A cloud can be seen in the sky.にnotを入れろって問題で、 Not a cloud ~にせずに、can notにしたら絶対間違いですか。
あと、No students believed the news.を部分否定にって問題で、 解答 All of the students didn't believe the news.何ですけど、 自分の答え Not all the students believed the news. でもいいでしょうか?
もう一つおんなじ感じで、 問題 Nobody reads such a book. 解答 Everybody doesn't read such a book. 自分の答え Not everybody reads such a book.
>>4 After two weeks or so, 2週間ほどあと every one of us was happy われわれみんなうれしかった to hear that he had found 彼が見つけたのを聞いて a good way to build the set セットを作るのに良い方法を
英作文の問題なんですが、 私にはやらなければならない宿題が沢山ある。は、 「I have a lot of homework to do.」 ユキは昨晩私に会いにきました。は、 「Yuki came to meet me last night.」でいいでしょうか? どっちも自信ないです。教えて下さい・・・
I alwasys have a useful dictionary with me. ------------------------------------------- よろしくお願いします。 この with me の使われ方(訳し方)がわかりません。 どのように訳せばよいのでしょうか?
英二郎でwithを引いて、これ↓ではないかと思うのですがあってますか? --------------------------------------------------------------- 【前-4】 〜と時間的{じかんてき}に一体{いったい}となって、〜と同時{どうじ}に、〜につれて、 〜が同時{どうじ}に起こって、〜しながら、〜した状態{じょうたい}で 【用例】 ・ Don't sit with your legs crossed on a crowded train. : 満員電車の中で足を組んで座るな。 ・ He is listening to the music with his eyes closed. : 彼は目を閉じて音楽に聴き入っている。
>35 1. My father suffered from gout, and he seemed to be in extreme pain just before he passed away. We could hardly look at him. 2. Coca Cola is a great drink in summer and sold everywhere in the world. I am one of the big fans of it. 3. Mr. Yoshida is president of a top-ranked trading company, and has a reputation of being a man of the best administrative skills today.
1.このところクラブ活動が忙しくて、新聞を読んだりテレビを見たりする時間がない。 I've been [I've had / no time / these days / so busy / that to read / with my club activites] newspapers or watch terevision.
2.あの人たちは結婚するという噂だ。 [rumor / are / getting / has / it / marries / that / they].
3.あなたが先に帰ってくるといけないから、お隣に鍵を預けておきます。 I [will / with / my next-door neighbor / leave / the key] just iin case you get here before I do.
>>40 1. I've been so busy with my club activites these days that I've had no time to read newspapers or watch terevision. 2. Rumor has it that they are getting married. 3. I will leave the key with my next-door neighbor just in case you get here before I do.
B(a)(b)の文がほぼ同じようになるように()の中に適語を入れる。 (1)(a)I do not want to go. Besides, I have many things to do. (b)I do not want to go. ( ) addition, I have many things to do. (2)(a)All you have to do is sit and wait here. (b)You ( ) ( ) to sit and wait here. (3)(a)Is there life on other planets? (b)Does life ( ) on other planets? C( )の中に適語をいれる (1)Some people regard him ( ) s hero. (2)I lost a special present from my friend. Nothing can make up ( ) it. (3)Her new idea is based ( ) a very careful study. (4)She is living ( ) her own now.
>>100 全部 .edu サイト(米大学のwebsite)からです。 You think that you have only to state a reasonable case. .... To start participating, you have only to follow the directions on.... ...so you have only to scroll (or jump) to the top... You have only to manually enter a.... You have only to look at your two major breadwinners...
〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 次の文を読んで後の問いに答えなさい。 Braille was introduced to Japan during the Meiji era. The braille system uses six dots. Years later a new system was made for kana. In this system, six dots are also used.
