So, it's all right to use 食べます here, even though in English it would traslate as 'is/are eaten' (passive), or is it? I've been confused when to use passive voice and when not. :(
Now that I am back in Ireland,Colm and I are looking for a new place to live. This is a difficult time to find an apartment as there are many students looking for places to live as well. We are very lucky and we do not have a specific date that we need to leave where we are currently staying. We are able to take our time to find a nice place in a good area.Hopefully we will find an apartment in the next few weeks.
We have everything in stock except the Black Page Marker, we only have 10 but 20 more are on order. You can order 20x if you want and we will include the rest of them with another order.
sorry, because i havent get my computer, and the mod one is on it. and even that is not completed. so it you may not get it, what i have now, it a little part of psd of it, i suggest you forget it. and i may not use and mod it anymore
To see whether the dolphin behavior was inherited, the reserchers examined DNA from 13 spongers, only one of which was male, and from 172 non-spongers. これがわかりません・・・ 最初の一行は「イルカの習慣が受け継がれているかどうかを見るために」だと思うのですが、 その後がコンマとか多くてしっちゃかめっちゃかです。 なんかの国公立入試の問題集からです。
sorry, because i havent get my computer, and the mod one is on it. and even that is not completed. so it you may not get it, what i have now, it a little part of psd of it, i suggest you forget it. and i may not use and mod it anymore
The committee represents a diverse range of crafts, from fashion design to glass, crystal, leather, porcelain, champagne, hotels, restaurants, perfume and interior design, and seeks to extol the virtues of the French art of fine living across the globe.
その委員会はガラスやクリスタル、〜、香水にインテリアデザインまで、多様な範囲の技術(craft)を 以下が訳せません。 representsとand seeks to extol the virtues以下の訳をお願いします。
sorry, because i havent get my computer, and the mod one is on it. and even that is not completed. so it you may not get it, what i have now, it a little part of psd of it, i suggest you forget it. and i may not use and mod it anymore
Most individuals have mild to moderate intellectual impairment, with more pronounced deficits in performance than verbal IQ. ウィリアムス症候群に関する論文の一部です。verbal IQは「言語性IQ」です。
また、同じ論文にあったフレーズですが、 across-level studies of the affiliative drive の意味が分かりません。最後のdriveは動因とかだと思いますが…。
Frustrated, degraded, down before you're done Rejection, depression, can't get what you want You ask me how I make my way You ask me everywhere and why
Each of these techniques assumes centuries of active and methodical observation, of hold hypotheses tested by means of endlessly repeated experiments. よろしくお願いします
Well, we had an unplugged show yesterday on the beach. That's so unique, isn't it? Wanna do that kind of event in overseas someday. What do you think? I'll try to make the other bands love my country!!
The News Tribune has traced the story behind at least some of these photos (photos of trucks driving around Washington DC bearing the words "NESARA Announcement Now!"), and found that they were part of a $40,000 advertising campaign allegedly paid for an elderly San Francisco resident who had made donations to Goodwin.
sorry, because i havent get my computer, and the mod one is on it. and even that is not completed. so it you may not get it, what i have now, it a little part of psd of it, i suggest you forget it. and i may not use and mod it anymore.
More important, one finds that the more complex and multi-levelled the history is, and the more important the issues it raises for today, the less it is possible to sustain a fact-value division.
Good day. You have received an eCard To pick up your eCard open attached file We hope you enjoy you eCard. Thank You! --------------------------------- 和訳お願いします。
>>119 そうですか、であればおそらく and the more important the issues it raises for today は and the more important are the issues it raises for today で、 "are" が省略されているんですね。
The Raw formula was very different than that of its predecessor, Prime Time Wrestling. Instead of taped matches, with studio voice overs and taped chat, Raw was a show shot to a live audience, with angles as they happened.
録画中継ではなく、試合を未編集のままで視聴者に見せる実況放送番組 という意味の raw でしょうね。
Evaluative language refers to language reflective the narrator’s attitude or perspective, including attributing emotions or motivations to characters, using intensifiers and sound effects, direct quotes, and character speech.
なんか荒れてますけど、ここからのです “MORE will mean worse,” wrote an angry Kingsley Amis in 1961, contemplating plans to expand university education. His prediction has been tested past anything he could have imagined, as that era’s new universities were joined by the ex-polytechnics in the 1990s, and the proportion of youngsters who go on to university rose from less than 10% to almost 40% now.
>>152 >His prediction has been tested past anything he could have imagined, このpastって前置詞でbeyondと同じだよね。 His prediction has been tested beyond anything he could have imagined, なら簡単に文意がとれるんじゃない?
Presumably a time will come when it will be practical to solve the Navier-Stokes equations for the flow around a bluff body at high Reynolds number using a computer.
secrecy was maintained by revising the official records; details of the bill number for NESARA were revised to reflect a commemorative coin and revised again more recently.
とあるんですが NESARAの法案番号が変えられた理由が to reflect a commemorative coin というのがよくわかりません。 記念硬貨を反映するために、となってしまって それがNESARAの存在を隠すこととどう関係があるの? という感じです。
教えてください。 I just called to say I love という歌の歌詞にある chocolate covered candy の意味は、キャンディの外側にチョコレートが被ったものですか、 あるいは、チョコレートをキャンディでくるんだものですか。 cover は完全他動詞だから、前者なら、candy covered with chocolate に、 後者なら chocolate covered with candy となるはず。
Fourth, the manner in which even the simplest tools, like hammers, are wielded by the novice (or at least intermittent) hobbyist and the expert craftsperson testify to distinguishable levels of skill that reflect both a tradition of working and a learned relationship between tool and user. 上の文を翻訳していただけないでしょうか? どうか宜しくお願いしますm_ _m
出品者にこんな質問しました。 「I don't think that it costs more than $5 when the item is less than 5 ozs for USPS First-Class Mail International. Could you please check the shipping cost with USPS's website? 」
こんな返信が来ました。 「Hi, I was checkin the shipping cost and yes is one option First-Class Mail International for like $5.00 dollar , I can send to you in this service if you win the ouction, but I not be responsible for any loose or damages because this shipping sevice it not affering any insures or tracking number, well if you have any question please just let me know, thank you so much again」
この2文が訳せないので翻訳お願いします I was checkin the shipping cost and yes is one option First-Class Mail International for like $5.00 dollar , but I not be responsible for any loose or damages because this shipping sevice it not affering any insures or tracking number,
The idea is if we can exchange students,and they live in each other's mother's living rooms in foreign countries, then maybe these kids will grow up and go up into the power structure,and later, when we are faced with some difficult questions, instead of war,they might be able to make other choices.
As a North American, Jim felt that it would be rude if he did not try to return the dollar as soon as possible. To understand the North American point of view, it is necessary to know how important the value of self-reliance is.
People at risk are those who: have a demanding job and no control over their workload, do not have enough work to do, are frustrated because they have not been promoted, experience interpersonal problems such as a conflict of loyalties, or are victims of hostility (e.g.sexual harassment)from colleagues.
North Americans do not feel it is right to rely on others ton much:owing too many favors means being dependent. North Americans see this as a weakness.
>>232 North Americans do not feel [ it is right [ to rely on others ton much ]: [ owing too many favors ] means [ being dependent ]. North Americans see this as a weakness.
すいません。よろしくお願い致します。 I unlearned my southern way of speaking to avoid being made fun of. I don't regret it. It's important to be able to fit into whatever world you find yourself in, and, good or bad, that's harder to do with a southern accent.
I suggest that the time has at last come for you to undo some of the misery you have caused by confessing to us all now that you are a forger, a liar and a thief.
Indeed, humanity could not have experienced the Industrial Revolution, during which the need for fuel multiplied many times, had new fuels not come into use ― chiefly coal, oil, and natural gas.
Hello, Mike? It's Peter here. Good,thanks. Listen, I'm calling to tell you that I'm going to be late for out meeting this afternoon. Yes, I've met Mr Clarke. Yes, it was a good meeting. I've been to the factory,and spoken to the manager. I've told him about the new plans. Yeah. I've had lunch with Terry, and I'm going to the meeting with the sales reps now, so I'll be about half an hour late for out meeting. Right, see you later.
hi, thank you so much for the nice compliment!! feel free to write me whenever you'd like. how do you understand my videos if your english is not so good? you should make a video... well i hope your having a good weekend
hi,you understand the listing is for the frame,fork,and headset and not the whole bike? shipping for the frame,fork and headset will be 225.00 thankyou.
Why do some people have a better memory than others, or have a good memory even when they groww old? Why does information memorized in one night disappear so easily? How is this possible?
I got an au phone when i first got to Japan 3 months ago. I knew i was going to be here for a long time. is au not a good phone to have here? I love surprises!! I will have to make sure to surprise you.
Divorcing your partner can be a traumatic experience. Add some children into the mix or large amounts of money and it becomes more so. But when the family pet, or other animals, are involved sparks can really fly.
You need to know the space group of the structure - it's given in the text of the article, or you can open up the CIF file as a text document and look for the space group manually.
The problems plaguing Japan’s senior citizens are of serious concern to all of Japanese society, and politicians, bureaucrats, and labor-management groups are all working hard to find solutions. Besides raising the retirement age and switching from lump-sum payments to help retired employees with everything from finding re-employment to financial planning.
Whenever we may truly claim to have a science we have found some principle by which different things are related to each other as just so many forms of one substance,or material.
In their search for profit , retailers are far morewilling than they have been historically to violate the old norms of exclusivity. Second, P & G has been in Japan long enough and has broad enough portforio of consumer products to give it considerable leverage with distributors, enabling it to push new products out through the distribution channel.
[The Killers, Hemingway] George watched them eat. ‘What are you looking at?’ Max looked at George. ‘Nothing.’ ‘The hell you were. You were looking at me.’ ‘Maybe the boy meant it for a joke Max,’ Al said. George laughed. ‘You don’t have to laugh,’ Max said to him. ‘You don’t have to laugh at all, see?’ ‘All Right,’ said George. ‘So he think it's all right,’ Max turned to Al. ’He thinks it's all right. That’s a good one.’ ‘Oh, he’s a thinker,’ Al said. They went on eating. ‘What’s the bright boy’s name down the counter? Al asked Max. ‘Hey, bright boy,’ Max said to Nick. ‘You go around on the other side of the counter with your boy friend.’ ‘What’s the idea?’ Nick asked. ‘You better go around, bright boy,’ Al said. Nick went around behind the counter. ‘What’s the idea?’ George asked. ‘None of your damn business,’ Al said.
