1 Takeshi HONDA JPN 2.0 2 1 2 Emanuel SANDHU CAN 2.5 1 2 3 Stanislav TIMCHENKO RUS 5.0 4 3 4 Stanick JEANNETTE FRA 5.5 3 4 5 Derrick DELMORE USA 9.0 8 5 6 Ryan BRADLEY USA 9.5 7 6 7 Jeffrey BUTTLE CAN 9.5 5 7 8 Xiaodong MA CHN 11.0 6 8 9 Jayson DENOMMEE CAN 13.5 9 9 R Kevin VAN DER PERREN BEL
Well you done done me and you bet I felt it I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted I fell right through the cracks, now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out, I'll be giving it my bestest And nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some
But I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait, I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me Open up your plans and damn you're free Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love
Listen to the music of the moment people, dance and sing We're just one big family And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved
So I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait, I'm sure There's no need to complicate, our time is short This is our fate, I'm yours
D-d-do do you, but do you, d-d-do But do you want to come on Scooch on over closer dear And I will nibble your ear
I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer But my breath fogged up the glass And so I drew a new face and I laughed
I guess what I be saying is there ain't no better reason To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons It's what we aim to do, our name is our virtue
But I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait, I'm yours
Come on and open up your mind and see like me (I won't hesitate) Open up your plans and damn you're free (No more, no more) Look into your heart and you'll find that the sky is yours (It cannot wait, I'm sure)
So please don't, there's no need (There's no need to complicate) There's no need to complicate (Our time is short) 'Cause our time is short (This is our fate) This is, this is, this is our fate I'm yours
Oh, I'm yours Oh, I'm yours Oh, whoa, baby you believe I'm yours You best believe, best believe I'm yours
前のエキシのDon't give up も今季のマドレーヌもだけど176-178のI'm yoursもだけど いい歌詞だなあ… こんな極東の地からいらんお世話だろうけど、“ジュベたん”にはスケートでも人生でも 思いっきり愛し愛されて幸せになってほしいよ… I'm yoursもall for youもだけどなんかワールド獲って以降は外に開けたかんじがする曲選ぶようになったね
Brian Joubert from France withdrew from the Grand Prix Final prior to the long program after being diagnosed with a recurring back injury. He subsequently withdrew from French nationals stating he wanted to give himself more time to recover.
“I need to let my body rest, to not traumatize it further,” Joubert told the French publication l’Equipe in mid-December. “To prepare for Euros, I'm am going to work on everything cardiovascular plus the choreography without stopping because I need to keep a level in my physical shape."
>>297 ↓の衣装? ttp://www.grenoble-patinage.com/IMG/jpg/060602-brajon-081N.jpg もしそうなら 2005-2006 の EX で、初出は 2005 Courchevel Gala (12/21) だったと思う ただし 2007/12/28 Gala De Noël De Courchevel でマルケイ(ITA)と一緒に滑った時も着てる ミュージカル " Le Roi Soleil " の « Tant qu'on rêve encore » を使ったプログラム 違う衣装のことだったらごめん
・FS後 " the purpose by coming here was to be a champion of Europe.... それから、プログラムは三週間で作ったこと、2日前まではクワドをすることができなかった、 でも最終的には間に合ってファンタスティックなSPをすることができた、FSはミスあったけど今回はこれ以上はできなかったが、ワールドに向けて勇気が持てた試合だった ttp://www.rmc.fr/edito/sport/69260/joubert-s-est-surpris/
>>422 >ジュベはジュベにしか見えんから好きなようにやってほしい そうだなあ 直線でっかく描く新旧マトリックスのイーグル個人的に好きです メタリカのサルコウのあとでぐるんと回るのとか all for youでstステップの前でぐるんと回るのもおもしろい使い方だなーと思ってた ここぞというとこで使ってるのがいいよ
>>464 ジュベは年々進化するのですよ!なんか顔の表情も柔らかくなったよね >>466 I love youなんて書いてある物、2年前のジュベなら絶対、人前で手にしなかったよ…w 目がちかちかするガラシャツといい、いい意味で精神的にはっちゃけてきましたね >>467 ジュベのこと褒められるとなんだかとてもうれしい自分がイル ジュベってやっぱかっこいいよね…
_______________________________________ Andrew Lutay と Katarina Gerboldtは、フィンランドのヘルシンキの氷の上で、 メダルがないままにユーロを終えた。このことはアレクセイ・ミーシンに ある考えをもたらした。かつてヨーロッパ選手権で行われたものと まったく異なるスケートが今や行われているということを。
写真の左側の太字ね " Dans ce contexte, c’est mon plus beau titre européen " 「今回のヨーロッパタイトルは自分にとって以前より素晴らしい」 他のどこかの記事で、2004年も2007年のタイトルもすばらしかったのはもちろんだけど 今回はより難しいタイトルだったからとか言ってたからそういうことだろう。
あと写真の右側ね mon nouveau programme libre tient la route. Je n’ai qu’une hâte : rentrer à Poitiers et bosser. » 「僕の新しいプログラムはまだ発展途上。急いでポワティエに帰って練習!」 だってw
Après sept saisons au plus haut niveau, conservez-vous toujours la même envie, la même rage de vaincre ?
