>>57 How do you think? I think that if someone start speaking Japanese at the party, it gonna be a mess. So some exception such as writing in Japanese or drawing a picture to communicate would be helpful.
Ma,I don`t love you.But I won`t see you cry,dude. So I walk out tonight.Even you say you`re right. I don`t wanna fight no more,this is the right way for sure. Say bye-bye to go with smilin`, I wish you`ll have a better man after leavin`.
>>90 and others this sled's title is "英語で遊ぼうぜ”. You shouldn't use other foreign languages except English. Please respect the founder's idea and try to make everybody feels comfortable to use this sled.
Ten questions to test your memory of festive football from Christmas's past.
1 Which side did City face at Maine Road exactly twelve month ago today? 2 What was the score in that match and who scored for the blues? 3 Who made his ruturn after long-term injury to help City beat Newcatle four-nil at Maine-road on Boxing Day 1977 4 When was the last time a Manchester 'Derby' was played on Christmas Day? 5 Which current City player was born on Dec 23rd 1977? 6 Who made his Blues debut on Boxing Day 1991? 7 At which ground did City record their first win in 28 years on Boxing Day 1981? 8 On Boxing day of what yaer did the City team run onto the pitch at Stoke armed with bananas? 9 Which two players were involved in an exchange deal three days before Christmas 1993? 10 Whose last game as City manager was exactly two years ago today?
Wondering what >>119 said... what is the meaning of "pu".. pu...pu...pu....PUSSY?! Now I am horney
>>120 If you asked people whether they use Englsih or not and you know they are not native English speakers ...You should use "can" On the other hand, like when you don't know what kind of language the person speaks, you can use "Do you speak..."
>>120 If you asked people whether they use Englsih or not and you know they are not native English speakers ...You should use "can" On the other hand, like when you don't know what kind of language the person speaks, you can use "Do you speak..."
>>120 If you asked people whether they use Englsih or not and you know they are not native English speakers ...You should use "can" On the other hand, like when you don't know what kind of language the person speaks, you can use "Do you speak..."
I apologize to write in many times. Since this sled has become messy, (and I admit I am the one who started to screw up this sled) I won't fill in this sled anymore.
I hope this sled will hold an off-line meeting...someday
↓and now you guyz can make fun of me and point out mistakes!! まじ頑張れ!
I'm Sera, in Japan. Now Japan is one of the most humid seasons. I terribly hate such seasons. Squawking... I hope to get the summer season sooooon! I like playing succor, swimming, and try to do many sports.
I can't see if there is an off-line meeting or not, but I'd like to join yours someday ^^. Well, I don't know how I should do on the thread. Should I write in English? Could anybody explain about that? Then, we speak in English when we meet? I continue using English anyway.
Oh, I found the differences between 'can' and 'do'. Basically 'can' is ability and 'do' is action, but recently 'can' is used not only ability but action, especially for young people. Some ages hate using for such things. I can't speak English. : I don't have any abilities to speak English. I don't speak English. : Basically I don't speak English even though I may have enough abilities to speak English.
If there is a strange person, when somebody asks "Can you speak English?", the person may reply "I can speak English fluently, but I don't want to speak now." If there is a strange person, when somebody asks "Do you speak English?", the person may reply "I often speak French because my dad is Frenchman." In the cases, I guess such people don't want to talk to you at all. I recommend to find another person.
All the native people understand that you are not good at speaking English. You should not think so seriously.
Oh, I have a mistake. Succor must be soccer. Well, I'll show you an example many young people use. (To dad) Can I use your car? Of course the person has abilities to drive the car. You know, the person wants to get permission from dad to use the car. All the language is changing, and it's the same as Japan. I'm glad if you get something good feelings. Sera
"Can you speak English?"と"Do you speak English?"についてだけど、 私の経験だと通常はDo youを使う方が無難だと思う。 Can youは文法的に適切な場面で使っても 「オメー英語しゃべれんのかよ?」 みたいな感じに聞こえる場合があるので前に出てた様な 馬鹿にする時以外は私は使わないですね。
>>198 スミスさん レスありがとう。 私の場合、知らない人にいきなり「Can you〜」と使うこと自体まずないです。 理由はスミスさんと同じです。ものすごく丁寧な言い方で言えば大丈夫なのかも知れないけど、そこまでの技量があれば多分言わないですよね。 友達にDo you want to go with me?と、夜中にものすごーくか細い声で言うのと同じ感じで。 ついて来たいか?じゃなく、どう聞いてもついて来て欲しいよぉーーと言ってると(^^;;
私はDo you speak English?は試したことがないけど、大概は Could you please speak English? とかなり丁寧な言い方にしています。これで相手を不快にさせたことは私としてはないと感じています。 二者択一の回答になっていませんけど(^^;
私は経験がないですが、もし私宛の直通電話で相手が知らない言葉を使ったら迷わず、 I'm sorry, I can't see(understand) your language. Could you please speak Japanese or English? なんて言うと思います。 でも単に英語が話せる人かどうか聞くなら、確かにDo you speak English?のほうがしっくりきそうですね。Canと言うとすごく大層な感じがするし。 私も感覚だけで、実際どこまで合ってるかは分からないけど(^^;;
今度ちょっと聞いてみます、どういう状況で質問するか英語で説明して(^^; (これが一番面倒ですよね。When there is one person and I'd like to know the person can speak English or not, how should I ask? Which is better, "Can you speak English?" or "Do you speak English?".)
問題なのは能力なのか可能性なのか、文章を聞いただけで分かりずらい場合です。特に年輩の人はcanは能力だと思っている人も多いので、気をつけないとあらぬ誤解を生みます。 たとえば197で書いたけど、子供が親に Can I use your car? と言うのを聞いて、CanじゃなくMayだと注意するような人には、まずいい顔はされません。
要するに197で言ってるCan I use your car? はお父さんに「俺にはあなたの車を使う能力がありますか?」 って聞いてるのでは無く、車を使う事がcan(許されて可能)なのかを聞いてるので お父さん、あなたの車を使っていいですか?→パパ車かしてくんない?という意味になりますよね。
>>202 今まで話していたのは相手が英語を喋れるかを問う時にどういう文(単語)を使うべきか?って話で、 Can I get a チーズバーガーは何の問題も無いですよね?