文中のYou go around on the other side of the counter with your boy friend.’ は、どうやって訳すの?
Channel quality refers to the expertise ,competencies, and skills of established retailers in a nations, and their ability to sell and support the products of international businesses. Although the quality of retailers of good in most developed nations, in emerging markets and less developed nations from Russia to Indonesia , channel quality is variable at best. As Kodak found when it entered Russia,the lack of a high-quality channel may impede market entry,particularly in the case of new or sophisticated products that require significant point-of-sale assistance and after-sales services and support(see the opening case).
Beside raising the retirement age and swiching from lump-sum payment to annuities, companies setting up in-house cousulting services to help retired employees with evrything from finding re-employment to financial planning. です lump-sum payments 一括払いの金額 in house 社内 お手数ですがどなたかお願いします
Although anatomical constraints limit the variety of utterances nonhuman primates can produce ethological studies have shown the capacity for referential communication to be present in some primate species.
また、In most neurons, there is a very good congruence between the effective observed and executed motor acts. という文章のthe effective observed and executed motor actsをどう訳すかで悩んでいます。 どなたかご教授ください。よろしくお願いします。
>>340 前半のみ Although anatomical constraints limit the variety of utterances nonhuman primates can produce, (ここまでがAlthoughに導かれる節で、次が主節) ethological studies have shown the capacity for referential communication to be present in some primate species
>>340 後半 > between the effective observed and executed motor acts 短く書いているけど、これは effective observed motor acts と effective executed motor acts の間に ということで、そう書き下した訳を書けばいいと思うが、そういうことはわかった上で日本語をどうするかという問題? 日本語にするのは内容もわかってないとむつかしい。。
My alternative channel, in case my account get's closed by YouTube, please add it to your favorites or subscribe if you want to be updated about my video's in case my account will be closed! Greetz, Felicia xxx
"I'm happier than I could tell you to have you as my wonderful and dear friend!"
この文章がどういう意味なのか、どうも分からないのです。 いつもは「あなたが友達でいてくれて、こんなに素晴らしいことはない。」 というようなことを書いてくれるのですが、それとはちょっと違うように 思います。ちなみにこの文章の前には、"I am sending you many smiles and the best of wishes."と書かれています。
my life is a challenging。。。 i hope i could face it well これitはchaleng?itに臆することなく立ち向かうってことですか?wellはどうやくするのかな? mircaleとkwel guyの意味もよろしくお願いします。どんなguy? アフリカ系ってだけで、他の意味はありましぇんか?
People should realize that now, as in the past, somewhere out there among the seemingly endless plant species, they might stumble on the best and least costly answers to problems that have been plaguing them―that is, if any out there remains to be explored.
"if any out there remains to be explored."の部分がよく分かりません。 どなたかこの部分を訳して頂けないでしょうか?
This call reminds me of the research into decision-making that demonstrated that people rarely perform in the manner that rational, logical, predictive models of decision-making would suggest. Indeed, when one considers human performance in everyday settings it appears to exhibit similarities to the behavior studied in the laboratory but also some striking differences.
Post retirement work opportunities are few and far between, and those that do exist often fail to draw upon the skills learned in a life time of working. Nevertheless, many people believe that something is needed to make their lives fully meaningful, and this is another problem which must be solved as the Japanese population grows older.
Post retirement work opportunities are few and far between, and those that do exist often fail to draw upon the skills learned in a life time of working. Nevertheless, many people believe that something is needed to make their lives fully meaningful, and this is another problem which must be solved as the Japanese population grows older.
The five of us used up many yellow legal pads sketching out and then refining the analyses we present here. This volume is the product of a complete team effort,from the early days of planning the research,to collecting and analyzing the data,all the way through the writing and rewriting of numerous drafts.
With the suspicious omen of the season of the "theory" which rotates again and seems to come what is originally considered as movement -- the locus -- invisibility -- the work which transposes above all the confrontation clause to which only things solidified the dynamic relation for the impossible thing in the perspective, and the thing uniquely made into the best incident to the summary is trying to start everywhere.
The Soul of Man Under Socialism showed his readers Wilde's increasing identification with those sectors of English society at once scorned by the aristocracy and ministered to by those in the Social Gospel Movement.
Does the "Bear Hill" come after the "Monkey Mountain"? No, it comes before it. At least, I think so... 他文がはいって。 あ、あそこに熊の丘があるよ。の文章の後に I almost can't bear it!
Yes, a person that doubts that he is fine to see should see him in his beaded buck-skins, on my back and his rifle peeping above his shoulder, chasing a hostile trail, with me going like the wind and his hair streaming out behind from the shelter of his broad slouch.
Jesus moved in a community that allowed accumulation of private property as ours does, and the gospel that he preached was not that in such a community it is an advantage for a man to live on scanty, unwholesome food, to wear ragged, unwholesome clothes, to sleep in horrid, unwholesome dwellings, and a disadvantage for a man to live under healthy, pleasant, and decent conditions.