« J’ai toujours faim car je n’ai pas gagné tout ce que je voulais gagner. En terme de titres, car il me manque l’or olympique, mais aussi en terme de performance. Je parlais il y a une certaine époque de réaliser trois quadruples différents. Ce genre de défi, je pourrais le faire après. Je ne pars pas dans l’optique d’arrêter après les Jeux de Vancouver. Si j’obtiens le titre à Vancouver, je pourrais alors tenter de grandes choses sans avoir rien à perdre. Mais je ne ferai pas la saison de trop. Je n’ai pas envie de passer pour un guignol. »
All for you、声の部分消して、あと2分10秒分足して、フリーにしたりしないかなあ と少し思っていたりする 「作った演技」してるわけじゃないのに情感が曲に溶け込んでてとてもよかった でもあれはあの勢いで2分40秒で終わるからいいんだとも思うし LOTDみたいにエキシでよかったものが競技プロに作り変えたらいい部分が消えちゃった という前科もあるからなあ… ラスボス感ある新マトリックスレクイエムで〆るというのも捨てがたいし…
>INTERNATIONAL CHALLENGE CUP 09 >Voici la sélection française pour « l’International Challenge Cup » >qui se déroulera à La Haye, aux Pays-Bas du 4 au 8 mars. >Cette compétition internationale est préparatoire pour les Mondiaux de >Los Angeles (USA) du 23 au 29 mars. >Hommes : Brian JOUBERT > Yannick PONSERO >Dames : Candice DIDIER
French Twist We heard that Lucinda Ruh is in Poitiers working with Brian Joubert on spins, transitions and footwork as he prepares for the World Championships, so we asked her about it. "As it is a month before worlds, we cannot change too much," said Lucinda, "Yet we have been working very hard on centering, speed, clearer positions and nicer lines. Brian is great to work with, a pure athlete, very hard-working, a quick and eager learner, powerful, dedicated and has the fire in his eye." Brian told Lucinda that he finds spinning more tiring than quads. "He would rather do quads the whole session than a few spins. People tend to underestimate the difficulty of strength and stamina that great spins require. Our work together has already shown big improvement, and I am confident that he will produce great new results in Los Angeles."
Next, Lucinda is off to Paris to work with Candice Didier and the French junior team. "I am so excited, as I lived there from when I was one year old until I was four, so I can't wait to revisit my ch
"I am so excited, as I lived there from when I was one year old until I was four, so I can't wait to revisit my ch childhood neighborhood, friends and of course the Eiffel Tower. And I'm very excited to work with the French team," she said.
Le champion d'Europe travaille d'arrache-pied pour reconquérir son titre mondial fin mars. Dernier obstacle avant Los Angeles : La Haye, ce week-end.
