SEOUL, South Korea -- North Korea's declaration that it will test a nuclear bomb might be expected to turn South Korea from its program of assistance and economic outreach to its communist neighbor. But Seoul isn't parting with the policy quite yet. 北朝鮮が核実験を行いと発表して韓国の北朝鮮への経済支援の態度に変化が現れることが 予想されていたが、それはまだ現れていない。
Several government analysts suggested that a test could come as early as Sunday, the anniversary of Kim Jong Il's appointment as head of the Korean Workers' Party, in 1997. It may also be timed to coincide with an election at the United Nations on Monday during which Ban Ki Moon, South Korea's foreign minister, is expected to be chosen as the next U.N. secretary general. 何人もの政府のアナリストは核実験は早ければ日曜日に行なわれるという。日曜日は金正日 の北朝鮮労働党書記長の就任記念日で、1997年に就任している。その日は韓国の外相である Ban Ki Moonが国連事務総長に選ばれると見られる日でもある。
Bush's top advisers held an emergency meeting about North Korea on Tuesday to review a number of strategies under consideration but came away with little agreement. Officials briefed on the meeting, chaired by national security adviser Stephen J. Hadley, said the participants discussed a range of options for restarting talks with Pyongyang and coaxing allies such as China and South Korea to adopt a tough line in the face of threats. "It was the first in a series of meetings we're going to have to hold," said one official who agreed to discuss it on the condition of anonymity. "There has been no major policy shift or change in anything at this point," the official said. ブッシュ政権のアドバイザーは火曜日に北朝鮮の緊急会議を開いて戦略を検討したが一致した 結論が得られなかった。ハドレィ安全保障補佐官が状況を報告し参加者は政策オプションにつ いて議論した。6者協議再開や中国・韓国にタフな政策を取らせる方策などが話されたが「こ れは我々が今後開かざるを得ない一連の会議の始めのもの」だという。「今のところ主だった 政策変更などは何も無い」
WHILE the rest of the world looks to Beijing to stop North Korea from exploding a nuclear bomb, a leading Chinese analyst says it is too late - China cannot act without doing worse harm to its own interests. 世界は中国が北朝鮮の核実験を止めさせるように期待しているけれど、中国の主要なアナ リストは、もはや手遅れで中国は国益を害する事無しに北朝鮮に対して行動できないという
北朝鮮の核実験のニュースを議論している飴のブログ(オースチン・ベイ) に投稿されたコメント: ttp:// If the sick man of Asia can steady himself for a while on the gantry of a nuke, the US and allies are threatened and they can’t react as they might have pre-nuke, but China would seem to be unaffected. Additionally, a nuclear NoKo will turn South Korea into the 1970’s France. South Korea will bloom with pacifists chanting and marching against US imperialism while the Jungster teaches China something about useful idiots.
1. The US should leave South Korea now. 2. We need to learn how to play the deep game better.
ttp:// No Bluff Maybe North Korea’s decision to test a nuclear bomb makes perfect sense. By George Wehrfritz Newsweek International Updated: 5:41 p.m. ET Oct. 4, 2006
All Ordinaries 5,174.80 2:32AM ET Up 73.30 (1.44%)↑オーストラリア Shanghai Composite 1,752.42 Sep 29Up 15.46 (0.89%) Hang Seng 17,907.67 4:33AM ET Up 278.46 (1.58%)↑香港 BSE 30 12,375.60 5:33AM ET Up 171.59 (1.41%)↑インド Jakarta Composite 1,544.98 5:32AM ET Up 7.89 (0.51%)↑インドネシア KLSE Composite 968.89 5:02AM ET Up 4.83 (0.50%)↑マレーシア Nikkei 225 16,449.33 3:00AM ET Up 366.78 (2.28%)↑東京 NZSE 50 3,595.70 12:37AM ET Up 2.31 (0.06%)↑ニュージーランド Straits Times 2,641.48 5:05AM ET Up 38.56 (1.48%)↑シンガポール Seoul Composite 1,352.00 Oct 4Down 22.22 (1.62%) Taiwan Weighted 6,997.24 1:46AM ET Up 122.26 (1.78%)↑台湾
Ma’s statements on the disputed islands and Japan’s history of colonization are significant not simply because they risk alienating Japan, but also because they are central to Taiwan’s ongoing, highly partisan struggle to define the island’s “identity.” Although the KMT and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) share a common history of resistance against the Japanese in World War II, many ethnic Taiwanese recall the period under Japanese colonization as a relatively peaceful and prosperous interlude before the KMT fled to the island and established a military dictatorship in the wake of its defeat in China’s Civil War. For example, some of the activists that Ma praised for their anti-Japanese activities were actually murdered by the KMT in a 1947 massacre of Taiwanese dissidents (CNA, August 21, 2005). (国民党は第二次世界大戦当時の抗日戦争については中国共産党とおなじような歴史観をもっ ていル野田が、台湾の国民党時代以前からの住民の多くは日本による併合時代を比較的平和 で反映した時代と見ている。こうした歴史観は台湾のアイデンティティの問題につながる。 実際問題、馬国民党総裁が抗日の英雄と呼んだ活動家の一部は1947年の国民党の虐殺によっ て殺されている)
The fratricidal politics that have overtaken Taiwan in recent years are already harming the island’s ability to defend itself and now threaten the prospects for trilateral cooperation with Tokyo and Washington. As the U.S.-Japanese alliance moves forward to enhance regional strategic cooperation, the strategically ambiguous position advocated by Cheng, Mayor Ma and other KMT leaders indicates that Taipei risks being left behind if the KMT candidate wins the 2008 presidential election.
A return trip to Tokyo will provide Mayor Ma with the perfect opportunity to engage Japanese strategists on how they view the developments of the U.S.-Japanese alliance and its implications for Taiwan’s security, economic and political future.
"All I can tell you is that you should listen to what the OPEC president is saying; he is the one authorized to speak for OPEC," one senior cartel official from a major Middle Eastern producer said. 「私の言えることは、OPECの政策は総裁が発表する。OPECを代表して話すことが出 来るのは総裁だ」とOPECの官僚が述べた。先にDJはじめ通信社各社はOPEC石油相 会議が減産を決定したと報道している。
"There's deep disagreement over the Standing Committee -- how big it will be, who will sit on it," said a Beijing editor who is close to Communist Party officials. He spoke anonymously to avoid official recrimination. 「現在、政治局常務委員会のメンバーをどうするかについて議論がある。メンバーの数や その選任について異なる意見が存在する」
"The Sixth Plenum isn't going to settle those questions. But Hu will use it to show he's in charge of personnel selection." 6中総会はそうした問題を解決することは出来ないが、胡錦涛はこの場を彼が人事抜擢の権 限を持つことを示すものにするだろう。
Some observers have said Hu may also use the meeting to appoint a protege as Shanghai party boss, setting aside the acting boss, Han Zheng, who is also the city's mayor. They will also watch to see if he signals potential heirs by elevating a younger fifth generation leader into a position of power. 一部のウオッチャーは胡錦涛が黄菊のようなボスは別にして上海派閥の子分を任命する場に するのではと言う。さらに、第五世代の指導者を取り立てる人事をやるかどうかにも注目し ている。
But many analysts say Hu is more likely to move cautiously, and not seek to oust more senior party officials who could be tainted by corruption. しかし多くのアナリストは胡錦涛が慎重な行動に徹して、汚職に関係する共産党の高官を解 任しないのでは、と見ている。
"We should not expect a sustained and intense campaign against corruption because this will poison the atmosphere before the Seventeenth Party Congress," said Pei. "Chen is most probably a selective strike." 「我々は腐敗汚職撲滅のための激しい継続的なキャンペーンを期待すべきではない。何故 ならそれは(来年の)第17回共産党大会を前に、党内の雰囲気を悪化させるからだ」とPei がいう。「陳良宇の事件は、恐らく、選択的な攻撃であるのだろう」
中国の投資が流れ込み、街には中国商品が増えているが、それに留まらずCNOOCとの ガス資源開発プロジェクトが計画中 More significant, China National Overseas Oil Corp (CNOOC) this July met with Sok An, a cabinet minister close to Prime Minister Hun Sen, and Cambodia's National Petroleum Authority to discuss possible joint exploration and production. Cambodia's hydrocarbon reserves are rumored to be more promising than previously thought, and no doubt look more viable with global oil prices hovering over $60 per barrel. America's Chevron and Thailand's PTT Exploration and Production are already exploring Cambodia's seabed for natural gas in a joint arrangement.
北朝鮮は大変危険な時期に入った。それは核実験やミサイル試射だけが危険と言う事で はなくて、北朝鮮がこの先、生き延びる為にはラディカルな行動を取らなければいけな いと気付くかもしれないためである。 (It seems like we are entering the most dangerous period with North Korea, not because of its nuclear weapons or missiles, but because this normally deliberate and careful country could perceive that it must take radical action to just survive into the future.)
The rift stemmed from China's refusal to meet with Japan over historical grievances (despite Tokyo's 20-odd apologies for its role in World War II). Seoul opportunistically jumped on China's bandwagon.
The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said a device would be detonated about 2,000 metres inside a mine near the border with China in the north of the country.
HONG Kong fortune tellers say the omens are bad for North Korea's nuclear standoff, claiming today that according to their readings of the stars Pyongyang is likely to test a bomb soon. 香港の星占い師に拠れば、北朝鮮がまもなく核実験するだろうという
Feng shui geomancer and astrologer Yeung Tin-ming even goes so far as predict when - sometime between Saturday and November 4. 占星術に拠れば、土曜日から11月4日までの間にそれが起こりそうである
"He predicts there will be a confrontation in Northeastern Asia - Korea or Japan - that will result in the explosion of a nuclear weapon," said Mr Yeung's translator Amy Law. 朝鮮あるいは日本に紛争が起こり、核実験が行なわれる
"Everything this year has been about nuclear threats - Iran and North Korea," Mr Lo said. 今年の全ての運勢は核の脅威を示している、イランと北朝鮮だ
"The last time we were in a year where the elements were aligned like this was in 1986 when the Chernobyl disaster happened." 前に、こうした星のめぐり合わせがあったのは1986年で、チェルノブイリ事故があった年だ
Ironically, this week's threat by unpredictable North Korea to conduct a nuclear test could ease tensions at the summits by distracting from deep-seated disputes over history. 皮肉なことに今週の北朝鮮による核実験声明が歴史問題で乖離する日中両国の緊張を和ら げるかもしれない。
No one expects the summits to erase bitter memories of Japan's wartime aggression and colonisation, relieve mutual mistrust, or resolve feuds over territory and energy rights. 日中の苦い歴史の記憶や相互不信が消えることは無く、領土問題やエネルギー問題の対立 も解消することを予想する人はいない。
"Abe's visit will be an opportunity for a limited easing of tensions in China-Japan relations -- I say limited because there are so many problems," said Shi Yinhong, an international relations expert at the People's University of China in Beijing. 北京人民大学の国際関係学、Shi Yinhong教授は「安倍首相の訪中は限定的な日中関係の 緊張緩和になろう。限定的と言うのは問題が山積しているからだが」という。
Indeed, with Abe declining to say whether he will visit Yasukuni while in office, Shi and others cautioned that the reach for rapprochement could later backfire in Beijing and Seoul. 安倍首相は靖国神社参拝問題に明確な言辞を避けている。Shi教授はじめアナリストはその 問題が後日、中国と韓国で火を噴くことになるかもしれないとする。
"If he has the opportunity to smooth the wrinkles that Koizumi has created and begin to build bridges, he clearly has a diplomatic feather in his cap," said Brad Glosserman, executive director of Hawaii-based Pacific Forum CSIS. ハワイの太平洋CSISのBrad Glosserman部長は「もし安倍首相が小泉首相の作った波紋 を収め、関係改善をおこなう機会があるのであれば、彼は外交的な成果を上げたことになる」 という。(後略)
White House spokesman Dana Perino had no new information to disclose about whether a nuclear test was being planned but said: "Our position has been very clear, that we don't believe North Korea should test a nuclear weapon and we have made that clear to them in public statements and in private statements as well."