特に2行目の the gospel that he preached was not that in such a community it is an advantage が訳せません。この部分だけでもお願いします。
べアーヒルはモンキーマウンテンより遠いのか? いや、モンキーマウンテンの前にある。少なくともおれはそう思うんだけど。 Does the "Bear Hill" come after the "Monkey Mountain"? No, it comes before it. At least, I think so... 他文がはいって。 あ、あそこに熊の丘があるよ。の文章の後に I almost can't bear it!
Heed on ice... Hi, As probably noticed the last couple of years Heed has been very inactive. So... we have decided to put Heed on ice! All band members in Heed continues on their own with other projects but this myspace will still be up incase anything changes in the future. Stay hard... /Heed
Two-thirds of there have qualified to immigrate to Canada based on their skills, education, and language ability in English or French. Before arriving in Canada, potential immigrants list their abilities in these three areas and receive points for them. If their points reach a certain level, their move to the interview stage. Beyond these three areas, the candidate receives extra points for being between about 20 and 50 years old. Clearly, with criteria such as these, Canada is attempting to attract younger people who can contribute to its economy.
日本語訳お願いします。 I'm really in touch with my feminine side but ask me again if im 'un-straight, and I'll kill you. It's absolutely poetic architecture in metrosexual motion. and yes,if it isn't obvious already, we are religiously ardent fans.
すいません、質問です。 海外のサプリを注文したのですが、次の日 「We noticed you added items to your shopping cart, but decided not to make a purchase」 と書かれたメールが届きました。その下に 「To complete your order in less than 2 minutes, just click the link below.」 と書かれてショッピングカートへのリンクがあり、中身は空でした。 翻訳サイトを使いながら解釈している為、なにか勘違いしているのかも しれませんが、再び同じ内容で注文すれば良いのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
Mr.Nielsen asked his students to think about applying open source ideas to the non-digital world. “Why not take those ideas back to the old world, and try to apply them to other thing as well?” asks Nielsen.
both turbine and nuclear technology have required the development of new metallic alloys,and they remain one of the driving forces behind current developments of ceramics and composites
前半の部分「both~alloys」までは「タービンと核技術の両方が新しい金属合金の開発を必要としました」と 和訳できたのですが後半の「そしてそれらは〜」からうまく和訳できません。behindはどのように訳せば 自然な文章になりますでしょうか よろしくおねがいします driving forces:原動力 ceramics and composites:セラミックと複合材料
ghettomusic132 (2 日前) 表示 非表示 0 スパムとしてマーク 返信 i live in japan, and if u wear tanktops or mini skirts that are totally normal in america, ppl stare at you, and the men wont stop looking at ur boobs. BUT at like convenient stores, they have disgusting ponos laid out for all, including little kids, too see. whats up with that?!
We have bought some items from this exhibitor. If you find the email address from him, you can try to ask him whether he is willing to seel it for 70$?
Our worst fears were realized when we learned that the wood that had been used in the house's frame had been treated with a toxic chemical that kills termites. お願いします。
Do you think that the propagation of the Canada is sufficient? Name ONE kind of propagation of a turist destination, which is the closest to you? Name first 3 things, which are for you connected with Canada.
「」部を訳してください。お願いします。 [HOLES]より "Well, the first hole's the hardest," said Stanley. "No way," said X-Ray. "The second hole's a lot harder. You're hurting before you even get started. If you think you're sore now, just wait and see how you feel tomorrow morning, right?" "That's right," said Squid. "Plus, the fun's gone," said X-Ray. "The fun?" asked Stanley. "Don't lie to me," said X-Ray. "I bet you always wanted to dig a big hole, right? Am I right?" Stanley had never really thought about it before, but he knew better than to tell X-Ray he wasn't right. "Every kid in the world wants to dig a great big hole," said X-Ray. "To China, right?" "Right," said Stanley. 「 "See what I mean," said X-Ray. "That's what I'm saying. 」 But now the fun's gone. And you still got to do it again, and again, and again." 「 "Camp Fun and Games," said Stanley. 」 よろしくお願いします。
Pig Latin is an English language game in which the initial consonant sound of an English word is placed at the end and an ay is affixed (Ex.: "banana" would yield anana-bay), to both obfuscate the encoding and to indicate for the intended recipient the encoding as 'Pig Latin'. The reference to Latin is a deliberate misnomer, used only for its English connotations as a 'strange and foreign-sounding language'. The origins of Pig Latin are unknown. お願いします。
海外の通販を申し込んだら次のメールが来ました。電話しろって ことだとは思いますが、unblock your caller idあたりがよくわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。 We are eager to ship your order. However, we need to contact you at the phone number provided (+81-xx-xxxx-xxxx), before we can ship the order. Please call us during business hours at 800-xxx-xxxx M-F 9am-5pm MST, from +81-xx-xxxx-xxxx and make sure to unblock your caller id by dialing *82 before dialing our number.
Sorry that I can't call you during the business hour because of the time difference. Please contact me during the business hour in Japan. My phone number is +81- .... とか返してやれば?