Les traits tirés et les joues rosies par l'effort, le corps « fit », le regard noir et le sourire aux lèvres, Brian Joubert abat un gros boulot sur la glace de la patinoire de Poitiers. « Cela se passe très bien, affirme le Poitevin. De ma carrière, je crois que je n'ai jamais abattu une telle quantité de travail entre les championnats d'Europe et du monde. »
続き Le genou se bloque sur une pirouette : un contretemps sans gravité
Il faut dire que le champion d'Europe avait du pain sur la planche après son succès d'Helsinki. Il a fallu peaufiner et roder le nouveau programme long, monté à la hâte avant le troisième sacre continental. « Il a beaucoup évolué, je suis dans les temps. » Tout serait parfait sans un contretemps de dernière minute. Joubert s'est bloqué le genou sur une pirouette lundi à l'entraînement. « Cela fait un mal de chien et je me suis cassé la gueule, raconte Brian. Plus que la douleur qui reste supportable, cela m'occasionne une gêne sur les pirouettes et la réception des sauts. Ça ne doit pas être bien méchant, mais je vais consulter et je ne prendrais aucun risque. »
続き Le genou se bloque sur une pirouette : un contretemps sans gravité
Il faut dire que le champion d'Europe avait du pain sur la planche après son succès d'Helsinki. Il a fallu peaufiner et roder le nouveau programme long, monté à la hâte avant le troisième sacre continental. « Il a beaucoup évolué, je suis dans les temps. » Tout serait parfait sans un contretemps de dernière minute. Joubert s'est bloqué le genou sur une pirouette lundi à l'entraînement. « Cela fait un mal de chien et je me suis cassé la gueule, raconte Brian. Plus que la douleur qui reste supportable, cela m'occasionne une gêne sur les pirouettes et la réception des sauts. Ça ne doit pas être bien méchant, mais je vais consulter et je ne prendrais aucun risque. »
続き Le genou se bloque sur une pirouette : un contretemps sans gravité
Il faut dire que le champion d'Europe avait du pain sur la planche après son succès d'Helsinki. Il a fallu peaufiner et roder le nouveau programme long, monté à la hâte avant le troisième sacre continental. « Il a beaucoup évolué, je suis dans les temps. » Tout serait parfait sans un contretemps de dernière minute. Joubert s'est bloqué le genou sur une pirouette lundi à l'entraînement. « Cela fait un mal de chien et je me suis cassé la gueule, raconte Brian. Plus que la douleur qui reste supportable, cela m'occasionne une gêne sur les pirouettes et la réception des sauts. Ça ne doit pas être bien méchant, mais je vais consulter et je ne prendrais aucun risque. »
Avec Ruh, cela tourne. Depuis une semaine, Lucinda Ruh est a Poitiers pour peaufiner les pirouettes de Joubert. La specialiste suisse venue de New York avait deja fait le voyage en 2005 pour la preparation olympique de Joubert. ≪ Lucinda m'a encore beaucoup apporte sur les pirouettes et sur les pas. C'est du tres bon boulot. ≫ Brian continue en parallele de travailler ses programmes avec son coach Simond, affichant un taux de reussite impressionnant sur les difficultes majeures, notamment les quadruples sauts.
Depart pour la Californie le 18 mars. Brian Joubert s'envolera le 18 mars pour la Californie avec au menu un stage a San Diego avec l'equipe de France avant les championnats du monde de Los Angeles (court dans la nuit du 25 au 26, libre dans la nuit du 26 au 27).
続き Le genou se bloque sur une pirouette : un contretemps sans gravité
Il faut dire que le champion d'Europe avait du pain sur la planche après son succès d'Helsinki. Il a fallu peaufiner et roder le nouveau programme long, monté à la hâte avant le troisième sacre continental. « Il a beaucoup évolué, je suis dans les temps. » Tout serait parfait sans un contretemps de dernière minute. Joubert s'est bloqué le genou sur une pirouette lundi à l'entraînement. « Cela fait un mal de chien et je me suis cassé la gueule, raconte Brian. Plus que la douleur qui reste supportable, cela m'occasionne une gêne sur les pirouettes et la réception des sauts. Ça ne doit pas être bien méchant, mais je vais consulter et je ne prendrais aucun risque. »
Brian Joubert doit partir ce matin pour La Haye (court vendredi, long samedi), dernier obstacle avant les mondiaux de Los Angeles. Le déplacement en Hollande est remis en question. « J'ai vraiment envie d'y aller. C'est une répétition générale avec une bonne opposition (NDLR : Contesti et Ponsero respectivement 2e et 4e des derniers championnats d'Europe). La Haye est une compétition internationale importante bien placée dans le calendrier. Mais elle n'est pas primordiale. Elle doit me servir pour les “ monde ”. Alors il ne faudrait pas que je la termine sur les rotules et qu'au total cela me coûte. Je trancherai au dernier moment après avis médical (NDLR : il souffrirait d'un déplacement du péroné) mais je suis décidé à y aller. » Les fatigues et l'inconfort d'un long voyage en train (7 heures au total) sont à prendre en compte. L'important reste qu'assurément Brian Joubert est sur les bons rails.
