早速お願いします ここから駅まであるいて5分です。 It () a five minute walk from here to the station この時計は一万円しました I () 10000 yen for this watch This watch () me 10000 yen この歌を聞くといつも、私は死んだ母の事を思い出す This song always () me of my dead mother ()を埋める問題ですよろしくお願いします
>>7 It *is [ a five-minute walk ] from here to the station. I *paid 10000 yen [ for this watch ]. This watch *cost me 10000 yen. This song always *reminds me [ of my dead mother ].
>>13 I can't go with you tonight. I've decided [ to stay off late and finish that report [ that is due tomorrow ].
A:What did you think of that magic show [ that was on TV last night ]? B:I wasn't impressed. It seemed to me [ (that) nothing is more [ than a series of clever tricks ] ].
[ As long as you you gurantee [ to be home by 9o'clock ] ], 〜.
1.Give it to (whoever,whomever,whichever) wants it.→whoever 2.Give it only to those (who,whom,whoever) you think to be poor.→whoever 3.At last he visited the very place (which,that,where) had long been in his mind.→that 4.The restaurant (which,that,where) we ate lunch yesterday wasn't so good.→where 5.He visited his native country,(which,that,where) he spent seven days.→where
>>27 1.Give it to [ whoever wants it ]. *誰でも 2.Give it only to those [ whom you think to be poor ]. *その人をあなたは貧乏だと思う 3.At last, he visited the very place [ that had long been in his mind ]. *これまで心に残っていた、まさにその場所 4.The restaurant [ where we ate lunch yesterday ] wasn't so good. *そこで昼食をたべた 5.He visited his native country, [ where he spent seven days ]. *そこで7日間過ごした
>>51 1)He lent me some books. The books were difficult to read. →He lent me some books which were difficult to read. 2)I went to Okinawa. I stayed there for a week. →I went to Okinawa,コンマ where I stayed for a week. 3)I have done it. You told me to do it. →I have done what you told me to do. 4)He spoke in German. I could not understand the language well. →He spoke in German,コンマ which I could not understand well.固有名詞だから 5)They say he is very clever. I can't believe it. →They say he is very clever, which I can't believe.
1)This is the girl I spoke of the other day. Her mother is a teacher of this school. →This is the girl I spoke of the other day whose mother is a teacher of this school.
2)Her mother had three daughters. She was the youngest of them. →Her mother had three daughters whom she was the youngest of.
3)He spoke in Spanish. I knew of it very little. →He spoke in Spanish, which I knew of very little.
4)We went up the tower. We could look down at the town from its observation platform. →We went up the tower whose observation platform we could look down at the town from.
5)The day was bright and sunny. They moved into their new house then. →The day when they moved into their new house was bright and sunny.
>>61 二重限定なんてやってんだ、すげえな 1)This is the girl I spoke of the other day. Her mother is a teacher of this school. →This is the girl I spoke of the other day whose mother is a teacher of this school. OK 2)Her mother had three daughters. She was the youngest of them. →Her mother had three daughters,コンマ of whom she was the youngest.娘は三人って確定してるので継続用法 3)He spoke in Spanish. I knew of it very little. →He spoke in Spanish, which I knew of very little.OK 4)We went up the tower. We could look down at the town from its observation platform. →We went up the tower whose observation platform we could look down at the town from.OK 5)The day was bright and sunny. They moved into their new house then. →The day when they moved into their new house was bright and sunny.OK
>>51 これを機に He lent me some books which were difficult to read. と He lent me some books, which were difficult to read. が、 両方とも英文としては成り立っていて、しかも意味が違う事を自分で調べて覚えたほうがいいな。
>>69 2)We came to a small lake. I forgot the name of the lake. →We came to a small lake whose name I forgot.
これらも We came to a small lake I forgot the name of. We came to a small lake that I forgot the name of. We came to a small lake which forgot the name of. We came to a small lake of which I forgot the name.
おい、>>59、>>68、>>105、 もとの問題を忘れてるんじゃないの? 関係詞のあとが定動詞じゃなくてto不定詞になっている場合なんだよ? Give it to those (whom) you think to be honest. みたいな文だよ?それでwhoなわけ? The student (who) you thought was a girl was in fact a boy. とかだったらwhoだろうけど。 参考書を論じる前にきちんと英文自体を把握しろ、馬鹿。 >>33, >>57が私のレスでした。
"those whom you think to be"の検索結果 23 件中 1 - 23 件目 (0.59 秒) "those who you think to be"の検索結果 2 件中 1 - 2 件目 (0.20 秒) "man whom you think to be"の検索結果 6 件中 1 - 6 件目 (0.29 秒) "man who you think to be"との一致はありません。
>>119 There is a movement called 'Terakoya Movement.' That movement aids developing countries in constructing schools. Some students in our school participate in it. They are going to give a presentation in the school festival in order to let it known. We should not turn away from the fact that many children resign themselves to the surroundings that they cannot go to school.
Aquariums are places where you enjoy watching fish and marine animals. On top of this, they are now playing an additional role. They are places which teach us the importance of preserving nature. The aquarium in Monterey, California is one of such institutes.
>>126 Aquariums are places [ where you enjoy [ watching fish and marine animals ] ]. On top of this, they are now playing an additional role. They are places [ which teach us the importance of [ preserving nature ] ].
The aquarium in Monterey, California is one of such institutes [ which teach us the importance of [ preserving nature ] ]. モンテレー(カルフォルニア)にある水族館はそのような(重要性を教えている)施設のひとつである。 insitutesのsは複数のsです
I would like to thank you for supporting this student exchange program. The map shows the location of St. George’s School, where the students will be taking classes. They will need to be dropped off in the morning by 8:15 and picked up around 1:00 p.m. at school. Please call us if you have any questions.
まず、状況が飲み込めません。 誰が誰にどういう状況で説明をしているのか・・・ 1.このsupportingはto supportと同じで現在進行形の意味はない、ただの動名詞で合ってますか? 2.studentが生徒なのか教育実習生なのか・・・生徒だとしたらthe students will be taking classesはいったい何なのか。
すみません。辞書たくさん探してなんとかまともに通じる訳を、筋道を探して見たのですが、わからないのです。 交換留学の話なのかと思ったり、教育実習性の話なのか、 the map shows the location of St.Georgeあたりのくだりも意味不明になってきたり。 St.とは生徒の事でいいのでしょうか。それともセントジョージ大学というわけでしょうか。 主観が途中で変わるのです。一文目は何かに感謝したいようですが、最後はそれとは すみませんが教えてください。
>>134 I would like [ to thank you for [ supporting this student exchange program ] ]. The map shows the location of St. George’s School, [ where the students will be taking classes ]. They will need [ to be dropped off in the morning by 8:15 and picked up around 1:00 p.m. at school ]. Please call us [ if you have any questions ].