The very considerable derogation of sovereignty involved in the assumption of powers of government by foreign states, without the consent of Germany, did not constitute a transfer of sovereignty.
Other archaeologists say that the finding could resolve some long – standing disputes. for example, in the 1950s anthrpologists dated the bones of the 7th-century Mayan king Hanab Pakalas belonging to someone who died in his 40s. yet when the inscription on the king’s tombstone was translated three decades later, it declared that he had died aged 80. Pollard adds that the same bias could affect many other areas of research which rely on regression techniques. “it could also have a major impact on attempts to reconstruct past climates.”
Other archaeologists say that the finding could resolve some long – standing disputes. for example, in the 1950s anthrpologists dated the bones of the 7th-century Mayan king Hanab Pakalas belonging to someone who died in his 40s. yet when the inscription on the king’s tombstone was translated three decades later, itdeclared that he had died aged 80. Pollard adds that the same bias could affect many other areas of researchwhich rely on regression techniques. “it could also have a major impact on attempts to reconstruct past climates.”
Other archaeologists say that the finding could resolve some long – standing disputes. for example, in the 1950s anthrpologists dated the bones of the 7th-century Mayan king Hanab Pakalas belonging to someone who died in his 40s. yet when the inscription on the king’s tombstone was translated three decades later, itdeclared that he had died aged 80. Pollard adds that the same bias could affect many other areas of research which rely on regression techniques. “it could also have a major impact on attempts to reconstruct past climates.”
It's easy to get so caught up in the daily grind and with putting out fires that you forget to leave the time you need to avoid fires in the first place.
The Warden opened the bottle. "Rattlesnake venom." With a small paintbrush she began applying it to the nails on her left hand. "It's perfectly harmless . . . when it's dry." She finished her left hand. She waved it in the air for a few seconds, then began painting the nails on her right hand. "It's only toxic while it's wet." She finished painting her nails, then stood up. She reached over and touched Stanley's face with her fingers. She ran her sharp wet nails very gently down his cheek. He felt his skin tingle. The nail on her pinkie just barely touched the wound behind his ear. A sharp sting of pain caused him to jump back. The Warden turned to face Mr. Sir, who was sitting on the fireplace hearth. "So you think he stole your sunflower seeds?" "No, he says he stole them, but I think it was— " She stepped toward him and struck him across the face. Mr. Sir stared at her. He had three long red marks slanting across the left side of his face. Stanley didn't know if the redness was caused by her nail polish or his blood. It took a moment for the venom to sink in. Suddenly, Mr. Sir screamed and clutched his face with both hands. He let himself fall over, rolling off the hearth and onto the rug. The Warden spoke softly. "I don't especially care about your sunflower seeds." Mr. Sir moaned. "If you must know," said the Warden, "I liked it better when you smoked." For a second, Mr. Sir's pain seemed to recede. He took several long, deep breaths. Then his head jerked violently, and he let out a shrill scream, worse than the one before.
文中に「I liked it better when you smoked.」という文がありますが、これは 「あなたがタバコを吸っている時の方がよりよくそれを好んだ」と訳すのですか?何をいっているのか わかりませんが。そもそもitは何を指すのでしょうか?
Painful though it is for patients and healers to admit , the true origins of healing go back further than a few centuries of astute clinicians and empirical herbalists.
,までの訳なんですが、 形容詞 as it is と同様の形と解釈して、 患者と治療する人が認めることは困難だが としたのですが、後続の文章からすると不自然な訳出の気がします。
He printed a lowercase a, and Zero copied it. "So there are fifty-two," said Zero. Stanley didn't know what he was talking about. "Instead of twenty-six letters. There are really fifty-two." Stanley looked at him, surprised. "I guess that's right. How'd you figure that out?" he asked. Zero said nothing. "Did you add?" Zero said nothing. "Did you multiply?" "That's just how many there are," said Zero.[holes] 「ただそういう数になるってだけ」 と訳してある。うーーん、意訳?
Again Stanley stared at him, amazed that he was able to figure all that out. Zero must have thought he was staring for a different reason, because he said, "I'll dig part of your hole every day. I can dig for about an hour, then you can teach me for an hour. And since I'm a faster digger anyway, our holes will get done about the same time. I won't have to wait for you." "Okay," Stanley agreed. As Zero was printing his B's, Stanley asked him how he figured out it would take five days. "Did you multiply? Did you divide?" "That's just what it is," Zero said.[holes] 「ただそうなるから」 と訳してある。これも意訳っぽいですか?直訳するとどんな感じになるのでしょうか
Greater paternal age which is associated with greater mutation load has been linked with both schizophrenia and reduced intelligence.
This perspective is consistent with one large three-generation study, which found no compensating fertility advantage to relatives of schizophrenic individuals.
this one will be in english, my japanese seems to have failed, and i dont have any translators to help. thanks for the compliments!! im sure that you will find someone, you just have to believe it will happen. im in the same boat as you a far as being single goes. so im just working on myself and learning a lot.
The best thing is looking at one thing in one shop, and then finding it again in another-only this time it's 20% cheaper! That's what I like about it. It is tiring, but if you have a few breaks at cafes, it's fantastic.
japanese bands take influencees flom everywhere and turn out music which is original and new but i think we're more influeced by british music than other bands. think uk audiences will feel that when they see us.
写真使用に関するガイドラインの一部です。お願いします。 NASA still images; audio files; video; and computer files used in the rendition of 3-dimensional models, such as texture maps and polygon data in any format, generally are not copyrighted. You may use NASA imagery, video, audio, and data files used for the rendition of 3-dimensional models for educational or informational purposes, including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, computer graphical simulations, and Internet Web pages. This general permission extends to personal Web pages.
Hi Can you pay for the items you already bought. (I need the money to buy more things to list) I'll start a new invoice if you still want additional items and will give you the same discount. Thanks for you understanding.
Please send your self introduction in English and a photo PLEASE?? Then I will contact you and we can make an appointment. I look forward to meeting you.
Google has also employed the Web Search technology into other search services, including Image Search, Google News, the price comparison site Google Product Search, the interactive Usenet archive Google Groups, Google Map, and more.
Although at any given time it will only return a miximum of 1000 results for any specific search query.
do you play the guitar by your pic i say yes, right? so what it's your favorite song.. i was trying to play the guitar but i leave it for a little time... i know just some chords and i like jazz music
Its cool. That's one of the things about spelling something phonetically. Its useful if you want to get close to the spelling of a word and hope people can figure it out by how it sounds. But sometimes you end up spelling a word that sounds the same but doesn't mean close to what you wanted to say.
There have been weirder combination of English words used in Japanese titles over the years.
For people who stick with employer coverage under the McCain plan, the money employers take out of wages to pay for insurance would be taxed, but the new credit more than covers the bill.
there is no stress allowed in our plans; that completely defeats the purpose! and please, please, do your homework first. i work until 9 and then will still need a hot minute to get ready, you'll have plenty of time (theoretically).
Now berries are uniformly expensive,and,the price of sugar being what it is, jam-making is no longer an economical way for individuals who do not grow their own fruit.
文中の「the price of sugar being what it is」とはどういう意味でしょうか? 宜しくお願いします
my house is clean. hopefully your schoolwork is on its way to being as completed as necessary for us to have a nice moment later without either of the "s" words. do you have an opinion on where to go? the only place i've been that i'd want to return to is yabu, which is near me, and i'd be fine with something closer to you if there's somewhere you like.
>>784 pictureであってましたか? 自分がギターの写真をアップしたので、「あなたの写真見たけど、あなたはギターが弾けるの?」っていう感じかなと思ったのですが、I say yes, right?の部分がよくわからなくて…
あまり関係ないと思い省いた前後の文は Well just I was watching anime :P but just a little cuz this week I'm a little busy but I have time for the sweet anime Hehehe... oh btw do you play the guitar by your pic I say y yes, right? (省略) I know just some chords and I like jazz music...and you?
okay , brilliant thanks emmm i,am sorry to sound rude but you are real yes as in your not going to take my money and not send me the dvd . also were is the dvd coming from is it the USA ,CANADA OR AUSTRIAL
>>798 Okay , Brilliant. Thanks. Emmm I am sorry to sound rude but you are real. Yes, as in your not going to take my money and not send me the dvd . Also where is the dvd coming from? Is it (from) the USA ,CANADA OR AUSTRIAL
very nicely done. This was my husband's favorite from Jr. High. (Of course a girl was attached to it) He's always asking me what the words are to the song. Thanks
Thanks for your comment. I love this song and esp. the lyrics too. Guess you were the girl that was attached to this favorite song of your husband (if not, it doesn't matter, you have won him after all :)
"I'm glad Becca's all right," Hattie said contritely. "I keep telling Jim he needs to wash his knives," said Mr. Pike, who owned the general store. Hattie Parker excused herself, then turned and quickly walked away. "Tell Becca that when she feels up to it to come by the store for a piece of candy," said Mr. Pike. 最後の文 訳してください。お願いします。
>>814 ありがとうございます。あのお、質問ですが、なぜthatが存在するのかわかりません。 thatを取って Tell Becca when she feels up to it to come by the store for a piece of candy.にすると Tell Becca to come…「ベッカに来るように言う」にwhen-clauseが間にあるみたいに理解しているのですけど。 それか Tell Becca to come by the store for a piece of candy when she feels up to it.みたいにしたらいいと思うのですけど。
"Whoa, Mary Lou," said Sam, stopping his mule and cart. "G'morning, Mrs. Tennyson," he said. "How's little Becca doing?" Gladys Tennyson was all smiles. "I think she's going to be all right. The fever broke about an hour ago. Thanks to you." "I'm sure the good Lord and Doc Hawthorn deserve most of the credit." "The Good Lord, yes," agreed Mrs. Tennyson, "but not Dr. Hawthorn. That quack wanted to put leeches on her stomach! Leeches! My word! He said they would suck out the bad blood. Now you tell me. How would a leech know good blood from bad blood?" "I wouldn't know," said Sam. "It was your onion tonic," said Mrs. Tennyson. "That's what saved her." Other townspeople made their way to the cart. "Good morning, Gladys," said Hattie Parker. "Don't you look lovely this morning." Several people snickered. "Good morning, Hattie," Mrs. Tennyson replied. "Does your husband know you're parading about in your bed clothes?" Hattie asked. There were more snickers. "My husband knows exactly where I am and how I am dressed, thank you," said Mrs. Tennyson. "We have both been up all night and half the morning with Rebecca. She almost died from stomach sickness. It seems she ate some bad meat." Hattie's face flushed. Her husband, Jim Parker, was the butcher. "It made my husband and me sick as well," said Mrs. Tennyson, "but it nearly killed Becca, what with her being so young. Sam saved her life." "It wasn't me," said Sam. "It was the onions." "I'm glad Becca's all right," Hattie said contritely. "I keep telling Jim he needs to wash his knives," said Mr. Pike, who owned the general store. Hattie Parker excused herself, then turned and quickly walked away.
"Tell Becca that when she feels up to it to come by the store for a piece of candy," said Mr. Pike. "Thank you, I'll do that." Before returning home, Mrs. Tennyson bought a dozen onions from Sam. She gave him a dime and told him to keep the change. "I don't take charity," Sam told her. "But if you want to buy a few extra onions for Mary Lou, I'm sure she'd appreciate it." "All right then," said Mrs. Tennyson, "give me my change in onions." Sam gave Mrs. Tennyson an additional three onions, and she fed them one at a time to Mary Lou. She laughed as the old donkey ate them out of her hand.
数が多いですが全部じゃなくてもいいので教えてください。 お願いします。 ■Have mercy ■take it easy ■have fun ■hot dog ■We alphabetize ■Not even a chunk,it was a chunkette ■Don't make a mess ■I got it ■Face it ■Go ahead ■Here is handy hint ■I'll be right there ■you're dead meat ■think it over
In such one-room schools, as many as 50 or 60 students of different ages and abilities studied together in one class. Sometimes the teachers were younger than some of the studens. The teacher had to not only teach, but also take care of injuries, listen to problems, keep order in the classroom, and even clean the school.
There's hardly a better way to enlarge your own outlook than by having friends with different ideas. The best way to learn about any subject, other than direct personal involvement, is to have a friend in the field. One of my close friends is an artist and, without question, I've learned a hundred times more about art frommy conversations with him than I have from all the art books I've read. Spending time in his studio and accompanying him on trips to galleries and other artists' studios have helpedme to develop intuitions about art I would otherwise never have had.
In such one-room schools, as many as 50 or 60 students of different ages and abilities studied together in one class. Sometimes the teachers were younger than some of the studens. The teacher had to not only teach, but also take care of injuries, listen to problems, keep order in the classroom, and even clean the school.
Estimates of the global methane budget form different sources compared with the values adopted for this report. Fstimates of the global mtrous oxide budget from diffrent sources compared with the values adopted for this report.
The letter must be clearly expressed so that the reader can understand its meaning at a first reading. The letter must be polite, for the reader will judge a firm by the kind of letters it sends out. Last of all, a business letter should be short.
I have a good relationship with all my players, so there are no preferences. The coach uses the same method to change idea when something happens that makes him change his mind."
You will push ahead ambitiously for a few months then relax more contentedly at home from February onwards, entertaining more and expanding your domestic set up. entertaining以降がわかりません よろしくお願いします
Although purchase on credit from country stores was common in the nineteenth century, buying on installment was uncommon until the early twentieth century. Thanks to the research of Martha Olney,an interesting racial profile has emerged on the use of store credit and installment payment for the purchase of goods.
翻訳をお願いします。通販先からのメールのようですが・・・ Thank you for your order. We have refunded an amount of money back onto your card today. This will appear on your statement Within 2 working days. Once you obtain the amount put back onto the card, please email/call us with the exact amount. Our security team will match this information and then despatch the parcel. We conduct these checks in order to protect the cardholder and our business against fraud. The information that we request will enable us to ensure that you are the rightful cardholder. If we are not satisfied with the information we obtain your order will be cancelled. The Amount refunded is randomly picked by the system. We will not refund the full value of your order.
In France we don't celebrate Halloween either! And it's pretty boring to have a lot of kids will knock out to request candies especially during lunch time
>>893>>646 Europeans drive diminutive cars because their narrow roads and high prices for gasoline are not conducive to or compatible with our large one. 上の英語自体かなり不自然だけど(笑)。 非英語圏の人間か文章の下手なねいちぶだな。 上の英語の意味は次の文とほぼ同じ。 are not conducive to=not fit to Compared with the United States, Europeans drive smaller cars because of their narrower roads and higer gasoline prices.
>>891 In France we don't celebrate Halloween either! And it's pretty boring to have a lot of kids will knock out to request candies especially during lunch time フランスだってハロウィーンなんて祝わんさ。 ガキどもがキャンディーよこせよこせってノックしてくんのはうっとうしいもんだぜ、特にひるめし時はな。
>>897 Week two=The second week of the month 第二週 ただこういう表現は不自然。だいたい、大統領選とかでよく使うday oneくらいしかみない。 例 Our nation needs the one who can steer the economy from day one. day one=the first day after took office=the first day as president
Although purchase on credit from country stores was common in the nineteenth century, buying on installment was uncommon until the early twentieth century. Thanks to the research of Martha Olney,an interesting racial profile has emerged on the use of store credit and installment payment for the purchase of goods.
the situation in thailand , it not dangerous and it not worry . they would like to the politician which faithful and do eveything for country. In the fact , it difficult ....
