>>004 I think Danny hung in there till the end. A terrible incident, which he had got involved in, was getting him in deep trouble. There are so few people dying in this film that the scenes in which people died were, if anything, so emphasized that they attracted me much. I think Savian a marvelous negotiator. I enjoyed Manuevering and dialogs between them. They seemed to be the best old friends each other despite the fact that they had met before long.
An Woolton villege fete I met him. I was a fat school- boy and, as he leaned an arm on my shoulder, I realized that he was drunk . We were twelve then, but, in spite of his sideboards, we went on to become teenage pals.
Aunt Mimi, who had looked after him since he was so high, used to tell me how he was cleverer than he pretended, and things like that. He had written a poem for the school magazine about a hermit who said : 'as breathing is my life, to stop I dare not dare.' This made me wonder right away - 'Is he deep ? ' He wore glasses so it was possible, and even without them there was no holding him. 'What 'bus ? ' he would say to howls of appreciative laughter.
He went Quarry Bank High School for Boys and later attended to the Liverpool Art College. He left school and played with a group called the Beatles, and, here he is with a book . Again I think - 'Is he deep ?' 'Is he arty, with it or cultured ?'
'There are bound to be thickhands who will wonder why some of it dosn't make sense, and others who will search for hidden meanings. 'What's a Brummer ?' 'There's more to 'dubb owld boot' than meets the eye.' None of it has to make sense and if it seems funny then that's enough.
>>20 It is today somehow. I want us to surely cooperate. I need your help well pleasing. proxyserver was abused for the criminal.
Someone of your groups receive us in a malicious act. It did not necessarily carry out. I hear that to the last, it was unjustly used from the outside. I think that the log file of those days remains to you.
And our country is Japan. Since Japan is the country where how depending on which time progresses is early in the earth
Supposing it carries out or There may be time difference with your country.
Moreover I need your help well in how. the mail over several times
-- please forgive Good-bye. gomennasai. I need your help once again.. It is since I am troubled truly...
>>52 His lecture really encourages me to study, because the letters he writes on the blackboard are very big and easy to read, and he speaks loud enough to understand. This is very important to me.
Before writing a story in the newspaper,reporters must gather information. In Japan,the method of news-gathering is usually done by way of a kisha or reporter's culb. These clubs have close connetions with the government and the police,and they are usually open only to reporters from big newspapers;reporters from small papers and foreign papers are not admitted. When there is a new story,reporters in the kisha clubs will discuss the story and decide upon what they will and will not write. This is the reason why it seems that all newspapers in Japan write the same story.
ケンカはまだやってます。。 ついにムスリムに泣きがはいって god bless the true muslims っていっちゃいました。おうえんしてるのに。。。 the only way to world peace is power starving the zionists っていわれた。訳おねがいいたします。ジオニストはシオニズム関係?? >84 やってみます。w
yep,we can buy russian oil! and arabes can eat their camels! とか you people have let osama bin ladin open up a hellish nightmare on your people that you will never be able to stop. などのムスリムの意見があります。。。
i found it amusing that the japanese guy whined about japan getting muked,,they attacked us, funny how they seem to forget that little fact!! を最後におねがいします。>ごめんなさい!1>112 アメリカのヤフーチャットのイスラムルームです。 ご迷惑でした。
Hey little boy. You need to go bed, and hear bed time story from you mom. If you wanna talk with us about war, you need to study world economics and world relationships.
Come back 10 years later. bye now. I cannot spend the time for such a little boy, we adults are so busy.
セイビアンの交渉は見事だった。 saibien showed his remarkable skill in the negotiation. 彼らのかけひきがおもしろかった。 i was held captive by their strategies かれらは初対面だったが親友のように感じた。 although they met for the first time, they seemed to have been friends for years. これからは本当の親友になるだろう i suppose that they would make good friends after their initial meeting
Japanese often say that Americans seem more cheerful and optimistic than Japanese. If this is true, there may be cultural and philosophical reasons for this difference. The idea that all men already have access to all wisdom appears in the dialogues of Socrates, quoted by Plato. In the Meno , Socrates demonstrates by skillful questioning that a slave boy has as much wisdom and insight as the educated scholars around him. This idea-- that all men already have within them a connection to the source of all knowledge -- is one source of optimism. In his famous Sermon on the Mount, Jesus too expresses optimism about the blessings to be gained from consciousness of man's sonship with God
"In point of fact, there might have been no Lolita at all had I not loved, one summer, a certain initial girl-child." (じっさい、ある夏、私があの最初の少女を愛さなかったら、ロリータは、 まったく存在しなかったかもしれない)
という文章のhad I not lovedはなぜ、hadとIが逆転しているのでしょうか、 また何という構文なのでしょうか、教えてください。
オランダ人は背が高い人が多いんですか? オランダ人は背が高い人が多いんじゃない? Do tall people in height shares much in Netherland? Are there many tall people in height in Netheland? Can we find many tall people in Netherland?
どなたか、これを訳して下さい。 I am MR JOHN PUJEH from SIERRA LEONE, a Country in WEST AFRICA. My father is MR MOMOH PUJEH, former MINISTER of TRANSPORT and COMMUNICATIONS and one time DEPUTY FINANCE MINISTER in Sierra Leone. My father and mother were arrested by the government of my Country and put in detention since 28/09/2001. My parents were accused of keeping large quantity of DIAMONDS in the house, and also privately selling large quantity of DIAMONDS abroad. You can verify this from SIERRA LEONE EMBASSY in your country.
I escaped to a hide out in BENIN REPUBLIC, another Country in West African with 2 Trunk boxes containing about Forty Six Million U.S. dollars (US$46,000,000.00). I kept the boxes in a SECURITY & TRUST COMPANY in COTONOU Capital of BENIN REPUBLIC. For my safety and that of the boxes, i did not let the company know that the boxes contain money. I told them that the boxes contain FAMILY TREASURE.
I cannot move about freely now. I need Your help urgently for both SAFE KEEPING and INVESTING of this money in your country. You are one of the three email contacts given to me by a Cyber Cafe' operator on my request for a foreign contact. She did not tell me your name or country of origin. Though I did not tell her why I needed the contact of any foreigner.
Because of the urgent and confidential nature of this business, you are advised to keep everything secret for now. if you are interested in doing this business with me, kindly reply immediately on my email Address for more explanations. When replying, include your safe and private telephone numbers for easy communications. Thanks for your anticipated c-operation.
>>165 とりあえず、157を直してみた。 >I just don't want waste my time to translate the sentence >that has a silly misspeling and grammatical error. Isn't it fair enough?
I just don't want to wate my time for translating the sentence that has some silly misspellings and grammatical errors. It's fair enough, isn't it.
知り合いの英語の先生の授業が終了してしまいます みんなでよせがきを英語で書こうってなってるんですが なんて書けばいい? I liked your explanations 'cause it was much clear than looked up into the dictionary. Does this make any sense?? ちなみにヒジョーに教え方が良かったんです、この先生。 コメントの時にところどことにイラストを書いてくれて (出来た時はにこちゃんマークとか。) たまに宿題とかやってなかった時はこの先生怖かったけど。 私はあまりできがよくなかったので、いつも授業中はおとなしく してた(だから感じ悪く思われてたっぽい)けど 本当はこの先生の教え方とかスタイルが好きでした。
I liked と過去形はよくないよ。今はダメみたいに見える。 あと、カードに'cause のような省略形もあまりよくない。 友達に送るものなら良いけど、こういうすこし固めの お別れカードには使わないほうが良いよ。
I spend a lot of great time with you. I never forget you and your class.
I remember you always were handed out with smile mark when I got a good score in test. I'm a shy girl, and sometime I hesitate to speak in class especially I don't get the answer... In such a situation, you always gave me the way to find a solution. Thank you for careing me all the time.
I know you are a really really great teacher. I hope you have a great life in your country, too.
>>170 I liked your explanations 'cause it was much clear than looked up into the dictionary. ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ I love your teaching because it was clearer than looking up a dictionary.
<冷間圧延鋼材について> 1.Cold-rolled steel is made from hot-rolled steel which has been rolled while still hot. 冷間圧延鋼材は、まだ熱い間に圧延された熱間圧延鋼材から作られる。
2.Hot-rolled steel is slightly larger than the final desired size of the steel product. 熱間圧延鋼材は、鋼製品の最終的に要求される寸法よりもわずかに大きい。 「最終的に要求される」のあたりが不安です。
3.The thickest product of hot-rolling is called the bloom, and through hot- and cold-rolling operation, the thickness of the bloom is reduced to a billet, a slab, a plate, a sheet, and finally a foil. 熱間圧延の最も厚い製品は、大型角柱鋼材と呼ばれる。そして、熱間圧延と冷間圧延の工程を通して、大型角柱鋼材の厚さは中型角柱鋼材、厚鋼板、鋼板、薄鋼板、そして最終的に極薄鋼板まで減少する。 最初の「圧延鋼材の」は「圧延鋼材から成る」のほうがいいでしょうか?
4.For cold rolling, hot-rolled steel is immersed in water containing sulfuric acid, in a process pickling, in order to remove the black skim or scales from the surface of the steel. 冷間圧延における熱間圧延鋼材は、浸漬の過程において鋼の表面から黒い薄皮または酸化物の皮膜を除去するために、硫酸を含んでいる水の中に沈められる。 最初の「For」は「おける」と訳していいのでしょうか?「in a process pickling」の訳し方についても教えてください。
5.The sulfuric acid is washed off by dipping the steel slab or other shaped steel in pure water and then in lime water. 硫酸は圧鋼板または他の形をした鋼を純粋な水、その次に石灰水の中に浸すことによって洗い流される。
6.When dried, the objects are rolled while cold between highly polished rollers under great pressure. 乾燥した時、その物体は大きな圧力のもとで冷たい間に高度研磨ローラーで圧延される。 「highly polished rollers」は「高度研磨ローラー」でいいのでしょうか?
7.This gives them a smooth bright finish and a very exact size. これはそれらに滑らかで輝く仕上げと非常に正確な寸法を与える。 ここでいう「それら」は6の文の「その物体」のことでいいのでしょうか?
8.These products are called cold-rolled sheet and are often used without any further finishing or machining. これらの製品は冷間圧延薄鋼板と呼ばれる。しばしば、少しの更なる仕上げもなしで使われる。 「and」以下の文が全く分かりませんでした。「finishing」も「machining」も「仕上げ」としか訳せないし、この場合の「any」の訳し方もよく分かりませんでした。
以下、8までの文とは無関係です。 9.If the heated steel cools slowly, it changes to its original state. もし、加熱した鋼をゆっくりと冷却するなら、それはそれの最初の状態に変わる。
10.If a tap is not started straight, it will eventually cut more stock from one side of the hole. もし、タップ(雌ねじ切り)がまっすぐに動き出さなかったなら、それは最後には穴の片側からより多くの台を切るだろう。 「it」以下の分が全く分かりませんでした。日本語にできたものの、意味がよくわからなくなってしまいました。「stock」「one side」をどうやって訳したらいいのですか?
11.If a hand reamer is forced too much, the hand reamer becomes jammed into the hole. もし、ハンドリーマーが酷く押し込まれたなら、ハンドリーマーは穴の中で動かなくなる。
These products are called cold-rolled sheet and are often used without any further finishing or machining. これは、 「これらの製品は冷間圧延薄鋼板と呼ばれる。そしてしばしば、少しの更なる仕上げもなしで使われる。」 と訳したのですが、「and」以下の文がうまく訳せません。 「are often used」で「しばしば使われる」はいいと思うのですが、 「any further finishing or machining」をどうやって訳したらいいのかを教えてください。
If a tap is not started straight, it will eventually cut more stock from one side of the hole. これは、 「もし、タップ(雌ねじ切り)がまっすぐに動き出さなかったなら、それは最後には穴の片側からより多くの台を切るだろう。」 と訳したのですが、「it」以下の文がうまく訳せません。 「eventually」「stock」「one side」の訳が分かりません。教えてください。
>>208 > 「eventually」「stock」「one side」の訳が分かりません。教えてください。 stockに分かりにくさが集約されているようです。 stock: 10: wood used in the construction of something; "they will cut round stock to 1-inch diameter" 5 AMOUNT AVAILABLE [singular] also stocks plural the total amount of something that is available to be used in a particular area: から考えて 「最終的には穴の一方からさらに切り出します。」
Elvis food, elvis only consumed hamburgers and sandwiches since he didn't use knife or fork or any other things to eat with. (Do you use sticks in Japan, tried it sometimes but I can't really figure out how to use them).
>>196, >>198 ありがとう 189 :名無しさん@1周年 :01/12/03 22:03 この英語を訳してください why is DNA better at excluding a suspect than it is in including them in a criminal event?
日本では、学生は卒業の一年前に就職先を見つけるのが一般的です。 学生が内定を突然辞退することは、内定先の企業にとってとても 失礼なことにあたります。 また、就職後、通常研修が終わるまで配属先がわからず、希望の 企業に内定できても、希望する職種に付けるとは限りません。 It is common for students to find their job one year before their graduation. It is very rude for the student to withdraw the employment offer suddenly from the company. Moreover, their assignment place would not be informed after the official employment until occupational training is over. Employment offer from the company does not necessarily mean that they can work on the job description to wish.
All Japanese subordinates always say "otsukaresama" to their boss, and bosses say "gokurousama" to them. Nowaday, some bosses also say "otshkaresama" to their subordinate.
If these honorific words are used too much, all Japanese employees say them, even though they do not respect each other.
私が10年経っても好きなものについてお話します。 好きなものといっても、いろいろな好きがあります。 例えば好きな食べ物、好きな事、好きな芸能人などです。 だからこの中で10年経っても好きだと思うものをお話します。 →これらの訳詞はEven if I will pass for ten years, I carry out the talk about a favorite thing. Even if it calls it a favorite thing, they are various liking. For example, they are favorite food, a favorite thing, a favorite entertainer, etc. Therefore, even if it will pass in this for ten years, I carry out the talk of what is regarded as liking. でいいですか?
Japanese employees traditionaly say "otsukaresama", literally means Mr. tired, and "gokurousama", or Mr. hardships, to their supervisors and subordinates respectively.
It is true that many Christian organization or groups linked in some way to the Christian teachings particpated in the relief effort. の訳教えてください おねがいします
sounds like a re-run to me. If you really think that,I don't think your mind registered "clever" so much as it did "immature" i hope you see what i meant. by the way, what level are you in today?
Sorry for my delay to email you after your email - I did send you my website address so you can page me or get my telephone number for to phone me. Did you try to phone me ??
I am leaving to be home for christmas and hope to have some laugh before I go home. I did not get your picture ?? . .. please !!!
My picture and video for you to see now is on my club website at
On my way back from school I heard someone approaching me from behind at a tremendus speed. Sensing danger, I turned around. I didn't know that guy. He grabbed my hips and, the next moment, he ran away, turning at the street corner. All these happened within a blink of an eye. I just stood aghast for a while, and then I was terrified.
At the hearing, Lola was granted her divorce and temporary alimony, which Shorty said he couldn't pay because he had no property and no job. すいませんどなたか訳してください。
I heard that you know Kobo Abe. I also think that his works are interesting. Especially I like "Woman Of The Dune" I think that his charm lies with how the story develops. But I like writers with such style that you can ejoy the meaning of every word The examples are Osamu Dazai and Shusaku Endou You must know the meaning of Wabi and Sabi because you seem very interested in Japan. they are writers you can feel those things with.
In the meantime, in order to prevent you from potentially receiving two dispatches, and then having to return one, it may be worthwhile contacting your local postal services since it is possible that they have already tried to deliver your package but were unable to.
If you should then find that they do not have knowledge of your package, please get in touch with us again so that we may proceed further.
We look forward to hearing from you and we apologise for any inconvenience. Thank you for choosing Amazon.co.uk.
Negative gearing occurs when the deductions associated with an investment exceed the assessable income derived from the investment in a given year, therefore reducing the tax payable on other assessable income of the taxpayer (such as salary and wages).
while nevertheless being absurd, the vision of a single unified national population is apparently of great comfort topoliticians. remembering that Australians only observe 'low-level nationalism', how do Australian political parties attempt to project concepts of national unity? how successful are they?
you load your sniffer, type .Sniff Show S 49 then go to act one waypoint, take waypoint to stony field (for example) then read the packet that is sent, go back to togue encampment and have a friend there go to trade screen type .SEND 49XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (X = packet numbers from when you took stony WP) when you do this it will send you to stony field but your friend will also be in trade screen with you still. Then you drop as many 1x1 items as you want that are in your inventory, then you close inv, tell friend to close trade screen, open back up inventory and viola all the items are on the ground now perm duped
Barve men, I imagine, are often elated in presence of danger by a curious sence that their lives are richer for the experience. I met the other day a man who joined the Army after leaving school, but only in time to reach the Front on the day of the armistice. He told me that the declaration of the armistice caused him the acutest misery, and added that he would gladly give an arm or an eye to have been through the war. This craving for experience is one of the things that make the triumph of pacifism difficult.
If structured correctly, negatively gearing can create tax advantages whilst assisting in creating greater equity and financial wealth for the individual. もし正しく構成されれば?Negative Gearingは個人納税者にとって財産上、財政上の大きなメリットとなります・・?
I am confident that I am more patient than anyone else I make it a rule to have my own way to the end whatever view others might hold towards me once I am determined to do something.
Jojo was a man who thought he was a loner But he knew it couldn't last Jojo left his home in Tuson,Arizona for some California grass Get back,get back,get back to where you once belong...
Not to worry though - only a day or two of advance notice is needed to be able to coordinate changes that need to be change! はどう訳したらいいでしょうか? 自分で訳すとなんだかすごく、くどくなるんですが・・・。 よろしくお願いします。
Product Delivery Options Our proprietary system was built from the ground up by software authors who couldn't find the flexibility they need elsewhere.
I'm a college student. I'm very busy because I must finish writing a great deal of reports and doing homework now. In addition, I must present my reports alone only in English about 15 minutes, so I'm very uneasy. Moreover, I have some exams. I'm counting on you! Don't make me much botherer! マジレスです(笑)。つーか、忙しいなら2chに来るなってか。
何か変な文章じゃ。。。誰かお願いします! It's already winter in China. the tree leaves are already fallen and it is a little cold. so far I don't have made any plans for go to Japan because I have recruitment company. It telephone call is unexpected. So My plan is vagueness... I'm sure to go Japan I hope to wait a moment. O.K!! I'm decided the day's program telephon call to you.
On the first day of the festival, eight splendid decorated floats, that are the cultural properties of the prefecture, parade in each district of the town. In the night, a famous event, "Shichi-do Mairi", which literally means "Seven Worships" is carried out. This is a rare custom that the people in the festival go around the pale of Koromo Shrine seven times with lantern in their hand, which descends the spirit of samurai in Koromo Seignor in the Edo Period. On the second day, "Hongakusai," the main festival, is performed. The eight floats gather at the Koromo Shrine for the dedication. After that, they are pulled out from the Shrine in the falling confetti, which is the highlight of the festival.
481です。482,483,484さんありがと!! その返事の一部がこれです。 女→男 どなたかお願い! I've done my work 2 days ago. It is bit of tought job. I went sking take vistors but, they don't want to sking. so all we have to do was just looking other people doing waht asupid! they with put on their dress just saw other person haha!
>>495 Excuse me, may I ask on ○○? >>494 2日前に仕事を終えたのよ.まあ,大変な仕事だったけどね. それでスキーに行ったのよね,ビジターとして.だけど, みんなスキーをしたくなかったわけ.だから,そこでできる ことといったら,他人がスキーをするのを見てるだけだったのよ. ま,ウェアを着ていながら,他人をみてるだけってわけ,はは.
On the first day of the festival, eight splendid decorated floats, that are the cultural properties of the prefecture, parade in each district of the town. In the night, a famous event, "Shichi-do Mairi", which literally means "Seven Worships" is carried out. This is a rare custom that the people in the festival go around the pale of Koromo Shrine seven times with lantern in their hand, which descends the spirit of samurai in Koromo Seignor in the Edo Period. On the second day, "Hongakusai," the main festival, is performed. The eight floats gather at the Koromo Shrine for the dedication. After that, they are pulled out from the Shrine in the falling confetti, which is the highlight of the festival.
>>477 you can just ignore them if you feel they're bugging you... don't complain such a thing, caz you're just a college student... i'll have a presentation in front of 120 students, of course, by myself tomorrow. anyway, good luck on your exams.
Have you ever concerned about the nuclear things? There are two aspects for the nuclear things, one is bombs and the other is eneregy. How do you think about this?
I never thought you've gotta sway to act like I was born to suffer
What was that you tried to say ? you take a golden try to love her you step right up, you act so clean I'm just a voice on your machine
Say,Find (to) believe , need you and love, Find to gonna left me far behind I try to believe you ,ought to leave you But never......... you never............ You never have the time for me
just started da da 〜〜〜 just started da da 〜〜〜 just started de 〜〜〜 after lala after lala
I never thought you felt the spell to act like I was born to suffer
What was that you tried to say ? you take a golden try to love her you surprise up, you act so clean I'm just a voice on your machine
Say,Find (to) believe, need you and love, Find to gonna left me far behind I try to believe you ,ought to leave you But never......... you never............ You never have the time for me
What was that you tried to say ? you take a golden try to love her you step right up, you act so clean I'm just a voice on your machine
Say,Find (to) believe, need you and love , Find to gonna left me far behind I try to believe you ,ought to leave you But never.......... you never have the time for me
Say,Find (to) believe, need you and love , Find to gonna left me far behind I try to believe you ,ought to leave you But never......... you never............ You never have the time for me これ訳して・・・。
evidently some japanese bloke with a heck-load of skills :) gosh. I was sitting there going 'the hair! the armour! the face! the eyes!' I felt like a bailiff.*drools*
evidently some japanese bloke with a heck-load of skills :) gosh. I was sitting there going 'the hair! the armour! the face! the eyes!' I felt like a bailiff.*drools* ↑イギリス系の英語だね。
>>507 We have a first half and a second half in soccer games. There are a first half and a second half in soccer games.
>>508 「核」について関わり合ったことがおありですか. 「核」には2つの側面があります. 1つは爆弾で,もう1つはエネルギーです. このことについて,どうお考えですか. 最後の文は,正しくはWhat do you think of it? 返事は, I donユt like to separate the nuclear matters into two faces. Nuclear is nuclear. It depends on the user who will manage the nuclear materials. Bomb is rapid response, but nuclear plant is gradual response. かな.これは私の考え.
>>510 We make sense to each other when we speak, only in so far as we share the same abstract set of underlying conventions. 私たちは,基盤に持っている慣習を抽象的に共有しているため,お互いに自分たちの言っていることが分かる. このtoは,対象を表す前置詞のto だな.
>>504 do you feel i bother you if i give you a phone call? i mean, i feel i shouldn't call you caz you're busy in these days, right? so...just give me a call when you have a time.
The historical development of Australia as a colonial era characterized by sense of infinite possibility as European colonial powers developed institutions and policies which revolved around ‘freedom and the rule of law.
European expansion was premised on the subjugation of indigenous people. However, the country with the potential to develop strong democratic institutions and a healthy sense of national community. The fact that colonial law and membership in the political community were premised on white supremacy disqualify colonial Australia from being considered the foundation of a democratic and healthy society.
Although, Australian faith in free-trade and internationalism was replaced by a wide-spread demand for greater isolationism and self-reliance. It is refreshing in its study of national identity because it considers how developments in the international sphere have been highly influential in the construction of national mythologies and priorities.
as European colonial powers developed institutions and policies which revolved around ‘freedom and the rule of law. ↓ Australia's development was affected by the European values and norms that encouraged the development of institutions and policies based on "freedom and the rule of law."
>>568 金さんの背中に彫物があるのはお約束。 それに、このきめ台詞を言うときは、背中をはだけて 言うわけだしね。 tattooという言葉をいれちゃうと 回りくどくて、おもしろくない感じがします。 もしやるとすると、tattoo the cherry on my back みたいな感じで、短くする必要があると思う。
>574 it had been regarded as a cruel thing to eat the meat of 4-footed animals until meiji era. even after the meiji restoration, most japanese were not very willing to eat beef. then trying to soften this feeling, some people sliced up the beef and ate together with vegetables. this is known as the invention of sukiyaki.
Let me e-mail again since I am afraid of the different contents. The record you sent me matches the title and the catalogue number that I ordered. However, the piece of music that I had heard from your site and what I have got is different.
European expansion was premised on the subjugation of indigenous people. However, the country with the potential to develop strong democratic institutions and a healthy sense of national community. The fact that colonial law and membership in the political community were premised on white supremacy disqualify colonial Australia from being considered the foundation of a democratic and healthy society.
Although, Australian faith in free-trade and internationalism was replaced by a wide-spread demand for greater isolationism and self-reliance. It is refreshing in its study of national identity because it considers how developments in the international sphere have been highly influential in the construction of national mythologies and priorities.
Although,(,不要) Australian faith in free-trade(名詞だから-不要) and internationalism was replaced by a wide-spread(widespreadは一語) demand for greater isolationism and self-reliance. ↑とりあえず文法チェックだけね。
It is refreshing in its study of national identity because it considers how developments in the international sphere have been highly influential in the construction of national mythologies and priorities.
↑itが大杉で何のこと言ってるのかわかんない Studying national identity is refreshing because...で始めれば? ...because the study covers intersting areas such as.....とかね。 こういう内容の文だめだな。頭が痛くなる。
The fact that colonial law and membership in the political community were premised on white supremacy disqualify colonial Australia from being considered the foundation of a democratic and healthy society. ↑premiseをどういう意味で使ってんの?were premised onって based onと同じこと?そうだと仮定して。
The colonial law and membership in the political community were based on the white supremacy; therefore, Australia was precluded from democratic societies.
His determination paid off. In 1993, Nakamura and Nichia trounced rivals at multinationals such as Sony Corp. and General Electric Co. when they announced that they had developed the first high-quality, bluelight-emitting diode(LED) that would eventually replace the light bulb. Two yeas later, they unveiled a new blue laser that will make it possible, among other things, to store 10 movies instead of one on a DVD.
Barve men, I imagine, are often elated in presence of danger by a curious sence that their lives are richer for the experience. I met the other day a man who joined the Army after leaving school, but only in time to reach the Front on the day of the armistice. He told me that the declaration of the armistice caused him the acutest misery, and added that he would gladly give an arm or an eye to have been through the war. This craving for experience is one of the things that make the triumph of pacifism difficult.
Make yourself comfort both mentally and physically. Bedrooms that provide a comfortable sleep. Please ease your exhausted body to your heartユs content. It is a rental room with a high degree of freedom. You can use the room in any purpose, a meeting, a congress, an exhibition, a show, a formal meeting for engagement, a ceremonial exchanging of betrothal gifts or a party. Please let us know your order on audiovisual equipment etc., since we are prepared to grant your requests.
I can't help lovin' you. 誰も助けられないほどあなたが好き(? I can't live with out you. 直訳しか出来ません 意味はなんですか? 電流が走った?or 同棲したい? I think of you night and day. あなたのこと考えると昼も夜も眠れない I'm crazy for you. あなたにクレイズィ〜
>>627 Brave men, I imagine, are often elated in presence of danger by a curious sense that their lives are richer for the experience. I met the other day a man who joined the Army after leaving school, but only in time to reach the Front on the day of the armistice. He told me that the declaration of the armistice caused him the acutest misery, and added that he would gladly give an arm or an eye to have been through the war. This craving for experience is one of the things that make the triumph of pacifism difficult.
世の中から争いがなくなり、平和な未来になりますように。 ↓ We wish that the argument disasppears from the world and the peaceful future visits. もしくは、最後は May the peaceful future comes!
世の中から争いがなくなり、平和な未来になりますように。 ↓ We wish that the argument disasppears from the world and the peaceful future visits. もしくは、最後は May the peaceful future comes!
世の中から争いがなくなり、平和な未来になりますように。 ↓ We wish that the argument disasppears from the world and the peaceful future visits. もしくは、最後は May the peaceful future comes!
>>692 No, I don't have any intention to repeat the same translation. I just have tried some awkward tlanslation as I assume here is the place for translating, and not for chitchat or far less for insulting each others,
In aged people, decreases in stroke volume and cardiac output during orthostatic challenge were found to be reduced. Although the exact mechanisms have not been well clarified, it is supposed that the stiffness of the vessels is greater in the elderly, blunting venous pooling in the legs and reducing the drop in central blood volume in an upright position. Olsen et al. observed that baseline leg venous compliance was smaller, and the capacitance response in the legs to lower body negative pressure (LBNP) was lower in elderly people. They proposed that the decreased leg venous compliance with advancing age and the concomitant reduction in capacitance response during LBNP could have implications for both the sympathetic reflex as well as the cardiovascular responses during acute hypovolemic circulatory stress, which might be diminished in aged people. Their recent study suggested that the attenuated cardiovascular responsiveness found in the elderly during orthostasis seemed to be caused by a reduction in leg capacitance response, and a concomitant smaller central hypovolemic stimulus rather than a reduced efficiency of the reflex response. However, no work has been done to investigate simultaneously either the venous system or the sympathetic reflex as well as the cardiovascular responsiveness in aged people during gravitational stress.
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>>703 Your deeds eventually come around to you through interacting with various people and other living creature. If you treat anyone with respect, you will be awarded in some way or other, and if you despise anyone, you will have to pay the price as well throug all kind of forms.