私はチーズバーガーを得る事が出来ますか?(恐らく得る事は出来ると思いながら) ↓ チーズバーガーください。 って感じですか?疑問文で聞いてるけど間が省略されてお願いになってますね。 お店でCan I get a cheeseburger?って言ったときにYes. You can get a cheeseburger. So..How can I help you? とか言う人はあんまりいないですよね。
>>201 セラさんの質問 When there is one person and I'd like to know the person can speak English or not, how should I ask? Which is better, "Can you speak English?" or "Do you speak English?" を自分なりに答えてみますね。
I agree that "Can you speak English" can potentially come across as arrogant. In other words, it might give your interlocutor the impression that you are questioning his or her intelligence. The reason for this, in my opinion, is that the ability to speak English (in countries where English is not the native language) in our world today is seen by many people as a barometer of one's level of education. That is why this question is "loaded". In other words, even though the question seems neutral enough (it is asking "Do you have the ability to speak English?"), an implied meaning can easily be construed. Therefore, in conclusion, I would have to say that the safest question to ask is "Do you speak English?" In this case, speaking English is presented as a matter of choice, not a matter of ability. It's almost as if one were saying to the interlocutor: "Of course, I realize you have many possible choices of language, but is English a language you like to use?" It is a way of ascertaining whether or not the interlocutor has the ability to speak English without putting him or her in the uncomfortable position of having to defend their level of education.
>>208 xakyさん ありがとう。なるほど、教育制度の問題も大きいでしょうね。 日本では、canは「できる」と中学で習うけど、それ以上の本当の意味を勉強する機会は専門の大学にでも行かない限りないです。だからこれで議論になるる訳だけど(^^; 他の教科だと昔習ったことが実は簡易なもので本当はこうだと、更に深い勉強を積み重ねるのですが... また教える側も、こんなことを考えている時間があれば(テストのために)ひとつでも単語や熟語を覚えろというのもあるし。 be going to = will,abandon = 捨てる,とか。 ほとんど日本語の四字熟語を覚える感覚です、四面楚歌とか呉越同舟とか。
日本でよく言われる話ですが、英語の教科書にYou had better go now.とあるけど、これは絶対海外では使ってはいけないと、よく市販の英語の本に載ってます。 今中高生が習っている英語は10年前とは違ってかなり良くなってきているとテレビなどでは言ってるけど、私が見る限り大差ないです。明らかにおかしい表現はなくなったけど。
>>211 「you had better go now」という表現ですが、 僕の経験談から実際に使われた例を挙げます: 旅行先の街で友達がパーティに誘ってくれました。 シカゴの地下鉄は大体遅くまで走っていますが、 あそこでは最終電車が意外と11時だったんですね。 それを知らなかった僕が、遅くまでパーティに居られる と勝手に思っていました。しかし、10時45分頃に、その 友達が心配そうに自分の時計を見て、こう言いました: I was just looking at my watch and realized what time it is! The last train leaves in 15 minutes... You'd better go now. You'll miss the train! 「You had」の省略「 you'd」を除いて同じ表現ですが、 これがごく自然な応用例だと思います。 日本で市販されている英語の本に、どうしていけない と書いてあるんでしょうか…
had betterは「〜した方がいい」と教科書に載っています。 現在の教科書では、たとえば友達に別の約束などがあって、それに対して主人公がYou had better go now.と言っているので問題はないです。 (教科書に詳しい説明はないですが、あくまで文章の状況的に)
でも少し前までは、普通に助言する場合にこの言葉を使っていました。 そろそろ日が暮れそうだからYou had better go now.とか。 その結果多くの日本人が、日本語だと「そろそろ○○した方がいいよ」と軽い気持ちで言う時にも全部had betterを使うようになったんです。 そういう事情で、この言い方は一切やめて別の言い方をした方が良いと、多くの英語の本に書かれています。
今日のニュース �News Payton says lure of a championship with Lakers hard to ignore TIM REYNOLDS, Jul 13, 2003 Gary Payton seriously considered accepting a free-agent offer from
>>219 また、I don't understand と I can't understandの違いについては、僕もほぼ同意見ですが、 どっちかというと、I can't understandのニュアンスが(消極的に解釈するならば) 「分ろうとも思わない」ではなくて、「どうせ外人なんだから、あんたの言うことなんて分る訳ない だろう」ということだと思います。やはり、自分が英語圏の人で相手がそうでない場合は、 "I'm sorry, but I didn't understand what you just said" の方が "I couldn't understand"より 感じがいいと思います。他の言い方もあります。例えば、"I'm sorry, but I didn't catch what you just said"がその一つですが、理解したかどうかではなく、聞き取れたかどうかを問題視 する言い方ですね。これは電話で特に便利な言い方だと思います。 そして、これは当たり前の事かもしれませんが、I can't understandはご指摘の通り、自分の 英語能力が足りないと解釈され得る言い方だと思いますが(そして、日本人的に考えるとそれが 丁寧な謙遜というポジティブ要因に当るかもしれませんが)、アメリカ社会で対等に活躍したい 日本人は、自分の英語能力が疑われる言い方をできるだけ避けるべきだと思います。
I'm surprised that you know the Japanese title of Gilligan's Island. How did you know that? The 223 story is based on my experience with my girl friend in the States. (I broke up with her already.) However, I made up some part of it. 大体食事代、ガソリン代だっていつも僕が払ってるじゃないか。 なのに何が不満なんだ? Actually, she was the one who was always paying for food and gas :-( I was kind of poor when I was in the States. However, she always had so much money because her family is so rich. She went back to Hong Kong, and working as an executive at her father's huge shipping company now. 別にお金の為につきあってた訳じゃないけど、今思うとケコーンしとけば良かった…。
>>226 Good morning! Actually, I did all my detective work on the internet. I didn't know any of those things before :) 逆玉の輿のチャンスを見逃しましたね(w) I can't understand how you could have passed her up! この場合もcan'tでいいでしょう(藁)
たとえば「GLAYって知ってる?」と聞かれて「人並みに知ってる」と答えるのは、人並み=普通ということで「普通に知ってる」になったんだと。 英語の筆記ではよくある話ですよね。 大学受験英単語で最初に必ず出てくるabandon=捨てる。 これを使った文章と言われて I abandoned the vegetables.(野菜を捨てた)とか。※間違ってますので念のため こんな感じで、誰かが間違って(?)使い始めたのが、便利なので広まったんじゃないかと思っています。
>>223 About the story you mentioned, my ways of thinking are almost the same as you. If I were the girl, I would think such things... I would like to have much pleasure with you, and I was never told you such things with seriously. I understand all of your saying, but I can't help doing the things you said. Can you guess the reason why? Maybe, I guess it's impossible, because you are VERY kind. I'd like to enjoy eating dinner, see many beautiful scenes, play a lot of things as special memories for only ourselves, but... I think you must be very good person and you will be a very nice husband, but, I guess that such a nice husband does not always make your wife happy. Could you memorize about that. I wish, I don't wanna do that any more now, I would have pleasure without any common senses, your intelligent knowledge and efforts.
