>>18 The reason why my English (conversational skill) isn't improving is because I lack the clear sense of purpose (because I'm not sure what I want to do with it) 口はばったいですかね
>>39 Thank you for your letter dated 04/01/02 (欧なら01/04/02) (Thank you for writing to us on...) Our e-mail address is ... We welcome e-mail correspondence. (Please feel free to e-mail us) We apologize for the delay in responding to your inquiry Your business (patronage) is greatly appreciated. (We look forward to our mutually benefitial relationship) なんてどうでしょうか
もし私の夢が叶うのであれば、この体を神に捧げてもかまわない。 だから、最後まで私に力をお与え下さい!! −−−− If my dream comes true, I'd not care that this body is dedicated to God. So, please give me the power until the end!! 自分では上のように訳したのですが、添削してもらえるとありがたいです。 この言葉を腕にグルグルっと彫る予定なので、 あくまでも「私の体」じゃなくて、「この体」と言いたいです。
>>59 God shall have this body were my dreams realized May the powers be with me until the end of times (Star Warsミタクナッチャウカ・・・May the Force be with you)
>>59 Si cupido mea erit vera, deo corpus meum dedicabo Semper potestas sit cum me ラテン語なんかどうでしょう ("If my wish will be true, I will dedicate my body to God Let the power be with me always")
>>99 I find a job with a factory where I'm now working. When I save enough money, I want to go to see you. Why don't you give me a reply? You don't care for me any more?
After paradise (←ビキニ環礁)had been irradiated and blasted, American teen-culture created its own temporary idyll in California. Youth culture, a growning economic force, required chronicles, demanded product.
>>123 I've got a ticket for a traffic violation during the vacation. I ought to report to the local police station but didn't because I was in the course travel at that time. Now they say I ought to appear in their court.
>>140 What made me decide was the words of one the instructors at my preparatory school, who had once taught as a professor at your university. He enthusiastically explained me about the prestigious (ここにあなたの専攻科目をいれる)program and number of prominent alumni and strongly encouraged me that I apply.
I believe that what is most important in preparing oneself to be a contributing member of the community is to nurture the ability to make choices (decisions). 参考にして下さい。 受かるといいですね。
The first reason why I want to study at/enter this university is that a teacher at a cramming school, who was an ex-professor of this college, encouraged me to.
I applied to this university mainly on my preparatory school teacher's advice. He used to be a professor at this college.
>>159 文部科学省のホームページでは中央教育審議会第二次答申で「ゆとり」の訳語に"Room to Grow"(カッコ付きで)をあてていますね あとは"unhurried"などの語を用いているようです 何にせよ"Yutori no Kyoiku('Unhurried Education,' 'Education with Room to Grow')みたいにしたらいいんじゃないでしょうか
We tried to send the money to the A/C Number as instructed in your letter, i.e. No.****-****-**** with USA Bank, however, our application was rejected due to no listing of the said number. Please check it up if there are any error such as typo in your instruction.
>173 Rubbish! I've never cheated. I have never ever been a cheater. You Ignorant! I hate, loath, abominate cheaters. You make me feel sick. I will get far better score if I play with the cheater. It's a loser's curse, isn't it?
A lot of roses bloom at the garden at my house when the spring comes. In the autumn, the leaf of the trees turns red and the people enjoy the change of the season.
According to the long-range forecast of the Meteorological Agency, this year, it is not in the example year and saying that few snows occur according to it
As for the human being, the putting opinion doesn't agree with what thing. The weather, too, becomes タネ of the bicker. There is a person that the asking to think whether or not there is a person to be good about, being warm and the cool one are better, too. One is tomorrow the condition that another one is いやきっ and rain if saying that it is the weather.
>>196 Who do you think sing with good English pronunciation among Japanese singers? Which (Japanese)singer do you think has good English pronunciation?
>>201 1. don't leave your work in the halfway 2. you have to have your shoes polished 3. she has such a long hair ( what a long hair she has) 4. the key would not turn 5. the weather turned nice
Cut the crap, I ain't using no cheat Who you callin' a cheater, are you frickin' blind? You're making me puke, I'd rather eat my shoe than cheat I'll be kicking your ass to kingdom come with eyes closed if I were cheating. They couldn't said it better--empty vessels make the most sound. Weaklings yip the loudest.
