>>7 The first sentence is just wrong. Like >>8 said, the third sentence could possibly be used in circumstances involving a very specific lunch. Here's an example:
A: Hey Mom, my teacher said she's going to bring a special lunch for all the students tomorrow! B: How nice of her. But didn't you say your classroom has ants? Can you have the lunch in the cafeteria instead?
>>47 I find [ it more difficult [ to speak English ] [ than I expected [ it to be ] ]. 括りが善い、から善い I find [ it more difficult [ than I expected [ it to be ] ] [to speak English ]. itの中身がなかなか出てこないから駄目
○ It is more difficult [ to speak English ] [ than I expected [it to be ] ]. × It is more difficult [ than I expected [ it to be ] ] [ to speak English ].
[HOLES]より Stanley walked to Zero's hole and watched him measure it with his shovel. The top of his hole was a perfect circle, and the sides were smooth and steep. Not one dirt clod more than necessary had been removed from the earth. Zero pulled himself up to the surface. He didn't even smile. He looked down at his perfectly dug hole, spat in it, then turned and headed back to the camp compound. "Zero's one weird dude," said Zigzag. なぜa weird dudeと言わずにone weird dudeと言うのですか?
>>65 find one's way around で辞書を引けば、「(地理に明るくて)自由に歩き回れる」とか、 「事情に通じて勝手がわかる」みたいなのが出てると思う。 ここでは具体的な内容を補って「自分の欲しい情報を探す」と訳してるんだと思う。 その後の things は「事態」とか「成り行き」などを漠然と指すけど、 上の自分の欲しい情報を探す作業を「この作業」と訳してあるみたいだね。
それから、will go wrong の will は「〜でしょう」という単純な推測ではなくて、 「よく〜するものだ」という傾向などを表す用法だと思うよ。
[HOLES]より He heard the water truck approaching, and felt a strange sense of pride at being able to show Mr. Sir, or Mr. Pendanski, that he had dug his first hole. He put his hands on the rim and tried to pull himself up. He couldn't do it. His arms were too weak to lift his heavy body. He used his legs to help, but he just didn't have any strength. He was trapped in his hole. It was almost funny, but he wasn't in the mood to laugh. "Stanley!" he heard Mr. Pendanski call. Using his shovel, he dug two footholds in the hole wall. He climbed out to see Mr. Pendanski walking over to him. "I was afraid you'd fainted," Mr. Pendanski said. "You wouldn't have been the first." 最後のYou wouldn’t …を邦訳では「前にもそういう子がいたからねえ」と訳している。なんで? You are not the first.でいいじゃん。このwouldn’t have beenは何ですか?仮定方過去完了の帰結節?
[HOLES]より A lot of people don't believe in curses. A lot of people don't believe in yellow-spotted lizards either, but if one bites you, it doesn't make a difference whether you believe in it or not. Actually, it is kind of odd that scientists named the lizard after its yellow spots. Each lizard has exactly eleven yellow spots, but the spots are hard to see on its yellow-green body. The lizard is from six to ten inches long and has big red eyes. In truth, its eyes are yellow, and it is the skin around the eyes which is red, but everyone always speaks of its red eyes. It also has black teeth and a milky white tongue. 実際に赤いのは目の周りの皮膚だと言っているのに、speaks of its red eyes「その赤い目について話す」とは どゆこと?たとえばinsists that its eyes are red.とかbelieves that its eyes are red.と言うのなら話はわかるけど。
He needed to save the area around the hole for when his hole was much deeper. He didn't know if he'd ever get that far. X-Ray was right. The second hole was the hardest. It would take a miracle.
get that farのところがよくわかりません。それを遠くまで連れて行く。という意味ですか?でも、なんか意味が通りません
As he dug, he was careful to dump the dirt far away from the hole. He needed to save the area around the hole for when his hole was much deeper. He didn't know if he'd ever get that far. X-Ray was right. The second hole was the hardest. It would take a miracle. As long as the sun wasn't out yet, he removed his cap and used it to help protect his hands. Once the sun rose, he would have to put it back on his head. His neck and forehead had been badly burned the day before. He took it one shovelful at a time, and tried not to think of the awesome task that lay ahead of him. After an hour or so, his sore muscles seemed to loosen up a little bit. He grunted as he tried to stick his shovel into the dirt. His cap slipped out from under his fingers, and the shovel fell free.
