前スレ>>989, >>991-992 --------------------------------------------------- 989 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :04/10/10 15:56:48 My point is that none of "a", "an", "the", "some", or nothing between "read" and "first" fixes the sentence.
Psychobilly Homepage The wreckingpit is home of the psychobilly homepage. Psychobilly is a mixture of punk and rockabilly. On the wreckingpit you find all the news, band info and concert info you want! ... WELCOME TO THE WRECKINGPIT! The wreckingpit is the domain of ... www.wreckingpit.com/ - 21k - 2004年10月8日 - キャッシュ - 関連ページ
The second key to being a good speaker is to follow the motto of the Boy Scouts--Be Prepared. You can prepare in any way you like. You can write your speech out, and read it word for word. よろしくお願いします。
As Pilipino clearly favors native speakers of Tagalog, some suggested that English would make a good alternative as the national language. English does not favor any one of the eight major native languages.
Thanks a lot!って意味解るよね。 a lot < a million ってところから、 凄く感謝って事。 でも普通に言うより、少しくだけた表現で、 だから、わざと真面目くさってた御清聴ありがとうって表現で 反対に非真面目さを醸し出して訳したのです。 書きことばというより、人に聞かしているセリフの感じがしたしね。
If the audience understands your main ideas at the beginning, they will follow you more easily through the body of your speech. At the end, try to summarize your most important points in slightly different words from the ones you used in your opening. どなたかお願いします。
In addition, most plastics are made of very different materials. So they cannot easily be mixed or melted together for reuse. Instead, the plastic materials first must be separated by hand. Doing so costs industries more money than it does to make new ones.
As new species of prokaryotes are discovered, we are finding that the size of prokaryotic cells varies tremendously, by as much as five orders of magnitude. Most prokaryotic cells are only 1 micrometer or less in diameter. Most eukaryotic cells are well over 10 times that size.
Residual unmodified β-CD and merely substituted β-CD monomers were not separated intentionally in order to investigate the properties of the proposed polymers as a whole instead of the high molecular weight fraction only.
As you may be aware of, some designs contain several tousand pieces of component. The program is indispensable to validate designs prior to releasing them to manufacturing, which does not accept unvalidated designs. We have to take an appropriate action against an error detected by the program, whether it is true or false. If you need our design data to duplicate and analyze the symptom previously reported, we are willing to send it to you. Thank you in advance for your attention to this problem and the solution of it.
どなたか助けてください。 He is the greatest teacher (that) this school ever had. 訳は楽勝なのですが、文法解釈に困ってます。 後ろの関係代名詞が修飾してる先行詞ってteacherのみでthe greatestははいりませんよね? 文をわけると He is the greatest teacher. This school ever had teacher. でいいんですよね? 御願いします
Don't stay serious if you don't have to. Even if you're talking on a serious subject, most audiences will welcome a good joke. Humor is most effective when it reminds the audience of their own experiences. お願いします。
1Ms. Suzuki teaches Japanese to students whose native language is not Japanese. 2On this page there are lots of words whose meanings I don't know. 3How do you like the computer that you bought last month? お願いします!!
it might not be the right time I might not be the right one
but there's something about us I want say cause there's something between us anyway
I might not be the right one it might not be the right time but there's something about us I've got to do some kind of secret I will share with you
I need you more than anything in my life I want you more than anything in my life I'll miss you more than anyone in my life I love you more than anyone in my life
May I put to you though the view Prime Minister which has been widely expressed that flexibility by the Government in dealing with this dispute now would be wisdom rather than weakness?
I have met some very friendly costa rican people. The people running the place where we were staying for a couple nights in monteverde basically gave us the run of the place..I think they felt outnumbered .. we were 6. one evening, Tina decided to have a craving for mulled wine, being a cold and wet evening (Its rainy season.. and every afternoon and evening it has usually been raining.. although the other night I slept outside on a hammock and it didnt rain.. lucky).. mulled wine not being a specialty of costarica, They had no idea what we were asking them, but asked us to come into the kitchen and show them. So we made mulled wine together and got merry' in the restaurant with the whole staff after cooking' up another few bottles.
Texes is one of only a few states without a public-defender system. In 1995 Bush vetoed a bill that would have provided for one. He prefers a system where elected judges appoint lawyers who also often happen to be contributors to the judges'campaigns.
...all the reasonable doubt in the world doesn't count without gross procedural error. And all the gross procedural error in the world doesn't count if defence attorneys don't protest early in the process. Bush insists that the system is "fair";in fact, the system is something out of Joseph Heller or Franz Kafka.
Maybe it's the casual ease with which he delivers his lines, the confident gestures he uses to punctuate a point or the way his jokes,scripted or not, seem to come to him spontaneously.
My favorite silly statement, repeated over and over again in many forms, goes like this: Research now shows that a person probably uses less than one-tenth of 1 percent of his or her brain power. This particular statement comes from an article in an airline magazine, but it often shows up in different forms, although usually claiming that we use around one-half to one-third.
>>89 Maybe it's A, B or C. 「多分それはAかBかCだろう」 という形の文で、A, B, Cはそれぞれ A: the casual ease with which he delivers his lines 「いつも分かりやすく内容を伝えるということ」 B: the confident gestures he uses to punctuate a point 「大事なところを強調するときの自身に満ちた身振り」 C: the way his jokes,scripted or not, seem to come to him spontaneously 「冗談が、原稿に書いてあるかどうかは別にして、その場で思いついたもののように見えるということ」
Freeware is free; you owe me nothing to download and use fonts so designated without limitation. Do you ever really own it? Not in the sense that you can turn around and sell the font.
>>99 the wayは後ろに文をとって「〜する仕方」のような意味になる。 his jokes, scripted or not, seem to come to him spontaneously で一つの文。主語と主動詞の間に挿入されているscripted or notは 「scriptされていようが、されていまいが」という意味。
The impressive feat requires that the initiating ribonucleotide be brought into the active site and held stably on the template while the next NTP is presented with correct geometry for the chemistry of polymerization to occur.
An impressionable, palpitating creature was Ella, shrinking humanely from detailed knowledge of her husband's trade whenever she reflected that everything he manufactured had for its purpose the destruction of life. She could only recover her equanimity by assuring herself that some, at least, of his weapons were sooner or later used for the extermination of horrid vermin and animals almost as cruel to their inferinors in species as human beings were to theirs.
I have met some very friendly costa rican people. The people running the place where we were staying for a couple nights in monteverde basically gave us the run of the place..I think they felt outnumbered .. we were 6. one evening, Tina decided to have a craving for mulled wine, being a cold and wet evening (Its rainy season.. and every afternoon and evening it has usually been raining.. although the other night I slept outside on a hammock and it didnt rain.. lucky).. mulled wine not being a specialty of costarica, They had no idea what we were asking them, but asked us to come into the kitchen and show them. So we made mulled wine together and got merry' in the restaurant with the whole staff after cooking' up another few bottles.
The terms fatty acid and long-chain acid are used interchangeably in this bok to describe any aliphatic acid , usually with a chain of ten or more carbon atoms , which occurs naturally in fats , oils , and related compounds ( lipids ) and also some other acids of closely related structure.
To hear her talk, you would think she is an American. A true friend would never say such a thing. If it were not for water, no living creature could survive.
Child needs to know what ideals are important in order to make choices that will shape his life and view of the world.
It had been years since I had worked as a waitress,bat the idea of a job that would keep me so busy I wouldn't have time to think of my heartache appealed to me.
She had never antecedently regarded this occupation of his as any objection to having him for a husband. Indeed, the necessity of getting life-leased at all cost, a cardinal virtue, which all good mothers teach, kept her from thinking of it at all till she had closed with Bob, had passed the honeymoon, and reached the reflecting stage. Then, like a person who has stumbled upon some object in the dark, she wondered what she had god; mentally walked round it, estimated it; whether it were rare or common; contained gold, silver, or lead; were a clog or a pedestal, everything to her or nothing.