(問) When was the new system mede for kana?[2語で答えなさい] 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜
すみません、 息子が珍しく持ってきた英文法の問題の中の一文に(ただの独立した1つの文です。) We often hear it saying that there’s something wrong with the new engine. というのがあったのですが、この訳ってどうなるでしょう? 違うところでお伺いしたところ、文法的に意見が割れて…。
They are saying that there's something wrong with the new engine. We often hear it. の二文をつなげたのが We often hear it said that there’s something wrong with the new engine. じゃないかな。
They are saying that there's something wrong with the new engine. We often hear it. の二文をつなげたのが We often hear it saying that there’s something wrong with the new engine. じゃないかな。
>>188 その他 We often hear it saying that there’s something wrong with the new engine. は間違いです。
まずこの文章は知覚動詞+O+Cの形で、Cに来るのは 1.原形 2.現在分詞 3.過去分詞 のいずれかです。 1.はO+Cの間に能動(it says) 2.は能動+進行(it is saying) 3.は受動(it is said) が成り立ちます。
確かに The letter says のような文はよく使われますが この場合 it が指す具体的な名詞がないばかりか こういった say の用法は通常「書かれている」という意味なので それを hear するのは不自然です。
さらに We often hear という部分で、これは我々が今現在聞いているのではないことが わかりますから、進行状態は不自然になります。
ということでO+C関係を元の文に直すと It is said that 〜 が唯一自然な解釈であり、かつ文法的に問題を生じない解釈になります。 この場合の it は that以下を指す仮主語です。 これをO+Cに圧縮することで We often hear it said that〜 という文が得られます。 この場合の it は仮目的語です。
>>272 もちろんGoogleにひっかかったってそれだけで正しいってわけじゃないのは みんな知ってるでしょ。問題はここまではっきりとした検索結果の差が出たこと。 これでもまだ否定するのは、もう負け惜しみとしか思えんよ。 ちなみに hear it saying が間違いってより We often hear it saying だから間違い(不自然)だってことでしょ。
でググってみると確かに"often hear it saying"ではヒットしない。 じゃあ、本当にoftenと進行形の組み合わせは不可能なのかということで "often hear him saying"や"often hear her saying"でググると ヒットするってわけだ。つまりoftenと進行形の組み合わせも可ってことで >>249に書いてある主張は外れてるってことが証明されるわけ。
>>278>>281 We often hear と it saying の組み合わせが不自然だってことでしょ。 有意志である人の場合は進行状態であっても特におかしくはないんだから。 俺もそもそもhimやherならなんとも思ってないよ。 We often hear it saying that 〜となってるから不自然さを感じたまで。 >>249はitを前提に話をしてるんだろう。少なくとも俺はそう取った。 どっちにしてもitだから問題なんだよ。
ちなみに>>267にあるような計器類などの特殊な状況を考えれば We often hear it saying というのも成り立つのでは、とは思う。 Googleでヒットしないからといって、それがすぐに間違いになるわけではないから。 それでもWe often hear it said があれだけヒットするのに比べたら ヒット数ゼロというのは、少なくとも一般に人が口にする(書く)文としては 極めてまれなんだろうと思う。
>>308 >>311 >>316 ニッポンの教科書にはどう書いてあるのか分からないけど、 I have many places to go today. で全然、問題ないよ。 つーか実際の英語ではどっちかと言うと I have many places to go to today. より、to無しの方が自然。
It was essential that the givers's identity was a secret ;no name could be put on the package or in a card ,and part of the fun on that day was trying to guess who the giver was. At one time tha presents given on February 14th were more numerous , and often more valuable , than those given at Christmas. This has now changed , but the magic and romance of Saint Valentine's Day still remains. ↑今テスト勉強中でマジで自分アフォで困ってます どなたか訳していただけませんか?
最後のお願いです The same behavior is seen when they face socially uncomfortable situations, such as being disturbed in conversation. Even gorillas and orangutans display their tongues in similar situations. although these animals show their tongues more clearly than do humans , they do so during complex tasks such as peeling bananas with their toes and in unpleasant situations as when they are scolded .
>>363 「どの部分」って強調したければ Specifically what part of the Japanese culture are interested in? What part of the Japanese culture are you particularly interested in? とか。
>>357 Also they combine pictures and speech so well that they may be regarded as an art form, a kind of personal theater, so to speak. of抜けてました。 ちなみにSHOGAKU-TOSHOのPROGRESSIUEという教科書のLesson3の日本の文化の話です。
1 The new students call me "senpai" and talk to me in a very polite way. をThe new students を強調する文にしてもらえないでしょうか?
2 英語になおす @ブラウンさんは、若い頃大学で日本史を勉強しました。 Mr.Brown ( ) Japanese ( ) at ( ) ( ) his younger ( ). Aそれに、彼は歌舞伎を見るのがすきです。 In ( ), he likes ( ) kabuki. B彼は日本と日本人について、私によく質問します。 He often ( ) me gucstions about Japan and the Japanese people. C私は時々、外国人に日本人の習慣や考え方を説明するのは難しいと思うことがあります。 I sometimes find ( ) difficult ( ) (eから始まる単語) Japanese ( ) and the Japanese ( ) of ( ) to people ( ) other countries. D外国語を勉強することは、私たち自身をさらに理解する手助けになると思います。 I think ( ) a foreign language ( ) as ( ) more about ( ).
>>369 1 It is the new students who call me "senpai" and talk to me in a very polite way. 2 (1) Mr. Brown studied Japanese history at college in his younger days. (2) In addition, he likes seeing kabuki. (3) He often askes me questions about Japan and the Japanese people. (4) I sometimes find very difficult explaining Japanese customs and the Japanese way of thinking to people from other contries. (5) I think learning a foreign language helps us understand more about ourselves.
>>371 本当にありがとう〜TT I sometimes find very difficult ( ) explaing Japanese customs and the Japanese way of thinking to people from other contries. 申し訳ないのですが、ここのカッコの中のが抜けちゃってるみたいだけど、お願いできませんか?
A,Bがほぼ同じ意味になるように空所を補いなさい。 1 A、 She has ordered some dessert for me B、 She has ordered ___________________ . 2 A、 They found that it was a pretty good idea. B、 They found( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ).
Designed to force banks to clean up their rotten lending portfolios,later reforms will also likely restrict the dubious practice of counting future tax refunds as current assets. ↑何か雑誌か何かの一部だそうです。この前まではわかったのですが、この一文がよくわかりません。 Sは銀行なのでしょうか? どなたかお願いします。
>>380 He likes dried fish more than raw fish because he was raised in the mountaineous area. He was brought up in the mountain so he prefers dried fish to raw fish.
>>376 解答の過程も含めて書いてみます。 1. まず「あだ名を付ける」をどう料理するかを考えましょう。 日本語にもなっているように「あだ名」は"nickname"です。 この単語が思いつけば、"give him a nickname"や"give a nickname to"は 知らなくても書くことが出来ると思います。 また、"nickname"は動詞として第5文型を作ることが出来るので、 "nickname+O+C"という方向から攻めることも出来ます。 ただ、"nickname"という単語は使い慣れていないでしょうから、 人によっては"name+O+C", "call+O+C"等という表現を用いるかも知れません。 こういったアプローチは英作の力をつける上で欠かせません。 但し、この場合残念ながら"name"は使うことが出来ません。 なぜなら"name"の場合、C(補語)は正式名(本名)でなければならないからです。 しかしこのことによる減点は大学入試ではおそらくないと考えていいでしょう。 ここまで来れば後は簡単ですね。 We gave the runner a nickname "Bullet", because he can run so fast.
>>418 言語学的にはhonorificationと言いますが、 中高でこんな単語を英作文で使うと逆に不自然なので、 polite way of speechとかpolite expressionなどと言い表すのがいいかも知れません。 こういった言い換えがうまくできるようになると、英作の力は伸びてきますね。
>417 少し話を入れ替えたほうが訳し易い。例: What is unique in Japanese language is, I believe, its honorification system. I think Japanese is the only language that has a clear grammatical system and distictive classification for honorification. Japanese has three classes of honorification for different situations.
>>453 答えは"swim in"じゃなくて"to swim in"のはずです。 This river is dangerous to swim in in Spring. ここで"in"が2つ続いていますが、 一つ目の"in"は"swim in this river"の"in" 二つ目の"in"は"in Spring"の"in"です。
Since we have often handed down our history in the form of legends, the belief in A and the legend of Urashima Taro may possibly reflect the memory of people who used to live in old Ryukyu.
次の@〜Bを英訳せよ。 @ 彼はわたしの成功をうらやんでいるらしい。会う人ごとに わたしのことを悪く言うんだよ。(speak ill of〜を用いて) A 私はもう70歳だが、健康に恵まれ、子供たちもそれぞれ 独立して社会で活躍しているのは幸せである。 (be healthy, play an active partを用いて) B 出席者はみんなその作家の話に感動して、それからというもの彼の 熱烈なファンになった (an ardent fan を用いて)
1. Tanaka is a college student. He lives in Tokyo. 2. The man was Columbus. He descovered America. 3. I have a friend. Her mother is a pianist. 4. This is the first letter. I have received it from my father. これらの答えは
1. Tanaka is a college student who lives in Tokyo. 2. The man was Columbus who discocered America. 3. I have a friend, whose mother is a pianist. 4. This is the first letter that I have received it from my father. これであっているでしょうか?
だとすると2の文はまちがいでしょ。接続詞なきゃだめじゃん。 1はこのままでいいと思うんだけど、 最後をto prove the drug effective.と書かずに、わざわざ that the drug was effective. と書いてるから、 「実験した方が前」とか 言いたいのかと、、、、、、
The State Minister is not prosecuted without the Prime Minister's consent during the tenure of office. However, the right of prosecution is not injured in hard [ slight / this ].
1.私の兄は今月下旬に外国へ行くことになっています。 My brother cannot help going abroad when end of this month.
2.君の好きな仕事をしなさい。それがあとで後悔しない最も良い方法です。 Do your favourite work. That's the best method of you won't have regret.
3.私は教師をしていたことがあるので、多くの人に見られたり壇上に立ったりすることには慣れている。 I used to be a teacher,so I'm used to seen by many persons and stand on the plathome.
4.率直にいって私は君の楽観的な態度が気に入らない。その上、君の言ってることは時々わからないことがある。 Flankly, speaking, I'm not proud of your optimistic attitude. To make matters worse,sometimes I don't know what you say.
It also has many rights petitioned peacefully about the matter of relief of damage, dismissal of a government official, law, a command or establishment of a rule, abolition or revision, and others, and how many persons of what discriminatory treatment are not received for writing this petition. これも訳して頂きたいです
「Q、次の文の誤りを直しなさい」という問題です。 1.The staff on the third floor has asked the smokers to avoid to take their breaks in the office so the smoke won't bother the non-smokers.
2.Talking motorbikes, more and more students use them without any idea of where to park them.
3.When the streets are full of melting snow, you can't but getting your shoes wet.
4.She sat on the beach, hour after hour with the tears ran down her cheeks.
私がやるとこうなりました。まちがってたら直してください。 1-to take⇒taking 2-Talking⇒Talking of 3-but⇒help 4-sat⇒sitting
1.私の兄は今月下旬に外国へ行くことになっています。 My brother is supposed to go abroad toward the end of this month. is supposed to/has a plan/is to・・・ 2.君の好きな仕事をしなさい。それがあとで後悔しない最も良い方法です。 Select a job you like. That's the best way not to regret later.
3.私は教師をしていたことがあるので、多くの人に見られたり壇上に立ったりすることには慣れている。 As I was a teacher, so I'm used to being watched by many people and standing on a stage(?). used toがダブルのが気に入らない。
4.率直にいって私は君の楽観的な態度が気に入らない。その上、君の言ってることは時々わからないことがある。 Frankly speaking, I'm not fond of your optimistic attitude. In addition, I sometimes cannott understand what you mean.
It seemed that in one of my essays I had expressed a certain happines at living in a century in which we finally understood how the universe works.
What I meant was that we now know the basic rules governig the universe, together with the Newtonian laws of gravity, as shown in the theory of relativity worked out between 1905 and 1916. ※theory of relativity=相対性理論
日本語に訳してください。自分で訳してみましたが変なふうになったので直してください。 Now and again I have had horrible dreams, but not enough of them to make me lose my delight in dreams. To begin with, I like the idea of dreaming, of going to bed and lying still and then, by some queer magic, wandering into another kind of existence, As a child I could never understand why grown-ups took dreaming so calmly when they could make such a fuss about any holiday. 時々私たちは恐ろしい夢を見るが、 それらは私の夢の中の歓びを失わせるほどではない。 まず第一に、私は夢という概念が好きで横たわり眠ると不思議な魔法に係り 存在意義の異なる不思議な空間へ入れる。 私は子供は何を夢見ているのかわからない。なぜならば穏やかに夢見ているから 休日に大騒ぎするにも関わらず。
( )内に適語を入れ[ ]内からは適当なものを選びなさいという問題です。 一応やってみました。まちがってたらなおしてください。 1.He as (well) as his parents [am,is,are] ignorant of the fact. [are] 2.(Either) you or I am going to support him. 3.[Get,Getting,To get,When getting]up at once,(if) you'll be in time for the express train. [Get] 4.[That,As ,Whether] you pass (or) not in these examinations isn't the ultimate question. [Whether] 5.Human beings differ from animals [by which,in which,in that, so that] they can speak and laugh. [by which] 6.[Scarecely,That,Sooner,As soon as]had he arrived at the station (when) he telephoned his mother. [Scarecely] 7.Mary didn't want to walk at night on her own (for) fear[or,and,when,that] something terrible would happen to her. [that] 8.He left early[lest,so that,in case,unless] he might (could) miss the last train. [in case] 9.[So that,Now that,After that] you're a high school girl, you ought to know better. [Now that] 10.He's (such) a handsome man [as,so,that,than] people turn round to look at him. [that] 11.You can wear my scarf as [fast,long,much,slow](as)you don't spill anything on it. [long]
The cat becomes bi-mental. It may be a cat physically but mentally it is both a cat and a human being. これを訳したいのですがいいThe cat becomes bi-mentalの訳がうまく作れません。 よろしくお願いします。
各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )内に適語を入れよという問題です。 やってみました。間違いがあれば直しおねがいします<m(__)m> 1.She did so for her own sake,not for your sake. She did (not) do so for your sake,(but) for own sake.
2.Take light exercise, or you'll get fat. (If) you take light exercise, you'll get fat.
3.I'm no more mad than you are. (Neither) you (and) I am mad.
4.The day will soon come when we can take a trip to the moon. It will not be (long)( before)we can take a trip to the moon.
5.In spite of the rain,the fireworks display wasn't canceled. (If)it (rains), the fireworks display wasn't canceled.
6.Dishonest as the man was, he was trusted by some people. (As) the man was (dishonest), he was trusted by some people.
7.On seeing the bulldog, she took to her heels. (As)(soon)(as) she seen thebulldog than she took to her heels.
8.They have barely enough money to live on. They're so (bare) (that) they only just manage to make a living.