私はこの生徒交換交流制度を支援するあなたに感謝したい。 この地図は聖ジョージ校の所在地を示し、生徒達はそこで授業を受けることになる。 生徒達は朝の8:15頃にはバスから降ろされ、昼の1時前後にバスに乗せられる。 何かわからない事があるなら、私達に電話してください。 1.このsupportingはto supportの現在分詞形 2.studentは生徒、交換留学の話。St.とは Saint
>>134 I would like to thank you for supporting this student exchange program. The map shows the location of St. George’s School, where the students will be taking classes. They will need to be dropped off in the morning by 8:15 and picked up around 1:00 p.m. at school. Please call us if you have any questions. 私はこの交換留学制度を援助していただいてあなたに感謝したい。 この地図は聖ジョージ校の所在地を示し、生徒たちはそこで授業を受けることになります。 彼らは朝の8:15頃にはバスで送り届けられ、そして昼の一時前後にはバスに乗ることになります。 何かわからない事があればお電話ください。 >1.このsupportingはto supportと同じで現在進行形の意味はない、ただの動名詞で合ってますか? 合ってる。forという前置詞の目的語だから。 >2.studentが生徒なのか教育実習生なのか・・・生徒だとしたらthe students will be taking classesはいったい何なのか。 授業を受ける >St.とは生徒の事でいいのでしょうか。それともセントジョージ大学というわけでしょうか。 聖ジョージ校、セントジョージ校
>>146 (1)She saw a man enter and leave the building. 彼女は一人の男がビルに入り、出て行くのを見た。 (2)It would be more accurate to say 【you "had your hair cut", in a salon or by a stylist】. 「あなたは(美容院で/美容師に)髪を切ってもらった」というほうがより正確だろう。
時制と話法の問題をやっていて分からない問題がありました 「」の動詞を過去形にした文を、( )に適当な語を入れて完成させなさい 1) I 「hear」she belongs to the judo club → I heard she ( ) to the judo club 2) He 「believes」there was a palace there in those days → He believed there ( ) ( ) a palace there in those days 3) I 「think」 Mike will come first → I thought Mike ( ) ( ) first 各組の文が同じ意味になるように()に適当な語を入れなさい 1)Tim said, "I am very hungry" Tim said that ( ) ( ) very hungry 2)The woman said to me, "Something good will happen to you" The woman told me that something good ( ) happen to ( ).
>>146 (1)She saw [ a man enter and leave the building ]. 彼女は見た[1人の男が建物に入り出ていくのを] (2)It would be more accurate [ to say [ you had [ your hair cut in a salon or by a stylist ] ] ]. (そうすることは)、Cより正確である[B言うことは[Aあなたはされたと[@あなたの髪の毛が理髪店で又は理容師によって切られることを]]]
>>155 「」の動詞を過去形にした文を、( )に適当な語を入れて完成させなさい 1) I 「hear」she belongs to the judo club → I heard she (belonged) to the judo club 2) He 「believes」there was a palace there in those days → He believed there (had) (been) a palace there in those days 3) I 「think」 Mike will come first → I thought Mike (would) (come) first 各組の文が同じ意味になるように()に適当な語を入れなさい 1)Tim said, "I am very hungry" Tim said that (he) (was) very hungry 2)The woman said to me, "Something good will happen to you" The woman told me that something good (would) happen to (me).
>>155 1) I hear [ she belongs to the judo club ]. → I heard [ she belonged to the judo club ]. *聞いたときの話しだから過去形 2) He believes [ there was a palace there in those days ]. → He believed [ there had been a palace there in those days ]. *聞いたときより前の話しだから過去完了形 3) I think [ Mike will come first ]. → I thought [ Mike would come first ]. *思ったときよりも後なので、would
1)Tim said, "I am very hungry." Tim said [ that he was very hungry ]. *言ったときのことなので過去 2)The woman said to me, "Something good will happen to you" The woman told me [ that something good would happen to me ]. *言ったときよりも後なのでwould、あなたというのは私のこと。
片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A 投稿日: 2009/06/23(火) 00:55:01 This dung is the deer's dung. この糞は鹿の糞である。 This dung is the deer's. この糞は鹿の物である。 This dung is its. この糞はそれの物である。
>>170 @この糞は鹿の糞だ。言葉としては繰り返しはどこの言語でも好ましくないけど、論理的に考えるためには有益である。 Aこの糞は鹿のだ。これが普通。所有も所属の同じ。 This dung is the dung of the deer.なんてまどろこし過ぎて言わない。 This dung is the deer's. 出来るだけ簡単にして言う。 Bこのように所有代名詞itsを、ネイティブは全くためらいなく使う。 論理的に成立する物は何でもOK、これが実際の言葉遣い!
和訳をお願いします。神様助けて下さい。 When it is a foregone conclusion that only thing that will be, or can be, is the thing that has been, every phenomenon which refuses to adapt itself to that self-evident formula wilI be doubted or ignored;続きます。
>>199 When it is a foregone conclusion that only thing that will be, or can be, is the thing that has been, every phenomenon which refuses to adapt itself to that self-evident formula wilI be doubted or ignored and, if it persists in thrusting itself as an obstinate fact, it must be manipulated somehow till it fits in with the old formula. “これからも存在するであろうし存在し得るであろう唯一の物は今までも存在してきた物である”ということが確実な場合は この自明な公式(or法則)に当てはまろうとしない一切の事象は疑われるか無視されるであろうし、 もし、その事象が頑強な事実として自らを押し付けてくる場合は(=否定できない場合は) その事象は先の公式に当てはまるように何らかの手直しをされなければならない。
And four of its lesser peaks from a U-shaped glacial valley. (そして、12個の4つは、Uの字をした氷河の谷からほにゃらら) itsは12個の氷(氷河)のことかと。 Vがどこか分からん。peakかなと思ったけど、four的にsがついてて駄目なんじゃねということで。というかlesserさんが何をしたいのかry
This green forest,for example,gives way to patches of brown. (例えば、この緑の森は環境保護に反したものになるだろう) patches of brownが意味不明。give wat toもこんな感じで訳してしまっていいのか。
Steps must be taken as soon as possible to stop this. (可能な限りこれを止めることが、) Stepは多分、ケニアの山の氷どけかと。どこがどう機能してるか分かりません。
I would say that at least fifty percent of the forest,all the,all the hardwoods,anywhere where there is indigenous forest is experiencing some from of threat or the others. (少なくとも50%のほとんどの森は全て広葉樹で、それはどこにでもある生まれながらの森であり、今現在では何かしらの存続の危機を経験している、と私は言える) all the,all the という表現で戸惑ってしまい、こういうのはどう対処すべきでしょうか。 全部、forestと同格でおk? というか文の構造が分かりませんorz IがS、Vがsay、at〜forestがS2、is experiencingがV2で良いでしょうか? しかしanywhere以下とsome以下がどう機能しているのかが見えません。
>>206 And four of its lesser peaks from a U-shaped glacial valley. 「そして、圏谷(カール、氷河によってできたU字谷)からその連峰のより低い4つの峰である」 Vは無い This green forest,for example,gives way to patches of brown. 「例えば、この緑の森は茶色い斑点のような土の地面に取って代わられる」
Steps must be taken as soon as possible to stop this. 「可能な限り早くこれを止める手段を講じることが必要だ」 stepsは手段 I would say that at least fifty percent of the forest, all the, all the hardwoods, anywhere where there is indigenous forest is experiencing some form of threat or the others. 「原始林があるところではどこでも、少なくとも50%の森が(すべて広葉樹であるが)、 今では何かしらの存続の危機を経験している、と言っていいだろう」 > all the,all the という表現で戸惑ってしまい、こういうのはどう対処すべきでしょうか。 気にしない。強調の繰り返し。 IがS、Vがsay、at〜forestがS2、is experiencingがV2で良いでしょうか? よい。 しかしanywhere以下とsome以下がどう機能しているのかが見えません。 anywhereは副詞でそれに関係副詞節がかかっている。 some以下はexperienceの目的語。
I would say [ that , at least fifty percent of the forest, all the hardwoods anywhere [ where there is indigenous forest ] ] is experiencing some form of threat or the others. 少なくとも森の50%は、原生の森がある所ではどこででも広葉樹は何らかの危機を経験している、と私は言える
214:片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A :2009/06/23(火) 05:41:06 I would say [ that , at least fifty percent of the forest, all the hardwoods anywhere [ where there is indigenous forest ] ] is experiencing some form of threat or the others. 少なくとも森の50%は、原生の森がある所ではどこででも広葉樹は何らかの危機を経験している、と私は言える
>>234 > @ all 単数名詞 all 複数名詞 のどちらとも使えると辞書にありますが、どのような使い分けをするのですか? 可算名詞の単数ということであれば、@時の名詞で〜じゅう、A1個のまるまる全部、B場所なら〜全体 > A 「all+(of) the〔所有格の代名詞、指示形容詞〕」の形で、 次にくる名詞を修飾するとありますが、 ofは省略可能なことはわかりましたが、theの有無はどういった基準ですか? all students→学生というものはみんな all the students→ある学校の全生徒 つまり、theがなければ一般的にすべてで、theがあれば、限定された中のすべて。
文の構造が分かる人間がこんな構造の間違いなんかするかよww *13:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2009/06/21(日) 23:23:57 並び替えですお願いします… It seemed to me(a/nothing/than/more/series)of clever tricks. *22:片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A :2009/06/22(月) 00:22:26 >>13 It seemed to me [ (that) nothing is more [ than a series of clever tricks ] ]. *25:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :sage:2009/06/22(月) 00:34:59 >>13 It seemed to me(nothingmore than a series)of clever tricks. *28:片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A :2009/06/22(月) 00:47:04 It seemed to me [ (that) nothing * more than a series of clever tricks ]. 従属節は 接続詞+主語+述語+〜 にならないといけません *にisを入れます *31:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :sage:2009/06/22(月) 00:54:26 >>28 従属節ではない。低能は引っ込んでろ。 to beの省略だ。 *36:片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A :2009/06/22(月) 00:58:50 It seemed to me [ to be nothing [ to be more than a series of clever tricks ] ]. あの分からないのですが?? *39:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :sage:2009/06/22(月) 01:00:27 >>36 It seemed to me to be nothing more than a series of clever tricks.
121 :ベイエリア人 ◆wI.9LiivDc :2009/06/23(火) 05:00:49 >>119 I can't come up with a concrete reason one way or the other. However, to my ears, the sentence just "feels" wrong. Sorry, I can't help you any more than that.
>>135 I would like [ to thank you for [ supporting this student exchange program ] ]. The map shows the location of St. George’s School, [ where the students will be taking classes ]. They will need [ to be dropped off in the morning by 8:15 and picked up around 1:00 p.m. at school ]. Please call us [ if you have any questions ].
3行目ですが、needはand以降にもかかってるのですか? theyがかかっているのはわかりますが、 picked up というのはクドウシですよね? かかってるとしたら They will need picked up〜という表現もおkになると思うのですが、動詞が連続していてダメだと思う僕は間違いですか?
We use three different colored boxes to dispose of trash. Gray is for burnable items. Blue is for plastic bottles. Black is for cans. Cans must be washed before being thrown away. In order to keep the classroom clean, your cooperation is appreciated.
must be 〜しなければならない must be wash 洗わなければならない must be washed 洗われなければならない
before thorw away 捨てる前に(これは主格が人間で目的格がゴミなどの物質の時に使われるのでしょうか?) before being throw away 捨てる前に(これはなんでしょうか?) before being thrown away捨てられる前に(これは今回の文ではゴミが主格なので beingを使い自らがthrow awayされる前にということでthrown awayなのでしょうか。)
>>272 ありがとうございます。 beingなのは動名詞ということですね。了解です。 to keep O Cは盲点でした。toが付くと急に文型がどっかへ行ってしまうのです。すみません。 全体の文型には注意をするのですが、不定詞や動名詞となるとVOO VOCなどに気づかず悩んでしまいがちです。
In order to keep the classroom clean, your cooperation is appreciated. これ難しいんですね。 in orderで成句で見つかったので、その後ろは別で一度切り離して考えてしまいました。 to keep保つために と訳してしまった事も関係あるかもしれません。 「教室を綺麗に保つ為に」in order to doで考えると素直にこう感じれます。ありがとうございます。
your cooperation is appreciatedはコンビニのトイレ定番の「いつも綺麗に使ってくだしあましてありがとうございます」 みたいな皮肉というか、お願いしますを暗にしている表現なのですね。 ご協力は感謝されます。ご協力は評価されます。 これは辞書だけではなかなか難しいですね。 ありがとうございました。
Most of Nicholas Sparks’s novels are love stories, and they describe the feelings that people have when they fall in love. His stories are touching, and we feel as if we are in love just like the heroes and heroines in them. Nicholas Sparks appeals to the hearts of his readers.
難しいかったですが、なんとか7割くらいは出来ていると思います。 ところで, andという表現と、 andの違いはありますか? SVOアンドOやSVOアンドVOみたいな使い方とは一線を画すためにカンマを入れてるのでしょうか? 一番難しかったのが、in love just likeとin themです。 ここをうまく訳せてるのかどうかさえ自分でわかりません。
we are in love 我々は恋する とかだと思うのですが、 in love just likeなのでしょうか。 それともwe are in love justで区切ってしまうのでしょうか? we are in love just 我々はまさに恋する like the hero and heroin in them それらの中のヒーローやヒロインのような
勝手に「主人公になってまさに恋をしてるかのような」と訳してしまいました。 ちょっとここのwe are in love just like the hero and heroin in themの文型がわからないのです。 SVCだと思います。this is a penと同じ形と思うのですが、justがloveもしくはwe are in love の副詞だとして、 それならlike〜は一体ナンなのでしょうか?これもlikeが前置詞となってる副詞節なのでしょうか?
http://www.howtoeigo.net/bunshi.html I sat around in the boat playing the violin, and saw the fish, which I seemed to have charmed, gathering around me 私はボートの上に座ってバイオリンを弾いていた。そして魚を見た。魔法にかかったように私の周りに魚が集まってきた。 なんとなくこんな感じだと思いますけど、
Hiroaki is in high school. He enjoys using a computer and spends two or three hours working on one every day. 20 his classmates think that he wants to be a computer engineer, he really wants to become a high school teacher.