BREAKING NEWS: Google is in talks to acquire video-sharing site YouTube in a deal that could be worth $1.6 billion. Full article coming shortly. WSJブレーキングニュース:ぐぐるがようつべ買収を相談中。推定価格$1.6B(1900億円)
中国は北朝鮮の政権崩壊を恐れて影響力を行使してきていないが、今やそういう言い訳 は拙い、と書く。 Experts still debate whether China got the North Koreans to the table by briefly cutting off oil deliveries ? or doling out cash. There’s no doubt China has the leverage. But China’s autocrats are so enamored of any status quo ? and so nervous about having to house and feed the North’s refugees ? that they have resisted using it. Instead, Chinese officials say that the North probably hasn’t built a weapon, or if it has, wouldn’t ever use it. That’s what we call being in denial. It is a luxury Beijing can no longer indulge.
アメリカ政府は金正日政権の交代を求めることと交渉による核問題解決のどちらにするか のあいまいさを止めて、交渉すべきであり、金融制裁は北朝鮮の6者協議出席拒否に原因だ から考え直すべき、と書いている。 Mr. Bush cannot indulge his own ambivalence over whether it would be better to negotiate with Kim Jong-il or try to overthrow him. North Korea may have the most erratic, brutal and opaque leadership in the world. And it’s impossible to know whether the “dear leader” would really trade away his weapons program for any price. But this White House has yet to test him. In the most recent whipsaw, Mr. Bush agreed to offer economic and security incentives to Pyongyang but then undercut the offer by imposing new sanctions on North Korean banks. Pyongyang has refused to come back to the table ever since.
米政権はまた、中国や韓国に対し、北朝鮮との通商やエネルギー供給を中断するよう再び働 き掛けることも検討している。(共同) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp:// U.S. Weighs Sanctions Against North Korea By DAVID E. SANGER Published: October 6, 2006
Mr. Bush, several officials said, planned to call the president of China, Hu Jintao, in coming days to urge him to send an emissary to North Korea to deliver a sharp warning about the consequences of a test. They said Mr. Bush was also planning to call other leaders in the region.
The proposed sanctions, which are graduated, could begin with a significant tightening on economic transactions ? a process that began last year with action against a small bank in Macao that is widely believed to have handled transactions for President Kim Jong-il and other leaders, and that American investigators say was involved in money laundering.
A more escalated measure would involve inspection of all shipping, using a provision of a Security Council resolution passed after the July missile tests that allows nations to block missile or missile-related transactions.
In Washington, long frustrated by Seoul's unwillingness to step up pressure on the North, there will be sharp questions about the wisdom of continuing to deploy tens of thousands of U.S. troops to defend a country that has been subsidizing its own enemy with aid and trade. If Americans blame Seoul for having done too little to stop it, a nuclear test could well trigger an agonizing reappraisal of the U.S.-South Korea alliance. The resulting climate of uncertainty could damage investment and growth in the South, further heightening political tensions. 韓国政府が北朝鮮の核開発に対抗して圧力をかけることをしないという、アメリカの長年の フラストレーションが、数万人のアメリカ兵を駐在させて、敵である北朝鮮を通商と援助で 支援する韓国を守る必要があるのかという批判が再燃するかもしれない。アメリカが韓国政 府を核実験阻止の為に何もしていないと非難することになれば、米韓同盟の再評価につなが り得る。そうした不確定性の雰囲気は韓国の投資や成長を阻害しかねず、政治的緊張を高め る事になるかもしれない。
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A proposed free-trade deal between the United States and South Korea would probably be doomed if Washington succeeds in putting rice on the negotiating table, according to a source familiar with the subject. 米韓の交渉中であるFTAについて、アメリカ側がコメ問題を交渉のテーブルに上げるなら 交渉は恐らく破滅するだろうと関係者が語った。米国側はコメを含む農産物を対象に含ませ るべく交渉を続けている。
Q: Is there any difference between reality in Iran & image that we have about country through our media? Q:メディアの伝えるイランのイメージと、貴方の研究滞在で知ったリアリティとの間に ギャップはあるか?
A: There’s a huge difference! Although Iran is very close to Europe in terms of geography, the media portrays it like completely different world ? and mainstream media often try their best to polarize it according to the simple, easy-to-chew good guys/bad guys dichotomy. This isn’t true ? we all know this ? but it’s really overwhelming when you get there. I found people to be very interested in, and open-minded about, western culture. Very different from the simplified version the western media presents. Sure, there are the official anti-usa wall paintings, but at the same time young people are wearing t-shirts with the American flag printed on them! Q:大変大きなギャップがある。メディアはイランを待った区別世界のように伝えている。 メインストリーム・メディアは極端な単純化をシテ、わかりやすく善と悪に分けるよう な報道をしている。イランに行って見ると国民が開放的で西欧文化に興味を持っている ことがわかる。西欧メディアの伝える単純化されたイメージと全く異なる。勿論、イラン には反米をテーマにした、壁にかかれたプロパガンダとかはあるのだが、それと同時に 若者が星条旗の印刷されたTシャツを着ているのだ。
ワシントンは、今度の攻撃の目標はあれらが米国の商を制御して使って軍用の商品、ソフ トウェアと科学技術の輸出する工業と全体の局面(Bureau of Industry and Security)のコ ンピュータをつけるのだと6日に報道している。ここ数年のためこれらの2つの方面に役立つ 商品は輸出して中国市場の数量まで(へ) 日に日に増加して、この局はすでに中国の間との 貿易の管制を強化した。(後略)
In the days before her death, Politkovskaya had been working on a story about torture in Chechnya, which was expected to be published on Monday, her newspaper said. Politkovskaya was a fierce critic of Putin, whom she believed had failed to shake off his past as a KGB agent. She accused him of crushing liberty, stifling freedom and dragging Russia back into its authoritarian Soviet past. "Why do I so dislike Putin?" she wrote in her book 'Putin's Russia' which was widely published overseas but not in Russia. "I dislike him for ... his cynicism, for his racism, for his lies ... for the massacre of the innocents which went on throughout his first term as president".
City officials were taken aback that all 100 masseuses removed from the 10 parlors in San Francisco were Korean, just like the 45 others arrested statewide on charges of running an international sex trafficking ring. The federal case is pending.
Chinese President Hu Jintao called the ice-breaking visit of his Japanese counterpart, Shinzo Abe, on Sunday a "turning point" in relations between the Northeast Asian giants that have chilled over war-time history. 胡錦涛主席は日本の安倍首相の訪問を、両国関係の氷を破る「ターニング・ポイント」 と呼び、歴史問題で冷却化していた北東アジア両大国の関係改善を歓迎した。
"Your ongoing visit is serving as a turning point in China-Japan relations and I hope it will also serve as a new starting point for the improvement and development of bilateral ties," China's Xinhua news agency quoted Hu as telling Abe. 新華社通信は主席の発言として「貴方の訪問は日中関係のターニング・ポイントとなる もので、両国間の関係改善の新たなスターティング・ポイントとなることを期待する」と 報道した。
"To develop our friendly cooperative relations serves the basic interests of our peoples," Wen said. "We ought to work on our China-Japan relations in line with the world trend and the necessity of our peoples," he said. 温首相は「両国間の関係は両国国民の基本的な利益に供すべきものである。我々は日中両国 の関係を世界の潮流や国民の必要性に鑑みて働いてゆかねばならない」と述べた。
Shinzo Abe starts official visit to China on Sunday, October 8, just 13 days after he became the Japanese Prime Minister. This is the first time a Japanese Prime Minister has chosen China as the destination for his first state visit.
Shinzo Abe's motivation for this ice-breaking journey, made so quickly after assuming his new position, has drawn the interest of the international community.
Japanese media have a tendency analyze events using the "microscope" method, and are talking about "offensive versus defensive strikes". It appears that there are three essential factors that have hastened Shinzo Abe's visit to China.
One motivating factor is the opportunity to take advantage of the differences in different people. Both Shinzo Abe and former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi belong to the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and are part of the Mori Faction. They basically hold the same policy views.
It appears now that Abe's new position has given him cause to rethink his stance on a number of issues. Abe was once an active supporter of Koizumi's visits to the Yasukuni Shrine. As it became clear he stood to become Japan's next Prime Minister, he refused to take a stand on the issue, saying only that he did not wish visits to the Shrine to be made a political and diplomatic issue.
Abe pledged to improve Asian diplomacy and promised that his first state visit would be to an Asian country, both before and after being elected Prime Minister of Japan.
Abe was directed by the appeals of the Japanese people, the hints of US politicians and the expectations of the international community. China is of course paying close attention to what is happening in Japan.
Prime Minister Abe's visit to China has been agreed on by both the leaders of China and Japan, creating the opportunity for a new, mutually beneficial era of cooperation.
You just can't ignore Kim Jong Il, can you? The Big Haired One's most recent trick has been to put the world on nuclear alert as he threatens to test his shiny new nukes at an undisclosed location. 全く金正日は厄介で目障りだ。最近の豚パーマの彼の仕掛けは秘密の核実験をやらかして 世界を脅迫しようというものなのだ。そうした中で、隣国の日本の新しい首相が北京にや ってきて、日中関係の雪解けについて話し合おうという。
日本の安倍首相は、日中がわだかまりを解くべき時だと言う。 Never the best of buddies, especially since the Japanese invasion of eastern China in the 1930s, the two countries have become fruitlessly focused on the visits made by former prime minister Junichiro Koizumi to the Yasukuni shrine for war dead. 日本が1930年代に中国東北部を侵略して以来、日中両国は、実りの無い非難の応酬をやって きて、小泉首相の靖国神社参拝に焦点を当ててきた。
Surely it is time for China to drop the Yasukuni line and get on with sorting out its relations with Japan. 中国にとって靖国問題を焦点から外すべきときである。日本との関係を整理しなおすべきだ。
No one can argue that the memorial should be on the World Heritage list, but let us not get carried away with its apparently evil symbolism. 誰もそういう記憶が世界文化遺産の一部であることに異議は無いが、明らかな悪意の象徴主義 に惑わされてはいけない。
Japan's last shot in anger, if you do not include their recent peacekeeping efforts in the Middle East, was fired 60 years ago. 日本兵が最後に発砲したのは60年以上も前のことである。
Moreover, the shrine carries heavy domestic political and religious overtones that cannot simply be ignored by political leaders. その上靖国神社は日本国内の、政治的な、また宗教的な、多くのものどもを含んでいるので あって、それを政治指導者は簡単に無視し得ないのだ。
Abe's conservative power base makes Yasukuni a tricky internal issue and one that frankly does not need China to wade into. 安倍首相の保守的な支持基盤は靖国神社問題を難しい内政問題にする。そして、率直に言っ て中国はそれに関わるべきではない。
It would be best for Abe not to visit the shrine (he reportedly visited in August, as a private citizen), but the necessities of national politics may require it. 安倍首相は靖国神社を参拝しないのがベストであるけれど国内的な政治状況はそれを要求す るかもしれない。
Does China really need to kick up a fuss about it? Is it really worth damaging relations with such a regional powerhouse? 中国は、本当にこの問題を騒ぎ立てたいのであろうか?その問題は地域の大国同士の関係を 傷つけるに値するものであろうか?
In one of his first speeches since becoming prime minister, Abe was keen to jump in with the US, South Korea and others in airing punitive actions against North Korea in the wake of the nuclear test announcement. 安倍首相の就任後の演説で、彼は北朝鮮の核実験問題へのアメリカ、韓国、そのほかの国と 共同での制裁について話している。
Herein lies a real opportunity for Beijing that may open even more channels for investment and growth than already exist. そして、ここに北京政府が、今までに存在するもの以上に投資と成長の可能性のある機会 が存在するのだ。(後略) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 香港の新聞にしては珍しく、大変柔軟なものの見方をしていて興味深い。中国にとって北朝 鮮を支える意味は全くなく、靖国は日中関係を台無しにするに値しない。むしろ核実験問題 を機会にして、中国外交を冷静時代なみの古臭いものから、現代風のまともなものに切り替 える時期だと言う。
However, the U.S. Geological Survey said it had detected no seismic activity such as might be expected from a nuclear test on the Korean peninsula within the past 48 hours. しかしながらアメリカ地質観測所は朝鮮半島で過去48時間にそうした地震波を観測していな いといっている
Abe, speaking in Seoul after arriving from an ice-breaking visit to Beijing, also said Japan had no confirmation of a test by North Korea. 韓国に到着した日本の安倍首相は、日本側で核実験を確認していないと述べた。
A U.S. official said North Korea gave China a 20-minute warning of its test and China immediately told the United States, Japan and South Korea. Officials in China had no immediate comment. アメリカの高官によれば、北朝鮮は核実験に対して20分前に警告を発した。中国は即時に アメリカ、日本、韓国に通告した。中国は公的にコメントしていない。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 何だか良くワカラン
North Korea says conducted nuclear test The U.S. Geological Survey said it had detected a 4.2 magnitude quake in North Korea at 10:35 local time (0135 GMT) on Monday, confirming a similar report from South Korea. U.S. defense officials were still saying they could not confirm a nuclear test, however. (Reuters - 15 minutes ago) アメリカ地質観測所は、韓国時間の10:35に、M4.2の自身を北朝鮮に確認した。これは韓国 の報告を確認するものになる。しかし、アメリカの国防省は、依然として核実験を確認してい ないといっている。(ロイター、15分前)
American officials cautioned that they had not yet received any confirmation that the test had occurred. The United States Geological Survey said it had detected a tremor of 4.2 magnitude on the Korean Peninsula. アメリカの政府高官は、核実験を確認する報告を受けていないと述べている。米国地質観測 所はM4.2の地震波を朝鮮半島に確認している。
Most of the world’s seismic networks that look for nuclear blasts are designed to detect explosions as small as one kiloton, or equal to 1,000 tons of high explosives. On instruments for detecting earthquakes, such a blast would measure a magnitude of about 4, like a small tremor. 世界の地震観測ネットワークの殆どは、キロトン級の核実験を検知できるように設計されて いる。マグニチュード4程度は弱い地震と観測される。
Philip E. Coyle III, a former head of weapons testing at the Pentagon and former director of nuclear testing for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a weapon design center in California, said that the North Koreans could learn much from a nuclear test even if it was small by world standards or less than an unqualified success. 国防省の前核実験担当で、前ローレンスリバモア国立原子力研究所の核実験担当であるPhilip E. Coyle IIIによれば、北朝鮮の核実験が不十分なものであっても、あるいは世界の標準か ら見て小さなものであっても、それから多くを学ぶことは出来るという。
“It would not be totally surprising if it was a fizzle and they said it was a success because they learned something,” he said. “We did that sometimes. We had a missile defense test not so long ago that failed but the Pentagon said it was a success because they learned something, which I agree with. Failures can teach you a lot.” 「それ(北朝鮮の核実験)が線香花火のようなものであっても、驚くに値しない。彼らが成功 したと言うのも驚くに値しなくて、それから学ぶことは出来る。我々も時には失敗する。ミサ イル防衛のテストは失敗したこともあるが、国防省は成功といっていた。それには理由があっ て、そのテストから多くを学ぶことが出来るからだ」
"It was a success from their perspective in that they achieved a nuclear yield, though that is not very difficult," the official said. "It's within their technical capabilities." 「核実験を行うということでは、彼らの立場からすれば成功と言う事も出来る。まあこれ は、それほど困難なことではない。彼らの能力の範囲内ということだ」 (FOXニュース、Monday, October 09, 2006)
Military analysts and atomic scientists will try to determine the size of the bomb and details about its construction by looking for the presence of certain chemicals in the atmosphere above and near the Korean peninsula. 軍事アナリストや核科学者達は依然として爆弾の規模を分析中である。また朝鮮半島の大気の 分析から、ある種の化学物質の検出を試みていて、爆弾の構造の詳細を解析しようとしている。
A state-run South Korean geological institute said North Korea's potential nuclear test was equivalent to 550 tons of TNT, or trinitrotoluene, which would be far smaller than the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan in World War II. 韓国国立の地質研究所は核実験の規模をTNTの550トンと推定しており、是は第二次世界大戦 当時の日本に投下されたものに比べて大変小さな規模である。
The atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima of Japan on Aug. 6, 1945, had the destructive power of about 15,000 tons of TNT. Another bomb that was dropped in Nagasaki was equivalent to about 21,000 tons of TNT. 1945年8月6日に広島に投下された原爆はTNTの15000トン相等、長崎に投下されたものは21000 TNTトンに相等する。
A U.S. military "sniffer" plane began flying between Japan and North Korea shortly after the North issued its Oct. 3 statement that it would conduct a nuclear bomb test. Prior to the blast, analysts estimated North Korea was capable of building a nuclear bomb with 10 kilotons to 20 kilotons of explosive capability. アメリカ軍の「臭いを嗅ぐ」原爆検知航空機は10月3日以降に朝鮮半島付近を運行調査している。 実験の実施前にアナリストは北朝鮮の原爆の爆発能力の規模を10キロトンから20キロトンと推定 していた。
"This is like carpet bombing for months on end, compressed into a single nanosecond," says Jon Wolfsthal, a fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. ワシントンのCSISのフェロー、Jon Wolfsthalは「これは何ヶ月もの絨毯爆撃を1ナノ秒に 圧縮したようなものだ」という。
The largest weapons in the U.S. nuclear arsenal today possess more than 1,000 kilotons in force. With the test, North Korea becomes the ninth country in the world to possess nuclear capability. The others are China, France, Great Britain, India, Israel, Pakistan, Russia and the U.S. All but Israel have confirmed they have held tests of nuclear weapons. アメリカの現在の核爆弾は1000キロトン以上である。核実験を行なったことで北朝鮮は英米仏 中印露、印度、パキスタン、イスラエルについで9番目の核武装国になった。
ttp:// Sunday, October 08, 2006 NK Nuke Test Open Thread ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #9 Self Hating Muslim 10/8/2006 08:42PM PDT Another fine achievement for the UN. Well done Koffi Annan, well done. またもや北朝鮮の素敵な実績。コフィ・アナンは良くやっている。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #50 BingoBunny 10/8/2006 08:49PM PDT The only question I have is how many Iranian scientists will run back to Iran tomorrow with the knowledge that their bomb plans work? 私の疑問は、何人のイラン人科学者が明日(北朝鮮から)実験結果を持って帰国するのか と言う事だけだね。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #62 find your violent jihadi on ebay! 10/8/2006 08:54PM PDT With this nuke test, tomorrow's MSM questions will be: 1) Why didn't Bush prevent this? 2) Will this help the Democrats in November? 3) Why are red-state reactionaries still blaming Madeleine Albright?
北朝鮮の核実験を受けて明日のメインストリーム・メディアの論調はどうなるかといえば: 1)何故ブッシュは止められなかったのか? 2)これで11月の中間選挙で民主党が有利になるか? 3)何故共和党支持の州の住民はマデリン・オルブライトをいまだに咎めるのか? ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #64 MandyManners 10/8/2006 08:56PM PDT Nuke Pyongyang NOW. 今すぐピョンヤンを核爆撃せよ ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #70 CowardKerry 10/8/2006 08:57PM PDT The dems will somehow blame this on The Bush admin, "The whole world hates us, and they had no choice but to get nukes because of the Bush administrations evil policies" Watch and see. Oh and the UN? Pleeease. 民主党の連中は、いずれにせよ、ブッシュ大統領の攻撃をするのだろうな。 「全世界がアメリカを憎んでいる。彼らはブッシュ政権の悪魔のような政策に対抗するため に、原爆を開発する以外に無かったのだ」とかいうのだべさ。そういえば国連はどうする? ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #72 yochanan 10/8/2006 08:58PM PDT now iran is next で、お次はイランだよん。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #238 kathyn 10/8/2006 09:51PM PDT Gee, thanks Bill and Madeleine! Bet China is laughing up its sleeve right now, while outwardly "scolding" Kim Jong Il. うひょ、ビル(クリントン)、マデリン(オルブライト)に感謝だぜ! でも中国は、表向きは金正日を叱って、内心は笑ってんだろうな。
#276 RTLM 10/8/2006 10:15PM PDT 1. Fuck the UN. 2. Openly support Japan nuclear arms. 3. Full Naval blockade on North Korea.
1.国連に愛想が尽きた、非難すべき 2.日本の核武装を公的に支持すべきだ 3.北朝鮮に全面的な海上封鎖を ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #295 beej 10/8/2006 10:25PM PDT So. Has France surrendered yet? それで、フランスの(北朝鮮への)降伏はマダカ? ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #307 kathyn 10/8/2006 10:34PM PDT If the test was a dud with only a 2 KT blast, that still would make a sought-after terror weapon. After all, a terrorist could set off some of these and we couldn't immediately ascertain which country was responsible. 北朝鮮の核爆弾が、僅か2000トンのものだとしても、テロリストに渡れば大問題だよ。 テロリストが是を使ってテロをやれば、その国に責任があるのか直ぐにはわからない鴨。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー #310 GregInSeattle 10/8/2006 10:36PM PDT HA! Fox is saying it was only a 0.55 Kiloton blast. Nuclear hand grenade! はぁ、FOXニュースは、550トンの爆発といってるぞ。核の手榴弾かね。
Yet the test is more a sign of weakness than of strength. Though analysing what goes on at the top of the isolationist regime is difficult, some analysts have speculated that Kim Jong Il is under internal pressure. The country is plagued by food shortages ? exacerbated by a drop in food aid from China and other countries ? and has seen economic sanctions erode its ability to earn foreign exchange. The US- inspired seizure of accounts last year at a bank in Macao used by the regime appears particularly to have angered Pyongyang.