>>663 2.Take light exercise, or you'll get fat. (Unless) you take light exercise, you'll get fat. 3.I'm no more mad than you are. (Neither) you (nor) I am mad. 5.In spite of the rain,the fireworks display wasn't canceled. (Although) it (rained), the fireworks display wasn't canceled. 7.On seeing the bulldog, she took to her heels. (No)(sooner)(had) she seen the bulldog than she took to her heels. 8.They have barely enough money to live on. They're so (poor) (that) they only just manage to make a living. 基本から勉強しなおせ。
私は一度も北海道を訪れたことがない。 I( )( )( )Hokkaido. こんな問題です。 I have never visited Hokkaido. だと思います。でも、 I haven't never visited Hokkaido. かなぁ・・。とも思いました。 never は not の意味?も含まれているんですか?
>>703 I (have) (never) (visited) Hokkaido. で合っています。 I have never been to Hokkaido.の方が英語としてはよく見るような気もしますが、 かっこの数からしてvisitedを使うしかないですね。 おっしゃるとおり、neverはnot+everと考えて差し支えありません。
1.ア X is under Y, so Y must be (on) X イ He started gloomily at himself (of)the mirror. ウ A fly can walk (at) the ceiling. エ Hamburgers are very popular (among) young people オ The post office is within walking distance (in) the park.
語群of in among on
2.ア Can you finish the work (until) an hour? イ I often drink coffee (at) breakfast. ウ The team won only one game (through) the season. エ The had to be back (by) five o'clock during the evening. オ I shall be out of town (at) late on Sunday night.
語群in through until at
3.ア Sake is made (of) rice. イ What shall we do (to) the extra time? ウ He bought me the radio (by) ten dollers. エ Your answer is not at all (from) the point. オ Money was (with) no importance to him .
>>715 2. ア Can you finish the work (in) an hour? イ I often drink coffee (at) breakfast. ウ The team won only one game (in) the season. エ The had to be back (by) five o'clock during the evening. オ I shall be out of town (through) late on Sunday night.
>>715 3. ア Sake is made (from) rice. イ What shall we do (with) the extra time? ウ He bought me the radio (with) ten dollers. エ Your answer is not at all (to) the point. オ Money was (of) no importance to him .
Tha dog, on the other hand, may look back to see if the human members of its pack are following to join the fun of the walk. なんとなく言いたいことはわかるのですが、うまくまとめられません どなたかうまくまとめてくださいませんか?
●the human members of its pack 昨日見たので覚えていますが、この文の前に、イヌは集団で猟をするという記述がありましたね。 その集団(群れ)がpackです。しかしこの場合散歩であって狩りではありませんし、 群れ(一緒に散歩するもの)の中には人間も入ってますよね。 そのへんを表現しています。
Doctors and scientists develop "barrier" nursing techniques and try to erect "ring fences" within society to corral a dangerous microbe,preventing it from jumping between people and countries.
Thinking about the theme "What's happening in Japan (in the world)", the first thing popped up on my mind is SARS, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndorome because news about it has been hitting the headlines in Japan and other countries. So, I'd like to briefly discuss the fact and situation about SARS first and then move on to prevention. SARS is a kind of pneumonia, and SARS symptoms are fever higher than 38 degrees Celsius and respiratory symptoms such as coughing and difficulty breathing. According to WHO, the World Health Organization, it is considered unlikely to get infected without close contact with infected persons. The number of cases of SARS is about 2700 -103 dead- so far, and mainland China and Hong Kong have been severely hit by SARS outbreaks. Since there is no effective treatment at this point, doctors treat patients with antibiotics. To prevent SARS infection, gargling and washing hands are recommended. Although 80 to 90 % of patients recover naturally, I think it's important not to forget these prevention.
SARS has become a major topic in the media but what on earth is SARS?
SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome) is a new form of atypical pneumonia. The main symptoms include sudden fever over 38C, coughing, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the risk of transmission is low unless there is direct contact with the SARS patient. The outbreak hit China and Hong Kong in march and ever since, casualties had been particulary high in these two countries. The current number of patients is 2700 and deaths 130. There is no effective cure at this point and patients are being treated with antibiotics.
To prevent contagion, wash your hands and gargle frequently. Death rates are not high and patients recover in 80 to 90% of cases, but it is always important to take preventative measures.
1.It takes over half an hour to come to school, but I wark to school except rainy day for my exersise. 2.I spended a lot of time for examine the tour place last fall before we go to a school excursion.(見学地 = the tour placeは無理がある) 3.English is my favorite subject. I'm interested in not only that thing but to a countory in which English is spoken. 4.I belong to the newspaper club. There are twenty menbers in it and it issuse a newspaper which have four pages a month. 5.Our home-room teacher play badminton at least once a week. He says you should play sports for you are in good health.