これが元の文で20のところに because or althought or if or sinceという問題でした。 前の文に対してbecauseを選んでしまったのですが、ピリオドは超えないのですよね?
1, If I ( ) breakfast this morning, I would not be hungry now. (A)ate (B)have eaten (C)would have eaten (D)had eaten
2, If he ( ) the detective honestly when he was questioned, he would not have been arrested. (A)answered (B)has answered (C)had answered (D)would have answered
3, Ned thought he would have won the game, ( ) a little more training and a better manager. (A)with (B)without (C)unless (D)because of
4, ( ) you hurry, you'll be late for school,William. (A)If not (B)Unless (C)Whereas (D)But
>>303 Masking is the use of one facial expression in an effort to conceal another facial expression. 「おくびにも出さない」とか「無表情を装う」というのも、別の表情を 隠すために努力して作り上げた表情である。 People employ an interesting set of masking techniques. 人は、無表情を装うために興味深い一連の技巧を労する。
>>267 I would like [ to thank you for [ supporting this student exchange program ] ]. The map shows the location of St. George’s School, [ where the students will be taking classes ]. They will need [ *to *be dropped off in the morning by 8:15 and (*to *be) picked up around 1:00 p.m. at school ]. Please call us [ if you have any questions ].
>>271 We use three different [ colored ] boxes [ to dispose of trash ]. Gray is for burnable items. Blue is for plastic bottles. Black is for cans. Cans must be washed before [ being thrown away ]. In order [ to keep [ the classroom clean ] ], your cooperation is appreciated. 教室を綺麗に保てるようにするために、あなたの協力は感謝される。
We keep [ the classroom clean ]. We make [ the classroom clean ].
Cans are washed. 洗われる、受け身 Cans must be washed. 洗わなければならない、「助動詞+動詞の原形」
Cans are thrown away. [ before cans *are *thrown away ] 捨てる前に before [ being thrown away ]
>>346 普通に副詞節で繋げられるものをわざわざ叙述的にして名詞節で表す理由がない。 副詞節ならダイレクトに修飾できるのに、名詞節にして補語になるとあまりに説明的。 「彼は自分の欠点には気づいていない。これは甘やかされて育ったせいだろう。」 >He doesn't notice hiw own faults, which might be because he grew up spoiled. noticeは動作動詞だから不可。grew up spoiledだと大人になってダメになったって意味。 He isn't aware(conscious) of his own faults, probably because he was brought up indulgently.
>>344 Other scientists don't accept [ that such a 12,000 years ago [ crossing from Siberia ] is the earliest source of [ people moving into the New World ]. 他の科学者達は認めない [そういった12000年前のシベリアから海を渡ったことが、人々が新世界に移動した最も古い始まりであるということを]
>>346 He doesn't notice his own faults, 彼は自分の欠点に気付いていない [ which might be [ because he grew up [ spoiled ] ] ]. そのことは[彼が甘やかされて駄目になるように育ったから]かもしれない which=そのことは です
>>352 まあそういうこと。 which was whenやwhich was whereも同じように変。 それと、前が否定文だから、probably becauseの前にはコンマを忘れない ようにね。 コンマが無いと「彼が自分の欠点に気づいたのは、甘やかされて育ったからではない」 みたいな意味に取る方が自然になってしまうから。
>>353 > 本文中には > Recycling polyester takes less than 20% of the energy that would be required to make new polyester > ,while producing just 20% of the CO2.
ポリエステルのリサイクルには新品のポリエステルを作るのに必要な エネルギーの20%以下しかかからない。 同時に二酸化炭素排出量 はちょうど20%である。 Compared to making new polyester , recycling polyester 新品のポリエステルを作るのに比べて、リサイクルは A.uses 20% less energy. 20%少ないエネルギーしか使わない→80%必要 B.uses 20% less CO2. 20%少ない二酸化炭素を使う C.uses 80% less energy.80%少ないエネルギーしか使わない→20%必要 D.uses 80% less CO2.80%少ない二酸化炭素を使う
誤文訂正の問題です。 1.Video terminal workers should take a @(15-minutes) A(break) every B(hour). 2.We must find a solution to protect ourselves @(from) technostress not by getting rid of computers, but by learning A(how) to coexist with B(it). 1は@の15-munutes→15-minuteだと思うんですが 2はわかりません(-_-;) どなたか教えてください。よろしくお願いします。
>>381 I'd like to take this opportunity to let you know this action in order to prevent global warming hired me on the basis of my educational background fired from his job solely because he is
>>392 特に文法用語は無いから、主語に否定辞を付加する否定文というくらいの 説明しかない。 こうした文は述語から訳していくとやりやすい。 「見えていたのは雲一つだけではなかった」 他の例 Not a man left. 去った者は一人としていなかった Not five men survived the journey. その旅で生き延びた者は5人もいなかった
>>353 [ Recycling polyester ] takes less than 20% of the energy [ that would be required [ to make new polyester ] ] リサイクルは20%のエネルギーでできる ,[ while (it is) producing just 20% of the CO2.
[ Compared to [ making new polyester ] ], [ recycling polyester ] uses 80% less energy. リサイクルは80%減のエネルギーで済むことになる。
And finally, oxygen therapy given to sustain the lives of premature infants can cause retinopathy of prematurity, causing permanent vision loss or blindness.
>>411 Yet it needs but a moment's reflection to convince us that this naturalness of speech is but an illusory feeling." 「だが、言語が持つこの自然さは単なる錯覚に過ぎない、 と我々が納得するためには、ちょっと考えてみるだけで充分である。」 butにはonly とか merely のような意味もあるんだよ。 内容について思索する前にもっと英語自体を磨かなくちゃ無意味だよ。
>>411 Yet it needs but a moment's reflection to convince us that this naturalness of speech is but an illusory feeling." 「だが、言語が持つこの自然さは単なる錯覚に過ぎない、 と我々が納得するためには、ちょっと考えてみるだけで充分である。」 butにはonly とか merely のような意味もあるんだよ。 内容について思索する前にもっと英語自体を磨かなくちゃ無意味だよ。
1.able to be carried around 2.data processed in a meaningful from
3.adaptable,able to be changed 4.connected with; a part of 5.the amount that can be contained 6.on the outside of something 7.items for particular purpose 8.usual,normal 9.to arrange, to set up 10.to transfer information
>>275 Most of Nicholas Sparks’s novels are love stories, and they describe [ the feelings ] [ that people have [ when they fall in love ] ]. His stories are touching, 彼の物語は心に触れる物で and we feel [ as if we were [ in love ] [ just like the heroes and heroines in them ] ]. 物語の中の主人公のように恋しているかのような気分になる。 Nicholas Sparks appeals to the hearts of his readers. in love=恋して、 just like〜=ちょうど〜のように、 in them=それら(小説)の中の we are in love 我々は恋する just like hero and heroin in them まさにそれらの中のヒーローやヒロインのような We are [in love [ just like the hero and heroin [ in them ] ] ]. @私達は、Dいる[C恋の中に[Bちょうど男主人公女主人公のように[Aそれらの中の]]] SVM
Hiroaki is in high school. He enjoys [ using a computer ] and spends two or three hours [ working on one every day ]. [ Although his classmates think [ that he wants to be a computer engineer ] ], he really wants to become a high school teacher.
