talk english about whatever

so yea im in america and i wanna speak english to ppl so yea get wit tha program yall
2名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 13:41:37
You are a
3dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 13:45:33
4dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 13:46:29
wth is a NEET dude?
5名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 13:48:29
If you wanna know the meaning of NEET, you must suck my cock!!
6dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 13:50:53
nigga plz u dont even know how to use tha word cock, that shit is outta date cuh
7dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 13:52:05
cant even phrase ur shit rite, u better stop at english now cuh b4 u hurt urself lol
and yea im abbreaviating everything nip so dont even go correct my english cuh
8名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 13:52:53
9dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 13:54:16
lol thas rite g, stay at wut u do best
10名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 13:55:28
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
You are NEET who is always wanking
11dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 13:57:11
lol i feel sorry for u, sorry for a sad ass mofo like you
12dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 13:57:59
dont get blasted on this net bleezo, u mite get cummed all over u face lol
13dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 13:58:38
bet u had no clu wut i jus huh bleezo lol
14名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 13:59:35
Suck my cock!!
15dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:01:01
16名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:02:29
Suck my cock ,and my seeds bursts on the floor and screen of my PC
17dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:06:28
lol say wut...omg ur absofuckinglutely freaking hilfuckinglarious lolol
-Koolkid ^___^
18Rotona:2006/01/08(日) 14:06:36
koh NEE shi WAH
19dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:07:08
20名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:09:11



エドがかつて弟と呼んだ男  アル 
21dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:10:01
aye rotona wut did u guys do wit kevin wen he left
22Rotona:2006/01/08(日) 14:10:24
do you have a name and password? i want to go in that site. thanx
23dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:11:31
naw cuh he got seeds burstings and shit is gonna cause ur comp to crash mang
24Rotona:2006/01/08(日) 14:11:53
25dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:13:28
put up some porn sites fool
26takuya:2006/01/08(日) 14:14:53

27dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:15:55
wut form is that foo
28Rotona:2006/01/08(日) 14:16:25
hi japanese persons. i welcome you into the sun of the body.
29dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:16:39
wsup takuya dude
30kaoto:2006/01/08(日) 14:20:32
31slito mikako:2006/01/08(日) 14:21:20
32電車男:2006/01/08(日) 14:22:32
33dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:23:07
hey rotona where u at?
34Rotona:2006/01/08(日) 14:24:09
i am here sir.
35takuya:2006/01/08(日) 14:24:20
36dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:24:29
greetings gentlemen, whats on the agenda tonight
37dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:26:14
  __              へ
 i. ツ              ゝ_!
 !_l     _r' ⌒ヽ    ノ ,/
 l ゝ、  ゙T ̄了:) , ri' ' ,/
  ゙ゝ、 `)"ー、._,r:'"`  l、,/
    ヾ、     l :  i ,/
     Y    l :  l'
      !     l : ,l   , '''  ̄ `_ 、
      l、   l : l, /    ((.´ヽ'.ヽ
      /~ ニ口ニ{/      ‐   .- ヽ
     .!   ヽノ ゙!   ___'`=''__.l
      !   i  ゙! -<_______,`ゝ
       .!    i. ゙i  〈.  -=・=- -=・=-}-、
      !   i  !.  }      ,ハ   .!f/   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        i   l  !ヽ._ ノ    ,‘,,-,,',  .!ノ'  < im gonna beat the crap out of rotona
       .i  l. i   i.ヽ.   ,''-===-'; .l     \____________________
         i .l .i  /\ \;; `''';;;'''´;/
       ,..! .i !,'ニ二.`ヽ 、` ー ' {` ー- 、__
    ,. ´ l .; ..!/ニ二`、   `ヽ、、| ヽヽ {  ` ー、
   / ⌒`ヽl .;!' ー'ヽ、    ノノ ヽ、_ \V/   ヽ
  /       i .;!   . i ` ー 、 〃    `丶、/ .⌒ ヽ
. / '  ̄   ! ..;iヽ  | ヽ  `´、       `丶、  .ヽ
/ / 二 .r-} ..;!...、 .!  ヽ  ヽ` 、       ` .、⌒ヽ
 // 三 ,f`-i .!| {          ヽ  ヽ          ` ヽヽ.
 {{    fヽ二二:}         ヽ   ` 、         ヽ
 | { 〃i {ヽ.二二:}   ┌、/´| |´ヽヽl´| i´ヽ ` 、       ` }
 ヽヽ ヽ `ー '    | 、v/l.! !.i 、ヽ.| .! ! 、ヽ|ヽ ` 、    〃
38Rotona:2006/01/08(日) 14:27:12
you very funny. i can chip off the old block with you
39名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:28:46
40名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:30:42
die, Rotona...hehehe
41dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:31:20
wb turdinator
42Rotona:2006/01/08(日) 14:33:24
what is a looser? i think it you
43名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:33:38
die, dontokoi too....
44dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:33:47
rofllolollololololhahahahahahahhhhahahahahahah -_-
45名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:34:31
the looser is you motherfucka...
46dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:35:02
47名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:35:13

check out the shit spelling
48名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:36:06
may be he's just really loose
49名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:36:44
you don know nothin' man....
50名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:38:38
vince young sucks cock in hell
51名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:39:17
what a stupid guy....
52名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:41:09
yeah, ima still belong to tha street nigga
53名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:43:42
niggers, chinks, gooks

y'all can just go and fuck yo self
white power
KKK rules
54Rotona:2006/01/08(日) 14:43:46
you stupid boy, you know stupidity
55名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:46:01
56dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:46:17
lol that fool is jus jocking my words cuh
57名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:46:36
58名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:46:46
Rotona, you still alive???
59mr. trojan:2006/01/08(日) 14:47:19
wtf ? lol whose that wigger hahaha
60名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:47:43
what an idiot!!
61dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:48:24
rofl wigger.
62名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:48:25
63名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:48:31
you aint even a wigger right?
64dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:48:57
plz homie u dont even know wut we are talkin bout lol
65dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:49:34
hey 名無しさん You brianless blob of freeze dried donkey droppings.
66dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:50:05
You vomitous excuse for imitation weasel warts.
67名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:50:17
then what iz you talkin' bout
68dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:50:39
You deeply disturbed contribution of infested kangaroo vomit.
69名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:50:52
How come there aren't any Mexicans on Star Trek?

They don't work in the future, either.
70名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:51:32
who u talkin to?
there are a lot of 名無し.
71dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:51:56
You sick shovel-full of crusty parrot droppings.
72dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:53:07
You incredible bowl of rotten wookie hair.
73dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:54:01
You testy lump of sloppy donkey droppings.
74名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:54:12
75dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:54:50
im talking to you, You disdainful container of industrial-strength ear wax.
76名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:56:33
77名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:56:44
78dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:56:58
You facile contribution of freeze dried sweat socks.
79Rotona:2006/01/08(日) 14:57:30
what the yankee are you campbell's chicken noodle soup
80dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:58:23
You ridiculous accumulation of sloppy swine remains.
81dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 14:59:15
lol rotona,
82名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 14:59:18
83dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 15:00:19
名無しさん@英語勉強中, You dismal stack of sloppy naval lint.
84dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 15:00:58
oh yea, and Your a demented shovel-full of fornicating pig slop.
85dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 15:01:40
dude, Your just an incapable mass of wormy hemorrhoids
86名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 15:01:48
went fucked up??
87名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 15:02:29
88mr trojan:2006/01/08(日) 15:02:40
LOL! damn isnt that what matt lienart said about Texas, they is weak lol!
89dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 15:03:21
hahaha kendawg, fosho mang. whose starting qb nex year?
90mr trojan:2006/01/08(日) 15:04:19
I dunno but it better not be John David Booty haha. That fool will kill it.
91takuya:2006/01/08(日) 15:04:56
Letter Afternoon gays!
92名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 15:05:20
93dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 15:05:25
young said hes comin back for another year, and white bush and lienarts all leavin for the draft. usc is gonna get rocked dude
94dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 15:06:43
man hes gonna fuck it up like lienart did..bush is goin numero uno to texans and hes gonna get traded later
95mysterio619:2006/01/08(日) 15:07:40
haha...wassup gary
96Rotona:2006/01/08(日) 15:07:47
they are looser, loose the bowl
97mysterio619:2006/01/08(日) 15:09:02
I cant read all of this japanese shit man, im out
98dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 15:11:51
go make a myspace rotona
9948:2006/01/08(日) 15:12:37
is here a GAIJIN?
100dontokoi:2006/01/08(日) 15:13:38
come again?
101名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 15:23:35
ドンと来い うざいよ
102名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 21:14:21
103名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 21:32:19
Wack off alone you asshole
104名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/08(日) 22:25:22
I'm sick and tired of this weather. We got too much snow.
When am I gonna get out of the snow and go back to normal?
105& ◆/p9zsLJK2M :2006/01/09(月) 03:48:22
wack off alone you asshole
106& & ◆0KaKbxr9Z2 :2006/01/09(月) 14:29:27
名無しさん@英語勉強中 心神耗弱者よ
□ English板は、英語に関する情報交換と学問的な議論の場所です。
□ 投稿する前によく読みましょう-「2ちゃんねる初心者のためのページ」も参考にしてください。
  ・検索方法は、ブラウザの「Ctrl + F」(Windows)・「コマンド゙ + F」(Mac)。