文中に「He took it one shovelful at a time」という文がありますが、itは何を指すのでしょうか。
>>109 take it の形でよく使われる「受け入れる」とか「耐える」みたいな意味かな。 そうすると it は自分の置かれている状況を漠然と指すかと。 one shovelful at a time で文字通りには一掘りずつということでしょう。 今は目の前の一掘り一掘りに打ち込んで余計なことは考えないようにしてるみたい。
>>109 take it -------at a time で決まりきった表現。 itはなにかと聞かれれば、この場合自分の置かれた穴を掘らなければいけないと いう状況、のことを指すだろう。穴をひとつ完成させることを考えると途方もなくて ウンザリするので、ひと堀リひと堀りだけに意識を集中させるという感じ。
Cohen: I took it one step at a time and I was able to believe when everything looked really dark and gray.(私は少しずつ立ち直っていきました。そして、すべてが本当に暗く憂うつに見えた時でも、私は信じていることができました)
>>132 Dallas is the last city I don't want to live in. でも大丈夫だけど 住みたくないって意味が強すぎるから wouldをつかってると思うよ 学校では仮定法って習うんだろうけど ここでは意味を和らげる意味程度しかないんだけどね 学生なら>>133氏の説明が理解できればOK
"I'm not saying it's going to be easy. Nothing in life is easy. But that's no reason to give up. You'll be surprised what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it. surprised の後に[at]の省略ですか?ただ省略するのが普通なのでしょうか?be at a loss [as to] what to doの[as to]のように?
>>139 be surprised +at[名詞] ex)I was surprised at the result.のように名詞の前にはatが必要ですが、例文は[what節]なので付けないのです。 同様に、I am not surprised that she was late.は[that節]なので、atが付きません。
ホテルにチェックインしようとしてまだ出来ないと フロントに言われたので、これからショピングに出かけ 戻る頃にはチェックイン出来るか?と質問したら I hope so とだけ言われました。 「出来るといいね」というニュアンスでとらえたのですが、 あってるでしょうか?正確にしりたいです。 他に意味ありますか?>I hope so
Democracy is the highest form of political government, but on the cultural side it is exposed to grave weaknesses. Call the masses into power, and automatically you will find the national culture molded by their interests and tastes. They will expect, and plenty of people will be ready to supply, the kind of music and art and radio and films and reading which is to their taste, and there is at least a risk that standards will quickly decline to the second- and third-rate.
結局、これは本当は民主主義に内在する weaknesses なんだけど、 大衆の趣味に追従することで民主主義の文化が堕落するということで、 大衆の影響がその原因となるから exposed to と外部の要因のように見做してるんじゃないかな。
これを読んでたのですがここでつまづきました "On the reactor, they have actually gone beyond where they were prior to their reversing the disablement steps," McCormack said. というのもprior toという単語が優先順位が先のことも表すのに時間軸で前のことも表すからです gone,beyondというのもそれにつられて解らなくなりました 訳してみてもらえませんか?
Because of the flu or whatever it is I caught. この文の訳が「僕がかかった、インフルエンザかなんかのせいだよ。」となっているのですが 辞書を見てもwhatever it isがどういう意味で使われているのかピンときません。 もし自分でこの日本語の文をみて英作するとしたら Because of the flu or something I caught.と作ります。 これは間違いなんでしょうか?
Can you speak English? という質問にの答えとして、よく、Yes, a little. と答える文例がのっていますが、これは「少ししゃべれる」という意味だと 思います。それでは、少しよりもっとしゃべれるけれども、それ程話せる わけでもない場合どう答えるのがいいでしょうか。例えば、普通のアメリカ 人の会話の70%位理解できる場合。
okay , brilliant thanks emmm i,am sorry to sound rude but you are real yes as in your not going to take my money and not send me the dvd . also were is the dvd coming from is it the USA ,CANADA OR AUSTRIAL
Stanley and Zero slept off and on for the next two days, ate onions, all they wanted, and splashed dirty water into their mouths. onionsと allは同格ですか。onions, all the onions they wantedみたいに考えればいいのですか
>>237 まず、ゴタゴタ言わずに、be possessed of B の形で覚える。「Bを所有している。」 この場合のpossessed は形容詞。possessの過去分詞と考えずに、形容詞 だと理解する。(過去分詞から形容詞に変化したと考えられるかもしれないけど、 これで形容詞だと理解する。実際辞書で形容詞と書いてある。)
>>237 possess に人を目的語にして〜に所有させるという古い語義があって、 possess somebody of something みたいに使ったの。 現在は possess oneself of sometihng のように再帰的に使うか、 be possessed of と受動態にして状態を表す用法しか残ってないけど。
>>245 誤解させるといけないので正確には a couple of months と言ってます。 sit and relax とか rest とか vacation とか繰り返してますし、 過去数年のプレーの緊張から開放されたいようです。 プレーの継続に関しては I need to think everything through と言ってるので、 本当にまだ決断してないんでしょうね。
It seemed like Zero had lived at Camp Green Lake forever, but as Stanley thought about it now, he realized that Zero must have gotten there no more than a month or two before him. Zero was actually arrested a day later. But Stanley's trial kept getting delayed because of baseball. He remembered what Zero had said a few days before. If Zero had just kept those shoes, then neither of them would be here right now. As Stanley stared at the glittering night sky, he thought there was no place he would rather be. 最後beの後にinが必要だと思うのですが。。。 まあ、省略する時もありますが。ただ省略しない時もある。どういった場合に省略する傾向がある、 どういった場合には省略しない傾向にあるという説明をどこかの本で読んだことありますが、 誰か説明できる人いますか
Sarah claimed she was waiting in the rain for more than twenty minutes by the time we arrived, but she wasn't even wet.
