前スレが書き込めなくなったので、立てました。 長文なのですが、宜しくお願いします>< ------ Good Morning. I’m out here by Govenor’s Peak, and I’m going to talk about a little anime.
Victorian Romance: Emma is, as the title implies, a period romance set in England at the turn of the century. No, that other century. Oil lamps, horse drawn carriages and that sort of thing. It’s released in North America by the Right Stuf’s Nozomi Entertainment.
Emma is the live-in housemaid of Mrs. Kelly Stownar, a former governess, now retired to a modest home in London. The romance begins when one of Mrs. Stownar’s former charges, Mr. William Jones, arrives at his former governess’s door to say hello after many years. Master William is quite smitten with the maid, Emma, and he contrives to meet her again and again, each time making it seem as if it’s a coincidence that they ran into each other. For her part, Emma has been rejecting suitors for years, but finds Mr. Jones to be charming. Aside from a number of cute and amusing early misunderstandings, what could go wrong with this simple romance? Well, for one thing, William’s family are quite upper-class and they live in an almost palatial estate. Though merchants, not nobility, a marriage to a common maid would be far beneath beneath them. And, William is the oldest son. William’s father has arranged a proper marriage for his son with Miss Eleanor Campbell, who has a minor family title. William’s whole family - indeed the entire household with its army or servants - is simply scandalized by the whole idea or William being in love with a mere maid. Adding to the mix is a visiting Indian prince, Hakim, a friend of William’s who’s pushing William to follow his heart. Meanwhile, Mrs. Stownar is quietly hoping the best for her long-time servant, Emma. (1/3)
The story of Emma divides between Emma’s rather simple life with Mrs. Stowner, and William’s more interesting life out at his great estate. And, of course, to the couple’s many meetings as they slowly, … and I mean very slowly,… go through the motions of a very, very proper British romance. When we get near the end of the first season, we’ll get a little background story on Emma, too - something out of Dickens. The story is so simple, it’s a wonder it can hold our attention for 12 episodes. As William’s friend Hakim says, “You love Emma, Emma loves you. What’s complicated?” And yet, it did hold my attention throughout. There are minor complications, to be sure. Some sweet moments, and some amusing misunderstandings. And it’s all very low key. The characters in this story really sparkle. Two shy and very proper Brits, and their very different circle of friends, get a very nice treatment. It’s a story without villains - unless you count the elder Mr. Jones, who’s intent on providing a proper marriage for his son as the autocratic head of the household. So, here we get two interesting, contrasting stories. At one point in the series, Emma is preparing a very simple dinner for Mrs. Stownar and some of her friends that she’s entertaining, and at the same time the Jones family is preparing for a host of people, and some nobility, out at their estate, with a whole army of chefs working. Emma isn’t an action series, so the animation really isn’t called on to do much. The artwork, on the other hand, is splendid as it gives us a detailed look at merry old England. You really have to appreciate the attention to period detail in every aspect of the story, from tea strainers to brooms. And the character’s faces, while simple, are remarkably expressive of subtle emotion. And that’s good, because there’s a lot of subtle emotion going on. (2/3)
Really, the first season could be considered to have a conclusion. It’s just not the conclusion we’re hoping, so we now have to impatiently wait for the second season sequel, which Nozomi has scheduled for US release later this year. I know this kind of slow romance story, devoid of action, fan service, or other customary anime features, may not appeal to a lot of American anime fans. This is a little more for the Maison Ikkoku crowd or 5cm per second fans. It’s not the kind of show people started watching anime for. One could ask, why tackle this story in an anime at all? Many of the BBC’s various period productions have been aired on PBS over the years - they almost speak our language and they have really convincing British accents, too! Do the fans of this series also watch - or read - Charlotte Bronte or Jane Austen ? But, I still think this first season of Emma - Victorian Romance deserved 4 stars. It’s a simple story told with a lot of charm and great affection. Nozomi’s DVDs are nicely put together. It’s refreshingly released as a full season of 12 episodes in a 4-DVD pack. I’m not sure why they decided on just 3 episodes per DVD. It has English subtitles but no dub. I think that works out well, since the price is right. And, the youngest kids aren’t going to have their attention held by this kind of slow story, and those are the only crowd that won’t put up with subtitles at all. Nozomi’s also included a thick booklet of character bios, period information, maps and pictures - more than I needed to know, really. (3/3)
一行目の時点で 「何でこのおっさん、自分の喋った事を直後に否定してるんだ?」という感じで全く理解できず、 原文も「No, that other century.」と非常にシンプルなので別の解釈をしようにも出来ず…頭からこの状態だったので、 英訳スレを探してここにたどり着きました。 >>7さんのレスを見て思った、文脈から補完するって事を全く思いつきませんでした。 連投気味ですみません、以後望み薄で期待しつつ自重します。。
Our recent studies indicate that, in addition to improving the microcirculation of various parts of the body, which often results in a significant decrease in blood pressure in hypertensive patients, acupuncture also induces a series of blood chemistry changes. Such changes involve significant decrease in serum triglyceride and phospholipid, mild decrease in serum cholesterol level, increase in ACTH and cortisol, In Western medicine clofibrate has been widely used to lower high serum levels of triglyceride and cholesterol. However, recent reports from Germany indicate that it increases the death rate from unexpected cancer of the gall bladder and intestinal system and now the use of such medication is questionable because of its side effects. I could go on and on listing some of the most remarkable effects of acupuncture treatment in contrast to the treatment used in Western medicine. Acupuncture can be used in emergency medicine by both laymen and medical and para-medical workers. Often acute abdominal pain or menstrual pain can be eliminated dramatically by acupuncture given at the Stomach Meridian 36th point, near the knee and/or Spleen 6 at the leg.
Acupuncture also has normalizing effect on constipation or diarrhea or abnormal menstruation. For instance, the author treated many cases of a long history of severe constipation. Often results are so dramatic that sometimes one or two treatments of acupuncture at the stomach 36 points near both knees eliminate the constipation. For asthma attacks or allergy, acupuncture often provides dramatic results. In case of emergency, where not even a single acupuncture needle is available, knowledge of acupuncture treatment can still be used, often with similar effects as with the acupuncture needle. Instead of the needle, if finger pressure(Shiatsu) is effectively given at the acupuncture point, one can often obtain a comparable result to acupuncture treatment of the same acupuncture points. Therefore, knowledge of acupuncture can be very helpful in emergency medicine where no medical help or facility is available. It is surprising that still very few medical schools teach acupuncture and its use in emergency medicine with or without using needles. The basic knowledge of acupuncture meridians is most desirable. It is a great advantage for every individual to know something about acupuncture and its treatment.
Wile collaboration with Japanese musicians was attempted,it was problematic, and here is another significant reason for the initial dilemma about the choice of music for primary education:the situatedness of Japanese indigenous music within the Japanese social and cultural system.Each henre of music was cleary associated with some particular group of people and performance context;who made the music, for whom,and where really mattered,with implications of social status and morality. Gagaku was the music of the imperial court and of Buddhist temple and Shinto shrine ceremonies;koto was the instrument of elite and upper middle-class citizens; the no dorama was the special purvies of the elite and especially the samurai class; syamisen-accompanied songs were particularly associated with the popular theater and adult entertainment world.None of them was appropriate for primary school education for the entire population of children.The dilemma was pragmatic as well as psychological.
RELATIVE DATING The first, and in some ways the most important, step in much archaeological research involves ordering things into sequences. The things to be put into sequence can be archaeological deposits in a stratigraphic excavetion. Or they can be artifacts as in a typological sequence. Changes in the earth's climate also give rise to local, regional, and global environmental sequences - the most notable being the sequence of global fluctuations during the Ice Age. All these sequence can be used for relative dating.
ABSOLUTE DATING Despite the great utility of methods of relative dating. archaeologists ultimately want to know how old sequences, sites, and artifacts are in calendar years. To achieve this they need to use the methods of absolute dating described in the following sections - from traditional historical methods to those which are based on the great variety of modern scientific techniques now available.
Sequence dating A type of seriation combined with cross dating, used in the absence of any other datin g method, originally applied by Sir Flinders Petrie to provide a relative chronology f or pottery from Predynastic Egyptian cemeteries. A series of artifact forms can be bui lt up their stratigraphical relationship and typology. Petrie assigned numbers, called “Sequence Dates”, to different stages in this series. Artifacts found at other sites were then correlated with the sequence and given a sequence date. The typological series was not calibrated by reference to other dating methods, so the sequence dates provide only a relative and not an absolute chronology.
Cross dating Dating by relation to established chronologies. Artifacts from an archaeological site are often dated by correlation with typologies of similar artifacts in the surrounding area. The method is based on the assumption that typologies evolved at the same rate and in the same way over a wide area or alternatively on assumptions of diffusion. By itself, a cross date chronology does not give absolute dates, but it may be calibrated by reference to other dating method.
Radiocarbon Dating Radiocarbon is the single most useful method of dating for the archaeologist. As we shall see, it has its limitations, both in terms of accuracy, and for the time range where it is useful. Archaeologists themselves are also the cause of major errors, thanks to poor sampling procedures and careless interpretation. Nevertheless, radiocarbon has transformed our understanding of the past, helping archaeologists to establish for for the first time a reliable chronology of world cultures.
We also utilize the Fish Eye View technique aiming to allow the user to find the programs they have been interested in, but also providing for them to have opportunities to encounter programs that are similar to their interested programs they have not watched in the relaxed attitude.
While collaboration with Japanese musicians was attempted,it was problematic, and here is another significant reason for the initial dilemma about the choice of music for primary education:the situatedness of Japanese indigenous music within the Japanese social and cultural system.Each genre of music was clearly associated with some particular group of people and performance context; who made the music,for whom, and where really mattered,with implications of social status and morality.Gagaku was the music of the imperial court and of Buddhist temple and Shinto shrine ceremonies;koto was the instrument of elite and upper middle-class citizens;the no drama was the special purview of the elite and especially the samurai class;wyamisen-accompanied songs were particularly associated with the popular theater and adult entertainment world.None of them was appropriate for primary school education for the entire population of children.The dilemma was progmatic as well as psychiligical.
友達とけんかをして「あいつにあんなことやこんなことをされたんでめちゃむかついてる」的な話をしたら that was an ASSHOLE move to do. と言われました。 「そいつは嫌な奴だね」とか「嫌な事があったんだね」みたいな意味かと思うのですが move to doの意味がわかりません。お願いします。
Designed by Norman Foster, Beijing’s glittering air terminal is joined by a remarkable list of other new monuments here: Paul Andreu’s egg-shaped National Theater; Herzog & de Meuron’s National Stadium, known as the bird’s nest; PTW’s National Aquatics Center, with its pillowy translucent exterior; and Rem Koolhaas’s headquarters for the CCTV television authority, whose slanting, interconnected forms are among the most imaginative architectural feats in recent memory.
Critics have incessantly described these high-profile projects as bullish expressions of the nation’s budding global primacy. Yet these buildings are not simply blunt expressions of power. Like the great monuments of 16th-century Rome or 19th-century Paris, China’s new architecture exudes an aura that has as much to do with intellectual ferment as economic clout.
Engineering is a profession directed towards the application of a defined body of knowledge based on mathematics, science and technology, integrated with appropriate business and management skills. The work of an engineer extends from routine production and the practical maintenance of infrastructure, goods and services to research and development involving analysis and a detailed understanding of theoretical concepts. The engineering profession must therefore provide for its members a broad range of formation to allow them to practise at a variety of levels.
Engineering science subjects normally have their roots in mathematics and basic sciences, but carry knowledge further toward creative applications. They may involve the developmental of mathematical or numerical techniques, modeling, simulation and experiment procedures. Application to the identification and solution of practical engineering problems is stressed. Such subjects include the applied aspects of strength of materials, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, electrical and electronic circuits, soil mechanics, automatic control, aerodynamics, transport phenomena and elements of materials science, geo-science, computer science, environmental studies and other subjects pertinent to the discipline. In addition, the curriculum should include engineering science content which imparts an appreciation of important elements of other engineering disciplines.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- I want to make of all beautiful melodys but I want to also to have ブライディ? and the mood some of them are very very tender and tranquil some of the very passionate like Massenet.
(音楽の後) Many of songs I would say sad songs and of coure a few seans a lot of トラジリー you know the opera and some of them wonder why people do listen to sad songs but if you probably ask the 10 people on the street favorite songs, probably 9 or10 of those songs would be sad songs.
I think the something about a beautiful touching song that can make you a cry a lot of アフレフティング?
I wanted to make an album of all beautiful melodies but I wanted also to have variaty in the mood some of them are very very tender and tranquil and some of them are very passionate like Massenet.
(音楽の後) Many of songs in the album I would say sad songs and of course if you see an opera there are a lot of tragedies in an opera and some of them wonder why people do listen to sad songs but if you probably ask the 10 people on the street their favorite songs, probably 9 out of 10 of those songs would be sad songs.
I think there is something about a beautiful touching song that can make you a cry and also is uplifting
The fact that television frequently limits communication within families is already well known; these new developments will further lead people to live within themselves and not reach out to other people. Perhaps technology itself is creating individuals who are only concerned with their own interests. Machines should not be allowed to ruin our sense of social responsibility. Whether we admit it or not,we are all here together,and share a common fate.
2つ目 Time after time we learn that that which we fear most in life never happens,or never happens exactly as we had dreaded. In addition,we have undreamed of strength to bear the difficulty.
Wiid claims on labels of worthless medicines are much less frequent than they were years ago. But some over-the-counter drugs are still being promoted by tall stories, sometimes told in booklets or through advertising, rather than on the label. One tall story is that every American today suffers from a vitamin or mineral deficiency and needs vitamin supplements. This isn't so. Vitamins and minerals are plentiful in our food supply. Eating a variety of foods makes it almost certain that you will get a full quota of these nutrients. Infants, pregnant women, the sick or convalescent, and those who are dieting may need special supplements. But the family physician is the best authority on what vitamin supplements are needed. If your doctor does recommend supplements, take the suggested dose no more. Some people take or give vitamins on the principle that if a little is good, twice as much is better. Excessive doses of certain vitamins are known to be toxic. If you are overweight, don't fall for a formula that promises you a slim, trim figure without dieting or calorie counting. To reduce, you must consume fewer calories than you use up in daily living.
Why tell a story to children? Why not simply read it aloud? Both ways of communicating stories have a place, but there is a great difference between the two, for the adult involved and for the child listening. The reader must always be conscious of the printed page before her and can only occasionally look at the audience, while the teller is free to speak directly to the listeners and to watch their reactions. For children the voice and personality of the storyteller add richness and vitality to the story. お願いします!
Human beings differ profoundly in regard to tendency to regard their lives as a whole. To some men it is natural to do so, and essential to happiness to be able to do so with some satisfaction. To others life is series of detached incidents without directed movement and without unity. I think the former soft are more likely to achieve happiness than the latter, since they will gradually built up those circumstances from which they can derive contentment and self-respect, whereas the others will be blown about by the winds of circumstance now this way, now that, without ever arriving at any heaven. The habit of viewing life as a whole is an essential part both of wisdom and or true morality, and is one of the things which ought to be encouragement in education. Consistent purpose is not enough to make life happy, but it is an almost indispensable condition of a happy life. And consistent purpose embodies itself mainly in work.
you don't have to worry about being shy, i am very shy and quiet in person :P and i do know a little about japanese culture, about how different our cultures are when it comes to physical contact for one :P i've been told never to come up and just hug someone from japan :D lol i'm going do it!! haha ^-^
i'm just being compulsive is all :P something i'm not used to really but am compelled to do once and a while, and i have made a friend out of it!! you get a neat book out of it so it can't be all that bad :D how about cookies? i can bake some cookies as well lol :P
It is said that an Englishman’s home is his castle. The Oxford English Dictionary lends support to this idea as it defines a home as “a place where one finds rest, refuge” This suggests that a home, like a castle, is a defense against the world and certainly some Englishman look upon it as a place where they can retire from the trials and troubles of the world outsides. There is also the suggestion in this saying that inside the home the Englishman us lord of his domain and can do what he likes and there is a strong belief that the state, or society or anyone else has no business prying into his private home life.
Our belief is that the sorts of activity producing layers of control we are developing (mobility, vision and survival related tasks) are necessary prerequisites for higher-level intelligence in the style we attribute to human beings.
Better understanding how handedness relates to brain function is relevant to many people, among them: academic researchers, medical clinicians, neurological patients, educators and left-handers. Clarifying the relationship between handedness and functional brain specializations, and learning more about the developmental and neurobiological mechanisms that underlie these relationships, may help us better understand a wide range of seemingly unrelated issues such as dyslexia, stuttering, human variation, comparative brain research, developmental neurobiology of the brain, and the origins of human language.
In the immediate aftermath of the poll, Labour ministers trotted out the usual post-defeat platitudes: that they would learn from the voters’ judgment; that the country was feeling pinched by the deteriorating economy; and so on. It is true that voters often use by-elections?held in this case because the sitting MP stood down on health grounds ?to protest against a sitting government, rather than, as they do at general elections, to pick a new one.
>>77 イギリス人にとっての家は城であると言われています。OEDは家を人が「休息し避難する場所」と定義して これを肯定しています。 このことは城のような家は世間に対する要塞であることを意味し、英国人の中には世間の試練や困難事から避ける場所と 見なしている人もいます。 しかしこのことは又、家の中では英国人は us lord of his domainわからない 自分の好むことだけをして 国、社会、何人からも個人の家の中については干渉を受けないという強い決意があることを意味する。
The technique of completely debugging the robot on all existing activity producing layers before designing and adding a new one seems to have been practical till now at least.
>>94 The technique of completely debugging the robot on all existing activity producing layers 現在の全てのexisting activity producing layers を完全にデバッグする方法は、完全にデバッグするのは before designing and adding a new one 新方式、新たなレイヤーかな?を計画し装備する前に seems to have been practical till now at least. 現在までは少なくとも実用的、現実にとるべき手段であった。
James Watt was one of the most important figures of the Industrial RevoLution in Britain. He was a delicate boy,but he was very good with his hands and loved making things. In those days steam engines were used to pump out water from coal mines. Watt stared working to redesign them,and in a couple of years he had succeeded in making very efficient engines that only used 30% as much coal as had previously been needed. He also replaced the old up-down,pumping-action engines with rotary-motion engines that could drive machinery in factories.
If Mick could go back in time,he could probably give Henry some useful tips about wives and girlfriends. Children in Britain read Shakespeare works as part of their studies in school. Romeo and Juliet,has been performed for over 400 years and was recently made into a popular movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio.
So through my university I received a job opening, at a local bank here in Colombia called Banco de Credito (Credit Bank),for Money Market Trading Desk Trader. I learned a lot from the financial markets and definitely it was a good experience. I worked there from April 2007 to October 2007,time when I recieved another job posting from Banco Santander (a Spanish Bank,Number 5 in the entire world).Since then I've been working there, here in Bogotá, Colombia. I'm working in the Strategic Planning Division,where I'm in charge of settling down the Bank's presidency strategic plans for the country. I've learned a lot and it's something that I can apply in every type of business no matter what (Negotiation with suppliers,with strategic partners,definition of new processes and technologies that are suitable for the new product to be released, training new people,managing and guiding financial and human resources). Right now we are working in a huge project,the biggest project ever for the Bank's operations here in the country.
After I came back, I was busy with a project on an island in the Netherlands. There is every year a theaterfestival.And I was making there my one theatertour, with a group of nice people we worked very hard.And maked it a succes!Now I have more time to reply,your mail.As It is a kind of holiday for me.I'm freelancer and designing theaterset I also make video's and edit them. As freelancer I now have parttime jobs and take some rest to enjoy holiday and clean my studio.This year I allready went to New zealand and tokio, so I don't have money to go futher.At the end of the year I'll go to New York,were I'm playing one week on broadway. That's so nice... I once worked in a restaurant,in Amersfoort were I grew up,with a Michelin star.I was a kind of hostes,took the coats and smiled a lot. After all I didn't like working there the atmosphere was not good.I never ate there cause they did'nt want to, I was wondering how can i sell the food I never taste?
It's nice to hear from you again. First I wanted to say that I send this e-mail also on behalf of Ellis and that you e-mails don't annoy her.Just like me se really likes them,but I awnser them for the both of us. At this moment we live in Deventer which is in the middle part of Holland.We moved from Groningen because Ellis has work for 1,5year in the hospital of Deventer for her specialisation as paediatrician. And after this period we will move in October 2009 back to Groningen for at least 3 year.Myself I've quited my job and will start in September with a new master. So I will go back to university for 2 more years and after this I will have my degree as a maths teacher.