North Korea is also sandwiched by two economic powerhouses: South Korea and China. Though according to the International Institute of Strategic Studies, the north has 1.1m under arms, its conventional military is poorly equipped and maintained. 韓国と中国に挟まれた北朝鮮は110万人の兵力を持つがIISSの分析に拠ればその通常軍備 はメインテナンスが悪く軍備・器機は不足している。
North Korea has a population less than half the south’s 49m, while its economy is an estimated 40 times smaller than that of the south. That would mean that the south’s defence budget ? put by the IISS at $23.5bn this year ? is equal to the size of the North Korean economy. 韓国の人口4900万人の半分をもつ北朝鮮は、経済力では40倍の開きがある。韓国の軍事費は IISSに拠れば$23.5bnであるが、これは北朝鮮経済全体の規模になる。
"China should adjust its policies, including reconsidering aid. At the Security Council, China will certainly have to consider backing sanctions," said Zhang Liangui, an expert on North Korea at the Central Party School, a top think-tank in Beijing. "We'll have to rethink our relations to better reflect our interests." 北京のトップクラスのシンクタンクである中央共産党学校の北朝鮮専門家であるZhang Liangui は「中国は食糧支援などを見直すことを含めて北朝鮮政策の再検討が必要で、国連安保理での 制裁決議案を支持する事を検討せざるを得ない」という。「中国は北朝鮮との関係を中国の国 益にあうものに考え直す必要がある」
"China is facing a dilemma. If it insists on the denuclearisation of the peninsula, it will have to try to disarm North Korea, but that is unacceptable to Pyongyang, " said Yan Xuetong, professor of international relations at Beijing's Tsinghua University. 北京のTsinghua大学、国際関係論の Yan Xuetong教授は「中国はディレンマに面していて、朝 鮮半島の非核化を言うのであれば北朝鮮の武装解除を行なわなくてはならない。しかしそれは 北朝鮮政府には許容出来ないことなのだ」という。
"If it just accepts North Korea as a nuclear power, Japan and South Korea might seize the opportunity to go nuclear. It would be a bigger problem that escalates the security flashpoint in Northeast Asia," Yan said. 「中国が北朝鮮の核武装化を容認すれば、日本や韓国が核武装化するチャンスを与えるかもし れない。それは北東アジアの安全保障にとってはより大きな問題になる」
"If China agrees to all the sanctions proposed by the U.S. or Japan, its sway over North Korea will become as weak as theirs," said Yan. 「中国が日本やアメリカの提案する全ての北朝鮮への制裁に賛成するのであれば中国の北朝鮮 への支配力は彼らと同じように弱いものになる」
Keep negotiating? At this point, the prospect that North Korea is simply positioning itself for negotiations is dim. More likely they’ve given up on the hope of another Clinton-style bonanza (on which they would have simply cheated again), and have decided instead to defy the world, with all the attendant risks.
Were Saddam still in charge, he would have been first in line at North Korea’s nuclear supermarket.
Turkey, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia will shortly arm themselves with nuclear weapons against Iran. Sanctions regimes and confrontations on the high seas in East Asia risk escalating to war, as will the proxy terror strikes against the world’s Persian Gulf oil jugular sponsored by a newly nuclear Iran.
Capital Hill sex scandals? Not nearly as important as keeping the Capital and all its pages from being blown sky-high by Osama’s lackeys.
Oh, right. It’s all just a Rovian plot. What will it take to wake this sleeping nation up? It’s the nukes, stupid. It’s the nukes, smarty. It’s the nukes, Mr. President. It’s the nukes, Democrats. It’s the nukes, Republicans. It’s the nukes, Pat Buchanan. It’s the nukes, Michael Moore.... It’s the nukes.
Green is not optimistic that any offers now will manage to convince North Korea to give up its nukes ? at least as long as North Korean leader Kim Jong Il is in power. But “if the U.S. doesn’t keep in place a formula for diplomacy,” he said, “it will be very hard to keep Korea and China involved in keeping on the pressure.” Neil King Jr. ttp://
(検討中の対北朝鮮、安保理制裁決議案) _ Prohibit trade in materials that could be used to make or deliver weapons of mass destruction.(WMD資材の取引禁止)
_ Require states make sure that North Korea not use their territory or entities for proliferation or illicit activities. Financial transactions that North Korea could use to support those programs would also be banned. (北朝鮮のWMS関連、あるいは違法な金融活動、通商への支援の禁止)
_ States would have to freeze all assets related to North Korea's weapons and missile programs, as well as any other illicit activities it conducts. (北朝鮮のWMD、違法行為の関連資産の凍結)
_ Authorize inspection of all cargo to and from North Korea to limit proliferation. (全ての北朝鮮向けカーゴの検閲の正当化)
_ Ban trade with North Korea in luxury goods and military items (北朝鮮向け軍事物資、贅沢品の通商の禁止)
Sam Nunn, the Georgia Democrat who has spent his post-Congressional career trying to halt a new age of proliferation, said in an interview. “We started with the least dangerous of the countries, Iraq, and we knew it at the time. And now we have to deal with that.”
Graham Allison, the Harvard professor who has studied nuclear showdowns since the Cuban missile crisis. “What does that communicate to Iran, and then the rest of the world? Is it possible to communicate to Kim credibly that if he sells a bomb to Osama bin Laden, that’s it?”
NYT(社説):北朝鮮と核爆弾 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 北朝鮮の核実験はブッシュ政権の政策の失敗であり、北朝鮮に対して安全保障の確約 などを含む真剣なエンゲージメントが必要だとする社説。NYTは北朝鮮について 従来からエンゲージメントを主張し続けていて、今も変わっていない。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー この社説とは別に、ニコラス・クリストフがエンゲージメント必要論を書いている。 (ただしこれはタイムズセレクトの有償ページに有る評論) ttp:// NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF Talking With the Monsters
If there's one overriding lesson from North Korea's apparent nuclear test, it’s this: We need to negotiate directly even with hostile and brutal regimes.
>>199 >北朝鮮のWMD拡散の野心を許容することでノムヒョン大統領とBan Ki Moon外相は >現在の核危機が、ここまでに至るをとを許した。
By tolerating Pyongyang's proliferation ambitions, President Roh Moo Hyun and his foreign minister, Ban Ki Moon, have allowed the current crisis to explode on its doorstep.
次期国連事務総長になったBan Ki Moonの失策をわざわざ指摘しておくあたりにWSJの Ban Ki Moonに対するスタンスが伺えるような。
何故、地震波によるエネルギー推定が難しい(不正確になる)のかなどの技術解説: インド国立原子力委員会議長、原子力省次官の解説; Dr. R. Chidambaram, Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), and Secretary, Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), " ttp://
As I mentioned earlier, the one problem is that you must know the geological medium in which the device has been emplaced before you venture into yield estimation because that decides how much energy couples into the (geological) medium from the device. Then you must calculate the absorption along the path from the point of detonation to the seismic station. Since there is no global or universal model for the earth, these absorptions along the various paths could be different. Unless the site has been calibrated well, you can make serious mistakes in estimating the yields from seismic magnitudes. On the other hand, if the site and the seismic station have been properly calibrated together, these effects can be eliminated.
A USA Today/Gallup poll gave Democrats a 23-point edge on Republicans in the battle for Congress, while a CNN poll gave Democrats a 21-point lead. A ABC News/Washington Post poll found Democrats held a 54-41 percent lead in the congressional horse race among registered and likely voters, which ABC said was the biggest Democratic lead this close to election day in more than 20 years.
Republican campaign officials said yesterday that they expect to lose at least seven House seats and as many as 30 in the Nov. 7 midterm elections 共和党の選挙キャンペーン関係者は、昨日、11月7日の中間選挙で少なくとも7議席、最大 では30議席を失うとの予想を語った。(民主党が15議席を増やすと、過半数を獲得するこ とになる)
○ミサイル防衛システムの開発と導入の促進を図る・・・核開発の米国への脅威を減少させる ○北朝鮮への人道支援の廃止、同じ事を韓国にも要求 ○日本、オーストラリア、韓国、シンガポール、ニュージーランドをNATOに加盟させ、 台湾のオブザーバーをNATOに置く ○日本にNPT放棄を勧め、独自の核抑止力建設を勧める ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 各項目に、その理由と効果の説明がついていて、最後のものは中国への罰則であり、他の国 への見せしめのためだという。基本的戦略は、タイトルにある相互的なバランスの確保。 Not only would the nuclearization of Japan be a punishment of China and North Korea, but it would go far to meet our goal of dissuading Iran ? it would show Tehran that the United States and its friends will aggressively seek to correct any attempt by rogue states to unsettle any regional nuclear balance. こういう発想は北米の人ならではではないかと思ふ(フルムはカナダ生まれ)
But the strength of the North Korean test appears to have been a small fraction of that: around a kiloton or less, according to scientists monitoring the global arrays of seismometers that detect faint trembles in the earth from distant blasts. 核実験のデータから、爆発は1キロトンかそれ以下。
A senior Bush administration official said he had learned through Asian contacts that the North Koreans had expected the detonation to have a force of about four kilotons. Because classified information was involved and there was lingering uncertainty, he would not let his name be used. ブッシュ政権の高官に拠れば、アジアからの情報で、北朝鮮の計画は4キロトンの爆発の予定 であった。
An American intelligence official said the blast had shaken a North Korean site that the nation’s spy agencies had long monitored ? the flank of a mountain not far from the northeastern coast. The small size of the explosion, he said, “tells you they have a lot of work to do in terms of weaponizing what they’ve got.” He added, “If the lower-yield estimates are valid, then it’s not a militarized system, but also not something a terrorist would reject.” アメリカの諜報機関の中の人に拠れば実験場は爆発でゆれたという。この爆発の規模の小ささ は「まだ軍事用途にするには多くの課題がある。小規模爆発が確かであれば分滋養のシステム ではない。しかし、テロリストはそれでも欲しがるだろう」
A variety of seismic readings around the world yesterday appear to have resulted from no more than a half-kiloton explosion, three officials said -- equivalent to 500 tons of TNT 各地に地震波からの推計は0.5キロトン程度の爆発。
そういう事になれば、北朝鮮は核爆弾にして年間6個から8個分の核物質を製造し、 ほぼ確実に外貨獲得の為にそれを売るだろうから、とてつもなく危険な世界が出 現する。 Madman heralds a grave new world OPINION Greg Sheridan, Foreign editor October 10, 2006
WaPo:北朝鮮の核実験、その理由と対話の必要性 By セリグ・ハリソン ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー アメリカ国内の言論人で「北朝鮮の代弁者」として有名なセリグ・ハリソンの評論。
核実験はアメリカとの核廃棄交渉を始める為に起こしたものだ、という主張。 Paradoxical as it may seem, Pyongyang staged the test as a last-ditch effort to jump-start a bilateral dialogue on the normalization of relations that the United States has so far spurned.