の誤りを正せというのがあって、答えはwas waitingをhad been waitingに変えるとなっています。 それ自体は問題ないのですが、この文でuntilでなくby the timeを用いるのは何故ですか? 進行形が使われていて「雨の中でずっと待っていた」感じの溢れる文意からすると、 untilの方がしっくりくる気がしたのですが、重点の置き所が違うんですかね?
by the timeはちょっとまずいな。 ジーニアスが参考になると思うんで引用する。 byは「〈未来のある時〉までに(は)」という動作・行為の完了の時点を示すのに対し, untilは「〈未来のある時〉まで」継続した状態の終点を示す. したがってbyは継続を表す動詞と,untilは瞬間を表す動詞と共には用いない
His brain took him back to a time when he was very little, all bundled up in a snowsuit. He and his mother were walking, hand in hand, mitten in mitten, when they both slipped on some ice and fell and rolled down a snow-covered hillside. They ended up at the bottom of the hill. He remembered he almost cried, but instead he laughed. His mother laughed, too. He could feel the same light-headed feeling he felt then, dizzy from rolling down he hill. He felt the sharp coldness of the snow against his ear. He could see flecks of snow on his mother's bright and cheery face.
「dizzy from rolling down he hill」は文法的にはどのような働きをしているわけですか
As he tried to pull himself up, using just his arms, he felt a claw dig into his ankle. He gently eased himself back down. 「爪がくるぶしにささる」?はあ、どゆこと。ささりようがないじゃん
完了ということではなくて、別に継続でいいんだけど、 少しくだいて説明すると、 she had been waiting in the rain for more than twenty minutes これだけで20分以上待ち続けていた。それでどの時点で20分以上かというと、 by the time we arrived 私たちが到着した時点で、ということ。
>>323 will の用法として、 「ニュアンスは、「頑固に〜しようとする、意地でも〜しようとする、かたくなに〜しようとする」 これはイタイいたい日本の文法書の例。 言ってることは間違いとまではいかなくても、おかしい。 Nigel will drive the car himself. のwillは単に意志を表しているだけで、 ナイジェルは、(他の人ではなく)自分で運転するつもりだ っていう程度の意味。 決して「意地でも〜しようとする」って意味じゃない。 文脈によっては、どうしても〜しようとするに近い意味になることもあるが、 それはwill自体にそういう意味があるわけじゃなく、文脈でそういう意志を感じる場合があるって程度。
>>288 過去完了進行形は、普通に when や before の節と共起する。どんな学参にでも 載っている。英米の文法書でも同様です。「継続」は for 〜 の副詞句によって 一義的になっている。when や before によって「過去の基準時」を示している。 なお、by the time は共起する例はほとんどないと思われるが、基準時は「点」で あってかまわないので理屈からは無問題。
Summer vacation is the time when we are free.←関係副詞の文 のfreeは副詞じゃなくて形容詞ですよね? Summer vacation is the time. と We are free in the time. がくっついて、 Summer vacation is the time when we are free. になったと思ってて、関係代名詞の文にしたら Summer vacation is the in which we are free. だと思うんですけど(間違っていたらすみません。) あってますか?