4は It have twenty menbers and it issuse a newspaper with(?) four pagesも考えたのですが自信ないので却下。 どなたか回答宜しくお願いします。できたらおかしな所も指摘してやってください。間違いだらけだと思います。
3.English is my favorite subject. I'm interested in not only English as a subject but also countries in which English is spoken. 4.I belong to a newspaper club. It has twenty menbers and issues a 4-page newspaper every month. 5.He says that we should play sports to be in good health. ちょっとだけ直したけど、すごく上手に訳せてるよ。
>>802 1 wark>walk rainy day. rainy days my excise>myはないほうがよい 2Before our excursion to Kyoto,we spended a lot of time in examining the place we were supposed to visit.
1.台風7号は9月10日の朝、伊豆半島を直撃した。 Typhoon (No. 7 hit the Izu Peninsula [on] the morning of September 10th.)
2.文法の間違いを恐れて喋らないでいるといつまでたってもあなたの英語は上達しないだろう。 If you (don't speak because [of] you are afraid making up grammatical mistakes), you'll never improve your English.
3.様々なグループが日本の将来のために合意できないのは何故か。 What (some groups reaching prevents from an agreement [on] the sake of Japan's future?
>>841 1, OK 2. don't speak because you are afraid of making up grammatical mistakes 3. prevents some groups from reaching an agreement for the sake of 〜
1.アHe was compelled to stop studying (because [of])his illness. イMadame Curie carried through her researches([at] the cost of]) her own life. ウI stayed home all day (instead [of])going to work. エThe story is told chiefly ([by] means of)conversation. オFarmers are always ([at] the marcy of )the weather.
2.アNobody knows what has(become [of])him. イHelen has promised to(make up [with]) our cat while we are away. ウWe will (look[back]) the loss. エMany people begin to (run short[of])money toward the end of the month. オJohn worked hard, but he couldn't (catch up [with])his classmates. カHe is very (particular[on]) what he eats.
make up 【句動-1】 作り上げる、完全なものにする、荷造りする 【句動-2】 作り出す、考え出す、うまくごまかして作る、作り話をする、話をでっち上げる、捏造する、細工する 【句動-3】 (損失・不足の)埋め合わせをする、(遅れを)取り戻す、燃料を追加する補う、償う、補償する、精算する、穴埋めをする、足しにする、追試験を受ける 【用例】 ・ I'll make it up to you. : いつか、この借りは返すわ ・ I'll make it up to you. I'm really sorry. : この埋め合わせは必ずするから。本当にごめん。 【句動-4】 メーキャップする、化粧する、修復する、扮装する、仕立てる 【句動-5】 構成する、成り立っている、作成する、製版する、組成する、編集する、編成する 【句動-6】 (ベッドを)整える、きちんと片付ける、順番に並べる、準備する、用意する 【句動-7】 取りまとめる、取り決める、整版する、調合する、舗装する 【句動-8】 (けんかの)仲直りをする、握手する、仲裁する、まるく収める 【句動-9】 決心する、決着を付ける 【句動-10】 集める、集計する
1.父の趣味はフライフィッシングである。(fly-fishing)父と友人は暇があればいつも近くの湖で釣りをする。 My father's hobby is fly-fishing. He and his friend always go fishing in a nearby lake in their flee time.(fly-fishingに冠詞はいりますか?)
「暇があれば」の訳にてこずっているのですが、辞書では 「彼女は暇さえあればゴルフだ。」→「Her flee time gose in playing folf.」だったので His and his friend's flee time always go .... の方が適当でしょうか。in their flee timeとかwhen they are flee駄目かなぁ。
4.私の兄はサーフィンをする。よく晴れた日に波乗りをすることほど楽しいことはないと彼は言う。 My old brother surfboards. He often says that it is the most interesting to surfboard on nice day.
5.辞書によれば、趣味とは自由な時間に楽しんでするものである。楽しめる趣味をだれもが持つべきである。 According to the dictionary, the hobby is enjoy something in your flee time. Everyone should have pleasant hobbies.
1. fleeは「逃げる」とかいう意味の動詞です。「フリータイム」の「フリー」はfreeですね。 his friendとa friend of hisの違いは分かりますか? >in their free timeとかwhen they are free駄目かなぁ。 ダメどころか遙かにこっちの方がいいですよ。 他にはHe spends almost all of his free time fishing ...なども使えるかな。 whenever they are freeとか。
4. 「私の兄はサーフィンをする。」はMy brother is a surfer.でいいでしょう。 英語を書くときは、名詞を使えるときはなるべく名詞を使うようにするといいと思います。 日本語のように動詞中心の言語ではないので。 あと、interestingというのは元々がinterest「興味、関心」という名詞(あるいは動詞)ですから、 同じ「面白い」でも「興味を引く」とか「関心を引く」という感じ。 なので、ここでの「面白い」はfun程度でいいでしょう。 He says nothing is better than surfing on sunny day.というふうに、 最上級の内容でもnothing等を使って比較級で表すと、より表現力が増します。
5. >the hobby is enjoy something in your free time be動詞の後に原型の動詞を裸で持ってくるのは「原則として」誤りです。 to+不定詞か動名詞にしましょう。 A dictionary says hobby must be enjoyed in one's free time. 「楽しめる趣味を誰もが持つべきである。」ですが、 ここでの中心概念は「趣味を持つべきである」ではなく、「趣味は面白くなくてはならない」ということ。 その辺を考えて英文を書いてみましょう。 We should find something amusing for our own hobbies.