日本語訳 お願い致します。 At this moment I'm sitting at home enjoying my vacation and killing time with watching the Tour de France, Playing Nintendo Wii, watching movies and running. The last week of August Ellis and I will go for 1 week to Toscane (Italy) to stay there in a big estate together with my best friend who has invited us to come there. This is the same guy as we visited in Japan, so we visit him all over the world.
It was also used for many years on German car number plates, until it was replacedthere in November 2000 by FE-Schrift, ここ以降a font especially designed for number plates that is optimized for better tamper resistance and easier automatic character recognition.
また、easier automatic character recognitionをどう訳せばいいのかご助言お願いします。 より易しい自動認識標記?
>>103 a font:同格の表現、直前のものと同格。wikipediaのFE-Schriftの項も参照してみな。
a font especially designed for number plates that is optimized for better tamper resistance and easier automatic character recognition. ナンバープレートの改変を難しくし、 自動文字認識を簡単にするために最適化された、 ナンバープレートのためデザインされたフォント
It is hypothesized that honey bees for example are pre-wired to learn how to distinguish certain classes of flowers, and to learn routes to and from a home hive and sources of nectar.
Democrats in Congress today plan to introduce a bill to halt the recently-announced closing of some 600 Starbucks coffee stores, noting that the displacement of 12,000 Starbucks baristas would overwhelm government aid offices not prepared to handle so many clients for whom English is a second language....
>>113 Democrats in Congress today plan to introduce a bill noting that the displacement of 12,000 Starbucks baristas would overwhelm government aid offices not prepared to handle so many clients for whom English is a second language....
to halt the recently-announced closing of some 600 Starbucks coffee stores,
And practicing Buddhism, chanting nam myoho renge kyo. Like I mentioned to you before, I don't necessarily partake in the SGI activities but I do find chanting to bring happiness, peace, and clarity as a way of living life.
Right now is a very interesting time for our country.We are in the middle of the Election cycle to choose a new President,and it is saddening to see the people so divided.The general population feels that both of the candidates are not very well suited for the position of president, but the political powers seem to offer them as the only choice,which to me, represents a false sense of democracy. America is a very large country with a very diverse population of all different kinds of people with their own traditions and beliefs. I personally feel that this is why the states should have ruling power with minimal oversight from the federal government,however the federal government is growing very large and runs very inefficiently. As a result,they waste many tax dollars on wars and bureaucratic programs that fail. Our country is suffering from inflation and an economic recession as the result of improper federal behavior and I am sad that the candidates who want to address the real problems are covered up by the media,who would rather say nasty things and make personal attacks that have nothing to do with policy.I just hope that our economy can stabilize as the effect is beginning to hurt everyone,especially with the rising cost of fuel in America.I believe Japan had also suffered a period of inflation which hurt it's economy? Were you ever affected by similar issues?
>>98 ジェームズ ワットはイギリス産業革命でのたいへん重要な人物のひとりです。 彼は繊細な子でしたが、とても器用でものづくりが大好きでした。 当時、蒸気機関は炭坑から水を汲み上げるために使われていました。 ワットはそれらを再設計するため働いて見つめ、それまでの30%の石炭で済む高効率エンジンを造ることに二年で成功しました。 > He also replaced the old up-down,pumping-action engines with rotary-motion engines that could drive machinery in factories. 最後の一文がワカンネ 彼は古い上下動を、工場の機械類で稼働できる回転機構によるポンプに置き換えました。 かな?
It is generally accepted that every intelligent person should know something about the history of the country -and if possible of the world- in which he lives,
of the literature which he reeds,of the trade or profession which he follows, of the religion he believes in.
Why not, therefore, of the language which he speak?
It is in the belief that there is a real necessity for this, and that one of the most certain ways to ensure an intelligent use of any language
is to study it historically,that the present book has been written.
We find that almost any pre-designed piece of equipment or software has so many preconceptions of how they are to be used built into them, that they are not flexible enough to be a part of our complete systems.
Due to your outstanding fee obligation ×× College as of winter 2008, your account is now assigned to Immediate Credit Recovery (ICR) our third-party collection agency for further collection measures. Collection cost of 30% on unpaid balance charged by ICR and is now posted to your account. (If you have already paid your balance, please disregard this notice and thank you for your cooperation.) Your student record and registration privileges are suspended (on HOLD) pending your payment to ICR to clear the outstanding balance.
because obese people consume a disproportionate amount of medical resources, and there is extensive public and private subsidization of medical expenses (private through insurance pools that are unable or forbidden to identify and reject high-risk insureds).
>>145 (private through insurance pools that are unable or forbidden to identify high-risk insureds). (private through insurance pools that are unable or forbidden to reject high-risk insureds). private through insurance pools (医療)保険からの支払い identify 見分ける と確認する reject 排除する high-risk insureds リスクの高い保険契約者
japan seems to be in a defiant mood these days. first, there's the prime minister and his trips to the war memorial at yasukuni shrine. despite protests from around asia, he insists on "paying his respects to the war dead." but even the families of the war dead themselves don't want him to go. "call off your visit," they plead. "have some consideration for our asian neighbors." but the prime minister pays them little attention.
then there's the japanese history textbooks written by a group of national- ist historians. korea, china and other asian nations object to certain passages. these passages, they say, "whitewash" japan's aggressive role in world war U. these nations want the passages changed. but the japanese government, which has approved the texts, refuses to even listen.
and then there's the issue of whale hunting. in 1986, japan signed an agreement that called for a ban on commercial whaling. whales, environmen- talists said, were dying out. but japan has continued to hunt whales for what it called "reseach purpose." now japan wants to increase the number of "research" whales it can kill each year. if the international whaling commission doesn't approve, japan says it will withdraw from the agreement. this has angered many nations, particularly australia, and they are putting pressuer on japan to change its mind. but as one japanese official said recently, "we will not give in to foreign pressure. whales are a part of japanese culture."
meanwhile ,the women's forum for fish has been holding special cooking classes in tokyo. about 50 pupils have been learning to prepare and enjoy whale meat in a variety of ways. one 61 years old man in the class summed up his attitude -and japan's- this way: "criticizing us for eating whale meat is nonsense. it is the same thing as killing and eating a cow."
youtubeであがっていたコメントです。 a lot of americans are really good
some are racist but it surprises me their culture being so different to asians sometimes understand china and respects china so well ------------------------------------------------- many have negative image of china because of fear and misunderstanding. it will go away in the future but a lot of ppl say what they think. they arent sneaky (like japan no offence my opinion) and more like china than japan for what it is not hate (like japanese) due to competition reasons ------------------------------------------------ p.s bad person =/= communists 前後関係を崩さないために前文記載しましたが点線で囲んだ部分がよくわかりません。 よろしくお願いします
Coming back to your e-mails it is a great pleasure to read your story on strange and unique Japanese customs. As I said, it's so different from what we experience in Europe when appreciation of beauty is on such a low level. It does not help that Iza and I live in a shire (shires are also known as counties and are administrative parts of England) which is considered one of the most boring in England. Our home is in Cambridge shire. In medieval time this area of Great Britain was only a bog and local English word for it was "fens". They still call it fens but since nineteenth century onwards the land has been drained and huge agricultural territory was created. If you look at the map of the area you will find a highly developed network of what is called drains.The water is constantly pumped out and directed to the sea using these drains.If they stopped doing that all the land would be flooded as naturally it is a huge swamp.Even though there is a never satisfied demand for building plots in the UK this area has been left as mostly agricultural land because the stability of the ground is low.If you take a ride through the countryside you can see extremely deformed roads as ground moves. A landscape is very flat, with very limited number of trees and houses.It is really bad for your spirit in the long run.
What'about poor people, hobo's..and the contrast between rich and poor people.Is it easy to live in a society like yours? For tourists お願いします。
it is always nice and good but try also to tell me something about the joung conditions regarding education, work, family and what does it mean living in a city like tokyo!What'about suicidals? I have read that the number are increasing? Why? what is wrong in your society? What's good and what's bad for you?
I am looking for a job.I already applied to some companies but I have just a few replies yet. I want to work mainly in a sector called "usability"or"user centered design" or "user experience".This area is a hybrid consisting of technical and psychologicals issues. The main goal is to make machines and - now more important-software easily usable. This is not trivial since software applications get more and more complex as technical possibilities grow.One example for the need of usable software is modern cars.Cars nowadays are not only machines anymore but run on highly complex computer systems.There are many ways for a user/driver to interact with this system. Navigating systems, entertainment systems, and driver assistance get operated on while performing the primary task of driving.It is essential to design the interactions as well as the information that is presented to the driver in a way that does not distract the driver too much but gives him all he needs for a given purpose. This need for usable software can be generalized to, say,"normal"applications on personal computers such as operating systems.I hope I find a job where I have the opportunity to work with partners from outside of Germany. Hopefully, I have the opportunity to do some traveling to foreign countries then. Maybe, I can eventually visit Japan again.
What'about poor people, hobo's..and the contrast between rich and poor people.Is it easy to live in a society like yours? For tourists it is always nice and good but try also to tell me something about the joung conditions regarding education, work, family and what does it mean living in a city like tokyo!What'about suicidals? I have read that the number are increasing? Why? what is wrong in your society? What's good and what's bad for you?
Everyone wants wisdom and wealth. Nevertheless, our health often gives out, before we achieve them. To lengthen our lives and improve our minds, we will need to change our bodies and brains. To that end, we first must consider how traditional Darwinian evolution brought us to where we are. Then we must imagine ways in which novel replacements for worn body parts might solve our problems of failing health. Next we must invent strategies to improve our brains and gain greater wisdom. Eventually, using nano-technology we will entirely replace our brains. Once liberated from the limitations of biology, we will decide the length of our lives With the option of immortality and choose among order, unimagined capabilities as well. In such future, attaining wealth will be easy; the trouble will be in controlling it. Obviously, such changes are difficult to see, and many thinkers still argue that these advances are impossible, particularly in the domain of artificial intelligence. But the sciences needed to establish this transition are already in the making, and it is time to consider what this new world will be like. Such a future cannot be realized through biology. In recent times we have learned much about health and how to maintain it. We have devised thousands of specific treatments for specific disease and disabilities. Yet we do not seem to have increased in popular legends and myths no one has ever lived twice that long. According to the estimates of Roy L. Walford, professor of pathology at University of California, the average human lifetime was about 22 years in ancient Rome, was about 50 in the developed countries in 1900, and today stands at about 75 in the U.S. Despite this increase, each of those curves seems to terminate sharply near 115 years. Centuries of improvement in health care have had no effect on that maximum.
In the continuous process which we call history,it isall too easy to point to specific dates and to speak of turning points when in fact all that happens flows from what has been into what is to be,with a lack of sharp divisions which is annoying to the chronicler but true to all living processes
I went visiting Tokyo again this March. I didn't go to tourist attraction spots but go for shopping and having great food. It's a pity that I still didn't see the cherry blossoms in spring this year. Hopefully, I may be able to see the red maple in October.
At the moment I have very little spare time, planning a holiday has not cross my mind.I have been job hunting for months on end and have just got a full time job today!!I may have a few drinks to celebrate but after that I've got to pack my bags a move away from home(York).I am moving down to the Midlands but I am unsure where to stay, so I am officially homeless and will be jumping from place to place for the forseeable future.
We should all do our jobs as well as we can: our self respect demands it. The better our work and reputations, the more convenient we are to find Other jobs if you lose those we have.Those of us with stimulating, fulfilling jobs in companies that have so far treated us humanely should never forget how lucky we are. But we should always ask this question:If I am told to go,how would I cope? Not just financially, but with the rert of my life. Do I havd other interests that could fill the gap? And, most important, how forgortten me family and friends. Work/life balance is more than a fashionable slogan :it is an investment in the future.Companies may promise it but it is up toshrewd employees to ensure it happens. There jobs can be done during an ordinary day. As my first boss said to me: “If I see you sitting here late at night, it does not tell me you do not know how organize your time.” Take your holidays, too, he told me. To which I would add: leave your laptop Behind and resist the temptation to check your voicemail. Your company needs you far more than you think, as you may one day discover. If you lose, your job, it is unlikely to be because you took the afternoon off to watch a school play or because you rushed from a late meeting to attend an art class. It will be because new technology has condemned your industry to decline, or because a competitor has come up with a business model that destroys your company’s viability, or because someone in India can do your job for a fraction of what it costs to employ you. It will not to be because you spent too few hours in the office.
Ancient wonders, outdoor cafe culture, vibrant nightlife and gritty urban soul. Redolent with history and mythology, Athens is a friendly city enlivened by busy outdoor cafes, pedestrian streets that wind through the city is ancient sites and its fair share of urban eccentrics. If you get into the Athenian mindset, you will enjoy one of the most laid-back and quirky European cities. The city may look like a concrete jungle and still suffers from bouts of the dreaded nefos,but beyond its noisy and chaotic veneer is an undeniable charm. The historic centre, major sites and dining and entertainment precincys are all close together making Athens a great walking city.
Santorini is regarded by many as the most spectacular ofthe Greek islands. Thousands are amazed at its sea-filled caldera, a vesting of what was propably the world is largest volcanic eruption. Its landscapes are of blud-domed roofs, dazzling While walls and blake-sand becaus. The eruption that caused the caldera is beliveed by some to have caused the dissppearance of Atlanties. the island is violent volcanic history is visible everywhere you look - in its black beaches, earthquake-damaged dwelings and raw cliffs of lava plunging into the sea. Volcanic activity has benn low-key for the past few decades, but minor tremors ouccur pretty frequently and experts reckon the caldera could bubble up once again at any moment. For loves of impermanennce and drama, no other place even comes close. To get some background into this island is extraordinary history,head to the Megaron Gyzi Museun of local memorabilia in fira, whih fascinating photos of the town before and after the disastrous 1956 quake.
Two minutes into the movie, a woman laden with shopping made her way with difficulty down my row, stopped beside my seat, and told me in a stern voice full of indignation that I was in her place.
What'about poor people, hobo's..and the contrast between rich and poor people.Is it easy to live in a society like yours? For tourists it is always nice and good but try also to tell me something about the joung conditions regarding education, work, family and what does it mean living in a city like tokyo!What'about suicidals? I have read that the number are increasing? Why? what is wrong in your society? What's good and what's bad for you?
http://www.newsweek.com/id/149403/page/2 ここの Right. But then everyone else who's not quite as ready may not get help. It's a serious issue. It's a really serious concern. Let's put it this way, I don't think I would have made this law. It's a bold law; I understand where they're going with it. I'm just not sure I would have done it. Maybe we could do some study that says "would you be less likely to come to treatment if you couldn't smoke." Of course, they'd all say yes. のLet's put it this way 以下はいったいどういったことを言っているんでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
It had long been known that light waves from a receding source would be stretched and therefore shifted toward the red end of the spectrum (conversely ,light from an approaching source is blue-shifted).
Hubble and Slipher Found that the red shift gets bigger the farther away from us a galaxy is located and that,furthermore,the effect is the same in all directions.The simplest explanation of these facts,and the one that Hubble announced to the world,is that the galaxies are rushing away from us in an orderly pattern of expansion.
Jack told me how pissed off he was over the swap. ''I wasn't real happy with the way things turned out. My end of the deal didn't last too long.'' I assumed Jack didn't get what he wanted out of the bargain.
Miss USA falls again Miss USA, Crystle Stewart, slipped and fell down the stairs during the Evening Gown competition. This was the second year in a row that a Miss USA delegate fell during Evening Gown. This is also the first time in pageant history a contestant fell down during the Evening Gown competition in two consecutive pageants, from the same country, or from any country. Miss USA 2007, Rachel Smith, fell during Miss Universe 2007 in Mexico, and received boos after she made the Top Five contestants. After Stewart fell, she encouraged the audience to applaud by clapping her hands. She was eliminated after the Evening Gown Competition, finishing eighth place.
Debuts Kosovo sent its first ever delegate.
Returning countries and territories Guam last competed in 2000. Netherlands and Vietnam last competed in 2005. Cayman Islands, Ghana, Ireland, Sri Lanka, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey and UK last competed in 2006.
Withdrawals Bulgaria - The Miss Bulgaria Organization announced that its 2008 pageant would take place in the form of a reality show, and it has been scheduled for production in July. [95] Chile - A new organization uniting the franchise holders of the major pageants (Miss Universe, Miss World, Miss International and Miss Earth) will be in charge of organizing the new Miss Chile contest which will take place later this year.[96] Lebanon - Miss Lebanon will not be competing in Miss Universe this year because of scheduling conflict.[citation needed] Namibia - When Marichen Jolandi Luiperth competed in Miss World 2007 the Miss Namibia Organization announced that they will not be sending a delegate to Vietnam.[citation needed] Northern Mariana Islands - Stellar Marianas president Laila Y. Boyer announced their contest would be rescheduled to select a delegate for Miss Universe 2009.[97] Sweden - Miss Sweden, Lina Hahne, stated in her blog that she had hoped to travel to Vietnam but the organizer decided not to send her.[98]
States without delegates Barbados Belize Guyana Saint Lucia U.S. Virgin Islands Zambia
Replacement delegates France - Miss Pays de Loire, Laura Tanguy, will represent France. She was second runner up in the Miss France competition, but the winner, Valérie Bègue, was banned after suggestive photos of her appeared in the media shortly after she was crowned. The first runner-up, Miss New Caledonia Vahinerii Requillart, decided to not compete in Miss Universe because she wants to continue studying. Russia - The winner of Miss Russia 2007 Ksenia Sukhinova was supposed to represent Russia, but due to her studies was replaced by her 2nd runner-up Vera Krasova. Spain - Claudia Moro, was appointed as representative of her country instead of winning the title. Patricia Yurena Rodriguez, who originally was crowned Miss Spain, was disqualified because she did not meet the minimum age requirement by the time asked by the Miss Universe Organization
Tricyclic antidepressant overdose is a significant cause of fatal drug poisoning. The severe morbidity and mortality associated with these drugs is well documented due to their cardiovascular and neurological toxicity. Additionally, it is a serious problem in the pediatric population due to their inherent toxicity and the availability of these in the home when prescribed for bed wetting and depression. The central nervous system and heart are the two main systems that are affected. Initial or mild symptoms include drowsiness, a dry mouth, nausea, and vomiting. More severe complications, include hypotension, cardiac rhythm disturbances, hallucinations, and seizures. Electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities are frequent and a wide variety of cardiac dysrhythmias can occur, the most common being sinus tachycardia and intraventricular conduction delay (QRS prolongation).
Seizures and cardiac dysrhythmias are the most important life threatening complications. Tricyclics have a low therapeutic index, i.e. the therapeutic dose is close to the toxic dose. In the medical literature the lowest reported toxic dose is 6.7 mg per kg body weight, ingestions of 10 to 20 mg per kilogram of body weight are a risk for moderate to severe poisoning, although doses ranging from 1.5 to 5 mg/kg may even present a risk. Most poison control centers refer any case of TCA poisoning (especially in children) to a hospital for monitoring. Factors that increase the risk of toxicity include advancing age, cardiac status, and concomitant use of other drugs. However, serum drug levels are not useful for evaluating risk of arrhythmia or seizure in tricyclic overdose. Most of the toxic effects of TCAs are caused by four major pharmacological effects. TCAs have anticholinergic effects, cause excessive blockade of norepinephrine reuptake at the postganglionic synapse, direct alpha adrenergic blockade, and importantly they block sodium membrane channels with slowing of membrane depolarization, thus having quinidine like effects on the myocardium. Studies in the 1990s in Australia and the United Kingdom showed that between 8 and 12% of drug overdoses were following TCA ingestion. TCAs may be involved in up to 33% of all fatal poisonings, second only to analgesics.
Threw you the obvious and you flew with it on your back, A name in your recollection down among the millions there: Difficult not to feel a little bit disappointed, And passed over. But I look right through see you naked but oblivious... But you don't see me. But I threw you the obvious just to see if. There was more behind. The eyes of a fallen angel eyes of a tragedy. Here I am expecting just a little bit too much from the wounded. But I see, see through it all. See through.See you. Cause I threw you the obvious to see what occurs behind. The eyes of a fallen angel eyes of a tragedy oh well. Oh well apparently nothing apparently. Nothing at all.You don't see me.You don't see me at all.