This is only my feelings. I'm sorry if you feel bad or nervous.
So, anyway, as I was saying, this is a very friendly place here... From time to time, you might come across some dogshit on the sidewalk, so just step over it (^_^)
I stepped on "street pizza" on the way back home last night. ところで土曜の正午から日曜の朝まで6月15日のマトリックスin渋谷 同窓反省飲み会という会に行ってきました。 たしか高校の同窓会の事をhigh school reunionとか言ったと思いますが この会はthe Matrix in Shibuya 6.15 reunionで正しいですか?
Hello. Sorry for my late kakikoming. Yes. I really had a good time there. You should attend Smiths gathering when you come to Tokyo in fall. Many of us (Smiths) know about you, and really want to talk to you!
If you want to know more about it, please check マトリックス in 渋谷反省会@避難所 because it is surechigai to talk about it here :-) (May be you should give them some messages)
I learned the word "street pizza" from my English teacher from Santa Barbara. I often find many pizza on the street in Shinjuku especially on the weekend. Some pizza shops in Shinjuku must have big discount on weekends. I think people buy too much, and drop them on the way back home. 汚くてごめんなさい。生まれてすいません。
>>242 Hi Namashibori Smith 66, Thanks for the tip! I'll check out that thread. I'm looking forward to coming to Japan this fall and having fun with Matrix events!
You know, I have to admit I was reading too much into what you said. Since I had just talked about dogshit before, I thought that "street pizza" might be some kind of euphemism for that! But you really meant pizza! 東京に住んでいた頃、シェーキーズのピザ食べ放題が好きだったけど、 もうやっていないでしょうか。
Recently I found that some people might read only Japanese writing, and a few people might read only English writing (^^;
>>236 撮影スミスさん Welcome! Yeah, me too. I hate grammer ^^;, but I love to communicate many people ^^. いろいろお話しましょう☆
>>238 We don't hope to shut up you at all. Only there are many thoughts. However, I guess, our freedom is like liberty here because we are recognized to do 'liberty of speech' by the web site's owner Hiroyuki. (Do you know? This site '2channel' is Hiroyuki's individual web site, not public.) Sometimes he is ordered to pay for fines from a court of law because of libel writings by some people. You will see some articles by searching 'ひろゆき' and '裁判'.
There are many street pizza shops with discount on weekends in Shinjuku, right? I'll try to buy one when I go to Tokyo ^^. Last year I sometimes went to Shinjuku, but I've never seen such shops. Only I saw is some accessory and jewelry shops, used (second-hand) magazine shops, and magic mushroom shops (^^;. That was the first time to see the real magic mushrooms. In Shinjuku, I'm sure to go to some Japanese indies shops 'Like an Edison' and 'Jishuban Club', then I go to some second-hand shops. Ah, I don't have any schedules to go to Tokyo now. I want to go...
本当に分かりにくくて申し訳なかったですが、週末の新宿によく落ちているstreet pizzaは Agent xakyが初めに思った通りのeuphemismです。242で余計な事を書いたので分かりにくかった ですね。だって週末新宿で飲んでる人多いでしょ?もともと239のFrom time to time, you might come across some dogshit on the sidewalk, so just step over it (^_^) に反応した文でした。 いちおう242の最後に”汚くてごめんなさい。生まれてすいません。”とは書いといたんですが…。 やっぱりまだまだ修行が足りないですね。翻訳コニャック飲んできます。
Hi Sera-san, can you tell me what 'Edison' and 'Jishuban Club' is? I haven't heard of them. And I didn't know you could buy magic mushrooms there... Isn't that stuff illegal?
Hey Namashibori Smith 66, that sounds like fun! I think I know "Seiryuu" If I remember correctly, I had chinese sausages there.
Anyway, definitely. Let's go out for some pizza when I'm in Tokyo. And sure, why not, we'll make it an "off-line event" (!)
青龍門 is the place you can have Chinese (Taiwanese) cuisine in the special atmosphere. You will find many strange objects there.
清龍 is the place you ALWAYS can meet 2 Channel addicts in the VERY special atmosphere. You will find many strange people there.
It's already been long time since I went to 青龍門 for the last time. We should also have off-line meeting at 青龍門.
As an agent Smith (with Smith outfit), I visited 清龍 3 times. Without being Smith, I go there once or twice a week these days.
>>我倒日本的時候、我們去「清龍」、好不好? As a 2 channeler, you cannot avoid visiting there when you come to Tokyo!!!
>>現在我没有中国人的朋友。 Do you currently have chance to visit your school for your 研究? You don't have that much Asian students around? If you lived in California, you would have chance to talk to Asian people everyday.
>>248 生搾りスミス66さん、 僕はとんでもない勘違いをしたようですね! 「清龍」ってどういうところか気になります… There are Chinese people here, of course. I just need to make an effort to make friends :)
>>250 That's right! Everybody. come on and join the party! Let's have fun and make new friends...
>>251 Really? Are you a mixologist, Namashibori Smith 66? Personally, I don't like grapefruit juice too much because I find it too bitter, although I like eating grapefruit for breakfast...
I am not a mixolosist but namashiborist. If ordinal people squeeze 生搾りグレープフルーツサワー, the taste will be kind of bitter. However, the 生搾りグレープフルーツサワー squeezed by namashiborist will be sweet and extraordinarily delicious. You will find the difference in Tokyo.
>>253 Sounds great! Looks like you know how to squeeze out your life to its fullest. When life gives you sour lemons, you make juice (^_^) 搾りたてのジュースは美味しいですね。 しかし、甘くて美味しいジュースを得るための シボリストの極意とは…益々気になります(w) 何だか、こういう話をしているうちに、 喉が乾いてきましたよ… 蒸し暑い夏に、喉を潤すベスト ドリンクの好みが、人によって違うと思いますが、 皆さんいかがでしょうか。 僕は最近はまっているのは、「モヒート」という キューバから来たドリンクですよ。ミントの葉っぱを 小さな木製のすりこ木でグラスの中で潰して、 ココナツ・ラムと搾りたてのライムジュースを入れ、 最後に氷と炭酸水を入れれば出来上がりです。 左手にモヒート、右手にチキータ(可愛い女の子)、 ラテン音楽のリズムに乗せて、爽やかなハバナの夜を 満喫する…いかがなもんでしょうか。。。
>>258 I was always fascinated by Japanese convenience stores. They have so many things packed away into such a small space. The space efficiency is amazing... I don't use convenience stores too often here. I do most of my shopping in supermarkets...