必要なことは、米朝の直接二国間交渉の開始、金融制裁の停止である。 To advance U.S. security interests, the United States should agree to bilateral negotiations. It should press North Korea to suspend further nuclear and missile tests while negotiations on normalization proceed, freeze plutonium production and make a firm, timebound commitment to return to the six-party talks.
The farce was then US secretary of state Madeleine Albright's visit to Pyongyang in late October 2000, two weeks before the US presidential elections. There, after the North Koreans tested the Taepo-Dong 1 ballistic missile off the coast of Japan in 1998 and refused to end either their missile programs or missile exports to Iran, Albright tripped the night fantastic with Kim Jong-Il. Her buffoonery was a perfect capstone to eight years of the Clinton administration's addiction to ceremony over substance. ・・・・ ・・・・ No doubt the North Korean nuclear test is a turning point in this world war.
The question is whether it will force the US to finally part with appeasement, or whether Rice will convince President Bush to take his chances by repeating history a third and fourth time. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー まあこれは、イエルサレム・ポストの評論なので、イスラエル国内の恐怖感や国務省不信 を割り引いて考えるべきものではあろうけれど、引用した最初のパラにあるクリントン政 権への批判は哂える。クリントン政権が政策内容ではなくTVに良く映るセレモニーばかり 気にしていたポピュリストの典型であった、という主張には賛成できる。
At the same time, the United States needs to take more lasting action. It needs to work with South Korea and Japan to build up their precision conventional strike capability and missile and air defenses to act as a major deterrent and improve their war-fighting capabilities.
It should structure its own stealth and conventional precision strike capabilities to offer a new form of ``extended deterrence" that could cripple the North Korean military and industrial base without inflicting massive civilian casualties.
It should make it clear that there a major economic penalties for any nation or firm that trades or invests in North Korea in any form as long as North Korea proliferates. The United States faces a far more real and serious vital national interest than it ever did in Iraq, and it must act accordingly.
Not Atomic [Michael Yon] A very well-placed government source told me Tuesday afternoon that the North Korean explosion was non-nuclear. The explosion may have been an actual nuclear test ? this is unknown ? but the source reports the outcome was non-nuclear. The source stressed the importance of bearing in mind that though the explosion occured in North Korea ? if it was actually a test and not merely a dictator clamoring for attention and influence ? the test may have been by or for the Iranians. The source reported that American physicists with access to the information see no sign of nuclear activity, however. My source also mentioned that Japanese sensors picked up no radiation signatures. ttp://
U.S. officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that seismic readings show that the conventional high explosives used to create a chain reaction in a plutonium-based device went off, but that the blast's readings were shy of a typical nuclear detonation. "We're still evaluating the data, and as more data comes in, we hope to develop a clearer picture," said one official familiar with intelligence reports.
Please welcome Senator John McCain as a guest poster at Captain's Quarters. He delivers a tough, no-nonsense reponse to the latest provocation from North Korea.
マケインは、中国に北朝鮮をまともにさせる責任があると書いている。 If China intends to be a force for stability in Asia, then it must do more than rebuke North Korea. It must show Pyongyang that it cannot sustain itself as a viable state with aggressive actions and in isolation from the entire world.
As we live with 10, perhaps we must live with 40, struggling to reduce tension, minimise risk and help guard against accidents 現在の(北朝鮮を入れて)10ヶ国の核武装国が、将来は40になるという予想があって、 我々はそうした世界に慣れなくてはいけない。
ただし、金正日が保有する核で不埒な事を始めるならば、巡航ミサイルで核施設やミサ イル施設を始末するといったことは必要だ、とも書いている。 If Kim is the unstable menace he appears, his bomb-making capacity and missile sites should be removed at once with Tomahawk missiles. Fewer people would die that way than with any other pre-emptive response.
#民主党が北朝鮮の核実験を「ブッシュ政策の失敗」とキャンペーンしていることへの反論 #マケイン上院議員らの主張と同じ筋のもの。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp:// Editorial: Put to the test / Bush's nondiplomacy fails on North Korea Wednesday, October 11, 2006 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
中国について、北朝鮮への今後の行動が「責任あるステーク・ホールダー」であ るか否かのリトマステストであるという。 Now is China’s opportunity to choose whether to continue as an enabler of the world’s rogue states or to become a “responsible stakeholder” in a stable international system.
At this point, diplomacy or even economic sanctions are unlikely to walk North Korea back: When it comes to nukes, few nations have ever disarmed. The only practical answer is containment, military deterrence - buttressed by missile defense - and strong regional alliances. 今の状況においては、外交交渉とか経済制裁だけでは北朝鮮の核廃棄は無理で、核武装した 国が核廃棄した例は殆ど無い。実際的な政策は北朝鮮の封じ込めであり、軍事的抑止力をミ サイル防衛で強化し、強固な地域の同盟体制を作ることである。
We can adopt a more robust nuclear posture in Asia. We can mitigate the artillery threat to Seoul through counter-battery weaponry. We can intensify our Proliferation Security Initiative activities, and place a quarantine and inspection regime on ships moving to and from North Korea. We can also accelerate the deployment of missile defenses to our regional allies. We can launch an international campaign to ameliorate human rights abuses and absorb refugees, and so on. アジアへの核戦力の配備、韓国への対砲兵射撃軍備の配備、PSI推進、臨検、同盟国への ミサイル防衛の配備、北朝鮮人権問題の国際的キャンペーンの開始・・・
A−からBBB+にと格下げした。 Fitch also said it was concerned by the large recalls of Sony's notebook batteries. The extent of the adverse effect of the recall "cannot be underestimated," given Sony's strong position in the global lithium-ion battery market, it said.
You know, one of the most meaningful moments of my presidency came when a Japanese mother came to the Oval Office to talk about what it was like to have her daughter kidnapped by North Korea.
You can imagine what that was like. It broke my heart. And it should break everybody's heart. But it speaks to the nature of the regime.
And therefore we -- I am convinced that, to solve this diplomatically requires more than just America's voice.
Among them, Frum, who is also based at AEI and is credited with inventing the phrase "axis of evil", in which North Korea, Iran and Iraq were(ry ・・・・・ he asserted. "Not only would the nuclearization of Japan be a punishment of China and North Korea, but it would also go far to meet our goal of dissuading Iran [from trying to obtain a nuclear weapon] ..
Japan imposed draconian sanctions on Pyongyang last night(ry ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー ttp:// Japan Imposes Further Sanctions on North Korea VOA By Steve Herman Tokyo 11 October 2006
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan announced new sanctions against North Korea(ry ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー draconian【形】(罰などが)過酷な(極めて)厳しい、過酷な、厳格な ◆古代アテネの厳格な執政官 Dracon(ドラコン)から
France's Defense Minister Michele Alliot-Marie said French, American and other scientists had detected a blast of "relatively limited size." "In any case, if this was a nuclear explosion, it would be a case of a failed explosion," she said on Europe-1 radio. ttp://
The North Korean nuclear tests will have the effect of spurring the growth of a new military superpower in East Asia. Japan has, since World War II, not felt the need to re-arm. However, the recent North Korean tests are likely to change that(ry
At present, Japan spends about one percent of its GDP on the defense budget ($42.1 billion in 2005). Compare this to China, which spends about 4.3 percent of its GDP on defense (to the tune of $81.48 billion in 2005). Japan's relative lack of defense spending still has not prevented it from turning out what is arguably the best navy and air force in the region, one that outclasses even China. 日本の軍事費はGDPの1%、$42.1Bで、中国はGDPの4.3%、$81.48Bだが、空海軍力では 中国を上回る。
<日中の海軍軍事力> As one example, Japan has 40 destroyers in its Maritime Self-Defense Force. China has 25, only nine of which are really modern. China has 45 frigates, of which perhaps 15 are modern. Japan has nine. Most of China's submarines are very old Romeo-class submarines or the Ming-class ( which is a variant of the Romeo). Only 22 of China's subs are relatively modern. Japan has 16 modern diesel-electric submarines.
<日中の空軍軍事力> The respective air forces also show a technological disparity. The bulk of the 1,250 fighters in Chinese service are J-6 and J-7 models, copies of the 1950s era MiG-19 and MiG-21, respectively. China's only modern fighters are the 200 J-11 (Su-27) and 180 Su-30MKK Flankers. The Japanese air defense force centers around 180 F-15J fighters and 130 F-2s (best described as an F-16 that took steroids). (ry
ついでに、このしとも、日本はその気になれば半年以内で核爆弾を作ると書いている・・・ Japan could also decide to build nukes ? and has the ability to do so very quickly (within six months). <Harold C. Hutchison ([email protected]) >
Chu Shulong, an international relations expert at Tsinghua University, said China may endorse limited economic sanctions against North Korea, while continuing humanitarian aid. That would mean stopping China's exports of oil and some commercial products, for instance, but not food shipments. Tsinghua大学の国際関係論、Chu Shulong教授は中国が北朝鮮に制限付きの経済制裁を行なう だろうという。中国からの石油と一部の商品の輸出を止めるが食糧の輸出や人道支援は止めな いだろう。
But a partial trade stoppage would likely be dismissed as inadequate by other countries. "I don't think the U.S. and Japan will be satisfied with this, but it still represents a big change for China," Mr. Chu said. 部分的な通商の制限は、日米などからは不十分と見なされるだろう「日本とアメリカは、中国 のこの措置に満足するとは思えないが、それでもこの対応は、中国にとって大きな変化なのだ」 と教授は言う。 ttp:// (WSJ、10、11)
アメリカの軍事力は既に展開しすぎている。金正日の処理はアジア地域に任せ中国がそれ を主導すべきである。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー まあ、明確な(リベラルの)ご意見と言うべきで・・ 在韓米軍は早急に撤退し、アメリカは北朝鮮と平和条約を結ぶべきと、なかなか香ばしい。 中国様が朝鮮半島を仕切るのが適切というのが欧州リベラルの見方のひとつであるような。 ANATOL LIEVEN is a senior research fellow at the New America Foundation in Washington. JOHN HULSMAN is a scholar in residence at the German Council on Foreign Relations in Berlin. Their new book is "Ethical Realism: A Vision for America's Role in the World."
Who else would claim to have conducted a nuclear weapons test and then threaten more blasts to get their way in a $24 million banking dispute? Don't they have any good lawyers in Pyongyang?
According to Levey, Treasury is targeting people who are eminently deterrable: "People who are in business are very concerned about their reputations and do not want to get involved in illicit activity that is under scrutiny. They will make the decisions about whether they continue doing business or not. We don't make the decision for them."
"It is important to look beyond this week's developments," Levey said, after asking rhetorically if he now needs a security detail. "Look at the receptivity of the world's finance ministers to accepting that they have a major role to play in the area of global security and intelligence. That is the future."