続き Le genou se bloque sur une pirouette : un contretemps sans gravité
Il faut dire que le champion d'Europe avait du pain sur la planche après son succès d'Helsinki. Il a fallu peaufiner et roder le nouveau programme long, monté à la hâte avant le troisième sacre continental. « Il a beaucoup évolué, je suis dans les temps. » Tout serait parfait sans un contretemps de dernière minute. Joubert s'est bloqué le genou sur une pirouette lundi à l'entraînement. « Cela fait un mal de chien et je me suis cassé la gueule, raconte Brian. Plus que la douleur qui reste supportable, cela m'occasionne une gêne sur les pirouettes et la réception des sauts. Ça ne doit pas être bien méchant, mais je vais consulter et je ne prendrais aucun risque. »
Brian Joubert doit partir ce matin pour La Haye (court vendredi, long samedi), dernier obstacle avant les mondiaux de Los Angeles. Le déplacement en Hollande est remis en question. « J'ai vraiment envie d'y aller. C'est une répétition générale avec une bonne opposition (NDLR : Contesti et Ponsero respectivement 2e et 4e des derniers championnats d'Europe). La Haye est une compétition internationale importante bien placée dans le calendrier. Mais elle n'est pas primordiale. Elle doit me servir pour les “ monde ”. Alors il ne faudrait pas que je la termine sur les rotules et qu'au total cela me coûte. Je trancherai au dernier moment après avis médical (NDLR : il souffrirait d'un déplacement du péroné) mais je suis décidé à y aller. » Les fatigues et l'inconfort d'un long voyage en train (7 heures au total) sont à prendre en compte. L'important reste qu'assurément Brian Joubert est sur les bons rails.
続き Le genou se bloque sur une pirouette : un contretemps sans gravité
Il faut dire que le champion d'Europe avait du pain sur la planche après son succès d'Helsinki. Il a fallu peaufiner et roder le nouveau programme long, monté à la hâte avant le troisième sacre continental. « Il a beaucoup évolué, je suis dans les temps. » Tout serait parfait sans un contretemps de dernière minute. Joubert s'est bloqué le genou sur une pirouette lundi à l'entraînement. « Cela fait un mal de chien et je me suis cassé la gueule, raconte Brian. Plus que la douleur qui reste supportable, cela m'occasionne une gêne sur les pirouettes et la réception des sauts. Ça ne doit pas être bien méchant, mais je vais consulter et je ne prendrais aucun risque. »
Brian Joubert doit partir ce matin pour La Haye (court vendredi, long samedi), dernier obstacle avant les mondiaux de Los Angeles. Le déplacement en Hollande est remis en question. « J'ai vraiment envie d'y aller. C'est une répétition générale avec une bonne opposition (NDLR : Contesti et Ponsero respectivement 2e et 4e des derniers championnats d'Europe). La Haye est une compétition internationale importante bien placée dans le calendrier. Mais elle n'est pas primordiale. Elle doit me servir pour les “ monde ”. Alors il ne faudrait pas que je la termine sur les rotules et qu'au total cela me coûte. Je trancherai au dernier moment après avis médical (NDLR : il souffrirait d'un déplacement du péroné) mais je suis décidé à y aller. » Les fatigues et l'inconfort d'un long voyage en train (7 heures au total) sont à prendre en compte. L'important reste qu'assurément Brian Joubert est sur les bons rails.
Brian JOUBERT, champion d’Europe 2009 de patinage à Helsinki, a déclaré forfait pour « L’AEGON Challenge Cup », compétition Internationale qui se déroule à partir de demain à La Haye aux Pays-Bas. Brian souffre d’une légère tendinite au genou droit, qui n’est pas de nature à handicaper sa participation au Mondial de Los Angeles (du 23 au 29 mars 2009), au regard d’une forme physique générale très encourageante.
Brian suffers from a light tendinitis to the right knee, which is not likely to handicap its participation in World of Los Angeles (of the 23 at March 29, 2009), taking into consideration very encouraging general physical shape.
12/ Est-ce que ta qualification d’office pour les Mondiaux par equipe a Tokyo du 16 au 19 avril est sure et certaine, car la federation a fait cette annonce te concernant ?
Joubert in form HAS ten days of the World Championship to Los Angeles, Didier Gailhaguet declared itself confiding as for the level of form of Brian Joubert. "I believe to be able to say that it has the teeth that scrape the floor. This is rather good sign. It is very well." it declared.
Because of a tendinite to the straight knee, Brian Joubert, world champion in 2007, vice champion of the world in 2008 had to declare fixed price last week for the International Tournament Cup to The Hague. The team of France will leave Sunday heading for San Diego.