The next time a mosquito bites you,just remember that you were chosen. You're special.
Prices are continually changing,generally upwards,and no sooner do we congratulate ourselves on being a bit better off than we seem to lose all we have gained because of having to pay more for everything we want.
長いんですが、意訳または要訳お願いします。 Part of active listening is determining how the speaker feels about what they are saying and whether their words match their body language and expressions. It is equally important to realize how certain terms affect us and make us react spontaneously. Perhaps the speaker is not using the words in the same manner. If you aren't sure, ask for clarification rather than construct an immediate argument.
>>144の続きです。 When you listen actively, you may worry that you won't have anything clever to say when your turn to speak comes. That can work in your favor. It allows you to express yourself based on all of the information presented and to speak naturally from your heart. Just take a deep, slow breath and allow several seconds to pass before you speak. Restake the central issue in your mind so that you don't overreact to previous comments. If nothing comes to mind, just take another deep breath untill something wells up. When any group gets used to active listening, then they'll find everyone's words have more meaning and impact.
It starts by the parade instead of The greeting to people of an area, Sport Meet Company Lecture Meeting for students, then Main Fes! contents, such as a booth and a flea market, -- it is so many! On a stage, music and performance, and of course, a guest "TAIYOZOKU" also. Please come and enjoy yourself all together!!
It starts by the parade instead of the greenting people of the area, Sport Meet Company Lecture Meeting for students. Then Main Fes! contents, such as boothes and flea markets start--they are so many! On the stage, music, performances and of course the guest "TAIYOUZOKU" will entertain you. Please come and enjoy yourself all together
Yes, it is incorrect that sentence starts with pronoun, but the original English text did not contain the subject, too. So, I correct the passage as keeping the original as possible. so let me hand over the correction. now that the japanese passage came.
As a greeting for the neighbors here, we wiil hold a festival. it starts with the parade around the town, a sports meeting for the students, a lecture for companies. Then, main fes' starts, such as boothes and flea markets and more!---they are so many. On the stage music, perfomances and of course the guest "TAIYOUZOKU" will also entertain you. Please come and enjoy yourself all together
justはあまり訳さなくていいと思います。 Howは疑問詞、Whenは接続詞、Whoは関係代名詞で意味を取って下さい。 How can I just let you walk away, just let you leave without a trace? When I stand here taking Every breath with you, you're the only one who really knew me at all.
だいたい訳してみたのですが、三行目の「Almost the opposite holds」を どう訳したらいいのか、わかりません。
Each of the ten authors discusses revolutions, and it might therefore be feared that there could be considerable overlap and repetition in what is said. Almost the opposite holds, for each author appears to have a different view of political revolutions, and to analyse the notion using different concepts.
One day,Wal-Rus was lying on his own special piece of ice.His eyes were closed. He was just thinking,”Well,Well..."And these letters were floating over his head. Suddenly E-El put her head up out of the sea."Hey,Wal,you Know what?"she said "Uh?what?"he answered slowly."I've just come back from the Southlands. It's hot there!So hot that your thoughts don't freeze." "Is that right?" "Yeah.It's true!So,even if someone looks at you and thinks to himself that you have a very big bottom, you can't read his thoughts. It's too hot for the letters to freeze." "Who says I've got a big bottom?"said Wal-Rus angly. "That's only an example! Hey,whay don't we get out of this cold place? How nice it'll be to be able to think without worrying about others. I could think anything I wanted to in the Southlands." "What kind of things did you think? "Well...the sun is green...two and two is five,things like that." "But the sun isn't great to be able to think anything you want to, and nobody knows what you're thinking." どなたかこの文お願いします!
An All-Star in every season since arriving in the U.S., Suzuki earlier this year became the first player to post at least 200 hits in each of his first four major league seasons.
An All-Star in every season since arriving in the U.S., の役割ってなんですか? Beingの省略なんでしょうか? どなたか教えてください
Considering this model in terms of a cross-section through the nucleosome, in Figure 19.5 we see that the two circumferences made by the DNA lie close to one another. さっぱり分からないのでお願いします!!!
よろしくお願いします。 Many of the world's famous buildings are being eaten away by pollution,and damage to historic monuments has been worsening at an alarming rate over the last few decades. The main cause of this damage,as shown in a number of studies,is industrial wastes which pollute the air and eventually fall on the earth when it rains. According to a recent European Union study,for example,many buildings in Manchester,England,are rapidly eroding under the impact of air pollution. The study,which examined the effects of acid rain on historic buildings all over western Europe,discovered that stone is eroding more quickly in that city than anywhere else investigated. Manchester's famous nineteenth-century town hall is a case in point. Its roof is decorated with gargoyles,sculptures representing the bodies of imaginary creatures. Rainwater carried from the roof pours out of their open mouths.
although not of course as often as the popular myth supposes are a good example of the sort of important social function that is often fulfilled by language.
I need you to call your credit card company and add the Mountainview CA address to it so that we can push the order through. Then I need you to send or call with the -800# so that we can verfiy.
Considering this model in terms of a cross-section through the nucleosome, in Figure 19.5 we see that the two circumferences made by the DNA lie close to one another. どなたかお願いします!!!
The criticism came during a meeting last week in Sapporo held by the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry and the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry to explain the government's plan to 120 representatives of consumer groups and beef producers
I have met some very friendly costa rican people. The people running the place where we were staying for a couple nights in monteverde basically gave us the run of the place..I think they felt outnumbered .. we were 6. one evening, Tina decided to have a craving for mulled wine, being a cold and wet evening (Its rainy season.. and every afternoon and evening it has usually been raining.. although the other night I slept outside on a hammock and it didnt rain.. lucky).. mulled wine not being a specialty of costarica, They had no idea what we were asking them, but asked us to come into the kitchen and show them. So we made mulled wine together and got merry' in the restaurant with the whole staff after cooking' up another few bottles.
Yet soon they grew to be grunts with a gist, and time has shown that ,add to the length of your words as you may, it is hard to beat a good grunt with a good gist.
add to the length of your words as you mayの意味と役割を教えていただきたいのですが。
Matgooki killed us tonight. Subscribe From: sanatto Oct-12 11:25 pm To: ALL Heard in an interview he likey to beaty the redsox long time. From: lmgh To: sanatto real intelligent. "g*ok" is a derogatory name for a vietnamese person not japanese. but he did kill you. sorry you have to resort to such lows. From: soulful1 To: sanatto racist piece of trash From: Johnny Mac To: sanatto Racist jerk. Like the way he killed you tonight? From: muellertektrot2 To: sanatto Wow...real f*cking classy...and you wonder why Yankee fans hate us.... From: Vinny Boombotz To: ALL Obviously you all understand when a jerk is a jerk regardless of affiliation. I applaud you all for taking a stand against an in house troll. Much as I loved the Yankees for beating big mouth Curt tonight, I cannot condone any fan's (regardless of stripe) inappropriate remarks toward a player's race or religion. You guys are definitely a class act. I wish everyone could just play like decent people who root for different teams without the hurtful garbage. Tomorrow night's game will be another classic... let's PLAY BALL!
Overseas facilities and teaching materials for instruction in the Japanese language and Japanese society should be expanded and improved. In particular, since the number of people desiring to learn Japanese has soared in recent years, the number of overseas language centers has to be increased accordingly. Second, it is necessary to facilitate the stay of foreigners in Japan by expanding Japanese language training and public counseling facilities. Volunteer efforts from Japanese should be encouraged in such community projects. Third, more foreign children should be accepted into the Japanese educational system.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is convening its Advisory Commitee on Immunization Pracices to prioritize its recommendations on who should get the flu vaccine for this season based on the new vaccine supply information.
but she taught me the most valuable lesson a writer can learn, which is to try to see--- honestly and down to its very center----- the world in which we lived.
Coffee came to be regarded as the very opposite of alcoholic drinks, stimulating mental activity and heightening perception rather than making the senses dull.
Considering this model in terms of a cross-section through the nucleosome, in Figure 19.5 we see that the two circumferences made by the DNA lie close to one another. どなたかお願いします!!!
Then the handsome gentleman burst out laughing, and showed the man how to put his trousers on . “Really, it’s quite simple when you know how!” the poor man said , filled with gratitude for the stranger’s help. “I never thought of putting them on that way!” “Well,”thought the handsome gentleman, as he went on his way, “He was certainly a bigger silly than all the rest. I don’t think it will be difficult to find another fool in these parts.”
I live in Kanagawa. I work as an Executive Administrative Advisor at the U.S Military Base there. I travel alot and am looking for a fun an exciting female who in enjoy being treated like a Queen. My career keeps me busy but I would enjoy you company. I can be you casual friend for fun. I saw you and said you were very interesting. Write me to get to know me better. Let have light and fun conversation. I often travel for meetings all over Japan area. It would be nice to meet you sometime. Let have fun!!!!
I've seen explosives experts with faces like her, like the plastic dolls they put on top of cakes. Go. Tell me again the story about your father and the bomb…
Cable ratings rise by milking the pathos in the drama created by the Zarqawi network: First comes the kidnapping report; then televised pleas from the kneeling, doomed innocents; then coverage of marches and vigils to plead for the payment of ransom; finally, in one case out of four, the delivery of dismembered bodies and gleeful claim of blame. よろしくお願いします
Because the streets were filled with a scent, the scent of couples swearing eternal love though they could never stay together. Because nothing grew anymore, not even the grass.
Note: Don't worry if your site is written in foreign languages as French, Spanish, etc. Non-English or Non-Japanese site is also completely fine to link from my site.
This is probably not a very outstanding site, but if you would like to have a link from Link Page, please email me the following (of course this is all free of charge now and from now on.) (^_^)
Your name (or nickname) e-mail address URL Brief introduction of your page: what it is and what it intends to become, etc.
Just as we saw in the bacterial case, there now follows a period of abortive initiation before the polymerase escapes the promoter and enters the elongation phase. Recall that, during abortive initiation, the polymerase synthesizes a series of short transcripts.
おねがいします。 Scientist have yet to figure out why Asians have more fat than Caucasians. But they cite a rangw of theories,including evolution,maternal nutririon or simply lack of exercise.
Another thing which some of you might be interested in knowing.. is that there are many beautiful women here. Yesterday was something so cool.. I went to see the dalai lama speak.. he happens to be here in san jose at the moment! Just to be there with him in the room.. he has such a positive energy and stance, and talks with compassion and intelligence.. something special. It is one of the highlights of my time here in costa rica.I would love to have another chance to hear him speak again. The Dalai Lama was speaking at the national childrens museum. It was a great location.. I wll explain. In case you dont know, Costa Rica is a demilataralised nation,no army no airforce or navy.. which I think is very refreshing. The building which is now the childrens museum used to be a military building and a prison. It was converted into a childrens museum as a sign of a peaceful country without violent revolutions which plagued central america at the time. Many people from other parts of central america come to live here in Costa Rica, enjoying a happy quality of life.
I live in Kanagawa. I work as an Executive Administrative Advisor at the U.S Military Base there. I travel alot and am looking for a fun an exciting female who in enjoy being treated like a Queen. My career keeps me busy but I would enjoy you company. I can be you casual friend for fun. I saw you and said you were very interesting. Write me to get to know me better. Let have light and fun conversation. I often travel for meetings all over Japan area. It would be nice to meet you sometime. Let have fun!!!!
Psychology is a social science which tries to explain human behavior. Psychologists help people with problems, such as depression. They talk with their patients and use discussion as a kind of therapy. This is sometimes successful, sometimes not. Recently, however, knowledge from medical science about chemicals in the brain is leading to new drugs which are quite effective at relieving depression. Now, instead of depressed patients spending one hour and $200 once a week to talk with a psychologist, they can buy a drug, such as Prozac, and feel better without spending time and money on therapy which may not work.
Right now, we can change your reservation of 1 single room into 1 double room, as November is a very busy period. But if there are cancellations on these dates, we can change in 1 twin room as you want. Best regards,
There's no point in downloading this album. It says its eric, jimi and santana but some cheeky gobshite made it up cos its actually da moody blues. Sorry its not my fault
The dancer must be extra vulgar and receive a public dressing down for his boorishness. Innuendo about what a predilection for dancing suggests about a man's sexual preference must be endured... and confirmed in the most cliched way possible.
The number of natural long-chain acids occurring in lipids probably exceeds 800. 「脂質における天然の長鎖酸の数はおそらく800を超える」 に続く文章です。
Most of these are rate and of limited importance and although only the more common acids are of interest for the purposes of this book , the structures of the larger number of natural acids along with a general idea of their frequency of occurrence make it possible to make generalisations about the structure of natural fatty acids.
よろしくお願いします。 In the animals sleep the whole winter through, they become very thin by spring, and may weigh only half as much when they awake as they did when they went to sleep in the fall. The reason for this is that the fat they had when hibernation began is used in place of food to keep them alive.
Utada's debut album EXODUS debuts on the Billboard 200 this week at #160. So far it has sold a total of 7120 units, with 7105 being sold this last week.
So yesterday and today I have been out and about in san jose.The best place I have learned is the univ area. I have decided that where ever I go,I'll always hunt out the university and the student haunts.Its the livliest area of the city, open late, bars and restaurants. Last night monique and I went to a theatro called le semaforo', and saw an old peruvian movie..they also have a stage production of trainspotting starting there next week.. which I will unfortunately miss.. oh well. monique will have to tell me about it later.Then tomorrow I fly to agrentina, to see my mum, and gran mum, and many other relatives.. I'll tell you more about it all later after I get there.
The leprechaun replied in a very severe tone:“ Young man,you're too young to drink beer. If you're thirsty, drink water. Why do you come here bothering me with your questions? A lazy fellow like you will never earn enough to buy beer. Why don't you go and get some work done? At this very moment, the cows have broken into the cornfield and are knocking down the stooks and eating the corn. Just look over there!”
At the end of October my contract finishes and right now we are trying to decide what to do then. I can either go back to Scandinavian Airlines again and move home to Stockholm or I can start on a new contract that I have been offered. This contract is for Vietnam Airlines and this will mean that we will move to Ho Chi Minh City, former Saigon, and it will be for at least 3 years. If I start there my family will come with me and we will all live there. When I finish here I will go to Vietnam to do some tests in the flight simulator and at the same time all of use will take some time off and visit Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh City to see if we think that we can live there for at least 3 years. There is a lot to think about and a lot of decisions to make if you are going to move the whole family to the other side of the world, amongst many things we have a house that we like very much and it has to be either rented out or sold and school for the children has to be decided upon.. Have you been to Vietnam?
The exposure of economic abuse,and the political corruption that accompanied and sanctioned it, was given a new name by Theodore Roosevelt. He called it "muckranking" after a character in Pilgrim's Progress. To correct the abuses exposed by these muckrakers the farmer called for railroad regulation,an expanding currency,and the control of selfish speculators in land and commoditise.Industrial labor organized inearnest.
In theory, researchers said, the same techniques could be used to take a cell from an adult human and use the DNA to create a genetically identical human. よろしくおねがいします
Sparky finished school,got a job,and married.As a wedding present, his parents gave him the house,andthey moved to Southern California. It was something they'd planned a long time.
When he was 27,Sparky got an important pay raise. July,a most understanding wife,didn't object when he wanted to replace his nine-year-old transmitting equipment with a more powerful set.
There's no point in downloading this album. It says its eric, jimi and santana but some cheeky gobshite made it up cos its actually da moody blues. Sorry its not my fault
On subject matter jurisdiction, the Appeals Chamber assumed that the Security Counsil had intended that the Tribunal would punish serious violations of international humanitarian law without reference to whether the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia were internal or international and concluded that both types of conflicts existed in those territories.