The greatest loser from all the US confusion has been South Korea. Its "sunshine policy" of engaging with the North has been undermined. The policy - the only one with much prospect of success - is in danger of being written off as a failure, when in reality Mr Bush never gave it a chance to work. そうした混乱の最大の被害者は韓国である。「サンシャイン政策」は失敗とみなされ廃 棄されそうで、ブッシュ大統領はその成功の機会を与えなかった。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Quentin Peelのサンシャイン政策擁護、エンゲージメント擁護の評論でFTのリベラル 傾斜を示す評論の一つ。
China is the key to resolving this nuclear crisis, and it is time for Beijing to put serious pressure on the North Korean regime, even if that means undermining Mr Kim and setting the two Koreas on the path to reunification. For too long, China has baulked at "destabilising" North Korea for fear of an exodus of Koreans seeking refuge in China and the eventual creation of a united Korea allied to the US. 中国はこの核危機を解決する鍵となる国であり、今や中国政府は真剣になって北朝鮮に圧力 をかけるべき時である。例えその圧力が金正日を危うくし、朝鮮半島統一に向かわせること になるとしても、そうすべきだ。中国は余りにも長きにわたって難民の大量流入を恐れ統一 朝鮮を恐れて「不安定化」を避けてきた。
Chinese leaders must now accept that Mr Kim's regime, especially when armed with nuclear weapons, is itself unstable, as well as being a destabilising force in the region. 中国の指導者は今や金正日政権が、特に核武装したそれは、それ自体が不安定であり地域の 不安定要因であることを受け入れなくてはならない。
It would be hard for a Communist regime such as China's to countenance the demise of one of its few surviving ideological allies, particularly one for which it spilled blood in a war against the west. But the government of a united Korea might see the sense in abandoning the expense and the awesome responsibility of nuclear weapons, just as South Africa and Ukraine did after their own revolutionary upheavals at the end of the cold war. 共産党政権である中国政府には、生き残った数少ないイデオロギー上の同盟国の終焉を容認 することは難しいことであろうけれど、さらに西側に対抗して戦った戦友ではあるけれど、 冷戦後にウクライナや南アフリカがそうであったように核に対する大きな責任と負担とを廃 棄することが統一後の朝鮮から見れば意味のあることでもあろう。
The alternative is the status quo - a defiant North Korea developing a nuclear arsenal and shrugging off piecemeal economic sanctions - and that is unacceptable to all. 見直しをしないならば、現状のままという事になって傲慢な北朝鮮が経済制裁を無視して核 開発を続ける事になり、誰もそれを受け入れることが出来ないのだ。
下記はブッシュ大統領の今日の言葉の原文です。 ”One of the most meaningful moments of my presidency came when a Japanese mother came to the Oval Office to talk about what it was like to have her daughter kidnapped by North Korea. You can imagine what that was like. It broke my heart. And It should break everybody's heart."
現時点では、投資家は企業部門と政府に対して有利な解釈をしている。我々は今、実行を必 要としている。(後略) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー <日本:果報は寝て待とう> Good Things Come to Those Who Wait / Takehiro Sato
アジアタイムズ:日本の核武装? そんなことにはならないから安心せよ By Brad Glosserman(SCIS)
Take a deep breath. Repeat after me: "Japan is not going to develop nuclear weapons." Repeat. Feel better? 深呼吸して、私に続いて言ってみましょう「日本の核武装は有り得無い!1!」、もう一度。 気分が良くなりましたか? ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 北朝鮮の核実験で日本の核武装化を予想する論評がメディアにあふれている。日本に核武装 を実現する能力のあることに疑いの余地は無いが、能力と実際は同じではない。日本の安全 保障政策担当者は日本の核武装が地域を不安定化し、日本の安全に寄与しないことを知って いる。
The only wildcard is the US commitment to Japan's security. If Tokyo felt the Washington was wavering, then a homegrown bomb might make some sense. The answer, then, to growing unease after North Korea's test is continuing efforts to strengthen the alliance - by both governments. To their credit, they are doing that too. もし日本が核武装することがあるとすれば、それはアメリカが日本の安全保障にコミットし なくなるとか、日本がアメリカの保証を信用できなくなるとか、そういう場合に日本の独自 核開発が行なわれるだろう。北朝鮮の核実験は日米盟強化に向けて働き、その逆ではない。
ttp:// N Korean bomb brings Abe instant allies By David Pilling Published: October 11 2006 18:25 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 北朝鮮核実験問題と日中韓の外交スタンスを解説したものだけれど、出来は良くない。 まあ、記者がアレなので最初から期待していないけれど、読んでみて駄目駄目を確認。 FTは記者のばらつきが酷い。
日中問題でコメントを求めている識者が、 Gerald Curtis, a China expert at New York’s Columbia University Yan Xuetong, director of the Institute of International Studies at Tsinghua University in Beijing Jin Linbo, senior fellow of the China Institute of International Studies Chung Jae-ho of Seoul National University says: “Korean-Japanese relations どう見てもバイアスし杉。FTを信用して読む欧米の読者に親待った日本のイメージを 撒き散らしていると思ふ。
中国の国連大使:「安保理メンバーとの意見の相違を少なくする方向で努力中、あと数時間 で共通ポジションを見出す事が目標」 'So we are still consulting, we still talking to each other and I believe that in the next few hours council members will work very hard to try to narrow the differences and try to have a common position,' Wang said in the most conciliatory tone. Wang and US Ambassador John Bolton met separately for what they said were 'very good discussion.'(DPA、12 minutes ago)
But unlike an earlier version, it would allow but not require inspections of all cargo going into or out of North Korea, or the freezing of assets related to counterfeiting or narcotics, which American officials say are crucial sources of the hard currency needed to fund the weapons programs. Japanese demands for a ban on allowing North Korean ships or planes to enter other countries were also dropped.
Forget condemnations and Security Council talks. It’s “Richard Armitage time” for North Korea and Iran. Kim Jong Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad need a phone call from the White House warning them that unless they surrender their nuclear program and fully cooperate they’ll be “bombed back to the stone-age.” 安保理とか非難声明なんか、どうでもよろしい。今必要なのはアーミティジ流である。 ホワイトハウスから、金正日とアーマディネジャドに電話して、彼らに警告するのだ。 彼らが核開発を止めて投降しないなら「空爆によって石器時代に戻してやる」と通告す るのだ。 ・・・ It wasn’t only bomb material that exploded Sunday night in North Korea. With it went any remnants of credibility of the arguments of those who have been advocating appeasement toward North Korea and Iran. The only good news is that North Korea and Iran don’t yet have the means of firing a nuclear weapon. The bad news is that with every moment of inaction that threat becomes more likely. 北朝鮮で日曜日の夜に爆発したのは核燃料だけではない。北朝鮮とイランに対して妥協 的な、擁護者たちのやっていた議論の、信用の残骸が吹き飛んだのである。ただひとつ の良いことは北朝鮮もイランも原爆の運搬手段(ICBM)を確立していないことなの だが、悪いニュースは我々が手を拱いている間に、それが実現に向かっているという事だ。
I like (I'm sure you're shocked) what Santorum said a few days ago right after the nuke-test claim broke ? the first half of the sentence applicable in this particular Senate battle on so many issues: "This is no time for inexperienced, weak leaders ? we must remain resolute in the fight to stop the spread of nuclear weapons to rogue nations."ttp://
安保理決議案の、臨検についての文面 The initial U.S. draft called on all states to undertake and facilitate inspection of cargo to and from North Korea to ensure compliance with sanctions. The second draft would allow states to inspect cargo "as necessary" to ensure compliance and to prevent illegal trafficking.(AP通信) ttp://
@バーンズ次官の11日のNYCの講演を調べてみると、外交評議会でイランについて 講演しているものがあります↓ ttp:// U.S. Policy toward Iran [Rush Transcript; Federal News Service] Speaker: R. Nicholas Burns, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, U.S. Department of State Presider: Louis Perlmutter, Senior Adviser, Corporate Partners October 11, 2006 Council on Foreign Relations New York, NY
Bこれに関連した、VOAの記事では The U.S. official said North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il's nuclear defiance had awakened world leaders on the need to put aside their difference and unite to oppose Iran's nuclear ambitions. Separately, Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns said・・・ "We can now see that, because maybe the unintended consequence of the dear leader in North Korea, and what he did the other night, is bringing South Korea and Japan together, and he's bringing China, Russia and Japan, South Korea and the United States, the five parties of the six-parties in the six-party talks together as well," he said. ttp://
C東亜日報の英語記事では R. Nicholas Burns, Under Secretary for Political Affairs of the State Department, on the same day said in a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations, “Conflicts between South Korea and Japan and China and Japan, an obstacle so far to solving the problem of North Korea, are now assuaged after the North’s nuclear test, giving the U.S. a chance to strengthen its strategic stance in Asia.” ttp:// ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 外交評議会のイラン核問題についての講演での発言のようなのですが、講演の本文には 日本に言及したところがないようなので、Q&Aとか、付属の発言の中で連帯の必要性 に触れたのではないかと憶測するのですが、@の資料は完全ではなくAにうpされるの をまちたいところ。
Everyone has tried to figure out how to disarm North Korea. It will not happen. Kim Jong Il is not going to give up his nukes. The only way to disarm the regime is to destroy it. China could do that with sanctions but will not. The United States could do that with a second Korean War but will not either. 皆が金正日に核廃棄させようとして失敗した。金正日は核爆弾を決して諦めない。唯一の 核廃棄の手段は政権を崩壊させることで、中国は制裁によってそれを実現できるのだが、そ れを行なわない。アメリカは第二次朝鮮戦争によってそれを実現できるが、そうしたことは 行なわない。
ならず者国の脅迫者に対するメッセージとして適切なものは、以下のようなものである。 A better formulation would be the following:
Given the fact that there is no other nuclear power so recklessly in violation of its nuclear obligations, it shall be the policy of this nation to regard any detonation of a nuclear explosive on the United States or its allies as an attack by North Korea on the United States requiring a full retaliatory response upon North Korea. 核武装国の中でも北朝鮮のような無謀で、その責任を省みないような国は他に存在しない。 このために、北朝鮮への政策においては、北朝鮮の核が如何なる形であれ核をアメリカある いはアメリカの同盟国において使用されるならば、それはアメリカへの攻撃と見なして北朝 鮮への全面的な(核を含む)報復攻撃を行なうものである。
This is how you keep Kim Jong Il from proliferating. Make him understand that his survival would be hostage to the actions of whatever terrorist group he sold his weapons to. このメッセージは金正日に明確に核拡散の危険について教えるもので、彼がテロリストに 核を売れば、彼の生存可能性はテロリストの行為にかかっていることを理解させる為のも のだ。
With North Korea there is no going back. But Iran is not there yet. One rogue country is tolerable because it can be held accountable. Two rogue countries guarantees undeterrable and therefore inevitable nuclear terrorism. 北朝鮮の核爆弾は今や後戻りさせることが出来ない。しかしイランはまだそこまでには至っ ていない。ひとつのならず者国だけならまだしも、二つの核武装したならず者国となれば、 それらは抑止不可能で、核テロリズムにつながる。
MOSCOW, October 13 (RIA Novosti) - A Russian deputy foreign minister has set off for North Korea to discuss its recent nuclear test with the country's leadership, the ministry's official spokesman said Friday. ロシアの外務副大臣Alexander Alekseyevが急遽北朝鮮に向かうことになったと金曜日に発表。
ttp:// October 12, 2006 Prepared at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and based on information collected before October 2, 2006. This document summarizes comments received from businesses and other contacts outside the Federal Reserve and is not a commentary of the views of Federal Reserve officials. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Reports from the twelve Federal Reserve Districts indicate that economic activity continued to expand since the last report. Four Districts reported that economic growth firmed while a couple of Districts noted that growth cooled. Other reports generally characterized growth as moderate or mixed.