"I ain't a-scared of no rattlesnake," said Jesse. "But I don't want to come across one of those red-eyed monsters. I seen one once, and that was enough. 「I ain't a-scared of no rattlesnake.」は否定後が一個余分のようにも思えるけど、 I don’t know nothing.みたいな言い方か?
This is pretty much the end of the story. The reader probably still has some questions, but unfortunately, from here on in, the answers tend to be long and tedious.
from here on inのinは何だろう。from here, from here on, from now, from now onは見たことあるけどfrom here on inって
The more he thought about it, the more he was glad that he agreed to let X-Ray have anything he might find. If he was going to survive at Camp Green Lake, it was far more important that X-Ray think he was a good guy than it was for him to get one day off. Besides, he didn't expect to find anything anyway. There probably wasn't anything "of interest" out there, and even if there was, he'd never been what you could call lucky. if there was,の後、何か言外の意味を汲まなければならないのかなあ。ifという条件に対して、he’d never been…は帰結になってないよね。
>>401 1) have trouble (in) doing 2) = find[have] difficulty (in) doing 3) = find it difficult to do 4) ≒ it is difficult to do
「・・するのに苦労する、苦労して・・する、・・するのは困難だ」の意味で だいたい同じだと見なしてかまいません。お尋ねの1)あるいはそれと同様に 頻出の2)は同じように理解できます。そもそも、この「・・ing」は動名詞で あります。前に前置詞の「in」が省略された結果、分かりづらくなっているのです。 in は「時」を表し、接続詞の when に対応するものです。「・・する際(とき)に」
従って、1)は「・・する際に困難・面倒を持つ」というのが原義です。 2)のdifficultyの場合はhave,findが同じように使われます。findなら「・・する際に 困難を見つける」が原義ですが、結局は同じ意味になることは分かるはずです。 troubleにfindを使うことはあまりないようです。 また、trouble, difficulty ともに前に a lot of, great, any , no などの修飾語句が 付くのが通例です。辞書で用例を確認してください。 このように in が省略されたもので重要なものに be busy (in) doing があります。同様に 考えて理解してください。これらの「・・ing」は動名詞だったのですが、前置詞inの省略 の結果、現在分詞に分類されて高校では扱われるます。上記のような通時的視点からきちっと 説明を受ければ簡単なんですが、それがなければ違和感を感じるのは当然です。 教授者や参考書が悪いのです。
She gently shook the canteen, letting the water swish inside the plastic container. "Do you hear the empty spaces?" she asked. "Yes," said Mr. Pendanski. "Then fill it," she said. "And the next time I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it without questioning my authority. If it's too much trouble for you to fill a canteen, I'll give you a shovel. You can dig the hole, and the Caveman can fill your canteen." She turned back to Stanley. "I don't think that would be too much trouble for you, would it?" "No," said Stanley. "So what will it be?" she asked Mr. Pendanski. "Do you want to fill the canteens or do you want to dig?" "I'll fill the canteens," said Mr. Pendanski. "Thank you."
"So what will it be?"のitは何を指すのでしょうか。[cavemanは文字通りの意味ではなくてあだ名]
My hope is that the potential for depth gained by this restriction in scope will serve students of computer science as much as their peers in mathematics: assuming that they prefer algorithms but will benefit from an encounter with pure mathematics of some kind, it seems an ideal opportunity to... 文はこれですすいません。彼らの心が嘘をつく場所に近いこれを探すことは理想的な機会?
"Why'd you help me?" Stanley asked. Zero turned around. "You didn't steal the sunflower seeds," he said. "So, neither did you," said Stanley. 最後は And, neither did you.かNor did you.の方がよいような気がしますが、どうなのでしょうか。
I feel as if I were in a desert island. (まるで無人島にいるかのよう。) という英文があって、どうやら a desert island で無人島という 意味みたいなんですが、 desert や island で調べても無人島関連の 英語はありませんでした。 そこで英和辞典の後ろの和英のページや和英辞典を使って「無人島」について調べたのですが、 「an uninhabited island」としか書いてなくて、「a desert island」はありませんでした・・・
なんとなく、送金するから銀行口座の番号を連絡して欲しい というのはわかるのですが…お願いします ↓ Hello, thanks for your response, and i will like to you that am buying this particular for my dauther that was sent to Nigeria on a schooling trip, soyou can mail to me your bank account information for the payment to be done as this,
Account Holders Name:口座の名義? Account Numbers: 口座番号? Swift Code: ??? Bank Name: 銀行名 Bank Address: ???
so immediately i received it the payment will be done, i will be looking forward for you quick response thanks.