@)彼は少ない給料で家族を養っていく事は大変な事だと感じた He felt difficult that he is making family as little salary. A)その列車に乗るためには、私たちは朝6時半に家を出ることが必要だと分かった We understood that we leave house at 6:30 to get on the train. B)人数が少ないのでこの仕事をあと1週間で仕上げるのは無理だと思いますが できるだけ努力してみましょう I feel this work is not able to a week, but make effort.
>>228 @ 1)He felt that it is hard to take care of the family with small salary 2)It turned out that we would have to leave home at 6:30 to take the train 3)I don't think it is possible to finish this work in a week because there are not enough people, but let's do our best. A 1)I make it a rule not to visit people without appointment 2)Betty took it for granted that he would help her with her homework 3)They take freedom of speech for granted and it is understood as if it was simple at all.
という文章を指輪に刻みたいと考えてるんですが、 A thought of people is fragile. Therefore, we have to share carefully. というネイティブスピーカーが見たら失笑されるんだろうな〜、はぁ。 って文章しか作れませんでした・・・ へるぷみーぷりーずデス。
Were you able to give an answer when your English teacher called on you? Nobody were. Nobdoy has been. The conclusion is clear, isn't it? That's the state of English education in Japan. Howdy is simply revolutionary.
We will sue whoever is claiming that Howdy is violating copy rights. Some of Howdy students are working for a major movie distributor! They are very cooperative with respect to Howdy's movie classes! We are not culpable as long as they are not going to sue us! Don't try to put a hoax on us when you know nothing!
The speaker should deliver information with due consideration to the level of the listner. Ideally, the listner should have enough patience to grasp the speech at the level of the speaker.
>286 Be careful, or something evil will happen to you. It's sometimes healthier to live in a city where you have to walk a lot than to live in a countryside where you can drive anywhere.(こいつはちょっといただけないか?)
ヨーロッパ人と英語でやりとりしています。送ってもらったデジカメの写真、 とても風景が良く自分のHPに是非アップしたいのですが、まずいものも写ってしまって いるので、「この部分にモザイクかけるからこの写真アップしてもいい?」と 聞きたいときは、「Can I upload this pic if I put here mosaic?」でいい でしょうか?宜しくお願いします。
>293 トイレに行くときに、わざわざladies room に行く って言わないんじゃないか? 普通は、Excuse me でいいんじゃない? どこ行くの?って聞かれれば別だけど。 習慣の違いだよ。 因みに、NZでは、トイレを使いたいときに、Can I use the bath room? は通じなかった。 You want to take a bath? って言われたよ。
all I see are my doodles, the textbook and the ouside I cast my dream across the sky over the highrises I wanna breake the door that seals my mind my emotions have no outlet behind the shool building, smoking away, but I have no place to espcape to crouching together, showing our backs, we stare at the adults who can't understand us a bit we plan our runaway no more school, no more home, never I tremble with fear because I don't even know who I am anymore the night when I was fifteen riding on a stolen bike I don't know where I'm going into the veil of the dark night nobody can tell me what to do this night is my escape I felt free in the night when I was fefteen
cool wind, a chill in the body and lonliness I whisper a goodbye toward the home of my dreaming girl a vending machine glitters in the dark I hold a can of hot coffee in my hand the warmth worth of 100 yens. I don't know what will happen to us we even thought about our future together The adults tell us to give up our minds, but I'm not going to If those boring classes are what life is all about life is tiny, meaningless,and powerless the night when I was fifteen riding on a stolen bike I don't know where I'm going into the veil of the dark night
>>325 暇にあかせて試してみたけど・・・ At night, knocked down by lonliness I sought solace in you I didn't see it then, A woman can choose between a devil and an angel inside her I will bear my scar forever in my heart
It's funny, all I see now is you crying Your eyelashes, dewdrops from the Moon Like a songless canary 'Goodbye' was all you said I couldn't believe my ears Your love songs had all left your lips
I can't stop to look back on yesterday's dreams If I want to see the blue sky tomorrow I will try to forget you, I know I will I see myself beating my own shadow
I want to feel your hand, your hair, I want to feel you in my hands one more time 'Don't,' I hear the voice inside my head shout I won't, can't, must not, see you anymore
It was only the constant attention that she gave it and the care with which she washed it each day that could have kept the dress whole as long as it had been.