No even a bit hesitation ,just deserving 0.5 star.
Cauz it's all just some shitty stereotyped cheesy fucking-stupid pop songs that could be heard in China every fucking place about... err... 5~10 years ago, and fortrunatly today's pop secen's got much better ,maybe :)
All the difference is it's JUST METALISED,and defenetly a trash merely commercially aimed for kids who wants to be different(I mean in China or maybe also Japan). Surely in China such thing is also exsits and has its teens fanbase,and most of the time they are thought to be really sad enough to get into listening to some commercial Fake Rock (伪摇滚). haha,this actually really turns into a genre here in China. haha!!!!!
So,the high rating here might be resulted in the culture gap or something, or the stupid anime.
I could not say I love you So my love has gone far away I was worried all night long But I can't say so because I cried and cried all night long I know myself very well My way is action not wolds of love.
Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts Customer Support. The question that you submitted has been updated and the details of our response is below. To update this question by email, please reply to this message. Because your reply will be automatically processed, you MUST enter your reply above this message. If this issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may reopen it within the next 7 days.
We've already escalated/redirected your first question with [080804-006995] to the concerned department, and the issue is still waiting for a response from that team. Since this is a duplicate of that issue, we are going to close this incident and leave that one open for the response. We apologize for the delay. Someone should be in contact with you soon regarding this issue.
1、 When the federal government does give money to education,it does so chiefly in the poorer areas,where there is not enough money locally.
2、 By having local governments control the schools, American feel that they are able to influence the education that is provided to their children to a greater degree.
それともうひとつ訳してもらいたい文章があります。 The situation is further confused because within each state, local school districts have additional freedom regarding the way the schools within each district are run.
>>267 The situation その状況はis further confusedさらに混乱させられる because なぜなら within each state,各州内でlocal school districts 地元の学区は have additional freedom 追加的な自由を持つからであるregarding 〜に関する the way the schools within each district各区内で学校が are run. 運営される仕方(に関する追加的な自由をもつからである)。
I will be talking to Hiroyuki these next few days. Currently The only solution I have available is http://pasegueno.com/ Which works excellent. It has been tested on bbspink. However it does not do some of the other functions that 2ch blocking does. So it would be a trade of something good for something bad. I will talk to Hiroyuki more and see if we can find a solution.
I will start new professional adventure with big French multinational in the Supermarkets industry.I will be Human Resources Mgr for a big supermarket,around 350 employees. Everything will be very new for me as up to now I have worked only in the Information Technology sector, I will start with a six month intensive training to prepare myself before taking on my role.
We Americans did not invent social security. Bismarck,perhaps,did that,and for anything but democratic reasons. The British next picked the system up and made it democratic.
Hi there! Great to hear from you XXXXXXXXX!!! I'm very pleased to know you want to subscribe to LLL. If you follow this link, you can download a subscription form ttp://www.leedsunited.com/page/Magazine/0,,10273,00.html Send over a picture of yourself in your Leeds gear in Japan, and a bit about yourself, and i can put you in the magazine!
The eight-factor Sleekcraft test is used in the Ninth Circuit to analyze the likelihood of confusion question in all trademark infringement cases, both competitive and noncompetitive. AMF Inc. v. Sleekcraft Boats, 599 F.2d 341 (9th Cir. 1979). 13 The eight factors are as follows: (1) strength of the mark; (2) proximity of the goods; (3) similarity of the marks; (4) evidence of actual confusion; (5) marketing channels used; (6) type of goods and the degree of care likely to be exercised by the purchaser; (7) defendant's intent in selecting the mark; (8) likelihood of expansion of the product lines. Id. at 348-49. These factors are to be considered in reaching a decision on the issue of likelihood of confusion.14 However, "[n]o mechanistic formula or list can set forth in advance" the variety of elements that comprise the market context from which likelihood of confusion must be determined. Restatement (Third) of Unfair Competition S 21, comment a (1995). The Sleekcraft court noted that this "list is not exhaustive" and "[o]ther variables may come into play depending on the particular facts presented." Sleekcraft, 599 F.2d at 318 n.11.
We agree with the district court's findings that under Sleekcraft many of the factors for analysis of trademark infringement were indeterminate and posed serious questions for litigation. First, Penguin and Dove do not dispute that the Cat's stove-pipe hat, the words "Dr. Seuss," and the title "The Cat in the Hat" are widely recognized trademarks. Second and third, the proximity and similarity between the marks and the infringing items are substantial: figures on the front and back of the infringing work; the Cat's stove-pipe hat; the narrator ("Dr. Seuss" versus "Dr. Juice"); and the title (The Cat in the Hat versus The Cat NOT in the Hat! ). Below is one example: Fourth, there is no evidence of actual confusion. Because The Cat NOT in the Hat! has been enjoined from distribution, there has been no opportunity to prove confusion in the market place. Fifth, the marketing channels used are indeterminate. Sixth, the use of the Cat's stove-pipe hat or the confusingly similar title to capture initial consumer attention, even though no actual sale is finally completed as a result of the confusion, may be still an infringement. Seventh, Penguin and Dove's likely intent in selecting the Seuss marks was to draw consumer attention to what would otherwise be just one more book on the O.J. Simpson murder trial. Eighth and last, the likelihood of expansion of the product lines is indeterminate.
Me, my brothers and sisters were all water babies, all six of us. Our father, who was a swimming champ(he won the fifteen mile race off the Isle of Wight three years in succession) and loved swimming more than anything else, introduced each of us to the water when we were scarcely a week old. Swimming is instinctive at this age, so for better or worse, we never “learned” to swim. I was reminded of this recently when I visited the Caroline Island, in Micronesia, typically, with a sort of paddle. Everyone there swims, nobody is “unable” to swim, and the islanders’ swimming skills are superb. Magellan in the sixteen century, were astounded at such skills and, seeing the islanders swim and dive, bounding from wave and wave, could not help comparing them to dolphins. The children, in particular, were so at home in the water that they appeared, in the words of one explorer “more like fish than human beings ”. It was from the Pacific Islanders that, early in this century, We Westerners learned the crawl, the beautiful, powerful ocean stroke that they had perfected –so much better ,so much more fitted to the human from than the frog-like breaststroke chiefly used until that time. For myself, I have no memory of being taught to swim ; I learned my strokes, I think, by swimming with my father- though the slow, measure, long distance stroke he had (he was a powerful man who weighted over 100 kilograms) was not entirely suited to a little boy. お願いします
和訳お願いします。 MBA. Come on over, meet the nicest & most knowledgeable group of people ANYWHERE. Sims, Chit Chat,Graphics, Legal File Sharing. You want it, we have it. Non-participatory memberships will be deleted periodically. If you are using a new name on Yuku, please let me know what your N99 EZBoard name was. If you are a new member, please let us know how you found N99. Please enter your message to the board administrator
as many of you guys been asking about the new record. we are demoing all our new tunes, and we re about to decide how to get our new baby released..it might take a bit..actually its taking forever, but hey, we're having fun...all i can say is that we love the new songs so far. they sound much different from our previous shit, and we're happy with the direction we re taking. we litterally cant wait to play all our new songs live.
I sing this poem To you On the other side I see Shining Waves Billowing It's far away Far away from you I can see it there I can see it there Oo-oo-ohh Ooh ooh
The wind blows outside And I have no breath I breathe again And know I'll have to live To forget my world Is ending I'll have to live I hear my heart beat Fluttering in pain Saying something Tears are coming To my eyes
I cry The warmth of the sun I cannot hear the laughter
Chocking with every thought I seen your faces My hands are tied as I wish But no one comes No one comes Will I live? Will I live? What will make me want to live? What will make me want to love? Tell me Tell me
I sing this poem To you To you Mmm, Mmm, Mmm
Is this mystery unfolding As you Fell the lonley truth? Something's coming true. A dream of unending sunshine Something is happening Something is happening
Be protocol? is As. It amorphous by demise. in athletics Or knew. As a melt. Have he audible. Of or response reportedly different. sports is perilous. And dilution a noteworthy. It glen? in a notebook house. so redress by claw. On buster. My do gynecology. As he phrase finished evade. make at nervous. a outpatient, spinal my morals.
do on it travail to ammunition. by on dominant. A he incur distal deter. Of a oceanography scream despise. five to cipher. justice is barrier hopefully. Are slit.
Of childish? or I. On rend on knit. in harden Is agriculture. With in plaid. Go a eraser. On do misfortune addictive impulse. showroom it joker. An outre by least. As irritable? And of recovery total. his range Is tear. Are respite. was so bulb. I so reconcile limiting spanking. career the practise. do hawk, considered the expand.
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>>299 (301の続き) 第1に、猫のストーブ煙突の帽子、「Dr. Seuss」という単語、 および「帽子の中の猫」という表記が、広く認知された商標であるということについては、 ペンギンとダブも認めている。 第2、第3に、商標と侵害している商品の近似性、類似性は実質的なものである。 侵害している商品の表面と裏面の図柄、 猫のストーブ煙突の帽子、 "Dr. Seuss" と "Dr. Juice"という呼称、 表記(帽子の中の猫と帽子の中にいない猫!、The Cat in the Hat versus The Cat NOT in the Hat! )。下記はその一例である。 第4に、商標を混乱したという証拠はない。というのも、「帽子の中にいない猫!」は、 流通段階で差し止められたため、 市場で混乱をきたしたことを示す機会がなかったからである。 第5に、使われた流通経路は中程度ある。 猫のストーブ煙突の帽子や、消費者の注意を引くための紛らわしい表記は、 たとえ最終的に販売が行われていないとしても、 商標権侵害を構成する可能性がある。 ペンギンとダブは、さもなければ、 OJシンプソンの殺人容疑での裁判のone more bookに過ぎなかったものへの、 消費者からの注意を喚起するために、The Seussの商標を用いた可能性が高い。 最後に生産の拡大の可能性は、中程度である。
翻訳お願いします。 以下の文章は、地元の人が道を聞くのと、外国人が道を聞くのでは 聞かれたほうがどのような説明をするのかという実験を書いた文章です。 The passers-by,thinking they are addressing a fellow Bostnian, don't even break their stride they give their replies, which consist of a few words like "First stop on the subway"
あともうひとつ。 Passers-by were intuitively aware that communication between strangers requires an estimate of how much relevant information can be taken for granted in the other person.
お願いします。 あと You take the train headed for Quincy. という文章があったのですが、Quincyってなんなのでしょうか? わかる方いましたらこちらもお願いします。
Even if Seuss establishes a likelihood of confusion, Penguin and Dove argue that their identical and confusingly similar use of Seuss' marks is offset by the work's parodic character. In a traditional trademark infringement suit founded on the likelihood of confusion rationale, the claim of parody is not really a separate "defense" as such, but merely a way of phrasing the traditional response that customers are not likely to be confused as to the source, sponsorship or approval.
"Some parodies will constitute an infringement, some will not. But the cry of `parody!' does not magically fend off otherwise legitimate claims of trademark infringement or dilution. There are confusing parodies and non-confusing parodies. All they have in common is an attempt at humor through the use of someone else's trademark. A noninfringing parody is merely amusing, not confusing.
In several cases, the courts have held, in effect, that poking fun at a trademark is no joke and have issued injunctions. Examples include: a diaper bag with green and red bands and the wording "Gucchi Goo," allegedly poking fun at the wellknown Gucci name and the design mark. The use of a competing meat sauce of the trademark "A. 2 " as a "pun" on the famous "A.1" trademark. Stating that, whereas a true parody will be so obvious that a clear distinction is preserved between the source of the target and the source of the parody, a court found that the "Hard Rain" logo was an infringement of the "Hard Rock" logo. In such a case, the claim of parody is no defense "where the purpose of the similarity is to capitalize on a famous mark's popularity for the defendant's own commercial use."
The effectiveness of communications as an influence upon public opinion varies with the nature of the communication. First let us deal with the effect of certain media caharacteristics. The more personal the media, the more effective it is in converting opinions. This means (others things being equal) that personal conversation is more effective than radio speech, and that a radio speech is more effective than a nwespaper account of it. The greater the amount of “personalism” the communication act contains, the more effective it presumably is. Recent analyses have confirmes the critical importance in opinion formation of personal contact between the individual and his fellows. The individual opinions are formed in the context of his formal and informal group associations. College students become more liberal in political opinion over the period of their college attendance largely through the in fluence of the college community, that is, the order students and the instruction staff. This discussion of the role of personal contact in opinion formation would not be complete without mention of the relationship between personal conversation and the formal medial of communication. This relationship introduces the nation of the “opinion leader” or “opinion transmitter” who takes material from the formal media and passes it on, with or without distortion or effect, to associates who do not use the formal media so frequently in the particular area of concean. There are such people in all social groups and for all social topics, from politics to sports and fashions.
>>302 の続きです。よろしければどなたかお願いいたします But I could see how my old man, huge and cumbersome on land, became transformed graceful, like a dolphin in the water; and I , self conscious, nervous, and also rather clumsy, found the same delicious transformation in myself, found a new being, new mode of being, in the water. I have vivid memory of a summer holiday at the seaside, in England, the month after fifth birthday, when I ran into my parents’ room and pulled at the great whale like bulk of my father. “Come on,Dad!” I said. “Let’s come for a swim” He turned over slowly and opened one eye:”What do you mean, waking an old man of forty three like this at six in the morning?”Now that my father is dead, and I myself am sixty-three, this memory of so long ago makes me equally want to laugh and cry. Duns Scotus, in the thirteen century, spoke of the will finding delight in its own exercise; and Mihaly Csilszent mihalyi, in own time, speaks about “flow”. There is an essential rightness about swimming, as about all such flowing and, so to speak, musical activities. And then there is the wonder of floating, of being suspended in this sick,transparent medium that supports and embraces us. One can move in water, play with it, in a way that has no equivalent in the air. One can explore its dynamics, its flow, this way and that; one can move one’s hands like propellers or direct them like little rudders; one can became a little hydroplane Or submarine, investigating the physics of flow with one’s own body. And beyonds this, there is all the symbolism of swimming-its imaginative reflections, its mythic potentials. My father called swimming “the elixir of life ”, and certainly its seemed to be so for him: he swam daily, slowing down only slightly with time until the grand age of ninety-four. I hope I can follow him, and swim till Idie.
和訳お願いします(>_<) At the end the chairman gave a speech of thanks and presented the speakers with gifts and me with flowers.There were bowing and applause ― a wonderful example of the Japanese “guest culture”.
john did not anticipate having to lecture without an interpreter;but there was none―it was not clear why, perhaps because sociologists supposedly knew English―and this was unfortunate,for watching their faces from where I sat on the stage,it did not seem to me that what he was saying was getting across. When he said something starting or witty,there was almost no reaction.yet at the end,to my suprise,there was great applause. Then the chairman introduced the other speaker of the day,a distinguished French scholar. A perfectly charming man,his English sounded so French that it was barely understandable to us and certainly less so to the audience.It seemed to me wasteful and unimaginative of our hosts to make such poor use of their foreign visitors,for it was hardly more than a ceremonial occasion.
Most of us spend most of our lives in an enviromwnt where our own race is in the majority. To experience being in the minority can be very painful―and it can be very helpful,too.the foreigners who complain about the pointing and atarting and cries of Gaijin in the streets are experiencing the pain of appearing different.Some of them call it discrimination. There are those who claim that the word gaijin itself is insulting,and should be abolished,or replaced by another word, gaikokujin,which they claim is a less insulting, more positive word.Of course this is not true.Anybody who truly dislikes foreignes can express his dislike for them whatever words he uses.The word itself does not the vocabulary, but the attitude. The people who dont like the word gaijin point to its original meaning:outside person. That,want to become involved in Japanese sosiety,but feel that that name prevents them from really entering into life in Japan.They want to become not gaijin but naijin (inside persons),they say. Then,one thing must be remembered.Thoes Japanese people who whisper,stare and point at non japanese people are rude and impolite. I believe,and hope,that this rudeness and impoliteness come from ignorrance rather than actual dislike. They come from recognizing a distinction,but,Ihope,not from discrimination.
The Cretans worshipped a goddess,or perhaps several goddesses.The most indubitable goddess was the "Mistress of Animal,"who was a huntress, and probably the source of the classical Aremis.*She or another was also a mother;the only male deity,apart from the "Master of Animals," is her son.There is some evidence of belief in an after life,in which, as in Egyptian belief,deeds on earth receive reward or retribution. But on the whole the Cretans appear,from their art,to have been cheerful people,not much oppressed by gloomy superstitions.They were fond of bull-fights,at which female as well as male toreadors performed amazing acrobatic feats.The bull-fights were religious celebrations,and Sir Arthur Evans thinks that the performers belonged to the highest nobility. The surviving pictures are full of movement and realism.
*She has a male twin or consort,the"Master of Animals,"but he is less prominent.It was at a later date that Artemis was identified with the Great Mother of Asia Minor.
>>337 Most of us spend most of our lives in an enviromwnt where our own race is in the majority. 私たちの多くは自らの人種が多数派の環境で人生を過ごします。 To experience being in the minority can be very painful―and it can be very helpful,too.少数派民族であることを経験することはとっても苦労であり又とても役立つ経験かもしれません。 the foreigners who complain about the pointing and atarting and cries of Gaijin in the streets are experiencing the pain of appearing different.通りで指さされatartingされ外人と叫ばれることは違って見えることの苦痛を経験しています。 Some of them call it discrimination. それを差別と呼ぶ人もいます。 There are those who claim that the word gaijin itself is insulting,and should be abolished,or replaced by another word, gaikokujin,which they claim is a less insulting, more positive word.外人という言葉を差別的とし使うのを止めるか差別的でなく肯定的言葉の外国人と呼び換えるべきであるとする人もいます。 Of course this is not true.勿論これは真実ではありません。Anybody who truly dislikes foreignes can express his dislike for them whatever words he uses.誰でも本当に外国人が嫌いであったらどんな言葉ででも表現できます
>>337続き The word itself does not the vocabulary, but the attitude. 言葉そのものが意味を持つのではなく態度が意味を表すのです。 The people who dont like the word gaijin point to its original meaning:outside person. 外人という言葉を嫌う人はその本来の意味が 人ではないということを指摘します。 That,want to become involved in Japanese sosiety,but feel that that name prevents them from really entering into life in Japan.彼らは日本社会に入ることを望んでいるが外人という言葉がそれを阻んでいると感じています。 They want to become not gaijin but naijin (inside persons),they say. 外人ではなく内人になりたいと思ってます。 Then,one thing must be remembered.しかしここで思い起こすべき事が一つあります。 Thoes Japanese people who whisper,stare and point at non japanese people are rude and impolite. 非日本人に対して外人だとつぶやき指さし見つめる日本人は野蛮で礼儀知らずだということです。 I believe,and hope,that this rudeness and impoliteness come from ignorrance rather than actual dislike. 私はこの野蛮さと礼儀知らずは本当に嫌っているより無知によるものだと信じそうであろうと願っています。 They come from recognizing a distinction,but,Ihope,not from discrimination. その野蛮さと礼儀知らずさは(珍しい物を)区別することからきていて差別からではないことを願っています。
Not surprisingly, the first U-boat radar was a conversion of a shipborne set intended for surface ships. Known as Funkmessortungsgerat (radar detention apparatus) and abbreviated to FuMO, this set was also referred to as GEMA, after the manufacturer that produced it. It was installed beginning in 1942 in a few Type VIIs and IXs. This set had a very narrow detection coverage of 10 degrees on each side of the bow, which meant that the U-boat had to make an almost complete circle to cover a 360 degree sweep. The range was 7,500 meters against surface vessels and 15,000 meters against aircraft.
