole"in Japanese) is always dreaming of travellig far away. This comming summer, she is palnning to go to England. She speaks English well, so she won't have any liguistic problems, but as for the food which she'll encounter there, she is a little bit worried, for she is a vegan. A vegan is an autere vegetarian who can only eat vegetables. Perhaps bread and fruits will be on her table all the time.
中二とかで I'm particular about my way of making a trip in a certain aspect. I always find pleasure in meeting with people in a strange town to talk with them. They have customs and manners unknown to me. Though at first I get confused, I feel great interest and attracted. After a trip I can see my daily life from a different viewpoint. That's the point. こんなもんか
>>790 I feel lonely since this is the last day I can see you. I'm so happy to have become a friend of yours. If only I could have spoken English better.
469 :Classical名無しさん :09/07/10 12:39 ID:PxenQbAE 【依頼に関してのコメントなど】 お世話になっております。よろしくお願いします。 【板名】English 【スレ名】中高生の英語の宿題・質問に答えるスレ lesson116 【スレのURL】http://academy6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/english/1246397653/796n- 【名前】 【本文】 >>794 Ana (meaning "hole"in Japanese) is always dreaming of travellig far away. This comming summer, she is palnning to go to England. She speaks English well, so she won't have any liguistic problems, but as for the food which she'll encounter there, she is a little bit worried, for she is a vegan. A vegan is an autere vegetarian who can only eat vegetables. Perhaps bread and fruits will be on her table all the time.
Under the Japanese Emperor system of Japan, it is not allowed for a woman to become the Emperor. Because of this, Ms.Masako felt the pressure that she should deliver a boy. However, Masako has suffered from depression partly because Masako delivered a girl. Some people say that recognizing only a male Emperor is against sexism abolition.
By these reason, the Japanese Government submitted the reform bill which accepted Emperor woman / maternal Emperor to the Diet.
If the reform bill that accept recognizing both men and women was approved, the accident that the people like Ms.Masako suffer from this thing would never happen, I think.
I'll vote for the Japan Communist Party [ because the party is striving in order to build a society without the working poor ]. と I'll vote for the Japan Communist Party, for the party is striving in order to build a society without the working poor ]. 二つの文の意味は同じですか?
>>863 I'll vote for the Japan Communist Party A僕は日本共産党に投票しよう [ because the party is striving in order to build a society without the working poor ]. @その党はワーキングプアのない社会を作り上げるために闘っているので
I'll vote for the Japan Communist Party, 僕は日本共産党に投票しよう for the party is striving in order to build a society without the working poor ]. というのは、その党はワーキングプアのない社会を作り上げるために闘っているためです
>>873 判断の根拠の例文を辞書から引用するね He was drunk, because he fell off the pier. 彼は酔っ払ってたんだよ。というのは桟橋から落ちたんだから。 (落ちたから酔っ払ったわけではないよね?) Have you been away, because I haven't seen you for a while? お出かけだったのですか、しばらくお見かけしなかったものですから (見かけなかったから出かけてたわけではないよね?)
According to servey, the number of cars in the world has been rising. 調査によれば、世界の車台数は増加し続けている。 However, the increase rate in developed countries has been slowing down. しかしながら、先進国の増加速度は落ち続けている。 The number of cars in developing countries is expected to increase in the future. 発展途上国においては今後増加すると予想される。
On average, 13.1 percent of the world population owns car. 平均すると、世界人口の13.1%が車を所有する。 In America 77.5 percent of the population owns car, in New Zealand 73.3 percent, and in Japan 58 percent. アメリカでは国民の77.5%の人が持っていて、ニュージランドでは73.3%、日本では58%である。 On the other hand, in developing countries, this percentage is very low. 一方、発展途上国ではこの比率がとても低い。 For example, in India only 1.2 percent owns car, and in Vietnam and Sudan only 0.5 percent. たとえば、インドでは1.2%だけで、ベトナム、スーダンでは0.5だけである。 As suggested by these figures, there is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries. これらの数字によって先進国と途上国の間で自動車の所有状況に大きな差がある事が示される。
最後の文のas suggestedが引っかかっています。 suggestを示す と捉え、suggested by 〜を 〜によって示される としてみたらまあまあな文章になりましたが、asの働きについて一切考えられていません。
たとえば As suggested by these figures, 〜 Suggested by these figures, 〜 これにどういう違いがでるのか、後者は文章形式として成り立たないから、形式的にasが必要なのか、それともasとして意味的役割はなにかあるのでしょうか?