□ お約束 (ローカルルール)

Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 42
English Monologue(英語で独り言) PART I
Hey Native speakers! Come and help us!
Debate in English (英語で討論)
Dirty Talk in English (英語で猥談)
∵Dear ☆英語で日記を書こうU☆ Diary∵

雑談しようよ!!!!!!!! Part 15
109& ◆.8p6nwW0YY :2006/01/27(金) 01:57:07
heloo looserss
110名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/27(金) 02:02:40
what's up?
111名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/27(金) 02:03:52
what's up?
Do you want to know what's up?
Is that it?
Is that all you can say?
112名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/27(金) 02:18:14
I think you are a NEET. I am the same
113 ◆N1toQkxgzc :2006/01/27(金) 02:32:46
Whats up NEETs?
114名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/27(金) 02:35:26
No Education, Employment, or Training
115名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/27(金) 02:50:56
Fuck that noise.
2ch needs an English-language board.
If they won't have one, we'll have to make one.
Starting here.
116 ◆N1toQkxgzc :2006/01/27(金) 02:52:32
I was asking what is up, how is it going, how are you, or saying hi.. not asking what a NEET was.
117名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/27(金) 02:52:50
I say many many times! I want to marry Tenkarin!
118名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/27(金) 02:53:07
Probably you misunderstand him.
119名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/27(金) 02:54:54
I can die for Tenkarin.
120名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/27(金) 03:01:59
fuck u men
121 ◆N1toQkxgzc :2006/01/27(金) 03:09:20
I wish world2ch
122名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/27(金) 03:13:49
123名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/27(金) 03:52:47
world2ch failed because it was not run by Hiroyuki.
Hiroyuki needs to create an English board on 2ch servers.
124名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/01/27(金) 14:34:38
most definetly, think of all the possibilities!! falls over and dies from excitement
si fuera un malvado hampster yo comeria sus hijos
125n00bl33t:2006/02/01(水) 19:31:37
helooo losers
126名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/02/01(水) 20:01:26

LOLZ only n00bs have a nickname anywayzzz... :P

Really すごい people are anonymous... =P
127名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/02/01(水) 20:04:20
it doesn't matter how many times you say it, you will never
marry her or even meet her. she will never know you exsist.
128名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/02/02(木) 02:09:18
chyea...ur not really sugoi
129名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/02/02(木) 02:26:37

There is not a piece though it was thought that the tissue was removed momentarily at the time of Shicoshico and die either. room..dash..difference..stumble..sperm..passage..scatter..momentarily..mother..find.
It is in every respect a sperm though makes an excuse when the calpis was done in panicking.
Thank you really.


130名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/02/08(水) 01:09:34
lol freakos always talkin about sperm. u japs are so horny
131名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/02/21(火) 19:06:21
rainbows and hightimes ninjas
132名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/20(土) 12:45:57
133名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/20(土) 16:15:20
Just before cum by myself I found no cleenex.
So I, with my skin as a temporary suck, dashed to the toilet, but
felt down by the threshold and got it over the floor
when my mother came out.
I lied that I got off a glass of milk, though it's too sticky, and smelly, too.
Thank you.
134□ お約束 (ローカルルール):2006/05/20(土) 16:40:14
□ English板は、英語に関する情報交換と学問的な議論の場所です。

□ 投稿する前によく読みましょう-「2ちゃんねる初心者のためのページ」も参考にしてください。
  ・検索方法は、ブラウザの「Ctrl + F」(Windows)・「コマンド゙ + F」(Mac)。

□ お約束 (ローカルルール)

Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 49
English Monologue(英語で独り言) PART I
Hey Native speakers! Come and help us!
Debate in English (英語で討論)
Dirty Talk in English (英語で猥談)
Verbal Battle in English (英語で口喧嘩)
∵Dear ☆英語で日記を書こうU☆ Diary∵
135□ お約束 (ローカルルール) :2006/06/01(木) 02:48:02
□ English板は、英語に関する情報交換と学問的な議論の場所です。

□ 投稿する前によく読みましょう-「2ちゃんねる初心者のためのページ」も参考にしてください。
  ・検索方法は、ブラウザの「Ctrl + F」(Windows)・「コマンド゙ + F」(Mac)。

□ お約束 (ローカルルール)

Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 51
English Monologue(英語で独り言) PART I
Hey Native speakers! Come and help us!
Debate in English (英語で討論)
Dirty Talk in English (英語で猥談)
Verbal Battle in English (英語で口喧嘩)
∵Dear ☆英語で日記を書こうU☆ Diary∵
136名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/06/01(木) 21:31:19
Write those in English :-)
137名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/07/05(水) 02:18:05
I'm lazy
138名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/07/15(土) 21:21:03
mosquito bite
139名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/09/12(火) 11:20:12

           / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄~~ /|    タカクカイマース
         /           /組 .|
        /           / り  |
      /           / ぎ    | ∩
    【◎ 】      【◎ 】/ に  /■\// / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄~| お  ( ´∀`)< いらないクソスレはありませんか〜?
 ∩/|   廃品回収    |  /■\∩  )  \
 \( |_________| ( ´∀`)///|     \__________
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 / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |    /
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 |品○_____○__品|  /
140名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/09/12(火) 11:29:04
    ,. -'´         ``ヽ、
   / .. ,.  ,,.. -ー''''''''−- ..,,,  \
  / .:.r' ::i'"Play☆,,,.......,,,,,__  `i:   ',                     /
 ,' :: : l: : :l,. :r〒~t i: :rl: l〜ーi:lrj、.l:   l                /
 i .: : :.l : :|i :!,. ;t 十l: l.l: l   |:L_ .i`i: : l             /
 l : : : :l::: :l: :i l:! __!, l:l l:!   ll,._` l.|:!:. l           /
 l : : : :l : l::l  ,.r‐t-!、 tl   rt-!、 l:l::i.. l            /
 | .: : :;,,l : :l:! / iー' l     l' l l.!i::l:: l       ,.、
 l : : :i,ヘl:: :l:l ` ヒ,__,ノ      ヒノ. 'il:: l:: l       /,,,,,,\
 l :: :: ヽ,i:: :l゙ ""    ___ '  "i : !:;,! ,.. -ー'' ll;;;;;;;;;;;;゙i゙i
 ! : : : : : l ::l      !`'  Y   /:r'´ /::/   l ヽ;;;;;;;;;;;l l
 | : : : : ,: l:::lゝ.,,    ヽ、 ' ,, イ:!i  l;;;;l p   |  l;;;;;;;;;;;l l        / 、``__  −┼┐
 l : : : : i: :ヽl : : :`T''  r:;‐''::´i: : l! .l;;;;l .leer. .l ,/;;;;;;;;;;;l l        /   |        / │
 l :: :l : :l: : : : :,.K´` t,  λi:;!: : ::li゙‐.!;=!r ...,,,__ ll;;;;;;;;;;;;;;//      /  │      /  /  
 l :l :l: : l:: : :i :!. `'' t ` ''´  lヽ;!: !'  /つヘ~t  \ '''''/
 l :l :l,:: l: : :l,l ::',   .i  (…) .l ヾ、 iλニ l     `´
 ヽl`! ;:ハ: ;:l:::i: :l   .l.  '"   l   ヽ,,..〉i⊂ニ !       \
  ゛   ,ソヽ! ;;i    l     l '´   |;;;;;l,r'         \
         !.l   .l      l   ,,ィ`ー'            \
           ,i .l   .l      !.ー''´                   \
        /  .l   .l      l
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      /    i   i     l
     /       ,!   .!      |

141名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/12/27(水) 22:51:51

2006年 冬
142poop ◆W48S2eY4nU :2007/01/29(月) 20:53:20
I like bunnies.
143名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/03/26(月) 11:09:05
        .ィ'´       `''=、
.       ,/   _,; =--=、.,,    `i、
      i´  r´      ``-、 ?
.     ,i  /´ ,__       `i   l
     l  i´,;'''¨''`‐   ,_  :|   |
    ,i  i  ヒ‐・=、i   ´,.、.._`;、|.  |
     `i . i,   ̄´ノ:  ´`'’‐` l  l  Shin Sugok
     `l l.  ノ(__/ _,ヽ、  i´),i 
     ヽ i  、‐--、..,,__ `ー j 「   Lately everywhere I complained to Japanese,
     ,;''"ヽ,  `ヾ,三_ソ'  ノ     they said, "Get out of Japan" or "Go back where you belong".
 .,,.;:''"´ll i `ヽ、     ,.ィ´      Then, "Yes I've got it. I'll take all Koreans away with me.
.ィ´    i i `;,   `ー‐ ''"/‐ 、;     And the Emperor too.", I retorted. But I think twice about it.
:      ヽゝ l、 ヽ   / i 、 ``''=、_ That guy doesn't work at all. Hahahaha.
144名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/03/26(月) 11:12:10
|BIG PAY.|     [dad]   [girl]  [mom]
|←brothel|                8888
 ̄ ̄|| ̄ ̄   ┗<`∀´>┳<`A´>┳<`∀´>┓ 三
   ||        ┏┗    ┗┗  ┏┗ 三
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
|WANTED.|                        _____
|BIG PAY.|                 [dad]    |. MANIAC |
|←brothel|                    . I .|.brothel.→|
 ̄ ̄|| ̄ ̄           三  ┏< `∀´>┛   ̄ || ̄ ̄
   ||                三 ┛3.6in┓     .||
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
           [dad]       |. MANIAC |  [grandmom]
         I    。゜・゜    |.brothel.→|    88888
         ┗<`Д´;>┓ 三    ̄ ̄|| ̄ ̄  ━<`∀´;;>┓
          ┏┗  三.        .||      ┏┗
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
〜60 years later〜                    fake Japanese
                            ChineseVietnamese residents
                      ex Korean in JPN   ↓
_______   [Asahi]  [ex girl] [NYT Onishi] [Mike Hyundai]
|←JPN GOV'T|         @@@@    (CCP support)
 ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ┗(@∀@)┳<`∀´;;>┳<`∀´> ┳( `ハ´   )┓ 三 ←Here they are now
     ||        ┏┗    ┗┗  ┏3.6in┗   ┏ ┗ 三
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
145名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/03/26(月) 11:16:04
 ____    ____ .   ____
 |Japan's |    |Roh.Moo|    |The US's|
 |fault! |∧∧ |.Hyun! |∧∧ |fault!. |∧∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 .〃 ̄ ̄∩`Д´>〃 ̄ ̄∩`Д´>〃 ̄ ̄∩`Д´> < Unanimously it is not our fault!
      ヾ.   )     ヾ.   )      ヾ.   ).  \_____________
  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
 \                                                \
   | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |
   |           IT'S YOUR FAULT COMMITTEE.          |
   |                                           |
 \|                                           |
146名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/03/28(水) 21:42:12
■Korean Residents in Japan Time Line
Introduction of zainichi Koreans' historical trail and related cases
・1865 Japan pried open closed Korea at that time.
・1894〜1895 Japan fought Japanese-Sino war to stop Qing from taking Korea for a tributary
          and from interfering in Korea, and won.
・1904〜1905 Japan fought Japanese-Russo war because Russia asked to vacate the area at
          a latitude of 39 degrees and upper north, and won.
・1909 Hirobumi Ito was assassinated by a Korean.
・1910 Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty conclusion. Since this year about one million Koreans
     had come to Japan for jobs until 1939. The treaty lasted until 1945.
・1920 Population of widely resident Koreans in Japan grew rapidly and they caused a lot of
     troubles with their neighbors. → "Travel restriction of Koreans" was implemented.
147名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/03/28(水) 21:44:04
・1939 World War II outbreak
     About 200 illegal Korean immigrants a month kept being arrested in only Fukuoka pref.
     At this point about one million Korean residents in Japan.
・1944 1944/9〜1945/3 Period of recruitment of Korean soldiers and labors under national
                 mobilization law and national recruitment low, that is so called
                 compulsive recruitment by Koreans. Very short period and amount
                 of recruited Koreans is small. This had already been applied to
                 Japanese as far as 1939.
     1944/12〜1948/8/15 "Travel restriction of Koreans" was abolished and a massive
                     amount of Koreans flooded into Japan.
・1945 World War II termination; About two million Korean residents in Japan
     Number of Koreans that had increased since 1939 was 700 thousand and they came
     personally with their own will for jobs. Rest 300 thousand were recruited for Japanese
     industries or engineering enterprises.
・1945/8〜1946/3 After the war 1.4 million Koreans who desired to go back to Korea, were
             sent back by Japanese government.
      610 thousand Koreans refused to to back and stayed with their own will.
      They were the root of current Korean residents; only 245 among them were
      recruited by government or companies.
148名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/03/31(土) 19:51:15
\We never hesitate to be given one million tons of food./
   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
   ~~・━⊂<`∀´イ >⊃-、
     //beggerノ:: //|
     |:::|/( ̄ ヽノ:::::::|::::|/|
   / ̄(__) ̄ ̄ ./| |  .|
 / 旦 /三/ /  .|__|/
 | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄│
 | ___    │
  |::::::::::::::::| shoot!
 (:::::::::::  )
149名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/02(月) 14:49:31

< #`Д´> We're kind of meant to, we're kind of made to hate Japanese people though.
< #`∀´> Yeah Japanese people I don't think I feel it same.
< #`Д´> They talk such so terribly about them.
< #`∀´> I, I, I......
< #`Д´> Like old grandmothers're like "JAPAN GO TO HELL".
< #`∀´> Their country's gonna sink to the bottom of the ocean.
< #`Д´> Yeah Japan's gonna sink to hell.
< #`∀´> It, It is, It's just for all the evil they've done. It's just not even to us but to the Filipino islands and the Chinese.
      This is so........
< ´A`>  But this is for your phone.
< #`Д´> .......come next to .......
< #`∀´> They are going to sink to the bottom of the ocean. One day I honestly believe.
< #`Д´> Japanese people're so barbaric.
< #`Д´> When they came to Korea they each thought Korea people were so advanced.
      You know why ? 'Cause Korean people had utensils to eat with. Chopsticks whatever it was a spoon.
      Japanese people were STILL EATING WITH THEIR HANDS. They didn't know.
< ´A`>  You were taught that.
< #`Д´> Japanese people're so sad. They're trying to deny their, their, their history. They don't wanna admit their history.
      They don't wanna admit their mistakes. They don't wanna admit that. You know what ? I was wrong at this.
      They wanna erase history like it never happened.
< #`∀´> Well it did.
< #`Д´> That's koreans people anger about them.
< #`∀´> And we will remember.
150名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/02(月) 14:50:26

     _,,,,,_ Get your ass over here!!
    ⊥_o_|                  ∧_∧
    (Д´ #) _∧。・゜Aigoo        ( @∀@)< Constituted authorities kidnapped girls.
      |:  ヽ,)´Д`>し           (m9Asahiつ
      |=== )   ヽ              人  Y 彡
     し`ヽ,) ヽ  _フフ ))===zzzzzz  レ' (_)
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

       Get your ass over here!!
     ∧_∧                  ∧_∧
    <Д´メ > _∧。・゜Aigoo        ( @∀@)< Whore brokers kidnapped girls.
      |  ヽ,)´Д`>し .          (m9Asahiつ ( broad coerced abduction )
      |=== )   ヽ              人  Y 彡
     し`ヽ,) ヽ  _フフ ))===zzzzzz  レ' (_)
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

    ⊥_o_|                   ∧_∧
    (Д` ;)88888 Hey boy !        (;∩Д∩< Nature of the issue is not whether
      |: ヽ,)∀´0゜> Stop by !       / ノAsaノ    or not they kidnapped girls.
      |=== )斤y斤ヽ             (_, ) )            ↑
     し`ヽ,) ヽ  _フフ ))===zzzzzz    しし'        Here they are now.
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
151名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/02(月) 14:52:07
     ,,.---v―--、_       We Japanese help each other when we have problems.
   ,.イ" | / / / /~`'''ー-、  If enemies apologize, we will forgive them because
  //~`ヾ、;;;;ソ'''''''ヾ、   ,.ヽ ヽ they have apologized. We get along by doing so.
 /:,:'       ...  ゞ 彡 彡、ノ)
 !/  ~`ー'",..- ...   〉     !( But "THAT RACE" is different from us.
i   ̄~`        !  彡  |ノ Once we apologize, they exploit our feelings
,i ,.- 、 ゝ " '" ~ ~`  ヾ ,,--、 |  and we are going to wind up apologizing forever.
/         _    ヾ"r∂|;! But they take it for granted.
ヾ` '⌒` ;::   "~ ~` 彡  r ノ/  To apologize to avoid troubles should be done
i    ノ           _,,.:'   to only Japanese, or "THAT RACE" will exploit
ヽ ノ"( 、_,..:ー'"ヽ、 : : :   ,i /    our feelings and force us,
 ヽ、 ,. :: ::  ヽ      ノ:|ラ:)`ヽ、"Give him an inch and he'll take a yard".
   ヽ、`''''"""''''" '  ,,..-'" //   \At last our Japan will be overthrown.
152名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/02(月) 14:53:03
      / /               ┃
     / / .∧∧
     ( ( /支\
     \( `ハ´ )  Faster !!!!!!
       )     ~`)
       |     / /
     f´< `Д´ >`ヽ Yes sir!
    ( /  ∩ rヽ)> )
    \| l`.-.|l|┏U━
  .  と| | ┏|||┛(_つ
 .   ━(ノ┛ |l|
.        .U
153名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/03(火) 18:59:36

< `Д´> When I do a bad thing, I say "I'm a Japanese".
 ALL   cheering and clapping
< `Д´> Always.
< `O´ > If we step on someone's foot,
 ALL   "Sumimaseng" : "Excuse me" in Japanese
< ´A` > ?????
< `∀´> It's a small patriotism, isn't it ?
< `A´ > Yeah small..............
154名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/03(火) 20:50:37
Wrong observation.
Japanese never say "sumimasen" or "excuse me" when stepping on
someone's foot, lol
155名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/04(水) 22:09:57
【 Street interview in the USA 】

( 1 )                 ( 2 )                  ( 3 )

( ・⊇・)Are you a Chinese?  ( ・⊇・)Are you a Japanese?  ( ・⊇・)Are you a Korean?

 ∧∧                 ∧∧                  ∧∧
/ 支\               / 支\          .      / 支\
(  `ハ´)「Yes」     .      (  `ハ´)「Yes」        .     (  `ハ´)「No」

..∧_∧               ∧_∧                 ∧_∧
(  ´∀`)「No」           (  ´∀`)「Yes」      .       (  ´∀`)「No」

..∧_∧               ∧_∧                 ∧_∧
<丶`Д´>「No」           <丶`Д´>「Yes」            <丶`Д´>「No」
                                        Something is strange.
                                        There's no Korean here......
156名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/05(木) 18:07:46
Though these guys say the same,
they are exact opposite in intention.

 (  ´∀`)  I will be happy to do what others don't like to do !
 (    )   
 | | |

  <丶`∀´> I will pe happy to do what ojerje don't like to do !
 / ∪ ∪  
157名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/07(土) 15:24:05
│││││┝┥Zainichisoft                   [×] |
┤│││││┝━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━| \Click !
└┤│││││┌───―┐                    ´||`| Click !
  └┤│││││.Λ_Λ  .| KOREANS SNEAKED IN.    │ Click !
    └┤││││<=( ´∀`). | UNTIL APOLOGY AND REPA- |  Click !
      └┤│││(    ) | RATION, NO ONE CAN QUIT. .|  Click !
        └┤│└────┘                    |  Click !
          └┤          [APOLOGY] [REPARATION] |   Click !
158名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/07(土) 18:46:20
┃                  ┃
┃                  ┃
┃                人┃
I got butterflies in           ,一-、   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
my stomach. ∧_,,∧         / ̄ l |   | Those who think Korea has been contributing to the world,
        < ;`∀´>        ■■-っ <      press the button !
         /    ヽ         ´∀`/    \_________________________
         | | <ヽ |      __/|Y/\.
        | |  \)    Ё|__  | /  |
        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

┃          ┏━┓  ┃
┃          ┃  ┃  ┃
┃          ┗━┛人┃
       Hwabyung!       ,一-、
         ∧,,_∧         / ̄ l |   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
      煤@ <`Д´# >          ■■-っ < No body is supposed to be thinking like that !
         /    ヽ         ´∀`/     \___________________
         | |   | |      __/|Y/\.
        l m  ヽm  .Ё|__  | /  |
     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
159名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/07(土) 18:50:09
160名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/08(日) 13:00:02
161名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/14(土) 06:50:51
Though these guys say the same,
they are exact opposite in intention.

 (  ´∀`)  I like dogs !
 (    )   
 | | |

  <丶`∀´> I like dogs !
 / ∪ ∪  
162名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/14(土) 06:52:04
Though these guys say the same,
they are exact opposite in intention.

 (  ´∀`)  Let's get together and do our best !
 (    )   
 | | |

  <丶`∀´> Let's get togejer and do our best !
 / ∪ ∪  
163名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/14(土) 06:54:40
Listen to me carefully, you Chokbali Japaneje.
        (| y |)

You don't understand the Asian mind.

   mind 心  < `д´>  亜 Asia
       \/| y |\/

When Asia and mind get togejer as one,

        < `д´> 心  亜 Asia
        (\/\/ mind


         <`д´ >
  evil 悪_/| y |

I can't read a Chineje character.

        <`д´ >   Throw thish away !
        (| y |\
             ヾ悪 evil
164名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/17(火) 06:00:46
Korean people say,“Korean women were taken away to brothels by Japanese people.
There is the evidence. (1)”
But it’s not true because they are mere advertisements saying “Wanted comfort women.
Salary of 300yen a month, and you can borrow 3000yen.”
By the way let's think about the value of yen in 1944.
A policeman’s salary was around 45 yen a month then.
A policeman’s salary is around 200,000 yen a month today.
In short the rate of price increase is 4444 times.
It’s amazing! A comfort woman’s salary was 1330,000yen in current value.
And she was allowed to borrow 13,300,000yen.
Assuming 1yen=10won, “Salary of 13,300,000won! You can borrow 133,000,000won!”
Whoever read this knows that they wanted to be hookers.
Can this be expressed as “TAKEN AWAY” ?
(1) Reference “Korean Government HP”(It has already been deleted)
165名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 16:44:43

THE FIRST  LAW In the range from an individual to a company and even a nation, who ally with Koreans will lose for certain.
THE SECOND LAW Regarding THE FIRST LAW, when Koreans go off by themselves, only Koreans will lose.
THE THIRD  LAW Regarding THE FIRST LAW, who come to be hated by Koreans should be able to avoid the law,
             where the rate of possibility you can avoid it, corresponds with the level how you are hated.
THE FORTH  LAW Regarding THE FIRST LAW, who once break off with Koreans should be able to defeat the law.
THE FIFTH  LAW Regarding THE FIRST LAW, it will not be invoked on those who do business with the unilateral approach
             against Koreans.
THE SIXTH  LAW Regarding THE THIRD and THE FORTH LAW, who once break off with Koreans should be able to expect
             rapid recovery or uptrend in all aspects including the fortune and the achievement and so on.

THE FIRST   LAW Everything invented or popular in Japan will be insisted as Korean or invented by Korean in some ten
              years or even some hundred years.
THE SECOND  LAW Those who are popular or talented in Japan are for certain insisted as Korean residents in Japan.
              However if Koreans hate one of them, the person should be able to avoid this law for sure.
THE THIRD   LAW The more Korea is featured in a Japanese TV program, the more people stop watching it.
              In other words how often Korea is on TV is in inverse proportion to popularity of a TV program.
166名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/19(木) 16:46:22
THE FORTH   LAW Those who call themselves Japanese domestically or overseas though nobody asks their nationalities,
              are not likly real Japanese.
THE FIFTH   LAW  All unfavorable events for Korea are shifted blame onto other countries.
THE SIXTH   LAW  A Korean president: policymaker, when end of the term is close, is likely to be involved in a political
              disorder and end up in misery.
THE SEVENTH LAW A Japanese in power who makes contact with Korea will be ruined within two generations.
THE EIGHTH   LAW Power of those laws tends to be strengthened drastically in every sixty years.
THE NINTH    LAW Those laws are invoked even on Koreans if they have the Japanese mind.
THE TENTH   LAW Those laws never be invoked even on Japanese if they have the Korean mind.
THE ELEVENTH LAW Those who get deeply involved to that country or get symbolic as being for sort of a poster child
              and so on, themselves become the law invokers and invoke them directly or indirectly on people who
              contact with them.
              As those kind of invokers come for us regardless of our wills, we are unable to avoid them in most cases.
THE TWELFTH LAW UN and ICJ never be affected and ruled by those laws.
THE THIRTEENTH LAW Japanese prime minister, members of the ruling coalition and their families are not ruled by those laws
                even if they lose themselves in Korea.
167名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 14:42:12
 Waehahaha                     <@;:,.;'・  ',.;・            '.,.;・∧,;∧,.;' w
   ∧_∧    Nedadadadada            ',.;・、,;''~・,;'      ',.;・ ,.;・    ,;'.;',.;' ・,.;'~
  < `∀´>     /|/i/              (>Q,;',.;ξ,.;'・   ∧w∧,.;・.i'"!    (゚- ゚i|l)`,.;' ・@つ
  ( つ≠∩ヨ==┷   ―=≡三≡=     と,.;'&O`.,;.,;  と(。 。i|と,ヽ,.;'~    と,.;'!・※`,.;'~
  ノ  ⌒ヽ     \へヽ              /,;'・'ノ~`;,    `;,?!'※ノ,.;'      |,;';:.∧,.,.,.
 (_ノ⌒(_)                      (ノ~';_)  ゛;.,   (/(ノ`;:,.と@;,:;ξ⌒O(>,;O<)つ
168名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/20(金) 17:59:50
       ,..-――-:..、    ⌒⌒
     /.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::.\      ^^
    / .::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::..ヽ
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       ::::::::::::::::::::∧_∧   Mourning for the victims,
       :::::::::  < ::;;;;;;;;:>    every one of Korean race is going to fast neda ・・・
          _..  /⌒:::;;;;;ヽ
-― ―'ー'-''―-''/ / ::;;;;;;;;:| |―'''ー'-''――'`'
 ,,  '''' .  ''''' と./ゝ_;_;_ノヽつ   、、, ''"
    ,,, ''  ,,,    ::;;;;;;;;;::: ,,  '''''  ,,,,

       ,..-――-:..、    ⌒⌒
     /.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::.\      ^^
    / .::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::..ヽ
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       :::::::::::::::::::: ∧∧  It's on a rotating basis though neda !
       :::::::::  ::〈∀´;;;>
          _..  /⌒:::;;;;;ヽ
-― ―'ー'-''―-''/ / ::;;;;;;;;:| |―'''ー'-''――'`'
 ,,  '''' .  ''''' と./ゝ_;_;_ノヽつ   、、, ''"
169名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/21(土) 10:10:13
They have not changed for more than 200 years.
       +         +     +              +             ┃
   +                Π                  Π   +      ..┃
.        ∧_∧  +.  ⊂二⊃ Waehahaha+ ∧_∧∩⊂=⊃    ..∧_∧∩
Get me that(; ´Д`)     <`∀´ヽ> rァ      ..( ´Д`)<`∀´‖>  ⊂(´∀` )/
chiken back.(つ  つ     (つ  つ' {       (つ  ノ⊂i ⊂i )x    \   )
.    +   ( ヽノ      ( ヽノ <彡}    +  ( ヽノ  ノ____ノi/  +   ( ( 〈
        し(_)      レ(_フ,i,i,'       し(_) <_<__〉       し(_)

Members of Korean embassy who stole chikens and fought townspeople
"RECORD OF KOREAN TRIBUTE EMBASSY" in the possession of Kyoto University

170名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/22(日) 18:47:39
Rain for blaming, wind for cursing
Even snow and summer heat for envying
With strong square chin, desire is neverending
Never shutting up, loudly always shouting
Four bowls of sorghum, a lot of kimchi, a bit of gochujang a day
Money minded on everything around trying not to pay
Feeling understanding with halfway experience, in a second memory disappears
In that peninsula, by the bare mountain, from small thatched shack it appears
Finding out Takeshima in east sea, it's there to thrust a flag acting big ugly
To master in west, it's there to pay respects willingly
To dying Viet Cong in south, it's there with a gun to tell not to be scared and kill them with smiling face
To brother in north with drought and famine, it's there with modesty to pass them Japanese rice
Ordering apology for drought and reparation for summer cold
All over the world, skunk zombie is what it's called
Got no praise ever
Got no respect ever
Just like that, I've already been ever

        ∧__∧   ________ 
      <丶`Д´>/ ̄/ ̄/ 
      ( 二二二つ / と) 
      |    /  /  /  
  __  |      ̄| ̄ ̄   
  \   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\  
  ||\             \
  ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|| ̄
  ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
     .||             ||
171名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/23(月) 12:21:34
        Korean Problem Solving Flowchart by a Canadian

                   Start Here
_________       / ̄ ̄ ̄\      __________
\Korea invented/      ./  Is it a  i,     ヽ    Can you    /
  \   it   /   y    |   good    |  n    \  blame an  /
   \   / <―――― .'i,  thing ? ./─┐     .\ inferior ?/
     \/            \___/  └──>  \    /
                                   /  .|
                                  /y   |
                  _________  |/  .   |
                  \  Problem  /   ̄.     |
                    \. solved /.          | n
                     \   /     .       |
                       \/    .        ヽ|/
                            / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
                            |    Did it happen    |
                            |    before 1945 ?   |
                       y  / \_________/
                        /         |
                      |/       .     | n
                       ̄           ヽ|/
            / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\   .  | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
            |It's Japan's fault !| .    | It's America's fault ! |
            \______/     .|________/
172名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 16:51:37
◇Free Diversified Aspects   Masayuki Takayama Professor, Teikyo Uiversity
Mr.Kun-Tsan Tsai, author of 'Taiwanese and Japanese spirit', was an army
special volunteer. He was in the deep mountain in Kyoto at the end of the
World War II.
He wrote the chaos from the end of the war to the end of the year when he
returned to Taiwan.
They became the "victory nation" overnight and were offered superfluity of food.
He made grilled rice balls for starved children.
He sometimes went "all the way to Kyoto station" to hand them out to children.
"At one time he saw the people handing out the naval thermal vests to children.
Then he talked to them and found they were Taiwanese volunteer as he was."
However Koreans, who had been in the force he had belonged, "in a group broke
into and robbed food and clothe warehouses."
"They were domineering to hit dispirited Japanese while saying they were the
victory nation."
Japanese prepared special trains for the victory nation.
An entire vehicle was provided for even a few passengers.
They, the victory nation, called a stationmaster or a person in charge when
they found a blunder by Japanese, then assaulted them by beating and kicking.
Sadanori Shimoyama, a director of the traveler bureau, was one of those were
gang bashed by them and he was seriously injured to the testicle explosion.
The repatriation program for this victory nation was done on the order of GHQ.
F.Roosevelt who had died four months before the end of the war left the will
saying "confine all Japanese in four islands and destroy them".
As they wanted to destroy only Japanese, unrelated people as Koreans etc. had
to be banished.
At this time all Koreans who had come to Japan by so called "requisition" were
supposed to return to there country. However in fact all of them did not return.
173名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 16:53:03
Hogyu Lim wrote how they were in those days in 'The third country poeple's
commercial code'.
"The third country people is a word that indicates Koreans in Japan during prewar
and postwar days. Most of them dreamed the success in Japan and came across the
sea during the period of confusion before and after the World War II."
Their occupations were "from what they were able to get cash such as salvage,
pachinko or so called Turkish bath etc."
Another important cash business was a crime syndicate.
The story of N.Zapetti who ruled the dark world of postwar days started selling
chewing gums is described in 'Tokyo under world'.
In this story, Japanese rejected chewing gums which were not their preference.
He tied up with a crime syndicate and made them threaten storekeepers to sell
gums. Therefore the chewing gum culture was established in Japan.
This crime syndicate was Toseikai that grew up rapidly after the war and its all
members were Koreans.
There are about 500,000 Korean residents now in Japan.
1650 among them are in prison. This number follows to that of Chinese in prison
which is 2000 among total 250,000 people.
The rate of Koreans receiving public assistance is 48 per 1000 people.
Compared with the rate of Japanese that is 12 per 1000 people, it's as much as
four times higher.
They came to Japan with success dreams but are now nothing but a trouble.
To deal with the increasing crimes by foreigners, the Ministry of Justice issues
a "residence card" in which a person's name and address etc. are written in
an IC. However, according to the report from Asahi Shimbun, "Koreans are not
included" in those "foreigners".
I receive an impression as "Ploughing the field and forgetting the seeds" from
that. Korean residents in Japan are given shameless preferential treatments that
are not given to any other foreigners.
174名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/25(水) 16:54:49
For instance, if foreigners except Koreans are arrested for prostitutions, drugs
or crimes that lead to one or more years of penal servitude, they will be
immediately exiled. But a Korean resident is an exception.
Only they are not be exiled as long as they have not commited crimes that lead to
the seven or more years of penal servitude as homicide.
They explain the reason for this is their history.
In plain words, Japan owes them because they are descendants of kidnapped people.
Thus they take this preferential treatment for granted.
However, the kidnap by army is a fabrication made up by Kyungsik Park.
They are the descendants of people who came to Japan before and after the war,
and squatted as Hogyu Lim described.
There is no reason that they are distinguished from other foreigners and receive
preferential treatment at all.
But sensible Japanese did not say anything small-minded.
I compromise only Koreans who received the penalty of seven or more years of
penal servitude must be exiled.
Then how many Koreans have been exiled since the age Toseikai was active behind
the scenes ?
We have often seen, in newspapers, Korean names following "John Doe whose real
name is".
Expecting large number of criminals have been exiled, I asked the Ministry of
Justice of the exact number.
However the answer was, "The number of exiled Koreans since soon after the war
until now is zero because the minister has never stamped for approval."
Though it's well known that Seiken Sugiura refused the signature for execution,
I didn't know any Justice Ministers had not banished Korean felons.
Isn't this the bigger security concern in Japan than to refuse an execution ?
175名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/26(木) 15:08:59
Though these guys sing the same song,
they are exact opposite in intention.

 (  ´∀`) We are the world ♪
 (    )  We are the children ♪
 | | |

  <丶`∀´> We are the world ♪
 / ∪ ∪  We are the children ♪
176名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 07:17:21
An online economic newspaper e-today reported on the 25th that single South Korean men
performed 'Naked body check' on women while they chose their brides in Vietnam and the
men's behaviors were taken up as a big issue in the locale.
According to an English version of a local newspaper "Young people" issued on that day,
some of South Korean men who had arrived at Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam met 66 young
Vietnamese women with a view to marriage in the middle of this month.
These women were introduced to men by a local marriage broker.
At this time South Korean men surprisingly performed so called roguish 'Naked body check'
on Vietnamese women. Though there were the cases local unlawful marriage brokers received
the high referral fee and set up "Group meeting for marriage" for single men from oversea
and troubles were caused, this is the first time the disgraceful behavior like this 'Naked body
check' was discovered. The Vietnamese police reportedly arrested two South Koreans on the
site in relation to the case. As such a case was reported through media, local people are
violently repulsing it and the newspapers wrote that depending on circumstances even the
damage on the national image would be concerned.
Earlier at the beginning of this month, South Korean men were arrested in Ho Chi Minh City
while choosing brides out of 118 Vietnamese women at an illegal marriage meeting, and were
sentenced to a fine. However there are still shameless people committing such a crime as usual.
Hankook Ilbo
177名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/27(金) 13:30:23
Juche Idea rampant in Japan Teachers' Union
The Juche Idea (also Juche Sasang or Chuch'e; pronounced /t?ut??e/ in Korean, approximately
"joo-cheh") is the official state ideology of North Korea and the political system based on it.
Kim Jong-il has explained that the doctrine is a component part of Kimilsungism,
after its founder Kim Il-sung.
The core principle of the Juche ideology since the 1970s has been that "man is the master of
everything and decides everything".
The official biography Kim Il Sung by Baik Bong had previously described this as saying
that the masters of the North Korean revolution are the Workers' Party of Korea and
the Korean people, who must remake themselves under the leadership of the WPK.
Juche literally means "main body" or "subject"; it has also been translated in North Korean
sources as "independent stand" and the "spirit of self-reliance".
178名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 11:44:20
Though these guys say the same,
they are exact opposite in intention.

 (  ´∀`) Once we decide to do or die,
 (    )  we can do anything !
 | | |

  <丶`∀´> Once we decide to do or die,
 / ∪ ∪   we can do anything !
179名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 16:53:28
Though these guys say the same,
they are exact opposite in intention.

 (  ´∀`) Our country used to be called the land of gold !
 (    )
 | | |

  <丶`∀´> Our country used to be called the land of gold !
 / ∪ ∪
180名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/28(土) 19:48:13
What the heck ! Again Korean dog eaters tried to sneak in.
It's hard to guess why they always try that despite the hatered
against the Japanese !

Mass smuggling of illegal immigrants:
11 Koreans on a fishing boat at the fishing port, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka City

At about 3:17AM on 28th, a sixty year old man who was near saw
suspicious people who landed from the fishing boat at Nishinoura fishing
port in Nishiura, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka City and called 110.
Fukuoka prefectural police searched around there, discovered and
detained eleven people: five men and six women, who are possibly
South Koreans and a Japanese man who was a driver to let them flee.
These eight men and women including a Japanese man were arrested on
the suspicion of violating the Immigration Control Law.
The police are investigating these people as the smuggling of illegal
immigrants. These eleven people are in their twenties to fifties according
to the west station of the Fukuoka prefectural police.
Six of them were caught in to the minivan on the road in Yokohama in
the same district. The Japanese man who was in the car is suspected
to be there to pick up other people. Remained five people were
discovered while having lurked around the fishing port.
All of them are lightly attired. Their passports of South Korea were
confirmed not to be counterfeit and some of them reportedly have the
note of South Korea. At Nishinoura fishing port, as some ten people who
seemed to be the stowaways were witnessed to land on early morning
of 18th, and the police doubts the series of cases as possible continuous
stowing away and investigating the background of the case.
【 Takeshi Kinoshita 】
Mainichi news 14:00 04/28/2007
181名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/04/29(日) 21:05:50
Though these guys say the same,
they are exact opposite in intention.

 (  ´∀`) Korean residents in Japan
 (    )  should go back to your country !
 | | |

  <丶`∀´> Korean residents in Japan
 / ∪ ∪  should go back to your country !
182名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/01(火) 09:20:28
Though these guys say the same,
they are exact opposite in intention.

 (  ´∀`) We create the history !
 (    )
 | | |

  <丶`∀´> We create the history !
 / ∪ ∪
183名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/16(水) 06:54:53
::::::::::::::::::::::   ____,;' ,;- i
::::::::::::::::::   ,;;'"  i i ・i;
:::::::::::::::  ,;'":;;,,,,,, ;!, `'''i;
:::::::::::  ,/'"   '''',,,,''''--i
:::::::::  ;/  .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,   ;i'"`i;        ./≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡|  
:::::::  i;"     ___,,,,,,,  `i"        |┌───────┐ J |||  
::::::: i;    ,,;'""" `';,,,  "`i          | | SPONSORED BY | ◎ |||  
::::::: |  ''''''i ,,,,,,,,,,  `'--''''"        .| | history creator |   ..|||  
::::::: |.    i'"   ";|              .| |    KOREA   | ||||||| |||  
::::::: |;    `-、.,;''" |             |└───────┘||||||| ||  
::::::::  i;     `'-----j             | | ̄|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | ̄||
184名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/05/16(水) 22:33:19
This is an interesting clip which shows us how human being built the civilizations.

Korean Established Ancient Civilization ?
185名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/08/15(水) 09:43:39
How hot!!!
186名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/10/05(金) 07:10:46

commmence with a barrage of plasma weaponry
187家出猫:2007/10/15(月) 17:15:58
Korean cat is fat.
It's named big fat cat.
188家出猫:2007/10/15(月) 17:20:35
Noble Korean has a neutrral position to eaping cat.
189家出猫:2007/10/15(月) 17:30:52
Do you know why Korean don't eat cat?

The answer is very simple. The taste of dog is further more cat!
190名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/11/01(木) 12:31:31
Japan is only nonwhite country that it has not been colony for white.
It goes without saying it's a main pride of Japan.
For instance, Chainese offen say that Japan is most bad country.
Or, Korean say that many japanese is a wrongdoer.
But not only they were always beaten by many other countrys, but
also they were colony by white country at old time.
Please consider, which countrys are elegant China, Korea or Japan?
Now I wanna hear this answer from every country people.
191名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/11/24(土) 09:48:27
192名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/11/24(土) 11:13:56
Japanese can't call themself American...
just because they r not white.

193名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/11/25(日) 14:46:31
Americans suck lol, hay guyz english
194名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/01/20(日) 19:43:03
nobody's here
195名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/01/20(日) 22:32:16
Talking Italian:Joke of the day

196名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/01/31(木) 09:12:22
197名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/02/09(土) 04:51:52
\(^-^)乂(^o^)ノ Uh-oh!
198名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 21:21:07
 〜/・ ・\
 (  ∀  )

   /  \
  /    \
 /      \
(      A )
〜\    ・ ・/
   ̄ ̄ ̄U ̄U
     ⊂ ・ ヽ
    ⊂ ・ △ |
   /   _|
  /   _|
〜(  _|

199名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/24(土) 20:38:57
i'm chinese, thank you for your assistance in sichuan earthquake
200名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/24(土) 20:52:13
Fuck you chinks. May another big earthquake hit the Chinks land and kill Chinks. Amen.
Eat poisoned jiaozi. Chink Free.
Free Tibet and East Turkistan.
201名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/24(土) 21:22:11
.....where're u from
202MR.NONAME:2008/06/15(日) 16:08:51
I found a good thread for writing about everything!
I am a student in a graduate school studying comparative law.
Today, I was at home all day writing my paper and reading the two
It is cloudy here in saitama city, but the wind is very present.
I am going out to buy some food and several cans of soda water later.
Though I dont drink alcohol at all at home-I can drink, but I dont
like drinking, correctly to say- I love drinking soda water
imported from usa.
I like jogging. I love running along takasaki line from omiya
to kawaguchi. At weekend, I run there, and sometimes
I run about twenty kilometers.

203名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/16(月) 01:35:22
english english english
204名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/16(月) 01:41:54
205名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/16(月) 01:58:43
Hi. can I ask you a question?
I'd like to know about comparative law that you study.
Can I explain it briefly? Anyway, I am envious of you
having much time to study.
206名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/16(月) 13:11:50
I want to be able to speak english.
I've bought a headphone to start skype.
207名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/16(月) 20:10:48
Is there anyone who is studying English in MMORPG?
208名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/16(月) 21:29:59
It is said that taking first grade of Eiken is much more difficult than
taking 900 point in toeic
is there anyone who takes it?
209MR.NONAME:2008/06/16(月) 22:05:33
Good evening. A comparative law is a study to compare foreign
laws -for example, US laws, UK laws, French laws- with Japanese
laws. I am studying in Japanese Civil Code, comparing with
foreign ones. In fact, I do not understand languages other than
Japanese and English well, I usually read books written in English
when I study comparative laws (There are not many books about
comparative laws written in Japanese).

And you are right, I am very lucky that I have a lot of
time to study. One of the professor at my university days
used to said that he should have studied more when
the had been a graduate student, because after he had got
a job, he no more could have found much time to study,
so he advised us to study more.
210名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/17(火) 01:39:27
nobody here
211名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/17(火) 21:00:33
I am studying in nova.
There are a lot of students and only a several teachers there.
So many students say these days its getting very difficult
to make reservations.
I will go to nova the day after tomorrow.
I will attend at two classes in the evening, after work.
212名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/19(木) 01:14:14
how much do you pay to nova?
213名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/19(木) 01:27:12
I don't understand what's going on here, because I'm drunk.
Forgive me for that.
I got the TOEIC score of 920 but have failed in EIKEN test of grade 1.
What do you think is the difference between the two?

214名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/19(木) 01:55:41
>212 I payed about 200,000 yen two years ago. I still have
a lot of points so I cannot quit that school.

>213 The difference I think is Eiken is the English test
for Japanese, and the TOEIC is the English for all
non-English speakers. Anyway, it is super that you
got 920 in the TOEIC. I am drunken too, but I know TOEIC 920
is a greaaaaaat score!
215名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/19(木) 18:27:52
the governor of Miyazaki prefecture is trying to make the ordinance which is called “aino-muchi jyourei”
some people say that small violence is neccesary for children to grow and this ordinance is good
others say that it may justifies teachers to beat children, so it should not be allowed to be the ordinance

do you approve of that measure or not?

216Newswatcher:2008/06/19(木) 23:48:19
I disagree to the ordinance, becaues I think violence should not
be justified or authorized by the governments if it is a small
And if a child who was beaten by an adult in accordance with
the ordinance gets seriously ill,who is to be blamed ?
In addition, the criterion in what case the children should
be punished is unclear.
And if they need an "aino-muchi jyourei" for growing children up
in good manner, they also need ordinances such as
"watching-tv-less-than-one-hour-a-day ordinance",
"eating-breakfast-every-morning ordinance", I might say.

Anyway the news which Mr. 215 wrote is a very interesting
one to read.
217名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/20(金) 00:10:50
Waddayya know?
Treating children well too much, and infringing adults' right for children
lead to ruin with that culture.
Because children don't only have reason to grow up but also avoid it!
That is a stupid way of BAKAOYA, not oyabaka.
218名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/20(金) 00:49:07
do genk a sen to i can?
219名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/20(金) 20:43:13
I admit there are a lot of BAKAOYAs in our country,
but their presence do not justify the violence to beat
children if the children behave badly.
The children need love, or ai, but dont need violence, or muchi.
Of course there are a lot of situations adults have to
punish children, but that situation shouldnt be allowed
by the guidelines. It is stupid the government decide when
and how the adult give love & punishment to their children.
220名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/20(金) 20:46:28
>219 do na i show ?
221名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/20(金) 21:25:18
Let's talk about the natural disaster these days.

I start with the news of the flood near the Mississippi River.
In huge area in Missouri, residents are suffering from the flood
now. Several days ago, the flood caused disaster in Iowa.
As the US has a big river like Mississippi, once the natural
disaster starts, it will spread to very large area.

222Diary:2008/06/21(土) 20:58:57
It started raining in the evening.
It was a very humid day today.
I stayed at home all day long.
I was watching TV and strolling near my house for one hour.

223名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/25(水) 22:18:29
I was scold by my boss today.
He noticed me that what I did is not good and that I should be more
careful by doing something. So I apologized him that I regret what
I had done and I should be more careful in doing something.

224名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/25(水) 22:24:06
Oh I didn't know there was such a thread in Englich board.
I want to practice my English both in writing and speaking,
but I don't feel the improvement at all. The speaking and writing opportunities
are as much chance as pushing shit uphill with a rubber fork. I want
some practice...cry. so I'm trying it here but mean people always
say mean things to me.
225名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/25(水) 22:34:14
hi! I also want to use English
but I can't uderstand “ pushing shit uphill with a rubber fork”
please tell me the meaning of it
226名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/25(水) 22:37:24
oh hi! I just picked it up from my cheap dictionary.
it means. チャンスが全くない-->as much chance as pushing shit
uphill with a rubber fork. Pls remember the phrase! maybe it's useful! ;)
227名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/25(水) 22:55:16
ok,I remember it
and, to be sure, it seems impossible to push shit uphill with a rubber fork!
I'd like to use this phrase some day

by the way, to enhance our English ability, we need some topics to talk
do you have anything suitable for talk?
228名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/26(木) 21:39:25
Hi, good evening. I also want to write in English to improve my
English. How about talking about the animals you like?
I have two cats at home and like cats because they are very friendly
to me.
What animals do you like and why?
229George:2008/06/26(木) 21:56:30
Good evening. I live in Hong Kong. I visited Osaka and Kyoto this Feb and I love
it very much. I want to visit again next year. Would any one tell me about which
place is worthwhile to visit in Osaka and Kyoto. Those places should be special and
only Japanese know. I mean the place not written in tourist guide.
Thank you so much.
230George:2008/06/26(木) 22:07:23
Good evening. I live in Hong Kong. I visited Osaka and Kyoto this Feb and I loved
it very much. I am going to visit again next year. Would any one suggest me some
speical places to go. I mean those places only Japanese know and will not written
in Tourist Guide. Thank you very much
231名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/26(木) 22:47:55
I also keep two cats and I like them
I like most of animals, but if you have me choose only one, I choose a cat.
indeed, cats are selfish,but I like them all the more
when it is cold, holding cats warms my body and also my heart!
now they are surely the member of my family

232名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/28(土) 09:19:04
You are right. Cats are sometimes selfish but they are warm,
in many meanings. The other day, when I hit my leg against
the wall by accident and screamed "Ouch!" they ran toward me.
And I love holding them too everytime. Of course they don't
like my hugs at summertime and struggle to get free from my arms
soon after I hold them.
One of our cats is seven years old, and the other is five.
How old are your cats?

>>229 and 230
George, I am sorry but I live in Tokyo, and I have visited Kyoto and
Osaka only a few times. Honestly, I don't know the special places
to visit which are not on the guidebooks there.
But if you have time, how about visiting Uji Byoudoin Temple
in Uji City in Kyoto? It is one of the World National Treasure,
and 25 minutes train ride by Kintetsu Nara Line from Kyoto Station.
And if you would like to go minor historical spot, I recommend
Omi Hachiman City in Shiga Prefecture. Omi Hachiman is about
30 minutes from Kyoto Station by JR Line, and it was a commercial
city in the medival time in Japan (Now it is a very rural town).
233名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/28(土) 13:24:30
your cats seems pretty!
haha, my cats also refuse my hug especially when it is hot
but in winter, one of my cats try to sleep with me on my bed
cats may dislike low temperature!

well, I was given my older one around 5 years ago, and young one around 3 years ago
their age correspond with it
now, they looks like real brother
their relationship looks good
I'm happy!

both of my cats were abandoned one, and my family brought them to my house
how did you get your cats?

234名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/28(土) 22:29:04
Yeah, cats love confortable place, temperature. They know where is the
best place to stay.
One of our cats also squeezes into my bed in wintertime. But other one
never comes, maybe he fears human beings a little. Our cats also look
like brother though one of them is a normal size and the other is very
large (but very timid).

One of the cats comes from a laundry near my house. My sister found
a notice at a community paper and got him. We got other one from
a friend of my mother, but at first, he was a stray cat. Maybe that
is the reason he never climbs into my bed.

One of our cat is black and white, and other one is a tabby cat.
What colors are your cats ?

235名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/28(土) 23:39:55
Hello, english speaker from America here. Just letting you know that that phrase is not really used at all.
I've never even heard it in my life, and it's not something you just say to anyone, because some people might get offended for some reason.
Saying it to a close friend would be fine.

Anyways most of you are doing very good with english, keep up the good work.
236名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/28(土) 23:54:45
Thank you very much for your teaching from America.
Maybe it is a dead phrase.
Our dictionaries sometimes contain old expressions.

And I am really glad that you said we are doing very good
with English.
237名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/28(土) 23:57:10
ruin everwhere...
238名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/29(日) 01:25:25
I was very surprised to read 234 because there is a lot of similarity between your cats and my ones.
older one climbs into my futon in wintertime, but younger one doesn't do at all, like your cat
one of them was stray cat and she never gets in my bed
and, my brother found another one by information board in a pet shop
(he was also stray one once)

older one is gray and younger one is brown, which is typical color
my family let them to go out of house
when I come home, they always come near to me wuth mewing
do you permit their going outside?

239名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/29(日) 02:30:03
ruin everywhere. kichigai guy ruins everywhere.
240名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/29(日) 08:22:31
When describing futility, just say,
-It's useless
-It's pointless
-There's no point
-Why bother?

I may have heard the "rubber spoon" phrase once,
but the man I was speaking to was from Tennessee.
241名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/29(日) 08:29:05
I made a Canadian Bacon Omelet for lunch, I sprinkled garlic, salt,
pepper, and Tabasco sauce on it. It was surprisingly good.

Also, I drove my sister to a friend's house, it was about 15 miles away
down in Queen Creek, not very far from Phoenix, AZ. There's a big
brush fire going on right now, west of South Mountain.
Firefighter Planes have been flying over our house all day,
4 engine and 2 engine aircraft. The smoke plume is so large that you
can see it from a hundred miles away, and confuse it for a
thundercloud at sunset.
242名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/29(日) 08:37:20
die immediately. never come back. you ruin everywhere.
because of you I have nowhere to go, dipshit. you are lower
than cockroach. you took all my precious things away. bastard.
go to hell. never come back.
243名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/29(日) 08:39:21
Stop posting
244名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/29(日) 14:47:19
Oh, your cats' histories are very similar to mine.
And your cats are just like the cats in a mystery titled
"Cat in the Dark" by Murphy I read a few months ago.
In this book, the hero is a gray cat, Joe Grey, and his
female friend is a tabby cat. I borrowed this book from
the city library. They understand human language and even
can read newspapers.

We usually have our cats inside of our house, but sometimes,
especially in summer, they open the screen doors by themselves
and go out. But as they never know how to close the screen doors,
after they go out, we find a lot of mosquitos come in the house.
That is the biggest "problem" we have about our cats.
And even if we tape on the screen doors, they sometimes go out
by tearing the screens. There are no ways to keep them inside
in summer, and as a result we sometimes see they are napping
outside. One of them, the black and white one sometimes
goes out for days, but other one, the tabby cat is so timid
that he cannot get out from the garden. He walks around for
thirty minutes or so and after that comes back to the screen
door and keep mewing sadly until we open the screen door and
bring him in.

Do your house have a cat door or do they go out through the window?

245名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/29(日) 17:13:12
my cats also don't know how to close the doors, and then mosquitos come in my house!
my mother always try to teach my cats the way of closing a door, but in vain

our family live in secound floor (our grandfather and mother live under floor), and cats can't open the front door,so
cats need our help in order to get out of my house.
after plying outside, they come home and make their arrival known to us by mewing sadly in front of the door.
my cats sometimes fight against others cats living in neighborhood at night, and sometimes get injured.
to prevent them from fight, I always run to the site on hearing their angry voices
do your cats fight outside?

246名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/01(火) 00:59:50
Oh, your cats live on the second floor! Our cats live in the ground
floor so they can go out easily by opening the screen doors or tearing
the screens.
In fact, one of our cats, black and white one sometimes fight with
other cats and get injured. But the tabby cat is too timid to fight
for other cats. He is a very big cat but is chased by the black and
white one- who is a normal size one - every day. The huge tabby cat
loves peace and always runs away when guests come to our house. He
especially fears adult men and children. And when guests comes to our
home, he is always hiding behind curtains, stiffened. We always laugh
that he is getting a "fossil" when we guests comes to our house.

On the other hand, the black and white one loves human beings, and
he always comes up to the guests, mewing. So most of our guests
think that we have only one cat. Only my family and close relatives
know there is another cat, a huge tabby cat, in our house.

Do your cats have similar characters or different ones ?
247名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/01(火) 11:09:38
I saw one drugged cat on the street. That cat is about to die by gonorrhea but
still surviving like a cockroach with a mangy look. That cat is always either
looking for Macdonald’s shit leftover or fu** with a miserable female bitch cat
who is always so lonely and sexually crock. I hope the health care center would do
something to keep those dirty cats away from us. We are living in a healthy city.
But the best thing is just to ignore those dirty cats completely as if those shitty
cats would never exist in this world. I also have to keep other healthy people away from the
cockroach cats. I'm going to have a meeting with one of the efficient American resident,
so he and I would do something for it.
248名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/01(火) 11:18:37
What is going on in this topic
249名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/01(火) 17:03:20
let's talk about that "miserable female bitch cat"

250名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/01(火) 17:03:50
im sleepy by the way
251名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/01(火) 18:19:43
please forgive cats
252名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/01(火) 20:18:48
I will be attending a debate about "environmental problems" ,of course in English.
The theme of debate is "What should Japan do ? ".

I will elaborate on it a little.
For starters , all over the world , the large amount of carbon dioxide
is increasing.
This is because there are a lot of things that cause to discharge them
all over the world , almost cars.
Now that there are a lot of cars all over the world and essential to
our life , they cannot be reduced ...

However, unless they do not be reduced , human beings would die out in
the future.

I cannot elaborate on it any more with my knowledges.....
Please think about it together.
253名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/01(火) 20:25:46
I need some help everyone!
I'm an English-speaker learning Japanese, and I have a Japanese friend.
Over the summer, she suggested to do a "homestay", where we both stay at each other's houses for about 3 days.
It sounds good and I'm looking forward to it, but I don't know what to do while she's at my house!!
I've never done something like this before... the most someone has stayed with me is one night.
I don't want her to become really bored!! Anyone got ideas?
254名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/01(火) 20:31:33
suggest to doっていう表現ないよ
IF you want to say , you should say ' suggest doing ".
255名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/01(火) 21:17:01
ぷっ。you really want people's attention. you just don't have to
annouce hereみっともね。
all you have to do is to spend those boring 3 days yawning lol
so silly bastard. ほんと、お前って終わってるわ and your English is terrible.
256名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/01(火) 21:20:03
Guess you didn't notice the "English-speaker" bit... maybe I should've put "native English speaker" to make it clearer, ね?
257252:2008/07/01(火) 21:30:22
Sorry ,,, I made a mistake...
I will correct "Unless they do not be reduced ~ to " Unless they are reduced".
This mistake is terrible . lol///
258名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/01(火) 21:36:39
what type of debate is it? academic debate or parliamentary debate?
259名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/01(火) 22:37:58
The type of debate is academic debate .
My guess is that the debate will not be discussed until profound story.
260名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/01(火) 22:51:23
I don't think you are a debater.
debater should not type something like that on this stupid thread
and academic debate requires long term research. so everybody
just go reasearch on internet or read books as many as possible.
while you are just staying in front of the computer doing shitty job everyday.

261名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/01(火) 22:57:00
I see your point.
However, I just required your opinion against environmental problem.
262名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/01(火) 23:15:15
I am deeply offended.
I am not doing a shitty job everyday.
I am unemployed and living off my parents, thank you very much!
263246:2008/07/01(火) 23:30:29
Oh, this thread is now in chaos...
Where did my friend go?
And where are the cute cats now?
264名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/01(火) 23:39:41
yeah! our cats's personality is similar to your “tabby cat”!
my cats are so timid and seem to fear human except our relatives, so when our guests come to my home, they desparately
run away from them and hide theselves somewhere.
(but they love to play outside very much!)
my older male one is bigger than my younger female one, then he sometimes acts like her brother.
when she cries loudly, he runs to her and smells her body kindly.
I'm very relieved to see the heart warming scene, although I can't see such scene these days.

by he way, your black and white one is very charming!
your guests must be happy to be able to comunicate with your friendly cat!
how have you brought up him?

265264:2008/07/01(火) 23:42:07
I'm here^^
266264:2008/07/01(火) 23:52:49
I'm sorry but I'm quite tired because of my today's hard schedule...
and I hve to go to school tomorrow.
so, I must sleep right now!
please forgive my weak mind.
I'm looking forward to seeing you again, good night! zzzZ
267名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/01(火) 23:53:51
you are alone and you live with your cats. guests
come to the sick guy's house? why? nobody whats to visit
the sick guy's house. lol
268名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/02(水) 00:19:55
Oh, welcome back.
Maybe we were writing on this thread at the same time ^▽^.

Both of our cats are male. And they look like brothers, too. Though
the black and white cat often chase after the tabby cat, they are
always good friends one another.

Our black and white cat love human beings from the first, in fact.
My mother says he loves people because he was from laundry, where
a lot of people come every day. When my sister went to the laundry
to get him, his mother and brothers went out from the laundry to see
my sister and the black and white cat off, my sister says.

The mother cat might have taught him to have close relationship to
people. Like mother, like son.
By the way, our cats always love artificial toys, but they love
chasing insects and birds. They sometimes catch insects. And the black
and white cat even caught a sparrow once. He proudly came up to us
with his prey holding in his mouth that day.
Our tabby cat is too slow in move to catch a bird, and is sometimes
teased by sparrows.

Do your cats chase insects and birds?

269名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/02(水) 00:59:39
270名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/03(木) 19:47:18
oh... black and white one's mother and brother might feel sad when he was brought to your home.
but they would be glad if they knew he lived happily now.
all I hope is his mother and brother is stil alive comfortably.

speaking of hunt, our cats often catch insect, such as flog, cicada, or something.
if they capture a insect, they bring it to a place where my family is there with holding it
in his mouth so as not to kill it, and show us his prey proudly.
they seem to boast of it.
when they bring it, I always release it.
my older one catched spallow one time long time ago, but I released it quickly and scold him severely.
after that he has not catch it.

by the way, it is admirable for cats to live in rural district, but I live in residental area, so we have to
mind not to bother neighbers.
do you live in the country or the city?

271名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/03(木) 19:48:49
× catched
○ caught
272名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/07/06(日) 08:31:43

I'm pretty sure "Pushing shit uphill with a rubber fork" is an Australian expression!
273名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/09/18(木) 16:53:05
by the way , would you take a look at my balls? what do you feel about it?
274名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/09/21(日) 11:04:47
Ok, ok, rubber forks and feces is HILARIOUS and all, but
I think a change of topic would be beneficial.
275名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/09/21(日) 11:10:27
276名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/09/21(日) 11:12:56
Yeah agreed.
Assuming that ppl here are above kindergarten level, we should talk about something more sophisticated than balls.
What about bumfuck?
277名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/09/21(日) 11:46:50
Well, it might be a good idea if most of us were gay.
I can't even imagine what it would be like. It must be painful.

Good for you. I haven't have a dream in English yet.
What was it about? Tell us about it in detail.
278名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/09/21(日) 12:03:13
C'mon dude. Did you grow up in a fundamental christian up bringing or something?
Sodomy is a sexual activity with a history longer than Japan's civilasation.
Its not only for gays. Its for everyone.
I do it with my girlfriend and she likes it better than normal sex.
Even dolphines do it! And penguins!
Get rid of your evil Christian thoughts!
279277:2008/09/21(日) 14:14:51
Yeah, I took a look at it. It was interesting to find that "sodomy" came
from the name of the town in the bible "Sodom".

Etymology is a good way to build vocabulary in my opinion.
But still, I don't even think I wanna give it a try.
For your information, I grew up in Japan.

280278:2008/09/21(日) 14:23:30
Yeah thats why these bastards hate bumfuck so much.
Coz its in the bible! Wooo your bumhole is holy.
But I mean can you believe its still ilegal in some states in America?
You get busted for putting your dick into your girlfriends ass!
Its really so much tighter tho I must say.
Dont ever forget to use lubricant!
281名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/09/22(月) 00:58:01
hello peepz
282名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/09/22(月) 01:01:09
forget the bible... in the end... its just paper
283名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/09/26(金) 17:35:12
I feel so afraid when thinking about death although im teenaegr.
 I cant imagine where I'll go after death?
284ViolentAJ:2008/09/28(日) 15:51:01
Japanese people are racist and they hate Black People.
That's OK. I am racist too. I am anti-Japanese. I am a Black Nazi
and japanese are the jews. Masuda is a faggot. Noriko is a whore.

Sieg Heil.
I began English blog.
Please come by all means.