1. >his friendとa friend of hisの違いは分かりますか? a friend of hisは「ある友達(彼の)」といった感じで、a friendに重点が置かれてof hisはオマケといった印象を受けるのですが。 「私の友人でもある」てニュアンスがあるのかな…?自信ありません。 問題の「友人」を勝手に父の友人にしてしまったのですが、a friend of hisが正解なのかな。
4. アドバイスありがとう御座います。なるべく名詞を使う、意識するようにします。nothing is better than A使わせて頂きます。
Local health officials credit the full-court press they clamped on the virus. Those measures included quarantining more than 1500 people who had close encounters with SARS victims,confining them to their homes under threat of heavy fines;closing all schools,end medical screening for all travelers entering the city.
Those=Local health officials?でしょうか。よくわかりません。お願いします。
>>881 surprisedとsurprisingの違いを辞書で確認してみて下さい。 ヒントとしては、 A is suprised at B. =B is surprising to A. =B surprises A. ※分かってる方には少し誤解を招きそうな書き方ですが、 説明するための例ですので大目に見て下さい。
>>886 もともとsurpriseというのは主語に「驚く対象となる物(sth)」、 目的語に「驚いた人(sb)」をとる他動詞で、 sth surprises sb. という文を作ります。 だからsurprisedはこれを受動態に直した、 sb is surprised at sth. に出てくる過去分詞なのです。 一方、surprisingはsthを修飾し、 sth is surprising. と言う文を作ります。
>>880 Those measures = the full-court press they clamped on the virus ですか。ありがとうございます。ただThose以降の訳がイマイチわかりません。 @people who had close encounters with SARS victims=SARSの犠牲者に偶然出会っていた人々? Aconfining them to their homes under threat of heavy fines=屋外に出たら思い罰則を課せられる@の人々? Bclosing all schools,end medical screening for all travelers entering the city.→全く意味がわかりません。
英作文での質問です。 ・医学は信じても医者は信用しない人がいる。 →@Some peoples believe medical science, but they doesn't believe the docter. →AAlthough some peoples believe medical science, they doesn't believe the docter.
>>900 どちらも問題あったりして。 @Some people believe in medical science, but they don't believe in docters. AAlthough some people believe in medical science, they don't believe in docters.
英作文です。 1)妹さんに、外出するときにドアに鍵をかけるように言ってください。 →Please tell your sister to lock the door when she goes out. 2)私は道を間違えたので、一時間以上も損をしました。 →As I took the wrong way, I wasted the time more than half an hour. 3)この問題は複雑で、どこから手をつけたらよいかわからない。 →This ploblem is complicated, so I don't know where I should begin to do anything.
>>910 1. OK 2. × I wasted the time more than half an hour → I wasted more than an hour 3. △ so I don't know where I should begin to do anything. → and I don't know where to begin
2)私は道を間違えたので、一時間以上も損をしました。 →As I took the wrong way, I wasted the time more than half an hour. As I took the wrong way, I lost my time more than half an hour.
3)この問題は複雑で、どこから手をつけたらよいかわからない。 →This ploblem is complicated, so I don't know where I should begin to do anything. This problem is so complicated that I don't know where I should begin with.
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>>921 If the United States continues to take insolent attitudes toward world politics, we would watch the ebb and flow of it . 政治といっても、恐らく国際社会に対してだと思うので、worldを付け加えたのと、 あとひとつは「栄枯盛衰」といっても、すでに「栄」「盛」は見ていて、 これから見るだろうものは「枯」「衰」のみなので、 ebbもしくはfallのみでもいいような気もするけど、自信がないです。
英作文です、評価お願いします。 1)こういうと妙に聞こえるかもしれないが、ジョンが言ったことは本当だ。 Although it may sound strange, John said is true. 2)私はあなたに今度の水曜日彼女と一緒に買い物に言ってやって欲しいのです。 I want you to go shopping with her next wednesday. 3)彼が人と争うところは誰も見たことがない。 Nobody has been seen the place for which he quarrel with people. 4)大変長い間お待たせしてすいませんでした。道路が思いのほか混んでいたものですから。 I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time, this is because the road is conjested more than I had expected. 5)私は月に2回散髪してもらいます。 I have a hair cut twice a per month. 6)私はこの歌を、フランス語で聞いたことがない。 I've not heared this song in French.
>>930 1) Although it may sound strange, what Jhon said is true. 2) 無問題 3) Nobody has ever seen him quarel with others. 4) I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time, this is because the road was more conjested than I had expected. 5) I have my hair cut twice a month. 6) 無問題
Voltaire is a one of philoshophes in the enlightened society, he said put a stress on it, ‘tolerance’. so if you know and then can explain to me, it sounds nice!!! How about you?