Hiroaki is in high school. He enjoys [ using a computer ] and spends two or three hours [ working on one every day ]. [ Although his classmates think [ that he wants to be a computer engineer ] ], he really wants to become a high school teacher.
>>440 Hurry up, or you will be late Do your best, and you will pass the exam Get up at seven and wash your face Be kind to others Have a good time Please keep this room warm
>>449 Our expectations are often deceived. Things which we feared might do us hurt turn out to advantage, and what we thought would save us proves our ruin. 我々の期待はしばしば裏切られる。 我々に害を与えるかもしれない、心配した事柄が結果として我々を益したり、 我々を助けてくれるだろう、と思った事が(実は)我々を滅ぼすものであったりする。
次の( )には誤まっている箇所が1つずつある。それを指摘し、正しい形に直しなさい。 1、bacteria can (make food to go bad). This (is true of) (cooked food) (as well as) fresh food. 2、(Her reputation) (is enough good) (to qualify) her (for) the position. 3、(Many) people (find difficult) to (get through) Japan's humid summers without (air conditioning). 4、He (looks) (very friendly), but (in reality) he is (very hard) (to get along).
次のa,bの文がほぼ同じ意味になるように空所に適語を入れなさい 1、a, They say that he was a successful businessman. b, He is said ( ) ( ) ( ) a successful businessman. 2、a, He was very happy when he heard the news. b, He was very happy ( ) ( ) the news. 3、a, The boy was so kind that he showed me the way to the park himself. b, The boy was ( ) ( ) to show me the way to the park himself. 4、a, Thank you for being so helpful. b, It's very nice ( ) you to ( ) so helpful.
>>464 1、bacteria can (make food go bad). This (is true of) (cooked food) (as well as) fresh food. 2、(Her reputation) (is good enough) (to qualify) her (for) the position. 3、(Many) people (find it difficult) to (get through) Japan's humid summers without (air conditioning). 4、He (looks) (very friendly), but (in reality) he is (very hard) (to get along with).
1、a, They say that he was a successful businessman. b, He is said (to) (have) (been) a successful businessman. 2、a, He was very happy when he heard the news. b, He was very happy (to) (hear) the news. 3、a, The boy was so kind that he showed me the way to the park himself. b, The boy was (kind) (enough) to show me the way to the park himself. 4、a, Thank you for being so helpful. b, It's very nice (of) you to (be) so helpful.
>>449 Our expectations are often deceived. Things [ [ which ] we feared [ might do us hurt ] ] turn out to advantage, and [ [ what ] we thought [ would save us ] ] proves our ruin.
We feared [ they might do us hurt ]. We thought [ they would save us ]. の構造が含まれています。
Exercise 3 Look at all those surrounding cats on the shelf. Those are called " Maneki Neko" or welcoming cats. I'm not sure what you mean, Kazu. Well, they are raising theie paws and saying, " Come over here, come over here." How cute! People think they are.... their customers money and good luck. That's why you can often see them in restaurants and shops. I see. Say, Kazu, would you buy a cat for me? For you? I should get one fpr myself. I'm so poor.
Exercise 3 Look at all those surrounding cats on the shelf. Those are called " maneki neko" or welcoming cats. I'm not sure what you mean, Kazu. Well, they are raising theie paws and saying " Come over here!come over here!" How cute! People think they attract customers, money and good luck. That's why you can often see them in restaurants and shops. I see. Say, Kazu, would you buy a cat for me? For you? I should get one fpr myself. I'm so poor.
>>491 Kazuyoshi Kataoka: Look at all those [ surrounding ] cats on the shelf. Those are called "Maneki Neko" or [ welcoming ] cats.
Satoshi Tsumabuki: I'm not sure [ what you mean ], Kazu. Kazu: Well, they are raising theie paws and saying, "Come over here, come over here." Satoshi: How cute! Kazusoshi: Satoshi, you are cuter than [ welcoming ] cats. People think [ they attract customers, money, and good luck ]. That's [ why you can often see them in restaurants and shops ]. Satoshi: I see. Say, Kazu, would you buy a cat for me? Kazu: For you? I shall get as many as you want. I love you! You are mine!!
>>449 Our expectations are often deceived. 私達が予想することはしばしば外れる。
Things [ [ which ] we feared [ might do us hurt ] ] 私達が私達に害を及ぼすかもしれないと思う事が turn out to advantage, 好都合なことななり、 and [ [ what ] we thought [ would save us ] ] proves our ruin. 私達が救いになるだろうと思った事が滅ぼす物になったりする。
The police asked a lady which of the men she had seen in the park. After observing five people, the lady answered, "The man wearing a red T-shirt is the one I saw."
初め、whichが関係代名詞のwhichかと思ったのですが、このwhichは「どの男」という意味のwhichで疑問代名詞ということはわかりました。 which of the men ZZZ she had seen in the park. ZZZの部分には本来関係代名詞が入るところを省略されてるのでしょうか? 先行詞はthe menで、人の目的格ということで、whomが隠れてると思うのですが、間違ってますか?
Technological advances in recent years have been amazing. One example would be nano-technology. It seems that a lot of people find it hard to keep up with rapid changes in ths technological world.
2.it seems that「that節のように見える」ってことですよね。 keep up with ..に遅れないでついて行く people find it 人々はitを見つける このitは「付いていくのが困難な科学の進化速度」だと思いました。 それで、意訳ですけど、「感じている」という言葉を持ってきてしまったのですが、もっと自然な直訳?はありますか?
また、これは元々は語順問題でしたので、もしかしたら、find it hard to keepの順番は違うかもしれません。
>>510 The police asked a lady [ which of the men she had seen in the park ]. After [ observing five people ], the lady answered, "The man [ wearing a red T-shirt ] is the one [ (that) I saw ]." 直接話法で言うと A: which of the men did you see in the park? B: I saw that one in the park. です。
>>514 Technological advances in recent years have been amazing. One example would be nano-technology. It seems [ that a lot of people find [ it hard *[ to keep up with rapid changes in ths technological world ] ] ].
amagingはamageの現在分詞形が形容詞化した物。 have been greatみたいに、現在完了形です。 現在完了進行形は He has been sleeping for 10 hours. 等です。 形容詞として、「進歩は驚くほどだ」。
it seems that〜=〜であるように見える keep up with〜=〜と一緒にくついて行く=〜に遅れないでついて行く people find [ it hard ]=人々はそれが難しいことと気付く it=*[ ]=この急速な科学技術の進化について行くこと
お願いします。英訳の問題です。 ・毎週日曜日の午後、私は自分の部屋をそうじします。 問題集の解答は、「I clean my room every Sunday afternoon.」なのですが、 自分が最初に考えた答えはこれです。↓ 「I clean my room every Sunday in the afternoon.」。 これだとまずいでしょうか。 自分的には、「every Sunday afternoon.」と、Sundayとafternoonの名詞が並んで二つ続くのになんとなく違和感を感じるのです。 「Sunday afternoon」で「日曜日の午後」と憶えてしまえばよいのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。
The arrival of the Internet has changed our daily lives in many ways. Now we can get up-to-date information quickly from all over the world. We can also communicate with people in other countries without leaving our desks. With only one click, we can buy various products. Some people even use bank services on the Internet.
in many ways の所はこれでいいのでしょうか? どうもインターネットが色々な方法を用いたというニュアンスが不自然なのですが。 でもmany waysって調べると「色々な方法」という訳ばかりですし。 「インターネットの出現は色々な場面で我々の日常を変えた」こう訳すのが一番自然に見えるのですが、in many waysを色々な場面とするのはやはり間違いでしょうか?