Consumer spending increased more quickly in a number of Districts, although several reports continued to note that automobile and home-related sales were sluggish. Tourism was generally strong and added some momentum in the New York and Kansas City Districts. Activity in the service sector expanded in most Districts, but Boston described activity as flat and Cleveland and Dallas identified pockets of softness in some industries. Manufacturing conditions generally held up well, with several Districts indicating that growth increased, though Philadelphia reported that activity edged down. Commercial construction gained strength in most of the country. Reports on residential real estate, however, indicated widespread cooling with the majority of Districts citing lower asking prices, rising inventories of homes on the market and softening sales. A number of reports, however, indicated that residential activity increased in some markets. Financial institutions continued to report that residential mortgage lending had tapered off, but commercial lending activity picked up in several Districts. Agricultural conditions generally improved as rainfall brought relief to drought-stricken areas.(後略)
Elsewhere, sales rose 1.1% at general merchandise stores; 0.2% at health and personal-care stores; 1% at restaurants and bars; 1.1% at mail-order and Internet retailers; 0.2% at electronics and appliance stores; and 1.1% at sporting goods, hobby and book stores. Demand fell 0.3% at food and beverage stores.
The United States now occupies the negotiating high ground, and Ambassador Bolton must take advantage of it. China will still argue that relentless American financial pressures on North Korea have pushed Pyongyang to the wall. “The only way” to address the current crisis, the Chinese will say, “is through dialogue and consultation” via the Six-Party Talks.[10] “All sides must evince clear flexibility,” said Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu, adding that the “number one” priority is “denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula…and stability and peace in Northeast Asia,” as if a nuclear North Korea were not the primary source of instability and hostility in the region.[11]
Testy wording is one thing, but the real test of China’s willingness to be a responsible stakeholder in Northeast Asian stability will be its actions. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー John J. Tkacik, Jr.,は従来から中国不信論を書いてきた人だけれど、今回の北朝鮮の 核実験への対応で、中国外交が「責任あるステークホルダー」になり得るのかを最終的 に判断することになる、という。
Few realize that whatever it was that North Korea detonated on Sunday, it packed barely the explosive force of a 10-yard cube of explosive fertilizer. A hundred thousand bucks' worth of ammonium nitrate could produce much the same bang. Far larger quantities of explosives have gone off accidentally in the last century. Sometimes, these big booms claimed thousands of victims, as at Texas City in 1948. Sometimes, they took only one -- the night watchman of the fertilizer plant in Toulouse that disappeared from the face of the Earth in 2001.
Results from an initial air sampling after North Norea's announced nuclear test showed no evidence of radioactive particles that would be expected from a successful nuclear detonation, a US government intelligence official said Friday. アメリカ政府諜報機関の高官は北朝鮮の核実験後の大気サンプリング調査から、放射性物質 がみつからなかったと述べた。
The US government remains uncertain of the nature of the underground explosion, officials said, although the result from air sampling tends to reinforce the indication that the test blast was not entirely successful. 地下核実験が行なわれたかの結論については不明としている。
Like an old-fashioned record stuck in a groove, the Security Council's song is "cross the line, negotiate . . . cross the line, negotiate . . . cross the line, negotiate . . ." The most attentive listeners to this song of appeasement are North Korea and Iran. ttp:// It’s the Same Old Song By Marc Schulman
According to Pike, there is reason to suspect that this second blast, in 1998, might have been carried out by the North Koreans. This speculation is based on the fact that a number of North Koreans were on hand for these tests, and seen leaving the country immediately after. Also the Pakistanis' first blast was captured on video and played for news outlets around the world, while a veil of secrecy surrounded the subsequent, smaller test.
Is it possible that this latest North Korean provocation was neither a failure nor a first test? Pike believes that may be the case. If the test was of a "trigger device" rather than a conventional fission bomb, one would expect a yield of less than 1 kiloton. A trigger device is the primary, fission explosion needed to initiate fusion in a thermonuclear weapon, otherwise known as a hydrogen bomb. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 北朝鮮が1998年のパキスタンの核実験にまぎれて、同じ実験場でプルトニウム型核爆弾の テストを行なったとする疑惑があり、そのときも1キロトン以下の爆発であり、一貫して トリガー装置の試験をしていると疑うことが出来る。それは水爆起爆用のトリガーの爆弾 ではないかと疑う向きがある。
I think on North Korea—out of—you know, out of many crises come some opportunities. What has been the weakness of the American strategic position in Asia over the last several years, and indeed, what has been the weakness in dealing with North Korea, you’ve had this very difficult relationship between China and Japan. You had an equally difficult relationship between Japan and South Korea. Just before the nuclear test, Prime Minister Abe, in his first week in office, chose to go to Beijing on Sunday, and then after the test—he was in Beijing, I believe, when the test was conducted, or the seismic event occurred, after that, he went to Seoul. And you’ve seen in just one week attempts now made to patch up very important relations—China-Japan; Japan-South Korea.
And, of course, it’s in the interests of the United States, as treaty allies of Japan and South Korea, to make sure that all of us have a commonly held strategic position, and that we are cooperating tactically.
Intelligence photographs of North Korea's nuclear test site showed technicians playing volleyball this week near the tunnel where a nuclear device was unsuccessfully set off on Sunday. The facility where the test took place was identified by U.S. officials as a North Korean science and technology research center near the town of Kilchu and the northeastern coast. 北朝鮮の核実験サイトを撮影したスパイ衛星写真によれば、実験のあったトンネルの近く で技術者がバレーボールをしているという
Very high-resolution satellite images obtained by the Defense Intelligence Agency showed the volleyball game being played near dormitories at the facility. 施設近くの寮で、技術者がバレーボールをしている事が、高精度写真により国防省の諜報部 で確かめられた
The Japanese intelligence agency also had access to the photographs, and according to U.S. defense officials, they reported that a sports activity so close to a nuclear site was inconsistent with post-nuclear testing precautions, since the underground tunnel where the test took place was located several hundred yards away. アメリカ国防省の高官は、核実験場の近くでスポーツ活動があるというのは、地下トンネル が数百ヤード近さにあるので、核実験の後として理解しがたいという。 (1ヤード=0.9144メートル)
I leave you with this: The Harry Reid Scandal linked by Glenn says everything about our politics today. It's blood sport performed by truly uninteresting performers -basketball without Kobe, Shaq or Jordan. People like Reid, Hastert, Pelosi are complete mediocrities who should be at much lower levels in our society. Something is fundamentally wrong on both sides of the aisle if they are the upper leadership of our Congress. Maybe the Internet (properly used) can do something about this by exposing them. A good example of what the Internet can do is the analysis in the comments of Omar's article on the Lancet report on Pajamas. ハリーライドのスキャンダルを見ると、政治の世界はヒーロー無しのスポーツの世界 のようで、Reid, Hastert, Pelosiといった政治家は凡才ばかりで、政治リーダーと して基本的におかしい。インターネットがそういう世界に何か出来ると良いのだけど。 オマル氏がランセットのイラク論文を批判しているのはネットの良い例なのだろう。
- Acting under Article 41, Chapter Seven of the UN charter, the UN Security Council “condemns” the nuclear test announced by North Korea on October 9 which was in “flagrant disregard” of earlier UN resolutions. The Council views the test as a “clear threat to international peace and security.”
- All member states shall take cooperative action, “including through inspection of cargo to and from North Korea” to prevent illicit trafficking in nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, their means of delivery and related materials. (後略)
A preliminary U.S. intelligence analysis has shown radioactivity in air samples collected near a suspected North Korean nuclear test site, a U.S. official said on Friday. 金曜日にアメリカ政府は諜報部の初期的な分析で、北朝鮮の核実験場と推測される場所付近 から集めた大気中のサンプルに放射性物質を確認したと発表した。
"That's right, though this is only a first look. People have been saying all along that the working assumption is it was a nuke," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. 匿名の政府高官は「これはまだ初期的な分析結果だが、作業に関わった人たちは核実験の証 拠だといっている」とのべた。
`The betting is that this was an attempt at a nuclear test that failed,'' the official said Friday. ``We don't think they were trying to fake a nuclear test, but it may have been a nuclear fizzle.'' The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the information.
Initial environmental samples collected by a U.S. military aircraft detected signs of radiation over the Sea of Japan, possibly confirming North Korea's nuclear test, intelligence officials said yesterday. アメリカ軍の偵察用航空機が日本海上空で採取した大気中サンプルから核実験を証明する かもしれない放射性物質を検知した。
"The intelligence community continues to analyze the data," said Frederick Jones, spokesman for the National Security Council. "When the intelligence community has a determination to present, we will make that public." NSCの広報官、Frederick Jonesは「諜報機関は引き続きデーターの解析にあたっている」 という。「彼等が結論を出せば、それを公表する」
U.S. intelligence experts say they believe, though cannot prove, that the North Korean blast was the result of a partial implosion of plutonium at the core of the test device. That would mean some of the plutonium failed to implode, but intelligence officials do not claim to know why. 諜報機関の専門家は、彼等が北朝鮮の核実験は、コアのプルトニウムの部分的な爆縮の結果 一部のプルトニウムのみが爆発したと考えているという。ただし、その理由を述べていない。
Albright said, however, that another kind of byproduct, "noble gases" such as krypton and argon, which don't react with other chemicals, would inevitably seep out of a test site and could be detected. He said he had learned from reliable sources, meanwhile, that the United States conducted another air-monitoring sweep after the Tuesday flight, but those results were not yet in. (AP)
The emphasis on co-operation was designed to meet Chinese and Russian concerns that interdictions at sea could spark confrontation. "The resolution?.?.?.? specifically gives states the right and, indeed, the obligation to help in inspections .?.?.? that's a substantial step forward," said Mr Bolton. He saw the move as a "codification" of the US-led Proliferation Security Initiative.
"I expect most inspections would take place in port. That is the most desirable," he said. But "there are circumstances in which ships could be boarded at sea." Land and air cargo would also be subject to inspection.
China, however, said it could not support PSI. Wang Guangya, China's UN ambassador, said of PSI, "Politically, China will not do it. I believe that the exercises under PSI will easily lead, whether it is intentional or not, to?.?.?.?escalations of provocations."