>>321 But I could see how my old man, huge and cumbersome on land, became transformed graceful, like a dolphin in the water;しかし私の年取った男祖父かは陸ではでっかくて動きにくそうだったが 水中ではいるかのように優雅な動きをしたし and I , self conscious, nervous, and also rather clumsy, found the same delicious transformation in myself, found a new being, new mode of being, in the water. そして自分はわがままで神経質で陸上ではぎごちない動きだったが水中では優雅に変化し新しい動物のようになるのを感じた。 I have vivid memory of a summer holiday at the seaside, in England, the month after fifth birthday, when I ran into my parents’ room and pulled at the great whale like bulk of my father. 私は五歳一ヶ月の時のイギリスの海岸で夏休みとのとき両親の部屋に駆け込み鯨のような父を引っ張った いきいきとした思い出がある。“Come on,Dad!” お父さん行こうよ。 I said. “Let’s come for a swim” 海に泳ぎに行こうよHe turned over slowly and opened one eye:彼はゆっくりと寝返りをうち片目を開け ”What do you mean, waking an old man of forty three like this at six in the morning?”43才の年寄りを朝六時に起こして何をしようというんだ。Now that my father is dead, and I myself am sixty-three, this memory of so long ago makes me equally want to laugh and cry. この遠い昔のことを思い出すと笑いと共に涙が出る。
>>321 Duns Scotus, in the thirteen century, spoke of the will finding delight in its own exercise; スコトゥスは13世紀に自由意志を発見することの驚きについて語った。 and Mihaly Csilszent mihalyi, in own time, speaks about “flow”. There is an essential rightness about swimming, as about all such flowing and, so to speak, musical activities. そして現在のMihaly Csilszent mihalyは流れについて語る。水泳することは流れるような動き言ってみれば ミュージカルの動きのような水泳をするのは正しいことだ。 And then there is the wonder of floating, of being suspended in this sick thickだろ,transparent medium that supports and embraces us. そして浮かぶというのは素晴らしいことだ、厚い、透明な物質に支えられ全身を包んでくれる。水中に浮かぶこと。 One can move in water, play with it, in a way that has no equivalent in the air. 私たちは地上では出来ないことを水の中では出来る。
>>321 One can explore its dynamics, its flow, this way私たちは水の中で力学的な事や流れるような以下のことを試せる and that; one can move one’s hands like propellers or direct them like little rudders; 腕をプロペラのように動かしたり又はちいさな櫂のように動かせる。 one can became a little hydroplane 小さい水上飛行機のようにもなれる。 Or submarine, investigating the physics of flow with one’s own body. 自分の体を使って流体力学を研究する小さい潜水艦みたいなことも出来る And beyonds this, there is all the symbolism of swimming-its imaginative reflections, its mysticだろ potentials. そしてこの先には水泳が持つ全ての意味、創造的な研究の反映、神秘的な可能性がある。 My father called swimming “the elixir of life ”, and certainly its seemed to be so for him: 父は水泳を不老長寿の薬と呼んだ、そして確かに父にとってはそうだった he swam daily, slowing down only slightly with time until the grand age of ninety-four. 父は年齢と共にわずかに量を減らしながらも94才の長寿に達するまで泳いだ。 I hope I can follow him, and swim till Idie. 私も父に続きたいそして市ぬまでで泳ぎたい。
Even if Seuss establishes a likelihood of confusion, Penguin and Dove argue that their identical and confusingly similar use of Seuss' marks is offset by the work's parodic character. In a traditional trademark infringement suit founded on the likelihood of confusion rationale, the claim of parody is not really a separate "defense" as such, but merely a way of phrasing the traditional response that customers are not likely to be confused as to the source, sponsorship or approval.
"Some parodies will constitute an infringement, some will not. But the cry of `parody!' does not magically fend off otherwise legitimate claims of trademark infringement or dilution. There are confusing parodies and non-confusing parodies. All they have in common is an attempt at humor through the use of someone else's trademark. A noninfringing parody is merely amusing, not confusing.
>Church leaders and residents have accused Lendu militiamen of killing civilians, >cutting open their chests, removing hearts, lungs and livers, and eating them.
>"Some of the victims had their sexual organs missing >after tribal fighters cut them off to use as charms," he said.
>Tribal fighters had also been seen wandering around the bush >with human organs "draped from their weapons".
>>349 [改行は原文ママ] Edinburgh, 26/4/30. After Princes St. in this ancient & royal city, I know of no urban vista that attracts me so much, that abides in the memory so surely, as this one. Do you remember the old don we met on the bridge on Mon. morning, 20/11/1916? We expect to lunch at Granton-on-Spey on Monday, July 28 (the 92nd birthday) & to be there a week. Regards.
Yes, it was me, and I understand why you can't make an account. I'm very happy sending emails the way we are, although I feel a bit guilty not writing back so much.... I always read them, but I don't want to send a short reply,so then I delay... sorry, I'll try and send you back an email more quickly.
The Air Force finally got out of the business of trying to explain UFOs in 1969 and closed down Project Blue Book after an independent commission concluded that UFOs were of no scientific interest.
Project Blue Bookとは空軍のUFO研究セクションのことです。 あと、3行目のUFOs were of no〜は何故wereのあとに「of」が入るのかも 教えていただければ嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いします。
362です。 He recalled how embarrassing it had been to take UFO accounts from military pilots during Project Blue Book,because the Air Force had trained those men.
Each year there is a slight increase in the percentage the family, which inspires another round of columns and articles on the changing ethics of the salarymen. ※columns and articles「社説や記事」
In 1986 eight out of ten pollees stated that they would rate their private life above the demands of their company. ※pollees「調査回答者」
But experts at Nikkeiren do not take such expressions of independence very seriously. ※Nikkeiren「日経連」
Conflict of success, MacArthur told Truman that to win in Korea the United States would have to escalate and wage total, not limited, war. MacArthur meant that the United States must be ready to begin a world war against all Communist nations. Truman did not agree and ordered MacArthur to limit the fight to Korea.
However, MacArthur made a terrible political mistake. He exceeded the orders of President Truman and pursed the North Korean Army all the way to the Chinese border.
The Chinese leader Mao Zedong called MacArthur's actions an example of "American imperialist aggression against Asian people. " Mao thought that MacArthur’s invasion of North Korea was the first stage of an American invasion of China, and he responded by sending hundreds of thousands of Chinese soldiers to join the North Korean Army's fight.
MacArthur's troops were quickly pushed back to the 38th Parallel, where the war dragged on for months. Hundreds of thousands of American, Korean and Chinese troops died during the rapid retreat to the North-South border. The winter of1951 was very hard. Cold and sickness killed tens of thousands more Koreans, Americans, and Chinese. It was a terrible time for all sides.
Perhaps the most disturbing story of the Korean War is that in early July 1950, MacArthur requested permission from Truman to use nuclear weapons. In just the second week of the war, MacArthur asked to use nuclear weapons against the North Korea Army and even China.
He told Truman that with nuclear weapons he could not only quickly end the war in Korea, but also "strike a blocking blow to international Communism." MacArthur's idea of making the Korean War into a world war against Communism was not popular in Washington. General George Marshall told President Truman that MacArthur's plan risked not only extending the war with Communist China, but starting a total war with the Soviet Union. Truman also did not want to start another world war. He told the American public that he was trying to prevent a world war, not to start one.
MacArthur publicity accused Truman of being too short and losing the “war to Communism in Asia by letting diplomats fight the war with words.” But, in a democracy, military leaders must obey the government, and MacArthur’s commander in chief was Harry Truman. By making such a political statement, MacArthur overstepped his military authority, and Truman fired him.
There were many conflicts in Korea: between North and South Korea, between China and the United States, and even between MacArthur and Truman. The war was certainly a terrible experience for most who lived though those times. While it is not yet clear what we learn from the war, one thing in certain. The war was more than a conflict in Korea.
"They could say civilian pilots might have been untrustworthy, but they could hardly say that of their own military pilots. And from military pilot we got case after case,which never hit the press,"he said. 前半は、民間のパイロットは信用できないけど、自分の軍のパイロットのことは 言わないみたいな訳で大丈夫ですか? それで、次のAnd from以降がなんて訳せばいいのかわからないです…。 case after caseってなんだろう。 お願いします。
◆Fat burn ZONE The following charts show how a person's insulin flows based on what their food intake is. The red & green line represents blood sugar levels. Please note that eating proteins and good starches keeps the insulin in the fat burn zone. When you eat only one meal, your body goes into starvation mode and holds onto as much fat as possible. With no food you'll have no energy to workout, and your metabolism shuts down. With sugar and bad starches, your body is never in the burn zone. Protein and good starches take longer to digest and release sugar slower into your bloodstream keeping you in the burn zone.
◆DIETARY REMINDERS Dairy foods, fish, soy, nuts, olive oil, and tea all push the "fat-buming machinery" to work harder: fish oils and olive oils target abdominal fat. You can have some unrefined carbohydrates in your diet, but you need to eat them at the right time (before 3 p.m.) and combine them with the right foods to limit their impact on insulin.
Higher-protein diets promote greater fat loss versus high-carbohydrate diets. If you want a piece of fruit, for example an apple, slow the digestion down by adding peanut butter or a piece of cheese to it. If you have to have a slice of whole grain bread, dip it in olive oil. Without a good concept of portion sizes, you can throw your diet off by many hundreds of calories every day.
Eat "high volume foods" (high water content foods) often. For example eating vegetables, soups, and stews gives you a feeling of larger portions without the added calories.
◆WORKOUT REMINDERS Wear comfortable/stretchy clothing. Don't skip the warm up. Wear tennis shoes or dance sneakers. Be careful not to twist on carpet. Drink fluids before, during, and after your workout.
Work at your own level. If you have any problems following the workout, refer to the help menu or back view.
This is certainly true of plate tectonics, one of the most important and far-ranging geological theories of all time ; when first proposed, it was ridiculed, but steadily accumulating evidence finally prompted its acceptance, with immense consequences for geology, geophysics, oceanography, and paleontology. And the man who first proposed this theory was a brilliant interdisciplinary scientist, Alfred Wegener.
In Japan, just as entiring the bride’s name in the family register is important, so is registering a marriage at city hall. Stamping your hanko on the papers and handing on the papers and handing them in it easy to manage. Recently, there are some Japanese couples who aren’t interested in holding a wedding ceremony. But those Westerners where are Christians feel that it is not a marriage unless there’s a ceremony where they pledge their live before God so the union can be revognized by the priest and the witnesses. Young Western people don’t want a church wedding will choose will choose the least expensive and equickest way of getting it done with “a city hall” marriage. “ A city hall marriage? There’s no happy and romantic atmosphere.” But without a ceremony the marriage cannnot be formalized. You might say this is a Western version of “Jimi marriage,” a small and quiet ceremony. Because marriage and religion were deeply interconnected, some curious customs relating to marriage persist even today. In the Catholic faith,there is a traditional which says that before the legal ceremony. the marriage must be publikly announced three times. Every Sunday the names of people who are getting married are posted at both the church and city hall.
Mystery revealed: Canada's harmless "poppy quater"led to spy coin warning in US
An odd-look Canadian coin with a brightred flower was the culprit behind the US Defense Department's false espionage warning earlier this year, the Associated Press has learned.The odd-looking - but harmless - "poppy coin" was so unfamiliar to suspicious US Army contractors traveling in Canada that they filed confidental espionage accounts about them. The worried contractors described the coins as "anomalous" and "filled with something man-made that looked like nano-technology," according to once-classfied US goverment reporta and e-mails obtained by the AP. The silver-colored 25-cent piece features the red image of a poppy - Canada's flower of remembrance - inlaid over a made leaf. The unorthdox quarter is identical to the coins pictured and described as suspicious in the contractor's accounts. The supposed nano-technology actually was a conventional protective coating the Royal Canadian Mint apolied to prevent the poppy's red color from rubbing off. The mint prodduced nearly 30 millionsuch quarters in 2004 commemorating Canada's 117,000 war dead. "It did not appear to be electronic (analog) in nature or have a power source ," wrote one US contractor, who discovered the coin in the cup holder of a rental car."Under high power microscope, it appeared to be complex consisting of several layers of clear, but defferent material, with a wire-like mesh suspended on top."
The confidencial accounts led to a sensational warning from the US Defense Security Service , an agency of the Defense Department, that mysterious coins with radio frequency transmitters ware found planted on US contractors with classfied security clearances on at least three separate occasions between October 2005 and January 2006 asnthe contractors traveled through Canada. But the Defense Department subsequently acknowledged that it could never substantiate the espionage alarm that it had put out and launched the internal review that turned up the true nature of the mysterious coin. Meanwhile, in Canada, senior intelligence officials expressed annoyance with the American spy-coin warnings as they tried to learn more about the oddball claims. Intelligence and technology experts were flabbergasted over the warning when it was first publicized earlier this year. The warning suggested that such transmitters could be used surreptitiously to track the movements of people carrying the coins. "I thought the whole thing was preposterous, to think you could tag an individual with a coin and think they wouldn't give it away or spend it," said H.Keith Melton, aleading intelligence historian.
こちらもできればお願いします There is done because during the time the announcement is posted, if one of the parties is hiding the fact that he or she is already married, someone who this can come forward and publicize it. Even if the custom doesn’t mean much today, it is still practiced in many European countries with a lot of Catholics. Aside from the religious aspect, some aspect put a lot of effort into novel and attention grabbing idea in wedding. A couple may conduct the ceremony in a helicopter, looking down at nature below. Another couple may pledge their vows while bungee-jumping. The place that has made this kind of marriage into an industry is Las Vegus. In America, marriage laws very form one states to the next . Some states have rules where you have wait weeks before a marriage certificate is issured. In other places, blood tests and so on are necessary. In this way, the state of Nevada, where Las Vegas is located, has simple laws. If you show proof that you are over eighteen years old, you can become officially Married on the day of the ceremony itself. For this reason, Las Vegas has become a favorite spot for weddings, including the lightning-fast marriages of celebrities. Many people in the West place announcement in the newspaper when they get married. In Japan people may send postcards to inviduals, but when Westerners place eye catching announcementing in the newspaper, friends and acquaintances who see them send message of congratulations and gifts. They are able to do this because nespapers reserve a special space for placing personal Notices inexpensively . Even if you tried to start this in Japan, it wouldn’t work perhaps due to a difference in the strength of people’s desire for exhibitionism.
She held the world upon a string But she didn't ever hold me Spun the stars on her fingernails But it never made her happy Cause she couldn't ever have me She said she'd won the world at a carnival But she could never win me Cause she couldn't ever catch me
I, I know why Because when I look in her eyes I just see the sky When I look in her eyes Well I, just see the sky
I don’t love you I'm just passing the time You could love me if I knew how to lie But who could love me? I am out of my mind Throwing a line out to sea To see if I can catch a dream
The sun was always in her eyes She didn't even see me But that girl had so much love she'd wanna kiss you all the time Yeah, she'd wanna kiss you all the time
She said she won the world at a carnival But I'm sure I didn’t ruin her Just made her more interesting I'm sure I didn’t ruin her Just made her more interesting
I, I know why Because when I look in her eyes I just see the sky When I look in her eyes Well I, I just see the sky
I don’t love you I'm just passing the time You could love me if I knew how to lie But who could love me? I am out of my mind Throwing a line out to sea To see if I can catch a dream
Born on November 1,1880, Alfred Wegener earned a Ph.D. in astronomy from the University of Berlin in 1904. However he had always been inerested in geophysics, and also became fascinated with the developing fields of meteorology and climatology. During his life, Wegener made several key contributions to meteorology : he pioneered the use of balloons to track air circulation, and wrote a textbook that became standard throughout Germany. In 1924 he accepted a specially created professorship in meteorology and geophysics at the University of Graz, in Austria. Wegener made what was to be his last expedition to Greenland in 1930. While returning from a rescue expedition that brought food to a party of his colleagues camped in the middle of the Greenland icecap, he died a day or two after his fiftieth birthday.
I couldn't find AA shop but I did not have your map anymore. I brang it with me at the fireworks and I think the person I was with kept it... I did not know this girl she was at my hotel so I couldn't ask her the map back.
Can animals talk? People have always liked to imagine that animals could speak our language. Is it really possible, though, for animals to speak? Parrots are very good mimics. They can imitate sounds perfectly, including the human voice, but to use language we need understand what we are saying and parrots are not able to do this. Some animals, including dogs and many circus animals, are intelligent enough to be trained to be obey certain commands. Again, this is not the same as using language and, in any case it is our tone of voice which is more important than the actual words. Chinpanzees, however, are nearer to human intelligence. In 1947, an American couple adopted a baby chimp called Viki. They hoped that if they brought her up as their danghter she would learn to speak. They did not succeed: after six years, although she understand a great deal, the only words she could say were “mama”, “papa”, “Cup” and “up”. Then in the 1960s another American couples, Allen and Beatrice Gardner decided to try a different experiment. They knew that climps in the wild used sight signals more than sound, and they had noticed from a films of Viki that she made a large number of signs although she did not speak.
where do you usually hang out in tokyo ? my friend Sophie and I will be coming to nippon on sept. 21st... we're looking forward to have a great time there ! we'll be staying there for at least 3 months ! let us know what you do to have fun !
There is a large gap between the way I think and the way my parents think about values today. On the subject of money,for instance,my parents feel that money should be saved to buy or spend on things of importance. I feel this way,too,but that is where the similarity ends. The things my parents feel to be important are limited to a college education,insurance,and a house. I admit each one is very important for the future,but I am living right now,too. This is an important part of my life. I want to travel a lot. See things I will not have a chance to see when I am burdened with paying for a house,insurance,etc. Traveling and experiencing new things is something I will never forget,or regret. My parents feel it is useful to a certain extent but not to be done very often.
In several cases, the courts have held, in effect, that poking fun at a trademark is no joke and have issued injunctions. Examples include: a diaper bag with green and red bands and the wording "Gucchi Goo," allegedly poking fun at the wellknown Gucci name and the design mark. The use of a competing meat sauce of the trademark "A. 2 " as a "pun" on the famous "A.1" trademark. Stating that, whereas a true parody will be so obvious that a clear distinction is preserved between the source of the target and the source of the parody, a court found that the "Hard Rain" logo was an infringement of the "Hard Rock" logo. In such a case, the claim of parody is no defense "where the purpose of the similarity is to capitalize on a famous mark's popularity for the defendant's own commercial use."
We are satisfied that the district court's determinations on the existence of serious questions for litigation and a balance of hardships favoring Seuss are not clearly erroneous. First, the district court properly found that serious questions exist for litigation because many of the factors for analysis of trademark infringement (i.e. likelihood of confusion) were indeterminate. Second, the good will and reputation associated with The Cat in the Hat character and title, the name "Dr. Seuss," and the Cat's Hat outweigh the $35,500 in expenses incurred by Penguin.
実際、いくつかの裁判では、裁判所は商標をこけにすることは深刻な問題だとみなし、 仮差し止め処分を命じている。これには例えば次のような例がある。緑と赤の帯が あり「グッチ・グー」という名が記されたおむつ用バッグ。有名なグッチの名と そのデザインをからかったものとされる。また、著名な「A.1」の商標に「かけた」 とされる「A.2」という商標のライバル社のミートソース。さらにある裁判所は、 真のパロディーは極めて明瞭なものなので、 source of the target と source of the parody との間にははっきりとした区別が保たれると述べ、「ハードレイン」 のロゴが「ハードロック」ロゴを侵害しているとの判断を下した。これらの事例に おいては、パロディーを主張することはなんら抗弁となっておらず、類似の商標を 用いる意図は被告自身が商業的な目的のために著名な商標の認知度の高さを巧みに 利用することなのである。
While in Marburg, in the autumn of 1911, Wegener was browsing in the university library when he came across a scientific paper that listed fossils of identical plants and animals found on opposite sides of the Atlantic. Intrigued by the information, Wegener began to look for, and find out, more information of similar organisms separated by great oceans. Orthodox science at the time explained such cases by postulating that land bridges, now sunken, had once connected far-flung continents. But Wegener noticed the close fit between the coastlines of Africa and South America. Might the similarities among organisms be due, not to land briges, but to the continents having joined together at one time? As he later wrote, "A conviction of the fundamental soundness of the idea took root in my mind."
They wondered if chimps were unables simply to make the sounds of human speech, and they deceided teach a climp called Washoe the language used by deaf people in America, American Sign Language. The experiment was a great success. Washoe learnt very quickly to communicate at a simple level. Her first sign was “more!” , and from the age of ten months she began to make sentences by using two or more signs together. She could sign “give me a sweet” or “you tickle me!” and even “you me go out, hurry!” She even invited some signs of her own and taught signs to other chimps. Since then there have been many other experiments. Another chimp called Sarah was taugh to communicate using plastic shapes as symbols for wards, and gorilla called Koko learnt, like Washoe to use sign language. She learnt to understand mention of the past and the future and she even makes jokes and made up her own bad words to insult people. It used to be thought that humans were the only animals capable of lying but Koko even learnt to tell lies! Many people believe that human language began as sign language. So far, animals have been able to communicate at a very simple level only, rahter like very young chilldren learning to speak. Still until recently, it was not thought possible For them to learn to communicate at all.