>>338 I've heard that he's serving time. Is that true? などはどうでしょうか 因みに一般的に(あくまでも)jailは刑が確定されていない人が抑留されるところ、 prisonは刑期の確定した人が送られるところという違いがありますがまあ混同して使われることもあるようです
Thank you very much for your help. に対して、 「どういたしまして、いつでも何かあれば言ってください。」 と言うには That's OK. Let me know any time you are in trouble. というのでいいですか? それとも、Ask me a favor any time. でしょうか? 「何でも頼んでください」にぴったりの表現を教えてください。
>>346 We made an agreement that I buy it by 25 persent off that you'd sent. But you charged me original coast this mounth. Please make sure your bill and answer me this problem by mail immediately.
「yes,this Japanese creation has spread over the world.」 教科書による日本語訳 「そう、この日本生まれのものが世界に広がっている」 この上記英文を、同じ意味になる英文に作り替えるのですが 「This Japanese ( ) has taken the world by ( ).」 カッコに何を入れればいいのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
>>385 My name was named (by my parents) with a wish that I would be a fortunate person(child). ラッキーな子に育つように、と訳すためにchildを使うと、 子供のときだけラッキーなように、という感じになりそう なので、childは避けたい気がする。
早稲田でネルー首相が行った演説の全文があるHPまたは本を押しててください。 We have seen in the world of today, tremendous achievement of science and technology, magnificent advances. っていう演説です。 英語の演説なのでここにきてみました・・・
458です。 Am I responsible? は、ニュアンス的には後ろに for that (matter) がついてる感じ。それは、私のせい?みたいな。
もちろん、Is that my fault? Is it my fault? Did I do something wrong? Did I mess things up? What have I done!!! とか色々ありますが、
>>460さんの Is it responsible for me? の "it" が、文面によって 例えば会社とか? にすれば、「〜のせい」とは意味が違いますが、
Is the company responsible for me? となり、これを訳すと 会社は責任を負ってくれるのか。。。(保護してくれるのか) responsible for someoneは、立場的に、大きなものが 小さいものを保護する状態、例えば会社と従業員の関係、 親子の関係、男女の関係などに使うときがありますが、 take care of のような意味も含みます。
>>462 Am I responsible for that? は「私のせい?」という直接的な ニュアンスより、「私はそれについて責任があるのですか?」という ニュアンスだよ。 例を挙げると、会社の部長などが部下の失敗について、部長自身は直接的に なにかやったわけじゃないが、彼はその件についてresponsibleとも言える。 また、部下が部長や会社の指示でやっただけで、悪気もなにもなかった事だと したら、その部下はその件についてresponsibleではないとも言える。
彼女はテムズ川を望む小さな町で生まれた She was born in a small town ( ) the Thames. 彼と私は机をはさんで互いに向かい合って座っていた He and I were sitting ( ) each other with a desk ( ) us. カッコ内お願いします。
庭と言うものは住まいの外にありながら。室内の雰囲気に少なからぬ影響を与える 住まいの装置である。例えば居間などに座って何気なく外に視線を投げるとき、そこにあるのが 明るい芝生の広がりであるか、こんもりとした松の茂みであるかによって住まいの 気分はかなりことなるであろう。 注;何気なく casually 松 pine trees 高校英語で宜しくお願いします。
彼女はテムズ川を望む小さな町で生まれた She was born in a small town (by) the Thames. 彼と私は机をはさんで互いに向かい合って座っていた He and I were sitting (before) each other with a desk (between) us.
>>503 What a quick response! (You are) So nice! I'm glad that there are many things Soldats has dealt with. Thanks a lot! こんなんでどう?