The of Europe of poitou champion, in big physical form, flew away itself yesterday for Los Angeles where it wants to recover the world-wide title next week. As before and maybe better than before: Brian Joubert rediscovered to smile it, the line, the technique, the morale and his physical power that so often allowed for him to reverse mountains. To the return of Helsinki where it was sacred for the third time champion of Europe, the of poitou put the mouthfuls double to win a second world-wide title to Los Angeles. It flew away himself yesterday for the California. With its friends of the team of France, it will carry out to Saturday a training of acclimation to San Diego with the former champion exiled Eric Millot, team leader at the time of these world-wide ones. On foot of as early as Sunday in the mythical Staple Center (the room of the stars of the NBA the Los Angeles Lakers), Joubert counts well to put to profit his big form of the moment and his preparation without cloud to mark the spirits to less than a year of the Games of Vancouver while the return of the olympic champion Plushenko, that resumed training, itself precise. "All goes very well, relates Brian. For the first time since the season beginning, I arrive to link correct, very clean trainings with very few loss. Confidence installed itself. I had known that two days before the departure for Helsinki and during the championships of Europe. But there that does three weeks at least that I am on a good dynamics. The technique returned, the physics is spotless: that resembles a form peak. I have the cash register I no longer put questions. This energy that I do not lose, I can put it in my programs and I burst myself. It is necessary to say that one a lot slaves over. That was very hard but I feel that that pays. Provided that that One cannot remain at the top the whole time. If that continues, there is not reason that that happens poorly. I am not someone that cracks under the pressure." Despite the armada of Besides Atlantic and the Japanese hopes (Oda, Kozuka), Joubert is given by the connoisseurs as the principal candidate to the title. A statute that it assumes with pleasure. "That flatters me to be the favorite one specialized press notably American North. But I am not the only one to be able to win the world-wide title even if I am the only one to already to have won it. The Canadian Patrick Chan, the American Abbott and some others have the potential one to impose. But on the other hand they have not my experience. I count well to use this advantage to full. If I do my job, I sincerely think that I cannot be beaten fair and square."
>>859 >I have the cash registerって何じゃ?w 原文は「J'ai la “ caisse ”, je ne pose plus de questions. 」 859さんとは別の英訳を当てると「I have the “case”, I do not put more questions. 」 “ caisse ”=積み込むもの、運搬するもの =箱、車、転じてお金が詰め込まれているレジスター
Lucinda Ruh, Queen of Spins, helps Brian Joubert prepare for Worlds The 2009 World Figure Skating Championships are just three weeks away in Los Angeles. Brian Joubert, the six-time French national champion and former World champion, has enlisted the help of Lucinda Ruh (see right) to help win his second World title. Lucinda is a two-time Swiss national champion and two-time World Professional bronze medalist. She also holds the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest and fastest spin on ice --115 revolutions. She is known for her choreography, grace, and presence in her programs so what better person to put the finishing touches on a program than her? I had a chance to ask Lucinda about her experience working with Brian.
What's it like working with Brian Joubert?
With Brian it has been wonderful. His agent called me to work with him already a while back in 2005 and it gave lots of good results and so he called again just a week ago to see if I could work again with Brian before the World Championships. I love to inspire and continue my spin legacy and so in that way I like to continue to help skaters with the knowledge and experience that I have.
Brian and I are very comfortable working together. My mission is always not to teach but to guide the skater to be the best they can be and bring out their potential. My goal is always to have the skater understand all aspects of spinning and therefore they can then make huge improvements with it. As it is a month before Worlds we cannot change too much in regards to new positions in the spins or elaborate the transitions in the program. However, we have been working very hard on centering, speed, clearer positions and nicer lines through the spins, program and footwork. Brian is great to work with -- a pure athlete, very hard working, a quick and eager learner, powerful, dedicated and has the fire in his eye. He loves the challenges that are in front of him.
It's funny though as he always mentions that the spins exhaust him more than the quads! He would rather do quads the whole session than a few spins. People tend to underestimate the difficulty of strength and stamina that great spins require. Also I think the new point system is unfair to those skaters where flexibility and long lines come less easy to them. The new point system also does not let the skater become an individual and shine through with his strengths. The work that Brian and I have done together has already shown big improvements and I am confident that he will produce great new results and earn more points at the World championships in Los Angeles with the new spins.
You and Brian are working together in Poitiers, France, which is his hometown. How is Poitiers?
Poitiers is a quaint town and I think it is very special of Brian that he wants to stay here where he grew up and be close to family as it grounds him and helps him to be the best skater he can be. When everything else as an athlete is so tough, chaotic and demanding, it's nice to be able to be surrounded by family and real life. We have been working very hard so I have just been able to enjoy the wonderful hotel and ice rink. :)
You have also been requested by the French federation to work with Candice Didier, the ladies champion, as well as the French junior team.
The French federation wanted me to work with the other team members as well. Yes, I will be in Paris next week for the ladies champion and French Junior team. I am so excited as I lived there from when I was one to four-years-old so I can't wait to revisit my childhood neighborhood, friends and of course the Eiffel Tower :) It will be interesting working with these new up and coming skaters. I can share more news about them after I work with them.
In addition to helping skaters achieve their best, Lucinda continues to model, act, design, and support various charitable causes that are important to her. She is also working on her book currently scheduled to come out at the end of the year. Check out her official website here to find out more!
ジュベがTOPの「Backstage Sunday at the 2009 World Champs」から 公開練習の写真のフラッシュに行くと3枚目と7枚目がジュベ。 ttp://web.icenetwork.com/photos/ 7枚目、ニッケル性の車のようなキンピカボディの尻までの後姿なのに 瞬時にジュベだとわかった自分はすっかり立派なジュベオタなのだと自覚した。
Posted on Mon, Mar. 23, 2009 (中略) Good thing, because Joubert wasn't bothered in the least.
"No, I don't care," the Frenchman said after his final practice late Monday night. "... I can understand that figure skating means not only quads and jumps. It's everything - choreography, skating, spins, footwork. But I think for the sport, for the audience, for the judges, it's great to see a quad jump." (中略) Joubert's criticism didn't bother Buttle, but it rankled his fellow Canadians. (中略) "The competition was completely different. It was more fun, more exciting, and I think we have to change it," he said. "Maybe not for the next season, but after the Olympics." (中略) "To do a program with a quad, only one, it's completely different," Joubert said. "You lose a lot of energy and you have to be very focused. Now with the new judging system, it's more difficult than before because you cannot fall. It's a big mistake. ... I think what is good with me, I learned to do the quad jump with the old judging system. So I have more experience.
"For the new skaters who are coming, the young skaters, maybe it's very difficult for them to start to do quads with this new judging system."
Though Joubert wasn't bothered by Chan's comments, the topic is sure to come up again later this week. Joubert is fully recovered from the neck injury that caused pain in his lower back and forced him out of the Grand Prix final, and he's eager to show everyone he's the man to beat at the Vancouver Olympics.
"When you have been a world champion one time, you want to be world champion every time," Joubert said. "My goal when I do a competition is to win this competition, and I think it's very important before the Olympic season to show to everybody that I'm still the best skater in the world."
(中略) "The 2007 season was very easy because I didn't have any problems, which is good for your results but not very challenging," Joubert said via telephone from his home in Poitiers, France.
"When you have problems, you know yourself better and it makes you stronger. I learned more the last two seasons than I did in 2007." (中略) For all that, Joubert said he feels little pressure going into worlds because he already has won that title. The Olympics are another matter, because he was a disappointing sixth in 2006.
"The next Olympic Games will be more difficult for me, because everyone is waiting," Joubert said. "But I feel ready." (中略) Joubert, world runner-up last year, considers Lysacek the most dangerous and gives him special respect as the only other likely title contender to do quadruple jumps.
"I am very disappointed other men do not try them," Joubert said. "With the new system, you have to be clean, so people make it clean but simple."
"For the future of the sport, we must continue to try quads. In 2002, some skaters did three quads and now [most] think it is difficult to do one, especially in the short program."
この記事に出てくるアメリカ関係者のジュベ観 "He is a meat-and-potato kind of skater working to add more parsley," said 1984 Olympic champion Scott Hamilton.
"Since winning worlds, he has gone up and down, but if he can get control of that he probably would be considered the guy to beat," said 1996 world champion Todd Eldredge. "[What] separates Brian from some of the other guys is his speed and height on his jumps and the fact that he is a very powerful skater. I like his footwork and his choreography is very masculine, which is somewhat rare in men's skating these days."
"I like his strength and his looks; he looks and acts like a star," said Frank Carroll, Lysacek's coach. "His weakness is that he is stiff and not musical, but he does have the ability to move audiences with his power and delivery."
ジュベはステップやスピンのエントランスやポジションやクリーンさを クワド以外も練習してきたんだしちゃんと取り組んでるからな ルシンダさんは >―What's it like working with Brian Joubert? > >With Brian it has been wonderful. > >we have been working very hard on centering, speed, clearer positions and nicer lines through the spins, program and footwork. >Brian is great to work with -- a pure athlete, very hard working, a quick and eager learner, powerful, >dedicated and has the fire in his eye. He loves the challenges that are in front of him. > >The work that Brian and I have done together has already shown big improvements >and I am confident that he will produce great new results and earn more points at the World championships in Los Angeles with the new spins. って言ってるし楽しみだ
16:06:10 - 16:12:40 41 Nobunari ODA JPN 16:12:40 - 16:19:10 42 Evan LYSACEK USA 16:19:10 - 16:25:40 43 Brian JOUBERT FRA 日本時間26日(木)朝08:19:10 16:25:40 - 16:32:10 44 Brandon MROZ USA 16:32:10 - 16:38:40 45 Yannick PONSERO FRA
16:38:40 - 16:45:20 Warm-up Group 10
16:45:50 - 16:52:20 46 Jeremy ABBOTT USA 16:52:20 - 16:58:50 47 Takahiko KOZUKA JPN 16:58:50 - 17:05:20 48 Tomas VERNER CZE 17:05:20 - 17:11:50 49 Patrick CHAN CAN 17:11:50 - 17:18:20 50 Kevin VAN DER PERREN BEL
>Brian Joubert, the 2007 men’s world figure skating champion, > answered Monday’s criticism by Canadian champion Patrick Chan > with a twinkle in his eye. > >“So I am a bad guy? Sorry,” shrugged Joubert, > after his short-program practice Tuesday, > which he opened with a quad-triple combination, as if to say: “Take that, Patrick.” >(中略) >“You know, I think like the other skaters, I don’t like to lose. > Nobody likes to lose. But I am not a sore loser,” > said Joubert, who had to have the phrase translated before he could respond to it. > “I respect the other skaters. But I prefer when they beat me with a quad jump.” >(中略) >“When I did my first world championship in 2002, > maybe 15 skaters were able to do a quad in the short program. > Now, we can see the difference.” > >At the very most, there will be five quads attempted in the men’s short program here. > >“Maybe the skaters today are better on footwork, spins, skating ? and I work a lot on it, > I don’t work just on the jumps,” said Joubert. > “But I think the young skaters who are coming don’t want to do the quad jump, > because they say they don’t need it. So that’s a bad point for the future.” >(中略) >He seemed genuinely mystified at Chan’s remarks, given their friendly relationship on the ice. > >“I don’t understand why he would say that. I am very surprised. > Because he’s a nice guy,” he said. “But I still respect him. > He beat me at the beginning of the season. > He can beat me in this competition. > But I will do my best to beat him, that’s all.
>Asked the other day by Chicago Tribune colleague Phil Hersh > to comment on Joubert's recent assertion that not enough men are trying quads, > Chan called Joubert a sore loser, graciously sticking up for a teammate. > >Or, as one Canadian writer put it, "Going hockey on him?" > >Heads were up and sticks were down Tuesday as Joubert professed to respect >the now-retired Buttle and the skaters who will present their short programs today at Staples Center. > >"So I am a bad guy? Sorry," Joubert said. > >But he didn't back down. > >"I was disappointed to see [a] world champion without a quad," he said. >"Jeffrey Buttle is a very good skater. . . . >For me figure skating is not the jump. It's everything. >But I think it's more fun for the audience to see quad jumps, that's all."
(地の文)Why risk falling on a quad when you're more likely to nail a clean triple axel? >"It's worse this season because if you do mistakes, > you lose more points than last season," said Joubert, > who did a quad-triple combination Tuesday on the Convention Center practice rink > but might not do it today. > >A quad, he said, "should be maybe 12 points. > We have to see, we have to talk with the other skaters, > but I think they will change after the Olympic Games." > (地の文)Hamilton also wondered why the risk was raised for those willing to push their athletic limits.
Joubert opened his dynamic routine to “Rise” by Safri Duo with a quad-triple toeloop combination, He put down his hand on the first jump, and stepped out of the second jump, but he recovered instantly to land a high triple Axel and a triple Lutz. Joubert sparkled in his footwork and got a level three for both the circular and the straight line as well as a level four for two of his spins. The reigning World silver medallist scored 84.40 points (46.00 element score /38.40 program component score). “I didn’t have enough speed”, the Frenchman said, referring to his error on the combination. “After this, I just kept going and tried to give 100% on every element and on the components. After the Europeans, I’ve worked very hard on my footwork and spins, so even with this big mistake on the jump combination, I still get a high technical score”, he explained. Joubert is looking forward to the Free Skating tomorrow, where he will skate last: “I am strong and ready to compete. I will have to fight and I will.”
"I am very happy about my program today, because I have a good score, even if I do a big mistake on my quad-triple," Joubert, who won the world title in 2007, said. "The rest was good, especially the spins and footwork. I have good levels, and that was my goal."
"I don't know what to say; it's very difficult," Joubert responded in the post-event press conference. "I don't know what exactly is said about me. I heard a lot of things about it, but I don't care about it. [Chan] has to do his job on the ice, and I have to do my job on the ice, not compete with journalists."
・ジュベのコメント "I have a good score even with a big mistake on the beginning, so it's not bad," said Joubert,
"I need to feel the pressure, but I'm not a robot, so sometimes I can be very nervous and sometimes I can be relaxed. After the mistake, I didn't care about it."
・最後にジュベとPの例の話について触れられている段落 Chan called out Joubert earlier this week about the quad not being the end-all, with the overall quality of a program mattering most. So Joubert put on a playful, entertaining routine to "Rise," a techno-pop number, that was just the right fit for Hollywood.
"We have to compete on the ice, not outside with the journalists," Joubert said, a smiling Chan sitting beside him.
"Patrick is a very dangerous skater for me. He can beat me ? he beat me in the Grand Prix series. We will fight on the ice."
Joubert allowed that nerves caused him to go too slowly into the flawed quad combo. "I'm a little disappointed, but I'm not at all destabilized," he said,
"I'm satisfied. I have a good score, even with a big mistake at the beginning. It is not bad."
LOS ANGELES ? Brian Joubert of France, the 2007 world figure skating champion, wants to say one thing: There is more to him than a quadruple jump, the challenging move that has been his signature.
“A lot of people are waiting for me to do it because it is nice to see, to watch,” he said of the quad, which requires a leap into the air, then four full rotations before landing. “But I don’t want to do only jumps.”
He added: “There are many more things I could do, like spinning and footwork. I am more than just the quad, for sure.”
“I have a good score, even with a big mistake, so over all that’s good,” said Joubert, who skated in a flashy outfit that showed his bare back through black mesh. Several times, he made eye contact with the judges, winking and smiling as he sped by their table.
Joubert, a three-time runner-up at these championships, is also ready for a big night. He said fans who longed to see his quadruple jump ? a clean one, perhaps ? would not have to wait much longer.
“I don’t want to do only one quad for tomorrow,” he said. “I will have to skate clean on my jumps, but the spins and the footwork, I want to get them up like today because they saved me a lot.”
・ジュベのコメント Joubert, who admitted to being nervous at the start of his program, was clearly delighted with his component scores, and so he should be.
"I'm happy because I have a good level on the footwork and the spins and that was my goal, and we have a good score in spite of the mistake," he said.
"This world championship is practice for the Olympic Games. I don't want to improve on the quad jump, because everyone knows I can do the quad. But I want to improve on the footwork and the spins and components, and if I do it, it will be great for the Olympics."
Joubert moved into the seats to watch, but was hampered from seeing anything important because all sorts of skating fans rushed over to get his autograph and blocked his view of the ice surface. Joubert, as always, obliged.
Browning, who used to work on Joubert's choreography, hasn't talked to him in a year, but said his practices here have been strong.
He said he would advise him, however, to pull good feeling from his 2007 season, when he was strong, on top of his game.
He's had a bad year, Browning said, with skate problems, injuries and other things. He needs to put all that behind him.
If Browning were to work with him again, however, he said he'd exercise some tough love. “I like Brian,'' he said. “I would do what I think is best for him.''
・ジュベに関するカートの言葉 Transitions are the moves and footwork that a skater does between elements and they are part of the presentation mark.
Another part of the presentation marks are "skating skills," and Browning says Chan also excels at these. "It's just unbelievable," he said.
However, he added that Joubert went out with a program that suited him and sold it. "He created his own moment out there and that's part of why this sport is so great. If we stop rewarding creating moments, then we kill the fans and we kill the excitement. Joubert did that."
In the old skating system, the "moments" were very important, but Browning thinks they are still important in the new system.
・ジュベに関するカートの言葉 Canada's Kurt Browning, a four-time world champion, questioned the judges' preference for Joubert over the fleet-footed Chan in their scores for skating skills and transitions but acknowledged Joubert's showmanship.
"Joubert went out there with a program that suited him and he sold it," Browning said. "Like he created his own moment out there, and that's part of what's so great about this sport. If we stop rewarding creating moments, then we kill the fans and kill the excitement."
・エフゲニー・プラトフ(Evgeny Platov)【Choreographer】 08-09シーズンのSP・※FS(The Last of the Mohicans)の振り付けを担当。 オクサナ・グリシュクと組んで94'リレハンメル、98’長野五輪のアイスダンス二連覇。 94〜97年の世界選手権(アイスダンス)で4連覇。 ※ヨーロッパ選手権から彼自身とシモンコーチとパリ在住の英国人元スケーターの Ian Jenkins氏との共作(Matrix Reloaded&Requiem for a Dream)に変更