Victims of the 1939 Danzig massacres by Jews, Poles, and Communist backed by Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, De Gaulle! The first wave of attacks claimed over 58,000 Germans including many of my father's family "Riemann/Rieman" from Poland who were German. Some Riemann's managed to escape and got to America to Ellis Island but a lot of Riemann's were not so lucky. The second wave of massacres was called "Bromberg Bloody Sunday" and claimed another additional 5,500 lives for a total estimated 63,500 Germans butchered. I also have the speeches preceded by Hitler in both text and audio. Three leading Jews that were involved were the Weiss, Karpinski, and Ladovitch. Karpinski became later known better as a leader in the so-called "Russian Red Mafia" or "Order of Thieves" in it's prestages.
>>452 Pamela has asked me to interview the initial 25 applicants next Monday over at the main office complex. 文脈ないからわからないが、次の月曜日までにわたってずっとってことじゃない? The snow covered over the mountain.のoverは辺り一面にってことだけど それと同じで月曜まで間隔なく敷き詰められているかんじ The event will run from Monday through Friday. のthroughに近い意味。 The meeting was held over the weekend. これは慣用的なんでずっとってわけじゃないけど、週末に行われたってこと
>>475 Neville has a decided antipathy for any kind of music otherr than classical or jazz. =Neville has now no interest in music except classics or jazz. antipathyという否定的語にanyが続くからandは間違いでorとなる。 彼の好きなgenereはその2つだけで他は興味なしって意味。
>>478 その説明はもともと間違っていたか、キミが間違って理解している。 Andは接続詞だが、"I like dogs and cats."とも、"He is tall and fat."とも、 "He got out of the room quickly and silently."とも言える。
>>485 refer 4 refer A to B :AをBに「差し向ける」 My doctor referred me to an eye specialist. 主治医は私に眼科の専門医に「紹介」した (ロングマン) 用法としてはこのreferの事だと思われ。 しかし語義で「差し向ける」としておきながら例文の訳は「紹介する」としてる 辞書の苦心ぶりからも、日本語になかなかしずらいんじゃないかな。でも例文と 同様に「紹介する」とかで十分だと思うけど。
>>438 "Why did you help me?" Stanley asked. Zero turned around. "You didn't steal the sunflower seeds," he said. "So, neither did you ( steal the sunflower seeds )," said Stanley.
So, neither did you. ということは、君も盗んでいないんだね Nor did you ( steal the sunflower seeds ).
>>439 Ai is not as proud of her pansies [ as ( she is proud ) of her roses ]. Her roses are prettier [ than her pansies ( are ) ]. [ ]の言葉は従属節10公式Gです。( )の言葉は前にも出てるので省略するのです。
>>504 These are duplicate checks, 写し式領収証です so, press hard with the pen, 強く押して書いてください and an exact copy of everything [ you wrote ] will remain. そうすればそのまま写しが残ります
>>505 He came [ to my house ] *[ at once ]. S+V+M+*M、*はcameを修飾する副詞句 I advise you [ to study harder ].*今よりももっと勉強するように I advise you [ to study hard ]. *生ちょろいから気合いを入れて勉強するように
Barack Obama came up a big winner in the presidential race in Dixville Notch and Hart's Location, N.H., [ where tradition of [ having [ the first Election Day ballots tallied ] lives on ]. Democrat Obama defeated Republican John McCain by a count of 15 to 6 in Dixville Notch, [ where a loud whoop accompanied the announcement in Tuesday's first minutes ]. The town of Hart's Location reported 17 votes for Obama, 10 for McCain and two for write-in Ron Paul. Independent Ralph Nader was on both towns' ballots but got no votes. "I'm not going to say [ I wasn't surprised ]," said Obama supporter Tanner Nelson Tillotson, [ whose name was drawn from a bowl [ to make him Dixville Notch's first voter ].
Barack Obama came up a big winner in the presidential race in Dixville Notch and Hart's Location, N.H., [ where tradition of [ having [ the first Election Day ballots tallied ] lives on ]. Democrat Obama defeated Republican John McCain by a count of 15 to 6 in Dixville Notch, [ where a loud whoop accompanied the announcement in Tuesday's first minutes ]. The town of Hart's Location reported 17 votes for Obama, 10 for McCain and two for write-in Ron Paul. Independent Ralph Nader was on both towns' ballots but got no votes. "I'm not going to say [ I wasn't surprised ]," said Obama supporter Tanner Nelson Tillotson, [ whose name was drawn from a bowl [ to make him Dixville Notch's first voter ].