でも「手がけた」って具体的にどういうこと? many things Soldats has done many things Soldats has worked on many things Soldats has created many things Soldats has helped などなど内容によって表現も違うと思うよ。
As a person who had the experience of being questioned in the back room of the Seattle immigration, I give you a piece of advice: "Thou shall not lie." My particular case involved a lot of factors that raise suspition. I don't deny it. But if any one of you unfortunately happened to be red flagged and taken to a back office, they check and verify everything you say. As for me, I wasn't doing illegal things, so they allowed me to stay for 30 days as a traveler. >>530
>>541訳例 「いらっしゃいませ」 にっこり笑ってHelloとかHow are you?と言えばよいと思います 「かしこまりました」 (何か頼まれたとき)Certainly. /I'll be happy to. 「少々おまちくださいませ」 One moment, please. 「たいへんおまたせいたしました」 Sorry to have kept you waiting/ Sorry to keep you waiting 「ありがとうございました、またどうぞご来店くださいませ」 Thank you very much, please come again 「お会計は○○○円でございます」 Total comes up to ...yen 「○△×いただきます。(お預かりいたします。)」 (お金を受け取りながら)Thank you...(数えながら)out of (受け取った金額)yen... 「▲◇○円お返しいたします」 And(お釣の金額)yen is your change. 「どうぞおたしかめくださいませ」 (あまりこうは言わないと思いますが…あえていえばPlease checkでしょうか…) 「お会計はご一緒でよろしいですか?それとも別会計にいたしますか?」 Would you like to pay all together, or separately?
つけたし The huge pay gap between men and women is a major obstacle of women's social advancement in Japan. In Sweden, where the difference is the smallest, the figure is 91.2 cents to every dollar. Among other developed nations, Japan has significantly large gender pay gap. The main reason is the difference in education and work experience (number of years at work) 参考にしてください
>>575 It is undeniable telephones are indispensable for modern life. Consumer tendency in the developed nations affects developing nations' industries.
The plants in Figure 5 were on a continous drip system, where nutrient solution is constantly being pumped into the medium. This tends to keep the entire root system completely saturated. A better way would be to periodically feed the plants, say for 1/2 hour every 2-3 hours. This would give the roots a chance to get needed air to them, and prevent root rot and other problems. Don't be throw off by the fact that the plants in Figure 5 are sitting in still water, this is actually an H2O2 solution used to try and correct the problem. Adding an airstone to the tub would also help add O2 to the solution.
contaminated thinking move over vrnishing oneself dismissing belief repeat in imitation of somebody never look into oneself west wind tell to traditional die try to create look for harmony 寝る.
1 Who is the most respectful person in history for you? 2 It is said that Chingiis Khan is the very first person who mentions World Hegemony in history. 3 He is much more ambitious than anybody in the past. 4 He and his posterity ruled almost all over the Eurasian Continent. 5 Mongolian troops landed (tried to land?) in Japan twice. They striked Japan twice, but both attempts to invade Japan failed because of typhoons. 6 This is a quite short program. 7 Is Beverly Hills still on TV?
>>596 My boss made me keep in mind the basic policy of the company. ニュアンスによっては、keep in mind を memoraizeに置き換え可。
>>598 Living in a city makes you walk, when you go out, from the nearest train station to the destination or when tranfering, and so it may be, unlike many people think, helthier than living in a rural area, where people totally dpend on cars wherever they go.
>>608 The postcard on which you wrote your autograph for me after the concert has been my treasure. I was and am so glad that I could have it. Thank you very very much. I'm really looking forward to your next visit to Japan. ま、こんな感じかな(少しだけ意訳)。
>>608 I will forever treasure the postcard you autographed for me after the show. It was by far the happiest day of my life. Please come back soon; I can hardly wait なんていうのもどうでしょう
>>597例 A garden is a lifestyle apparatus that has a considerable influence over the interior atmosphere despite of being on the outside For example, when one casually glances outside while sitting inside the living room, whether one sees is thick pine trees or the bright, open lawn would greatly affect's one's mood 「住まいの気分」が訳せません、外を見ているひとの気分にしちゃいました
>>595こんなのも eroded dogma In constant motion/ Constantly on the move Disguising/ Fabricating one's roots Faith all but forgotten Forever a copycat Refuse to look upon oneself Zephyer whispers the death of the legacy Attempt creation Seek concordance/ harmony Establish our own civilization Recognize, and learn The way to live against nihilism
>601こんなのはどうですか 1who do you respect most in the histrical person? 2He is said to have mentioned "the world conquest" for the fisrt time in history. 3He had the greatest ambition of all the heros in the past. 4He and his posterity conquered almost all the areas in Eurasian continent. 5The mongolian troops made a landing on Japan. They attacked it twice but their agerssions were hindered both of the times by the heavy storms and finally failed. What a coincidence, both times storms. 6This program is short. 7They still televise BH, don't they?
I could not attend some classes in the middle of April because I was sick with a cold. I was greatly disadvataged because I had to miss some classes that were critical for the midterm exam.
>661 Basket separates apples from other fruits. だと、普通に読めばリンゴと他の果物の間にかごが置かれているイメージに なると思います。 リンゴと他の果物を分ける、ってどう言うことか考えて下さい。 壁が地域を分けるのと少し意味合いが違いませんか? たぶん、リンゴが他の果物と一緒にならないように(混ざらないように) かごに入れられているのではありませんか? そうだとすると、 Apples are put in a basket not to be mixed with other fruits. かごのことがどうしても言いたいのなら、 The basket that holds apples so that they won't be mixed up with other fruits separate関係を使うのであれば、 Apples are put in a basket separately from other fruits. 等々考えられます。
>>635 携帯情報端末: Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) 短距離無線通信技術: short-range wireless communication technologyとでも訳すのでしょうか such as Bluetooth and wireless LAN...と続ければ? アウトドアモバイル:これはどういうものですか?トランシーバーならtwo-way radioでしょうけど・・・
>>674 Hello and welcome everyone, I would like to announce the beginning of the○○conference (meeting) My name is ○○ and I will be serving as an overall conference moderator. If I may call your attention to the first item/ agenda on the program... This concludes today's schedule/program. Thank you very much for your cooperation. 参考にしてください
すみません。↓この英文を訳してください thanx to your ask. Scotland = UK? then, I can send this you. It cost 2800 or 3250yen without successful bid price. How long period takes Postal money order?
映画「BrokedownPalace」のあなたの感想文をamazin.conで拝見しました。 私も、「BrokedownPalace」大好きです。 しかし、この映画は日本では見た人も少なく、評価もされていません。 だから、あなたの感想文を読んだときはすごく嬉しかったです。 私以外にもこの映画が好きな人がいるなんて。 私はこの映画の中の音楽も大好きで、サウンドトラックも買いました。 毎日聴いています。 ビデオも買って持っています。DVDは日本では売ってないので輸入して買おうと思っています。 あなたの「BrokedownPalace」への感想、もっと聞きたいです。 お返事くれたら嬉しいです。では、また。』 ■■■■すいません、この文を英訳して下さい。アメリカの方にメールを出したいのです。 どなたか、お願いします。 Hi, how are you. I'm sorry about that e-mail I sent you before, I sent it to the wrong address. I'm a 20 year old Japanese femail. I saw your comments and rating on "Brokendown Palace" on amazon.com. I love that movie too. However, not many people here has seen that movie, and nobody has made any comments on it. I was very happy to see your comments, and to know that someone other than myself also liked this movie. I also like the music in this movie, and have the sound track. I listen to it every day. I own the video. They haven't made a DVD here, so I plan to buy an imported version. I'd like to read more of your comments on the movie. It'll be great if you can send a reply.
>697 Hi. Sorry for the mail I sent you last time. That was a mistake. I'm a 20 year old Japanese girl. I came across your comment on the film 'BrokedownPalace' in amazon.com. I am another lover of 'BrokedownPalace', and very happy reading your positive comment. In Japan, this film is not popular, and not highly evaluated. It was a happy surprise to know that there is one who loves this film. I also love the music, and own a sound-track to listen everyday. I purchased a video copy, and am planning to purchase a DVD via personal import, as DVD versions are not available in Japan. I would like to hear more of your comments to 'BrokedownPalace'. Looking forward to your response. Thanks.