For the majority of the Appeals Chamber, there has been a convergence of the rules governing international conflicts and those governing internal conflicts, with the result that internal strife is now governed to a large extent by the rules and principles which had traditionally only applied to international conflicts.
Actually my girlfriend and I split up on good terms, because I don't think I'm coming back home for a while, among other things, so I won't see her for a long time. We are still good friends, but not boyfriend and girlfriend anymore. but thats ok, I think I am to young to stay with one person forever, I need to go out and find myself, and maybe another girl. And I know she will do fine also, she is very nice, so I hope she gets a good guy.
Die beruehmtesten Schimpfwoerter in Japan sind "Aho" und "Baka". Die Leute im Westen (Osaka und so weiter) sagen "Aho" und die Leute im Osten (Tokyo und so weiter) sagen "Baka". Aber das ist nicht exakt. Ein TV Produzent, Osamu Matsumoto, untersuchte die Verbreitung dieser Schimpfwoerter mit einem TV-Programm. Wir erfuhren, dass es viele Schimpfwoerter gibt, zum Beispiel, "Aho" in Kansai, "Baka" in Kyusyu und Kanto, "Dora", "Angou", "Tawaka", "Dabo", "Hurimun" und so weiter. Wir haben anfangs gedacht, dass die LEute in Kansai "Aho" sagen, und die LEute in Kanto "Baka", aber wir wissen jetzt, dass in Wahrheit alle Schimpfwoerter urspruenglich aus Kyoto kommen.
The most popular curses in Japan are "aho" and "baka." The people from the West(Osaka and so forth) say "aho" and the people from the East(Tokyo and so forth) say "baka." But this is not precise. A TV Producer, Osamu Matsumoto, did a research on the distribution of these curses in a TV program. We've found that there is a variety of curses; for example, "aho" in Kansai, "baka" in Kyusyu and Kanto, "dora", "angou", "tawaka", "dabo", "hurimun" and so forth. At start we thought that the people from Kansai say "aho" and the people from Kant "baka." But we now know that in fact all curses originally come from Kyoto.
My nona's (grans) birthday here has been a great occasion.Since I have arrived in argentina we have constantly been eating, usually meat, bbq, the great traditional of argentinian asado. Every where one goes you are invited to go for a bbq, or drinks, or some other form of stuffing your mouth.not that I'm complaining though.. the beef here is probably the best in the world. Cooked perfectly,you are left with tasty juicy meat which melts in your mouth.Other than the beef, every morning and afternoon is started with facturas or medilunas.which are little pastries or croissants.. (thats for the sugar portion of your average argentinian diet).. also, the dulce de leche(used as a spread for bread).
>>464 前置詞が二つ並ぶことはよくあるよ。 あまり自信ないけど、この場合、 disapproveが自動詞で使われてるから、(〜を)をあらわすのにofを使わないと いけなくって、したがって I disapprove of him なんで?→for having foolish idea.を受動態に するとHe is disapproved of (by me) for having foolish idea.になるね。 辞書でdisapproveをひけば説明が載ってるかも。 ごめんね、このくらいしか わからない
My father was a diplomat, so we lived in many places in the world. When I was in sixth grade, we moved to Britain from Egypt. I was put in a boarding school that seemed very strict. It was a famous prep school, and everyone was serious about studying. Gradually the poorer students came to be looked down on. By the time I got into ninth grade, I was at the bottom of the class. What was worse was that one day I fought with an older student.
He warned me to be careful when I was walking down the hall with my hands in my pockets. I got angry and hit him in the face. For that, I was suspended from school for a month. I returned to japan and stayed with my uncle in Osaka. It was at a book- store there that I found Uemura Naomi's book, Seishun wo Yama ni Kakete. "Mountain climbing?" I thought. I looked through the pages. It looked interesting, so I bought it. Never did I imagine that it was going to change my life
He warned me to be careful when I was walking down the hall with my hands in my pockets. 私が私のポケットに私の手とともにホールを歩いて来ていたとき、彼は私に慎重であるよう警告した。 I got angry and hit him in the face. 私は、怒って、彼の顔を殴った。 For that, I was suspended from school for a month. それのために、私は1ヵ月停学になった。 I returned to japan and stayed with my uncle in Osaka. 私は、漆に戻って、大阪の中に私の叔父の家に滞在した。 It was at a bookstore there that I found Uemura Naomi's book, Seishun wo Yama ni Kakete. 私がウエムラにナオミの本(Seishun wo耶麻ni Kakete)を見つけたことは、書店にそこにあった。 "Mountain climbing?" 「登山?」 I thought. 私は、考えた。 I looked through the pages. 私は、ページを通して見た。 It looked interesting, so I bought it. それは面白く見えたので、私はそれを買った。 Never did I imagine that it was going to change my life 決して、私はそれが私の人生を変えるところであると想像しなかった
Japan actually has a pretty storied history with eletronical type music stuffs, going all the way back in the day with Yellow Magic Orchestra and other super crazy fun full of many surprise names like that. It probably has something to do with their tendancy to deify technology, especially the kind that doesn't exist yet, like giant robots who dispense schoolgirl panties that try to take over the world by blowing up Neo-Tokyo III. Those zany Japanese are never tiring to watch.
The Detroit guys weren't completely oblivious to what was going on around them in New York and Chicago at the time. In fact, on many occasions, they (well, okay, it was really just Derrick May and Kevin Saunderson) tried to recreate the bumpin', soulful house grooves of their sister cities, but their tracks still came out sounding kind of sinister and mechanical. Not warm and friendly like house, but cold and impersonal......like techno! This early movement was classified as Detroit's House sound (hence: Detroit House), but it's really proto tech-house. In much the same way that dinosaurs are proto-birds. In other words: extinct long ago, and still much more interesting than anything current.
I have heard that it is very nice there and lots of things to se and do. It is also in a part of the world that we are very interested in and would like to see more of.The climate is also a major considera tion for us, we've been talking for many years about moving somewhere warmer than Sweden. We'll see what we think about it when we been there.Right now I am in Mulhouse in the southeast corner of France. My company has a series of flights from here to the Greece, Spain and the Canary islands every summer. Normally they have pilots stationed here but one of the captains have been taken ill so I am here for 6 days to take his flights.This is something I don't like at all because I prefer to stay on Tenerife where I have my apartment and all my things and my friends. It's really a nuisance to have to stay in a hotel for almost a week.
You should have some friends on whom you can depend when you need help. We must sometimes do what we don't like to do. The man said she was a professor, which proved to be a lie. すいません。お願いします。
According to his promotional material at the Sells-Floto Sideshow in 1917, Pasqual Pinon was a Mexican refugee who followed General Pershing out of the country when Pancho Villa's raiders forced his family off their farm. Pasqual's upper head allegedly could see, talk and hear, until the age of twenty, when it unexpectedly atrophied as a result of a stroke (a convenient explanation for why the head could not do any of these things when Pasqual was exhibited). His health also began to decline at this point, leading to his retirement. A craniopagus parasite like this would be upside-down against the host's head, as with the legendary Two-Headed Boy of Bengal (or, more recently, Rebeca Martinez of the Dominican Republic). Some have speculated that Pasqual actually had a large tumor growing from his forehead, and the extra face was a make-up trick, much like Bill Durks' third eye, but more likely, he was outfitted with a well-made fake head. Nevertheless, Pinon, who was really a poor laborer from Texas, travelled successfully for three years.
Growing in intensity, the section culminates with haunting "trumpet calls" alternated between trumpets and horns followed by four hammered articulations of a tone cluster. 和訳お願いします。
Thus writes Renee Green, the African American artist. She reflects on the need to understand cultural difference as the production of minority identities that 'sprit'- are estranged unto themselves - in the act of being articulated into a collective body :
Multiculturalism doesn't reflect the complexity of the situation as I face it daily,,,, it requires a person to step out side of him/herself to actually see what he/she is doing. I don't want to condemn well-meaning people and say (like those T-shirts you can buy on the street) ' It's a black thing, you wouldn't understand .' To me that's essentialising blackness.