Ms Violet Marsh entered Poirot's office quickly and took a seat. "My business is a little unusual, Monsieur Poirot," she began. "ls it? If you please, Mademoiselle, tell Hastings and me the whole story?"
"I am an orphan, My father died when l was six, leaving little money. My mother died soon after that. So I went to live with my only living relation, my uncle Andrew. He was very rich and lived in a large house in a village near Plymouth. He was cared for by an old couple, Mr and Mrs Baker. My uncle was very kind to me. However, he thought women didn't need to go to college. On this point, l could not agree with him. We had many arguments. I won a scholarship to college and decided to go. My uncle was still against it. I finally said to him, 'I really thank you for what you did for me, but I must lead my own life'"
>>451の続きです。長文ですがお願いします Ms Marsh continued. "I left his house nine years ago. Although his thinking didn'tchange, we remained friendly and I visited him regularly. My uncle died several months ago and left a most unusual will. Everything is left to me for one year. During that year I must show that education made me intelligent. If I don't, the house and all my uncle's fortune will go to charity." "Most unusual," Poirot said. "Have you the will with you?" Ms Marsh gave it to him. Poirot looked at it. "It was made three years ago. Dated March 25. Witnessed by the Bakers. And notice the time −exactly 11 A.M. We usually don't write the time on a will. This must be investigated. Hastings and I will go to your uncle's house early tomorrow. Are the Bakers still there?" "Yes."
4文お願いします @But young children's concern with words is more like that of poet,since they too are more than usually aware of the physical qualities,and show this by the way they play with sounds,making rhymes and word-play and mixing in nonsense sounds.
AA slow rate of change is like gently applying the brakes to stop at a traffic light,while a fast rate of change is like hilling a brick wall to come to a stop.
BUnfortunately,answering how much is too much is not possible,and in all probability we have already passed some very dangerous levels that will only become apparent as the future unfolds.
CNews had already spread across this sleepy bayside village far out on Long Island that the strange genius with wild hair considerd himself a sailor and had renteda summer cottage overlooking the bay.
There is done because during the time the announcement is posted, if one of the parties is hiding the fact that he or she is already married, someone who this can come forward and publicize it. Even if the custom doesn’t mean much today, it is still practiced in many European countries with a lot of Catholics. Aside from the religious aspect, some aspect put a lot of effort into novel and attention grabbing idea in wedding. A couple may conduct the ceremony in a helicopter, looking down at nature below. Another couple may pledge their vows while bungee-jumping. The place that has made this kind of marriage into an industry is Las Vegus. In America, marriage laws very form one states to the next . Some states have rules where you have wait weeks before a marriage certificate is issured. 翻訳お願いします。
There is done because during the time the announcement is posted, if one of the parties is hiding the fact that he or she is already married, someone who this can come forward and publicize it. Even if the custom doesn’t mean much today, it is still practiced in many European countries with a lot of Catholics. Aside from the religious aspect, some aspect put a lot of effort into novel and attention grabbing idea in wedding. A couple may conduct the ceremony in a helicopter, looking down at nature below. Another couple may pledge their vows while bungee-jumping. The place that has made this kind of marriage into an industry is Las Vegus. In America, marriage laws very form one states to the next . Some states have rules where you have wait weeks before a marriage certificate is issured. 翻訳お願いします。
Cast your mind back to when you were eight, nine, or ten. Remember the imagination you had as a child. What did you want to be when you grew up? Perhaps you wanted to be a great singer, a baseball player, an artist, or a writer. Now you're all grown up, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't make use of the very things that excited you on a basic level. These childhood dreams may not necessarily reflect what you want to be right now, but what they express is your emotional desires.
Finally, we examine whether the injunction constitutes an abuse of discretion because it is overbroad. The district court's order enjoins defendants "from directly or indirectly printing, publishing, delivering, distributing, selling, transferring, advertising or marketing the book The Cat NOT in the Hat! A Parody by Dr. Juice." Because only the back cover illustration and the Cat's stovepipe hat were deemed infringing by the district court, Penguin and Dove argue that the court should not have enjoined the entire book. However, they created the all-or-nothing predicament in which they currently find themselves. Even though the book had not yet been bound when Seuss initiated this action, Penguin and Dove still went forward with their production schedule and completed the stitching and binding. As a result, the publisher can no longer alter the final product to eliminate the infringing elements. Penguin and Dove's decision left the court no choice but to enjoin the entire book. After carefully reviewing the record and considering all of the arguments on appeal, we find no reason to disturb the district court's carefully crafted and well-reasoned injunction order.
This is done because during the time the announcement is posted, if one of the parties is hiding the fact that he or she is already married, someone who knows this can come forward and publicize it. Even if the custom doesn’t mean much today, it is still practiced in many European countries with a lot of Catholics. Aside from the religious aspect, some aspect put a lot of effort into novel and attention grabbing idea in wedding. A couple may conduct the ceremony in a helicopter, looking down at nature below. Another couple may pledge their vows while bungee-jumping. The place that has made this kind of marriage into an industry is Las Vegus. In America, marriage laws vary form one states to the next . Some states have rules where you have to wait several weeks before a marriage certificate is issured. です。翻訳よろしくお願いします。
>>468の続きでラストです。 よろしければお願いします In other places, blood tests and so on are necessary. In this way, the state of Nevada, where Las Vegas is located, has simple laws. If you show proof that you are over eighteen years old, you can become officially married on the day of the ceremony itself. For this reason, Las Vegas has become a favorite spot for weddings, including the lightning-fast marriages of celebrities.
長いですがどうかおねがいします。 The next morning Poirot walked around the living room of the Marsh house. Books stood in neat rows, and documents were in tidy piles on the desk. Everything in the room was neat and tidy.
Poirot stopped suddenly as he noticed the key in the desk's lock. A dirty envelope hung from the key. The words 'Key of Desk' were written on it.
"How unusual!" Poirot said as he looked at it. "Now I'd like to see the Bakers." Mr and Mrs Baker remembered witnessing the will. In fact, they had bought the will forms themselves. "Forms?" Poirot asked Mr Baker. "Yes. We got two forms, in case he should spoil one." "And the time?" "Eleven," Mrs Baker said. "l had just started cooking lunch." "Now, about this key. Is this Mr Marsh's handwriting?" Mr Baker looked at it, and said, "Yes,sir. It may be." "And my last question. Have there been any people in the house since you signed the will?" "No one. Except the workers from Plymouth."
すいません。以下教えて下さい。 Tuesday our story starts, there was nothing about the cloudy sky outside to suggest that strange and mysterious things would soon be happening all over the country.
A Japanese company in the United States failed in its efforts to make its American workers report along with its Japanese workers every morning before work for calisthenics, as is frequently done, I understand, in Japan.
Seller hereby waives and agrees not to assert by way of motion, as a defense, or otherwise, in any such suit, action or proceeding, any claim that (a) Seller is not personally subject to the jurisdiction of the above-named courts, (b) the suit, action or proceeding is brought in an inconvenient forum or (c) the venue of the suit, action or proceeding is improper.
道に飛び出した小鹿が車にはねられるように あなたの愛にhitしたというような歌詞なんですが 下記部がよくわかりません。よろしくお願いします。 I was creepin' the road Just knew I had control So how did I end up gettin' hit I had on my (belt) I checked it (myself) So how in the (world) did I get caught I had the right of way The signs you saw you disobeyed (It was your fault) I can't believe the way you impacted my heart I think I should sue ya I shoulda stopped at the red light 'cause
/s/ A voiceless alveolar fricative. Note that the fricative sound represented by the symbol /s/ is much harsher than the fricative sound represented by the symbol /th/. The turbulence for /s/ is created by air passing between either the tongue tip or blade (for some English speakers) and the alveolar ridge, which then strikes the teeth at a high velocity.
/sh/ A voiceless alveopalatal fricative. The symbol /sh/, usually spelled sh in English orthography represents a fricative similar to /s/, but hard palate (hencew the term alveopalatal). During the articulation of /sh/ the tongue tip can be positioned either near the alveolar ridge itself (with the tongue blade arched) or just behind the alveolar ridge (in which case the tongue blade does not need to be arched).
意味の区切りとしては、以下。 there was nothing about the cloudy sky outside to suggest that strange and mysterious things would soon be happening all over the country. the cloudy sky outsideで「外の曇り空」、必要ないから訳出しなかったけど。
(2006年現在)世界経済は2000年以降一人当たり年率3.2%ので成長 しており、過去最高の十年の達成に向けて折り返し点を通過した。 いつの時点の話かわkらないが2006の終わりか2007初めとみて現在形で As of 2006, the world economy is expanding at a 3.2 pcrcrnt a year in terms of per capita, and passed a half way toward marking an all-time high grouth rate ever.
As of 2006, the world economy is expanding at a annual 3.2 pcrcent in per capita, and passed a half way toward breaking the highest growth rate record in a decade.
>>500 以下で合格点くれる? Having grown at an annual rate of 3.2% per head since 2000, 2000年から今まで一人あたり年率3.2%の経済成長して the world economy is over half way towards notching up its best decade ever. 世界の経済は過去最良の経済成長があった10年間に道半ばである、迫る勢いである。
Title to all Products shall remain with Seller until the company quality has confirmed trace ability and certification at which time title to all property purchased by Seller, for the cost of which Seller is entitled to be reimbursed as a direct item of cost under an Order, shall pass to and vest in the company. All Products, together with all property acquired by Seller, title to which vests in the company under this subsection, are subject to the provisions of this Article and are hereinafter collectively referred to as "Subject Property."
Title to the Subject Property shall not be affected by the incorporation or attachment thereof to any property not owned by company, nor shall such Subject Property, or any part thereof, be or become a fixture or lose its identity as by reason of affixation to any realty.
As a northern city, it's a bit too cold and cloudy for my preference and the city is a bit quiet during the first part of the week, which changes from Thursday onwards.
Some think that just because Danes aren't Latin or Mediterranean in their way of being that they are closed people. I would disagree.
But that moment when they were standing outside trying to hail a cab to get home (probably around midnight or 1 a.m.), as Copenhagen cycled by them with friends on the way to the next watering hole -- well, the façade of London or Paris as 'coolest' would be revealed for what it is.
the only time i drink a 40 is when i wanna drink a 40 and usually when i wear a suit i leave with not one but two i'm not trying to hurt nobody you only live once they told me you can't be mad at me i can just be "G"
even though i got my own c.d. maybe even on t.v. there ain't no changing me i can only be me me me even though i might be on t.v. cause i got my own c.d. all you will ever see same ol' "G"
China’s most serve risks are ecological- particularly its environmental problems and its vnlnerability to communicable disease. Of course, this is not to say that China has no economic problems. No counrty is immuse from the nomal business cycle, and China subject to both inflationary and recessionary risks. But Beijing is developing the fiscal and monetary tools to regulte the economy so as to prevent these problems from catastrophic once they emerge. In contrast, China’s ecological and health risks are far more serious than people realize. Air pollution in China is affecting the quality of life in cities like Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, among others. The risk of water shortages, both in griculture areas and major cities, is high and growing; only 1 percent of surface water available to Shanghai is safe to drink. In one harbinger of things to come, an explosion at chemical Songhua River.
1、 Such learner suggests that different learners approach a task with a different set of skills and preferred strategies.
2、 Some learners feel compelled to memorize and will practise and practise until they have committed new information to memory, before they feel comfortable that they have a grasp of it.
3、 They need to live the new knowledge in ways that involve them more completely.
4、 However, there is cleary some truth to the intuition that certain ways of approaching a task are more successful for one person than for another, and that when learners are given some freedom to choose their preferred way of learning, they will do better than those who find themselves forced to learn in environments where a learning style which dose not suit them is imposed as the only way to learn.
Why did Montreal Protocol succeed and Kyoto Protcol fail? Both were environmental treaties negotiated over perceived threats to the atmosphere. In Montreal, the threat came mainly from the harm that chlorofluorocarbons do to the ozone layer; in Kyoto, from gases such as carbon dioxide that many scientists say are changing the climate. Both treaties thus tried to tackle problems that potentially affect every country, and are caused by activities that occur in every country. Both were negotiated against a background scientific uncertainty. The science of ozone depletion was uncertain when the Montreal Protocol was negotiated in 1987; the uncertainties surrounding the science of climate change are huge. However, the Montreal Protocol seems to have been a success. Only a handful of countries have not signed(they include Afghanistan and Iraq, which have had other preoccupations). The build-up of ozone –depleting chemicals in the atmosphere peaked in1994 and is now failing. The ozone layer is now on track to recover, and the concentrate of ozone in the startosphere should be back to its pre-1980 level by mid-century. The Kyoto treaty has been a shambles. It has been rarified by almost 100 countries-but mainly those for which the treaty specifies no ceiling on emissions of carbon dioxide. By contrast, the world’s biggest emitter of the gas, The United States, has refused to sign-not surprisingly, given that doing so would now require a reduction in emissions of 30-35% from its business as usual level by 2008-2012. No government could have made such a promise. The world output of carbon dioxide shows every sign of busting the Kyoto targets and continuing to do so for sometime to come.
>>528 1、 Such learner suggests that different learners approach a task with a different set of skills and preferred strategies. このような事は学生はそれぞれ違った能力と自分の選んだ方法で外国語学習taskに取り組むことを示します。 2、 Some learners feel compelled to memorize and will practise and practise until they have committed new information to memory, before they feel comfortable that they have a grasp of it. 学生の中には覚えるという喜びを感じる前に、暗記するまで勉強勉強を強いられると感じるのもいます。 3、 They need to live生活の中で示す the new knowledge in ways that involve them more completely. 学生達は新しい知識英語を自分たちの生活の中でより完全に使えるようにならなければなりません。
4、 However, there is cleary some truth to the intuition that certain ways of approaching a task are more successful for one person than for another, しかしながら、ある学習方法が特定の学生により効果的であることを直感させる真実があるのは明らかです and that when learners are given some freedom to choose their preferred way of learning, そして学習方法が自由に選べる場合には they will do better than those who find themselves forced to learn in environments where a learning style which dose not suit them is imposed as the only way to learn. 学生達に合わない学習方法をそれしか選択できないとして強制される場合に比べて良い結果を残すでしょう。
Square Enix and tri-Ace consistently published the best-looking games on PS2, but Undiscovery's visuals are a far cry from the luminous style of Halo 3 or the insanely detailed Metal Gear Solid 4. Honestly, it seems to be a step or two behind Dead Rising, which is two years old at this point. Sure, Undiscovery looks good while not in motion, but the animation is eerily mechanical, and the framerates are nothing short of atrocious, with combat sequences occasionally chugging at the sort of speed more in line with an overly ambitious PS1 game like Chrono Cross.
「CNN: If Copenhagen was a person, what would she or he be like?
A hipster with a few tattoos -- no question about it! And they would be the coolest person in the place. London or Paris (as people) would certainly think they were coolest and they would most certainly try to act it.」
This is my first time for tlanslating stuffs here. I hope this tlanslation live up to your expectation. If there's something wrong and you can't understand,tell me, I'll retry.
My blog for a long time had already not renewed, because I had a qq space. "http://111.AA.qq.com/ " this is its website. You may browse heartily,may also give me the message,then I knew that you have come. I had not known actually how can mail the letter overseas,because my basic full time in university,therefore you may mail the letter to my university, the address is `BB22' the zip code is `333'. My family address's full title is “CC33, I have few time to stay at home,so you can send the letter to my college.then I can recieve it.Now I know a way called msn,I want to apply for one,I can use it to chat with you.if You mails a letter to me,please tells me ahead of time, when the time comes I will frequently arrive at the message center to wait for your incoming letter.
Food prices are rising worldwide because of a sudden rise in the prise of crops such as wheat and corn. The price rise is hitting people hard, especially those in poverty, and is causing riots inAfrica and other areas of the world . The World Food Programme (WFP) of the United Nations had to stop support for a scool lunch program in Cambodia because it ran out of money due to increased food costs. If the situation does not get better, the WFP will have to stop scool lunch programs in countries like Rwanda and Ethiopia. In developing countries, children are expeceted to work. But if lunch is supplied at scool, many parents will permit their children to go.The WFP is asking developed countries to provide additional funding. In Japan, elementary and junior high scools are trying to cut costs for their scool lunches, but many scools have already had to raise their scool lunch fees.
This fall,I'm taking a very important step in the fight against diabetes. I'm going to join 200,000 participants and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) to Step Out to Fight Diabetes.This year I will be walking in memory of my grandmother,Ellie Rudolph who suffered from type 2 diabetes and recently passed away this summer.Step Out to Fight Diabetes is a fund-raising walk, benefiting the ADA's mission:to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.Please support me by donating to my campaign.It is fast and easy to support this great cause!You can make your donation online by clicking the link to my personal page at the bottom of this message.Then,click on the red box on the right side of my page that says "Click Here to Sponsor Me".FYI- If you do decide to donate,at the bottom of the donation page, some companies will match donations-see if yours is one of them!I appreciate your support and I'll keep you posted on my progress.
hey my friends, it's my fault to deal the thing which mention in last journal. and i'm so sorry there are several ID of my friends was banned after follow my journal. i plogize here. this journal, you guys mustnt to reply. those one who lost ID, can reply, or PM me, i can give you guys a little compensation, if you guys interested. that is the wb theme in my latest shot
すみませんよろしくお願いいたします。 An artist, a fine-artist or free-artist,An artist-as-artist,Has always nothing to say,And he must say this over and over again. Especially in his work What else is there to say? In work or words What in hell, on earth, or in heaven, is an artist up to when he says he has something to say? All artists-as artists say the same thing The post- historic artist is the timeless artist-as artist. The artist-as-artist is the post-historic artist. The post-historic artist is the artist aware of himself as artist,aware of art-as-art,aware of everything that is not art in art,inside or outside art. The only way to say what an artist- as - artist is is to say what an artist- as - artist is not. A fine artist by definition is not a commercial or industrial or fashion or applied or useful artist. A fine, free or liberal or abstract artist is by definition not a servile or professional or meaningful artist. A fine artist has no use for use,no meaning for meaning,no need for any need. A fine artist has nothing to use,has no need for any meaning,and would not use himself or his work for anything A fine artist by definition does not use or need any ideas or images,does not use or need any help,cannot use or help anyone or anything. Only a bad artist thinks he has a good idea. A good artist does not need anything.
>>543 My blog for a long time had already not renewed, because I had a qq space. "http://111.AA.qq.com/ " this is its website. わたしのブログは長いこと更新しませんでした、qqスペースを "http://111.AA.qq.com/ "に持っていたからです。 You may browse heartily,may also give me the message,then I knew that you have come. もし良かったらqqを見てください、そしてあなたが見たと分かるように足跡を残してください。 I had not known actually how can mail the letter overseas,because my basic full time in university,therefore you may mail the letter to my university, the address is `BB22' the zip code is `333' わたしは外国への手紙の出し方を知りません、わたしはいつも大学にいるので大学に手紙を下さい 宛先は`BB22' the zip code is `333'です。 My family address's full title is “CC33, I have few time to stay at home,so you can send the letter to my college.then I can recieve it. 実家の住所は “CC33ですがほとんど実家にはいないので大学に手紙を送ってくれれば受け取れます。
>>543 Now I know a way called msn,I want to apply for one,I can use it to chat with you.if You mails a letter to me,please tells me ahead of time, when the time comes I will frequently arrive at the message center to wait for your incoming letter. MSNサービスというのを知ったので使いたいと思います、あなたとチャット出来ます。 いつ手紙がくるか教えてください手紙が着く頃に大学のメッセージセンタに足繁く行ってあなたの手紙を待ちます。
M:What's the first thing you're going to do when you get there? S;Well, I really want to go to Fisherman's Wharf to eat at one of the restraurants. The seafood there is terrific! M:Mmm、What else? S:Well, of course the main reason is to see Alcatraz, but I'm also going there to ride the cable cars. It's such a lovely way to get around the city. M:It sounds great!Well, take care of yourself, and bring me back something nice. S:Of course I will. Bye. M:Bye
>>546 This fall,I'm taking a very important step in the fight against diabetes.この秋わたしは糖尿病治療のとっても大事な段階に入ります。 I'm going to join 200,000 participants and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) to Step Out to Fight Diabetes. わたしはアメリカ糖尿病協会会員20 万人で開催する糖尿病と闘うために歩こうに加入します。 This year I will be walking in memory of my grandmother,Ellie Rudolph who suffered from type 2 diabetes and recently passed away this summer. 今年わたしは2型糖尿病でこの夏に世を去った祖母えりーるどるふを忍びながら歩きます。 Step Out to Fight Diabetes is a fund-raising walk, benefiting the ADA's mission:to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. 糖尿病と戦おう歩こう会はADAの糖尿病を予防する、そして患者を治療し患者の生活向上のための資金集めの行事です。 Please support me by donating to my campaign.資金カンパで協力をお願いします。 It is fast and easy to support this great cause!資金カンパが一番効果があります。 同情するなら金を出せ。 .