The first thing to go is your high-frequency hearing, where you detect the consonant sounds in words. That's why a person with hearing loss can hear voices, but has trouble understanding what's being said.
>>529 言葉の通りで良いかも。 sort of...物によってね・・・・・・ its my cousin guitar hero world tour. guitar hero world tourは親戚だ、guitar hero world tourで良く遊んでる。 kinda hard though,its fun 難しいけど 楽しい。
Because large numbers of people are killed at once, plane crashes attract much more attention than do automobile accidents. 航空機の衝突事故は一度に多数の人を殺してしまうので、 自動車事故よりもはるかに注目を集める
>>548 倒置の規則の中に、「比較のas節や、than節においてはしばしば倒置が見られる」 というものがある。 従属節においては、それ以外の倒置は起こりにくい。 that節内で時々見るけどね。 例)Their father, George Churchill, also made jewelry, as did their grandfather. She spoke more convincingly than did Hary. ただし、節内の主語が代名詞であったり、節が述部動詞以外の動詞を 含んでいたりすると倒置は起こらない。
>>584 辞書引け 辞書買え 研究社英和より whom 関係代名詞の項 2 [非制限的用法で; 通例前にコンマが置かれる] そしてその人(たち)を[に] 《★【用法】 whom の省略は不可》. _I met Mr. Smith,with whom I dined at a restaurant. スミスさんと会って一緒にレストランで食事をした.
(人間の造形は芸術家の創造心を刺激してきた・・・) Its irresistible force of communication places it among the foremost instruments of grapfic expression. ・・・まったく訳せません。というかcommunicationって何ですか。助けてください。
(必死で人体を完璧に精確に表現しようとしてはならない。 正しいだけの人体に何も美しいものはない・・・) Ultimately, he should propose-right or wrong-to be convincing. これもまた意味が分かりません。特にproposeが。 どっかで妥協しなきゃならない、見たいな意味でしょうか・・・。
A friend revealed that this most recent break up happened because, "Rachel is too controlling. They broke up the first time because of their busy schedules - and that's the problem again."
>>656 A friend revealed that this most recent break up happened because, 一人の友が最近のbreak うp 別れかな は "Rachel is too controlling. レイチェルがあまりにも干渉しすぎるのが原因だった。 They broke up the first time because of their busy schedules - 最初のbreak うpは忙しいのが原因だった。 and that's the problem again." でそれ(あまりにも干渉すること)が問題の再現だ。
>>664 Rachel is controlling.を強調して Rachel is too controlling. 動詞controlの第一義は 支配する 管理する 監督する 管制する Rachel is too controlling. レイチェルはあまりにも支配し続けている
Too Young って知ってる? ♪they tried to tell us we're too young too young too really be in love they say that love's a word the word we've only heard but can't begin to know that meaning of
>>683 wait and see→wait to see と同じだね。通りすがりだが ほんとはwait and seeが文法的には正しいとされていたが今は関係ない。発音がくずれて同じだしね compared toがいまでは間違いなのに(=liken toをもともと意味していた)compared withで使われていて もういまとなっては違いがなくなったのと同じ
>>681-685 これは複数のverbsをconjunctionで繋いでいるだけです。 andをtoと変えると意味が変わってしまうので、 andとtoは同じと見立ててはいけません。 過去形の例文を見ると違いが分かりやすいかと思います。 I tried and achieved something. I tried to achieve something.
They feel exactly the same sensations as they would on an airplane. (彼らはまさに飛行機に乗っているのと同じ感覚を体験できる。) プラ単2級のP126の分です。 なぜwoludの後に動詞がないのでしょう・・・。 なにかの省略でしょうか? すみませんどなたかご指導お願いいたします。
The Dow Jones Industrial Average has lost 929 points -- 9.7 percent -- in two days of trading since Tuesday, as investors turned from the historic election of Barack Obama as U.S president to the gloomy economy he will inherit when he takes office in January.
このinvesters turned from the historic electionですが、歴史的な選挙により投資家が取引を中止した、であってますか? また、takes officeは、就任であってますか?
I've seen people having the same impression about ○○.
↓ストーリー冒頭で○○の記憶と感情がまだ失われてない時でさえ彼女がどんな性格なのかほとんど描写されてなかった。 They barely described her personality in the XX(映画名), even in the beginning of the story that her memory and emotions had still remained.
What exact feelings she had toward A, or B? We can only guess. So yeah, I understand those people expecting so much from her simply disappointed when they found out she was somewhat a plain character.
I don't think ○○ is compelling enough either, but I still like her (and the art) a lot, though.
>>705 turn from A to B 関心をAからBに向ける A = the historic election of Barack Obama as U.S president B = the gloomy economy he will inherit when he takes office in January
The blue whale is the largest animal in the world.を複数形で表す場合は、 Blue whales are the largest animals in the world.でおkですか? animalも複数形にしちゃっていいもんか、自信がありません・・・。
BOY This is Bill.May I speak to Jane,please? Woman:Sorry,she's out.( ) 1 Can I leave a message? 2 Shall I take a message? という問題があって、答えは2なのですが、なぜ1じゃダメなのですか?
>>714 BOY This is Bill.May I speak to Jane,please? 少年 ビリーです ジェーンおながいします。 Woman:Sorry,she's out.( ) ジェーン母(推定) 今いません。1 Can I leave a message? 伝言おながいできますか? ジェーン母(推定) 今いません。2 Shall I take a message? 伝言あれば聞きましょうか? どっちにする。
この文で良く分からないところがあるんですが、 Intoxicated by the applause he received for his performance in a school play, Al decided then and there that he wanted to be an actor. 最初のintocicatedは形容詞だと思うんですが、何を修飾しているんでしょうか?
>>737 文法的に説明すると「分詞構文」だ。 (Being) Intoxicated by the applause he received for his performance in a school play, Al decided then and there that he wanted to be an actor.
Since he was intoxicated by the applause he received for his performance in a school play, Al decided then and there that he wanted to be an actor.
http://www17.ocn.ne.jp/~h-uesugi/trasition9.htm の More than 30 years have passed and the Japanese are now, thank goodness, pretty much used to nonnatives wrangling freely, if not always nicely, with their language
何故彼らは何時間も待たされたのだろう。 [for/made/wait/what/them]hours? この道を行くと図書館に着くでしょう。 [bring/will/road/you/this]to the library. 大雪のため列車は遅れた。 A heavy snow [the train/delayed/be/to/caused]. 病気のため彼はパーティに出席できなかった。 His [from/prevented/illness/joining/him]the party.
>>822 "Gears of War 2"かな? こりゃこのゲームで使われてる造語でしょ。 架空の病気みたいだけど…
> Rust Lung is fatal disease brought on by the inhalation of > gaseous Imulsion. It began spreading among the human population > of Sera a few months after the initial detonation of the Lightmass Bomb, > which vaporized much of the liquid Imulsion beneath the planet's surface. > Very little is currently known of the disease, though it is unlikely there > is a cure, as it would take much longer than six months to develop > an effective way to combat this apparently newly discovered toxin. > It isn't known if the disease is airborne, or even transmuttable in any means. > In Act 1 of Gears of War 2, Tai Kaliso explains to the player Rust Lung itself. > According to Tai, it is not contagious, but he says "I'd keep my distance". http://gearsofwar.wikia.com/wiki/Rust_Lung
The prisoner for some white collar criminals are like spas, making it seem that the punishment dosen't fit the crime. 英語が苦手で文法に自信がないので教えてください。 この文は分詞構文というものでしょうか? The prisoner 〜makingがit以下の文とどうつながっているのか分かりません。
>>861 ありがとうございます。 よくみたら文が間違っていました。 どうりでレスがつかないわけです。 下が正解です。お願いします。 The prison for some white collar criminals are like spas, making it seem that the punishment dosen't fit the crime.
>>874 get married 結婚する get engaged (to----)---と婚約する
という意味で覚えればいいかと。 be married, be engaged 文で言うと I'm married. I'm engaged. がそれぞれ 私は結婚している。私は婚約している。という「状態」を表わすのに 対し、get married と get married は結婚する、婚約する、という「動作」 を表わす。
ほかにも、I was drunk.が、酔っていたという「状態」を表すのに対し、 I got drunk.というと、酔った、というまあなんつーか「動作」を表わす。
I was drunk when I saw you last night. 昨晩あった時は酔っていた。(状態) I got drunk for the first time. 初めて酔った。(動作)
Little did Barack know that most of the tales of his father were true, and though other tales had been stretched so thin theyt had snapped, his childhood would mirror his dad's in many, many ways.