Pina Coladas are nice. I haven't heard of those other two cocktails you mentioned. What's inside a China Blue and a Kansai Shirley Temple?
>>260 Hi, xaky. Have you ever checked KIOSK in the station carefully? The space efficiency of it is amazing also. They have variety of items in a small stall.
>>261 Yeah, you're right. I was surprised I could buy a handkerchief at a Kiosk... HUBって懐かしい名前だね。90年代初期、NOVAでフランス語を 教えていた頃、仕事の後は何回か先生達と一緒にHUBでビール を飲みに行きましたよ。 僕は最近、自分でカクテルを開発しているんですよ。この前造った のは、「ゆずティーニ」です。ウォトカとコワントローに柚子汁を加えた 物です。その前は、「ハーフムーン」というのを造りました。桃川日本酒 のアメリカ関連会社SakeOneが作る梨風味日本酒Moonstone をベースに、メロンリキュールのミドリと洋梨ネクター、最後に砂糖漬け 生姜の一片を入れます。 Have you invented any cocktails?
>>262 やっぱりHUBは行った事ありますか。外国の人多いですよね。 っていうかxakyさんフランス語学校で教える程上手なんですか? 勉強の成果?それともフランス語を使う環境で育ったんですか? 弟子にして下さい。 ゆずティーニ sounds tasty!! Can you get 柚子 in your neighborhood? Please let me know the ingredients of them in detail. I want to try your work of art. オリジナルカクテル作り楽しそうですね。カクテルのベースのお酒もっと揃えたいんですけど 俺結構量飲むのでお金がかかり過ぎるんですよね。 でもいずれ家庭を持ったらバースペース作って酒をいっぱい揃えたいですね。
>>263 ウエルカム。 是非参加して下さい。東京(新宿辺り)でオフしましょう。 英語、中国語を勉強しているなら一緒に交流を深めましょう。 しかし、何故「中国人じゃないYO」って言った上で「日本鬼子」と 名乗ってるのかが分かりません。 荒らし?それともこういう言い方が流行ってるのかな? 荒らしじゃなければ良いなー。 俺的には何人でもオッケーですよ。 外国人の友達もいるので。 If you are a friendly person, I am glad to have an off-line meeting in Tokyo with you. もし荒らしじゃ無くてあなたがdrinkerだったらオフ会はすぐにも”有”ですよ。 Please reply me :-)
>>264 Oui, je parle francais! (Yes, I speak French) ご推測の通り、フランス語を使う環境で育ちました。 母はフランス人で、父はフランス演劇の教授です。 十代からアメリカにあるフレンチ・スクールに通って いました。最近はちょっと忘れつつあるけど(w)
I can buy Japanese ingredients, including yuzu juice, at a Japanese supermarket in a Chicago suburb called Mitsuwa. Actually, I didn't make precise measurements, so you can try it based on the ingredients I explained before. Just use your instinct :)
>>277 Hello 打飛机. Thank you for your 参加表明! How shoud I call you? ダーフェイジー? (Am I right?) I only know a few Chinese words, but I will try my best.
>>281 Hi, セラさん. Welcome back home. You must be very busy these days. Please find some time to write here. I work about 14 hours a day, so I usually check this thread at office. Do you check this at home? Hope to see you sometimes. As you must know, xaky is coming to Tokyo in fall. Do you have plan to come to Tokyo?
Long time no see. Oh, there are many participants now! That's good!!
>>282 生搾りスミス66さん Thanks a lot!! 我很忙... 明天和星期天我休息. 明天我想睡覚. 晩安!(笑) Yeah, our company has some holiday called 'o-bon', so we have to work more hard even though always terribly busy ^^;; What!? You work about 14 hours a day!? I don't work on your company... I sometimes check and write on the web site at my company, then, I work more hard even though some colleagues go away with no salary ^^; I'd like to see you! In fall.. I'll try to plan to come join you and xaky if it's possible or not... Could you give me your special drink for me when I meet you? ^^
>>247 xaky Thanks for your reply and sorry to late. 'Like an Edison' and 'Jishuban Club' are shops to sell CDs, video, and some goods about Japanese visual indies bands. Do you know 'visual band'? The members have dressed in black patent-leather clothes and makeup like pretty girls.
'Jishuban Club' is at Shinjuku in Tokyo, and 'Like an Edison' is also at Shinjuku, Nagoyo, and Osaka. The shop is not so big, but always some girls with black dresses visit the shops to buy CDs and get flyers about their favorite bands'.
I don't wanna buy magic mushrooms at all ^^;;. I guess the stuff must be illegal. I guess to make them cultivate *was* no problems, but the law has changed. Now, maybe, they'll be arrested if they are found by the police.
>>xaky Hi, how was your vacation? What did you do? It was Obon holiday in Japan last week, so most business people (office workers) had holiday. However, I had to work because I am working at overseas division of my company. Most countries do not have holiday in this season. Do you sing karaoke? Sometime karaoke is very important for Japanese Nominucation. If you do, what kind of songs do you sing?
>>298 Hope to see you in September. I've never been to London. I wanna visit there in the future. Have a nice trip. Von voyage. 一路平安!!
>>300 It is nice to hear that you are gonna work in Shinjuku. We can go drink or karaoke after work.
カラオケって英語で歌ってもいいですよね? 僕は日本の曲知っていますけど、全部古いのばっかりですよ… I can sing a few Japanese songs but I don't know any of the most recent hits. But please don't ask me to sing "Yesterday" or "My Way" OK?
>>xaky Of course, you can sing in English. I know English songs, but most of them are old ones. I usually listen to "American oldies" songs.
What Japanese songs do you sing? What does 古いの mean? You sing 1970's-1980's songs or very traditional songs that you learned from your Japanese textbooks?
>>328 Hi Nina! ここへようこそ! 僕は本当の先生でもなんでもないけど、 カクテルの造り方と英語の話し方だけには 自信がARIMASU(^_☆)/v Shallというのはかなり丁寧(&ハイソ)な言い方だから、 燕尾服を着るような会場で社交ダンスのお相手 を誘う時はOKだろうけど、普通はLet'sがいいとOMOIMASU DA KARA You can say: Let's dance! OR Let's speak English! 次は、Have a funだけど、冠詞のaは無用です。 Have fun!意味は命令形の「楽しめ!」 CHINAMI NI 「楽しもう」ということだったらLet's have fun! Have a joyもHave a enjoyも×です。SORRY Enjoyを使うなら、Let's enjoy ourselves!という文章なら 有りうるけど、それもちょっとフォーマルに聴こえる。 joyという名詞もカジュアルな会話に向いていない。 用は、enjoyという言葉自体があまりカジュアルなシチュエーション で使えないような気がする。 最後にCome on join usだけど、 これは"Come on, join us"(コンマに注意)か、 または"Come and join us"のどっちかだったらOKだよ。 OK, Nina? So, let's have fun speaking English!
>>317 生搾りスミス66、 Sorry I couldn't join you guys last Friday. The airfare was too expensive! (金曜の夜一緒に行けなくて残念です。航空費が高過ぎてね…) Well, I didn't mean THAT old. More like early 1990s songs, actually. The only Japanese song I learned from a textbook was 「雪の降る町を」 I can sing a few songs from Southern All Stars, Kome Kome Club, Inoue Yosui, Kubota Toshinobu, The Boom, etc... And I can sing one enka song, "Yosaku" :) 他にも必殺技があるけど、言わないことにしておこう(w)
Actually, that conversation is very close to what really happened! How did you know?
So.. how long are you going to be in Tokyo? For me, even the Shinkansen fare between Tokyo and Osaka is expensive! Apart from 2ch off-kai expenses, I have a lot of other things to spend money on these days(´・ω・`) I need to do more arubaito, hehe.. but if I could afford it, I might be able to come and meet you guys in SEIRUU!
>>358 キテさん Yeah, let's get together and have a pleasant time!! Shops with many foreigners... I don't know such shops at all ^^;; I'm glad if somebody tells us the shops around Osaka City.
You know I had a live concert last month, right? Thanks for keeping in your mind! I hope you'll come join us next time if there.
>>360 Thank you for checking my English, xaky. I've gone to a college in US before for a year, so my English is not too bad, I'd say.. But, you know, US colleges are reading & writing intensive, not speaking & listening(well, at least my college was like that) so my speaking & listening skills are still poor =( I was too busy to go hunging around with my friends during the holidays, but I was reading all day alone in my dorm room most of the time!
2ch threads (and any other online forums) are good in that you can take your time and relax to post bad part is that you won't improve your listening & speaking
ああ、何か独り言みたいでスマソ。again, please correct my English anytime(簡単で良いので) thanks a lot.
BTW, I've been wondering how I should pronounce your name.. xaky[ 'zei ki: ]ですか? 調べたらXavierが[zei-]で始まるんでこう思ったんですけど 間違ってたらスマソ
>>361 よく読んでる雑誌にこんなのがあります Kansai Time Out (KTO): Osaka Meeting http://www.kto.co.jp/osakameeting.html これに、適当なニックネームで参加するってのも良いかもしれませんね。 今週の金曜日、すぐですが。 あと、Kansai Flea Market(KFM)っていう無料のマガジン(というかチラシ?)も参考になる鴨です http://www.kfm.to/ And as I have said earlier, FM Cocolo airs good information for foreigners living in Kansai Area such as where to eat and drink. http://www.cocolo.co.jp/
Either way, let's meet and have fun! I just heard from 酉-san that you band people are going to meet this Sunday at somewhere around Osaka Kita(Umeda) He's meeting me in another off-kai on that day before the band thing, so we might wanna meet between the two off-kai's maybe? He'll introduce us to each other!
>>Sera Hi, welcome back home! I got "Clavinova" from my friend in July, but no time to play. It's nice to hear that you had a good live concert last weekend. What kind of music did you play there?
>>Kite (kait) I also have experience to live in dorm like you when I was studing in colleges in California. However, my life in the dorm was very different from yours. I did not stay in my room most of the time because I was too busy to hang around with my friends. I am kind of talkative, and like to go out to drink :-) Did you have many Japanese students around when you were in college? I had many Japanese students around when I was in California. However, unlike other Japanese students, I spent most of the time with American students and other international students with good English. Hope you will have good off-line meeting in Kansai with Sera and other people. Please come down to Tokyo if you have chance.
>>363 かいとさん Thanks for your info. I know the magazines and sometimes I get such magazines at OCAT (Osaka City Air Terminal) when I go there. Yeah, I know FM Cocolo has much info for foreigners, but only I know ^^;;. I don't listen to the radio at all now. You have been enjoying reading such magazines and listening to the radio? That's great! Oh, you stayed in US, right? That's why you can read and listen to such English programs without barriers. I'd like to travel for foreign countries. I've been to U.S. 2 times, but they're only the 2 weeks in all (2 times total).
Yes, there is a meeting on September 7th at Umeda. Let's get together and talk about English, too ^^. I can't write the details on the board, but you'll know about that through TORI-san. Could you tell me if you'd like to contact with me?
>>366 生搾りさん Really! That's Good! You are good at playing piano? Clavinova must be an electric piano. I'd like to come see your play ^^. What kind of music do you like? About our live concert, the theme was Japanese cartoon. For example, GUNDAM, Sailor moon, ZOID, The Galaxy Express 999, and so on. We played 20 songs. In the songs, there were the 1st opening theme of the TV program 'Ponkikki'. Do you know? It is one of the famous programs for children in Japan, like 'Sesame Street'.
Thanks for your message. I guess there's not enough time on Sep. 7, but I'll join and talk over because that's rare and interesting thing for me.
>>365 xaky ああ、なるほどです。「ザッキー」ですか。 I got it! (で、いいのかなこういう時は?)
>>366 生搾りさん I was too young to drink (legally) when I was there.. I was 20. Now 21, but I'm already back in Japan!! (You can drink if you're over 21 in California. Yes, I was in Cali, too!) There were a lot of Japanese students in South Cali (just as I had expected), and naturally I made friends with many Japanese students. But my best friends there were from Singapore and Fiji. We were all international students and living on the same floor in the dorm, and we spend most of the time together.
Oh-oh.. the one from Singapore was not on the same floor but in the same dorm.. just a correction.
ちなみに、 >You can drink if you're over 21 in California. if より when の方が良い・・・? You can drink when you're over 21 in California. ?? どっちでしょうか?
>>367 Okay, cool! Let's meet this Sunday at Umeda. I'll be there with Tori-san. Probably, I'll ask him for details about the get-together.. or, will anyone post them in that thread? I'm looking forward to watching the video of your live performance.