>>591 > The arrival of the Internet has changed our daily lives in many ways. Now we can get > up-to-date information quickly from all over the world. We can also communicate with people > in other countries without leaving our desks. With only one click, we can buy various > products. Some people even use bank services on the Internet.
質問させてください。書き換え問題です。 以下の文を複数をあらわす文にしなさい。 It is an old dictionary. 問題集の解答は「They are old dictionaries.」なのですが、自分が出した答えは These(Those) are old dictionaries.です。これでは不正解でしょうか。 お願いします。
くだらない質問させてもらっていいですか。 あの男の人たちはフランス語を少し話す。の英訳は Those men speak French a little.なのかそれとも Those men speaka a little French.どちらが正しいのでしょう。 理由も説明してもらえると助かります。(なんか、どっちもあってるような気がして)
>>424 Woundedではじまるのは、「〜で傷ついたために」と訳するといいようです。 余計なものを外して、わざとはしょってみると、簡単に言えば「狙撃で傷ついたので、彼は数時間後に死んだ」となります。 あとは説明のために、具体的な状況が書いてあるだけです。 こう訳します。 「ああ、こういうことだったので、彼、死んじゃったんですよ」といいたいわけです。 He was wounded〜.は2度「彼は」といっているだけで、意味は同じです。
ただ、He was wounded〜ではじめても、Woundedではじめても、主節は最後のhe died a few hours after being shot.です。 主節以外の部分のほうが長いのです。(コンマの前)
Wounded by an assassin's bullet while he was watching a play at the Ford Theater,he died a few hours after being shot. 「彼がフォード劇場で劇を見ていると狙撃されて傷を負ったので、(ここでコンマ)数時間後、彼は死んだのです」
お願いします。 「私はその少女が優しいと分かった」というのを i found the girl was kind ならわかるんですが、 答えが、I found the girl kind です。 kindに名詞の訳は無くて、名詞の場合はkindnessだし、 どうしてこうなるのかわかりません。分かりやすくおしえてもらえませんか?
The city: This lively city-once a small fishing village-is today an international business center. It is an interesting mix of East and West, old and new. Modern skyscrapers are next to small temples. Popular nightclubs are close to traditional teahouses. Busy crowds fill the streets at all hours of the day. But outside the city, there are parks for walking or relaxing.
The food: Hong Kong is famous for its wonderful native dishes (try dim sum). There's also food from Europe, North America, and other parts of Asia.
Minuses: This small city has a large population. How many people live in Hong Kong? Almost seven million! That's why housing is often very expensive. Traffic and air pollution are also a problem.
もう一つお願いします。 The older a man grows, the more silent he becomes. 「男は年をとればとるほど無口になる」なんですが、 コンマから前が、なぜそういう訳になるのかが良く分かりません。 「年の男が(The older a man)」が主語で、「grows(成長する)」が動詞 って解釈でいいんですか?
うまい訳ではないが... >>620 1、あまりにタバコを吸うと、そのうちにとても止められないような習慣が身についてしまう。 Smoking too much, you'll in time have a bad habit which could be hardly got rid of. 2、文明が変われば、必要なものも変わる。例えば、我々は昔の人ほど火打ち石に依存していない。 As civilization changes, so do daily necessities too. For example, we are less dependent on flints than our ancestors.
> Why live in Hong Kong? Here are two good reasons. なぜ香港に住むか?ここには二つの相応しい理由がある。 > The city: This lively city-once a small fishing village-is today an international business center. 都市:この活発な都市―かつては小さな漁村であった―は今日、国際的なビジネス(商売)の中心である。 > It is an interesting mix of East and West, old and new. (それは)興味深い東洋と西洋、新古の混合である。 > Modern skyscrapers are next to small temples. 現代的な摩天楼の隣に小さな寺院がある。 > Popular nightclubs are close to traditional teahouses. 人気のあるナイトクラブの近くに伝統的な茶店がある。 > Busy crowds fill the streets at all hours of the day. 多忙な群衆が一日中通りを埋める。 > But outside the city, there are parks for walking or relaxing. しかし、市街の外には、ウォーキングやリラックスに適した公園がある。 > The food: Hong Kong is famous for its wonderful native dishes (try dim sum). 食:香港はその素晴らしい固有の料理で有名である(点心を試してみよ) > There's also food from Europe, North America, and other parts of Asia. ヨーロッパや北米、アジアの他の地域(生まれ)の食品もある。 > > Minuses: This small city has a large population. 負:この小さな都市は大きな人口を抱えている > How many people live in Hong Kong? どれだけの人が香港に住んでいるだろうか > Almost seven million! 約700万人である! > That's why housing is often very expensive. それは家賃がしばしば高い理由である > Traffic and air pollution are also a problem. 交通や空気の汚染も問題である
>>655 attendは出席するという行為全体またはその繰り返しを表す。 その場に出席しているという状態を表すならpresent Most of those present at the meeting agreed with my plan. 現在分詞を使うのは難しいね。 いっそ名詞にするのが自然。 Most of the attendance at the meeting agreed with my plan
>>655 その会議に参加したほとんどの人が私のプランに賛成だった @Most of those [ attending the meeting ] agreed with my plan. AMost of those [ who attended the meeting ] agreed with my plan.
>>623 「私はその少女が優しいと分かった」 @I found (that) the girl was kind 会ってみると彼女は優しい人だった(優しいという事実を知っただけ) AI found the girl (to be) kind 会ってみると彼女は優しくしてくれた(実際に優しい行為を見ている)
George Washington University researchers found [ that doctors are leaving poor countries in large numbers, [ draining them of important human resources ] ]. The researchers found [ that 9 of the 20 countries with ... ].
>>718 >>717さんではないけど、お答えします。 その通りです。 The car started to run at full speed. 車は全速力で走り始めようとした。(その時点ではまだ全速力ではない) The car started running at full speed. 車は全速力で走り始めた。(その時点で既に全速力になっている)
All I had to do to study the economics of the real world was just to work out of the campus and into the villages 私はキャンパスの外へ行き村に入って現実世界の経済学をまなびさえするばいいであってますか?
ただいま〜 あ〜えがった〜 たのしかった〜 Mathew, Charity, Christie, a German female, Akira Tokyo University Law graduate course student, Biology graduate course female, a young Japanese lady and me. We had prayer for one hour. Then we had free talk over refreshment and drinks.
Ohanami is a party held in spring where we have foods watching cherry blossoms. However, actually, we hardly watching them,since we are busy in eating as the saying "Hana yori dango" represents.