Political empowerment , and the enlargement of the multiculturalist cause, come from posing questions of solidarity and community from the interstitial perspective. Social differences are not simply given to the sighns of the emergence of community envisaged as a project- at once a vision and construction - that takes you 'beyond' yourself in order to return , in a spirit of revision and reconstruction, to the political conditions of the present :
Even then, it's still a struggle for power between various groups within ethnic groups about what's being said and who's saying what, who's representing who? What is a community anyway? What is a black community? What is a Latino community? I have trouble with thinking of all these things as monolithic fixed categories.
すみません、よろしくお願いします。 I have all but the jacket in 18-24, I do have it in 12-18, and the essential pants in both sizes and colors but I do have the ribbed core pant with applique that would go with the dresses. We do not have a fax but most people send their credit card numbers in 2 emails.
>>487 デトロイトの奴らは同時期にニューヨークやシカゴの奴らの間で何が流行ってるかに対し て全くの無頓着という訳ではなかった。事実多くの場合、彼等(とは言っても、実際は Derrick May と Kevin Saundersonだけだが)は姉妹都市のアゲアゲでファンキーなハウ スビートを真似ようとしたが、彼らの曲はどこか不気味で機械的な雰囲気の音を出すだけ だった。ハウスの様に想いのこもった馴染みやすいものではなく、冷たく感情のない・・ ・そう、テクノの様に。この初期の変遷はデトロイトのハウス音楽(それで Detroit House と呼ばれる)に分類されたが、それはまさに tech-house の始まりである。恐竜が 鳥類の原型であるのと全く同じことである。つまり、絶滅したのは昔だが、今でも現存す る何よりも興味深い。
Ok, so my nona's birthday. In case any of you dont know yet, she just turned 90 this past sunday, which makes her at this moment 90 years and 3 days old.To celebrate, it was made into a family reunion.. my uncle from italy,my uncle and my mum from australia , as well as my cousin steven from sydney,and of course me. We had the party in a hall.. and it was a moving moment to see my nona flanked by her 4 children, a dozen grandchildren, and then a dozen or so great gc..I cant keep track of them all. It makes me sad to know that I dont really know my family here as well as I would like. Most south american people are very passionate about family.. and my family here is no different.. I also know a lot clearer now where my mums passionate and sometimes firey' blood comes from, as well as my own emotional streaks(Maybe I keep them to myself more though?).Coming here for my nonas birthday makes me realise the value of such a trip as I'm taking My mum was together for the first time with her sister and her 2 brothers in about 30 years!
Anyone who makes it to 90.. is an extraudinary person. The 70 odd people in the room were all there mostly as a result of my nona.. and I am so glad I was a part of it. Living in australia it's not so easy to be a part of this family.There was lots of food, drinks, music.. and of course tears. My uncle said my nona was strong and didnt shed a tear.. but everyone else did. everyone has told me that in the past several months my nona has seemed to grow stronger.. supposedly in anticipation of this gathering and celebration.
The interaction between the TBP and DNA involves only a limited number of hydrogen bonds brtween the protein and the edges of the base pairs in the minor groove. Instead, much of the specificity is imposed by two pairs of phenylalanine side chains that intercalate between the base pairs at either end of the recognition sequence and drive the strong bend in the DNA. Thus, A:T base pairs are favored because they are more readily distorted to allow the initial opening of the minor groove. There are also extensive interactions between the phosphate backbone and basic residues in the βsheet, adding to the overall binding energy of the interaction.
I think, you know, one of the first really waking up experiences for me was really seeing that I couldn’t just be here the way I was in other places, in the United States or in Europe, I would say, or in the West. And that there was really a different way of doing things and that…and if I wanted to build relationships and have friendships and expand my world, really, in Japan I had to really leave my own little box. I didn’t think of it as a little box at the time…of being an American who dose things in one way and thinks in one way and that’s the only way.
これ訳して!!!! I'm here waiting to see Who Laughs to the Last BTW. I suggest the board admin find someone knew Japanese check out those screen names, if there was any offesive meaning. There was a poster with an offensive screen name being banned at FSU. Looks like Perl Harbour again or World War II.
I’ll give you one example. As Americans, we very often talk about, you know, speaking straight, or you know, giving it to people straight and being honest and saying what you think. And I remember very early in my experience here in Shimizu I was talking to someone in English whom I knew and just speaking as I would normally with some American friend and being honest. And I literally saw in her reaction, I mean, it was well masked because she is Japanese, but at the same time, I realized that I had stopped over a line. I had gone too far in a way.
I hadn’t been rude or offensive but even honesty can be self-serving, you know. And so, think of that as some absolute value that is only every right, I think, was wrong.
One time, the two of us were in Japan and he took me for a hot oil bath. Flair had it all set up. He's standing there, smiling, and I'm going, "Ric, what the hell is this girl doing?" And he goes, "Relax, Hebnar, relax. Have a good time." And when she started going underneath my belly button with that hot oil, I tell you, it was a thrill I never thought I'd have.
Perhaps she played her more movingly than a girl could, with a pathos which was not true to the part, and yet which was true for those who saw har-because, like her, they had once had greater hopes from love than had been fulfilled.
To assign thoughts or feeling to a creature known incapable of them, would,indeed,be a problem. But to give to an animal emotions such as joy or sorrow is only anthropomorphic error if one knows that anmals cannnot feel such emotions.
English is by far the world's most dominant second language. Today,350 million people speak English as their mother tongue, but more than abillion speak it as a second language, at least a little.
Ok, so my nona's birthday. In case any of you dont know yet, she just turned 90 this past sunday, which makes her at this moment 90 years and 3 days old.To celebrate, it was made into a family reunion.. my uncle from italy,my uncle and my mum from australia , as well as my cousin steven from sydney,and of course me. We had the party in a hall.. and it was a moving moment to see my nona flanked by her 4 children, a dozen grandchildren, and then a dozen or so great gc..I cant keep track of them all. It makes me sad to know that I dont really know my family here as well as I would like. Most south american people are very passionate about family.. and my family here is no different.. I also know a lot clearer now where my mums passionate and sometimes firey' blood comes from, as well as my own emotional streaks(Maybe I keep them to myself more though?).Coming here for my nonas birthday makes me realise the value of such a trip as I'm taking My mum was together for the first time with her sister and her 2 brothers in about 30 years!
Anyone who makes it to 90.. is an extraudinary person. The 70 odd people in the room were all there mostly as a result of my nona.. and I am so glad I was a part of it. Living in australia it's not so easy to be a part of this family.There was lots of food, drinks, music.. and of course tears. My uncle said my nona was strong and didnt shed a tear.. but everyone else did. everyone has told me that in the past several months my nona has seemed to grow stronger.. supposedly in anticipation of this gathering and celebration.
Perhaps she played her more movingly than a girl could, with a pathos which was not true to the part, and yet which was true for those who saw har-because, like her, they had once had greater hopes from love than had been fulfilled
haha you read me like a book, i have JUST started leaning japanese and want to work in Japan. dunno what as though, but im gonna take a trip there in may maybe.
I will let ou know once we hear from them. But please bear in mind that they may not have an e-mail address - not everyone has a personal computer. As an alternative the student could send the e-mail to me & I will pass it on to the family.
>591 あ・・・す・・すみません(゜゜)(。 。 )ペコッ これ、塾で出された問題(先生が探してきた問題)なのですが、 このままであっています。でも、よろしかったら、 who saw her - because, like her, they had once had greater hopes from love that had been fulfilled. として、訳していただけないでしょうか。 お手上げなので・・・。よろしくお願いします。
歌詞なんですが、意味が全くわからないので教えて下さい。 題名:Through the wire through the fire, tothe limit, to the wall for just to be with you i,d gladly risk it all througe the fire ,through whatever come what may for a chance at loving you, i,d take it all the way... right down to the wire, even through the fire
There are heaps more but I can't remember just yet. I have heard of Guitarwolf!Doesn't Domo-Kunlisten to I think thathe is coll that I am trying to get some colltoys from Japan and heis one of them. 長くてすいません。 教えてください。
There are heaps more but I can't remember just yet. I have heard of Guitarwolf!Doesn't Domo-Kunlisten to I think thathe is coll that I am trying to get some colltoys from Japan and heis one of them. 長くてすいません。 教えてください。
There are heaps more but I can't remember just yet. I have heard of Guitarwolf!Doesn't Domo-Kunlisten to I think thathe is coll that I am trying to get some colltoys from Japan and heis one of them. 長くてすいません。 教えてください。
There are heaps more but I can't remember just yet. I have heard of Guitarwolf!Doesn't Domo-Kunlisten to I think thathe is coll that I am trying to get some colltoys from Japan and heis one of them. 長くてすいません。 教えてください。
There are heaps more but I can't remember just yet. I have heard of Guitarwolf!Doesn't Domo-Kunlisten to I think thathe is coll that I am trying to get some colltoys from Japan and heis one of them. 長くてすいません。 教えてください。
There are heaps more but I can't remember just yet. I have heard of Guitarwolf! Doesn't (Domo-Kunlisten to) I think that he is cool that I am trying to get some cool toys from Japan and he is one of them.
HIII!!!! just wanted to say hi, to random guy!!!! so.... HI!!!!! (that sounds so stupid i know, but hey, im overly sleepy, or something....) and you should be happy, im giving you greetings from finland!!! unless some of my overly obsessed friends (lets make thet OVERLY OBSESSED with big letters, shall we?) have allready stalked you!!!
Please note, the hearing scheduled on October 20, 2004 can be rescheduled. In order to do so, you must respond upon receipt of this correspondence with an exact date of your planned arrival and scheduled flight. Without receipt of this exact date in a timely fashion, the arbitration cannot be postponed. If you miss your hearing date, penalties will be entered against you.
We will miss each other, but it is for the best, I dont want to hurt her by cheating on her, and I dont want to get a divorce if we get married, because my biggest fear is that a person I love will hate me. Today is my last day so I wanted to email you and let you know. If I dont talk to you before tomorrow, I will try and write you. I will also keep a log that my friend will update here: http://****.
I have a question, it might embarrase you so you dont have to answer if you dont want to. if I come to japan to live,if I asked you to be my girlfriend, would you? Or do you think I am to young? you would not be embarrassed to be with someone so young?
like in public, if people knew our ages, you would not be embarrassed that I am so young? you wouldnt be bothered by gossip?
We took off our shoes on entering so as not to soil the soft white mats. The announcement was put up on the notice‐board for everyone to see. They have gradually altered their laws with a view to giving the people greater freedom.
On the other hand, he can argue that he would have fired Paul Wolfwitz, the deputy defense secretary who ridiculed General Shinseki. And he would definitely have fired Donald Rumsfeld for the failure to go in with enough troops, the atrocities at Abu Ghraib and more. The truth is that Mr.Bush, by politicizing the "war on terror", is putting America at risk.
It is designed to be viewed only from intended for public view.It represents a whole landscape in miniature. Gardens in the West are designed so that they will pleasant view when seen from either the house or the street. If they are enclosd by a wall or a fence,this is usually not so high as to prevent passersby from looking in.
There are heaps more but I can't remember just yet. I have heard of GuitarWolf! Does't Domo-KUN listento I think that he is coll that I am trying to get some coll toys from JAPAN and he is one of them. 長くてすいません。 お願いします。
Although Mulhouse as a city is nice with a lot of old houses and small and winding roads between small cobblestone squares it feels completely deserted. You see almost no people outside and most of the houses are dark. Maybe this is because this city has the highest crime rate in France,actually you do see some people in the streets and that is the police patrolling to prevent crime.Compared to Tenerife it is also very expensive here. A dinner at a restaurant costs at least 3 times the price in Tenerife.Also if you are used to the climate of the Canaries with 28-30 degrees and sun from a clear blue sky every day the weather here is a chock to you.Since a came here 3 days ago it has been raining constantly and the temperature has never risen above 14 degrees, right now it is 10 degrees.And the rain is pouring down.I'm really locking forward to go back on Tuesday.
そして、またつっかかってしまいました。 I have no time for anything but work this month, but we can see a show on the first or second, if you want. 最初のほうが、時間がないのに働いているようでよくわかりません…
I know on my mobil phone I can send e-mail bat never tired it. It is okay that you cannot receive the pictures. Can I ask what are you favorite musicgroups? I have listendto Hitomi Yaida I think they are good groupslisten too. What do you think?
Although Mulhouse as a city is nice with a lot of old houses and small and winding roads between small cobblestone squares it feels completely deserted. You see almost no people outside and most of the houses are dark. Maybe this is because this city has the highest crime rate in France,actually you do see some people in the streets and that is the police patrolling to prevent crime.Compared to Tenerife it is also very expensive here. A dinner at a restaurant costs at least 3 times the price in Tenerife.Also if you are used to the climate of the Canaries with 28-30 degrees and sun from a clear blue sky every day the weather here is a chock to you.Since a came here 3 days ago it has been raining constantly and the temperature has never risen above 14 degrees, right now it is 10 degrees.And the rain is pouring down.I'm really locking forward to go back on Tuesday.
1,I've never been into the whole sleeping around thing. 2,I'm just legal to have sex anyway! 3,**'s a hairy git for his age. And the hair on my arse is straight. Long and straight, like a Mohican! 4,I've got a rude magazine stash. doesn't everyone? 5,Have you had pants through the post and shit?
1. First you need to cut off the metal antenna at the base of the antenna once it's extended all of the way up.
2. Next, take apart the metal stock antenna, and keep one piece of it that is big enough to fit over the bottom screw part on the S2000 antenna.
3. After that, clamp the piece of metal from the stock antenna over the bottom screw part on the S2000 antenna and find a way to secure them together. You can use lots of superglue or some sort of glue, but you just have to make sure they won't fall apart.
4. Now, insert the S2000 antenna with the metal antenna piece into the hole on the antenna post of the car.
5. Carefully, glue the bottom rim of the S2000 antenna to the antenna post of the car. Use plenty of strong glue, but be careful not to get any glue on the car.
Very cute and nicely dressed. The most fun is the ones which look like rebels.. They wear western rebel garments, but are way too organized and well dressed for the real thing.
Although Mulhouse as a city is nice with a lot of old houses and small and winding roads between small cobblestone squares it feels completely deserted. You see almost no people outside and most of the houses are dark. Maybe this is because this city has the highest crime rate in France,actually you do see some people in the streets and that is the police patrolling to prevent crime.Compared to Tenerife it is also very expensive here. A dinner at a restaurant costs at least 3 times the price in Tenerife.Also if you are used to the climate of the Canaries with 28-30 degrees and sun from a clear blue sky every day the weather here is a chock to you.Since a came here 3 days ago it has been raining constantly and the temperature has never risen above 14 degrees, right now it is 10 degrees.And the rain is pouring down.I'm really locking forward to go back on Tuesday.
A United Nations study says a thick cloud of pollution covering southern Asia threatens the lives of millions of people. Scientists say the pollution could increase lung diseases and cause early deaths. The cloud is also damaging agriculture and affecting reinfall levels.
Nitrate pollution of ground, surface and marine water is a major environmental issue in many European countries, with potential implication for human health, which has attracted considerable public and political attention.
In contrast to pesticides, however, the control of NO3 pollution is not simply a question of rationalizing and reducing an agrochemical input as outlined above.