質問です。 修辞的疑問文とはたとえば How can a cat fly in the sky? (It is not possible for her) 「猫に空が飛べるだろうか?(いや、無理だ)」 のようなものですよね? これは肯定(文中に否定辞が含まれぬもの)の修辞疑問文ですが、 否定の修辞疑問文というのは可能でしょうか? もし可能ならば幾つか見事な例をお挙げください。 よろしくお願いします。
分詞構文は意味上の主語が主節と一致しなければならないでしょう?(特例:懸垂分詞) だから分詞構文ではなく、むしろ非人称的な主語を仮定してAs it is suggested by these figures, SV.とパラフレーズして理解すべきなんだよ。 asにはよくこういう用い方がある。熟語として天下り式におしえられているAs is oten the case with...もこれと同類なんだよ。
>>921 >>903さんがおっしゃるように、僕はこの分詞構文は As it is suggested by these figures that there is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries. の分詞構文だと思います。 asは「例えば、のような」の役割を果たしてるかなと、あれから時間も置き、 色々調べた事が整理された今はそう思えますが、やはりasは>>917さんのいうように分詞構文の意味の取り方を限定する働きをしてるのでしょうか?
>>924 >>>903さんがおっしゃるように、僕はこの分詞構文は >As it is suggested by these figures that there is a big gap > in car ownership between developed and developing countries. >の分詞構文だと思います。 >asは「例えば、のような」の役割を果たしてるかなと、あれから時間も置き、 >色々調べた事が整理された今はそう思えますが
Suggested by these figures is that there is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries. What is suggested by these figures is that there is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries. There is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries, which is suggested by these figures. That there is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries is suggested by these figures. These figures suggest that there is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries.
As suggested by these figures, there is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries. As is suggested by these figures, there is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries. As it is suggested by these figures, there is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries.
There is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries, as suggested by these figures. There is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries, as is suggested by these figures. There is a big gap in car ownership between developed and developing countries, as it is suggested by these figures.
In arguing for a conception of justice we must be sure that it is among the permitted alternatives and satisfies the stipulated formal constraints. No considerations can be advanced in its favor unless they would be rational ones for us to urge were we to lack the kind of knowledge that is excluded.
>>856 The Emperor system of Japan does not allow a woman to succeed in the Emperor. This brought great pressure on her to deliver a boy. However, she has suffered from depression partly because she delivered only a girl. Some people say that certifying only a male as the Emperor is against the abolition of sexism.
For these reason, the Japanese Government introduced an amendment which approves Empress to the Diet.
If the amendment is approved, the accident that the one like Princess Masako suffers would never happen, I think.
訂正しなきゃ >>856 The Emperor system of Japan does not allow a woman to succeed to the throne. This brought great pressure on her to deliver a boy. However, she has suffered from depression partly because she delivered only a girl. Some people say that certifying only a male as the Emperor is against the abolition of sexism. For these reason, the Japanese Government introduced an amendment which approves Empress to the Diet. If the amendment is approved, the accident that the one like Princess Masako suffers would never happen, I think.
再度訂正 >>856 The Emperor system of Japan does not allow a woman to succeed to the throne. This brought great pressure on her to deliver a boy. However, she has suffered from depression partly because she delivered only a girl. Some people say that certifying only a male as the Emperor is against the abolition of sexism. For these reason, the Japanese Government introduced an amendment which approves Empress to the Diet. If the amendment is to be approved, the accident that the one like Princess Masako suffered from the pressure will never happen, I suppose.