I am another lover of 'BrokedownPalace', and very happy reading ↑ここちょっと変じゃね? not highly evaluated. ↑highly evaluatedってのは高く評価されてるって意味だろ? know that there is one who loves this film ↑これも変
>>697 Hi, nice sending you this mail. Discard my former mail; it was mistakenly sent to you, sorry. I’m a Japanese female, 20. I saw your comment on BroledownPalace on amazing.con The movie makes me feel fun very much, too. The movie hasn’t released here in Japan, so few people have seen it and comments on the movie couldn’t be found yet. So it made me really pleased when I found your comment. How nice I know of you and I can share the fun with you! The music in this movie is really nice, I like it so much, and I bought the soundtrack of the movie. I have the videotape, too. The DVD version of the movie isn’t available in Japan, so I’d like to get it from overseas. I’d like to hear your comments a lot more. It’d be really nice if you could reply to this mail. See you!
not many people here has seen that movie → ハァ??"変"というより文法間違ってるし。ワラ I also like the music in this movie, and have the sound track. I listen to it every day. I own the video. They haven't made a DVD here, so I plan to buy an imported version. → なんでこんなにギコチナイの?わざと英語できない人をアピールですか?まぁ別にイイですけどネ ワラ 輸入して買おうと思っています → I plan to buy an imported version なの?ちょっと違うと思われ。
>>750 I am writing about ○○ that I ordered on... It has been over a month since I last received your e-mail. The product is yet to arrive, while I received two bills. Please check on my order status immediately. Please also provide the confirmation of the shipment. 差し手がましいですが「注文を確認して、確かに発送した、という証拠を下さい」に変えました 向こうの手落ちのようですから確認も向こうに請求すべきだと思います
>>746 マチガテナイけど、それだと、「彼のような人間はあまり誉められない」って意味のほうが強いしよくあるからあまりオススメしない。 you can never praise a person like him enoughとゆーのがオススメだろう。
>>751 和訳て・・・それは別の言語なのか? まぁ冗談はおいといてhe's a major idiotでええんちゃう?
>>750 オレ案。 hi, I ordered a ○○ from your company. it has been a month since I last recieved your e-mail, but the item still hasn't arrived. above that, I have recieved two bills for it. please tell me how I can confirm the shipment. こっから先はオプショナル。 do you take me for a fuckin' idiot? I have to pay twice for something I haven't got? What the fuck is up with that!? Send me the ○○ now, and be thankful I won't make a fuckin' big deal about it.
I have visited Hari wood of 1 degree before. At city Hari wood of the movie, it is movie や such as Paramount Pictures Inc., Colombia. There is a creating studio of the TV program and photography is done somewhere in the town like every day. Indeed, it is an intolerable spot to the cinema fan.
As Universal Studio Hari wood in Universal Studio 8 ます of making public a part at the studio generally and that the attraction of a lot of movie relation can be appreciated The photography can be seen if lucky, too.
The Hari wood bowl is the huge open-air theater which can accommodate 20,000 audience. Many famous conductors conducted an orchestra here. There is a museum which is doing the display of the history of the silent movie movie, too, in.
The Walk Of Fame is a series of star-shaped stepping stones embedded in Hollywood Boullevard. They adorn the names of about 2500 movie stars and musicians. When you are walking down the street filled with legendary icons, you can feel how the walkway itself if a kind of thrill.
When you step foot into Hollywood, the city is truly a movie itself. Anybody can become a character in a movie. Being a movie-lover, I will certainly visit Hollywood again. When I do I want to play the part of a character in the movie better than I did on my last visit.
>770 Thanks to your arrangement, my first travel abroard was a great one. Wonderful breakfast, gorgeous dinner, happy carnival. I enjoyed everything. Thank you!
>>824 I really want to see you again, Hanako(Tarou, etc.). I MUST see you. If I can, it's going to be a memory I never forget in my life. I will be there whenever you tell me to come.
The alarm clock was lose that I was almost late for the gathering time. It seems to be better for ensuring to wake up on time to have at least two kind of alarms like having alarm clock and radio.
1.性接触(sex)以外のエイズ(AIDS)の感染経路はあるのでしょうか。 Is the HIV virus transmitted through other routes than secual intercourse? 2.エイズは汚染されている注射針や血液製品の使用によっても広がります。 The HIV virus is also transmitted by HIV-infected needles or blood products.
Since the September11 terror attacks in the United States, NATO and Russia have been looking for ways to combine efforts on a number of fronts, including stopping the spread of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.