すいません、再度。 1)こういうと妙に聞こえるかもしれないが、ジョンが言ったことは本当だ。 →Although it may sound strange, what Jhon said is true. で例解頂いていますが、文頭の 「こういうと」 って言うのが訳出できなくて苦し紛れで"it"にしたのですが、 訳出可能でしょうか? あと頂いた例解ですが、主節が"what John said is true"だと頭重めに思うので "it is true that John said"とかでもいいですよね。
英作文です、評価お願いします。 1)僕は5年ぶりで、彼に会える日を楽しみに待っていた。 I have been looking forward to meeting him for five years. 2)昨日の午後は雨で彼女は庭仕事が出来なかった。 She was prevented from working in the garden yesterday, because it was raining. 3)きのう街で外国人に話しかけられて、どう答えたら良いか困りました。 As I spoke to a foreigner in English in the city yesterday, I was at a loss as to what I had to answer to him. 4)用があったら電話をかけて下さい。 If you remember something, please call me on the telephone.
>>946 修正してみました。再評価願います。 1)僕は5年ぶりで、彼に会える日を楽しみに待っていた。 I was looking forward to meeting him for five years. 3)きのう街で外国人に話しかけられて、どう答えたら良いか困りました。 As I was spoken to a foreigner in English in the city yesterday, I was at a loss as to what I had to answer to him. 4)用があったら電話をかけて下さい。 If you have something to talk to me, please call me on the telephone.
宿題「Figure out the vulnerabilities to which your network will be exposed given the access you're providing.」
Figure out the vulnerabilities to which your network will be exposedの訳は、 「あなたのネットワークがさらされることになる、脆弱性を理解しなさい。」 となると思うのですが、 このあとの、given the access you're providing. は、 to which との関連性で、どのように訳せばよいのでしょうか?
3 [前置詞または接続詞的に用いて] …を仮定すれば, …がある[許される]とすれば 《★‖用法‖しばしば that を伴う》 : G〜 good health [(that) one is in good health], one can achieve anything. 人間健康でいられれば何でも成し遂げられる.
This region has always had high densities of people living in close proximity to large population of pigs and chickens. It's not known in which order,but with this ready pool of targets near at hand,flu has transferred from ducks to all three species and once established,it can swap back and forth between its different new hosts with devastating effect.
the study and prevention of the spread of infectious diseases,is steeped in the metaphor of blockade. 研究、および感染症の蔓延の予防は・・・の後の訳が変な日本語になってしまいます。何かいい訳はないでしょうか?
In Baghdad, troops are standing guard over bank vaults, one containing an estimated $US1 billion ($1.62 billion) in gold. In a neighborhood along the Tigris River where Ba'ath Party and Republican Guard officials lived, a patrol from the US Army found an estimated $US650 million in American currency. Marines, searching for tools in a presidential palace, instead found 164 metal boxes, believed to each contain $US4 million.
The US has urged allies to confiscate Iraqi bank accounts for the purpose of helping to rebuild the country and provide humanitarian relief.
United Nations members have been required to freeze Iraqi assets in their countries, estimated at $US5.5 billion, under sanctions imposed in 1990. To create a reconstruction fund at the US Federal Reserve, the Bush administration recently seized $US1.7 billion in American bank branches frozen since the 1991 Gulf War. In addition, the US and its allies recently located $US1.2 billion in assets controlled by the Hussein regime. Treasury has declined to provide details about which countries are holding newly found assets.
アBefore night fell we had gone very far. イWe hadn't gone very far after night fell. ウWe didn't go very far until night fell. エWe hadn't gone very far when night fell.
2.Much as I admire his courage, I cannot think he acted wisely.
アGranting that he had courage, I cannot but think he acted wisely. イI like his recklessness so much, but I think he ought to know better. ウAlthough I admire his courage, I think he ought to have acted wisely. エIf I admit his courage, I cannot think he acted wisely.
添削お願いします。 @「好き嫌いの多くは主観的なものだ。」 1.Most of our likes and dislikes are subjective. 2.Most of our likes and dislikes depend on subjectivity. 3.Most of our taste are subjective. 4.Most of our taste depend on subjectivity.
A「子供は親に従属している。」 1.Children are subjective to their parents. 2.Children are dependent on their parents. 3.Children depend on their parents.
B「その一見、真実らしいことは実は嘘だった。」 1.Indeed, the appearance which seems true was a lie. 2.In fact, what was true apparently was a lie. 3.In fact, the appearant truth was a lie.
C「彼女は彼の安否を心配している。」 1.She is worried his safty. 2.She is worried whether he is safe or not. 3.She is anxious about his safty. 4.Wheter he is safe or not worrys her.