"The resolution, when passed, will really have teeth to it," Hill said. "I think everyone agreed it is important that North Korea can't get access to technology to advance their programs." 「この決議案が可決されるなら、本物の歯を持ったものになる」「北朝鮮に核爆弾を進歩 させるテクノロジーをアクセスさせてはいけないという事に、誰しも賛成だろう」
Hill seemed particularly pleased at the ability of the US and China to work together on the resolution. "What we are doing today with China with respect to a neighbor of China is unprecedented," he said. ヒル国務次官補は特に米中が決議案に共同で当たっていることを歓迎しているようで「中国 の隣国に対する決議案で米中が今共同していることは前代未聞だ」
THE North Korean crisis is a test of our future world, of whether the security structures of the past half-century are collapsing in the teeth of an assault by rogue states that presages a drift to anarchy. 北朝鮮の核危機は将来の世界をテストする。半世紀にわたって維持してきた安全保障の 構造がアナーキーに漂流しそうなならず者国の猛攻によって崩壊の危機にある。国連安 保理の常任理事国や日本、韓国といったアジアの経済パワーが寄り集まって、金正日と いう最貧の、最も孤立した、最も破綻した国に振り回されている。
Yet in a deeper sense, the Bush administration has equivocated over the past six years, uncertain whether its objective was regime change or a denuclearised North Korea. Now it is failing on both counts, staring at the prospect of a nuclearised Kim. ブッシュ政権は過去6年間に渡って、外交政策の目的が北朝鮮の政権交代なのか、核廃棄な のかを曖昧にしてきた。今やその両者が失敗し、核武装化した金正日が生まれつつある。
Of course, it is also apparent that of the axis of evil nations, Iran and North Korea were the greater dangers. 無論、ブッシュの言う悪の枢軸国、イランと北朝鮮はより危険な存在であることが明確だ。
However, the core reason global insecurity is rising is the lack of strategic unity among the big powers to enforce collective security or give the UN Security Council punitive mechanisms. In this sense the crisis leads directly to China. China is the nation with the most influence on North Korea. It provides 80 per cent of its aid and 50 per cent of its trade. しかしながら、グローバルな安全保障状況の悪化は安保理をして平和維持のために必要な懲罰 を行なわしめる大国間の戦略的統一性の不在に原因がある。この意味で、北朝鮮の危機は直接 的に中国の問題である。北朝鮮の支援の80%、貿易の50%を占める中国は影響力が最大である。
China has told Australia in private that it doesn't havemuch influence, and this has now become apparent to the world. The irony is that the Bush administration, correctly, made China's management of Pyongyang into a test of the strategic collaboration between the USand China. 中国は個人的に、オーストラリアに対して、北朝鮮への影響力は大きくないといってきたが、 今やそれが世界に知れ渡ってしまった。ブッシュ政権にとって皮肉なことには、北朝鮮の管 理を中国に期待してきたわけだが、その中国による北朝鮮管理が米中の戦略的協調のテスト になってしまった。
Bush's North Korea policy has been China-reliant. For years, when Australians visited Washington they would be told by Bush administration officials that China's role in the six-party talks over Korea was decisive. The reality, however, was that China was never going to deliver. ブッシュ政権の北朝鮮政策は中国依存であったわけで、アメリカは6者協議における中国の役 割は決定的に重要だといっていた。リアリティは、しかしながら、中国は決してきた朝鮮問 題を解決しようとしなかったのだ。
The question is whether, after this "shock", China and the US can agree on a more resolute and sophisticated strategy towards North Korea. There can be no progress without a rethink by China. If they cannot, the cause is probably lost. 核実験ショックの後で起こる疑問は、果たして米中がより毅然たる、より洗練された北朝鮮 政策について合意できるかどうかである。それが出来ないのであれば協調の基礎が失われる。
The Korean issue, ultimately, is a test of whether China and the US can work together as strategic partners to deliver a better region. China may think it can live with a nuclear Korea, yet the dangers for China are significant because these events will drive Japan's rearmament and activate a domestic debate about Japan's nuclear option. 北朝鮮問題とは結局のところ米中が共同でアジア地域の平和の為に戦略パートナーとして働 くことが出来るかどうか、という事である。中国は核武装化した北朝鮮を許容できると考える のかもしれないが、これは大変危険であって日本の再軍備化や核武装への真剣な検討を呼ぶ。
Bush's problem is his weakness. He pledges that the US will not tolerate a nuclear- armed North Korea yet says the crisis must be resolved peacefully. If this fails, pressure will mount in the US for a tougher line to liquidate the regime or its weapons. ブッシュの問題はその弱さであり、彼はアメリカが核武装化した北朝鮮を許容しないと誓うの だが、危機は平和裏に解決されなくてはいけないという。それが失敗するならば、アメリカ国 内には北朝鮮の核廃棄をさせるか政権交代をさせるためのタフな主張が圧力を増すことになる。
>>362-363 日本語部分を省略しすぎで、解りにくくなっているのだけど、米中協調のより良い北朝鮮 政策のためには、中国自身の北朝鮮政策の見直しが不可欠、と書いている。これが、なか なか見物であるところで、中国がそれをクリアできるかはヲチの楽しみ。 (There can be no progress without a rethink by China.・・・)
AJC:北朝鮮について明快であるべきだ Byサム・ナン(前上院議員) アメリカは核の脅威に立ち向かわなくてはならない ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 核燃料管理のグローバルな機構など核不拡散の新しいメカニズムが必要と論じる。 それはそれで良いのだけれど、当面の北朝鮮の危機については多国籍での北朝鮮への安全 保障の確約が必要と言う。(エンゲージメント論の繰り返しに終わっているような) The Bush administration must get beyond the counterproductive ideology that views talking to our adversaries as a reward for good behavior and refusing to talk as an effective punishment. History shows that nations rarely give up nuclear weapons without credible assurances about their security. In the case of North Korea, these assurances must come from several nations, but must begin with an extensive U.S.- N orth Korean dialogue.
North Korea's nuclear program can only be dealt with successfully with the cooperation of the United States, China, South Korea, Japan, Russia and our European friends.
最終案、臨検について In another key change to gain Chinese and Russian support, the resolution now says local authorities will cooperate in the inspection process, which covers shipments by land, air and sea. Both China and Russia share borders with North Korea and are uncomfortable with the possibility of the U.S. interdicting ships near their coasts. Bolton said he expected most actions would be performed at ports. (公海上の臨検を削除?)
7章関連 The latest draft demands North Korea eliminate all its nuclear weapons but expressly rules out military action against the country, a demand by the Russians and Chinese. The Americans also eliminated a complete ban on the sale of conventional weapons; instead, the draft limits the embargo to major hardware such as tanks, warships, combat aircraft and missiles. (AP通信) ttp://
Agreement came after the U.S. introduced amendments that addressed objections by China and Russia. China sought greater assurances that the resolution couldn't be used to justify armed seizure of North Korean ships traveling in international waters, while Russia was concerned about the scope of weapons-related items included in the embargo.
In an earlier concession to China, the U.S. dropped a broad reference to a chapter of the UN Charter that would have authorized the use of force to enforce the sanctions. The final text precludes the use of force and limits enforcement to ``interruption'' of economic relations, communications and diplomatic relations.
The diplomatic ideal, where China is concerned, is to mount sufficient pressure to influence Kim's behavior, but not so much as to threaten his hegemony. The final formulation of Beijing's collaboration will be critical, and the challenge in Washington is to egg it on to ensure that Dear Leader will recognize that he has gone one step too far. 中国から見れば、理想的には金正日の行動に影響するに充分な圧力をかけながら、政権を 危うくしないようなものが良い。中国政府が協力して最終的にどの程度の圧力をかけるの かがクリティカルであり、アメリカ政府にとってのチャレンジは金正日の面子を潰して彼 がこの件でやりすぎたことを認識させることにある。
"This clearly testifies that the Security Council has completely lost its impartiality and still persists in applying double standards in its work," ambassador Pak Gil Yon told the Security Council. 「これは安保理が公平性を失い、二重基準を追い求める証拠である」
"It is gangster-like for the Security Council to have adopted today a coercive resolution while neglecting the nuclear threat and moves for sanctions and pressure of the United States," he added. 「アメリカの圧力の為に、大国の核の脅威を無視し、この高圧的決議案を可決するとは安保理 はまるでギャングスターのようだ」 ttp://,20867,20584428-1702,00.html
Abe's vision was once considered on the far right of Japan's political spectrum. Kim Jong Il has helped push it to the mainstream. Japan's press heralded Abe's dramatic summit meetings with leaders of China and South Korea this week as a triumph for Japan. As public opinion shifts to the right, so too does the balance of power in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. 安倍首相のビジョンは、日本の政治スペクトラムの中では以前には極右と考えられていたが 金正日が彼をメインストリームに押し上げた。安倍首相と中国、韓国首脳とのドラマティッ クなサミットを、日本の新聞は日本の勝利と報道した。日本の世論が右にシフトし、自民党 のパワーバランスもそれに習っている。
For now Abe is likely to call for a stronger alliance with the U.S. to counter the threat from North Korea. Indeed his grandfather, former Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi, was an architect of the U.S.-Japan security alliance that places Japan under the U.S. nuclear umbrella. But Japan's faith in that arrangement is also weakening. How long can an ally so deeply entangled in the Middle East be counted on to spill more blood defending allies in Asia? As Abe's sudden rise has shown, old attitudes can change fast in response to current events. 今のところ安倍首相は北朝鮮の脅威に対抗すべく日米同盟強化をいっている。彼の祖父である 岸信介首相は安保改正で日米同盟を形成し、日本をアメリカの核の傘の下に置いた。しかし 日本の日米安保への信頼は弱体化している。中東の紛争に深く巻き込まれた日米同盟がアジア の同盟国を守るために血を流すことを、この先どのくらい保証できようか?安倍首相の突然の 勃興の示すように古い態度は現在起こる出来事に対応して休息に変化する。
When the Korean Central News Agency issued the statement saying the nuclear test "greatly encouraged" those who "have wished to have a powerful self-reliant defense capability" it could also have been speaking for Japan. One crucial difference: If the world's second largest economy resolves to build a nuclear weapon, there will be no need to question whether it will work. KCNAは声明を発表して核実験が「自主防衛の能力獲得を望む人に大きな勇気を与えた」という。 これは日本に向けてのメッセージでもありえるわけだが、ひとつの大きな違いは日本は世界第二 の経済であるから、日本が核武装を決断すれば、その結果がどうなるのかに疑問の余地は無い。
Kyoko Altman is a writer based in Hong Kong. She has worked as a correspondent and anchor for CNN and CNBC, and as a news-magazine reporter for Japan's top-ranked news program 'News Station' on TV Asahi covering more than twenty countries. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 先のNYTにデイビッド・フラムの書いた「中国を懲罰する為に日本をして核武装せしめよ」と いう保守派の主張とは別の形で、日本の核武装化を予想するというナンセンシカル・オールド ファッションド・リベラルの典型的な評論。凡庸。愚鈍。見るべき点は無いけれど、そういう 凡庸な駄目リベラルに日本の現状がどういう風に見えるのか、と言うのは良くわかる。
SCHWERIN, Germany (Reuters) - A leading far-right party posted strong gains in a regional election in eastern Germany on Sunday, ・・・ National Democratic Party (NPD), which the government has likened to the early Nazi party(ry