小浜市が殆ど父を知らずに育ったという話ですが、冒頭のlittleを副詞、that most ... をknowの目的語の名詞節と考えれば文法的には成り立つかもしれませんが、意味が 通らないと思います。 冒頭のlittleを名詞であってknowの目的語、that以下をそのlittleを先行詞としたの関係詞節 のつもりでありながら文法的に破綻している文、と見てよいでしょうか?
codは魚のタラやcash on deliveryの略など調べていくうちに分かったのですが あまりにも頻繁に出てくるのでスラングではないかと思い質問します cod is that you?? や I've missed cod she's been gone for over a week. のように使われていました
The strike force waited in three vehicles, a battered undercover van to lead and two black SWAT vans behind it, manned and idling in the covernous garage.
>>883 > Little did Barack know that most of the tales of his father were true, and though > other tales had been stretched so thin theyt had snapped, his childhood would > mirror his dad's in many, many ways. 前後の文脈は知らないけど、やはり副詞としか取れないと思う。 Barack little know that ... 〜とは少しも知らなかった。
Up to that time I (run) without stopping. ↑の()内を「その時までずっと〜していました」という意味になるように直せという問題なのですが、Up to that timeでその時までという意味→()内にhad been runningと入れて正解なのでしょうか?「その時まで」が二つ入っちゃって良いのか、よく分からないのですが…
>>895 それでいいよ。 >「その時まで」が二つ入っちゃって had been runningにはある過去の時点まで走ってたというニュアンスが含まれる けど、up tp that timeがあることで、「that time まで」走っていたと、 過去の時点が明確になる。ダブっているというか、より具体的な過去の時点が 明確になっていると理解すべきだろう。
「その時までずっと〜していました」という意味になるように、という条件が なければ、will have been running もありだな。
>>898 The lawyer made a clear distinction between what the witness alleges happened and what can be proven. その弁護士は、証人or参考人が主張する起こったことと、証明することができること を明確に区別した。
>>917 尊大には大して見えないと思う。 場面次第で皮肉には使えるかもしれないけど上の文のほうが適切でしょう second languageを話すことで頭がいいってわけではないから >>914 何が言いたいのかもう少ししっかり書いてくれよ I said all I said every thing こういう二つの英文のことを言ってるなら上にallつける場合は名詞が必要じゃない?
Mathusala and Batrache went out. Then Batrache said, “I can speak German.” , and spoke to a man, “Baumkuchen.” And the man siad something, and pointed. And Batrache looked the direction. Then a man wears an apron was standing on front of a bakery. Batrache said to him, “Baumkuchen.” And the apron-man said something, and went into the bakery, and came out and brought a tray. Many baumkuchens existed on the tray. And he said something. Then Mathusala came and began talking with the apron-man. And she bought a cockroach formed bread, and showed to Batrache. Batrache said, “It's an ordinary bread, isn't it?” And Mathusala said, “Yes!”
@Her face turned as white as flour.(彼女の顔は小麦粉のように白くなった)
まずこの文に関しては、"as cool as a cucumber"のような直喩をあらわすas…asで良いんでしょうか? ロイヤル英文法には<A is as〜as B>の形で使われると書かれてたんですがturnでも問題なさそうですし…
AI can't drink coffee as sweet as this.(私はこんな甘いコーヒーは飲めない)
これも直喩の一種なんでしょうか? 直喩じゃない一般のas…as用法だと考えると、どうしても比較節(後方のas節)の省略前の形が考えられませんし、coffee as sweet asの語順もおかしいので…
BOur town has become as noisy as the center of a big city.(私たちの町は大都会の中心部のように騒々しくなった) では、Our town has become as the center of a big city is.の"is"が省略されたと考えてで良いんでしょうか? だとしたら"is"は"has become"と同じではないので省略はしない方が良いとは思うのですが
When I do get to the point of trying to read Japanese how do you tell which words are which. I haven't noticed spacing and it feels like everything is running together. Are there cues or any kind of punctuation to show tha change in words? And when you say 1 or ichi do you say it as echy or ech?
>>987 As a fundamental rule, When you read Japanese sentences, try to break the sentences into pieces by ten(、). "Ten" is used so that the reader can understand where to pause reading and breathe (when erading out loud).
1)We've known one (other/another) for five years. 2)(These/Those) who apply for the job have to attend the class. 3)I don't like the red hat.Do you have a black (it/one)? 4)''Would you like to drink (any/some) more tea?'' ''Yes,please.'' 5)(Each/Every) of us has a room in the hotel. 6)You should join us if you have (some/any)time.