The thread altogether written in only in English

At this thread, you must not write in except English.

As long as you protect the above, you may write in anything.
2名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/15 16:51
3名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/15 16:54
4名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/15 17:29
GE is the best method to learn English.
I feel myself, as though in heaven, absolutely going up
to the sky when I try GE!
How wonderful!
Why don't you try it, too?
5雪だるま ◆HMt0KNamnQ :04/08/15 17:31
>>2>>3Talk in English!!
6名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/15 17:35
It's just in summer now here in Japan.
Why did you name yourself Snowman?
7雪だるま ◆HMt0KNamnQ :04/08/15 17:41
What does it matter that it`s summer in Japan?
8名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/15 17:42
"All your base are belong to us" is something like what
Japanese call FLASH.
I thought it was amusing at first sight- maybe two years or three
9名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/15 17:46
It DOES matter to us.
I can't picture Snowman in this glaringly hot summer.
Better to use さまぁ〜ず.
10名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/15 17:51
Are you studying English?
Do you like movies?

If you say yes to the questions above, you should
use the GE method asap.
"Learn quick" is the motto of GE!
Come and get the hang of English!
We're waiting for you.
11名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/15 18:00
Just because 1's English was hard to understand,
doesn't mean he/she was a bad writer.
I thought he/she pretended he's bad at writings,
just trying to make us post English.
You mustn't feel afraid to write in English,
however terrible your English is now.
If you keep practising, you're improving your English.
Give it a try.
12名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/15 18:02
It may matter to you,but not to me.
13名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/15 18:06
It doesn't help.
More important is your inclination to take part
in this thread.
Writing needs what it takes to get used to English.
14名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/15 18:10
You're kidding.
Ah, but as you said, everyone in the thread except you
would prefer the name I recommended to him to the one
you think is suitable for him.
15名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/15 18:27
To anyone who has been studying English but not
written in English before, I strongly recommend to
you that you practice here in the thread.
Think it's a good idea to use your English, to get across
what you have in mind, so that we will get accostomed to
the language.
We talk in English, learn it, and pass STEP 5th grade!
16名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/15 18:38
Let me explain to you what GE is.
GE stands for Global English, which you need to master
The method of GE includes seeing English dramas, which
boosts your level of English speaking and listening,
and reading a lot of books-what they call extensive reading-
which helps you understand English.
And you can write English in any of the threads if you want.
To sum up, GE strengthens all the power to make your English
as perfect as possible.
17lauren:04/08/15 18:44
theres such a thing called GE? never heard of it....but i guess if u say so...:P
wuts up? yall~~? howz summer~~~??<3
18名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/15 18:50
Of course, yes.
There's been for so long, that almost all of the people
studying English know it, especially people
here in this message system.
Lots of them already got started on GE!
Hope you will join us!
19名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/15 18:55
I have something to do now.
Gotta go. Keep in touch.

I'll be back tomorrow.
□ お約束 (ローカルルール)

Chatter in English (Part 6)
English Monologue(英語で独り言) PART 3
Hey Native speakers! Come and help us!
21名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/15 20:47

  ☆ チン     I can't wait〜
                        I can't wait〜
       ☆ チン  〃 ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        ヽ ___\(\・∀・) <  When will you delete this shitty thread?〜?
            \_/⊂ ⊂_ )  \_____________
          / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ /|
       | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|  |
       | TANGERINES  |/

22名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/16 11:40
I hope Japanese national baseball team will get a gold medal.
I wanna keep company with a girl whose blood type is A, same as mine, as my steady.
24名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/17 00:02
To GE followers, keep studying GE.
you will get the hang of English very soon.
To anyone who's against the GE method,
You will notice what you're doing now ends up in vain.
25名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/17 06:09
I believe GE helps learn English very much.
26名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/17 06:36
>>4とその他のGlobal English宣伝社員さん

GEは、世界最大で最も尊敬される会社ナンバー1に5年連続輝いたGeneral Electricの登録商標です。
ですので2度とGEは使用しないで下さい。 解りましたか?
General Electric, of the US, is once again the world's most respected company,
as it has been in every one of the five years that the Financial Times World's Most Respected Companies Survey has been published.

27名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/17 07:04
GE is No 1!!
28名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 03:07
Oh! This is a pen.
Good fucking, penis boys!
30名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 06:29
this thread is strange...
31名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 06:38
There is no such thing as Global English.
As a matter of fact, English is commonly used at every corner of
the world, and there is no mentioning that it's something global.
So here I would like to introduce to you a totally brand-new method
that you've never seen before. It's, "Jihad English", which is opposite
to the concept of Global English.
32名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 06:39
33名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 06:50
Tell me what it is.
As for GE, it uses DVDs for learners to get used to English.