You can make your donation online by clicking the link to my personal page at the bottom of this message. このページの最後の方より資金カンパのページに飛んでカンパできます。 Then,click on the red box on the right side of my page that says "Click Here to Sponsor Me". ページの右の赤枠の カンパします をクリックしてください。 FYI- If you do decide to donate,at the bottom of the donation page,カンパすると決めたらFYIをクリックして下さい。 some companies will match donationsカンパ送金に対応してる会社もあります。 -see if yours is one of them!あなたの会社が対応してるか調べて下さい。 会社=カード会社の事かな。 I appreciate your support and ご協力に感謝します I'll keep you posted on my progress あなたのことは忘れません。
>>560 一点訂正。 FYI- If you do decide to donate,at the bottom of the donation page, 参考までに:カンパすると決めたなら、カンパのページの一番下に、 some companies will match donationsカンパ送金に対応してる会社があります。
Warner Bros. has rejected a demand by the Council on American Islamic Relations to change the title of its forthcoming movie Towelhead to its original title, Nothing Is Private. Cair had objected that "the use of such a derogatory term by a major film studio will serve to increase its acceptability in public discourse." Towelhead, however, is the title of the novel by Arab-American Alicia Erian on which which the screenplay -- which she also wrote -- is based. In an interview with Reuters, Erian said she had used the racial slur in the title "to highlight one of the novel's major themes, racism." And in a commentary posted on the Cinematical website, critic Eric D. Snider, addressed Cair's protest this way: "Could it be that one of the movie's messages is that slurs like that are unacceptable? Could it be that only the most bigoted and idiotic of viewers could come out of it thinking, 'I'm gonna start sayin' "towelhead" more often!'?"
お願いします。 "Almost all other writing on motivation therefore seems to be commentary,in one way or another, on the agenda established by Gardner."
At the risk of over simplifying the social-psychological legacy of reserch on language learning motivation,however,I think it is true to say that the angle of inquiry it promoted yielded few genuinely useful insights for teachers and learners.
LPGA’s language rule is fair ? in any language http://www.katu.com/news/27582459.html On a national sports talk show today, I heard one columnist remark that if baseball had such a rule then we wouldn’t have Hideki Matsui.
>>586 辞書引け。 in the first [top] fl_ght 《英》 (1) 先頭に立って; 主要な地位を占めて. (2) 一流で[の], 優秀な. >I would settle for a second level club in the top flight 出世を望まないって事だろ。 二番で良いよ。 トップになると責任は重くなるが収入はたいして増えないとされる。 気楽に2番手で良いよ。
If revolutionary rational thoughts were expressed in the Age of Reason, they wewe made possible only because of the long medeieval tradition that established the use of reason as one of the most important of human activities.
JAL's last chance at revival The medium-term restructuring plan announced last week by Japan Airlines Corp. is a plan for the survival of the nation's flag carrier. The group is saddled with 1.7 trillion yen in debt. JAL President and CEO Haruka Nishimatsu summarized the importance of achieving the goals when he said, "We must keep in mind that unless we do this, there will be no more chances for revival." He also stressed that he would step down if the airline fails to pay dividends to shareholders in 2010.
The plan includes cutting 4,300 jobs over three years through early retirement and by attrition, cutting executives' pay by 45 percent to 60 percent, and terminating 10 unprofitable domestic routes starting in April.
The job cuts are expected to reduce personnel costs in the 2009 business year by 50 billion yen from 2006. The plan also calls for continuing a 10-percent cut in base pay begun last April, changing the international flight schedule, introducing more fuel-efficient aircraft and selling some shares in a subsidiary.
JAL has been suffering from a high-cost structure. Its rival, All Nippon Airways, achieved record operating and net profits in the April-December 2006 period. By contrast, JAL had an operating loss of 5.8 billion yen for the first three quarters of its business year to March ―― much wider than the 800 million yen loss a year ago. It had a net loss of 9.3 billion yen for the period, an improvement from the 23 billion yen loss a year ago. JAL as a group has 53,100 workers, nearly twice as many as ANA. Yet JAL's sales are only about 1.5 times ANA's.
It is said that factionalism has impeded JAL's reform efforts. Aircraft problems and executive bickering in 2005 led to a decline in passenger use. Management has yet to start negotiations with JAL's eight different labor unions over the restructuring plan. Fuel prices may rise again. Increasing the efficiency of its business operations while doing its best to ensure flight safety appears to be the key to JAL's revival.
It takes Charlie Spreckley no time at all to leave his apartment in Ebisu and meet at the station. He is tall, smiling, and very droll. Nicole Fall, his business partner, falls in not far behind, looking brisk and wearing wrist weights. "I've no time to go the gym these days. These help keep my upper arms in trim." Fall is editor of the LUXE guide to Tokyo. Spreckley was, until two weeks ago, editor in chief of the city's major listings magazine, Metropolis. "We are both now full-time freelance journalists with our own company, Bespoke Tokyo," he explains.
Bespoke Tokyo offers visitors, however short or long their time in Japan, a unique experience, tailor-made to needs and interests. The company does everything: makes arrangements, takes you around, points out new trends in swimwear, knows the best place for traditional dyed fabrics or unique bonsai, and of course, great restaurants and the best art.
"Many people may not know the word 'bespoke' but in the U.K. where we both come from, it refers to the custom-made clothing -- shirts, suits, shoes, hats -- you can order in London's Saville Row, Spreckley adds.
"It means individually tailored to fit exact measurements." He is from Haslemere in Surrey, with a degree in politics. But what he really wanted to be was an architect. "I was always a bit lost!"
Student travels took him to Hong Kong, China and finally Japan, to which he returned to after graduating. He worked as a journalist for Tokyo Classified (as Metropolis was called back then), NHK, Kyodo News, and in TV at Bloomberg.
"Burned out, I took a 50-percent cut in pay and went back to Crisscross (KK)." From Chiswick in West London, Fall has a degree in journalism. After an abortive year working in the City as a broker ("I hated it!") she came to Japan nine years ago, also via Hong Kong and China.
"It's an amazing thing, that Charlie and I met so recently, because our paths have been crossing for years." Spreckley agrees. "We knew the same people, went to the same places, parties, and yet never came face to face."
Fall has created a formidable niche for herself on the Tokyo scene, as a trendspotter who can write. Quite how she fits in being everywhere and knowing everyone before the mainstream catches on, is one of life's mysteries.
Especially when you consider she has a family (husband met here) and two small children (Eden 5, Raffy 3). "It became natural for people to ring me up when passing through Tokyo to ask where they should go and what to see.
"Then I realized that other people were charging for such information. When I met Spreckley, I told him, and we began thinking about how to pool our resources."
Spreckley, too, had been at the receiving end of appeals for guidance -- from TV companies and other personal and business contacts. It was natural to want to help, but meeting Fall helped him to refocus.
Excellent! You rock dude. Keep it up. So do you have a band? If you don't maybe you should start one or join one. You deff have alot to offer cuz ur very talented. お願いします。
>>597 Excellent! 素晴らしい(最高のほめ言葉)excellent優A good良B fair可C failure不可F You rock dude.素晴らしいロックしてるよ。あか抜けてるよ。 dudeは牧場を訪れる都会の観光客 Keep it up. その調子で続けましょう。 So do you have a band?バンド持ってるの? If you don't maybe you should start one or join one. でなかったら、バンドを持つかバンドに入るべきだよ。 You deff have alot to offer cuz ur very talented. すごく才能があるのでもっと人に見て貰うべきだよ。
next summer holidays will be 3 weeks in Mongolia, departure next 10th September===>you can join us on "facebook.com" if you want... there is a AA BB but without picture I don't know if it is you ?
>>601 next 紛らわしい。 departure next 10th September これも悩ましい。 おそらくこれを書いた時点が6月あたりとしてnext summer holidaysは来年の夏休みだろう。 でないとわざわざnextを使う意味がない。 you can join us on "facebook.com" if you want... ご希望なら"facebook.com"のサイトにアクセスすれば参加(予約)できます。 there is a AA BB but without picture I don't know if it is you ? すでにAAさんBBさん写真無しが予約してますがあなたであるかはわかりません。
Eating More Fish During Pregnancy Benefits Child Development
US and British scientists have shown that children whose mothers ate fish several times a week while they were pregnant were more likely to have higher scores in tests of mental and social ability.
The study is published in The Lancet.
The scientists sent questionnaires periodically to 11,875 pregnant women in Bristol, England who were part of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) and whose babies were expected to be born between April 1991 and December 1992.
The mothers were asked questions about their diet during pregnancy and about their children's mental and social development up to the age of 8.
The researchers noted that "children of mothers who ate small amounts of seafood were more likely to have suboptimum neurodevelopmental outcomes than children of mothers who ate more seafood".
Using multivariable logistic regression analysis the researchers compared the children's developmental, behavioural and cognitive scores against their mothers' seafood consumption in pregnancy. The mothers' sea food consumption was in three categories: no seafood consumed, some seafood consumed (up to 340 g per week), and seafood consumption exceeding 340 g per week.
The analysis took into account and eliminated 28 other factors or confounders that might have had an impact, such as social disadvantage and dietary habits.
The results showed that where mothers had consumed less than 340 g a week, this was linked to a significant increased likelihood that their children would be in the bottom 25 per cent of verbal intelligence quotient (IQ) at age of 8, and to have "suboptimum performace" on developmental and social behaviour tests. This was in comparison to children whose mothers ate more than 340 g of seafood a week.
The study was led by Dr Joseph Hibbeln of the US National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. He said that "For the baby's development, at the level of 12 ounces (340 g) a week during pregnancy, the beneficial effects of the nutrients in fish far outweigh the risk."
340 g a week (about 12 ounces, equivalent to three servings) is the most seafood a pregnant woman is advised to eat in the US because of risks associated with toxic elements such as mercury. This is the advice of the Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA) and the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA).
You are the "Studio GUI" Member? if you are,you can You can get the"Leopard" (ort by me,and only in "Studio GUI" to share)this WB theme。 If you are not "Studio GUI" the Member,You can reply thismessage and Give me your email,and You have to remember??Any reproduction in whole or part without my permission is prohibited! OK?
>>614 You are the "Studio GUI" Member? if you are,you can You can get the"Leopard" (ort by me,and only in "Studio GUI" to share)this WB theme。 あなたは "Studio GUI" のメンバーですか?もしメンバーだったらこのWB themeを使うこと( "Studio GUI"内でのみ)が出来ます。 If you are not "Studio GUI" the Member, もし"Studio GUI"のメンバーで無いなら You can reply thismessage お問い合わせ下さい。 and Give me your email,and You have to remember??eメールして下さい。以下のことに留意して下さい。 Any reproduction in whole or part without my permission is prohibited! わたしの許可無く全体、一部をとわずどんな再作成も禁止されています。 OK? わかりましたか?
Soapy sat on a seat in Madison Square, New York, and looked up at the sky. A dead leaf fell onto his arm. Winter was coming, and Soapy knew that he must make his plans. He moved unhappily on his seat. He wanted three months in a nice, warm prison, with food and good friends. This was how he usually spent his winters.
And now it was time, because, at night on his seat in the Square,three newspapers did not keep out the cold. So Soapy decided to go to prison, and at once began to try his first plan. It was usually easy. He ate dinner in an expensive restaurant. Then he told them he had no money and they called a policeman. Nice and easy, with no trouble. So Soapy left his seat, and walked slowly along the street. Soon he came to a bright restaurant on Broadway. Ah! This was all right. He just had to get to a table in the restaurant and sit down. That was all, because, when he sat down, people could only seehis coat and his shirt, which were not very old. Nobody could see his trousers. He thought about the meal-not too expensive, but good.
But when Soapy went into the restaurant, the waiter saw Soapy's dirty old trousers and terrible shoes. Strong hands turned him round and helped him out into the street again. So now he had to think of something different. Soapy walked away from Broadway and soon he found himself on Sixth Avenue. He stopped in front of a shop window and looked at it. It was nice and bright, and everybody in the street could see him. Slowly and carefully he picked up a stone and threw it at the window. The glass broke with a loud noise. People ran round the corner and Soapy was happy, because the man in front was a policeman. Soapy did not move. He stood there with his hands in his pockets, and he smiled. ‘I'll soon be in prison now,’ he thought. The policeman came up to Soapy.
‘Who did that?’ he asked. ‘Perhaps I did,’ Soapy replied. But the policeman knew that people who break windows do not stop to talk to policeman. They run away. And just then the policeman saw another man, who was running to catch a bus. So the policeman ran after him. Soapy watched for a minute. Then he walked away. No luck again! He began to feel cross. But on the opposite side of the road he saw a little restaurant. ‘Ah, that'll be all right,’ he thought, and he went in. This time nobody looked at his trousers and his shoes. He enjoyed his meal, and then he looked up at the waiter, smiled and said, ‘I haven't got any money, you know. Now, call the police. And do it quickly. I'm tired!’ ‘No police for you!’ the waiter answered. ‘Hey! Jo!’ Another waiter came, and together they threw Soapy out into the cold street. Soapy lay there, very angry. With difficulty, he stood up.
Sometimes I wonder if Miki realizes how beautiful she is! On Saturday night I saw her sitting in the audience to watch Oda compete with Adam Rippon. If I hadn't recognized her, I would have thought, "Oh my goodness, who is that gorgeous girl?" She stands out in a crowd. She is such a strong, fiery skater and in her exhibitions she can be sexy in a young, playful way. But I wish I could see her skating as if she were telling the audience, "I'm the most beautiful, mysterious woman in the world and you are one of the lucky few who will see me skate!"
Might be the last shot of mine. i must face to the jam of my study. this shot is not special, but stand for that there is long way to go in one's life, not only the customization. so, good by my dear friends, i will miss you all
>>644 そのようです。 Might be the last shot of mine. これが最後の便りです。 i must face to the jam of my study. これから沢山の勉学しなければなりません。 this shot is not special,この便りは特別の物ではありませんが but stand for that there is long way to go in one's life,人生には一生懸命勉強せねばならないことがあるのを表すものです。 not only the customization. わからない。 so, good by my dear friends, i will miss you all だから さようなら 友よ 会えなくなることはとても悲しいことです。
On the 13th, 21st and 28th can you come for training. The best way to learn is to just come behind the bar and talk to the staff, ask questions and let them tell you about how we do things.
On the 13th, 21st and 28th can you come for training. 13日、21日と28日に練習に来ることが出来ますか? The best way to learn練習して出来るようになるもっとも良い方法は is 以下のことをすることです。 to just come behind the bar and talk to the staff, ask questions and let them tell you about how we do things. 私たちの所に来てスタッフに話しかけ、質問し、そしてスタッフ達に私たちがどんな方法でそれをするかを教えさせることだけです。is
Generally speaking, the best defense against those problem business operators is for families (with elderly members) not to use such facilities. However, the truth is that many families have no choice but to rely on unregistered nursing facilities, which may be inexpensive but offer poor-quality service.
There have beinsen many changes occurring in the Japanese economy and these changes have had various consequences on other aspects of Japanese sociey. For instance,many Japanese people feel that their incomes have been becoming less equal. After poll results were published,members of the present administration had to answer to accsusations of being responsible for the widening income gap. Economists have suggested that the idea of equal income distribution in Japan was appropriate 20 years ago. However,now may be the time to abandon this idea. Economists have also stated that the recent growth of the income gap may be due to the ongoing transfomation of the Japanese society into a more conpetitive one.
This transformation began with changes in corporate organization. Since the early 1990s,company structures have changed to reduce personnel cost. Many companies have apparently given up the concept of lifetime employment. A large number of full-time workers have been replaced by part-timers, many of whom have no claim to retirement benefits or health insurance. Factories have been moved overseas, where lower labor costs allow for higher profits.
These efforts are intended to recreate the Japanese economy by making it more competitive. Competition has also been encouraged within companies through the introduction of a performance-based salary system. Peformance rewards, which were previously uncocommon, have increased motivation among workers. This newly found motivation has generated a certain level of desire for better schooling because of the opportunities that exist for skilled workers to obtain profitable positions. To keep this newly competitive labor market fair and open equality of educational opportunities is necessary.
Analyzing ethnic conflict, either formally or informally, has become a prime concern for a wide range of people involved in post-Cold War international affairs. More effort is doing trying to understand their causes, their politics, and their implications for the way that international community is organized to manage them. The international relation process itself has come to revolve more around the policies regarding ethnic conflicts, peacekeeping activities, humanitarian assistance, conflict resolution, and, frequently, coordinating the roles of the many nongovernmental organizations(NGOs) that become involved. Sometimes the occasion to analyze is urgent and dramatic. Understanding ethic conflict has many facet; the perspective of many specialties, disciplines, and administrative fields are indispensable. However, and this is a prime consideration for the approach pursued here, ethnic conflict also includes an especially significant psychocultural dimension which has to receive substantial emphasis on the analytical agenda.
WASHINGTON (AP) Harry Potter and Capt. Kirk would be proud. A team of American and British researchers has developed its own cloak of invisibility. と The first working cloak was in only two dimensions and did cast a small shadow, Smith acknowledged. The next step, he said, is to go for three dimensions and to eliminate any shadow. Viewers can see things because objects scatter the light that strikes them, reflecting some of it back to the eye. "The cloak reduces both an object's reflection and its shadow, either of which would enable its detection," said Smith. Looking at a cloaked item, Smith explained: "One would see whatever is behind the cloak. That is, the cloak is, ideally, transparent. "Since we do not have a perfect cloak at this point, there is some reflection and some shadow, meaning that the background would still be visible, just darkened somewhat." The ideal cloak would have nearly negligible reflection and virtually no shadowing, Smith said.
Today debate rages over the extent to which science should interfere with nature. Since people in ancient times lacked the technology that we process today ,they dealt with this question rather differently than we do. Because the earth was thought to have existed from the beginning of time , early writers held that it must be divine. But nature was not always friendly. The ancients explained this by crediting it with a moral or educational purpose. If, for example, nature at times produced poisons, there must be a lesson there somewhere for us-perhaps ‘do not be greedy’ . In the opinion of the Roman scientist Plinius (first century AD), if people insist on digging beneath the surface of our earth for gold or iron, they ought to be aware of the possible outcome, for such substance could be dangerous : gold might lead to luxury and selfishness, iron to weapons and war.
his study, then, is concerned with the role that mindsets play in ethnic conflicts and the importance of the cross-cultural task often posed to? understanding them. Why “mindset”? And what advantage is to be gained by focusing on set ways of thinking to better understand the ethnicity dimension that is now so salient a consideration in managing world affairs? To begin with, it is unavoidable. Addressing ethnic conflict is after all, an exercise in coping with mismatched worldview and patterned of perception. It is in collective mindsets that one finds explanations for each ethnic group’s way of defining its issues and problems, for its image of larger society and other groups, or for any special mode of reasoning by which information is processed. Even ethnic identity itself is a kind of mindset, and an inquiry into mindsets is an effective way to take cultural uniqueness, is in its deeper psychological meaning into account.
1.Specifically,this guidance makes recommendations on the following: 2.How holders of new drug applications (NDAs) or abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs) for compendial drug products should report changes in chemistry,manufacturing,and controls (CMC) specifications to FDA to comply with the USP's General Chapter <467> "Residual Solvents" and 21 CFR 314.70. 3.How manufacturers of compendial drug products that are not marketed under an approved NDA or ANDA can comply with the new <467> and the Federal Food,Drug,and Cosmetic Act (the Act). 4.The use of the word should in Agency guidances means that something is suggested or recommended,but not required.