例文 On Tuesday, September 11, 2001 a series of terrorist attacks were launched on America. Four large commercial airliners were hijacked and deliberately crashed. Two were crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York. One was crashed into the Pentagon, the head quarters of the US military. The fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania. Both towers of the World Trade Center in New York collapsed, killing an estimated 5,000 people.Thousands were injured. Hundreds were killed or injured at the Pentagon and all of the passengers and crew of the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania were killed. The White House and The Capitol were evacuated as a precaution against further attacks. Every airport in the Uni ted States was closed and all flights were suspended. In the days that followed President Bush declared a state of National Emergency and described the attacks as a declaration of war against the United States by terrorism. He vowed to hunt down and punish those responsi ble. He announced that Osama Bin Laden, leader of the Al Qaeeda terrorist organization was suspected to be the organizer of the suicide attacks. Bin Laden denied responsibility.
>>841 Genre(s)でしょうか・・・ でも会話でどんな映画が好き?というならWhat kind (types) of movie do you like? で返事は Love story, jailbreaker(こういうジャンルが確立しているかは知りませんが) comedy, drama, action & adventure, thriller, etc.というようになると思いますが。
>>857 (1) A beautiful smile only the genuine taste can bring-- We provide various fruit of the season, as they truly should be: fresh, mellow, and full of flavor. Just what you deserve for your quality time. (2) Abundance of sun-ripened fruit, just waiting be harvested... We packed the freshness, robust flavor and taste into our product so that you can enjoy the peak of the season anywhere, anytime with the people you love ご覧の通り一語一文英語の置き換えたわけではありませんがまぁ参考にして下さい
>>860 両方に同じ意味で使える「大切にする」という表現は多分ないのでは? British people TREASURE antiques I try to CONSERVE my limited supply of paper とか状況によって使う言葉は違うのでわ? ほかにもいろいろ言い方はあるのでしょう あと水のほうはよくわかりませんけどやっぱり状況とかどんな質問に対する 答えなのかとかによりどちらともとれるんじゃないでしょうか。 違いを強調したかったら I, too, want to drink water. I want to drink Coke, and water, too. tooの位置をずらしてみるとか説明を加えるとか・・・ (それは聞きたかったことじゃないと思いますけど)
>>889 文法的な解説を加えればよいのでしょうか? 「The small dog barking in the yard」を主語にまとめて、 述語に「came from---」と「has---」を併置しました。 'come from'と自動詞をつかったのは、受け手が分からないからです。 向かいのおじさんが短足尻尾なし犬は、唯一・特定の存在物として theで限定しえますよね。
>>877例 How are you feeling? I hope you are not bothered by my sending you e-mail, letters and CDs. Dr.○○ told me that I should leave you alone for now... Am I imposing on you? Am I being too much? Do you wish to have nothing to do with me anymore? I would sincerely like to know how you truly feel. Please be honest with me; I can assure you that nothing you have to say will upset me, nor will I ever resent you for it. I will never, ever regret the day I knocked upon your door, for I am truly glad that I met you. I will patiently wait for your reply. I love you from the bottom of my heart. Please take good care of yourself
>>905例 Will ○○ fit in a UPS box? 余計なお世話ですがUPSが用意しているので一番大きい箱は25インチ(62.5センチ)四方 UPS規定では一つの荷物につき最大重量約68キロ(150ポンド)、長さは270センチ(108インチ)まで あるいは縦・横・奥あわせて325センチ(130インチ)までの大きさの箱が送れます
>911 I regret that I will not be able to attend the meeting for another appointment. I still would like to meet with you. Please let me know when you will be available.
Our town doesn't have tall buildings but offers good environment. You can buy most things and go to Tokyo by train without a change. My father is thinking of supporting your study, so you will be able to concentrate on your study while you are staying with us.
>>914 失礼ですがsupporting your studyだと金銭的援助を示唆することにも ならないでしょうか? お父様にその意向があるのならこれは本当に 余計な一言ですが… My father is also willing to offer some advise on/ help for your researchなどもどうでしょうか。
A conjugate of a calicheamicin hydrazide derivative attached via hydrazone formation to the oxidized carbohydrates of the anti-CD33 murin antibody P67.7 had been chosen for use in AML(Acute Myeloid Leukemia) prior to humanization of this antibody.