The existence of spirits seems to be the most basic element of religious belief, and can be found among societies that otherwise have no shared religious dogma,. This gives rise to the general term 'animism' to mean the belief in some kind of spiritual entity, usually inhabiting a plant, animal or mineral, and exerting benevolent or malevolent influences on human life. In the early days of anthropological interest in the study of culture the anthropologist Sir Edward Tylor associated animism with undeveloped concepts of god and nature. この英文の全訳と、 and can be found among societies that otherwise have no shared religious dogma,. の部分、特にotherwise have noshared religious dogmaの文の構成を教えていただきたいです
Toyota Motor Corp. unveiled Tuesday anew minivan model, the Isis, aiming to sell 4,000 a month to raise its 2004 domestic sales forecast by 2 percent to 1.76 million units.
A judge has ruled that Northern Arizona University violated the civil rights of white male professors by failing to give them raises similar to those received by others. This is the latest development in a lawsuit that was filed in 1995.
The fact-finder, Senior Judge Robert C. Broomfield of the U.S.District Court in Phoenix,ruled that in awarding the raises,Northern Arizona"went beyond attaining a balance." He noted that unibersity date showed that when experience, rank,discipline,and tenure status were taken into account, male professors at the time professors only $750 more per years than females,on average,and white professors only $87 more than members of minority groups. Judge Broomfield also noted that in determining raises, Mr.Hughes had failed to consider doctoral status and performance.
>727 The fact-finder, Senior Judge Robert C. Broomfield of the U.S.District Court in Phoenixは大学は昇給においてバランスが悪いという判決を出した。 彼は当大学の記録によると経験、位、訓練、職のステイタスを苦慮すると当時の男性教授たちは平均すると1年につきたった $750 しか女性教授たちより多くなく、白人教授は少数民族出身の教授よりたった $87 しか多くないといった。
A.Dean Pickett,general counsel for the university, said that in 1994,after Mr.Hughes left the university, a new set of raises, totaling about $700,000, was given to white male professors and female professors. Those raises,he said,made up for any discrepanicies. He also noted that the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission determined in 1995 that those raises constituted "full relief" for the alleged discriminatory practice.
A.Dean Pickett,general counsel for the universityは1994年、これはMr.Hughesが大学を去った後であるが併せて$700,000にものぼる昇給を白人の男性、女性教授に与えたといった。彼が言うにはこれは差異を償うためであり、またthe U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission も1995年、申し立てられた昇給格差行為を完全救済したと判断したといった。
I've been here for nearly a week now, After a long and tiring trip from Costa Rica. Only one week spent in Costa Rica, but it was a very memorable time. met some great people, also got to see my friend monique... got to stay in moniques house for a couple nights, meet her new circle of friends.. from ecuador, peru, and of course costa rica. On my last day in sanjose I bought for my nona a handmade rug bed cover thingy'..I wanted to get something from another country and my nona seems to really like it.
Keep your money "for the rainny days" means save your money for some hard times you may have in the future. We assume that good times are the "fine days," and difficult times are the "rainny days." 長いですけどおねがいします。
It is a native American music, the product of the black man in this country: or to put it more exactly the way I have come to think about it, blues could not exist if the African captives had not become American captives.
特に後半のコロン以下、the way I have come to think about it の訳し方が 謎です。これがなければ、「もっと正確に言えば、アフリカ人捕虜がアメリカ の捕虜になっていなければ、ブルースは存在していないだろう」になるんです が・・・。
ある掲示板でこういう質問をされたのですが I'm trying to translate the name of a kobudo kata. The name is Go Heihai Tai (Sp?) I'm translating it as "Against Five Bandits" Is this correct? Also I'm trying to translate this phrase into japanese. "No politics, just karate" I'm having problems figuring that one out. Thanks in advance. (おれ、古武道の棒の型の名前を英語に訳したいんだが。「Go Heihai Tai 」を「五人の賊に向かう型」って訳したんだが これであってる? それと No politics, just karate" これを日本語に訳すとどうなるの? だれか教えてちょーよ)
(No politics, just karate") これって何が言いたいのでしょうか? だれか訳してあげてください
I've been here for nearly a week now, After a long and tiring trip from Costa Rica. Only one week spent in Costa Rica, but it was a very memorable time. met some great people, also got to see my friend monique... got to stay in moniques house for a couple nights, meet her new circle of friends.. from ecuador, peru, and of course costa rica. On my last day in sanjose I bought for my nona a handmade rug bed cover thingy'..I wanted to get something from another country and my nona seems to really like it.
In regards to our upcoming visit to Japan on 27th October we would like to apologize for having to postpone to a later date. We sincerely hope that this is not too much of an inconvenience and greatly appreciate your understanding and patience. As per your request we are currently running a test for the machine. Our aims as always, are to develop products that are of a superior standard yet are economical to run. In order to do this and to ensure a satisfactory outcome, the results of the sample test will be delayed. However we will keep you informed of our progress. Once again our apologies.
Hey guys! don't go that way! go this way ...... They don't speak English! I got close to that guy and I said I can speak in English I just don't give a fuck about it ok? I go whereever fuck I want country ass mother fucer.
It’s a fine day People open windows They leave their houses Just for a short walk They walk by the cross They look at the cross They look at the sky It’s going to be a fine night tonight It’s going to be a fine day tomorrow
When I send you this I'll be back on Tenerife again.I'm sitting in my hotel room writing this on my laptop because I haven't found any Internet caf here.I have a mobile telephone that I can use to send email,but since it's from a Swedish network it costs a small fortune to use it abroad for surfing the internet. It is not GSM, but the next generation called 3G. It is very new in Sweden, and in most of the European countries it hasn't started yet. In Sweden you got the telephone for free if you started to subscribe for 3G, a way to get new customers into this new net. It is really god. Besides being a normal mobile phone you can surf the internet and make video calls, seeing the person you are speaking to. It's also a PDA. I don't know if you use this abbreviation in Japan but it is a small handheld computer. Surfing on it is actually as fast as with an ADSL connection at home.The biggest advantage though is the price for making telephone calls.Compared to GSM I have lowered my monthly cost with 50%.
In conclusion, while parents are not the ideal teachers, and well-rounded children will generally need a great diversity of teachers in their lives in order to have a more accurate view of the world, parents are generally the most committed of all teachers and have the greatest emotional investment in their children and their future.
How has the country's political system deteriorated so far that someone so far that someone so mediocre can be chosen its leader? How can it maintain an electoral system that puts someone in office despite their opponent getting more votes? アメリカの大統領のことです。How can it 以下をお願いします。
Many people who are against the death penalty say that statistics show that the death penalty does not preventcriminals from committing crimes or reduce serious crimes.They also say that the death penalty is not applied in a just or fair manner,with rich and educated people literally getting away with murder and poor people and minorities being given the death penalty all too often.People who believe in having the death penalty say that rather than moving away from the death penalty,many countries in the world are thinking of joing the one hundred countries that currently have it.(続きますが..)
Gabber, or 'Gabba' as it's affectiontely known, is Dutch or Flemish or some fucked up European lowlands euphemism for "friend" or as they like to call it "mate". It is always slower and more cheesy than the North American variety. It became hooligan music in the mid 90s as its catchy hoover anthems are tailor-made for soccer stadium chants and war-beating. North American sports are quite primitive insofar as fan traditions are concerned (yeah, like 20 year old AC/DC songs are the pinnacle of male bonding), so the music had to find a different audience. Namely, disaffected college students trying too hard to be different and angst-ridden, testosterone-fueled juvenile delinquents pooled over from death metal. The music is really quite harmless, though.
They say that it makes criminals think also about killing someone if they know that they can avoid the death penalty if they are caught. They point to countries like America,where criminals who are given life sentences instead of the death penalty often are released from prison after only a few years,and sometimes kill again.In Japan, supporters say that the death penalty is rarely given,and when it is, it is given for very hateful crimes that deserve it.They say that Japanese judiciary sistem is quite fair appying the death penalty, and in cases of particularly terrible crimes,the death penalty is needed to show society's resolve never to let such crimes happen again. It the death penalty still needed in Japan? This is a puestion that we must answer ourselves after considering all the issue.
