I trust you more just listening to what you're talking about right now. I think, to somebody like that, you could tell them every secret that you have in the world.
I get up, and nothing gets me down. You got it tough. Ive seen the toughest around. And I know, baby, just how you feel. Youve got to roll with the punches to get to whats real よろしくお願いします。
hey..i was reading your comment about how you have never met your girlfriend..and i was thinking... sence her and her father dont get along why dosent she make a female friend from out of town... that way her father wouldnt know that she was seeing you and would think it is an innocent girlie outting and you can see her and be away from the father.. even if it is for only a few hours...its better than nothing..i know it seems deceving... but i understand where you are comeing from
Hi! Thanks for your interest. I had not considered it due to possible legal issues. Can you legally own firearms & accessories in Japan? I'd hate to get a customer in a jam. I'd hate to get ME in a jam! Shipping would be a little more -- UPS a LOT more -- and you might have customs duties to pay when it arrived.
Married people tend to imitate each other's health habits. Thus, when you vow to stay together "in sickness and in health," it is often the case that you will be in sickness or in health at the same time as each other. A successful health plan, therefore, would take into consideration not just you but also those closest to you.
It's clear that there's an army of cleaners and sweepers at work, such as Mariko Ishigami, a woman in her sixties who has spent the past wight months working as a cleaner for Japan Rail West.
Me and he had a go at each other....he didn't want family out with the team.... I need Sex for goodness sake! i need my wife with me!..I can't help it if that he is a sex retard.
Reporter: "Which state does KFC come from?" Passer-by: "I don' know, I really don' know" Reporter: "Okay, do you know what KFC stands for?" Passer-by: "Kentucky Fried Chicken, right?"
>>77 文の構成からいうとこんな感じ: Many of the first cars [made at the beginning of the 20th century] ran on electric batteries. [20世紀初頭に作られた]多くの車はバッテリー(電池)で動いて(走って)いた。 ’made at the beginning of the 20th century' の部分は 'cars'にかかってる。
長文なのですがお願いします。 Rather than wasting their time by posting messages on an Internet forum unrelated to the Encyclopedia, perhaps certain persons' time would be better put to use submitting error reports and corrected information to the encyclopedia? Obviously the people who nice these errors have a good enough grasp of English to help fix the problem. The original problem with Yukikaze OAV was fixed when a Japanese reader updated the listing with new information. The facility is there for them to do so. By complaining on another forum, they're a lot like people who don't vote, and then complain that they don't like the prime minister.
From far away, I feel your beating heart All alone, beneath the crystal stars I'm staring into space, what a lonely face I'll try to find my place with you
What a beautiful smile Can I stay for a while On this beautiful night We'll make everything right My beautiful love My beautiful love
Larger than the moon, my love for you Worlds collide, as heaven pulls us through The secret of the world is written in the stars I'm carrying your heart in mine
Maybe a greater thing will happen Maybe all will see Maybe our love will catch like fire As it burns through me
It was late when I woke up the next morning. I felt so fully reanimated, so rich with energy, that there was nothing at all that I could not easily get. In remembering the dream which I had had during the night, I thought that never before had I had a dream in which every detail had been so clear, so logical as this last one. よろしくお願いします。
For most of us, helth will depended not on who we are, but on how we live. The body you have at 20 depends on your genes, but the body you have at 40, 60 or 80 is the body you deserve, the body that reflects your behavior. お願いします
彼はこの映画で悪役俳優としての地位を確立した。だが憎たらしい演技の片鱗は彼のデビュー作ですでにあらわれていた。 he established the position as the villain actor by this movie.but the glimpse of his hateful acting had already revealed in his first movie.
I found the remains of Neanderthal men, including a hyoid bone just about exactly the shape and size of the one "modern man" possesses. 私は発見した、ネアンデルタール人の遺骨を、正に現代人が持っているものと同じ形や大きさをしたhyoid??な骨を含んだものを。
和訳お願いしますm(._.)mHi. This is the qmail-send program at banana2871.maido3.com. I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long.--- Below this line is a copy of the message. Received: (qmail 40913 invoked from network); 11 Mar 2007 11:32:34 +0900 Received: from unknown (HELO docomo.ne.jp) ( by banana2871.maido3.com with SMTP; 11 Mar 2007 11:32:34 +0900 Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2007 11:32:32 +0900 (JST) Subject:
Italy Life imprisonment (ergastolo in Italian) has an indeterminate length. After 10 years (8 in case of good behavior) the prisoner may be conceded permission for day work outside the prison during the day or to have the permission to spend up to 45 days a year at home. After 26 (or 21 in case of good behavior) years, she or he may be paroled. The admission to work outside the jail or to be paroled needs to be approved by a special court (Tribunale di Sorveglianza) which determines whether or not an inmate is suitable for parole. Prisoners sentenced for associations with either mafia activities or terrorism that do not cooperate with law enforcement agencies are not eligible for parole. Under any circumstance, however, the admission to parole in Italy libertà condizionata is not easy. An inmate that has received more than one life sentence has to spend a period from 6 months to 3 years in solitary confinement.
Austria Life imprisonment theoretically means imprisonment until the prisoner dies. After 15 years parole is possible, if and when it can be assumed that the inmate will not re-offend. This is subject to the discretion of a criminal court panel, and possible appeal to the high court. Alternatively, the President may grant a pardon upon motion of the Minister of Justice. Prisoners who committed a crime when below the age of 21 can be sentenced to a maximum of 20 years imprisonment.
@(お金持ちの毎日。) They live in constant terror of waking up one morning and finding there is nothing in the bank. →彼らはある朝、目が覚めて、銀行に何もないことが分かるという、 変わらない恐怖を持って生活しています。
A(金持ち達が雨が降っていることに腹を立てている状況。) It is the one discomfort that money cannot do anything about. →それはお金ではどうにもならない、ひとつの不安です。
As a little girl, I remember my grandmother saying, among other wise things, that experience proved that in every family the first generation creates, the second one maintains, and the third one squanders.
During the 19th century, when a powerful neighboring country had determined to crush the spirit of the Lithuanian by forbidding schools, books and magazines printed in the Lithuanian language, the oppressed people turned to their folk songs as a means of preserving their country's history, customs and traditions.
That single electron is very active, tending to tear strongly at other molecules in order to grasp an atom with which it can make up an electron pair again. This happens so rapidly that a radical,even if formed, does not last long and may just snatch up the atom that broke loose before it can quite get away. Nevertheless,if a radical can last long enough to wander about a bit and seize an atom from some other molecule, it is spoken of,during its brief existence, as a "free radical."
おねがいします Denmark A life sentence theoretically means until death and the prisoner is not eligible for parole, however he is entitled to a pardoning hearing after 12 years and upon motion of the minister of justice, the Danish King or Queen may grant a pardon, subject to a 5-year probationary period. Prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment serve an average of 16 years, more for cases considered to be particularly grave; for example Palle Sørensen served 33 years for a quadruple police murder. Criminals considered dangerous can be sentenced to indefinite detention, and such prisoners are kept in prison until they are no longer considered dangerous. On average they serve 9 years before being released and then they will remain on probation for 5 years. However prisoners eligible for a life sentence are usually not given indefinite detention, as it is considered a lesser sentence than life.
Finland Historically, the President of Finland has been the only person with the power to grant parole to the convicts imprisoned for life (see presidential pardon). Starting on October 1, 2006, this power has also been given to Helsinki Court of Appeal (Helsingin hovioikeus), and is effectively transferred there. After a life prisoner has been serving his or her sentence for 12 years, he/she will be considered for parole. If the parole is rejected, a new parole hearing is scheduled in 2 years. If the parole is accepted, 3 years of supervised parole follows until full parole, assuming no violations. If the convict was less than 21 years of age when they committed the crime, the first parole hearing is after 10 years served.
apan An muki-choeki is the most severe punishment available, second only to the death penalty. Consisting in life sentence with the option of parole, one given an indefinite sentence must spend at least 10 years in custody before they may have a chance at parole. But, The average location the number of years of a parolee got longer year by year, and 2005 was about 27, In addition, all the members exceed 20 years.
France Life imprisonment lasts 30 years before the sentence is reexamined by a parole commission, only if there was no initial reduction of sentence. Reduction of sentence may apply from 30 years up to a security duration (période de sureté). This duration initially lasts 18 years, but it can be set to a maximum of 22 years(article 132-23 of penal code).
United States The definition varies from one U.S. state to another. Life imprisonment often lasts until the prisoner dies, especially in cases where life imprisonment is imposed as alternative to the death penalty. It is also usual that life terms are given in sentences that are intentionally longer than how long the prisoner is expected to live, e.g. a 200-year sentence for multiple counts of murder. In contrast to that, there are also many states where a convict can be released on parole after a decade or more has passed. For example, sentences of "15 years to life" or "25 years to life" may be given; this is called an "indeterminate life sentence," while a sentence of "life without the possibility of parole" is called a "determinate life sentence." Even when a sentence specifically denies the possibility of parole, government officials may have the power to grant amnesty or reprieves, or commute a sentence to time served. Under the federal criminal code, however, with respect to offenses committed after December 1, 1987, parole has been abolished for all sentences handed down by the federal system, including life sentences, so a life sentence from a federal court will result in imprisonment for the life of the defendant, unless a pardon or reprieve is granted by the President.
Under some "three-strikes laws", a broad range of crimes, ranging from petty theft to murder, can serve the triggering crime for a mandatory or discretionary life sentence in the United States. Notably, the U.S. Supreme Court on several occasions has upheld lengthy sentences for petty theft including life with the possibility of parole and 50 years to life, stating that neither sentence conflicted with the ban on "cruel and unusual punishment" in the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Mr.Sanematsu traveled from Japan to his america company's head office in New York for a high-level meeting. He arrived a day in advance and went to the head office--his first time there--to make some last-minute prepara-tions. Unfortunately, due to the number of visitors, there were no spare rooms for him to work in. Luckily, he ran into his New York counterpart, Mr.Hart, who offered him the use of his office. While showing him in, they walked past Mr.Hart's secretary, Nancy Delgado. After making his preparations, Mr,Sanematsu only needed to make a pho-tocopy of his work. Unfortunately、Mr,Hart had stepped out while Mr,Sanematsu was working, and couldn't help him. Not knowing what else to do, he approached Nancy. Beacause she seemed busy, he didn't try to make conver-sation with her. He simply introduced himself, and told her that he needed to make a copy for the meeting the next day.
.....Well, as you can see from this picture, I have a drink in my hand and am attempting to play a track from an album or some such, this is because I like nothing better than feeling slightly intoxicated and listening to great songs which to be honest, takes me as far and far as I want to be almost in some fantasy world where life is like having a dog, it never lets you down, so if i'm on stage or playing records i'm totally happy!..
“Once I saw Nick Collison sitting in the middle, there wasn’t much I could do … I made a strong move like I was going to the hole and pulled up and took a rhythm shot. That’s what I wanted to do was take a rhythm shot and just follow through. If it goes in, it goes in. I don’t mind being the hero or the goat. My teammates have confidence in me.”
frmariam: Nope I didn't found the fm20.dll in the system32 folder. I had the comdlg32.ocx though... I tried downloading that dll before you updated your post but it didn't help... Just redownloaded it. I tried placing the file in the ripkit folder and in the system 32 folder. Now the warning I get is "System error &H8007007E (-2147024770).specified module could not be found" warning... And to think the Windows installation has just 12 days (after a full format!)... According to a quick search this has to do with SP1 installation and language packs in the system (funny because I don't have either SP1 or SP2... Plus the characters used in Portuguese are common...).
Tried TuneUp Utilities to fix errors but didn't help... Now it crashes with that stupid useless warning and message to send a report to Microsoft... Like that ever helped... But reading the report it's still about fm20.dll... Here it is if you think it may help...
danny_kay1710: Its not just about fm20.dll - i would advise although u may not like it to update to at least service pack 1, 2 would probably be best. Also the error links back to the kernel32.dll which is the reason i am saying to do the update. fm20.dll may have other dependencies which i will need to look into. The only problem is my pc has the development studio on which automatically puts everything there. I will need a bit of time to look into it Sorry for the inconvenience.
danny_kay1710: I thought that fm20.dll was part of the operating system but obviously its only part of certain ones. Sorry for adding yet more files needed for the app to work but if I didn't use that the app wud look pretty ugly lol I guarentee you lol, cos all the check boxes would have to have a solid colour background!! Anyone else have this problem let me know. Another thing if u have a lot of apps that need these files (comdlg32.ocx, fm20.dll) why not stick them in windows\system32 then u only need one copy and not one with each exe!! I know some people dont like writing to this folder but still it may save u having loads of dll's in the same folder :)
But as the population of those aged 60 and over continues to rise while the nation's birth rate keeps falling year after year, it seems that Japan will have to open its doors to foreign workers sooner or later.
おねがいします Clearing all doubts about what 'imprisonment for life' means, the Supreme Court has said such a sentence should be treated as whole of the remaining period of the convict's natural life and not 14 years or 20 years in jail.
"There is no provision either in the Indian Penal Code or in the Code of Criminal Procedure whereby life imprisonment could be treated as 14 years or 20 years without there being a formal revision by the government," a Bench comprising Justice K.G. Balakrishnan and Justice B.N. Srikrishna said.
Maintaining that the imprisonment for life was a class of punishment different from ordinary punishment which could be of two descriptions namely, 'rigorous' or 'simple', Justice Balakrishnan said, "we are of the view that imprisonment for life is to be treated as rigorous imprisonment for life".
The ruling came on a petition filed by a life convict from West Bengal contending that after undergoing more than 21 years imprisonment, his further detention was illegal and he was liable to be set free with a compensation for remaining in jail beyond the period of 14 years.
(1)[Kuwata] came out as a precaution (2)[Kuwata] hadn't seen action since (3)pitch he will, he said, but only in small doses (4)Sanchez "has done very well the last two days" while working out (5)turning a double play (6)He's still not where we want to be in going to his left
The decision for confidence to attach very much and to go to the foreign country can have been done. Uneasiness holds out to the utmost though is a lot
It looks like I may leave Japan after this contract year.I will work in my new position for the next year and then I would like to do some travelling and study Spanish in South America. I believe it is time for me to move on.I will have been here for 4 years by the time I leave and I lived her before for 2.7 years so that is a long time in Japan. I can't believe it really.
“Suicide is in itself a political act and can be aimed at a collective beginning no less than an individual end. ” (Lifton, “Death and Social Change,” 280)
Well, could you sneak a hyperlink into a credit name?
link the word ambiguous to an explanation?
I apologize if I've misunderstood some of the theories put forth by 2chers, but all the same, as far as I know it has absolutely nothing to do with Koreans or Chinese or anything along those lines. Really. I don't know whether you believe it or not, but from whatever I know, it really isn't.
Attempts to comprehend, through empirical inquiry and philosophical reflection, the likely effects of deeper, seemingly unstoppable processes of socioeconomic change on patterns of violent conflict within and across societies are not new.
At the current time, shipping is only available within the USA. If you would like to have your order billed to an international address for items shipped within the USA, please enter the appropriate billing information during the checkout process.
So long as the mind of man is what it is, it will continue to rejoice in advancing on the unknown throughout the infinite field of the universe; and the tree of knowledge will remain for ever, as it was in the beginning, a tree to be desired to make one wise.
長めですが、よろしくお願いします。 I don't know how much experience Napoleon had to back up his remark that England is a nation of shopkeepers, but I bet he never tried to buy a sweater in an English department store. On attempting to purchase one, I was met with the following response: You want a taupe sweater? What kind is that? It's a kind of brown? Here's brown(offering camel).
I am living in Bath and have gone back to University to study Law. I have spent the last 10 years acting in and around London, but in the end i had to realize that I really wasn't earning enough! and was only working in a wine shop, so I thought it was time to broaden my skill base! I am playing alot of sport, and also alot of guitar, I love it. But for teh next 2 months I will be studying hard for teh exams in May and then I have a long holiday so hopefully the thogut of that will keep me motiavted.
if you don't add in a disclaimer now (since this issue's been going on for quite some time as it is), the longer you take, the worse it will be for you guys. If you think their demands and constant complaints have been annoying, taking any longer will certainly not make it any better (that is assuming you want to do something about it.)
I love shouga but, shouga means ginger. So, I won't get married with him. I was also surprised that my mother said she loved shouga. Shouga, you are my sunshine. You are my life itself. Oh, my darlin. My shouga. I love you. I Love You!
A cool extended ED performance by the suit-donning boys of the SPS brigade. Accurate and well done, definitely a challenge given that we can see the classroom is jam packed with other suited up students. We’re particularly impressed by the really sharp chalk work up on the board; any time we try to write on one of those old fashioned boards we just end up with dusty blurry letters and dusty hackey lungs.
Welcome to all who bring to this place their love for this couple who stand before us and the gods today. Shall we begin...?
In the grand scheme of time we are all destined to find the one, the one who holds for us the other half of our hearts. Some spend lifetimes searching, while many fall to the wayside in despair But these two who stand before us have found that other half, and they wish to now, before friends, family, and the very gods, seal those halves together again.
#BRIDE#, do you come here today of your own free will? Then repeat after me....
#GROOM# I accept your love and proffer my own... Of my own free will I give you my heart. I will stand at your side to heal your wounds, whether wounded of heart or body. I will offer you the strength of my mind, my heart, and my soul. With this ring as a symbol of my faith and love, I give you myself.
#GROOM#, do you come here today of your own free will? Then repeat after me...
#BRIDE# I accept your love and proffer my own... Of my own free will I give you my heart. I will stand at your side to heal your wounds, whether wounded of heart or body. I will offer you the strength of my mind, my heart, and my soul. With this ring as a symbol of my faith and love, I give you myself.
#BRIDE#, Do you accept the love and strength of your heart-mate? #GROOM#, Do you accept the love and strength of your heart-mate?
Let all here witness the love that these two have offered to each other and witness their devotion to their other half. Let no man or beast attempt to sunder what the gods have seen fit to seal and that this man and woman have sealed with their love. With great joy I now present Lord #GROOM# and his Lady #BRIDE#
1つ1つの単語は簡単なのに訳せまへん・・・・お師匠さんがた、お知恵を貸しておくんなまし。 His firm was just going over to a system whereby office staff put in 160 hours a month arranged in any way they chose.
Prices, delivery terms and repayment terms are in the attachment. Due to laws of the American Federation export activity is carried out only in accordance with contracts.
I cannot not think deep if you know what I mean. I cannot just lean back and have fun so the only things which please me are intellectual ones like philosophical or political discussions.
命の保障が無いような感覚は、人のいろいろな行動に大きな影響を及ぼす。 ある者(One man)は、そのような状況下では食べて飲んで楽しむ事が一番だという結論に達した。 という内容のあとに Another, impressed by the brevity of existance, sees in this a reason against wasting hours so few and so precious.
>>380 別のものは、生存の短さに感銘を受けて、このことに、あまりに少なく、 あまりに貴重な時間を無駄にすることに反対する理由を見出した。 impressed by〜〜〜は分詞構文。 this=the brevity of existence so few and so preciousがhoursにかかり、seeの目的語はa reason against wasting hours so few and so precious
The order has been received and is currently being processed. You’ll receive a tracking number via email once your order has shipped. Please allow one full business day for us to send you your tracking number.
*NOTE* Depending on when orders are placed in the day, your order may not be sent out until the following business day.
Those who felt sure in the morning that too much lunch was being packed up,shold have been there to see what happened to those cakes. 学校の宿題です。わからないので教えてください
>>399 検索すると似たような文が見つかったわけだが。 208. The picnic-park was reached at last. Lunch boxes were quickly opened and the contents were not long in disappearing. Those mothers who felt sure in the morning that too much lunch was being packed up, should have been there to see what happened to those sandwiches and cakes. Every bit of food was eaten, and it was quite likely that as much more had been brought, it would have gone the same way. ttp://nbbs.naver.com/action/read.php?id=k1234kkk2_1&nid=271&work=list&st=&sw=&cp=9
The job of preserving and passing along the traditional performing arts appealed to him. Numata paints dogu-cho, the colorful drawings used to create the stage sets for Kabuki and bunraku puppet shows. Numata draws from scratch on a long, narrow piece of paper using special paint. Numata has set his heart on never compromising.
ありがとうございました。 thatについては、確かにその前に「What pleased Matsuzaka most about his day?」 という文章がありました。地の文だったので気にとめていなかったのですが、これを受けて 「苦労したけれどうまく投げられたことです」と答えていたんですね。 ところで、「What pleased Matsuzaka most about his day?」はどういう構造になっている のでしょうか? 「What was Matsuzaka pleased most 〜」であれば分かるのですが。
>>449 Difference between the person you love and like In front of the person you love, your heart beats faster. But in front of the person you like, you get happy. In front of the person you love, winter seems like spring. But in front of the person you like, winter is just beautiful winter. If you look into the eyes of the one you love,you blush. But if you look into the eyes of the one you like,you smile. In front of the person you love, you can't say everything on your mind. But in front of the person you like, you can. In front of the person you love, you tend to get shy. But in front of the person you like, you can show your own self. You can't look straight into the eyes of the one you love. But you can always smile into the eyes of the one you like. When the one you love is crying, you cry with them. But when the one you like is crying, you end up comforting. The feeling of love starts from the eye. But the feeling if like starts from the ear. So if you stop liking a person you used to like,all you need to do is cover your ears. But if you try to close your eyes, love turns into a drop of tear and remains in your heart forever ... 。。。。。だそうです
My friend told me they had had some Japanese students on a visit here in Sweden and she also told me that when they were watching a romantic comedy and some of the characters were almost naked the Japaneese students had run out of the room screaming!!! So, I was just wondering, are nakedness censured a lot in Japan? Because here it never is! It's actually quite common to see half-naked people on television! Now, I don't want you to think they send porn or something like that on TV here, because they DON'T!!! But we're not "scared" of nakedness, if you know what I mean?! I was just wondering! Please don't think we swedish people are perverts! We're not! I hope you understand what I mean and my question! I really don't want to scare you away!
I understand you have just received a letter stating you have been accepted at St.Andrew's this fall. It is with some suprise that I learn you are less than eager to join this outstanding and excellent school. よろしくお願いします。
It was once I started writing that I discovered books like C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia and Roger Zelazny's Nine Princes in Amber, and found the kind of ideal fantasy series that I strive to achieve.
japanese are fuckers. they kill koreans. they are evil. they are fucking losers. all they do is porn and be lazy all day they are retarded. stupid anime stuff too. they are so dumb. they have no right to live. 99% of japanese people are also going to hell because they all believe in weird demon stuff. so dumb. japan was discovered by korea. we should have killed all of u and made u fuckin japanese slaves that time. they are just fags.
We (The people that have signed this petition) feel very left out in your decision to make Devil May Cry 4 a Multi-Platform title, and hereby agree to boycott your sale of Capcom affiliated games. This is due to your decision to turn your back on your most faithful gaming company. For years we have enjoyed games, we have reaped the benefits of your committment to Sony. We find it absolutely demoralizing for not only the gamers, but also Sony itself. We want you to know that will not, and should not stand for your actions, and therefore withold our option of buying your product.
It had not been President Kennedy's idea to start a revolution against Cuban leader Fidel Castro. Officials in the last administration had planned it. However, most of Kennedy's advisers supported the idea. And he approved it. In public, the president said he was responsible for the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion. In private, he said, "All my life I have known better than to depend on the experts. How could I have been so stupid." VOICE ONE: John Kennedy's popularity was badly damaged by what happened in Cuba. His next months in office would be a struggle to regain the support of the people. That will be our story next week.
I just know or I don't know. If I know somethere there's an answer for me and if I don't know somethere I will consister all possibilities as equally true. Whether God exists or not but I like the concept of one highest and perfect authority people can believe in. It's good for the society to have an always neutral and non acting ultimate and completely just authority.
海外の友達に、 いま自分は携帯電話の販売のバイトをしているとメールすると my cellular phone is always without money >< I wonder if I would charge it more often if you work as saleswoman here hehe :P と返ってきました。 これはどういう意味でしょうか? ちなみに相手は英語が母国語ではないです。よろしくお願いします。
>>498 he is telling you that his mobile is always out of credit (on pay as you go account). and he wonders that if you were a salesperson of the phone company there in his country, he would recharge his pay-as-you-go more often.
Genetics builds altruism into the bee, for instance. A female sterile bee worker can't help being born that way and, without thinking about it, automatically strives to help gene-related sisters. お願いします。
Hi I read your post about looking for a drummer in Band Member Boshuu. May I ask if you guys play originals? I'm from Canada and me and my previous band played only originals that time cuz I don't quite like playing covers. I live in TOKYO, Male 23. My name is ○○. I look like Japanese, but I'm not lol. Looking forward to your reply! Thanks!
>>512 Band Member Boshuuでドラマー募集のポストみたべさ お前らオリジナル曲をやるんか? おらカナダからだでよ、そんときゃおらとおらの前のバンドはオリジナルだけだったがや。 カバーやるのはあんましすかんでな。 おら東京生まれの23歳の男で名前はOOだで。 おら日本人のように見えるだがホントは違うだで、うひゃひゃひゃ。 返事待ってるだでよ、あんがとさん。
Your reservation will be held at the hotel in the name of "Asian Trails Thailand". The hotel will be given the name(s) of the guest(s) 3 days before the check-in date. Therefore, if you contact the hotel before that time, the hotel will not be able to confirm that you have a reservation. The voucher serves as your confirmation.
If, however, you were holding an open air garden party or a fete, it would be equally possible to insure yourself in the event of bad weather. おねがいします。
名詞は、文中で主語になったり、目的語になったり、補語になったりする。 上の文の場合、when he will come backが名詞と同じ働き(この文の場合、tellの 目的語(もっと詳しく言えば、直接目的語)になっているので、名詞節と呼ばれる。
Please tell me your e-mail address. あなたのメアドを教えてください。 の文の場合、tell=動詞、me=(間接)目的語、your e-mail address=(直接)目的語 ですよね。文型で言えば、第4文型だっけ。「tell A B」で、「AにBを教える」 (=BをAに教える)と解釈する。
Please tell me when he will come back. 「彼がいつ帰ってくるかを私に教えてください。」 この文でも全く同じ解釈です。tell+A+BのBの部分がwhen he will come back に相当し、直接目的語の役割をしてます。目的語になれるのは、名詞だけです。 だから、名詞節と呼びます。
My own work life has been interesting since the start of the year. I work in the pharmaceutical industry for a company that provides sales teams to the larger companies and at the end of last year we had four teams all with contracts.At the start of this year, which is usually contract change time, the company could only provide enough business for three teams and sadly my team was the one left without business.Fortunately everyone was offered alternative postions so no-one lost their job and after a brief period of not working I am now part of a two man management team with twenty sales representatives (10 each). We will be providing woundcare products for nursing homes and elderly care wards in hospitals. I am quite excited by the prospect of doing something good instead of selling lifestyle drugs.
Yes, Vicki and I live together and have done for the last eight years, though we are unmarried. I've had to write it like that as the hyperlink kept coming up. The underscore is this one _ (though i suspect you know this!).
Mrs McGillicuddy collected her parcels and her suitcase and got out. She peered up and down the platform. Her mind reiterated its former judgement : Not enough porters. 【Such porters as there were seemed to be engaged with mail bags and luggage vans.】 Passengers nowadays seemed always expected to carry their own cases.
>>593 どういうことを聞きたいのか理解に苦しむが一応説明すると gotta は (have) got to の略で have to と同じ意味で使われる場合も ある。「〜しなければならない」とか「〜すべきだ」という意味でね。 しかし発音は違っている。gotta は ガタ(カタカナでは無理があるのは承知 しているねw)、そしてhave to というのが今、あなたが発音している「ハフタ」 のことなんだけど....こんなもんで理解できたかな?
ok, ok, so i've been cut off for ages, well now i've bitten the bullet and forked out the required cash to get my mobile back working again. Aplogies to anyone who has been trying to get hold of me, you can now hassle me as much as you like ;)
・I don't want the same as him. ・I don't want like with him. ・I don't normally speak to people though in that fashion. ・if i wanted longer hair in my friend i can not ask for it.
一つ目と二つ目は同じ意味になると思いますが、単語一つ一つの意味は 分かっていても繋げ方が分かりません。 三つ目はin that fashionが分かりません。
1) watashi ha kare no hoshii koto hoshikunai 2) eibun ha chotto chigau... imi amari nai. 3) demo watashi ha, ippanteki ni hitobito to sonna iikata wo tsukawanai (??) 4) Imi amari nai...
Sorry for romaji. Demo daitai eibun no imi yakishite ganbatta :P
Hello. I was looking through your videos and I saw that you had a wonderful performance of ○○ performing at a mall. I was wondering if you could send me these files so that I can download them. I am a huge ○○ fan and would love to have these videos to add to my collection. Thank you!
2007年03月22日 人間ロボット化技術の完成 http://alternativereport.seesaa.net/article/36582864.html >(略)人間の感情と思考を「外部から自由にコントロールする」(略) >雑誌「NATURE」179:1239-1240から ↓ http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v179/n4572/abs/1791239a0.html ↓(abstract) AN arrangement that could send out information about conditions inside a living person could supply scientific information and also become a diagnostic tool in clinical work. For this purpose one would desire a radio method that could perform under approximately physiological conditions. Accordingly, we have produced a small capsule that a person can swallow, and which contains the sensing transducer and the radio transmitter. This device has successfully operated during its passage through the gastro-intestinal tract.
Have I sent you a video yet? Me and my friends like to perform!
YOGA? HIP HOP!!! Yea I like it when a girl can dance... I wonder if Japanese guys are like that too :P BUT THAT doesn't matter, cuz you're trying to stay single haha.
Why do so many great artists commit sucide? Is it because they live lives of excess? How does art squeeze reality out into the open where it can be seen?
A clear, and very rare singing ability, with the pure power of expression, KURONEKO has a style which might be called "cradle to grave". She has great voice control. KURONEKO is a unique type of DIVA , an indispensable presence in ONMYO-ZA. Her live dancing on stage fascinates audiences. Her dance movements change depending on the style of the music. She has a reputation for expressing great emotional depth and poetic lyricism.
Of course this is all ultimately up to whether you all have the drive to add in the disclaimer now or not. If you don't want to do it now - although you can (correct me if I'm wrong here), nobody can "demand" you to or force you to do anything. So it'll just stay that way.
Baseball card collecting, a popular hobby of American elementary school boys, teaches its participants all the elememts of successful business practice. While it is of course not the only introduction to the realities of the business world, it is a traditional one for boys. よろしくお願いします。
The idea is that the mother automatically holds the baby so information about it goes to the side of the brain best adapted for interpreting and responding to the emotional input.
From the skew of nuclear particles to the amino acids in living cells to the way galaxies rotate, there is definitely a left-handed bias in the univers.
In addition to being sensitive, sometimes if I feel it is more beneficial to cry if I think about something that really upsets me I can force myself to start crying. It's 50-50 on whether it works or not, but it has come in handy before.
But at the risk of sounding preachy, for which I apologize (I don't know how to put it across very well), I hope you keep in mind that in the eyes of the Japanese watchers (and perhaps some others), this does not reflect very well on the enthusiasm of the concerned parties in a. resolving the tension between the two parties and b. being more reliable (yes, I believe putting a disclaimer helps in that regard.)
おねがいします。 Spain The maximum imprisonment term is 30 years or 40 if the charge is one of terrorism. Though a criminal may be condemned for much longer periods of time (such as 1000 years), the term for every charge is served simultaneously. Thus, the maximum time one can spend in jail is equal to the maximum 30. These things however rarely happen.
When looking for love,people may go to some extreme lengths. They might go on blind dates set up by family and friends. They might write personal ads to place in newspapers. Or they might use a computer to help them in their search for a soul mate by joining an online dating service. Some people have even tried to find their perfect match through game shows on television. Many of these TV dating shows, including The bachelor and who wants to marry a each week to find out which of the contestants will find true love.
Of all these game shows,perhaps the one with the most unexpected ending was Mr.Right, which was shown in England in 2002. On the show,a bachelor,thirty-five-year-old Lance Gerrard-wright, dated fifteen women to find the one who was his ideal partner. The host of the show was Ulrika Jonsson, an England celebrity originally from Sweden. For seven weeks on the show,Gerran-Wright took turns going on dates with each of the women, taking them to expensive restaurants and exotic locations. He even met the women's families and introduced them to his own. Then at the end of each episode, he would choose between one and three of the contestants with whom he had felt the least compatible, and say goodbye to them.
After leaving the show, Gerrard-Wright and Josson were seen dining together and attending parties around London more and more often. Finally, on May 1, 2003, Gerrard-Wright proposed to Josson on the steps of St.Paul's Gathedral. And she accepted his proposal right away, although it was a conditional acceptance. Jonsson has two children from previous relationships-an eight-year-old son, Cameron, and a two-year-old daughter,Bo. She had to make sure that they agreed to the marriage. Luckily, they did. Gerrard-Wright said, In the end the show did work for me. I grabbed an opportunity to get a girlfriend and I did. Ulrika's gorgeous.
But none of the guests at the wedding could deny the happiness in the couple's eye's as the bride and groom left the wedding ceremony with the music of Stevie Wonder playing ti the background,Seen a lot of things in this old world. When i touched them, they did nothing, girl. Ooh baby, here I am,signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours.
We have been unable to verify your Billing address for the credit card that you used on this order. Since this is your first order with our company, we ask for you to provide us some additional forms of verification.
They can be a copy of your picture identification with the credit card or a billing statement with your name & address printed clearly.
In anther sense man is, of course, himself a part of Nature. But he is also in so many ways so unique that it is convenient to speak of man and Nature, especially of man's relation to the rest of this Nature of which he is also a part.
I would really like to see the site I have had spent so much time submitting information to, to not get shot down so much due to inaction which in this specific case can be easily fixed
with only three weeks until the wedding and three months until we get our first flight to Japan -we are really getting excited yet understandably a little nervous about everything we have to achieve before we go. The Flights are booked and paid for, most of the kit we need is sat upstairs in our cupboard,and Chrissie has started working out to take her hair and beauty salon around the world. However, although the trip is really exciting,at the moment it is massively overshadowed by an even more exciting event. THE WEDDING!