>>370 かいとさん All right, let's meet today! I know your meeting will finish about 6:00PM, so I'll go to the place about the time. Let's meet and speak a little about something with TORI-san. Then, 30 minutes later, you're planning to join us after your meeting, right? I don't know who join us besides our players, but I hope you'll have a pleasant time even though our play is not good. We were impatient all the time because the live concert was our first experience.... Anyway I'm willing to meet you today!
If you guys reallie want me to sing in a session, I'll suggest a song with English lyrics, something like well-known Japanese animes that were translated into English and aired in US, such as Dragon Ball Z and Samurai X.. (ummm, just wondered, did they have English theme songs..?)
I'm also interested in playing the keyboard although I've never played it before.
Hey dudes, I used to play the keyboard too. I got a MIDI keyboard, a Roland MP-1 music sequencer, a Yamaha digital sampler, and a USB MIDI connector for my computer.
We should get a jam session going when I'm in Tokyo!
Hi, everyone.生搾りです。 I have been busy working and drinking these days, and didi not have chance to come here. It sounds like some of the people who are writing here play the keyboard or the piano. I usually play Clavinova (electric piano) in my apartment, but I am not that good at playing. I also play the pianica, and Shoulkey (ショルキー). It will be great if we could have chance to get togerther and play some music when xaky comes to Tokyo.
>>385 Kiteさん まああのオフは私らのライブのビデオ鑑賞が主でしたから。でも色々お話できて楽しかったです。 私も外国の方がよく集まる場所って知りません。Rock系のお店で見かけることはあるけど、話しかけるのも苦手だし。 そう言えばビジュアル系バンドでは海外の人がよくいますよ。私もチケット取ってあげたりするけど。 ちなみに今頼まれているのはThe Darknessというバンド(ビジュアル系じゃないけど)。11/25 Osaka Club Quatroに一緒に行くことになっています。チケットが取れればだけど。
Kansai Time Out, pls tell us the report when you join the event. Are you planning to join it on Oct. 3? Hope to have a pleasant time! About our discussion, how should we do and what some participants hope to know when we held on an off-line meeting. I guess we will talk about the methods to study English, but I'd like to do more about English. I'd like to held an off-line meeting in Osaka, so could you tell me what somebody or other want to do within the meeting. For example, Kite should tell some useful expressions to communicate others, or Sera should show some useful grammars to live in the U.S, or like that.
>>388 生搾りさん I can play bass guitar. Let's get session with others ^^. Meantime, what is Shoulkey? Is it like a small keyboard like pianica?
>>389 童貞義勇子さん Perfect! You are good at using English, right?
>>390 K助さん Good evening! What's up? 大丈夫、何も気にしないで思いきって書いてください☆
>>セラさん Hi, Sera. How are you? It will be great if we have chance to have meeting in Tokyo or Kansai area because we all love music and drinking, All those people who did 記念カキコ yesterday are all my drinking friends from 中野突発オフ or other drinking threads on 突発オフ板. Luckily, most of the drinking people around me are nice and very friendly. I really often go out to drink or eat with them. Shoulkey is an electric shoulder keyboad by YAMAHA (SHS-10). This shoulder keyboard is very light and looks so cute.(I got the red one.) If you want to know how does Shoulkey look like, you may be able to find through Yahoo. I got it through Yahoo auction several months ago, but I got no chance to play that in the band yet. If we have chance to get a jam sesson, i will play Shoulkey.
>>393 セラさん Yes, I'm planning to go to the meeting on Oct.3. I will probably introduce myself to them as "Kite" (I think I might wanna tell them my real name too though.)
As for what to do in our off-kai, I don't think teaching and studying together are good idea. I think we just wanna drink and talk about anything. Good music is a nice idea!
>>396 Hi, Himajin. Thank you for your kakikoming. I like spicy foods. Let's go to Thai restaurant to have some hot and spicy food, and drink some beer.
Of course, you are the member of Namashibori Family. I love you too!!!! Let's study English together.
>>Kite I almost always go out to drink at night in Shinjuku, but I do not see foreign people that much there because I like to go drink at Izakaya. However, there are so many foreign people in Shinjuku. I sometimes go to HUB to drink some cocktails, and there are many foreign people (mostly Westerner) there.
There are many Asian food restaurants around Shinjuku area, and we can see many foreign people working there. Most of them know how to speak Japanese, but I sometimes try to speak some Chinese or Korean or other languages to practice.
I may go to have some Korean foods later after work today.
>>394 生搾りさん I'm fine though I'm tired a bit. I hate my job cus a senior coworker complains about our ways of doing my job because of his own self-defense (-_-;). Yeah, let's have a session together!! We'll have a jam session about Japanese animation songs the end of next month or so. I hope you'll join us someday when you come to Osaka.
You enjoyed drinking with many friends, right? That's great!! The reason your friends are friendly is you are nice guy ^^. Oh, I wanna go to Tokyo to drink with you even though I can't drink alcohol (^^;.
Thanks for the explanation about shoulkey. I found some pictures on internet. Hope you'll play shoulkey and have a pleasant time someday.
>>400 Kiteさん Congratulations of getting 400! I sometimes find some foreigners around BIGMAM, too. I guess they finished their jobs like language schools and about to drink alcohol even though that is only my imagine...
THE meeting on Oct. 3? Our study session about acoustic guitar is held on Oct. 5. What are there anything else? Could you tell me if it is different or you have another plan. I sometimes forget many things ^^;;. About English off-line meetings, I have no idea what is better for others and of course us. Of course it's depends on the participants and how we introduce about the meeting. I'd like to talk more when we get together.
OSAKA Blue Note.. I'd like to go someday, but terribly expensive for me (^^;;.
Trinity: Do you know what happened to Neo? エキサイト 何がNeoに起こったか知っていますか。 意訳 ネオに何が起きたの? Oracle: All I can tell you is that your friend needs your help - he needs all of our help. エキサイト 私があなたに伝えることができるすべては、あなたの友達があなたの支援を必要とするということです。 彼は私たちの支援をすべて必要とします。 意訳 私があなたに言える事は、彼があなたの助けを必要としているってこと。私達が助けなきゃいけないってこと。これだけよ。 Niobe: Here we go. さあ行こう。 さあ、行くわよ! Morpheus: As long as there is a single breath in his body, he will never give up, and neither can we. エキサイト また、彼の身体に単一の呼吸がある限り、彼は降参しないでしょう。また、私たちもできない。 意訳 彼はその命が尽きぬ限り、運命を投げ出さないだろう。だから、我々も降参しない。 Trinity: You know what has to be done. エキサイト 何が終わらなければならないか知っています。 意訳 終わらせるべき事が何か、私には分かる。 Persephone: If she has to, she'll kill every one of us. エキサイト 彼女は、する必要があれば、私たちの全部を殺すでしょう。 意訳 彼女は、目的の為なら私達を皆殺しにする事もいとわない。 Trinity: Believe it. エキサイト それを信じてください。 意訳 それを、信じて。
Oracle: I see the end coming. I see the darkness spreading. I see [xxxx]. Smith: Mr. Anderson, welcome back. We missed you. Neo: It ends tonight. Oracle: And you are all that stands in his way. If you cannot stop him tonight, and I fear tomorrow may never come.