何が入りますか? Summer is going and buying so unvulnerably and secondly Irosoph was planned to train by technical jargon in Rervenne. I was so flushed sometimes because (3語).
A. 477 :片岡数吉 ◆X8bUvIiQ1A :2009/06/28(日) 22:52:42 Summer is going and buying so unvulnerably and secondly Irosoph was planned [ to train by technical jargon in Rervenne ]. I was so flushed sometimes [ because ( of )( technical )( jargon ).
>>749 Ohanami is a picnic under the cherry blossoms. Actually, we hardly view the blossoms, since we are busy eating and chatting as the saying "Hana yori dango" represents. howeverとactuallyは併用しない。actuallyだけで「しかし実際は」の意味。 花を見るのはview、have foodsとわざわざ言わなくてもpicnicで済む。
Ohanami is an outdoor party [ held in spring ] [ where we eat, drink and talk [ watching cherry blossoms ] ]. However, we hardly watch them [ since we are busy eating, drinking and talking ]. We say 'round sweet cake rather than cherry blossoms'.
・()内の動詞を現在形か過去形に直す My son didn’t like vegetables, but now he (like) them very much. The earth (go) around the sun. five hundred years ago,very few people (know) that. ・()内の正しい方は? I (have finished/had finished) my homework when he called me up. Our teachers (is/has been) ill since last satueday. ・()内を正しく並べ替え (give/this/we/going/weekend/are/a concent/ to). (leaves Tokyo/for/the ship/Madrid)tomorrow. ・適当な1語を 1.私が泳げたらいいのだが I wish I ( )( ). 2.彼はまるでその事故を見たかのように話をする He takes as if he ( )( ) the accident. 3.まるで彼は学者のようにふるまった He behaved as if he ( ) a scholar.
>>763 ・()内の動詞を現在形か過去形に直す My son didn’t like vegetables, but now he (likes) them very much. The earth (goes) around the sun. five hundred years ago, very few people (knew) that. ・()内の正しい方は? I (had finished) my homework when he called me up. Our teachers (has been) ill since last satueday. ・()内を正しく並べ替え We are going to give a concert this weekend. The ship leaves Tokyo for Madrid tomorrow. ・適当な1語を 1.私が泳げたらいいのだが I wish I (could)(swim). 2.彼はまるでその事故を見たかのように話をする He talks as if he (had)(seen) the accident. 3.まるで彼は学者のようにふるまった He behaved as if he (were) a scholar.
>>763 My son didn’t like vegetables, but now he *likes them very much. The earth *goes around the sun. Five hundred years ago, very few people *knew that.
I *had *finished my homework [ when he called me up ]. Our teachers *has *been ill since last Saturday.
We are going [ to give a concert this weekend ]. The ship leaves Tokyo for Madrid tomorrow.
1.私が泳げたらいいのだが I wish [ I *could swim ]. 2.彼はまるでその事故を見たかのように話をする He talkes [ as if he *had *seen the accident ]. 3.まるで彼は学者のようにふるまった He behaved [ as if he were a scholar ].
1.私が泳げたらいいのだが I wish [ I *could swim ]. 2.彼はまるでその事故を見たかのように話をする He talkes [ as if he *had *seen the accident ]. 3.まるで彼は学者のようにふるまった He behaved [ as if he were a scholar ].
>>768 It eliminates those common intellectual and cultural aspects @それは、B共通した知性や文化の側面を消していきます [ that permit [ men and women to coexist, to communicate ] ]. A男と女が協力して生きたり、意志を伝え合ったりすることを許している
He had accumulated a vast and various collection of learning and knowledge,which was so arranged in his mind,as to be ever in readiness at any moment to be brought forth.
>>770 He had accumulated a vast and various collection of [ learning ] and knowledge, [ which was so arranged in his mind as [ to be ever in readiness at any moment [ to be brought forth ] ] ].
He had accumulated a vast and various collection of [ learning ] and knowledge, 彼はその時まで広範囲で多様々な学習と知識を集積してきた [ which was so arranged in his mind as [ to be ever in readiness at any moment [ to be brought forth ] ] ]. その集積した物は、いつでも引き出せる態勢にあるようにまで良く整えられていた
Something that you mention because it is typical of the kind of thing that you are talking about. exampleを英英辞典で引いてみたのですがbacauseがどう使われているのかわかりません 訳お願いします
穴埋めです もし彼がここにいれば何て言うでしょう。 If he was here,what( )he say? あの時カメラを持っていたら写真を撮っていたのになぁ If I ( )had the camera with me then,I would have taken pictures. もし彼が5分早く起きていたら、そのバスに乗れたのに If he had got up five minutes earlier,he could ( )caught the bus. 同じ町に住んでいれば毎日あなたに会えるのに If I( )in the same town,I could see you every day. 道路地図を持っていたら彼等は迷わなかっただろうに If they had brought a road map,they( )not have lost their way. どなたかよろしくお願いします。
>>787 The choices [ they must make ] are determined less by convention or tradition and more by their own judgement. 彼らがなすべき選択は、慣習や伝統よって決定されることが減り、自分の判断によって決定されることが増えた」
What psychological factors make war possible even though they do not cause it?
In the first world war,once it had started,the German(or French,Russian,British) soldiers went on fighting because they felt that losing the war would mean disaster for the whole nation.The individual soldiers were motivated by the feeling that they were fighting for their lives,and that it was a matter of killing or being killed.
Another important factor is the deeply rooted feeling of respect for and awe of authority. The soldier had tradittionally been made to feel that to obey his leaders was a moral and religious obligation for the fulfillment of which he should be ready to pay with his life.
The rich young men at these schools had nowhere to hunt,fish,or ride or otherwise use up their energies; all they could do outside school hours was to kick a ball in the school's open spaces. (中央大)
>>798 The rich young men at these schools had nowhere [ to hunt fish ], or [ (to) ride ], or otherwise [ (to) use up their energies ] ]; これらの学校の金持ちの生徒達には場所がなかった[釣りをするか、乗馬をするか、自分達のエネルギーを使い果たす] all [ they could do outside school hours ] was [ to kick a ball in the school's open spaces ]. 彼らが学校での時間以外ですることが出来ることは、学校の空き地でボールを蹴ることだけだった。
>>838 I gave him what money i had. これは間接疑問にはなり得ない。 He asked me what books would be useful to him. これは間接疑問。 askが後ろに間接疑問を要求するからね。 whatは同格ではなく疑問形容詞。 Aまた、 He asked me what books would be useful for.
>>787が>>789や>>809みたいな訳になることはないだろうね。 でももしかしたら学校も間違えるかもw もし>>789みたいな意味なら The choices they must make are determined rather(more) by their own judgement than by convention or tradition. という比較が行われていなければならない。 自身の判断と伝統や慣習とはどちらが多いかは元の英語からは分からない。 単に自身の判断によるケースが増え、伝統や慣習によることが減ったと 捉えるしかない。 二つの比較級があり、いずれもが比較対象を明示されていないのは 過去との比較だから。
>>798 The rich young men at these schools had nowhere to hunt,fish,or ride or otherwise use up their energies; all they could do outside school hours was to kick a ball in the school's open spaces. (中央大)
The rich young men at these schools had nowhere [ to hunt, fish, or ride or otherwise use up their energies ]; all [ they could do outside school hours ] was [ to kick a ball in the school's open spaces ].