At that moment,I recognized that I had the chance to take a prize-winning news photograph. I measured the light,found the right place,and raised the camera to take the photograph. (※measure the light = 光度を測る)
Everything was perfect for a news photograph:the grandfather in his plain working clothes, his white hair lighted by sunshine,the child's form covered in the sheet, and the atmosphere of the simple home. Outside,the police could be seen examining the truck while the child's mother and father leaned in each other's arms.
I don't know how many seconds I stood there,unable to push the shutter. I was well aware of the powerful story-telling value that photograph would have, and my professional instincts told me to take it. Yet I couldn't make my hand fire the flash and intrude on that poor old man's island of grief.
In 1993, in order to satisfy hislongtime curiosity, Yo-Yo set off for a san village in Namibia. He had planned to make a documentary of the trip. Yo-Yo played Bach for the Sans. In return they played their music for him.
Yo-Yo was fascinated by their instruments made of simple materials such as twigs and fiber. One of them was a little like a cello. Yo-Yo told the San the sound he made was very beautiful. When night came, an ancient San dance was performed. It lasted all night. Yo-Yo was overwhelmed. His memories of the Kalahari Desert stayed with him. He decided that from then on , in addition to continuing his classical playing, he would try to learn and experiment with many kinds of music from different cultures.
In 1993, /in order to satisfy hislongtime curiosity,/ Yo-Yo set off for a san village/ in Namibia. / He had planned to make a documentary /of the trip. / Yo-Yo played Bach /for the Sans. / In return /they played their music for him. /
Yo-Yo was fascinated by their instruments /made of simple materials /such as twigs and fiber. / One of them was a little like a cello. / Yo-Yo told the San /the sound he made was very beautiful. / When night came, /an ancient San dance was performed. / It lasted all night. / Yo-Yo was overwhelmed. / His memories of the Kalahari Desert /stayed with him. / He decided /that from then on, /in addition to continuing his classical playing,/ he would try to learn and experiment / with many kinds of music /from different cultures.
his study, then, is concerned with the role that mindsets play in ethnic conflicts and the importance of the cross-cultural task often posed to? understanding them. Why “mindset”? And what advantage is to be gained by focusing on set ways of thinking to better understand the ethnicity dimension that is now so salient a consideration in managing world affairs? To begin with, it is unavoidable. Addressing ethnic conflict is after all, an exercise in coping with mismatched worldview and patterned of perception. It is in collective mindsets that one finds explanations for each ethnic group’s way of defining its issues and problems, for its image of larger society and other groups, or for any special mode of reasoning by which information is processed. Even ethnic identity itself is a kind of mindset, and an inquiry into mindsets is an effective way to take cultural uniqueness, is in its deeper psychological meaning into account.
Welcome to our TOKYO DOME SHOW,“THE LAST LIVE” We've been looking forward to this night since last year,thank you for being here. We'll show you the place where dreams and life become one. Memorize this night we'll spend together,and keep us in your hearts. We would like to introduce the members,the member
There is nothing that can happen to us that has not happened again and again,that we have not read over a thousand times,closely, carefully,accurately recorded.
The woman stood under the porch,bowing and waving until we were out of sight,and the boys walked with me over the mountain to where the bus for the station was waiting.
now it's Tuesda August 12. Mi:Tom!dont you have yoga tonight? Tom:No,i go to yoga every other week. im off this week.you should come with me next time. MI:I think I will thak you! Q When will she see him again? Answer is 26th... why????
>>704 Tom:No,i go to yoga every other week. ヨガに一週間おきに通ってるんだ。 im off this week.you should come with me next time. 今週(今日12日)はあるんだけど休む。次の回に一緒に行きましょう。 だなんだな。きっと。 次の回は26日火曜日ということだろう。
Since nature could not be transformed, they agreed, people, people could endure its harder blows –pain, disease, natural disaster-only by learning to transcend it in a moral and intellectual sense. In other words, they had to develop their own inner resources to help them rise above nature in order to survive.
1. One day while the king was away, his son was killed by a large wolf. 2. The king thought the dog had killed his son, so he shot it to death on the spot. 3. When the king was about to kill the dog, he heard it crying for help. 4. The king found the dog had fought against a large wolf to save his baby son.
↓が全文です。 For ALL orders outside the Continental United States we use the Express Air shipping method. Please Note: ALL International Orders WILL incure a MINIMUM charge of $20 for shipping. This helps ensures the quality of our products upon arrival. The customer is responsible for all shipping charges and should be aware of any regulations, restrictions, or tariffs their countries impose on foreign orders. The shipping charge will be determined by the size and weight of your package ($20 minimum shipping charge on ALL International orders regardless of total sales amount). Please Note: We will NOT knowingly ship products to destinations where they are restricted
What is quality of life? Quality of life (QoL) is an ill-defined term. The World Health Organization(WHO,1948) has declared health to be “a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease ”. Many other definitions of both “health ” and “quality of life” has been attempted, often linking the two and for QoL, frequently emphasizing components of happiness and satisfaction with life. In the absence of any universally accepted definition, some investigators argue that most people, in western world at least, are familiar with the expression “quality of life” and have an intuitive understanding of what is comprises. However, it is clear that QoL means different things to different people, and takes on different meaning according to the area of application. To a town planner, for example, it might represent access to green space and other facilities. In the context of clinical trials we are rarely insist in QoL in such a broad sense, but are concerned only with evaluating those aspects that are affected by disease or treatment for disease. This may sometimes be extended to include indirect consequences of disease such as unemployment or financial difficulties. To distinguish between QoL in its more general sense and the requirements of clinical medicine and clinical trials, the term “health-related quality of life”(HRQoL) is frequently used in order to remove ambiguity. 長文ですがどうかよろしくお願いします
It may be hard to believe, but before the 1930s no one had the pleasure of biting into a chocolate chip. Why was this? Because the world-famous treat had not been thought of yet. Ruth Graves Wakefield was the woman responsible for coming up with the recipe. In 1930, Ruth and her husband Kenneth purchased an old tollhouse in Whitman, Massachusetts. Built in 1709, it had once been a real working tollhouse, where stagecoach passengers ate a meal while horses were changed. A toll was also collected for the use of the highway between Boston and New Bedford, a prosperous whaling town.
Natalia M. Litchinitser, a researcher at the University of Michigan, said this appears to be "the first, to the best of my knowledge, experimental realization of the fascinating idea of cloaking. Although the invisibility reported in this paper is not perfect, this work provides a proof-of-principle demonstration of the possibility." She added that the next breakthrough is likely to be an experimental demonstration of the cloaking in visible light. "These ideas represent a first step toward the development of functional materials for a wide spectrum of civil and military applications."
A collection is created when different elements are accumulated to such a point that they form into one exceptional vision or idea. These elements are the following :Art, architecture, music, ambient, sound/ noise, travel, emotional communication and my own internal creative urge. The aim is not only to create simply "clothing" but rather, to create and contribute to a person's total life-style and existence. It's a similar process to making a movie and very sacred and profane thing.Black is always the base of my creative palette. "Black" symbolizes the Avant-Garde and has a deep spiritual and noble meaning for me. I am obsessed by the image of "black" in Japanese Religion, in Zen. It represents the madness hidden in the shadows. It is the total colour of complete and utter grief. 日本語訳お願いしますm_ _m
Man, though he have great variety of thoughts, and such from which others as well as himself might receive profit and delight, yet they are all within his breast, invisible and hidden from others, nor can of themselves be made to appear.
DAVID BECKHAM does NOT have a sock or any other padding down his pants in those Armani adverts.
Australian DJ KYLE SANDILANDS told listeners to his show: "I was in the toilet at Villa nightclub in LA and there's only two urinals in there, it's very small. "Somebody comes in behind me, and I hear a soft voice say 'Hello, how are you?' I turned around and think: 'Holy s***! It's David Beckham!' "I'm midway through and I think, I've got to slow this down. I couldn't help myself, for the first time in my life, I glanced down to the left and had a look." Asked whether Becks was a big boy, Kyle replied: “There's two types of penis. "There's the one that's the same size all the time and the other one changes in size. "Let's just say he looks like he's got it going on whether it's happy or not."
1.Any meter with a volts scale can directly measure current without converting. 2.A meter must have a resistance scale to directly measure ohms without converting. 3.The device used to measure the potential difference between two points is called: 4.The device used to measure the amount of opposition to current flow offered by a . particular component is called: 5.The device used to measure the potential difference between two points is called:
I left home when I was sixteen, and joined the navy. I've been to more countries than I can remember. After a few years of travelling, I got tired. and decided to settle down in the UK. I met Mary, and got married when I was twenty-five. Actually, I've been married three times now! And I've got seven cihldren. I see them all on my birthday and at Chirismas. There are still a few things I'd like to do. I've never learned to drive. I'd like to buy a car. And I supporse I'd like to buy a house, too.
When the Wakefields moved in more than two centuries later, they decided to take advantage of the history of the house, turning it into a lodge and calling in the Toll House Inn. Ruth cooked homemade meals and baked for guests of the inn. As she improved upon traditional Colonial recipies, her incredible desserts began attracting people from all over the New England region. One of Ruth’s favorite recipes was for “Butter Drop Do” cookies. One day, as she was preparing the mixture for the cookies, she ran out of baking chocolate. So, instead, she used a semi-sweet chocolate bar manufactured by the Nestle company, cutting it into pieces the size of a pea. Upon adding these to the mixture, she expected them to melt as the cookies baked in the oven. The chocolate pieces, however did not melt as the cookies baked in the oven. The chocolate pieces, however did not melt, but kept their shape. The cookies Ruth had created became very popular with guests at the inn, and soon her recipe was published in newspapers in Boston and elsewhere in New England. The Nestle company saw sales of their semi sweet chocolate bare rise dramatically.
The company reached an agreement with Ruth that would allow them to print the “Toll House” cookies recipe on their packaging, in return for which she would receive supplies of all the chocolate she would over need. As the popularity of the Toll House cookie continued to grow, Nestle looked for ways to make it easier for people to bake their own. Soon, they producing a semi sweet chocolate bar that was easier to break up into pieces. Shortly after, in 1939, they began offering tiny “chips” of chocolate in handy, ready to use packages, and that is how the first Nestle Toll House Real Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips were introduced. The Toll House cookie became recognized as the origin of the modern chocolate chip cookie. Today, chocolate chip cookies are the most popular cookies in the United States. よろしくおねがいします
Hello, Am Mr.Olu Philip from Canada, i Just got a New Store in West Africa (Nigeria) and i will like to buy your item, and i will be paying you $600 USD for the item and shipment EMS OR DHL to my New Store in Nigeria And i will like to Know How many of this item you have for sell and also if you have any other items for sell, So kindly email me back to this email below: [相手のメールアドレス] Or add me to my MSN [相手のメールアドレスその2] so i look forward to your reply back soon Thanks.
What I do to please you あなたを喜ばせようと思ってわたしがすること主語 ←この場合は美術館に行くことだろ は あなたに迎合して美術館に行くとあなたが喜ぶ never ceases to amaze me! わたしを驚かすことを決して止めない いつも驚かされる。 言うことを聞いてるとひどい目に遭う。 いつもあなたの言うとおりにするとひどい目に遭ってるわ。
... Oh, no! Do we have to take a guided tour? ガイド付きのツアーにしましょうよ。
Every Sunday morning millions Indians settle down with a cup of tea and the special weekend issues of their newspapers, just as Americans do. But here, with the marriage season approaching, many of them turn quickly to a Sunday feature that is particularly Indian –the columns and columns of marriage advertisements in which young people look for husbands and wives. “Beautiful Brahman girl wanted for bank officer from well-connected family,” one says. “Vegetarian man(doctor, engineer preferred) for church educated girl with light complexion” says another. “Solid 25-year-old, salary four figures, wants tall, charming, educated Punjabi, ” says a third.
1. When the manager retired, we held a party in his honor. 2. Mr. Abbot could not be reached for comment today. 3. Analysts had predicted earlier that the dollar would appreciate by next week. 4. Ms, Kinney already turned in her application for the job and is waiting to hear a reply from the company. 5. Sudden weather changes have contributed to the scarcity of the citrus crop this season. 6. Paul bought a new PC because his other model was outdated. 7. The earthquake had left hundreds of people homeless. 8. Before the presentation, the engineers met to discuss a strategy for the new building plans. 9. Louise had no idea that the boss was planning to promote her. 10. Most bank ATMS can handle all transactions quickly and efficiently. 11. The human resources director is recruiting temp workers for the three-day sales event. 12. Please fill out the form in triplicate and submit it to the front office. 13. The government spent the entire budget surplus on defense and now must raise taxes. 14. Despite the fact that the employee handbook stated that an employees should use a timecard, George never punched in or out. 15. Mr. Henneman had to attend his father's funeral so, obviously, he couldn't make it in to work today.
16. We could like to congratulate Patrick Burns for winning the "Employee of the Year" award. 17. The forecast has predicted clouds with periods of rain for today, and sun with a few passing clouds for tomorrow. 18. The company decided to launch a new, portable computer that's the smallest ever made. 19. The roundup of the latest corporate earnings reports will be published in the paper tomorrow morning. 20. The real estate agent had trouble selling the building and had to lower the price. 21. The company's new engine design cuts C02 emissions by 50 percent. 22. The restaurant was forced to close its doors after a fire destroyed the kitchen. 23. Sara has the most popular software applications installed in her computer. 24. All orders are processed and shipped on Mondays and Thursdays before noon. 25. When using our services, you shall be subjected to any posted guidelines applicable to such services. 26. Mr. Myers wired the funds yesterday so the money should be in your account by noon today. 27. The next flight to Chicago has been cancelled due to mechanical difficulties with the aircraft. 28. Ms. Moore's computer spread a virus that shut down the network the whole day.
MONTEVERDI's sacred music,largely ignored by many Monteverdi scholars engrossed in studies of the madrigals and the operas,has long fascinated me.The composer's surviving sacred repertoire,the majority of it collected in three very large publications representing a remarkable variety of stylistic treatments of the mass,vesper psaims,Magnificats,hymns,motets,the Litany of Loreto,and spiritual madrigals,probably reflects only a fraction of the sacred music he actually composed.In fact,sacred music occupied Monteverdi throughout his entire life.At the age of only 15 he first presented himself to the musical world as a composer of three-voice motets in the Sacrae contiunculae of 1582,followed in the next year by a collection of Madrigali spirituali for four voices,only the bass part of which now survives.
There is evidence in the first extant letter from Monteverdi's hand that he composed sacred music for the Gonzaga court well before he published the Missa in illo tempore and Vespro della Beara Vergine in 1610,and Denis Stevens,also on the basis of remarks in Monteverdi's litters,has suggested that Monteverdi composed twenty-nine masses for Christmas Eve,one for each year of his employment at St Mark's in Venice.If this is true,then the single masses published in the Selva morale et spirituali of 1641 and the posthumous Messa a quattro voci et salmi of 1650comprise only small gleanings from a vast field of activity,forever lost to us.By extension,it is probable that the psalms,and motets published in these two large collections also represent only a portion of a much larger oeuver emanating from Manteverdi's long career at St Mark's.Though we may lament such losses,the body of music that remains to us is vast enough to occupy Monteverdi scholars for the foreseeable future.
People employ terorrist violence in the name of many cases:but the tendency to label as terrorism any violent act of which we disapprove is mistaken. While the legal distinction between terrorism and warfare is clear, international law usually means little to terrorist, who convince themselves that their actions are justified by a higher law. Their unpredictability and apparent randomness make it virtually imposible for governments to protect all potential victims
Lift me up on my honor Take me over this spell Get this weight off my shoulder I've carried it well Loose these shackles of pressure Shake me out of these chains Lead me not to temptation
President and CEO of the organization since 2003, Elizabeth Ponsolle des Portes began her career as an academic before joining the French Culture Ministry and later UNESCO. The Japan Times caught up with her at the Grand Hyatt Tokyo during a recent trip to Tokyo. What do you think is behind Japanese people's fixation with French luxury brands? The French luxury sector is really a cultural industry; although we are manufacturing products, they rely very heavily on French culture. As Japan is also a country where culture is very important, our products resound very strongly for Japanese consumers. We are not only speaking about products, but we are also speaking about culture and they are very sensitive to that. What does Japan's fondness for French luxury goods say about this nation? Like [Marcel] Proust said, reality exists only as a part of your memories, and in a way the reality of French luxury products lies in the depth of the imagination of the consumer.
Equality in Health Spending Robert Samuelson reports:
It is widely assumed that health care, like most aspects of American life, shamefully shortchanges the poor. This is less true than it seems. Economist Gary Burtless of the Brookings Institution recently discovered this astonishing data : on average, annual health spending per person -- from all private and government sources -- is equal for the poorest and the richest Americans. In 2003, it was $4,477 for the poorest fifth and $4,451 for the richest. Probably in no other area, notes Burtless, is spending so equal -- not in housing, clothes, transportation or anything. Why? One reason: government already insures more than a quarter of the population, including many poor.
>>800 fifth 五分の一 で意味取れる? more than a quarter of the population, including many poor.多くのビンボ人を含む人口の四分の一以上 もあるし。 This is less true than it seems.このことは受ける感じほどは真実を表してない。 数字に批判的。
fifthはthe poorestだけにかかる。 Another reason stems from the skewing of health spending toward the very sick; 10 percent of patients account for two-thirds of spending. Regardless of income, people get thrust onto a conveyor belt of costly care: long hospital stays, many tests, therapies and surgeries.
The Old Town on its spiky ridge beneath Edinburgh Castle is the face of Scotland's brutal Middle Ages. Here, the Royal Mile, which links the castle to the Palace of Holyroodhouse, holds the memory of a violent past-easily imagined in the shadowy passageways of its labyrinthine “closes”. The eighteenth century New Town, designed by James Craig and embellished by Robert Adam, is the face of the Enlightenment, of the philosopher David Hume, the economist Adam Smith and the writer Walter Scott-the city which became known as the Athens of the North. The visitor will want to march down the centuries with Edinburgh’s past: explore The great castle, part of which have stood on its volcanic rock since the twelfth century ; tour the fifteenth century Holyrood Palace, with its poignant relics of Mary Queen of Scots and its official status as the present Queen’s Scottish residence; climb the Scots Monument, the curious Gothic monolith on Princes Street which was raised as a memorial to the novelist; wander through Holyrood Park and up Arthur’s Seat , the miniature mountain which supremely dominates this city of hills, steps and precipitous streets.
But though animals learn many parts of their knowledge from observation, there are also many parts of it, which they derive from the original hand of nature ; which much exceed the share of capacity they possess on ordinary occasions ; and in which they improve, little or nothing, by the longest practice and experience.
yeah. they seem to be already sabotaging her career. i felt they did the same thing w/ utada. i mean granted, maybe the album wasnt the best (however i loved it; initially i didnt but it grew on me and i realized that it was good.. very different but still good) but they shouldve marketed it better and definitely not put easy breezy as the first single w/ all that make up as well. whats up w/ these ppl not being smart about our artists but making other artists successful?
If I hear someone speak, I can tell the difference between Japanese Chinese or Korean... although I do not understand any of those tongues...
But Physically, i mean for me which was born and raised in western Europe, I cannot tell the difference between a Japanese and a Chinese for instance....
I guess that Japanese are somewaht taller than Chinese or Korean, but for instance, here in Coimbra University, we have lots of people from far east Asia studying, I know a Teacher of Japanese, Shinzato Ayano Sensei, and I am very fond of her, she is a very nice and friendly person.
...but, just tell me... how do I know within a group of Asians wether they are Japanese or Koreans for example... ?
>>816 Just tell me, I have difficulty with this... 教えてください 困ってます。 If I hear someone speak, I can tell the difference between Japanese Chinese or Korean... although I do not understand any of those tongues... 話してるのを聞けば日本語中国語韓国語の違いがわかります 意味がわからなくてもです。 But Physically, i mean for me which was born and raised in western Europe, I cannot tell the difference between a Japanese and a Chinese for instance.... しかし人を見て西ヨーロッパで生まれ育ったわたしには日本人や中国人その他の違いがわかりません。 I guess that Japanese are somewaht taller than Chinese or Korean, but for instance, here in Coimbra University, 日本人は中国人や韓国人より背がたかいと思ってますがここコロンビア大学には多くの極東アジアからの留学生がいます。 we have lots of people from far east Asia studying, I know a Teacher of Japanese, Shinzato Ayano Sensei, and I am very fond of her, she is a very nice and friendly person. 日本語のしんざとあやの先生を知ってますが先生をとても好きで先生はとてもきれいで気さくな人です。 ...but, just tell me... how do I know within a group of Asians wether they are Japanese or Koreans for example... ? しかしどうすればアジア人の中で日本人や韓国人を見分ける方法を例をあげて教えてください。 Are there some general signs...? なにか一般的な特徴・・・がありますか? Best Regards よろしく。
何を言っているかよくわからない文章です。よろしくお願いします。 As I looked back upon this, I realized that I should have expressed myself articulately, focusing on my true intent. The best way to respect a Japanese person’s sense of self-esteem is to leave the decision to the other person, saying something like “You must be much too busy.” In other words, it is desirable to let the person withdraw his suggestion without our having to decline it. However, if we try not to hurt an American person’s feelings in the Japanese way, he cannot guess that we are declining his suggestion.