For now, Carey's group is focused on getting military votes that do get cast to be counted. He says a lot of local officials aren't used to seeing federal write-in absentee ballots.
"Let me see," said Zigzag. Instead of showing it to Zigzag, Stanley brought it to X-Ray. Zigzag followed. X-Ray looked at the tube, then rubbed his dirty glasses on his dirty shirt and looked at the tube again. One by one, the other boys dropped their shovels and came to look. "It looks like an old shotgun shell," said Squid. "Yeah, that's probably what it is," said Stanley. He decided not to mention the engraved design. Maybe nobody would notice it. He doubted X-Ray could see it.
that's probably what it isは何と訳すのでしょうか。「それはおそらくwhat it isである」と訳すと思いますけど what it isになにか特別な意味があるのでしょうか
Although it is very hot in Boston in the summer, the city is usually very quiet because many Bostonians go to the beaches in Cape Cod or the lakes of Maine. Summer is also the time for festivals in the countryside, so don't miss the outdoor concerts, live jazz festivals and the 4 July celebrations. Wear T-shirts and shorts because it's usually 20-35 ℃
So sorry that I have been MIA for a while, I went for a short trip with friends to Indonesia and was busy with my work that I have no time to check my e-mails too. When and will you be going alone to Vancouver? I do not think that I can join you anymore, sorry to have made you waited!
He printed a lowercase a, and Zero copied it. "So there are fifty-two," said Zero. Stanley didn't know what he was talking about. "Instead of twenty-six letters. There are really fifty-two." Stanley looked at him, surprised. "I guess that's right. How'd you figure that out?" he asked. Zero said nothing. "Did you add?" Zero said nothing. "Did you multiply?" "That's just how many there are," said Zero. 最後のThat’s just…は邦訳では「ただそういう数になるってだけ」と訳してあります。どうしてこのような訳になるのかわかりません。
先日は有り難う御座いました。またよろしくお願いします。 子供の躾も小金をケチるとトンデモないことになる、というような意味だと 思うのですがby a parent's lying以降がわかりません。
Years of careful teaching of a child to be honest and truthful may be nullified in an instant by a parent's lying to a conductor about a child's age to save a nickel.
From personal observation, I can tell you quite clearly that when a man loves you (even a Japanese man), they become quite clear about that love, their intentions with you, and will move heaven and earth to be with you. Any man (and especially a Japanese man) that straight out says they don't feel anything for you romantically...well, they MEAN IT.
The purpose of the Chief Culture Officer is to develop and maintain the culture and work on ways to keep true to the core values that the company was founded on in the beginning−a flat organization with a collaborative environment.
He commented, "I warn you that having made an excellent start, I fully intend not only to be the greatest architect that has ever been but also the greatest of all future architects."
In 1932, New York's Museum of Modern Art assembled what was clearly meant to be a definitive exhibition of modern architecture. It presented the work of James along with that of Ronald.
Tgot off the bus at Greenhill,whereTfound my boyfriend Tom waiting for me. The child tried to persuade his parents,which he found quite difficult. Now that the barriers between East and West have fallen,many people dream of the day when the entire continent will be united. T've got four pairs of boots,two of whichT've never worn. The boy whose bicycle was stolen reported its loss to the police.
訳おねがいします。 It's so quiet in the city. Are summer weekends always like this? That's because everyone's left for the countryside to escape the heat. Except for us. But we have the whole city to ourselves. And the weather couldn't be any better! Is it my imagination that the air seems cleaner?
すみませんお願いします。 It shouldn't be because there are fewer cars today. (looking at the river)If only the river was as clean! Now that you mention it,it is very dirty! People should have more regard for the environment. Carol: The least we can do it to stop dumping garbage.
どなたか訳教えて下さい★ There simply isn't enough public awareness. Speaking of garbage,you should see my ten-year-old niece. Does she believe it just disappears in trucks? Quite the contrary. Her fourth grade class went on a tour of the recycling centers. That must have had quite an impact.
訳よろしくお願いします。 It sure did. She has been patrolling the house ever since. What does she do? She inspects the kitchen and bathroom cabinets. She then points out wasteful packaging. So she's started a grass roots movement at home.
和訳お願いします。 Yes. She once caught me throwing away this CD package. The package is a waste. Well,she lectured me for an hour on unnecessary packaging! We adults have to practice what we preach.
Right now we are a breaking point with our client list. We are not so huge that we must hire more agents, and not so small that we have not experienced huge success. We are at a point of neutrality. We are all, right now, neutral. Neutral, as in not black or white. Not bad or good. Even. Neutral.
This completes our verification that the Euclidean algorithm actually computes the greatest common divisor, a fact of sufficient importance to be officially recorded.
The child tried to persuade his parents,which he found quite difficult. Now that the barriers between East and West have fallen,many people dream of the day when the entire continent will be united.
This shipment is subject to import taxes. Please note that you are responsible for the payment of duty fees and compliance of import regulations in your country. For all inquiries regarding this order please refer to the order number in an E-mail to: