【CEO】 Giancarlo Bettini - Part 1 【CEO】

2Giancarlo Bettini:2007/10/03(水) 05:57:06 ID:YT7M3k9d0

AnyDVD HD Beta

Elby CloneDVD

Slysoft GameJackal Pro - Final

CloneDVD Mobile

SlySoft CloneCD Beta

Elby Virtual CloneDrive Multilingual

3名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/03(水) 06:27:09 ID:8picXS2HO

4名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/03(水) 06:29:27 ID:YT7M3k9d0
5名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/03(水) 08:21:38 ID:QLV3kcOo0
6名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/03(水) 19:04:24 ID:TkhdcUG80
7名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/03(水) 19:04:55 ID:TkhdcUG80
8名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/04(木) 01:06:32 ID:hf5NOFeM0
9名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/04(木) 02:48:16 ID:jQj7UQvh0


10名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/06(土) 18:57:58 ID:VqrFCb+y0

Slysoft GameJackal Pro Beta

11名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/07(日) 07:46:48 ID:bRuphOvT0


AnyDVD leftoover killer 1.3

12名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/08(月) 15:32:57 ID:Tkb2g0Rj0
13名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/08(月) 16:00:35 ID:Tkb2g0Rj0
14名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/09(火) 18:39:39 ID:dDCbQFOf0

AnyDVD beta with key and ICU-Uninstaller

15名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/10(水) 10:19:56 ID:sfp2SEaL0

AnyDVD HD Beta

16名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/10(水) 10:54:46 ID:J9AEC/790
17名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/10(水) 12:44:48 ID:J9AEC/790

AnyDVD HD Beta - FULL + rESin
18名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/10(水) 18:06:44 ID:rqrCjpAj0
19名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/10(水) 19:46:33 ID:lFvwjMdz0
\     _n               /
              \   ( l    _、_ グッジョブ /
               .\   \ \ ( <_,` )    /
                 \   ヽ___ ̄ ̄  ) /
   _、_  グッジョブ       \    /    / /   _、_   グッジョブ
 ( ,_ノ` )      n        \∧∧∧∧/   ( <_,` )     n
 ̄     \    ( E)       < の .グ >   ̄     \    ( E)
フ     /ヽ ヽ_//        <     ッ >  フ     /ヽ ヽ_//
─────────────< 予 .ジ >────────────────
    ∩          .     <     ョ  >
    ( ⌒)     ∩ good job! < 感 .ブ >.      |┃三
   /,. ノ      i .,,E      /∨∨∨∨\.     |┃   ガラッ  話は聞かせて
  ./ /"      / /"    /         .\    |┃ ≡    _、_  もらった
  ./ / _、_   / ノ'     /   グッジョブ!! \__.|ミ\___( <_,` )< グッジョブ!
 / / ,_ノ` )/ /     /|    _、_     _、_   \ =___    \
(        /    /\ \/( ,_ノ` )/( <_,` )ヽ/\≡   )   人 \
 ヽ      |     /   \(uu     /     uu)/ \
20名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/10(水) 23:39:48 ID:InWWHqfH0
21名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/11(木) 02:06:31 ID:OYKlns+D0
22名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/11(木) 03:22:51 ID:etrsCpwD0
23名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/11(木) 13:09:26 ID:ky2qrWHU0
また お ま え か
24名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/11(木) 19:19:09 ID:mdpac0Em0
≪   K   L   A   C   K   ≫     光     を     纏     う     救     世     主

神谷聖也様(Guitar)  『愛を伝える紅蓮乃博愛明王』
  烈  様(Bass)    『夢を与える蒼天乃夢想帝王』
柳橋昌亜様(Guitar)  『翼を持った白銀乃飛翼法王』
  u  様(Vocal)     『魂で奏でる黄金乃精魂覇王』
上村隼人様(Drums)  『闇を極めし漆黒乃無限魔王』

25名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/12(金) 11:11:52 ID:uPbGthzB0

AnyDVD HD - Finalきたな

26名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/12(金) 12:30:31 ID:98AXCODL0
     _,!_(9i (9i:、
  /  `ヽ,. ┘ヽ     ふむふむ・・・
. i ′′       }     Finalきたか・・・
  l、      、   ,!
   ヽ.____,ノ` ,∠!

 r、r.rヽ.      _,!_(9i (9i:、
r |_,|_,|_,|    /  `ヽ,. ┘ヽ
|_,|_,|_,|_,|.    i ′′       }    で?っていう
|_,|_,|_人 (^ i . l、      、   ,!    
| )   ヽノ |  ヽ.____,ノ` ,∠!
|  `".`´  ノ /i/ l\ ー .イ|、
   入_ノ /  | l   ̄ / | |`
27名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/12(金) 13:27:21 ID:uPbGthzB0
28名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/12(金) 20:26:30 ID:dyzQUjjx0
29名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/12(金) 20:27:24 ID:dyzQUjjx0
30名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/13(土) 07:40:58 ID:LnDEvGP00
31名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/13(土) 11:09:33 ID:AVtFI/Gw0
32名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/13(土) 12:20:33 ID:AVtFI/Gw0
33名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/13(土) 13:02:05 ID:AVtFI/Gw0
34名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/13(土) 19:07:10 ID:AVtFI/Gw0
35名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/13(土) 19:19:33 ID:/Lz1b6rv0
36名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/14(日) 10:15:22 ID:ov/2mPIG0

Slysoft GameJackal Pro - FULL+DOC

37名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/14(日) 15:34:47 ID:bz0UE7Ho0
AnyDVD ripperってHD-DVDしかリッピングできないの?
38名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/14(日) 15:40:23 ID:ov/2mPIG0
39名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/14(日) 17:34:44 ID:ov/2mPIG0

Urgent Update - RES
・Fixed cracked exe to where you will NOT receive any"verification failed messages".

40名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/14(日) 20:09:17 ID:fGN0h4830
41名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/16(火) 08:26:29 ID:MrgphLiL0
42名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/16(火) 14:45:42 ID:ZDYf1WOR0
43名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/17(水) 08:07:57 ID:BRJZ+HIj0
44名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/20(土) 16:44:49 ID:1eGsbz9Q0

Slysoft GameJackal Pro

Patch updated to support unicode based language

45名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/22(月) 11:55:26 ID:0DDUS1S50
AI Scannertって何?使い方分からんのやけど。
46名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/22(月) 21:14:41 ID:9O4YzXNn0
47名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/23(火) 00:24:17 ID:fuIDFbDf0
48名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/23(火) 21:18:56 ID:vN6u5GmU0
WINDOWS XPは再インストールしなければなりませんでした…と書いてあった。
49名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/23(火) 21:22:01 ID:vN6u5GmU0
50名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/23(火) 21:28:47 ID:UWAAADn60
51名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/23(火) 21:34:25 ID:vN6u5GmU0
52名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/23(火) 21:39:05 ID:UWAAADn60
53名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/23(火) 21:40:52 ID:vN6u5GmU0

54Giancarlo Bettini:2007/10/24(水) 10:23:27 ID:zW/TgNOM0


Elby CloneDVD

Slysoft GameJackal Pro

CloneDVD Mobile

SlySoft CloneCD Beta

Elby Virtual CloneDrive Multilingual
55名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/24(水) 10:31:22 ID:i4F8Cfgm0
56名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/24(水) 16:49:19 ID:UFSvvulr0
57名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/25(木) 05:39:05 ID:otrr35a40 2007 10 24
- New (HD DVD): Added new option to automatically rename the XPL file
with the highest number. This option is very helpful, as it allows
PowerDVD Ultra to play back new HD DVD discs from Universal.
- Fix (DVD): On some discs, CSS decryption did not work properly,
causing a PS18 error in CloneDVD / AnyDVD ripper
- Fix (DVD): "IFOFormat 0" error on some new copy protected discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
58名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/25(木) 07:33:52 ID:lLufBy1M0
59名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/25(木) 19:59:26 ID:6QsIuBcQ0
updated AiO v31.29.18.17

no new program versions, bug fixes only in this new version (oops!)

* Fixed CloneDVD Mobile installer bugs
* Altered AnyDVD installer timing, hopefully no more 'Registered to nobody' errors!

60名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/26(金) 09:41:25 ID:dGyGVA5B0
New AiO, v32.30.19.17

AnyDVD HD v6.1.8.6 [beta]
CloneDVD v2.9.1.2
CloneDVDmobile v1.1.5.4
CloneCD v5.3.0.2 [beta] or v5.3.0.5 [beta]
Virtual CloneDrive v5.1.4.5
Game Jackal Pro / Enterprise v2.9.18.600
61名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/26(金) 20:06:52 ID:dGyGVA5B0
62名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/27(土) 06:00:07 ID:3ZVPi2k60 2007 10 26
- New (HD DVD): Added new option to automatically rename the XPL file
with the highest number. This option is very helpful, as it allows
PowerDVD Ultra to play back new HD DVD discs from Universal.
- New: Added directory listing to the AnyDVD_Info file
- New: System info is now in separate file
- New: Added info about IDE controllers to AnyDVD_Info
- Fix: Integrity check could issue a false alarm on Windows 2000
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner could remove huge parts of a disc, because
it thought they were never meant to be played (e.g., "Lost Season 2")
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner problem with interleaved cells (e.g.,
"Meet the Robinsons", US)
- Fix (DVD): Playback problems with movie only copies of Arccos protected
discs made with CloneDVD2 on some DVD player models (e.g., "Saw 3", US
or "Hostel 2", UK) using AI Scanner
- Fix (DVD): CloneDVD2 error "ifomodify" with some Protect-X protected
discs attempting a movie only copy (e.g., "One Way", Germany)
- Fix (DVD): On some discs, CSS decryption did not work properly,
causing a PS18 error in CloneDVD / AnyDVD ripper
- Fix (DVD): "IFOFormat 0" error on some new copy protected discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages

63名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/27(土) 08:21:26 ID:cwFV+1Pu0

AnyDVD (HD) beta 本体だけ。

64名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/27(土) 08:51:22 ID:cwFV+1Pu0
65名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/28(日) 01:37:18 ID:UtM1JDy+0

AnyDVD Beta
Zip password : failedtosendhostkey
66AnyDvd Beta:2007/10/28(日) 18:22:13 ID:PQ19rXxZ0
67名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/28(日) 21:45:25 ID:UtM1JDy+0
68名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/29(月) 02:20:40 ID:rd8NgMyf0

AnyDVD Beta

- New (HD DVD & Blu-ray): Added support for some popular MKBv4 discs
(e.g., "Transformers" HD DVD, US, "Spiderman 1-3" Blu-ray, US)
Note: Support for all MKBv4 discs will be added in a future release
- New (HD DVD): Added new option to automatically rename the XPL file
with the highest number. This option is very helpful, as it allows
PowerDVD Ultra to play back new HD DVD discs from Universal.
- New (Blu-ray): Added warning message, if disc is BD+ protected
- New: Added directory listing to the AnyDVD_Info file
- New: System info is now in separate file
- New: Added info about IDE controllers to AnyDVD_Info
- Fix: Integrity check could issue a false alarm on Windows 2000
- Fix (Blu-ray): "Failed to send HostKey!" error with some drives
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner could remove huge parts of a disc, because
it thought they were never meant to be played (e.g., "Lost Season 2")
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner problem with interleaved cells (e.g.,
"Meet the Robinsons", US)
- Fix (DVD): Playback problems with movie only copies of Arccos protected
discs made with CloneDVD2 on some DVD player models (e.g., "Saw 3", US
or "Hostel 2", UK) using AI Scanner
- Fix (DVD): CloneDVD2 error "ifomodify" with some Protect-X protected
discs attempting a movie only copy (e.g., "One Way", Germany)
- Fix (DVD): On some discs, CSS decryption did not work properly,
causing a PS18 error in CloneDVD / AnyDVD ripper
- Fix (DVD): "IFOFormat 0" error on some new copy protected discs
- Fix (DVD): "CloneSpec 4" error on some new copy protected discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
69名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/29(月) 02:25:04 ID:FZwwj7iy0
70名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/29(月) 02:25:23 ID:rd8NgMyf0

New AIO - v33.31.20.18

AnyDVD HD v6.1.9.1 [beta]
CloneDVD v2.9.1.2
CloneDVDmobile v1.1.5.4
CloneCD v5.3.0.2 [beta] or v5.3.0.5 [beta]
Virtual CloneDrive v5.1.4.5
Game Jackal Pro / Enterprise v2.9.18.600

AiO Change Log
* Added AnyDVD v6.1.9.1 [beta] + fixes
* Minor changes made to images in the AiO
* Fixed bug in CloneCD installer that first time users would encounter.
* Updated about box
71AnyDvd Beta:2007/10/29(月) 03:51:09 ID:9c4F8+oT0
72AnyDvd月) 04:11:01 ID:9c4F8+oT0
73名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/29(月) 04:16:23 ID:rd8NgMyf0
74名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/29(月) 04:19:36 ID:rd8NgMyf0

AnyDVD HD - Final

- New (HD DVD & Blu-ray): Added support for some popular MKBv4 discs
(e.g., "Transformers" HD DVD, US, "Spiderman 1-3" Blu-ray, US)
Note: Support for all MKBv4 discs will be added in a future release
- New (HD DVD): Added new option to automatically rename the XPL file
with the highest number. This option is very helpful, as it allows
PowerDVD Ultra to play back new HD DVD discs from Universal.
- New (Blu-ray): Added warning message, if disc is BD+ protected
- New: Added directory listing to the AnyDVD_Info file
- New: System info is now in separate file
- New: Added info about IDE controllers to AnyDVD_Info
- Fix: Integrity check could issue a false alarm on Windows 2000
- Fix (Blu-ray): "Failed to send HostKey!" error with some drives
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner could remove huge parts of a disc, because
it thought they were never meant to be played (e.g., "Lost Season 2")
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner problem with interleaved cells (e.g.,
"Meet the Robinsons", US)
- Fix (DVD): Playback problems with movie only copies of Arccos protected
discs made with CloneDVD2 on some DVD player models (e.g., "Saw 3", US
or "Hostel 2", UK) using AI Scanner
- Fix (DVD): CloneDVD2 error "ifomodify" with some Protect-X protected
discs attempting a movie only copy (e.g., "One Way", Germany)
- Fix (DVD): On some discs, CSS decryption did not work properly,
causing a PS18 error in CloneDVD / AnyDVD ripper
- Fix (DVD): "IFOFormat 0" error on some new copy protected discs
- Fix (DVD): "CloneSpec 4" error on some new copy protected discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
75名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/29(月) 05:09:23 ID:rd8NgMyf0

SlySoft CloneCD - Final

Changes in CloneCD, 2007-10-28:
- New: Workaround for problem with U3 USB memory sticks
- Change: Workaround for registration problem on Windows Vista
- Fix: Autostart problems of CloneCDTray on Windows Vista
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
76名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/29(月) 05:11:54 ID:rd8NgMyf0

Virtual CloneDrive Beta

Changes in Virtual CloneDrive 2007 10 28:
- New: Support for Windows Vista (32-bit only)
77名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/29(月) 06:07:59 ID:rd8NgMyf0
78名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/29(月) 09:45:22 ID:rd8NgMyf0
79名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/29(月) 10:00:20 ID:QYihSjpA0
80名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/29(月) 12:44:08 ID:QYihSjpA0

81名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/29(月) 14:42:55 ID:QYihSjpA0
82名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/29(月) 14:46:27 ID:ZFDoWWYg0
83名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/29(月) 14:50:44 ID:QYihSjpA0
84名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/29(月) 23:07:47 ID:QYihSjpA0

New AIO 2007-10-29 -DNM

Elby CloneDVD v2.9.1.2
Elby Virtual CloneDrive v5.1.4.5
Slysoft AnyDVD v6.1.9.3
Slysoft CloneCD v5.3.1.0
Slysoft CloneDVD mobile v1.1.5.4
Slysoft GameJackal Pro v2.9.18.600

85名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/30(火) 06:12:50 ID:Xfh1fdA30
86名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/30(火) 16:21:24 ID:YypviTuo0

SlyFox AIO v35.32.22.18

AnyDVD HD v6.1.9.3
CloneDVD v2.9.1.2
CloneDVDmobile v1.1.5.4
CloneCD v5.3.1.0
Virtual CloneDrive v5.2.0.2
Game Jackal Pro / Enterprise v2.9.18.600

AiO Change Log
* Added Virtual CloneDrive v5.2.0.2
* Fixed Bug in CloneDVD script that was affecting other installs.
* Added AnyDVD v6.1.9.3 final + fixes
* Added CloneCD v5.3.1.0
* Swapped dual CloneCD version install for cracked or Genuine Serial use option.
87名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/31(水) 09:21:45 ID:YTgArahX0

AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Beta

Changes in version, 2007 10 28:
- New (HD DVD & Blu-ray): Added support for some popular MKBv4 discs (e.g., "Transformers" HD DVD, US, "Spiderman 1-3" Blu-ray, US)
Note: Support for all MKBv4 discs will be added in a future release
- New (HD DVD): Added new option to automatically rename the XPL file with the highest number. This option is very helpful, as it allows PowerDVD Ultra to play back
  new HD DVD discs from Universal.
- New (Blu-ray): Added warning message, if disc is BD+ protected
- New: Added directory listing to the AnyDVD_Info file
- New: System info is now in separate file
- New: Added info about IDE controllers to AnyDVD_Info
- Fix: Integrity check could issue a false alarm on Windows 2000
- Fix (Blu-ray): "Failed to send HostKey!" error with some drives
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner could remove huge parts of a disc, because
it thought they were never meant to be played (e.g., "Lost Season 2")
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner problem with interleaved cells (e.g., "Meet the Robinsons", US)
- Fix (DVD): Playback problems with movie only copies of Arccos protected discs made with CloneDVD2 on some DVD player models (e.g., "Saw 3", US or "Hostel 2", UK) using AI Scanner
- Fix (DVD): CloneDVD2 error "ifomodify" with some Protect-X protected discs attempting a movie only copy (e.g., "One Way", Germany)
- Fix (DVD): On some discs, CSS decryption did not work properly, causing a PS18 error in CloneDVD / AnyDVD ripper
- Fix (DVD): "IFOFormat 0" error on some new copy protected discs
- Fix (DVD): "CloneSpec 4" error on some new copy protected discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages

88名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/31(水) 10:00:13 ID:YTgArahX0
89名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/10/31(水) 16:48:51 ID:3aGqidH50
90名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/01(木) 03:07:34 ID:oJtiMzkm0


AnyDVD HD Beta - RES

CloneCD Final - RES

Elby CloneDVD

Slysoft GameJackal Pro

SlySoft GameJackal Enterprise

CloneDVD Mobile

Virtual CloneDrive
91名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/01(木) 05:59:44 ID:oJtiMzkm0

SlyFox AIO v36.33.22.18

AnyDVD HD v6.1.9.4
CloneDVD v2.9.1.2
CloneDVDmobile v1.1.5.4
CloneCD v5.3.1.0
Virtual CloneDrive v5.2.0.2
Game Jackal Pro / Enterprise v2.9.18.600
92名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/01(木) 10:25:47 ID:nvodO5Ka0

AnyDVD HD Beta - RES

93名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/02(金) 11:41:21 ID:Ibapjtcp0

Slysoft GameJackal Pro Beta - RES

94名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/05(月) 02:56:13 ID:21yJAfVO0
95名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/05(月) 10:03:24 ID:fGTyjJrv0

96名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/05(月) 14:01:48 ID:fGTyjJrv0
97名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/05(月) 16:15:30 ID:dJbxOICk0

98名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/05(月) 16:19:16 ID:fGTyjJrv0
99名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/05(月) 16:21:33 ID:dJbxOICk0
100名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/05(月) 16:24:54 ID:fGTyjJrv0
101名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/05(月) 16:52:05 ID:tYZWlLHy0
102名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/05(月) 17:24:30 ID:fGTyjJrv0
103名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/05(月) 17:29:23 ID:tYZWlLHy0
104名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/05(月) 17:35:23 ID:fGTyjJrv0
105名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/05(月) 23:01:12 ID:1YVNCyU50

AnyDVD HD Beta

- New (Blu-ray): AnyDVD ripper copies BD+ titles
- New (HD DVD & Blu-ray): Support for more MKBv4 titles
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages

106名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/06(火) 06:49:00 ID:oQBBYDch0

AnyDVD HD Beta

PASS : 【CEO】 Giancarlo Bettini - Part 1 【CEO】
107名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/06(火) 06:49:59 ID:oQBBYDch0

AnyDVD HD Beta - RES
108名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/06(火) 08:23:02 ID:oQBBYDch0

New AiO - v37.34.23.18

* AnyDVD HD v6.1.9.5 [beta]
* CloneDVD v2.9.1.2
* CloneDVDmobile v1.1.5.4
* CloneCD v5.3.1.0
* Virtual CloneDrive v5.2.0.2
* Game Jackal Pro / Enterprise v2.9.18.600

AiO Change Log
* Added AnyDVD v6.1.9.5 [beta] + Fixes
* Minor script changes
109名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/08(木) 14:32:48 ID:Aim/YcMM0

AnyDVD HD Beta - RES

PASS : 【CEO】 Giancarlo Bettini - Part 1 【CEO】

110名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/08(木) 14:35:01 ID:Aim/YcMM0

New AiO - v38.35.23.19

* AnyDVD HD v6.1.9.6 [beta]
* CloneDVD v2.9.1.2
* CloneDVDmobile v1.1.5.4
* CloneCD v5.3.1.0
* Virtual CloneDrive v5.2.0.2
* Game Jackal Pro / Enterprise v2.9.18.600

111名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/09(金) 17:44:25 ID:jmVFXvwf0

AnyDVD HD単体じゃBDリップできないのかい??
112名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/12(月) 07:26:13 ID:22K8PtNh0

AnyDVD HD Beta

New (Blu-ray): AnyDVD ripper copies BD+ titles
New (Blu-ray): Removed "BD+ not supported" warning, as all available BD+
titles can be copied with AnyDVD ripper, or can be watched on HTPC without
HDCP using PowerDVD 3104 and AnyDVD. Reports indicate, that burned BD+
titles work on PS3 and standalone players as well.
Note to Twentieth Century Fox: As you can see, BD+ didn't offer you
any advanced security, it just annoyed some of your customers with older
players. So could you please cut this crap and start publishing your titles
on HD DVD? There are thousands of people willing to give you money. :-)
Note to people considering to invest in HD media: Please buy HD DVD instead
of Blu-ray. HD DVD is much more consumer friendly (e.g., no region coding,
AACS not mandatory). Don't give your money to people, who throw your fair-use
rights out of the window.
New (HD DVD & Blu-ray): Support for more MKBv4 titles
Some minor fixes and improvements
Updated languages
113名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/12(月) 17:01:47 ID:JzRKmw8+0

AnyDVD HD Beta - RES

PASS : 【CEO】 Giancarlo Bettini - Part 1 【CEO】
114名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/12(月) 17:44:10 ID:rPk1To5A0
115名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/12(月) 20:56:30 ID:JzRKmw8+0

SlyFox AIO v39.36.23.20

AnyDVD HD v6.1.9.7 [beta]
CloneDVD v2.9.1.2
CloneDVDmobile v1.1.5.4
CloneCD v5.3.1.0
Virtual CloneDrive v5.2.0.2
Game Jackal Pro / Enterprise v2.9.18.600

116名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/13(火) 01:12:39 ID:ttasPYii0

AnyDVD HD Beta - RES

DL KEY : 1113
117名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/13(火) 01:17:11 ID:ttasPYii0

AnyDVD HD Beta - RES

DL KEY : 1113
118名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/13(火) 18:00:27 ID:ttasPYii0

AnyDVD HD Beta

New (HD DVD & Blu-ray): Support for all MKBv4 titles (requires internet connection)
Note: It is possible, that the AnyDVD update server may be shortly unavailable during the beta test phase
New (Blu-ray): AnyDVD ripper copies BD+ titles
New (Blu-ray): Removed "BD+ not supported" warning, as all available BD+ titles can be copied with AnyDVD ripper, or can be
watched on HTPC without HDCP using PowerDVD 3104 and AnyDVD. Reports indicate, that burned BD+ titles work on PS3 and standalone players as well.
Note to Twentieth Century Fox: As you can see, BD+ didn't offer you any advanced security, it just annoyed some of your customers with older players. So
could you please cut this crap and start publishing your titles on HD DVD? There are thousands of people willing to give you money. :-)
Note to people considering to invest in HD media: Please buy HD DVD instead of Blu-ray. HD DVD is much more consumer friendly (e.g., no region coding,
AACS not mandatory). Don't give your money to people, who throw your fair-use rights out of the window.
Some minor fixes and improvements
Updated languages
119名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/13(火) 18:41:10 ID:ttasPYii0
120名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/13(火) 19:35:27 ID:ttasPYii0
121名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/14(水) 06:44:23 ID:hzdY1PZT0

SlyFox AIO v40.37.23.20

* AnyDVD HD v6.1.9.8 [beta]
* CloneDVD v2.9.1.2
* CloneDVDmobile v1.1.5.5 [beta]
* CloneCD v5.3.1.0
* Virtual CloneDrive v5.2.0.2
* Game Jackal Pro / Enterprise v2.9.18.600

122名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/14(水) 18:37:44 ID:B48iSDoC0
123名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/16(金) 03:49:47 ID:Qot/g5kI0
124名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/16(金) 17:52:06 ID:eM9rvaXn0

AnyDVD HD Beta

New (HD DVD & Blu-ray): Embedded titles updated
New (Blu-ray): Workaround, so PowerDVD 3319 continues to play, if AnyDVD is enabled (only tested with PowerDVD 3319a)
Note: For this feature to work, you must reboot your computer!
Some minor fixes and improvements
Updated languages

125名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/20(火) 14:50:22 ID:VyUQPJBF0

AnyDVD HD Beta
http://sandbox.slysoft.com/beta/SetupAnyDVD6200.exe 2007 11 19
- New: Installer now terminates processes using ElbyCDIO
- New: Added LBA to dirlist.txt for debugging
- New (DVD): Added more debugging information of AI Scanner
- Change (DVD): If logging is enabled, AI Scanner is set to "Deep Scan"
for better debugging
- Fix (DVD): CSS and APS problem with certain discs,
e.g. "Hairspay", US
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner could cause a "CloneSpec 0" error with Alpha-DVD
protected discs, e.g. "Mr. & Mrs Smith", Germany
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages

... and of course new MKBv4 updates
126名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/20(火) 16:24:43 ID:VyUQPJBF0
127名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/20(火) 19:06:21 ID:syxClwbz0
128名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/21(水) 01:46:06 ID:Cg2S2jsZ0
129名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/21(水) 06:47:15 ID:Cg2S2jsZ0
130名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/21(水) 10:13:17 ID:Cg2S2jsZ0

AnyDVD HD Final

- Note to people considering to invest in HD media: Please buy HD DVD
instead of Blu-ray. HD DVD is much more consumer friendly (e.g., no region
coding, AACS not mandatory, no BD+). Don't give your money to people,
who throw your fair-use rights out of the window.
- New: Installer now terminates processes using ElbyCDIO
- New: Added LBA to dirlist.txt for debugging
- New: Added PowerDVD version information to AnyDVD_Info file
- New (HD DVD & Blu-ray): Support for all MKBv4 titles
- New (Blu-ray): Workaround, so PowerDVD Ultra continues to play, if
AnyDVD is enabled
- New (Blu-ray): AnyDVD ripper copies BD+ titles
- New (Blu-ray): Removed "BD+ not supported" warning, as all available BD+
titles can be copied with AnyDVD ripper, or can be watched on HTPC without
HDCP using PowerDVD 3104 and AnyDVD.
- New (DVD): Improved Layer break removal in AnyDVD ripper
- New (DVD): Added more debugging information of AI Scanner
- Change (DVD): If logging is enabled, AI Scanner is set to "Deep Scan"
for better debugging
- Fix (DVD): CSS and APS problem with certain discs,
e.g. "Hairspray", US
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner could cause a "CloneSpec 0" error with Alpha-DVD
protected discs, e.g. "Mr. & Mrs Smith", Germany
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper estimated wrong output size with FluxDVD protected
DVDs, e.g. "Curse of the Golden Flower", UK
- Changelog merged with beta versions
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
131名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/21(水) 15:31:45 ID:Cg2S2jsZ0
132名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/21(水) 17:57:39 ID:Cg2S2jsZ0


AnyDVD HD Final - RES

CloneCD Final - RES

Virtual CloneDrive

Slysoft GameJackal Pro

SlySoft GameJackal Enterprise

CloneDVD Mobile Beta

Elby CloneDVD
133名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/21(水) 18:02:22 ID:NDUSwgjg0まだ〜
134名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/21(水) 18:10:18 ID:6Qqe+pH90
135名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/22(木) 06:52:15 ID:FzXWD3IZ0 2007 11 20
- ノート:リージョンコードが無い、AAC が強制されない、BD+ が無いなど Blu-rayよりも HD DVD の方が消費者に親切です。同じ対価を支払うのであれば消費者の権利を大切にしている HD DVD を選択しましょう。
- 新規: インストーラはプロセスが ElbyCDIO を使用中であっても終了させるようになりました。
- 新規: デバッグのため LBA を dirlist.txt に追加しました。
- 新規: AnyDVD_Info ファイルに PowerDVD のバージョン情報を追加しました。
- 新規 (HD DVD & Blu-ray): 全ての MKBv4 タイトルをサポートしました。
- 新規 (Blu-ray): AnyDVD 有効時、PowerDVD Ultra は続き再生可能になりました。
- 新規 (Blu-ray): AnyDVD ripper に BD+ タイトルのコピー機能を追加しました。
- 新規 (Blu-ray): 現在利用可能な BD+ タイトルは AnyDVD ripper でコピーできますし、PowerDVD 3104 と AnyDVD を組み合わせることで HDCP を使用せず HDPC 上で鑑賞可能となったので "BD+ not supported" という警告は削除されました。
- 新規 (DVD): AnyDVD ripper のレイヤーブレイク除去機能を向上しました。
- 新規 (DVD): AI Scanner のデバッグ情報を増加しました。
- 変更 (DVD): ログ機能を有効にしている場合、AI Scanner をディープスキャンモードに設定するとよりデバッグに関して効果的です。
- 修正 (DVD): "Hairspray", US などのタイトルで生じていた CSS と APS の問題を修正しました。
- 修正 (DVD): Alpha-DVD で保護された "Mr. & Mrs Smith", Germany などのタイトルで AI Scanner が "CloneSpec 0" エラーの原因となっていた問題を修正しました。
- 修正 (DVD): FluxDVD で保護された "Curse of the Golden Flower", UK などのタイトルで AnyDVD ripper が予想出力サイズを誤っていた問題を修正しました。
- 更新履歴はベータバージョンと統合されました。
- いくつかの小修正と機能向上を行いました。
- 言語ファイルを更新しました。
136名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/22(木) 18:53:48 ID:kCc2Y9wy0

AnyDVD HD Beta

- Fix (HD DVD): Black screen with re-release of "Planet Earth" series.
- Fix (DVD): Although CloneDVD2 worked with "Hairspray" (US), AnyDVD
ripper aborted with a "VobSet 1" error. This is fixed now.
137名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/22(木) 18:55:13 ID:kCc2Y9wy0

AnyDVD HD Beta - RES
138名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/22(木) 19:05:21 ID:16Igid9G0

139名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/23(金) 20:28:54 ID:XcWtz/oM0

GameJackal Pro - Final

- Added profile import / export functionality.
- Improved driver stability and performance.
- Fixed a bug with the driver that could cause image mode to work incorrectly.
- Profiles now automatically lock when first captured.
- Profiles can now have their protection type changed (via the advanced options).
- Fixes a bug with the driver that could cause a game to crash when launched.
- Fixed a bug with the driver that could cause image mode to work incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug that was causing an exception when clicking on the plugin list.
- Updated Arabic language support.
- Updated blacklisting support.
- Fixed a bug with the launcher (parameters are now passed correctly).
- Missing profile data is now tracked to allow for a "update profile" to be performed.
- Update profile feature implemented (assessed by right-clicking on the profile). This will update the profile with any data that has been flagged as missing.
- Collection files are now deleted when a profile is deleted.
- Minor interface improvments
140名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/23(金) 22:59:22 ID:XcWtz/oM0

GameJackal Pro Final - RES
141名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/11/28(水) 03:49:03 ID:SxJx3HV+0
            r"r          ゝ、:;:ヽ
   :r‐-、   ,...,,  |;;;;|       ,,.-‐-:、 ヾ;:;|
   :i!  i!  |: : i! ヾ| r'"~~` :;: ::;",,-‐‐-  `r'^!  >>1-140 GJですね〜!!
    !  i!.  |  ;| l|  ''"~~   、      i' r  
     i! ヽ |  | |    ,.:'"   、ヽ、   !,,ノ     GJだよね〜!!いいですね〜!!  
    ゝ  `-!  :| i!  .:;: '~~ー~~'" ゙ヾ : : ::|     
   r'"~`ヾ、   i! i!   ,,-ェェI二エフフ : : :ノ~|`T     イエ〜イ!!イエ〜イ!!  
  ,.ゝ、  r'""`ヽ、i! `:、   ー - '" :: : :/ ,/         
  !、  `ヽ、ー、   ヽ‐''"`ヾ、.....,,,,_,,,,.-‐'",..-'"
   | \ i:" )     |
142名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/01(土) 05:10:27 ID:HS4gAaGv0

AnyDVD HD Final

- New (DVD): Some discs are mastered incorrectly and have invalid file
sizes. AnyDVD now corrects the file sizes in the VIDEO_TS directory.
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection as found on
"This is England" (R2, UK)
- Change (DVD): Default AI Scanner level is now "thorough", as some
discs did not work correctly with the previous default setting.
- Fix (HD DVD): Black screen with re-release of "Planet Earth" series.
- Fix (DVD): CSS decryption problems with some protected discs on
region code mismatch
- Fix (DVD): Although CloneDVD2 worked with "Hairspray" (US), AnyDVD
ripper aborted with a "VobSet 1" error. This is fixed now.
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
143名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/01(土) 09:29:00 ID:kcsDoWkz0

AnyDVD HD Final - RES

144名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/01(土) 21:01:48 ID:TEO1fiOw0

AnyDVD6.3.0.0 Final - NewReg
145名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/03(月) 17:16:27 ID:HF6f1NYB0
146名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/04(火) 17:36:02 ID:kOAPnYMH0

147名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/07(金) 11:01:12 ID:VHGsgH8m0

AnyDVD Beta

- New (DVD): AI Scanner improved, works much better now
- Fix (HD DVD & Blu-ray): Black screen with re-release of "Prison Break"
- Fix (DVD): CloneMap 2 error with some discs
(e.g., "Squid and the Whale", US)
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner accidently removed a title set from "8 Below",
R2, Japan
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
148名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/07(金) 11:02:27 ID:VHGsgH8m0

AnyDVD Beta - Reg
149名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/18(火) 15:11:27 ID:lAMg8oQr0
150名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/18(火) 21:26:36 ID:zNphz/FO0

151名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/20(木) 03:08:10 ID:ZkeGynPJ0

AnyDVD HD Beta

- New (DVD): Support for new copy protection found on some adult titles
- New (DVD): AnyDVD ripper can now handle discs, which have menu files
bigger than 1GB (which is against the specification).
- New (DVD): Improved performance of the AI scanner.
- Fix (DVD): PS18 error with some discs, e.g. "The Forgotten", R1, US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
152名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/20(木) 03:09:04 ID:ZkeGynPJ0 Beta - RES

153名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/20(木) 03:34:29 ID:ZkeGynPJ0 Beta - RES
154名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/21(金) 23:31:16 ID:0IxbmakF0

AnyDVD HD - Final
http://www.slysoft.com/download.html 2007 12 21
- We wish you a merry christmas!
- New (DVD): Support for new copy protection found on some adult titles
- New (DVD): AnyDVD ripper can now handle discs, which have menu files
bigger than 1GB (which is against the specification).
- New (DVD): Improved performance of the AI scanner.
- Fix (HD DVD & Blu-ray): Black screen with re-release of "Prison Break"
- Fix (DVD): PS18 error with some discs, e.g. "The Forgotten", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner accidently removed a title set from "8 Below",
R2, Japan
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
155名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/22(土) 13:22:50 ID:mTuX3qMq0 Final - REGRES
156名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/23(日) 17:45:41 ID:2EbQvL0x0 Final - REG・RES・CU
157名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/24(月) 03:08:45 ID:VMqMUIMB0 2007 12 21
- メリークリスマス!
- 新規(DVD):アダルトビデオで採用された新しいタイプのプロテクトに対応した。
- 新規(DVD):AnyDVD ripperが1GBを超えるサイズのメニューファイルを持ったディスク(仕様に違反しているが)に対応した。
- 新規(DVD):AI scannerのパフォーマンスを改善した。
- 修正(HD DVD&Blu-ray):再リリースされた「Prison Break」がブラックスクリーンになる不具合を修正した。
- 修正(DVD):米DVD「The Forgotten(R1)」などで発生するPS18エラーを修正した。
- 修正(DVD):邦DVD「8 Below(R2)」において、AI scannerがタイトルセットを削除してしまう不具合を修正した。
- 細かい修正と改善。
- 言語の更新。
158名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/28(金) 22:39:05 ID:cfX880lo0 Beta - REG
159名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/31(月) 14:23:09 ID:bA1S+OGZ0

AnyDVD (HD) beta

Sorry to bother you with another update, but this fixes a severe access violation bug in the last beta version. 2008 12 30
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner missed one chapter of the full frame version on
"Fun with Dick and Jane (2005)", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): IFOTitles 2 error with some Macrovision RipGuard protected
titles, e.g. "Funny Factory with Mickey - Volume 1", R1, US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
160名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/31(月) 14:28:27 ID:bA1S+OGZ0 Beta - REG
161名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2007/12/31(月) 15:50:30 ID:qdXl2MFs0
162名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/03(木) 05:47:38 ID:rQ6rKpJz0

AnyDVD (HD) beta

This fixes a some bugs in the AI scanner introduced in and beta versions. 2008 01 02
- Happy new year!
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection, e.g. "Whisper", R2,
- New (DVD): Improved performance of the AI scanner.
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner missed one chapter of the full frame version on
"Fun with Dick and Jane (2005)", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): IFOTitles 2 error with some Macrovision RipGuard protected
titles, e.g. "Funny Factory with Mickey - Volume 1", R1, US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
163名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/03(木) 16:33:11 ID:rQ6rKpJz0 Beta - RES
164名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/03(木) 21:52:33 ID:rQ6rKpJz0 Beta - RES
165名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/11(金) 09:23:49 ID:i5Kn5IAO0
AnyDVD HD Beta

- Happy new year!
- New: Autoplay is no longer triggered, if settings are changed or AnyDVD is
disabled / enabled.
- New (DVD): AI Scanner has now different settings, "Disabled", Automatic" or
- New (DVD): Added warn message, if logging is enabled.
- New (DVD): Added support for new protection, e.g., "Mr. Woodcock", R1, US
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection, e.g. "Paheli", R2,
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection, e.g. "Whisper", R2,
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection found on some adult
titles to the AnyDVD ripper
- New (DVD): Improved performance of the AI scanner.
- Fix (DVD): Problems with "Shoot 'Em Up", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper removed parts of the Audio Test of
"Ratatouille", R1, US.
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner missed one chapter of the full frame version on
"Fun with Dick and Jane (2005)", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): IFOTitles 2 error with some Macrovision RipGuard protected
titles, e.g. "Funny Factory with Mickey - Volume 1", R1, US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
166名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/12(土) 02:18:39 ID:ITZMvA3V0 Beta - RES
167名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/12(土) 02:26:57 ID:ITZMvA3V0
AnyDVD (HD) beta
Fixes from beta:

1.) "Beep" on exit
2.) "AI Scan" automatic didn't work correctly with several discs
3.) "Automatic" could be switched off, "Always Enabled" did nothing.
4.) Disabling autoplay didn't work on 64bit OS. 2008 01 11
- Happy new year!
- New: Autoplay is no longer triggered, if settings are changed or AnyDVD is
disabled / enabled.
- New (DVD): AI Scanner has now different settings, "Disabled", Automatic" or
- New (DVD): Added warn message, if logging is enabled.
- New (DVD): Added support for new protection, e.g., "Mr. Woodcock", R1, US
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection, e.g. "Paheli", R2,
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection, e.g. "Whisper", R2,
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection found on some adult
titles to the AnyDVD ripper
- New (DVD): Improved performance of the AI scanner.
- Fix (DVD): Problems with "Shoot 'Em Up", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper removed parts of the Audio Test of
"Ratatouille", R1, US.
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner missed one chapter of the full frame version on
"Fun with Dick and Jane (2005)", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): IFOTitles 2 error with some Macrovision RipGuard protected
titles, e.g. "Funny Factory with Mickey - Volume 1", R1, US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
168名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/12(土) 06:04:21 ID:ITZMvA3V0

HD Beta - RK
169名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/14(月) 09:28:58 ID:SQq2ZP250

CloneDVD Beta

- New: Improved layer break handling
- Fix: "Clone 0" error with some discs
- Fix: If a PGC contained multiple programs per chapter, parts of the PGC
were blanked.
- Some minor changes and improvements
170名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/15(火) 06:04:02 ID:YfnnHLfP0

CloneDVD beta

- New: Improved layer break handling
- Fix: "Clone 0" error with some discs
- Fix: If a PGC contained multiple programs per chapter, parts of the PGC
were blanked.
- Some minor changes and improvements
171名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/15(火) 06:06:05 ID:YfnnHLfP0 2008 01 14
- New: Added "Create Logfile" menu, removed "enable logging" from settings
- New: Autoplay is no longer triggered, if settings are changed or AnyDVD is
disabled / enabled.
- New (DVD): AI Scanner has now different settings, "Disabled", Automatic" or
- New (DVD): Added warn message, if logging is enabled.
- New (DVD): Added support for new protection, e.g., "Mr. Woodcock", R1, US
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection, e.g. "Paheli", R2,
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection, e.g. "Whisper", R2,
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection found on some adult
titles to the AnyDVD ripper
- New (DVD): Improved performance of the AI scanner.
- Fix (DVD): Problems with "Shoot 'Em Up", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper removed parts of the Audio Test of
"Ratatouille", R1, US.
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner missed one chapter of the full frame version on
"Fun with Dick and Jane (2005)", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): IFOTitles 2 error with some Macrovision RipGuard protected
titles, e.g. "Funny Factory with Mickey - Volume 1", R1, US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
172megaupload.com?d=O82WCN41 :2008/01/15(火) 06:56:46 ID:YfnnHLfP0 Beta - RES
173megaupload.com/jp/?d=DJBVUPL7 :2008/01/15(火) 15:22:59 ID:YfnnHLfP0
       Beta - RES ver2
174名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/16(水) 17:59:53 ID:0BJSIiiw0
175名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/21(月) 09:53:08 ID:SHPdLOXC0
AnyDVD (HD) beta

- New: Added "Create Logfile" menu, removed "enable logging" from settings
- New: Autoplay is no longer triggered, if settings are changed or AnyDVD is
disabled / enabled.
- New (DVD): Added hooking of the IDvdInfo2::GetDiscID interface. All 32-bit
applications which use DiscIDs will retrieve the correct DiscID, even if
AnyDVD is running (e.g., Windows MCE 2005, Windows Media Player, Invelos
DVD Profiler, MyMovies, etc.)
Note: This feature might not work correctly with X-Protect or other heavily
corrupted discs. Blame the manufacturer of the disc....
This feature is currently only supported for 32-bit applications.
- New (DVD): AI Scanner has now different settings, "Disabled", Automatic" or
- New (DVD): Added support for new protection, e.g., "Mr. Woodcock", R1, US
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection, e.g. "Paheli", R2,
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection, e.g. "Whisper", R2,
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection found on some adult
titles to the AnyDVD ripper
- New (DVD): Improved performance of the AI scanner.
- Fix (DVD): Problems with "Shoot 'Em Up", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper removed parts of the Audio Test of
"Ratatouille", R1, US.
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner missed one chapter of the full frame version on
"Fun with Dick and Jane (2005)", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): IFOTitles 2 error with some Macrovision RipGuard protected
titles, e.g. "Funny Factory with Mickey - Volume 1", R1, US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
176名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/21(月) 12:22:50 ID:SHPdLOXC0 Beta - RES
177名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/23(水) 08:05:43 ID:Oi//JdCG0
AnyDVD (HD) beta

- New: Added "Create Logfile" menu, removed "enable logging" from settings
- New: Autoplay is no longer triggered, if settings are changed or AnyDVD is
disabled / enabled.
- New (DVD): Added hooking of the IDvdInfo2::GetDiscID interface. All 32-bit
applications which use DiscIDs will retrieve the correct DiscID, even if
AnyDVD is running (e.g., Windows MCE 2005, Windows Media Player, Invelos
DVD Profiler, MyMovies, etc.)
Note: This feature might not work correctly with X-Protect or other heavily
corrupted discs. Blame the manufacturer of the disc....
This feature is currently only supported for 32-bit applications.
- New (DVD): AI Scanner has now different settings, "Disabled", Automatic" or
- New (DVD): Added support for new protection, e.g., "Saw IV", R1, US
- New (DVD): Added support for new protection, e.g., "Mr. Woodcock", R1, US
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection, e.g. "Paheli", R2,
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection, e.g. "Whisper", R2,
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection found on some adult
titles to the AnyDVD ripper
- New (DVD): Improved performance of the AI scanner.
- Fix (DVD): Problems with "Shoot 'Em Up", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper removed parts of the Audio Test of
"Ratatouille", R1, US.
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner missed one chapter of the full frame version on
"Fun with Dick and Jane (2005)", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): IFOTitles 2 error with some Macrovision RipGuard protected
titles, e.g. "Funny Factory with Mickey - Volume 1", R1, US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
178名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/24(木) 10:34:02 ID:xkOm8XHc0
AnyDVD Final

- New: Added "Create Logfile" menu, removed "enable logging" from settings
- New: Autoplay is no longer triggered, if settings are changed or AnyDVD is
disabled / enabled.
- New (DVD): Added hooking of the IDvdInfo2::GetDiscID interface. All 32-bit
applications which use DiscIDs will retrieve the correct DiscID, even if
AnyDVD is running (e.g., Windows MCE 2005, Windows Media Player, Invelos
DVD Profiler, MyMovies, etc.)
Note: This feature might not work correctly with X-Protect or other heavily
corrupted discs. Blame the manufacturer of the disc....
This feature is currently only supported for 32-bit applications.
- New (DVD): AI Scanner has now different settings, "Disabled", Automatic" or
- New (DVD): Added support for new protection, e.g., "Saw IV", R1, US
- New (DVD): Added support for new protection, e.g., "Mr. Woodcock", R1, US
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection, e.g. "Paheli", R2,
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection, e.g. "Whisper", R2,
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection found on some adult
titles to the AnyDVD ripper
- New (DVD): Improved performance of the AI scanner.
- Fix (DVD): Problems with "Shoot 'Em Up", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper removed parts of the Audio Test of
"Ratatouille", R1, US.
- Fix (DVD): AI Scanner missed one chapter of the full frame version on
"Fun with Dick and Jane (2005)", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): IFOTitles 2 error with some Macrovision RipGuard protected
titles, e.g. "Funny Factory with Mickey - Volume 1", R1, US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
179名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/24(木) 21:37:38 ID:6KPxrs0i0
180名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/25(金) 07:31:27 ID:9r1ofoh50
181名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/27(日) 00:19:44 ID:FiaGNDtB0
HD・BR support

182名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/27(日) 08:02:16 ID:jpQ66qYY0
- 無効なリンク
183名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/27(日) 16:00:41 ID:FiaGNDtB0 - RES

184名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/27(日) 17:03:28 ID:r+HFAjfc0
185名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/28(月) 15:22:00 ID:Io1/4Msy0

AnyDVD (HD) beta

- New: Added support for a new type of structural protection as found on
some adult titles
- Change: Hooking of the IDvdInfo2::GetDiscID interface caused a false
security alert in some anti spyware tools
186名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/28(月) 17:38:05 ID:BurwJPKx0
187名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/28(月) 17:39:21 ID:OPG5wyEH0
188名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/28(月) 18:14:06 ID:Io1/4Msy0
189名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/28(月) 18:19:50 ID:UdGBB88K0

190名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/29(火) 21:13:17 ID:yvJbnHVR0
191名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/29(火) 21:25:00 ID:CVhwgz8k0
192名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/29(火) 21:58:03 ID:X37Node70
193190:2008/01/30(水) 02:30:38 ID:W5eAlLp80
194名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/01/31(木) 21:43:32 ID:YAhdr8iq0 2008 01 23
- 新規:「Create Logfile」メニューを追加し、「enable logging」を設定から削除した。
- 新規:設定が変更されるか、AnyDVDが有効/無効になった場合、自動再生(Autoplay)はもう起動しない。
- 新規(DVD):IDvdInfo2::GetDiscIDインターフェースのフックを追加した。DiscIDを使用する全32ビットアプリケーションは、たとえAnyDVDga起動していていも正しいDiscIDを探索できる。
- 新規(DVD):AI Scannerに「Disabled(無効)」「Automatic(自動)」「Enabled(有効)」の設定を追加した。
- 新規(DVD):米DVD「Saw IV(R1)」、「Mr.Woodcock(R1)」、独DVD「Paheli(R2)」、「Whisper(R2)」の新しいプロテクトに対応した。
- 新規(DVD):何本かのアダルトDVDデ見つかった新しいプロテクトにAnyDVD ripperが対応した。
- 新規(DVD):AI scannerのパフォーマンスを改善した。
- 修正(DVD):米DVD「Shoot 'Em Up(R1)」で発生する問題に対応した。
- 修正(DVD):AnyDVD ripperが、米DVD「Ratatuille(R1)」のAudio Testの一部を削除する不具合に対応した。
- 修正(DVD):AI scannerが、米DVD「Fun with Dick and Jane(2005)(R1)」のフルフレームバージョンにおいて、チャプターをひとつ見失う不具合を修正した。
- 修正(DVD):マクロビジョンのRipGuardでプロテクトされたタイトルでIFOTitles 2エラーが起こる不具合を修正した。
- 細かい修正と改善。
- 言語の更新。
195名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/05(火) 03:52:39 ID:gKNOtqar0

AnyDVD (HD) Beta

- New (DVD): Added support for a new type of structural protection as
found on some adult titles
- New (DVD): Major rewrite of the AI scanner for improved performance
and reliability
- Change: Hooking of the IDvdInfo2::GetDiscID interface caused a false
security alert in some anti spyware tools
- Fix: Theater Tek bookmarking did not work while AnyDVD was running
- Fix: Possible hang if DVD with defective structures was inserted
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
196名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/05(火) 23:37:21 ID:oUTcqARK0 Beta - RES

197名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/05(火) 23:42:37 ID:kM3p4O/h0
198名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/07(木) 00:26:24 ID:EW3oY6wP0

AnyDVD (HD) Final

- New (DVD): Added support for a new type of structural protection as
found on "Beste Zeit", R2, Germany
- New (DVD): Added support for a new type of structural protection as
found on some adult titles
- New (DVD): Major rewrite of the AI scanner for improved performance
and reliability
- Change: Hooking of the IDvdInfo2::GetDiscID interface caused a false
security alert in some anti spyware tools
- Fix: Theater Tek bookmarking did not work while AnyDVD was running
- Fix: Possible hang if DVD with defective structures was inserted
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
199名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/07(木) 04:42:28 ID:EW3oY6wP0 Final

200名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/08(金) 00:50:25 ID:eEOZ9Gws0 - RES
201名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/09(土) 02:08:02 ID:tA/kmac00 2008 02 05
- 新規(DVD):独DVD「Beste Zeit(R2)」で見つかった新しいタイプの構造プロテクトに対応した。
- 新規(DVD):何本かのアダルトビデオで見つかった新しいタイプの構造プロテクトに対応した。
- 新規(DVD):パフォーマンスと信頼性向上のために、AI scannerを大幅に書き直した。
- 変更:IDvdInfo2::GetDiscIDインターフェースのフックにより、アンチスパイウェアソフトがセキュリティ警告を出していた。
- 修正:AnyDVD起動中にTheater Tekのブックマークが動作しない不具合を修正した。
- 修正:不完全な構造が挿入されたDVDでハングすることがある不具合を修正した。
- 細かい修正と改善。
- 言語の更新。
202名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/11(月) 05:28:07 ID:qA0XsEYM0

203名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/11(月) 06:16:27 ID:f6Vd91xP0
204名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/15(金) 12:13:34 ID:AjMHj2AA0
205名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/17(日) 13:12:10 ID:F4lEpsUd0
そろそろAnyDVD BDにすればいいのにな
206名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/23(土) 13:44:17 ID:6sHQvVsh0

207名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/23(土) 20:37:31 ID:6sHQvVsh0
SlyFox AiO v52.49.27.24
RARpass = SlySoft
208名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/24(日) 02:49:27 ID:2vjCkJp90
209名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/24(日) 12:16:06 ID:qP6AFihu0
AnyTrial 1.0.146 Final
210名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/27(水) 18:17:39 ID:SQgs1Ijz0
211名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/27(水) 18:36:21 ID:AzUwcuCK0
212名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/27(水) 21:56:55 ID:IIxWFkcy0
213名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/02/29(金) 22:59:14 ID:3AcRAGoa0 Final - BRD
214名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/01(土) 02:39:20 ID:10JX9cvJ0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): Support for new RCE protection, e.g. "Blue State", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): Bug introduced in, AI Scanner could remove special
features from some discs, e.g. "Mr. Woodcock", US, R1
- Fix (DVD): Read errors with CloneCD and some discs,
e.g. "Mr. Woodcock", US, R1
215名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/01(土) 16:18:45 ID:Oh+i+IdK0 Beta - RES
216名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/02(日) 06:16:55 ID:CRmK9pLT0
217名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/08(土) 19:20:18 ID:kYT3E02N0 2008 03 07
- New (DVD): Support for new RCE protection, e.g. "Blue State", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): Bug introduced in, AI Scanner could remove special
features from some discs, e.g. "Mr. Woodcock", US, R1
- Fix (DVD): Read errors with CloneCD and some discs,
e.g. "Mr. Woodcock", US, R1 Final - RES
218名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/12(水) 05:30:24 ID:KZBXP2Ps0
SlyFox AIO v56.53.30.24
219名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/13(木) 11:39:44 ID:NQbqH4xk0
220名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/14(金) 07:19:49 ID:BI2KHdU+0
AnyDVD (HD) beta 2008 03 13
- New (DVD): Added support for a new type of structural protection as
found on "Lissi und der wilde Kaiser", R2, Germany
- New (DVD): Added support for a new type of structural protection as
found on "30 Days of Night", R2, Germany
- New (DVD): Added support for a new type of structural protection as
found on "Wachter des Tages (Dnevnoy dozor)", R2, Germany
221名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/14(金) 22:55:01 ID:ULRnzKrk0
222名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/14(金) 23:18:55 ID:ivB9JQce0
223名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/17(月) 09:22:23 ID:Z8eKwYie0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta 2008 03 15
- New (DVD): AnyDVD ripper no longer uses the Windows filesystem, it
has now its own UDF parser / reader.
Discs which cannot be read by Windows can now be copied with the
AnyDVD ripper.
- Fix (DVD): Small bugfix in "repairing defective disc structure"
function of AnyDVD ripper
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
224名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/17(月) 12:44:45 ID:0muQBVga0 Beta - RES
225名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/17(月) 15:53:44 ID:0muQBVga0
226非公式??:2008/03/19(水) 17:11:37 ID:r3r2Rh1g0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
2008 03 18
- New (Blu-ray): Removes the BD+ protection from Blu-ray discs!
(for increased compatibility with titles released by Twentieth
Century Fox :-) )
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to enable / disable BD+ removal
- New (DVD): AnyDVD ripper no longer uses the Windows filesystem, it
has now its own UDF parser / reader.
Discs which cannot be read by Windows can now be copied with the
AnyDVD ripper.
- Fix (Blu-ray): Black display with some BD discs, e.g., "Layer Cake",
second release, Region B or "The Fugitive", Region B
- Fix (DVD): Small bugfix in "repairing defective disc structure"
function of AnyDVD ripper
- Fix (DVD): Problems with some Arccos protected titles, e.g.
"The Grudge", R1, US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
227名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/20(木) 04:19:01 ID:gE7WCF7E0 がキテルヨ
228名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/20(木) 07:28:46 ID:x02/3u1z0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (Blu-ray): Removes the BD+ protection from Blu-ray discs!
(for increased compatibility with titles released by Twentieth
Century Fox :-) )
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to enable / disable BD+ removal
- New (DVD): AnyDVD ripper no longer uses the Windows filesystem, it
has now its own UDF parser / reader.
Discs which cannot be read by Windows can now be copied with the
AnyDVD ripper.
- Fix (Blu-ray): Black display with some BD discs, e.g., "Layer Cake",
second release, "The Fugitive", "Wild Things" (all Region B)
- Fix (DVD): Small bugfix in "repairing defective disc structure"
function of AnyDVD ripper
- Fix (DVD): Problems with some Arccos protected titles, e.g.
"The Grudge", R1, US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages Final - RES
229名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/20(木) 15:21:06 ID:z9rlmMQr0
230名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/20(木) 16:30:09 ID:SJ762vui0
231名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/20(木) 19:05:51 ID:CaxX++YI0
232名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/20(木) 19:37:15 ID:3yjUDygb0
233名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/21(金) 08:07:13 ID:xDgfPdzv0 Final - RES
234名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/21(金) 14:32:25 ID:xDgfPdzv0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): Added support for a new type of structural protection as
found on "Buro, Buro", R2, Germany
- New (DVD): Added support for a new type of structural protection as
found on "Buck Rogers" and "Footsoldier", R2, Germany
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
235名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/21(金) 15:20:02 ID:uXc5MvvK0
おいらもPassわからんorz どこにも見当たらん…
236名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/21(金) 15:47:12 ID:wB24SArQ0
237名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/21(金) 21:11:55 ID:uXc5MvvK0
238名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/23(日) 13:09:07 ID:J2oMJy0Z0 Beta
239名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/23(日) 23:10:13 ID:J2oMJy0Z0 Beta - RES
240名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/25(火) 14:37:27 ID:rLZa1I0W0

SlySoft on Blu-ray BD+ crack: next time it will be easier
241名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/27(木) 12:07:38 ID:vPZxfjv50
Virtual CloneDrive Beta
- New: Supports playback of HD-DVD & Blu-ray images in PowerDVD
- New: Increased performance, if image files are accessed over
the network
- New: Better support for Windows Vista (32-bit only)
242名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/28(金) 00:36:38 ID:WSOUmxbv0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new version of BD+ as found on
"Hitman", Region A, US
- New (DVD): Added support for a new type of structural protection as
found on "Reservation Road", R1, US (untested, awaiting feedback)
- New (DVD): Added support for a new type of structural protection as
found on "Der Perfekte Sex", R2, Germany
- New (DVD): AnyDVD ripper can now be started multiple times
- New: Settings can be changed while rip is in progress.
Setting changes will be ignored for drives currently ripping.
- New (Setup): AnyDVD can now be installed without a reboot (2000/XP/Vista)
- Fix (Blu-ray): Small visible glitches (1-2 frames per movie) on BD+
protected discs
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper didn't handle some discs properly under Vista
243名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/28(金) 11:03:11 ID:WSOUmxbv0 Beta - RES
244名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/29(土) 10:14:45 ID:cRCZjxSf0
AnyDVD HD Final
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new version of BD+ as found on
"Hitman", Region A, US
- New (DVD): Added support for a new type of structural protection as
found on "Reservation Road", R1, US (untested, awaiting feedback)
- New (DVD): Added support for a new type of structural protection as
found on "Der Perfekte Sex", R2, Germany
- New (DVD): AnyDVD ripper can now be started multiple times
- New: Settings can be changed while rip is in progress.
Setting changes will be ignored for drives currently ripping.
- New (Setup): AnyDVD can now be installed without a reboot (2000/XP/Vista)
- Fix (Blu-ray): Small visible glitches (1-2 frames per movie) on BD+
protected discs
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper didn't handle some discs properly under Vista
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
245名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/29(土) 19:44:37 ID:cRCZjxSf0 - RK
246名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/30(日) 05:01:20 ID:9Pfoamqe0
247名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/31(月) 13:35:30 ID:saqGKL0t0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for playback with Corel WinDVD 9
- Change (Setup): Removed ability to install without a reboot, because
some faulty 3rd party drivers crash
- Fix (DVD): Bug introduced with AnyDVD version
Structural repair problems with some discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements
248名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/03/31(月) 23:55:26 ID:saqGKL0t0 Beta-RES
249名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/01(火) 11:57:41 ID:p6uBFwJ00
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- Fix (DVD): "Human Trafficking", R2, German did not copy correctly
- Fix (DVD): "Early Films of Peter Greenaway", R2, German AI scanner
needed to be disabled
- Fix (DVD): Bug introduced with AnyDVD, unhandled exception
in AI scanner with some discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
250名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/01(火) 22:39:53 ID:p6uBFwJ00 Beta - Patcher
251名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/02(水) 17:34:08 ID:1COfmvWj0
252名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/03(木) 01:45:13 ID:rQn/I3po0 Beta-RES
253名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/03(木) 06:48:12 ID:YhhwwpiQ0
254名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/06(日) 00:54:34 ID:8mEe6A3Y0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Improved removal of region locks!
- New (Blu-ray): Added dialog to ask for disc region on insertion.
- New (Blu-ray): Automatic option remembers previous region settings per disc
- New (DVD): Many improvements to AI scanner and AnyDVD ripper
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
255名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/06(日) 03:13:32 ID:8mEe6A3Y0 Beta - RK
PW : uatc\Epp\3oX5@e
256名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/06(日) 09:15:40 ID:8mEe6A3Y0 Beta - RES
PW : uatc\Epp\3oX5@e
257名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/06(日) 10:36:33 ID:jdQ+AVQ30
258名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/11(金) 15:39:39 ID:aZMAZcqc0 2008 04 10
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for AACS MKBv7!
(Used on new titles to be released end of April.)
- New (Blu-ray): Complete region lock removal from Blu-ray disc, including
discs which contain signed Java code!
- New (Blu-ray): Added dialog to ask for disc region on insertion.
- New (Blu-ray): Automatic option remembers previous region settings per disc
- New (DVD): Support for protection on "Reservation Road", US
- New (DVD): Many improvements to AI scanner and AnyDVD ripper
- Fix (Blu-ray): BD+ removal did not work with some discs.
- Fix (DVD): Problems with some discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
259名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/11(金) 19:58:05 ID:Uq/v6ffD0 - RES
PW : uatc\Epp\3oX5@e
260名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/11(金) 22:10:02 ID:DcSnZiDC0
261名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/12(土) 02:14:10 ID:QDnCByZA0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta - Addendum

2008 04 11
- New (Blu-ray): Improved region lock removal from Blu-ray discs
which contain signed Java code.
Note: no need to cross-post this on non-HD forums, this is a BD only fix
262名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/12(土) 02:52:21 ID:QDnCByZA0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
263名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/12(土) 03:16:22 ID:QDnCByZA0
PW : uatc\Epp\3oX5@e
264名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/12(土) 03:54:22 ID:h86FXPpY0
265名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/12(土) 04:50:26 ID:QDnCByZA0 Final-RES
PW : &EVG|x@SS~@「6
266名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/12(土) 17:44:41 ID:+t/rRIml0
267名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/12(土) 20:52:04 ID:9WUogB7k0
268名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/12(土) 21:01:05 ID:ZzRzzR+c0

269名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/13(日) 00:42:06 ID:AcjYCVeF0
270名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/17(木) 23:21:34 ID:YsCeJoc80
271名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/04/23(水) 12:28:56 ID:MkZChhNL0
272名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/02(金) 23:38:57 ID:WNtAW+cG0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (Blu-ray & HD-DVD): Verification of AACS keys
- Fix (Blu-ray): Incorrect AACS decryption with some titles
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
273名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/03(土) 04:21:54 ID:CK9drHRA0
PW : z89BuPqo4MGdE
274名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/03(土) 10:50:41 ID:/QzeYmTv0
275名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/04(日) 12:55:16 ID:2nqnGs4s0
PW : i19YdWWJW0gaf
276275:2008/05/06(火) 11:57:35 ID:/tGNTt4d0
277名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/06(火) 18:25:56 ID:eNH1slpC0
278名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/06(火) 20:04:02 ID:22/cyC2D0
279名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/06(火) 20:07:35 ID:/tGNTt4d0

AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- Fix (Blu-ray): Jar file truncation with some discs, if region
code removal was enabled
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
280名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/07(水) 04:37:14 ID:a21JH5Qf0
PW : AbcF+sRNDknLB
281名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/07(水) 20:00:04 ID:vO7/gz5t0
282名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/07(水) 20:15:53 ID:UZ3M4Ise0
283名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/07(水) 20:38:02 ID:vO7/gz5t0
284名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/08(木) 02:14:50 ID:V4Grlpz/0
285名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/11(日) 17:55:57 ID:MIHu7VXa0
286名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/12(月) 00:05:30 ID:cqHfhZ8V0
287名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/14(水) 03:45:33 ID:j0yNsV/I0
まじ? (lll゚Д゚)ヒイィィィ!!
288名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/14(水) 15:27:39 ID:ApqkrvYH0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (DVD): Added support for a new type of structural protection as
found on "National Treasure 2 - Book of Secrets", R1, US
- Fix (Blu-ray): Jar file truncation with some discs, if region code
removal was enabled
- Fix (HD DVD): Verification of AACS keys didn't work with some discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
289名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/15(木) 15:57:29 ID:wN183o+i0
PW : Y1CN+sVfAXsX+
290名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/15(木) 16:17:14 ID:TgWJuMId0
291名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/15(木) 17:18:52 ID:hs4r1WOO0
292名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/16(金) 23:36:24 ID:mZ6NVQ8x0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to remove annoying adverts and trailers!
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to remove User Prohibitions!
- New (Blu-ray): New automatic region code detection!
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages

*Finally* you can watch your discs the way you want to!
(Remember, AnyDVD's primary purpose isn't ripping...)
293名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/18(日) 00:21:52 ID:L7Zzz3BL0
PW : p0Bv1YW+NOk67
294名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/18(日) 21:20:32 ID:Dlbo+BdJ0
295名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/20(火) 21:56:12 ID:6h/6zP8V0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to remove annoying adverts and trailers!
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to remove User Prohibitions!
- New (Blu-ray): New automatic region code detection!
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
296名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/21(水) 16:11:54 ID:jGsYzh1G0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to remove annoying adverts and trailers!
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to remove User Prohibitions!
- New (Blu-ray): New automatic region code detection!
- Fix (DVD): "Rambo", R1, needed forced AI scanner setting
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
297名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/22(木) 00:49:21 ID:sur9y3FN0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to remove annoying adverts and trailers!
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to remove User Prohibitions!
- New (Blu-ray): New automatic region code detection!
- Fix (DVD): "Rambo", R1, needed forced AI scanner setting
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages

"Removing annoyances" works pretty good, although there still is some room for improvement.
298名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/24(土) 14:49:36 ID:MADfrFZN0
PW : VAPXEuiS5uqQ0
299名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/24(土) 19:05:30 ID:J0bTrnGQ0
300名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/29(木) 13:20:12 ID:0bcW2XI70
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to remove annoying adverts and trailers!
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to remove User Prohibitions!
- New (Blu-ray): New automatic region code detection!
- Fix (DVD): "Rambo", R1, needed forced AI scanner setting
- Fix: Minor problem with "Read Disc Structure" command in AnyDVD driver
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
301名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/29(木) 19:24:18 ID:0bcW2XI70
PW : rxeHSXovxfuCt
302名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/05/29(木) 19:48:58 ID:zc3oxPEx0
303名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/01(日) 11:32:39 ID:OlQpJ1KP0
PW : LF6E%*=8C:4d+
304名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/03(火) 07:06:57 ID:QND+nkic0
305名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/03(火) 14:01:00 ID:iAD4ZP4w0
      ハ,,ハ ハ,,ハ
     ( ゚ω゚ )゚ω゚ )  おことわりします
    /    \  \    おことわりします
  ((⊂  )   ノ\つノ\つ))
     (_⌒ヽ ⌒ヽ
      ヽ ヘ } ヘ }
  ε≡Ξ ノノ `Jノ `J
306名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/03(火) 14:34:32 ID:dGP31TPX0
307304:2008/06/03(火) 20:02:10 ID:7RwljNXa0
308名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/06(金) 05:04:45 ID:Mo+P/OYP0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- Change: Improved handling of disc arrival
- Fix (Blu-ray): Performance problem with Pioneer BD drive
- Fix (Blu-ray): Possible Playback problem when UOP removal is enabled
- Fix (DVD): CloneCD read error with FluxDVD protected discs, e.g.
"Reservation Road", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper NavigationPack 18 error with some titles, e.g.
"Semi-Pro unrated", R1, US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
309名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/07(土) 04:13:40 ID:x1qP5LV50
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
It fixes some bugs introduced in beta, e.g. wrong detection of FluxDVD:

- Change: Improved handling of disc arrival
- Fix (Blu-ray): Performance problem with Pioneer BD drive
- Fix (Blu-ray): Possible Playback problem when UOP removal is enabled
- Fix (DVD): CloneCD read error with FluxDVD protected discs, e.g.
"Reservation Road", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper NavigationPack 18 error with some titles, e.g.
"Semi-Pro unrated", R1, US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
310名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/08(日) 00:09:59 ID:9t3pHTr60
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New: Added detection of new copy protection as found on "Fata Morgana
(2007)", R2, Germany, to automatic AI scanner setting
- Change: Improved handling of disc arrival
- Fix (Blu-ray): Performance problem with Pioneer BD drive
- Fix (Blu-ray): Possible Playback problem when UOP removal is enabled
- Fix (DVD): Error in length calculation when removing title sets from some
discs, e.g. "WAZ", R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): CloneCD read error with FluxDVD protected discs, e.g.
"Reservation Road", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): Setting AI scanner to "always enabled" did not work correctly,
under some circumstances not all title sets were deprotected, e.g. "Fata
Morgana (2007), R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper NavigationPack 18 error with some titles, e.g.
"Semi-Pro unrated", R1, US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
311名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/08(日) 00:12:57 ID:9t3pHTr60
CloneDVD Beta
- New: Added option to switch back to Windows filesystem for reading
from a Video DVD
- Fix: Detection of DVD-R DL discs with some DVD writer models
- Fix: NavigationPack Error 18 with some DVDs
312名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/08(日) 01:06:43 ID:79cgN0+A0
pw : oBb?$Z0*~[}x=
313名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/09(月) 01:25:45 ID:tb84siYS0
314名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/09(月) 03:32:38 ID:t/ch8Esd0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New: Added detection of new copy protection as found on "Fata Morgana
(2007)", R2, Germany, to automatic AI scanner setting
- Change: Improved handling of disc arrival
- Change (DVD): Improved CSS key retrieval with some discs
- Fix (Blu-ray): Performance problem with Pioneer BD drive
- Fix (Blu-ray): Possible Playback problem when UOP removal is enabled
- Fix (DVD): Long loading time with some drives (e.g., Pioneer) with FluxDVD
and CSS protected titles, e.g. "Curse of the Golden Flower", R2, UK
- Fix (DVD): Error in length calculation when removing title sets from some
discs, e.g. "WAZ", R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): CloneCD read error with FluxDVD protected discs, e.g.
"Reservation Road", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): Setting AI scanner to "always enabled" did not work correctly,
under some circumstances not all title sets were deprotected, e.g. "Fata
Morgana (2007), R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper NavigationPack 18 error with some titles, e.g.
"Semi-Pro unrated", R1, US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
315名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/09(月) 06:14:38 ID:t/ch8Esd0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New: Added detection of new copy protection as found on "Fata Morgana
(2007)", R2, Germany, to automatic AI scanner setting
- Change: Improved handling of disc arrival
- Change (DVD): Improved CSS key retrieval with some discs
- Fix (Blu-ray): Performance problem with Pioneer BD drive
- Fix (Blu-ray): Possible Playback problem when UOP removal is enabled
- Fix (DVD): Long loading time with some drives (e.g., Pioneer) with FluxDVD
and CSS protected titles, e.g. "Curse of the Golden Flower", R2, UK
- Fix (DVD): Error in length calculation when removing title sets from some
discs, e.g. "WAZ", R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): CloneCD read error with FluxDVD protected discs, e.g.
"Reservation Road", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): Setting AI scanner to "always enabled" did not work correctly,
under some circumstances not all title sets were deprotected, e.g. "Fata
Morgana (2007), R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper NavigationPack 18 error with some titles, e.g.
"Semi-Pro unrated", R1, US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
316名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/09(月) 19:06:23 ID:t/ch8Esd0
pw : %+tx%S[eFo5g-
317名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/13(金) 14:08:24 ID:/OJrh9IJ0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New: Added detection of new copy protection as found on "Fata Morgana
(2007)", R2, Germany, to automatic AI scanner setting
- New: Added structural repair for a new copy protection as found on
"Home Improvement: The Complete Eighth Season", R1, US
- Change: Improved handling of disc arrival
- Change (DVD): Improved CSS key retrieval with some discs
- Change (DVD): Workaround for incorrect CSS detection by 3rd party software
in rare system configurations
- Fix (Blu-ray): Performance problem with Pioneer BD drive
- Fix (Blu-ray): Possible Playback problem when UOP removal is enabled
- Fix (DVD): Long loading time with some drives (e.g., Pioneer) with FluxDVD
and CSS protected titles, e.g. "Curse of the Golden Flower", R2, UK
- Fix (DVD): AI scanner added unwanted title sets with some discs, e.g.
"I know who killed me", R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): Error in length calculation when removing title sets from some
discs, e.g. "WAZ", R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): CloneCD read error with FluxDVD protected discs, e.g.
"Reservation Road", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): Setting AI scanner to "always enabled" did not work correctly,
under some circumstances not all title sets were deprotected, e.g. "Fata
Morgana (2007), R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper NavigationPack 18 error with some titles, e.g.
"Semi-Pro unrated", R1, US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
318名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/14(土) 02:01:16 ID:fCiN++GQ0
Anydvd (HD) Final
- New: Added detection of new copy protection as found on "Fata Morgana
(2007)", R2, Germany, to automatic AI scanner setting
- New: Added structural repair for a new copy protection as found on
"Home Improvement: The Complete Eighth Season", R1, US
- Change: Improved handling of disc arrival
- Change (DVD): Improved CSS key retrieval with some discs
- Change (DVD): Workaround for incorrect CSS detection by 3rd party software
in rare system configurations
- Fix (Blu-ray): Performance problem with Pioneer BD drive
- Fix (Blu-ray): Possible Playback problem when UOP removal is enabled
- Fix (DVD): Long loading time with some drives (e.g., Pioneer) with FluxDVD
and CSS protected titles, e.g. "Curse of the Golden Flower", R2, UK
- Fix (DVD): AI scanner added unwanted title sets with some discs, e.g.
"I know who killed me", R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): Error in length calculation when removing title sets from some
discs, e.g. "WAZ", R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): CloneCD read error with FluxDVD protected discs, e.g.
"Reservation Road", R1, US
- Fix (DVD): Setting AI scanner to "always enabled" did not work correctly,
under some circumstances not all title sets were deprotected, e.g. "Fata
Morgana (2007), R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper NavigationPack 18 error with some titles, e.g.
"Semi-Pro unrated", R1, US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
319名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/14(土) 03:43:53 ID:f/EP7pOS0
pw : 5^qrcI,d&v%A-
320名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/14(土) 04:56:48 ID:f/EP7pOS0
pw : 9m[%%}C>wlQ:~
321名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/14(土) 10:47:57 ID:bVqLvTxa0
322名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/14(土) 14:20:06 ID:BD7I7Cu10

323名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/14(土) 14:27:09 ID:BD7I7Cu10
324名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/14(土) 14:29:05 ID:bVqLvTxa0
325名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/14(土) 14:38:21 ID:BD7I7Cu10
326名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/14(土) 14:47:36 ID:bVqLvTxa0
327名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/21(土) 01:41:03 ID:Ycf3Srfa0
328名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/21(土) 22:55:48 ID:ZQTNIV3T0
329名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/23(月) 12:18:03 ID:ONRDrDjw0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
New (Blu-ray): Added support for a new version of the BD+ copy protection, e.g. "Jumper", Region A, US
New (Blu-ray): Added support for new AACS copy protection, e.g. "Las 13 Rosas", Region B, Spain
Change (DVD): Improved CSS key retrieval with some discs
Change (DVD): Improved logging if CSS archive is enabled
Change (DVD): Removed size limitation of CSS archive
Fix (DVD): Problems repairing DVD structure with some discs, e.g. "Schwere Jungs", Region 2, Germany
Fix (DVD): Problems removing ALPHA-DVD protection
Some minor fixes and improvements
330名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/06/26(木) 23:20:56 ID:+vEQPG4Q0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): Added hooking of the IDvdInfo2::GetDiscID interface for
64-bit applications which use DiscIDs on 64-bit operating systems, e.g.
Windows Vista-64 Media Center, Windows 64-bit Media Player
- Fix: Auto insert notification problem with Daemon Tools under
Windows Vista SP1
- Fix: Uninstall caused other programs using ElbyCDIO (CloneCD, CloneDVD,
Virtual CloneDrive) to stop working under 64-bit operating systems.
- Fix (Blu-ray): Fixed bug in region detection, e.g.
"Live Free or Die Hard", US, Region A
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper did not repair some mastering errors correctly,
e.g., "Rumble in the Bronx", US, Region 1
331名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/07/02(水) 00:57:10 ID:zBvg4sUa0
332名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/07/02(水) 01:11:48 ID:Pd1mfoct0

                                   by rESin
333名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/07/05(土) 12:51:38 ID:0eG/gEpg0
334名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/07/05(土) 23:12:50 ID:WLWS5xDw0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): Added hooking of the IDvdInfo2::GetDiscID interface for
64-bit applications which use DiscIDs on 64-bit operating systems, e.g.
Windows Vista-64 Media Center, Windows 64-bit Media Player
- Fix: Auto insert notification problem with Daemon Tools under
Windows Vista SP1
- Fix: Uninstall caused other programs using ElbyCDIO (CloneCD, CloneDVD,
Virtual CloneDrive) to stop working under 64-bit operating systems.
- Fix: Some minor problems with UAC under Windows Vista
- Fix (Blu-ray): Fixed bug in region detection, e.g.
"Live Free or Die Hard", US, Region A
- Fix (Blu-ray): Fixed bug in region detection, e.g.
"John Rambo", Germany, Region B
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper did not repair some mastering errors correctly,
e.g., "Rumble in the Bronx", US, Region 1
- Many internal fixes and improvements
335名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/07/15(火) 19:00:04 ID:ZH9wt8L60
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
New (DVD): Added hooking of the IDvdInfo2::GetDiscID interface for
64-bit applications which use DiscIDs on 64-bit operating systems, e.g.
Windows Vista-64 Media Center, Windows 64-bit Media Player
- Fix: Auto insert notification problem with Daemon Tools under
Windows Vista SP1
- Fix: Uninstall caused other programs using ElbyCDIO (CloneCD, CloneDVD,
Virtual CloneDrive) to stop working under 64-bit operating systems.
- Fix: Some minor problems with UAC under Windows Vista
- Fix (Blu-ray): Fixed bug in region detection, e.g.
"Live Free or Die Hard", US, Region A
- Fix (Blu-ray): Fixed bug in region detection, e.g.
"John Rambo", Germany, Region B
- Fix (Blu-ray & HD DVD): AnyDVD ripper didn't handle zero sized files
correctly, e.g. BD "The Other Boleyn Girl", Region A
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper did not repair some mastering errors correctly,
e.g., "Rumble in the Bronx", US, Region 1
- Many internal fixes and improvements
336名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/07/18(金) 00:09:12 ID:mLcdu/Sz0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
New (DVD): Added hooking of the IDvdInfo2::GetDiscID interface for
64-bit applications which use DiscIDs on 64-bit operating systems, e.g.
Windows Vista-64 Media Center, Windows 64-bit Media Player
- Fix: Auto insert notification problem with Daemon Tools under
Windows Vista SP1
- Fix: Uninstall caused other programs using ElbyCDIO (CloneCD, CloneDVD,
Virtual CloneDrive) to stop working under 64-bit operating systems.
- Fix: Some minor problems with UAC under Windows Vista
- Fix (Blu-ray): Fixed bug in region detection, e.g.
"Live Free or Die Hard", US, Region A
- Fix (Blu-ray): Fixed bug in region detection, e.g.
"John Rambo", Germany, Region B
- Fix (Blu-ray & HD DVD): AnyDVD ripper didn't handle zero sized files
correctly, e.g. BD "The Other Boleyn Girl", Region A
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper did not repair some mastering errors correctly,
e.g., "Rumble in the Bronx", US, Region 1
- Many internal fixes and improvements
337名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/07/19(土) 05:53:15 ID:QWeRFSmi0
PW : R,=XUbOo$x+]!A~
338名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/07/21(月) 09:37:45 ID:V+n2BOh+0
339名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/07/22(火) 21:04:10 ID:i0WVLfvr0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (Blu-ray): Improved region code removal
- Fix: Bug introduced in, chkdsk didn't work on system partition
340名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/07/26(土) 22:45:43 ID:j2CNkcMQ0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for a new version of the BD+ copy
protection found on some recent releases
341名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/07/27(日) 20:17:25 ID:PWHgPQWB0
..5.7 - BRD
PW : &k1x1PvYP$T4$TF
342名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/07/27(日) 21:09:33 ID:sl/zP5q20
2008/07/27 21:06:01
ファイル D:\______5.7\keygen.exe//PE_Patch.UPX//UPX:トロイの木馬
343名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/07/27(日) 23:09:57 ID:ZVihPH5U0
     /     \
   /  _ノ  ヽ、_  \
  / o゚((●)) ((●))゚o \  ウイルスこわいお
  |     (__人__)'    |
  \     `⌒´     /
344名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/07/28(月) 02:17:34 ID:GVtv1IkT0
AnyDVD Leftover Killer 1.4
PW : ~!+SK\*k7xJ0$gD
345名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/08/01(金) 12:09:15 ID:yq2unt310
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): Added support for a new copy protection as found on some
recent releases, e.g. "Jumper", R2, Germany
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for a new version of the BD+ copy
protection found on some recent releases
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper did not repair some mastering errors correctly,
e.g., "Last Man Standing", US, Region 1
- Fix (DVD): Starting multiple instances of AnyDVD ripper did not work
346名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/08/02(土) 09:14:00 ID:soIDcNXa0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (DVD): Added support for a new copy protection as found on some
recent releases, e.g. "Jumper", R2, Germany
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for a new version of the BD+ copy
protection found on some recent releases
- Fix (DVD): AnyDVD ripper did not repair some mastering errors correctly,
e.g., "Last Man Standing", US, Region 1
- Some minor fixes and improvements
347名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/08/03(日) 15:35:03 ID:aIEK5RNH0
PW : 57G27|E1-11V7<I
348名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/08/08(金) 08:10:49 ID:YpSJppCM0
349名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/08/09(土) 11:58:13 ID:RQmvuoUw0
PW : =3Rr|3fL]s*-RmL
350名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/08/15(金) 21:17:38 ID:RrSe4VbL0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- Fix (DVD): AI scanner made a mistake with "The Eye", Region 2, DK
- Some minor fixes and improvements
351名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/08/21(木) 13:04:27 ID:2Z80Z0L50
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New: Added ISO/UDF image file creation to AnyDVD ripper
- New (Blu-ray & HD DVD): ISO/UDF images can be created with or without
copy protection. Images can be mounted with Virtual CloneDrive(tm),
available at http://www.slysoft.com
WARNING: AnyDVD can remove the protection from protected images.
Protected images are useless, if AnyDVD is not installed and running!
- Fix (DVD): AI scanner made a mistake with "The Eye", Region 2, DK
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
352名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/08/22(金) 03:22:02 ID:6WEUa5CN0 Beta
PW : =mADmib^~1g7[(Z
353名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/08/22(金) 08:29:59 ID:OG7pnOa10
354名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/08/23(土) 04:00:22 ID:g3eIhggA0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New: Added ISO/UDF image file creation to AnyDVD ripper
- New (Blu-ray & HD DVD): ISO/UDF images can be created with or without
copy protection. Images can be mounted with Virtual CloneDrive(tm),
available at http://www.slysoft.com
WARNING: AnyDVD can remove the protection from protected images.
Protected images are useless, if AnyDVD is not installed and running!
- New (Blu-ray & HD DVD): Improved speed of AnyDVD ripper
- Fix (Blu-ray): Bug in BD+ removal, if more than one title on a disc
is protected, e.g. "Prison Break Season 3", US
- Fix (Blu-ray): Bug in "Remove UOPs" with some titles, e.g. "AVP2"
Region B, (UK, Germany)
- Fix (DVD): AI scanner made a mistake with "The Eye", Region 2, DK
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
355名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/08/26(火) 22:50:15 ID:Wi41NBqK0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): Added workaround for DVDs with CSS mastering errors, e.g.
"Go", R2, Germany
This mastering error prevents playback with most player software
(e.g., Windows Media Player, Windows Media Center, Zoom Player, TheaterTek)
and some standalone players (e.g., PlayStation 3)
With AnyDVD playback on the PC is now possible.
- Fix (DVD): CSS authentication error 5:55:0 under some circumstances
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
356名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/08/27(水) 07:37:19 ID:Py1mqNdp0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New: "Rip to image file" creates a .dvd file for better emulation
(media type, layer break) with Virtual CloneDrive(tm) available at
- New (DVD): Added workaround for DVDs with CSS mastering errors, e.g.
"Go", R2, Germany
This mastering error prevents playback with most player software
(e.g., Windows Media Player, Windows Media Center, Zoom Player, TheaterTek)
and some standalone players (e.g., PlayStation 3)
With AnyDVD playback on the PC is now possible.
- Fix (DVD): CSS authentication error 5:55:0 under some circumstances
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
357名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/08/27(水) 08:21:33 ID:0Vahv1R+0
358名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/09/04(木) 07:24:22 ID:FqM2nWnW0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta 2008 09 03
- New: "Rip to image file" creates a .dvd file for better emulation
(media type, layer break) with Virtual CloneDrive(tm) available at
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for AACS version 9
- New (DVD): Added workaround for DVDs with CSS mastering errors, e.g.
"Go", R2, Germany
This mastering error prevents playback with most player software
(e.g., Windows Media Player, Windows Media Center, Zoom Player, TheaterTek)
and some standalone players (e.g., PlayStation 3)
With AnyDVD playback on the PC is now possible.
- Fix (DVD): CSS authentication error 5:55:0 under some circumstances
- Updated help texts
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
359名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/09/04(木) 07:29:52 ID:FqM2nWnW0
Virtual CloneDrive Beta
- New: Added emulation of BD, BDR and BDRE media
- Some minor changes and improvements
360名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/09/04(木) 20:34:16 ID:FqM2nWnW0
PW : ?Z.?7W??¨MRA?¢ie>≫B?YotN`´!?O?
361名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/09/10(水) 07:57:49 ID:EMmWu6NN0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New: "Rip to image file" creates a .dvd file for better emulation
(media type, layer break) with Virtual CloneDrive(tm) available at
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for AACS version 9
- New (Blu-ray): Improved region code detction, e.g. "Dan in Real Life", Region A
- New (DVD): Added workaround for DVDs with CSS mastering errors, e.g.
"Go", R2, Germany
This mastering error prevents playback with most player software
(e.g., Windows Media Player, Windows Media Center, Zoom Player, TheaterTek)
and some standalone players (e.g., PlayStation 3)
With AnyDVD playback on the PC is now possible.
- Fix (DVD): CSS authentication error 5:55:0 under some circumstances
- Updated help texts
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
362名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/09/10(水) 13:26:20 ID:iqbg+5Vq0
PW : ¬wm1…eb??cA?1?F
363名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/09/10(水) 13:32:22 ID:+EKLrBZm0
364名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/09/11(木) 03:21:35 ID:nY9i+B+i0
Virtual CloneDrive Beta
- New: Added emulation of BD, BDR and BDRE media
- Some minor changes and improvements
365名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/09/14(日) 11:25:39 ID:LTaCRL3w0
     |┃三        / ̄\
     |┃         |     |
     |┃          \_/
 ガラッ. |┃            |
     |┃  ノ//   ./ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
     |┃三    /  ::\:::/:::: \
     |┃     /  <●>::::::<●>  \   キーはまだか?
     |┃     |    (__人__)     |  
     |┃三   \    ` ⌒´    /
     |┃三   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \
366名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/09/14(日) 20:16:06 ID:gnhvfLyK0
SlySoft AnyDVD-HD v6.4.6.6 Multilingual + KeyGen
Posted by Anonymous 1 Day ago, There are 18 comments, 9537 views
1 - Install the software
2 - Don't reboot
3 - Copy BRD's KeygenPatch to installation directory
4 - Run our KeygenPatch and apply it
5 - Reboot
367名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/09/14(日) 23:18:55 ID:Mz3S7Quv0

      / ̄ ̄ ̄\
    / ─    ─ \
   /  (●)  (●)  \.  KeyGenなんかいらないお
   |    (__人__)    |  謎の文字列探してこいお
   \    ` ⌒´    /
   /              \
368かばとっと:2008/09/14(日) 23:21:55 ID:vCvkg+CB0
369名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/09/16(火) 06:19:50 ID:yz675aTa0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections, e.g. "The Perfect Seduction -
Pick Up Magic with Steven Shadow", Germany
- Fix (DVD): CSS decryption on second layer failed with some discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
370名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/09/19(金) 09:44:08 ID:MO+0QNi10
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections, e.g.:
"The Perfect Seduction - Pick Up Magic with Steven Shadow", Germany
"Desperate Housewives Season 4", US
"eli stone Season 1", US
- Fix (DVD): Bug introduced in AnyDVD, CSS decryption on second
layer failed with some discs, e.g. "Robocop 2", Germany
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
371名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/09/21(日) 18:19:37 ID:pytqKAXx0
AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Final by bakhia on 2008-09-21 15:09:09
Download new version AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD - Final (Incl Classic Key):
372名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/09/22(月) 04:18:46 ID:Kik0dnz+0
373名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/09/22(月) 18:46:54 ID:LNLhQSGi0
AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Final by stern on 2008-09-22 00:18:15
Key Classic:


374名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/09/23(火) 00:37:41 ID:UFzXvoMU0
375名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/09/23(火) 07:35:00 ID:DJAfOEAU0
PW : A?rA?a8OzYxAje‰ow
376名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/09/23(火) 22:11:17 ID:ZgbuwtyC0
        /_ノ  ヽ、_\
 ミ ミ ミ  o゚((●)) ((●))゚o      ミ ミ ミ
/⌒)⌒)⌒. ::::::⌒(__人__)⌒:::\   /⌒)⌒)⌒)
| / / /     |r┬-|    | (⌒)/ / / //  Classic keyだっておwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
| :::::::::::(⌒)    | |  |   /  ゝ  :::::::::::/
|     ノ     | |  |   \  /  )  /
ヽ    /     `ー'´      ヽ /    /     バ
 |    |   l||l 从人 l||l      l||l 从人 l||l  バ   ン
 ヽ    -一''''''"~~``'ー--、   -一'''''''ー-、    ン
  ヽ ____(⌒)(⌒)⌒) )  (⌒_(⌒)⌒)⌒))
377名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/09/24(水) 11:11:48 ID:pj5K7Np50
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections, e.g.:
"Leatherheads", US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
378名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/10/04(土) 12:44:13 ID:gMj35W9Y0
PW : ="kb?$Q`PR?08?A
379名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/10/04(土) 17:34:19 ID:aFA2QWHF0
380名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/10/07(火) 04:40:52 ID:jfBodYkg0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- Fix (DVD): FluxDVD protected discs couldn't be copied with CloneCD
- Some minor fixes and improvements
381名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/10/08(水) 13:58:48 ID:V9lQGeCM0
PW : =Y8d2?≪tA%MB4e?
382名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/10/09(木) 09:26:59 ID:/0YI900q0
383名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/10/09(木) 12:21:27 ID:fSy4YWZZ0
- New (DVD): New strategy for removing unwanted cells
- New (DVD): Improved fixing of incorrect DVD structures
- Some minor fixes and improvements
384名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/10/09(木) 12:23:02 ID:fSy4YWZZ0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): New strategy for removing unwanted cells
- New (DVD): Improved fixing of incorrect DVD structures
- Some minor fixes and improvements
385名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/10/10(金) 00:06:16 ID:aMlt/m/a0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): New strategy for removing BD+ firmware warning
- Some minor fixes and improvements
386名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/10/14(火) 00:25:13 ID:q1DFve9K0

AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): AnyDVD ripper handles invalid navigation packs, e.g.
"Stargate SG-1, Vol. 32", Region 2, UK
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages

CloneDVD Beta
- New: Handling of invalid navigation packs
- Fix: Repairing DVD structure didn't work with some titles
- Fix: Possible crash in transcoder
- Some minor changes and improvements

Virtual CloneDrive Beta
- New: Added emulation of BD, BDR and BDRE media
- New: Maximum number of units increased to 15
- New: Improved history of last mounted image files
- New: Added option to clear history of last mounted image files
- Some minor changes and improvements
387名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/10/16(木) 05:13:16 ID:dv2UZwE00
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): AnyDVD ripper handles more invalid navigation packs, e.g.
"Bob & Doug McKenzie's Two-Four Anniversary", Region 1, Canada
- New (DVD): AnyDVD ripper supports invalid packet start codes (PS10 error),
e.g. "Romance & Cigarettes", Region 2, Switzerland
- Some minor fixes and improvements
388名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/10/16(木) 05:15:19 ID:dv2UZwE00
CloneDVD Beta
- New: Handling of invalid navigation packs
- Fix: Repairing DVD structure didn't work with some titles
- Fix: Possible crash in transcoder
- Some minor changes and improvements
389名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/10/17(金) 00:18:59 ID:4dzLlIsB0
390名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/10/17(金) 21:34:28 ID:5m7ndzTM0
PW : o2*il\w?R=A?†Q3
391名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/10/18(土) 02:30:23 ID:RQqqHU9Y0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections, e.g.:
"Leatherheads", US, "You don't mess with the Zohan", US
- New (DVD): AnyDVD ripper handles invalid navigation packs, e.g.
"Stargate SG-1, Vol. 32", Region 2, UK,
"Bob & Doug McKenzie's Two-Four Anniversary", Region 1, Canada
- New (DVD): AnyDVD ripper supports invalid packet start codes (PS10 error),
e.g. "Romance & Cigarettes", Region 2, Switzerland
- New (DVD): New strategy for removing unwanted cells
- New (DVD): Improved fixing of incorrect DVD structures
- Fix (DVD): FluxDVD protected discs couldn't be copied with CloneCD
- Some minor fixes and improvements
392名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/10/18(土) 02:37:50 ID:RQqqHU9Y0
CloneDVD Final
- New: Improved handling of invalid navigation packs
- New: Automatic bitsetting of DVD+R and DVD+R DL media to DVD-ROM
with some writer models (NEC, Sony Optiarc, Hitachi-LG)
- Fix: Repairing DVD structure didn't work with some titles
- Fix: Possible crash in transcoder
- Some minor changes and improvements

Virtual CloneDrive Final
- New: Added emulation of BD, BDR and BDRE media
- New: Maximum number of units increased to 15
- New: Improved history of last mounted image files
- New: Added option to clear history of last mounted image files
- Some minor changes and improvements
393名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/10/23(木) 23:26:40 ID:PvNXv21h0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to disable BD-Live
- New (Blu-ray): Added removal of region locks from menus
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new version of the BD+ copy protection
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
394名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/10/25(土) 12:14:22 ID:wxcHeV3N0
PW : G*|?kA?H?~≪#0c…
395名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/10/25(土) 20:01:26 ID:ItV70eKU0
       / \  /\ キリッ
.     / (ー)  (ー)\      
    /   ⌒(__人__)⌒ \    <HDkeyよこせ
    |      |r┬-|    |   
     \     `ー'´   /
    ノ            \
  /´               ヽ              
 |    l              \
 ヽ    -一''''''"~~``'ー--、   -一'''''''ー-、.    
  ヽ ____(⌒)(⌒)⌒) )  (⌒_(⌒)⌒)⌒))
396JZqmCcPhTDqteioIQt:2008/10/25(土) 20:09:42 ID:A5044wMe0
397jfvGNWsHHvL:2008/10/25(土) 20:11:31 ID:i1nL27TF0
398名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/10/27(月) 01:36:02 ID:+ViasmVX0
PW : R7<,?hq¬??$%AiW
399名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/11/01(土) 02:19:03 ID:AmHnK5QO0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to disable BD-Live
- New (Blu-ray): Added removal of region locks from menus
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new version of the BD+ copy protection
- Fix (Blu-ray): Playback issues with ArcSoft TMT
- Fix (Blu-ray): Issues with some titles, e.g. "American Gangster"
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
400名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/11/05(水) 19:30:20 ID:Q+o1hUPQ0
401名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/11/10(月) 02:26:57 ID:ldm1FCGd0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- New (Blu-ray): New error code if BD+ can't be removed yet
- New: Updated ElbyCDIO, improved compatibility with 3rd party drivers
- Change (Blu-ray): Memory access of driver, may fix various problems
- Fix (Blu-ray): Sometimes .dvd files were created with wrong media type
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
402名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/11/10(月) 02:33:19 ID:ldm1FCGd0
Virtual CloneDrive Beta
- New: Sets media type (DVD, BDR) by parsing the image, if no .dvd
file is used or the .dvd file doesn't contain a media type
- New: Added /b command switch to VCDMount.exe to browse for image
- New: Added /h command switch to VCDMount.exe to clear history
- Updated languages
- Some minor changes and improvements
403名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/11/10(月) 23:38:06 ID:ldm1FCGd0
404名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/11/11(火) 08:52:55 ID:0+4qCfVq0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New: Added option to enable/disable creation of .dvd file to image ripper
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- New (Blu-ray): New error code if BD+ can't be removed yet
- New: Updated ElbyCDIO, improved compatibility with 3rd party drivers
- Change (Blu-ray): Memory access of driver, may fix various problems
- Fix (Blu-ray): Sometimes .dvd files were created with wrong media type
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
405名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/11/12(水) 16:36:22 ID:gu/nP34b0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New: Added option to enable/disable creation of .dvd file to image ripper
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- New (Blu-ray): New error code if BD+ can't be removed yet
- New: Updated ElbyCDIO, improved compatibility with 3rd party drivers
- Change (Blu-ray): Memory access of driver, may fix various problems
- Fix (Blu-ray): Sometimes .dvd files were created with wrong media type
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
406名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/11/13(木) 02:54:25 ID:5cWRdbzl0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New: Added option to enable/disable creation of .dvd file to image ripper
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- New (Blu-ray): New error code if BD+ can't be removed yet
- New: Updated ElbyCDIO, improved compatibility with 3rd party drivers
- Change (Blu-ray): Memory access of driver, may fix various problems
- Fix (Blu-ray): Sometimes .dvd files were created with wrong media type
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
407名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/11/17(月) 22:06:21 ID:NabJnwiC0
408名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/11/18(火) 10:47:26 ID:Oo9XOawl0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New: Added option to enable/disable creation of .dvd file to image ripper
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- New (Blu-ray): New error code if BD+ can't be removed yet
- New: Updated ElbyCDIO, improved compatibility with 3rd party drivers
- Change (Blu-ray): Memory access of driver, may fix various problems
- Fix (Blu-ray): Sometimes .dvd files were created with wrong media type
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
409名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/11/22(土) 03:45:02 ID:LXRbWI5r0
ナルニア国物語 第2章
410名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/11/22(土) 05:33:39 ID:7ZG6CRZg0
411名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/11/22(土) 05:40:04 ID:I2fbmYCG0
412名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/11/22(土) 08:02:45 ID:LXRbWI5r0
413名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/11/22(土) 08:57:46 ID:7ZG6CRZg0
414名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/11/22(土) 11:29:34 ID:7ZG6CRZg0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- Fix (Blu-ray & HD-DVD): Bug reading unencrypted BD / HD DVD discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
415名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/11/22(土) 11:41:48 ID:7ZG6CRZg0
Virtual CloneDrive Beta
- New: Added option to keep history of last mounted files
- New: Added support for unicode filenames (Windows 2000/XP/Vista)
- New: Added support for UTF8 image names in .dvd files (Windows 2000/XP/Vista)
- New: Sets media type (DVD, BDR) by parsing the image, if no .dvd
file is used or the .dvd file doesn't contain a media type
- New: Added /b command switch to VCDMount.exe to browse for image
- New: Added /h command switch to VCDMount.exe to clear history
- Updated languages
- Some minor changes and improvements
416名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/11/29(土) 00:29:01 ID:/pbbM3U60
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- Change (Blu-ray): AnyDVD will disable itself, if BD+ can't be removed
- Fix (Blu-ray & HD-DVD): Bug reading unencrypted files from encrypted
BD / HD DVD discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
417名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/02(火) 07:47:46 ID:PDDj3Dq+0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- New (DVD): Improved speed of AI scanner with some discs
- Change (Blu-ray): AnyDVD will disable itself, if BD+ can't be removed
- Fix (Blu-ray & HD-DVD): Bug reading unencrypted files from encrypted
BD / HD DVD discs
- Fix (DVD): Bug introduced in, "CloneMap 2" error with some discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
418名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/02(火) 10:41:53 ID:PDDj3Dq+0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- New (DVD): Improved speed of AI scanner with some discs
- New (DVD): Added warn message if "rip to image" is used with DVD media
- New (Blu-ray & HD-DVD): Performance increase in kernel mode driver
- Change (Blu-ray): AnyDVD will disable itself, if BD+ can't be removed
- Fix (Blu-ray & HD-DVD): Bug reading unencrypted files from encrypted
BD / HD DVD discs
- Fix (DVD): Bug introduced in, "CloneMap 2" error with some discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
419名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/02(火) 11:24:50 ID:PDDj3Dq+0
今までAnyDVD HDをはじめSlySoftのソフトウェアはメジャーアップデートも含めすべて無償でしたが、来年からその方針を見直し年更新制の有償アップデートに移行する予定とのこと。
420名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/02(火) 20:46:54 ID:KQ9XL1Ke0
421名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/03(水) 03:29:51 ID:wRnjt7r40
422名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/03(水) 05:13:23 ID:HrKEB3/H0
423名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/03(水) 16:14:53 ID:HrFjyNJ80
424名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/04(木) 18:40:28 ID:FdilVK7Z0
> 594:本当にあった怖い名無し 2008/12/04(木) 11:22:35 ID:q2G+aD3F0[sage]
> 今日の、国籍法改正法案法務委員会での採決の様子。
> 日本は北朝鮮やシナやロシアみたいな独裁国家だったんだ。
> http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm5446070
> 1. 質問もないようですから、と当たり前のように決めようとする
> 2. 質問しようとした人がいたのでびびる
> 3.民主党女議員が何やら命じる、発言者を隣人議員がひっぱり着席させる
> 4. 質問者が発言を始めたら、速記を止めるように指示し、音声を切断する
> 5.何事もなかったように付帯決議を読み上げ、採決。
> 他にもいろいろとすげぇ
425名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/04(木) 19:31:10 ID:+LEMw2mZ0
426名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/04(木) 21:29:22 ID:QR9l/0b00
427名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/05(金) 19:11:04 ID:BDLmHu0o0
428名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/08(月) 11:47:55 ID:3f2UhdpO0
429428:2008/12/08(月) 13:00:07 ID:Dqc0+ICy0
430名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/11(木) 04:33:47 ID:rJWJYgNH0
431名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/12(金) 00:54:06 ID:spwfyahb0
AnyがまだThe Dark Knightに対応してねぇ・・・
FabDVD HD Decは11/30に対応してるのに。
432名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/12(金) 01:19:41 ID:uSOKGkSL0
433名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/12(金) 15:23:43 ID:vxfKJBjF0
勉強不足 ┐(´д`)┌ヤレヤレ
434名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/14(日) 08:18:28 ID:hEoP9HDR0
AnyDVD(HD) beta
- New: Added functionality for better integration with MyMovies
- New (HD DVD & Blu-ray): If automatic update check is enabled,
AnyDVD will no longer ask for permission to connect to the key server
- Fix (HD DVD & Blu-ray): Creating protected images didn't work,
if AACS or BD+ couldn't be decrypted
- Fix (Blu-ray): "Old" BD+ wasn't removed with some discs, e.g.
"Horton Hears a Who", Hong Kong and Europe
- Fix (DVD): Some extras were accidentally removed from some discs, e.g.
video introduction to deleted scenes on Wall-E, US
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
435sZzOpVxFEqOBLKr:2008/12/17(水) 03:06:28 ID:N3dmLVa50
436CxRGlPDpoGIU:2008/12/17(水) 03:07:35 ID:Ybk+1gfo0
437lsnnKBVdtXpinynRu:2008/12/17(水) 03:20:13 ID:VmitDY3M0
438lOcWXFFcK:2008/12/17(水) 03:23:17 ID:yy+Edqq10
439OOqUxXQGRGQMiHjnNAd:2008/12/17(水) 03:24:00 ID:JRD2u9ls0
440EjZBTKLxTvFk:2008/12/17(水) 03:25:46 ID:Lstafnft0
441名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/19(金) 11:22:56 ID:0xlDL5pN0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New: Improved balloon notifications
- New: Logfiles are created in the subdirectory "AnyDVD_logs" in the
user's documents folder
- New: The logfile directory is automatically opened in Windows explorer
- New: Added functionality for better integration with MyMovies
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for AACS MKB version 10
- New (HD DVD & Blu-ray): If automatic update check is enabled,
AnyDVD will no longer ask for permission to connect to the key server
- New (DVD): Improved speed of AI scanner with some discs ... again, e.g.
"The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian", US
- Fix (HD DVD & Blu-ray): Creating protected images didn't work,
if AACS or BD+ couldn't be decrypted
- Fix (Blu-ray): "Old" BD+ wasn't removed with some discs, e.g.
"Horton Hears a Who", Hong Kong and Europe
- Fix (DVD): Some extras were accidentally removed from some discs, e.g.
video introduction to deleted scenes on Wall-E, US
- Fix (DVD): Navigation pack errors with some discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
442名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/19(金) 16:26:29 ID:0xlDL5pN0
BD+の新バージョンにはまだ未対応、2009年2月頃には対応出来るよう解析中とのこと。by pocketnews
443名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/20(土) 09:03:36 ID:feg/06R10
444名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/20(土) 10:36:09 ID:O3Sef0OD0
445名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/20(土) 11:02:57 ID:TpLPmvkv0
446名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/30(火) 10:32:43 ID:lQitnMfb0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (Blu-ray): More support for new version of the BD+ copy protection
447名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/30(火) 15:23:55 ID:9pk3o4Ct0
448名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/30(火) 21:54:17 ID:BiPTseFb0
449名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/31(水) 01:36:57 ID:MmnMnpRO0
450名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/31(水) 12:16:30 ID:GWXdPn6n0
451名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/31(水) 13:21:34 ID:6FpbOQ9Z0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): More support for new version of the BD+ copy protection
452名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/31(水) 22:44:24 ID:M2nsWnZo0

453名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2008/12/31(水) 23:33:14 ID:M2nsWnZo0
454HAPPY NEW YEAR:2009/01/01(木) 00:24:34 ID:PW5Ovmf/0
455名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/01(木) 01:57:21 ID:PW5Ovmf/0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
New (Blu-ray): More support for new version of the BD+ copy protection
All remaining discs with the new BD+ protection should work now, e.g.
"X-Files 2 - I Want to Believe", US
"In the Name of the King", US
"Meet Dave", US
Some minor fixes and improvements
456名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/01(木) 19:08:26 ID:PW5Ovmf/0
457名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/02(金) 22:15:54 ID:l3oti+4T0
458名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/03(土) 00:04:17 ID:iSR/+Nnc0
459名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/05(月) 21:20:05 ID:GdgU4MzG0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new PowerDVD builds, which displayed
a "virtual drive not supported" error
- New: Added display, how long you can receive free updates with your
- Fix: Autoplay was triggered after system wakeup from sleep
- Some minor fixes and improvements
460名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/06(火) 23:01:42 ID:RwlKbGm90
Virtual CloneDrive Beta
- New: Added option to keep history of last mounted files
- New: Added support for unicode filenames (Windows 2000/XP/Vista)
- New: Added support for UTF8 image names in .dvd files (Windows 2000/XP/Vista)
- New: Sets media type (DVD, BDR) by parsing the image, if no .dvd
file is used or the .dvd file doesn't contain a media type
- New: Added /b command switch to VCDMount.exe to browse for image
- New: Added /h command switch to VCDMount.exe to clear history
- Fix: VCDPrefs could hang when clicking "OK"
- Updated languages
- Some minor changes and improvements
461名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/07(水) 06:44:44 ID:YoEP4V3a0

2層BDを1層BDに圧縮コピーしてくれるツール【BD Rebuilder】
462名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/08(木) 02:13:03 ID:ueNbKota0
463名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/08(木) 11:58:43 ID:ueNbKota0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new PowerDVD builds, which displayed
a "virtual drive not supported" error
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- New: Added display, how long you can receive free updates with your
- Fix: Autoplay was triggered after system wakeup from sleep
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
464名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/09(金) 23:31:54 ID:T6MTZD4M0
465名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/10(土) 01:10:15 ID:9Yr5pdh40
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (HD DVD): The "rename highest XPL file" option will only be
active, if it is required. It is safe now (and recommended) to leave
this option enabled all the time.
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new PowerDVD builds, which displayed
a "virtual drive not supported" error
- New (Blu-ray): Removed obsolete option to disable BD+ removal
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- New: Added display, how long you can receive free updates with your
- Change (HD DVD): The "rename highest XPL file" option is now enabled
by default.
- Fix (HD DVD): Some of the HD DVD mastering options didn't work on
unprotected discs
- Fix: Autoplay was triggered after system wakeup from sleep
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
466名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/11(日) 02:17:00 ID:efiNrpeO0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
467名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/14(水) 07:37:12 ID:EGCoSekJ0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new version of the BD+ copy protection
- New (HD DVD): Improved the "rename highest XPL file" option.
The DISCID.DAT file is modified, so previously downloaded web
content will not interfere if AACS is removed.
- New (HD DVD): Workaround for TMT & PowerDVD problems with some
discs, when AnyDVD is enabled, e.g "MI:3", Europe
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- New (DVD): Values in the CSS key archive will be ignored, if the
CSS keys can be found without a brute force attack
- New (DVD): AI Scanner improved
- Fix (DVD): With some discs CSS decryption could fail
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
468名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/14(水) 08:06:38 ID:EGCoSekJ0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new version of the BD+ copy protection
- New (HD DVD): Improved the "rename highest XPL file" option.
The DISCID.DAT file is modified, so previously downloaded web
content will not interfere if AACS is removed.
- New (HD DVD): Workaround for TMT & PowerDVD problems with some
discs, when AnyDVD is enabled, e.g "MI:3", Europe
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- New (DVD): Values in the CSS key archive will be ignored, if the
CSS keys can be found without a brute force attack
- New (DVD): AI Scanner improved
- Fix (DVD): With some discs CSS decryption could fail
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
469名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/14(水) 10:13:45 ID:EGCoSekJ0
Virtual CloneDrive Beta
- New: Added option to keep history of last mounted files
- New: Added support for unicode filenames (Windows 2000/XP/Vista)
- New: Added support for UTF8 image names in .dvd files (Windows 2000/XP/Vista)
- New: Sets media type (DVD, BDR) by parsing the image, if no .dvd
file is used or the .dvd file doesn't contain a media type
- New: Added /b command switch to VCDMount.exe to browse for image
- New: Added /h command switch to VCDMount.exe to clear history
- Fix (Windows 2000/XP/Vista): Some reliability fixes
- Fix: VCDPrefs could hang when clicking "OK"
- Updated languages
- Some minor changes and improvements
470名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/17(土) 02:06:01 ID:65DppxZv0
Virtual CloneDrive Beta
- New: Added option to keep history of last mounted files
- New: Added support for unicode filenames (Windows 2000/XP/Vista)
- New: Added support for UTF8 image names in .dvd files (Windows 2000/XP/Vista)
- New: Sets media type (DVD, BDR) by parsing the image, if no .dvd
file is used or the .dvd file doesn't contain a media type
- New: Added /b command switch to VCDMount.exe to browse for image
- New: Added /h command switch to VCDMount.exe to clear history
- Fix (Windows 2000/XP/Vista): Some reliability fixes
- Fix: VCDPrefs could hang when clicking "OK"
- Updated languages
- Some minor changes and improvements
471名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/17(土) 04:21:06 ID:65DppxZv0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new version of the BD+ copy protection
- New (HD DVD): Improved the "rename highest XPL file" option.
The DISCID.DAT file is modified, so previously downloaded web
content will not interfere if AACS is removed.
- New (HD DVD): Workaround for TMT & PowerDVD problems with some
discs, when AnyDVD is enabled, e.g "MI:3", Europe
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- New (DVD): Values in the CSS key archive will be ignored, if the
CSS keys can be found without a brute force attack
- New (DVD): AI Scanner improved
- Fix (DVD): With some discs CSS decryption could fail
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
472名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/17(土) 09:43:11 ID:65DppxZv0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new version of the BD+ copy protection
- Fix (Blu-ray): Bug introduced in, BD+ firmware warning wasn't removed
with some titles
- Some minor fixes and improvements
473名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/17(土) 10:47:24 ID:uG9CQqnR0
474名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/17(土) 12:30:03 ID:65DppxZv0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new version of the BD+ copy protection
- Fix (Blu-ray): Bug introduced in, BD+ firmware warning wasn't removed
with some titles
- Some minor fixes and improvements
475名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/18(日) 09:02:17 ID:Pg+7CKtk0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new version of the BD+ copy protection
- Fix (Blu-ray): Bug introduced in, BD+ firmware warning wasn't removed
with some titles
- Some minor fixes and improvements
476名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/25(日) 00:24:16 ID:XuybUpBT0
477名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/25(日) 16:04:37 ID:bzsIugFf0
478名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/27(火) 09:02:50 ID:BfphdPtX0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for AACS MKB version 12
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
479名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/27(火) 14:00:10 ID:BfphdPtX0
Virtual CloneDrive Beta
- New: Added option to keep history of last mounted files
- New: Added support for unicode filenames (Windows 2000/XP/Vista)
- New: Added support for UTF8 image names in .dvd files (Windows 2000/XP/Vista)
- New: Sets media type (DVD, BDR) by parsing the image, if no .dvd
file is used or the .dvd file doesn't contain a media type
- New: Added /b command switch to VCDMount.exe to browse for image
- New: Added /h command switch to VCDMount.exe to clear history
- New: Added support for Windows 7 (beta)
- New: Added daemon.exe tool so 3rd party applications written for
Daemon Tools can be used
- Fix (Windows 2000/XP/Vista): Some reliability fixes
- Fix: VCDPrefs could hang when clicking "OK"
- Updated languages
- Some minor changes and improvements
480名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/01/31(土) 07:55:07 ID:17j9cFX50
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for AACS MKB version 12
- New (DVD): Improved performance of the AI scanner
- Fix (Blu-ray): BD+ firmware warning still wasn't removed with some titles
- Fix (DVD): Some minor problems with the AI scanner
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
481名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/02/15(日) 20:12:23 ID:oaHzUvbn0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): Added workaround for a weird authoring error found on some
DVDs, e.g. "The Closet", UK
- Change: Autoplay behaviour when settings dialog is shown
- Fix: Problems with multiple instances of AnyDVD ripper
- Some minor fixes and improvements
482名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/02/27(金) 13:12:57 ID:dnWbmS/p0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): Added workaround for a weird authoring error found on some
DVDs, e.g. "The Closet", UK
- Change: Autoplay is no longer disabled while settings dialog is shown
- Fix (Blu-ray): Message "MFR: File is too big!" with some discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
483名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/03/01(日) 05:38:02 ID:sJib3xPV0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): Added workaround for a weird authoring error found on some
DVDs, e.g. "The Closet", UK
- Change: Autoplay is no longer disabled while settings dialog is shown
- Fix (Blu-ray): Message "MFR: File is too big!" with some discs
- Fix (Blu-ray): Playback issues with Panasonic Blu-ray players
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
484名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/03/05(木) 22:06:40 ID:KYuHmbV20
485名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/03/07(土) 15:50:57 ID:qCou1UpN0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (DVD): Added workaround for a weird authoring error found on some
DVDs, e.g. "The Closet", UK
- Change: Autoplay is no longer disabled while settings dialog is shown
- Fix (Blu-ray): Message "MFR: File is too big!" with some discs
- Fix (Blu-ray): Playback issues with Panasonic Blu-ray players
- Fix: Security vulnerability of the driver interface
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
486名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/03/07(土) 18:57:18 ID:+CgW5zth0
487名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/03/07(土) 22:28:41 ID:qCou1UpN0
488名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/03/10(火) 19:08:36 ID:PkcMiaCk0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections
- New (DVD): Improved speed of AI scanner with some discs
- New: Power Saving will be disabled during ripping
- Some minor fixes and improvements
489名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/03/13(金) 12:30:41 ID:uDVly/Zh0
AnyDVD HD Final
- New (DVD): Added support for some new protections,
e.g. "Baader Meinhof Komplex", R2, Germany
- New (DVD): Improved speed of AI scanner with some discs
- New (DVD): Improved removing of prohibited user operations
- New: Power Saving will be disabled during ripping
- New: Status window indicates when AnyDVD is scanning a disc
- Change (DVD): Removing PUOs no longer removes angle change, if present
This prevents, that a "camera icon" is shown on some standalone players
- Some minor fixes and improvements
490名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/03/13(金) 12:48:38 ID:uDVly/Zh0
Virtual CloneDrive Final
- New: Added option to keep history of last mounted files
- New: Added support for unicode filenames (Windows 2000/XP/Vista)
- New: Added support for UTF8 image names in .dvd files (Windows 2000/XP/Vista)
- New: Sets media type (DVD, BDR) by parsing the image, if no .dvd
file is used or the .dvd file doesn't contain a media type
- New: Added /b command switch to VCDMount.exe to browse for image
- New: Added /h command switch to VCDMount.exe to clear history
- New: Added support for Windows 7 (beta)
- New: Added support for Windows XP 64bit and Windows Server 2003 64bit
- New: Added daemon.exe tool so 3rd party applications written for
Daemon Tools can be used
- New: Added "Virtual Sheep" for 64bit OS
- Change: "Buffered I/O" setting in VCDPrefs is now in effect
for files mounted over the network (default is off)
- Fix (Windows 2000/XP/Vista): Some reliability fixes
- Fix: VCDPrefs could hang when clicking "OK"
- Updated languages
- Some minor changes and improvements
491名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/03/16(月) 16:25:04 ID:79uPuNSJ0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New: Added option to disable power saving while ripping
- Fix (HD DVD & Blu-ray): UDF metadata mirror file wasn't updated
- Fix (DVD): very rare AnyDVD ripper crash
- Some minor fixes and improvements
492名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/03/18(水) 16:45:24 ID:9McMzCDl0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protection
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages

Note: this fixes "Australia" Region A with new BD+ protection.
493名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/03/20(金) 22:22:56 ID:2lom+AEY0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protection, e.g.
"Australia", US, "The Robe", US, "South Pacific", US
- New (DVD): Improved speed of AI scanner with some discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
494名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/03/26(木) 23:42:18 ID:uEJ98dbW0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New: Added additional information to the logfile
- Fix: High CPU usage, if tray icon was hidden by Windows
- Fix: Possible crash on program exit
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
495名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/03/27(金) 03:12:36 ID:K8t4bqC80
496名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/03/30(月) 01:08:04 ID:Zk1lkq/a0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New: Added additional information to the logfile
- Fix: High CPU usage, if tray icon was hidden by Windows
- Fix: Possible crash on program exit
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
497名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/04/02(木) 08:46:24 ID:FfJhtGE50
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New: Added additional information to the logfile
- Fix (DVD): CSS removal did not work with some discs
- Fix: High CPU usage, if tray icon was hidden by Windows
- Fix: Possible crash on program exit
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
498名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/04/05(日) 14:00:56 ID:57k5X2Do0
Virtual CloneDrive Beta
- New: Added option to purge history of recently mounted images
- New: Added /p command switch to VCDMount.exe to purge history
- Fix: Mounting failed, if .dvd or .ccd file names contained unicode characters
- Some minor changes and improvements
499名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/04/09(木) 07:49:18 ID:QqaYmDMV0
Virtual CloneDrive Beta
- New: Added HD-DVD emulation (Windows 2000/XP/Vista)
- New: Added option to purge history of recently mounted images
- New: Added /p command switch to VCDMount.exe to purge history
- Fix: Mounting failed, if .dvd or .ccd file names contained unicode characters
- Some minor changes and improvements
500名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/04/09(木) 22:41:20 ID:QqaYmDMV0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New: Added additional information to the logfile
- Fix (DVD): CSS removal did not work with some discs
- Fix: High CPU usage, if tray icon was hidden by Windows
- Fix: Possible crash on program exit
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
501名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/04/10(金) 00:49:47 ID:CTybj2uC0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New: Added additional information to the logfile
- Fix (DVD): CSS removal did not work with some discs
- Fix: High CPU usage, if tray icon was hidden by Windows
- Fix: Possible crash on program exit
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
502名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/04/10(金) 02:31:17 ID:CTybj2uC0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New: Added additional information to the logfile
- Fix (DVD): CSS removal did not work with some discs
- Fix: High CPU usage, if tray icon was hidden by Windows
- Fix: Possible crash on program exit
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
Fox Killer 6 (Gunslinger) posted 495 is still good
503名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/04/10(金) 06:05:36 ID:CTybj2uC0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New: Added additional information to the logfile
- Fix (DVD): CSS removal did not work with some discs
- Fix: High CPU usage, if tray icon was hidden by Windows
- Fix: Possible crash on program exit
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
Fox Killer 6 (Gunslinger) posted 495 is still good
504名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/04/10(金) 10:41:33 ID:CTybj2uC0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New: Added additional information to the logfile
- Fix (DVD): CSS removal did not work with some discs
- Fix: High CPU usage, if tray icon was hidden by Windows
- Fix: Possible crash on program exit
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
Fox Killer 6 (Gunslinger) posted 495 is still good
505名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/04/10(金) 13:55:13 ID:NREZmpDa0
506名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/04/11(土) 05:44:42 ID:0R+soPUS0
507名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/04/18(土) 01:53:21 ID:SMpI5Uzq0
508名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/04/18(土) 13:10:14 ID:ZFybx1Xl0
509名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/04/22(水) 10:18:29 ID:jrtRRfYo0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New (Blu-ray): Improved speed of decryption
- New (DVD): Improved speed of AI scanner with some discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
510名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/04/25(土) 10:46:02 ID:/LvDfQ2w0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New (Blu-ray): Improved speed of decryption
- New (DVD): Improved speed of AI scanner with some discs
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
511名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/04/25(土) 12:49:20 ID:0hG1d70g0

   _/::o・ア チュンチュン
512名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/04/30(木) 17:46:26 ID:6apGO/CN0
513名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/04/30(木) 20:37:20 ID:MZ02s0hu0
514名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/04/30(木) 22:21:49 ID:6apGO/CN0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New (Blu-ray): Improved speed of decryption
- New (DVD): Improved speed of AI scanner with some discs
- New: Added PowerDVD 9 info to logfile
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
515名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/05/01(金) 15:00:55 ID:yBJo8GEo0
      ___   ━┓  ___    ━┓
     / ―  \  ┏┛/ ―\   ┏┛
    /  (●)  \ヽ ・. /ノ  (●)\  ・
  /   (⌒  (●) /. | (●)   ⌒)\
  /      ̄ヽ__) /   |   (__ノ ̄  |
/´     ___/     \        /
|        \          \     _ノ
|        |          /´     `\

516名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/05/03(日) 00:19:37 ID:o9H4pnl+0
517名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/05/05(火) 10:38:39 ID:pUJlU94E0
AnyDVD(HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- Change: Less likely to cause false positive alarms with some
virus scanners
- Fix: AnyDVD ripper failed, if target is the root of a network share
- Fix: AnyDVD ripper failed, if target directory ended with a backslash
- Fix (DVD): AI scanner could leave out parts of a disc
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
518名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/05/08(金) 02:05:29 ID:cdNCZZGa0
AnyDVD(HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- Change: Less likely to cause false positive alarms with some virus scanners
- Fix: AnyDVD ripper failed, if target was the root of a network share
- Fix: AnyDVD ripper failed, if target directory ended with a backslash
- Fix (DVD): AI scanner could leave out parts of a disc
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
519名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/05/09(土) 11:54:02 ID:3LgI5Kye0
AnyDVD (HD) Update (ja)
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- Change: Less likely to cause false positive alarms with some virus scanners
- Fix: AnyDVD ripper failed, if target was the root of a network share
- Fix: AnyDVD ripper failed, if target directory ended with a backslash
- Fix (DVD): AI scanner could leave out parts of a disc
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
520名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/05/10(日) 10:06:32 ID:40GMem5A0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- Fix: Startup problem on some systems
- Some minor fixes and improvements
521名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/05/11(月) 00:13:40 ID:oPQSU08Q0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
522名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/05/14(木) 12:54:45 ID:U3Z25MmK0
523名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/05/19(火) 10:22:49 ID:sVO4bsH/0
524名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/05/19(火) 23:27:34 ID:KqjMofn50
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- Some minor fixes and improvements

Virtual CloneDrive Beta
- New: Added tray icon
- New: Added HD-DVD emulation (Windows 2000/XP/Vista)
- New: Added option to purge history of recently mounted images
- New: Added /p command switch to VCDMount.exe to purge history
- Fix: Mounting failed, if .dvd or .ccd file names contained unicode characters
- Fix: Virtual Sheep on Windows XP64
- Fix: Problems mounting files with some language settings
- Some minor changes and improvements
525名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/05/22(金) 00:42:58 ID:8DGZXsFw0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- Fix: AnyDVD did not work correctly, if the drive letters A, B or C were assigned to optical drives
- Some minor fixes and improvements

Virtual CloneDrive Beta
- New: Added tray icon
- New: Added shell extension for images
- New: Improved shell extension for drives
- New: Added HD-DVD emulation (Windows 2000/XP/Vista)
- New: Added option to purge history of recently mounted images
- New: Added /p command switch to VCDMount.exe to purge history
- Fix: Mounting failed, if .dvd or .ccd file names contained unicode characters
- Fix: Virtual Sheep on Windows XP64
- Fix: Problems mounting files with some language settings
- Some minor changes and improvements
526名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/05/26(火) 12:22:58 ID:m3j3gdbu0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New (DVD): AI scanner improved
- New: Added Windows 7 detection to sysinfo.txt
- Change: AnyDVD beta versions can no longer be evaluated
- Fix: AnyDVD did not work correctly, if the drive letters A, B or C were assigned to optical drives
- Some minor fixes and improvements

Virtual CloneDrive Beta
- New: Added tray icon
- New: Added shell extension for images
- New: Improved shell extension for drives
- New: Added HD-DVD emulation (Windows 2000/XP/Vista)
- New: Added option to purge history of recently mounted images
- New: Added /p command switch to VCDMount.exe to purge history
- Fix: Mounting failed, if .dvd or .ccd file names contained unicode characters
- Fix: Virtual Sheep on Windows XP64
- Fix: Problems mounting files with some language settings
- Some minor changes and improvements
527名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/05/30(土) 11:07:19 ID:ht//k39A0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New (DVD): AI scanner improved
- New (DVD): Fix playback time of program chains
- New: Added Windows 7 detection to sysinfo.txt
- Fix: AnyDVD did not work correctly, if the drive letters A, B or C
were assigned to optical drives
- Some minor fixes and improvements
528名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/06/06(土) 01:32:43 ID:zNgGoFP90
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New (Blu-ray): Added PowerDVD "virtual drive" blacklist workaround
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to enable/disable PowerDVD "virtual drive"
blacklist workaround
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to enable/disable update server warning
- New (DVD): Added option to enable/disable DVD ISO ripping warning
- New (DVD): Added additional information to logfile
- New: Added option to enable/disable "no drive present" warning
- Fix (DVD): Brute force CSS decryption (region code mismatch) could fail.
- Some minor fixes and improvements
529名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/06/09(火) 22:36:28 ID:gSxGGoal0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Updated BD+
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections, e.g. "Underbelly -
a tale of two cities", R4, Australia
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
530名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/06/12(金) 12:30:55 ID:94gaNidl0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (HD DVD): Added workaround for authoring error on French
HD DVD "Zidane"
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New (Blu-ray): Added PowerDVD "virtual drive" blacklist workaround
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to enable/disable PowerDVD "virtual drive"
blacklist workaround
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to enable/disable update server warning
- New (DVD): Added support for a new pathetic copy protection called
"DVD Sequr Copy Protection"
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections, e.g. "Underbelly -
a tale of two cities", R4, Australia
- New (DVD): Added option to enable/disable DVD ISO ripping warning
- New (DVD): Added additional information to logfile
- New: Added option to enable/disable "no drive present" warning
- Fix (HD DVD): "Error reading ADV_OBJ", if two identical discs are inserted
in two different drives at the same time
- Fix (DVD): Brute force CSS decryption (region code mismatch) could fail.
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
531名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/06/13(土) 14:04:07 ID:YR+zMIiB0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (HD DVD): Added workaround for authoring error on French
HD DVD "Zidane"
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New (Blu-ray): Added PowerDVD "virtual drive" blacklist workaround
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to enable/disable PowerDVD "virtual drive"
blacklist workaround
- New (Blu-ray): Added option to enable/disable update server warning
- New (DVD): Added support for a new pathetic copy protection called
"DVD Sequr Copy Protection"
- New (DVD): Added support for new protections, e.g. "Underbelly -
a tale of two cities", R4, Australia
- New (DVD): Added option to enable/disable DVD ISO ripping warning
- New (DVD): Added additional information to logfile
- New: Added option to enable/disable "no drive present" warning
- Fix: AnyDVD ripper failed, if volume label contained the character '*'
- Fix (HD DVD): "Error reading ADV_OBJ", if two identical discs are inserted
in two different drives at the same time
- Fix (DVD): Brute force CSS decryption (region code mismatch) could fail.
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
532名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/06/20(土) 02:16:47 ID:0DB9Qf7d0

533名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/07/07(火) 23:29:30 ID:2n6dkmy00
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Support for drives blacklisted by MKB v14
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for some new BD+ protections, e.g.
"Quantum of Solace", Japan & Hong Kong
- New (DVD): AI scanner improved
- Fix (DVD): Structural repair with some discs, e.g.
"Transporter 3", R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): Bug introduced with, "IFOTitles 0" error with some
titles, e.g. "Seven Pounds", R2, Italy
- Fix (DVD): Bug in AI scanner, causing parts of a DVD not to be included with
some discs, e.g. "Aujourd'hui, c'est Ferrier!", R2, France
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
534名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/07/08(水) 01:19:32 ID:Wofwlrwm0
Virtual CloneDrive Beta
- New: Added version info to tray icon
- Change: Default file associations
- Some minor changes and improvements
535名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/07/09(木) 22:45:27 ID:Eu3PbAWt0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for some new BD+ protections, e.g.
"Quantum of Solace", Japan
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection,
e.g. "Haunting in Connecticut", R1, US
- New (DVD): AI scanner improved
- Fix (DVD): Structural repair with some discs, e.g.
"Transporter 3", R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): Bug introduced with, "IFOTitles 0" error with some
titles, e.g. "Seven Pounds", R2, Italy
- Fix (DVD): Bug in AI scanner, causing parts of a DVD not to be included with
some discs, e.g. "Aujourd'hui, c'est Ferrier!", R2, France
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
536名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/07/11(土) 08:06:16 ID:VAe7R9l50
537名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/07/16(木) 17:38:27 ID:eYDeqEG70
CloneDVD Beta
- New: Increased performance of the transcoder
- New: Improved handling of layer break position
- New: Creates .dvd files for correct layer break handling
with Virtual CloneDrive and CloneCD
- New: Parses .dvd files for correct layer break position
when writing to dual layer media
- New: Show warning, if a single layer image file is about to be
written to dual layer media
- Some minor changes and improvements
538名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/07/18(土) 00:13:26 ID:fd9DE3x70
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection,
e.g. "Haunting in Connecticut", R1, US
- New (DVD): AI scanner improved
- Fix (DVD): Structural repair with some discs, e.g.
"Transporter 3", R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): Bug introduced with, "IFOTitles 0" error with some
titles, e.g. "Seven Pounds", R2, Italy
- Fix (DVD): Bug in AI scanner, causing parts of a DVD not to be included with
some discs, e.g. "Aujourd'hui, c'est Ferrier!", R2, France
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages

Virtual CloneDrive Beta
- New: Added version info to tray icon
- Change: Default file associations
- Fix: Optical drives could disappear after uninstall
- Updated languages
- Some minor changes and improvements
539名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/07/18(土) 02:27:17 ID:fd9DE3x70
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection,
e.g. "Haunting in Connecticut", R1, US
- New (DVD): AI scanner improved
- Fix (DVD): Structural repair with some discs, e.g.
"Transporter 3", R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): Bug introduced with, "IFOTitles 0" error with some
titles, e.g. "Seven Pounds", R2, Italy
- Fix (DVD): Bug in AI scanner, causing parts of a DVD not to be included with
some discs, e.g. "Aujourd'hui, c'est Ferrier!", R2, France
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
540名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/07/20(月) 21:28:12 ID:eaOTVRiL0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection,
e.g. "Haunting in Connecticut", R1, US
- New (DVD): AI scanner improved
- Fix (DVD): Structural repair with some discs, e.g.
"Transporter 3", R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): Bug introduced with, "IFOTitles 0" error with some
titles, e.g. "Seven Pounds", R2, Italy
- Fix (DVD): Bug in AI scanner, causing parts of a DVD not to be included with
some discs, e.g. "Aujourd'hui, c'est Ferrier!", R2, France
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
541名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/07/22(水) 01:09:09 ID:lSQRbJad0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection,
e.g. "Haunting in Connecticut", R1, US
- New (DVD): AI scanner improved
- Fix (DVD): Structural repair with some discs, e.g.
"Transporter 3", R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): Bug introduced with, "IFOTitles 0" error with some
titles, e.g. "Seven Pounds", R2, Italy
- Fix (DVD): Bug in AI scanner, causing parts of a DVD not to be included with
some discs, e.g. "Aujourd'hui, c'est Ferrier!", R2, France
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
542名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/07/23(木) 11:24:47 ID:PppEE7zx0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection,
e.g. "Haunting in Connecticut", R1, US
- New (DVD): AI scanner improved
- Fix (DVD): Structural repair with some discs, e.g.
"Transporter 3", R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): Bug introduced with, "IFOTitles 0" error with some
titles, e.g. "Seven Pounds", R2, Italy
- Fix (DVD): Bug in AI scanner, causing parts of a DVD not to be included with
some discs, e.g. "Aujourd'hui, c'est Ferrier!", R2, France
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
543名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/07/24(金) 18:16:42 ID:Eb+lamSk0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for AACS MKB v14
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection,
e.g. "Haunting in Connecticut", R1, US
- New (DVD): AI scanner improved
- Fix (DVD): Structural repair with some discs, e.g.
"Transporter 3", R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): Bug introduced with, "IFOTitles 0" error with some
titles, e.g. "Seven Pounds", R2, Italy
- Fix (DVD): Bug in AI scanner, causing parts of a DVD not to be included with
some discs, e.g. "Aujourd'hui, c'est Ferrier!", R2, France
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
544名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/07/26(日) 08:24:31 ID:h/TCsqZM0
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for AACS MKB v14
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protection,
e.g. "Haunting in Connecticut", R1, US
- New (DVD): AI scanner improved
- Fix (DVD): Structural repair with some discs, e.g.
"Transporter 3", R2, Germany
- Fix (DVD): Bug introduced with, "IFOTitles 0" error with some
titles, e.g. "Seven Pounds", R2, Italy
- Fix (DVD): Bug in AI scanner, causing parts of a DVD not to be included with
some discs, e.g. "Aujourd'hui, c'est Ferrier!", R2, France
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
545名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/07/28(火) 15:43:37 ID:2PUJyIw40
546名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/07/31(金) 17:17:34 ID:X9k3Q0Y/0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- Fix (DVD): Bug introduced with, AIscanner could
include unwanted parts of a disc
547名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/08/03(月) 14:27:17 ID:+R4H+ZdE0
548名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/08/06(木) 02:54:59 ID:mYxscN0c0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New (Blu-ray & HD DVD): Added option to enable/disable
protected ISO ripping warning
- Fix (DVD): Bug introduced with, AIscanner could
include unwanted parts of a disc
549名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/08/09(日) 10:58:33 ID:TK71ojn90
AnyDVD (HD) Final
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- New (Blu-ray & HD DVD): Added option to enable/disable
protected ISO ripping warning
- Fix (DVD): Bug introduced with, AIscanner could
include unwanted parts of a disc
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
550名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/08/14(金) 15:51:39 ID:Q46hlN9i0
AnyDVD (HD) Beta
- New (Blu-ray): Added support for new BD+ protections
- Some minor fixes and improvements

Virtual CloneDrive Beta
- New: Added version info to tray icon
- New: Added option, where VCD can be instructed to unmount an image file
when the virtual tray is opened (e.g., eject from Windows explorer).
- Change: Default file associations
- Fix: Optical drives could disappear after uninstall
- Updated languages
- Some minor changes and improvements
551名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/09/06(日) 08:51:10 ID:SHC5rY8g0
552名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/09/25(金) 14:30:41 ID:oEXF7dQA0
onload = function(e) {
for (var i = 0; i < document.links.length; i++)
document.links[i].target = "_blank";
553名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/10/10(土) 22:58:03 ID:Gs9Q0tow0
554名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/11/10(火) 07:52:35 ID:DJIvTMvy0
555名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2009/12/31(木) 18:40:53 ID:YMK0CvBE0
556名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2010/01/06(水) 17:16:04 ID:gjJYiv9y0