>>824 I have not received you→your envelope yet まだあなたの封筒、返事を受け取ってません but when I do I will make sure that you get the right information. しかし封筒、返事を受け取るときはわたしはあなたが正しい情報を得たことを確信します。 つまり I はyouが I の期待する方向での封筒、返事を待っている。 youは I の言うとおりにしなさい と婉曲に言ってる。
この会話をお願いします。 open your eyes and listin. be aware. walk slowly. you feel peaceful when you are under observation. do you sometimes dream even when you're awake? even when you murmur. it is listening.
返答 it hides itself anywhere and everywhere. prentend to obedient. 日本語訳を宜しくお願いします。
When I return from Sweden every summer, I am surprised at the wealth of Japan. This feeling grows stronger every year. Nearly all tourists from abroad get the impression that Japan is a rich country when they see the airport, the expressway and the streets of Tokyo, but I get this impression from the young people of Japan. In the first place their clothes are different. They wear jeans without holes in the knees, T-shirts which have not become shabby from too much washing, sneakers which are not worn-out. Instead, both boys and girls look neat and clean. Not (only) that, they wear accessories of great value. Their handbags and watches appear to be no less expensive than those of adults. In Japan there is certainly a market for young people. It is not limited to clothing only. It applies also to leisure activities. One might go so (far) as to say that even the universities are markets for young people. What country in the West is able to do business having only young people as customers? In these countries young people have less money than anyone. Those who have gone to university and those who are working can barely make (ends) meet. At the age of 18, they live apart from their parents, even though it may be in the same town, and stand on their own (feet) financially. To them such things as skiing in the Alps and fashionable clothes are entirely foreign. Those that have side jobs are lucky ones, for most young people are (out) of work. In Britain, France, Italy, Sweden and many other countries, I saw young people full of discontent. There are no smiles on their faces. I wonder what would happen if parents were to stop giving money to the young people of Japan.
“Hi, sweetheart. Your supper’s in the oven. I’ve kept it warm,” may wife said. She set a beautiful dinner before me and sat down to keep me company. “I ate an hour ago,” she said. “I hope your dinner is all right.” And that was all the comment there was ― no subtle questioning, no mild complaints, no hidden hostility, nothing but smiles and gentleness. I couldn’t believe it. Surely this was all just an act. I vowed to give it another test. The next night I again met my friend for coffee. Again I was an hour late and again I got the same loving treatment when I came home. As I sat down to supper I decided to discover what was really going on with this new wife of mine. “Aren’t you even a little mad at me for being late for supper?” I asked. “Of course not,” she said. She seemed surprised. “Well, you had supper waiting and I was late and I haven’t even said I was sorry.” “I figured you were busy at the office with important matters. Otherwise, you would have come home.” “Oh,” I said. “Besides,” she said, “you’re a full-grown man. Full-grown men don’t need someone telling them when to come home to supper,” and that’s all there was to it. She won our first argument without argument, and I have never since intentionally been late for supper in all of the years we’ve been married. She understood long before I did that arguments can be won without arguing. Trust leads to more trust, and I became trustworthy. I learned again that night what I had learned so many times before and forgotten as often ― that demonstrations of love, whether in the kitchen, the bedroom, or one’s place of work, are the most powerful of all arguments.
A Japanese businessman is talking to an American businessman who has just come to Japan for the first time. A: What would you like to eat for lunch today? B: Now that I’m in Japan, I would really like to try a bowl of ramen. A: That reminds me of a newspaper article I read recently. A research group asked 2,000 people in Tokyo to name the three Japanese products they thought were the most important “inventions” of the 20th century. B: And how did people answer? A: Instant ramen was the first product most people named, followed by karaoke and then Walkman stereos. B: So the Japanese are the inventors of instant ramen. Bu did the Japanese actually “invent” ramen or did it come from country? A: Historically speaking, the noodle dish we now call ramen was originally from China. Ramen was first called Shinasoba when it arrived during the Meiji period. B: When did the name ramen begin to be used? A: In the early 1920’s, a restaurant in Sapporo was making the Chinese-style lamian. The name changed to ramen and the way it was made also began to change. B: Did instant ramen start about the same time? A: No, the first instant ramen began to appear in stores in 1958. And it became an instant success. B: Why was it so popular? A: As Japan began to recover after the war, people were working longer hours and making better salaries. They had less time to cook, but, more money to spend on convenience food. It was a product invented when the timing and circumstances were just right. B: Speaking of timing, don’t you think it’s time for lunch? Let’s go have some ramen.
And given the enormous strides made in medicine and the health sciences during the past 150 years, people could be forgiven for hoping that someday human beings will live, if not quite forever,at least far longer than at present. どなたか訳お願いします。
Evaluations revealed by implicit and explicit measures may have nothing in common, in which case they assess exclusive constructs and one (implicit measures) might even not be considered an attitude measure. At the opposite extreme, implicit and explicit attitude measures might assess a single construct despite their procedural differences. All differences between measures, in that case, would be attributable to extraneous influences that are irrelevant to attitudes. An intermediate possibility is that implicit and explicit measures assess constructs that are related but distinct. Specifically, implicit and explicit measures might have something in common justifying their shared interpretation as attitude assessments, and something unique justifying the implicit-explicit distinction. This possibility would spur theorists to account for common and distinct influences on implicit and explicit attitude formation and change and for reciprocal influences of implicit and explicit attitude on each other.
Anyway, long catfight short, I am now on a train to Tokyo alone and they are all coming later. I just couldn't be there anymore and it really does me no good to fight with or even talk to Samia. She doesn't listen and it just hurts Rachel. And what could Rachel do? She REALLY wanted to leave early, but what do you say to someone who is like, "you absolutely CANNOT leave me alone. That's not fair." And then she has the unmitigated gall to say, "I'm not being inflexible. This is what we decided." I kind of hate her now. If I can get Rachel to do stuff with me in Tokyo, I will. Otherwise, I'll probably go off on my own.
Japan Times の相撲に関するnative記者の記事なんですが、構文かよくわからず訳せません。
I think ゙ancient and traditinal sport゙ is more accurate these days,and wih the way things have been going the past year, hopefully ゙traditional゙ can be dropped from the description some time soon.
the duel was tooo short DAMN THAT ZAKIRA ! P.S ; sry fellows i know im a ko fan but i knew that someone like zakira can beat him no offence to t e other ko fans
Rafael, a man from Mexico, and Jim worked in a restaurant together. Jim borrowed a dollar from Rafael but when he tried to pay it back, Rafael refused. However, Jim insisted. One reason Rafaeldid not want to accept Jim's dollar was that in his culture, it is very important to be generous. Generosity and respect for others' generosity are two values that explain many Hispanic customs and attitudes. That is why Jim's refusal to accept Rafael's generosity made Rafael question their friendship. In cultures where generosity is such an important value, most people do not like to think value,most people do not lile to think of themselves as stingy or cheap, and these are terrible insults to a Hispanic Latins do not try to return amall amounts of many because it would suggest that the other person is stingy.To a latin, Jim's insistence on returning the dollar might mean that Jim thought Rafael was stingy and had to have his dollar back. As a North American, Jim felt that it would be rude if he did not try to return the dollar as soon as possible. To understand the North American point of view, it is necessary to know how important the value of self-reliance is. North Americans do not feel it is right to rely on others too much: owing too many favors means being dependent.North Americans see this as a weakness. They do not like to think of themselves as sponges,a word describing those who take too much from others. North Americans cannot respect themselves if they feel too much ( A ) to others, financially or otherwise. Instead, they prefer to be ( B ) of such obligations. North Americans feel strongly about paying their own way. To let someone else pay for them is ( C ), which is morally wrong. But if Jim and Rafael were close friends, Jim would feel that he was not taking advantage of Rafael. He would not need to pay back the dollar.
FACE BOOKでチリ人の女の子からのメッセージなんですけど、お願いします I do not know much English good but I hope you'll continue to respond ^.^ of anything by invitation n_n This invitation is a group against someone silly
of what country are you? n.n Good-bye and one take care of kisses
“With the present troubles in the Balkans and a certain major European Power rapidly outbuilding our Navy, the Admiralty might be forgiven if it started that it had rather more urgent affairs to deal with than Master Brown's little troubles. A further enquiry before the Judge Advocate of the Fleet has now fully comfirmed the original findings that the boy was guilty. I sincerely trust that this will finally end this ridiculous and sordid little storm in a teacup. I am, Sir, etc., Perplexed.”
It have always relieved me when I have witnessed or suffered life's hardships. This belief has made me tolerant, for it does not allow us to take ourselves or others too seriously ; it makes us look at others with a sense of humor.
>>864 その文はどこにあったの? こんなのめっけた。 わかりやすいでしょ。 "A man can surely do what he wills to do, but he cannot determine what he wills"-impressed itself upon me in youth and has always consoled me when I have witnessed or suffered life's hardships. This conviction is a perpetual breeder of tolerance, for it does not allow us to take ourselves or others too seriously ; it makes rather for a sense of humor.
>>864 It have always relieved me when I have witnessed or suffered life's hardships. それはいつもわたしが他人の困っているのを見たり自分が困っているときに助けになった。 This belief has made me tolerant, この思いはわたしを寛容にした。 困難に対して悲観しないようになった。かも。 for it does not allow us to take ourselves or others too seriously なぜかというと困難にあっても私たち自身又は他の人にもあまり深刻に考えなくてもよいからだ
; it makes us look at others with a sense of humor.写し違いだろ。 ; it makes rather for a sense of humor. ユーモアのセンスさえ感じさせるのだ。
I think there are crazy people all over the world, but Confucius was not Korean.
Isn't there another country, ethnic background you like to prove crazy besides Korean? You targetting one specific group is a little harsh, don't you think?
A survey asked British adults about their work and home life. Many people took part, including full-time and part-time workers, unemployed people, students, pensioners and full-time parents. The survey showed that women spend twice as much time cooking as men, five times as long cleaning the house, and eight times as long doing the laundry! British people spend more time on housework than they do on their paid jobs. Housework takes up about three hours twenty-five minutes a day, compared to two hours twenty-five minutes working, The average woman spends fifty-one minutes a day cleaning the house, but the average man spends only thirteen! Men do more house repairs, with 25% of couples saying that the man always does the DIY.
Every time I hear somebody refer to sumo as "Japan's national sport," I just have to shake my head in amazement.
It hasn't been that for a long time and may never be again.
I think "ancient and traditional sport" is more accurate these days, and with the way things have been going the past year, hopefully "traditional" can be dropped from the description some time soon.
Let's face it, sumo is in a crisis that it has never seen before.
Spinning out of control, lacking true leadership or any vision for the future, with a select few keeping a stranglehold on the sport and slowly sucking the life out of it.
My own preoccupation with Monteverdi began with a graduate seminar taught by Charles Hamm at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,in which we attempted to understand Monteverdi's mensuration signs and their proportional relationships-a topic still unresolved in the Monteverdi literature and the subject of Chapter 20 of the present volume.Witnessing how little research had been devoted to Monteverdi's sacred music,I subsequently resolved to write my dissertation in this area,eventually resulting in a thesis on the Vespers of 1610 and a published collection of essays on the Mass and Vespers.
自分的には 「I think 〜 , hopefully "traditional" can be dropped from the description some time soon.」の部分が「わかりにくい」と 感じるのは無理がないと思う。
traditional はいいイメージで使われがちなので、それを hopefully (願わくば)be dropped と言うのは、ちょっとひっかかるところです。
hopefully "traditional" can be dropped from the description some time soon.(願わくば、「長い伝統を誇る」という言葉も近いうちに やめることができよう) この文章の真意は、最近の不祥事により「今こそ相撲界の因習、旧来の やり方を改めるべき時だ」というものだと思う。 つまり、ここでの traditional はネガティブなイメージ(因習的な、旧来の やり方の)を含んでいる。「(悪い意味での)伝統なんかやめてしまえ」とい う筆者の真意はこの記事全体を読めばよくわかります。
hopefully "traditional" can be dropped 〜 と言って、読者に「おや、 なんで由緒ある伝統をすてなけゃなんないの? 」と思わせ、つい先を読みたく なるよう促す。 こういう風に読者に立ち止まらせたり、常識に反することを言って驚かせたり するのはジャーナリズムの文章によくあるテクニックです。
At least 385 privately run nursing homes across Japan are violating the law by not registering with their prefectural government, according to a Kyodo News survey released Sunday. Under the elderly welfare law revised last April, registration is required for fee-based nursing homes regardless of size or services. Previously, the law applied only to those that accommodated at least ten people and served meals. The survey found that 385 facilities in 21 prefectures, out of 776 in 37 prefectures that authorities knew about, remain unregistered even though the revision brought them under the scope of the law. The tally only covers facilities that prefectural governments are aware of. There is no way of knowing how many actually exist. A facility in Urayasu, Chiba prefecture, where a resident was allegedly locked in a cage and others were subjected to abuse was entirely unknown to prefectural authorities until a former staff member notified the city in January that its residents were being abused. The Chiba prefectural government initially said the facility, Blue Cross Yukaikan, was an apartment complex accommodating not only seniors but also younger people It later corrected its view in line with a government guideline that facilities in which the majority of residents are seniors can be regarded as fee-based nursing homes. 続きます
It is believed that there are many other such facilities, which won't be inspected by relevant authorities unless problems come to light. Officials say it is impossible to know about the operations of such facilities unless they register voluntarily. Officials of the prefectural governments with unregistered nursing homes cite the difficulty in getting those facilities to sigh up. Under the current law, nursing home operators can be fined up to 300,000 yen for failing to register with their prefecture. However, some operators are willing to risk the fine in order to avoid coming under administrative control, which could be costly if it leads to forced remodeling or service improvements, the officials said. Kunio Takami, president of the Alzheimer's Association Japan, said the recent reports of alleged abuse at the Urayasu facility points to the social contradictions in this country. "Generally speaking, the best defense against those problem business operators is for families (with elderly members) not to use such facilities. However, the truth is that many families have no choice but to rely on unregistered nursing facilities, which may be inexpensive but offer poor-quality service." 連続すいません、長文ですがどなたかお願いします
One answer to that question can be found by looking at the National Basketball Association. Since 2002, the NBA has had the good fortune of having the biggest professional sports star in China, Yao Ming. But it is the NBA's continuous effort in various grassroots programs, clinics and camps going back 20 years that helped pave the way for its current market success. As a result, the NBA is the most popular sports league in China, and today 300 million people in China play basketball. In fact, the NBA is celebrating its 20th year of broadcasting games in China. Heidi Ueberroth, president of NBA International Business Operations, said China was "by far the largest market for the NBA outside of the United States." For the next several years, Ueberroth projects at least a 30 percent annual growth rate for the NBA in China, whose overall sports market is estimated to be a multibillion dollar industry.
Fall has created a formidable niche for herself on the Tokyo scene, as a trendspotter who can write. Quite how she fits in being everywhere and knowing everyone before the mainstream catches on, is one of life's mysteries. Especially when you consider she has a family (husband met here) and two small children (Eden 5, Raffy 3). "It became natural for people to ring me up when passing through Tokyo to ask where they should go and what to see. "Then I realized that other people were charging for such information. When I met Spreckley, I told him, and we began thinking about how to pool our resources." Spreckley, too, had been at the receiving end of appeals for guidance -- from TV companies and other personal and business contacts. It was natural to want to help, but meeting Fall helped him to refocus.
I love how Leah has gyaru makeup but it's downplayed a bit more than usual gyaru, and the way you explained the steps made it easy to emulate. It's gyaru but a bit more relaxed, and easier to wear out for people NOT living in Japan. Thanks. メイクについて英語でコメントをもらったのですがわかりません。 何か英語で嫌味でも言われているのでしょうか? 訳してもらえるとありがたいです。
McCain accepted his party's pressidential nomination in a packed convention hall, insisting he can pull off the kind of change that Democrat Barack Obama talks about in a year Americans are hungry for new leadership. MaCain〜change(改革をもたらすことができる)まではわかりますが、 以降の that Democrat Barack Obama talks about in a year Americans are hungry for new leadership. が、文のどこにかかるのか、全く分かりません。 上記の文以前の内容は、共和党大会でMaceCainが「自分は改革者になる!」 と言っている、というような内容です。 文法が得意ではないので、 どなたかよろしくお願いいたします。
>>890 pull off 〈難しいことを〉見事にやってのける. McCain accepted his party's pressidential nomination in a packed convention hall, insisting he can pull off 自分にも出来る the kind of change that関係代名詞 Democrat Barack Obama talks about in a year Americans are hungry for new leadership. オバマ民主党がアメリカ人は新しいリーダーを渇望しているとここ一年間言っている変革
この商品は二つの違う缶がセットになっているのでしょうか? よくわからないので翻訳お願いします。 Yu-Gi-Oh!: Collectible Tin Wave 2 Upper Deck The most anticipated Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG product makes its return with the 7th annual Yu-Gi-Oh! Collectible tins. The first 2 (of 4) tins will arrive on store shelves in mid august; the remaining tins will be released in early november. Each unique Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Collectible tin offers an assortment of the game's top-selling booster packs from the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX era along with the first new booster pack for the brand new Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's era. The tins will also have a value-added promo pack that will contain a tournament coupon and 3 of 9 promo cards. Tin Wave 1: 2 week preview of the Duelist Genesis boosters; 2 different tins, 6 booster packs per tin, 1 tournament coupon included with the promo pack, 1 secret rare variant card. 1 promo pack and 5 booster packs: 2x The Duelist genesis, 2x Phantom Darkness, 1x Light of Destruction.
The sounds produced by human vocal organs can be studied in many different ways. The study of sounds is calld phonetics. Phonetics is mainly concerned with describing the speech sounds that occur in the languages of the world. Specifically, we want to know what people are doing when they are talking and when they are listening to speech.
Some phoneticians are interested in studying the physical and acoustic aspects of speech sounds, while others are interested in studying the patterns and functions of sounds that occur in a language. In the latter type of study, it is important to realize that speech sounds can be perceived and represented as a sequence of discrete units, even though they are physically continuous. Native speakers of any language can intuitively extract the linguistically significant units. For example, when native speakers of English are asked how many sounds there are in the word pit they will most probably ansewer three. The concept oe decreteness is a basic assumption in the study of speech sounds.
These discrete units of sounds are not arbitrarily combined; the sequence of such units is under certain restrictions. For example, there is no English word which begins with ten consonants. Furthermore, the consonants which can appear in the iinitial clusters of English are restricted. Thus for a three-consonant cluster beginning with /s/, the second consonant can only be one of /p,t,k/. Such restrictions are found in many languages, and one of the purposes of the study of speech sounds is to examine the kind of restrictions peculiar to an individual language.
Therefore, there are several levels in the study of speech sounds: on the one concrete level we try to describe what speech sounds exist, and on the other abstract level we try to examine what regularities govern the realizations of sounds in a langiage.
Instead of opposing magic and science, it would be better to compare them as two parallel modes of acquiring knowledge. Their theoretical and practical results differ in value(as science is certainly more successful than magic point of view, although magic foreshadows science in that it sometimes also works). But both science and magic require the same sort of mental operations, which differ not so much in kind as in the different types of phenomena to which they are applied. These relations are a consequence of objective conditions in which magic and scientific knowledge appeared. The history of the latter is short enough for us to know a good deal about it. But the fact that modern science dates back only a few centuries raises a problem which ethnologists have not sufficiently pondered. The Neolithic Paradox would be a suitable name for it. It was in neolithic times that humanity mastered the great arts of civilizations, which are pottery, weaving, agriculture, and the domestication of animals. No one today would think of attributing these enormous advances to the fortuitous accumulation of a perception of certain natural phenomena.