I have been offered money for sex 6times when i went to a nightclub.one time eaven 3times per one night.The thing is I have never seen a girl who I would want to kiss.
This approach leaves unanswered the question of how the parts interact to sustain life and evolve. A shift in perspective is now occurring in many disciplines towards a focus on whole systems instead of costituent parts. A system,whether it is a human family or a tropical rainforest,can only be understood by looking at the relationships between the individual elements: the constant flow of energy,matter or information through the system. すみません。お願いします。
Stereotyping can be an unpleasant, even dangerous habit. It serves as a basis for prejudice. It can cause social friction and misunderstanding. This can be avoided by learning how to recognize stereotypes. これの訳お願いします。
Have you thought about meeting for coffee someday? Maybe after work or something. I think you will feel very comfortable with me... But I understand if you don't.
so you are slowly ,then let's be slowly.let's take it easy then . i am sorry for your mother , i hope that she will recover soon. your mother need you and you should be always with her ..any way ganbattene and be patient. my major is resource management.
The leprechaun replied in a very severe tone: “Young man,you're too young to drink beer. If you're thirsty, drink water. Why do you come here bothering me with your questions? A lazy fellow like you will never earn enough to buy beer. Why don't you go and get some work done? At this very moment, the cows have broken into the cornfield and are knocking down the stooks and eating the corn. Just look over there!”
When I send you this I'll be back on Tenerife again.I'm sitting in my hotel room writing this on my laptop because I haven't found any Internet caf here.I have a mobile telephone that I can use to send email,but since it's from a Swedish network it costs a small fortune to use it abroad for surfing the internet. It is not GSM, but the next generation called 3G. It is very new in Sweden, and in most of the European countries it hasn't started yet. In Sweden you got the telephone for free if you started to subscribe for 3G, a way to get new customers into this new net. It is really god. Besides being a normal mobile phone you can surf the internet and make video calls, seeing the person you are speaking to. It's also a PDA. I don't know if you use this abbreviation in Japan but it is a small handheld computer. Surfing on it is actually as fast as with an ADSL connection at home.The biggest advantage though is the price for making telephone calls.Compared to GSM I have lowered my monthly cost with 50%.
I've been here for nearly a week now, After a long and tiring trip from Costa Rica. Only one week spent in Costa Rica, but it was a very memorable time. met some great people, also got to see my friend monique... got to stay in moniques house for a couple nights, meet her new circle of friends.. from ecuador, peru, and of course costa rica. On my last day in sanjose I bought for my nona a handmade rug bed cover thingy'..I wanted to get something from another country and my nona seems to really like it.
We remain recognizable as individuals with a unique personality and a store of experiences until the flow of energy and matter through our bodies ceases.
It may seem to be true then to say that the condition of our lives,indeed our survival,and the state of the global environment are interdependent and yet our lifestyles tend to make us unable to feel this the most intimate of connections.
They found that bilingual people have more gray matter in the brain. The earlier they learned thelanguage, the larger the gray area. Learning another language after 35 years old also alters the brain but the change is not as pronounced. お願いします。Learning another 以下は、脳を変えるけれども たいして変わらないということですか。
Adams covered 13 wars between the Korean War and the Persian Gulf War. He worked with AP again from 1976 to 1980 as a special correspondent and free-lanced for Time-Life and Parade magazine. Parade featured Adams's photos hundreds of times on its cover.
But BrainGate's creators argue that such techniques only give a general picture of brain activity, and that the more direct approach allows more numerous and more specific signals to be translated. "This array has 100 electrodes, so one can theoretically tap into 100 neurons," says Jon Mukand, an investigator on the team based at the Sargent Rehabilitation Center in Rhode Island.
The Double Blade Pulling Handle type of Cutting used two sets of turbine wheels and gears to transmit and give power. So, when cutting, the speed is fast ; exerts great power and the accuracy is high. の和訳をお願いします。 .....はタービンギアを二組使って、動力を.... 従って、断裁をする時、スピードが速くて、....精密度が高い。
>>908 The Double Blade Pulling Handle type of Cutting used two sets of turbine wheels and gears to transmit and give power. So, when cutting, the speed is fast ; exerts great power and the accuracy is high.
The Double Blade Pulling Handle type of Cutting(商品名?)はタービンで動く2つのホイールを使用しており ギアを介して伝達し動力を与えます。 それで、裁断するときには、そのスピードは速く、大きな力を発揮し、正確さは高度である。
The Double Blade Pulling Handle type of Cutting(主語) used(他動詞) two sets of turbine wheels(目的語) and(接続詞) gears(動詞2) to transmit(不定詞の副詞的用法) and give(動詞3) power(目的語). So(間投詞), when(副詞 〜とき)cutting, the speed(主語) is(動詞) fast(補語) ; exerts(動詞2) great power(目的語) and the accuracy(主語) is(動詞) high(補語).
The advantages of sex can be seen when we look at the diversity of skin colors in the world. Generally, the closer people live to the equator, the darker their skin, and vice vesara. This variety is related to the amount of melanin in the skin. Melanin is a substance which protects skin from the sun.
Steliana was found to be a persevering child who early each morning went to school with a backpack almost her size. Each night she returned late after attending Gymnastics School of Sibiu following her school day. It was more than 6 miles for her to walk the round trip. After the hard training for becoming a local and national champion, she went home to bed and usually without dinner. よろしくお願いします。体操のジュニアチャンピオンの生い立ちの一部なんですが。 バックパックとかどういう意味かわからもんで。
>>922,>>924 ありがとうございます。Gymnastics School of Sibiu following her school day. はどう訳すんですか?体操学校と普通の学校に通っていて普通の学校が終わった後6マイル以上離れている 体操学校に歩いて通っていたと言う事ですか?んでチャンピオンになる為に一生懸命練習して 家に帰ると夕飯なしで寝ていたと。泣かせる。
In contributing to deforestation in this way you are linked to climatic changes which may before long lead to the blocking of the Panama Canal. We thus live in a seamless world where a local place is but one point in the web at which all disturbances in the whole world are unavoidably felt.
Have you thought about meeting for coffee someday? Maybe after work or something. I think you will feel very comfortable with me... But I understand if you don't.
Wadin' through the waste stormy winter, And there's not a friend to help you through. Tryin' to stop the waves behind your eyeballs, Drop your reds, drop your greens and blues.
Thank you for your wine, California, Thank you for your sweet and bitter fruits. Yes I got the desert in my toenail And I hid the speed inside my shoe.
But come on, come on down Sweet Virginia, Come on, honey child, I beg you. Come on, come on down, you got it in ya. Got to scrape the shit right off you shoes.
I want you to come on, come on down Sweet Virginia, I want you come on, honey child, I beg you. . I want you come on, honey child you got it in you. Got to scrape that shit right off you shoes.
But come on, come on down Sweet Virginia, Come on, come on down, I beg of you. Come on, come on down, you got it in you. Got to scrape that shit right off you shoes.
vice versa は「それとは逆に、赤道から離れれば離れるほど 肌の色は薄くなる」、と思うんですが、the advantages of sex が今一ピンと来ないんです。男女の区別という意味なのかな。 どっちか分からんのもいますからね。それとも「生殖能力の優 越」でしょうか。どなたかフォロー頼みます。
Just being present at a gathering is more important than participating: people at a wedding reception in Japan often ignore speakers, and students can sleep through a class without once looking at the board or answering a question and still expect to receive credit for attending class.
Hello,everybody. I'm glad to see you again. Oh,please make yourself at home. Now,let me sleep with you. Let me insert my dick into your pussy. I wanna deprive your virgin. Thanks milion!
Since 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope has been working day and night to discover the secrets of the universe. Before they had Hubble, scientists couldn't answer questions such as how old the universe is and how fast it is expanding. Thanks to Hubble, they can now answer both of these questions and many more.
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