>>707, thanks. 続きなんだけど This PDF file has been produced automatically from an electronic database format; the original file is maintained. Please note that certain details of page layout may still need to be amended before printing. However, the final, printed product will conform to our usual high standards for page layout and image resolution. Please use this proof solely for checking the typesetting and editing, also the completeness and correctness of the text, tables and figures. Changes to the article as accepted for publication will not be considered at this stage. Also, make sure that you answer any questions (see the query form) that have arisen during the preparation of your proof. If your article contains colour illustrations and you would like to receive proofs of these illustrations, could you please contact us.
>>704 俺、英語分からないけど、2度聞いてもレスがないって事は ダメなんじゃない? でも、「be young at heart 」で、 気持ちが若い、はつらつとしてる。って言う意味だから、 [young at heat forever!]で、 「いつまでも気持ちを若く!」でおかしくない様な気もするけど・・ それとも、keep up a young at heart になるのかな〜・・
>>717 I have checked the post many times, but I could not find your mail. Let me send my address again, and please send me the mail to the designated address.
No clear strategies now exist for how the war is to be waged. Strategies, however, will be found. What would be tragic is if this struggle against terror became a war of civilizations of the West against Islam. For the terrorist vision of Islam is a perversion of it. But collaborators with terrorism should, and will likely, be viewed with the same severity as the terrorists themselves. Only in this way can this war against the world of the Enlightenment, which is the modern world that stretches across all the oceans and, yes, embraces all its faiths, be won.
In Britain,a majority of parents want corporal punishment to be reintroduced in schools to tackle what they perceive is an increasing problem of classroom disorder,according to an opinion poll published recentry. It showed that two-thirds of parents think disipline has over the past 10 years,while the biggest ploblem facing schools ――a higher proportion than those blaming poor teaching, overcrowding or lack of parental suport. よろしく頼む。
In Britain,a majority of parents want corporal punishment to be reintroduced in schools to tackle what they perceive is an increasing problem of classroom disorder,according to an opinion poll published recentry. It showed that two-thirds of parents think discipline has over the past 10 years,while the biggest problem facing schools ――a higher proportion than those blaming poor teaching, overcrowding or lack of parental support. 失礼。3箇所間違ってた
In Britain,a majority of parents want corporal punishment to be reintroduced in schools to tackle what they perceive is an increasing problem of classroom disorder,according to an opinion poll published recently. It showed that two-thirds of parents think discipline has over the past 10 years,while the biggest problem facing schools ――a higher proportion than those blaming poor teaching, overcrowding or lack of parental support. さらにもう一つ発見スマソ
In Britain, a majority of parents want corporal punishment to be reintroduced in schools to tackle what they perceive is an increasing problem of classroom disorder, according to an opinion poll published recentry. It showed that two-thirds of parents think disipline has over the past 10 years, while the biggest ploblem facing schools ――a higher proportion than those blaming poor teaching, overcrowding or lack of parental suport.
>>744 しつこいなぁ。 同じ人のカキコかとおもうけど、 overcrowdingを生徒数の増加と訳すのはいただけないよ。 意味は、ちゃんと辞書で確認してみてね。 それと、何度も推敲したいみたいだから言うけど、 what they "perceive"のところ、もうちょっと練ったほうが いいかもね。
>>724 主語を「two-thirds of parents」だとしても、 (two-thirds of parents) think (while) the biggest ploblem facing schools では、文は完結しないよね。 「is なんとかかんとか」かなんか続かないと変では。
原文はこれなんだろ。よくよくいい加減な依頼人だよね。 It showed that two-thirds of parents think discipline has declined over the past 10 years, while only one in 10 believe it has improved. Almost a quarter think disruptive and badly behaved children are the biggest problem facing schools - a higher proportion than those blaming poor teaching, overcrowding or lack of parental support. http://www.corpun.com/uks00001.htm
Beer is made by fermenting malted barley and hops. One family of chemicals that gives hops their characteristic taste is called isohumulones. When the isohumulones are exposed to light, they break down into smaller fragments that combine with sulfur compounds to produce chemicals with skunk-like odors. Most beers are packaged in brown bottles to prevent this reaction from taking place. Beers packaged in clear or green bottles are made with hops extracts that don't contain isohumulones, preventing the problem but also producing a different taste.
I'm very busy. I stayed up all night the day before yesterday to complete my paper which I must have submitted by today. I finished writing the paper at night yesterday. But now I must complete the other homework. In addition, I must study for some test. I'm very frustrated, but I think students preparing for entrance examination must be far more painful than me.
High-resolution images of Mars' south pole show changes in pits, ridges and mounds on the polar cap that suggest dramatic erosion of the cap's year-round frosty layers, a possible sign of global climate change, researchers reported in the Dec. 7 issue of Science. Photos taken by the Mars Global Surveyor show that as much as a third of the ice in the polar caps turns into gas each summer, much more than previously suspected. The measurements also indicate that the carbon dioxide ice in the caps is very icy, like water ice, only denser, researchers said--not like the puffy, powdery snow seen on Earth. The dramatic change in atmospheric pressure resulting from evaporation of the ice may be the cause of Martian dust storms, the team said.
The slump in India's tourist industry, a major international exchange earner, continued in November as a result of the suicide attacks on the United States and Washington's retaliation against Afghanistan. Government data released on Monday showed November arrivals fell 25 percent fall to 205,713 from 276,254 a year earlier, following a 20 percent slump for September-October. The downturn dragged total arrivals for the fist 11 months of the year down 4.8 percent to 2.23 million from 2.34 million in the same period in 2000. International exchange earnings from tourism during the first 11 months of the year fell 3.2 percent to $2.764 billion, down from $2.854 billion. Tour operators, airlines and hotels report large numbers of cancellations after the United States struck Afghanistan. But after the defeat of Afghanistan's Taliban rulers, some in the industry are now looking for a December upturn they say they hope could lift total arrivals for the year to about the same as last year's 2.6 million. "Normally, there would have been a 10-percent growth. That won't be there," Subhash Goyal, owner of Stic Group of Companies and a member of the Indian Association of Tour Operators. "But since the war is almost over, we may see the same number of tourist arrivals as last year." The war in nearby Afghanistan and heightened regional tensions occurred just as India's tourism industry was gearing up for the traditional peak season from October-March. About 2.62 million international tourists visited India in 2000, up 5.7 percent from 2.48 million in 1999.
>>835 そこだけ切り取るからみんな分けわかんないんだよ。 ちゃんと訳してもらいたいなら、ちゃんと書け>工房 A : Oh! yuck! What a pile of garbage! B: The street is really not the place to throw things away, is it? C: No, it isn't. People should be more careful. Otherwise, our whole town will turn into a dump. だろ? should の後ろにnot なんかないぞ。P68 L5な。
だれか訳して頂けないでしょうか。 1 As originally coined,the term freeter described "artists and musicians with a purpose in life who needed part-time work to make a living," says Reiko Kosugi,an expert on part-time Japanese workers at the Japan Institute of Labor,a government- funded think tank. Even today,she adds,young people with entrepreneurial or artistic ambitions make up one of three main subgroups.
2 At times,the dysfunction is staggering. 3 "I had an eye on one bar I kind of liked,"she told scholars. どうか宜しくお願いします。
Many Japanese agree that Wolferen raises issues they themselves lack the courage to discuss. "Even nationalists can agree with part of what he says," observes Professor Katsuto Iwai, an economist at the University of Tokyo. At the same time, Wolferen has had impact far beyond Japan's shores. In 1989, he gained worldwide fame as the intellectual inspiration for a school of critical thinking on Japan. The movement was called "revisionism" because it reversed a long-standing American propensity to see Japan as a political and economic mirror of the U.S.
Wolferen believes that Japan's ongoing political paralysis will bear grim fruit. Financial deregulation, known as the Big Bang, can't begin to address the problem, he says. "Japan will be faced, within a decade, with a colossal problem of paying its retirees and meeting its health and welfare obligations." The Big Bang was long overdue, "but it doesn't at all mean that Japanese capital traffic is now directed by market signals." The U.S. can't help much because all its remedies hinge on the delusion that Japan will become more like America. Says Wolferen: "The advice they get from Washington is totally useless."
Many Japanese agree that Wolferen raises issues they themselves lack the courage to discuss. "Even nationalists can agree with part of what he says," observes Professor Katsuto Iwai, an economist at the University of Tokyo.
>>845 Before joining a marine corps, he was going to his way with brilliant expectation. After returning from war, he believed that everybody respected what he had done, but town people at looked hime with cold eyes. Moreover, he knew, some of his family against war.
He recalled what he had done and he thought he contributed to states, but he did not be respected and he was not treated as man. He only had the handicapped-damaged body, small sum of money, and the tragedy caused in Vietnam War.
Merry Christmas and a hapy new year Thank you very much for inviting me to a splendid thanksgiving party. That was the happiest time that I ever had. In case you come to Japan, please drop-in to my home. Let's have a nice time over a cup of coffee. Sincerely yours,
アメリカ人の最も好きな言葉として真っ先に挙げられるのが「自由」と「独 立」だ。そもそもアメリカというのはこの2つを求めてヨーロッパ諸国から の移民が創った国であり、今日でもアメリカの人々がこの2つの言葉に無意 識的に深い繋がりを感じ、そして重要視するのはある意味彼等のお国柄とも 言え、我々の納得できるところでもあろう。しかしアメリカ大陸にヨーロッ パからの移民が到来する以前には、理不尽に今日においても「インディアン」 と呼ばれている原住民らの存在があり、ヨーロッパ移民は自分達より文明が 遅れているという理由だけで彼等を野蛮人であると決め付け、彼等の自由と 独立を蹂躙し、土地も生活も食料も奪い去り結果的に100万人以上もの何の 罪も持たない人々の命を無残にも葬り去った。それだけではなく、アメリカ 人は自分達の生活を築き上げる為にアフリカ大陸から黒人達を大量に拉致し、 アメリカ本土で使い捨ての奴隷として劣悪な条件の下でその労働力を搾取し てきた。アメリカ人達はこの様な非人道的な手段を用いて最も貧しかった国 を今や世界で最も強大な国家へと育て上げたのである。自民族中心主義の下 に他者の権利を踏み躙りその上に自分達の幸福、つまり「自由」と「独立」 を築こうとした姿勢は歴史において明白である。こういった意味でこの2つ の言葉はアメリカの発展の過程と深く且つ複雑に結びついているといえ、彼 等の今後を監視する上でも非常に興味深い要素である。 "Freedom" and "independence" are specified first of all as the most favorite words for American people. First of all, the United States is the country created by the immigrants from European countries, and even nowadays, it seems their national character that the American people feel deep connection to these two words unconsciously, and they signify these two words, which we Japanese can be convinced. However, before the immigration from European countries, there lived natives in the American continent, who are called as an unreasonable name, even today, メIndians.モ European immigrants predicated that the メIndiansモ are barbarous only because their civilization is behind from that of Europeans, violated their freedom and independence, deprived of their lands, lives, and foods, and consequently killed more than 1 million of innocent メIndianモ people cruelly. Not only such a cruel action, but they also took away abundant black people from Africa, and ground them down as a disposable slave in the United States. Americans brought up the poorest country to the mightiest state now in the world using such an inhumane means. It is historically evident that the American people was intended to build their prosperity and happiness i.e., "freedom", and "independence," with sacrifice of othersユ right under ethnocentrism. From this point of view, these two words are very much interesting elements to observe the American people although they are tightly and intricately connected with the process of U.S. development.
Throughout the world, scientists and the general public are concerned about the adverse effects of toxic agents found in contaminated air, water, food, and soil. In the past, attention has focused on hazards originating in the workplace. As a consequence, occupational medicine has become a well-recognized and established clinical discipline.
>880 One might find its difficult to use this board if she or he can't distinguish truth from lie. 又は It might be difficult for those who cannot identity a lie as a lie to use this board.
テーマ「センサ(sensor)」 1.When carrying out a cutting operation on a machine tool, we have to decide the depth or feed of a cutter by means of observing the graduation scaled on a handle. 「工作機械で切削作業をする時、私たちはハンドル上につけられた目盛を観察することによってカッターの深さや送りを決めなければならない。」 「graduation scaled on a handle」の訳で迷いました。「graduation」は「目盛り」、「scale」は「目盛り(をつける)」なので、直訳するとどうなるのでしょうか?
2.With the automatization of machine tools, devices which can judge the position or moving speed of a cutting tool or object in replacement of human senses are essential. 「工作機械のオートメーション化に伴って、位置、切削工具の移動速度、人間の感覚での交換における対象を判断することが出来る装置が必要である。」 「object in replacement of human senses」が全く訳せませんでした。文全体の内容もわかりづらくなってしまいました。
3.These devices not only detect such physically measured value, but also can change such values into another signal and transmit it into other devices. 「これらの装置はそのような物理的に測定された値を検出するだけでなく、そのような値を他の信号に変え、そしてそれを他の装置に伝達することができる。」 最初の「such」は「そのような」と訳すべきでしょうか?前の文との繋がりがないような気がするのですが・・・。最初の「such」はどう訳せばいいのですか?
4.They also sometimes carry out compensating and eliminating of errors, or numerical operations. 「それらはまた、時には誤差の補正と除去、すなわち数値制御をする。」 「or」は「すなわち」、「numerical operations」は「数値制御」でいいですか?辞書には「数値演算」とも載っていましたが、どちらが適当なのでしょうか?
5.These devices are called sensors. 「これらの装置はセンサと呼ばれる。」 これはさすがにOKでしょう。一応文章の流れとして載せておきました。
6.A device called a limit switch, a sort of sensor, is often used in an electrical appliance. 「リミットスイッチと呼ばれる装置、一種のセンサはしばしば電気器具として使われる。」 「, a sort of sensor, 」の部分のカンマは「A device called a limit switch」=「a sort of sensor」ということでいいのですか?日本語の文としては適切でしょうか?
7.A sensor can detect the contact of one object with another as shown in Fig.28. 「センサは図28に示すように一つの物体ともう一つのものとの接触を検出することができる。」 ※図を載せられなくてスミマセン これも多分いいと思うのですが、何か間違いがありましたらご指摘ください。
8.Using the sensor we can open or close the electric circuit, by which the movements of an object such as stopping, starting, accelerating, or decelerating are easily controlled. 「このセンサを使えば、私たちは電気回路を開く、または閉じることができる。それ(電気回路)によって、停止、出発、加速または減速のような、ある物体の運動が容易に制御される。」 「we can open or close the electric circuit」この場合の「open」「close」は「開く」「閉じる」でいいのでしょうか? また、「(which)によって〜が容易に制御される」でいいのですか?「which」とは「the electric circuit」のことでいいのですか?
9.The most commonly adopted sensor is a visual sensor in a camera, which allows automatically judgement of distance and fine focus of target objects. 「最も一般に採用されているセンサはカメラの中の視覚によるセンサである。(視覚によるセンサは)目標となる物体の距離と細かい焦点の自動的な判断を可能にする。」 この「which」は「a visual sensor」のことでいいのでしょうか? また、単語で「allows」は「可能にする」、「fine」は「細かい」で適切でしょうか?
7.A sensor can detect the contact of one object with another as shown in Fig.28. 「センサは図28に示すように一つの物体ともう一つのものとの接触を検出することができる。」 ※図を載せられなくてスミマセン これも多分いいと思うのですが、何か間違いがありましたらご指摘ください。
8.Using the sensor we can open or close the electric circuit, by which the movements of an object such as stopping, starting, accelerating, or decelerating are easily controlled. 「このセンサを使えば、私たちは電気回路を開く、または閉じることができる。それ(電気回路)によって、停止、出発、加速または減速のような、ある物体の運動が容易に制御される。」 「we can open or close the electric circuit」この場合の「open」「close」は「開く」「閉じる」でいいのでしょうか? また、「(which)によって〜が容易に制御される」でいいのですか?「which」とは「the electric circuit」のことでいいのですか?
9.The most commonly adopted sensor is a visual sensor in a camera, which allows automatically judgement of distance and fine focus of target objects. 「最も一般に採用されているセンサはカメラの中の視覚によるセンサである。(視覚によるセンサは)目標となる物体の距離と細かい焦点の自動的な判断を可能にする。」 この「which」は「a visual sensor」のことでいいのでしょうか? また、単語で「allows」は「可能にする」、「fine」は「細かい」で適切でしょうか?
恐れ入りますお願いします However, our governments and their political styles have much control over our lives and it is interesting to see how they are connected to deeper cultural values.
<<903 Do not use the word of "cancer" in that sense. <<904 I would rather have a query about the attitudes of American people who glamorize cancer, death, or war.
>901 「恥部」はどうかな?え,こういう意味で使っちゃだめ? >912 1は叙述ぽいので I have read this material. でいいと思うけど、2〜3は I read this material. で、違いを出すにはむしろ喋るときの態度とかじゃないかな。意訳が入ってもよければ2に 「Thank you.」つけたり3は「for you」つけたり。4は I read this fuking stuff. とかでもいいかも。
歌詞なんです。 自分では訳せないのでお願いします! Where has you intention gone? For what do you have your rignt? It's related to your life. It's the basis to live your life. The things aren't going well. Isn't that because you always depend on someone? Without taking any action,why will something happen? You all rignt?
There is very little agreement on what does and does not constitute intelligence. For the most part, the discussion of what intelligence is and isn't seems to concern what people find interesting and what they don't. わかりません。教えてください。
His is the kind of spirit all nations must have, from time to time. The problem with the Vietnam War is that it did not deserve it. There was no way for a patriotic small-town kid to know that, however, and so we follow young Kovic from his last prom to the battlefield.
Here is the file of EMS Speed post receipt. EMS Tracking Number : EE ********* HK for keeping track on your parcel. Usually, The EMS speed post (3-5 days for most of the countries).