I'm against JE.
One reason is it sounds like Japanese English.

GE is the only method.
34名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 06:58
And more, †KEN† has just introduced a new method to GE.
It's what's called extensive reading.
The new method boost reading power. No question about that.
35名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 07:01
What is GE?
36名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 07:04
37名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 07:09
No kidding!
It's been famous on this message system.

If you cling to JE, which sounds like it's useless if
its way of learning the language is just the opposite of GE,
You'll never get across what you want to say in English.
38名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 07:14
39名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 07:18
Five out of ten people have supported him!
How Fabulous! Great! Cool! Magnificent!
40名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 07:19

こうやってってここで社員が宣伝して、GE=Global Englishと言うイメージを植え付ける行動はひっかかります。
GEと言う略称は、General Electric社以外は世界中で使用できません。
GE worldwide
[email protected]
41名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 07:20
If you think so, you can also vote for him!
42名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 07:24
You did?

Well, isn't that sort of bother?
I have to sign up to Amazon..
43名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 07:29
If cookie is enabled, signing in is automatic.
You only have to press the yes button.

By the way, I discovered that KEN is from Saitama prefecture.
You find that on the Amazon page linked above.
44名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 07:34
his reviews on other books are also kewl!
KEN rules 2ch!
45名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 07:34
I think KEN is very powerfull because he made a book out of print.
The book is this one(↓).
All books except for this one(↑) by the author are available, but only this book is out of print.
I think the main reason is KEN's criticism.

KEN is not only a great English learner, but also a great critic.
But what is "a great English learner"?
Will he continue to be a learner forever without mastering English?
46名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 07:37
I'm afraid I can't do it.
I'll do it when I bring myself to.

>from Saitama prefecture.
Yeah. I read it.
I don't know if it's true, though...

47名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 07:41
What interests me most is why he read such a book.
Is that a best-selling book?
48名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 07:42

Now I've learned that a book sometimes sells when a critic
harshly attacked it...
49名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 07:49
He'll never stop learning English.
What he came to think is the most effective way to
study will have been taught in the future.
It is the down-on-earth notion.
50名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 07:55
Now that you mention it, what happened to
the books Nagamoto-sensei released, that was baned to be sold?
51名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 08:00
Yeah, he will forever continue to explore the world of Global
English. The impact of GE goes over that of Eigo-do (Way of English),
which is advocated by Michihiro Matsumoto.
The future of English education in Japan is on his shoulder.
52名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 08:05
Do you believe in the God of English?

I read on another thread that someone heard the god
telling him he could do it.
It was surprising to me that the creator of English
Hope he will come down to me.
53名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 08:14
I know of the advocate.
I don't have so much idea what Eigo-do is, though.
When I surfed the net, I came across a web site
that showed me the list of "the Way".

It seemed to me that it was not a method of learning English,
but some kind of peasonally invented standard.

Have you ever read him, by the way?
54名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 08:29
The overall impression of his books left me wondering if he is
just a teacher of English or not. I think he is a type of guy who we
often come aross(or came across) here in Japan. He is an old-fashioned
"Mentality-is-everything" type. I find him somewhere between a narcissist
and a masochist.
55名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/18 22:09
56名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/21 00:51
57名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/21 11:48
no! rooster NOT!
58名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/21 11:50
What do you want to imply, rooster and dolphin?
59名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/21 12:09
60名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/21 12:13
Answer me.
What do you mean, Dolphin?
It has a connotation of what?
61名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/21 12:17
Dolphins are mammals, right?

So have you ever gotten on a mammals, by the way?
62名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/21 12:18
I meant a dolphine.
63名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/21 12:32
Where's the DOLPHIN boy gone?
64名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/21 12:32
dolphin are not rooster
65名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/21 12:35
Of course not.

I didn't ask such a rubbish question.

66名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/21 12:37
Not a dolphin.
It's a horse.
67名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/21 12:46
I can guess what you want to say.
So let me put it this way.
The dolphin is a mammal.
Human beings are also a mammal.

That's why you want to push forward Dolphins.
68名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/21 12:53
And you can think of roosters as only food
if that's how you see them.
That, however, means you look down on creatures
which are eaten by humans?

I hope you will get corrected about how to see them.
69名無しさん@英語勉強中:04/08/21 12:57
I want to bone up on my English.
Do you teach me some English?

About how to get my speaking improved?
真・スレッドストッパー。。。( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリッ