>前スレの911へ ** Join us! We are acting for Candy suit. **
Everyone, who have own site, can participate in our program, but to came to an end the suit, we welcome only perople who can agree one of the followings. (We are always judging your site. If yours is for adult pics or out of the sense, we don't admit you.)
To Mrs.(Mss.) Yumiko Igarashi. *You approve she have sold the comics, videos, DVDs, and the copyright for TV programs, out of Japan without notice. And you want her to apologize to original author. *You want her to apologize to all fans who have bought reprinted or sham pictures with large amount of money. *You want her to apologize and compensente to all companies which have signed a contract with Candy goods and sufferd the damage with her sham explanation.
To everyone who have assisted a dishonest Mrs.Igarashi. *You want them to apologize to original author, if they really have assisted an infringement of copyright. *You want them to explain what they have done, and understand feelings of everyone who is all concerned and fans.
Furthermore..... *You want to come to an end the Candy suit as soon as possible. *You want heavy penalty for all concerned and Mrs.Igarashi, if they actually did the criminal act. *You want to present this problem and suit all over the world for a lot of the victims.
You can download and use any bunners without notice. If you wish to link to us, please link from this page.
>>4 細かな修正・・・ come to an end the suite. は come to an end of the suit. が良いと思われる。 あと、Furthermore の2個目。If they actually did 〜は If they actually have done〜が良いと思われる。
WhenIcontemplate the immence advances in science and discoveries in the arts which have been made within the period of my life,I look forward with confidence to equal advances by the present generation,and firmly believe that(they will consequently be as much wiser than we have been as we than our fathers, and they than the burners of witches.)
()内にいろいろ省略があるね。 戻すとどうなるのかな、 ...as much wiser than we have been as we <are/have been wiser> than our fathers <were>, and they <were wiser> than the burner of witches <had been>. って感じかなあ?
前にお世話になりました。わからないところがあったのでお願いします。 No country lightly commits forces to military action and the inevitable risks involved. We made clear following the attacks upon the US on September 11 that we would take action once it was clear who was responsible. There is no doubt in my mind, nor in the mind of anyone who has been through all the available evidence, including intelligence material, that these attacks were carried out by the al Qaida network headed by Osama bin Laden.
できたらこれもお願いします。 The military action we are taking will be targeted against places we know to be involved in the al Qaida network of terror or against the military apparatus the Taliban. The military plan has been put together mindful of our determination to do all we humanly can to avoid civilian casualties. I cannot disclose how long this wave of action will last. But we will act with reason and resolve. We have set the objective to pursue those responsible for the attacks, to eradicate bin Laden's network of terrorism and to take action against the Taliban regime that is sponsoring him.
長文ばかりですがよろしくお願いします。皆さんの力を貸してください。 I also want to say very directly to the British people why this matters so much to Britain. First, let us not forget that the attacks of September 11 represented the worst terrorist outrage against British citizens in our history. The murder of British citizens, whether it happened overseas or not, is an attack upon Britain. But even if no British citizen had died, we would be right to act. This atrocity was an attack on us all, on people of all faiths and people of none. We know the al Qaida network threatens Europe, including Britain, and indeed any nation throughout the world that does not share their fanatical views. So we have a direct interest in acting in our self-defence to protect British lives.
これはなんと読むのでしょうか?教えて下さい? ``The historical and contemporary existence of the Irish nation has never been in dispute. For centuries, Britain has sought to conquer, dominate and rule Ireland. For centuries, the Irish people have sought to free Ireland from British rule. Britain, a large, powerful and ruthless colonial power, was able to defeat the numerous and sustained efforts of the Irish people to liberate themselves. In the course of the 19th century, as a result of British oppression and famine, the population of Ireland was halved.'' Séan MacBride S. C, recipient of the 1983 Nobel and Lenin peace prizes.
この和訳お願い致します We will never allow the fundamentalists to define and decree what women should or should not wear. They have no right to impose the veil upon us. As far as we are concerned, we will NOT wear the veil as far as security and social discretion allow us, for we regard rejection of the veil as a symbolic form of resistance and defiance of the fundamentalists. To wear, or not to wear, the Islamic veil is a completely personal issue and no one has the right to interfere with this decision or impose the veil upon us.
We believe wearing the veil is a cultural issue, not a religious one. The fundamentalists want to paint this issue in religious hues and by forcing women to wear the veil, unleash their misogynism through terror and oppression. Their ultimate objective is to keep women under their absolute power, in the status of chattel.
民族・言語についての解説です。和訳してください Not intelligible with other Arabic varieties. Speakers are called 'Maures' ('Moors'). White Maure are called 'Bithan', which may also be used for the Maure in general. Black Maure are called 'Haratine'. The 'Nemadi' are an ethnic group that speak Hassaniyya, and do not have their own language. Pastoralists, traders. Muslim.
Do you have any rooms on higher floor? Is there any empty rooms on higher floor? I want to reserve a room on higher floor, please. I'd like to stay on higher floor.
Can I have ではなく、Can I reserve だと思いますよ。 フロントで直接言う場合でも、Can I have はおかしい気が・・・
Hello, this is Kinokuniya Book store's ○○ branch. The book you have ordered, 「(本の名前)」, is in now. Please come to collect it whenever convenient for you. Thank you.
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I am also looking forward to seeing the Gallery page on your web site. If you need any help, please feel free to ask me. Take care of yourself. I hope you have a great year in 2002.
Mary J Bligeの歌詞の最初のほうです。辞書にのってない言葉ばっかり!! 省略とか多いのかな?crunk、hateration, holleration とか。
Let's get it crunk upon have fun upon up In this dancery We got ya'll open, now ya floatin' So you gots to dance for me Don't need no hateration, holleration In this dancery Let's get it perculatin' while you're waiting So just dance for me
Come on everybody get on up Cause you know we gots to get it crunk Mary J. is in the spot tonight And I'ma make you feel alright (Make you feel alright) Come on baby just party with me Let loose and set your body free Leave your situations at the door So when you step inside, jump on the floor
In the examples I am thinking of the person continues to behave in what most people would agree is a normal manner, but one so remote from his old self that he appears, to those who know him, tobe someone else entirely.
With the devastating events of 11 September 2001 the human race must ask whether meaning comes from our definitions,or do our circumstances determine our meaning? A prayer of peace for the entire planet.
三村風さんの言うとおり、behave in じゃなくてinはwhatにつながって るんだよ。「ほとんどの人が普通だと思うような行動でも、その人の 昔を知る人から見たらあまりにその当時の姿とは違うので、全く別人の ように思える行動をとり続ける人のことを私は思い浮かべている」 the examplesってことはなにか例を示すような語句がこの文章の前に あるんだろうけど。例えば、普通のサラリーマンでも、昔の不良少年 時代を知る人から見たら、別人のように思えるってことだね。
少なくとも学校の先生は ask whether our value as a human being comes from the lable we have on ourselves, or does the environment where we belong determine our value? ぐらいの英文を書いて欲しい、テストとしてだすのならば
To those who are hung up on TOEIC and Eiken thingies Don't make an ass out of yourself by assuming that you can blend in any given community in US or UK or whatever English-spoken country you might settle in, just because you got a good score at some of those nationally held comprehensive tests of English in Japan. What seperates one from those bunch of geeky Japanese tourists with cams and traveler's guidbooks is how natural your sentence structures are......
>>116 「リーダーズ・プラス」 suck it [号令] 腹を引け! (=Suck in your stomach!).
「リーダーズ英和辞典」 make it 《口》 《首尾よく》 到着する, 間に合う, 行きおおせる, 《納得できるように》 やっていく, うまくやり遂げる, 成功する, 急いで立ち去る, 《病気・事故のあとで》 回復する, <仲間に>受け入れられる <with>; 具合がいい, 満足できる; 《俗》 性交する <with>. ・make it up [down] 《階段・山などを》 登る[下りる]. ・make it to the train 列車に間に合う. ・make it through college 大学を卒業する. ・I made it! うまくいった, やった, できたぞ!
>>92 With the devastating events of 11 September 2001 the human race must ask whether meaning comes from our definitions,or do our circumstances determine our meaning? A prayer of peace for the entire planet. 2001年9月21日の惨害を経て、こう問いかけるのが人類の使命となった。 自分の存在や行動に“意味”を与える主人公は、 自分自身なのだろうか? それとも周りの何者かが、自分の存在や行動の“意味”を 決めてしまうのだろうか? 全世界の平和を祈念する、ちいさき者より。 ----------------------------------------------------------- 意味づけ云々の部分は「自分の存在や行動」と解釈してあります。 米国の対中東行動が、中東の人々から米国自体が予想してもいなかった “意味”で受け取られ、戸惑う米国。 (本当にアルカイダの仕業だとすれば)「英雄的な反撃」のつもりで行なった ことが米国のみならず回教圏諸国でも「テロ犯罪」呼ばわりされ、見当はずれ の展開に戸惑う「テロ」実行者たち。 (アルカイダ主犯説がデッチ上げだとすれば)今回の件で「犯人」と決めつけられ 戸惑う反米活動家の連中。 戦争をめぐる様々な事象にさまざまな勢力が自分の都合のいい意味づけをして いる状況への、懐疑の声のように受け取りましたが……。
If you have purchased a license the Serial Number Name and Serial Number that you may need to enable your copy of Fetch is listed below. Note that the Serial Number Name may not be your name; it may be the name of your company or organization. Please print or save this email message as a receipt. If your copy of Fetch is erased you can download a new copy from http://@@@@.com and re-enter the serial number information.
If some products you ordered require shipping, while others do not, you will receive two order confirmations. This enables us to postpone charging your credit card for items that we have not yet shipped.
When I read a record about a war and watch a film based on the record, I am always depressed with its misery. We, belonging to a generation who never experience a war, may not be able to comprehend the reality/truth/essence of the misery. In our daily lives, which are often too easy to form a definite purpose, we seledom feel that the liberty of the subject is frightened, which controls our life and death.
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This is not the place to discuss the dictum of international law that the lives of prisoners are to be preserved except under serious military necessity, nor the Japanese setting aside of that law for frankly stated vengeance upon persons accused of having killed in battle comrades of the troops now occupying Nanking"
> 133 Reading documents of a war, or watching a film based on such documents, necessarily evokes misery and gloom. However, we, children of 'The Children Who Know Nothing about War', may not be able to understand what war truly means.
Our daily life is far from war, so that we never imagine the reality of being an Emperror's retainer, and of being forced to live or die in a particular way under social pressure. We are not conscious of the lives of ourselves or the freedom we enjoy. It is very rare to say, 'I don't wanna die!' War means, for us, nothing but a story. It doesn't matter whether it's a true story or not. However, we should know something about war, even if the knowledge is not based on personal experiences. Books and films would help this. Each of us should bear in mind something about war all the time, not making it a history.
Golf's greatest can outswing a pendulum and has the concentration of a chess grandmaster.This year he added to his trophy cabinet the British and U.S. PGA,among other prizes.The greatest golfer ever? Probably.The richest?Certainly.
Well, for my part, it's not really one specific genre or song, but rather the fact that they blended blues, folk, rock & roll, eastern music etc. that makes me love Led Zep's music. you know, like we say the union of people is stronger than te sum of their strength. The blend of Zep's music is way more interesting than just the genres in themselves (doon't mistake my thoughts, though, I love these genre alone too). Same thing for their qualities as musicians. It all gets to the special chemistry between the members.
Peace and Love,
> I'm a Japanese.I'm not so good at English. > But I'm very interested in English. > > I want to talk about more zepp music!! > What do you like in the music of zep?I want learn!! > Music which I like is "When the levee breaks". > > I am waiting for a tender-hearted person's reply!! > > I am sorry to be awkward English...(^o^;)
Jan. 2002 — Contemporary global politics is the age of Muslim wars. Muslims fight each other and fight non-Muslims far more often than do peoples of other civilizations.
Mostly "Lovage" is deadpan and wry and impossible to ignore. Since the music is romantic and sensual, you could theoretically make love to your old lady by it, but more likely you and your old lady will just get distracted and start cracking up; which shouldn't be a problem. After all, laughing is like sex, only without the mess. I'm sure Barry would understand.
Not intelligible with other Arabic varieties. Speakers are called 'Maures' ('Moors'). White Maure are called 'Bithan', which may also be used for the Maure in general. Black Maure are called 'Haratine'. The 'Nemadi' are an ethnic group that speak Hassaniyya, and do not have their own language.
>>214 I would like to purchace the 'Study' magazin from you. Intended volumes are: Spring and Fall Issues of both 2000 and 2001, and Spring issue of 2002. Let me know the price including postal charge. Please add the Euro basis, if you could accept. --------------------------------------- 余計なお世話ですが,各号何冊かも加えるとよいかと.
These instances of Muslim violence could congeal into one major clash of civilizations between Islam and the West or between Islam and the Rest. That, however, is not <inevitable>, and it is more likely that violence involving Muslims will remain dispersed, varied and frequent.
(from Cambridge International Dictionary of English)
inevitable adjective [not gradable] certain to happen; unable to be avoided or prevented The accident was the inevitable consequence/result/outcome of carelessness. Four successive dry winters had made water shortages inevitable. It seems almost inevitable that they will discover the error when they check the account .
We have no option but to accept the inevitable (=something which is not wanted but cannot be prevented).
it is, you and others would like to see the Korean cockroach remaining, because the child it makes, the Japanese became scurvy, it is, the face in the strings the above this does not have to be increased to Japan,
長文ですが、なにとぞお願いします。 固有名詞に付いては私も分かりません。 Shiite and Setami women joined by Hollywood sinners, complaining of VOA Pashto Service and wanting to eliminate it broadcasting The Director of the Voice of America Washington DC Dear Mr. Sanford J. Ungar
I have just come across a letter from the so-called “Women’s Alliance for Peace and Human Rights” (WAPHR) addressed to the “editor”, presumably meaning VOA officials complaining of VOA’s Pashto Service coverage. As a former head of BBC Pashto Service I am familiar with such outbursts especially when the group concerned is loosing or its rivals are gaining an upper hand. These vociferous Afghan women in the USA who seem to have found their kinds in Hollywood are the first who will never return to Afghanistan regardless of what government may come to power there. They like it too much in America and Europe and most of them have been through several husbands over the past decade or so in exile. The majority of these women, according to my experience of meeting them in the US over my many trips are either the Qizelbash Shiite who are immigrants from Iran or the anti-Pashtun, Setam-e-Milli, National Oppression followers. The American Ambassador, “Adolf Dubs was killed in a shoot-out (in 1978) after his abduction by a Tajik anti-Pashtun separatist group, Setam-e-milli” (Seileg Harrison & Diego Cordovez Out of Afghanistan, p.34). The Shiite group who is much closer to Iran than Afghanistan naturally does not like anything Pashtun. If they had their way, no Pashto (not “Pushtu” as spelled by WAPHR) voice would ever be heard anywhere. This is despite the fact that a six year survey by WAK NGO into Afghanistan’s population recently published in a book The Ethnic Composition of Afghanistan give the Pashtun population as 62.73 per cent and Tajik 12.38 per cent and Qizelbash only about 150,000.
ヤ訳してください Officials say the most alarming signs are preparations in both states for the use of nuclear-tipped missiles. Intelligence agencies have learned of indications that India is getting its short-range Prithvi ballistic missiles ready for use. The missiles are within range of the Pakistani capital, Islamabad. Meanwhile, Pakistan is mobilizing its Chinese-made mobile M-11 missiles, also known as the Shaheen, which have been readied for movement from a base near Sargodha, Pakistan. Intelligence reports indicate that India will have all its forces ready to launch an attack as early as this week, with Thursday or Friday as possible dates. Pakistan could launch its forces before those dates in a pre-emptive strike.
>>328 I think it rather hard to handle graphic data properly. There remains a lot of things for me to learn to make full use of a scanner, and I cannot say that I feel easy in using it. Anyway I hope you keep up the good work.
>>328 I think it's difficult to handle picture images. I still got a lot of things that I don't know about scanners, and I find them a little bit annoying. Keep up the good work on uploading pictures.
訳してくださいおねがいします In a final note, the VOA audience figures, I am told, has overtaken the BBC Pashto coverage and this in itself is an indication that the section is doing its job professionally and efficiently however much they may be disliked by the like of Women Alliance for Peace and Human Rights.
なんと書いてあるのですか? Another radical group was Settem-i-Melli (Against National Oppression). This was formed in the late 1960s by Taher Badakhshi, a Tajik who had been a member of the PDPA Central Committee. In its "Maoist" emphasis on militant class struggle and mass mobilization of peasants, Settem-i-Melli resembled Shula-i-Jawid. But it was also strongly anti-Pashtun, and it accused the Soviet Union of supporting "Pashtun colonialism." The group was well-organized, not only within minority communities in Kabul but also in the northeastern provinces where minorities were numerous.
ありがとうございます。文法的におかしいのですね。 This related matter (that) will be discussed next. というとらえ方はできないと。 「このことは、この次に話し合われる事項に関係があった。」 というのは、 This was related to tha matter 〜 になるのですか?
よろしくお願いします。 Children are willing to go more than half way to meet an entertainer. この文の go more than half way to meetの部分がよくわからないのです。 検索で調べると People are used to going more than half-way to meet the machines. という文もでてきました。
We have already processed your request for a reship. We were just following up with you to ensure that you receive the best possible service we can offer. We understand that it is imperative to ship out your products in a timely manner. Unfortunately, the order that we sent you once already has been delayed due to circumstances that we can't control. As I said previously, we have already processed a reship request for your order and the items have already been sent out again. You were not billed for the second shipment we sent you. As a follow up, we have contacted the United States Postal Service in reference to the first package that was sent, and we did initiate a trace on that package. It is just as frustrating for us as it is for you when you called us to tell us you did not receive your package. If you do receive a duplicate shipment, it is important to return the duplicate to avoid further charges. Once again, thank you for ordering from Body.com.
Make sure all other devices connected to your MIDI interface are powered off, to make sure that just your MS2K and PC are talking and getting max bandwidth (especially with USB interfaces). If your USB interface is connected through a hub, you might consider plugging it directly into your PC USB port too. If you have that funny old cable that converts the joystick port on your SoundBlaster Live to a MIDI interface, you might want to fish it out. That MIDI interface has performed the OS updates super reliably, where fancy USB Midi interfaces have failed
Anyone unaccustomed to talking to audience of children should tread very warily when doing so.I do not mean that children are an 'awkward'audience. They are most willing to enjoy themselves and to go more than half way to meet an entertainer; but he must entertain not preach.
Golf's greatest can outswing a pendulum and has the concentration of a chess grandmaster.This year he added to his trophy cabinet the British and U.S. PGA,among other prizes.The greatest golfer ever? Probably.The richest?Certainly.
There are songs of certain types that get skipped or stalled when played, depending on the encoder to use on them. The songs with Japanese names in the ID3 tags are skipped while those with Japanese names in the Album or Artist tags are not. Although both (its) likelihood and cause uncertain, the ends of songs, (however rarely), can be chipped off when songs being transfered. Although both (its) likelihood and cause uncertain, songs, (however rarely), can be transfered at X times speed.
>415 ちょっとすっきりバージョン [Software Bugs Report] -Some tracks are skipped or suspended, depending on the encoder. -All tracks with Japanese letters in the ID3 tag of title are skipped. No problem for album title or player's name. -Some tracks are clipped during transfer. Probability and cause are unknown. -Some tracks are transferred at X times speed. Probability and cause are unknown.
I plant a circle of shade for me. A circle of shade wherre people come to rest and walk,out of the sun. Where people speak a ward or so of kindness for the friends they know. What do I plant when I plant a tree? A circle of loving friends for me.
>>430 There is various opinions still now for how Christmas is celebrated at December 25th as a national holiday. Though someone said that Christmas have been celebrated since age of JulianT, the origin of Christmas celebration was for Roman national holiday.
During this celebration, every house was lighted up and decorated evergreen. The presents were exchanged, all men put on women clothe or animal skin clothe, the gamble which was forbidden usual was held, the masters changed their seat with their slaves, and people had a boisterous party. So, the church got an idea to utilize such a celebration.
We cannot say specific year that Christmas was started to be celebrated at December 25th, but certainly it was between beginning of 4th century and 336 A.C..
When did we start to celebrate Christmas on December 25th? According to history books, Christmas was first celbrated during ユリウス1世 regime. However, they..
Even now there are various doctrines why December 25th came to be observed as Christmas. Though it is said that Christmas have been observed since the time of JulianT, the origin of Christmas was Roman ferial day.
During the ferial days, people lighted their homes up and adorned with evergreen. They also exchanged gifts, and have a spree: men put female cloths or leathers on, make a bet usuallyprohibited, masters changed their seats with their slaves. Therefore Church thought renewing it.
Even now there are various doctrines why December 25th came to be observed as Christmas. Though it is said that Christmas have been observed since the time of Julian I, the origin of Christmas was a Roman feast day.
During the ferial, people lighted their homes up and adorned with evergreen. They also exchanged gifts, and have a spree: men put female cloths or leathers on, make a bet usually prohibited, masters changed their seats with their slaves. Therefore Church thought renewing it.
>>430 Even now there are various doctrines why December 25th came to be observed as Christmas. Though it is said that Christmas have been observed since the time of Julian I, the origin of Christmas was a Roman feast day.
During the ferial, people lighted their homes up and adorned with evergreen. They also exchanged gifts, and have a spree: men put female cloths or leathers on, make a bet usually prohibited, masters exchanged their seats with their slaves. Therefore Church thought renewing it.
Anyway it's sure Chrismas still had been observing on 25th Dec at least before 336 AD. It cannot be specified, but seems early 4th century.
Mr. Hoshino, the famous general of his fighting spirit in the ball world will become the next manager of Hanshin Tigers. Will he change the weak tigers completely into the strong ones?
僕には何がなんだかわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。 The collapse of the multinational states of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia confronted the a United States yet again with the age-old problem of diplomatic recognition. When the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia initially sought external recognition of their independence, the Bush administration moved slowly, not wanting to further destabilize the Soviet Union or undermine President Gorbachev. U.S recognition came only after the August coup attempt and after several European countries extended recognition. The United States faced a similar dilemma with Slovenia and Croatia during the Yugoslav civil war , fearing that diplomatic recognition would harden the lines of conflict and jeopardize the position of the minorities in these states (especially the Serbs in Croatia). After the establishment of the commonwealth of Independent States in the former Soviet Union, the United States took a similarly ”idealistic” approach insisting to each of the newly independent states that recognition and aid was dependent on evidence of democracy, rule of law, and human rights. As we have seen above, this may be a long time coming in many parts of the old Soviet Union.
>472 それだと『あなただけがそこにいることを願う』ってなっちゃうから、 Only wish I have is that you stay with me. みたいにすればいいと思う。 「あなたがいて(存在して)くれることだけが望みです」 この文章がどういう状況で言われてるのかによってまた違ってくるけど。
英語さっぱりわかりません。誰か訳して!ください。 1:Tell why it is worthwhile for people to change one form of energy to another more useful form.using logical arguments to support your position.Choose any two forms you wish to use for your example.
2:Explain gosohol ocean thermal energy and wind energy can be considered indirect forms of solar energy.
3:Research the use of an alternate source of energy not described in this chapter.Present your findings to the class.
「HERO」の詩の意味なんですが・・・ Have you ever had a hero? When we are children our heroes are most often famous people like presidents,popular movie stars and professhpnal athletes. They make us feel proud and inspire us to do our best. As we grow older,our definition of the word hero changes. We come to understand that a true hero is not just a celebrity,but any person who shows great courage while completing a difficult or dangerous task. The song is about the hero inside all of us. Yes,we all have the potential to be a hero. This is because everyone has difficulties in their daily lives that often require a great deal of effort and courage to overcome. But being a hero is not only about overcoming difficulties. It also involves believing in ourselves and never giving up on our dream, no matter how difficult the challenges we face may be. The singer of the song is like a good friend who advises the listener to "look inside you and be strong." The advice to "hold on" is a message of hope and encouragement for everyone who is experiencing a problem or thinking about giving up their dream. If we try hard enough and hold on to our dream,we will find the strength to succeed.We will also makes an important discovery about ourselves. This discovery is that a real hero lies inside all of us. Although finding the hero within us is not an easy task,we must never give up the serch. After all,we have to become a hero to ourselves before we can be hero to others. Then we will know the true meaning of hero.
お願いします。 Once this game was started it had to be played on all woods walks, which from now on were punctuated by shouts of, "Don't step on the Christmas tree!" A child's world is fresh and new and beautiful, full of wonder and excitement.
We have a tendency to order living beings as being more or less intelligent-intelligence is not a characteristic that is either present or not, rather one that is present in degrees. どなたか教えてください。お願いします。
one day ある日 a certain bulletin board on network ネット上の、とある掲示板が… it was on the verge of closing 閉鎖の危機に瀕していた the bulletin board of the name "2-channel" “2ちゃんねる”という名の、その掲示板は it consists of the bulletin board of various kinds さまざまなジャンルの掲示板から成り立つ、 the greatest bulletin board group in Japan 日本最大の掲示板群だった but, so operational expenses become an immense amount of money.... だが、それゆえ運営費は莫大な金額になり‥‥ when two years and three months have passed since establishment 開設から2年と3ヶ月が経とうとしていた頃 from the management company of a server which did "2-channel" in exchange for advertising till then, and borrowed “2ちゃんねる”は、それまで広告掲載と引き換えにして借りていたサーバの運営会社から de facto closing announcement was received 事実上の閉鎖通告を受けた
USA TODAY の記事です。 冬休みの宿題で相当困っています。 長文ですが、誰か助けてください〜(T◇T)
Girls' driving takes a bad turn
When it comes to driving, 16-old-girls are becoming almost as bad as 16-year-old boys, says accident data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Teenage girls are driving more, and the youngest drivers are involved in an increasing number of accidents, the data show. As a result, insurance companies have started closing the gap on the rates charged for teenage girl and teenage boy drivers. NHTSA says that in 2000, 16-year-old girls were involved in 175.19 crashes per 1,000 licensed drivers. That's up from 160.1 crashes in 1990. The crash rate for 16-year-old boys dropped to 210.3 per 1,000 licensed drivers in 2000 from 216.4 in 1990. Though the rate at which 16-year-old girls are involved in fatal crashes and non-fatal accidents is growing faster than that for boys, the same isn't true for 17-, 18- and 19-year-old girls. That suggests girls drive more safely once they get experience, and that teen boys continue to drive aggressively even after several years behind the wheel. Susan Ferguson, vice president of research at the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, says women are having more accidents because they're driving more: "Women, including teenagers, are in the workforce more today." Insurance industry statistics show that girls 16 to 19 are driving 70% more than in 1975, averaging 6,870 miles a year. Teen boys are driving 16% more, averaging 8,200 miles a year. Loretta Worters, a spokeswoman for the Insurance Information Institute, a research arm of the insurance industry, says teen girls are becoming more aggressive drivers. That, she says, has led to more tickets and moving violations. "It's more stressful when you're younger today," she says. "And unlike the '50s and '60s, when families protected their teen daughters, today they are giving them the same opportunities as boys." More teenage girl drivers are dying in accidents, too. The fatality rate for all drivers ages 15 to 20 fell 11% from 1990 to 2000, says NHTSA. But the fatality rate for girls that age increased 4% during the same period. All of that means that teen girls — and their parents — are taking a hit in the wallet. Dick Luedke, a spokesman for State Farm Insurance, says boys 16 to 19 were charged 61% more than teen girls for insurance in 1985. Today, that difference has fallen to 41%. Insurance companies say parents should be aware of the example they set for their children. "If the parents have bad driving habits, it's a good bet the kids will be bad drivers, too," says William King, an Allstate Insurance agent.
one day ある日 on a community on the network ネット上の、とある掲示板が… had been lastditch and closing. 閉鎖の危機に瀕していた the community, the name "2-channel", “2ちゃんねる”という名の、その掲示板は it consists of various bulletin boards さまざまなジャンルの掲示板から成り立つ、 and, it had been the greatest community in Japan 日本最大の掲示板群だった so, cost of running of the community become immense amount of money.... それゆえに、運営費は莫大な金額になり‥‥ in one day when two years and three months have passed since establishment 開設から2年と3ヶ月が経とうとしていた頃 the management company of a server which offer its own system for advertising instllation to "2-channel", “2ちゃんねる”は、それまで広告掲載と引き換えにして借りていたサーバの運営会社から send actual admonition of closing community 事実上の閉鎖通告を受けた
Thinking, in its commonsense meaning, includes problem solving and logical reasoning but also less structured forms of mental activity such as those we use in our everyday lives, when doing household chores or planning a weekend trip. どなたか教えてください。お願いします。
Thinking,( in its commonsense meaning,) includes problem solving /and logical reasoning /but also less structured forms of mental activity /such as those /we use in our everyday lives,/ when doing household chores or planning a weekend trip.
1. 亀田さんはカメを二匹飼っています。 2. 夕べはいい夢を見た。 3. 北海道はたくさん雪が降る。 4. ウサギは跳ねる。 5. 彼らはかしこい。 6. 私は彼らにニンジンをやる。 7. 彼らはそれを食べる。 8. 彼らはそれがおいしいと思う。 9. 雪夫はスノーボードに乗るのが好きだ。 10.さやかはアイスが食べたい。 11.まきこは政治を勉強しはじめた。 12.私はランチを食べる為に学校へ行く。 13.私は友達に会う為に学校へ行く。 14.私は寝る為に学校へ行く。 15.生きることは苦労することだ。 16.生きることは楽しむことだ。 17.生きることは食べる事だ。 18.生きることは寝る事だ。 19. He is single. 20. He loves X-Japan. 21. Some people call him henjin. 22. Japanese people gave him a chance.
Mr. Kameda has 2 turtles. I dreamt a great dream last night. It shows so much in Hokkaido. Rabbit jumps. They are smart. I feed them carrots. They eat them. …… 飽きてきた。
>>540 We employee you as a professor for Natural Science Concept AI・U, Information Mathematics A, and other seminors which are offerd at ○○ University(College, School, Highschool...)
数年前にインドに行ったのですが、そのときに乗った車の ヒンドゥ−教の国にもかかわらづ、運転手が牛に車を衝突 させたんですが、運転手があまりにも落ち込んだので、 「君に責任はない」と言ったつもりで You have no responsibility.と言ったら、びっくりしたような 顔をしてました。もしかして、わたしは「君は無責任だ」と言って しまったのでしょうか??
こんなふうに言えばよかったででしょうか? It is not your responsibility. どなたか教えてくださいませ!! ずーと、気になってますので、よろしくお願いします。
Abstract thinking is perceived as especially hard by most, and individuals with this ability often command respect and admiration. の和訳は、大部分およびこの能力を持った個人によって特に困難なものとして、アブストラクト思考は知覚されます でいいですか?
The enjoyment of the show lasted for nearly two hours, while the ice cream could never be prolonged for more than half an hour, so all but two or three evenings a week we went to the theater across the street.
>597 When the Crown Princess's pregnancy was announced, many Japanese prayed for her, and we rejoiced at her childbirth.
Although Japan experienced the Age of Civil Wars, some Shogunates and the conflict between the two imperial families, the Imperial Household(s) itself has never been abolished.
At the Diet, even JCP voted in favour of the bill for delivering a congratulatory address to the Imperial Household.
>603 A friend of friends, always praying for her/his fotune, even not side by side. (1)ちょい意訳. (2)文法(構文?)的に正しい文が必要なら直して. (3)質問者は逆切れしない.解答者の感じが悪いのは2chの常.
Why did you kill Kuririn? If you didn't, Gokuu didn't change to Super-Saiya-Jin, you know. Kuririn is a little ball bastard, you have no reason to kill him.
Which one do you like, Zaabon? Dodoria? And why do you speak like a pansy? Or are you gay? Are there any Nameckese you want make love?
>632 さっそくありがとうございます、単純に起こされたでいいんですね… 次なんですが、 Way back in 1942 Japan passed a law called the Conciliation of Personal Affairs Act. です。Way back inが…お願いします。
Usually, people's facial expressions seem a better guide than their words to what they are feeling. It is possible to read emotion and attitude from people's faces. Smiles and frowns are often natural expressions of happiness and anger. We smile in greeting. We frown to show doubt. So in everyday conversation, we concentrate on our companions' faces rather than on their hands or feet. Charles Darwin, the great 19th-century British scientist, sent a list of questions to missionaries in faraway countries. He tried to discover whether body language, especially facial expression, is innate or learned. . If expressions are learned, then in some cultures, he expected, , there might be no smiling because the people used another expression for happiness. If expressions are innate, happiness or pleasure will everywhere show themselves in a smile. Darwin asked, for example "Is surprise expressed by the eyes and mouth being opened wide, and by the eyebrows being raised? Do children greatly stick out their lips when they are sulky?" From the answers he found it quite possible that the same state of mind should be expressed everywhere in the world with surprising uniformity.
Plant has commented lightly on the possibility of lyrical allusions to LOTR in his music, and even gone so far as to say that he and Jimmy Page would "play music and write songs about the Lord of the Rings." お願いします。 and以下がよくわからないです。
Is Japanese Yen acceptable? 日本円は使える? (レートはふつう向こうが決めます。それからレート如何に関わらず、 円が使えるときは使えるし、使えないときは使えない。だから このレートならどう?って交渉はちょっと変かな)
まあ、If you could kindly answer the following questions, I would be appreciative.とでも言ってから質問を羅列したら そんなに失礼ではないでしょう。質問があんまりゴテゴテすると 分かりにくいので、質問自体はシンプルにするのがベスト。
When I watched "The Seven Samurai"and"The Magnificent Seven", I found many points in common between the samurais and the cowboys.
They have humanity,courage and a strong sense of obligation. Because they helped a farm village at a risk of their life, though the profit of doing that was none.
But there were some different aspects also. For example, though the cowboys wear boots not to be bitten by poisonous snakes,the samurais didn't.
And the cowboys mainly fought by the gun, but the samurais did with a sword. These examples are fundamental differences.
The difference in which I got interested most was motives for helping farmers.
All the samurais helped them without expecting collateral probably, though , there was a cowboy who expected gold.
It is not that it is bad. Soul was very alike for the samurais and the cowboys.
But I strongly realized the differences in the influence of a social background or culture , like Gold Rush , between Japan and America.
・thoughの使い方を見なおしましょう。whileのほうが言い部分もある。 ・過去形と現在形の混在を見なおしましょう。 ・obligation。 無理やりやらされているニュアンスを感じる。oblige:強いる ・profit。 returnのほうがいいような。 ・fought mainly by the gunじゃないか? ・The difference in which I got interested mostより The most interesting difference(for me)。日本語に引っ張られすぎ。 ・It is not that it is bad. どういう意味?
I'll to e-mail you again. またメールしたいっす。 But I am not so good at English. 英語は得意じゃないですが。 Thank you for you understanding. ご理解のほどよろしく。 Nice to keep in touch with you. こんごともよろしく。 日本語の「よろしく」は難しい。
あとこの英文を訳してください。意味はなんとなくわかるんですが 文法的構造がいまいち。 Modern physical anthropology would not exist as an evolutionary science were it not for advances in the understanding of genetic principles. 人類学のテキストからの一文です。
the international terrorism occurred the principle realize a political aim terrorists feels fear ;what kind of? and has ambition ; ambition はキリスト教的では? advanced nations; じゃあおらの国はadvanced じゃないのね。差別的。 exercise
取材、は interview でいいんじゃない? >>717 I am planning to make a guidebook for Japanese tourists. I would like to interview your shop/hotel and take some photos for the book, okay? てな感じで。
The key points of DOD-STD-2138 are process standardization and the importance of metal sprayed coating "systems." By developing and implementing DOD-STD-2138, the Navy is attempting to ensure that each activity, government (Navy) or private, is providing the same high quality coating system. The requirements of the DOD standard limit the range of the variables in the process. A surface coated in accordance with DOD-STD-2138 receives surface preparation, coating application, and sealing that reflect recognizable standards. This benefits the Navy by providing a proven product and benefits the contractor by reducing operator errors that lead to failures. In addition, the use of a proven process ensures a long-life coating and fosters early detection of process problems.
(1) We came from Japan for covering. We are making a guidebook for the Japanese tourist. (3) (by telephone) We want to cover an interview to you. We report that on the Japanese magazine for the tourist.
今度は自分でも訳してみました。 添削お願いします。 (1)We are here to (取材) and publish the travel magazine for Japanese tourists. (2)We'd like to (取材) and carry your shop/hotel for the travel magazine for Japanese tourists which we publish. いかがでしょうか?
取材 coverage // gather material for an article // news gathering 取材 →(ニュースの【取材】) news coverage 取材 →(過剰な【取材】) overeager coverage 取材 →(完全ライブビデオ【取材】) complete live video coverage 取材 →(女性誌の【取材】) collect material for a women's magazine 取材する collect news data // collect news materials // gather newsmaterials // get a story // go out on assignments
取材する :〜を【取材する】 do a story on 取材する :(〜を)【取材する】 gather information (about) 取材する →(一般のニュースとして【取材する】;〜を) cover ~ as a news event for general interest 取材する →(事件を【取材する】) cover the story
(1) We are here from Japan and collecting info. to make a guidebook for Japanese tourists. collecting info. = gathering stories (storiesの方が読み物っぽい感じ) (2) May we visit your place (for interviewing/picture-taking) so that we can introduce your establishment to the tourists in our (guide)book?
>>707>>708>>710 ちょっと専門用語の解説。 ま、知識だけの問題。でも科学英語翻訳の難しさが露呈したのを感じた。 Modern physical anthropology would not exist as an evolutionary science were it not for advances in the understanding of genetic principles.
One day when Jeff Siegel was nine,his class went to an aquarium in Los Angeles. That trip changed his life. Jeff was a lonely boy with many problems. He was partly deaf and couldn't speak well. This and other problems made him shy,especially at school,where the other children bullied him. Even at home he had problems. His father,a police officer worked a lot and was seldom at home. His mother was strict with him and she felt embarrassed that her son was different from the other children.
But that day at Marineland,Jeff found some animal friends. They seemed to smile at him. He was fascinated by the dolphins and stayed beside the pool watching them until it was time to return to school. He loved them very much,so he decided to work and earn money for a pass to visit his new friends every day.
>>765 You know the Yamanote Line? A loop line that is. Land value inside the rail on which a train runs around is estimated almost equal to that of whole territory of the U.S.A.
Studies of baby smiling have found how early it appears and how much mothers see it as a sign that their babies are responding to them socially. Even at a few days old, babies pay more attention to complex, face-like objects than to simple objects of the same size and color. At first, babies find other complex objects equally interesting, but within, the first six months they start to prefer faces. . In addition, babies smile at eyes, or even at a pair of eye-like dots, just as readily as their mother's face. In contrast, the baby will not smile at a face with either an eye or both eyes covered. Baby smiles are important because they develop the bond between the baby and its mother. It is unlikely that an expression which has such survival value and which appears within has such survival value and which appears within the first month of life could be other than innate. Babies all show expressions of surprise and interest. Studies of blind children have shown that, although they have fewer facial expressions, they use the same facial muscles as sighted children in smiles, and in expressions of other emotions. この文の訳よろしくお願いシマス!!!!
Modern scientists have shown that certain facial expressions communicate the same emotions in every human culture. There is general agreement about six basic emotions――― happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, surprise and fear. Paul Ekman, an American researcher, showed photographs of the facial expression of these emotions to people from the United States, Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Japan. He found that they were recognized in much the same way everywhere. Ekman also visited the Fore people of New Guinea, who have little contact with outside people. . They did not clearly distinguish fear and surprise. Some Fore people were videotaped posing the six expressions. American students recognized them fairly accurately, except for the Fore people's expressions of fear and surprise. What these studies show is that there is a universal tendency to recognize certain expressions as appropriate expressions of the emotions they represent. This recognition strongly suggests that people in different societies. Show the same facial expressions for the same emotions. There is also direct evidence for this. Ekman showed a film of surgery to Japanese and American students. . Each student was videotaped while watching the film alone, and later while talking to a researcher about the experience. American and Japanese facial expressions showed differences in the interview. The Americans' expressions showed many emotions from dislike to complete horror but the Japanese were calm. When watching the film alone, however, students of both nations showed very similar painful expressions and similar physiological responses. They also reported similar feelings and emotions. This means that in both societies the same facial expressions go with the same emotions when people feel no social pressure to hide their feelings. これもお願いします。
>>773 It is unlikely that an expression which has such survival value and which appears within has such survival value and which appears within the first month of life could be other than innate. ここんとこ、転記ミスではないかい?
>>776 This recognition strongly suggests that people in different societies. Show the same facial expressions for the same emotions. これも、なんかおかしい。
>>767 わしは、ネイティヴがどんな書き方をするか知らんけど、自分なりに、 駄文を書いてみました。間違いだらけの翻訳の上に、あおり文句で ごめん。でも、それでもいおう!その英文は見る人が見れば、ネイティヴが 書くべき文でもないし、教科書に載せるほどの良い英文ではないことを。 jeff was born with a difficutly in his ears. Because of his physical disablity, he sometime experienced a discrimination from other people in the school. Even his mother took hash attitude toward him. his father were always preoccupied his job and seemed to avoid to face the problem what Jeff was facing at. so, Jeff grew up a quit timid boy, and he could rarely communicate with other people. However, when he was nine, the school trip to the seaworld(aquarium) changed his life ever.
くだらない単純ミスは大目に見るが、全体に>>782こそまさしく 日本人がかくタイプの文章そのもの。 >jeff was born with a difficutly in his ears. 必要以上に曖昧な言い方でかつぎこちない。 partly deaf で何の問題もなし >experienced a discrimination from other people なんか、障害のせいで、「障害クラス」かなにかに隔離されたかの ような語感。不適切。 >avoid to face the problem what Jeff was facing at avoidはto不定詞を目的語にとらない。あと、faceが二回続くのは カッコワルイネ。しかも最初はfaceを他動詞として使い二回目はface at に しているのも場当たり的。 >However, Howeverは文語的で非常に論理性の強い接続詞。前半は、彼が うまくコミュニケートできないことをいい、後半は遠足が 彼の人生をかえたといってるが、この両者はhoweverでつながる ほど強い論理的つながりが内容的にない。
Hamann was again an infuluential figure in the Liverpool midfield as the Reds cruised into today's 4th round draw with an emphatic 3-0 victory, thanks to two goals from Owen and Anelka's debut strike for the club.
申請料ですか!そっか。出願じゃちょっと変ですもんね。 contingency feeというのは裁判に勝ったときだけ払うもののことのようで、 contingencyは偶然の、とかって意味で、言いたいことは通じるんですが訳が… 次なんですが、 there are many other ways in which the American system of justice could be made better お願いします。
お願いします。 In the short run, then, the leaders of the new postcommunist govern- ments were likely to be frustrated in their efforts to achieve early entry into the European Community, In the long run, perhaps over a decade, the EC held promise of developing into a powerful regional bloc, repre- senting much of Europe. Furthermore, the EC had the potential to de- velop truly supranational governing institutions. In 1987, the EC heads of government implemented the Single Europe Act (SEA), which replaced unanimity with majority voting of the twelve members on many eco- nomic and social issues. The SEA gave an important boost to 1992 by eliminating the right of a single country to veto progress.13 The decisions of 1990 presaged the extension of supranationalism into the political arena as well. Thus during the 1990s, the EC was likely to expand both its power and its membership. The EC, more than any other institution, had the potential to make real the dream of a Common European Home.
続きです。 THE DECLIN AND FALL OF THE SOVIET UNION The rebirth of East-Central Europe coincided with the gradual decay and disintegration of the Soviet Union. The reorientation of East-Central Europe toward the West was made both desirable and possible because of the dramatically weakened international position of the USSR. This situa- tion was an irony for the Gorbachev leadership, which had unleashed the changes in Eastern Europe with its own glasnost and perestroika in the Soviet Union (as discussed in Chapter 2). In what Berkeley historian Martin Malia has called "the boomerang effect from Central Europe," the Eastern European revolutions doubled back on the Soviet Union and ac- celerated the disintegration of that system too.
どなたかお願いします。 明日提出の課題で、未提出の場合ゼミの単位が来なくなります。 自分は単位を落とすだけですむのですが、友達は留年が確定します。 本来なら自分でやるべきことですが、他の課題がある上、 自分は英語がほとんどわかりません。よろしくお願いします。 The Eastern European Impact on the Soviet Union The symbiosis of change that had toppled one government after another in Eastern Europe began in 1990 to affect the Soviet Union as well. In both politics and economics, precedents from East-Central Europe were adopted in the Soviet Union. During the five years of perestroika, for ex- ample, Gorbachev had always insisted on maintaining the leading role of the Communist party, But the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe weakened Gorbachev's resolve and his ability to maintain this commit- ment to party, dominance, In February 1990, he told the party's Central Committee that the party had to earn its leading role through the ballot box and in competition with other parties. The next month, the Congress of Peoples' Deputies amended Article 6 of the Constitution to eliminate
The decentralization and fragmentation of the Soviet Union,/were also hastened by the Fastern European revolutions. A 1988 election law in the Soviet Union had allowed semicompetitive elections for the new national legislature (the Congress of peoples' Deputies) in March of 1989. But the real electoral revolutions occurred in republican and local elections be- tween December 1989 and March 1990, after the collapse of communist government.s in Eastern Europe. In the Russian republic, radical forces under the banner of the Democratic Russia Movement won over one-third of the seats in the legislature and were then ab]e to elect Boris Yeltsin to the republican presidency in May, The next month, the Russian Parliament declared Russia sovereign. At the local level, Gavriil Popov and Anatolii Sobchak were elected as mayors of Moscow and Leningrad, respectively. Soon after that, Yeltsin, Popov, and Sobchak all resigned from the Communist party.
お願いします。 In the other republics, the forces of change were more nationalistic than democratic, although the two often went together. Nationalistic forces in the Baltic republics, in particular, seemed to take courage from the demo- cratic revolutions to their west. Independence-minded popular fronts swept the republican parliamentary elections in Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia in early 1990 and coincided with the increasingly radical demands for sovereignty in those states. In March 1990, the Lithuanian parliament formed a noncommunist coalition government, following a precedent set by neighboring Poland the previous summer and establishing a precedent that was later followed by other Soviet republics.
In the economic sphere, too, the rapid moves toward the market in East-Central Europe prodded the Soviets to accelerate perestroika. The Gorbachev leadership all along had favored a gradual reform of the Soviet economic system. But with the application of shock therapy to the Polish economy in January 1990, this strategy quickly became a subject of discussion in Moscow. By the summer of 1990, Stanislav Shatalin and Grigory Yavlinsky had introduced their own 500-day plan for rapid tran- sition to the market. The Shatalin plan was rejected by Gorbachev at the time, but elements of it were revived in Yeltsin's Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. By 1990, the Soviet economy was near collapse. The limited decentral- ization of perestroika had basically destroyed the vertical chain of com- mand of the plan without yet replacing it with the horizontal exchanges among producers and consumers characteristic of the market. Furthermore,the political liberalization had fatally undermined popular trust in government, paralyzing its efforts to make more radical economic.
811はeconomicでピリオドではなく以下が続きです。度々すいません。 changes. Increasingly, the national economy ground to a halt; most eco- nomic activity was taking place only at the republican or local level. These problems were reflected in increasingly gloomy economic statistics and precipitous declines in GNP and production. The dismal economic scene within the Soviet Union raised concern outside the country as well. Increasingly, Western governments insisted on substantial economic re- form as a precondition for further aid.
With the lights out, It’s less dangerous.Here we are now entertain us.I feel stupid and contagious.Here we are now entertai us.A mullato.An albino.A mosquito.My L*****.
長くてすいません。 The mounting economic problems, however, made it increasingly un- likely that "the country" would continue to exist as an integrated unit as centrifugal nationalistic forces accelerated. Gorbachev had hoped to delay the country's fragmentation with a new union treaty with nine of the fif- teen republics. On the eve of the meeting to sign the new treaty, conserva- tive forces in the leadership attempted to oust Gorbachev and reestablish order, control, and central authority The failure of the August 1991 coup, however, simply accelerated the fragmentation of the country! By the end of the year, the Soviet Union was officially dissolved and the Commonwealth of Independent States emerged in its place, minus the Baltic states and Georgia. The CIS was created, in large measure, to stave off the even worse eco- nomic disaster that would occur if each of the former Soviet republics went their own way. But the end of communism and the Soviet Union did not mean the end of political and economic problems for the peoples and governments of the former union. As we have seen, the economic prob- lems promised to worsen, at least in the short run, and new conflicts of pride and national identity threatened the harmony of the common- wealth. A virtual civil war in Georgia (over the presidency of Gamsakhurdia) and a violent revival of the conflict over Nagorno- Karabakh (the Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan) were worrisome harbin- gers for the postcommunist era.
ありがとうございます。続きです。よろしくお願いします。 The disintegration of so large a country would have dramatic conse- quences outside the commonwealth as well. It would entail a redrawing of, and perhaps some negotiation over, the former country's western bor- ders. It would also mean yet another redrawing of the map of Europe with the emergence of new, small and vulnerable states. It would further complicate the efforts of the states in East-Central Europe to align and in- tegrate themselves with the West. The multitude of new, poor states in the commonwealth would additionally stretch the financial aid resources of the industrialized countries and would probably reduce those available to the ECE states outside the commonwealth. It would also pose a host of new issues for the West: those concerning economic aid and trade, new se- curity arrangements, political stability, and membership in the UN, EC, NATO, and other multilateral institutions,
This whole system, however, was destroyed with the dissolution of Comecon and with the Soviet decision, effective in January 1991, to con- duct all foreign trade on a hard currency basis and to sell its own products (especially energy) at world market prices. This was part of the Kremlin's effort to rationalize its own foreign trade and to integrate the Soviet econ- omy more closely with global trade. Nevertheless, the impact on East- Central Europe was immediate and negative and worked in both direc- tions. From the Soviet side, now that they were buying with hard cur- rency there was no advantage to buying inferior goods from their former Comecon partners. For the countries of East-Central Europe, the new rules meant that Soviet oil and natural gas, which they had previously purchased at subsidized prices, were now much more expensive and were available only for scarce hard currency Furthermore. the galloping economic collapse of the Soviet Union and then of the commonwealth states drastically reduced their own abilities to trade. Consequently, the postcommunist governments, while struggling to revive their domestic economies, suddenly lost their most lucrative export markets. In the first quarter of 1991. Poland's exports to the Soviet Union declined 80 percent from the year before and was responsible for a quarterly trade deficit of $300 million. In the same three months Czechoslovakia's exports to the Soviet Union declined by 36 percent and Hungary's by 85 percent.15 The loss of Soviet markets meant the closure of many industries in those coun- tries, exacerbating the already difficult problem of unemployment. The new governments in East-Central Europe were expecting a reorientation of their trade to the West, but they had been hoping that the reduction in Soviet trade would be more gradual. This sudden thrust out of the nest and into the global market would be an important test of their ability to survive on their own. It would also make them even more dependent on Westen largess.
>Thus the first model from which the first image of man arose was a clod of >earth, and not without reason, for the Divine Architect of time and of nature, >being all perfection, wished to demonstrate, in the imperfection of His materials, >what could be done to improve them, just as good sculptors and painters are >in the habit of doing, when, by adding additional touches and removing blemishes, >they bring their imperfect sketches to such a state of completion and of >perfection as they desire
Thus / the first model /主節の主語 (from which the first image of man arose was a clod of earth, / and not without reason), /主語の説明(andで並列) for the Divine Architect of time and of nature, being all perfection, / wished to demonstrate, /主節の動詞 in the imperfection of His materials, / [what could be done to improve them, /主節の目的語 just as good sculptors / and painters are in the habit of doing,/andで並列 { when, (by adding additional touches and removing blemishes), they bring their imperfect sketches / to such a state of completion and of perfection / as they desire //}]
Thus / the first model /主節の主語 (from which the first image of man arose )主語の説明 was a clod of earth, / 主節の動詞 and not without reason), 並列
『for the Divine Architect of time and of nature, /for節の主語 being all perfection, / wished to demonstrate, /動詞 in the imperfection of His materials, / [what could be done to improve them, /目的語 「just as good sculptors and painters are in the habit of doing」,/andで並列 { when, (by adding additional touches and removing blemishes), they bring their imperfect sketches / to such a state of completion and of perfection / as they desire //}] 』
不愉快に感じる方はすいません。もう40時間ほど寝ずに課題をやっていて しかも間に合うかどうかぎりぎりで、かなり切羽詰ってます。 848の方、どうもありがとうございます。不愉快でしたら仰ってください。 The Soviet decay and collapse most immediately affected its neighbors in the economic sphere, but it also raised national security concerns in East-Central Europe. The new governments in the region were delighted to remove themselves from Soviet domination and gladly cooperated in the dismantling of the Warsaw Pact. Extricated from this Eastem alliance, but unable to join NATO, the postcommunist states found themselves without alliances or solid security guarantees. Even before the disappear- ance of the Soviet Union, there was concern in the ECE states about insta- bility in that country, Some feared that efforts by Soviet republics to leave the union would allow the return of a hard-line and authoritarian leader- ship in Moscow. Such a situation almost materialized with the August coup attempt. There was also concern over the possibility of civil war or ethnic conflicts that could possibly spill over into East-Central Europe. None of these concerns disappeared with the termination of the Soviet Union . Even without this worst-case scenario, the breakup of the Sdviet Union could have severe consequences for the ECE countries. The combination of the economic breakdown and the relaxation of errLigration restrictions in the fomer Soviet Union led to a huge new flow of migrants to both east- ern and western Europe from the Soviet successor states. These came~' on top of the already substantial population flow from eastern to western Europe (especially Germany), which had contributed to the rise of right- wing xenophobia in Ge_.rm'any, France, and elsewhere. There was also con- cern over the possible revival of national animosities between the former Soviet republics and their western neighbors. Poland, for example, was concerned about possible revival of anti-Polish sentiment in the former western Soviet republics of Byelorussia and Ukraine (both of which con- tained territory taken away from Poland after World War II).16 All of these concems intensified the efforts of the ECE governments to seek closer as- sociation and assurances from the West and from NATO.
The U.S. Navy has two aluminum sprayed coating systems tailored to the operational environment the coated surfaces will see in service. Type I system provides for high temperature applications (surface operating temperatures greater than 79 degrees C (175 degrees F)), such as steam valves, and requires an aluminum coating thickness of 0.254 to 0.381 mm (0.010 to 0.015 inch) sealed with a heat resistant paint. The Type II system is for low temperature systems (surface operating temperature less than 79 degrees C (175 degrees F)) and is used for selected marine and interior applications. The Type II system consists of 0.178 to 0.2254 mm (0.007 to 0.010 inch) of aluminum coating sealed with thinned (after induction) epoxy polyamide paint (MIL-P-24441/1) and topcoated with two additional layers of epoxy polyamide paint.
>865 864の訳でいいと私も思います。 The U.S. Navy (S) has (V) two aluminum-sprayed coating systems (O):わかり易い ようにハイフン入れました tailored to the operational environment the coated surfaces will see in service (C)・・・( * )
( * )・・・ the operational environment [which/that] the coated surfaces will see in service : コーティングされた表面が、戦闘活動中に直面する作戦状況
WASHINGTON--Heizo Takenaka, minister in charge of fiscal and economic policy, reiterated after a series of talks with to p U.S. economic officials on Monday that the Japanese government would inject new public funds into banks should fears of a financial crisis rekindle. http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/dy/newsvoice/index.htm
Match each description on the left with a term on the right. 1.Filters out irrelevant information a.reticular activating system 2.known as the "gateway to memory" b.cerebrum 3.Controls the autonomic nervous system; c.hippocampus involved in drives associated with survival d.cerebral cortex 4.Consists of two hemispheres e.frontal lobes 5.Wrinkled outer covering of the brain f.hypothalamus 6.Site of the motor cortex; associated with planning and taking initiative
>888 まず、倒置されるとifが消えて疑問文の語順になると 知ってるほうがいいと思うYO。 それを前提にすると、should が来る前に the Japanese government would inject new public funds into banks ていう文が完成してるので、「あ、倒置されてる」と 気付けます。>877
Match each description on the left with a term on the right. 1.Filters out irrelevant information 2.known as the "gateway to memory" 3.Controls the autonomic nervous system; involved in drives associated with survival 4.Consists of two hemispheres 5.Wrinkled outer covering of the brain 6.Site of the motor cortex; associated with planning and taking initiative
Match each description on the left with a term on the right. a.reticular activating system b.cerebrum c.hippocampus d.cerebral cortex e.frontal lobes f.hypothalamus
>890 > the Japanese government would inject new public funds into banks > ていう文が完成してるので、「あ、倒置されてる」と そうです、文が完成している、そこまではOKだったんです。 なので should が出てきたとたん >884 と同じく 「なにこれ??」 とびっくりしました。 多分今後は同じようなパターンの文に出会ったときに倒置の可能性に気づけると思います。
>912 I was facinated with your beautiful voice. your singing is the sourse of my power. Please come to japan and let me listen to your beautiful voice. And, take care of yourself, i hope you will secceed on your diet. your forever fun.
>>912 I listen to your beautiful voice, and I am completely in heat. Your singing voice is the source of my desire. By all means, you come to Japan, and then make us listen to your wonderful singing voice. One more wish. You should be careful of the health, and escape from a state of fat pig. Longer than eternity. Yours sincerely.
By the time I knew, I was born Reason or quest, not being told / What do I do. What should I take Words " God Only Knows"won`t work for me Nothing starts Nothing ends in this city Exists only sever lonesome and cruel reality But still search for light I am a trigger. I choose my final way Whether I bloom or fall, is up to me」
やっぱりわからないので誰か教えてください。上のコピペです。 アメリカ人が多大な努力で国を作り上げ、その過酷な努力の後、 彼らは少しゆっくり出来るだろうと考えた、 だがそこに日本人がやってきた、という場面なのですが、 but then along came the Japaneseという文がわかりません。 alongがわからないです、教えてください。 それから、we also began to ask if the Japanese really do work that hard もわかりません。 さらにwork ethicというのがでてくるんですが、勤労道徳とでも訳せばいいのでしょうか。