こんな文章発見しました > A question: She says "I see the end coming. I see the darkness spreading. > I see *something I don't understand*" What's that *something*?
> when even the oracle cant understand what she sees... > trouble is on the way
で、 > If you cannot stop him tonight, and I fear tomorrow may never come この一文もandじゃなくてthenだったりfear(だと思うけど)がfeelになってたりmayまたはwillになってたり。 正式なmanuscriptが公開されてないからわからん罠。
Oracle: I see the end coming. I see the darkness spreading. I see death. Smith: Mr. Anderson, welcome back. We missed you. Neo: It ends tonight. Oracle: And you are all that stands in his way. If you cannot stop him tonight, then I fear tomorrow may/will never come.
Oracle: Everything that has a beginning has an end. Oracle: I see the end coming. I see the darkness spreading. I see death. Smith: Mr. Anderson, welcome back. We've missed you. Neo: It ends tonight. Oracle: And you are all that stands in his way. If you cannot stop him tonight, then I fear tomorrow may never come.
Smith: Mr. Anderson, welcome back. Neo: It ends tonight. Oracle: Soon he's going to have the power to destroy this world.. Neo: But if i can't stop him? Oracle: Then i fear tommorow will never come. Smith: I'm not so bad, once you get to know me. Smith: *laughing*
Hey everyone! What's happening? It looks like a lot of new people are around. That's great! I was in Osaka for one summer back in 1998 and I had a great time! I love Osaka people. They're so funny! Of course, when I'm haging out with my Osakan friends, I'm always the one they're laughing about. You could say that I'm a 天然ボケ I'll be talking to you again soon. Bye for now.
>>424 お久しぶり!!Oh, you are very busy studying for your final to be 博士候補. がんばってね。 Hope to see xaky 博士候補 in Tokyo. How do you call 博士候補 in English?
Finally, you are coming to Tokyo!!!!!! I am thinking of having a welcome party for you in Tokyo. The party is going to be a drinking party in Shinjuku on the weekend. We should have party on October 11 or 12. Please let me know your schedule in Tokyo as soon as you know.
I am really looking forward to see you in person in Tokyo.
In English it's "doctoral candidate" Actually, I still need to do one more thing before I'm a candidate. I have to submit a dissertation proposal. But I'll be half-way there. If I pass!
Definitely, we should do that! Anyone else in Tokyo who can join us?
The user of "board of movie" taught "In order that Keanu Reeves may do a stage greeting,comes to Japan"
However, these news lack credibility. It is because it has appeared only in "SUPONICHI" and the "Yahoo! headline" reproduced from there. Although searched by "google", otherwise, the thing in connection with these news was not found.
>>all I am thinking about having a off-line meeting in tokyo with xaky. If you are interested to join us, please kakiko. xaky speaks very good Japanese, so please feel free to participate!! We are going to have party at drinking place in Shinjuku or Nakano.
>>452 xaky A year? so are you staying at a school dorm or something? just a guess.. I was thinking that you were just visiting for a couple of days. Anyway, please enjoy your stay!! 日本語でお話するのが楽しみです(*´∀`)b
>>456 Nama-shibori ...but if you can't read what Nama-shibori wrote, then you won't participate! と、日本語しか読めない人のために揚げ足とってみるテスト。 詳細が決まったら英日両方で書きましょうか
こんにちは、お久しぶりなセラです。How have you been? I'm leaning not only Chinese but Korea. Even though I must memorize many words, but it's very difficult. A girl said "In my latest English lesson, I said 'イ尓' to express 'you'". In case of me, I sometimes confuse which pronunciation or words are Chinese or Korea. Example: About pronunciation 「中国」日:Chugoku 中:Chunkou 韓:Chigu Example: About words 「こんばんは」日:こんばんは 中:Niihao(イ尓 好) 韓:Anyohaseyo/Anyo(安寧) I'd like to speak such Asian languages fluently someday, if possible...
>>497 I guess that is an excellent explaination, but as you know, we sometimes use for not only 'cute/sexy' but 'burning'. When I go to Karaoke with 2ch friends, many people speak "MOE" as "Kusa no moe (萌)" or "Hihen no moe (燃)". Basically '萌' songs are cute and lovely. The voice is like young girl and the lilycs is also lovely. On the other hand, '燃' songs are very strong. Some people are shouting and screaming. The voice is ... terrible! However, Kite's voice is wonderful! His high tone is clear and attractive. Try to listen to his voice if you're is interested in him.
About t.A.T.u., I don't know well, but I think the group's promotion doesn't fit to Japanese culture. To surprise many fans are good things in Japan, too. To be threatened to staffs are not good at all because many Japanese don't think of working with the group. And more, Japanese music business world is very closed. To be loved to many stuffs and writer is one of the most important things in Japan.
I heard there was the first live concert at Tokyo Dome, but the audiences are not so large. Half of the seats are available. Then the live concert finished only about 1 hour. t.A.T.u. is booed by fans. I guess that one of the reason is that many mass media restrained to announce the live concerts. I think there are not so many regular customers to see the live concerts because almost all the Japanese people hadn't seen their live concerts. Of course almost al the media report being held the live concert without any troubles by the member, and the number of visitors.
Next time, I don't know which promoters hope to work with the group, and how many fans want to go to the next live concert. I think that is one of the bad stories by ignorance great kings.
>>498 Oh, I forget to add the words. Cus I'm writing with scamp work.. 「こんばんは」日:こんばんは 中:Niihao(イ尓 好)/Wangshanghao(晩上好) 韓:Anyohaseyo/Anyo(安寧)
>>497 Masturbation Oriented Entertainment 禿藁! I understand what that website says but I'm not sure "moe" is only a synonym for cute/sexy. The only context I've seen it used is to talk about anime. Is it possible to use "moe" for actresses and idols, for example?
>>498 Hi Sera. So, do people actually say 「あの人は萌だね」 Can you give an example dialogue or at least a sentence? Thanks!
>>500 xaky 500Getおめ☆ I don't know which grammar is correct or not cus the word is made by young people. Anyway, I sometimes hear such speech, "私はあの子に萌えている" : The person falls in love with the girl. "私はあの子に'萌え'です" : The '萌え' means the state of the speaker. "萌え萌え" : The sate to fall in love with the character. "萌え SONG" : The song's melody or singer is very lovely, innocent, an naive. At karaoke shop, many people say the word for young girl's animation songs.
萌え is a sexual word for young or prelly girls to describe there are sexual desires for the person. I think there are two meanings. One is that the speaker is about to be melted away because of the girl's innocence looks, figures and pretty clothes. It's almost the same that people see a pretty baby. On the other hand, some men use the meaning that they feel to rape the young girl like X-rated books. Basically the word is used by men for young girls, but it may be used for pretty or underdeveloped boys. The meaning is the same. The speaker often wants to injure or rape the body because of the lovableness.
>>500 xaky(続き) Therefore, many people don't use for actual people, especially friends or babies of neighborhoods. When I say to Kite "あなたに'萌え'です", Kite doesn't meet me forever because he feels yuck for me. When I say '萌え' to a woman of 20-year-old, basically she feels chill, but it's no problem when the girl dresses pretty animation chacacter's costume. She will think that the speaker says not her but the animation character. Of course it depends on the situation. Nobody wants to be said '萌え' by strange, dirty and cockamamie guys. Well, some people use for pretty singers or such famous people. It's no problem I think unless you don't tell the person direct.
They are all my opinion. Try to use the word for characters if there are opportunities. Well, I recommend not to use for real, existing person. Oh, it's too difficult to explain... Try to make Kite sing some 萌え songs even though I don't know he knows such songs or not.
>>504 Kite Oh, you're planning to go to Tokyo, right? Have a wonderful time with the word '萌え' !
Kiteさん、セラさん、 「萌え」は奥が深いですね。勉強になりました! Thanks for the detailed explanations. Hiroshi -- I mean Kite -- don't worry, we won't tell anyone about your embarassing secret (nae?)
>>510 xaky Don't mention it! Basically 萎え means the same as the explanation of dictionary. For example, my mental state is 萎え as I saw my girlfriend eating with good-looking boy. The 萎え uses not only for sexual desires but all state like 鬱 as Kite wrote on >>502.
About your example, I guess Hiroshi will nae when there are such thing. Hiroshi has a strange hobby and he has never told about it to anybody. However, suddenly his friends came to his room and font it! Friends were surprised to see it, but soon they were start laughing. Then, a friend said to him still laughing, "Hiroshi -- I mean Kite -- don't worry, we won't tell anyone about your embarrassing secret" Hiroshi must be 萎え. He felt very bad to be known by friends, and more, the secret thing might be known for others. If they speak to classmates, many other friends will make fun of him tomorrow. More and more he thinks, he becomes 萎え.
そう言えば>>509で書いた英語、時制とか色々おかしですね(^^; When I say to Kite "あなたに'萌え'です", Kite (doesn't =>) won't meet me forever because he feels yuck for me. だったりとか。英語って難しい...
Meantime, there were something to Kite. I might say sorry to Kite. I dun wanna attend a burst out corps he sometimes joins, but there are many opportunities to see or may have some plans with him. I won't express my breast cus of my own self-defense and to live tomorrow, but he is always great guy. Keep continue talking with me from now on. I'm very weak-minded person and also I'm poor at keeping company with people. I'm always isolating within my mind and I always say cowardly and strange things to specified guys. There were some things to him. I guess maybe he doesn't think so seriously though he felt strange to me. Oh, to have relationship with people is too difficult... Sorry to say such gibberish.
>>511 This is not out of relation to this thread. Only, I told shameful things as a joke. All are my matters. Only I have been blue... I felt 萎え and stiffened when I was gave warning from him.
I might be a vicious troll... Sorry to write such silly things.
I wish I meet the thread's residents and drink 生絞り someday!
>>509 セラさん Hi!!!!! I'm meeting you this weekend!! 例のセッションオフですよね? Yes, I'm going back to Tokyo!! ...It's been a looong time since I left Tokyo last year.
>>510 xaky Hehe... please don't!! But that's not really anything. I don't get nae'ed that easy, lol!!
>>513 Kiteさん You have decided to come join us tomorrow's session, right? Do you practice a guitar? Let's play 'この木なんの木' together!
Tokyo, I went to Tokyo last year, but I didn't go this year. I'd like to Tokyo to buy clothes, shoes, and many music items. Longing... Have a nice trip!
Nice to meet you. This is first time I came here. It's very hard to read all past response. After my study for examination will be finished. I'll read all past response. By the way,I found an elder of my university.manse- ・o・・i・. I have a doubt that this off-line meeting have ever been had. Because it is easily thinked that there are few people on this thread. If it will be had. I want to join it.
>>529 Ruta Welcoooooooooom! As for your question of whether or not we ever had a off-kai in this thread, --Yes. In Kansai, I met Sera-san several times.
But in Tokyo, I dunno.. maybe none. Please try to hold a off-kai yourself..then, people might come and join you. I'd like to when I'm coming to Tokyo again sometime soon
Thank you for your response.People on this thread is almost kansai area? If I have a off-meeting in Tokyo,few people will come. By the way,I study English grammar now. I studied grammar for university entrance exam. But,I forgot many grammar rules.I badly thought language study need continuation. I'm looking for Kite's joining 勉強オフ.
>>545 What are you? I suppose that you might be a wind we feel. We always feel the same wind, but it is continue changing. And also all the things have been changing with us like the wind. However, we will feel the same wind from now on.
>>546 Now I lost my place. To be sure, this is a refreshing place. But it is the place which must not stay for a long time. I was pleasant as it was lukewarm water. However, it is if reality is not seen, either.
I liked off-line meeting. I liked you.
Maybe I came back soon. So I cannot say "Good-bye".
Thank you for your reaction. It was so grad for me. Thanks.
Indeed, some of the participants speak decent English, but the Language proficieny vary among them. But people come attend that meeting not to "show-off," but to enjoy having conversation in English, or exchanging some information about their studying strategies and etc.
What does "show-off" mean? Does it mean "people who speak English to show off"?
If it's correct, I often saw those kind of people in an English Cafeteria in Tokyo. I cannot understand them, in other words I don't like them.
Please tell me it's correct or not.
By the way have you ever attended the offline-meeting, haven't you? I mean that you saw me before? (Did I see you?) Cause I attended the offline-meeting.