The rich young men at these schools had nowhere [ to hunt, fish, or ride or otherwise use up their energies ]; これらの学校の金持ちの家の生徒達には場所がなかった[狩りをしたり釣りをしたりする、又は乗馬をする、またはそうでなくても自分達のエネルギーを使い果たす]。
all [ they could do outside school hours ] was [ to kick a ball in the school's open spaces ]. 彼らが学校の時間外で出来ることは、学校の空き地でボールを蹴ることだけであった。
・Whenever I ate, he taught me table manners to let me learn them.
・When I finished eating, I had to show my rice bowl to my father ,because he checked it. If I left even a single grain, I had to eat again. This bothered me, but now I noticed not leaving even a single grain is for a cook.
・As I got older, my father didn't tell me about table manners.
・Probably, he was not able to find my bad table manners because my manners had improved.
天気予報によると、雪は明日の朝までにはやむでしょう The weather report says it will have stopped snowing by tomorrow morning. 彼と3か月も付き合えば、彼がとても気さくだとわかるでしょう If you've known him for three months,you'll see he is very friendly.
Here was real life situation in which thirty dollars would made it possible for 42 people to earn a living wage ここでは30ドルで42人の人々が生活給を稼ぐことを可能にする真実の生活状況である であってますか?
彼によると元の文章の意味は "Their decisions are made more by their own judgement than by convention and tradition etc" と解釈されるべきだということです。 理由は:The phrase about being determined less by convention/more by own judgement seems to refer to the sort of decisions they must make, rather than refer to how they actually decide or resolve those decisions. i.e. mostly they use their own judgement to work out which decisions they have to make - as opposed to finding the decisions they have to make being set out by the rule of conviction. So I think it would be more accurate to say: They use their own judgement more than convention in order to know which decisions they must make.
Doing your own thing means living a life full of uncertainties. It is because the choices they must make are determined less by convention or tradition and more by their own judgment, that the young people of today face a more difficult world than did those of twenty years ago.
1〜9の( )に入るものを教えて下さい。 ( )の中は、some,any,a lot of,much,manyのどれかです。
Karen: What do we need for the party? Do we need( @ )drinks? Adam: No, we don't. We have( A )milk, juce, and soda. Karen: What about hot dogs? Do we need( B )? Adam: Well, we have( C ), but there aren't( D ). Karen: OK,T'll buy( E ). Is there( F )lettuce for the salad? Adam: Yes, but there isn't( G ). Get four heads. Karen: Wow, that( H )lettuce. Thope people.
Karen: What do we need for the party? Do we need( @ )drinks? Adam: No, we don't. We have( A )milk, juce, and soda. Karen: What about hot dogs? Do we need( B )? Adam: Well, we have( C ), but there aren't( D ). Karen: OK,T'll buy( E ). Is there( F )lettuce for the salad? Adam: Yes, but there isn't( G ). Get four heads. Karen: Wow, that's( H )lettuce. Thope people are hungry!
>>952 Karen: What do we need for the party? Do we need( @any )drinks? Adam: No, we don't. We have( Aa lot of )milk, juce, and soda. Karen: What about hot dogs? Do we need( Bany )? Adam: Well, we have( Csome ), but there aren't( Dmany ). Karen: OK,T'll buy( Esome ). Is there( Fany )lettuce for the salad? Adam: Yes, but there isn't( Gmuch ). Get four heads. Karen: Wow, that's( Ha lot of )lettuce. Thope people are hungry!
>>948 Doing your own thing means living a life full of uncertainties. It is because the choices they must make are determined less by convention or tradition and more by their own judgment, that the young people of today face a more difficult world than did those of twenty years ago. 自分自身の事を行うことは不確定性に満ちた人生を生きることである。 こんにちの若者が、20年前の若者に比べてより困難な世界に直面しているのは 彼らがなさねばならぬ選択が、慣習や伝統よりも、彼ら自身の判断に より多く掛かっているからである。
修正版。 >>948 Doing your own thing means living a life full of uncertainties. It is because the choices they must make are determined less by convention or tradition and more by their own judgment, that the young people of today face a more difficult world than did those of twenty years ago. 自分らしい生き方をすると非常に不安定な人生を送ることになる。 今日の若者が20年前の若者に比べてより困難な世界に直面しているのは 彼らがしなければならない選択が、慣習や伝統よりも、彼ら自身の判断により多く掛かっているからである。
修正版。 >>948 Doing your own thing means living a life full of uncertainties. It is because the choices they must make are determined less by convention or tradition and more by their own judgment, that the young people of today face a more difficult world than did those of twenty years ago. 自分らしい生き方をすると非常に不安定な人生を送ることになる。 今日の若者が20年前の若者に比べてより困難な世界に直面しているのは 彼らがしなければならない選択が、慣習や伝統よりも、彼ら自身の判断により多く掛かっているからである。
英訳の問題で、「火曜日は週の3番目の日です。」を Thuesday is the third day in the week. としたのですが、 問題集の解答は Thuesday is the third day of the week. でした。 やっぱり、in the week では間違いなのでしょうか。お願いします。 出来れば説明もあると助かります。
1 Japanese are supposed to say what they mean and mean what they say. 〜をすべきかとsupposed toを訳すと後半がうまく分かりません。 2 Never use a long word when a short one will do. 長い単語を使うな短いものが出来るときは。の意味でしょうか。 3 Even if our thoughts are sharp and clear, muddy language will blur their outlines. たとえ我々の考えが鋭くはっきりしていても、からが訳せません。 お願いします。
修正版。 >>973 1 Japanese are supposed to say what they mean and mean what they say. 日本人は、何考えてるのかわかりやすい。 2 Never use a long word when a short one will do. 長文うぜえ、3行でたのむ 3 Even if our thoughts are sharp and clear, muddy language will blur their outlines. おまえはただの口下手だ
「英語で『さよなら』はどういいますか。」の英訳を 「What do you say sayonara in English」としたのですが、答えは 「How do you say sayonara in English」でした。 この場合、WhatとHowをどのように使い分けているのですか。教えてください。
修正版。 >>973 1 Japanese are supposed to say what they mean and mean what they say. 日本人は、考えている事を言い、言ってる事がすなわち考えていることなのだ、とみなされている。 2 Never use a long word when a short one will do. 短い語で済む時には決して長い語を用いるな! 3 Even if our thoughts are sharp and clear, muddy language will blur their outlines. たとえ我々の思考が鋭く明晰であるとしても、モゴモゴした話し方はその(思考の)輪郭を不明瞭にする。
「何月が7月と9月の間にきますか。 8月です。」という英訳問題で、 What month is between July and September ? August is. としたのですが、解答は What month comes between July and September ? August does. でした。 やはりここはBe動詞ではダメですか。理由とかも説明してもらえると助かります。お願いします。