After a period of time, its experiences as caregiver, combined with technological improvements that in the story represent the process of biological evolution, “I, Robot” becomes a self-aware, thinking being. この文、なんか構文が変。「its experiences as caregiver, combined with technological improvements that in the story represent the process of biological evolution」が浮いてしまっている。
It is possible that an IC will eventually emerge to perform the function but, until then, the following description should allow people to develop their own system.
Here Asimov suggests a moral dilemma: was the robot, first built by humans to entertain their children but now self-aware, a new form of slave? @The question is not answered directly, but Asimov leaves little to the reader's imagination. What do you think the answer may be? Technological pioneer Michael Trout once said that "technology is ruled by two types of people: those who manage what they do not understand, and those who understand what they do not manage." AHis is a terribly pessimistic point of view, one that most of us likely do not share. BBut, given all that is happening in the world around us today, shouldn't we wonder how much it may apply to our situation?
@について:しょうもない疑問ですけど、 The questionは[アシモフによっては]直接答えられてはいないが、 読者の想像力にもほとんどゆだねていない。と言っている。おかしくないですか? アシモフが読者の想像力を制限できるわけないし、読者はいくらでも想像力を働かせることが できる。leaves little to the reader's imaginationとはどのようなことか。 the reader's imaginationはthe readers' imaginationではないのか? Aについて:His [彼の考え]とは前の文ですよね? Bについて:it may applyのitは何をさすか。applyは自動詞か他動詞か?他動詞なら目的語は
They are using satellite based cameras to look for forest fires, and hoping that early detection from space will allow firefighters to extinguish fires far from civilization, in remote Siberia, before they grow too large.
なぜhoping that ... will allowというのか?ただ単にearly detection will allow....でも十分だが。「望むことはallowする」とは、どのようなことか
>>3の英文の前後も含めてここに。 Originally built to entertain the daughter of its creator, after a series of system upgrades, the robot begins to assume the role of babysitter and caregiver of the child. 段落変わって ここからが不可解な英文 After a period of time, its experiences as caregiver, combined with technological improvements that in the story represent the process of biological evolution, “I, Robot” becomes a self-aware, thinking being.ここまで。この後は実を言うと>>7の英文 Here Asimov suggests a moral dilemma: was the robot, first built by humans to entertain their children but now self-aware, a new form of slave? The question is not answered directly, but Asimov leaves little to the reader's imagination. What do you think the answer may be? Technological pioneer Michael Trout once said that "technology is ruled by two types of people: those who manage what they do not understand, and those who understand what they do not manage." His is a terribly pessimistic point of view, one that most of us likely do not share. But, given all that is happening in the world around us today, shouldn't we wonder how much it may apply to our situation? やっぱり>>3の英文 変でしょ。
>>14 変ではない。普通の英文だよ。副詞句、副詞節という便利な言葉があるよ。 After a period of time, its experiences as caregiver, combined with technological improvements that in the story represent the process of biological evolution, “I, Robot” becomes a self-aware, thinking being.
After a period of time, は、副詞句ですけど its experiences as caregiver, combined with technological improvements that in the story represent the process of biological evolution, は副詞節なのですか
>>20ありがとうございます。確かに 「しばらくした後、介護者としての経験と、ストーリ上では生物学的進化の過程を 表す技術的進歩と相俟って、「I, Robot」は自意識を有し思考する存在になる。」 という訳になります。しかし、After a period of time, は、副詞句 its experiences as caregiver,は名詞句 combined with technological improvements that in the story represent the process of biological evolution, は過去分詞の分詞構文 “I, Robot” becomes a self-aware, thinking being. はS+V となるとやっぱり間の名詞句と分詞構文が浮くのですが。
>>21 its experiences as caregiver 副詞句 combined with以下と結びついて、生物学的革新と伴う工学的改良と結びついて with technological improvements that in the story represent the process of biological evolution, ロボットは自分で考えることが出来るbeingになるから human being 人間と言わないまでもthinking beingと言ってる。 ロボットは奴隷になるのか? と言う論点でしょ。
>>25 1. The launch of the new mobile phone was greeted with widespread interest from the press and the general public. 2. A number of national governments have introduced a range of medical and public health measures to combat the spread of AIDS.
Here Asimov suggests a moral dilemma: was the robot, first built by humans to entertain their children but now self-aware, a new form of slave? The question is not answered directly, but Asimov leaves little to the reader's imagination. What do you think the answer may be?
the reader's imaginationは the readers' imaginationではないのか?
On some nights, when he couldn’t get enough air to swallow, Morrie attached the long plastic tubing to his nose, clamping on his nostrils like a leech. clampって、他動詞で「留める、締める」くらいの意味しか無いけど、この文では自動詞で「ぶらさがる」みたいな意味じゃない?hang onに書き換えるとちょうどいいように思える。clampingの意味上の主語はtubingですよねえ?
I am the bone of my sword. (体は剣で出来ている) Steel is my body,and fire is my blood. (血潮は鉄で 心は硝子) I have created over a thousand blades. (幾たびの戦場を越えて不敗) Unknown to Death. (ただの一度も敗走はなく) Nor known to Life. (ただの一度も理解されない) Have withstood pain to create many weapons. (彼の者は常に独り 剣の丘で勝利に酔う) Yet,those hands will never hold anything. (故に、生涯に意味はなく。) So as I pray,unlimited blade works. (その体はきっと剣で出来ていた。)
Aという書類が三枚欲しくて I need three documents for the document A 的な事を言ったんですが これって一応はちゃんと意思疎通できてるでしょうか? それと、この文の分かりやすい言い方を教えていただけませんか? それと、もちろん○○してあげますよ!(ポジティブな感じで) といいたいときにyeah,sure I'll do(またはI do)〜という感じに言ったら 嫌味に聞こえたりするのでしょうか? 回答おねがいします
>>136 辞書に書いてあるぞ spe・cial・ty 《◆1,2は《英》では通例speciality》 [名][C] 1専門,専攻;本職;得意 make a specialty of ... …を専門にする My specialty is Latin. 私の専門はラテン語です(=I specialize in Latin.). 2(店などの)名物,得意料理;特製[産]品;高級専門品 What is your specialty [the specialty of the house]? この店の自慢料理は何ですか. 3(人・物の)特徴,特色,特質. 4〔法〕捺(なつ)印証書.
1 (…に)満足している, 甘んじている((with ...));(…することに)不平[不足]がない((to do, doing)) ・ die [live] content 満足して死ぬ[生きる] ・ Let us rest content with a small success. 小さな成功で満足しておこう ・ He was content to live [=with living] in obscurity. 彼は世に埋もれて暮らすことに満足していた.
The newspaper near his chair has a photo of a Boston baseball player who is smiling after pitching a shutout. Of all the diseases, I think to myself, Morrie gets one named after an athlete. You remember Lou Gehrig, I ask? “I remember him in the stadium, saying good-bye.” So you remember the famous line. “Which one?” Come on. Lou Gehrig. “Pride of the Yankees”? The speech that echoes over the loudspeakers? *ここで質問、なぜ「?」がつくのですか?ルーゲーリックを思い出せるために映画名やスピーチの様子を述べているだけなのに 続きのセリフ “Remind me,” Morrie says. “Do the speech.” Through the open window I hear the sound of a garbage truck. Although it is hot, Morrie is wearing long sleeves, with a blanket over his legs, his skin pale. The disease owns him. I raise my voice and do the Gehrig imitation, where the words bounce off the stadium walls: “Too-dayyy … I feeel like … the luckiest maaaan … on the face of the earth …” Morrie closes his eyes and nods slowly. “Yeah. Well. I didn’t say that.”
It was the first week in September, back-to school week, and after thirty-five consecutive autumns, my old professor did not have a class waiting for him on a college campus. Boston was teeming with students, double-parked on side streets, unloading trunks.
double-parkedの意味上の主語はBostonですか。分詞構文でwas teemingの理由を示しているのですか unloading trunks. の意味上の主語はstudentsですか?studentsにかかる分詞形容詞と考えていいわけですか こんな構文ありなのですか? Double-parked on side streets, Boston was teeming with students unloading trunks.とした方がわかりやすいような。
And here was Morrie in his study. It seemed wrong, like those football players who finally retire and have to face that first Sunday at home, watching on TV, thinking, I could still do that. I have learned from dealing with those players that it is best to leave them alone when their old seasons come around. Don’t say anything.
that first Sundayはなぜthatなのですかaじゃないのですか? I could still do that. とDon’t say anything.は抽出話法ですか
182を再考しました。double-parkedの意味上の主語はBostonじゃないなあ。 parkの語法は(車)をとめる。ですもんねえ。(場所に)とめる。という用法は無いですものね。 となるとdouble-parkedの意味上の主語はstudentsかあ?でもdoubleparkedは過去分詞ですもんねえ。 studentsにかかるわけないよなあ。(もっともThis is my dream come true.みたいな過去分詞の用法は あるけれども、これは一部の自動詞に限られるから、この場合は当てはまらない) students who were doubleparking and unloading trunks.とすればいいのに。 >>182がわかりません。
Without love, we are birds with broken wings. “Say I was divorced, or living alone, or had no children. This disease—what I’m going through—would be so much harder. I’m not sure I could do it. 最後のitは何を指すのですか
Raising a family was one of those issues on my little list—things you want to get right before it’s too late. ここのrightはget rightなのかright beforeなのかどちらですか。もし前者ならばどのような意味なのですか
>>181 Come on.おやまあ Lou Gehrig. ルーゲーリックのことだよ。 “Pride of the Yankees”? Yankeesの誇りだろ? The speech that echoes over the loudspeakers? loudspeakerから響き渡った演説だったろ?
“And now,” he whispered, “you talk.” Me? “Your family. I know about your parents. I met them, years ago, at graduation. You have a sister, too, right?” Yes, I said. “Older, yes?” Older. “And one brother, right?” I nodded. “Younger?” Younger.
>>194 Raising a family was one of those issues on my little list?things you want to get right before it’s too late. ↑なんだべ?コピペしたら・・・・ 手後れにならないうちに生計予定表を直せ、見直せ っていうことかも。 あまりにも気楽な予定を立てているんだろ。
The substring must either be the whole string, or the letter immediately preceding the start of the substring must be a nonvowel. 部分文字列は次のどちらかでないとだめ 「文字列全体」 「部分文字列の先頭の前の文字は、子音」←ここが自信なし
It was the first week in September, back-to school week, and after thirty-five consecutive autumns, my old professor did not have a class waiting for him on a college campus. Boston was teeming with students, double-parked on side streets, unloading trunks. ボストンは道の両側に二重駐車してトランクから荷物を下ろす学生達があふれていた。 この文章、昨日訳していただいたのですけど、文法がわかりません。 double-parkedとunloadingの用法をお願いします。
「Congrats to Randy Orton and his wife Sam on the recent birth of their daughter. All family members are healthy and Randy’s untimely collarbone injury has a silver lining after all as being home when his new born daughter is a true blessing. It sure beats showering with large, hairy men.」の、 「and Randy’s〜」以降の文章の自然な感じの訳を誰か教えてくれませんか? 何となく意味は取れるですがちょっと自信が無いので。特に最後の一文が分かりません;
>>274 独断と偏見と想像で Randy’s untimely collarbone injury has a silver lining after all 予期しない鎖骨骨折は銀でつないだ as being home when his new born daughter is a true blessing. 帰宅したら赤ちゃんが生まれていて本当におめでたい It sure beats showering with large, hairy men. お祝いの言葉がCongrats=it が突然のにわか雨のように毛深い大男に浴びせられた。 Randyは毛深い大男なんだろ。つまり毛唐だ。
“It tastes really good,”she enthuses about the yeasty, vegetable-based spread that to the newly initiated might seem kind of a tongue-curling experience.
>>274 Congratulations to Randy Orton and his wife Sam on the recent birth of their daughter. All family members are healthy and Randy’s untimely collar-bone injury has a silver [ lining ] after all as [ being home ] [ when his new born daughter is a true [ blessing ] ]. It sure beats [ showering with large, hairy men ].
“And now,” he whispered, “you talk.” Me? “Your family. I know about your parents. I met them, years ago, at graduation. You have a sister, too, right?” Yes, I said. “Older, yes?” Older. “And one brother, right?” I nodded. “Younger?” Younger. yesは、自分で聞いておいて自分で返事をしているのですか?
>>314 As different (we were) as we were, I reasoned that our fates would shoot in opposite directions once we hit adulthood.
[ Because we were as different as we were ], I reasoned [ that our fates would shoot in opposite directions [ once we hit adulthood ]. [私達は実際に違っているとおり違っていたので]、私は解釈判断した[私達の定めは正反対の方向に進むだろうと[私達が大人になってしまうと]]
飼い主我が主よ〜 Savior, [ like a shepherd lead us ], much we need Thy tender care; In Thy pleasant pastures feed us, for our use Thy folds prepare. Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! Thou hast bought us, Thine we are. Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! Thou hast bought us, Thine we are.
We are Thine, Thou dost befriend us, be the guardian of our way; Keep Thy flock, from sin defend us, seek us [ when we go astray ]. Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! Hear, O hear us [ when we pray ]. Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! Hear, O hear us [ when we pray ].
Thou hast promised [ to receive us ], [ poor and sinful though we be ]; Thou hast mercy [ to relieve us ], grace [ to cleanse ] and power [ to free ]. Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! We will early turn to Thee. Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! We will early turn to Thee.
Early let [ us seek Thy favor ], early let [ us do Thy will ]; Blessèd Lord and only Savior, with Thy love our bosoms fill. Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! Thou hast loved us, love us still. Blessèd Jesus, blessèd Jesus! Thou hast loved us, love us still.
The table held more pill bottles than ever—Selestone for his asthma, Ativan to help him sleep, naproxen for infections—along with a powdered milk mix and laxatives. mixは名詞ですか?
From down the hall, we heard the sound of a door open. openは動詞かなあ?となると we heard [the sound of a door](O) [open](C).と解釈するの?おかしくない? we heard the sound of a door opening.とすべきでは?
>>330 動詞だったらof a door openと前置詞の後に動詞持ってこられるの? see[v] a door[o] open[c] A door[s] opens[v].はいいけど of a door openは不可能では? of a door opening of opening a doorならいいけど
[thatの用法] What you have to learn, if you are to be a good citizen of the world, is that though you will certainly dislike many of your neighbours, and differ from some of them so strongly that you could not possibly live in the same house with them, *that* does not give you ○△.
>>355 though you will certainly dislike many of your neighbours, and differ from some of them so strongly that you could not possibly live in the same house with them,
What you have to learn, if you are to be a good citizen of the world, is that though you will certainly dislike many of your neighbours, and differ from some of them so strongly that you could not possibly live in the same house with them, *that* does not give you ○△. もし世界の素晴らしい市民になる(べき、つもり、予定)というのなら、学ばなければならないのは、 たとえ隣人たちの多くをはっきりと嫌いでも、彼らとあまりにも違いがありすぎて 彼らと同じ家に住めなくとも、そのことはO△をあなたに与えないということだ。
From down the hall, we heard the sound of a door open. openは動詞か? we heard [the sound of a door](O) [open](C).と解釈するの?おかしくない? we heard the sound of a door opening.とすべきでは?
動詞だったらof a door openと前置詞の後に動詞持ってこられるの? see[v] a door[o] open[c]とかA door[s] opens[v].はいいけど of a door openは不可能では?of a door openingかof opening a doorならいいけど
では、toなし不定詞にしよう。知覚動詞やらで都合良い。 hear the sound of a door to openすんなりおさまるみたい。
↑それでもまだおかしいと思います。どれがOで、どれがCでしょうか? the soundがO?to openがC? これだと意味がおかしいですよ。 a doorがopenでなければ。でも前置詞of以下に文とかOCを組み込むのは無理です。 前置詞の後は名詞でなければ。of(前置詞)a door(名詞)open(動詞)という形は 無理だと思います。ですから動名詞にして意味上の主語をつける(of a door opening) か、他動詞の動名詞を使用して目的語をとる(of opening a door)形にするしかないのではないですか。
I lifted up the bags from the market, my normal food supply, I said jokingly. And she seemed to smile and fret at the same time. "There's already so much food. He hasn't eaten any from last time." This took me by surprise. He hasn't eaten any, I asked? She opened the refrigerator and I saw familiar containers of chicken salad, vermicelli, vegetables, stuffed squash, all things I had brought for Morrie. She opened the freezer and there was even more. "Morrie can't eat most of this food. It's too hard for him to swallow. He has to eat soft things and liquid drinks now." 中略 Charlotte glanced again at my food and I felt suddenly ashamed. All these reminders of things Morrie would never enjoy. 最後の箇所ですけど ashamed [of] all these reminders of things Morrie would never enjoy.か ashamed, all these [being] reminders of things Morrie would never enjoy.か ashamed. And all these [are] reminders of things Morrie would never enjoy.としなければなかなか文法的に説明しにくい
>>379 From down the hall, we heard the sound of [ a door opening ]. しか考えられない。 We heard a sound. A door opened. をまとめた物だよね。 ofで繋いで従属側のa doorを非主語化 openedを[動詞の原形←ing]にしてopening
従属節にして繋ぐと We heard the sound [ with which a door opened ]. これを不定詞にすると We heard the sound [ of a door to open ]. toは省略できないよね。 We heard [ a door open ]なら省略するけど。 でも不定詞に付けるtoを省略するのは結構やっても善いんじゃないの? I go get his kiss. He'll help me study 'bout the puter.
>>389 TOEIC [Test of English for International Communication]トーイック.国際コミュニケーション英語能力テスト. つまり写真を見てただ座ってるだけだと思う人はコミュニケーション日本語能力に問題あるかも。 写真の情報をコミュニケーション出来ていない。
>>394 辞書引いてみた。 4)The men are being seated. the men に意味あるのかもしれない。 man に従業員、手下、召使い、兵、下士官他の意味がある。 差別表現を極端に嫌うからその問題かも。TOEICの出題目的にもかなう。 The men are being seated.労働者達が座ってる。 ぐらいの意味かもしれない。 間投詞に用いて My man!(目下に向かって)おいっ!
You seem calm, sensible, and down-to-earth. Akki, while reporting, acts as herself, and not the cookie cutter-type of reporter, some of them shouting into the microphone.
すいません、質問です。 「終わったら電話するよ」というように未来のことを言う時は「終わったら」の部分の動詞の形はどうすればいいのでしょうか? 「電話するよ」の部分はIll call youと未来系なのは分かりますが 「終わったら」の部分はwhen/after I finish or finished or have finished it どれ使って良いのかわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。
ofが連続して、例えば a of b of c みたいに使われていると、 訳すときにどうしても「cのbのa」となってしまい、「の」の多さに気分が悪くなります。 「に関する」や「における」で代用することもありますが、それも数が多いとくどくなってしまいます。 意味を考えれば、「の」を多用した方が結局はわかりやすいのですが、 このような文章になってしまうのは英語を訳す上では仕方ないことなのでしょうか? それとも何かうまい訳し方はありますか?
>>463 「凶悪犯罪のニュースを聞くたびに、私はショックを受ける。」 [ Whenever I hear the news of violent crimes ], I am shocked. [ Any time that I hear of violent crimes in news ], I get shocked. でOKですよ
>>466 He or she must still bear the responsibility for hacking living plants off at the roots and roasting the corpse thereof in ovens. 彼又は彼女は生きている植物を根から断ちきりその死骸(ここでは薪)をその後でthereofオーブンの燃料にすることに依然として責任を負わなくてはならぬ。
>>466 He or she must still bear the responsibility for [ hacking [ living ] plants off at the roots and roasting the corpse thereof(=of there) in ovens ]. *根を引き抜いた、そこの死骸
>>488 @ The group turned over the research [ to a private company ]. グループは調査を自分達の所から渡した[個人の会社に] A The group turned the research [ over to a private company ]. グループは調査を向けた[自分達の所から飛んで個人の会社まで]
“But by throwing yourself into these emotions, by allowing yourself to dive in, all the way, over your head even, you experience them fully and completely. all the wayはどんな意味ですか?はるばると ん?なんかおかしいなあ。 evenは何でしょうか?over your headだけでも「頭を下にして」なのにevenとは?
--- --- The very considerable derogation of sovereignty involved in the assumption of powers of government by foreign states, without the consent of Germany, did not constitute a transfer of sovereignty. --- ---
この"without the consent of Germany"の箇所を「副詞句が挿入されたもの」と理解して、
Without the consent of Germany, the very considerable derogation of sovereignty involved in the assumption of powers of government by foreign states did not constitute a transfer of sovereignty.
しかし、"without the consent of Germany"の箇所を「形容詞句を強調するためにカンマで囲んだ」と理解して、
The very considerable derogation of sovereignty involved in the assumption of powers of government by foreign states without the consent of Germany did not constitute a transfer of sovereignty.
“But by throwing yourself into these emotions, by allowing yourself to dive in, all the way, over your head even, you experience them fully and completely. all the wayはどんな意味ですか?はるばると ん?なんかおかしいなあ。 evenは何でしょうか?over your headだけでも「頭を下にして」なのにevenとは?
all the way (3)完全に,全面的に,とことん:back a person all the way 人をとことん支持する. evenの意味がわかりません
>>519 “But by throwing yourself into these emotions,これらの(心身の動揺を伴うような)強い感情,感激,感動の中に あなた自身を投げ出すことにより by allowing yourself to dive in, あなた自身を飛び込ませることによって all the way, 全部とことん over your head even, 頭を下にさえevenして you experience them fully and completely. あなたはそれらを全部、完全に経験することが出来る。
たとえばグループにいる数人みんなが車を1台所有してるとき、 All of them have a car. であってますか?それともグループのみんなの車を合わせると 車は人数分=複数台あるので All of them have cars. になったりしますか? Everyone has a car. が正しいのは分かります。
あと、帽子をかぶっている集団を指すときとかって Look at those guys with hats. みたいに言いますよね?あってます?
>>571 No serious student at this level このレベルの真面目な学生は、しない [ who wishes [ to widen his vocabulary beyond the limits of the course ] ] [限りなく語彙を広げることを願う] should be without a good dictinary. 辞書無しに進むなんて事は
なんて=should A serious student should go with the dictionary. 真面目な学生であったとしたら、辞書を持って進むことになるね。 That stupid student shall go without a dictionary and shall make no solid progress.
If you were a serious student, you should go with the dictionary. 君が真面目な学生であったとしたら、辞書を持って進むことになるよね。 As you are not a serious student, you shall go on without a dictionary. 君は真面目な学生ではないので、辞書無しに進み続ける運命ね
On one trip, he watched with gentle amusement as women in flowing skirts and love beads put flowers in soldiers’ guns, then sat on the lawn, holding hands, trying to levitate the Pentagon. watch as …で「…しているところを見る」という言い方があるの?
>>584 watch は じっと見る 注意深く見る 見張る の強い意味があるから with gentle amusement で緩和してる。 asについては特に熟語としなくても良いと思う。 >>586 素直にthe core of the problem,だと思う。 the core of the problem was human beings wanting to feel that they mattered.
>>588 文の内容から しているのを ぐらいかも。 >>589 human beings wanting動名詞 to feel that they mattered. 人間の欲望 自分の関心がある事を感じてみたいと思う人間の欲望。 電車内の痴漢 お役人でも、一流会社の管理職でも、ガッコの先生、副校長でも つい、スケベ心に負ける事があるというのが 電車内痴漢の問題の核心。
I told him I was already feeling over the hill, much as I tried desperately to stay on top of it. I worked out constantly. Watched what I ate. Checked my hairline in the mirror. I had gone from being proud to say my age—because of all I had done so young—to not bringing it up, for fear I was getting too close to forty and, therefore, professional oblivion. 「because of all I had done so young」がわかりません。
>>600 お説の通りでしょ。 Do you know how many nations there are in the world? ↑名詞節目的語 独立した疑問文なら How many nations are there in the world? >>601 持ってる人はいませんか? の問いかけには素直に 持ってる。 といえば良いし リクエストに応えて なんて言うと大げさすぎると思う。 買いたい。 と言われたときも 素直に 売る と言えば足りる。 本屋に行ってエロ本買うとき あなたのリクエストによって売ります。 なんて言われたらイヤな感じがするでしょ。 黙ってなるべく顔も見ないようにして売って欲しい。←折れの場合ね。
how many nations there are in the world?の部分はthereが無くても意味は通りますよね? how many nations と thereの関係が良く分からないのです。。 この文章が Do you know how many nations are in the world?だったら疑問は無いのですが。。 なぜthereが要るのかな。。
How many nations are there in the world? という文の主語はどれですか? 私はいままでこの文は疑問詞が主語である文だと理解していました。 したがって疑問詞が主語の文を間接疑問文にする場合、その語順は変わらないと 思いますが... だからDo you know how many nations are there in the world? の語順のほうが 正しいのではないですか?
* Ralf Schumacher should take a sabbatical from Formula One before deciding on whether or not he wants to stay in the sport, his brother Michael believes.
Part of the reason they can operate that way is because there are many options. という英文があって,日本語意訳は「彼らがそういうふうにできる理由のひとつには,彼らにはたくさんの選択肢があるということがあります.」になるんですが,この英文の文構造がわかりません. Part of the reason they can operate that wayという部分は,This is the part of the reason.という文とthey can operate that way for the reason.という文が関係副詞whyで結合されているのは分かるのですが・・・.becauseのここでの役割(品詞とか)はなんでしょうか? Part of the reason they can operate that wayの部分が文全体の主語で,isが動詞になるのは わかりますが・・・.
>Part of the reason they can operate that wayという部分は, This is the part of the reason.という文とthey can operate that way for the reason.という 文が関係副詞whyで結合されているのは分かるのですが・・・.
This is はどっから出てきたんだ。ここは素直に、The reason (why) S+V is (that) S+V. みたいな形で覚えておいたらいいんじゃないの。
>>604 [ How many nations ] are there in the world? [ ]が主語 Do you know [ how many nations there are in the world ]? は別の文。 あなたの思い違いです。 200 nations are in the world. 200 nations are on the earth. 200 nations are there. There are 200 nations. There are 200 nations in the world. の様にして最後の文は出来上がっていったのです。
:名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/23(水) 10:59:27 日本語でいう所の『充電期間』って英辞郎などの変換ででてくるChargeを当てはめるのは、変な 文になるのでしょうか? 彼は半年、新しいアイディアを仕入れる為の充電期間をとっています。 ------------------------------------------------------------------ He is taking a vacation for half a year [ so that he may charge energy [ to call new ideas ] ]. です
I told him I was already feeling over the hill, much as I tried desperately to stay on top of it. I worked out constantly. Watched what I ate. Checked my hairline in the mirror. I had gone from being proud to say my age—because of all I had done so young—to not bringing it up, for fear I was getting too close to forty and, therefore, professional oblivion.
“Listen, I know what a misery being young can be, so don’t tell me it’s so great. ここからの構文がなんか省略的なので、文法的に省略を補っていただけませんか。 All these kids who came to me with their struggles, their strife, their feelings of inadequacy, their sense that life was miserable, so bad they wanted to kill themselves …
以下のnegative, positiveは名詞か形容詞か。どのような意味か。 その後のthat節は、the negative, the positiveとの同格名詞節か(…というthe negative, the positive)、 それとも文頭のItを形式主語と考えてそれに対する真主語か?教えてください。 As you grow, you learn more. If you stayed at twenty-two, you’d always be as ignorant as you were at twenty-two. Aging is not just decay, you know. It’s growth. It’s more than the negative that you’re going to die, it’s also the positive that you understand you’re going to die, and that you live a better life because of it.”
文中のwonder ifのifって「かどうか」じゃないですよね。ここは「もし」ですよね。 I held up the newspaper so that Morrie could see it: I Don’t Want My Tombstone To Read “I Never Owned a Network” Morrie laughed, then shook his head. The morning sun was coming through the window behind him, falling on the pink flowers of the hibiscus plant that sat on the sill. The quote was from Ted Turner, the billionaire media mogul, founder of CNN, who had been lamenting his inability to snatch up the CBS network in a corporate megadeal. I had brought the story to Morrie this morning because I wondered if[もし]Turner ever found himself in my old professor’s position, his breath disappearing, his body turning to stone, his days being crossed off the calendar one by one—would he really be crying over owning a network?
>>669 よりにもよって若いときはとっくに過ぎてしまった。 >>672 年齢を重ねることは死につつあるという否定的なことではなく 死につつあることを理解して一層良い生活をおくろうとする肯定的な意味がある。 the negative 形容詞にtheをつけて名詞的な意味を持たせる。 >>673 もしTurner ever found himself in my old professor’s position,であったら死ぬときにwould he really be crying over owning a network?するかどうか。
>>670 All these kids who came to me with their struggles, their strife, their feelings of inadequacy, their sense that life was miserable, so bad they wanted to kill themselves … so badまでがwhoで始まる節の終わり。ここでall these kidsに対する述語動詞を持ってこなければ ならないのだが、soを持ってきてしまったので、それに対する 結果のthat節(so…that…構文、thatを省略している)が先走ってしまった。 よってall these kidsに対する述語動詞は現れなかった
ネイティブと『源氏物語』の話をチャット?でしていて、 「源氏ってヤツは女性を囲いすぎだよね」 @→ He Genji has too many ladies. と書くつもりが A→ He Genji has too much of his ladies. と書いてしまい、 「@の間違いでした」と伝えたら、 I understood what you meant. It is also possible to have too much of lady (and wish to escape)! と返事が来ました。
自分で書いたものですが、@はどういう意味なのでしょう? そしてまた、相手の It is also possible to … もどういう意味なのでしょう?
この内容についてジーニアスを引用しとくね You are all [×All you are, ×You all are] diligent. =All of you are diligent. 君たちはみんな勤勉だ《◆いずれのallもyouと同格》 They all [×All they] went there. 彼らはみなそこへ行った(=A〜 of them went there.).
また、直訳で「貴方が望むように」の意で As you please. という用法があるので、"you please"を"your pleasure"にすれば 「貴方の希望のように」となり、より「御意」という返答の直訳に近づくのではないかと思い、As your pleasure. としました。 文法的に無理はないと思いますが、ネイティブの方に通じるか自信がないのでこうして質問していますが……。
> lowlight, n. > A.n. b.gen. A poor performance, a low point; opp. HIGHLIGHT n.
> 1990 N.Y. Times Bk. Rev. 30 Sept. 13/2 Discussions of the spectacular > crash of Gary Hart, the Joseph Biden plagiarism scandal,.. > and several other high- and lowlights of the campaign.
low・light noun (Informal) the part, as of a performance or event, which is the least interesting, outstanding, etc. or the most inept, ridiculous, etc.: used somewhat humorously in opposition to highlight
It was the third hour [ when they crucified him ]. The written notice of the charge against him read: THE KING OF THE JEWS. They crucified two robbers with him, one on his right and one on his left. Those [ who passed by ] hurled insults at him, [ shaking their heads and saying, "So! You who are going [ to destroy the temple and build it in three days, come down from the cross and save yourself!"
In the same way the chief priests and the teachers of the law mocked him among themselves. "He saved others," they said, "but he can't save himself! Let [ this Christ, this King of Israel, come down now from the cross, [ that we may see and believe ]." Those [ crucified with him ] also heaped insults on him.
At the sixth hour darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour. And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" —[ which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" ] [ When some of those [ standing near ] heard this ], they said, "Listen, he's calling Elijah."
One man ran, filled a sponge with wine vinegar, put it on a stick, and offered it to Jesus [ to drink ]. "Now leave him alone. Let's see [ if Elijah comes [ to take him down ]," he said.
With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last.
The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. And [ when the centurion, [ who stood there in front of Jesus ], heard his cry and saw [ how he died ] ], he said, "Surely this man was the Son of God!" Some women were watching from a distance. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome. In Galilee these women had followed him and cared for his needs. Many other women [ who had come up with him to Jerusalem ] were also there.
Hitomi is a teacher. She is always telling lies. Hitomi is a teacher [ who is always telling lies ]. でいいですよ Hitomi is a teacher [ telling lies always ]. でもいいです
> Indulged in to excess, reading becomes a vice > - a vice all the more dangerous for not being recognized as such. 「過度に堪溺すれば読書は悪徳となる ーそうと認められないが故に尚更危険な悪徳にー。」
>>779 疑問文は普通主語の前に助動詞が来る(doやbe動詞も助動詞に含む) Are you a student? Does she like apples? What do you have in your bag? Where is she? When will he come? しかし、疑問詞が主語(誰が、何が、など)の時は 疑問詞が文頭に来るルールと矛盾するので主語の前に助動詞は来ない Who broke the window?
a. You could not go to her party. b. You couldn't go to her party. 上記二つの意味の違いについて詳しく知りたいです ニュアンスとしては何となく分かるのですが その意味の違いをstructural dependancyを用いて説明しろなんぞと言われ困り果てています
>>773 He ate my cake. 肯定文 He did eat my cake. 疑問文・否定文造りの準備、[助動詞のdid+動詞の原形]にする Did he eat my cake? 疑問文、主語の前に助動詞を出す Did who eat my cake? 主語を疑問詞にする Who did eat my cake? 疑問詞は文の頭、didは文頭に出れない Who ate my cake? didを元に戻してateにする。 *つまり、疑問詞の前にdidを出せないので最初の形に戻るのです。 分かりましたか?
>>771 [ Indulged in (reading) to excess ], [ reading ] becomes a vice - a vice (which is) all the more dangerous for [ not being recognized as such ]. *読書に没頭する、何と豊かな心地でしょうか、悪徳ですって??この人は何を考えているのでしょうか・・・・
A. something that connects two or more things B. what is left when an animal or plant dies C. changing from one form to another D. to calculate of find an answer E. an example of a group of something F. unccovered G. to keep something in good condition for a long time H. living on land I. having empty space inside J. to break down into simpler substances after death
ofには動作主や動作対象を表したりと色々な用法があるけど、 所有に関しての比較に絞っての話でいいんだね? 指摘の通り所有属格には形式的に`s'属格と`of'属格がある。 その選択に関し、Quirk et al.は次のように述べている。 i)生物、特に人間を表す名詞は`s'属格を好み、それに対応する `of'属格では文法性の違いが見られる。 the girl's carに対する*the car of the girlは後置修飾語句を 伴わない限り容認されない。 the dog's collarに対するthe collar of the dogは容認可能性に揺れがある。 the family's carに対するthe car of the familyも同様に容認可能性に揺れがある。 ii)無生物、特に具象名詞の場合には一般に`of'属格が用いられる。 the roof of the houseに対するthe house's roofは容認可能性に揺れがある。 iii)国名などが地理的に扱われる時は`of'属格、1つの行政体として 考えられる時は`s'属格も`of'属格も可能。 the map of Chinaに対するChina's mapは容認不可能。 the economy of Chinaに対するChina's economyは容認可能。 iv)群属格とするには長すぎる時は`of'属格が選択される。 例: He is the son of the well-known politician whose death was announced the other day.
>>803 1remain B. what is left when an animal or plant dies 2decompose J. to break down into simpler substances after death 3preserveG. to keep something in good condition for a long time 4exposed F. unccovered 5transitional C. changing from one form to another 6link A. something that connects two or more things 7hollowI. having empty space inside 8work out D. to calculate of find an answer 9specimen E. an example of a group of something 10land-dwelling H. living on land
H. living on land
J. to break down into simpler substances after death
>>807 名詞が限定形容詞として働く例を見るとその機能は様々。 the city council市参事会(属格にかなり近い) a love poem恋愛詩(内容) a stone wall石塀(材料) a pillow case枕カバー(用途) a state university州立大学(設置者)
>>802 所有・所属を表す「A's B」や「A of B」や「A B」の使い分け @The roof [ of the house ] is green. 所属 A[ The house's ] roof is green. 所有 BThe [ house ] roof is green. @のhouseだけを使って修飾。修飾語を簡略し1語にするなら前に出す。 分かる〜?
> Compleat the sentences using words or phrases from the box below. You may change the form of the words or phrases. > > > ●classification ●kingdom ●organism ●adapt ●biodiversity ●natural selection > > > 1. Plants, animals and bacteria are all living (organisms). > > 2. Because plants and animals can (adapt) to new environments, they are found almost everywhere on Earth. > > 3. The (classification) of living things into groups helps scientists to study them. > > 4. Scientists put all animals together in a group called the animal (kingdom). > > 5. By the process of (natural selection), plant and animal species gradually change over the years. > > 6. Many people are concerned that the (biodiversity) of life on Earth is in danger because many natural habitats are being destroyed.
>>836 I'll give it [ to you ]. 与えよう[あなたに届くように、あなたに渡すように] I'll buy it [ for 10000 yen ] [ for you ]. 買おう[1万円と引き替えして][後であなたに渡すように] give A to B 与えるは相手を伴います、そして物が到達します。toは到達。 buy A for B 買うは品物とお金のやり取りです。品物はまだ届きません品物はこれから向かいます。forは方向。
下らない質問でごめんなさい。 mightとmayの使い方の違いを教えてください。 ホラー映画の話をしているのですが、私は苦手なので 「(そんなの見たら)オシッコ漏らしちゃうかも!」と言いたいのですが、この場合は "I might wet my pants!" と "I may wet my pants!" のどちらが正しいですか? mayの過去形がmightですが、可能性や推量で使うことに変わりないようですが…。
mightかな。研究社英和より引用 You might fail the next exam if you are [were] lazy. 怠けていると次の試験に落ちるかもよ (cf. →if A) _I might do it if I want to. したければするかもしれないのだが(実はしたくないのでしない). 引用終わり mightにストレス置いて発音する。 漏らさなかったんでしょ。
>>865 研究社和英よりコピペ かもしれない may [might] 《be, do》; perhaps; maybe; possibly 《★この順序で可能性が少なくなる》; I am afraid _…した[だった]かもしれない may have done [been]. →【用法】 【文例】_明日は雪かもしれない. It may snow [We may have snow] tomorrow.|I'm afraid we'll have snow tomorrow. _彼女は家にいないかもしれない. She may not be at home. _君のいうとおりかもしれない. Maybe [Perhaps] you are right. _本当かもしれないよ. Who knows but it may be so? _私の言い付けたことを忘れたのかもしれない. He may have forgotten my orders. _さもなかったら彼は命を落としたかもしれない. Otherwise [If he had not been more careful,] he might well have lost his life. コピペ終わり maybe オシッコちびる で良さそう。 ちびるかもしれないし、ちびらないかもしれない。
日本のなかの大阪は、「Osaka in Japan(内部 in 外部)」と、in を使って かんたんに表現できます。 しかし、大阪のある日本、大阪を含む日本、というように、「外から内部への表現」が理解できません。 自動翻訳でも「Japan in Osaka that is.」と意味不明な変換になってしまいます。 「Osaka out Japan」という英文は見たことが ありません。多分、間違っています。 調べてもわからなかったので、質問させてください。 よろしく お願い致します。
“その前日”は“the previous day”。 それならば、“その一昨日”というのは“the previous yesterday”なり “the day before the previous day” なり、表現されてもおかしくないと思うのですが、 やはり“the day before yesterday”としか表現出来ないのでしょうか。
ネットのチャットで、 it was funと皆が言い合ってる状況で、 楽しかったよという意味合いで"thanks for fun"と言ってみたら その言い方は変だ、というような嘲笑混じりの指摘を受けたのですが この言い方って何か特別なニュアンスでも含むのでしょうか? 楽しみをありがとう、というような軽い気持ちで使ったんですけど…。 その場で質問できなかったので、ここで質問させて頂きました。よければ 回答お願いします。
例えば It is his school. の his schoolの下にラインが引いてあって この部分を聞く問題文を作れっていうよくある文法問題 なんですけど 解答はなんでしょうか? ちなみに疑問文のところなんですけど。 What is it? でいいんでしょうか?日本語にすると変な感じなんですけど・・・
>>885 田中先生のイメージでわかる単語帳には次のような例文が出ています。 I'm leaving for London soon. 「出発するにあたってロンドンを目的地として指さしている。」 ある対象に「向かって」出発するから向かう方向を強調する感覚を持つ forを使う、ともいえると思います。 そもそもforを伴う動詞にforと共通する概念があるわけでも 無いような気もします。動詞というより、名詞に方向の概念を追加する 意味でforという前置詞を使うのではないでしょうか? leave to〜やgive for〜という表現もあるわけですから、「forを伴う動詞」 という考え自体に違和感があります。 また、It is important for him.のように文の中にbe動詞しかない場合は どう説明できるのでしょうか?確かにI'll buy it for 10.000yen.のように 「動作の対価として得られる」という解釈でわかりやすくなる例もあるとは思うのですが。。
>>915 その考え方は違うよ。出発に方向は無い。 目的地に向かって出発なんて普通しない。 goやflyなんかは移動の過程全体を表すから、移動の過程を表すtoをとる。 leave A to Bは主語が手放すことによってAという物がBへと移動するからto。 動詞の意味と前置詞の関連性は強く、動詞の意味をきちんと捉えれば前置詞も定まる。 It is important for him.は、be importantとhimとの関連性がforの意味を持つ。
例えば二人でいて窓から見える巨大な白い建物に対してなら What is that? とか言えそうだけど It is〜って答えてるから・・・ 仮に二人が密室で会話してて 「そう、そこに巨大な白い奇妙な建物があったんだって」 「へ〜それって何?」 「彼の学校だってさ」 みたいな感じなんじゃないかという推測なんだけど。 What is that?でもIt is〜で受けていいのかな? 中一の文法問題で聞かれたんだけどどうもよくわからんね。 詳しい方お願いします。
>>915 leaveをOALDで見ると、 1 to go away from a person or a place: [v] Come on, it’s time we left. The plane leaves for Dallas at 12.35. [vn] I hate leaving home. The plane leaves Heathrow at 12.35. 家を出るって意味だわな。 ロンドンを目的地にして家を出る時、キミは出発の動作をロンドンの方向を見極めてからするの? ロンドンはこっちだからこっちに向かって家を出なきゃ、みたいな? forは「〜に向かって」って意味じゃなくて「〜を目的地として」 方向を表すわけじゃない。
で、質問です。method Aとmethod Bのvisibilityが共にprivateだったのを publicに変更したとします。 I changed the visibility of methods A and B from private to public. であってますか?
いくつかのmethodのvisibilityを変更したとします。private -> publicと変更したのも あればpublic -> privateに変更したものもあります。この場合 I changed the visibility of several methods. ですか? それともprivateとpublicという2つのvisibilityがあるので以下のようになりますか? I changed the visibilities of several methods.
>>942 Websterのtoの欄を引用したげるよ 1 a口used as a function word to indicate movement or an action or condition suggestive of movement toward a place, person, or thing reached 移動の意味だよ
self-betrayal The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English | Date: 2008 self-be・tray・al ? n. the intentional or inadvertent revelation of the truth about one's actions or thoughts.
とあり、合ってるみたいです。で、 改めてbetrayalを見ると(英治郎にはないが) 4. to reveal or disclose in violation of confidence: to betray a secret. 5. to reveal unconsciously (something one would preferably conceal): Her nervousness betrays her insecurity. 6. to show or exhibit; reveal; disclose: an unfeeling remark that betrays his lack of concern. となってるみたいでした。m(__)m