I did not then know that ア[in shooting] an elephant one イ[would shoot] while visualizing an ウ[imaginable] line エ[running] from ear-hole to ear-hole.
Carbon dating, ア[which] requires that a small portion of the dated item イ[be destroyed], ウ[offer] archeologists エ[an] inexact but valuable means of identifying historical artifacts.
ア 主格の関係代名詞(継続用法)でOK。 イ require that S +(should) +V 続きます。命令・提案のshouldと同じととらえればいいよね。辞書で用例を確かめてね。 エ この冠詞がかかる名詞は means だけど、「方法」という意味の単数形名詞だから an でよい。でも、ウは三単現のsが必要。
>>966 No news is good news. Three heads is better than one. Strike iron while hot. Haste makes waste. Silence is golden. Where there is will, there is a way. うろ覚えで書いたから、辞書でもひいて確認してください。
I introduced myself to the news director, the guy who ran the station's news operation. In many ways, I have yet to recover.He was a local news veteran. He was tough, smart, opinionated, and determined to let me know immediately that his newsroom was not a place for rich little dilettantes like me to amuse themselves until they got married. He wasn't quite sure how many strings I pulled to get this job that fifty deserving kids were dying to get, but I was taking up space, and don't think he was happy about it.
と言うことは In many ways, I have yet to recover. は「多くの点で、私はまだ回復していない。」になるんだ。
He was tough, smart, opinionated, and determined to let me know immediately that his newsroom was not a place for rich little dilettantes like me to amuse themselves until they got married. は「彼は頑固で、利口で、独断的で」の後が繋がらなくて日本語にならないんです。 文章をどこで切って訳していけばいいのかわからない。
He wasn't quite sure how many strings I pulled to get this job that fifty deserving kids were dying to get, but I was taking up space, and don't think he was happy about it. は「彼は50人の子供が死ぬに値するほど多くのコネを使ってこの仕事を手に入れた。 しかし、私がスペースを手に入れて、私が良い気持ちでいるなどと思うな。」 と言う感じになるのかな。 でも、butの前と後が繋がってないような気がする。