国際委員会派は労働党もRESPECTも支持しないようですね。 Stop the War Coalition の組織方針は、 反資本主義的方向性を打ち出すと、 自らを社会主義者と考えていない人々が離れていくだろうと考えて 階級性を曖昧にしているようですね。 WPNへの批判にも通じる部分があるのでしょうか。 This is most graphically revealed in the response to the mass protests against the Iraq war. Those organisations grouped around the Stop the War Coalition argued that raising explicitly anti-capitalist policies would only alienate those who did not consider themselves socialists. This was a recipe for the abandonment of any form of politics based on the working class in favour of the advocacy of cross-class alliances based on minimal democratic and social demands.
>>487 The CWI is led by Peter Taaffe, after the break with the Grant tendency. The largest organisation is the Socialist Party (England and Wales). They had a considerable base in Scotland, but most left the CWI in the last several years.
As for the police question, the CWI has historically taken a Labourite position of supporting the "union rights" of the cops. In some countries, the CWI groups are pround of having supporters in the police "unions". On this position, the Sparts are rights, although they make it in a hysterical manner to "score points" against the opponents, not to advance the political consiousness of the working class.
Again that is true. The Russian CWI group does not expel the Natbols (fascists) from their public forums. I think that they underestimate the seriousness of the threat the Natbols pose.
Again, the purpose of the Spartacist is not raise the anti-fascist consiousness in the working class movement, but simply to "score points" against their opponents.
>>492 The Natbols (National Bolshevik Party, Национал-большевистской партия) itself is small, but its danger cannot be dismissed because of the importance of the ideological position it represents. As you know, there has been a "Red-Brown alliance" in Russia and the necessity for the struggle against it cannot be underestimated.